Saturday, September 10, 2011

Republicans may soon have one more reason to applaud.

"Indifference is the essence of inhumanity". ~George Bernard Shaw~

When Rick Perry was asked by Brian Williams in a recent republican presidential debate if he looses any sleep over the executions in his state, this is how he replied: “I’ve never struggled with that at all.” He said it with a smirk on his face, and when he said it his republican audience roared with applause.

Rick Perry has been the overseer of more executions in modern history (234)than any other governor in the United States.  And you better believe that he is proud of every one of them.
Rick Perry, as Kristen Chick noted, should have struggled with the wrongful death of Cameron Todd Willingham. A man put to death at the Texas killing house in Huntsville who was later found to be innocent. But even if there was no Cameron Todd Willingham, Perry's conscience should have been a better guide. Thanks to the advances made with the science of DNA testing, we now know that quite a few people who society thought was guilty and was ready to put to death, were actually innocent of the crimes for which they were charged and convicted.

*More applause from republicans.*

Which brings me to the case of Troy Davis. A man who very well could be innocent of the charges brought against him, but who, nevertheless, the state of Georgia plans to put to death on September 21,2011. *more applause*

Oh field, there you go playing defense attorney again.

Well, please consider the following:

  • Almost all of the nine witnesses who gave evidence at his trial have recanted or changed their testimony

  • A state's witness now says another guy murdered the officer, Mark Allen MacPhail

  • No DNA evidence link him to the crime

  • No fingerprints, either

  • Nobody ever found the murder weapon

  • Davis has maintained his innocence since his arrest (h/t Gawker)

  • Not good enough to put reasonable doubt in your mind? How about the following?

    "...upon reviewing his case a federal court held in 2010 that he hadn't proven his "actual innocence" because his post-conviction body of evidence was either "not credible and would be disregarded by a reasonable juror," too general, or both. The presiding judge didn't allow Davis's lawyers to call any of the recanting witnesses—who pinned the murder on a different man at the scene named Sylvester "Redd" Coles— because they hadn't subpoenaed Coles to testify. However, the judge asserted that, even if the lawyers had called Coles to the stand, he might have confessed to the crime just to enhance "his reputation as a dangerous individual." Based on this logic, we should now assume that everyone who's ever confessed to murder probably did so only to enhance their badass reputations and therefore should be released from prison, because they're innocent.

    In March the U.S. Supreme Court decided not to give Davis more time to prove his innocence. Despite all the evidentiary issues, Georgia's superior court has scheduled his execution for September 21. The Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles has scheduled a hearing two days before Davis's government-issued death; Davis' lawyers will call some of the recanting witnesses, and maybe the board will be influenced by what they hear. If not, then Davis will be executed.." [Source] 

    Congrats Governor Deal, if you put Troy Davis down, you too can run for president and get all the adoration and applause from your party loyalist.

    We are one day away from September 11th. And the psychos who flew the planes into those buildings were inhumane and had no empathy for their fellow human beings. They represented the worst of what humanity has to offer.

    Come September 22, 2011, we will find out if they have more company.

    *Sign the petition to save Troy Davis, here.



    1. They'll execute this man, and then file a report months or even years later unequivocally stating his innocence. Years after the people who could be put on the fire for this injustice are long removed or retired from their positions.

    2. Thank you Field for your assessment and advocacy to stop this travesty of justice. There is no redress for a state sanctioned killing of Mr. Davis who more than likely is innocent of this crime.
      I've signed two petitions--one to Georgia and one to the President.

    3. Anonymous10:12 PM

      Although Perry has no moral qualms about executing obviously innocent persons...I probably will decline the offer to petition for the Troy Davis Cause.


    4. Anonymous10:17 PM

      Totally unrelated...
      Should be required viewing for lads.


    5. Anonymous10:32 PM

      In Texas, they execute those who kill others. It's an eye for eye in Texas. No one is exempt, and Perry makes no exception unless there is a question of innocence. He enforces the law as dictated by the people of Texas.

      Don't blame Perry for the law. Take a good look at the people of Texas. They are the ones who want the death penalty. Is it moral? Of course, not. But this is America where Divine Law is secondary to man's law.

    6. Anonymous10:35 PM

      It is too bad that Blacks don't care enough about Troy Davis's innocence that they won't even sign a petition. But it's par for the course...Negroes don't care. Hence, Troy will probably die.

