Wednesday, September 28, 2011

From George to Troy.

"Many black men have an absurd dark comic lurking inside them, inspired by the experience of racism in America-which is one of the biggest dumbest jokes in the history of the world..." ~Patrice Evans writing in Negropedia.~

"all the things that you wrote are completely off. we know how much you people love to fight! we know that when you are not picking on a white person you are picking fights with eachother. thats why we don't want you savages anywhere near us! ive never considered black people as religious. onfact i see all of you as hypocrites because you are always going to church singing (trying to outsing eachother) (competeting aka fighting) and then go rob a hard working mexican. this is only a little bit. but u are wayyyyyyyyy off. i hate all you people i hope you all die!" ~Anonymous commenter responding to a post by the field~

I am sure that a lot of you do wish that we would die. And back in the day you damn sure knew how to make it happen.

Along those lines, I was reminded of the story of George (Junius) Stinney while reading over at the theGrio today.

"It's 1944, and police escort a 14-year-old boy into the death chamber. He stands just 5'1 and weighs a mere 95 pounds. He is so small in stature that dictionaries need to be stacked on the seat of the electric chair so that when he sits in it his head reaches the height of the electrodes. His chains are loose around his narrow ankles.

This young boy is about to be the youngest person ever to be executed in the history of the United States. Before there was a Troy Davis there was George Junius Stinney, Jr. and the state of South Carolina electrocuted him.

Stinney was accused of murdering two young white girls. They were eleven year-old Betty June Binnicker and 8-year-old Mary Emma Thames. The two girls went missing one day after they were riding their bikes while looking for flowers on the wrong side of the tracks in a small working class town of Alcolu, South Carolina where whites and blacks were separated by railroad tracks. The girls went missing and were later found dead in a ditch, murdered with a railroad spike.

George Junius Stinney was even part of the search crew and told a bystander simply that he had seen the girls earlier that day. This claim was enough probable cause for the South Carolina police to arrest Stinney for the double murder, even though, the idea of him being strong enough to kill not one but two girls is a stretch. Despite this fact, the police hauled Stinney into the station for hours of intense interrogation, without the presence of either of his parents. Reports claim the police offered Stinney ice cream if he confessed to them that he committed the double murder.

Stinney confessed. There is no written record of his confession in the archives. There is no physical evidence linking Stinney to the murder. There is no paper record of Stinney's conviction.

The lack of any physical evidence or archived police and court records is the reason South Carolina attorney Steve McKenzie, who detailed Stinney's story to TheGrio, said he wants to re-open the case of the execution George Junius Stinney, Jr. McKenzie said he believes Stinney was innocent of the murder and with "no investigative notes, no trial transcripts, no written confession, and nothing to indicate guilt," it is clear Stinney's trial and subsequent execution were suspicious at best and a miscarriage of justice at worst. (Story)

Yep,it kind of reminds me of another story from the deep south, recently.



  1. Sad story indeed, I remember the first time I heard about it in college.

    Switching subjects slightly, you know it's funny how many whites LOVE to remind Black folks of how violent they are, always forgetting about their "brother" Hitler.

    1. Anonymous7:33 PM

      I know this will go WAY over your head because you don't want to hear it...But Hitler is no more all white people's brother than Idi Amin is to all black people.
      Dr. Queen, you exhibit a nasty attitude adopted by many blacks. A statement like this makes me think you don't believe in equality. If you did believe that all people were equal you would know that Hitler is your "brother" too.
      Dr Queen...the way to fight petty racism isn't with petty racism of your own.

  2. Anonymous9:01 PM

    "Yep,it kind of reminds me of another story from the deep south, recently."

    What, they were both guilty?

  3. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Sad story indeed, I remember the first time I heard about it in college.

    Switching subjects slightly, you know it's funny how many whites LOVE to remind Black folks of how violent they are, always forgetting about their "brother" Hitler.

    You would know - Hitler was like you - a democratic socialist, thank God we have a republic, look it up if you "gets confuzed" Hitler was just like you, you must conform to the party or you will pay!!!!

    Now are you really trying to deny Blacks are an extremely violent race? Which alternate planet do you live on?

  4. Welcome to amerikkka. As much as they don't want to live around us we don't want to live around them but their jealousy gets the best of them. So many unsuccessful whites actually went out of their way to punish Blacks for being more successful than they were. Sad state of affairs. Today they can't burn our houses they just sit back and bemoan the "good old days". Gotta laugh when they grouse abour affirmative action and all when they really wish they could do what their daddies and granddaddies did, exclude us from success altogether. Those old racists must look at their youngans with contempt "back in our day we actually did someting about dem darkies" and now they just collect unemployment and listen to Rush Limbaugh. Kinda sad being a modern ignorant racist.

  5. PilotX said...
    Today they can't burn our houses they just sit back and bemoan the "good old days".

    Actually, they DID burn down the houses a few years ago in an upper middle class Black suburb in MD, not far from where UTS lives.

  6. Who commits most interracial murders in this country? Black males.

    Who commits most interracial rapes in this country? Black males.

    Who commits most interracial crimes in this country? Blacks

    Who are the ones attacking whites mob style? Blacks

    Most of the gangs in this country are black gangs.

    And crash pilot wonders why whites don't want to live near blacks?

    1. Anonymous8:02 PM

      Who are the most if not all pedophiles? White people.

      Who commit most rapes and or serial killings? White men.

      Who are tourists anywhere else but still treats everyone else like foreigners? White people. See its easy to pick common flaws, this makes you feel smart and (hopefully) look cool. False. In reality it makes you look like a bigger dick than you atually, physically have! And that is why when you are out your woman will consent for the role in a new movie "The massa's wife"XXX

  7. "Actually, they DID burn down the houses a few years ago in an upper middle class Black suburb in MD, not far from where UTS lives."

    I stand corrected, but by and large it's not as widespread as it was in the past.

  8. PilotX said...
    I stand corrected, but by and large it's not as widespread as it was in the past.

    Agreed, but now they primarily do their dirt through the legal system, as this post illustrates.

  9. You want fries with that?9:46 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    Agreed, but now they primarily do their dirt through the legal system, as this post illustrates.

    Poor Troy Davis, all he did was shoot a cop in the face in front of 34 witnesses in a Burger King parking lot.

    Black man just can't catch a break.....

  10. Johnny Fivebucks9:52 PM

    PilotX said...
    Gotta laugh when they grouse abour affirmative action and all when they really wish they could do what their daddies and granddaddies did, exclude us from success altogether.

    There you go again. Do you really think it was racism that gave that white man your job? Even though you were the affirmative action hire? I think we both know the answer.

    Whatever gets you through the night I guess. I don't think all this whining will help you. You should just let it go, the more you obsess over it, the worse you are going to feel about yourself.

  11. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Least OJ got away with it. They can't all us niggas who mug whitey.

  12. NSangoma10:02 PM

    Sacrilege field booty, sacrilege!!

    George Junius Stinney was innocent;
    Troy Davis, not so much.

  13. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    Actually, they DID burn down the houses a few years ago in an upper middle class Black suburb in MD, not far from where UTS lives

    i'll bet it was that litle bastard UTS that set that fire.

  14. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Herman Cain said Wednesday the black community was 'brainwashed' for traditionally siding with liberal politicians:

    "African-Americans have been brainwashed into not being open minded, not even considering a conservative point of view,"

    "I have received some of that same vitriol simply because I am running for the Republican nomination as a conservative. So it's just brainwashing and people not being open minded, pure and simple."

    Preach it Brother Cain! Preach it!

  15. "George Junius Stinney was even part of the search crew and told a bystander simply that he had seen the girls earlier that day. "

    This boy's life could have been saved by not helping the police. That's a damned shame. And an even bigger one the authorities let the real murderer(s) go free because they wanted to lynch themselves up a "nigger."

    They probably thought Stinney was strong enough to kill those two girls because, after all, those niggers are all a strong bunch, right?

    "Yep,it kind of reminds me of another story from the deep south, recently."

    What, they were both guilty?

    In both cases, there was little to no solid evidence linking them to their crimes, beyond a shadow of a doubt. Of course, that wouldn't matter to you, wouldn't it?

  16. Mullen10:21 PM

    "In both cases, there was little to no solid evidence linking them to their crimes, beyond a shadow of a doubt. Of course, that wouldn't matter to you, wouldn't it?"

    I take it you have thoroughly studied these cases? It seems you are the one who has no interest in evidence. If the color doesn't fit, you must acquit.

    You are nothing but a racist.

  17. What reports claimed the police offered Stinney ice cream? Why didn't you link to said reports?

    If there is no paper record, how do you know there's no evidence?

    Fact is, you offer no proof he is/was innocent.

  18. Hello. Name's Bro. Wolf. Long time reader, first time responding.

    Looks like Liberal Tormentor is one of those people who want to see us dead.

  19. White Fang10:42 PM

    See who dead? Wolves?

  20. Anonymous10:43 PM

    So if George Stinney and Troy Davis were killed because of a crime they didn't committ it is a travesity. If I said it was okay to kill Davis because if he didn't kill the cop it was the other black guy who did, I'd be called a racist. Yet when Yankel Rosenbaum was lynched by a black lynch mob blacks will still defend it (along with the 50 other assaults and 250 muggings) by pointing out that another Jewish guy committed a car accident. The only people I've ever heard defend lynching an innocent man are black.

