Saturday, September 17, 2011

Roman soldiers!

Why do conservatives hate people?

"Back in 1980, just as America was making its political turn to the right, Milton Friedman lent his voice to the change with the famous TV series “Free to Choose.” In episode after episode, the genial economist identified laissez-faire economics with personal choice and empowerment, an upbeat vision that would be echoed and amplified by Ronald Reagan.  

 But that was then. Today, “free to choose” has become “free to die.”
I’m referring, as you might guess, to what happened during Monday’s G.O.P. presidential debate. CNN’s Wolf Blitzer asked Representative Ron Paul what we should do if a 30-year-old man who chose not to purchase health insurance suddenly found himself in need of six months of intensive care. Mr. Paul replied, “That’s what freedom is all about — taking your own risks.” Mr. Blitzer pressed him again, asking whether “society should just let him die.”
And the crowd erupted with cheers and shouts of “Yeah!”

The incident highlighted something that I don’t think most political commentators have fully absorbed: at this point, American politics is fundamentally about different moral visions.   

 Now, there are two things you should know about the Blitzer-Paul exchange. The first is that after the crowd weighed in, Mr. Paul basically tried to evade the question, asserting that warm-hearted doctors and charitable individuals would always make sure that people received the care they needed — or at least they would if they hadn’t been corrupted by the welfare state. Sorry, but that’s a fantasy. People who can’t afford essential medical care often fail to get it, and always have — and sometimes they die as a result.

The second is that very few of those who die from lack of medical care look like Mr. Blitzer’s hypothetical individual who could and should have bought insurance. In reality, most uninsured Americans either have low incomes and cannot afford insurance, or are rejected by insurers because they have chronic conditions. So would people on the right be willing to let those who are uninsured through no fault of their own die from lack of care? The answer, based on recent history, is a resounding “Yeah!”  [Source]      

That was Paul Krugman with a perfect take on what I still can't believe happened in a national debate in this country. "Society should just let him die". *Cheers* Presenting Governor Perry, a man who is proud of all the executions that he has presided over as the Governor of Texas. *Cheers*

As someone noted in the comments section on YouTube:

"The crowd cheered when they executed Jesus too. There's something wrong and disturbing about that...and I'm a republican! I don't cheer the death of anyone. I do not support the death penalty as strongly as I once did especially now that DNA has proven so many death penalty cases were wrongful convictions. Just one innocent person being killed by the death penalty should bring an immediate stop to it to evaluate the way these verdicts are found."

You are wrong sir/mam. You are not a republican. You sound like you have a soul.



  1. Anonymous8:51 PM

    It is the callow and juvenile response of a 15 yo who beleeverates they know everything about everything. A Legacy who derides the admission to college of those who didn't have the spot reserved by and at birth.
    The fantasy of working-class whites that when st reagan and bush and RonPaul describe Welfare...they are speaking only of those undeserving 'urbans' Really? RoPaul let his employee die...and RoPaul could afford to help.

    Nearly 25% unemployment...and the crowd is more interesting in scapegoats to kill.


  2. Anonymous8:55 PM

    What part of being a 'pass for' don't you get? I am both Swedish and AfAm. My blue eyes and soft brown skin make me a 'pass for'.

    How easy it was to fool christmoles.


  3. Anonymous9:11 PM

    What part of passing gas don't you get? I am passing gas both orally and anally . My eyes are watering and my knees have turned soft and even my skin has turned brown from the toxicity of my own bodily functions.

    You see daddy diddles me and I love when daddy diddles my skittle but pass gas beleeverate me you that it does make me.

    How easy it was ingest my own brand.


  4. Anonymous9:45 PM

    "Why do conservatives hate people?"

    Please explain why we Blacks kill each other and call each other the N-word, and uncle tom? And why are there black slave catchers? And why can't Blacks unify?

    When we have seriously answered those questions about OURSELVES, then maybe your original question might answer itself because we have a lot of hate toward each other.

  5. Anonymous10:00 PM

    Quick, divert attention from the sociopathy evinced by certain Rs.

    I missed this, but see a couple of people talking about it, but the latest piece from David Brooks ought to make you want to throw things:

    Over the past decades, Americans have developed an absurd view of the power of government. Many voters seem to think that government has the power to protect them from the consequences of their sins. Then they get angry and cynical when it turns out that it can’t.

    It really is all a morality play to these sociopaths, isn’t it? Unemployed for the last year or two? SINNER! Underinsured because you can’t find a decent job, and your medical bills pile up? SINNER!

    It’s important to realize what he is saying, and what these assholes really believe. Several hundred years ago, Brooks would be cheering as we burned people at the stake for witchcraft, or telling people that the reason they have the plague is because they were insufficiently faithful. Unable to produce a male heir? SINNER! Crops die? SINNERS! Have a drought? SINNERS!

    David Brooks and the GOP don’t want to go back to the 1950’s. They want to go back to before the Renaissance.

    *** Update ***
    The incomparable Driftglass:
    You know, I write about Mr. Brooks frequently because he is without question the single most powerful and shadow-casting practitioner of the dark art of lazy, incestuous, cheapjack Centrist punditry that is suffocating our culture under mile after smothering mile of tepid, Villager establishmentarian treacle.

    And yet as I move from reading his empty, bloodless, word-tapioca blattings to writing about them for this blog, the realization that, in a country where 1 in 6 of my fellow citizens live below the poverty line, Our Mr. Brooks is actually paid—actually, richly rewarded with money, privilege and social cache—for the act of cranking out 1,600 words worth of this forgettable, poisonous tripe every week still just knocks me out.

