Friday, September 23, 2011

Barack,Troy, and a falling satellite.

Just getting back from Washington. (Memo to self: Take Acela for my next mid week trip to D.C.) Shout out to all the folks who were at the digital civic engagement forum. Especially those of you who came up to me and showed me love. Jeff,Joseph,Navarrow, and Kristal, we have to do this again sometime.

Someone asked me today if I thought that the killing of Troy Davis will cost his O ness votes. Black folks are still mad that you could hear a pin drop in the White House during the days leading up to the state sanctioned killing of Davis.

Hey, what can I tell you? O is first and foremost a politician, and he did what politicians do when these types of "touchy" issues raise their ugly heads: He kept his mouth shut. Pro death penalty folks vote.

But back to the question: Will it cost him votes? Maybe. It's still too early to tell. I just don't think that blacks folks are going to be motivated to head to the polls this time around. He will still get 85% of the black vote, but there just won't be as much of them. A 16% unemployment rate will do that to you. We know that it wouldn't be better with a republican in charge, but we also realize, now, that no matter who is the HNIC, politics will always take center stage over everything else. It's back to business as usual in A-merry-ca. Just like it was under Reagan and those Bushes.

I keep telling you Negroes that it's time to stop looking to Washington and start taking care of yourselves. Work with your local governments to try to get things done in your neighborhoods. If they tell you that there is no money available, then work among yourselves. You would be surprised what you can do when you put your heads together. I am watching you do it with certain neighborhoods here in Philly. Some of you have wonderful community partnerships with certain institutions like Temple University and the University of Pennsylvania. And some of you work with non profits and religious groups. It's all good as far as I am concerned. Whatever it takes to keep us moving forward in these divided states of A-merry-ca.

Finally, I see that a very large satellite is about to fall to earth anytime now. They say what goes up must come down, and it looks like it's about that time for the school bus sized object. But don't worry, folks, the chance of it hitting us is slim....

"It just doesn't want to come down," said Jonathan McDowell of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.

McDowell said the satellite's delayed demise demonstrates how unreliable predictions can be. That said, "the best guess is that it will still splash in the ocean, just because there's more ocean out there."

Until Friday, increased solar activity was causing the atmosphere to expand and the 35-foot, bus-size satellite to free fall more quickly. But late Friday morning, NASA said the sun was no longer the major factor in the rate of descent and that the satellite's position, shape or both had changed by the time it slipped down to a 100-mile orbit.

"In the last 24 hours, something has happened to the spacecraft," said NASA orbital debris scientist Mark Matney.

On Friday night, NASA said it expected the satellite to come crashing down between 11 p.m. and 3 a.m. EDT. It was going to be passing over the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans at that time, as well as Canada, Africa and Australia.
"The risk to public safety is very remote," NASA said in a statement.

The Aerospace Corp., which tracks space debris, also estimated the strike would happen sometime between about 11 p.m. and 3 a.m. EDT, which would make a huge difference in where the debris falls. Its projections also put almost all of the U.S. in the clear — with Washington state the lone holdout.

Any surviving wreckage is expected to be limited to a 500-mile swath.
The Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite, or UARS, will be the biggest NASA spacecraft to crash back to Earth, uncontrolled, since the post-Apollo 75-ton Skylab space station and the more than 10-ton Pegasus 2 satellite, both in 1979.
Russia's 135-ton Mir space station slammed through the atmosphere in 2001, but it was a controlled dive into the Pacific.

Some 26 pieces of the UARS satellite — representing 1,200 pounds of heavy metal — are expected to rain down somewhere. The biggest surviving chunk should be no more than 300 pounds."

With any luck it will drop on a certain house in Florida.



  1. Anonymous11:50 PM

    "I keep telling you Negroes that it's time to stop looking to Washington and start taking care of yourselves. Work with your local governments to try to get things done in your neighborhoods."

    When did you tell us that? I recall CF saying it constantly. But you? I don't think so.

