Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Silence Of The Ewes.

I just read in interesting post from Monica Roberts over at TransGriot, and I think I will share it:

"Despite claiming that fighting sexism is a concern of feminists, attacks against Michelle Obama continually get ignored. It is left to women of colour to point out the link between sexism and racism that combine to oppress her. Womanist Musings, May 9, 2011
One of the things I'm not surprised about but it really irritates the hell out of me is the way the vanillacentric feminist blogosphere can rush to the defense of any white female attacked in any way by the 'menz'.

But let those attacks be aimed at a woman of color or First Lady Michelle Obama, and this is their reaction:" *Chirping sound effects* 

Once again Oxycontin Man went on the attack against the First Lady making cracks about her weight. Two Tons Of Not So Much Fun made the crack that 'President Obama’s limousine “weighs 8 tons without Michelle Obama in it.”

First of all, you drug addled bigoted dufus, you are the last person to be mocking people about their weight.

Besides that, the FLOTUS isn't F-A-T, she's P-H-A-T, fine, beautiful, intelligent and got it going on. You're just jealous because you're bitter, lonely and have had four women dump your azz while the POTUS has been happily married to the same fine brown framed sistah since 1993.

Now that I'm done verbally slapping around Cetaceas Oxycontinus, back to you feminist blogosphere.

I find it interesting that this is the same blogosphere that rose up en masse to defend Kirstie Alley, Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin and a host of white females on both sides of the political spectrum but can't be bothered to type one sentence when it comes to the FLOTUS or any non-white woman under attack.

What, some of y'all still hatin' and fuming because Michelle's hubby beat Hillary for the Democratic presidential nomination back in 2008?

And don't think it's just Moni that has noticed your glacial pace and benign neglect when it
comes to defending the FLOTUS, much less any Black woman. It's kinda sad when even white men are quicker to defend the First Lady than y'all are

Well, won't be the first or last time that's happened (Satoshi Kanazama controvery ring a bell?) or the first or last time that Black women have had to be the ones to have our own or
Michelle Obama's back.

And you wonder why Black women left feminism back in the late 80's early 90's." [Source]

Oh my! Where is Oprah when you need her? Shouldn't she be speaking out? Isn't Oprah the link between black and white feminist here in A-merry-ca?

Yes Monica, it is a shame. But welcome to the "New Reconstruction Era" here in A-merry-ca. White feminist (sorry to single you out there girlfriend) won't check Rush, because Rush is speaking about a women of color. It's that simple.

Sadly, this is "Animal Farm" form of feminism: Some women are more equal than others.    

Finally, I saw the fight last night between $ Mayweather and Victor Ortiz, and I had flashbacks of the second Holyfield Tyson fight, where my man Iron Mike went all Hannibal Lecter on Holyfield. It wasn't pretty. But, in the end, the best man won.

 I thought that Mayweather was on his way to a decision before the headbutt and quick punch. (I won't call it a sucker punch because it was legal.) It's a shame that it had to end that way, because it looked like it was going to be a pretty good fight.

-BTW, I am so through with those two frauds (Lampley and Merchant) who call the fights for HBO. I thought commentators were supposed to be impartial?
No wonder $ Mayweather got in Merchant's grill after the fight. (I would show it to you, but HBO blocked all the videos.)-   

Here is the bottom line: Mayweather and Pacquiao will have to get together for that super fight that we all have been jonesing for.The fight game needs it now more than ever.  


  1. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Nice piece! Gives us something to mull over.


  2. "First of all, you drug addled bigoted dufus, you are the last person to be mocking people about their weight."

    You ain't mad, is ya?

    "Besides that, the FLOTUS isn't F-A-T, she's P-H-A-T, fine, beautiful, intelligent and got it going on."

    Can i have sum dat you be smokin' brutha man?

    BTW, please explain the me the ways Michelle Obama is being oppressed.

    Ms. food nazi is running round telling everyone how/what they should eat.She's traveling large and dresses like a queen.

    I would like to see how she lives if she was free of oppression.

    I'm sure you forgot to mention the feminazis didn't defend Laura Bush from the sexist attacks from the left.

    Feminanazis didn't defend any of the women Bill Clinton sexually abused from leftist sexist attacks.

    In other words....

    Your attack on feminanazis failed.

    Where's the NAACP? Isn't there a Soros front group you can get to defend Ms.Opressed?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The older I get, the more I find myself unable to tolerate the arrogance and air of entitlment most white women seem to possess simply because they're white.

    Maybe if white men could get over their need to make "white" babies, the world might get back to being ruled by the 95%of it's inhabitants who have color.

    As for the fight, the white dude shoulda' been paying attention.

  5. Dr.Queen said...

    As for the fight, the white dude shoulda' been paying attention.

    4 college degrees and can't tell Ortiz is hispanic?

    Talk about a poptard.

  6. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Wow. more proof it sucks to be Black in America. Thanks Field for continuously putting this fact out there.

    Don't get me wrong, brother. I am not saying, "Whites are better than Blacks in America."

    I am simply saying, "it is clearly better to be White in America." No one can refute that. I know, it sucks.

  7. Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since1982 said...
    4 college degrees and can't tell Ortiz is hispanic?

    No degrees, and I guess your dumb ass has never heard of a white hispanic??

    My understanding is that dude thinks he's white. So are you saying he can't be white because he speaks spanish? Well somebody better alert the folks in Spain.


  8. Anonymous8:53 PM

    "First of all, you drug addled bigoted dufus, you are the last person to be mocking people about their weight."

    First of all, do you think Limbaugh cares what a black person thinks? Neither do white feminists. After all, they are White and Blacks calling them names won't even elicit a response. In fact, it is amusing.

    "Black anger 'always' in a way, flatters White power. In America, to know that one is not Black is to feel an extra grace, a little boost of impunity."--Shelby Steele, The Contents of Our Character

    I am not sure but I think Shelby agrees with me that:"It sucks to be Black in America". Right, Brother Field?

  9. StillaPanther28:54 PM

    Brother Field.... catching the game. Maybe Philly should spend some money to get some blockers for my homeboy. Those hits will add up for Brother Vick. I believe this will be a "tuff-one"

  10. RingTheBellLoudly8:58 PM

    Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since1982 said...
    4 college degrees and can't tell Ortiz is hispanic?

    No degrees, and I guess your dumb ass has never heard of a white hispanic??

    My understanding is that dude thinks he's white. So are you saying he can't be white because he speaks spanish? Well somebody better alert the folks in Spain.


    Do you really have to constantly reinforce what a ghetto hoochie momma you are? Take a look at the name of the country you "think" isn't spanish. Spain, Spain, wow, sounds an awful lot like Spanish, Sp, Sp, SP, spain, sp, sp, sp, sp spanish. Just where do you think the term Spanish/Hispanic came from? Who do you think spread seed all over the americas and created those Sp, Sp, Spanish people? What does spanish mean? It means from SPAIN god I bet you have 4 degrees and I bet you really think you learned something while the teacher looked the other way for you and you talk about white womens entitlement, never realizing your own arrogant and angry and outspoken false sense of entitlement. I know, I know, we are just saying that cause you black.

  11. Anonymous9:04 PM

    Really I guess being married to a politician gives people more rights than actually being a politician, these were the same people who were viciously personally attacking Palin and all the other conservative women and never said a peep about the nasty things that were said, now they want something extra for the wookie in the white house?

    No doubt the author was a really fat scooter riding woman!

  12. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Dr. Queen said, "As for the fight, the white dude shoulda' been paying attention."

    Clearly you said, "white dude". You didn't say Latino, or Hispanic or Spanish. There was nothing in your comment that indicated you knew he was White. You said "white dude".

    Would you call a Negro who looked white a "white dude?" I don't think so.

    Dr. Queen said, "My understanding is that dude thinks he's white. So are you saying he can't be white because he speaks spanish? Well somebody better alert the folks in Spain.


    Your second response only shows the nature of your character which ain't too good. In fact, it's down right ugly, but typically very overreaction to nothing.

    Why not admit you made a mistake or should have been a little more clear, instead of acting a fool? Are you that shame-based as a Negro that you can't admit a mistake?

  13. Dumbasscracka said:
    Spain, Spain, wow, sounds an awful lot like Spanish, Sp, Sp, SP, spain, sp, sp, sp, sp spanish. Just where do you think the term Spanish/Hispanic came from?

    Do YOU understand the words that just came out of your ass?

    FYI, some of my ancestors are FROM Spain and I "speaka" some Spanish too. But that doesn't change the fact po' wqhite asses like YOU feel entitled to say who can be "white" and who can't, a point you neglected to address in your illogical response to my post.

    So go back to posting as Liberal Hemmoroid because you made more sense when you did.