    7. "It is too bad that Blacks don't care enough about Troy Davis's innocence that they won't even sign a petition. But it's par for the course...Negroes don't care. Hence, Troy will probably die.

      No one gives a shit about your fucked up little posts, player. Move on.

    8. Anonymous11:16 PM

      gosh mack wut u wake up on the wrong side of the bed tonite sweetie pie? given dumb ass mildews statement a person gots to wonder WHY wouldnt any person in they rite mind NOT sign the petition dummies! reasonable doubt my ass! those wite muphukkas know good and gottdam well that nucka is innocent they claim travesty of justice if a lil wite girl is wrongly accused of something sheeit even if she guilty as sin they still be on her side a nucka could be castrated in this phukked up country and still get convicted of rape jess like witnesses can recant they testimony and the judge refuse to honor the concept of justice may that judge die a painful death and be tortured in the afterlife for as long as his decision caused troy davis to be in jail any longer then he had to be!

    9. Anonymous11:23 PM

      Anonymous said...
      Why are taxes seen by a wite dude as taking from the deserving by birth and being given to the undeserving? This is a Democracy. We already chose to share some measure of the wealth with our less fortunate citizens. And the greatest form of being undeserving is to be AfAm.

      Probably the most disgusting and revealing thing you have ever said. There Afams are just as successdful and or capable of being successful as any other race, for you to say all Afams are less fortunate and that being afam is to be undeserving is despicable - even for you.

      Yes mold.You have used many different ids.Remember newssouls?Remember you forget to change ids when answering a post?Funny newssouls id disappeared after that. Or when the net was down in the old folks home AB's stalkers stoping posting?On the same day you started posting again,ABS' stalker came back.

      Not hard to figure your half n' half ass out.

      He uses/used Newssouls, Socrates, the vulgar anon, Mangina or wait I think it was Mandinga and lately I just call him "buceta bref/kuntbref" when I see him.

      Why do we think you are a male?
      Look down...see that shrively littel white thing? That isn't a really big clitoris.....although I do understand you would rather have a big one of these then a small one of those...

      7:36 PM
      Blogger Dr.Queen said...

      Now see, you guys are gonna make vulgar assign appear, LOL!!!

      7:42 PM
      its clear that u wrote both those posts ya dummy! both of them contain the sophomoric and atrocious spelling that is a hallmark of ur vapid posting miss edumacayted who donte know how to use a thesaurus or dictionary miss edumacayted who donte know how to act like she gots some class miss edumacayted who get on errybody nerves except her kuntlickin alter ego know how that happne? oh wait they the same person both ignint posers losers liars and frauds!

    10. ^^^^^^ I SLAMMED the MCAT earlier today. CHECK, you stalking, no life, sadistic, non working, know nothing sorry mutha F*&ker!

      LOL at Mack!

    11. And Field will you PLEASE tell your bitchass blog stalker that the ONLY idiot around here that responds to itself, is it!


      Dr. Queen

    12. Team Williams US Open!

    13. Wesley R11:58 PM

      Wingnuts proclaim to the world that they are the most Christian of all. But!, they act like the devil.
      Michigan sucks. They had to struggle to say the least to beat College Football's version of The Dukies. Most hyped and overrated.
      USC sucks too. They should have killed Utah. Utah had them but blew it. Field, you have to talk to The Mrs. about Directv. Saturday nights are something else during college football season. Games all day and night.

    14. Anonymous12:06 AM

      No wonder studies show over 80% of murderers,rapist,and child molesters would vote Democrat if they could vote.

      Thats your army Democrats.Now go out and rape,murder,and molest children.Get them sons a bitches!!!!

      Didn't he shoot and assualt someone early that day he killed that white police oficer?

    15. BetterMan12:07 AM

      I will never understand how a group that thrives on killing babies is so bleeding heart about murderers and rapists getting put to death. Why should someone who raped a young girl with a broomstick killing her, an illegal alien to boot - be spared? So he can kill again? (yes the latest newsworthy Perry Case)

      As for reasonable doubt, your absolutely right and something is not right with cases like Troy Davis based upon what you have written, as well as examples such as O.J and so on. I think the thing to remember clearly aside from some fruity liberal question to Perry during the R debate about following the laws and sleeping well, all of these people were tried by a jury of their peers.