    Though some puerile teener boys might thinkerate this would be, like, kewl like a RenFaire....they really should research the living conditions. And that they would be fortunate to be serfs.


  6. Anonymous10:06 PM

    Silly goobers. You thinkerete you can be me? Yes my dad and i have been diddling for years. Its really hot near my special place this time of year.

    What do you want to do, fundies? Burn me like a witch? Hang me like a "migger"?


  7. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Field, "The incident highlighted something that I don’t think most political commentators have fully absorbed: at this point, American politics is fundamentally about different moral visions."

    No Field, there are not different moralities. That is where both Democrats and Republicans get into trouble. There is a Universal Morality which every soul is endowed with, but worships instead the 'human ego'(7 deadly sins).. That Universal Code is:

    Don't kill or harm one another.
    Don't steal. That is, don't take what does not belong to you.
    Don't engage in sexual misconduct.
    Don't lie, slander, or use harsh language toward each other.
    Don't engage in selling of weapons or human flesh.

    Basically, this code has been consolidated into one moral and ethical law by a great Rabbinic sage by the name of Hillel:

    "That what you hate done to you, do not do to another."

    Centuries later, Christ consolidated the Christian Ten Commandments into:

    "Do unto other as you would have them do unto you."

    However, it still remains to be seen if humans will have such capabilities. Thus far, the answer is "NO."..whether you are a leftist, middle of the road, the right, Black or White- The 7 deadly sins still run the earth.

  8. Anonymous10:18 PM

    mold, "What do you want to do, fundies? Burn me like a witch? Hang me like a "migger"?"

    the important question is, "what do YOU want to do to others?" make yourself a better person and you will be better off.

  9. Anonymous10:22 PM

    Don't kill or harm one another.
    Don't steal. That is, don't take what does not belong to you.
    Don't engage in sexual misconduct.
    Don't lie, slander, or use harsh language toward each other.
    Don't engage in selling of weapons or human flesh.

    Well my daddy who just diddled me and imbibed my natural gas says this leaves democrats out so we reject it. In fact beeleverate it or not, on the last one he uses his human flesh as a weapon against my face and dark smelly parts. Why do R's think they can tell me and my daddy what to thinkerate or they will judegerate us? we want to do whatever we like to whomever we like whenever we like. Oh----Ohhhh...smell that...?


  10. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Can anyone tell me why I stutter post? I don't mean to but sometimes I just keep copying and pasting the same stuff over and over and over, as it were good and kewl and fun the first time please beleeverate me I dont know why I do it it's like passing gas to me sometimes it just happens I do know that whenever daddy diddles me I post the same stuff again so next time you see the same post over and over you know I just got diddled by daddy again and am very happy!!


  11. Anonymous10:45 PM

    "Why do R's think they can tell me and my daddy what to thinkerate or they will judegerate us? we want to do whatever we like to whomever we like whenever we like. Oh----Ohhhh...smell that...?"

    Yes, for you it's all about doing the right thing, right? which is to have no self-restraint whatsoever. As long as it feels good it IS good. Right? That is good, isn't it?

    That's the American Democratic-Capitalistic way, which renders morality useless.

  12. Anonymous10:47 PM

    mold, sounds like you love your daddy. he is a good father to you and has made you what you are today on FN. u must be proud.

  13. Anonymous11:16 PM

    stutter posting stutter posting copy and paste copy and paste copy and paste daddys a diddlin daddys a diddlin daddys a diddlin thats three times woohoo remember each time I copy past and post daddy is diddlin me and life is good

    luv ya peeps!!

    Mold The Bold - You better not Scold Nucka

  14. Anonymous11:20 PM

    "In the 1970s, influential figures in education like Sydney Simon and Lawrence Kohlberg argued for “values clarification” and “cognitive moral development,” believing the traditional moral education was essentially indoctrination –“undemocratic and unconstitutional.” (See this excellent 1978 Public Interest essay by William J. Bennett and Edwin J. DeLattre for more.) This was utter nonsense, of course; but it was also corrosive and had profound human and social consequences. You can’t promote ethical agnosticism and embrace nonjudgmentalism without there being moral ramifications. Because at some point, we all have to take a moral stand and embrace a moral cause. We have to believe in, and abide by, rules and precepts. We don’t have the luxury of living a life of perpetual moral confusion. C.S. Lewis put it as well as anyone when he wrote in The Abolition of Man, “We make men without chests and expect from them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst.”

    One final thought: what is often lost in this debate is that human fulfillment and happiness isn’t found in a world stripped of moral beliefs. Despair, not joy, is found among those who believe in nothing, who find purpose in nothing, who fight for nothing. Because of human anthropology – because we are moral creatures, made in the image of God – we are meant to delight in His ways, to live lives of high moral purpose. All of us fail more often than we should. But we cannot give up on the aspiration; nor can we allow our hearts to grow cold and indifferent, unmoved by the beauty of moral excellence.

    “Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things,” St. Paul wrote. In our world, there is still excellence. There are still things worthy of praise. It’s time we once again dwell on them." --CommentaryMagazine

  15. When people get that bloodlust going, they want it quenched somehow, someway. Roman gladiator battles in the Colosseum, mob violence, lynchings, NASCAR crashes, pro-wrestling matches, etc. And now the bloodlust is back in the political arena after being dormant for a spell.

  16. Anonymous12:03 AM

    For those of you still interested in why the President acts the way he does toward his black constituency, here is a very provocative video of Prof. Randall Kennedy of Princeton U and Tavis Smiley.