  21. "If there is no paper record, how do you know there's no evidence?

    Fact is, you offer no proof he is/was innocent."

    If he was guilty and if he confessed, you'd think the authorities would have gone out of their way to put it on record that Stinney was guilty. Instead, no written records of that exist.

    The only time you wouldn't want something like that on paper is if the person you were prosecuting was innocent and you didn't want any record of his conviction or an engineered confession to come back to haunt you.

    With folks like you on the conservative side defending people who want to see us all dead, it's no wonder no black person in his or her right mind would want to cast their lot with conservatives.

  22. Blackcon810:45 PM

    "With folks like you on the conservative side defending people who want to see us all dead, it's no wonder no black person in his or her right mind would want to cast their lot with conservatives."

    As Herman Cain put it, "brainwashed".

  23. Anonymous10:51 PM

    Anonymous said...
    The only people I've ever heard defend lynching an innocent man are black.

    That's true. Blacks justify violence against whites because of stuff other white people did 150 years ago. I don't hold all blacks responsible for all the violence black mobs have committed just this past summer.

  24. Anonymous10:53 PM

    With folks like you on the conservative side defending people who want to see us all dead, it's no wonder no black person in his or her right mind would want to cast their lot with conservatives.

    Lets see your logic, you are discussing a case a looooooonnnggg time ago and some people are saying to you, stop jumping to conclusions where is your proof aside from the fact that the kid was black, you reply with everyone wants to see every black person dead. Ok, a tad bit insane...yup thats a demonrat, melodramatic drama queens with twisted morals.

    Maybe your wild suppositions are right, maybe. Show some proof. If they are, then what? How many years ago was this? what do you expect someone from today to even give a shit? about today and see where that leads.

  25. "I don't hold all blacks responsible for all the violence black mobs have committed just this past summer."

    Yes, but some of your fellow wingnut posters do.

    "Looks like Liberal Tormentor is one of those people who want to see us dead."

    He is not alone.

    "Maybe your wild suppositions are right, maybe. Show some proof. If they are, then what? How many years ago was this? what do you expect someone from today to even give a shit?"

    State probably kills an innocent child and we are not supposed to give a shit?

    Oh well, you are who you are.

  26. Anonymous11:08 PM

    "State probably kills an innocent child and we are not supposed to give a shit? "

    It was 1944.

    A court found him guilty.

  27. Anonymous11:11 PM

    nasty racist fools talkin that bullshyt aint it funny how if u would ha left out that the boy was black these wingnutterists would be crying foul about the state killing a innocent child but since he wa a nigga boy they donte give a phukk its a dam shame out in amerrykkka but most of those asswypes think were lower then animals and that if the police or law enforcement kill us then we somehow deserved it that is so sad

  28. "A court found him guilty."

    It was 1944 in South Carolina!!

    ....never mind.

    Why do I do this? :(

  29. Anonymous11:15 PM

    neither queen nor doctor said...
    Where did I SAY my sister OWNS a pharmacy, WHERE you blind motherfucker?

    Because I know I didn't type that OR imply it ANYWHERE!!

    No, your sorry ass is just looking to start shit like you do ALL day, twisting the words on this blog, to meet your own sorry ass agenda and because you're a loveless, lifeless piece of shit!!!!

    Look bitch, lemme give you an english lesson. "Dr. Queen's lab" doesn't mean she OWNS the lab okay, asshole?

    And before you "go there" I didn't learn to "cuss" a stupid motherfucker like YOU out in the ghetto because contrary to your sorry ass upbringing, I didn't grow up lower class or in da' hood.

    I learned from working and living around bitches like YOU!

    Now smoke that!

    1:13 PM

    and how many degrees u claimerate to have? and for all ur edumcayshun u tellin me the only insults u got is calling folks motherfuckers and bitches? jess like an uneducated 11 year old? may the gawds help us all cuz if u actually graduated from any ACCREDITED institution of higher learning then our edumacayshunal system is irrevocably broken and we are phukked as a nation ya ignit sheeboon loser liar and fraud!

  30. Anonymous11:16 PM

    field negro said...
    "A court found him guilty."

    It was 1944 in South Carolina!!

    67 years ago.

    ....never mind.

  31. Anonymous11:17 PM

    field negro said...
    "A court found him guilty."

    It was 1944 in South Carolina!!

    ....never mind.

    Why do I do this? :(

    11:12 PM

    to show the planet that even in a merry kka racism and human prejudice still exist cuz if u aint know the past ure doomed to repeat it in the future

  32. You want fries with that?11:23 PM

    "to show the planet that even in a merry kka racism and human prejudice still exist cuz if u aint know the past ure doomed to repeat it in the future"

    Like all the black folk who got all upset about that cold-blooded murderer Troy Davis getting his due?

    History repeats itself. First as tragedy; then as farce.

  33. Anonymous11:36 PM

    A few questions for the racists who are suggesting that black men are more violent than white men: Did you mean more violent than the white men who ran the Catholic Inquisitions that lasted for years and years on end in various countries? Or did you mean more violent than the white man Hitler? Or did you mean more violent than the white man Timothy McVeigh? Or did you mean more violent than the white man Stalin ( Or did you mean more violent than the white man Franco? Or did you mean more violent than the white man Peron?

    Maybe you could spell it out for us.

  34. Anonymous11:41 PM

    Field, this is truly a sad and sorry story. Everybody's feeling it.

  35. The FBI11:42 PM

    "Maybe you could spell it out for us."

    Blacks are on average much more prone to violence than other racial groups.


  36. "And crash pilot wonders why whites don't want to live near blacks?"

    I don't have to wonder, many are just like you, racist and believe stereotypes with no evidence which brings us to our next racist.

    "There you go again. Do you really think it was racism that gave that white man your job? Even though you were the affirmative action hire? I think we both know the answer."

    This, um individual, who for some reason thinks I lost my job with no evidence whatsoever continues on an ignorant line or reasoning without answering my direct questions to it. Typical conservative at work folks. Once again Johnny or whatever it is you call yourself tonight, other than wasting your time on a blog what do you do for a living or are you ashamed to admit what it is you do? Just curious.
    Also, anyone who spends any time researching history knows how white males kept others from certain jobs but can't anymore so when they are found unqualified they blame affirmative action because they can't admit to themselves they might not be as superios as they thought they were. I know it's a sad sight.

  37. "I have received some of that same vitriol simply because I am running for the Republican nomination as a conservative. So it's just brainwashing and people not being open minded, pure and simple."

    No Mr. Cain, it's that conservatives are inept at governing and their policies don't work and are destructive to the working class which most of us belong. But if it helps you sleep at night you can believe whatever you choose.

  38. "Most of the gangs in this country are black gangs."

    Proof please, thanks. Or else change your name.

    Also that family that was killed in Indiana wasn't living near Black people or else they'd still be alive.

  39. "Blacks are on average much more prone to violence than other racial groups."

    Except whites have unleased an atomic bomb on civilians and committed genocide on almost every continent and waged wars that have killed millions but other than that how was the play Mrs. Lincoln?

  40. Anonymous12:06 AM

    Why AfAms don't vote Con

    Con: While Herman Cain can sit at the feets of Massa in the Big House...y'all can keep picking the cotton. Eventually Massa will pay you...someday.

    Ds: You can apply for, and actually be hired for a position that matches your qualifications. You can live comfortably.

    Perhaps you should ask what a 'stalking horse' is.

    You wites are so funny. Within my memory your ancestors were the violent, grubby, ill-educated and less than human...per the glorious Con thinkerators. You might ask if they still say private.
    I'm invited to their house(s)....are you?


  41. Field, I'm shocked that you would try to compare Davis' case with Stinney's tragedy. Low.

    Racist anony commenter: "ive never considered black people as religious. onfact i see all of you as hypocrites"

    Me too. And just like all those white preachers and good christian white folk who owned, raped and murdered African slaves routinely after they came home from church.

    "and then go rob a hard working mexican.... i hate all you people i hope you all die!"

    And with that statement I wouldn't be surprise if this vile racist-bitter-angry thing is a Mexican pretending to be a billybobjethro. Either way, I'm sure there are plenty Mexicans who would still agree with that statement.

    And of course they'll still be considered very good friends and allies of Steve, LAC and Mell.


  42. Johnny Fivebucks12:09 AM

    PilotX said,,,
    This, um individual, who for some reason thinks I lost my job with no evidence whatsoever continues on an ignorant line or reasoning without answering my direct questions to it.

    Um, I think this because you said white males were "in like Flynn" and that you, despite all the advantages of affirmative action for blacks, were kept from success.

    You admitted that you could not compete with white males. Then you tried to blame it on the Klan.

    Now you say you lost your job? You can't even get your story straight. No wonder you are barely employable.

  43. The FBI12:12 AM

    PilotX said...
    "Blacks are on average much more prone to violence than other racial groups."

