Sunday, September 25, 2011

A win for Herman, but not for Mike.

Congratulations to Herman Cain. I see that my man won the Florida straw poll for the republicans. Poor Governor Big Hair. Wasn't it just a few weeks ago that folks were saying that he is all but unbeatable?

My my, what a difference a few weeks on the campaign trail makes. But doing and saying one dumb thing after another will do that to you.

Rick, if you can't beat Herman Cain in a Florida straw poll, I am guessing that your future isn't looking too bright in these national elections. You just might want to hold off on ordering those boots with the presidential logo on them.

"The Perry camp shrugged off the results.

'Cain won, we still have work to do,' said Perry spokesman Mark Miner. 'It's his day. The conservative message won today. We've been in this race for five weeks. We're going to continue campaigning hard.'

Miner put the focus on Romney's third-place finish, saying Perry's chief rival has been running for president for years and is still not breaking through.
'It's more of what happened to Mitt Romney. He's not going to be crowned president of the United States. He's going to have to work for it. And after five and a half years he once again got rejected in a key state in the Republican primary process,' Miner said."

Nice try. But this is more about what happened to Rick Perry. Romney skipped the Florida straw poll, and expectations were low for him. For Governor Big Hair, on the other hand, this was supposed to be an easy winner. He stayed and campaigned in Florida, and his organization wanted to deliver after a bad debate performance.

"Cain, an African-American who promotes himself as a pragmatic problem-solver with a clear tax reform plan, eagerly welcomed the victory.
'This is a sign of our growing momentum and my candidacy that cannot be ignored,' Cain said after his win."

Calm down Herman, let's not lose perspective here. It was a nice win, but you and I have about the same shot at winning the republican primary to run against his O ness in November of 2012.

Finally,I am glad to see that Michael Vick is speaking up for himself. The hits long after he releases the football is really getting old.  Mike is wondering why he doesn't get the same protection from the refs like other quarterbacks such as Tom Brady and Aaron Rodgers.

"I was trying to protect myself," Vick said in his postgame news conference. "Still didn't get a flag and that's pretty much been the story for the last three weeks. I mean, obviously at some point something catastrophic is going to happen and I broke my hand."

"Looking at the replays, I'm on the ground every time, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't frustrated," Vick said in his postgame news conference. "The refs have got to do their jobs. And I mentioned it to the refs in training camp when I talked to them. I'm on the ground constantly, all the time. Every time I throw the ball, I'm on the ground. And I don't know why I don't get the 15-yard flags like everybody else does." [Source]

I know Mike, and I suspect that you do as well.


  1. Boo Hoo Michael Vick. You should be blaming your OL and head coach. Not the refs.

    I think Obama needs to work on his "negro dialect".

    Obama "If asking a billionaire to pay the same tax as a Jew"

  2. Congrats to Cain! I'm not sure what his "victory" really mean, but congrats anyway!

    Speaking of Cain, did anyone catch the latest STL skit mocking the latest Repub nominees? The ENTIRE skit was hilarious, so much so that my stomach hurt from laughing so hard!

    As for Vick, once again I gotta say I saw this coming.

  3. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    so much so that my stomach hurt from laughing so hard!

    Everyone knows you got a big stomach to go along wit yo big azz.

    I mean chit, you be walkin' around looking like you 9 months pregnant.

  4. you could possibly be seeing a shift here.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Boo Hoo Michael Vick. You should be blaming your OL and head coach. Not the refs.

    Obviously you watch football with your eyes closed.

    I think Obama needs to work on his "negro dialect".

    Obama "If asking a billionaire to pay the same tax as a Jew"

    1 word for you:


    185 up, 28 down

    A person who is felt to be deficient in judgment, good sense, or intelligence; a fool.

    Go to school, you freewheeling simpleton!

    He bumbled! And?

    President Bush makes a fool of the United States while trying to recite the classic "Fool me once, shame on you; Fool me twice, shame on me"

    Shit happens.

  7. Little kid, bring up something Bush did to explain away something the worst president since Jimmy Carter did?

    How childish,or moldish,of you.

    Whats next,kid? Posting about how dad diddles your skittle?

    Vick is a sociopath. What kid of person hangs dogs from trees? The kind of person Eagles fans love.

  8. Warren Moonbat10:01 PM

    "Mike is wondering why he doesn't get the same protection from the refs like other quarterbacks such as Tom Brady and Aaron Rodgers."

    Hmmm...must be because he is BLACK!

    I swear, is there nothing a negro can fail at that can't be blamed on racism?

    Vick has skills, but no head, and no character.

    He will never win a Super Bowl.

  9. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Field, "Calm down Herman, let's not lose perspective here. It was a nice win, but you and I have about the same shot at winning the republican primary to run against his O ness in November of 2012."

    Well, you and a few other FN Negroes said the same thing about Obama in 2008 before he won in Iowa. At that time, I told you he would win Iowa and you said you would run down that funky Broad St in Philly in the winter if he won.

    Once again, I was right and you were wrong. Once again, you and your FN followers could not acknowledge me for being consistently right.

    I also said months ago that Cain had a shot at being the candidate, and once again, I was right, and you are wrong. When are you going to admit I have been right, and you have been wrong?