    Why don't you join a local group and show us all how it is done in a community....a black community. not the one you live in.

  2. Anonymous11:58 PM

    "Hey, what can I tell you? O is first and foremost a politician, and he did what politicians do when these types of "touchy" issues raise their ugly heads: He kept his mouth shut. Pro death penalty folks vote."

    You might start telling us that he has intentionally avoided Blacks because he doesn't care about Blacks.

    He has kept his mouth shut about Blacks, Period. No matter what, he has ignored our existence.

    His behavior might be because he is foremost a politician, but his 'character' sucks. How depressing!

  3. ^^^^ then just off yourself, LOL!!

  4. Frajeelay12:28 AM

    "I keep telling you Negroes that it's time to stop looking to Washington and start taking care of yourselves."

    Black people are just as capable as everyone else.

    Get off that democrat plantation and start working for yourselves.

    Life is so much better when you are free.

  5. Teresa12:29 AM

    Ms.Queen said...
    ^^^^ then just off yourself, LOL!!


  6. Anonymous12:43 AM

    Dr.Queen said...
    ^^^^ then just off yourself, LOL!!

    Queens baby daddy (you aint married ghetto ho) says he knew she was fat when she sat on the other side of the couch and he couldnt hear the stereo she be 5'3 standing up and 7'1 sittin down gottdamn thats on lard filled sack of shit

  7. Anonymous1:26 AM

    We just suffered greatly over the execution of Troy Davis, and dr queen tells a black man on FN to kill himself and thinks it's funny.

    studying for all those degrees have made her mean-spirited, insane and low in character. SMH

  8. hobama betrayed troy just as he betrays all black he simultaneously funds the PIC...


    So many people publicly spoke to save you brother. Those who fought for your life include the warden at the prison that caged you, the Pope, your wonderful warrior sister, and millions more fellow rebels. Tragic that “President” Barack Obama/Hobama was not one of them. Sinfully, Hobama did fight for Humberto Leal Garcia, Roman Polanski, and Henry Louis “Skip” Gates. You deserved his attention much more brother. Hobama has still uttered no public words for you to date, nor for Sean Bell or Oscar Grant. Horridly, funding the Prison Industrial Complex that slew you is Hobama's only black agenda.

  9. those bushes are hobama's blood kin

    and that bloody hobama has created MORE joblessness than!

  10. and

    still no word from that mute ruthless bankster bitch hobama


  11. Colin7:28 AM

    "When did you tell us that? I recall CF saying it constantly. But you? I don't think so."

    I don't.

  12. Anonymous7:29 AM

    While the racist talking point/marching order of 'democrat plantation' sounderates real good to a lad itching to be able to say 'migger'....what sort of alternative does the widdle boy offer? What does he mean by 'freedom'?
    Freedom from Social Security? Freedom from Medicare/Medicaid? Freedom to be a slavecropper for the Kochs? Freedom to from having our political desires answered? Freedom from Civil Rights Law? Freedom from opportunities?

    It is nice that he is fulfilling his teenage dream of being a PITA. Such achievable standards.


  13. Sarah7:50 AM

    Black people need to stop defending criminals and protect those their young ones from a life of destruction.Let the system deal with Black men who choose to live their lives destructively.

  14. Sarah7:51 AM

    Frajeelay:The Republican party is a bigger plantation, you fool.

  15. Field, Sorry we missed each-other while you were here in DC. Great post as usual.

  16. So CF is the depressed coon troll that has conversations with itself assnonymously?

    It's a hankerchief head nig in cohoots with the hicks to try to destroy Field's blog?

    Typical, just TYPICAL!!

  17. "His behavior might be because he is foremost a politician, but his 'character' sucks. How depressing!"

    Why don't you move to Philly? There are a lot of bridges here.

    Hi5ving what Sarah said.

    Anon @11:50 PM, I am in quite a few community groups. But thanks for playing.