  14. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Correction to anon's sentence@ 9:05pm: "There was nothing in your comment that indicated you knew he was White..."

    'White' should have been 'Hispanic'.

    Sorry. I made a mistake...see how easy that was, Dr. Queen?

  15. Anonymous said...
    Clearly you said, "white dude". You didn't say Latino, or Hispanic or Spanish. There was nothing in your comment that indicated you knew he was White. You said "white dude".

    THE MANS NAME IS ORTIZ!!!! Why should I have stated the obvious? "Hi Mr. ORTIZ, did you know your white ass was also Hispanic?

    See how big a dumb asses you people are? Yet you scour Field's blog looking for spelling and grammer error 24/7 among a group of highly educated Black folks?

    You people are PATHETIC in the most hilarious of ways, LOL!!!!!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. As a person whose family name ends in the letter "Z", I find you people to be among the most highly ignorant white folks I've EVER seen in my entire life, LOL!!!

  18. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Dr. Queen, "See how big a dumb asses you people are? Yet you scour Field's blog looking for spelling and grammer error 24/7 among a group of highly educated Black folks?"

    What makes you think we all are White? how do you know that some of us are not Hispanic and Black?

    BTW, you are a screaming maniacal frenzied sista...a total embarrassment to yourself, our race, and to the human race. But you are forgiven since you live in DC where Blacks scream at each other.

  19. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Dr. Queen, "As a person whose family name ends in the letter "Z", I find you people to be among the most highly ignorant white folks I've EVER seen in my entire life, LOL!!!"

    Well, Whites are still King in the world. It's been that way for a long, long time.

    So on the scale of ignorance and stupidity, where does that put you?

  20. "Brother Field.... catching the game. Maybe Philly should spend some money to get some blockers for my homeboy. Those hits will add up for Brother Vick. I believe this will be a "tuff-one""

    StillaPanther, he is doing alright. He just needs to hold on to the ball. Loved the D-Jack run to catch that Falcon after the fumble.

    "I would like to see how she lives if she was free of oppression."

    I think I see your problem. She is in the WH and you and folks of your ilk are not. :(

    Go Iggles!

  21. Anonymous said...
    BTW, you are a screaming maniacal frenzied sista...a total embarrassment to yourself, our race, and to the human race. But you are forgiven since you live in DC where Blacks scream at each other.

    Listen Depressed Negro AKA frontin' Goober.

    Do yourself a favor and print your comment calling me a "sista", and wipe your ass with it the next time you're in the out house.

  22. Anonymous10:19 PM

    "Go Iggles!"

    Yeah, enjoy it now because come October 16 those Iggles won't be going anywhere.

    I can't wait to do the our famous 'wave'on your blog after the Eagles lose.

    BTW, that will be Vicks last game this year. Remember folks, you heard it from me today.

  23. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Dear Dr. Queen, I am ahead of you. I printed out several copies with "sista" on them this morning before I took a shit and wiped my ass with it. I had diarrhea.

    Thanks for the thought, though.

  24. Anon @10:19PM, are you a deadskins fan by any chance?

    Damn, Vick just threw a pick.

    And of course our Linebackers are making their tight end who is ready for an old folks home look like a 21 year old pro bowler.

    I take that back. On further review, if our bonehead coach had challenged the play it would not have been a pick. :(

  25. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Anonymous said...
    BTW, you are a screaming maniacal frenzied sista...a total embarrassment to yourself, our race, and to the human race. But you are forgiven since you live in DC where Blacks scream at each other.

    Listen Depressed Negro AKA frontin' Goober.

    Do yourself a favor and print your comment calling me a "sista", and wipe your ass with it the next time you're in the out house.

    10:15 PM

    Well lookie here we are making progress. At least you admit you aren't aren't worth wiping my ass with, glad you didnt say wipin your ass, then I would have had to go get a couple of pallets of paper, embossed for extra strength at that.

    FYI, some of my ancestors are FROM Spain and I "speaka" some Spanish too. But that doesn't change the fact po' wqhite asses like YOU feel entitled to say who can be "white" and who can't, a point you neglected to address in your illogical response to my post.

    Illogical, heh you go off point and someone else is illogical..So you feel entitled enough to cover your mistakes by now declaring YOU can decide what race people are because you are dumb and then turn it around and blame it on someone else - how typical and entitled.

    "FYI, some of my ancestors are FROM Spain and I "speaka" some Spanish too"

    Then I guess this means you are a white chick (in your mind anyway) as you said earlier that you had to tell people in spain they were white even though they spoke spanish. Sheez whatta mind - wut are your degrees in again? Home economics? So take it easy you entitled half a cracka oh and being able to say;

    'oye poppi, 20 dólares por un buen rato' doesn't make you fluent in spanish.

    As a person whose family name ends in the letter "Z", I find you people to be among the most highly ignorant white folks I've EVER seen in my entire life, LOL!!!

    FYI SmegmaZ CheekZ isn't latin or Spanish and you are the dumbass who thinks latinos and all people from Spain of all places are white and not latin, do you know your own zip code?

  26. Anonymous10:44 PM

    field, "Anon @10:19PM, are you a deadskins fan by any chance?"

    No, I am not. I am a REDSKINS fan. To call the mighty Redskins the deadskins is to mark your choking Eagles as "fried and smothered".

  27. @10:25, I guess we've been right to assume you're a po' ass Goober with out houses, trailer parks, and using paper for toilet paper.

    Should I send my old newspapers to you instead of recycling them?

  28. Oh my! Where is Oprah when you need her? Shouldn't she be speaking out? Isn't Oprah the link between black and white feminist here in A-merry-ca?

    Oprah is rich. Picking up on this subject might make her less palatable to her fan base. On the other hand, her network isn't doing so well so at this point, what the fuck - run with it.

    StillaPanther2 said...

    Brother Field.... Maybe Philly should spend some money to get some blockers for my homeboy.

    I was screaming the same thing. Blockers are looking like ass..T Gonzales is getting it in..

    Somebody mentioned something about October 16 and the Eagles..too early to tell but I doubt it anyways. Cooper like to smash with his head I see.

    And as far as Rush..Why would anybody BROKE anybody listen to a dude who's making 400 milli and is a fat ass druggie and a liar?

    Hello Depressed Negro, how you doing?

  29. Field quoted from other blog: "But let those attacks be aimed at a woman of color or First Lady Michelle Obama, and this is their [white fems] reaction:" *Chirping sound effects*"

    This is nothing new. Most conscious minded black women have known this forever. That's why that racist "white Italian" Maria was pulverized routinely on this blog for her covert ignorance and willful anti-black woman antics. Oh how I miss her so...

    And there are several black male regulars who consistently keep silent when the racist trolls unleash their vile nastiness towards the virtue of black womanhood. Even the racist perverted no_slappz has had his field day trampling black women and black children without so much of a peep aimed his way. But talk ill about Barack or black males in general, and you'll see how the usual black male suspects join hips to push the thread over 200 plus comments with their so called intellectual debate drivel.

    Black men, white women, and self serving crocodiles have a lot more in common with each other. Who don't know that? LOL.

  30. Anonymous10:51 PM

    Dr. Queen, "Should I send my old newspapers to you instead of recycling them?"

    No that won't be necessary. I will continue to print out papers with "sista" and wipe my ass with it to remind me of you.

  31. And can the commentators PLEASE stop talking about Vicks 2yr vacation. It's done. It's over with.

  32. Anonymous11:00 PM

    LAA, "This is nothing new. Most conscious minded black women have known this forever. That's why that racist "white Italian" Maria was pulverized routinely on this blog for her covert ignorance and willful anti-black woman antics. Oh how I miss her so..."

    If you truly miss Maria please contact lover boy UTS. I bet he can arrange for her return. He has a knack with ww and bw who marry down.:D

  33. Love that comment LA, LOVES IT!!!

  34. Anonymous11:04 PM

    RttnKid, "And can the commentators PLEASE stop talking about Vicks 2yr vacation. It's done. It's over with."

    Are you insinuating they are being racist? Depression is contagious isn't it?

  35. "If you truly miss Maria please contact lover boy UTS. I bet he can arrange for her return. He has a knack with ww and bw who marry down.:D"

    LOL. That was too funny.

  36. Anonymous said...

    RttnKid, "And can the commentators PLEASE stop talking about Vicks 2yr vacation. It's done. It's over with."

    Are you insinuating they are being racist? Depression is contagious isn't it?

    Yeah, that's it. Guilty as charged.

  37. LA, after rereading what you said, I guess I'm lucky I have a few Black men that will stand up for me in my real life.

    I said it a couple years ago on this blog, if were a white woman regularily having vile posts directed at me, white men would have come to my "rescue" a LONG time ago.

