Saturday, October 01, 2011

Are some black intellectuals just as bad as the KKK? And can white liberals be racist?

I see that his Oness is continuing to kick ass on the "war on terror". If he was a republican the GOP boys would be calling for some modifications on Mount Rushmore right about now. Now if he can just get us some jobs here on the home front. 

Anyway, I will move on.

Maybe the fact that I like Melissa Harris-Perry so much is clouding my judgment with a story I saw about her recently. I have to agree with Elon James-White who wrote an article for News One about the subject:

 "Race in America is a difficult subject. When it comes to race America has the mental maturity of a 7 year old that, on occasion will plug its ears with its fingers and sing “La, la, la.” Being American and Negro I understand this. I don’t really have any choice but to understand it. I can’t decide that racial matters or discussions are silly because I’m actually affected. I can’t speak of it philosophically and talk racial theory because for me its NOT theory. I’m Black. This is real. End of story.

Last night I came across an article that I was so offended by that I reserved comment until I had a full nights sleep. I thought to myself that it was so insulting, so idiotic that it couldn’t be as bad as I was perceiving it to be. I needed to literally go to bed, take a mental break, and come back. That article was Gene Lyons “Obama’s Bridge too Far” on The article, a poorly thought out and terribly executed piece which wasn’t even cohesive as a whole should have been axed in the editorial process. But it wasn’t. Take a look.
This just in: Not all the fools are Republicans. Recently, one Melissa Harris-Perry, a Tulane professor who moonlights on MSNBC political talk shows, wrote an article for the Nation titled “Black President, Double Standard: Why White Liberals Are Abandoning Obama.”
See, nobody ever criticized Bill Clinton, another centrist Democrat who faced a hostile Republican congress. Indeed, he was “enthusiastically re-elected” in 1996. Therefore, “[t]he 2012 election is a test of whether Obama will be held to standards never before imposed on an incumbent. If he is, it may be possible to read that result as the triumph of a more subtle form of racism.”
You can like Dr. Harris-Perry’s theory or not, but 1) its a theory not an etched in stone condemnation and 2) it’s based in reality. It’s based in feelings many in the Black community have wondered when hearing attacks from White liberals. It’s based in issues that have been previously pointed out within the progressive movement. You could make the argument that race has nothing to do with White liberals issues with Obama and I wouldn’t have an issue with that. But to dismiss one of the great Black public intellectuals of our time because it made you feel uncomfortable is completely ridiculous.

And that’s the problem. Dr. Harris-Perry made folks feel uncomfortable.
White liberals enjoy the concept that they are immune to accusations of racism. They’re LIBERALS. They obviously are totally and completely not racist so how could you ever dare even pose the possibility of such a thing? Matter of fact? Since White liberals are so “obvi” not racist they can dismiss this feeling amongst Black folks as silly and tell them to stop it. You can even get all Dave Sirota on us and say how this hurts the civil rights movement. Because questioning the possibility of racism obviously makes equality harder right? Thanks sir!
But Mr. Lyons isn’t done.
The professor actually wrote that. See, certain academics are prone to an odd fundamentalism of the subject of race. Because President Obama is black, under the stern gaze of professor Harris-Perry, nothing else about him matters. Not killing Osama bin Laden, not 9 percent unemployment, only blackness.
Furthermore, unless you’re black, you can’t possibly understand. Yada, yada, yada. This unfortunate obsession increasingly resembles a photo negative of KKK racial thought. It’s useful for intimidating tenure committees staffed by Ph.D.s trained to find racist symbols in the passing clouds. Otherwise, Harris-Perry’s becoming a left-wing Michele Bachmann, an attractive woman seeking fame and fortune by saying silly things on cable TV. (emphasis mine)
Lyons actually wrote that. To question possible racism is to be the photo-negative of the KKK. To dare question White folks who were nice enough to treat you almost fairly is to be the Black equivalent of the KKK. And to possibly question race is only helpful in gaining tenure–because you know. Blacks and tenure at colleges? We gotta play that race card right? And PHD’s find race in everything. It’s not that they might have studied history and race long enough that they actually understand the systemic problems within our society based on race and privilege–they just see it in EVERYTHING. Silly educated people.

Lyons compared the Scholar Harris-Perry to the publicly mocked known idiot Michelle Bachmann. How did Lyons think that was going to work out? You mock the concept that as a White man you might not always understand everything about racism, then you degrade a brilliant Black mind and compare her to a wilful White idiot who has said websites full of dumb shit. Oh yeah. You’ve just won me over. White Liberals are sooooooo not racist." [Source]

Oh yes, liberals can be racist,too. I consider Mrs. Harris-Perry a friend, and there is nothing about her that says KKK to me. Nothing.

I suspect that Mr. Lyons knows this, (or maybe not) but let's be honest folks; some people just can't change who they are. It doesn't matter if their political ideology leans left or right.


  1. Field I saw Dr. Perry on T.V. and read her article in The Nation and her response to the irate comments from some of the more progressive left leaning white folks who cried foul.

