Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Dropping dem g's.

You all know by now that I can chase the big R with the best of em. But not everything calls for a racism alert. Take for instance this latest story concerning his O ness:

The Associated Press’s report on President Barack’s Obama’s Saturday speech to the Congressional Black Caucus drew scrutiny from a prominent journalist for foregoing journalistic practices that normally dictate that quotes should be cleaned up by writers and editors.

“Shake it off. Stop complainin'. Stop grumblin'. Stop cryin'. We are going to press on. We have work to do,” AP’s Mark Smith quoted the president as saying to the CBC.

MSNBC’s “Up w/ Chris Hayes”
dove into the issue Sunday, and journalist and MSNBC contributor Karen Hunter took issue with the literal transcription used, rather than ironing out the president’s slangy pronunciations.

“I think it’s inherently racist to do something like that,” Hunter said, to the protests of New Republic writer John McWhorter, who argued the AP report was more accurate than other outlets that cleaned the quotes up.
To that Hunter said, “for them to do that in a publication, you know what it is … I teach a journalism class and I tell my students to fix people’s grammar because you don’t want them to sound ignorant.”

Smith said he normally cleans up quotes but in this case thought the president made a point of “dropping Gs.”
He told Mediaite “I believe I was respecting his intent in this.”

A standards and production editor
told Yahoo! that though the AP Stylebook cautions against using spellings that depict informal pronunciations, in the CBC story the reporter (Smith) thought it “appropriate to convey a particular touch that President Obama appeared to be intentionally making use of.

The headlines for the AP story differed depending on which publication was using the story, it seems some editors were aware of the brewing controversy.
The Washington Times cleaned up the quote and went with “Obama to blacks: ‘Stop complaining’ and fight,” though the story still contained the dropped g’s. The Huffington Post chose Smith’s phrasing: “Obama tells blacks to 'stop complainin' and fight.” [Story] 

Sorry, my racism censors aren't picking up anything.  I respect Ms. Hunter, but the president was the one leaving off his g's. She should be blaming the president not the journalist who reported what he said.

So stop the presses; I agree with John McWhorter on this one.

I get what his O ness was doing. My daddy actually taught homiletics to theology students. But Honestly, I never liked politicians who use a particular type of cadence or dialect to fit in with a different audience. I suppose that they all do it, but it doesn't make it right. O does it all the time when he is speaking to his cousins. It's as if he is at a Sunday morning revival meeting and he is the preacher making an altar call. I guess everyone wants to sound like Martin. The thing is,though,brother Martin actually was a preacher.

Finally, I see that Andy Rooney is leaving 60 Minutes after all these years. Folks, let's be honest with ourselves; the miserable old coot should have left 20 years ago.  


  1. Andy Rooney is still alive? What is he now, 90? Well he fits right in on the Crypt Keepr News Hour - aka 60 Minutes. Seriously, the only non-AARP member In know who still watches 60 minutes is my girlfriend.

  2. The media has to learn Obama can speak with a "negro dialect" when he wants.

    Like turning on and off a light.

    When Obama goes negro, the media has to clean the transcripts in order to make Obama sound white.

  3. Anonymous9:19 PM

    He DID leave 20 years ago, but nobody noticed because most fewers left five years before that!

    Here's an interesting piece w/Hunter:


  4. That's what I be Talkin' about!9:24 PM

    That's what democrats do when they speak to negros. As condescending and phony as the Hawaii-born Obama sounds when he does it, it was even worse when Hillary and Al Gore did it.

    Lawdy, Lawsdy, Lawdy

  5. But Republicans won't even talk to negroes.

    Whassup with THAT?

  6. One thing I admire greatly about Colin Powell.

    He gives the exact same speech in front of black audiences that he does in front of any other audience.


  7. Colon Bowell9:38 PM

    Lawdy, Lawdy, Lawdy!

  8. I don't think President Obama is the only one guilty of that. Don't we do that around friends and family? I know that I can be quite "bilingual"....I can turn it off and on whenever I want. I don't talk a certain way around people I do business with, however, I can leave a meeting and be amongst friends and speak totally different. So what's the problem...I think that the President felt that he was among family.

  9. Afterall he was a member of the CBC at one time.

  10. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Essence73T said...
    I don't think President Obama is the only one guilty of that. Don't we do that around friends and family? I know that I can be quite "bilingual"....I can turn it off and on whenever I want. I don't talk a certain way around people I do business with, however, I can leave a meeting and be amongst friends and speak totally different. So what's the problem...I think that the President felt that he was among family.

    Do you really think Obama felt like he was among family? Or was he rushing to pander for the Black vote that is increasingly turning against him?

  11. The problem was not "how" he was quoted...the problem was how he was interpreted by the press.

  12. Getchur Gunn9:45 PM

    The Democratic Governor of North Carolina, Bev Perdue, suggested suspending Congressional elections for two years so that Congress can focus on economic recovery and not the next election:

    "I think we ought to suspend, perhaps, elections for Congress for two years and just tell them we won't hold it against them, whatever decisions they make, to just let them help this country recover. I really hope that someone can agree with me on that," Perdue said. "You want people who don't worry about the next election."

    Democrat fascists must be stopped.

  13. Anonymous9:51 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    But Republicans won't even talk to negroes.

    Whassup with THAT?

    Sure they do, they speak to all Americans. If you want them to pander and provide "special discussions" based on skin color, that is where history is going to show how the Democratic party was never effective, destroyed those it pandered too and self immolated.

    As Christie Said, Don't put entitlement over accomplishments.

  14. To Anonymous 9:44...No I don't agree with that at all. Did you read or hear his entire speech? I didn't vote for President Obama "thinking" that he was going to be the Great Messiah. Those of us on a smaller scale of leadership in our communities, or even those of us who are upper or middle management in our dominant culture companies, "KNOW" what President Obama is going through. And his critics don't talk about what he "has" done.....

  15. Anon-Goober

    "Do you really think Obama felt like he was among family? Or was he rushing to pander for the Black vote that is increasingly turning against him?"

    I thought Obama scolded the CBC according to goobers.

    Now he's pandering?

    Make up your mind.

    And the black community isn't turning against Obama.

    Tavis Smiley and Cornel West's constituency couldn't fill a phone booth.

    And Maxine Waters is profiling for cameras.

    In her wig.

  16. mellaneous9:55 PM

    Field this is good for internet fodder, because most folks could care less esp that group of Americans that are having more difficulty putting food on the table.

    Good distraction!

    But addressing it as a former editor (yep for all you posters who continue to imply that I don't or haven't worked, in fact I have worked my entire life since my teens) I always cleaned up speech because I didn't want anyone to seem ignorant or not as intelligent as their remarks might reflect.

    I know others go the other way, but I think a lot of folks that edited black journals would agree with me.

    Sorry Field I am not feeling McWhorter, but neither am I feeling those who claimed it was racist. Though it could very well been the intent of those who published the words without the "g."

    I suspect that most folks don't pronounce the g whether they are black or white.

    It seems that the usual procedure is to clean it up. But maybe they were trying to point out that they got it, this was the president telling them Negroes off in a language they could understand.

  17. Anon-Goober

    "Sure they do, they speak to all Americans"


    The Rethugs portray white folks as the "Americans" and people of color as "aggrieved groups".

    The Rethugs have no problem speaking in white churches.

    Why won't they go to black churches?


  18. Anonymous10:03 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    "Do you really think Obama felt like he was among family? Or was he rushing to pander for the Black vote that is increasingly turning against him?"

    I thought Obama scolded the CBC according to goobers.

    Now he's pandering?

    Make up your mind.

    And the black community isn't turning against Obama.

    Tavis Smiley and Cornel West's constituency couldn't fill a phone booth.

    And Maxine Waters is profiling for cameras.

    In her wig.

