Friday, September 30, 2011

"Extreme color arousal", the n-word 101, and Target shopping.

The guys in the pic belong to one of my favorite bands of all time,(Third World) and they have absolutely nothing to do with this post.

From the personal experience files: "Extreme color arousal" almost got some poor lady and her kids killed today.

So I was at lunch in Center City, Philadelphia-- sans suit as I was in a training seminar. (That's important) I am on the corner of 12th & Market waiting for the light to change, when I spot a late model station wagon making a right turn towards 12th Street from Market.

Now those of you from Philly know that you can't make a right on 12th from Market because it is a ONE WAY street going South. I noticed two adorable little rugrats perched (one in baby car seat) in the back, while mommy was alone in the front and looking quite clueless as she drove towards certain death.

Anywhoo,I stepped forward (trying to seem as non threatening as possible with my biggest black republican smile) and tapped on her passenger side window. I wanted to alert mommy to the fact that she was about to turn the wrong way on a very busy street.

So what do you think mommy did? You guessed it. She looked up and saw the bald headed black man tapping on her window and shot out the wrong way down 12th Street.(That look.) Fortunately for her, the brakes on her car were in proper working order and the light on 12th street was showing red. Mommy soon attracted a crowd of like minded individuals who acted as traffic cops while she maneuvered her way back to Market Street. (Who said Philadelphians are mean?)

Folks, the moral of my little experience is this: Do not let "extreme color arousal" (thanks for that word, Francis) cloud your judgement and get you killed.

Speaking of color arousal, they are teaching "n-word" classes at Arizona State University.

"Neal Lester has never been called a ni**er. But his Italian wife was once called a "ni**er-lover."

"We were just friends at the time, but people assume when they see a black man and a white woman that there must be some type of intimacy," Lester told theGrio. "There's a lot of history there."

It's those type of experiences and misunderstandings that helped inspire Lester, dean of humanities and former chair of the English Department at Arizona State University, to create a course called "The N-word, an Anatomy Lesson."

Every fall, students can learn about the n-word, in all its complexities and connotations.

Click here to view a Grio slideshow: The top 10 n-word controversies of the decade

Lester designed the single-credit, first-year course for students to explore the n-word in a cultural context. Course materials include popular music tracks, magazines, newspaper clippings, television commercials, political campaigns, children's' play toys and other elements of pop and mainstream culture.

A literary scholar, Lester first made the class available in 2008 and again in 2010. It is open to all students.

While there have been recent attempts to get rid of the n-word, including a symbolic public burial four years ago by the NAACP with then-Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, Lester says that words cannot be buried. There have even been efforts to remove the n-word from the dictionary..." [Source]

I just wonder if Mr. Lester's wife took the class.

Speaking of class. Our very classy First Lady was out shopping at Target recently and was trying to be all incognito while doing it.

"Yesterday, AP photographer Charles Dharapak snapped pictures of the first lady shopping (sort of) incognito at a Virginia Target, holding a couple of bags and pushing a cart.

In the images, she's wearing a floral-print button-down over a yellow v-neck. It seems a Nike baseball cap and a pair of sunglasses did the trick when it came to staying anonymous -- CBS News reports that during her 30-40 minutes of shopping, the cashier was the only one to recognize her." [Source]

Oh lawd, I can hear the wingnuts now: "Why not Wal-Mart Mrs. Obama?" Or, "Why not K-Mart? Is it because the Target logo and the O for Obama are similar? Is it because Target's colors are red and your husband is a Socialist? Is there some subtle political message in your little jaunt Mrs. Obama?"

Don't laugh folks, the wingnuts really are upset:
"In a September 29 blog post, Michelle Malkin attacked Michelle Obama for shopping at an Alexandria, VA, Target store, writing that Obama went "about as 'incognito' as Lady Gaga's outfit at her younger sister's graduation." Malkin went on to call the first lady "the glamour queen" and further stated that Obama's Target visit was "to counter the negative diva buzz" and that it "looks like she left the bling at home." From the post:
The East and West Wings of the White House are guilty of more cheesy stage-managing than the Emmy, Oscar, and Tony Awards shows combined.

Last week, the glamour queen wore more than $40,000 worth of diamonds while partying with hubby at several high-priced fundraisers in New York. Her bling made international headlines and photos.
To counter the negative diva buzz as most Americans face hard economic times, Mrs Obama somehow managed to turn up at an Alexandria Va. Target (with her "shopping assistant" in tow)." [Source]
Do they sell breaks in Target? Doesn't matter, because poor Michelle couldn't buy a break even if she wanted to. Michelle, it's all your husband's fault.

Finally, for those of you who still believe in the death penalty, please consider the following:

"The execution of Troy Davis in Georgia last week despite tremendous doubt about his guilt has brought the issue of capital punishment into the national spotlight. As a country that supports use of the death penalty, America is in poor company with “the world’s great dictatorships and autocracies [such as] Iran, Zimbabwe, China, North Korea, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Egypt, Ethiopia, Cuba, [and] Belarus” according to The Atlantic — while we are supposed to be the land of the free.

Far above and beyond the politically nasty associations with capital punishment is of course the moral concern over accidentally putting innocent people to death. It is likely that the average American believes this is a rare occurrence worth the social value of the death penalty as a deterrent from violent crime. Unfortunately innocent people are often placed on death row. In a study of executions in 34 states between 1973 and 1995, Columbia University professor James Liebman found that: “An astonishing 82 percent of death row inmates did not deserve to receive the death penalty. One in twenty death row inmates is later found not guilty.”

Most death row inmates do not have the resources or time necessary to determine their innocence before it is too late. Hopefully, Troy Davis’ case and others like his will show U.S. citizens how the death penalty destroys innocent lives. Over 1,000 people have been executed since 1976. We may never know how many went to death in error. Here are just a few who we know for sure were likely innocent — but this was discovered too late." [Source]


  1. Field that was a lame staged photo op. Not lame like Jimmy Carter carrying a empty suitcase. But close.

    35 people saw Troy Davis. Guess that wasn't enough.

    Go check out Pew Research. The death penalty is popular in many countries. The whole " in poor company" talking point is lame.

    "we know for sure were likely innocent" Not so much

    Screw the victims and their famlies.The real victims are those who are on death row.

  2. NSangoma9:57 PM

    field booty, lucky for you Philadelphia is not 1944 South Carolina.

  3. Morris10:30 PM

    That woman made a rational choice: negros are more dangerous than driving the wrong way down a one-way street.