  17. Anonymous12:07 AM

    Mack@12:02am, please elaborate on what you mean. I don't get the connection between the gladiators and letting someone die from lack of medical insurance.

  18. Anonymous12:18 AM

    "The crowd cheered when they executed Jesus too. There's something wrong and disturbing about that...and I'm a republican! I don't cheer the death of anyone. I do not support the death penalty as strongly as I once did especially now that DNA has proven so many death penalty cases were wrongful convictions. Just one innocent person being killed by the death penalty should bring an immediate stop to it to evaluate the way these verdicts are found."

    Field, "You are wrong sir/mam. You are not a republican. You sound like you have a soul."

    Mr. Field, the man said he was a Republican so please allow him to define who he is. We are ALL God's children, regardless of our political affiliation. That means we ALL have a soul, whether Democrat or Republican.

    Some of us mirror the soul better than others. We each 'awaken' according to the unfolding of our conscience.

  19. @11:20PM, those were good comments.I don't necessarily agree with all of it, but good nevertheless.

    @12:18AM, you have me thinking as well.

    The President of Anon Inc. should be proud tonight.

    Anon@12:07AM, I think what Mack said speaks for itself.

  20. @Mack, you and I are on the same page. That was my first thought when I heard them cheering. The audience sounded like they were in a gladiator setting instead of a political debate. I wish death on no one, not even my enemies. For the rightwing to always be professing to be Christians, they sure do have a habit of practicing the opposite of what the word teaches. They are like the Pharisees and Sadducees, the inside of their cup needs cleaning.

    They skipped the story of the Lazarus and the rich man. Could it be because it sears their minds? Because that story fits them down to a tee.

  21. Btw, Field did you read about this?

    and this

  22. the day we realize that reps and dems hate and slay the same poor/black/gay/global people...

    that is the day we will all rebel and be free.


    “If the Freedom Democratic Party is not seated now, I question America . Is this America? The land of the free and the home of the brave? Where we have to sleep with our telephones off the hook, because our lives be threatened daily.” (Nationally-televised testimony to the Credentials Committee of the Democratic National Convention, 1964)

    “Nobody's free until everybody's free…We are sick and tired of our people having to go to Vietnam and other places to fight for something we don't have here…I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.”

    --Fannie Lou Hamer

  23. Anonymous2:50 AM

    AB a friend of mine is looking for interracial lesbian romance books with bw/ww do you know any? do you have an email?

  24. Anonymous2:52 AM


    Please read: THE NEW JIM CROW, by Michelle Alexander
    Please read: THE NEW JIM CROW, by Michelle Alexander
    Please read: THE NEW JIM CROW, by Michelle Alexander

    "The enemy of my enemy is my friend..."
    With that said, VOTE... Even if you don't like BHO, WE MUST VOTE!!! against the alternative.

  25. GrannyStandingforTruth3:21 AM

    Anonymous 2:52:

    You're late, most of us read that book when it first came out. :) In fact, I recommended it on my blog, Field did too,and so did others in the Afrosphere. It is an excellent book and Michelle Alexander points out thoroughly how the prison system is the new Jim Crow.

    I remember before the book even came out, I kept telling people about the 13th amendment and prisons were plantations. I forgot who it was on here that disagreed with me at the time. Nevertheless, I was glad when Michelle Alexander wrote about it and confirmed what I was thinking all the time.

  26. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Anon 2:52am, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend..."
    With that said, VOTE... Even if you don't like BHO, WE MUST VOTE!!! against the alternative."

    Thanks anon, I think I'll consider voting again but it won't be for Obama. The ones who have burned me the most during my life have been Black. BHO is no different.

    Also, thanks for recommending the book. I haven't read it as I am sure many haven't. It sounds worthwhile.

  27. Anonymous7:26 AM

    field, "Anon@12:07AM, I think what Mack said speaks for itself."

    For you, maybe but not for me. Anyway, Granny clarified his statement for me:

    Granny, "@Mack, you and I are on the same page. That was my first thought when I heard them cheering. The audience sounded like they were in a gladiator setting instead of a political debate. I wish death on no one, not even my enemies. For the rightwing to always be professing to be Christians, they sure do have a habit of practicing the opposite of what the word teaches. They are like the Pharisees and Sadducees, the inside of their cup needs cleaning."

    Thanks Granny. It did not cross my mind that the audience sounded like they were at a coliseum watching Gladiators fight to the death. It just sounded like political support. They could have been Democrats as far as I am concerned.

    What Perry said regarding "the ultimate justice" resonated because people want those who kill us removed from society. I live in fear everyday in the black community.

    It is no secret that PTSD is the common disease among Blacks living in warlike zones where street pirates and gang bangers roam. I want them gone!

    I am tired of living like this. Blacks don't have a life and no one seems to give a damn. I am glad Perry will pull the switch on these murderous thugs. I have already lost family members due to these animals.

    Say what you will about Perry, he has the right idea about what to do with the most dangerous animals on earth. The anon who said, "it sucks to be Black" spoke to me because he was right for some of us.

    When Uptown Steve told anon and AB to "off themselves" I could not help but think that the chances are some Negro street pirate or gangbanger probably will do it for him anyway. Of course, folks like yourself and others like Mack Lyons probably don't live in 'fear' like some of us and can't relate to the terror that romps about in our community. But it is real and it is devastating.

    If Perry can clean this mess up, he has my vote. I will never vote for Obama again. That video that anon shared with us about Prof. Kennedy's excuse for Obama makes a lot of us hopeless.