      I will sign the petition for Troy Davis once I understand why Nine witnesses fingered him on a stand to a jury, then after he got convicted all nine recanted, something is missing and doesnt' smell right at all.

      In my little neck of the woods the witnesses some times couldnt be gotten to until after the trial..not saying this is it but something is strange all nine said it was he, then all nine changed their mind? Why?

    16. BetterMan12:13 AM

      On troy davis, someone misinformed you, the US supreme court reviewed his case. Sharpton is involved - poor Troy.

      In 2009, the U.S. Supreme Court ordered that an evidentiary hearing be conducted to examine alleged recantations by trial witnesses and determine if clear and convincing evidence existed to prove Davis' innocence. On August 24, 2010, the conviction was upheld, with the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Georgia declaring, "Davis is not innocent

      On August 17, 2009, the U.S. Supreme Court, over the dissenting votes of two justices, ordered a federal district court in Georgia to consider and rule on whether new evidence "that could not have been obtained at the time of trial clearly establishes [Davis'] innocence.

      Davis was given an opportunity to present new evidence at a hearing in federal court in Savannah in June 2010, but he put on only a paucity of testimony. He did not take the stand in his defense and did not call Sylvester Coles as a witness. He also did not call some of the other witnesses who had given affidavits on his behalf, even though some of them were present in the courthouse. Savannah journalist Patrick Rodgers characterized the hearing as a defeat for Davis, commenting, "Although the defense team had been arguing for a hearing like this since they took over the case, if the atmosphere ... was any implication, they seemed to be wishing they could have a second chance."

    17. Jesus. I just read the Willingham story and I'm just speechless.

    18. Anonymous1:10 AM

      Mack Lyons, "No one gives a shit about your fucked up little posts, player. Move on."

      You are one mean-spirited profane rotten Negro. You have no class. Rot in hell you SOB.

    19. Anonymous1:13 AM

      I wonder what Field will say if Troy confesses to the murders. Probably nothing...he has a hard shameful time admitting when he is wrong.

    20. Farley1:16 AM

      The petition is closed.

    21. Anonymous1:17 AM

      Frm the previous thread:

      Field said, "Thrasher @ 10:49AM,that was profound."

      Saint Anon said, "why the fuck can't i get any recognition? i have been on fn for 4 yrs and nobody even answers my questions, not even Mack. now that is pretty bad if Mack won't answer. WTF!!!

      this kind of fn treatment is the reason so many Negroes go Republicans! Field, you are mainly responsible for a lot of us crossing over. i hope your email box is jammed with complaints about how you have mistreated a loyal brother for four fucking years! YOU are the reason i am on Prozac with Red Stripe as a chaser."

      Mack, I hope this meets with your approval. I want so badly to be an acceptable Negro to you.

    22. Anonymous1:23 AM

      "The petition is closed."

      Wonder what excuse Mack will have this time? it's the wm's fault?

      Have you noticed that whenever our folks are involved nothing goes right? look at the WH-even that is messed up.

      So Mack, here's your chance to cover for the Prez and your own black ass.

    23. Thanks for the update, Field.



      (Need some troll software?)

    24. Anonymous1:32 AM

      LaToya, I tried your advice on getting water out of my ears with one of those straws that blends so I could suck the water out. Well, I think I fucked up my ear drum. I can only hear on one side of my head.

      Why would you want to mess up a trusting brother like me? Lord have mercy.

    25. Anonymous1:40 AM

      Susan, "(Need some troll software?)"

      Why is everybody on FN calling me a troll? this is quite disturbing. I am on the verge of a nervous breakdown. This FN conspiracy against me must stop!

      Field, what happened to the First Amendment on FN? didn't you say I had the right to participate? Then why are all the Blacks and Whites on my ass? I swear, you FN lefties are nothing but a bunch of fascist dictators.

    26. mellaneous1:42 AM

      @Hemroid guy- some people see the US as bunch of murderers, thieves and rapists. Just visit some of the sites overseas where the US has either invaded, occupied or bombed.

      And to assume that Davis is a bad guy or guilty without having the facts or knowing anything about him takes the covers off and exposes who and what you really are.