  4. For the first time in my adult life..10:34 PM

    "Do they sell breaks in Target? Doesn't matter, because poor Michelle couldn't buy a break even if she wanted to. Michelle, it's all your husband's fault. "

    No, it's also her fault.

    Michelle Obama hates America, so naturally America hates Michelle Obama.

  5. Troy Davis is in hell10:42 PM

    "The execution of Troy Davis in Georgia last week despite tremendous doubt about his guilt..."

    Whoa, stop right there cowboy. There is NO DOUBT that someone who walked over to a cop lying on the ground and shot him in the face in front of 34 people, all of whom testified against him court, was GUILTY.

    Debate about the death penalty is one thing, but the hand wringing over this murderous son of a bitch is fucking revolting.

    The only injustice in this case is that Trooy Davis wasn't executed 20 years earlier.

  6. Well, I went to Michelle Malkin's web site and read her "report" on Mrs. Obama. Her negativity, rudeness and inflammatory crap makes my blood boil. That said, I was composing a comment, one free of swearing & accusations, when I realized I wasn't going to sign in to her blog, giving her another body to count for her advertisers.

    Your blog receives its share of extreme comments but your writing is balanced and considered. Calling herself a "conservative syndicated columnist" is laughable. She's a poser, like Rush, Beck, Laura Ingraham, O'Reilly. They do it for the money. Sad thing is so many people buy into it and support them.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Did I write breaks and not brakes? Shheesh. Damn MLB!

    "Field that was a lame staged photo op."


    "field booty, lucky for you Philadelphia is not 1944 South Carolina."

    Now see....

    "That woman made a rational choice: negros are more dangerous than driving the wrong way down a one-way street.


    Morris, please feel free to test out your hypothesis.May I suggest that you go the wrong way on the Schuykill Expressway here in my hometown.

    10:52 PM

  9. hey fn:

    when will poor people get a break for the insults and abuses of those rabidly elitist and glaringly fake hobamas???

    The most painful lesson I have learned about your Barack was that even his black spouse was not the sister I presumed. I learned that you were disbarred in the state of Illinois and no one actually knows why. I learned that you dumped patients as a Chicago hospital administrator. No true sista would ever do that. Your Barack is starving people as never before. It is morbidly ironic that you attack obesity while poor people cannot afford real food. Starvation trumps nutritional education always.

    Since 2007, I have suffered ongoing abuse from black racist fools because I dare to look beyond half of your Barack’s skin. Like Tavis Smiley and Dr. Cornel West, I have been brutally libeled and slandered for daring to call out the uniquely unclean political policies of your Barack. Your Barack has deliberately divided this country by race and class more brutally than any president before him.

    Your Barack’s’ regime has been a horridly dirty lie. He and his evil peers have proven to us that Democrats and Republicans are corporate clones. Your dirty Barack has brutally murdered the spirits of millions of Americans who really loved your family once. But, no dirty lies live forever. My spirit is defiantly alive and my hands are politically clean. Sadly, I can say neither for you or your Barack. But, this I will always say: I will never defile my soul or soil my hands by praying one second for you or your Barack!

  10. @ California Girl:

    Please spare us your racist screed against Michelle Malkin. I am so sick of privileged whites like you demeaning minorities for speaking their minds.

  11. repub kkk assnons:

    you lie on mlk!!!

    ditto for mlk's homohating lying neocoon ninny niece...

    Clearly, Alveda is arrogantly and astoundingly ignorant. Her ignorance extends beyond politics to any real knowledge of her uncle Martin’s political and sexual beliefs. Her divisive statements would have certainly upset King, just as they disgraced his inclusive humanitarian legacy.

    I paraphrase a comedian who once said “Relatives are people you are forced to associate with even though you would never choose them as friends.” I am certain that King would be furious with his gaybashing niece and her neocon poster mammy antics. Relatives like Alveda are enemies to King and all of his diverse friends.

    One of King’s best friends was a proud, out, homosexual named Bayard Rustin. They shared mutual respect and platonic love as fellow civil rights warriors. King endured abuse from fellow comrades and the FBI as he defended his homosexual friend. He defiantly ignored a gaybashing, closeted, homosexual named J. Edgar Hoover. Hoover regularly threatened to blackmail Martin, with lies about he and Bayard being lovers. For more information on their friendship, see "Martin Luther King Jr.: To The Mountaintop" by William Witherspoon. The following quote is taken from that classic book

  12. Anonymous11:28 PM

    i have never read so
    much horse-puckey
    love to hear what black folks think
    too funny
    never seen a race so full of themselves with no
    too funny!
    i ain't gonna play sun city!
    every inner-urban city been run by dem/blacks since
    great society
    ain't gonna play sun city yo!
    the excuses! ha ha-
    you people must be like vampires! u don't see ur reflections!

  13. Anonymous11:44 PM

    For Michele Obama to be shopping at Target incognito is absolutely the dumbest thing I have heard. I am embarrassed. What the hell is wrong with the President and the First Lady? A fool would know better. Such bizarre behavior only convinces more Americans that the Obamas should not be in the WH.

    I actually believe they are trying to take themselves down to the point that Obama will have no choice but not to run in 2012.

  14. Anonymous11:47 PM

    frm the previous thread:

    MACK LYONS, "Considering how some anons have this knack for being in LAA's "amen corner" regardless her position on a subject, I'm starting to wonder if a few of our registered commenters are masquerading behind anon identities to fortify and self-validate their arguments and cow down opposing voices."

    It's not about being in LAA's corner, it's about what's right. YOU and your LOVER UTS want to join forces to step on her...ALL THE TIME. That's not right nor is it cool, you piece of shit. YOU are always coming to Steve's rescue. What's up with that? You two effing each other? Your protective behavior show the signs of possible DL action between you two, you moronic self-righteous prick.

    PS...No one is masquerading behind anonymous you damn fool. Anons are the real anons.

  15. Frederick Douglass11:52 PM

    alicia banks said...
    repub kkk assnons:

    you lie on mlk!!!

    MLK was a Republican his whole life, and he would be a Republican today!

    Republican Dwight Eisenhower signed the 1957 Civil Rights Act, sent U.S. troops to Arkansas to desegregate schools, established the Civil Rights Commission in 1958, and appointed Chief Justice Earl Warren to the U.S. Supreme Court which resulted in the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision ending school segregation.