    Except whites have unleased an atomic bomb on civilians and committed genocide on almost every continent and waged wars that have killed millions but other than that how was the play Mrs. Lincoln?"

    Whites are just more competent at everything, even killing.

    But it's clear that blacks are more prone to violence than any other racial groups.

  44. Cain 201212:14 AM

    PilotX said...
    "I have received some of that same vitriol simply because I am running for the Republican nomination as a conservative. So it's just brainwashing and people not being open minded, pure and simple."

    No Mr. Cain, it's that conservatives are inept at governing and their policies don't work and are destructive to the working class which most of us belong. But if it helps you sleep at night you can believe whatever you choose.


  45. "Our policy is
    based on God’s biblical promise to bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel and we further invite other nations
    and organizations to enjoy the benefits of that promise."

    You want to talk about brain washing there name changer? How about you conservatives want to elect a goofball as goofy as you all are who will base his foreign policy on a book written by your invisible friend? Sorry but if being brainwashed means not believing and/or basing U.S. policy on a religious text then break out the soap.

  46. Oh by the way Field, here's another heart ripping story. I just logged on to my facebook and there it was in my feed.

    Lena Baker, a mother of three, black maid shot and killed her white male employer in self defense against a sexual attack. All white male jury. Executed in 1945 GA.

  47. "But it's clear that blacks are more prone to violence than any other racial groups"

    second request, please provide proof.

    "Now you say you lost your job? You can't even get your story straight. No wonder you are barely employable"

    huh? YOU were the one.......nevermind, I give up trying to carry a conversation with the insane but I did notice you refuse to tell me what you do for a living. Interesting.
    If it helps you then ok, the Klan kept me from getting a job and John McCain took my job because a white guy who crashes multiple planes is obviously a superior pilot.

    Um, Field, didn't we have a chat about upgrading your trolls? This is getting embarassing.

  48. "Lena Baker, a mother of three, black maid shot and killed her white male employer in self defense against a sexual attack. All white male jury. Executed in 1945 GA."

    That was a long time ago LA. I mean, there are some folks that are still alive that had to put up with that crap but nevermind that. And remember, the only racism that exists is Black on white racism. You know, you read everyday about all Black juries convicting innocent whites don't you?

  49. Anonymous12:57 AM

    PilotX said...
    "Blacks are on average much more prone to violence than other racial groups."

    Except whites have unleased an atomic bomb on civilians and committed genocide on almost every continent and waged wars that have killed millions but other than that how was the play Mrs. Lincoln?

    Oh the inferior mind, take no responsibility but be sure to point a finger after the hard work is done. What would you have done genius? Tickled the japanese until another 2-3 million were killed?

    Do you believe in hard facts and science? Statistics? Cold hard data? Or are you a tooth fairy demonrat? One that thinks the laws of the universe change because of someones race?

  50. Anonymous1:06 AM

    Queen, "Switching subjects slightly, you know it's funny how many whites LOVE to remind Black folks of how violent they are, always forgetting about their "brother" Hitler."

    Don't forget Stalin, Milosevic, Ireland Catholics vs. Irish Protestants, The Celtics, Vikings, The Tuskegee syphilis experiment, Al Capone, Jessie James, Billy the Kid, and others.

  51. Anonymous1:09 AM

    "Today they can't burn our houses they just sit back and bemoan the "good old days"."

    Thanks to some fair-minded Whites.

  52. Anonymous1:16 AM

    "Who commits most interracial murders in this country? Black males.

    Who commits most interracial rapes in this country? Black males.

    Who commits most interracial crimes in this country? Blacks

    Who are the ones attacking whites mob style? Blacks

    Most of the gangs in this country are black gangs.

    And crash pilot wonders why whites don't want to live near blacks?"

    Yep, my folks are pretty pissed off and I don't blame them. I don't blame Whites like you who don't want to live near Blacks.

    Truth be told, most Blacks don't want to live near you either. I mean, who wants to live in a trailer park among the pissed off Billie Bobs?

  53. Anonymous1:19 AM

    "i'll bet it was that litle bastard UTS that set that fire."

    Oh? I thought stevie boy was over 6feet and hung like a porn star. But I stand corrected. He is a short 5'4", just barely above a midget and a short tiny wee wee. That explains his big mouth. He has a Napoleon complex.

  54. Anonymous1:29 AM

    PilotX, "That was a long time ago LA. I mean, there are some folks that are still alive that had to put up with that crap but nevermind that. And remember, the only racism that exists is Black on white racism. You know, you read everyday about all Black juries convicting innocent whites don't you?"

    PilotZ, how do you figure this? You are a racist against justice for your own people.

  55. "Oh the inferior mind, take no responsibility but be sure to point a finger after the hard work is done. What would you have done genius? Tickled the japanese until another 2-3 million were killed?"

    No, I unlike white barbarians would have let them surrender as they were willing to do, I mean that is if you actually read and understand history but you're a conservative so death is all you know about. Carry on.

    "Truth be told, most Blacks don't want to live near you either. I mean, who wants to live in a trailer park among the pissed off Billie Bobs?"

    Truer words have never been spoken.

    "Thanks to some fair-minded Whites."

    No such thing, what did someone earlier say about tooth fairies?

  56. "PilotZ, how do you figure this? You are a racist against justice for your own people."

    You figure out what I meant and if you can't it wasn't meant for you to figure out. You're supposed to be the smart one so act like it.

  57. Why do we even acknowledge these Yahoos?Can't we just chat among ourselves. These Aryan Brothers are on here 24/7. Maybe if we ignore them, they'll eventually go away. smh

  58. Anonymous2:00 AM

    "Why do we even acknowledge these Yahoos?Can't we just chat among ourselves. These Aryan Brothers are on here 24/7. Maybe if we ignore them, they'll eventually go away. smh"

    The problem is some of you folks don't know the difference between Whites and Blacks on this blog. You keep calling me a white troll but I am a black conservative.

    People like PilotX don't know the difference, esp when a black conservative disagrees with him.

  59. Anonymous2:06 AM

    Essence, "Why do we even acknowledge these Yahoos?Can't we just chat among ourselves. These Aryan Brothers are on here 24/7. Maybe if we ignore them, they'll eventually go away. smh"

    Oh stop feeling sorry for yourself. You know you can't ignore posters who are talking to you. hell, No_Slappz has spent long afternoons trading comments with PilotX, who loves every minute of it.

    Slappz and a lot of other posters on FN can vouch for it. But Pilot is not alone. Most on FN rush to talk to the great white hope regularly everyday. Ask Queen and UTS.Field Negroes find it impossibel to not respond to powerful Whites like Slappz or Tormentor of Liberals.

  60. "I take it you have thoroughly studied these cases? It seems you are the one who has no interest in evidence. If the color doesn't fit, you must acquit.

    You are nothing but a racist."

    This happened in South Carolina. South of the Mason-Dixon. In 1944. Considering how most whites felt about blacks at the time, it's not far-fetched to have a young black man scapegoated for a crime someone else committed, not only because the cops couldn't figure out who really did it, but because a young black happened to be the perfect way to satisfy and assuage the anger of a township over the death of two young white girls. One "Nigger" was just as good as any, so it didn't matter who they hauled in -- Stinney was just the most easily accessible one they could get at on short notice and under plausible conditions.

    And since it was a matter of time before such a miscarriage of justice would be revisited and rectified somehow, there weren't any records made of Stinney's supposed guilt, nor was there any physical evidence point to Stinney. If Stinney was genuinely guilty, the authorities would have busted their asses making sure everything was on paper and accounted for.

    And apparently stating these facts is somehow considered "racist," as is any criticism of whites as a whole or accusations of racially motivated misconduct perpetrated by a number of white individuals and organizations. It's the latest Tea Swiller tactic to silence people by calling them the big bad "R" word.

    Funny thing is, blacks calling a select number of whites "racist" never really bothered those whites. Because they didn't give a shit about what came out of some damned nigger's mouth.

    Which leads me to wonder why I should genuinely care about what comes out of a Tea Swilling cracker's mouth? If you and others truly believe justice was served and Stinney deserved to fry, while overlooking the absolutely shady way that conclusion was reached, well shit, there's no helping any of you poor bastards.

  61. "Oh by the way Field, here's another heart ripping story. I just logged on to my facebook and there it was in my feed.

    Lena Baker, a mother of three, black maid shot and killed her white male employer in self defense against a sexual attack. All white male jury. Executed in 1945 GA."

    Careful. The anonymous asshole I just spoke to just might call you a "racist" for "bringing up the past."

  62. GrannyStandingforTruth2:20 AM

    Look at that picture closely, does that look like a bruise under his right eye? And those little dark spots by his chin are those bruises?

  63. "Blacks are on average much more prone to violence than other racial groups."

    The supposed statistical violence of blacks precludes these same blacks from opining about violence delievered upon them at the hands of whites. Because the blacks gave as good as they got and then some. Am I parsing this correctly, anon?

    "Oh the inferior mind, take no responsibility but be sure to point a finger after the hard work is done. What would you have done genius? Tickled the japanese until another 2-3 million were killed?"