    AAP, sorry I missed you as well. I will catch you next time.

  18. "So CF is the depressed coon troll that has conversations with itself assnonymously?"

    Hmmm, let's put the NE on the case.:)

  19. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Wonder how many of the Trolls linking to racist witesites are contributing to their community? Or the Anons who thinkerate their paleness is the same privilege as being born Quayle, Koch or bush.

    Digressing a bit, one of the obsessive Trolls posting on Pharyngula is diagnosed as mentally ill. For some fun, compare their rants to those found here.

    Now, why is being a delusional verbatim repeater of wingnut Con talking points/marching orders considered correct? One might assume that being a Rational person would be more rewarded...but that is not the case. All that Koch-sucking....and it goes to making the US more ignorant.


  20. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Ooh...'character'...repeat of why KenStarr had to TELL little children exactly what Monica did to Bill. Kind of the same ideer the wingnut Cons used to describe Jews.

    Sorry, the 'character' fake immediately informs us the Troo Beleever has to make something up to hate that icky Jew/Liberal/Feminist.

    How did st reagan avoid the 'character' issue? Wasn't he a divorcee? And bush, noted for branding frat brothers. Romney placed a dog on a car for hours.



  21. Anonymous9:49 AM

    So be Patriotic. Go out there and get rich. Get so obnoxiously rich that when that tax bill comes , your first thought will be to choke on how big a check you have to write. Your 2nd thought will be “what a great problem to have”, and your 3rd should be a recognition that in paying your taxes you are helping to support millions of Americans that are not as fortunate as you.
    Mark Cuban


  22. "Now, why is being a delusional verbatim repeater of wingnut Con talking points/marching orders considered correct? One might assume that being a Rational person would be more rewarded...but that is not the case. All that Koch-sucking....and it goes to making the US more ignorant."

    Mold, are these people paid to troll sites? It seems like a nice gig if you can get it.

  23. "I keep telling you Negroes that it's time to stop looking to Washington and start taking care of yourselves."

    How are Negroes going to take care of themselves with no jobs,no education, no health care, etc? Negroes don't look to Washington to take care of them, but to protect them.

    Negroes don't want Washington to give them anything. Negroes want Washington to open up the door so we can get it outselves.

    President Obama was raised by white folks in a white world. He can't relate to black folks and the world we live in although candidate Obama said he could/would. Then he let white folks make him throw his black pastor under the bus.

    I knew we Negroes were in trouble then.

    Negores are the only group who are asked to make something out of nothing.

  24. "Negores are the only group who are asked to make something out of nothing."

    And we are good at it. We have proven it over and over again.

    "How are Negroes going to take care of themselves with no jobs,no education, no health care, etc?"

    Create our own jobs, start our own businesses. Stop doing so much damn consuming and start saving. Start making local school boards and school districts more accountable. Start taking more interest in the education of our children. Become more politically aware and push back against the forces fighting against universal health care...I could go on, but I think you get my point.

  25. Easier said than done Field, how are we going to create our own jobs without access to capitol? Create our own jobs doing what...

    How are we going to elect public officials who are accountable with the new voter suppression laws being enacted? They don't want us to vote unless we vote for them. Remember Florida? Hell, we can't even vote our way out of this mess.

  26. Redeye, those are good points and real talk. We need capital, but one way to get it is to save our$ and improve our credit in order to get loans.Also, there are groups out here -other than the banks- who are willing to give money to folks who have the right ideas and who are willing to put in the work to present good models. Hell some of these sudents at these B schools around here will draw up business models free of charge as a part of their course work.

    You also made a good point about the voter suppression laws. We are under siege, and these wingnuts are not playing. That's why it's important to get the word out to folks so that they know what's coming down the road. Hell already too many of these Negroes don't even take the time to vote, so a lot of them won't even notice.