    Democrat Lyndon Johnson called Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. “that nigger preacher” because he opposed the Viet Nam War; Democrat President John F. Kennedy voted against the 1957 Civil Rights law as a Senator, then as president opposed Dr. King’s 1963 March on Washington and had Dr. King investigated by the FBI on suspicion of being a communist.

    Republican Richard Nixon instituted the first Affirmative Action program in 1969 with the Philadelphia Plan that established goals and timetables, a plan crafted by black Republican Art Fletcher.

    Democrat Senators Robert Byrd who was a member of the Ku Klux Klan, former Governor Ernest “Fritz” Hollings who hoisted the Confederate flag over the state capitol in South Carolina , and the late Senator Ted Kennedy who called black judicial nominees “Neanderthals” while blocking their appointments.

    Democrat Bill Clinton refused to send troops to Rwanda to save 800,000 blacks from being killed in 1994, vetoed the welfare reform law twice before signing it, and refused to comply with a court order to have shipping companies stop discriminating against blacks and develop an Affirmative Action Plan.

    George W. Bush appointed more blacks to high-level positions than any president in history and spent record money on education, job training and health care to help black Americans prosper.

    Today the Democrat Party is against school choice opportunity scholarships that would help poor blacks get out of failing schools and takes the black vote for granted without ever acknowledging their racist past or apologizing for trying to expand slavery, lynching blacks and passing the Black Codes and Jim Crow laws that caused great harm to blacks.

    MLK was no fool stuck on the plantaiton. He would be proud to be a Republican today.

    God Bless the Republican Party!

  16. "Morris, please feel free to test out your hypothesis.May I suggest that you go the wrong way on the Schuykill Expressway here in my hometown."


  17. Parsley11:58 PM

    Sage said...
    "Morris, please feel free to test out your hypothesis.May I suggest that you go the wrong way on the Schuykill Expressway here in my hometown."



    You murderous little homo.

  18. Anonymous12:13 AM

    Parsley said...
    Sage said...
    "Morris, please feel free to test out your hypothesis.May I suggest that you go the wrong way on the Schuykill Expressway here in my hometown."



    Nah, I'd take my chances with the freeway, at least people there would be trying to miss you, but in North Philly they would be trying to hit you.

  19. Anonymous12:16 AM

    An astonishing 82 percent of death row inmates did not deserve to receive the death penalty. One in twenty death row inmates is later found not guilty.”

    Is this liberal math? Or purposeful misleading? 1 out of 20 is not 82%.

  20. Anonymous12:22 AM

    Field, "Morris, please feel free to test out your hypothesis.May I suggest that you go the wrong way on the Schuykill Expressway here in my hometown."

    Dear Mr. Field, did they change the spelling of Schuylkill to Schuykill? Did they drop an "l"? How long have you been living in Philly?

    One of the marks of a true Philadelphian is that they know how to spell S-c-h-u-y-l-k-i-l-l. Are you by any chance Jamaican?

  21. Anonymous12:30 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Field, "Morris, please feel free to test out your hypothesis.May I suggest that you go the wrong way on the Schuykill Expressway here in my hometown."

    Dear Mr. Field, did they change the spelling of Schuylkill to Schuykill? Did they drop an "l"? How long have you been living in Philly?

    One of the marks of a true Philadelphian is that they know how to spell S-c-h-u-y-l-k-i-l-l. Are you by any chance Jamaican?

    I think as Obama says Field has "gone soft" come on Field take off your bedroom slippers and keep marching to enact Obama's agenda - too many people have food and not enough are starving or broke yet!!!!. Maybe we can have an illegal alien tax, where we get to pay another 15-20% of our income to ensure the needs of all foreign citizens can be handled in the U.S adequately. What the hell, if we don't do this its' racist right?

    How come I meet people of all backgrounds and races but never met this illegal alien race yet, are they from the Island of IllegalAliena?

  22. Anonymous12:38 AM

    Field, "Folks, the moral of my little experience is this: Do not let "extreme color arousal" (thanks for that word, Francis) cloud your judgement and get you killed."

    Field, cut the crap about "extreme color arousal". I bet Francis wishes he had never let you on to that word because you use it for everything that suits you. Which means you misuse it a lot.

    Bottom Line: that woman was scared shitless of you, plain and simple. It had nothing to do with extreme color arousal. that is just your own racist mind racing. Hell, if she had been a sister, she would have stepped on the gas too. Afterall, Philly is a dangerous city.

  23. You murderous little homo.


    You stupid little bitch.

  24. Pepper12:41 AM

    You stupid little bitch.


    You fruity little dicksuck.

  25. Paprika12:42 AM

    You fruity little dicksuck.



  26. "Field, cut the crap about "extreme color arousal". I bet Francis wishes he had never let you on to that word because you use it for everything that suits you. Which means you misuse it a lot."

    Francis used to come here often. How about you let him decide if Field was spot-on about his use of the phrase?

    "It's not about being in LAA's corner, it's about what's right. YOU and your LOVER UTS want to join forces to step on her...ALL THE TIME. That's not right nor is it cool, you piece of shit. YOU are always coming to Steve's rescue. What's up with that? You two effing each other? Your protective behavior show the signs of possible DL action between you two, you moronic self-righteous prick."

    I'm not impressed with your passionate defense of a person who's gone out of her way to constantly defame the characters of those she doesn't agree with. It stifles debate, as it makes people scared shitless of crossing her for fear of being singled out and disparaged.

    I get you're using your imaginative vision of me and another commentator in a homosexual tryst in order to ridicule and invalidate my views. Not that it's working. It's actually quite pathetic.

    You silly motherfuckers need to step up your game. I've seen better trolls string an entire blog around with better reasoning and more intellegent discourse than I've seen from any of you poor sons of bitches.

  27. Anonymous12:51 AM

    Salt, Pepper, Paprika, we know where you go to school. If you don't cut the crap the Catholic school you attend will be in big trouble.

  28. Anonymous12:54 AM

    Mack, you are one sick SOB, a nut job.

  29. Anonymous12:56 AM

    it's obvious that Mack is a lonely gay man. Have your parents disowned you?

  30. Anonymous1:12 AM

    color arousal?
    like the time i bet red and it came up black?
    please-black folk
    get over urselves! too funny!
    everytime i watch some black symposium on c-span w/ all
    the elders or whatevers
    makin 3 large w some dipstck degree spoutin
    off in some vague tangent about oppression[? !]
    i just got to laugh!
    not a smile on their faces! oh the trouble i seen..
    here's a clue..
    when white peeps run out of money
    to support ur lazy ass/ and it comes down to
    we either fund unwed
    black mommas w/ childrens or old
    white people on ss
    kill the white grandmas first
    they're already petrified of u/ all u gotta say is

  31. LAA,
    Yes, I was referring to you during the last post. I must have hit a nerve, since you try to demean me rather than give any knowledge of how you know what you say is true. Anecdotes are not facts.