      And you come on as if you have a real opinion, when clearly conservatism and the right wing are not the way forward for the US and humankind. And of course the Dems don't offer the way forward, but the side you defend act like raving inhuman lunatics more often than not.

      Case in point, just listen to the positions of the Republican candidates.

    27. mellaneous1:48 AM

      Field in a society that really valued its citizens, Davis would be free.

      @Better Man- you are a liar!

      Everybody knows that the cops and the DA's have set folks up and framed them, esp people they don't particularly like.

      Which group are you referring that has a history of killing babies, the Germans during WWII, Europeans during their pogrom against the Jews for supposedly bringing about the Bubonic plague, or the US settlers that gave small pox infected blankets to the Native Americans?

    28. Anonymous1:50 AM

      kimdaqueef da wannabe dawktaw who will never be one said...

      ^^^^^^ I SLAMMED the MCAT earlier today. CHECK, you stalking, no life, sadistic, non working, know nothing sorry mutha F*&ker!

      LOL at Mack!

      11:27 PM
      hey dummy how would u know if u slammed the test if the scores aint been released yet dummy? as incompetent as u r at keeping ur lies strate eyed be amazed if you got credit for typing ur name ya dumb shit stack!

      there is an essay portion of the mcat for those who donte know u think this self professed disgusting ghetto sheboon who lacks the ability to even remotely write anything reasonable could pass the essay section of the mcat? muah muah muah muah muah

      u know whats cool about the mcat is that if ure a gottdam idgit like qoohole kim over here u can take it up to 3 times in a year! so for the dummies like kimdaqueef there is a loophole so they can get 2 or even 3rd tries! affirmative action programs have phukked up our entire edumacayshun system and u ca thank qoohole kimdaqueef for that. DUMMIES!

    29. Anonymous1:52 AM

      Mell said, "Case in point, just listen to the positions of the Republican candidates."

      Did you actually listen to them? If you had , then you wouldn't be criticizing them because their positions were reasonable healthy and wise.

    30. Anonymous1:52 AM

      Which group are you referring that has a history of killing babies, the Germans during WWII, Europeans during their pogrom against the Jews for supposedly bringing about the Bubonic plague, or the US settlers that gave small pox infected blankets to the Native Americans?

      1:48 AM mellanus

      well mellanus as usual u look thru the lens of a biased person u forget that ur boy obama supports infanticide? talk about europeans all u want but nuckas is guilty of the same shit why come african american womens get the most abortions percentage wise? and u gots the nerve to talk about wite europeans like they done all bad in the world. nucka get over ur self righteous bullcrap and see that this is a human problem donte jess try to talk about them dumb euros!

    31. mellaneous2:19 AM

      @anon- last I heard abortion is not murder. And it was the person who tried to make the original point that showed their bias.

      My position is that all class societies have committed atrocities and all groups have as well. No group holds a monopoly on violence.

      anon 1:52 -reasonableness can not be used to refer to the conservatives running for office.
      Unless of course you really believe that Social Security should be ended and that big business is nothing more than job providers.

      @Field we don't have to wait til tomorrow, this government is already far gone along with those who support its policies.

    32. Anonymous2:22 AM

      My position is that all class societies have committed atrocities and all groups have as well. No group holds a monopoly on violence.

      okay mell u rite on this one

      @anon- last I heard abortion is not murder. And it was the person who tried to make the original point that showed their bias.

      what? and u sposed to be a preacha? a activist? for human rites is it? and u sayin that a woman can be 9 months on and the baby is formed and u think an abortion (late term they call them) is not murder? nucka the crack they give u at the alter must be mo potent then ever !!!?

    33. mellaneous3:09 AM

      Anon- no I didn't say that you made the foolish statement above.

      An odd thing that I have observed among my more conservative Christian brethren is that very few advocate for policies that support children (well at least poor and working folks children)

      I'm out

    34. I love it when the anons get all chipped up over lil' ol' me.

      "You are one mean-spirited profane rotten Negro. You have no class. Rot in hell you SOB."

      My advice to you, my troll friend, is the same advice Dick Cheney gave Patrick Leahy eons ago. That same advice is also extended to the many variations and sock-puppet accounts you've made in order to dominate the comments section.

