Sunday, September 11, 2011


"You remember that morning, a Tuesday. You remember the weather being too perfect, if such a state exists, the brilliant blue, cloudless, postcard sky, the September day of dreams.

You remember that morning, and all that came after, the volcanic smoke, the fires, the torrent of ash, the deaths.

In minutes, Lower Manhattan was transformed into Dresden, the Pentagon into a battered fort; a field near Shanksville, Pa., became a scorched grave.
You remember because the horror was replayed over and over, on video and in memory, analyzed, debated, manipulated, interpreted, abused.

Everything about that morning, and almost all that came after, was characterized by speed: the planes crashing, the buildings falling, the deaths mounting, the rush to a wrongheaded costly war.

Has there ever been a moment so swiftly memorialized? Has there ever been a tragedy - immediate, brutal, and universally shared at record velocity - that so perfectly mirrors its times?

There were astonishing acts of bravery and kindness, yet stupid things were said, and dumber things were done. Sept. 11 represented the death of irony, and defined bravery and cowardice. The moment was used to explain all. The day marked the end of the old America, said more than one person, a day that changed everything.

Conspiracy theories proliferated. Saddam Hussein was connected, as was Niger yellowcake. Torture was defended. Wars were launched. Homeland Security entered our lives. Also, color-coded threat levels and duct tape.
Fear became the new contagion, and anti-Arab sentiment exploded. Travel, long synonymous with freedom and velocity, became neither.

Statements and acts were executed in haste while people were still wounded, angry, confused. The day has been repeatedly politicized, appropriated, and misappropriated, all with astonishing alacrity.

The Manhattan memorial to Sept. 11 will be dedicated Sunday, a decade after the tragedy. The Martin Luther King Memorial was dedicated last month, 43 years after King's murder.

In the midst of a lumbering recession, partially caused by the punishing cost of two wars launched in the urgency to do something, Manhattan developers rushed to rebuild skyscrapers, an emotional but fiscally unsound impulse. There's a paucity of tenants, and taxpayers are subsidizing $11 billion worth of government-sponsored projects.

Artists and historians often require decades to filter history, the distance and time necessary for thoughtful interpretation. We're still distilling Vietnam, and both world wars. We may never recover from slavery and the rifts of the Civil War.

But the need to interpret Sept. 11 was immediate, a rush to judgment. The day became a symbol before the fires were extinguished.

A decade later, we have a vast trove of theater, movies, music, art, and fiction, and an exhausting amount of journalism. There is no end in sight.

Much of where we are today is because of what happened on that morning, but grief, shock, anger, fear, and loss, all reactions to that moment, take their toll.
Reflection, silence, and patience are needed for greater insight.

Now, because we maul any anniversary, we're experiencing Sept. 11 overload. The tributes and memories are a necessary support for many people, but we need to take a break.

We think we know what happened. I argue that the consequences are still playing out, and our understanding will come only later." [Article]

Karen, like most most of us, I remember exactly where I was on that day: A conference in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, just hours from where United Flight 93  went down. I was up early and ready to play a round of golf, and as I waited for my playing partners in the hotel lobby, I started watching as one plane, and then next, flew into the World Trade Center. It all went downhill from there. Shock. Horror. Disbelief. I remember calling the Mrs. to make sure that she was alright, but I don't even remember what I said.

So, here we are, ten years later. And all the promises of unity and coming to together have been broken. One could argue that an unnecessary war to hold on to power which half of us disagreed with, and the other half supported, is the reason that those feelings after September 11 faded so quickly. I couldn't disagree with that. In fact, it seems that we are even more divided now than we were before that tragic day.

If you are one of the leaders of Al-Qaeda hiding in Pakistan somewhere, what are you thinking? That you won? That you succeeded with your mission? Or that America took your best shot and is back; bigger and better than ever?

Actually, the true "consequences" of that day will probably depend on what is going through the mind of those men and their supporters.

I am with Karen Heller; it's still too early to tell.



  1. I've read many posts today on 9/11. They are each unique as is the shared or unshared memory of that day.

    Will things get better? I don't see it in the motivation of our politicians, our corporations and people are losing hope. I don't see the spirit of the Sixties either. That would give me hope.

    Hopefully those of us who want change will somehow evoke it through activism, at the polls or even blogging. "The Field Negro" makes a good contribution towards the cause.