  28. Anonymous7:46 AM

    AB, "the day we realize that reps and dems hate and slay the same poor/black/gay/global people...

    that is the day we will all rebel and be free."

    yes, yes, yes. you are very right. yet many blacks hate the repubs but love the dems who care nothing about them. where is the rationale in that?

    they criticize the repubs/wingnuts but remain silent about the dems who once had the majority in 'both' houses but did nothing to even acknowledge us, let alone make our lives better.

    the dems are just as bad as the repubs. they just hide behind the Repubs. we are such illogical and irrational fearful fools.

  29. Anonymous7:49 AM


    field, is there any dna evidence of his innocence?

  30. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Bill Bennett, known non-expert and Edwin Delattre, AEI 'scholar'...writing a corporate interest piece on how to gut public schools. Why would anyone want to shill for folks who lie to us? Who want a return to Jim Crow...and to make opportunity solely the purview of inherited wealth.

    Yep, some widdle wite dude in Mom's basement is soooo scared of the media portrayal of AfAms, that he needs a bushian cowboy to kill a few of them to allay his terror of the AfAms he knows nothing about.

    It would help to not repeat wingnut Con talking points about the AfAm experience...and then try to pass it off as actually being AfAm. That is very much like the frat and sorority wites who dress in blackface and hold 'ghetto' parties. Granted, an inner-city or rural poor AfAm child who has no advantages in life would not be able to fully understand the life of a Legacy who pledged their parents Greek, could work two years in an unpaid intern position, and were offered work based on their parents connections.
    Or the continuing scam of bushmoles and christmoles keeping positions they could never acquire in an open competition.

    We have pretty much denied certain policies, so the fanatics need to impose them by cheating. After all, they were beleeverting that Liberal/Progressive ideals were placed upon them by fiat....untrue, but it makes them feel better about losing so decisively.
    It is not enough for them to have their own children uneducated...they have to make every child a loser. It is not enough to execute felons...they have to take glee in the death.


  31. "I am tired of living like this. Blacks don't have a life and no one seems to give a damn."

    Have you considered moving? Just sayin. It's a big country. I am sure that you can find a nice white neighborhood that will rool out the "welcome wagon" for you. You seem like such a wonderful person.

    Granny, thanks for that link, I will check out your blog.

  32. "field, is there any dna evidence of his innocence?"

    Please take the time to think about what you just wrote.

  33. Anonymous8:58 AM

    field, "Have you considered moving? Just sayin. It's a big country. I am sure that you can find a nice white neighborhood that will rool out the "welcome wagon" for you. You seem like such a wonderful person."

    Mr. Field, you prove anon's point, which is no one gives a damn about Blacks in the hood, not even Blacks like you. smh

    FYI, there are many Blacks in the hood who would love to move if they could. But progressive Blacks like you think it is just a simple matter of moving. No, Mr. Field, it is not.

    However, I understand why you would not understand our plight. You are far from such a life. There just is no moral reason for a progressive capitalist like yourself to care.

  34. Anonymous9:04 AM

    field, "Please take the time to think about what you just wrote."

    Ask an honest question and Field give a condescending answer that helps no one. It's a great way to teach Blacks and at the same time keep your brother in everlasting ignorance.

    And you have the nerve to criticize wingnuts? You are worse.

  35. zzzapppp9:07 AM

    will they broadcast the execution of that lowlife scumbag troy davis? or can we get it on blueray?

    i'll just plug that in my playa and charge admission.

  36. Coonie9:14 AM

    Waynie got his law degree from one of those Caribbean diploma mills. Now he thinks he's better than everybody. However, if you are a lowlife gutter ape and you murder a police officer, then Wayne will be your biggest fan. Wayne likes gutter apes.

  37. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Unfortunately American civilization hasn't advanced enough to televise such brutality. But I bet they will eventually.

    If they could hang bm at picnics during the Jim Crow days for entertainment, surely they will find a way to televise executions of Negroes in the future.

  38. Anonymous9:19 AM

    where is hoggbutt kim this morning? she can't spend all morning slurping down her breakfast of 2 pounds of fatback. in fact, that takes her only a minute.

    c'mon kim, I want to see your sheboon routine.

  39. Anonymous9:25 AM

    anon, "field, is there any dna evidence of his innocence?"

    Field said, "Please take the time to think about what you just wrote."

    Christ, Field. Do you ever give a direct answer to a simple question? You remind me of those dumb-ass sorry lawyers who are assigned to defend AAs because they can't afford a good lawyer. You are such an ass.

  40. Waynie9:30 AM

    he calls himself "THE FIELD"????

    hey Waynie, look up "megalomaniac"

  41. Anonymous9:35 AM

    The below article shows that some lawyers have the morals of an ally cat:

    "Alisha Smith, a well- respected lawyer in the New York Attorney General's Office, who helped win a $5 billion settlement from Bank of America for a securities fraud case three years ago, was suspended from her job yesterday after it was discovered she was moonlighting as a professional dominatrix.

    As "Alisha Spark" the 36-year-old performs at S&M events where she "dominates people, restrains them and whips them, a source told The New York Post.

    A spokesman for the state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman wouldn't elaborate on the details of the suspension, but it's likely it has more to do with office requirements that employees need permission to engage in activities that earn them more than $1,000, rather than her involvement in the lifestyle.

    It appears that Smith wasn't particularly secretive about her second job. Conversations on Twitter between Smith (who used her stage name) and a well-known dominatrix named Jade Vixen were noted by the paper.