  32. "Mack, you are one sick SOB, a nut job."

    "it's obvious that Mack is a lonely gay man. Have your parents disowned you?"

    *tsk tsk*

    You guys aren't trying hard enough.

  33. Anonymous1:26 AM

    I'm not impressed with your passionate defense of a person who's gone out of her way to constantly defame the characters of those she doesn't agree with. It stifles debate, as it makes people scared shitless of crossing her for fear of being singled out and disparaged.

    I get you're using your imaginative vision of me and another commentator in a homosexual tryst in order to ridicule and invalidate my views. Not that it's working. It's actually quite pathetic.

    OK Mack we get it, you are scared of a Woman and being a polesmoker doesnt bother you in the least. Of course it doesn't, how can anything compare with takin it in the ass and you endure that, even is UTS is a dwarf of a man. Are you also a small guy with a little head - Can you do the Carlton?

  34. "OK Mack we get it, you are scared of a Woman and being a polesmoker doesnt bother you in the least. Of course it doesn't, how can anything compare with takin it in the ass and you endure that, even is UTS is a dwarf of a man. Are you also a small guy with a little head - Can you do the Carlton?"

    When LAA was running out of insults, she started the misandric and unwarranted attacks on my masculinity in hopes of getting me to back down and fold. It's funny how you're starting to sound a lot like she sounded. So, how far down into the barrel are you willing to dig just to get an insult in at me?

    Right about now, I wish there was a way to collect and track IP addresses in Blogger comments. It'd be beautiful to see a lot of you poor bastards exposed.

  35. BTW, I can't do the Carlton, but I'd probably ask you to show me, if you weren't such a craven troll asshole. Pity that.

  36. 1. Just Don’t Get It Troll. Just Don’t Get It Troll is the feeblest form of troll life. In fact he hardly qualifies as a troll at all because he doesn’t understand what proper trolling is about, or indeed what the interweb thing is really for, or anything. He’ll often begin his rants with “I can’t believe you get paid for writing this rubbish” or “How disgraceful that a fine newspaper like the Telegraph should allow its reputation to be sullied by such bilge”. [Yeah, like you're in a position to complain when you read the stuff for free online] Or they’ll have a go at you for writing in too casual a style, or for promoting your books, or for not writing about the subject they wanted you to write – or at least not in the way they would have done it had THEY been writing the piece. That’s why they’re called Just Don’t Get It Trolls: because they Just Don’t Get It.

    2. Failoblog Troll. Failoblog troll’s dream is to have a blog as successful as the one he trolls. Unfortunately – as you can see for yourself if you’re foolish enough to follow the link he provides to his tragically unread blog – he is incapable of expressing himself coherently, interestingly or amusingly. His tone is bitter, thwarted, envious: like Iago, only without the quick-wittedness or charm.

    3. Stalker troll. It takes a fairly sick mentality to want to be a troll. If you were in any way healthy, you would prefer to hang out the blogs of people you agree with, rather than maliciously setting out to disrupt those of people you hate. Stalker troll is the sickest of the lot. He becomes obsessed with every last detail of life of the person whose blog he infests, in the hope of gleaning titbits which he can use against his nemesis. For example, one of the regular trolls on this blog makes frequent sneery references to the fact that I suffer from depression. This is bizarre. The reason he knows I suffer from depression is because I have written great big articles about it in the Daily Mail and The Spectator. Presumably this means, then, that my depression is not something I consider a weakness (Winston Churchill? Stephen Fry? etc) nor something I find embarrassing.

  37. 4. Pedant Troll. In his imagination, pedant troll is the very exemplar of reason, balance and moderation. He feels effortlessly superior to the ridiculous, extremist, purblind fool whose blog he haunts, and whom he likes to put down with his killer sarcasm, weapons-grade pedantry and niggling little quibbles masquerading as constructive criticism. If he were really as brilliant as he thinks he is, he would at the very least have a major blog of his own by now, and more likely be King of the World. Strangely, he has yet to achieve either of these things.

    5. Spambot troll. Spambot troll is on a mission – quite possibly a paid-for mission to judge by the frequency with which he posts. His job is to sabotage the comments section by filling it with cut-and-paste postings of little relevance to the debate in hand. He was probably sent straight here from CACC – which also sums up the quality of the stuff he writes.

    6. Cuckoo troll. Like most trolls, cuckoo trolls are tortured by a terrible nagging fear that no one will ever take what they have to say very seriously. This fear is well justified. Cuckoo trolls try to get round this by mimicking the values of their host community. So, for example, they will seek to mislead with comments like “What makes you think I’m a Labour voter?” or “Actually I’m very open-minded on the subject of climate science. I just….”. The purpose is to make them come across like reasonable other people, instead of the hard-left/deep-green activists they in fact are.

    7. “I didn’t read what you said but here’s what I think” troll. He doesn’t read your piece. He doesn’t need to: he knows what he thinks already and what he knows is, he hates everything you stand for and you’re wrong and he’s going to say so, every column you write, regardless of the fact that the paucity of recommends he gets prove him to be a total Billy No Mates.

  38. Gee, I thought I signed up to be a "racism chaser", not a "troll chaser."


  39. NSangoma2:36 AM

    ... The judge ordered that Obie Anthony, 37, be released from prison after concluding that the prosecution's key witness, a pimp, lied to the jury. The witness has since admitted he never clearly saw the gunman at the scene of the crime.

    "When someone gets killed at a brothel, your witnesses aren't going to be priests and nuns," prosecutor Scott Collins said before Friday's hearing.

    Judge Kelvin D. Filer harshly criticized the prosecutors who handled the 1995 murder trial for failing to disclose to the jury that they had made a deal with the witness, John Jones, agreeing to seek a light sentence on pimping and pandering charges in exchange for his testimony against Anthony and a co-defendant, Reggie Cole.

  40. Just A Goober3:12 AM

    Good lord. This is the best you can come up with to complain about today? Try harder.

    BTW, AB....I thought you were supposedly "edumacated"

    You continually used "lied on", in a stupid sense.

    Do you teach your "pupils" to say "lied on", or, "LIED ABOUT"?

  41. GrannyStandingforTruth3:22 AM


    That was some good information. Yes, indeed!