    Steven the Spook, Mudshark, Nigga,
    Either you are a total idiot with an extremely low IQ (gets my vote) or you are a dirty diseased evil liar (probably both on further reflection you are a democrat after all)

    Obama went there to pander to people who were demanding he provide special treatment, special stimulus spending (take money from some and give to them) He went finally and addressed the CBC but then told them to stop "complainin"

    Now are two sequential events just to difficult for you to comprehend or are you a sleazebag demonrat trying to twist reality that even a 5 year old Asian could understand?

    it's funny watchin you turn against Maxine Waters now. You need to read up there man, there are a lot more Blacks against Obama now then ever. He wont' have that 96% vote this time and he did tell them to shut up and get to marching.

  19. Anonymous10:06 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    "Sure they do, they speak to all Americans"


    The Rethugs portray white folks as the "Americans" and people of color as "aggrieved groups".

    The Rethugs have no problem speaking in white churches.

    Why won't they go to black churches?


    Same reason you don't go to churches -you might burst into flames being the devil incarnate.
    What in the hell are you talking about, your with the group that hates christianity and wants to make everyone soul-less, atheist, skill-less and government dependant - DemonRats.

  20. uptownsteve said...
    One thing I admire greatly about Colin Powell.

    He gives the exact same speech in front of black audiences that he does in front of any other audience.


  21. The Sacred Halfrican10:17 PM

    Hey uptown! We got's to get all the negros a marchin' around the plantation all the live-long day. Tell 'em the racist Tea Partiers are a comin' to get them and only President Barack H. Obama, King of the Negros, can save 'em. Call anyone who thinks maybe the Rethugs have a point or that you catch complainin' an Uncle Tom. You gets enough of them negros to votin' and you gets a nice room up here in the big house.

  22. I aint worried about the Tea party.

    I WISH those goobers would come into PG County poppin some shit.

    We'd take those 3 point hats and stick 'em up their flat asses.

  23. Anon-goober

    "What in the hell are you talking about, your with the group that hates christianity and wants to make everyone soul-less, atheist, skill-less and government dependant - DemonRats."

    As opposed to the Rethud audiences who cheer state sponsored executions and pulling the plug on terminally ill patients without insurance.

    Get real fool.

  24. The Sacred Halfrican10:23 PM

    You go, Slavecatcher Steve!

  25. "Call anyone who thinks maybe the Rethugs have a point...."

    What point is that?

  26. Swingin' Joe Biden10:46 PM

    The point on your head, steve.

    Now go round up some slaves!

  27. FN

    "So stop the presses; I agree with John McWhorter on this one."

    C'mon Field.

    You ever see McWhorter in front of a black audience?

    It's like he's sitting on one ass cheek the whole time.

    Then watch him on the O'Reilly show and he's grinning and ready to break into a rendition of "De Camptown Ladies".

  28. unclesteve10:53 PM

    Doo dah, doo dah

  29. ditto!!!

    no racism

    nobama tv

    nobama 2012



  30. It gets better11:37 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    We'd take those 3 point hats and stick 'em up their flat asses.

    Would those 3 point hats be a substitute for your penis?

    Would you prefer to use your penis?

    Please explain.

  31. hobama always fakes a black accent/dialect in black co

    ditto for most racist fake politicos

    even hillary does it too




  32. Anonymous11:51 PM

    Bill is out there sabotaging Obama's presidency in order to get Hillary on the ticket in 2012.

  33. Check this clueless, spoiled rich boy out having a tantrum in NYC:


    Robert Stephens (with a 'ph') graduated from Carleton College (average cost: $42,942/year) in 2010 and now studies law at The George Washington University Law School (average cost: $70,449/year). His father has a Ph.D. and two master’s degrees; his mother also has a master’s degree. Only in America could a kid have been blessed with so much… and only in America could he still claim to be a victim. America’s capitalist society has apparently leveled a grave injustice against his family and Robert will not stand for it.

    If his parents couldn’t pay their mortgage, they were probably living in the Taj Mahal.

  34. Anonymous12:20 AM

    "But Honestly, I never liked politicians who use a particular type of cadence or dialect to fit in with a different audience. I suppose that they all do it, but it doesn't make it right. O does it all the time when he is speaking to his cousins."

    I agree with you, Field. Obama is 100% politician. Which means he favors everyone except Blacks. He spoke to the CBC and talked ignorant uneducated English to them. That's treating Blacks condescently, which he has done consistently while in office.

    He won't be President again. He's done.

  35. Apparently black people raise their children like they do their pitbulls.

  36. Anonymous12:28 AM

    field, you are very wrong for putting down Andy Rooney. I have enjoyed his editorials since he started.

    He has been an outstanding commentator on 60mins since 1978. Surely you can honor and respect that?

  37. Anonymous1:50 AM

    uptownsteve said...

    "What in the hell are you talking about, your with the group that hates christianity and wants to make everyone soul-less, atheist, skill-less and government dependant - DemonRats."

    As opposed to the Rethud audiences who cheer state sponsored executions and pulling the plug on terminally ill patients without insurance.

    Get real fool.

    The fool incarnate, I applaud anyone who is taken out after they have murdered someone and destroyed that family. Wonder why you do not?? Yeah give a murderin thug a second chance...have kids? Wife? Family? How would you feel if someone raped and murdered them? Someone some demonrat felt sorry for and then years later gets out after living off me for most of his life...I truly hope you never experience a tragedy like this. I feel so bad he had a tough childhood in poverty - now kill him so the diseased mind does not kill someone innocent and civilized. Only an entitled child would never want to handle the tough decisions to protect society and then blame someone else for doing so...yup demonrats.

    Of course you think Obamacare is going to be an endless bank for free healthcare, in fact it's over unless that POS is repealed everyones healthcare is for shit now..free shit..you think they wont start rationing? They already tried, elderly terminal patients don't need that expensive medicine, telling women they don't need breast exams until they are over 50...man what do demonrats use for brains that helps them avoid logic?
    Wait till your company advises you dont have benefits anymore and or have to pay 90% of the increased premiums Obamacare caused only to find hospitals that shut down and no doctors....already happening and you say you think? About what?

  38. Anonymous1:56 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    I aint worried about the Tea party.

    I WISH those goobers would come into PG County poppin some shit.

    We'd take those 3 point hats and stick 'em up their flat asses.

    What a typical violent angry dumb negro. Nuff said. Tell the truth you would drop to your knees and ask if you could blow all those nice young clean men.

  39. Anonymous2:04 AM

    When Sarey Palin dropped her 'g's
    ..the wingnut Wurlitzer proclaimed it was a wonderment and a sign of signs that she was from the common folk. They could not praise her speechifying enough. Yep, the cadence and peculiar usage of Fundie preachers to the ignorant was somehow the bestest ever.
    Must be that 'uniqueness' of Obama.

    Love how the Troll knowerates everything about the Stephens situation. And what he doesn't know...he makes it up.

    I do love the kindly posers TELLing us for our own good that Obama is soooo eveel and he is totes against all AfAms and that we should vote, like Libertarian or NeoCon or the current crop of Rs. The condescension that some nameless wite Goober with no credentials or expertise on anything...is funny. Why should I accept advice from a grajumate of BillySueBob homeskoolin'? Or a person who can't even tell Socialism and Centrist Republican apart?

    Prima facie that you are either a liar or a fool.


  40. "Yeah, sure. Marcus Garvey, WEB DuBois and others tried to sell that line. As expected the failure was colossal.

    Meanwhile, even when blacks have an entire country of their own -- Nigeria -- fabulously rich with oil reserves -- they turn it into a grotesque sewer of misery and poverty.

    If you can't turn Nigeria into Norway, what can you do?

    Nigeria should be a rich nation of prosperous blacks. The population should have become educated and enlightened. But...

    Of course you clowns blame Africa's utter failure on whites."