    Since the Post's article was first published, Smith appears to have deleted her account, however evidence of their conversations is visible on Vixen's account.

    On September 6, Vixen tweeted at Spark, "I think both of us are decompressing from the excitement of @FetishWeekend."" Huffington Post

  42. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Yes, Wayne does call himself "THE FIELD" in his graphic on the sidebar. He should use instead his work nickname: The Token.

  43. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Alisha has no sense of decency. Right, Mack?

    With a name like "Alisha" I bet she is Black. Right, Mack? Who else would give their daughter such a name?

  44. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Yep, poor misunderstood wite Troll. How terrible for you. And how wingnut Con to pretend the conditions are based on Progressives.
    Why aren't you moving to all white areas? There are plenty in PA. Pretty much everything north of Route 80 is lily white, conservative...and dirt-floor poor.

    Field was gently hinting that your DNA question was specious and showed a lack of basic knowledge. Then you went, repeated it, and removed any doubt. You pretty much asked to have the alphabet given to you. At some point, it is a given that you, being functional, would not require such an assist.
    Hint: the prosecutor has to prove...see Casey Anthony. DNA is not needs other bits of legal connections to make a case.

    Having dealt with the US (an other) criminal justice systems...I have watched obviously guilty people go free, naifs be placed in GOPDaddy heaven, and gradations in between.
    You do what you can.


  45. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Where is your fauxtrage over the Vitter need for diapers? How about KenStarr loving him distributing what many Christians call pornography? Speaking of doms...Condoleeza and Sarey costumed as such.



  46. Queen Queef9:54 AM

    We know that Kim could never be a prostitute. Nobody would pay her, not even if she gives out free crack to get them all blurry-eyed first. Her father, though, is a high priced call-boy for rich wite gays.

  47. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Hmmmm. some of these anons are like runaway freight trains. I wonder where Field's supporters like Mack, UTS, LAC and Granny are? The reality is, if you are Black, you are on your own.

    Not 'one' FN has come forth to defend Field....Cowards!

  48. Anonymous9:57 AM

    When I say IOKOYAR that means It's okay if you're a republican. I have verbal diarrhea, which matches the diarrhea in my adult Depends diapers.


  49. Anonymous9:59 AM

    "I wonder where Field's supporters like Mack, UTS, LAC and Granny are?"

    Maybe at Dr Queen's graduation?

  50. Anonymous10:00 AM

    I did not proclaim the previous, some wite troll has attached to me.


  51. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Oh, here comes mold to the rescue. great! now we can learn som tin

  52. Anonymous10:02 AM

    "I did not proclaim the previous, some wite troll has attached to me."

    OMG! how are we to know who's who?

    That's it. I'm leaving this blog.

  53. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Nobody has to defend Wayne. He's too thick to realize when he is insulted. Life is more blissful for him that way.


    P.S. I am leaving this blog, too, since I am being impersonated... and not in a clever way.

  54. Anonymous10:33 AM

    If you were the true Mold, then you would know what is the case number on our involuntary commitment papers. So what is it?


  55. Anonymous10:36 AM

    What does it mean to "diddle ones' Skittle"?

    Am i wrong to want to hear more about molds' family actives?

  56. Anonymous11:31 AM

    What is black and brown and looks good on a lawyer?

    A Doberman

    Did you hear that the Post Office just recalled their latest stamps?

    They had pictures of lawyers on them ...and people couldn't figure out which side to spit on

  57. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Anonymous said...
    I did not proclaim the previous, some wite troll has attached to me.


    Isn't Mold a fungus that attaches itself to something else? When I diddle my skittle it makes me giggle when daddy diddles my skittle it makes me luv him so he takes such good care of his wittle wite boy I have no reason to tell Rethugs what happens in my family life so mind your own dirt poor life. We knows all wite people are dirt poor I should know daddy diddles my skittles

    by the way this is not me it is someone else and that someone is not you


  58. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Anonymous said...
    If you were the true Mold, then you would know what is the case number on our involuntary commitment papers. So what is it?


    Ok you must be an R everyone knows involuntary commitment case numbers have letters in them and not just numbers and you didnt so you are a faux news watcher sarah palin bushmole liar..don't beleeverate me I can prove it my involuntary commitment case number is

    I 8 1 U 8 1 2


  59. Anonymous said...

    When we have seriously answered those questions about OURSELVES, then maybe your original question might answer itself because we have a lot of hate toward each other.

    9:45 PM

    How's it going depressed negro?

  60. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Rottnkid said...
    Anonymous said...

    When we have seriously answered those questions about OURSELVES, then maybe your original question might answer itself because we have a lot of hate toward each other.

    9:45 PM

    How's it going depressed negro?

    Not bad moral-less blind fool stereotype and you?

  61. Anonymous12:35 PM

    No more chains, no more nooses, now you can get with the times and prove your dogged loyalty to democrats and buy and wear your very own Barack'O'Bama Dog collar
    printed to show your loyalty and whimpering support saying boldly and clearly "2012 Baracks Best Friend"

    Hurry and get yours today, dont be the last one to get a doggie treat..get yours now at We promise to keep leading you around by the leash and make sure you know what is good for you and that only WE can help you, because you can't do anything without us you aren't capable.

    Make every "walk around the block" an opportunity to show your loyalty and support and help us dip our beaks to keep every democrats nose cold and wet.