  42. tavis 2012!!!

    see tavis query a brainwashed dem doormat here:

    the "reply" is repulsive!!!

  43. goober sans glasses:

    u lie like hobama!!!

    quote me or stfu u blind liar.

  44. did mm lie???

  45. Gimme A Break3:47 AM

    Yes, Mack, if you appreciate the writings of an English Poofter, this should be appropiate, too:

    "Delingpole claims that man-made climate change is not as extensive as is widely asserted,[11] and links mainstream scientific projections with "the atavistic impulse which leads generation after generation to believe it is the chosen one: the generation so special that it and it alone will be the one privileged to experience the end of the world; and the generation so egotistical that it imagines itself largely responsible for that imminent destruction".[12] In a BBC Horizon documentary, Delingpole responds to the argument offered by Paul Nurse that there is a scientific consensus about global warming by asserting that the very idea of a consensus is unscientific. In response to the criticism that he has no background in the sciences he claimed that as a journalist "it is not my job" to read peer reviewed papers, his role is to be "an interpreter of interpretations"

    Pilot X should love him.

  46. goober goon/grammar spammer:

    kkk retards like you piss ON the legacy and life of mlk

    u r a moron majoring in the minor


    YOU lied ABOUT MLK?

    i do not speak in blog lingo with my students

    i do not post formal english on blogs

    got a life?

    see mine here:

  47. Juat A Goober3:51 AM

    Fine. You still didn't answer my questin, AB. I'm trying to be nice. I want to understand.

  48. Just A Goober3:52 AM

    Yes. Much Better:)

  49. lying repub moron assnon:

    you list no sources for your LIES about mlk

    because they do not exist.

    we see u u faceless fool.

    Hobama is a bloody disgrace to the legacy of Dr. King!!! Yet, Hobama has the audacity of arrogance that compels him to repeatedly and publicly disrespect Dr. King’s legacy. Initially, Hobama refused to attend a memorial event for Dr. King in 2008. Later, Hobama offended historians and civil rights activists when he blatantly lied about his mother and father being inspired to create a biracial baby by hearing King in Selma in 1965, as Hobama was allegedly born in 1961. Then, Hobama shockingly and painfully disrespected Dr. King by brazenly omitting King’s name from his scripted speech, as he officially accepted the Democratic nomination for president. Hobama and his global wars incessantly slander the memory of the peaceful and humane Dr. King.

    Actions do indeed speak louder than words. Hobama’s most offensive action against Dr. King, to date, came via his Defense Department’s General Counsel Jeh Johnson, who boldly dared to claim that Dr. King would cheer for Hobama and his endless wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Hobama has done nothing that any true revolutionary like Dr. King would ever cheer!

    Dr. King was nothing like Hobama and he was politically keen enough to never be fooled by Hobama’s blackish mask! A tee shirt does not fashion a kindred spirit. Millions of blacks who adore Hobama are too ignorant and blinded by bromance to recognize that fact.

  50. Dr. King’s courageous, noble, and sincere actions will always speak louder than Hobama’s mere teleprompted words! Hobama's bloody history will prove that only King was an authentically black American man who moved beyond linguistic eloquence to eternal revolutionary action. Millions are eternally inspired by the historical heroism of Dr. King, even as we are also increasingly doomed by the horrid blackish betrayals of Hobama.

    Hobama is a toxic perpetrator to the throne of Dr. King. Hobama is literally destroying black America as no president before him. Hobama had the audacity of sacrilege to place a bust of Dr. King in his Oval Office, so that King could symbolically witness his sins of sabotage against black and poor Americans. That bust should shed tears and explode any day!

    In 2011, Dr. King would be marching against Hobama with the poor people whom Hobama slays, just as Dr. King marched with poor Memphis city workers to his own public execution in 1968. Dr. King died knowing that poor men fought bogus wars perpetually waged by brutal rich men seeking bloody profits. When we learn that same rebel lesson someday, we will all become as regal and revolutionary as Dr. King…

  51. Actions can render words meaningless and mute. Hobama poses as a Democrat. Yet, all of his political policies are more Republican than any of his peers. Hobama has proven that political labels are only distinctions without differences. Hobama’s regime has proven that we actually have only one elitist party that rules our world.

    Actions speak louder than racist and elitist words. President Abraham Lincoln never pimped and dismissed Frederick Douglass and Harriet Tubman as Hobama does all black politico peers and suicidally blind drone black fans. President John F. Kennedy never told Dr. King to sit down and shut up about any black agenda, as Hobama routinely instructs clairvoyant heroes Dr. Cornel West and Tavis Smiley to do. Even Hobama’s racist, elitist, and warmongering cousin King Shrub/President George W. Bush never called blacks “mongrels” on national prime time television as Hobama did!

    Dr. King was beloved as long as he fought for racial unity. The moment he began to fight for economic equality and the eradication of the Military Industrial Complex, that still impoverishes billions of poor people globally, Dr. King was swiftly and publicly executed. Dr. King was killed because he loved poor people the way Hobama loves his peer banksters and warmongers.

    Dr. King surrounded himself with a racial rainbow of persons from all walks of life. Neither Dr. King nor a single comrade would ever have condoned a single bloody betrayal by Hobama!!! Dr. King would never accept any of the serial wars that Hobama has escalated or plotted. Dr. King’s brave rejection of the endless costs and the amorality of the Vietnam War literally cost him his life. Hobama has only taken lives from soldiers who voted for him only because he promised to end the wars that he has now deliberately made endless.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. kkkoon grammar spammer:

    here is a video ABOUT MLK

    he never declared ANY political party

    he hated liars who fleeced sheeple

    he would have hated ON u too for the baaaaaad lies u tell fool.

  54. Just A Goober4:20 AM

    Calm down, AB. It was just a simple grammar question. You don't have to link all your hate about "hobama" to it.

  55. Getten' Ready5:18 AM

    You fols better stop complaing About the past history. This country, what's left of it, is heading off over a cliff. You better start looking forward.

    It's gonna get nasty.

    And Stevie? All those "Goobers" who bought legal guns and ammo, weren't as dumb as you & Obama thought.

  56. Just A Goober5:25 AM

    Oh, shut the hell up, AB. There's no reasoning with you. I just asked you a simple stupid question.

    Latch on to the next commentor, you Blog Leech.

  57. repub slug/bloody kkk liar/pond scum ON mlk's legacy:

    suck this!

    and cc it to that repub hobama

  58. AB Needs Dirt Over Her Head7:10 AM

    Drop Dead.

