Monday, September 19, 2011

No "American Dream" for Bill.

I would like to thank Bubba for saying publicly and giving more recognition to what some of us so called "secular progressives" have been saying all along. 

"Being a former president in the internet age means you don't necessarily need a TV network to interview you in order to get some talking points out there.
Case in point is former President Bill Clinton, who sounded off about the current sorry state of the American economy in a video produced by his Clinton Foundation. That video was then posted as an exclusive on the Yahoo homepage, giving his message reach well beyond what a typical network news interview might offer.

Some of Clinton's talking points:

>> Clinton said "the American Dream has been under assault for the last 30 - 35 years." Leading the charge, he noted, has been the changing priorities of multinational corporations, which have enhanced the influence of their shareholders while downplaying the role of their employees and the general public.

>> Among leading industrialized nations, America is alone in its fixation on "choking off" the federal government.

>> The United States is only about half as energy-efficient as some of its global competitors -- millions of jobs could be created by kick-starting some serious retro-fitting." [Source] 

Tell us something we don't already know there Bubba. Of course the "American Dream" has been "under assault", and corporations have been the main perpetrators. This, of course, could not be possible without the help of at least half of the A-merry-can people who seem to believe that corporations really do care about them and their dream. They don't. These "cash hoarders" care about you about as much as I care about the republican presidential candidates.  

For the next few days we will all enjoy how the party- bought and paid for by the wealthy-will claim that all attempts to raise taxes on those who are very rich will be an attempt at "class warfare".

Well, I will put it to you like this: If you are not paying your fair share and making it harder for the rest of us to achieve our A-merry-can dream; maybe, just maybe, there should be a war.



  1. "For the next few days we will all enjoy how the party- bought and paid for by the wealthy-will claim that all attempts to raise taxes on those who are very rich will be an attempt at "class warfare". "

    Depriving ordinary working families a decent living for the sake of profits and "the bottom line" is genuine "class warfare."

  2. Anonymous11:31 PM


    "Hey Steve, I accepted your challenge."

    Steve said, "Where? When?"

    8:59 PM


    Let's set a time tomorrow where everybody can see what a bullshit Negro you are-and what an upstanding brother I am. I would have posted it today but Field got all screwed up trying to post 'breaking news'. He must think he is like Fox News. LOL.

    Anyway, the comment section froze out comments for hours! Field was having a bad go of it. It really was pathetic;I felt sorry for him.... But I understood. Negroes like you and Field rarely get it right. I hope he is better in the court room.

    Anyway, how about tomorrow somewhere between 9am and 2pm EST? That's the best I can do because I am a "busy man, in demand"...unlike you.

    Now what quote are you looking for?

  3. Field:

    As Gill Scott-Heron would say:


    I would add it's not going to be tweeted or blogged about, either.

    But there will be revolution up in this bastard....everyone isn't wanting to "eat cake".

    Marie Antoinette would know, but she lost her head when she sneered at the French masses about eating cake....

  4. "Well, I will put it to you like this: If you are not paying your fair share and making it harder for the rest of us to achieve our A-merry-can dream; maybe, just maybe, there should be a war."

    I'm with you fn.Those 47% of Americans that don't pay state or federal taxes need to carry the water instead of drinking it.

    Funny Bubba the sex offender doesn't mention his part in destroying the dream.

  5. Anonymous11:43 PM

    frm previous thread:

    Anon-"Of course not. UTS is just an ass who has a bad attitude toward black women. He pops off at the mouth to put down black women...Except, of course, the one who will married down to care of his sorry ass.

    His wife must be one desperate lonely woman with zero confidence."

    Mack Lyons-"Seems like character assassination is a big thing around these parts. Anything to shut down those you don't agree with or don't like."

    Dear Mack, why do you blast me all the time? I try so hard to win your approval but the more I try, the worse you treat me. Do you run an S&M shop for a living? My God, man. Why can't you cut a brother some slack?

  6. Anonymous11:49 PM

    Anon-"Executing an innocent man does nothing for justice for the murdered cop, or Justice itself. In addition, I would not want injustice done to me, any of my love ones or to anyone who is innocent."

    Mack Lyons-"It satiates the bloodlust of many who want to see someone somewhere be killed for this crime. If and when the state suddenly decides that they were in the wrong afterwards, there will be enough mental distance from the case in which people don't have to remember anything about it, or if they do, to feel the least bit remorseful over their views or decisions."

    Dear Mack, I spoke too soon with my previous comment to you. I get how you operate now. You give me one bad comment and then you give me one good comment. It reminds me of "fair and balanced News" on Fox. Thank you for acknowledging my brilliance.

    How do I compare with AB, or Dr. Queen? My goal is to be as brilliant as they are, if possible. Well, I know it's not possible, but I can dream can't I?

  7. Without the wealthy would af/am have their EBT?

    Can't buy a 40? Shizzzzzz

    Wish i could by some weed with my EBT.

    Video funny has hell.


  8. "Let's set a time tomorrow where everybody can see what a bullshit Negro you are-and what an upstanding brother I am."

    Hubris is a hell of a thing, isn't it?

    "Dear Mack, why do you blast me all the time? I try so hard to win your approval but the more I try, the worse you treat me. Do you run an S&M shop for a living? My God, man. Why can't you cut a brother some slack?"

    My dear, dear anon, it's not all about you. There are registered commenters who are just as proficient in character assassination as your fellow anons are.

    "Dear Mack, I spoke too soon with my previous comment to you. I get how you operate now. You give me one bad comment and then you give me one good comment. It reminds me of "fair and balanced News" on Fox. Thank you for acknowledging my brilliance."

    Field, it might be time for another talk with the Anon, Inc. prez again, because these anons are fucking with people again.

  9. "Without the wealthy would af/am have their EBT?

    Can't buy a 40? Shizzzzzz

    Wish i could by some weed with my EBT.

    Video funny has hell.


    The video certainly fulfills the stereotypes you believe in. In that case, "mission accomplished".

    Now, how come a video of rednecks glorifying the trailer park lifestyle doesn't get the same blanket attribution towards white society that a video of "ghetto" blacks glorifying their lifestyle does when it comes to the black community?

    White society isn't defined by the Billy Bobs and Joe Dirts, so why should black society be defined by the Pookies and Baby Boys?

  10. Without the wealthy would her plan work?

    Chapter - It's Free Swipe Yo EBT (Explicit)

    All you got to do is f****.9 months later you be gettin' the big bucks.

  11. I have love/dislike feelings towards Clinton. On the one hand, the country was in better shape in his day thanks in no small part to his and the Democratic Congress' policies. Of course, we still had quite a few of the old school Libs who actually stood for something. On the other hand, Clinton pushed through NAFTA, the beginning of the end of a level playing field for American workers. He eliminated Glass-Steagall which had, since its inception in the early 1930s, kept commercial banking and investment separate.

    Clinton is one of the great orators and persuaders. He still has power. I just hope he is using it now to repair some of the damage he did during his administration but I have to wonder where the money for his Global initiatives comes from.