    The Pacific Theatre of WWII was an unavoidable act, as was the A-bomb, sad to say. The Trail of Tears and the other systemic acts of robbing, dispossessing and killing native Americans? The diplomatic and military bullying of other countries at the behest of national and multi-national interests? The systemic and well-documented mistreat of its own citizens because of their skin color? All of that could have been avoided by decent human beings. The government and most American people haven't been all that decent in our brief national history.

    "Who commits most interracial murders in this country? Black males.
    Who commits most interracial rapes in this country? Black males.
    Who commits most interracial crimes in this country? Blacks
    Who are the ones attacking whites mob style? Blacks
    Most of the gangs in this country are black gangs.
    And crash pilot wonders why whites don't want to live near blacks?"

    I'd love to say "because you use statistics as a means to forge and maintain your own prejudices." And it would be true. But then you'd accuse me of somehow "excusing black crime" or "making excuses for black criminals." That's how the argument will swing. You have your justification for remaining as far away from blacks as possible.

  64. "Why do we even acknowledge these Yahoos? Can't we just chat among ourselves. These Aryan Brothers are on here 24/7. Maybe if we ignore them, they'll eventually go away. smh"

    It's just one or two, possibly three anonymous trolls with a bone to pick with the Field, IMHO. You can't ignore them because they are unwilling to be ignored. And they won't be made to go away any time soon.

    Of course, we could all leave. But that would mean the trolls would have won. *sigh*

  65. Anonymous3:25 AM

    Hahahaha trailer parks hahahahaha!!!!!!! Funny how that comment always comes up, oh yeah, because the majority of whites live in trailer parks - gee, I wonder who lives in all the houses in this country, in all the nice, neat communities all across the nation?? Oh yeah, that would be black people, right? Sure, the majority of blacks don't live in ghettos, they own nice homes, right? They pay all the property taxes that fund schools, oh yeah, I forgot about that. How silly of me! All white people live in trailer parks, but yet they control the government and keep the Negro down. Yeah, that's how it all works!

  66. GrannyStandingforTruth3:33 AM

    Nope, the majority of whites do not live in trailer parks, nor do the majority of blacks live in ghettos, but whites do control the government, and yes, there are some whites who like to keep the Negro down. Like for instance, what is going on in Detroit right now.

  67. "Hahahaha trailer parks hahahahaha!!!!!!! Funny how that comment always comes up, oh yeah, because the majority of whites live in trailer parks - gee, I wonder who lives in all the houses in this country, in all the nice, neat communities all across the nation?? Oh yeah, that would be black people, right? Sure, the majority of blacks don't live in ghettos, they own nice homes, right? They pay all the property taxes that fund schools, oh yeah, I forgot about that. How silly of me! All white people live in trailer parks, but yet they control the government and keep the Negro down. Yeah, that's how it all works!"

    This implies that blacks don't live in "nice, neat communities," that they all live in the ghetto, don't pay property taxes (or any kind of taxes for that matter) and in order to escape the realities of their situation, they console themselves by imagining most of those fine, upstanding white Americans as trailer park trash living in trailer parks. They also believe in a fictional "Man" they blame for keeping them down, when it's just them being lazy and generally worthless.

    Am I parsing all of that correctly? Let me know ASAP, but it's OK if you're too busy to touch base again.

  68. " Anonymous said...
    nasty racist fools talkin that bullshyt aint it funny how if u would ha left out that the boy was black these wingnutterists would be crying foul"

    Anyone else need further proof that this insane, stalking, blathering idiot vagina obsessed bitch is MOLD???

    "Essence73T said...
    Why do we even acknowledge these Yahoos?Can't we just chat among ourselves"

    See the above response for why. If the handkerchief head, semen receptacle can speak dumbness from what's left of her brain that is not covered in old semen and dirty diapers, then other folks should have a say too.

    I say throw ALL the trash out, but that's just my opinion.

  69. I'm invited to their house(s)....are you?


    How does mold get invited into massa'a house?

    What does mold have to do for massa?

    Does mold feel guilty about leaving all the cold hungry field negros behind?

  70. "The problem is some of you folks don't know the difference between Whites and Blacks on this blog. You keep calling me a white troll but I am a black conservative."

    And very intelligent too for not giving yourself a handle and setting yourself apart from the racist whites. GTFOH, on the real there are no Black conservatives. Next thing we'll be talking about the easter bunny and santa. Ha!

  71. "The Pacific Theatre of WWII was an unavoidable act, as was the A-bomb, sad to say"

    I don't necessarily agree with this point. Like much of amerikkka's past there is much propaganda. Like a husband who beats his wife, given enough time he can justify it.

    A bit sparse but it make some valid points to consider.

  72. "Do you believe in hard facts and science? Statistics? Cold hard data? Or are you a tooth fairy demonrat? One that thinks the laws of the universe change because of someones race?"

    You as a conservative of all people should NEVER be allowed to even use teh words science or facts. It is you conservatives who push shit like creationism and intelligent design (one in the same) into our classrooms. Your candidates do not believe or even understand evolution. Stop with the bs, you and your side are the least able to discern a fact and spew nothing but propaganda in pursuit of your f'd up religious agenda.

    "hell, No_Slappz has spent long afternoons trading comments with PilotX, who loves every minute of it."

    Sure, every once in a while it will lay off the racist bull shit and actually want to debate a real issue about science or politics which I am more than willing to do but these other moronic assholes are just here to act like 12 year olds and start shit. Slappz can do that too but that is when it is put on ignore too. Trust, i would much rather this be a place to throw around real ideas and debates and not just another bastion of stormfront rejects.

  73. "Of course, we could all leave. But that would mean the trolls would have won. *sigh*"

    Not really, there is another solution. Field can institute the nuclear option. I know he likes to display the ignorance and raciwsm out there but methinks we get the point by now.

  74. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Black news of the day

    Man Accused Of Setting Woman On Fire Charged With Murder

    Read more:

    OKLAHOMA CITY -- A metro man accused of setting his girlfriend on fire is now facing a first-degree murder charge.

    Vincent Green, 28, is accused of dumping kerosene on his girlfriend, Sherrie Mead, 46, and then lighting a match. Mead, who sustained second and three degree burns all over her body, died on Sept. 26 while in surgery at Integris Baptist Hospital.

    Green is being held without bond in the Oklahoma County Jail. He’s expected to make his first court appearance on Thursday.

    "My mom didn't want to be with him, and he couldn't handle it,” said Ben Mead, Sherrie’s oldest son. “I'm real mad, but revenge is no way to get back. Just let him deal with his own karma."

    Ben says he considered Green a “good friend,” and a man who treated his mother with “respect.”

    Investigators said Mead told green she was “going to work tomorrow (Sept. 4) and wasn’t coming home.” Mead told investigators that this made Vincent very angry and that he threatened to kill her and burn down their house.

    Mead fell asleep on Sept. 3 and was awakened by the smell of kerosene, according to investigators. When she awakened, she and her home were burning, according to investigators.

    A neighbor called police, and Mead was taken to a nearby hospital, where she was kept in intensive care for almost a month before she died.

    The family said Mead will be cremated. Her funeral service will be held in Michigan.

    Yes his girlfriend was white.

  75. "Sure, every once in a while it will lay off the racist bull shit and actually want to debate a real issue about science or politics which I am more than willing to do but these other moronic assholes are just here to act like 12 year olds and start shit."

    Just cause others act like moronic assholes gives you the right to do the same?

    Every leftist posting here swears they want to debate. Once you expose them as lacking in facts and knowledge they go mold on you.

  76. "Now are you really trying to deny Blacks are an extremely violent race?"

    This is a joke right?

    White people have wiped out entire races of people.

    Entire continents.

    No other race comes close.

    Susan Sontagg called white people "the cancer of the human race."

  77. Anonymous9:15 AM

    You as a conservative of all people should NEVER be allowed to even use teh words science or facts. It is you conservatives who push shit like creationism and intelligent design (one in the same) into our classrooms. Your candidates do not believe or even understand evolution. Stop with the bs, you and your side are the least able to discern a fact and spew nothing but propaganda in pursuit of your f'd up religious agenda.

    Glad to hear you are a man of science and so firmly are an evolutionist

    I guess being a man of science you are well versed with the facts and not just "wishes" of evolutionists

    Darwinian evolution teaches that different groups or races evolved at different times and rates, so some groups are more like their ape-like ancestors than others.

    Darwin spoke of the "gorilla" and the "Negro" [sic] as occupying evolutionary positions between the "Baboon" and the "civilized races of man" ("Caucasian"); viz: At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace, the savage races throughout the world. At the same time, the anthropomorphous apes ... will no doubt be exterminated. The break between man and his nearest allies will then be wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilized state, as we may hope, even than the Caucasian, and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as now between the Negro [sic] or Australian and the gorilla.

    Thomas Huxley wrote: "No rational man, cognizant of the facts, believes that the average Negro (sic) is the equal, still less the superior, of the white man. And if this be true, it is simply incredible that, when all his disabilities are removed, and our prognathous relative has a fair field and no favor, as well as no oppressor, he will be able to compete successively with his bigger-brained and smaller-jawed rival, in a contest which is to be carried on by thoughts and not by bites."