    So, what's your solution, slappz? I doubt you'll actually answer this, but I'm sure one of the other anons will feel charitable enough to chime in.

    If you don't believe blacks can manage their own affairs, what do you think they should do?

  41. "I do love the kindly posers TELLing us for our own good that Obama is soooo eveel and he is totes against all AfAms and that we should vote, like Libertarian or NeoCon or the current crop of Rs. The condescension that some nameless wite Goober with no credentials or expertise on anything...is funny. Why should I accept advice from a grajumate of BillySueBob homeskoolin'? Or a person who can't even tell Socialism and Centrist Republican apart? "

    They genuinely believe blacks are somehow incapable of thinking or doing for themselves and thus need to be led around by benevolent white forces. At least that's what the ever-so-depressed anonymous negro keeps saying. Back in 1850, he would have been the most loyal slave a white gentleman could buy.

    The theme of the day seems to be how the so-called "goobers" seem to know more about racial discrimination than the people being discriminated against, and therefore are entitled to talk down to blacks whenever they air their grievances, as though we aren't to be taken seriously.

    "What a typical violent angry dumb negro. Nuff said. Tell the truth you would drop to your knees and ask if you could blow all those nice young clean men."

    Sounds like you have a thing for "nice young clean men." You seem to be the kind of guy who goes to the gym just to get in the showers.

    Do any of these people (actually, it's just one or two people using a shitload of names) think constantly insulting and belittling Uptownsteve is gonna make him back down and disappear, like many wish he would?

  42. "That's what democrats do when they speak to negros. As condescending and phony as the Hawaii-born Obama sounds when he does it, it was even worse when Hillary and Al Gore did it.

    Lawdy, Lawsdy, Lawdy"

    "But Republicans won't even talk to negroes.

    Whassup with THAT?"


    Essence, I understand your point of view. But was it racist to report the speech as it was given? I don't think so. This is where I agree with McWhorter.

    Hopefully, he and I will never agree on anything ever again. (See what Steve said. :)

    "field, you are very wrong for putting down Andy Rooney. I have enjoyed his editorials since he started.

    He has been an outstanding commentator on 60mins since 1978. Surely you can honor and respect that?"


  43. Anyone wanna take bets on who from the Repubs side is gonna pull the "negro dialect" speech out when they talk (assuming they're up to the challenge) to a Black minority crowd?

    I'm putting my money on Gov Krispy Kreme, assuming he enters the race. He looks like he could "negro dialect" with the best of 'em!

  44. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Mack Lyons said...

    They genuinely believe blacks are somehow incapable of thinking or doing for themselves and thus need to be led around by benevolent white forces.

    what did the eric "my people" holder's doj tell kinston,nc when they wanted to hold nonpartisan elections?

    if you removed the "d",blacks wouldn't know who to vote for?

    than there's alvin greene.

    that plantation thang....dat jusa a myth.

  45. Anonymous9:19 AM

    To the dismay of Fundie preachers and the ignorant i still enjoy my dads diddling. Why do i still get questions?

    Love how the trolls knowerates everything about me.

    It was a cold winters night. I was spending time at my Manhattan flat with my dad and grandad.

    We were around the fire drinking some hot tea when dad made a suggestion. MY dad wanted to watch my grandad diddle my skittle. My dad wanted to diddle me to.

    What? Double diddling? This lad had never had her skittle double.

    Who cares what goobers or st. reagan thinkerates? This is my dad and grandad.

    It was somehow the bestest ever.Having my dad and grandad diddle my skittle was wow.

    Must be that 'uniqueness' of double diddling. Or the love i have for my dad and grappys.

    I do love the kindly posers TELLing me for our own good that having my dad diddle my skittle is soooo eveel.The condescension that some nameless wite Goober with no credentials or expertise on diddling...is funny. Why should I accept advice from a grajumate of BillySueBob homeskoolin'? Or a person who can't even tell Socialism and Centrist Republican apart?

    Prima facie that you are either a liar or a fool.


  46. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Thanks, Field for my word-of-the-day.

    Homiletics-(Gr. homiletikos, from homilos, to assemble together), in theology the application of the general principles of rhetoric to the specific department of public preaching.

    A completely great word, completely new to me.


  47. did fox lie????

    The president is effectively banking on the fact that as limited as the public confidence he is that he is now engendering, the Republicans, and at this point that means Rick Perry, will engender even less confidence. Moreover, the president is effectively setting up a campaign where he will say "Think I'm bad? They're worse!"

    memo to hobama:

    such bs will ONLY work on your DWINDLING hobama nazis!!!


    Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2011/09/26/is-this-obamas-strategy-think-im-bad-theyre-worse/#ixzz1ZFqe136r

  48. melissa hp is an uber hobama nazi!!!!

    she is lack and uts...with more lipstick!


    Obama has increased the military budget with utmost competence, surpassing George Bush and putting Bill Clinton to shame in his service to the Pentagon. And, when it comes to mounting a frontal assault on the New Deal and the Great Society, nobody can touch Obama, who came into office with a promise on his lips to put all entitlements on the chopping block, and has succeeded in doing so. He is, without question, not just competent, but a most excellent destroyer of social safety nets.

    Melissa Harris-Perry is one of the saddest examples of how the advent of a Black president has distorted the thinking of some of the most promising African American minds. She is a political scientist who has abandoned all the science of politics in order to build a higher Black Wall around Barack Obama, a war criminal with six simultaneous aggressions now running at full tilt, and the prime facilitator of the most massive transfer of wealth in human history.

    Prof. Harris-Perry’s beef is that “liberals” do not recognize Obama’s competence. She says these liberals are to blame for Obama’s dramatic fall in white approval ratings. It is true that whites, who gave Obama more of their votes in 2008 than they did Democrat John Kerry in 2004, are threatening to abandon him in 2012. But all the evidence indicates that Obama’s white support is evaporating most rapidly among “independents” – the white “swing voters” he caters to so slavishly – not reliably “liberal” white Democrats. That’s why Obama and his crew dismiss liberals – including Harris-Perry’s left liberal colleagues at The Nation – as having no place else to go, and instead spend all their time wooing the political middle of white America. And that’s the same reason Black people get nothing but ostentatious contempt from the White House. The problem is not white liberal racism, but that too many white liberals and African Americans will stick with Obama no matter what he says or does, and will make themselves look ridiculous – and incompetent – in the process. Prof. Harris-Perry, for example.




  49. a real king on hobama's cursing of the cbc

    court jesters uts and lack...take notes!!!

    If I am asked, as a man, not to voice my complaints to the government or a president, then what I am being told is that my voice or opinion is not important, doesn’t matter and doesn’t count. Now there will those who disagree but I can respect their opinion. The question is if they can accept mine. For sadly, I do not know if they experience the pain and discontent that I do, being under employed, going from 6 figures annually for more than 15 years of my life to less than $30,000 annually.

    I think it would be wise for the president to reconsider such a tone with his most vehement supporters. For I feel that he is falling into a trap set by his enemies of divide and conquer. The same approach used by house slaves against the field slaves. What he may not be aware of is that he was not just addressing the people of status in that room alone, but all of us. The poor, the underclass and the forgotten.

    Yes, the President showed his true colors during that address. Its ok to speak down to African American mothers who struggle to put food on the table, its ok to tell men encapsulated by the wrath of a criminal justice system they should not speak out to the government or president about the misery they suffer, that it is not ok for the three of every five African Americans living in poverty to ask for change and express their pain and suffering. If you do, you will be told to accept your lot and to not complain. I just wonder if George Bush would have the same support in the African American community if he said the same thing to the same body. I think not.



  50. hobama lovers uts and lack!!!


    that blackish elitist prison fan hobama betrayed troy davis!!!!