    FMI on NAFTA, Glass-Steagall:

  12. Mack Lyons said...
    Now, how come a video of rednecks glorifying the trailer park lifestyle doesn't get the same blanket attribution towards white society that a video of "ghetto" blacks glorifying their lifestyle does when it comes to the black community?

    I take it you never read what mold post?

    I take you don't see how hollyweird treats rednecks in trailer parks?

    I take it you never hear what white Liberals say about whites who live in the south?

  13. Clinton also enacted welfare reforms which Rethugs never seem to acknowledge. Most recently he was caught on tape telling Paul Ryan that he should give him a call about this Medicare thing. Talking outta both sides of your mouth is an understatement when it comes to this guy.

  14. Anonymous12:48 AM

    Brooklyn, "Talking outta both sides of your mouth is an understatement when it comes to this guy."

    My dear Brooklyn, ALL Democrats talk outta both sides of their mouths. Haven't you noticed it in Obama? He is really good at it...He puts Clinton to shame.

  15. "I take it you never read what mold post?

    I take you don't see how hollyweird treats rednecks in trailer parks?

    I take it you never hear what white Liberals say about whites who live in the south?"

    You missed this last part. I'll repost it for you:

    White society isn't defined by the Billy Bobs and Joe Dirts, so why should black society be defined by the Pookies and Baby Boys?

    No one walks around assuming all white America has to offer are rednecks in trailer parks. On the other hand, EBT cards, "sagging" and rap music are all people believe the black community to be capable of, ignoring millions of successful black men and women who are just as normal as your average white American.

    Damn. Black folk are forever trying to prove to the world how the "exception" (smart, successful, normal black folk) is the "norm" and how the "norm" (ghetto "hood niggas" and "hood rats") is the "exception." *sigh*

  16. BetterMan1:08 AM

    Field, Field, Field,
    You are being snookered again I guess that makes you a secular snookeree.

    Why in the world would you want to sponsor irresponsible fraud, cronyism, incompetent waste and such?

    I hope you are aware of all the cronyism and horrific spending and realize that eliminating waste and vote buying would dramatically cut the deficit, also that the top earners Obama is targeting are those making 250k or more (small businesses)

    Also that the U.S. tax system is already highly progressive. The top 1 percent of income earners paid 38 percent of all federal income taxes in 2008, the top 10 % paid 70%, that is seventy percent of all federal income tax, while the bottom 50 percent paid only 3 percent. Forty-nine percent of U.S. households paid no federal income tax at all, repeat 49% paid Zero -NONE - Zilch - Nada.

    So who isn't paying a fair share?

    Also, It’s not just millionaires who’d pay more under President Barack Obama’s latest plan to combat the deficit. When will the spending ever get under control?

    Air travelers, federal workers, military retirees, wealthier Medicare beneficiaries and people taking out new mortgages are among those who would pay more than $130 billion in government revenues raised through new or increased fees.

    Airline passengers would see their federal security fees double from $5 to $10 for a nonstop round-trip flight and triple to $15 by 2017, raising $25 billion over the coming decade. Federal workers would face an additional 1.2 percentage point deduction from their paychecks to contribute $21 billion more for their pensions over the same period. Military retirees would pay a $200 fee upon turning 65 to have the government pay their out-of-pocket Medicare expenses. They’d also pay more for non-generic prescription drugs.

    And it’ll cost corporate jet owners a new $100 fee for each flight.

    The fees aren’t taxes. They’re charged to people who use government services or receive benefits such as taxpayer-subsidized health care, and they typically defray the government’s cost of providing a service. The fee on corporate jets and other private passenger planes, for example, would raise about $1 billion a year to help finance the cost of air traffic control. Recreational flyers won’t have to pay.

    Many of Obama’s proposals are retreads from earlier budget proposals, including those submitted by his predecessors. Most have been rejected year after year. Some ideas, like requiring wealthier veterans to pay more for their health care, stir up opposition from powerful interest groups. Others, like the bigger security fee for flyers, seem too close to a ticket tax increase.

  17. "My dear Brooklyn, ALL Democrats talk outta both sides of their mouths. Haven't you noticed it in Obama? He is really good at it...He puts Clinton to shame."

    That's a common trait among politicians on both sides of the aisle. But anything to stab at a Democrat with, right?

  18. "Also that the U.S. tax system is already highly progressive. The top 1 percent of income earners paid 38 percent of all federal income taxes in 2008, the top 10 % paid 70%, that is seventy percent of all federal income tax, while the bottom 50 percent paid only 3 percent. Forty-nine percent of U.S. households paid no federal income tax at all, repeat 49% paid Zero -NONE - Zilch - Nada. "

    Many of these households make so little income, the deductions given to them outweigh whatever tax liabilities they had, therefore they often end up with a tax rebate. It happens with head-of-household families (with dependents) making less than $15k/year. Meanwhile, Google, GE and other corporate entities have figured out how to reduce their tax liabilities to those of a family with $100k of taxable income -- if they haven't eliminated them outright.

    "And it'll cost corporate jet owners a new $100 fee for each flight."

    A whole $100 fucking dollars, out of hundreds of millions. Allow me to shed a crocodile tear for those folk.

    "The fees aren’t taxes. They’re charged to people who use government services or receive benefits such as taxpayer-subsidized health care, and they typically defray the government’s cost of providing a service. The fee on corporate jets and other private passenger planes, for example, would raise about $1 billion a year to help finance the cost of air traffic control. Recreational flyers won’t have to pay."

    When you can't raise taxes on those who can afford it (the top 0.01%), you turn to service fees. Funny how a bank introducing new service fees or raising current ones is understood as "just business", but these fees are indicative of an "out of control government".

  19. Anonymous1:39 AM

    Mack Lyons, "That's a common trait among politicians on both sides of the aisle. But anything to stab at a Democrat with, right?"

    I am not partial. I don't trust either party. However, I am especially angry with the Democrats because they have done not a damn thing they promised. They also have proven they don't give a damn about Blacks either.

  20. Anonymous1:57 AM

    Mack Lyons, "Damn. Black folk are forever trying to prove to the world how the "exception" (smart, successful, normal black folk) is the "norm" and how the "norm" (ghetto "hood niggas" and "hood rats") is the "exception." *sigh*"

    Mack, I live in Oakland and I can honestly say that the norm is NOT smart, successful black folks. I also lived in Cherry Hill, NJ and worked in Philly and I can tell you that professional Blacks weren't the norm either.

    Same goes for Wilmington, Baltimore, Bowie and certainly Richmond. With 'few' exceptions, I bet more than 60% of the folks on FN are living in the hood or in trailer parks.

    And why are you always trying to prove to Whites who don't give a damn about you that you are worthy? Quite frankly, I find that shameful. Whites will NEVER consider you their equal. Part of their identity depends on their superiority.

  21. "And why are you always trying to prove to Whites who don't give a damn about you that you are worthy? Quite frankly, I find that shameful. Whites will NEVER consider you their equal. Part of their identity depends on their superiority."

    Good question.

    And this is the "Stopped Clock" moment of the day. Savor it.