    35. Anonymous6:04 AM

      poor mack u jess want attention sweetie pie well here ya go have a nice night

    36. "I wonder what Field will say if Troy confesses to the murders. Probably nothing...he has a hard shameful time admitting when he is wrong."

      You can't confess to something when you are dead.

      What will you say if someone else confesses after Davis is put to death by the state of Georgia?

      BetterMan, nothing you wrote changes my mind about the state not meeting their burden in this case. Go back and get some more right wing talking points.

      Congrats Dr. Queen!

    37. NSangoma7:28 AM

      field booty, what is dat Troy Davis Negroe I.Q.?

      He dasn't be looking to brite!!

      Wouldn't we coloureds be better off with him daid and unable to lay dat pipe; thus not producing more intellectually deficient Troy Davis' ?

      Hmmm, I wonder if he was able to get his dick wet prior to imprisonment?

      Was there a Heaux of low I.Q., igknant enough to give Troy Davis sum pussy, field booty?

      Any Troy Davis looking little boys and little girls running around out there, field booty?

      If so, squash 'em and get them out of the general Negroe gene pool.

    38. BetterMan8:00 AM

      mellaneous said...
      Field in a society that really valued its citizens, Davis would be free.

      @Better Man- you are a liar!

      Woooohhh, Captain Melanoma you don't like what took place so you call me a liar, a little strong there for a pasteurized preacher exactly what did I make up or lie about that got under your frock?

    39. BetterMan8:34 AM

      "BetterMan, nothing you wrote changes my mind about the state not meeting their burden in this case. Go back and get some more right wing talking points"

      Field, I am not trying to change your mind about anything, just having an open discussion with facts. I read your post took your lead and checked into it - I don't just blindly sign petitions because someone else says look he didn't do it, people can be mistaken about the things they are told.

      In a few seconds I found the guy received a few trials and hearings, going up to US supreme court. But nevertheless the guy is innocent because

      -He said so from the beginning - imagine that.
      -- they didnt find a weapon or have DNA or prints - Maybe the murder didnt happen because they didnt find the weapon? How would you expect prints if the weapon wasn't found? Now not saying he did it because of this but didnt those weak facts alone as a lawyer make you seek more? Nine witnesses fingering one person is a hell of a lot of people.

      Anyway, if you don't like the facts and dont want to discuss facts that digress from your agenda, fine but don't be so obvious with your dismissive left style of claiming they were talking points. How did this guy not get his due with several hearings and trials and how do you go from 9 not 1 -2 or even three but nine witnesses testifying he did it, to AFTER the trial 8 either recanting or forgetting and this only by affadavit and despite the judge "allowing witnesses to proceed" - (not barring them as you wrote) Davis did not testify himself nor did he call one single recanted witness including the guy he said did it who says he did it, even though several were right in the courtroom.

      I don't know - if I were on death row and got yet another hearing/trial/review - you bet I would be up there saying I did not kill anyone and calling every single witness I could - that is if they were willing to testify under oath the recanted version of their testimony

      Your a lawyer, any dabbling in criminal law?

      A reporters write up of the evidentiary hearing:

    40. Anonymous9:03 AM

      Kill this negroe.

    41. Anonymous9:05 AM

      Todays black news

      Black muslim goes jihad on bus.

      St. Louis Today:

      Police in Springfield, Mo., were seeking a motive in the killing there on Thursday of a man waiting to board a bus for St. Louis.

      Justin Hall, 32, of Mount Vernon, Ohio, was preparing to board a Greyhound bus when he was shot in the back. Mohamed H. Dawod, 25, of Glendale, Ariz., was charged with first-degree murder and armed criminal action in the shooting, the Springfield News-Leader reported.

      Witnesses told police that Dawod was trying to fire more shots but that his pistol, a .22-cal. semi-automatic, jammed. Other passengers subdued Dawod and held him until police arrived.

      The attack appeared to be unprovoked, according to court documents.

      Hall and Dawod had been on a bus traveling from Amarillo, Texas, to St. Louis that had stopped over in Springfield. Witnesses said Hall and Dawod had not talked to each other on the bus.

    42. field negro said...
      BetterMan, nothing you wrote changes my mind about the state not meeting their burden in this case. Go back and get some more right wing talking points.