  62. As Van Jones said about Republicans "they're assholes".

  63. Doing fantastic, thanks for asking.

    To give you an idea on how the "our" black community is doing. My Mom recently turned 60 and the gift my Dad, her husband of 41 yrs, gave her a brand new 2012 Buick Regal. 40 black Men, Woman and Children decided to throw her a 60th birthday party in a upper middle class section of town owned by one of my black family members. You should have seen it - Black people getting along with other Black folks, it was a sight to see.

    It was a damn good weekend.

    Next time we have a family gathering, which we have often, I'll let you know so you can come visit with us.

  64. Anonymous12:52 PM

    PilotX said...
    As Van Jones said about Republicans "they're assholes".

    12:35 PM

    Assholes - as you and he call everyone who won't give way to your selfish demands. Better assholes than useless delusional cunts right?

  65. So much haters so little time. I love it!

    It's great to be me.

    "Field was gently hinting that your DNA question was specious and showed a lack of basic knowledge. Then you went, repeated it, and removed any doubt. You pretty much asked to have the alphabet given to you. At some point, it is a given that you, being functional, would not require such an assist."

    Mold, the hint wasn't so gentle. Unless, of course, your IQ matches your hat size.

    I suppose "being functional" is a relative term when it comes to the stormfront troll. Gotta love em, though. They could be anywhere else on this wonderful Sunday: A NASCAR Event, Wal-Mart,A family reunion---or out on a date, same thing-- But yet they choose to spend their day with me. Thank you. :)

    Anon@ 11:31 AM, please get a new joke writer. Or you will have to forever be anonymous.

    "Not 'one' FN has come forth to defend Field....Cowards!"

    They didn't come because they know that field is quite capable of defending himself.

  66. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Rottnkid said...
    Doing fantastic, thanks for asking.

    To give you an idea on how the "our" black community is doing. My Mom recently turned 60 and the gift my Dad, her husband of 41 yrs, gave her a brand new 2012 Buick Regal. 40 black Men, Woman and Children decided to throw her a 60th birthday party in a upper middle class section of town owned by one of my black family members. You should have seen it - Black people getting along with other Black folks, it was a sight to see.

    It was a damn good weekend.

    Next time we have a family gathering, which we have often, I'll let you know so you can come visit with us.

    Sounds great, your situation is very unusual, sure you know that by keeping up with the world in order to fuel your opinions, Unfortunately today black gatherings are usually marred by violence and drama and well over 70% of parents are single and not married let alone for 41 years. Sounds like you have a good family, again very unusual do you have any whites in your family or live close by to them?

  67. field negro said...
    So much haters so little time. I love it!

    It's great to be me.

    Yes dear Field, I must concede it feels great to be a well educated, well paid, well housed, Field Negro today!

    And the weather in metro DC today is fabulous for enjoying a ride in the best in German automotive engineering!

    "Das Beste oder Nichts" haters, ROTFLMBAO!!!!!!!

  68. "Sounds like you have a good family, again very unusual do you have any whites in your family or live close by to them?"

    Do Black folks need permission from White folks to be somewhat successful? Or to be intact? Or to be non violent? lol..Dude you need to get out more...There's a lot of Black families out there that are "unusual".

    Sounds like self hatred is eating you up.

  69. Anonymous1:43 PM

    neither doctor nor queen said...
    Yes dear Field, I must concede it feels great to be a well educated, well paid, well housed, Field Negro today!

    And the weather in metro DC today is fabulous for enjoying a ride in the best in German automotive engineering!

    "Das Beste oder Nichts" haters, ROTFLMBAO!!!!!!!

    u r an ignint materialistic shit stain u know that? again u doth disappoint for someone as edumacayted as u ude think ude ha other stuff to brag about but jess as ur ghetto sensibilities suggest u aint shit! bragging about ur car where ur dumb sheboon ass dont know the first thing about engineering jess reading shit off a commerical sign ya dummy!

  70. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Umm...wonder where witeBoy founderated his made-up non-experience with AfAm family gatherings? Maybe he asked the heroic brave Brietbart to make up stuff...or the witeBoy just beleeverates.
    Somehow this basement-wise 'expert' confuses family festivals with gangster activity. Of course, to a racist who knows nothing about anything...this is normal. Perhaps we should assume all Italian Catholics are La Cosa Nostra/Black Hand/Mafia. All Irish are Travelers. All English are yobbos.

    Field, since the hint went over their head...twice...I thought the capacity was self-evident. But then, not every US citizen has the benefit of higher education...or even high school. And there is a gulf between the AP and GenEd students.


  71. RK, you are truly wasting your time trying to defend your happy successful Black family relationship situation to a bunch of ignorant ass white folks.

  72. You're right Queen but at the same time I refuse for someone like him/her/it to place me or any other Black folks in his/her/its twisted world. If he/her/it has a problem within his/her/its world then he/her/it needs to fix it before he/her/it implodes.

  73. Anonymous2:50 PM

    I felt that because the wite had such a dysfunctional famliy...only by AfAms being worse, could he feel better.
    Perhaps the lad should seek counseling...but not the Marcus Bachmann PrayAwayDeGay fakery.

    Rememer, they really, really, really need a 'dog to kick'. And since they are just above Special Needs folks on the socioeconomic is unlikely. Their Grandaddy/Uncle/? could allus say, 'at leasts I aints no migger'. What can doofus Goober say?


  74. Anonymous3:39 PM

    "Field was gently hinting that your DNA question was specious and showed a lack of basic knowledge. Then you went, repeated it, and removed any doubt. You pretty much asked to have the alphabet given to you. At some point, it is a given that you, being functional, would not require such an assist."

