Saturday, September 24, 2011

Trouble on the Bayou.

This is Saturday in A-merry-ca, so a post about college football is apropos.

Unfortunately if you are a fan of those "Bayou Bengals" you might not like what I have to say.

If you know anything about college football you know that LSU lost their starting quarterback at the start of the season due to being suspended indefinitely from the team after an off campus incident.

I have people down in Baton Rouge, so I will tell you how it really went down:

The football team is partying at a bar named Shady's. (Shady's?!First red flag.)
Lots of Southern Belles in the house, and the quarterback, being the big man on campus, is more or less having his pick of the litter.

Marine (not a college boy) and his friends are in the house, and they are not pleased. (Why no love for us?) They are giving the big man on campus the fuzzy eyeballs all night.

It's closing time and the football players along with other party goers are in the parking lot. The Marine and his friends are trying to drive through the crowd with their truck, when all hell breaks loose:

"Lowery told police that he got involved in the fight after he saw several football players pull a man out of a black Chevy truck.
Lowery pulled the man back into the truck, but that’s when the players started

However, two bar employees told police they saw Lowery throw the first punch, according to The Associated Press
According to the arrest warrants obtained by the Advocate, the man who was kicked suffered “extreme physical pain and unconsciousness,” the warrant says. Of the four men injured in the fight, one had three fractured vertebrae, police said.

The warrants indicate there was physical evidence of the attack and eyewitness accounts that led to the arrest.

“They’ve ruined the kids’ careers,” Nathan Fisher, the payers’ attorney, told the Advocate. “We’ll see.'''

So now, some of the players on LSU's team are threatening to quit the team if the quarterback isn't reinstated. There is a grand jury that convenes on Wednesday, and it will decide if the big man on campus will be formally charged with a felony. The poor folks in Tiger Nation will have to relive this sordid incident all over again.

Now many of you reading this know what it's like in college towns. And you know that a fight after a night of partying is not that unusual. So what happened here?

Well, for starters, this is Baton Rouge, Louisiana we are talking about. And in  southern towns where big time college football is king, some folks are kind of picky about who their big man on campus should be.

But I have a question for Mr. Jefferson: Where the hell do you think you are? You are in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and you are the quarterback of one of the top five programs in the country.Take your ass home and go and study your damn play book. Why are you hanging in a bar called Shady's until the "wee hours" of the morning? What happened to you was not surprising. Didn't Big Mama used to say that "nothing good happens after midnight"? Throw in some Southern Belles, a bunch of haters, and a whole lot of drinking, and you are going to have a problem. 

  "Today is a sad day for the city of Baton Rouge. Today is a sad day for Louisiana State University, the LSU alumni and the countless fans that follow the Tiger football program," Baton Rouge police chief Dewayne White said. "It is also a sad day for the Baton Rouge police department."

Yeah, right!

"This has become something very disproportionate to what it is," said Unglesby, a former special counsel for the Louisiana governor's office whose other past clients have included former San Francisco 49ers owner Eddie DeBartolo, Popeye's Fried Chicken founder Al Copeland and several politicians who have faced corruption charges. "There are fights in bars involving young people all over this country every day. I don't believe Mr. Jefferson did anything wrong. At the end of this, when you get through with the drama of a big-time program and quarterback, at the end of it it's a bunch of college students acting like college students act. And we can't lose sight of that."

Yes, but some college students should know better. Where is Big Mama when you need her?


  1. As an undergrad alumni of rival SEC school, ALL I can do on this post is throw MAJOR shade in LSU's direction, LOL!!

  2. Sigh.

    When we will these boys learn all is not fair..ESPECIALLY in the south?

    And LSU recruited this dude - why the hell aren't they going to bat for him?


  3. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    As an undergrad alumni of rival SEC school, ALL I can do on this post is throw MAJOR shade in LSU's direction, LOL!!

    Throw major shade? See you knew the outright enormous size of your blubber ass would come in handy some day...stop moving it's jiggling around

  4. Anonymous9:34 PM

    "Dr.Queen said...
    As an undergrad alumni of rival SEC school, ALL I can do on this post is throw MAJOR shade in LSU's direction, LOL!!"

    Oh, what rival school was that? You sure do get around on the college set.

  5. Anonymous9:39 PM



  6. ^^^^^ 4 degrees idiot!

    Makes plenty sense to those who are educated which you clearly are not.

    And I didn't get around nearly as much as your Mammy! BTW, Do you even know who your daddy is?