  22. Good points Mack but why do you guys continue to argue with ghosts? And to prove what exactly?

    Assnon's comment about Bowie, MD home of the most educated and wealthy Blacks in the US is iron clad proof that ghosts don't know a damn thing!!!

  23. "My dear Brooklyn, ALL Democrats talk outta both sides of their mouths...."

    Shouldn't that be all politicians?

  24. BrookLyn said...
    Clinton also enacted welfare reforms which Rethugs never seem to acknowledge.

    California Girl said...
    I have love/dislike feelings towards Clinton. On the one hand, the country was in better shape in his day thanks in no small part to his and the Democratic Congress' policies.

    You do know welfare reform was a Republican idea. Republicans talked about its success all the time.

    For those who believe the "welfare queen" was a myth,i invite you to revisit a Clinton townhall meeting on welfare reform in Michigan.

    California Girl, what happen in 1994? Who controlled Congress for 6 out of the 8 years Billy the sex offender was president? Who controlled the Senate for most of that time?

  25. BREAKING UPDATE: Clemency denied for Troy Davis in Georgia

    The Georgia Pardons and Parole Board has rejected clemency for Troy Davis, accused killer of police officer, Mark MacPhail. His execution will go forward as scheduled at Jackson Correction Facility tomorrow, Wednesday, September 21, 2011.

    Continue reading on BREAKING UPDATE: Clemency denied for Troy Davis in Georgia - National Family Issues |

  26. amen fn:

    i declare war on section 8 pookies etc...


    the rich own and rule BOTH parties!!!

    and the dems hate the poor even more than the repubs
    the dems pretend to be they do the same evil


    the corps own hobama and he and his banksters have slain the american dream 35 times more than any other prez...and done so faaster and more indelibly than any rich peer politico too

    wake up!!!

    reps = dems
    hobama proves that more each day!!!

    While the BP oil geyser pumps millions of gallons of petroleum into the Gulf of Mexico, President Barack Obama and members of Congress may have to answer for the millions in campaign contributions they’ve taken from the oil and gas giant over the years.

    BP and its employees have given more than $3.5 million to federal candidates over the past 20 years, with the largest chunk of their money going to Obama, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. Donations come from a mix of employees and the company’s political action committees — $2.89 million flowed to campaigns from BP-related PACs and about $638,000 came from individuals.

  27. hobama is a corp ho and a corp crook!!!!

    In ’05 Investing, Obama Took Same Path as Donors
    Less than two months after ascending to the United States Senate, Barack Obama bought more than $50,000 worth of stock in two speculative companies whose major investors included some of his biggest political donors.

    One of the companies was a biotech concern that was starting to develop a drug to treat avian flu. In March 2005, two weeks after buying about $5,000 of its shares, Mr. Obama took the lead in a legislative push for more federal spending to battle the disease.

    The most recent financial disclosure form for Mr. Obama, an Illinois Democrat, also shows that he bought more than $50,000 in stock in a satellite communications business whose principal backers include four friends and donors who had raised more than $150,000 for his political committees.

  28. more on warranted wars…shame!!!!

  29. Anonymous9:52 AM

    When Obama was elected i cried many tears.As a black man,i was proud to see Obama put his hand on the Bible and take the oath.I thought Repubthugs were gonna steal the election. Nothing could stop Obama.Nothing.

    3 years later i cry for different reasons.Poverty,unemployment,homelessness,and overall black suffrage has caused me to lose all hope.

    Obama doesn't do inner city visits.I can't remember the last time i heard the words "Africian American" come out of his mouth.

    Can't help but to think Obama would be falling all over himself to help white America if they were in the shape that black America is in.

    Now they are about to kill a innocent black man.Obama isn't doing anything to stop the state from murdering Troy Davis.

    It not only sucks to be black.It sucks to be a black American.

    Damn it.

  30. Anon

    "Let's set a time tomorrow where everybody can see what a bullshit Negro you are-and what an upstanding brother I am"

    I'm right here pussy.

  31. anon:

    hobama betrays us all

    all races are doomed in america


  32. Purina10:00 AM

    uptownsteve said...

    "Let's set a time tomorrow where everybody can see what a bullshit Negro you are-and what an upstanding brother I am"

    I'm right here pussy.

    Ohhhh, I think anon is about to give Semen Steve a beatdown

    You know what they say Steve-um's once you get past the smell - you got it licked and here all this time you thought they were talking about Molds asscrack..heh.

  33. Mr. Obama is in New York for a meeting of the United Nations General Assembly. On Tuesday night, the president and First Lady Michelle Obama are to host a gala at Gotham Hall that includes a performance by singer Alicia Keys. Tickets for that event started at $2,500 and go up to $15,000 for a dinner and photos with the Obamas.

  34. Anon

    "Can't help but to think Obama would be falling all over himself to help white America if they were in the shape that black America is in."

    If white America is in such great shape why are they so upset and angry?

    Cheering for state sponsored executions and pulling the plug on terminally ill patients.

    That doesn't sound like happy people to me.

    Why are their most popular media figures such mean spirited demogogues?

    Why are they running around with guns and 3 point hats yapping about watering the tree of liberty with "blood"?

    Why are they so upset about people coming across the borders looking for a better life when that's pretty much the same thing their ancestors did?

    Sounds to me like it really sucks to be a goober and you're just projecting.

  35. FACT CHECK: Are rich taxed less than secretaries?

    WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama makes it sound as if there are millionaires all over America paying taxes at lower rates than their secretaries.

    "Middle-class families shouldn't pay higher taxes than millionaires and billionaires," Obama said Monday. "That's pretty straightforward. It's hard to argue against that."

    The data tell a different story. On average, the wealthiest people in America pay a lot more taxes than the middle class or the poor, according to private and government data. They pay at a higher rate, and as a group, they contribute a much larger share of the overall taxes collected by the federal government.

    There may be individual millionaires who pay taxes at rates lower than middle-income workers. In 2009, 1,470 households filed tax returns with incomes above $1 million yet paid no federal income tax, according to the Internal Revenue Service. That, however, was less than 1 percent of the nearly 237,000 returns with incomes above $1 million.

    In his White House address Monday, Obama called on Congress to increase taxes by $1.5 trillion as part of a 10-year deficit reduction package totaling more than $3 trillion. He proposed that Congress overhaul the tax code and impose what he called the "Buffett rule," named for billionaire investor Warren Buffett.

    The rule says, "People making more than $1 million a year should not pay a smaller share of their income in taxes than middle-class families pay."

    "Warren Buffett's secretary shouldn't pay a higher tax rate than Warren Buffett. There is no justification for it," Obama said. "It is wrong that in the United States of America, a teacher or a nurse or a construction worker who earns $50,000 should pay higher tax rates than somebody pulling in $50 million."

    Buffett wrote in a recent piece for The New York Times that the tax rate he paid last year was lower than that paid by any of the other 20 people in his office.

    This year, households making more than $1 million will pay an average of 29.1 percent of their income in federal taxes, including income taxes and payroll taxes, according to the Tax Policy Center, a Washington think tank.