  2. Still have conflicting emotions about 9/11 but one of the things that sticks in my head was the European who stated that America had finally "joined the real world". I feel we as a country missd out on an opportunity to show how great we could be. IMHO we should have gone after those and ONLY those responsible for the act, the world was (mostly) with us. I think Bush overreached as did Al Queda.

  3. Not So Anonymous9:53 PM

    "Conflicting emotions"

    Those 2 words can mean so much.I believe 9/11 was indeed our chickens coming home to roost.

    How can we has a country be a occupier and mass murderer,and not expect to reap what we sow?

    I was hoping Obama would have given us a speech that would have given us reason to think.

    It is "we the people" who elect.

    Only "we the people" can make hope and change happen.

    We forget that and give up to easy.

  4. amen

    Begin your own research by perusing the numerous and superb websites of NYC's first responders, police officers, firefighters, architects, and engineers. They were the experts at the scene and they know the lies expertly. Ponder the obvious. Two planes can never melt three whole buildings...

    You will find that 9/11 happened so that America's evil elitist rulers would be given a pass to declare global war at will. America's serial wars will rape and rob the world of oil, gold, and opium forever. It is a lucrative aim. Ask Cheney, King Shrub, Halliburton, Hobama/”President” Barack Obama...

    Hobama is a more ruthless and worse war criminal than King Shrub was. Ask any Libyan, Syrian, Pakistani... Hobama has already fared well with his very own false flag of murdering Osama for the ninth time. What newer and deadlier ruses await us?

    ditto for hobama and osama etc...

  5. Anonymous10:17 PM

    "In fact, it seems that we are even more divided now than we were before that tragic day."

    Yes we are more divided than before. A nation whose words and actions never matched continues to be unmatched. The rift began with slavery, then Jim Crow, and now with the election of Obama. We have two separate Americas: A White America and a Black America...and maybe a Brown America in the making.

    The gulf between Americans based on race and color is widening instead of narrowing. With Obama as our first black President, reminds ALL Americans that racism is in 3D and has never gone away. I don't think a nation can ever eradicate the karmic effects of slavery, Jim Crow and all other forms of racism.

    There just cannot be any trust between the perpetrators and the victims. Mr. Racism has America in its death grip. A thousand 9/11s won't change that.

  6. Anonymous10:35 PM

    First of all Mr King was assassinated, not murdered, big difference, although I realize she must have struggled with the use of the word and of yet another controversial topic.

    And my thoughts are that no we don't need to take a break, and I do think we need to remember, because we are still at war. This has not ended, and we are all suffering the consequences $$$ and paying through the nose for it, so why whitewash it???

    Not saying I agree with war. I don't think any mother can agree to sending a child off to die, but jus sayin, it is what it is...

  7. "The gulf between Americans based on race and color is widening instead of narrowing. With Obama as our first black President, reminds ALL Americans that racism is in 3D and has never gone away..."


  8. Reading now: "The Shape of Things to Come: Prophecy and the American Voice" by Greil Marcus and "Patriotic Gore: Studies in the Literature of the American Civil War" by Edmund Wilson.

    Wilson wrote his book in 1962, but if you read the Introduction you'd wonder.

  9. Anonymous11:08 PM

    Dear Mr. Field, the Redskins easily manhandled the Giants today. Pray for your Eagles when they come to DC.

  10. Anonymous11:42 PM

    "Much of where we are today is because of what happened on that morning, but grief, shock, anger, fear, and loss, all reactions to that moment, take their toll.
    Reflection, silence, and patience are needed for greater insight."

    I remember that day and the days that followed. Americans, for a brief two weeks, wanted to know why they attacked us and why they hated us. Sales of books on the middle east even increased....for about two weeks and then, as usual Americans forgot and went on to something else called revenge and war. America never processed the need for understanding why it happened in the first place.

  11. Here’s my blog post about my feelings on 9/11. To summarize, this really is martyr porn at its greatest (or most disgusting). Instead of, as a nation, learning from this tragedy and moving forward to a greater, more peaceful existence – we continue to wallow in the angry, confusion, self righteous and abject stupidity that 9/11 brought to this nation and the world. And the mainstream media (along with the Firebagging realms of the Lefty blogsphere and media) keep raking in cash by playing our guilt like a violin:

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. If on 9/18/01, a week after the attacks, I came back from today and said that 10 years on we'd be broke, 10 trillion in debt; that we'd be mired still in endless spreading wars because for every enemy we kill, we kill and maim a hundred civilians and make a thousand new enemies; that across the Muslim world (even among NATO anchor Turkey's public by 56% ) A-meri-ca would be the consensus #1 enemy, that our international reputation and influence would be at an all time low, that two century's worth of legal traditions and precedents, up to and including including those outlawing torture, would be discarded wholesale; most of you'd have probably asked me how Bin Laden ended up winning.