  7. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Field, "Throw in some Southern Belles, a bunch of haters, and a whole lot of drinking, and you are going to have a problem."

    Isn't it amazing that it happens every time there are booze, Southern Belles, Black ballplayers and a bar in a Southern town in LA?

    If you are the leading Quarterback and you are there, you deserve what you get for being so stupid and irresponsible.

  8. Hard to be a black woman9:43 PM

    More sad news for black women.The only ones having it worse than us are gay white males.

    Only 3 “Good” Black Men For Every 100 Black Women

    The chances of a Black woman finding a “Good” Black man are extremely slim, according to a study by Best Black Dating Sites.

    The study claims that only about 3% of Black men fulfill the criteria of being a good, qualified partner.

    The criteria was primarily based on data compiled on whether the eligible Black men were heterosexual, good-looking, successful, or childless.

  9. Anonymous9:50 PM

    why are black people so violent? they first thing black males thought of was to start lynching the whites that were there.

    not call the police.not subdue.

    just animals.


  10. Anonymous10:32 PM

    Reminds me of the 'studies' done that proclaim wimmens needs to gets back to Kirche, Kinde und Kuche. Funny how all of them seem to be from Serious Guys who are, like, totes serious.
    Odd that they never seem to find women who like their work far, far more than replicating fantasy sitcoms.

    Why stop at LA? Aren't there many bars in your area where young men go to fight? Cheap beer and violence. Must be you forgotted.

    What is that word again? Whorey-tonk? Honkey-plonk? Pre-weddin'?
    Somehow white folks knifing each other on the weekend is so common it isn't dog bites man.


  11. Anonymous11:15 PM

    why are black people so violent? they first thing black males thought of was to start lynching the whites that were there.

    not call the police.not subdue.

    just animals.
    Mildew@9:50 PM

    Like you anons have been doing for almost two years on this blog? Anybody that will stalk a blog for that length of time must have some serious hating issues.

    Rusty Knale

  12. Anonymous11:26 PM


    Anonymous said...
    Reminds me of the 'studies' done that proclaim wimmens needs to gets back to Kirche, Kinde und Kuche. Funny how all of them seem to be from Serious Guys who are, like, totes serious.
    Odd that they never seem to find women who like their work far, far more than replicating fantasy sitcoms.

    Why stop at LA? Aren't there many bars in your area where young men go to fight? Cheap beer and violence. Must be you forgotted.

    What is that word again? Whorey-tonk? Honkey-plonk? Pre-weddin'?
    Somehow white folks knifing each other on the weekend is so common it isn't dog bites man.


    getting whiter and whiter every day

  13. Wesley R11:42 PM

    A lot of folks wanted Lee to start in front of Jefferson from the beginning. Now Jefferson gets in trouble and LSU is still winning with Lee starting so I dont see Jefferson coming back.

  14. Anonymous11:53 PM

    "A lot of folks wanted Lee to start in front of Jefferson from the beginning. Now Jefferson gets in trouble and LSU is still winning with Lee starting so I dont see Jefferson coming back."

    Good. His history says he can't stay out of trouble anyway. The kid just isn't ready for prime time. He is unable to change and become mature enough to be a leader.

    Well, Lee is getting a wonderful opportunity to show his stuff! Funny how things work out.

  15. Anonymous11:55 PM

    "Like you anons have been doing for almost two years on this blog? Anybody that will stalk a blog for that length of time must have some serious hating issues."

    There are several anons on this blog. Which ones are you talking about?

  16. Anonymous12:28 AM

    Herman Cain wins the straw poll in Florida by a long shot over all Republican candidates. Go Herman!

  17. Dr. Clemson Auburn12:50 AM

    Ms.Queen said...
    As an undergrad alumni of rival SEC school, ALL I can do on this post is throw MAJOR shade in LSU's direction, LOL!!

    You throw major shade whenever your ass gets between anything and the sun.

    And sorry, but Latitia's Institute of Nails is not an SEC school.

    You will never be a doctor.

  18. Anonymous12:51 AM

    What's with the post about LSU? First of all, the school sucks. It ranks near the bottom academically. Its profs. are no match for most of the colleges in the country. Its football team isn't in much of a conference. You want to see some real football? go to the Midwest...Ohio, Michigan, or East...Penn and a bunch of others.

    LSU is a turkey and isn't even worth considering-- academically or sports wise. It's a loser on both counts.

    You must have been desperate for a post tonight.

    Of course, anyone who picked the Eagles to do well this year and claim the Redskins suck, wouldn't know better anyway. I know it's going to hurt like hell to watch who wins the NFC this year.