    There is no margin of error for people of color in just about all walks of life and President Obama isn't any different in that respect. With all the concessions he made the first two years in office for the sake of compromise and to dispel the "angry black man" stigma--it's come to this.

    Dr. Perry is right about the white liberal flight. When you're not viewed as an equal and there is this ambivalence about whether or not you are up to snuff any signs of imperfection or "mistakes" that surfaces will send these people to the hills with their hair on fire.

    There are overt/subtle/underground forms of racism and nothing upsets liberals more than the exposure of the latter two at their expense. Do you see an escalation of this and will Dr. Perry be asked to anchor again on MSNBC?

    There are some folks of color who aren't happy about the President and that ranges from vitriolic rants to passive-aggressive stands.

    That's another post for we are talking about white progressives/liberals tonight.

  2. ?????????11:26 PM

    Carolyn Moon (Amina) said...
    Field I saw Dr. Perry on T.V. and read her article in The Nation and her response to the irate comments from some of the more progressive left leaning white folks who cried foul.

    There is no margin of error for people of color in just about all walks of life and President Obama isn't any different in that respect. With all the concessions he made the first two years in office for the sake of compromise and to dispel the "angry black man" stigma--it's come to this.

    Dr. Perry is right about the white liberal flight. When you're not viewed as an equal and there is this ambivalence about whether or not you are up to snuff any signs of imperfection or "mistakes" that surfaces will send these people to the hills with their hair on fire.

    There are overt/subtle/underground forms of racism and nothing upsets liberals more than the exposure of the latter two at their expense. Do you see an escalation of this and will Dr. Perry be asked to anchor again on MSNBC?

    There are some folks of color who aren't happy about the President and that ranges from vitriolic rants to passive-aggressive stands.

    That's another post for we are talking about white progressives/liberals tonight.

    11:13 PM

    Is there ANY possibility that their rejection of him has to do with his "POLOCIES"?

  3. Montario11:28 PM

    "I see that his Oness is continuing to kick ass on the "war on terror". If he was a republican the GOP boys would be calling for some modifications on Mount Rushmore right about now. Now if he can just get us some jobs here on the home front."

    A veritable Rambo, is Barack now? Or just someone who rubber stamps the Pentaagon's plans, as drawn up by the previous administration, hoping to score some political points?

    When it comes to Obama, there is no there there.

  4. Yeah, Field... and no, and yeah again. This is too complex of an issue to pretend that racism is the predominant reason why white liberals are having issues with Obama. After all, your blog is full to overflowing with reasons why no one should be too enthusiastic about Obama, so for anyone to cry "racism" as a primary reason for Obama's poor poll numbers is simplistic to the point of foolishness. Yeah, Clinton seemed to do better, but Clinton wasn't dealing with either a possible Second Great Depression or the modern media's complete right-wing slant. Granted, racism is always going to be a problem for anyone who isn't white, but Obama is also a victim of the current circumstances. There's a whole lot of discussion to be had about the weight of race versus situations versus expectations... and expectations leads us back again to race. We can and should have this conversation, even when we don't agree on the details or relative weights of each factor.

    Having said that, while Dr. Harris-Perry’s theory seems to be incomplete and giving too much emphasis to race issues, when Lyons responds with "Furthermore, unless you’re black, you can’t possibly understand. Yada, yada, yada." we're into the territory of racism, or at least racial... something. Is "shitheadery" a word? Can I say that?

    I'm saying it: Lyons is a shithead, and if he's not a racist he's certainly not the opposite either. There's a difference between disagreement and dismissal, and when that dismissal is race-based it really looks like negative race-based bias. Or racism, why split hairs?

  5. Van Jones11:34 PM

    "Are some black intellectuals just as bad as the KKK? And can white liberals be racist? "

    Yes and Yes.

  6. @'Van Jones'

    Your first 'Yes' is pretty stupid, unless you've got evidence that there have ever been "black intellectuals" in America who have lynched a bunch of white people.

  7. Kingnut11:50 PM

    The colossal failure of the Obama administration to address the problems facing the nation has put the ruling (white) liberal order in a tough spot. Obama did everything liberalism said he should do, and it he still failed. A Democrat party ruled by its left wing controlled the entire government and had free reign to implement whatever they wanted, and fell flat on their collective faces.

    Liberals cannot accept the fact that results have once again proven the bankruptcy of their ideology. Instead, as they always do, they must abandon those most closely associated with the failure.

    This is nothing less than a desperate abandonment of Obama and the Democratic party in order to preserve the credibility of the ideas driving Obama and the Democratic party.

    There are few things more pathetic than rats deserting a sinking ship while claiming they’re a superior breed of rat. Especially when they're responsible for the ship sinking.

    But it is to no avail. This time, all the rats are going to drown.

  8. sistermoon11:56 PM

    ????????? said...

    "Is there ANY possibility that their rejection of him has to do with his "POLOCIES"?"