  27. field negro said...
    Redeye, those are good points and real talk. We need capital, but one way to get it is to save our$ and improve our credit in order to get loans

    Pooling resources seems to work well for the Asians and Mexicans. REAL well!

    People laugh about the fact that Mexicans will pile into a house 3 families deep. But in 5 years when each family has saved enough to but their own individual home, they're laughing all the way back to the bank to acquire their second home mortage, with good credit to boot!

    Many Black folks need to learn the meaning of the terms delayed gratification, invest in your future, and save more than you comsume!

  28. Invest what?

    Save what?

    How can you invest/save what you don't have?

  29. field negro said...
    And we are good at it. We have proven it over and over again.

    Foreign born Blacks and their decendants, yes.

    American born Blacks? Not so much and things are getting worse for this group!

  30. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Yes, there are paid Trolls. Some are doing for the joy of being stoopid without the consequences of doing so in Reality.

    Not too long past, the wingnut welfare was asking for Troo Beleevers to sign up to 'werk at home'. A bit of investigation revealed that one was to be paid to harass websites fer jebus, post talking points/marching orders, and indulge in juvenile antics to 'piss off Liberals'.

    Some of it was racists from Central Europe would toil for jebus for much lower rates. And Indians would work even cheaper.
    Problem was, if they had the ability to write in English to the level of US colleges....they were too educated to not wish to discuss events with peers. It entices you when a poster describes French Deconstruction...and you, like, actually know the subject.
    Or an alleged 'bortion 'pponent knows the laws. Dead giveaways.

    With modern tech, one ManDumpling disciple can post on multiple threads, while seeking his own form of sincere flattery for the physiognomy of ManDumpling.

    What else besides paid Troll could a graduate of BJU or Libertee do? bush no longer appoints the incompetent...and the pundit spots are already occupied by Jonah and MichelleM.


  31. Locked, Loaded, and My Ffamily At My Back11:21 AM

    Ah, yes....diversity. It's such a wonderful thing!:

    Field. You might just get that "war" you were alluding to the other day.

    I hope it comes before I die.

  32. "Invest what?

    Save what?

    How can you invest/save what you don't have?"

    Again, real talk. But do you think that folks have any disposable income at all? I tend to think that they do. All I am saying is that maybe we should watch our spending habits and save a little more. I say don't buy s&*^ on credit that you don't really need. If you don't have $, having proper credit will allow you to get access to it.

    I see these big ass churches in the hood and they seem to have lots of money. Where are they getting it? The congregation, right?

  33. "Field. You might just get that "war" you were alluding to the other day.

    I hope it comes before I die."

    Don't worry, wingnut, you will die of old age.

    If you are looking for action go join the army.

  34. Redeye said...
    Invest what?

    Save what?

    How can you invest/save what you don't have?

    Lower income american born Black women spend more on thier appearence than their housing expenses.

    There's ALWAYS money to be saved, you simply have to make saving a priority.

  35. "Not too long past, the wingnut welfare was asking for Troo Beleevers to sign up to 'werk at home'. A bit of investigation revealed that one was to be paid to harass websites fer jebus, post talking points/marching orders, and indulge in juvenile antics to 'piss off Liberals'"


    "Some of it was racists from Central Europe would toil for jebus for much lower rates. And Indians would work even cheaper.
    Problem was, if they had the ability to write in English to the level of US colleges....they were too educated to not wish to discuss events with peers. It entices you when a poster describes French Deconstruction...and you, like, actually know the subject.
    Or an alleged 'bortion 'pponent knows the laws. Dead giveaways."

    I see. Thus some of the comments that we get here. *nodding head thoughtfully*. Thanks for the education, mold. That explains a lot.

  36. Anonymous12:05 PM

    "Negores are the only group who are asked to make something out of nothing."

    Field, "And we are good at it. We have proven it over and over again."

    Field, you sound off the charts, as if we can make something out of nothing. If that were the case, the Black race would have been well off a long time ago.