      Hey Field, looks like you've got the same issue I occasionally see working in the lab. Everyone thinks they can do and know your job better than you do because they read something somewhere. In my case, it's the Wiki scientists that annoy the hell outta' me but as an Attorney, I think you may have it FAR worse than I do thanks to Judge Judy and 'nem, LOL!!!!

      And thanks for the congrats! As a person with a doctorate, you know that this is just the first of many steps I have left to take, ONE AT A TIME, LOL!!!!

      Now I'm off to go celebrate my success and enjoy turning "27" for the 18th time with one of the smartest, cutest, and kindest kids around and the finest, intelligent, loving, most handsome chocolate colored smartness in a 6'4" frame God ever made!

      Have a great day everyone!

    43. Anonymous9:48 AM

      Wait a sec this "blog" appears to be a moron. I understand that many are wrongfully accused for the death penalty but this is more of a blog trashing republicans than anything else. It was a waste of time and space to even bring up Rick Perry to prove a point and the same applies to the Governor of Georgia.

      You could have just placed a focus on the "innocent" man whom may reach the death penalty.

      @Liberals are like hemroids
      You are just as moronic on the right coming up with a unproven viewpoint out of your ass. This is coming from the same party whom think the Bible is the official law book of the land.

    44. Anonymous10:14 AM

      Ahh...the MSM folly of 'they both does it'. A pox on both your houses, eh?
      Like 'working the refs'...this is an old wingnut Con ploy. Expecting you to beleeve that Clinton getting consensual is the 'exact same' as invading Iraq.
      Or that a solar panel manufacturer going under because of tech advances is the 'exact same' as Enron, S&Ls, Halliburton no-bid contracts.
      Well, if you pretend really hard...they still are not.

      I don't know who the other posters are...but as often posted...I only use one nom de Intertubes. It is my form of Dada.
      Must be you are worried your multiple sockpuppets are ineffectual. Maybe your Koch-sucking boss will RIF you. What value does the Fwee Market place on wingnut welfare Cons?
      A blogger opined that business loves the labour aspect of the bushMess...they have 50 employees doing the work of 75 or 100. However, Demand keeps creeping lower. When st reagan had the wages of working folk smashed...most looked for other ways to maintain lifestyle. Credit cards and home prices sufficed for a time. Now, those choices are not available. Either wages increase (OMG!! Socialistmmsim!!) or the 'owners' will have to impose some form of Fascism. The christians (Dominionist/Reconstructionist), TaxBaggers (racists), and Sadists are all volunteering to make you all 'sacrifice'...and they hope you resist, at first.

      How does a drone discern age? Depleted Uranium is what, exactly? What is the effect of vaporized aersolized metals on lung structure?

      Agree with Mack...what Goobers call a a blob of pretty much undifferentiated material. But they feel justified in TELLing you what to do and when. Like an adult woman would ever listen to them.;)


    45. This comment has been removed by the author.

    46. Not So Anonymous10:19 AM

      Why is mold highjacking this thread?Seems like everyday moldtrolls are highjacking and trying to stop posters from having intelligent conversations.

      These moldtrolls should be banned.This is not about free speech.This is not about exposing ignorance.

      This is about moldtrolls attempt to discourage others from posting and take away from the powerful message you spread field.

    47. Anonymous10:59 AM

      Dr.Queen said...
      I SLAMMED the MCAT earlier today.
      Congratulations! Best wishes!

    48. BetterMan, you do understand that Davis has a right NOT to testify and that it should not be held against him, right? I am pretty sure that his lawyers did not want him testifying.

      Sorry, it just doesn't look like the state met its burden in this case. You do know, don't you, that the burden is on the state to prove his guilt.

      And FYI, I do more than just "dabble" in

      Dr. Queen, I think you might be right about some folks. :)

    49. Anonymous12:02 PM

      This comment has been removed by the author.

    50. Anonymous2:29 PM

      When some 'expert' claims the regulations are jawbkillin' or cawstin bidness too is where you can ask them to list the alleged regs.

      Thanks to Steve Pizzo.


    51. Cases like this convince me to oppose the death penalty. I signed the petition this morning. Let's hope the collective protest will not be in vain.

      Farley, the petition is not closed at all. Try this link:

    52. Anonymous5:38 PM

      field, "You can't confess to something when you are dead.

      What will you say if someone else confesses after Davis is put to death by the state of Georgia?"