  14. "Dear Mr. Field, the Redskins easily manhandled the Giants today. Pray for your Eagles when they come to DC."

    Oh stop it! It was the Giants. They have no playmakers this year.

    WC, it does seem like those Al-Qaeda folks did a number on us, doesn't it?

    La~Coincidental I will check out that post.

  15. Anonymous12:09 AM

    LAC, that was a terrific post. It was your best post yet!

  16. Anonymous12:47 AM

    neither doctor nor queen said...

    Bitchass stalking Assnon,
    you're a jealous, envious, stalking, know and do nothing

    1) FYI, the MCAT is offered MULTIPLE times ~ 20 per year so shut the f*ck up about it .
    oh ya that is a point to set this anon strate is it? to repeat what is on any website about the mcat? gawds ure a gottdam idgit!

    2) AND I DID GREAT u did great simply cuz u declared u did great u aint ha ur scores back so u ha nothing to celebrate until u get them back. DUMMY!

    You can't relate to that because your dumb ass DROPPED OUT OF COLLEGE really? do tell sweetie pie do tell it is funny that u r swinging at invisible monkeys now since u dont know who this anon is nor their edumacayshunal level this anon will say that its observed u lying about urself and people u disagree wiht a common rite wing paid trolls tactic but u even too stoopid to pass as a rite winger since they wouldnt have ur dumb ass
    And being a semen dump and devil spawn incubator hardly qualifies.
    ain't u the one wit the kids? that would make u a semen dump times 2 DUMMY!

    3) As for the 1 hour writing section of the test, I just had an abstract ACCEPTED so it's pretty safe to say that that part of the exam was only a few clicks easier than the verbal section was for me.
    now we all know ur ugly sheboon incompetent lyin ass is full of shit getting an abstract submitted with the help of colleagues to correct ur grammer and help u cite sources in no way qualifies u to pass the mcat essay section 1 does not lead 2 the other and if u actually took that test and knew how they scored it ude realize that Dummy!

    Now carry on with your Bitchass self, Mangina, LOL!!!
    its a shame when someone as edumacayted as u claimerate to be resorts to such gutter language cante u do better? after all didnt u say ure sure u rocked the mcat and that the essay questions ure sure to aced? well why cante u import that skill to ur 3rd grade writing style here? and what is mangina? some type of weave repair chemical that u place on piss smelling weaves that u wear?

  17. Anonymous12:50 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Why are taxes seen by a wite dude as taking from the deserving by birth and being given to the undeserving? This is a Democracy. We already chose to share some measure of the wealth with our less fortunate citizens. And the greatest form of being undeserving is to be AfAm.

    Probably the most disgusting and revealing thing you have ever said. There Afams are just as successdful and or capable of being successful as any other race, for you to say all Afams are less fortunate and that being afam is to be undeserving is despicable - even for you.

    Yes mold.You have used many different ids.Remember newssouls?Remember you forget to change ids when answering a post?Funny newssouls id disappeared after that. Or when the net was down in the old folks home AB's stalkers stoping posting?On the same day you started posting again,ABS' stalker came back.

    Not hard to figure your half n' half ass out.

    He uses/used Newssouls, Socrates, the vulgar anon, Mangina or wait I think it was Mandinga and lately I just call him "buceta bref/kuntbref" when I see him.

    Why do we think you are a male?
    Look down...see that shrively littel white thing? That isn't a really big clitoris.....although I do understand you would rather have a big one of these then a small one of those...

    7:36 PM
    Blogger Dr.Queen said...

    Now see, you guys are gonna make vulgar assign appear, LOL!!!

    7:42 PM

    its clear that u wrote both those posts ya dummy! both of them contain the sophomoric and atrocious spelling that is ur claim to fame miss edumacayted who donte know ow to use a thesaurus or dictionary dummY!