    Households making between $50,000 and $75,000 will pay 15 percent of their income in federal taxes.

    Lower-income households will pay less. For example, households making between $40,000 and $50,000 will pay an average of 12.5 percent of their income in federal taxes. Households making between $20,000 and $30,000 will pay 5.7 percent.

    The latest IRS figures are a few years older — and limited to federal income taxes — but show much the same thing. In 2009, taxpayers who made $1 million or more paid on average 24.4 percent of their income in federal income taxes, according to the IRS.

    Those making $100,000 to $125,000 paid on average 9.9 percent in federal income taxes. Those making $50,000 to $60,000 paid an average of 6.3 percent.

  36. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Clinton and Hillary stopped at a gas station. Hillary says"an old boyfriend of mine works here" to which Clinton replies"if you'd married him, you'd been the wife of a gas station attendant" to which she replied,"no, if I'd married him I would've been the wife of the president"


  37. Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since1982 said...

    Without the wealthy would af/am have their EBT?

    Can't buy a 40? Shizzzzzz

    Wish i could by some weed with my EBT.

    etc, etc..

    11:57 PM

    Funny, I just bought some food stamps for 50 cents on the dollar a couple of days ago from some white chick from around the way. I wonder what she did with the cash? Oh, that's right, SHE was buying 40's and a blunt at the local store. Funny how that shit works..

  38. alicia banks said...

    Tickets for that event started at $2,500 and go up to $15,000 for a dinner and photos with the Obamas.

    10:09 AM

    You going?

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. IronBob11:05 AM

    Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since1982 said...

    Without the wealthy would af/am have their EBT?

    Can't buy a 40? Shizzzzzz

    Wish i could by some weed with my EBT.

    etc, etc..

    11:57 PM

    Funny, I just bought some food stamps for 50 cents on the dollar a couple of days ago from some white chick from around the way. I wonder what she did with the cash? Oh, that's right, SHE was buying 40's and a blunt at the local store. Funny how that shit works..

    White chick around your way? I guess she is one of our castoffs and has to live near you..normally transplants adopt local habits. So you bought them, guess you needed the money and are helping scam taxpayers So then you must be for limiting these wasted handouts right seeing as how you know first hand the illegal way they are just wasted and not really given to the needy?

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. "White chick around your way? I guess she is one of our castoffs and has to live near you..normally transplants adopt local habits"

    This coming from a neurotic racist goober who hangs around a black blog 24/7.

    You can't make this shit up.


  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. rk/rude kid/oj pookie:

    as if u r???

    the difs between u and me are:

    i will not act like i was invited

    and i would never pay to dine with an evil mf like hobama

    while u would lick his plate

    and if i did attend
    i would not drool over the wf wait staff as u would...




    u moronic hobama nazis major in the minor

    the pt was the corp ceos who DID attend leroy.

    pay attn like u do to a becky whore...k?

  47. Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since1982 said...

    FACT CHECK: Are rich taxed less than secretaries, etc, etc..

    Here's why Obama will win this "tax fight":

    People are out of work and for the last 10 yr, those jobs the "job creators" were "supposed" to make didn't materialize in the USA but elsewhere.

    When you read stuff like this:

    "In July, corporate giants such as 3M, Caterpillar, Goodyear, Microsoft and Apple reported all-time high revenues in the second quarter of 2011, though the stock market still slumped amid fears of an economic slowdown and a possible government default.

    Moreover, if the current trend keeps up, the S&P 500 companies are poised to have their most profitable quarter ever, he said.

    Golden parachutes:

    "When high-ranking executives are fired from a company, for whatever reason, they don’t go to the back of the unemployment line. Instead, they typically receive compensation in the form of the “golden parachute.” Golden parachutes can include severance pay, cash bonuses, stock options or other benefits. In the case of the financial crisis and the ensuing bank failures, if it seems like these executives are being rewarded for poor performance, you may be right."

    GOP myths of "tax cuts create jobs," and "don't tax the 'job creators'," will simply accelerate the destruction of our economy. I think some of these GOP "beliefs" may be attributable to the influence of corporate power in Washington, but after watching so many members of the GOP rant on the subject, I've come to believe that for them, these aren't just "myths" or convenient theories to benefit their corporate backers, but deeply-held, fervently defended "knowledge."

    The bottom line is people are seeing lots of money getting thrown around at the top but not at the bottom.

  48. "and i would never pay to dine with an evil mf like hobama"

    But you'd gleefully wait tables at the Cape Girardeau Tea Party luncheon.

    Even while they threw your tips on the floor to make you bend over to pick them up.


  49. alicia banks said...

    rk/rude kid/oj pookie:

    as if u r???

    Yada, yada, yada..

    I wasn't being rude, I asked a simple question. Any other time you'll find a way to bash Obama if the thread were only talking about hamburgers. You actually "sounded" coherent for once. By the way "Becky whore" just left. I paid all my "attention" to her last night.

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. Class warfare is straight out the Democrat playbook. Obama is out of ideas and class warfare is the only thing Obama has left to save his failed presidency.

  52. rk:

    u r now pretending that i would ever pay 3 cents to dine with hobama?..really???

    and calling that debate???

    and coherently bragging about your oj sexcapades...yet again???

    i have never seen any pookie nig so incessantly proud to sex a white whore who is as young as u

    u act like some 80 yr old black man who never got to be oj...see?

    your becky antics are such mundane and routine acts for young ojs like u

    why all the harping herein???

    it is far less special than your brazen


    men who kiss and tell
    are usually not really kissing
    nahmean "bruh"?

    u repulse me u young fool.

  53. Sure this is class warfare but we all need to choose which side we're fighting for.

  54. rk/rabid kink:

    i have seen actual rich bm who are gynecologists who are LESS proud of their medical degrees/careers than you are about the beckies you probe for free...

    why so???

    it does not make your broke broken record whiny pissy germy ass special in any way

    but your rude ignorance does

    what really gives dude???

  55. "Those making $100,000 to $125,000 paid on average 9.9 percent in federal income taxes. Those making $50,000 to $60,000 paid an average of 6.3 percent."

    Sooooooooooo basically we are paying taxes at the lowest rates in history and the TEA party is full of it? I kinda figured that. So if taxes are so low where are the jobs? Seems like this refutes Republican talking points about how low taxes jumpstart economies. with these tax rates the economy should be jumping out of the gym.

  56. PilotX said...
    Sure this is class warfare but we all need to choose which side we're fighting for.


    Do you want to be on the side of hard working Americans who earned everything they have? The ones who obeyed the law and made good decisions. The ones who carry the water.

    Do you want to be on the side of those who broke the law,made poor decisions,those who don't want to work but want handouts.Do you want to be on the side of those who only want to drink the water?

  57. Precious11:53 AM

    Black News today:

    While dating some other daddies momma, Trevaun Brooks impregnated her 11 year old child who delivered a healthy infant despite no prenatal care.

    The mother didn't know the daughter was being molested, didn't know she was pregnant and had not brought her to see a DR since she was 9. When sought for comment the babies daddy could not be found, he doesnt appear to be in the little girls life, he couldnt be found for comment he was released from prison for retail fraud and drugs on parole and is currently is in hiding being sought for violation of parole.