    Planned Parenthood Federation of America (See Abortion section) was started by a racist, Margaret Sanger, who drew upon writings from socialists and eugenicists. She even published articles from Adolf Hitler's director of eugenic sterilization, Ernst Rudin, and spawned "The Negro Project," her strategy for eliminating the black population.[65] She believed in removing what she called "the dead weight of human waste." [59] In the last week of July 2002, a lawyer in Missouri filed a federal lawsuit against Planned Parenthood for their failure to fully inform women about abortion. The lawyer also argued that Planned Parenthood is a racist organization that targets minority women

  78. the lynchings never stopped because hatreds linger...

    ask mumia

    ask sakia...


  79. racist ahistorical kkk assnon

    see more on violence here:

  80. Ain't Got No Job9:21 AM

    " GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Look at that picture closely, does that look like a bruise under his right eye? And those little dark spots by his chin are those bruises?

    2:20 AM"

    Yo might be right, Granny! Is that a fat lip & a black eye too?

    You sure don't miss much.

  81. This is simply sad. Just goes to show that nothing has changed. The are determined to kill us off.

  82. Never Had Nor Plan To Have A Job9:39 AM

    Looks like the po po beat this guy with an ugly stick, too:

  83. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  84. Anonymous9:48 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    "Now are you really trying to deny Blacks are an extremely violent race?"

    This is a joke right?

    White people have wiped out entire races of people.

    Entire continents.

    No other race comes close.

    Susan Sontagg called white people "the cancer of the human race."

    Whats happening today? Oh, Somalia in the news again. Another wonderful example of the advanced civilization a pure Black Society brings when not propped and supported by a white nation.

    Ever had a family member starve, then raped, finally they showed some civilization, they don't kill them they just pin ripped apart genitals with thorns.

    Where do I sign up to live like African Nations and the majority of urban centers in the U.S to co-exist with the non cancer and peaceful Non whites, they seem to be doing incredibly well whitout white support.

    As Somalis stream across the border into Kenya, at a rate of about 1,000 a day, they are frequently prey to armed bandits who rob men and rape women in the 50-mile stretch before they reach Dadaab, now the world’s largest refugee camp.

    It is difficult to know how many women are raped because the subject is taboo. But more than half of the newly arrived Somalis I interviewed, mostly with the help of CARE, said they had been attacked by bandits, sometimes in Somalia but very often on Kenyan soil. Some had been attacked two or three times.

    In short, this seems like an instance of mass rape — adding one more layer of misery to the world’s most desperate humanitarian crisis. The United Nations warns that 750,000 Somalis are at risk of starving to death in the coming months, and it’s increasingly clear that those who try to save themselves and their children must endure a gantlet of robbers and rapists.

    "For unmarried women, rapes often involve tearing and physical injuries. That’s because Somali girls often undergo an extreme kind of genital cutting, infibulation, that involves slicing off the genitals and sewing up the vagina with a wild thorn.

  85. Anonymous9:49 AM

    slave catcher steve said...

    This is a joke right?

    White people have wiped out entire races of people.

    Entire continents.

    No other race comes close.

    Susan Sontagg called white people "the cancer of the human race."

    That self hating jew also said the left were liars.Funny you don't mention that.

    In the last few years more Americans have been killed in Chicago than in Iraq.

    On a year by year bases, its safer for Americans to be in war zones than live in urban areas.

    Lets not forget Afrikkka, or any country ruled by blacks.

    Yes blacks are a extremely violent race.


  86. "In the last few years more Americans have been killed in Chicago than in Iraq."

    2.5 million people in Chicago.

    44,000 American troops in Iraq

    Your momma know you go out in public this stupid?

    Oh yeah, don't forget about the 100,000 dead Iraqis.

    Many of them women and children.

    And the Iraqis never attacked America.

  87. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Where was that place {Oslo?} where 100% of violent rapes were committed by blacks?

    In Sweden, isn't over half of violent rapes committed by blacks?

    Multiculturalism kills...... Just ask the white victims.


  88. ResistWeMuch10:03 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    "In the last few years more Americans have been killed in Chicago than in Iraq."

    2.5 million people in Chicago.

    44,000 American troops in Iraq

    Your momma know you go out in public this stupid?

    Oh yeah, don't forget about the 100,000 dead Iraqis.

    Many of them women and children.

    And the Iraqis never attacked America

    I like it when he turns all Negro - now it's your momma jokes. Hey Backdoor Steve your pal is about to furhter damage the left and sink Obama. Rev'rum Al Sharpie is going to March on Washington in support of Obama's Job Plan (redistribution of wealth and spending plan)

    I guess he is too stupid to know that Harry Reid and the democrats are the ones holding it up and that the majority of the country including democrats (non gimme, gimme Negroes like you of course) think it is a joke.

    So whatta you think? Resist we much?........Is Sharpie really the best of Black minds and leaders?

    Oh and hey, don't forget a page out of your book, Sharpie says any Black who criticizes Obama over Unemployment is a Hillary Supporter, is this code for race traitor or Uncle/Aunty Tom?

  89. Resist Goober

    "Is Sharpie really the best of Black minds and leaders?"

    How did you arrive at that conclusion?

    Is Lush Rimjob or Sarey Palin the best whites have to offer?

    If your talking about media figures and pundits, I'd put Sharpton up there with any of them.

    I've seen Sharpton make mincemeat of rightwing yappers like Buchanan, Evans and Novak, Imus and Hannity.

    Left those goobers beet red and stuttering.

  90. ditto!

    al s is hobama's top racist black fool/hobama nazi vote czar


  91. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  92. did he lie????

    The one African-American running for the GOP presidential nomination said Wednesday the black community was 'brainwashed' for traditionally siding with liberal politicians.

    "African-Americans have been brainwashed into not being open minded, not even considering a conservative point of view," Godfather's Pizza executive Herman Cain said on CNN's "The Situation Room" in an interview airing Wednesday between 5-7 p.m. ET. "I have received some of that same vitriol simply because I am running for the Republican nomination as a conservative. So it's just brainwashing and people not being open minded, pure and simple."

  93. ResistWeMuch10:33 AM

    If your talking about media figures and pundits, I'd put Sharpton up there with any of them.

    I've seen Sharpton make mincemeat of rightwing yappers like Buchanan, Evans and Novak, Imus and Hannity.

    Well, Sharpton doesnt' have the skills to be a Media figure and pundit and all of his life he was/is a civil rights leader/activitst and rev'run to avoid taxes minister.

    Putting Sharpie point in the mix with Limbaugh is like comparing a Black man who sold out his race to the corporate execs for a nice sweet comcast deal and was rewarded a AA action job as long as he promised never to criticize Obama as Henk did. Even you can see the difference can't you? Or are you going on the premise people don't know who Sharpie is and what he has done?

    "Left those goobers yapping"

    HA, yeah maybe in your mind, the man can barely put a coherent sentence together, watch his show, his lack of knowledge of the world, politics, government structure, economic basics or essentially overall modern day civilization is hilarious, I find it the funniest comedy on TV today. But totally understandable, who else but someone like this would blindly support Obama....

    Resist We Much....Eliminate all PC...Tell the truth.

    What does Goober mean to you? You use it a lot, is this the equivalant to YOU in racist terms of dumb nigger?

  94. see al s get slain by cornel!!!!

  95. see al s gush and drool over hobama and sell out and lie etc....

  96. ResistWeMuch10:45 AM

    It's not about Obama, It's about your Mama"

    And Galeo is the New Sharpton Word for Gallileo.

    Rev Al Sharpton (Sharpie)

  97. Goober resists intelligence

    "Well, Sharpton doesnt' have the skills to be a Media figure and pundit and all of his life he was/is a civil rights leader/activitst and rev'run to avoid taxes minister."

    I guess that's why he's hosting a primetime MSNBC show and regularly wipes the floor with the rightwing doofus who dare go on MSNBC.

    If he wasn't very good at what he does he wouldn't upset you goobers so much, would he?

    Sort of like how I obsess you on this board.

    I just toss out the bait and you come jumping like a bluegill.


  98. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Sharpton's tactic is to talk over opponents, deny facts, and ignore contradictory conclusions. And then declare victory.

    Kind of like uptownsteve.

    It's a black thing.

  99. coon uts:

    u lie like hobama!!!!

    get a clue asap!!!

    cc that bs to the black staff at cnn

    al is a bigger joke than jokers like YOU!!!!

    Black journalists Early news of Sharpton's forthcoming hire was initially seen as a response to complaints from the NAACP that "there are no African American hosts or anchors on any national news show, cable or broadcast network, from the hours of 5PM-11PM." But the National Association of Black Journalists opposed the decision saying, "This would still be just another non-journalist media 'celebrity' receiving a TV show based upon their name recognition, not their years of experience, training, ability and talent."

    NABJ’s first statement on Sharpton:

    While we acknowledge Rev. Al Sharpton's accomplishment and wish him well, we remain true to the principals, goals and objectives of our organization. The issue is not whether Rev. Sharpton gets a show.
    More than thirty-five years ago It was the unfavorable conditions for black journalists in mainstream media that led to the creation of NABJ. Today, those conditions sustain our struggle. Therefore, we remain committed and dedicated to waging an uncompromising fight to ensure that black journalists who have dedicated their lives to the profession of Journalism - first by preparing themselves educationally and then by spending years honing their skills - be given an opportunity to pursue such opportunities as these.