    (ThyBlackMan.com) In a recent Your Black World survey, the majority of African American respondents (56.9 percent) believe that President Barack Obama should have spoken on behalf of Troy Davis before his execution last week. Davis was put to death after a pile of questionable evidence emerged over the years showing that there is a very good chance that he did not commit the crime for which he was executed. Former FBI Director Williams Sessions said that the case had too much questionable evidence for the execution to go forward, and prominent figures from around the world, including the Pope, former President Jimmy Carter, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rev. Al Sharpton all fought against Troy Davis’ execution.

    While the majority of black respondents felt that President Obama should have spoken up for Troy Davis, 34% believed that he was right to remain silent. Another 9.1% of black respondents said they were not sure.

    Respondents were also asked if they feel that either President Obama or Attorney General Eric Holder should have attempted to legally intervene in the Troy Davis case. While the federal government cannot legally stop a state execution, Davis’ death could have been delayed by ordering a federal investigation. An even higher percentage (65.8%) of black respondents believe that either Holder or Obama should have tried to legally intervene to stop the death of Troy Davis. Another 26% said that they were right to not attempt to legally intervene and another 8.2% said they were not sure.

    President Obama’s decision to speak up on behalf of Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates after he was arrested on his front porch two years ago lies in contrast to his silence on other questionable acts of injustice committed against black men.

    Some would argue that the president missed an opportunity to revamp his waning black support by speaking up on behalf of Troy Davis, but others might argue that it would be politically risky for him to step in on such a controversial issue during election season. Whether the president made the right decision on Troy Davis is up for debate, but his silence leads many to wonder exactly where he stands on issues that matter to “us.”




  51. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Do any of these people (actually, it's just one or two people using a shitload of names) think constantly insulting and belittling Uptownsteve is gonna make him back down and disappear, like many wish he would?

    Disappear? Hardly, he is our poster Bell Curve child. Functionally illiterate, angry, unable to control his emotions and apply logic and supremely drven and controlled by his racism. He cannot stop his arms from stuffing his foot in his mouth when skin color is involved.

    It's always entertaining to watch him qoute an article to support his position when the words say the precise opposite. Then watch him externalize and blame everything on who he dislikes again extremely driven by his racism. Funniest of all is watching him handle his hatred of white men, disdain of black women and love for white women at the same time.

  52. Is it easier for the media to talk about Obama dropping his g's than the substance of his speech?

    You betcha!

  53. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Well I am under the impression that if one is going to quote either with the written or spoken word,one has to be accurate and exact. Otherwise it is an alteration of the authors words no?

    In this case, the statements "lend" themselves to be used in a derogatory way. Which is why there a professional speech writers who specialize in verifying the potential impact of words. Where were they in this case? I don't know.... Certainly not a good thing.

    And I also thank you for that word "homiletics". In my life, I've never heard it before. :)) anon thanks for the definition...

  54. the media are slamming him for BOTH


    his substantial slurs and his sloppy signifying


    hobama is a rude ruthless bold fake clone of gwb



  55. Ms. Queen11:00 AM

    Anonymous said...Do any of these people (actually, it's just one or two people using a shitload of names) think constantly insulting and belittling Uptownsteve is gonna make him back down and disappear, like many wish he would?

    Disappear? Hardly, he is our poster Bell Curve child. Functionally illiterate, angry, unable to control his emotions and apply logic and supremely drven and controlled by his racism. He cannot stop his arms from stuffing his foot in his mouth when skin color is involved.

    It's always entertaining to watch him qoute an article to support his position when the words say the precise opposite. Then watch him externalize and blame everything on who he dislikes again extremely driven by his racism. Funniest of all is watching him handle his hatred of white men, disdain of black women and love for white women at the same time.


  56. anon

    good morning!!!

    u have made my day with this precise profound prose!!!


    It's always entertaining to watch him qoute an article to support his position when the words say the precise opposite. Then watch him externalize and blame everything on who he dislikes again extremely driven by his racism. Funniest of all is watching him handle his hatred of white men, disdain of black women and love for white women at the same time.

  57. Anonymous11:44 AM

    "field, you are very wrong for putting down Andy Rooney. I have enjoyed his editorials since he started.

    He has been an outstanding commentator on 60mins since 1978. Surely you can honor and respect that?"

    field replied, "No!"

    5:44 AM
    I respect your opinion, but could you elaborate why you dislike Rooney's editorials on CBS? It could be helpful in future considerations. Thank you.

  58. andy rooney is a homohating fool with the best job in america...

    he spews 15 seconds of bs once a week and makes more than most americans do in a year...

    good deal 4 him!



  59. Anonymous11:54 AM

    anon@11:15am, "It's always entertaining to watch him qoute an article to support his position when the words say the precise opposite. Then watch him externalize and blame everything on who he dislikes again extremely driven by his racism. Funniest of all is watching him handle his hatred of white men, disdain of black women and love for white women at the same time."

    Beautifully insightful and very well said. I am sure almost all posters "totally" agree- including the first paragraph of your comment.

    Because of your brilliant comment, I now won't bother with Steve anymore. It is useless to try to discuss anything with a person who is too stupid to know he is stupid.

    Thank you, anon.

  60. Anonymous12:03 PM

    To the dismay of Fundie preachers and the ignorant i still enjoy my dads diddling. Why do i still get questions?

    Love how the trolls knowerates everything about me.

    It was a cold winters night. I was spending time at my Manhattan flat with my dad and grandad.

    We were around the fire drinking some hot tea when dad made a suggestion. MY dad wanted to watch my grandad diddle my skittle. My dad wanted to diddle me to.

    What? Double diddling? This lad had never had her skittle double.

    Who cares what goobers or st. reagan thinkerates? This is my dad and grandad.

    It was somehow the bestest ever.Having my dad and grandad diddle my skittle was wow.

    Must be that 'uniqueness' of double diddling. Or the love i have for my dad and grappys.

    I do love the kindly posers TELLing me for our own good that having my dad diddle my skittle is soooo eveel.The condescension that some nameless wite Goober with no credentials or expertise on diddling...is funny. Why should I accept advice from a grajumate of BillySueBob homeskoolin'? Or a person who can't even tell Socialism and Centrist Republican apart?

    Prima facie that you are either a liar or a fool.


  61. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Anonymous said...Do any of these people (actually, it's just one or two people using a shitload of names) think constantly insulting and belittling Uptownsteve is gonna make him back down and disappear, like many wish he would?

    Disappear? Hardly, he is our poster Bell Curve child. Functionally illiterate, angry, unable to control his emotions and apply logic and supremely drven and controlled by his racism. He cannot stop his arms from stuffing his foot in his mouth when skin color is involved.

    It's always entertaining to watch him qoute an article to support his position when the words say the precise opposite. Then watch him externalize and blame everything on who he dislikes again extremely driven by his racism. Funniest of all is watching him handle his hatred of white men, disdain of black women and love for white women at the same time.


  62. Anonymous12:16 PM

    AB, "andy rooney is a homohating fool with the best job in america...

    he spews 15 seconds of bs once a week and makes more than most americans do in a year..."

    ab, i usually agree with you on most of your posts, but respectfully disagree on this one. I read those links you posted. Neither one of them proved that Andy Rooney was against gays. I used to work for the same corporation as Andy, although in a different division. IMO, Andy is NOT against gays.

    Andy was paid well because he was very good at what he does. In other words, his segment brought in good ratings. However, in this industry, many make more money than most. It's the nature of the business...it's broadcast and entertainment.

    Andy once left for a short period, but was called back because his segment messed well with 60 minutes. He will be missed by the baby boomers.

  63. KUDOS TO HC!!!


    Herman Cain says President Obama's supporters play the race card to paper over the commander in chief's failures.

    The Republican presidential candidate makes the eyebrow raising remarks in his upcoming memoir, obtained by U.S. News & World Report.