    No, but it might have something to do with his "POLICIES"

    Now I understand why you post anonymously.

  9. Anonymous12:40 AM

    the great Black public intellectuals - a worrisome description - given her brilliant analysis of the help

  10. Kiss My White Ass12:44 AM

    Grammar & spelling, typos, bitch in the house, but no comments from her as to shit.

    Sound like Obama without his teleprompter.

  11. Anonymous12:46 AM

    sistermoon said...
    ????????? said...

    "Is there ANY possibility that their rejection of him has to do with his "POLOCIES"?"

    No, but it might have something to do with his "POLICIES"

    Now I understand why you post anonymously.

    Oooh...the 3rd grade spellcheck matron is here. Cool. Feel better? Good, glad to help.

    Sister Ahem..Moon. How's brother Sun doin? , <-------Ohhh look, I left off a "g" I better post as an anon.

  12. mellaneous1:39 AM

    Field I am not sure what you meant by Obama kicking butt in the war on terror. I and other folks of conscious find it disturbing and it threatens to undermine our constitutional protections.

    His killing of Anwar Al-Aulaqi is the first time the gov't has killed an American citizen without due process.

    The black president has set a very dangerous precedent. Aulaqis killing undermnes one of the principle that supposedly sets the US apart from other so -called civilized nations.

    If the govt can kill a Muslim cleric, who by the way hadn't killed anyone nor had it been proven that he conspired in any plots. The gist of his message is that the US is at war with Muslim nations.

    What are your thoughts as a lawyer?

    President Obama's administration has done some really ugly things internationally. And the stepped use of drones in Yemen and Pakistan are this adminstrations policy not the previous Bush admin, though they too had their hands dirty.

  13. GrannyStandingforTruth3:06 AM

    I read Melissa's article and I don't see anything wrong with it. In fact, she made some very good points and did a great comparison between President Obama and President Clinton. Doesn't sound silly to me in no shape, form, or fashion. It made a lot of sense and was on point. Maybe, the shoe fit with Lyons and he does not want to admit it. There is such a thing as overt/covert racism.

    The KKK hung, burned, and murdered black people to maintain white supremacy. Melissa has not done any of those things, nor does she practice it. People need to really learn what racism is because I hear people accuse others of racism, but they do not know what it is and it is obvious in their usage of it. However, that might not never happen because some whites stay on the offensive and don't want to hear it. When black folks refer to whites when speaking of racism, they're not referring to ALL white people, they are talking about bigoted white people, so those that are not shouldn't get offended and feel like they are pointing at them too.

    Nor only any level is Melissa like Michelle Bachmann who is crazier than a road lizard, makes up frivolous lies, and doesn't really understand how government works if you ask me. Remember her census folly and I could go down the list of things that let you know she is not only not playing with a full deck, but she lacks common sense as well.

  14. GrannyStandingforTruth3:08 AM


  15. ??Clay??3:36 AM

    "Anonymous said...
    sistermoon said...
    ????????? said...

    "Is there ANY possibility that their rejection of him has to do with his "POLOCIES"?"

    No, but it might have something to do with his "POLICIES"

    Now I understand why you post anonymously.

    Oooh...the 3rd grade spellcheck matron is here. Cool. Feel better? Good, glad to help.

    Sister Ahem..Moon. How's brother Sun doin? , <-------Ohhh look, I left off a "g" I better post as an anon.

    12:46 AM"

    Stick around, crack-head. You'll see PLENTY of 3rd grade misspellings on this blog.

  16. Dr. Harris-Perry's only sin was making a lot of liberal whites highly uncomfortable, and quite a few revealed exactly who they were, judging by the swift and ugly responses of some.

    Ethnic relations are so tainted and damn-near-irrepairably torn that one can't help but to wonder if what someone says about a person of color has a double meaning that implies how his ethnicity was somehow the "X" factor for a particular problem.

    BTW Kingnut, the only failure that's been self-evident during this term is the colossal failure of a Republican-controlled Congress to cooperate on the issues that need to be addressed so the nation can move forward. The GOP was heavily invested in Obama's failure and now it seems they have just that, not only according to those of your ideological bent, but by plenty of liberals who didn't get what they thought they were promised.

  17. Anonymous4:46 AM

    I wonder how much has really changed for us plain ole black folk? We have the bi-racial class who have been embraced and put in place by the "liberals" to do the defining black thought complaining and we have bumpper stickers emerging on pick-up trucks proclaiming " I Ride with Forrest".

    I guess our children will be learning the Negro National Anthem again soon.

  18. "Is there ANY possibility that their rejection of him has to do with his "POLOCIES"?"

    Yes, there is. (See what Improbable Joe wrote) But is there also a possibility that some folks on the left suffer from the same issues as those on the right when it comes to matters od race? The answer is yes. (See what Harris-Perry wrote)

    "Dr. Perry is right about the white liberal flight. When you're not viewed as an equal and there is this ambivalence about whether or not you are up to snuff any signs of imperfection or "mistakes" that surfaces will send these people to the hills with their hair on fire."