    OTOH, I don't need anyone to stick up for me on the Internet, I'm fully capable of doing that myself and I guess it's a good thing that's true.

  38. LOL. Dr. Q, it seems it's only the bm anony who is willing to stick up for black women on this blog, and it's ironic the usual suspects are so happen to be convinced that he's white. Go figure. Sad.

  39. Anonymous11:19 PM

    LAA, "And there are several black male regulars who consistently keep silent when the racist trolls unleash their vile nastiness towards the virtue of black womanhood. Even the racist perverted no_slappz has had his field day trampling black women and black children without so much of a peep aimed his way. But talk ill about Barack or black males in general, and you'll see how the usual black male suspects join hips to push the thread over 200 plus comments with their so called intellectual debate drivel."

    'Several' black male regulars? How about ALL except one or possibly two?

    Field, RottenKID, UTS, LAC, Mack Lyons, Kid and others are guilty as much for so-called black progressives.

  40. Kafka is looking nice!

  41. Field, RottenKID, UTS, LAC, Mack Lyons, Kid and others are guilty as much for so-called black progressives.

    11:19 PM

    Lol..I do me Homeboy, I do me.

    How 'bout that Turner cat on the Falcons?

    Dude is a Beast.

  42. Anonymous11:49 PM

    LAA, "LOL. Dr. Q, it seems it's only the bm anony who is willing to stick up for black women on this blog, and it's ironic the usual suspects are so happen to be convinced that he's white. Go figure. Sad."

    Thank you for the recognition, LAA. I know Field knows who I am. However, he can be a real Jamaican shit when comes to dealing with differing opinions and the truth.

    Regarding how our bw have been treated, and continue to be treated, is a moral issue, imo.

    Specifically, I feel it is an AA moral issue- mostly male-although I don't hear a lot of bw standing up on this blog and in life either. I really wish there were more open discussions on this because it is badly needed if we are to change. But maybe I am dreaming.

    BTW, I miss FP. I hope she is well and life is treating her kindly.

  43. Anonymous12:04 AM

    well well well. The sorry Eagles lost to the sorry Falcons. That settles it. Not to many wins for the Iggles for the rest of this season. Imo, Vick should take a few games off and only come back AFTER the Redskins game. That way he will ensure his health.

  44. 7 is out with a concussion. Yes, Kafka did alright, but he is not that dude.

    We need a playmaker to win games.

    BTW, if anyone out there knows how to play Linebacker, could you please send your resume to the Philadelphia Eagles?

    Thank you.

  45. Enjoy it now anon @ 12:04AM, I bet you are that Deadskins fan. Your happiness will be short lived. Trust me. That team sucks.

  46. Anonymous12:11 AM

    Re: the Emmys. Best Comedy went to Modern Family. Best Drama went to Mad Men.

    Both are all White casts. That's a shame.

  47. Anonymous12:25 AM

    field, "Enjoy it now anon @ 12:04AM, I bet you are that Deadskins fan. Your happiness will be short lived. Trust me. That team sucks."

    Well, the Redskins WON their game against a formidable opponent. But the Eagles lost to el-sucko team.

    The Redskins looked good. You are underestimating them. They just might win their conference. There really is no one to stop them.

    Sorry about your Eagles but you can stick a fork in them now, they are done.

    Redskins 2-0 Go DC!

  48. Field, I saw the fight last night and Mayweather basically came to work. He was going to win, the compu-box numbers started going lopsided after round 1, Floyd dissected Ortiz's game and started to pick him apart. Ortiz knew he was losing, was terrified and head butted out of frustration. You don't head butt the world champ and no expect to get your behind stomped.

    And when you touch gloves, the first thing you do is keep your hands up. The first lesson you learn after the jab is how to go back guard. PROTECT YOURSELF AT ALL!!

    As for Mayweather getting into Larry Merchant's ass. First of all, Merchant showed his bias by his BS line of questioning. Floyd gave a straightfoward answer, the man head butted me, he touch gloves and he clocked him - the end. Merchant was egging Mayweather.

    Second, he'd kick his ass if he were 50 years younger?! Beyond it being utterly unprofessional for a journalist to say that to his subject - that is the most ridiculous tripe I've heard all week.

    Short of being 50 years younger and owning an assault rifle, Merchant would not beat Mayweather in a ring at anytime.

    Third, he's a sports journalist - he's supposed to keep his cool. This isn't the first time nor will it be the last (unless, you know, God calls him home) Larry Merchant will deal with a braggart like Mayweather. Letting a loud ignorant athlete young enough to be his great grandson get under his skin shows he's getting long in the tooth.

  49. Wait, Hispanic people aren't white in America anymore?

    When did that law get changed?

    That's gonna come as a big shock to the Hispanic people of Europe - they all think they are white...

  50. "One of the things I'm not surprised about but it really irritates the hell out of me is the way the vanillacentric feminist blogosphere can rush to the defense of any white female attacked in any way by the 'menz'.

    But let those attacks be aimed at a woman of color or First Lady Michelle Obama, and this is their reaction:" *Chirping sound effects*"

    Reminds me of how white women within the sufferage movement threw black voting rights under the bus so they would have a better shot at getting theirs.

    And so you have modern-day feminists who are trying to stay a respectable distance away from the First Lady so they won't be seen as "nigger lovers" in private and thus mess up whatever they have going on. Goddamn those crickets are loud.

    And I'm not surprised about the various assholes and idiots attacking Michelle Obama. A strong, confident and intelligent black woman as the First Lady of the White House? The delicate constitutions of certain individuals and groups are duly disturbed. Someone pass the smelling salts.

    Michelle Obama represents a clear and present threat to the psyche of the Rush Fatbos and Glen Peckers of these United States. More and more people need to stand up and call out the disrespect when disrespect happens. Being silent about it is like being a still pond -- the mosquitos will keep on breeding unless someone starts making waves.

  51. Anonymous5:27 AM

    PC, "Wait, Hispanic people aren't white in America anymore?"

    It's confusing isn't it? Well, racism in America is confusing. But you can be sure that Black is Black and NOT White. That should be what's important to you.

    BTW, there are Blacks who are passing for White in America, because being White is better than being Black in America.

    Apparently to sista queen, Ortitz looks White to her. In other words, she believes that if you are not Black, then you is White! And she got offended when a White person on FN corrected her. However, by now you probably know that Dr. Queen has many degrees, has many blood lines and knows everything.

    So, she was offended. Hell, so was I! To 'question' a sista with 4-8 degrees and still working on another, is offensive. You see, she rivals Einstein and she knows it. Hence, it's not whether Ortitz is White that's important, what is important is Dr. Queen and her infallible knowledge. I am amazed at how bright Black people like Queen is but we are still at the bottom of the human chain. I just can't figure that out.

    Bottom line, Dr Queen is God.

    Question: Are you saying that Hispanics/Spainards in Europe are considered White in Germany? I don't think so.

  52. Anonymous6:12 AM

    "Despite claiming that fighting sexism is a concern of feminists, attacks against Michelle Obama continually get ignored. It is left to women of colour to point out the link between sexism and racism that combine to oppress her. Womanist Musings, May 9, 2011"

    For Christ's sake, how many centuries is it going to take before Negroes get the message?

    White feminists are fighting for WHITE WOMEN. Get it? They don't want to join Blacks in the fight for equality. Do you Negroes think they want to lose their superior identity in order to help us out? I swear. We keep hoping that Whites somehow, someway, and someday are going to accept and love us-and embrace us as equals. THEY ARE NOT! And for a very good reason:

    They have too much at stake, which is their superior identity. My God, how much more shit must they throw at us before we get it?

    THEREFORE, it is left up to women, and men of color to point out the racism that is oppressive, because WHITE WOMEN COULD GIVE A FAT RATS ASS.

    In case you haven't noticed over the centuries, they are just as racist as their white men, maybe even more so.

    There is nothing new about this and quite frankly it is IRRITATING that Negroes keep going over this same thing as though we are a bunch of retards....

    Once more together: Blacks, whether female or male, are considered less than Whites, BY WHITES in the mind of America. That is the reality of living in America today.

    It's a great deal for Whites because they have a false sense of superiority, which helps them feel better about themselves. But it is not so good for Blacks. I know. I know..."It Sucks."

    There is nothing new here, so let's move on. Field, you need to step up your game. And so does your sorry ass Eagles. I told you several posts ago Vicks was going to be toast, but as always, you just don't listen. You are worse than Dr. Queen..and that's about as deaf as you can get.

  53. ^^^^^ To quote the infamous UTS, do yourself and the world a favor and go "off" yourself!

  54. BTW, where are the collective masses of Black men sticking up for Michelle Obama?

  55. Anonymous6:48 AM

    "^^^^^ To quote the infamous UTS, do yourself and the world a favor and go "off" yourself!"