    "While I don't believe that Barack Obama used racial issues to get elected, I do believe that many of his supporters selectively use race to cover up some of his failures," writes Cain in "This is Herman Cain! My Journey to the White House."

    "Whenever President Obama is criticized over policy mistakes, his surrogates tend to play the race card, as if there's supposed to be something inherently morally wrong in such criticism," he adds.

    Cain's campaign has been picking up steam since he won Florida's straw poll over the weekend. The former CEO of Godfather's Pizza beat out frontrunners Rick Perry and Mitt Romney by double digits.


  64. anon:

    to each their own

    andy rooney is dumber than uts!

    i have NEVER been impressed by ANYTHING he has ever said or done!!!

    i am in awe ONLY of his salary as he is a renowned media slacker

    that has always amazed me indeed!

  65. that dimwitted geezer andy is a racist old coot to boot!

    buh bye bastard!
    good riddance!





  66. Anonymous12:48 PM

    If you have to sockpuppet your 'victory' over UTS...maybe you should review the 'Internet Law' about declaring yourself the victor.

    From what you used to describe UTS, it is very obvious others have described you in those terms. Pretty much all you knowerate is that they are negatives...and you hoperate that you may apply them to UTS.
    Maybe you should learn to read, comprehend and synthesize the information. We all recall the Left Behinds who confused thespians with lesbians. Or the proudly ignorant Tea Baggers. Or calling the right-of-centre R politics of Obama 'Socialist'. Pretty much marks you as willfully ignorant.
    Does the information make your brain hurt, like Mr Gumby?


  67. ask serena

    endless love = uts' and rooney's combined IQs

    andy is the most overpaid moron in history


  68. Anonymous1:51 PM

    "Whenever President Obama is criticized over policy mistakes, his surrogates tend to play the race card, as if there's supposed to be something inherently morally wrong in such criticism," he adds.

    Cain's campaign has been picking up steam since he won Florida's straw poll over the weekend. The former CEO of Godfather's Pizza beat out frontrunners Rick Perry and Mitt Romney by double digits."

    While Obama hasn't used race verbally, he has shown it in his behavior toward Blacks, which is little to no recognition whatsoever. His criticism of the CBC and black lingo also showed his racist attitude.

    It is very true that Obamaholics consistently play the race card to cover for Obama's ineffectiveness as a President. Many FN Obamaholics highlight this fact.

    These same surrogates call Herman Cain uncle tom. Herman Cain has a strong backbone, unlike Obama, and would deliver on his word should he be elected as President. He would be my first choice for President at this time.

  69. Anonymous1:54 PM

    ab, "that dimwitted geezer andy is a racist old coot to boot!"

    I didn't know you hated Rooney so much. I don't. I've enjoyed his commentaries. They have been quite funny.

  70. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Before pretending Mr Cain is an acceptable choice....mayhaps you should review his record.
    And weeping that the 'submissive darkies' won't do what your Witeness orders...and, in fact, deride your wite fake option of Mr Cain...makes it clear that you hoperate that your fantasy of ill-educated AfAms requiring wite 'guidance' is troo.

    If you have to sockpuppet your 'victory' over UTS...maybe you should review the 'Internet Law' about declaring yourself the victor.

    From what you used to describe UTS, it is very obvious others have described you in those terms. Pretty much all you knowerate is that they are negatives...and you hoperate that you may apply them to UTS.
    Maybe you should learn to read, comprehend and synthesize the information. We all recall the Left Behinds who confused thespians with lesbians. Or the proudly ignorant Tea Baggers. Or calling the right-of-centre R politics of Obama 'Socialist'. Pretty much marks you as willfully ignorant.
    Does the information make your brain hurt, like Mr Gumby?


  71. Anonymous2:01 PM

    ab, "andy is the most overpaid moron in history"

    Well, it's a good thing you don't call the shots at 60MINS isn't it? Again, Andy brought in the ratings. Period. That's why he was well-paid.

    But maybe 60Mins will hire you to replace him? You seem to know how things should be.

  72. anon:

    enjoy andy all u wish

    if we all had the same likes this world would be as boring as uts!

    we agree to disagree

    enjoy ar's final broadcast


    i always loved ed bradley!

    unlike andy, ed was always gorgeous and cool


  73. Queen,

    "I'm putting my money on Gov Krispy Kreme, assuming he enters the race. He looks like he could "negro dialect" with the best of 'em!"

    Yeah. I bet he says "Gimme dat twennie fo piece bucket wit a whole lotta biskits" quite often.

  74. Anonymous2:07 PM

    "andy rooney is a homohating fool with the best job in america..."

    learn to capitalize "Andy Rooney", you uneducated ignorant fool! Where did you get your HS diploma, Sears?

  75. Mold,

    Isn't it kinda curious why these anon goobers can't get me off their minds?


  76. boob tube fan assnon:

    cc that to the retired retarded andy

    i would never slum in his role as village idiot at 60 minutes


    i am glad u enjoyed him.

    vapid ignorance always loves village idiot company...no?

    that is why and how tv is used to dumb down the masses

  77. hey crass glass uts:

    maybe if u stop posting as assnons we would harp less?

    more morons = more replies

    ya know?

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. Anonymous2:12 PM

    ab, "fyi

    i always loved ed bradley!

    unlike andy, ed was always gorgeous and cool"

    Yes, Ed Bradley was very good at what he did and also was fun off set.

    However, Ed was a hard core 'reporter', not a commentator.

  80. ditto

    and i have no desire to be the core clown among core jpurnalists

    like the old fool andy

    but i am touched my your concern...



  81. rushing!


    and i have no desire to be the core clown among core journalists

    like the old fool andy

    but i am touched by your concern...



    grammar slammer:

    go feed here:


  82. no slappz2:30 PM

    Herman Cain is well over 60, he's got cancer and he's never held elective office.

    In other words, he's not going to be president of the US.

  83. In other words, Slappy and folks like him aint voting for no black.

    No matter how much he grins and shuffles.

  84. kosher kkk needs slaps:


    but his spine is just fine and he uses it to tell the truth about hobama

    that is good enough for me

    kudos to herman!!!

  85. memo to that bloody hobama:

    buzz off bloke!!!

    Obama's lecture on the euro crisis … is overbearing, arrogant and absurd. … In a nutshell, he is claiming that Europe is to blame for the current financial crisis, which is 'scaring the world.' Excuse me?"

    "The American president seems to have forgotten a few details. The most important trigger of the financial and economic crisis was US banks and their insane real-estate dealings. The US is still piling up debt … The American congress is crippled by a battle between the right and the left. The banks are gambling just as recklessly as they did before the crisis. The president's scolding is a pathetic attempt to distract attention from his own failures. How embarrassing."

    Read more: http://nation.foxnews.com/president-obama/2011/09/28/europeans-blast-obama-pathetic-attempt-distract-attention-his-own-failures-how-embarrassing#ixzz1ZH7WKI3z

  86. hobama nazi hypocrite uts:


    u r late as always!

    u have missed 23 trillion shuffles by hobama for banksters since 2008...

    catch up asap u shuffling dem doormat coon!!!

    cain/paul 2012!!!!!

  87. Alan Guber3:19 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    Isn't it kinda curious why these anon goobers can't get me off their minds?


    If you are seeking validation from an insane, gibbering retard, what does that make you?


  88. Only problem is the ycleaned up Bush's speeches and god knows he mangled the English language.

  89. In other words, Slappy and folks like him aint voting for no black.

    C'mon Steve, no racist GOPer will ever admit they're a racist. I will say it here and anywhere, if Cain is the GOP candidate I'll vote for him. I'm in Chicago so I'll vote for him early and often. Let's see if they take me up on it.

    Oh yeah Slappz seems to forget the last GOP nominee was over 60 and a cancer survivor but I guess he was the right color.