    On point!

    "BTW Kingnut, the only failure that's been self-evident during this term is the colossal failure of a Republican-controlled Congress to cooperate on the issues that need to be addressed so the nation can move forward."

    Mack, don't forget O not doubling down when he should have. More stimulus money needed not less.

    Mellaneous, my tongue was hiding in my cheeks. :)

    kingnut, how do you explain the eight miserable years under W?

  19. I recall the not-so-esteemed MSNBC commentator Chris Matthews (he of the tingle up my leg fame) blurting out after one of the President's State of the Union addresses that the speech was so clear, stately and erudite that he (Matthews) "forgot for a moment the President was black."

    Good god. That stupidity--nay, bigotry--rankled all the more since I'd seen the President's sit-down with FixNews' Bret Baier earlier that week; that interview stood out for the striking disrespect and churlishness that "journalist" displayed, on the one hand, and the remarkable calm and composure demonstrated by the President in the face of it... at which point I had thought of baseball's Jackie Robinson and remembered for the first time the President was a black American.

  20. Take Me To Jamaica6:40 AM

    Field, tell me ONE policy that Obama has instituted that WORKED, Without losing money?

    I don't care what color, or where he's from. He's an idiot,

    He's a "Chicago Community Organizer" and that should have been his ceiling.

    All this harvard Law crap?

    No documentation, Show me the money.

    I suppose you 2oulen' care? If so......why not???

  21. "??Clay?? said...
    Stick around, crack-head. You'll see PLENTY of 3rd grade misspellings on this blog."

    And the reason is because most people don't need to prove how smart they are or how fast they accurately type, by spelling simple words correctly every single time on something as unimportant as a blog.

    YOU on the other hand should find an on line degree in spell check/typing so you can feel smart too!

  22. Methinks money spent in drone strikes and SEAL transport well-invested. Maybe that's just me.

  23. Take Me To Jamaica, (BTW, where in Jamaica do you want to go?) please see what TheNastyLiberal said.

    "And the reason is because most people don't need to prove how smart they are or how fast they accurately type, by spelling simple words correctly every single time on something as unimportant as a blog."

    Dr. Queen,thanks for explaining that to the Troll.

  24. I deleted an essay, but what it came down to is this.

    1) Everyone is racist.

    2) Supposing there is anyone out there who is not just a tiny, tiny bit racist leads to the finger pointing, which then shuts down dialogue about how we handle our racist thoughts. What is kept in the dark becomes dark.

    3) I'd like to see, someday, the issue reduced to the 3rd grade joke it actually is. 'Race' should be just about as important as what your favorite comic book is.

    That's not to be dismissive in the least. That people have truly suffered horrible atrocities because of this issue is deplorable and sickening. But, dammit, it was all over nothing. It's all because, yes, people do notice differences, and that noticing was taken WAY too damn seriously instead of just talked about and learned about. I wish the HUMAN race would grow up.

  25. quantum.., those were interesting comments, and I suppose, that in a way, I agree with a lot of what you said.

    But my problem, though, is this: The atrocities you speak of did in fact occur. (Not only for my race, but for others as well) The human soul being what it is, how do we stop it from happening again?

    Doesn't a lot of the ignorance and pettiness surrounding race surface in very dark and serious ways if it goes unchecked?

  26. "Race in America is a difficult subject. When it comes to race America has the mental maturity of a 7 year old that, on occasion will plug its ears with its fingers and sing “La, la, la.” Being American and Negro I understand this. I don’t really have any choice but to understand it. I can’t decide that racial matters or discussions are silly because I’m actually affected. I can’t speak of it philosophically and talk racial theory because for me its NOT theory. I’m Black. This is real. End of story."

    Great quote from Elon James White

  27. Anonymous9:27 AM

    field negro said...
    quantum.., those were interesting comments, and I suppose, that in a way, I agree with a lot of what you said.

    But my problem, though, is this: The atrocities you speak of did in fact occur. (Not only for my race, but for others as well) The human soul being what it is, how do we stop it from happening again?

    Doesn't a lot of the ignorance and pettiness surrounding race surface in very dark and serious ways if it goes unchecked?

    Racism doesnt arise out of ignorance - it thrives on human nature and differences. If you put a group of individuals in a room, naturally they will select to align with those they feel most comfortable with. If this is something as basic as human appearance, culture, thoughts, proclivities it happens.

    There is only one way in my mind for racism to never rear it's ugly head and that is the rule of law. Only with the rule of law have we been able to socially condemn certain behaviours by there being repercussions for specific actions. You can never eradicate feelings from someones mind, only make them change or should I say you don't lead people by hitting them with a bat, you convince them with truth and not attacks.

    When the rule of law is suspended and people look the other way, even to favor certain racial groups, racism grows and festers because those given favors don't respect others and show this in attitude and actions and those not given favors are impacted and become resentful.