  58. Rk/random knocker of beckys’ boots:

    What is really going on lost boy?

    Jazz stylist and author Abbey Lincoln managed to capture this exact same offensiveness as exhibited by heterosexual white women, in her enraged classic essay entitled “Who Will Revere The Black Woman?”, published in the renowned womanist anthology The Black Woman, edited by Toni Cade (1970):

    “We are the women whose bars and recreation halls are invaded by flagrantly disrespectful, bigoted, simpering, amoral, emotionally unstable, outcast, maladjusted, nyphomaniacal, condescending white desperate and untiring search of the “frothing-at-the-mouth-for-a white-woman, strong backed, sixty-minute hot black”.... We are the women who, upon protesting this invasion of our privacy and sanctity and sanity, are called “jealous”, and “evil”, and “small-minded”, and “prejudiced”...

    When a white man “likes colored girls”, his woman (the white woman) is the last one he wants to know about it. Yet, seemingly, when a Negro “likes white girls”, his woman (the Black woman) is the first he wants to know about it. White female rejects and social misfits are flagrantly flaunted in our faces as the ultimate in feminine pulchritude. Our women are encouraged by our own men to strive to look and act as much like the white female image as possible, and only those who approach that “goal” in physical appearance and social behavior are acceptable. At best, we are made to feel that we are poor imitations and excuses for white women.

    Evil? Evil, you say? The Black woman is hurt, confused, frustrated, angry, resentful, frightened, and evil! Who in this hell dares suggest that she should be otherwise? These attitudes only point up her perception of the situation and her healthy rejection of the same.”

  59. Pilot X

    "Sooooooooooo basically we are paying taxes at the lowest rates in history and the TEA party is full of it? I kinda figured that. So if taxes are so low where are the jobs? Seems like this refutes Republican talking points about how low taxes jumpstart economies. with these tax rates the economy should be jumping out of the gym."


  60. Alicia says..

    men who kiss and tell
    are usually not really kissing
    nahmean "bruh"?

    u repulse me u young fool.

    lol..I have no reason to lie, I know none of y'all personally. And yes, I do get it in. That's what single life is all about.

    And as far as me repulsing you..

    Who cares. Life goes on.

    So after sifting through your response, I guess it's safe to assume that you're not attending.

    That's all you had to say.

  61. the tea party is the ONLY OTHER party we have in america

    they are the last hope for any dissent that may keep the dems/repubs from slaying us all

    thank god for that

    and brew some black tea asap!!!!!

  62. "Yet, seemingly, when a Negro “likes white girls”, his woman (the Black woman) is the first he wants to know about it."

    Damn. You figured me out.

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. deddyless rk/raging kook:

    still wasting time pretending????

    real studs are really busier than u

    each post proves 2 things:

    you had no real deddy to teach u to be a real man who does not brag about his alleged sexcapades

    you really are blind to the meaning of debate

    carry on shameless sexless oj.

  65. rk/really kicked in the pud:


    that truth smarts


    Rottnkid/Kicked in the penis


    The truth hurts dummy, does it not?

    No not really, I don't put myself out there like that. People who know me knows how I roll with women. I had a few different flavors. I don't discriminate. I'm personally smitten to the mixed ones, just my preference. Just like you could like the butch type females, just your preference.

    I don't dog your women, so why you dogging mine?

  66. rk/random knocker of beckies:

    maybe u should expand your bragging herien then???

    as it does NOT reflect your newly alleged diversity


  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. rk/rude kook:


    i am femme and so is my wife

    i have always dated lipstick lesbians exclusively

    i have 0 sexual attraction to any masculinity

    and u know this as well as i know u r a reincarnated oj geezer nig

    yo u feel me son????

  69. RK

    What kills me is the same females who rail about black men being with white women are the first ones recommending black women pursue white men??!!??

    Even though the white guys obviously don't want them.


  70. rk/really kidding:

    and because all lesbian femmes are closer to real men than rude poookies like u will ever be

    i do not brag about my women anywhere

    i hand u none to dog as u do daily

    especially on a blog u fool!

  71. And abouty that broken record..Let's recap, shall we? I went to 3 threads and um..they all say the same things..

    and i am a proud feminist/womanist

    coon uts:

    my sentiments exactly nig



    hobama is an elitist sexist bankster drone!...


    Maxine/hillary 2012!!!

    which is why i wonder how your dumb racist hobama sucking colorist coon ass reigns so

    Comment deleted

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    12:16 PM
    Comment deleted

    This post has been removed by the author.

    12:16 PM
    Comment deleted

    This post has been removed by the author.

    u lie like hobama u cowardly nig!!!!

    Just saying...

  72. lying coon uts:

    what bf ever gave a damn about u to even bother giving u any dating tips???


  73. maybe u should expand your bragging herien then???

    as it does NOT reflect your newly alleged diversity

    A Tribe Called Quest said it the best... I like ' em brown, yellow, Puerto Rican or Haitian.

    Been like that since 1978.

  74. Alicia Banking the blog is fun! No wonder why she does it, you get to take over!

  75. I never said I was exclusive with white chicks but I do smash a lot of them. They're easy.

  76. "what bf ever gave a damn about u to even bother giving u any dating tips???"

    How are you gonna give dating tips when you couldn't get a wolf whistle from a prison lifer?

  77. rk/retention killer:

    read sloowwwwwwwly

    scan up

    u brag on wfs exclusively herein

    irrespective of your rainbow bed claims

    the bed you brag about herein is always a white one

    did i lie????

    do i ever????

  78. prison maytag bitch uts:

    u r flashing back again coon

    got therapy?

  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. Anonymous12:49 PM

    anon, "Can't help but to think Obama would be falling all over himself to help white America if they were in the shape that black America is in.

    Now they are about to kill a innocent black man.Obama isn't doing anything to stop the state from murdering Troy Davis.

    It not only sucks to be black.It sucks to be a black American.

    Damn it."

    Thanks for speaking the truth, anon. However, be careful. The last Anon who said, "being Black sucks in America got attacked by Field, Rottenkid, Mack, and UtS and was called a White goober, a depressed Negro, uncle tom, and told to go back to Stormfront. That anon received NO SUPPORT on FN, only adversity. But doesn't standing up for truth is to receive a lot of criticism and name calling by deluded minds who claim to be happy, joyous and free bm?

    You see, FN Negroes like them can't handle the truth of the effects of PTSD and what Obama is doing to so many Blacks. Can you see the irony of Field naming his blog "Field Negro", instead of "Jigging Lawn Jockey"? It is the same as Obama having beer on the WH lawn with the policeman who pissed all over Gates rights... "Change, yes we can"....Right---the only change for Blacks is a black Prez but the results are more unemployment, more discrimination, more ignoring us, more suffering and misery for us.

    Field says that maybe there should be war. I agree. Not only should there be war on the GOP, but a fierce war should be declared at the polls in 2012 by 98% of Blacks in voting against a lying President by the name of Obama, who doesn't give a damn about us.