    Oh Queen, you hurt my feelings. I thought you liked me. But you really hate me. I am so sorry for you. It must be quite painful to hate someone so much that you wish they were dead. Well, at least you are in good company with Steve, the 'infamous' one. category as UTS.

    I bet you have some twisted idea that 'infamous' means famous in a good way? Most uneducated Negroes with 4 degrees think this.:D

  56. "Question: Are you saying that Hispanics/Spainards in Europe are considered White in Germany? I don't think so."

    Absolutely they are.

    Until I read this thread it would never have occurred to me that Hispanics would be considered anything but white, and I'm sure it would not occur to any European. And my knowledge of Germany is very good, I lived in that neck of the woods for 23 years.

  57. Professor LichtenWilly8:37 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "Question: Are you saying that Hispanics/Spainards in Europe are considered White in Germany? I don't think so."

    Absolutely they are.

    Until I read this thread it would never have occurred to me that Hispanics would be considered anything but white, and I'm sure it would not occur to any European. And my knowledge of Germany is very good, I lived in that neck of the woods for 23 years.

    Your can live at Nasa, you still would never be a rocket scientist.

    Germany is 91.5% White 2.4% turkish with the remaining population made up of greeks, italians ,poles, russians, serbs and some people from spain.

    Another words while Germany being a dominantly White productive society pays the bills for the rest of the EU union, it is by no means the representative of Europe on it's own and neither is it an ethnically diverse country. One that would teach you that Hispanics are actually considered White around the world - due to your living in Germany. Though I am sure the few latinos in Germany managed to blend in quite harmoniously, especially the women.

  58. "I am not sure but I think Shelby agrees with me that:"It sucks to be Black in America"

    Of course he does.

    Shelby Steele is a buckdancing Tom.

    You're a racist loser.

    Two cheeks on the same ass.

  59. Quote Professor LitchenWilly

    "Another words while Germany being a dominantly White productive society pays the bills for the rest of the EU union, it is by no means the representative of Europe on it's own and neither is it an ethnically diverse country."

    So what?

    In what way could this possibly be relevant to our argument?

    "One that would teach you that Hispanics are actually considered White around the world - due to your living in Germany. Though I am sure the few latinos in Germany managed to blend in quite harmoniously, especially the women."

    More weirdness.

    I never said I lived in Germany, I lived just across the border in Nederland.

    I have no experience outside of Europe, but in Europe Spanish people are considered Europeans. By-and-large that means white.

    Spain was inhabited just after the last ice-age, by people who moved south into the peninsula from northern Europe. Most Spanish people are of Celtic or Basque decent.

    So if you are saying that Latinos are not white then are you saying Celts are not white? If not, somebody needs to tell the populations of Wales, Scotland, Cornwall, and Brittany. It'll come as a shock to them I reckon.

  60. That mirrorless huge fat deluded conceited sexist dog rush calls ALL women fat daily

    Most feminists are white women and most white women are racists...
    Even those who clone the racist nicole simpson

    Hobama and michelle have spoken openly about times they nearly divorced…Fyi!

    No marriage is bliss and hobama is a dl adulterous bi whore


    Michelle is being attacked by millions of others ONLY because she is a rabid elitist

    She is a colorized Marie Antoinette as millions starve and die in the streets!!!!
    Especially in her hometown of Chicago!!!!

    I will never ever defend her until she and her hubby stop slaying poor black people

    and i am a proud feminist/womanist

    but i see no pride in that rabid elitist michelle


    elitist genocide trumps obesity!!!

    Jill and I, and our kindred sister spirits are not bitter, we are battered; emotionally/racially/physically/politically/financially/socially etc…We are not anti-male. We are anti-misogyny. Many mindless females are misogynists too. We are not "bitches", we are survivors and warriors. We are not racists. We are realists. I prefer womanism to feminism because too many feminists prefer racism/elitism to global sisterhood.
    From Straight, No Chaser: “White feminist women ignore me, cut deals for themselves, and then invite me to the meeting, panel or forum as an afterthought, when it suddenly occurs to them that they need a visible- and preferably silent- black woman on stage to give their self-interested agenda the image of inclusion…Nationalists essentially colluded with white men and mainstream media to portray feminism and the feminist movement as antithetical to black women who, unlike those crazy white women, had never had it good, loved men, weren't dykes, and liked wearing a bra…Twenty years later racism is alive and very well, there is no national voice or organization fighting for the rights of black women, and most of us are far from being Miss Ann, although more black men, many of them lapsed nationalists, are busy balling her.”

  61. ps:

    cc michelle and hobama!!!

    obese chilren often eat junk/overeat due to stress


    NOTHING stresses a child like a parent with no job or home


  62. But who is it attacking black women consistently in the media?

    White men.

    The same folks LAA claims black men are trying to scare them into hating.


  63. rush would never trash bf herein as u do uts

    u liar

    u r FAR worse than rush uts

    and he loves his mom u original mf!!!

  64. pathetic

    simply pathetic

  65. coon uts:

    my sentiments exactly nig

    yes indeed u are!!!

  66. The Purple Cow said...
    Wait, Hispanic people aren't white in America anymore?

    When did that law get changed?

    That's gonna come as a big shock to the Hispanic people of Europe - they all think they are white...

    If hispanic is the new white, what happen to brown-black solidarity?

  67. Two cheeks on the same ass.
    8:59 AM

    Too funny Steve. Too funny. Gotta use that one.

  68. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Dr.Queen said...
    My understanding is that dude thinks he's white.

    Thinks he's white?

    Does that mean he graduate high school?

    Finished college?

    Got married?

    Doesn't fight dogs?

    queen is a racist fool.

  69. E cleaver for fnotd!!!

    I love this bro!!!


    We would be marching over michelle and hobama if they were white!!!!

    Unhappy members of the Congressional Black Caucus “probably would be marching on the White House” if Obama were not president, according to CBC Chairman Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.).

    "If [former President] Bill Clinton had been in the White House and had failed to address this problem, we probably would be marching on the White House," Cleaver told “The Miami Herald” in comments published Sunday. "There is a less-volatile reaction in the CBC because nobody wants to do anything that would empower the people who hate the president."

  70. So when you guys say 'Hispanic' - what exactly do you mean?

  71. Banksters are wilding because they own hobama

    They bought him long ago

    They rule his ruthless regime

    The inept dick hobama is an elitist sexist bankster drone!...


    The most withering assessments of Mr. Obama in this volume come from bickering former members of his economic team, a team that Richard Wolffe, the author of two books about Mr. Obama, has described as "the most dysfunctional group of the president's advisers." Mr. Suskind quotes a former chairman of the National Economic Council under Mr. Obama, Lawrence H. Summers -- who is himself characterized by colleagues in these pages as a bullying know-it-all who acted as a kind of gatekeeper to the Oval Office on things economic -- as saying to the budget director, Peter Orszag: "We're home alone. There's no adult in charge. Clinton would never have made these mistakes."

    Mr. Summers told The Washington Post in an e-mail on Friday that "the hearsay attributed to me" in the Suskind book "is a combination of fiction, distortion, and words taken out of context." Also quoted in "Confidence Men" is Paul A. Volcker, the former Federal Reserve chairman who headed the President's Economic Recovery Advisory Board, who describes the president as both "too self-confident" and too reliant on Mr. Summers: "Obama is smart, but smart is not enough. Leadership is another thing entirely, about knowing your mind enough to make real decisions, ones that last."

    As for how women fared within the White House, Christina D. Romer, the former chairwoman of the Council of Economic Advisers, is quoted saying she "felt like a piece of meat" after being boxed out of a meeting by Mr. Summers. And the former communications director Anita Dunn is quoted saying the Obama White House "fit all of the classic legal requirements for a genuinely hostile workplace to women."

  72. "That's gonna come as a big shock to the Hispanic people of Europe - they all think they are white.."

    Yeah asswipe, but most of the Spanish speaking world is not in Europe but in Central and South America.

    And most of those folks as well as the ones sneaking over the US borders are NOT white but the descendents of the indigenous peoples of the Western Hemisphere.

  73. And let's not forget the strong strains of Africa running through the islands of Puerto Rico, Cuba and Hispaniola.

  74. maxine for prez!

    Maxine/hillary 2012!!!

  75. Anonymous11:52 AM

    The post was about the mistreatment of bw. Strangely, Dr Queen starts talking about white dude boxing. And the point about mistreatment of FLOTUS goes out the window.

    Just goes to show you that even some bw would rather talk about anything except mistreatment of bw. smh

  76. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Folks like uts and dr queen are ruining this blog. people are leaving in droves. uts, why don't you join them? you would help raise the average IQ of FN by an astonishing 12 points!

  77. Earth to ass-non

    This is a black blog for black people.