  90. Mensa Manny3:30 PM

    PilotX said...
    Oh yeah Slappz seems to forget the last GOP nominee was over 60 and a cancer survivor but I guess he was the right color.

    Um, McCain lost the Presidential election.

  91. Pilot x

    "C'mon Steve, no racist GOPer will ever admit they're a racist."

    Yeah, they're "colorblind".

    That's why they only vote white.

  92. "A race between Perry and Christie would test whether Americans would rather be executed or eaten." ~Andy Borowitz

    tee hee

  93. whitebreadsteve4:06 PM

    Obama is doing to the Democratic party what Bush did to the Republican Party, only to a much greater extent.

    Obama is far from from an anomaly in his party, indeed he fits right in with the Pelosi, Reid, Wasserman-Schultz crowd. The far-left loons that control the democrats are pushing policies that are destroying our economy and alienating a large majority of voters.

    2012 is going to be a conservative tsunami like nothing this country has ever seen.

    Bush's incompetence resulted in the democrats complete control of government. They messed it up so bad that they lost the house in just two years. They are going to lose the Senate and the Presidency next.

    This is the silver lining of the Obama presidency: The coming conservative ascendancy. Without his colossal failure of a presidency, we would have been stuck with the back and forth of weak moderate Republicans and socialist democrats.

    Now we will get a truly conservative government that will deliver prosperity for all.

    Thanks Barack!

  94. "Now we will get a truly conservative government that will deliver prosperity for all."

    I thought Bush provided a conservative government.

    Oh that's right.

    When the righties undeniably fuck up, they're not REALLY conservatives.

    Doncha jus love these goobers?

  95. whitebreadsteve4:18 PM

    Bush's "compassionate conservatism" was just Clinton-lite. He was not a fiscal conservative.

    The fact that you "thought" Bush was a conservative is just another indicator of how dense and uniformed you really are.

    Come on steve, say something else stupid, we're all waiting.

  96. Okay whitey,

    Answer two questions for me.

    Name the consevative government that provided prosperity for all.

    Who is a real conservative in your opinion?

  97. whitebreadsteve4:30 PM

    Reagan reversed a decade of decline.

    Paul Ryan is a fiscal conservative who knows what needs to be done.

    Among the Presidential candidates, any of them would be sufficient. Paul would be best, followed by Cain.

  98. While you're at it whitey, explain why government always gets larger under Republicans over the last 50 years.


  99. Puh-leeze.

    Reagan presided over the biggest disparity between rich and poor in American history.

    Record homelessness, poverty, and urban decay.

    He made deficit spending an artform.

    The Japanese bought up American assets.

    The rich got richer and the middle class got squeezed.

    But Reagan made white folks feel good about being white again and that's why they are making him into a saint.

  100. uptownsteve said...
    "A race between Perry and Christie would test whether Americans would rather be executed or eaten." ~Andy Borowitz


  101. i told u so!!!!!!!


    he always stashed tons of BLEACHING cream!!!

    why hide skin meds?

    Details from searches of Jackson's house, which were unsealed in March 2010, reveal that the only creams found by police were two types commonly used to treat vitiligo.

    Police found 19 tubes of hydroquinone and 18 tubes of Benoquin, which can be used to give skin near vitiligo patch a more even appearance

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2042887/Michael-Jackson-death-trial-Bodyguard-PA-tell-court-happened.html#ixzz1ZHZgr4nZ





  102. mj became a swf who strove to make his white adopted kids even whiter



  103. That's what democrats do when they speak to negros. As condescending and phony as the Hawaii-born Obama sounds

    So you agree POTUS was born in Hawaii. Glad that's been put to rest.

  104. not really for most who are paying attn...

    hobama lies about everything!!!!

    why would he ONLY tell the truth about his birth???

    ditto for mj and his bleached skin




  105. selection day nov 2012 = day of silence for hobama's eviction!!!

    President Obama won’t save us

    President Obama said it was “inappropriate” for him to “weigh in” on the Troy Davis case because it was a “state” issue. Seriously? In 2009, Obama weighed heavily against the trial of a woman in Iran that the United States government claims was innocent. The U.S. president can take a stand against an alleged injustice in another sovereign country, but not against a proven injustice in a U.S. state?

    The White House raises the banner of democracy, freedom and human rights as a weapon against those governments it seeks to replace. The Obama administration and U.S. officials are brimming with quotes of condemnation against its targets abroad, yet are silent on the most egregious violations committed on U.S. soil, aiding and abetting the execution of an innocent man.

    That is the true role of the U.S. president: the protector, the commander-in-chief of this corrupt system. Obama could have taken a stand for justice, but instead he stood by silently as Troy Davis was killed.



  106. BrookLyn said...
    So you agree POTUS was born in Hawaii. Glad that's been put to rest.

    Whoops, LOL!!!!

  107. tx is a state


    hobama is a LIAR!!!


  108. hobama is a cia baby who was born to lie!!!




  109. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    uptownsteve said...
    "A race between Perry and Christie would test whether Americans would rather be executed or eaten." ~Andy Borowitz


    This is scary and funny to picture at the same time, when you roll around on the floor does it go something like swiisssshhhh, ba-boinnnnnngggg when your blubber cheeks get to the floor? Do you get stuck and have to roll extra hard? Does your ass cheeks lift you up off the ground so that your arms and legs are flailing in the air? Yeeechhhhhhhhhhhh...........

  110. Slave catcher steve said...

    Reagan presided over the biggest disparity between rich and poor in American history.

    Record homelessness, poverty, and urban decay.

    He made deficit spending an artform.

    The Japanese bought up American assets.

    The rich got richer and the middle class got squeezed.

    But Reagan made white folks feel good about being white again and that's why they are making him into a saint.

    Sounds like what Obama is doing to Anerica.Cept Obama is making blacks feel good.Thats why blacks think of Obama has their messiah.

    Chew on this....Clinton,Obama, and many other Democrats are always comparing themselves to Reagan.You never hear Democrats compare themselves to Carter. Wonder why?

  111. it is nation time!!!!!!!


    hobama is not, neverhas been, and never will be our king!!!!!!!

    that is why he told us all to stfu!!!

    as rev w would say:

    naw naw naw....wtdu america!!!


  112. Anonymous6:07 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Pilot x

    "C'mon Steve, no racist GOPer will ever admit they're a racist."

    Yeah, they're "colorblind".

    That's why they only vote white.

    Hey Stevey, you are the only racist roun here brother, why don't you admit you are racist and hate White people?

    Conservatives are colorblind, you have no choice but to accept the whackjobs like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, conservatives accept a person for what his oe her actions and beliefs are - you call Black Conservatives race traitors, Tom's and so on.

    Have you ever played in the special olympics? For only someone as dumb as you would be stupid enough to say just one day after discussing how White voters got Obama elected, that conservatives vote for skin color only. You are aware that the majority of this country is conservative and that 50% or more of independants are conservatives and liberals are the extreme minority are you not? Obviously not, you talk a lot but don't know much.
    You also wouldnt want to be a hyprocrite Mr Black Voter for the black candidate no matter what woudl you? No wonder why no one trusts you.

  113. Anon Goober

    "For only someone as dumb as you would be stupid enough to say just one day after discussing how White voters got Obama elected, that conservatives vote for skin color only.

    Might be because conservatives didn't vote for Obama.

    Get it now, STOOPID?

  114. More goober spankin

    "Cept Obama is making blacks feel good.Thats why blacks think of Obama has their messiah."

    What a minute.

    I thought you clowns said Obama ignored blacks and blacks were turning against him.

    Are you confused goober?

    That's redundant.

  115. Randy Horowitz7:12 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    uptownsteve said...
    "A race between Perry and Christie would test whether Americans would rather be executed or eaten." ~Andy Borowitz


    I can hear your retarded bellowing from here.