    Re: death row: In our so-called American justice system, we are executed more than any other race-- whether we are innocent or guilty! The white injustice system is only concerned with skin color. It doesn't care about our innocent. It judges based on our skin color.

    AAs are still being lynched by Whites in the court rooms; and we are still just as 'powerless' today as we were during Jim Crow and slavery.

    We need to find a way to overcome our fears and weaknesses and 'empower' ourselves with courage and strength before they kill us all. We are going to die anyway...why not die fighting for something worthwhile. Why not die fighting for our dignity?

    I totally agree with you: "It sucks to be Black in America."

  81. Back to the subject at hand..Thom Hartman hipped me to the Presidential race of 1800 between Thomas Jefferson and John Adams:

    The presidential election of 1800 was an angry, dirty, crisis-ridden contest that seemed to threaten the nation's very survival. A bitter partisan battle between Federalist John Adams and Republican Thomas Jefferson, it produced a tie between Jefferson and his Republican running mate, Aaron Burr; a deadlock in the House where the tie had to be broken; an outburst of intrigue and suspicion as Federalists struggled to determine a course of action; Jefferson's election; and Burr's eventual downfall. The unfolding of this crisis tested the new nation's durability. The deadlock in the House revealed a constitutional defect.

    **It also pushed partisan rivalry to an extreme, inspiring a host of creative and far-reaching electoral ploys. **

    As a sense of crisis built, there was even talk of disunion and civil war, and indeed, two states began to organize their militias to seize the government if Jefferson did not prevail.

    Sound familiar?

    Things got ugly fast. Jefferson's camp accused President Adams of having a "hideous hermaphroditical character, which has neither the force and firmness of a man, nor the gentleness and sensibility of a woman."

    In return, Adams' men called Vice President Jefferson "a mean-spirited, low-lived fellow, the son of a half-breed Indian squaw, sired by a Virginia mulatto father."

    As the slurs piled on, Adams was labeled a fool, a hypocrite, a criminal, and a tyrant, while Jefferson was branded a weakling, an atheist, a libertine, and a coward.

    Right now the US is going through some shit and eventually the Citizens hopefully will "correct" it.

  82. rk/running kindly:


    back to that corp ho liar hobama
    and his rich fat cat donors/owners/rulers

    University of California $1,648,685
    Goldman Sachs $1,013,091
    Harvard University $864,654
    Microsoft Corp $852,167
    Google Inc $814,540
    JPMorgan Chase & Co $808,799
    Citigroup Inc $736,771
    Time Warner $624,618
    Sidley Austin LLP $600,298
    Stanford University $595,716
    National Amusements Inc $563,798
    Wilmerhale Llp $550,168
    Skadden, Arps et al $543,539
    Columbia University $541,002
    UBS AG $532,674
    IBM Corp $532,372
    General Electric $529,855
    US Government $517,908
    Morgan Stanley $512,232
    Latham & Watkins $503,295

  83. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Dr. Queen, "Assnon's comment about Bowie, MD home of the most educated and wealthy Blacks in the US is iron clad proof that ghosts don't know a damn thing!!!"

    Are you talking about the area where Bowie State, the black college that graduates black morons?

    You are full of shit.

  84. Anon

    "We need to find a way to overcome our fears and weaknesses and 'empower' ourselves with courage and strength before they kill us all. We are going to die anyway...why not die fighting for something worthwhile."

    So what you're saying is that America is a hopeless racist nation, right?

    And who exactly do you suggest we take the "fight" to?

    The Corporations?

    The Tea Party?

    The GOP?

    Watch him dodge these questions.

  85. Hillary Clinton (D)
    Top Contributors

    EMILY's List $536,939
    DLA Piper $482,950
    JPMorgan Chase & Co $426,454
    Citigroup Inc $409,517
    Goldman Sachs $386,150
    Morgan Stanley $370,230
    University of California $271,878
    Lehman Brothers $253,753
    Skadden, Arps et al $217,460
    National Amusements Inc $217,404
    News Corp $197,850
    Greenberg Traurig LLP $197,400
    Merrill Lynch $194,109
    Kirkland & Ellis $187,141
    Microsoft Corp $183,119
    Time Warner $181,406
    PricewaterhouseCoopers $180,600
    Ernst & Young $158,930
    Cablevision Systems $156,363
    General Electric $154,871

    Alicia, Hilliary wasn't much better

  86. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Dear UptownSteve, here is the proof you have been waiting for:

    Anon said, "UTS, several threads ago, you specifically said that you refuse to let these Stormfronters take over this blog because it is a blog for Blacks"

    Steve replied, “I did?

    Produce the quote and I will not post here for a month.

    If you can't you go?

    Proof of Quote:

    On Sept 15, 2011 @12:56 in the comment section of the post, “BROKE NEGROES AND NEGROES IN LOVE”, UTS said the following: (Please give special note to the last sentence)


    There are a couple of very committed neurotic racists who are determined to troll and clog up FN's blog because they can't stand black folks having a place to come and discuss topics interesting to us.

    Now let a black got to a goober website and try the same thing and watch how quit they'll get banned or blocked.

    Hell, just post opposing opinions on those rightwing blogs and they'll block you.

    I just refuse to stand by and let them take over this site.”

    FN Fans and Jurors--Now that I have produce the quote, I now direct your attention to what Steve said he would do when I produced such evidence:

    UTS-“Produce the quote and I will leave this blog for a month.”

    Dear ‘infamous’ UTS, let me be the first to say, “GOODBYE”....and have a nice life. LMAO, tee hee.

  87. Many presidential candidates receive the bulk of their funds from the same industries and Washington-based interest groups that dominate giving to all federal politicians and parties. Beyond this, some candidates receive sizable amounts from industries that make up the economic base of their home state. From this table, you can get a flavor of which are the top industries giving to this politician.

    1 Lawyers/Law Firms $15,486,587
    2 Retired $10,987,123
    3 Securities & Investment $6,383,256
    4 Real Estate $6,293,768
    5 Education $4,354,713
    6 Business Services $4,310,577
    7 Women's Issues $4,166,898
    8 Health Professionals $3,943,347
    9 TV/Movies/Music $3,391,813
    10 Misc Business $2,756,859
    11 Misc Finance $2,540,477
    12 Civil Servants/Public Officials $2,251,474
    13 Computers/Internet $2,033,007
    14 Democratic/Liberal $1,797,168
    15 Printing & Publishing $1,503,997
    16 Commercial Banks $1,446,241
    17 Lobbyists $1,214,285
    18 Accountants $1,209,404
    19 Insurance $1,151,874
    20 Misc Manufacturing & Distributing $1,082,588

    Hillary again.

    The bottom line is that all politricksters are one in the same. No matter who you would like to have won or who you would like to win in the future, you're gonna get the same shit on a different day. Seems like you and the TP's don't get it.

  88. Sorry Goober but this doesn't prove anything.

    First off where in that quote did I use the word 'Stormfronters" or say in this quote that this was a blog for blacks?