    11:21 PM

  18. I can’t help but help think that many Americans never really have a world view… the number of innocent civilians killed in Iraq according to are staggering and never mentioned in this countries media. I’m not a conspiracy theorist but as Keith Sweat would say ‘somthin, somthin just aint right’ …..about the number 7 building, the amount of money this country has spent on the wars so far, the Oil, Haliburton..the list goes on.

    If we would have said ‘we will never forget’ about Slavery, the Terroristic acts of Klan (KKK) and US policy in the middle East this, this country would be real different place…

  19. Anonymous4:50 AM

    LAC, read your blog. What is your proof that Liberals don't see themselves as part of the US? I know this is a tired old trope from the wingnut Con beleefs....but I wonder why you are using it? Perhaps to balance the racist Cons? Or to pretend that 'they are all doing it'?

    Funny thing, our policy showed little interest in the activity of the Taliban...until they shut off the poppy products.

    The self-congratulating media frenzy was very much a created event. While the friends and family were experiencing the grief over their loss...the media was thrilling to the sound of their own voices.
    The narrative was to be followed. That meant bush had to be present. Laura bush was to be 'tearful' or 'crying'...when it looked like she was doing a toot of cocaine. And was obviously dry-eyed.
    bush as Zombie Lincoln was another theme. Though, I do suggest that Lincoln was a far better orator.

    We should respect the sacrifice and heroism of those who were a part of that day.


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  23. Anonymous8:24 AM

    LAC, read your blog. What is your proof that Liberals don't see themselves as part of the US?


    Where does all the hate America,flag burning,why can't we be more like France come from?

    They come from firebaggers like yourself.

  24. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Why do people respond to mold knowing mold is vulgar assnon?

  25. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Why do people respond to mold knowing mold is vulgar assnon?

    Iknow i shouldn't respond to him.He is easily disproven.I think i will stop.

  26. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Liberals indulge in a mock mock-philosophical loophole, just a bit of psychological transference. Those of us not smitten with this Only Hate Hate Itself dodge can admit we hate. We may not be proud of it, and may question ourselves when we give license to it, but we can in fact admit this ugly emotion lives in our hearts.

    and we can admit then that we do in fact hate the murderers who killed 2,996 on 11 September 2001, and we hate their allies, and we hate those who dance in the street at the thoughts of men on fire plummeting a quarter mile through the air to their deaths.

    And what does a bien pensant (liberal) in good standing about these these uncultured yobbos who feel no twinge of class-inculcated shame in hating mass-murderers?

    Why, you hate them, of course. For what else can a good bien pensant (liberal), who has purged all hate from his heart by simple act of subscribing to Mother Jones, do when confronted with some benighted hatred, but to pour enlightened hatred on it?

    We have never really been arguing about whether we should go to war, or whether we should hate. The only contention of these past 10 years has been whom we should go to war with, and whom we ought to hate.

    The bien pensants (liberals) are quite insistent that we must not hate some External Other who serves as a bogeyman exciting our darker passions.

    Rather, they urge, we must direct these darker passions at an Internal Other, the vast majority of Americans who do not consider themselves a type of latter-day digital order of Jesuits.

    Apparently we all have the right basic emotional take on things; some of us have just chosen the wrong bogeymen to fear and hate.

  27. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Liberals are like hemroids said...

    Anonymous said...
    Why do people respond to mold knowing mold is vulgar assnon?

    Iknow i shouldn't respond to him.He is easily disproven.I think i will stop.

    8:58 AM
    of course ule stop u stoopid idgit but not cuz mildew is the same as the vulgar anon u know they aren't queefkim funny how the 2nd grade writing style and poor spelling which r the hallmark of queefdakims writing always show up with this kuntl liberals are like hemroids nucka cante even spell properly and is too stoopid to change his profile or rather her profile dummies!

  28. joe biden12:00 PM

    Karen Heller has no idea what she's jabbering about unless she has the brains to see the obvious and admit that 9/11 was the outcome of Islam and the Islamic goal of creating a global caliphate.

    My office was on the 47th floor of Tower One, the tower hit by the first plane. But proximity to the attack should have no bearing on understanding the single evil force that led to it.

    Unfortunately, there is a willful blindness about Islam, and that blindness has reached such epic proportions that we have elected a president who was, by Islamic standards, a muslim at birth, and who lived in an Islamic nation during his most formative years.

    In a speech he gave yesterday, he said the US is not as war with Islam. Apparently he doesn't realize that despite his pacifistic approach to Islam, Islam is at war with the US, the West and Israel.