      I am talking about Troy when Troy has his last meal and final words might say, "I admit to the murders and I am sorry."

      If someone comes forward after Troy is dead, I'll be the first to say, "I am wrong"--unlike you.

    53. Anonymous5:39 PM

      thanks for providing that link miss beautiful sharon from wisconsin u always ha something to say and never seem to get embroiled in troll talk and this brings this anon to a point people who ha class aint ha to give themselves titles like queen since by their conduct they r perceived that way and people wit edumacayshun ain tend to ha a need to brag about it since by their profession and publications their work speaks for itself u carry on like the queen u really r miss sharon

      u make all these disgusting sheboon trolls like kimdaqueef look bad by jess being u

    54. Anonymous5:45 PM

      "u make all these disgusting sheboon trolls like kimdaqueef look bad by jess being u"

      5:39 PM

      Preach it, anon!!! Right on. Anybody who believes Dr Q took an MCAT exam and passed need to have their heads examined like naive Desertfox.

    55. Anonymous5:46 PM

      neither queen nor doctor said...
      In my case, it's the Wiki scientists that annoy the hell outta' me

      well it takes one to recognize one donte it sweetie u more then anyone else on this board knows a wiki liar when she spots one since ude like to think that is ur specialty but u aint foolin nobody sweetie u idgit dummy qoohole! ha a rotten week! muah muah muah muah muah muah muah muah muah muah muah muah muah muah

    56. Anonymous5:47 PM

      Does anybody know if any AAs died on 9/11? Or if any black fireman were involved on that date? I haven't heard of any.

    57. Anonymous5:51 PM

      neither queen nor doctor said...
      Now I'm off to go celebrate my success

      um yeah thats the question aint it? success at what exactly? the mcat is computerized but the scores wonte be released for another few weeks since they ha to grade the essays so um what exactly r u talkin about u slammed the mcat dummy? and how is u gone celebrate if u aint ha ur scores yet? u r very very stoopid ya dimwitted qoohole!

      "Releasing Scores
      Viewing Your Scores

      * Your scores should be released 30-35 days after your test date. Please refer to our 2011 Registration Deadline and Score Release Schedule for details.
      * Scores are available online in the MCAT Testing History (THx) System .The THx system includes all scores from 1991 to the present.
      * If you tested prior to 1991, you will need to submit a Paper Score Report Request to the MCAT office."
      link to mcat scoring 2011

    58. Desertflower said...
      Dr.Queen said...
      I SLAMMED the MCAT earlier today.
      Congratulations! Best wishes!


      THANKS Desertflower!

      As for the death penalty, I also feel it should be abolished gievn that a Black man is far more likely than anyone else, to be executed.

    59. This comment has been removed by the author.

    60. This comment has been removed by the author.

    61. This comment has been removed by the author.

    62. Bitchass stalking Assnon,

      I had to really think about whether or not I wanted to don the haz mat suit/respirator to respond to you, so I figured I'm chilling, so why not.

      Let's get a few facts straight besides the obvious that you're a jealous, envious, stalking, know and do nothing, daughter of a royal bitch.

      1) FYI, the MCAT is offered MULTIPLE times ~ 20 per year so shut the f*ck up about it because you're NEVER qualify to sit for the exam. All you're EVER going to do is cut and paste facts about an exam you'll NEVER take.

      2) Where did I state I got my score back? Anyone with a normal functioning brain (and clearly you don't have one) knows when they walk out of an exam how they did. AND I DID GREAT because while you spent the ENTIRE summer talking DUMB shit, I was STUDYING FOR THE EXAM! You can't relate to that because your dumb ass DROPPED OUT OF COLLEGE so you have absolutely nothing in your life experience to relate to this. And being a semen dump and devil spawn incubator hardly qualifies.

      3) As for the 1 hour writing section of the test, I just had an abstract ACCEPTED so it's pretty safe to say that that part of the exam was only a few clicks easier than the verbal section was for me.

      Now as you continue to stew in your hate and jealousy OF ME for another 3+ years, I'll continue to make significant progress toward becoming a Physician. And one day in the not so distant future, it WILL be my ass as Physician you'll be kissing to hell and back.