  100. ResistWeMuch10:58 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    Goober resists intelligence

    "Well, Sharpton doesnt' have the skills to be a Media figure and pundit and all of his life he was/is a civil rights leader/activitst and rev'run to avoid taxes minister."

    I guess that's why he's hosting a primetime MSNBC show and regularly wipes the floor with the rightwing doofus who dare go on MSNBC.

    If he wasn't very good at what he does he wouldn't upset you goobers so much, would he?

    Sort of like how I obsess you on this board.

    I just toss out the bait and you come jumping like a bluegill.


    10:47 AM

    Once again you prove your "Sharpton" like intelligence. I already told you I enjoy Sharpton having his own show, it literally is one of the funniest shows on TV. It's like watching the funny pet clips on Americas Funniest videos watching him try to be intellectual and speak english.

    I also specifically put into my post why he is hosting a failed MSNBC show (even CNN is blowing him away) you seemed to have missed or glossed over that point. Which one was it, you couldn't understand it or you wish to be devious? Sharpton was given the job after he sold out the black community to Comcast (who owns NBC?) and Henk was fired for having the nerve to say something not totally positive about Obama, Sharpton promised to never criticize Obama - Literally and is living up to this.

    Following this is what you call intelligence?

    As for baiting? You are just as funny as Sharpton. You havent' done a thing by design, no one is upset except you and you are just you. You couldnt plan something if your life depended on it so stop the fake frontin and avoiding the honest questions. We see right through you Rev Al Steve.

    Now answer the last question as well, you use Goober a lot, including this post, What does Goober mean to you? Is this the equivalant to YOU in racist terms of dumb nigger?

  101. ResistWeMuch11:01 AM

    I just toss out the bait and you come jumping like a bluegill.

    So you are saying you purposefully act like an idiot to try and make a fool of yourself with your low level IQ and moronic take on the world and statements to get someone to highlight that, taking "your bait"? Can you explain again why in the hell you would want to do this? Even someone as dumb as you must have some sense of self preservation. Given that you already demonstrated you have no shame.

  102. memo from hobama to al at hobama tv:



  103. Johnny Fivebucks11:03 AM

    PilotX said...
    "Of course, we could all leave. But that would mean the trolls would have won. *sigh*"

    Not really, there is another solution. Field can institute the nuclear option. I know he likes to display the ignorance and raciwsm out there but methinks we get the point by now.

    You ignorance and racism are readily apparent, ex-Pilot. Your bitterness at being bested by white males even though you had all the advantages of an Affirmative Action hire has fogged your thinking. You never should have brought it up; it's not our business and it's embarassing to hear.

    When Field does institute the nuclear option, it will be proof that you have lost.

  104. green corp loans are the new bankster bailouts

    shame on u hobama!!!!!!!!!!!!

  105. solyndra is the new enron

    shame on u hobama!!!!!

  106. Now that I've got Resist Goober jumping and drooling, (as usual) time to deal with the thread.

    When I look at the picture of George Junius Stinney it makes me both sad and angry.

    He was just a child and the racists had killed him with the full support of the God fearing Christian community.

    How many George Junius Stinneys were there in American history?

    How many never even made it to the so-called "justice system"?

    How many were given vigilante justice at the end of a rope?

  107. To Catch A Blue Gum11:28 AM

    "uptownsteve said...
    How many were given vigilante justice at the end of a rope?

    11:21 AM"

    Well, judging from my last visit to Popeye's Fried Chicken, they must have missed a buttload of them.

  108. To a sniveling redneck loser like you, one black is too many.

    Yet you hang around this blog 24/7.

    That's pretty pathetic.

  109. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Note how the Trolls derail the discussion.
    Like the Left Behinds who never quite grasped the lesson for the day.

    If I may, don't beleeve the Troll who pretenderated to expertise on evolution and Sanger. Actually read the source show quite clearly the Troll is lying to you.

    LT, while you are a worker...I am a social peer. I do point this no matter how many idiotic talking points/marching orders you spread on their behalf...they will NEVER invite you to their home. While I, being independent, am often asked.
    Koch-sucking sycophancy is less valued than you beleeve.


  110. Vermin Patrol12:06 PM

    "While I, being independent, am often asked."

    I can't imagine anyone, black, white, rich, poor, liberal, or conservative, voluntarily inviting Mold into their home.

    No way.

  111. slave catcher steve said...

    "He was just a child and the racists had killed him with the full support of the God fearing Christian community."

    You mean black Christians supported the death penalty?

    How many George Junius Stinneys were there in American history?

    How man black males have murdered white women? To many to count. I bet its more than white males murdering black women.

  112. memo to BOA from bankster peer hobama:



  113. Anonymous12:34 PM

    You need to expand your limited and insular worldview. And it really, really irks you that I have personal invitations to areas you only dream about.
    Snark aside, being a Koch-sucking sycophant marks you as an abject loser. How about doing something that earns respect?
    Even taking a class at a local Community College is more worthy. Having a skill. Doing journeyman work.

    Or, keep TELLing yourself it can't musn't be. It that helps.


  114. LT, while you are a worker...I am a social peer. I do point this no matter how many idiotic talking points/marching orders you spread on their behalf...they will NEVER invite you to their home. While I, being independent, am often asked.

    So, in order for you to be in massa house you had to have sex with him?

    Thats all it took? What else did you get for selling out field negros?

  115. Tormented Goober,

    "How man black males have murdered white women? To many to count."

    No where near the amount of white women who willingly screw black men. That's what bothers you.

    "I bet its more than white males murdering black women."

    But it's no where near the amount of white men who murder white women.

    Wanna take that bet goober?

  116. Kochy Roberts12:47 PM

    Mold said..."You need to expand your limited and insular worldview. And it really, really irks you that I have personal invitations to areas you only dream about."

    No one, not even screeching moonbat liberals, wants a crazy, gibbering, hygiene-challenged, vicious loon like you in their home. It's just a fact that mean-spirited irrational people such as yourself are, for obvious reasons, shunned by decent people.

    I am absolutely certain NO ONE ever invites you anywhere.

    Mold grows in damp basements, where it should stay.

  117. Blount1:20 PM

    According to liberal dogma as expressed by uptownsteve and others on this site, anyone who opposes oligarchical collectivism is racist against blacks.

    This of course applies to the Republican Party, which has often favored socialist policies, but usually works to slow the pace of our degeneration into communism.

    So how do moonbats explain the surge of support for Herman Cain? Let’s ask Janeane Garofalo:

    “Herman Cain is probably well liked by some of the Republicans because it hides the racist elements of the Republican party. Conservative movement and tea party movement, one in the same.

    “People like Karl Rove liked to keep the racism very covert. And so Herman Cain provides this great opportunity so that you can say ‘Look, this is not a racist, anti-immigrant, anti-female, anti-gay movement. Look we have a black man.’”

    That is, embracing a black candidate is part of nefarious conspiracy to hide the evil racism inherent in resistance to collectivist authoritarianism.

    That Cain’s support is a reflection of his own support for American values would not even be conceivable to the Left. From the liberal point of view, blacks are pawns. If they toe the left-wing line, they are patronized. If they don’t, they are denounced as Uncle Toms (right Steve?).

    Note that Garofalo cannot distinguish between immigrants, females, homosexuals, and blacks, or even between Karl Rove and the Tea Party. Her vision must be like that of lower organisms (those right above Mold) that can only perceive vague shapes.

  118. "The problem is some of you folks don't know the difference between Whites and Blacks on this blog. You keep calling me a white troll but I am a black conservative."

    You sure smell like a white troll.

  119. Anon

    "That is, embracing a black candidate is part of nefarious conspiracy to hide the evil racism inherent in resistance to collectivist authoritarianism."


    Herman Coon won't win ONE primary.

    You heard it first here.

    GOP straw polls are a slick way for goobers to say "Look we're not racist. We like the black guy".

    But when the real game begins and the votes actually count, Cain's support among the white right will be microscopic.

  120. Barry1:26 PM

    Hey Steve, you forgot to call Cain a "Tom".

    Just tryin' to help.

  121. ResistWeMuch1:27 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Tormented Goober,

    "How man black males have murdered white women? To many to count."

    No where near the amount of white women who willingly screw black men. That's what bothers you.

    "I bet its more than white males murdering black women."

    But it's no where near the amount of white men who murder white women.

    Wanna take that bet goober?

    I'm Sorry did someone say dumb nigger? Can you translate what the hell you are trying to say here Rev Al Dumb Coon Steve..

    Is it that you think more white women willingly screw black men? So what, there are a lot of sickos out there, just check out that beastiality site you can always have the rejects either physically or mentally, they are all yours, most whites won't have them, why do you think they will go with dumb no account coons?

    You should only worry about Blacks killing Blacks or Whites or vica versa, you should never worry about white on white crime, doesnt effect you and it wont start any race wars like you are trying to.