    Yet white racist trolls like you have infested it because you have no lives.

    Why don't you go to Stormfront where you can pick boogers and rant about being the master race with the rest of the goober-losers?

  78. more proof that u r a racist dog uts

    i thought this was a black blog for all sane people of all

    which is why i wonder how your dumb racist hobama sucking colorist coon ass reigns so

    ya know???

  79. Anonymous12:04 PM

    poor steve, he is short on gray matte. he doesn't know who is Black and who is White...such a confused emotional little boy.

  80. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Preach it, AB! uts is a racist nut. he rivals the klan easily.

  81. AB

    "i thought this was a black blog for all sane people of all"

    What'd did I tell you about thinking AB?

    Do you THINK these anon-goobers are sane?

    Another thought. Since you think rightwing white boys love you so much why don't you try posting over at for a couple of days?

    That ought to be interesting.


  82. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Something for Negroes other than uts and dr queen to think about:

    (AP) COLUMBUS, Ohio — "After years of expanding when and how people can vote, state legislatures now under new Republican control are moving to trim early voting days, beef up identification requirements and put new restrictions on how voters are notified about absentee ballots.

    Democrats claim their GOP counterparts are using midterm election wins to enforce changes favorable to Republicans ahead of the 2012 presidential election. They criticize such legislation, saying it could lead to longer lines in Democratic-leaning urban areas and discourage people from voting."

    Well it won't be long now before it's all over, will it? This should put the nail in the voting coffin of Blacks, not that we vote anyway. What the hell, we only have one party in charge anyway, and it ain't the Dems. This really sucks.

  83. Anon-goober

    "he doesn't know who is Black and who is White.."

    What color if Alex Rodroguez?

    Rafael Correa, President of Ecuador?

    Hugo Chabez, President of Venezuela?

    Answer you fraud.

  84. "This should put the nail in the voting coffin of Blacks, not that we vote anyway"

    Damn.I wonder how Obama won.

  85. This comment has been removed by the author.

  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. This comment has been removed by the author.

  88. jack and jill kkk uts:

    u r cloning your own racist ignorance now

    shame on u nig!!!

    why bother with the kkk online when i have a racist fool like u loving hobama and pretending that he is not a more brutal racist clone of the wm gwb????

    no thank u nig

    u will do me just fine u conked crazy bigoted buffoon

  89. How come AB NEVER answers a direct question?

  90. illiterate uts:

    when have u ever posed one u fool?


    cc that bs to the sanders kkklan in ga

    u lie like hobama u cowardly nig!!!!

  91. Anonymous12:40 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "This should put the nail in the voting coffin of Blacks, not that we vote anyway"

    Damn.I wonder how Obama won.

    Independant disengenious liberal white Voters, c'mon you know this - try and concentrate.

    Obama isn't worried about your vote he knows your intellect and knows you will vote for him because of his skin color no matter WHAT he does or does not do. He knows most of the country is wise to his incompetence and has lost them so he is chasing the fringe voters, it's what he does, but it won't work, Why? Because Obama is the poster boy for Liberal failed policies. Policies he applies and enacted including breaking the law, alinsky tactics and such are right out of the liberal handbook. He is liberal policy supreme.

    Liberals now have two choices, admit that as history has proven over and over again liberalism is a total failure (surprise)and abandon thier historically illogical views or turn on Obama as HE must be the reason liberal policies are failing.

    You decide which one has been chosen by liberals, of course again the given being Obama has lost any thinking person not driven by ideologies.

    In example his urgent Stimulus (jobs) bill is sitting with the democratic senate, they wont touch it, in fact democrats including his buddy Harry Reid just announced despite his saying pass the bill over 100+ times, wont look at it until next month after recess (vacation) wonder why? Isn't it urgent?

  92. Anonymous12:46 PM

    uts-"Damn.I wonder how Obama won."

    He won because Whites voted him in. But you can best believe that won't happen again. Unlike our folks, you only have to screw Whites once. But it takes centuries for Blacks like your dumb ass to get it.

    "LMAO".... thought I'd use your generic reply to every comment on this blog, 'infamous' one. you can thank your loyal sista with the 10 degrees from Wal-Mart for your new name.

  93. Anonymous12:46 PM

    56 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    Earth to ass-non

    This is a black blog for black people.

    Yet white racist trolls like you have infested it because you have no lives.

    Why don't you go to Stormfront where you can pick boogers and rant about being the master race with the rest of the goober-losers?

    Translation, mommy they pickin on me again, dey wont gives me affirmative action when I say stupid shit and front and get angry and violent they call me on it, make em leave mommy, make em leave I cant hangs wit dem. Dey racist. Dey Racist!!!

  94. Anon

    "Obama isn't worried about your vote he knows your intellect and knows you will vote for him because of his skin color no matter WHAT he does or does not do"

    And the GOP isn't worried about your vote because they know they can lie to get us in wars, fuck up the economy, and lower the standard of living for everyone except the top 1% of earners and as long as they say they're against affirmative action and immigration, toothless goobers like you will continue to support them as you have for 45 years.

    Obama only got 42% of the white vote which is proof positive that white folks ain't got it like that no more in America.

    You say LIBERALISM is a failure? HAH?

    It was liberalism that elevated the American majority of all races into the middle class. Got Civil rights and workers rights.

    The only successful Presidency of the last 40 years was Bill Clintons.

    You gonna to say that George Bush was a success?

    Name ONE success of his Presidency?

    Getting Bin Laden?


  95. Anonymous12:55 PM

    "Liberals now have two choices, admit that as history has proven over and over again liberalism is a total failure (surprise)and abandon thier historically illogical views or turn on Obama as HE must be the reason liberal policies are failing."

    You are so right. Well, white liberals aren't going to give up their Liberalism..NO WAY!

    So I guess Obama must go? So sad, I really wanted the brother to be exceptional. Instead, he turned out to be a Negro who has left Negroes twisting in the unemployment wind. Not only has he betrayed Whites, he has betrayed Blacks.

    But he has a lock on some of the votes of people like UTS. That's because Steve is incapable of thinking. BTW, we don't consider UTS as Black. As AB has repeatedly said, "uts is a coon".

  96. BTW what "liberal" policies is the Gobber talking about?

    Obama's stimulus package bailed out corporate America.


  97. hobama's osama lie was MORE of a false flag than 9/11

    it was a horrid joke

    one more time hobama bested gwb

  98. Quote uptownsteve

    "Yeah asswipe, but most of the Spanish speaking world is not in Europe but in Central and South America."

    Oh I see, so trying to understand American life and American culture makes me an 'asswipe' does it? Christ, you Americans can be such arrogant twunts at times.

    Anyway you've got your wish, this is very last time I visit this blog.

  99. Anonymous1:16 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    "Obama isn't worried about your vote he knows your intellect and knows you will vote for him because of his skin color no matter WHAT he does or does not do"

    And the GOP isn't worried about your vote because they know they can lie to get us in wars, fuck up the economy, and lower the standard of living for everyone except the top 1% of earners and as long as they say they're against affirmative action and immigration, toothless goobers like you will continue to support them as you have for 45 years.

    See that is all you have - in true liberal style, deflect the issue and denigrate those you can't possibly stand toe to toe with intellectually without AA. What if I have all my teeth and in fact they are perfectly straight and pearly white, what does that do to your self propping myths then?
    How is that lifting working out for the real black community? Best it's been in how many years?

    Obama only got 42% of the white vote which is proof positive that white folks ain't got it like that no more in America.

    Not sure what this gibberish means, but he got 98% of the black vote and as you said 42% of the white vote, perhaps the other white voters who did not vote for him did so because they knew what a unqualified candidate he was and or liked the other guy? Funny how to you it is all about skin and race and nothing else, you support my charge against you of being racist with your very own words.

    You say LIBERALISM is a failure? HAH?

    It was liberalism that elevated the American majority of all races into the middle class. Got Civil rights and workers rights.

    If you say so, you are a liberal after all, how's that working out for Black America?

    The only successful Presidency of the last 40 years was Bill Clintons.

    OK, again, if you say so, you are a liberal - where is all this pixie dust coming from - is that clicking sound your heels Dorothy?

    You gonna to say that George Bush was a success?

    Oh please, you are showing your intellect again, Bush, Bush, Bush, actually I wasn't comparing Obama to anyone, I was talking about his merits. I don't care if there were worse or better, he is horribly failing and no one else can give him a pass or make him fail, he and his policies and actions alone are what HE is responsible for, he wanted the job, convinced us he could do it.


    No, NO, NO its LMBAO!! tee-hee do try and keep up with your own standards.

    Take care smiley.

  100. Anonymous1:28 PM

    56 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    Earth to ass-non

    "This is a black blog for black people.