    You, and all your homo/les/trans/whatthefuck ever will always be a drain on the society, as a whole.

    I know some folks who raise chickens in several "society's"

    I think about 100,000 of them, about 3 times a year

    The point is.....whenever there is a defective chick, the normal ones attack and kill them. Quickly.

    You're so smart. You Google it.

  59. NSangoma7:49 AM

    field booty, straighten out those Philadelphia Negroe school kids please:

  60. Hey, Field! You rule!

    I haven't read it all yet, but I don't want you to feel so alone. I suffer the adverse consequences of fat, ugly, crazy-looking lazy-eye guy arousal all the time, and I'm whiter than a powdered donut. I'm not trying to minimize where you're coming from. It actually drives me nuts, too - people pulling their kids away from me at Wal-Mart and shit. Man, I look like every child-molesting, serial-killing, friend-betraying, low-down creepy fat guy that ever appeared in any movie. Just saying - it's not JUST color. It's people operating on stereotypes in general. And, as your story points out, it actually places them in greater danger. Go figure!

    I don't know why I think of this right now, but - did you also ever notice the only really cool people are the ones diagnosed with a terminal illness? Man, those are some decent people.

  61. I wonder if the mother does that with everyone out of uncertainty or is truly because of a bald-headed black male. If so, there are many of us who are in trouble - myself included, cause this society will make a man worry his head of hair away.

    And don't be married ...

    Teaching the n-word caught my attention as well. I believe if they stick around long enough, and Dave that tuition money, they will be treated to a free course of n-word 101.

    I ain't lying.

  62. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Thank you for the piece on Trolls, Mack. Although Delingpole may be an idiot on Science, the Troll work showed he is quite familiar with that subset of losers.

    Michelle Malkin came on the scene by wearing a curiously well-fitted 'perv-toy' cheerleader costume as she pranced about for the delight of pudgy R fanboys. I suppose being the lust object of men who pay for companionship is preferable to her existence as married chattel.

    Before crying in your 15 yo thinkerating on gender, you really should speak with a Biologist. Faking expertise by citing chickens...reminds me of the Heeyucks who describe their fondness for chicken cloaca. Gender is not a 1950s sitcom character.

    I used to protest the Death Penalty. I stopped because some of the protesters thought it was fine to send the killers back to the community...and I actually met some of the 'poor dears'.


  63. I may have been wrong.This wasn't a photo-op. I've heard Michelle Obama has bad gas. She had to make a trip to Target to get some Lysol.

  64. Anonymous9:40 AM

    I use to be a cheerleader. A real cheerleader. Not like Malkinstalker.

    Doing those cheers got me ummmmmm...Two bit.....Four bit.....Six bit.....A dollar....Yeah....

    I use to come home and flick my midget. Dad caught me one night and well.......


  65. Liberal Tormentor...I am guessing that was supposed to be funny. If it was, you failed miserably. (The word juvenile comes to mind)

    But failure is nothing new to you and your sorry lot so carry on....

  66. "Field, cut the crap about "extreme color arousal". I bet Francis wishes he had never let you on to that word.."

    Are you sure about that?

  67. "Bottom Line: that woman was scared shitless of you, plain and simple. It had nothing to do with extreme color arousal...”

    And therein lies the irony of it all; she would have been safer with me than with her own damn husband (assuming she had one)

    "Hell, if she had been a sister, she would have stepped on the gas too...”

    Nope, if she was a sister I am pretty sure that she would have stopped. Just a guess.

    "Dear Mr. Field, did they change the spelling of Schuylkill to Schuykill? Did they drop an "l"? How long have you been living in Philly?"

    Long enough to know that REAL Philadelphians say Sue & Kill.
    An 'l' in its proper place does not make me a true Philadelphian.

    "Please spare us your racist screed against Michelle Malkin. I am so sick of privileged whites like you demeaning minorities for speaking their minds."

    I am not so sure Michelle would like you calling her one of dem dere minorities. She is, after all, a conservative now. Her Philipino past is waaaay behind her.

    "Nah, I'd take my chances with the freeway, at least people there would be trying to miss you, but in North Philly they would be trying to hit you."

    Must be all those confederate flags on your car.

  68. "I am not so sure Michelle would like you calling her one of dem dere minorities. She is, after all, a conservative now. Her Philipino past is waaaay behind her. "

    Really? She sure gets a lot of racist hatred thrown her way by enlightened, tolerant "progressives".

    Maybe you should put your Jamaican past waaaaaay behind you, take off those bedroom slippers, and march your ass off the plantation. Or is too comfortable there?

  69. "Maybe you should put your Jamaican past waaaaaay behind you, take off those bedroom slippers, and march your ass off the plantation. Or is too comfortable there?"

    Nope, can't do that. Unlike Ms. malkin I am prooud of my past.

    Yes, it is "comfortable" here, but it's my plantation. The only thing we pick here is knowledge.

  70. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Yes, it is "comfortable" here, but it's my plantation. The only thing we pick here is knowledge.

    Knowledge is holistic, not one sided. The only thing you can pick on one side and stay there is your nose - then the other side fills up with boogers while you were religiously misled..... errrr distracted.

  71. Yes, Field "picks" his knowledge very carefully, alway from that found on the inside of the fence.

    He spends all day strutting around the field but goes to bed every night up in the house.

  72. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Wonder which is more racist....calling Malkin out on her MalkinStalking....or thinkerating of her as the submissive, acquiescent, duty-bound female who wears a cheerleader outfit for the desires of others?
    Her hubby has 'Marcus Bachmann Syndrome' open secret for years.

    Keep trying to 'cry racist' is funny. You use the word without any concept of the meaning...but you are aware that it is negative. Nice toddler comprehension. Eventually you will mature and realize the usage. Until then, it is cute.


  73. "The only thing you can pick on one side and stay there is your nose - then the other side fills up with boogers while you were religiously misled..... errrr distracted."

    Only a wingnut would use boogers to make a point. But I will play along.

    To stay with your analogy; I tried picking the boggers on the other side of my nose but they were all too soft. So I will just get a nice soft tissue and blow it.

  74. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Sure, there are Facts...and then there are the beleefs you-all call 'facks'. Can we apply reproducibility to your beleefs?
    Mind if we Fact-Check your pronouncements from the world of magickal thinkerating?

    Although Mittens is not nice to pets...he was correct in that if the Facts indicate you are in error, you should adjust. While you-all hold to the bushian/st reagan ideer of being unable to admit to needing a change.