    Redeye is right. You can't make something out of nothing. Everybody knows that.

    You sound off the char

  37. In order to have good credit you have to pay your bills.

    In order to pay your bills you have to have a J-O-B.

    In order to save money you have to have money.

    In order to have money you have to have a J-O-B.

    Dr. Queen, the majority of "lower class black women" may spend more money on their income, but why should that become the majority of black folks problem?

    Black folks aren't good at making do. If that were true the unemployment rate among African Americans wouldn't be 17% and the majority of black folks wouldn't live in poverty.

  38. The last vestiges of slavery will fall off when we begin to cease placing artificial limits on our abilities.

    This lack of confidence - instilled by slave-masters - retards our progress.

    Carter Woodson said:

    “If you can control a man’s thinking, you don’t have to worry about his actions. If you can determine what a man thinks you do not have worry about what he will do. If you can make a man believe that he is inferior, you don’t have to compel him to seek an inferior status, he will do so without being told and if you can make a man believe that he is justly an outcast, you don’t have to order him to the back door, he will go to the back door on his own and if there is no back door, the very nature of the man will demand that you build one.”


  39. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Redeye, "Negores are the only group who are asked to make something out of nothing."

    Whenever it comes to AAs we are expected to be super-humans and leap tall buildings. It is that mentality that keeps us trapped trying to do what is humanly impossible.

    Why is there always a separate unreasonable standard for Blacks?

  40. Redeye, you sound as if you're making 2 completly different arguements here.

    Are we supposed to sympathize with those Black folks who would rather buy a pair of brand new air jordans but don't have internet service or not? Who would rather stay "weaved" up or pay for classes at a community college or not?

    Anyone who has spent anytime volunteering in the hood knows there are those folks who are truly struggling to make ends meet minus all the frivolous stuff (the elderly come to mind), and those who show up at my sister's pharmacy with a fresh weave, nails done complaining about a $5 co- pay for $300 worth of meds.

    So my question to you is, what argument are you trying to make with that last comment?

  41. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Bet that falling satellite falls on a black man and kills him.

    Thats the kind of luck we negros have these days.

    Got a black man in the whitemanshouse and you can't get him to piss on us negros if wes was on fire.

    Its hard moving foward when so many tryin' to pull you back down.

    I think i need some of that white ho therapy ab been talking about.

  42. Anonymous1:02 PM

    "So my question to you is, what argument are you trying to make with that last comment?"

    Redeye, don't waste your time with her. She is part of the problem, not the solution. Now she has a sister who owns a pharmacy. Someone like her who has everything, from money to brains isn't going to give a damn about helping anyone anyway.

  43. Anonymous said...
    Why is there always a separate unreasonable standard for Blacks?

    Why is bustin' your ass and working hard considered so unreasonable to so many american Blacks?

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Anonymous said...
    Redeye, don't waste your time with her. She is part of the problem, not the solution. Now she has a sister who owns a pharmacy. Someone like her who has everything, from money to brains isn't going to give a damn about helping anyone anyway.

    Where did I SAY my sister OWNS a pharmacy, WHERE you blind motherfucker?

    Because I know I didn't type that OR imply it ANYWHERE!!

    No, your sorry ass is just looking to start shit like you do ALL day, twisting the words on this blog, to meet your own sorry ass agenda and because you're a loveless, lifeless piece of shit!!!!

    Look bitch, lemme give you an english lesson. "Dr. Queen's lab" doesn't mean she OWNS the lab okay, asshole?

    And before you "go there" I didn't learn to "cuss" a stupid motherfucker like YOU out in the ghetto because contrary to your sorry ass upbringing, I didn't grow up lower class or in da' hood.

    I learned from working and living around bitches like YOU!

    Now smoke that!

  46. NSangoma1:33 PM

    ... He's currently focused on analyzing educational data to predict the quality of life that children will have as adults based on test scores. Fryer says the data can be used to make critical changes to education and close the achievement gap. ...