    Yet white racist trolls like you have infested it because you have no lives.

    Why don't you go to Stormfront where you can pick boogers and rant about being the master race with the rest of the goober-losers?"

    Rush Limbaugh said, "Translation, mommy they pickin on me again, dey wont gives me affirmative action when I say stupid shit and front and get angry and violent they call me on it, make em leave mommy, make em leave I cant hangs wit dem. Dey racist. Dey Racist!!!"

    12:46 PM

    UTS, several threads ago, you specifically said that you refuse to let these Stormfronters take over this blog because it is a blog for Blacks. Btw, could you refer me to the statement where Field said this? Maybe AB can help you find it?

    Anyway, it looks like David Duke and the goobers are kicking your dumb black ass AGAIN. I wish you would stop, you are embarrassing the black race. You have consistently failed your comrade black racists again.

    BTW, I think you are all by yourself in this matter...well, 'almost.' Rottenkid tries to help you out once in a while, but he is pretty short on words.

    Don't worry, I won't say anything publicly. We don't want those racist Whites to smell blood and come in on your black ass like a pack of great white sharks. "LMAO".

    I have decided to take your LMAO signature from you... and use it for myself before someone else takes it. Your time is short on FN. Sorry brother, but that's life in America.

    Hang in there, brother. (see photo in Field's post- Friday, Sept. 16, 2011) Peace, bro.

  101. "Not sure what this gibberish means, but he got 98% of the black vote and as you said 42% of the white vote,"

    It's not real complicated Jethro. Means that you no longer need a white majority to win the Presidency.

    So the GOP had better change their race baiting ways or they are not going win the White House again for a awhile.

    Remember Dubya had to steal it. TWICE.


    "If you say so, you are a liberal after all, how's that working out for Black America?"

    I'd say pretty well for the most part since if it were up to the righties we'd still be in the cotton fields working for nothing.

    How specifically is Obama failing?

    The economy has not turned around and it's basically because people didn't realize the structural damage the Bushies and their policies did to the economy. It's going to take a little longer to fix it than anticipated.

    And I still don't hear anything from the right but the same bull$hit that got us into the mess in the first place.

    Yes, I'm voting for Obama again because he think he has the right idea and visions and all the right has is "Obama is a failure, Obama is a failure".

    The righties are masters of the "Big Lie" method.

  102. "UTS, several threads ago, you specifically said that you refuse to let these Stormfronters take over this blog because it is a blog for Blacks"

    I did?

    Produce the quote and I will not post here for a month.

    If you can't you go?


  103. Anonymous1:35 PM

    PC, "Anyway you've got your wish, this is very last time I visit this blog."

    You are a valued here by many of us. UTS is depressed self-hating black man, if you can call him a man.

    Don't let that dumb self-centered ignoramus drive you away. You see, he doesn't care about Blacks or FN. And, the culture of AAs is to put each other down for asking a simple question for clarification. Being black in America is to never ask a question for learning and education. That's because most really believe Blacks are suppose to know "everything" Dr. Queen.

    However, it is becoming clear that this blog is being torn down by people like UTS.

  104. alicia banks said...

    kudos to floyd m!

    i love him

    but it was a dirty punch

    real kings fight fairly
    12:45 PM

    Alicia, Mayweather won fair and square. That kid got clocked for 1) pulling a punk move in a championship fight and 2) not putting up his guard once the fight resumed. Ortiz is a rookie and got schooled like a rookie.

  105. Do you accept my challenge or not ass-non?

    Why do I even ask?

    This is a bottomdwelling fool who won't even post a forum name.

    He has as much character as a sewer slug.

  106. Where did that anon bitch go?

    Like I always say, if you want to get rid of a goober, ask them a direct question or issue them a direct challenge.

    They'll slink away every time.

    Pieces of shit.

  107. Anonymous2:19 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "Not sure what this gibberish means, but he got 98% of the black vote and as you said 42% of the white vote,"

    It's not real complicated Jethro. Means that you no longer need a white majority to win the Presidency.

    Oh, I see thanks for the stevebonics translation. Really kunte-cunt-aye, you really are stupid aren't you. You think that Obama can win without the white vote? Ok, let's see how that works out. Where do you get your logic from? You do realize that all of the media touting whites will be the minority is based upon live births and those live births are infants today, do you plan on joining acorn, mandating racism and that all black babies be allowed to vote for Obama and Obama only?

    So the GOP had better change their race baiting ways or they are not going win the White House again for a awhile.

    GOP race baiting? Are you out of your mind? The only people who live and die by race politics, well you know who they are, you are one of them.

    Remember Dubya had to steal it. TWICE.

    God, dumbass doubles down, cant say anything else so brings up Bush again, do you feel that inferior that you can never talk about current issues and always have to point fingers to the past? Of course there is much debate about your view of it but nevertheless, moving on.

    "If you say so, you are a liberal after all, how's that working out for Black America?"

    I'd say pretty well for the most part since if it were up to the righties we'd still be in the cotton fields working for nothing

    Dumbled-down again, it was the righties who passed civil rights, it is not the righties who believe in planned parenthood and black eugenics, man they have you on farm.

    How specifically is Obama failing?

    The economy has not turned around and it's basically because people didn't realize the structural damage the Bushies and their policies did to the economy. It's going to take a little longer to fix it than anticipated.

    HA-HA you sound like Obama now, its soooooo hard, I need more time and ignore that it is getting worse and worse and my payola stimulus policies are wasted and do nothing.

    And I still don't hear anything from the right but the same bull$hit that got us into the mess in the first place.

    You are too dumb to even recognize what economic policies and who caused the recession, you still think unemployment is proving the economy is doing well as of a short while ago, go figure.

    Yes, I'm voting for Obama again because he think he has the right idea and visions and all the right has is "Obama is a failure, Obama is a failure".

    Go for it, no one expected any less from you. Call it whatever you want but we all know its only because of his skin color and your racist life, because you simply dont have the capacity to understand reality.

  108. Anonymous2:23 PM


    uptownsteve said...
    Where did that anon bitch go?

    Like I always say, if you want to get rid of a goober, ask them a direct question or issue them a direct challenge.

    They'll slink away every time.

    Pieces of shit.

    Why don't you shut up you frontin ass fake racist knee-gro piece of shit. Your tactics don't work, it's like talking to a racist dumb as a bell coon. Whenever you get your ass whupped you try and distract and Axe a question or say someone is angry or divert with any of your blogosphere tactics, now there are from my count three anons whuppin yo ebonics tainted brain. Which one are you speaking too and what is your no doubt infantile question you piece of shit.

    How many times will you be humiliated.... no let me rephrase this, will you ever learn anything from all the times you have been proven to be dumb, uniformed, racist, shallow, angry, frontin and dumb again?

  109. "Really kunte-cunt-aye, you really are stupid aren't you. You think that Obama can win without the white vote"

    That's obviously NOT what I said goober.

    I said you no longer need a white majority.

    But of course you already knew that. right?

    "it was the righties who passed civil rights,"

    Oh my, you're not just stupid, you are mentally defective.

    Name ONE righty who supported Civil Rights.

    ONE you idiot.

    Reagan, Goldwater, Buckley all opposed Civil Rights.

    And the Southern Democratic Segs who opposed it were righties as well.

    Answer my question.

    Hey folks, this is were the goober totally loses it.

    When you corner him.

    You have NO idea how much I enjoy this.

  110. lack:

    why am i not surprised that even floyd is more honest about his own sucker punch than you are sucker???

    After the fight, Mayweather argued with 80-year-old veteran HBO anchor Larry Merchant.

    “I got hit by a dirty shot. The rule is protect yourself at all time,” Mayweather explained. “We are not here to cry and complain about what he did or I did dirty.”

  111. This comment has been removed by the author.

  112. lack:

    cc your amoral macho bs to fn

    he agreed with me

    "legal" is not a synonym for "decent/fair/right/just/cool" etc



    per fn:

    "Finally, I saw the fight last night between $ Mayweather and Victor Ortiz, and I had flashbacks of the second Holyfield Tyson fight, where my man Iron Mike went all Hannibal Lecter on Holyfield. It wasn't pretty. But, in the end, the best man won.

    I thought that Mayweather was on his way to a decision before the headbutt and quick punch. (I won't call it a sucker punch because it was legal.) It's a shame that it had to end that way, because it looked like it was going to be a pretty good fight. "

  113. "GOP race baiting? Are you out of your mind? The only people who live and die by race politics, well you know who they are, you are one of them."

    Oh, is that why the Democratic party actually looks like America with all races and ethnicities represented and the national GOP is 99.8% white with 2 buckdancers??????

  114. Anonymous2:45 PM

    "Really kunte-cunt-aye, you really are stupid aren't you. You think that Obama can win without the white vote"

    That's obviously NOT what I said goober.