    To put it another way look at Obama vote fishing with illegals. He broke the very laws of this nation he has sworn to uphold in terms of illegal immigration. Simply to play racial politics to gain a vote from a "racial block", so now there are people from all walks of life who see that the rule of law is inviolate if you are of a certain race or when a certain race is in power or corruption is accepted because of race. The reason in my opinion race relations have suffered under Obama and anytime liberals gain power is they practice racism, then attack anyone who disagrees as the ones being the racists.

    There needs to be remembrance of the past but total and full equality for all under the law or racism will never die, why should it when instead of stressing we are all humans, we stress how different we are with different rules and treatment. If not, we will have racism for if everyone isn't treated equally, then they surely must not be equal.

  28. Sage, I feel you. (No pun intended)Love the quote from White.

    I am reading what Anon @ 9:27 AM said as well, and I was impressed with the logic and clarity until it got political.

    I agree that we cannot legislate morality, and more often than not people are going to align themselves with those who look or think like they do. But shouldn't the rule of law protect those in a society (usually the minority group in a particular race, religion, etc.) who are subject nefarious acts by those in the majority? Or, right a historical wrong?

    No one is saying that it should be applied unfairly, but when we start saying that we should just ignore the potential for man to do evil to another because of the color of their skin or religion or sexual preference; I think we are in danger of repeating what happened before.

    All I am saying is let's be vigilant.

  29. Anon 9:27 lost me at "illegals"

  30. Anon 9:27 lost me at "illegals""

    Yep. I started trying to call AAA around that time as well.

  31. "I see that his Oness is continuing to kick ass on the "war on terror"."

    I remember during those evil Bush years{when unemployeement was under 6,gas was a $1.79/gal,less poor and homeless than we do now},Democrats were pissin' and moanin' about due process,trails, and our nation having laws.

    Funny how none of that matters when Democrats are in the house.

    Democrats have no principles.

  32. You have to give white Liberals a break. They're a dying breed.They bought into all that hope and change bullshit just like black folks did.

    They look at Obama has their messiah.Just like black folks.

    So you can picture how heart breaking it was for the 20%'ers to find out Obama is a false massiah.

    They will come out for Obama in 2012. They will be alot of pissin' and moanin' long the way.

    White Liberals are racist.....

  33. Anonymous said...
    Racism doesnt arise out of ignorance - it thrives on human nature and differences. If you put a group of individuals in a room, naturally they will select to align with those they feel most comfortable with. If this is something as basic as human appearance, culture, thoughts, proclivities it happens.

    There is only one way in my mind for racism to never rear it's ugly head and that is the rule of law. Only with the rule of law have we been able to socially condemn certain behaviours by there being repercussions for specific actions. You can never eradicate feelings from someones mind, only make them change or should I say you don't lead people by hitting them with a bat, you convince them with truth and not attacks.

    When the rule of law is suspended and people look the other way, even to favor certain racial groups, racism grows and festers because those given favors don't respect others and show this in attitude and actions and those not given favors are impacted and become resentful.

    To put it another way look at Obama vote fishing with illegals. He broke the very laws of this nation he has sworn to uphold in terms of illegal immigration. Simply to play racial politics to gain a vote from a "racial block", so now there are people from all walks of life who see that the rule of law is inviolate if you are of a certain race or when a certain race is in power or corruption is accepted because of race. The reason in my opinion race relations have suffered under Obama and anytime liberals gain power is they practice racism, then attack anyone who disagrees as the ones being the racists.

    Anonymous is schoolin' the negros in the fields.

    Obama is the most divisive president ever. Ever.....

  34. I read both articles and this is what I took away from both. This is my opinion and mine only.

    Mellissa Harris Perry is telling us, black, effing retarded, professional lefty's (aka Obama's base) to quit whining and complaining and support Obama because he' like us.

    Gene Lyons said-
    Voters can't be shamed or intimidated into supporting this president or any other. They can only be persuaded.

    Now we (collective) are going off in a tangent talking about KKK, racism, etc. and we've taken our eyes off this prize. It's not Mellissa Harris Perry or Gene Lyons...they have JOBS, retirement, educatcation, access to health care etc. It's about the millions of Americans who don't have these things. F the dumb stuff and focus people. Don't fall for the weapon of mass distraction. It's about JOBS or in this case, the lack there of.

    What Mellanous said:
    Field I am not sure what you meant by Obama kicking butt in the war on terror. I and other folks of conscious find it disturbing and it threatens to undermine our constitutional protections.

    His killing of Anwar Al-Aulaqi is the first time the gov't has killed an American citizen without due process.

    The black president has set a very dangerous precedent. Aulaqis killing undermnes one of the principle that supposedly sets the US apart from other so -called civilized nations.

    If the govt can kill a Muslim cleric, who by the way hadn't killed anyone nor had it been proven that he conspired in any plots. The gist of his message is that the US is at war with Muslim nations.

    What are your thoughts as a lawyer?