    DC RED, or GoldMan, or Redskin...take your pick. Enough names for ya?

  19. Anonymous12:54 AM

    anon12:50am, "You throw major shade whenever your ass gets between anything and the sun.

    And sorry, but Latitia's Institute of Nails is not an SEC school.

    You will never be a doctor."

    LOL...Anon, stop it! you are killing me..ROFL.

  20. Anonymous12:57 AM

    dear dr queen, what does that big blue "G" stand for? Is that connected to your name?

  21. Wesley R1:19 AM

    Anonymous 11:53

    You're right about that.
    After watching both LSU and Oklahoma tonight, I would give the edge to LSU if they were to meet, BUT it's a long season and in college football who knows whats going to happen. That's why it's so good.

  22. Well, to be fair, it's way more to the story than that.

    And the other guy suspended from the team is white...

  23. Anonymous3:33 AM

    LaToya said...
    Well, to be fair, it's way more to the story than that.

    And the other guy suspended from the team is white...

    LaToya is that really you? How's Tito?

  24. NSangoma4:11 AM

    field booty, mayhap North American Negroes and advanced edumacation don't mix.

    Maybe only Carib Coloureds and African Coloureds need attempt an advanced education within the civilized confines of the United States.

    These North American Negroes, these straight-up gansta-bitch motherfucking fools, they don't not be knowing how to act.

  25. ditto

    trophies trump beckies!!!


    pros before hos...

  26. Trophies may trumph beckies most of the time. But I imagine it's almost impossible for a good black athlete to have a moments peace, being nearly "raped" by beckies on college campuses across the US.

    If fact, it almost seems like a rite of passage for white college coeds to screw a black guy while they're in college, especially a black college athletes.

    Perhaps UTS, could elaborate more, LOL!

  27. Resident Cracka,

    You will ALWAYS be a waste to humanity.

    You will NEVER know what's it's like to drive a piece of fine german engineering.

    You will ALWAYS be a Hick.

    You will NEVER out educate me.

    You will ALWAYS be a poor bitter jealous loser.

    You will NEVER be more than a punk ass Internet stalker.

    And because you stalk folks 24/7 on black blogs, your nose will ALWAYS be brown from all the brown asses you sniff all day through your stalking.

  28. Anonymous said...
    What's with the post about LSU? First of all, the school sucks. It ranks near the bottom academically. Its profs. are no match for most of the colleges in the country. Its football team isn't in much of a conference. You want to see some real football? go to the Midwest...Ohio, Michigan, or East...Penn and a bunch of others.

    The SEC isn't much of a conference? Where have YOU been? The AP and other college football polls usually have SEC schools well represented, especially in their top 10.

    As for the academic stuff you said about LSU, that's right on point. One year I attended the football game between my school and LSU at LSU. And I have never in my entire life seen so many certified country, educated Hicks before ever! Even more than I saw in Alabama, though Mississippi is a close call.

    The most ironic thing I noticed about the "white" folks in Baton Rouge is that many had skin that wasn't too much lighter than my own, walking around telling folks they're "Cajun", when all that really means is that they have Black ancestors they aren't claiming.

  29. Anonymous8:13 AM

    It must be disappointing to some to know that many AfAms are more educated or successful. While they fantasize that all speak 'ghetto'....they seem to forget that HBCs predate religio-skools. And the education is far more respected coming from HBCs.

    Watched Levi Johsnton....cute lad...stumbling with his reading. He appears to be truthful....which indicates the Palins are not.

    What about the baseball players of yore? Seems to me there was the MSM version of hearty he-man saints who just happened to be paid to play baseball...and the stuff that took place and was known to but a few. I would posit that their antics were just as bad.


  30. "Its football team isn't in much of a conference. You want to see some real football? go to the Midwest...Ohio, Michigan, or East...Penn and a bunch of others."

    The SEC isn't much of a conference? OK, this is proof positive that deadskins fans have no clue.

    "Of course, anyone who picked the Eagles to do well this year and claim the Redskins suck, wouldn't know better anyway. I know it's going to hurt like hell to watch who wins the NFC this year."

    No, it won't. It hasn't hurt winning it most of the time over the last ten years, and it won't hurt again this year. Now if we were at the bottom every year like the deadskins I am sure that it would hurt.I can feel your pain in your comments.

  31. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Did i like playing baseball with my dad? Mmmmmmm..... Does a conservative like porn? I must admit i enjoy my dad hitting homeruns. The way he rounded the bases!!!!!!!