    My quote doesn't even come close to what you asserted.

    So rant, drool, and piss your self.

    But you lose AGAIN.

  89. Depressed Negro stated..

    AAs are still being lynched by Whites in the court rooms; and we are still just as 'powerless' today as we were during Jim Crow and slavery.

    We need to find a way to overcome our fears and weaknesses and 'empower' ourselves with courage and strength before they kill us all. We are going to die anyway...why not die fighting for something worthwhile. Why not die fighting for our dignity?

    I have to agree with part of this statement.

    UTS I have to go with DN on this one. My sister has done some medical work for a staffing agency up until the beginning of this summer. The reason why she quit is because she saw the invoice of what the hospital was paying her company and what she was getting paid from that company. She walked out and said she will never work for a another company again. She branded her name and started her own company doing the same thing without the middle man. She's about to hire 2 people under her.

    If my plans go right within the next year, I might have to follow her route.

  90. Eric CANTor 08/02/11:

    "We’ve been about cut and grow. The fact is for the last eight months plus, we’ve been about cuts," he said. "That’s why it is imperative that all of us join together [and] work with the president to see how we can grow this economy."

    So now CANTor wants to finally tell the truth that it wasn't really about jobs.

    "I don’t question the president’s motives or his commitment to the country now," he said. "And I think that’s the way forward as we really put our minds to work. ... I believe that all of us, both sides are trying to do what’s best for the country."

    CANTor must be up for reelection.

    What is it that these righties don't get? These statements are from and elected official to help get this country back on track..

  91. rk:

    i trust no politico


    hillary et al NEVER LIED like that LIAR hobama about

    "all small donors" etc

    and such unique LIES will begin anew for the typically lying evil politico/messiah hobama anew asap...

  92. rk/really kind:


    thanks for making my slaying u hobama nazis as "easy" as u bedding beckies

  93. AND

    none of the corp owned hobama's peers pretend they hate big corps as they woo big corp funds

    as my original post about his horidly timed nyc bash proved...

    scan up

    hobama is a fake fool
    who may be so horrid that even his bush clan selection will not save him from being toast in 2012

    one and done!!!

  94. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Steve, "There are a couple of very committed neurotic racists who are determined to troll and clog up FN's blog because they can't stand black folks having a place to come and discuss topics interesting to us."

    Ah, steve. The above statement indicts you. It is clear that you consider FN blog is for Blacks. You have been a liar for so long you can't even handle a small obvious truth staring you in the face. You are a pretty deluded guy.

  95. hobama:
    u lie!!!!!!

    What jumped out at us in this exchange was Obama’s statement, “the vast majority of the money I got was from small donors all across the country.” We’ve seen that statement repeated elsewhere, but the evidence doesn’t back it up…
    In the general election, Obama got about 34 percent of his individual donations from small donors, people who gave $200 or less, according to a report from the Campaign Finance Institute. Another 23 percent of donations came from people who gave between $201 and $999, and another 42 percent from people who gave $1,000 or more.
    His numbers for the primary were similar. He got about 30 percent of his money from donors who gave $200 or less. Another 28 percent of donations came from people who gave between $201 and $999, and 43 percent from people who gave $1,000 or more.

  96. Is the anon-goober about to throw another hissy fit because he's been publicly butt-fucked AGAIN?

    Do you know what a "quote" is fool?


  97. Anonymous2:35 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    "We need to find a way to overcome our fears and weaknesses and 'empower' ourselves with courage and strength before they kill us all. We are going to die anyway...why not die fighting for something worthwhile."

    So what you're saying is that America is a hopeless racist nation, right?

    And who exactly do you suggest we take the "fight" to?

    The Corporations?

    The Tea Party?

    The GOP?

    Watch him dodge these questions.

    Start with the mirror and see the biggest racist out there. Then move on to the CBC and then pals of yours like Sharpton, enough racism there to choke a donkey.

  98. Anonymous2:46 PM

    anon, "So what you're saying is that America is a hopeless racist nation, right?

    And who exactly do you suggest we take the "fight" to?

    The Corporations?

    The Tea Party?

    The GOP?

    Watch him dodge these questions.

    Start with the mirror and see the biggest racist out there. Then move on to the CBC and then pals of yours like Sharpton, enough racism there to choke a donkey."

    You are right. We should start by looking in the mirror. From there it will become an obvious step-by-step process of gaining courage, strength and empowerment.

  99. Anonymous2:48 PM

    "anon, "So what you're saying is that America is a hopeless racist nation, right?"

    Exactly. Racism never dies in America. It only breeds and breeds until there is nothing left of human decency, love or compassion.

  100. "We should start by looking in the mirror."

    I agree you goobers should try a little self-reflection.

    First, get over your obsession with black folks.

    Second, accept the fact that a black man is President.

    Third, try using soap every once and awhile.

  101. Anonymous2:52 PM

    I would like to thank Bubba for saying publicly and giving more recognition to what some of us so called "secular progressives" have been saying all along.

    What have you been saying all along? That we should listen to a impeached disgraced democrat as he was a sitting president who got a blow job from a chubby intern while in the Oval Office then lied about it under oath?

  102. the corp owned hobama is a naked liar!!!

    ‘Damn the economy -- I need to be reelected!” That, basically, was President Obama’s message to the nation in yesterday’s Rose Garden speech ostensibly addressing DC’s runaway deficits.

    Obama knew full well that the GOP-run House won’t back tax hikes while the nation flirts with double-dip recession. (Somebody has to be the adult.) Yet he insisted on them anyway (some $1.5 trillion, in fact), claiming they merely ask “the most fortunate among us” -- that is, the most productive -- “to pay their fair share.”

    In other words, Obama told Americans bluntly he’s itching for another standoff.

    Then, you see, he can blame Republicans, painting them as defenders of “unfair” advantages for the “wealthy” who don’t care about the middle class.

    It’s rubbish, of course. And while it may work as a political strategy, it will do nothing for the nation’s jobs drought.

    Instead, it injects more uncertainty into business decisions, threatening the economy further. (Didn’t he learn anything from this summer’s debt-ceiling gridlock?)

    Here’s what the president won’t admit: Government doesn’t create real jobs; people who risk their own capital do.

    Read more:

  103. 3 MORE reasons NOT to vote for hobama in 2012

  104. Hobama is playing good cop/bad cop with repubs

    And only dumb blind foolish racist hobama Nazis are falling for his blackish charades…



    Since January, 2009, Barack Obama has been Social Security’s relentless antagonist. He has succeeded in maneuvering the program into “the middle of the budget deficit debate, where it does not belong and from which it has been purposely shielded since its origins in President Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal.” When the president and his allies chant “Go Big” on deficit reduction, they are aiming at Social Security’s heart.

    No need, that is, unless one wants to dismantle Social Security as we know it by sucking the program into the maelstrom of the deficit debate. Obama undermines the program’s finances because he is determined that Social Security in its present form not survive his time in office. If Obama succeeds, Social Security will become just another “entitlement” to be mangled in a grand bargain with the GOP, like Medicare and Medicaid. Obama wants to be remembered as the president who brought the Republicans and the right wing of the Democratic Party into harmonious consensus – over the dead carcass of the New Deal. That’s what he means by “Go big!”