    Here sillie-ass Negroes, don't wait on the perfessor, close the so-called achievement gap your punk gawd damn selves:

    Each less than $15.00, you and your scion choose.

    Or, you can sit right (t)here and wait on the perfessor or Jesus or both.

  47. All I'm saying is let's not concentrate on the things we cannot change. Let us concentrate on the things we can change. We can't dictate how and where people spend their time\resources. Nor should we let it be an excuse to do nothing for the masses who are using their resources wisely.

  48. @redeye...I essentially agree with concentrating on what we can change, however what areas do you define as within our control to change collectively?


  49. Redeye said...
    We can't dictate how and where people spend their time\resources.


    But people ALWAYS have the capacity to change, if they COMMIT to change.

    If a person decides to spend their limited resources on frivolous things like the latest fashions, then they MUST be prepared for not only them to suffer the consequences, they their CHILDREN as well!

    We as a nation simply can't afford to keep paying for other people's bad decision making!

    I agree it's a vicious cycle, but at what point do people start taking responsibility for themselves? Like it or not, the repubs are gonna make sure the days of freebees for the lower middle class and poor are gone!

    Sink or swim is here to stay!

  50. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Dr. Queen/flyn40s/mmm, no matter how much you change your tag, you will always be the stupid low class poser that you are.

  51. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Change comes from voting your interest. When pudgy, overstuffed white dude wails about poor people voting to use government to make their life will take note that he is all fine with Koch-sucking.
    Hmmm....why does he hate water treatment? What irks him about public police officers? Where are his kids educated. How will he spend government revenues?

    Unless you assume, like some Goober, that all 'welfare' is his hard-earned munny goin' ta give undeserving bucks T-bones and Cadillacs to hefty Mammies....many of us receive benefits from OUR government. We like to use our tax dollars to better our lives. Too bad rich dudes are jealous...though I can't imagine why....they have the Legacy admissions, the wealth that allows for impressive range of choice, and access to the levers of power. Yet, they whine like brats over the miniscule assist we offer.


  52. The post is very nicely written and it contains many useful facts. I am happy to find your distinguished way of writing the post. Now you make it easy for me to understand and implement. Thanks for sharing with us.

  53. Anonymous5:13 PM

    "We can't dictate how and where people spend their time\resources."

    Why do i want to be dictated to? Have some gawd furin' fundie tell me i can't have my skittle diddled by my dad?

    Sorry goobers.Keep your gawd beliefs.I'll keep diddling with my dad.


  54. "I see. Thus some of the comments that we get here. *nodding head thoughtfully*. Thanks for the education, mold. That explains a lot."

    Good point Dr. Queen.

    BTW, why is that Anon poster so obsessed with you? You better watch your back when you go out the door. :)

    Redeye, I feel your frustration, but if we don't do it for ourselves no one else will.

    Yes, unemployment is damn near 17% for us, but maybe we should start finding a way to make a living without working for other people. Here in Philly there is an entire underground economy of cats who hustle clothes and perfume on the street. I am not mad at them, they are finding a way.

    Anon @ 12:58PM, I agree with UTS, we all pretty much that you are a white dude masquerading as a black person. I think you are overdoing your shtick just a bit. You might want to take it down a notch. :)

  55. field negro said...
    Good point Dr. Queen.

    BTW, why is that Anon poster so obsessed with you? You better watch your back when you go out the door. :)

    I'm so damn fly, that's why the bitch is so obcessed with me Field, ROTFLMBAO!!!

    Unfortunately, there's absolutely nothing I can do when I go outside my door.

    But if the evil OUTSIDE my door EVER decides to one day become the evil INSIDE my door, I have ONE, irrefutable way of handling it:


  56. Anonymous6:19 PM

    As Mr Colbert indicated, sarcasm as a form of above the understanding of wingnut Cons.
    Welfare Queenie and T-bone bucks...are lies. Only a moron and a fool beleeverates in them.