    I said you no longer need a white majority.

    Now why would you say that when he NEVER HAD a white majority, really are you just a really bad liar or totally stupid? Can you count, do you know what percentage of 100 - 42 is?

    "it was the righties who passed civil rights,"

    Oh my, you're not just stupid, you are mentally defective.

    Name ONE righty who supported Civil Rights.

    ONE you idiot.

    Reagan, Goldwater, Buckley all opposed Civil Rights.

    Sigh what a fool you are, being a black racist certainly you know that almost ALL southerners including democrats voted against the civil rights bill in fact 7 of 93 democrats voted for it, while at the same time 84% of northern republicans voted for it. So your racist diatribe isn't as simple as your mind is.

    Answer my question.

    Reading comprehension again, exactly what is the question you axed?

    Hey folks, this is were the goober totally loses it.

    You dont know shame do you, you are the type of brother who gets his ass kicked and then walks away talking shit, I predicted you would try your usual diversionary tactic of look hes angry and you being of such low brain power still have no choice to do the only thing you know.

    When you corner him.

    You have NO idea how much I enjoy this.

    Sure, you are into S+M and love getting intellectually slammed over and over again because your wife told you not to shove crayons up your nose anymore, go ahead axe your infantile question and be quick about it fake frontin bitch, I have things to do.

    Now, heres some sunshine and nice thoughts going your way, I am so happy you are a moron. Tee-Hee LMBAO, I thank god everyday he didnt give me a mind like yours.

  115. This comment has been removed by the author.

  116. anon:


    "Whenever you get your ass whupped you try and distract and Axe a question or say someone is angry or divert with any of your blogosphere tactics"...

    that is conning coon uts' definition of a "direct question"

    because he is a perpetually indirect bold moron herein

  117. Anonymous2:47 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "GOP race baiting? Are you out of your mind? The only people who live and die by race politics, well you know who they are, you are one of them."

    Oh, is that why the Democratic party actually looks like America with all races and ethnicities represented and the national GOP is 99.8% white with 2 buckdancers??????

    Of course any competent black shows you up for the fraud you are and eliminates all your excuses and demands for favorism so you have to attack them.

    Your a fraud, the CBC and DWL who hold you down by claiming to help you are the most racist people in the world. ALL they have is race, race, race but they never tell the truth. They can't, you won't like it.

  118. mack:

    re: the white feminists u slur

    hobama's wf feminist mom was the consummate global "nig lover"

  119. "Sigh what a fool you are, being a black racist certainly you know that almost ALL southerners including democrats voted against the civil rights bill in fact 7 of 93 democrats voted for it, while at the same time 84% of northern republicans voted for it."

    Did this freakin moron miss the part when I said the Souther Dems were RIGHTIES. The Northern Repubs were LIBERALS.

    Javits, Percy, Mathias and Dirksen were moderate liberals.

    Are you really so stupid that you don't people can't see right through your bull$hit?

    And believe me, I never tire of exposing you.

  120. BTW AB, I don't blame you for giving your anon goober friend a helping hand today.

    I'm really spanking him good.

    I'm starting to feel like a sadist.

  121. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Well Steve, I can't wait, I looked back at your posts and see you issued a challenge to an anon to produce a qoute where you "specifically said that you refuse to let these Stormfronters take over this blog because it is a blog for Blacks"

    I did?

    Produce the quote and I will not post here for a month.

    If you can't you go?


    Now, I remember this qoute as I am sure will any other regular reader, you did say this, it also fits you, so why are you denying it? Are you saying you will allow those people to take over the blog?

    Anyway, that's not a question, thats a challenge you made to someone else. Do you have a question or not? Hurry the fuck up, I am not a useless salesmen like you and have things to do, you got five minutes or stick your question in the useless steve distraction pile with the rest of them...are you angry? You seem to be drooling on the keyboard, calm down booba.

  122. glass crass uts:

    we see u fool

    anon whips your ass daily

    he needs no help from me ever


    i do see how my hand slays u even more

    and i am proud to play in the fray
    with u coon


  123. Anonymous3:03 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    BTW AB, I don't blame you for giving your anon goober friend a helping hand today.

    I'm really spanking him good.

    I'm starting to feel like a sadist.

    Ha-Ha going back and having to twist your own words because you are a fool is good for you I guess.

    You can talk shit about how you "kicked his ass" while the doctor is stitching your head, in the meantime you still havent axed any question, forget you, you are a fraud and just like every other time you front, everyone here sees how intellectually stunted lacking in critical thinking skills and completely maleducated you are.

    Carry on angry one, carry on.

    Laterz Mr Ring A Ding global example.

  124. Oh dear,

    the goober lifts his hine parts straight up in the air begging me to kick it.

    "in the meantime you still havent axed any question,"

    This is just in the last couple of hours.

    What color if Alex Rodroguez?

    Rafael Correa, President of Ecuador?

    Hugo Chabez, President of Venezuela?

    Name ONE success of his (Bush) Presidency?

    BTW what "liberal" policies is the Goober talking about?

    You haven't answered ONE.

    Try to slink out of this one.


  125. Anonymous3:51 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Oh dear,

    the goober lifts his hine parts straight up in the air begging me to kick it.

    "in the meantime you still havent axed any question,"

    This is just in the last couple of hours.

    What color if Alex Rodroguez?

    Rafael Correa, President of Ecuador?

    Hugo Chabez, President of Venezuela?

    Name ONE success of his (Bush) Presidency?

    BTW what "liberal" policies is the Goober talking about?

    You haven't answered ONE.

    Try to slink out of this one.


    Slink out of this one, as if he is so are about as clever as a hefty shit after a huge BBQ

    I am not sure who you asked this too but the answer is simple, they aren't colors, they are people and they are ALL Hispanic. Now if you mean skin tone? Varying shades of course, some like Hugo Chavez (not Chabez)are light skinned brown - while Alex Rodriguez (not rodriguez) A-rod is a light brown skinned Dominican, Rafael Correa is also a brown skinned Peruvian, Now is there a point to this coonish-ness that by asking this question Obamas policies that you diverted from have suddenly become successful?

    As for Bush, no, I won't play your liberal games, when faced with the reality of Obama you can only deflect and become infantile, yes mommy, I was bad, but Jr Coon was bad too. No, I will not list failures or successes of another presidency, none of that has anything to do with Obama at all. Bush is not Obama's daddy, or maybe that is the problem, you think he is and should come and save Obama, is that why you bring him up whenever discussing Obama's actions, plans and presidency?

  126. AB - he did nothing illegal or unethical. Its called Boxing, not the ballet. You touch gloves you are ready to fight, end of discussion. He was obviously frustrated and punch drunk.

    Look, I think Mayweather is generally a prick and a loudmouth - but he's a phenomenal prizefighter and he won the fight fair and square. He nothing illegal or unethical. Ortiz got caught sleep and got rocked for it. End....of..story. To say Mayweather threw a sucker punch when the fight was clearly back on. Is like saying "its a low blow for MJ to shoot and score on that jumper off the pass after a 20 second time out. He should have at least waited for the defense to get into position." Its silly and shows little knowledge of the sport.

    Rule number 1 in boxing, "protect yourself at all times". Ortiz will never forget that lesson again.

  127. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Purple Cow, I will miss you. I would encourage you to remain, if only for my own selfish reasons.

    LT, the fantasies you have! Laura Bush was treated quite nicely...why are you pretending otherwise? The alleged victims of alleged activities by President Clinton....seem to have not been truthful. And, contrary to your manly manful beleefs, many feminists pushed for investigations of each and every astroturf fake allegation made by those funded by Scaife. Up until it was obvious they were all pretty much 'liars fer jebus'. Your made-up tale of woe informs us you never visit FemBlogs of any stripe.
    I would offer that any thing Lefties have posted about Sarey pale in outright ookiness to your 'poster fantasies' about her.

    Many white women are trying to have equality with their socioeconomic peers. Think Megan McCain.

    As far as the widdle wite boys yowling about Michelle Obama sharing nutrition information...the wee tykes very much show that they are losers in many aspects. And ManDumpling really should not call her fat....kind of ironic, eh?


  128. Coquinegra4:22 PM

    yeah Field.
    what you said. But most women of color have known for a long while that feminism was not for *us* at all.

  129. "And there are several black male regulars who consistently keep silent when the racist trolls unleash their vile nastiness towards the virtue of black womanhood. Even the racist perverted no_slappz has had his field day trampling black women and black children without so much of a peep aimed his way."