  32. LaToya, the other player arrested was white? Oh well, that takes care of Mildew's ignorant comments.

    Of course, not a peep about the insignificant linebacker. I guess he wasn't the big man on campus.:)

  33. field negro said...
    The SEC isn't much of a conference? OK, this is proof positive that deadskins fans have no clue.

    Not only that but how many times have the deadskins started off 3-0 or 4-0, only to end up 4-9, LOL>>>>

  34. Anonymous12:41 PM

    NSangoma, "field booty, mayhap North American Negroes and advanced edumacation don't mix."

    Thanks for the link. You have to understand it's 'Bowie'. Negroes who go there and live there are emotionally sick and mentally challenged.

    Bowie has a very bad reputation, a violent school where my peeps go to drink and have fun. If you weren't violent when you enter Bowie State, you will be before you finish.

    It is not a school you want to go to even for the barest education, nor is Bowie a place where you want to live.

    Nevertheless, anger, fear and suppressed rage is part of black culture. Hence, violence erupts quite frequently in our communities.

  35. Anonymous12:55 PM

    "The most ironic thing I noticed about the "white" folks in Baton Rouge is that many had skin that wasn't too much lighter than my own, walking around telling folks they're "Cajun", when all that really means is that they have Black ancestors they aren't claiming."

    Of course they don't want to claim any black blood. That is something no one wants to do in America unless they can't hide it. It is much better to not be Black in America, esp African American. That sucks. No matter how many degrees you may have, the only thing that matters is that you are an undesirable.

    A brother could have 4 degrees plus an MD and they still will be looked down on as someone who got what they have through Affirmative Action--and therefore all those degrees are worth much.

  36. Anonymous1:11 PM

    field, "No, it won't. It hasn't hurt winning it most of the time over the last ten years, and it won't hurt again this year. Now if we were at the bottom every year like the deadskins I am sure that it would hurt.I can feel your pain in your comments."

    Be sure to watch the Monday Night game. You will see the Redskins skin the Cowboys. But your sorry Eagles are going to lose to the Giants.

  37. Anonymous2:18 PM

    This post brings to mind the difficulty servicepeople have upon returning to civilian life. Heroic brave Clancy warriors can simply put down their milPr0n...and tell their Mom that they want more Cheetos.
    Those who served and have PTSD will find it a tad more strenuous.
    We encourage football violence...then have fauxtrage when the player is still amped after hours.

    When the folks come back from the might behoove you to ask about the returned vets from other conflicts....Nam, WWII, Korea, WWI, and the Civil War.


  38. "Hello Michael Vick.My name is Karma."

    Hello Karma my name is 100 million. ;)

  39. field negro said...
    "Hello Michael Vick.My name is Karma."

    Hello Karma my name is 100 million. ;)

    100 milli would certainly work for me, LOL!!!!

  40. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Field, the most important feature of karma is its capacity to produce results corresponding to the ethical quality of the action.

    It has to do more with character and little to do with money.

  41. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Field, did you see the Giants/Eagles game? Your Eagles are one sorry team. Thus far I have been right on calling games, GOLD, politics, etc and you have been wrong, wrong, wrong. But keep trying Jamaica, even a clock is right twice a day.

    Don't forget to watch the Redskins/Cowboys game tomorrow. The game won't even be close.

  42. "Field, the most important feature of karma is its capacity to produce results corresponding to the ethical quality of the action."

    What produces 100 million? Is that the type of result that we should shoot for?

  43. But I have a question for Mr. Jefferson: Where the hell do you think you are? You are in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and you are the quarterback of one of the top five programs in the country.Take your ass home and go and study your damn play book. Why are you hanging in a bar called Shady's until the "wee hours" of the morning? What happened to you was not surprising. Didn't Big Mama used to say that "nothing good happens after midnight"? Throw in some Southern Belles, a bunch of haters, and a whole lot of drinking, and you are going to have a problem.

    You got that right! Sometimes our young adults do not understand the nature of the beast they hope to ride.

  44. Anonymous6:37 PM

    What was that Internet Law about unilaterally declaring yourself the 'winner'?
    If you have to TELL folks how wonderful you are.....

    Vick paid his debt to society. Why do you wite boys need to have him suffer more? Did you miss the Bad Old Days of souvenirs and picnics and photos?
    Still, I see he is paid far, far more than you....more respected....more valued.
    Hope you have a dog.