    Now, please do yourself a favor and stop with the droolin and angry schtick, I know you aren't that bright but you used this "comeback" so much I am getting convinced you really are Mold. You 2 agree an awful lot - are you MOLD or just stupidly insane?

    Now also that the name calling is out of the way, tell us why are you so racist and hate white people calling them goobers? Why are you so jealous? Be all you can be as a Black man, you admire Rev AL so why be ashamed being just like him?

  122. "Why are you so jealous?"


    This coming from a white racist fool who LIVES on a black blog.

    Posts under several aliases.

    Doesn't have a life.

    Thanks for the lunchtime laugh goober.

    You can't make this shit up!

  123. Woe Is Yo!1:56 PM

    If I didn't stop by this blog from time to time, how in the hell would I know what the black folks are complaining about lately?

    Of course, if you're not allowed to complain about your hero in the White House, you can always drag-up some dead kid from 71 years ago.

  124. Negronamus2:14 PM

    "Of course, if you're not allowed to complain about your hero in the White House, you can always drag-up some dead kid from 71 years ago"

    Yep. Nothing to see here regarding what's actually happening today, let's focus on things that happened before we were born and act all indignent.

  125. Anonymous2:26 PM

    uts, "This coming from a white racist fool who LIVES on a black blog."

    Who says this is a black blog, your racist mind?

  126. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Wo is Yo: It was 67 years ago, not 71. I was 2 at the time. Born in 1942 and glad to have lived this long, surrounded by all the bs in this here America.

    Here's an idea, Europeans: You're sick of the African, hate him/her to the max., pool all the resources you've made from the slave labor over the centuries, and SEND HIS ASS BACK, PRONTO!!!!!!! After the fact, never look in Africa's direction NEVER AGAIN!!!!! Case closed!!!!!

  127. Anonymous2:30 PM

    fn for every sad story you can find about some negro i can find 10 such about some white man.just as many or more whites were lynched as blacks fn. so how come you and your posse are still here in a-mera-kkk a.we whities are no good the country is no good,j-may key is wonder full fn so why the f*&# are you still come you have not led an exodus to the promised land,africa? why don't you lead all negroes back to their roots i am sure you will be welcomed with opean can help both countries because our crime rate will fall and africas' will increase but no one will's a win win fn.pluss i won't have to listen to your constant whinning.

  128. You're a peein'2:32 PM

    "Here's an idea, Europeans: You're sick of the African, hate him/her to the max., pool all the resources you've made from the slave labor over the centuries, and SEND HIS ASS BACK, PRONTO!!!!!!! After the fact, never look in Africa's direction NEVER AGAIN!!!!! Case closed!!!!!"

    Hah! Nobody in their right mind would take up on an offer to move to Africa.

    And BTW, that whole slavery thing was a net money loser, that's why we got rid of it.

  129. Anonymous2:33 PM

    slave catcher steve said...

    "He was just a child and the racists had killed him with the full support of the God fearing Christian community."

    Liberal Tormentor, "You mean black Christians supported the death penalty?"

  130. Anonymous2:33 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "Why are you so jealous?"


    This coming from a white racist fool who LIVES on a black blog.

    Posts under several aliases.

    Doesn't have a life.

    Thanks for the lunchtime laugh goober.

    You can't make this shit up!

    Ha-Ha, you just described yourself, with the only exception being that you don't want whites here. Why? Can't hang? Yes this is a blog run by a black man, so are you that racist that you only can hang with a one sided view? Wont work, the Black Women on this blog slay you and set you straight daily.

    You can't make this up...sure you can, you make everything you say up twisting facts to fit your views no matter how illogical.

    I only post under one alias coontastic ring a bell a day's called ANON ya dumb idjut So you are Mold hit that nail right on the head...figures.

  131. Anonymous2:35 PM

    You're a peein' said...
    "Here's an idea, Europeans: You're sick of the African, hate him/her to the max., pool all the resources you've made from the slave labor over the centuries, and SEND HIS ASS BACK, PRONTO!!!!!!! After the fact, never look in Africa's direction NEVER AGAIN!!!!! Case closed!!!!!"

    Hah! Nobody in their right mind would take up on an offer to move to Africa.

    And BTW, that whole slavery thing was a net money loser, that's why we got rid of it.

    Wont work, without white intervention Africans kill each other and starve to death today. We tried sending em back to Somalia a long time ago and look how they did...starving to death, genocide....warlords culture a true democratic black state of affairs.

  132. racist kkk assnon:

    more on violence


    Ah, the most dangerous game. Unfortunately, one can only command such a high price for hunting if you have a smooth pelt and thick hide. Via the The Inquisitr:

    Mork Encino, 28, was sick of being unemployed so he decided to start his own business, allowing people with $10,000 to hunt him like a wild animal for sport.

    On his website,, he is offering “hearty gentlemen who fancy themselves sportsmen” the chance to hunt him down and even kill him should they so choose.

    Mork says of his abilities: “I am a new breed of prey with thick pelt and smooth hide,” while adding, “I’m faster than a wild turkey, smart as any GODDAMN wild boar, and willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for the monetary health of my family.”

  133. bloody fool racist kkk assnon:

    more on violence

  134. history moron kkk assnon:

    more on violence

  135. hitler kkklown assnon:

    more on violence

    read a mf history book asap!!!

  136. Anonymous3:13 PM

    While everyone worries about something almost 70 years ago, todays Black youth's are killing each other, look at this one in Brooklyn NY. Funny how democrats increased gun control laws allow criminals to get pistols in a fast and furious manner.

    Crime has dropped in most of the U.S however, mostly white neighborhoods where return to the constitution has allowed citizens to arm themselves and fend off the criminals. Doesnt work in the big democratic cities though, this is where all the crime is.!

  137. historical dunce kkk assnon:

    more on violence

  138. Anonymous3:14 PM

    What? What is the weapon for the cover war against rock? Rap?

  139. racist silly assnon:

    cc that bs to john lennon

    and read a mf book on the fbi and rock asap

    there are droves!

  140. wise people know that john lennon would be penning many classics about newly eternal wars etc

    dead men do not sing/educate masses


    Bob Marley: After the last performance of Bob Marley and the Wailers in America, at Madison Square Garden, Marley took seriously ill. Three years before, in London, the singer had injured a toe in a football match. The toe was found to be cancerous, and Marley was treated in Miami, Florida with no success. By 1980, the growth had infected his entire body. He struggled with the disease for eight months at the clinic of Dr. Joseph Issels in Bavaria. Dr. Issels' brand of alternative medicine was non-toxic. For a brief time Bob's condition appeared to stabilize. Eventually, however, the battle proved too much. He died in a Miami hospital on Monday May 11, 1981. Excerpt of an interview with Lew Lee, a documentary filmmaker (the Oscar-winning Panama Deception and All Power to the People, an examination of the FBI's COINTELPRO excesses), conducted on October 30, 1997.

    LEE: People came by his house. There were always people going in and out. Someone gave Bob a pair of boots. He put his foot in and said "Ow!" A friend got in there - you know how Jamaicans are. He said,"let's get in here" - in the boot, and he pulled a piece of copper wire out. It was embedded in the boot.

    A.C.: Do you believe it was radioactive?

    LEE: I didn't think so at the time, but I've always had my suspicions because Marley later broke his toe playing soccer, and when the bone wouldn't mend, the doctors found that the toe had cancer. The cancer metastasized throughout his body, and he [Marley] believed he could fight this thing. He wanted to do anything but to turn to Western medicine. This may have been a mistake, maybe not. So they appointed for Bob - Chris Blackwell, I guess, and a couple of other people - they found this doctor is Switzerland, Dr. Issels, who said that he could cure Bob. And they cut Bob's dreadlocks off. And he was getting all of this crazy, crazy medical treatment in Switzerland. I know this because Ray Von Evans, who played in Marley's grounp, we were very close friends. As Bob was receiveing these medical treatments, Ray would come by every two or three months - 1979-80 - and told me, "Yeah, mon,They're killing Bob. They are KILLING Bob." I said, "What do you mean 'they are killing Bob?'" "No, no, mon," he said. "Dis Dr. Issels, he's a Nazi!" We found out later that Dr. Issels WAS a Nazi doctor. And he had worked with Dr. [Joseph] Mengele.

  141. ie

    the junkie elvis volunteered to be a fbi rat
    for nixon


    more on the fbi and rap

  142. Anonymous3:45 PM

    ab, someone once told me that women with dreds talk a lot but are frequently frigid. I believe there is a study about this.

    Could you send a link re:that?

  143. @ AB:

    Wow. The CIA gave Bob Marley toe cancer?


  144. With the help of Nazis.


  145. This comment has been removed by the author.

  146. lying limp loopy lepton assnon/clowning clueless coon uts:

    why would a bald eunuch like u
    need any such info???

    as you will never be laid or locked...ever????

  147. kudos!!!!


  148. Violent crime down 12% in US in 2010.,8599,2093620,00.html

    Now watch the goobers who say that violent crime is primarily a black problem claim that the drop is among white people.


  149. teresa j.5:03 PM

    uptownsteve said...violent crime is primarily a black problem claim that the drop is among white people.