    Field, you might wish to add pretzels and water to the list of entrepreneurial sales. While some decry the work ethic of AfAms, they are only making up poo.


  57. Anonymous6:23 PM about white folks who can't feed their kids...but have dualies...bass boats...three pack a day habits?
    White folks with horse fetishes. Whites who spend thousands to attend 'left-turn, left-turn' NASCAR races?
    White folks who dress 'country'?

    It is all in their priorities.


  58. Field Negro

    "BTW, why is that Anon poster so obsessed with you? You better watch your back when you go out the door. :)"

    The goober is obsessed with black folks period.

    The ones living the way he wishes he could really rile him.

    "Anon @ 12:58PM, I agree with UTS, we all pretty much that you are a white dude masquerading as a black person. I think you are overdoing your shtick just a bit. You might want to take it down a notch. :)"

    It's so obvious.

  59. What black person in 2011 says "if wes was"?

    That fool sounds like the white screenwriters who originally named Eddie Murphy's character in "48 Hours" Willie Biggs.

    Eddie read the script and said "Be for real. Willie fuckin Biggs? Can you get any more stereotypical than that?"

  60. Anonymous6:57 PM

    While some decry the work ethic of AfAms, they are only making up poo.


    Why are afams making up poo?

  61. uptownsteve said...
    Eddie read the script and said "Be for real. Willie fuckin Biggs? Can you get any more stereotypical than that?"

    I hate to tell you Steve, but Reggie Hammond doesn't sound like a guy working in the loan depatment of my neighborhood bank, LOL!!!

  62. Oh, what's his name?

    Octavius Williams?

  63. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Well, Troll...go to Philly and watch those folks selling pretzels, water and such....for the same time they are working.
    'Lessons' in 'grammer' from those who are noted for 'hooked on phonics'. Droll.
    Like Beck, you am still a 'perfesser'.


  64. uptownsteve said...
    Oh, what's his name?

    Octavius Williams?

    Actually, it's Leroy Brown, LOL!!!

  65. "If a person decides to spend their limited resources on frivolous things like the latest fashions, then they MUST be prepared for not only them to suffer the consequences, they their CHILDREN as well!"

    Whoops. The above should have been the quote from Dr. Queen to go along with my comments @ 5:32 PM.

    Sorry about that. :(

  66. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Field, "Anon @ 12:58PM, I agree with UTS, we all pretty much that you are a white dude masquerading as a black person. I think you are overdoing your shtick just a bit. You might want to take it down a notch. :)"

    For Christ's sake, Field. I am NOT anon12:58pm. Any idiot can tell the difference between me and that anon. I have been on FN for years and you have recognized me before and now you don't? Have you gone brain dead? It's understandable UTS doesn't because he is dumber than an idiot.

    But we have been through discussions about GOLD, which you were wrong. You and I have had differences about those sorry ass Eagles and the mighty Redskins winning the conference...and you are wrong about that. I think you don't want to paint me White because you are one jealous prideful Negro who can't stand to lose.

    Stop pretending you are in agreement with that shithead who wants to "off" me because he can't stand the truth.

    You are better than that.

  67. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Correction @8:41pm:"...I think you 'don't' want to paint me White because you are one jealous prideful Negro who can't stand to lose."

    Should read: "...I think you want to paint me White because you are one jealous prideful Negro who can't stand to lose."

  68. So Field, the Hick declared magical Negro, is supposed to be able to easily distinguish one assnon from
    another? Get a grip, then get a real username if you don't want to be confused with anyone else.

  69. Yeah dude @ what Dr. Queen said @ 9:45 PM. How about a handle? Gold man, maybe.

  70. I keep telling you Negroes that it's time to stop looking to Washington and start taking care of yourselves.

    Yes. We have to call them out but that doesn't mean we have to wait until government acts. Conscious self-determination is the way to salvation.