    Contrary to the Rugged Individualist Moron theme...a leader does not keep doing the same stoopid over and over. That is the mark of a developmentally disabled person.

    Love how wites still try to sell the return to the days of kindly Massa and the Plantation Economy as positives. You'd have to assume all persons had the poor education of homeskoolin' or religioskoolin'...a decent public school would have taught you that slavery was evil by the second grade. Funny how that has escaped your understanding.
    And Michelle Malkin's...but any woman who has a hubby with 'Marcus Bachmann Syndrome' has a great many issues. Sanity among them.


  75. "Love how wites still try to sell the return to the days of kindly Massa and the Plantation Economy as positives......blah blah gibber gibber"

    Love how Mold is completely unable to follow an argument or make a coherent statement.

    The whole point of the analogy is that blacks have been cowed into staying on the plantation owned by the party of slaveholders for meager promises of free corn and some shacks to sleep in. They are kept there by fantastic tales of how "racist" all the republicans who live free outside the plantation are, and they must never go there. Anyone who does is a fool and a traitor, and we'll call him Tom.

    The rest of Mold's post is made in the typical gibberish, designed to lend an air of vagueness and thus confer the possibility of profoundity to her words, when in fact it is just rambling idiocy.

    Tell me Mold, do you really think your act sells?

  76. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Field, "Nope, can't do that. Unlike Ms. malkin I am prooud of my past."

    What makes think Michelle Malkin isn't proud of herself and her past? She looks very proud AND confident to me. BTW, she considers herself White. She can do that, but it is impossible for you-no matter how much you would like to be. So you'll have to cry in your beer like Mack Lyons over white dreams that will never come true.

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Silly goobers you thinkerate my dad has 'Marcus Bachmann Syndrome'?

    Let me just say my dad likes midgets.


  79. Anonymous3:43 PM

    field negro said...
    "The only thing you can pick on one side and stay there is your nose - then the other side fills up with boogers while you were religiously misled..... errrr distracted."

    Only a wingnut would use boogers to make a point. But I will play along.

    To stay with your analogy; I tried picking the boggers on the other side of my nose but they were all too soft. So I will just get a nice soft tissue and blow it

    Oh so many possibilities here. So you made your tissue dance by blowing a little boogie into it.

    Now seriously, you sound JUST like Obama "too soft" wonder why that stuck in your brain? So what is my takeaway from this exchange? The only knowledge you will deal with is hard and crusty and ancient, you don't like the "fresh" knowledge or modern thought, it is toO ObamaSoft and updated.

    Wether knowledge is soft or hard it's all relevant. You can't just skim the "crust" off the top and think you have a real understanding when you only looked at the "easy to glean pickings" and constantly refer to ancient history to support your "new" theories in a totally changed world.

    Now, I will stop being Nosey and leave you to your theories of knowledge.

  80. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Silly goobers you thinkerate my dad has 'Marcus Bachmann Syndrome'?

    Let me just say my dad likes midgets.


    Mold, you misunderstood, no one said you were a midget!!! They said you were short on brains and no a white male young college dropout cannot become a lesbian no matter how hard you try. Again don't get confused when people call you a smelly little cunt, it has nothing to do with your trying to become transgendered.

  81. "Now seriously, you sound JUST like Obama "too soft" wonder why that stuck in your brain? So what is my takeaway from this exchange? The only knowledge you will deal with is hard and crusty and ancient, you don't like the "fresh" knowledge or modern thought, it is toO ObamaSoft and updated.

    Wether knowledge is soft or hard it's all relevant. You can't just skim the "crust" off the top and think you have a real understanding when you only looked at the "easy to glean pickings" and constantly refer to ancient history to support your "new" theories in a totally changed world.

    Now, I will stop being Nosey and leave you to your theories of knowledge."

    Okaaaay. I knew that I shouldn't have gone down this road with a wingnut. That was way too exciting for you.

    "What makes think Michelle Malkin isn't proud of herself and her past? She looks very proud AND confident to me. BTW, she considers herself White. She can do that, but it is impossible for you-no matter how much you would like to be."

    It must really suck to be you.

  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. Gee Field, I do not believe you. White women do not have a racist bone in their bodies. It's only supposed to be the "ebol white men" who are racists. You must be confused...

    Field, forget about the baldness. Professional black men like you who wear suits and ties are never excluded from the racist fear factors that are only amplified due to the black street pirates and ilk. But when people talk about this problem hoping for solutions, they are accused of bashing ALL black men, accused of being Republican, or the subject quickly changes to ugly manless black women. LOL. So how did you figure you could just walk up to that woman's window like that?

    I once took a lift home from an older white female co-worker. The woman was probably going over 70 mph but still felt necessary to "clank clank" her lock when she spotted a young black man walking yards away. She did it within a nanosecond while keeping her eyes straight ahead, it seemed so instinctual. I could only chuckle to myself.

    Why be surprised at the white mother who's instinct is to protect her young. She's only going based on what she is seeing and hearing in the news. Can you blame her? As a woman, I too double check my locks when I see strange men come up to my car window, including the white male tourists. You should see the look of shock on their faces. That's just the way it goes.

  84. Anonymous5:14 PM

    "Extreme color arousal"

    is this the new safe? maybe this white lady watches the evening news? maybe she knows black males commit most interracial rapes,carjackings,and murders?

    maybe she didn't want to be the white lady who gets killed because she didn't want to be appear racist.

    better safe than sorry.


  85. From the other thread:

    Hathor, no you did not hit a nerve. There are times when your incoherent riddles and garbled interjections deeply annoy the hell out of me. Please don't tell me it's because I can't comprehend your intellect, some things are subjective and should be left for discussion. I've decided until Field hires a translator or some type of moronics interpreter for you and that Mold person, I'll choose to avoid any engaging between you black tourettic mumbling enabling mammies. Good day.

    Macklina said to the wise Anony: "You silly motherfuckers need to step up your game."

    Yet another emotional outburst. It's obvious you grew up in a single mother household, or you were raised among more female girl children. You keep whining that you are not affected, but you keep coming back looking for effeminate fights. Who want's to get their face all scratched up messing with you? And I thought you said you wasn't going to mess with me anymore. And stop thinking that something is going on with IPs, the anonys and resident IDs. And yes, what is up between you and Steve. You don't happen to think that the wise anony or myself is trying to get between you and Steve do ya? Sounds like you're showing sings of some sort of conjugal paranoia to me.