    What leads you to that conclusion? There is no evidence that the decline is limited to white people, is there? Why get down on your own?

  150. "Doesnt work in the big democratic cities though, this is where all the crime is."

    I guess we forget the rural white areas with shootings, stabbings, meth labs and such. Wasn't an entire family just killed in rural Indiana? These conservative racists are good at hiding their dirty laundry and pretending it doesn't exist. go to any trailer park on a Saturday night and you'll see enough crime to fill an entire season of Cops.

  151. "Every leftist posting here swears they want to debate. Once you expose them as lacking in facts and knowledge they go mold on you."

    You haven't exposed ONE fact since I've been here.

    "The problem is some of you folks don't know the difference between Whites and Blacks on this blog. You keep calling me a white troll but I am a black conservative."

    Nah, ain't no brother than f'n dumb. You are a goofy white boy cause if you were really a brother you would go out of your way to prove you're Black with a name or something. Give it up white boy.

    "Darwinian evolution teaches that different groups or races evolved at different times and rates, so some groups are more like their ape-like ancestors than others."

    And just like a good conservative you are stuck in the damned 18th century in your scientific thinking. What modern biological evolutionary course is talking its knowledge from Darwin? Get a clue jackass and admit your side doesn't know shit about science.

  152. "Oh yeah, don't forget about the 100,000 dead Iraqis."

    C'mon Steve, you know dead brown people don't matter to conservatives.

    "Just cause others act like moronic assholes gives you the right to do the same?"

    Says the key moronic asshole. Why don't you try not being one and let's see what changes.

  153. Every time PilotX posts, I think of this:

    Were you part of NASSA?

  154. And on my anti-science rant. Why is there so much support for abstinance only sex education? All of the data says it simply doesn't work but the Republicans still push this nonsense and even include it in their party platform. How can any right thinking individual think that the best way to prepare teens is to just tell them to not do it when we all know damn well a majority of them will? Any party or movement that puritanical and oblivious to facts does not deserve to be taken seriously. How'd that abstinancy thingy work out for ya Sarah?

  155. This comment has been removed by the author.

  156. px


    perpetual poverty is a global weapon of war

    teens must stay pregnant as they do to remain in cycles of poverty


  157. Field, earlier you questioned (rhetorically) why you keep doing this. Just keep doing it, even though this story makes decent folk hurt inside and brings out the worst trolls, keep doing it.

  158. "why don't you lead all negroes back to their roots i am sure you will be welcomed with opean can help both countries because our crime rate will fall and africas' will increase but no one will's a win win fn.pluss i won't have to listen to your constant whinning."

    Nope, I think the Negroes want to stay here since their free labor actually built this bad boy.

    BTW, you don't have to listen to my "whinning". It's called the world wide web; you might want to use it.

    "guess we forget the rural white areas with shootings, stabbings, meth labs and such. Wasn't an entire family just killed in rural Indiana?"


    And another one here in rural Pistolvania.

  159. more on the fbi and elvis and nixon...

  160. mellaneous5:59 PM

    Field interesting post.

    You know its absolutely hyprocritical and definitely foolish to talk about violence in this country without mentioning the fact that the US government has killed and yes murdered or to put a milder way has been responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, Afghans, and Pakistanis, through their murderous interventions.

    So lets stop having this ridiculous conversation, in the most violent place in the world.

    @Liberal tormentor- most of the folks giving the orders for all that killing were white. So what sense does it make to talk about black folks killing with all the killing that the folks running this system has done.

    You look silly trying to justify the murder of this kid as well.

  161. @ AB, I never considered that the birth rate was for a large underclass to toil for corporations but then again it would make sense for the Koch types to fool the easily misled tea baggers with religious language. Hmmmmmmm, lemme ponder this, it is a good point.

  162. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Violent crime down 12% in US in 2010.,8599,2093620,00.html

    Now watch the goobers who say that violent crime is primarily a black problem claim that the drop is among white people.


    Sigh...then you wonder why you can not lie away all of the many scientific studies denoting the differences in IQ among races. I know, I know, science of this nature and facts like these are racist.

    NRA-supported Instant Check firearm transactions have increased over 10 percent annually since 2006

    Gun control laws have been removed or loosened througout the country, now it isn't only criminals who have guns. Well, except for the urban dark cities - in these places only criminals have guns while law abiding citizens become liberal victims.

    For every effect there is a cause.

  163. Ex Crash Pilot8:06 PM

    PilotX said...
    And on my anti-science rant. Why is there so much support for abstinance only sex education? All of the data says it simply doesn't work but the Republicans still push this nonsense and even include it in their party platform

    Gee, I don't have a PhD in biology or anything, but I'm pretty sure not having sex would be pretty effective as far as not getting pregnant is concerned. Just a theory I have.

    The biggest anti-science movement right now is the Global Warming hoax, which is entirely faith-based. The Democrats push this nonesense like true-believers.

  164. Mack said, "It's just one or two, possibly three anonymous trolls with a bone to pick with the Field, IMHO. You can't ignore them because they are unwilling to be ignored. And they won't be made to go away any time soon.

    Of course, we could all leave. But that would mean the trolls would have won. *sigh*

    2:38 AM

    So true Mack, so true. I've decided to ignore them and let you, Pilot, Steve, and of course, Field, handle them. You are all doing a "Great" job. I just prefer to have an intelligent discussion every once in awhile. But if you check most blogs from black authors, most have "trolls" hanging around all of the time. College message boards have some of the most racist comments,,, especially U. of Texas and A & M, and oh yeah, the "christian" school, Baylor. Hey Trolls,(if you are listening) your "kids" are waiting for you to join them.

  165. Essence73T said...
    I just prefer to have an intelligent discussion every once in awhile.

    That must be very hard for you.

  166. Essence73T said...
    But if you check most blogs from black authors, most have "trolls" hanging around all of the time.

    I would venture to say that since Prez Obama's election, Black run blogs been "under seige" by racists.

    50 years ago, they hid behind their white sheets. Today, the hide behind their computers.

  167. Not for you, I'm sure. :) You are the most intelligent, well informed creature on this planet.

    NOT!!! *L*

  168. Anonymous8:47 PM

    "Of course, we could all leave. But that would mean the trolls would have won. *sigh*"

    Not really, there is another solution. Field can institute the nuclear option. I know he likes to display the ignorance and raciwsm out there but methinks we get the point by now.

    8:44 AM
    Sounds like they have gotten inside your heads. That's too bad. They don't bother me or surprise me. It's the way America and racism has always been and will be. And so, I don't waste time with them. In case you don't know it when you are busy trying to argue or find information to justify your existence you continue to give them power.

  169. BF said, "That must be very hard for you"

    Oh..but not for you, Great Aryan Brother. You are the most intelligent, well informed creature on this planet.

    NOT!!!!! *L*

  170. Anon-goober

    "Sigh...then you wonder why you can not lie away all of the many scientific studies denoting the differences in IQ among races."

    Let's see one that wasn't written by a rightwing plumber.

    Honestly, if white folks are intellectually superior you'd never know it from the mronic goobers who post here.

    You clowns couldn't reason your way out of a paper bag.

  171. Anonymous9:01 PM

    Essence 73t-"So true Mack, so true. I've decided to ignore them and let you, Pilot, Steve, and of course, Field, handle them. You are all doing a "Great" job. I just prefer to have an intelligent discussion every once in awhile. But if you check most blogs from black authors, most have "trolls" hanging around all of the time. College message boards have some of the most racist comments,,, especially U. of Texas and A & M, and oh yeah, the "christian" school, Baylor. Hey Trolls,(if you are listening) your "kids" are waiting for you to join them."

    You say you want to have an intelligent discussion, but you are on blogs at U of T, Texas A&M, and Baylor. Why? Because you are attracted to racist blogs?

    Try "intelligent" blogs. Or, start your own.

  172. "Gee, I don't have a PhD in biology or anything, but I'm pretty sure not having sex would be pretty effective as far as not getting pregnant is concerned. Just a theory I have.

    The biggest anti-science movement right now is the Global Warming hoax, which is entirely faith-based. The Democrats push this nonesense like true-believers."

    Well unlike you most teenagers actually have sex so they need to know something about it right? C'mon son, it's obvious you don't have a PhD in anything especially atmospheric science. In case you didn't hear the last 30 year climate normals are higher so therefore there is warming. I guess Rush Limbaugh failed to mention this on his show right? I know, the science thing is hard so why even try.


    there's an article linking to the new NOAA climate normals but I'm betting scientific data isn't your cup of tea right? Better to listen to college drop outs and evangelical goofs like Rick Perry than climate scientists. Moron.

  174. Thanks for sharing this story. No other way of knowing about how a 14 year old was sentenced to death.

    Scary, all the way around.

    But ain't that America ...

  175. Anonymous1:48 AM

    I some what know the history of slavery in the world and am familiar with racism in the U.S. but I have a question. There are a lot of educated blacks today and big money earners. Why do they run from their roots and not invest back into the black communities? Also a lot of black women are going to college and earning better wages and educations. I'm just curious with noone to ask so thought I would ask here. Thanks.