    I don't think this is true at all. This is a debate I had back in my 20's with my then girlfriend, if someone is attacking Black people in general they are attacking all of us. I don't see the need to pick and choose women vs. men ect. An attack on any of us is an attack on all of us. I usnderstand your point but we are fighting the same battle against the same enemy. Slappz is a racist who hates ALL Black people so is there a need to point out he will and does attack Black women? I love your passion and the fight. We are on the same side.

  130. One last thing, looking through the earlier threads I see that LAA is back to her pathetic bm hating.

    She's not angry at the white males who consistently mock, slander, disrespect and revile black women.

    She is pathetically trying to convince herself that they secretly WANT her.

    She's angry at black men for supposedly not sticking up for black women.

    Correct me if I'm wrong but Field did exactly that in his commentary.

    But don't try to reason with a delusional whackjob so riddled with self loathing she doesn't know who her enemies really are.

  131. lack:

    we disagree as always

    and fn and fm and millions agree with me

    i adore fm
    but he played himself


    To his glittering list of accomplishments Floyd Mayweather Jnr can add the undisputed title of Cleverest Con Artist In The Ring.
    The money-mad man who longs to be recognised as The Greatest collected his latest world title by landing The Cheapest Shot of All Time. Two them, actually.

    The pair of sucker punches which knocked out Victor Ortiz while the defending WBC world welterweight champion had his hands lowered at his side in abject apology for a head butt may or may not have been within the extreme boundaries of the Queensberry Rules

    Read more:

  132. lack:

    many pookies think mike tyson's eating evander's ear was ethical retaliation for head buts too...

    like u now
    they were dead wrong too


    Second only to “Sankofa”, “Mandingo” is a classic film on the brutality of African
    slavery in America. In a bloody scene, star Ken Norton is forced to maul a fellow slave as
    white masters and mistresses cheer. It is a haunting scene; from which ghosts spooked
    me as I watched Mike Tyson chew on Evander Holyfield. Centuries later, Black men still
    shed each others’ blood for show.

    Perhaps now, after Mike has publicly mauled a champion, in view of millions, his
    unconditional defenders will consider that he may have raped a groupie, late one night,
    when they were alone in his hotel room. Now that he has maimed a stronger man, before
    the world, they will consider that he may have brutalized his ex-wife, and other weaker
    persons, in private. We all display our best behavior in public. What is Mike’s worst?

  133. Anonymous5:33 PM

    "UTS, several threads ago, you specifically said that you refuse to let these Stormfronters take over this blog because it is a blog for Blacks"

    I did?

    Produce the quote and I will not post here for a month.

    If you can't you go?


    You have a deal, I will accept your dumb Negro challenge, even though everyone knows you are not a man of your word, you BIG LIAR.

    When does this challenge start, fool?

  134. Anonymous5:52 PM

    You are off base on the silence of white feminists. There is even a Michelle Obama racism watch page:
    I am sure there are others, but why bother to link you to them. You have your prejudice against women.

  135. Anonymous6:43 PM

    As soon as I accept Steve's challenge he disappears. Just goes to show he is full of shit.

    I am ready to accept your challenge. I can prove what you said. Where the hell are you, punk?

  136. If you can prove it, why haven't you?

  137. Gee, I don't remember black feminists coming to the aid of all those white and asian women raped during ther Puerto Rican Day Parade by black and hispanic men or the 11 year old Hispanic girl gangraped by 20 black males, then forced into hiding because of all the death threats by black folks. Did black feminists stand with Asian women harrased by Sharpton and Co during the 90's? Did black feminists stand with Jewish women when 250 black terrorists lynched 2 Jews, assaulted 50 others (including children), and mugged over 250 eldely Jewish women during the Crown Heights Pogrom? Instead of asking what whites have "done for you lately" ask yourselves when black women and/or men have ever done jack shit to defend anyone from hate speech or crimes when those on the giving end were black.
    Want to see a good example of whites who do nothin for blacks? Google Amy Biehl. Show me where black women or men ever made a similar sacrifice for anyone else when there was NOTHING in it for themselves

  138. Anonymous11:50 PM

    White feminists have done more for black women than black male "civil rights" activists. Instead of asking what feminists have done for black women how about asking what black "civil rights" activists have done for white women?

  139. many femnists DID rally around the nyc rapes...including myself

    Police officers are supposed to protect and serve. Far too often, they only orchestrate frames and commit municipally sanctioned public executions instead. Yet, no one should expect police officers to satiate, neuter, or magically make monsters morph into men!!!

    On subhuman life charts, racist dogs and sexist dogs share a space. Mayor Giuliani is a rabidly racist dog. The only thing uglier than his Keystone Killer KKKops, and the mass rapes they allowed to take place, is Giuliani's attempt to pretend that these officers were being passive due to righteous protests about rampant police brutality. There is a very bold and clear line between flirtation and assault. It is equally glaring and evident as the line between keeping the peace and keeping an "accidental" death toll.

    Ironically, the same cops who casually ignored female victims surprisingly rushed to incarcerate their primarily Black and Latino victimizers. The white rapists at Woodstock were never so expertly apprehended after their sexist crimes. Why is that? Could it be that cops favor punishment over protection? When our brothers are the ones we need protection from, when they refuse to keep us, should we even give a damn about the agents who keep them? Belated and selective justice are both better than none at all!

    In this world filled with hatreds, hatred of women is universal. This was a massive display of just how intensely women are hated. Most starkly, it was evidence of just how dangerously and instantaneously such sexist hatred can explode.

    Who should/could have stopped this melee from happening? Only the macho monsters who went insane when the blood that fashioned their collective erections drained their defective brains dry! And, only the wealthy promulgators of their insanity who market sexist madness and mentacide as "art"!

    Namely, those who could have stopped this included:

    Rabid elder dogs who teach young men to be rabid puppies.

    Absent excuses for fathers who leave boys alone and lost to grow up to be maniacal excuses for men.

    Ignorant excuses for women who should stop behaving like public access whores so routinely that men assume all women are the same.

    Female police/security officers who need to be present in FAR greater numbers at all such events.

    Real African/Latino men who do not hate women, and who should act as mentors to young men so that they may learn to be humane rather than canine.

    Responsible celebrities who make music and movies that enlighten rather than poison minds.

    Real African women who should teach all young women to demand respect and to love themselves as they act wisely and safely in all spaces at all times.

    I wish that emotionally retarded men could understand the constant fear that women must live with due to the violence of sexism like that which fueled this most recent madness. Men only feel the fear that we live with daily when they are inmates in prisons. It is the fear of knowing that what happened in New York could happen at any event, anywhere. It is the fear of knowing that we can be raped or beaten or killed anywhere and at anytime; in our own showers, homes, beds, or parks....

    Fortunately, this fear has now been caught on videotape in NYC. I wish that it could be viewed by millions as often as millions will view gyrating G-strings and bouncing breasts on video shows nationwide. I wish those who filmed these sex crimes in progress were capable of viewing their replays with their third eyes. Sadly, their collective third eyes are blinded by "booty".

  140. I am not a partygoer. And, I am not a mother. But, I am a conscious and afrocentric womanist. That means that I care about all sisters everywhere. And, that is why I am seething with rage about the excruciatingly ugly occurrences in Central Park. Over 48 women went to watch a parade and were forced into being the frantic feature attractions!

    By spiritual extension, karmic association, and ancestral inheritance, I am my sisters' keeper. Similarly, our collective brothers are supposed to keep all of us. Decency, honor, and respect used to be kept at outdoor gatherings as typically as barbecue, sodas, and music. So, what the hell has happened to "humanity"? What fuels the increasingly brutal sexist evil that men do? Especially young men who find themselves suddenly, easily, and ferociously sexually aroused?

    What caused these mass rapes in NYC? "Rape" has always been diverse by definition. One can be raped spiritually, emotionally, financially, mentally, and physically. Rape can be committed by genital penetration, groping, the insertion of fingers, and vicious verbal abuse. No one who witnessed the fear in any one of these victims' eyes, or the frenzied group maulings that they endured, can deny that these women were indeed raped.

    There are those who will stupidly say that all scantily clad women deserve to be raped. Such fools dare to ignore the droves of infants in diapers and elderly women in flannel who are brutally raped daily.

    There are those who will arrogantly blame apathetic, racist and inept New York City police officers for failing to act when predominantly Black and Latino females were attacked by brazen men who looked like their brothers. Such fools ignore the white female victims who were also attacked unmercifully.

    Are the police responsible for flagrantly refusing to protect and serve these victims? Hell Yes! Are the police also to be blamed for the men who behaved like rabid packs of dogs in heat? HELL NO!!!

    Police officers are no more to blame for this event than the organizers of Woodstock 1999 were to blame for the predominantly white rabid packs of dogs in heat that committed similarly vulgar acts against predominantly white females. Likewise, similarly apathetic and inept security officials did nothing to assist those victims at that event.