    Steve, you were the one who have brought up your own wife before, especially quoting her "lackanookie" comment which was threads prior. How cute was that. So only you think you are allowed to get personal. And it always seems you think black women should be silent and complacent as long as they are being sexed up and over dosed with phallus. I got you.

    And I do have a special man in my life, a black man at that. But yes he could easily be white, Asian, non-black latin etc, because unlike your belief, black woman are also adored by MANY who are non-black. But as it is, I happen to have in my life a black man who honors and respects BLACK women. A man who loves and respects his mother, his sisters, my child and myself. A humble, hard working, honest man who left his own Spanish speaking country with just a 6th grade education and spoke minimum English. He never looked for HANDOUTS, and yet he has become able to financially sustain himself and a family adequately in my American-Caribbean society. A man who is not intimidated nor aggravated by my feminist mind, nor my vocal passion. He may not always agree, but he is confident enough to meet me half the way. He can use his mind and his intellect to bring happiness and content to my heart, my soul, my mind, and my body - not just with his physical manhood.

    So, if by expressing my thoughts on this blog automatically renders me manless, fat, ugly, crazy and part cow, then so be it. And then I logged off... LOL.

  86. Anony said: "PS...No one is masquerading behind anonymous you damn fool. Anons are the real anons."

    LOL! You always make me laugh. Thanks for defending me, even though Mack probably thinks you and I are the same. That Mack, he is on the verge of having a big one, I tell ya. LOL

  87. Anonymous6:00 PM

    La♥audiobooks said...
    I too double check my locks when I see strange men come up to my car window, including the white male tourists. You should see the look of shock on their faces. That's just the way it goes.
    LOL! You bet LAA! I dunno about Philly, but the only people that come up to tap on car windows here are the addicts asking for money at the lights and in between. They will tap and ask and offer a little cup to put some money in, and they're usually cracked up or coming down or heroined up and nodding.So if Field had a coffee cup in his hand, that sealed it for the woman LOLOLOL! ;P But I suspect Field was just being parabolish. He prolly only waved frantically with accompanying hand signals for her to stop and/or turn around, which was worse, because then she figured he needed a ride God knows why, and this would be another Philly carjacking! LOLOLOL! (Forgive me Field, please don't deny a little sick old lady having some fun :))))))

  88. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Okaaaay. I knew that I shouldn't have gone down this road with a wingnut. That was way too exciting for you.

    OK, dismiss it, you have to, otherwise how can you justify your way tilted over myopic views that have now been aligned to nose snot. Being that you brought up politics first, each time and twice, than I may as well tell you that is an apt description for whacked out lefties "snot politics" Makes you want to blow your nose and clear out the crud after you try and make sense of why the cannot see 2+2 equals 4 even if the world and mother nature don't deem it necessary to be "fair" and meet their immediate gratification, because they are special and the world should stop revolving and change for what they want.

  89. This comment has been removed by the author.

  90. Bravo LAA, BRAVO!!!!

  91. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Ummm...keep lying to us. It really makes your bona fides with your fellow traveling salesTrolls. Sure, the Ds were once the home of racists...up until Civil Rights...when they defected en masse to the Rs. Where they still reside. Simple Google search should suffice.

    Wonder which is more racist....calling Malkin out on her MalkinStalking....or thinkerating of her as the submissive, acquiescent, duty-bound female who wears a cheerleader outfit for the desires of others?
    Her hubby has 'Marcus Bachmann Syndrome' open secret for years.

    Keep trying to 'cry racist' is funny. You use the word without any concept of the meaning...but you are aware that it is negative. Nice toddler comprehension. Eventually you will mature and realize the usage. Until then, it is cute.


  92. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Oh, if you need 'translation' might want to ask for a refund from your school. Literally nothing I post is beyond the ken of a reasonably bright Grade Eight a poor district...who isn't selling lies for Koch-suckers.

    Your 'fweedom' is a return to slavecropping and a loss of government-enforced equality. And what is offered by your crew? I can watch Ben Quayle get Legacy? Or listen to Doocy Jr? Or Russert TELL us he 'earned' his slot?
    Addison Graves Wilson being rude to me without consequence? Thurmond never facing charges?

    I rather fancy the idea of you being compelled by Law and Society to meet the intent of the Constitution. ;)


  93. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Oh, if you need 'translation' might want to ask for a refund from your school. Literally nothing I post is beyond the ken of a reasonably bright Grade Eight a poor district...who isn't selling lies for Koch-suckers.

    Your 'fweedom' is a return to slavecropping and a loss of government-enforced equality. And what is offered by your crew? I can watch Ben Quayle get Legacy? Or listen to Doocy Jr? Or Russert TELL us he 'earned' his slot?
    Addison Graves Wilson being rude to me without consequence? Thurmond never facing charges?

    I rather fancy the idea of you being compelled by Law and Society to meet the intent of the Constitution. ;)


    8:15 PM

    The only freedom you have is choice, use it. Stop being a retarded slave and I say with a Rush that even if you decide not to choose - you still have made a choice.

  94. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Wonder which is more racist....calling Malkin out on her MalkinStalking....or thinkerating of her as the submissive, acquiescent, duty-bound female who wears a cheerleader outfit for the desires of others?
    Her hubby has 'Marcus Bachmann Syndrome' open secret for years.

    This is a glimpse into the cesspool that Mold calls a mind. Malkin woudl outhink you without batting one of her pretty little eyelashes, she is an extremely intelligent woman. Yet because she is also beautiful you think of her as a "submissive, acquiescent, duty-bound female who wears a cheerleader outfit" She would rip you to shreds in any type of intellectual activity and looks damn good doing...I smell jealousy, you wish you were a superior intelligent beautiful Asian instead of a white boy pretending to be a Black Grandma...what a headcase you are.

  95. Anonymous10:21 PM


    field negro said...
    But..but.. but Desertflower, I had to do something; the poor woman and her little rugrats were going do die. Then it would have been the hehartless black man watched a white woman drive to her deat.:)

    Damn, I know just how you feel, blamed for something you had nothing to do with.

  96. But..but.. but Desertflower, I had to do something; the poor woman and her little rugrats were going do die. Then it would have been the heartless black man watched a white woman drive to her death.:)

  97. Anonymous10:56 PM

    Check out her essence cover this month - Michelle Obama "Why you should put yourself first." How inspiring of the First Lady, but of course if you criticize her conduct in the light of the tremendous loss 99% of us must contend with, you're not giving her a break. Does Michelle deserve a break? I don't think so.