    November 2012 cannot come fast enough.

    And today he delivered his latest Jobs bill. What does it offer? Only this -- more money for unionized government jobs. Teachers, cops, firemen.

    For non-government jobs, the offers were almost meaningless.

    The saddest part of the bill is the offer of tax breaks for small businesses. But the tax breaks have no value unless the businesses are profitable, which few new enterprises are.

    How sick is the president?

    There is a request to build a pipeline from Canada to Texas. It will carry oil from the tar sands in Canada to points in the US. Everything is ready to go. Shovel ready. All it takes to put the shovels into the ground is the president's signature.

    20,000 jobs -- immediately, and likely more than 100,000 jobs in the next couple of years.

    But, well, the president won't sign off on this deal -- a deal that requires NO government money. A deal that will generate BILLIONS of tax dollars for the US.

    But, well, it's oil, and you know how our idiot-in-chief feels about oil. And the people who work in the oil industry.

    Obama is despicable.

  29. no slappz12:19 PM


    I've always thought you were an idiot, but the post on your website shows you're far more of a moron than I'd previously thought.

    Despite your claims of having learned something about the world, it's stunningly obvious that 9/11 only solidified your own prejudices and biased views.

    Face facts. There's 1,400 years of Islamic history that counters your naive focus on the belief that muslims in Afghanistan might want nothing more than a territory free of non-muslims.

    Those illiterate boneheads are not calling he shots. The organizers are well funded, and backed by oil-rich Islamic governments. Believing that the thoughts of illiterate muslims offer the whole story is the belief of a simpleton.

  30. President Boom Boom Comacho1:07 PM

    Obamas "job plan" 447 billion in additional spending - how? He is going to raise taxes by reducing deductions like mortgage payments, medical, etc. This guy is totally out of his mind and over his head..
    Raising taxes in a recession now BOA cutting 30 thousand jobs, selling part of its business to canadians...boy there is still a lot of damage this professor can do to our country in the next year. He keeps pandering to those riding in the cart and strangling those pulling it. Not a good formula.

  31. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Anyone figure out in the last 10 years why we invaded Iraq?

  32. Anon 1:07..didn't boa receive a bailout?

  33. 75% Of Latest Bank Of America
    Bailout Used To Pay Merrill Lynch ...

  34. bofa owns hobama

    and hobama has no jobs plan

    further proof:
    30k newly poor slated for layoffs at bofa
    after MILLIONS of foreclosures/NO loans...shame!!!!

    hobama and his banksters are cruel jokers...shame!!!!!!

    In an interesting scenario of communication breakdown between President Obama and Wall Street on September 12th, Bank of America issued a statement that they will be cutting 30000 workers at the very same time the President is on television talking about his new job stimulus bill.

  35. Anonymous4:22 PM

    The sludge line is already being protested by folks who aren't paid by energy companies. Funny how the magick will bring jobs and money and studly manliness...if one only beleeves with all their heart.
    Did the bush tax cuts give you your pony?

    As far as caliphate, keep repeating the Dave Barton historee. It makes you appear ignorant.
    Maybe, instead of repeating lies about the religion and the politics of the could research the subject. While BillyBobsTaxDodge Newsletter is fine for entertainment...there are Universities that have the information you are so obviously lacking. Feel free to do the work.

    Nice sockpuppet agreement. If that is the only way for you to generate agreement...perhaps you should ask why you have to create friends and allies. Keep trying to lie about me posting under another nom de might deflect from your own usage. Or not.
    However, it does draw attention to you using sockpuppets.

    Poor Cons...they are so torn between their raging racism and their policies being pushed by Obama. Money...or being able to say 'migger'. What a dilemma!


  36. perm jobs lost = perm middle class erasure


    As the wealthy continue to accrue capital -- helped by policies like a low tax on profits from stock and real estate sales -- and the less well-off classes try to make do in a pitiless economic climate, corporations appear to be finally recognizing the reality of the prosperity gap, and tailoring their product lines accordingly. Manufacturers like Procter & Gamble, the household-goods giant responsible for everything from Charmin and Old Spice to Tide, are concentrating their efforts on luxury and bargain items, putting less emphasis on products aimed at the middle class, the Wall Street Journal reports.