    I would like to know your thoughts as an attorney also.

  35. Anonymous10:33 AM

    field negro said...
    Anon 9:27 lost me at "illegals""

    Yep. I started trying to call AAA around that time as well.

    9:51 AM

    Why did your car break down? Not sure what you mean with this witticism but it sounds a bit snarky, anyway...

    That's precisely the point. There shouldnt be any politics in equality, yet there is. This will promote racism. I specifically chose that point "illegals" to highlight the penchant for some minds to "shut down" and go to racial battle lines when they hear things they don't like, further highlighting the point regarding the rule of law requiring equality and having repercussions for anyone playing racism.

    For supposedly providing special treatment and exemptions for someone based on race is just as racist as not doing good or doing harm based on race is it not?

    To further stress the discussion if a law is designed to protect the interests of citizens of the US by controlling who emigrates to the country, then this should apply to all equally shouldnt it?

    There are just as many poor if not worse off Haitians then Latinos in the world so why are they deported most times while a Cuban is immediately granted refugee status if they touch U.S soil? My point isn't that one group is better than the other, quite the contrary, my point is that racism and yes politics change, this will change the favored group at the time and constantly reinvent racism. If the rule of law was applied (presuming the laws were designed logically) then there is no racism or faux racism charges to throw around and further divide us. Anyone not following the rule of law is the offender of society as the law is equal and unbending for all - not just for certain racial groups.

  36. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Anonymous said "To put it another way look at Obama vote fishing with illegals. He broke the very laws of this nation he has sworn to uphold in terms of illegal immigration."

    SAY WHAT? Where did this idiotic opinion come from? I find it frustrating and irritating that that someone would post such lies about our president.

    I am a white liberal, and I support President Obama one-hundred percent. He has accomplished a tremendous amount in the face of opposition from the right. And BTW, I am thrilled to have a president that is smarter than I am!


  37. Kingnut10:56 AM

    "BTW Kingnut, the only failure that's been self-evident during this term is the colossal failure of a Republican-controlled Congress to cooperate on the issues that need to be addressed so the nation can move forward"

    Field, you are confusing a Democrat talking point with reality.

    Obama had two years with complete control of congress, including a filibuster proof majority in the Senate. Republicans weren't even allowed in the room when legislation was written, and the largest entitlement increase in history was passed, against the will of the majority of the people, without a single Republican vote. (How's that for bipartisanship?)

    The voters rose up in 2010 and took the House out of the democrats hands. They were put there precisely to stop Obama from "doubling down" on the destructive policies that have put us in our current situaiton. We should be in the second year of a booming recovery, instead we are languishing in the malaise brought on by a stifling Federal government.

    Republicans don't want Obama to fail, they want the effort to continue with these misguided policies to fail.

    Obama needs to reverse course, stop talking about tax hikes and instead embrace Republican tax reform, stop strangling business with new regulations, and drop Obamacare. The country would turn towards prosperity and would be happy to re-elect him.

  38. Anonymous10:56 AM

    What Mellanous said:
    Field I am not sure what you meant by Obama kicking butt in the war on terror. I and other folks of conscious find it disturbing and it threatens to undermine our constitutional protections.

    His killing of Anwar Al-Aulaqi is the first time the gov't has killed an American citizen without due process.

    Another point for the rule of law without exemptions for racism facilitated by politics. You would think the very same people who made it a lifes mission to decry the Bush administration for as Obama said "walking away from our ideals and overreacting to 9/11 with waterboarding" would be horrified at the escalation and outright assassination of a "U.S" citizen. They aren't....they will just excuse the hypocrisy or somehow insert a racial element into it and certainly never tie the bows in their mind together regarding other liberal views, I mean how do you advocate elimination of the death penalty yet support drone assassinations? I have different views on both that isn't the point, the point is my views are consistant and unlike others don't change based upon the race involved.


  39. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Why listen to paid Astro-turfing Trolls who can't do anything but repeat their telemarketing spiel? I already have a place in Florida, a very nice retirement, and have no need for ManDumpling 'male enhancements'. So, what crap are you trying to sell today?
    Oh, now the Kochs are having you sell slavecropping. No thanks. Under Liberal/Progressive policies my taxes pay for police, fire, and other necessary services...not making rich people even more wealthy. Under Liberal/Progressive policies, I can apply for any position that I am qualified for...not just maid or Pullman porter.
    Nice to see that you-all are still working in your chosen field of selling useless frauds.


  40. No, I was lost. And after reading your comments I still am.

    "To further stress the discussion if a law is designed to protect the interests of citizens of the US by controlling who emigrates to the country, then this should apply to all equally shouldn’t it?"

    Yes, it should, but it is NOT. That's the problem.

    "There are just as many poor if not worse off Haitians then Latinos in the world so why are they deported most times while a Cuban is immediately granted refugee status if they touch U.S soil? My point isn't that one group is better than the other, quite the contrary, my point is that racism and yes politics change, this will change the favored group at the time and constantly reinvent racism. If the rule of law was applied (presuming the laws were designed logically) then there is no racism or faux racism charges to throw around and further divide us. Anyone not following the rule of law is the offender of society as the law is equal and unbending for all - not just for certain racial groups."