  45. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Field, did you see the Giants/Eagles game? Your Eagles are one sorry team. Thus far I have been right on calling games, GOLD, politics, etc and you have been wrong, wrong, wrong. But keep trying Jamaica, even a clock is right twice a day.

    Don't forget to watch the Redskins/Cowboys game tomorrow. The game won't even be close.

    5:52 PM

    "crickets" LOL

  46. Anonymous6:46 PM

    mold, "What was that Internet Law about unilaterally declaring yourself the 'winner'?
    If you have to TELL folks how wonderful you are....."

    You must be talking to dr queen.:)

    mold, "Vick paid his debt to society. Why do you wite boys need to have him suffer more? Did you miss the Bad Old Days of souvenirs and picnics and photos?"

    First of all, I am Black, not White. Some of you Negroes are so paranoid that you imagine every anon on FN is White. Now that is pathetic. What happened to your black detector, is it broken?

    Stop being so attached to your self-importance. We aren't that important to them. You would be better off assuming anons were Black before you go assume they are White.:)

  47. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Dear Mr. Field, please read the below notice. I submitted your name, I hope you don't mind....They are coming for you:D

    Starting Sunday, September 25, 2011, the National Black Church Initiative (NBCI) is officially inviting African American men back to church. NBCI is working to make sure 10 million black males return to church over the next 10 years.

    NBCI’s press release noted national partnerships with major black religious leaders and denominations in response to the serious issues facing African American men, including rising levels of incarceration, drug use and unwed fatherhood.

    Rev. Anthony Evans, President of NBCI says, “NBCI has no other greater mission than to re-establish God’s order – the first step being to call our men back to church. We are committed to devoting a half a million dollars and a million hours of evangelism to get black men back into our pews. There is something missing from the heart of the black church – the presence of our black brothers will heal hearts, minds and families.”

    This Sunday marks the national kick off for the big invite back. Cities across the country will follow the national kick off by hosting kick-offs in their respective cities. NBCI reports an overwhelming response from over one thousand churches to partner in this effort. In preparation churches across the country have organized teams of 10 or more African American males to serve as evangelistic arms of the church to spread the word and invite black men back to church.

    Materials to facilitate the efforts are available to further enable churches to spread the word to their communities to make sure Black men know they are welcome in the church.

    NBCI is also developing ministries to engage and equip black men to establish or reestablish a relationship with God through Christ.

    “Our focus is to open our doors, arms and hearts to understand the complex sociological and psychological factors that prohibit African American men from being consistent churchgoers, better fathers, less abusive spouses and better members of society. As a religious leader in the African American community for the past twenty years, we take our position as a moral authority very seriously. NBCI believes that the first step for our African American brothers is to return to church – atoning for their sins and reestablishing their relationship with God through Christ. Over the next ten years we will develop comprehensive ministries to sustain this initiative and commit African American men to the path of righteousness. We invite you to encourage our African American men to join us as we reunite as a whole on Sunday, September 25th, 2011.” – the NBCI Press Release

  48. "Dear Mr. Field, please read the below notice. I submitted your name, I hope you don't mind....They are coming for you:D

    Starting Sunday, September 25, 2011, the National Black Church Initiative (NBCI) is officially inviting African American men back to church. NBCI is working to make sure 10 million black males return to church over the next 10 years."

    I HAVE been back to church. I was in a wedding just a few months ago.

    "Don't forget to watch the Redskins/Cowboys game tomorrow. The game won't even be close."

    Do I have to? Hey, did anyone just paint their house so that I can watch the paint dry? I am sure that it would be much more exciting.

    Both of those teams stink!

  49. Anonymous said...
    First of all, I am Black, not White. Some of you Negroes are so paranoid that you imagine every anon on FN is White. Now that is pathetic. What happened to your black detector, is it broken?

    I guessing only a hound dog can smell the difference between and sheep, and a wolf wearing a sheep's hide.

  50. Anonymous said...
    mold, "What was that Internet Law about unilaterally declaring yourself the 'winner'?
    If you have to TELL folks how wonderful you are....."

    You must be talking to dr queen.:)

    Trust me dear, no one would EVER confuse me with a person who has as little self-esteem and confidence as you apparently do!

  51. Dr. Hawnke8:30 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    Trust me dear, no one would EVER confuse me with a person who has as little self-esteem and confidence as you apparently do!

    Self-esteem and confidence, however delusional they may be in your case, is all you have.

    No one would ever confuse you with someone with the intelligence and discipline it would take to be accepted to an accredited medical school.

    You will never be a doctor.