    The erosion of middle-market product lines reflects a trend where economic pressures are making it increasingly harder for Americans to maintain a traditional middle-class existence. Jobs are less secure, home ownership rates are falling and a college education is not the guarantee of financial stability that it once was. A recent study from the Pew Charitable Trusts found that more than a quarter of Americans who were raised in middle-class families in the late 1970s had fallen into the lower-earning classes by 2006.

  37. fn:

    kudos to jack k

    September 11, 2011, 8:41 am
    The Years of Shame
    Is it just me, or are the 9/11 commemorations oddly subdued?

    Actually, I don’t think it’s me, and it’s not really that odd.

    What happened after 9/11 — and I think even people on the right know this, whether they admit it or not — was deeply shameful. The atrocity should have been a unifying event, but instead it became a wedge issue. Fake heroes like Bernie Kerik, Rudy Giuliani, and, yes, George W. Bush raced to cash in on the horror. And then the attack was used to justify an unrelated war the neocons wanted to fight, for all the wrong reasons.

    A lot of other people behaved badly. How many of our professional pundits — people who should have understood very well what was happening — took the easy way out, turning a blind eye to the corruption and lending their support to the hijacking of the atrocity?

    The memory of 9/11 has been irrevocably poisoned; it has become an occasion for shame. And in its heart, the nation knows it.

    I’m not going to allow comments on this post, for obvious reasons.

  38. WipeCarefully4:52 PM

    Anonymous said...
    The sludge line is already being protested by folks who aren't paid by energy companies. Funny how the magick will bring jobs and money and studly manliness...if one only beleeves with all their heart.
    Did the bush tax cuts give you your pony?

    As far as caliphate, keep repeating the Dave Barton historee. It makes you appear ignorant.
    Maybe, instead of repeating lies about the religion and the politics of the could research the subject. While BillyBobsTaxDodge Newsletter is fine for entertainment...there are Universities that have the information you are so obviously lacking. Feel free to do the work.

    Nice sockpuppet agreement. If that is the only way for you to generate agreement...perhaps you should ask why you have to create friends and allies. Keep trying to lie about me posting under another nom de might deflect from your own usage. Or not.
    However, it does draw attention to you using sockpuppets.

    Poor Cons...they are so torn between their raging racism and their policies being pushed by Obama. Money...or being able to say 'migger'. What a dilemma!


    What a demented little fucktard. Do you have any idea what you are trying to say here? There are so many random thoughts interweaved that it is like taking a dump and trying to figure out what you ate 4 days ago. For some reason when I scroll past your posts I feel 4 lbs lighter.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. i meant paul k!

  41. "Anyone figure out in the last 10 years why we invaded Iraq?"

    Nope! Maybe one of these regular wingnuts can help us.

  42. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Check out "The New Jim Crow", by Michelle Alexander...
    On another note, perhaps the Alicia Bankses are onto something: Our POTUS, Barack H. Obama is a charismatic charlatan after all. He is definitely NOT a Black American. His election as such will doubtless go down in history as a cruelly pornographic hoax. The South arises again. You can put lipstick, make-up and tuxedos on anything, including the cretins now masquerading as the "Salvation of America".
    While I'm at it: How many of you out there sincerely feel agape love and sympathy for the "Nine-eleveners"? We are overdue for some righteously cosmic/kharmic "payback" for the banalities of injustice afflicting this nation.


  43. Anonymous5:22 PM

    field negro said...
    "Anyone figure out in the last 10 years why we invaded Iraq?"

    Nope! Maybe one of these regular wingnuts can help us.

    Maybe you could ask one of the democratic leftard senators who overwhelmingly approved going to war. It was approved 77-23.

    One of the few senators who was against it was Byrd, you know the KKK guy who stayed true to being a democrat.,2933,65395,00.html

    WASHINGTON — Congress has given President Bush the authority to use military force against Iraq in a major policy victory for the White House.

    The Senate approved the measure 77-23 early Friday morning at the end of a rocky week-long debate. The House voted for the resolution Thursday afternoon, 296-133.

    Because the Democratic-led Senate approved the House version of the measure without changing a word, it now goes directly to Bush for his signature.

    The resolution gives Bush the power to use American military force to enforce existing United Nations Security Council mandates that Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein dispose of his weapons of mass destruction.

    It encourages Bush to seek U.N. cooperation in such a campaign, but does not require it.

    Sen. Robert Byrd, D-W.Va., the most outspoken Senate foe of the resolution, accused Congress of "handing the president unchecked authority."