    Great point! But you are making my case for me. The laws are not applied equally.Thus the need to be vigilant.

  41. Anon @ 10:34:
    BTW, I am thrilled to have a president that is smarter than I am!

    I'll bet you are thrilled to have dog smarter than you are too.

  42. Anonymous11:00 AM

    "BTW Kingnut, the only failure that's been self-evident during this term is the colossal failure of a Republican-controlled Congress to cooperate on the issues that need to be addressed so the nation can move forward"

    Field, you are confusing a Democrat talking point with reality

    Obama gave his weekly address spouting the very same talking point, republicans dont want people to work, are holding up his jobs bill (stimulus) he went on and on, but everything was a lie, while lying he forgot to mention of the nearly 200 democrats in congress no one is sponsoring his bill and Harry Reid his democratic ally refused to bring it to a vote, saying they have more important bills and will look at it after recess. So Obama is a liar, someone who plays racial politics endlessly and sinks to any depths to get his way. Disgusting.

  43. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Why listen to paid Astro-turfing Trolls who can't do anything but repeat their telemarketing spiel? I already have a place in Florida, a very nice retirement, and have no need for ManDumpling 'male enhancements'. So, what crap are you trying to sell today?
    Oh, now the Kochs are having you sell slavecropping. No thanks. Under Liberal/Progressive policies my taxes pay for police, fire, and other necessary services...not making rich people even more wealthy. Under Liberal/Progressive policies, I can apply for any position that I am qualified for...not just maid or Pullman porter.
    Nice to see that you-all are still working in your chosen field of selling useless frauds.


    I like you Mold, but then again I like sniffing dog shit too, does that tell you anything you insane white man.

  44. Madness and Mellaneous,if you read my comments earlier you would see that I find the killing of this al Qaeda cleric problematic as well.

    The point is, republicans would not have found it problematic under Bush or any other republican president, yet the fact that he was killed by a democratic president brings out the crickets.

  45. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Great point! But you are making my case for me. The laws are not applied equally.Thus the need to be vigilant.

    Right I agree with that, but just to emphasize, vigilant with the rule of law and adherance, so there is no racism. Anyone not applying the rule of law because of special interests they have should be excoriated without exception. Then racism will have its head smacked down like whack a mole. If we look the other way for special instances, then there will always be special instances or racism - just cyclying to the next persons special interests.

  46. Anonymous11:30 AM

    The point is, republicans would not have found it problematic under Bush or any other republican president, yet the fact that he was killed by a democratic president brings out the crickets.

    Field, now I need your phone number for bring republicans into the mix and are saying Republicans would not have had a problem if Bush did this, yet they are hypocritically quiet now that a democratic president did it? Doesn't compute, the people who are hypocritically quiet are the liberals who are showing double standards or is that what you meant? Again, I say I would rather deal with a person who I disagree with but is honest of their views, then someone who's views change based upon the special interest and not the actual views. They will change whatever they say just to win an argument and that is a liar. No sense talking with a liar it becomes entertainment and if it is just entertainment watching TV is the better option, you know it's fiction and fantasy.

  47. Her article was poorly thought out and poorly argued. Whites who voted for Obama didn't all of a sudden become racist over the past two and half years.

    Obama comes across as weak. Whether or not that is deliberate overcompensation to avoid being cast as the "Angry Black Man" is an open question but his behavior in the face of opposition easily allows detractors to portray him as the "Incompetent/Scared Black Man", which is in some ways worse.

    And it also bears mentioning that although Obama still has pretty good polling numbers among white liberals and of course blacks, his decisions, whether to kneecap the EPA, go slow on environmental policies, continue and extend wars, accept Bush Tax cuts, execute American citizens w/o trial, cozy up to Wall Street etc. might be a small part of why liberals of any color might be not as thrilled with him in 2011 as they were in 2009. Just a smallllllll part.

    I was surprised that Harris-Perry threw out such a simplistic and reductionist argument. She's smarter than that.

  48. Quote: Tormenting Liberals with Lies and Bollocks since 1882...

    "Racism doesnt arise out of ignorance - it thrives on human nature and differences."

    Scientifically, there is no such thing as race, it's an entirely social construct. So what "differences" are you referring to?

    "If you put a group of individuals in a room, naturally they will select to align with those they feel most comfortable with."

    If you put me in a room of Americans and Europeans, I would probably "select to align myself" with the European, regardless of his skin colour, rather than any American regardless of their colour.

    So why do choose race as the only differentiation?

    "If this is something as basic as human appearance, culture, thoughts, proclivities it happens."

    Yes, if you are a racist.