    There should have been no doubt the first time, you idiot. I asked because I genuinely did not know. Field claims Troy is innocent, that the justice system has been unfair. Is there DNA evidence of his innocence? if not, then the brother has no chance, and is deemed guilty, guilty, guilty by the court.

    There should be no dumb questions, just dumb answers like Field's and yours. Blacks need to be educated yet Blacks put down each other for asking questions to educate themselves. It is ironic that folks with the lowest self-esteem and lowest IQ's act as though they are geniuses and have their shit together. You are neither and prove you are asses.

    "He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever." Chinese Proverb

    I might add that if you are Black you will still remain a fool because Blacks won't answer your question because they are too busy calling you dumb.

    Typical Negroes that nobody wants to be like, esp are a condescending dumb lawyer. Is that why you spend your time blogging? to make up for your lack of legal competence?

  75. Anonymous3:47 PM

    "Don't ask other Negroes questions".--Old Negro Proverb

    That's why Negroes don't make good jurors..they are afraid they might ask a dumb question. There are no dumb questions in other races...It is a curse and it suck to be Black.

  76. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Poor witeBoy. Where is your 'proof' of IQ on my part? Or are you upset your ploy failed?

    Although we tell children there are no dumb questions...that really doesn't apply to adults...or wite folks trying to push a racist agenda.

    Simply, the hint you missed gave you the answer you sought. If that isn't enough...take theyself to the local public library and research the general education for layperson on law. You could also peruse the NOLO Press website...and many others.

    No matter how heinous the is the job of the prosecutor in our system to prove guilt. Innocence is presumed.


  77. Ketchup4:19 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Poor witeBoy. Where is your 'proof' of IQ on my part? Or are you upset your ploy failed?

    Although we tell children there are no dumb questions...that really doesn't apply to adults...or wite folks trying to push a racist agenda.

    Simply, the hint you missed gave you the answer you sought. If that isn't enough...take theyself to the local public library and research the general education for layperson on law. You could also peruse the NOLO Press website...and many others.

    No matter how heinous the is the job of the prosecutor in our system to prove guilt. Innocence is presumed.


    It must suck being a pretend Negro - Innocence is presumed and was presumed the first trial where nine witnesses and the jury pronounced him guilty, the second, third, fourth and fifth appeals and even though ten years later and a few witnesses recant on paper but refuse to testify, he lost that case too.

    I used to think you were playin but aint no doubt you are one of Gerry's kids...wook at mold hwesss walkin.....

  78. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Even if the person is as guilty as bush or Cheney...our system presumes innocence. Even in multiple trials.

    This is not a morality play. Nor is it a search for a scapegoat...where all that matters is that loser wites get to murder someone to expiate their idiocy.

    I rather like that the government can't bring nothing to trial...and expect to win. That fantasy belongs to the wingnut Cons...and Dominionists....and Evangelical Fundies. Yep, just by is guilty. Who needs Science and proof and Data...when a gawd-fearin' man can 'j'accuse'..and Death Penalty ensues.


  79. "Typical Negroes that nobody wants to be like, esp are a condescending dumb lawyer. Is that why you spend your time blogging? to make up for your lack of legal competence?"

    Who is more pathetic, a "condescending lawyer" who has a blog, or a pathetic loser who spends all his time on it?

  80. Anonymous4:33 PM

    I felt that because the wite had such a dysfunctional famliy...if only wite had been diddled by their dads..... could he feel better.
    Perhaps the lad should seek counseling...Or a better dad.


  81. Anonymous4:35 PM

    you negroes are pathetic bunch of liars and it is no wonder that you are racist criminals.this site just shows why you are losers.

  82. Do black men hate people?4:39 PM

    Woman kidnapped in Collinsville died in trunk when car burned

    EDWARDSVILLE • An 85-year-old woman kidnapped in May outside a bingo game in Collinsville and locked into her car trunk was alive when the car burned, a Madison County coroner's jury was told Wednesday.

    Three people have been charged with first-degree murder in the death of Yoko Cullen of Belleville, who apparently was the victim of a carjacking as she left the Firemen's Hall on Collinsville Road at the west edge of Collinsville.

    The car was found burned May 20 near the intersection of 11th Street and Falling Springs Road in East St. Louis. Her remains were discovered after the car had been towed to Andy's Auto Body and Towing in Madison. That's why the inquest was in Madison County even though the charges are in St. Clair County.

    East St. Louis police Detective Orlando Ward said after the hearing that investigators believe Cullen was acquainted with one of the accused killers, Latosha A. Cunningham, and that both frequently played bingo at the hall.

    Ward said the killers may have believed, mistakenly, that Cullen carried a substantial sum of money.

    Murder charges were filed against Cunningham, 37, of Belleville; Daquan D. Barnes, 18, of Granite City; and his cousin, Demarcus D. Barnes, 28, of Belleville.

    Shane Liley, a coroner's investigator, testified Wednesday that Cullen's body was almost entirely consumed by the fire but said part of her trachea was found and the inside of it was coated with soot. "It indicated to us that she was breathing when the fire started," Liley said.

    Pathologist Raj Nanduri found no evidence of other injuries, Roger Smith, the chief deputy coroner, told the jury, which as a formality ruled the death a homicide.

    Read more:

  83. "Perhaps the lad should seek counseling...Or a better dad."

    Mold, have you ever considered that he might consider himself white but he is not sure if he has a black dad?

    That could explain his confusion when he comments: Always going back and forth between referring to blacks as "us" and "them".

    Don't get mad white Anon. (AKA "Depressed Negro".)I am just trying to help. It's why I am here.