  105. Anonymous3:47 PM

    29 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Is the anon-goober about to throw another hissy fit because he's been publicly butt-fucked AGAIN?

    Do you know what a "quote" is fool?


    2:35 PM

    Semen Steven, this is not the anon who took your challenge but another who typically is forced to humiliate you for the lowbrow that you are. First off, again you are not in your coast guard days, aint no butt fuckin either takin or givin goin on round here so stop that shit Secondly, you a greasy hair splittin negro, your concept tone and meaning were precisely the same sans one or two words. Who the fuck you think you kid when you get your ass whupped daily shown to be a moron and then declare victory everyone aint as stupid as you so it aint workin.

    CoonFucker defining coonfuckery thats what you is

  106. Anonymous3:49 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Is the anon-goober about to throw another hissy fit because he's been publicly butt-fucked AGAIN?

    Do you know what a "quote" is fool?


    Oh and also you do know that everyone see's your hissy fits daily and no matter how many times you try and deflect your coonfuckery with this tactic it doesnt work, you highlight your a blind dumb fool coon more each time. Now go bake some bisquits like your wife makes you do every night



  107. Anonymous3:59 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "We should start by looking in the mirror."

    I agree you goobers should try a little self-reflection.

    First, get over your obsession with black folks.

    Second, accept the fact that a black man is President.

    Third, try using soap every once and awhile.

    Look there goes Semen steve again ranting and raving, I love it when I press his buttons and rent space in his wittle head, he is so lowbrow and easily manipulated its like playing catch with a dog.

    Not obssessed with black folks at all, I like all people, not just people who look like me - sound familiar there semen chugger shit nugget?

    A black man is president, so what. I guess you need to accept the fact that he is a total failure and one of the worst. Only a dumbass like you would blame what he does and the choices he makes on what someone else may or may not feel about his white upbringing and background, you do know he is mostly white right? Does that hurt you in some way?

    Use Soap - PuLease grow up, if'n you came from the bronx as you said (more like your a suburban tough guy who never had to make it in the bronx as your family moved out while you were a kid) you know damn well better than this.



  108. Oh dear,

    Anon Goober directed 3 straight drooling rants in my direction.

    Can someone say "obsessed"?


  109. Anonymous4:35 PM

    59 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Oh dear,

    Anon Goober directed 3 straight drooling rants in my direction.

    Can someone say "obsessed"?


    I just love it when I can keep pressing steveys wittle brain buttons, its like working with an old palm pilot.

    Steve, now calm down, we don't want you to pop a colon vessel, stop drooling all over your keyboard and getting excited, I said rent space in your head I didnt say I owned it (I am not a slumlord) You do realize - coon-a-rific hypocrite they were in response to YOUR 3 posts.

    You arent' pretending, are you dirty one.

    The world sucks when you cant get away with all the bullshit you used to don't it?

    Time to break out the racial crutches and get in your wheelchair woudlnt you say?



  110. more on that evil demonic hitlerish corp ho hobama

    I grew up as a Christian. My father was a pastor. I graduated from a seminary. I can distinguish a Christian pastor from the slick imposters and charlatans, from T.D. Jakes to Joel Osteen. Wright preaches the radical and unsettling message of the Christian Gospel. He calls us to live the moral life. He knows that the measure of our lives as individuals and as a nation is reflected in how we treat our most vulnerable. And he knows on whose side he stands. Obama, who like Judas took his 30 pieces of silver and betrayed someone who loved him, withers into moral insignificance in Wright’s presence.

    Obama, although his subservience to the war machine and Wall Street mocks the fundamental values of Dr. Martin Luther King, will preside Oct. 16 over the dedication of the King memorial on the Mall in Washington. He will lend himself to the venal cabal of the corporate and political elites who have hijacked King’s image. These political and corporate figures—many of whom donated significant sums to build the $120 million memorial (General Motors, which gave $10 million, uses the memorial in a commercial for its vehicles)—seek to silence King’s demand for economic justice and an end to racism and militarism. King’s vision is grotesquely deformed in Obama’s hands. To hear the voice of King we will have to turn from the choreographed and corporate-sponsored dedication ceremony to heed the words of a handful of men and women who are as reviled by the power brokers as King was in his own life, and yet who battle to keep the flame of King’s message alive.

  111. Anonymous said...
    Are you talking about the area where Bowie State, the black college that graduates black morons?

    You are full of shit.

    Being full of shit is easily remedied by a good enema.

    Being a piece of shit as you are, is a far more difficult problem to cure.

    Post murder, Bowie State University is STILL in the county with the most educated and well paid Blacks in the US.

    Or maybe you can name the utopia where there has been nary a murder ever.

  112. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Anonymous said...
    Are you talking about the area where Bowie State, the black college that graduates black morons?

    You are full of shit.

    Being full of shit is easily remedied by a good enema.

    Being a piece of shit as you are, is a far more difficult problem to cure.

    yeah Queefa and how big is the water truck that comes to give your ass an enema, can they reuse the hydraulic hoses?

    Post murder, Bowie State University is STILL in the county with the most educated and well paid Blacks in the US.

    That says a lot dont it,its bad but its still the best

  113. What have you been saying all along? That we should listen to a impeached disgraced democrat as he was a sitting president who got a blow job from a chubby intern while in the Oval Office then lied about it under oath?

    Sooo is that better or worse than sexually harassing pages? Just asking?

    The point I was trying to make way upthread is that Clinton is not the Liberal God that some make him out to be. He's a politician just like the better no worse. I would like to know why no one is appalled at his seeming to offer to broker a deal with Paul Ryan about Medicare. I posted the video here when it happened.

    UTS--Why do you bother? They are here because no matter what they say they can't get enough of us. Why else do they try to walk, talk, dress, rap like us? I think it's hilarious that there's a such thing as White Power rap music. They're not even clever enough to form their own genre to hate on us.

  114. Anonymous8:29 PM

    BrookLyn said...
    What have you been saying all along? That we should listen to a impeached disgraced democrat as he was a sitting president who got a blow job from a chubby intern while in the Oval Office then lied about it under oath?

    Sooo is that better or worse than sexually harassing pages? Just asking?

    get wit de times brother, use a computer and bookmark you don't needs no bent over pages any mores just ask john conyers he bookmarks his porn so he can watch it during sessions

    UTS--Why do you bother? They are here because no matter what they say they can't get enough of us. Why else do they try to walk, talk, dress, rap like us? I think it's hilarious that there's a such thing as White Power rap music. They're not even clever enough to form their own genre to hate on us.

    All kids dabble and then grow up, they learn to pull up dey pants, speak english and move on, you can't

  115. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Dr. Queen, "Being full of shit is easily remedied by a good enema.

    Being a piece of shit as you are, is a far more difficult problem to cure."

    Are you sure? Afterall if I am shit I am in you. Why did you want me in the first place? Because you are a shit-eating Momma!!!LOL