    "There is only one way in my mind for racism to never rear it's ugly head and that is the rule of law. Only with the rule of law have we been able to socially condemn certain behaviours by there being repercussions for specific actions. You can never eradicate feelings from someones mind, only make them change or should I say you don't lead people by hitting them with a bat, you convince them with truth and not attacks."

    Total gibberish.

    "When the rule of law is suspended and people look the other way, even to favor certain racial groups, racism grows and festers because those given favors don't respect others and show this in attitude and actions and those not given favors are impacted and become resentful."

    So it's O.K. for whites to get angry about affirmative action, but not O.K. for blacks to be angry about the 300 years of oppression that affirmative action was designed to correct?

    Is that your position?

  49. Do i agree "Anonymous poster" scored some points?

    You betcha!!!!!

  50. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Liberal Tormentor-"Racism doesnt arise out of ignorance - it thrives on human nature and differences."

    Purple Cow-"Scientifically, there is no such thing as race, it's an entirely social construct. So what "differences" are you referring to?"

    You are exactly right, LT. Racism is able to survive because of featured tribal human differences. It's as old as humanity.

    Purple Cow, I agree that race is a social construct. But that changes nothing as far as racism is concerned in America or Europe, for that matter. People still hate each other because of their differences. Now if we had ONE GOD that the human race could relate to as the Father, maybe we could accept and embrace each other? NO? I thought so.

    I thought you had left FN for good. It's only been a week and you are back for more insults from UTS? Fyi, he hasn't changed...he's gotten worse...still the biggest 'racist' ass on the planet, closely followed by his racist disciple, Mack Lyons.

    Anyway, welcome back, I guess.

  51. Anonymous4:15 PM

    FN, here is a historical Black Power Mixtape 1967-1975 all Blacks should see:

  52. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Field, "I suspect that Mr. Lyons knows this, (or maybe not) but let's be honest folks; some people just can't change who they are. It doesn't matter if their political ideology leans left or right."

    Remember, most Whites identify themselves as racially superior. Hence, it is foolish for a bm to only look at wingnuts as "the problem". He must have the sense to look at the leftists as well. You see, they are White, too and feel the same about Blacks as well. The only difference is one is right-wing and the other is left-wing. Remember this, Field.

  53. Anonymous4:54 PM

    I thought you had left FN for good. It's only been a week and you are back for more insults from UTS? Fyi, he hasn't changed...he's gotten worse...still the biggest 'racist' ass on the planet, closely followed by his racist disciple, Mack Lyons.

    Anyway, welcome back, I guess.

    Yeah we missed arrogant no nothing belligerent condescending without justification pricks.

    Purple ballsacks.

  54. Ok, I'll bite. What are these so called "tribal human differences?"

  55. What my name is........5:35 PM

    Eagles 1-3.......

    Redskins 3-1......

    Time to start cheering for the good guys,eh.......

    I'm shock to see cow return after slavecatchersteve took him to the whipping post.

  56. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Purple Cow Said....

    "Scientifically, there is no such thing as race, it's an entirely social construct. So what "differences" are you referring to?"

    Actually that liberal dog wont hunt anymore. Look up real science, genomes. Even Professor Gates will tell you all about race and the field of Science. But anyway what is your point? If there are no races then there can be no racism can there. So go hug someone from Al- Queda and buy a brain.

  57. @Field: Yeah. I agree completely with your reply to my own statements. It's a damn pitiful situation. We (most of us I like to think) want race (and lots of other things) to ultimately be non-issues. And yet, how in the world can they ever be, in light of what has gone to pass? And doesn't that same question haunt all those human conflicts?

    We need to raise the psychological maturity of the whole human species. There is no precedent for that, just hope. I just like to keep myself on a trajectory towards a Star Trek-ish future, but I totally acknowledge the need to address the present injustices in practical terms.

    Daydreaming is pretty easy, but addressing things practically and building a path requires careful balance and fierce determination. I commend you for doing a great job of that.

    I'm really struggling with this conundrum.

    Maybe . . . racism is kind of like wanting to screw your cousin. It may be not entirely uncommon there's an impulse there in people - more in some, less in others. We may frown on the thought itself, but having the thought isn't really all that damning or really psychologically all that abnormal. Still, we don't ACT on that impulse, because it's absurd due to the all the negatives - and potential horrors.

    Wow, that totally fits. They screw their cousins in the South, too, don't they? I just blew my own mind with that one.

  58. quantum...I like you. :) Please stick around. You make sound logical arguments. I don't agree with everything you say, but that's to be expected. At least we are having the discussion.

  59. Anonymous11:09 PM

    I lived in Harlem....I see nothing lasting that any democrat does or did....BTW, did it ever occur to you that you are perpetuating exactly what you claim to denounce? Perhaps that's why you have 15mins of fame/infamy? So keep drinking the JonesTown punch, silly one. Wake up and realize that you are a Slave to the democrats and all you are doing is fanning the flame to keep our people impoverished....Not because we can do everything to succeed....but because you are actually a HOUSE negro trying to protect your reason to be.....very sad.