    You probably have food all over your shirt and your velcro shoes.

    You will never be a doctor.

  116. whitebreadsteve7:18 PM

    Black votes are meaningless because they are locked into one party. No amount of Republican pandering can get any black votes, no amount of Democrat indifference can lose black votes. There is absolutely no upside for anyone by wasting resources on black voters.

    Whites elected Obama.

    Whites will turn him out.

  117. Oh goober desperation!

    I luv it.

    Obama only got 42% of the white vote.

    That proves that a white majority is no longer needed to win the Presidency.

    That's why goobers like you are so frightened of immigration.

    The hispanic vote goes 70 to 80% Democratic.

    The GOP game plan of race baiting has run its course.

    So the coalition of white progressives, hispanics and blacks can win it again for Obama.

  118. whitebreadsteve7:27 PM

    By their own definitions:

    Modern liberalism is based on identity politics and a tribal spoils system.

    Modern conservatism is based on a colorblind adherence to principles of individual liberty.

    Whether or not you believe that their actions live up to their ideals, at face value, it is conservatism that is the non-racist ideology.

    The racialist politics of the Democratic party are recipe for the eternal perpetuation of acrimony, strife, and misery.

  119. as rev w would say:

    naw naw naw....WTFU america!!!


  120. whitebreadsteve7:33 PM

    halfwitsteve said...
    The hispanic vote goes 70 to 80% Democratic.

    The GOP game plan of race baiting has run its course.

    The Hispanic votes goes about 55-45% democratic, and will trend republican as the democratic party increasingly is seem as the "Black" party - nobody wants to hitch their wagon to a weak horse.

    It is the racialist politics of the democrats that is getting stale. Electing a half-black man who was not ready for prime time is a mistake for which the democrats are going to be severely punished.

  121. You got it completely backwards whitey.

    Liberalism is about INCLUSION.

    Opening up doors, access and opportunities for all Americans regardless of race, color, gender, religion, origin or sexual preference.

    Realizing that the strength of a society is when the greatest amount of people are living free and succeeding.

    Conservatism is about EXCLUSION.

    Closing doors and limiting opportunities to a select few.

    Promoting social darwinism and a dog eat dog ideology.

    Concentrating wealth and power in a few (mainly white male) hands with the notion that they are divinely ordained to rule.

    Liberalism has changed American society for the better.

    Conservatives want to go back to Jim Crow.

  122. Dr.Queen7:42 PM

    Dr. Queen's colon sucker:

    You will always be a waste to humanity.

    You will never earn more money than I do.

    You will always be a Hick.

    You will never out educate me.

    You will always be a poor bitter jealous loser.

    You will never be more than a punk ass Internet stalker.

    And because you post 24/7 on black blogs, your nose will always be brown from all the asses you sniff all day.



  123. Dr. Juden7:44 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    BrookLyn said...
    So you agree POTUS was born in Hawaii. Glad that's been put to rest.

    Whoops, LOL!!!!

    What's the 'whoops' for, do you crap your pants when you laugh?

    I think fecal incontinence alone would keep you out of medical school, even if you weren't as grossly unqualified as you are.

    You will never be a doctor.

  124. Wrong again goober.

    Obama got 70% of the hispanic vote.

    The only elected hispanic Republicans are the white Cubans in South Florida.

    The Congressional Hispanic Caucus is all Democratic.

    How the hell are hispanics going to vote Republican when the GOP has been so rabidly anti-immigration?

    Be for real.

  125. whitebreadsteve7:57 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    You got it completely backwards whitey.

    Liberalism is about INCLUSION.

    Opening up doors, access and opportunities for all Americans regardless of race, color, gender, religion, origin or sexual preference.

    Realizing that the strength of a society is when the greatest amount of people are living free and succeeding.

    Conservatism is about EXCLUSION.

    Closing doors and limiting opportunities to a select few.

    You really are confused.

    How is a dedication to the rights of the individual, for everyone, exclusionary?

    How is the micro-regualtion of all aspects of one's life and the redistribution of wealth indicate a preference for living free and succeeding?

    And why do liberals like you think it is a good thing that the government can tell you how you should live your life?

    It is liberalism, in the form of government expropriation of resources and crony capitalism, that has resulted in the obscene concentration of wealth in this country. This liberalism has been practiced by democrat and republican alike, but today is most firmly embodied by the Obama adminstration's relationships with Wall Street, labor unions, and a wide array of favored corporations.

  126. Wrong again slave catcher steve

    Obama got 67% of the hispanic vote

    There are elected hispanic Republicans outside the state of Florida.

    Republicans are anti- illegal not anti-immigration.

    Typical wingnut......

  127. @UTS

    You're trying to fight their chaotic thinking with logic...really not worth the effort. Besides they can't keep their "info" straight i.e. Blacks don't vote! Blacks voted for Obama overwhelmingly!

    Why bother?

  128. "How is a dedication to the rights of the individual, for everyone, exclusionary?"

    So how do they explain denying gays the right to marry?

    Or the right of a woman to choose to have an abortion?

    And how can you yap about "wealth redistribution" when the top 1% of income holders in America pay a lower tax rate than the middle class?

    And as far as the "micro-regulation" of American lives you must be talking about racial profiling.


  129. "Um, McCain lost the Presidential election."

    Boy you're up on current events. So will the next GOP clown but that's not the point. Try to keep up.

    "Conservatism is about EXCLUSION"

    no Steve, as long as you're a white male your in like Flynn. While trying to paint Black people as non-thinking voters if you take a good look at the GOP any person who votes on issues or logic will run from these guys. The modern GOP is an unholy alliance between uber rich hedge fund managers and evangelical southerners who want to teach creationism in science class. Perry recently said he would defend Israel because it's his "Christian duty". How f'n scary is that? Foreign policy based on the bible? Shouldn't be a surprise because if you read the Texas GOP platform the allaince with Israel based on the bible is right in there. Sorry but that's not going to garner much of the sane vote. 90+% of Black people are just sane is all.

  130. Refried Rudy8:07 PM

    BrookLyn said...

    You're trying to fight their chaotic thinking with logic...

    I'm sorry sweetie, but what would you know about logic?

    Please go back to eating your Funions and leave the important talk to the menfolk.

  131. Brooklyn,

    "You're trying to fight their chaotic thinking with logic..."

    Call me a sadist.

    I get a kick out of cornering the little pinheads and watching them fall all over themselves.

  132. Johnny Fivebucks8:10 PM

    PilotX said...
    no Steve, as long as you're a white male your in like Flynn.

    Spoken like a typical affirmative-action loser. Can't compete so you cry racism. Pathetic.

  133. "How is a dedication to the rights of the individual, for everyone, exclusionary?"

    Because that is a myth. Conservatives only believe in rights as far as it's their rights you choose. For example, so many conservatives scream about "god" being removed from public schools and how they want prayer but it is completely leagl to pray in any public school. Thing is they want THEIR religion taught to al children. Whe they say prayer they want Christian prayer forced on all children regardless of their beliefs. Don't believe me? Alabama state supremem court justice removed because he wanted his religious artifacts placed in the court, Alabama wants to force youth offenders to attend Christian churches ect. ect. Their freedom goes only as far as their misguided beliefs.

  134. "but today is most firmly embodied by the Obama adminstration's relationships with Wall Street, labor unions, and a wide array of favored corporations."

    So the Obama adminsitration is cozy with both corporations AND the labor unions???

    Talk about confused.


  135. Herve8:13 PM

    uptownsteve said..."I get a kick out of cornering the little pinheads and watching them fall all over themselves."

    If you ever actually achieve this, we'll let you know. For now, just keep up your lunkhead posts. They're a riot.

  136. "Spoken like a typical affirmative-action loser. Can't compete so you cry racism. Pathetic."

    can't compete where? I'm better than so many white males who cry about reverse racism it's pathetic. What evidence do you have, besides the fact I'm Black, that I am a beneficiary of AA? Oh that's right, in your racist mind only white males can do anything.