      So go ahead, and plan all your little vulgar responses to this post since everyone on this blog knows that the ONLY thing that gets closer to my butt on a daily basis other than tissue and a wash cloth, is YOUR nose!

      Now carry on with your Bitchass self, Mangina, LOL!!!

    63. Hold on to your hats, the Wall Street Journal says Karl Marx may have been right after all...

    64. Anonymous7:04 PM

      Marx is only wrong to gawd furin' wites who believerated st.reagan.Why are posters so mad?I showed dr.queen to be no queen or dr.Its not hard.Plenty fun.Just like listening to fundies tell me who can diddle my skittle.No thanks.i love my dad.


    65. Anonymous7:09 PM

      Marx is only wrong to gawd furin' wites who believerated st.reagan.Why are posters so mad?I showed dr.queen to be no queen or dr.Its not hard.Plenty fun.Just like listening to fundies tell me who can diddle my skittle.No thanks.i love my dad.


    66. Anonymous7:19 PM

      'Dr Nouriel Roubini claims Karl Marx was right about capitalism self-destructing. While the U.S. is not there yet, he believes there is considerable danger facing the United States.'...from the link offered by Purple Cow.
      Although they call him 'Dr Doom'...Dr Roubini has been remarkably prescient...and accurate. No beleefs, no Fwee Market Fawies.

      Read Marx...and see the current class war by the rich predicted.


    67. "Does anybody know if any AAs died on 9/11? Or if any black fireman were involved on that date? I haven't heard of any."

      Stephanie Bowser, might have something to say about that, scumbag!

      Now go back to the klan rally. They need someone to light the cross.

      Just blow on it, all that hot air coming out of your mouth should do the trick.

    68. BetterMan8:10 PM

      field negro said...
      BetterMan, you do understand that Davis has a right NOT to testify and that it should not be held against him, right? I am pretty sure that his lawyers did not want him testifying.

      Sorry, it just doesn't look like the state met its burden in this case. You do know, don't you, that the burden is on the state to prove his guilt.

      And FYI, I do more than just "dabble" in

      Dr. Queen, I think you might be right about some folks. :)

      11:44 AM

      Allright Field, I didnt' know you were a criminal lawyer, I thought you dealt with divorce, battered women and such, sorry if I trivialized what you do.

      On Davis, of course he had a right not to testify. Usually thats reserved for those who might incriminate or make themselves look bad, isnt' it? Not someone screaming his innocence from the top of the judicial pile. Again, say what you will, he has the right but if you were him and knew you were innocent with nothing at all to hide, wouldnt you take the stand to profess your innocence?

      Again I am not a lawyer, you are but when you say the burden is upon the state to prove his guilt, they already did that twice, didn't they? He was found guilty and sentenced to death by a jury. So at this point if there is new evidence wouldnt it behoove him to share this in court and call the witnesses who changed thier mind AFTER his conviction and US Supreme court denial of appeal? This newest round of hearings was at his behest as he had witnesses who recanted. His entire case and request for another hearing revolved around those witnesses recanting, yet he did not or his defense did not call a single one of them all some who were in the courtroom, , did he just want to lose? Was there a reason the witnesses who previously said he was guilty who now in a document say he is not were unable or unwilling to testify to that effect? A judge is told by the defense the complete new evidence is that sworn testimony by witnesses is recanted - so you don't call a single one of them to explain why and how they recanted?

    69. ditto fn

      may god bless troy...and us all

      ditto for mumia etc...

    70. Anonymous9:45 PM

      "Stephanie Bowser, might have something to say about that, scumbag!"

      I am not a klansman, I am an African American man who just wanted to know if any AAs had died on 9/11.

      I honestly have not read or heard about any AAs involved on 9/11.

      Was it blogged in the blogosphere about the AAs who died? I don't recall reading anything on FN.

    71. "I am not a klansman, I am an African American man who just wanted to know if any AAs had died on 9/11."

      Nice try. I can see your nose growing under your sheet.

    72. Here are some more of those dead Negroes from 9/11 for you Mr. Duke:

    73. Anonymous11:52 PM

      "Nice try. I can see your nose growing under your sheet."

      I see there is no changing your mind, so I won't try anymore. Anyway, I appreciate the information you have provided regarding AAs on 9/11. I wish the media had listed the number of AAs who had died on that tragic day. Thanks for the info.