  84. parvenu4:50 PM

    Now is the time to start the grieving process for many white Americans.

    Unfortunately when humans completely lose their compassion for their fellow humans they have inadvertantly established the conditions which only can be resolved by widespread shedding of the blood of the innocent members of the American population. After much blood, pain and devastation has been inflicted upon the general population these once bloodthirsty braggots will be finally moved to plead and pray for tolerance and peace.

    No matter the time, era, or epoch this psychological lesson must be learned over and over, and over again by mankind. These firebrand intolerant bombastic braggadocios never, never have any concept of the potential horror filled destruction that their mouths can unlease.

    America has such a tenacious vociferous right wing group explosively expanding within the general population. My fear is that persistant fascist inculcation throughout the ranks of this fanatic population has progressed so far beyond the danger point that the ONLY effective cure will come in the form of an all encompassing unrelenting storm of horrific bloody human butchery on the streets and roadways of America.

  85. Anonymous5:46 PM

    No violence please, we're British.

    Be careful what you wish for, you might get it.

    Having been adjacent to this type of outcome...I would caution against seeking it.


  86. You never fail to please (and enlighten). Don't ever change. Fin.

  87. Aiakos5:58 PM

    America has such a tenacious vociferous right wing group explosively expanding within the general population. My fear is that persistant fascist inculcation throughout the ranks of this fanatic population has progressed so far beyond the danger point that the ONLY effective cure will come in the form of an all encompassing unrelenting storm of horrific bloody human butchery on the streets and roadways of America.

    field negro said...
    hi5ving parvenu!

    Field, this is disgusting. Black adults preaching violence, no wonder where the kids and other violent blacks get there outlook.

    Well, you shouldn’t assume your targets will be as apathetic and passive as they have been, so far no one has been killed in the "yoof" attacks you apparently inspire. That is coming and when it does, you can bet the feel sorry for you vibe will die and you may just find you are outwitted, outgunned, outmanned and overmatched. Careful what you wish for, you just might get it.

    If you are going to preach violence and start a race war you might want to teach your soldiers to pull up their pants, they can’t dodge projectiles effectively if they can barely hobble and won’t last very long on a battlefield when facing non victim fighting organized thinking men.

    Then I wonder if you are successful in obtaining your wish of beginning bloodshed, what will happen to Black America with the cessation of entitlements (handouts) for surely you aren't foolish enough to believe no one would A- fight back when it is serious and B continue to contribute to black society.

    Fools - but again maybe you are right, perhaps it is time to bring this pimple to a head.

  88. "My fear is that persistant fascist inculcation throughout the ranks of this fanatic population has progressed so far beyond the danger point.."

    The poster said, "My fear is that..." Where is that advocating violence? Never mind, that's a rhetorical question. Judging from your comments I am sure that reading comprehension is not high on your list of priorities.

    Don't worry thblackethorne, unfortunately for my wingnut friends, I will be right here.

  89. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Field, I did note that the Fascist just about wet their Vitters over the concept of being held accountable for their actions. What exactly has this person done to be so terrified of US citizens? Why does the concept of eradicating traitors upset him so?

    I would prefer that the wingnut Cons crawl back under their rocks and cease trying to impose feudal society on the the modern one is too difficult for them. They should reconsider, being a Left Behind is better in 2011...than the equivalent in the Middle Ages.


  90. Aiakos7:43 PM

    field negro said...
    "My fear is that persistant fascist inculcation throughout the ranks of this fanatic population has progressed so far beyond the danger point.."

    The poster said, "My fear is that..." Where is that advocating violence? Never mind, that's a rhetorical question. Judging from your comments I am sure that reading comprehension is not high on your list of priorities.

    Don't worry thblackethorne, unfortunately for my wingnut friends, I will be right here.

    How utterly and blatantly disengenious.

    You will be right where? Where? In fear? If that is what you are stressing he said and ONLY meant, so then you are now stressing that you only high fived him for the "fear" of violence and will be "right there unfortunately for your wingnut friends" to "ONLY" shake and quiver and be fearful with him?

    Now with disengenious words you are trying to state that the obvious wasn't clearly written.

    "I fear" precluding "that the ONLY effective cure will come in the form of an all encompassing unrelenting storm of horrific bloody human butchery on the streets and roadways of America"
    Really, is butchery peaceful and non violent?

    Whatever. There is no problem with my reading comprehension, rather your typical liberal dishonesty lying and spinning outright.

    I truly hope it never comes to what you "fear" and will "be right there for, unfortunately for your wingnut friends" but I also "fear" it very well may come to that considering the misdirection and irresponsible words being spewed about.

  91. Aiakos7:52 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Field, I did note that the Fascist just about wet their Vitters over the concept of being held accountable for their actions. What exactly has this person done to be so terrified of US citizens? Why does the concept of eradicating traitors upset him so?

    Eradicating traitors? Fascists? Hmmm, just how do you propose to go about highlighting who has betrayed the United States and our constitution, has willfully not enforced or followed the laws of the U.S and how do you plan on eradicating these people? Please enlighten us.

    What will the standards for all be and how will this be carried out?

  92. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Coonie said...
    Waynie got his law degree from one of those Caribbean diploma mills.
    What Caribbean diploma mills are those you speak of?

    The universities here have a very tough curriculum. Where as to my surprise I've seen people with Master's degrees in the states that cannot even spell correctly!!! OR express themselves correctly in the written word! With Masters degrees...So I don't know about Caribbean diploma mills...