  137. Pilot X

    "no Steve, as long as you're a white male your in like Flynn"

    That's what I'm saying.

    EXCLUSION of everyone who isn't white, male straight and Christian.

    With gratuitous nods to rightwing white females and Jewish neo-cons.

  138. whitebreadsteve8:17 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    So the Obama adminsitration is cozy with both corporations AND the labor unions???

    Why yes, you moron.

    Goldman Sachs, GE, Solyndra, GM, Berkshire Hathaway and on and on.

    The UAW, SEIU, NEA, and on and on.

    You are not very bright, are you?

  139. The GOP is what 90% white? Along with this white male dominance comes incompetence. This troll is the prototypical conservative, talk all this shot about inclusion and color blindness but in the next sentence make racist innuindo with the typical buzz words, AA and the like. Just like their hero Rush, a drug addled college dropout who peddles racism and hates anyone who has more educational achievement. Sad but expected.

  140. Git 'em Pilot.

    The Tea Party is a classic example of resentful white losers who feel that their privelege and power is being challenged by us "tribalists".

    They actually have to compete now instead of having comfort bestowed upon them because of their whiteness.

  141. Johnny Fivebucks8:22 PM

    PilotX said...
    can't compete where? I'm better than so many white males who cry about reverse racism it's pathetic.

    Anywhere, apparently, otherwise you wouldn't crying that white males are "in like Flynn".

    Obviously, you are out like trout. A brown trout floating around the toilet bowl.

    You just couldn't cut it, even with AA, and now you cry foul.


  142. Johnny Fivebucks8:25 PM

    PilotX said...
    "The GOP is what 90% white? Along with this white male dominance comes incompetence."

    Are you blaming white males for Obama?

    I'm pretty sure it was a Kenyan that knocked up his 17 year old momma.

  143. And what's wrong with a good relationship with unions? I know I know, the GOP rightwing talking points tell the under educated that they should oppose them but as a member of a union I know the benefits to not only the members but the public at large. For example, my union had been pushing for safety issues such as security doors on all passenger flights for years but were opposed by the airlines because of the "cost". Maybe 9-11 would not have gone down as it did if the industry and government had listened to our evul union but hey unions are bad because Rush told me so.

  144. You just couldn't cut it, even with AA, and now you cry foul.

    Couldn't cut what exactly? Typical conservative pulling bs out of your arse. Show me one area I haven't exceeded all of my white male counterparts. I'll wait.

  145. Johnny Fivebucks8:28 PM

    PilotX said...
    This troll is the prototypical conservative, talk all this shot about inclusion and color blindness but in the next sentence make racist innuindo with the typical buzz words, AA and the like

    Don't talk the fool and whine about white guys taking your job then. Just because you can't parlay your AA advantages into success isn't my fault.

  146. "Are you blaming white males for Obama?"

    No sir, I'm blaming white males for Bush, Perry and all the other incompetent white males. Deficits rose under Bush and the deficit grew because Barack actually accounted for the ill conceived wars Bush allowed. Let's look at Perry's Texas, last in adults with high school diplomas, last in children with health insurance and last in education and what do you morons do? Yep, run him for president. No wonder you need the Klan and such groups to try to keep others down, you suck at everything.

    And if you REALLY blame Obama you need to blame McCain for choosing an incopetent running mate, he may have won if he hadn't been such an under achieving white male.

  147. "Don't talk the fool and whine about white guys taking your job then. Just because you can't parlay your AA advantages into success isn't my fault."

    Who took my job? When exactly did this happen? Do conservatives EVER have a clue or a fact?

  148. And troll, the only people complaining about jobs being stolen are incompetent white males. I never "lose" jobs to inferior competition. Only white males need unfair advantages for them to succeed. I'm Black.

  149. Johnny Fivebucks8:36 PM

    PilotX said...
    Let's look at Perry's Texas, last in adults with high school diplomas, last in children with health insurance and last in education and what do you morons do? Yep, run him for president. No wonder you need the Klan and such groups to try to keep others down, you suck at everything.

    That's because Texas is full of illegal immigrants from Mexico. Texas actually does a better job educating this demographic than California does.

    So it was the Klan that kept you from beng a success?

    Wow. You are as deluded as you are pathetic.

  150. Johnny Fivebucks8:40 PM

    PilotX said...
    And troll, the only people complaining about jobs being stolen are incompetent white males. I never "lose" jobs to inferior competition. Only white males need unfair advantages for them to succeed. I'm Black.


    That's why all the white males are "in like Flynn".

    You said it, I didn't. Despite all the advantages of AA, you are still out like trout.

    I know it must hurt, but be a man already. I'm starting to cringe reading your posts.

  151. "So it was the Klan that kept you from beng a success?"

    Were talking historically but conservative trolls don't know history obviously.

    Blame the Mexicans, you are a real racist piece of work. BTW I am a well paid commercial airline pilot so if that's unsucessful I'll concede the argument. What do you do for a living? Historian?

  152. "I know it must hurt, but be a man already. I'm starting to cringe reading your posts."

    1. I'm kinda surprised you can read and 2. you are under no obligation to read anything I post. Probably beyond your comprehension. And yes, if it wasn't for years of white male affirmative action people like you would be the incompetent unemployed just like your toothless southern cousins that envy Black success just like you.

  153. PilotX said...
    What do you do for a living? Historian?

    Allow me to help you with the obvious answer, their job is as Black blog stalker and a** licker.

  154. Johnny Fivebucks8:48 PM

    PilotX said...
    Blame the Mexicans, you are a real racist piece of work.
    Texas has a huge population of children of illegals in its school systems. These are precisely the kids who don't finish high school and whose parents don't have health insurance.

    Do some research, you are a real ignorant piece of work.

    No wonder your career was such a failure. That and the Klan, obviously.

  155. Johnny Fivebucks8:53 PM

    Pilotx said...

    Probably beyond your comprehension. And yes, if it wasn't for years of white male affirmative action people like you would be the incompetent unemployed just like your toothless southern cousins that envy Black success just like you.

    No, sadly, the stunted, patchwork manner of your logic is all too apparent.

    Just keep telling yourself it was the white guys who got the AA, not you. That's why you couldn't cut it. Yep, that's it.

  156. "No wonder your career was such a failure. That and the Klan, obviously."

    You confirm every stereotype about cpnservatives. Before I sign off on you answer a few questions .
    1. What exactly have I failed at?
    2. What do you do for a living?
    3. Is it a benefit to be fact free in conservative circles?
    4. What percentage of whites in Texas haven't finished high school and dont have insurance?
    Thanks for playing and good luck in the fact sfree world you and all conservatives occupy.
    BTW, you and most white males wish they could be half as successful as I am or at least make half as much money as I do.

  157. "Do some research, you are a real ignorant piece of work."

    Since you seem to have done research please explain how illegal aliens are somehow counted in the census and are part of the education and insurance numbers. Maybe a crack researcher like yourself can point me in the right direction, I'm sure you're not like most conservatives and actually have data to back up what you propose right?

  158. I am a white guy in Nevada, and I always pronounce those words, "complainin'","grumblin'", and "cryin'".

  159. Johnny Fivebucks11:40 PM

    PilotX said...
    Since you seem to have done research please explain how illegal aliens are somehow counted in the census and are part of the education and insurance numbers.

    Because they are.

    The US census counts all people, and does not require asking about citizenship status.

    Children of illegals are admitted to public schools in the state of Texas, and therefore are included in the "numbers".

    Likewise, the Obama's adminstration's count of the uninsured was made without regard to citizenship status.

    If you are interested in real facts for the next time you try to debate, there's this website called Google:


    Good luck, Foghorn.