  44. GM:



    the colorless truths about that blackish hoax hobama will set us all free

  45. mellaneous5:32 PM

    Maybe all the consequences have not been played out brother Field but it is becoming obvious where this is all leading.

    It has already lead to the folks in power using it to justify any occupation or invasion and even the invasion of the citizenry's privacy.

    In some respects the consequences are similar to the 9/11 attacks. We were looking right at it, but it was hard to believe it was really happening.

    So we have become callous to the continuing assaults on everything. We have become more provincial.

    All life doesn't count as much as that of American life.

    Corporations have the right to do just about anything they want

    There are no rights to a decent life or decent wages

    The rich by just being rich have a right now to define everything, even that which is moral or ethical

    The government has a right to do anything to anybody at any time (torture, state murder)

    Continuing to enforce its drug laws in one sector of society

    encouragement of intolerance among the races and nationalties

    a big business press that's less objective and more of a cheerleader for the status quo

    And all of this is for the purpose of advancing the profit motive.

  46. mellaneous5:46 PM

    @California Girl

    There is no spirit of 60's because the same spirit does not exist.

    Can't look for whats not there! I agree that change needs to occur but change won't occur by bemoaning what doesn't exist.

    What has to happen is that we have to retool and teach folks a better way.

    The 60's were a time of prosperity (for some) so the young did not have as insecure a future to look forward to. A young person could quit a job today and get another one tomorrow.

    These are insecure times and times in which most of the citizenry has accepted things as they are, in fact are fine with things as they are and a bit complicit, and have been bought off by the material comfort these gangsters have provided.

    This society has bought into the idea of "I" rather than "us" or "we."

    Iraqis, Afghanis, Arabs, Muslims "others" don't mean anything to us and unlike the late 60's there is no draft that puts the question of whether you want to be killed or have your child killed to defend some vague injury.

    In the black community I noticed that most of the most forward thinking and brightest are trying to find a way to start a business or do something economically beneficial. Nothing is wrong with that per se, but there isn't the interest in altruism that sprung from the 60's and 70's.

    There will be no more spirit of the 1960's, the next spirit that rises will be one similar to that the lead to the creation of this union in the first place.

  47. Maybe you could ask one of the democratic leftard senators who overwhelmingly approved going to war. It was approved 77-23."

    OK genius, so we have right AND left wingnuts. What's the difference? Just a bunch of poli-tricksters keeping folks like you under their tent.

  48. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Mell, can you say KrystallNacht? Crisis/Shock Capitalism? 9/11 was an excuse to invade. Take your pick...bush and Cheney needing something for their 'manhood issues', grabbing oil reserves as we hit Peak Oil, wingnut welfare by funding the Military-Industrial Complex, paying Risk with live people, the government was staffed with christians-therefore incompetent.

    Your wish for the 1960s altruism highlights why so many wingnut Cons hate the 60s. It was that altruism. Well, that and that no women would speak with them.
    The concept of sharing the bounty of the US appalls them. Rather than have affordable housing, full employment and Scandinavian levels of social benefits....they prefer to deny any positives to others. Such brave heroic manly basement dwellers, volunteering someone else to be Drafted or to 'sacrifice'.


  49. Anonymous6:22 PM

    FN, although it may satisfy to claim 'they all does it' many of the Ds were Blue Dogs?


  50. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Mell, "What has to happen is that we have to retool and teach folks a better way."

    There is no American who knows a better way. We are capitalists...remember?

  51. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Anonymous said...
    FN, although it may satisfy to claim 'they all does it' many of the Ds were Blue Dogs?

    What is it? How does it satisfy? What language is "they all does it? How many democrats had blue balls? Dont know for sure but at least two recently the chinese guy in the tiger suit and Weiner whacka come to mind.

  52. Anonymous10:01 PM

    "Dear Mr. Field, the Redskins easily manhandled the Giants today. Pray for your Eagles when they come to DC."

    field said, "Oh stop it! It was the Giants. They have no playmakers this year."

    why are you putting down the Redskins? Let's see how your Eagles do against the Giants. When you come to DC and Redskins run over your Eagles, will you be man enough to acknowledge for the first time that I was right?

    Of course not. You have NEVER given me credit for being right other times. I am still waiting on my first H/T even though I have given you numerous info which you used for Posts....THIEF!

  53. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Black people play golf?