  10. More racist black mob attacks10:07 PM

    New Video Shows Philly Teen Attack

    PHILADELPHIA - First on Fox 29: a new video surfaces of another unprovoked attack in Philadelphia, right outside City Hall, by a group of teen girls on a worker.

    A woman attacked in broad daylight in May is now coming forward. And Fox 29 has obtained chilling video of the attack on her by a group of teenage girls.

    The exclusive video shows her walking outside City Hall, before dark at 8 p.m. on a Thursday, when out of nowhere, a group of girls comes up behind her, slams her on the ground, and starts hitting her repeatedly.

    Fox 29's Shawnette Wilson spoke to the woman who recounted the attack.

    "I initially came out the back corner right there near the Courtyard Marriot turn the corner, said bye to my coworkers and had an inkling to look behind me,” she said.

    "At that point the girl in front was already five feet off me."

    The pack then attacked the woman.

    “They are like dancing and screaming so a good 95 percent of them knew what was happening at the point."

    The woman said one teen grabbed her shoe and started beating her.

    "The one girl kind of grabbed me I was thrown in mid-air, for 25 seconds they were just hitting me there. I twisted and fell down and they continued to hit me and kick me, my shoe fell off one of the girls had that to continue to hit me.”

    The woman said the attack was relentless.

    “When I was in the air was when they got the first punch on my face that scared me I’ve near been punched like that,” she said.

    "Their primary concern seemed to be laughing and beating on me so it seems like teens all girl,” she said.

    “It seemed like they were on a roller coaster the way they were laughing."

    How much longer will field and the white liberal media pretend white people are not being targeted by blacks?

  11. Dr. Sugar Cain10:08 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    Speaking of Cain, did anyone catch the latest STL skit mocking the latest Repub nominees? The ENTIRE skit was hilarious, so much so that my stomach hurt from laughing so hard!

    No, no one but idiots and children watches SNL anymore.

    And while I believe you about your stomach hurting, it is probably due to yet another ectopic pregnancy.

    Who is the daddy this time? Someone with a strong stomach and bad eyesight, I'm guessing.

    You will never be a doctor.

  12. Anonymous10:08 PM

    One other point, Field-I told you that Vick wouldn't make it past three games before they eff'd him up, not because the other team hated him(although that might be true) but because you have a sorry OL and team that won't protect him.

    I am sorry the Giants got to him before the Redskins did. But look at it this way: it was better for Vick to end up with a broken hand against the Giants that crushed ribs against the Redskins.

    Guess what? The Redskins are going to hand your sorry ass Eagles their ass on October 16. Better double your dose of Prozac before then.

  13. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Dear Field, I am feeling guilty about being too hard on you. I wish I had not said what I said about your Eagles at God, what I said @10:01pm was enough. That's been a weakness of mine for too long...slamming you once was enough, I didn't have to stomp on you.

    Please forgive me. It won't happen again. FWIW, I consider you a leader in your field, Field...and you should be proud.

  14. kudos to hc!

  15. Anonymous10:56 PM

    I suspect the nominee of the Republican Party is someone not yet in the race. I can more readily think of reasons why it won't be this or that person than why they should want to pick him. For example:

    1. Rick Perry: Reminds too many of George W. Bush, a man whom many Republicans have come to despise, whether they are vocal about it or not.

    2. Romney: Mormon (it matters to some in the GOP) and he reminds lots of people of the guy management hires to justify firing half the workforce in favor of shipping their jobs to China.

    3. Bachman: Uh, no.

    4. ?

    Frankly, this is Obama's best hope. You can't beat someone, even someone as personally weak and servile with respect to Wall Street as Obama has been, with no one.

  16. Anonymous11:24 PM

    Umm...worst pResident ever was bush. Carter doesn't even make the list, unless you lie.
    st reagan is a close second.
    Keep trying to re-write is entertaining and highlights your delusions.

    Yes, the SNL skit was very nice. The 'inside' jokes for the NYC crowd were great.

    If you wish to refer to your scokpuppets, maybe you should refrain from praising what you scribbled. That just shows your desperation and lack of support.
    'Log rolling' your own 'jokes' in a failed attempt to drum up any agreement should inform you that only you find such things 'funny'. As Jon Stewart indicated...funny first, politics second.


  17. Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since1982 said...

    Little kid, bring up something Bush did to explain away something the worst president since Jimmy Carter did?

    "ROVE: No, no. Tom with all due respect that was not the policy of our government that we were going to go into Iraq and take their resources in order to pay for the cost of the war. … [T]he suggestion that somehow or another the administration had as its policy, “We’re going to go in to Iraq and take their resource and pay for the war” is not accurate.

    But then:

    Rove’s claim is simply not true. In fact, days after the U.S. invasion, then-Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz told a congressional panel that Iraqi oil revenues would help pay for reconstructing the country, i.e. a cost of the war. “The oil revenue of that country could bring between 50 and 100 billion dollars over the course of the next two or three years. We’re dealing with a country that could really finance its own reconstruction, and relatively soon,” he said.

    "from healthy surpluses at the end of the Clinton era, and the promise of future surpluses, to nine straight years of deficits, including the $1.3 trillion shortfall in 2010. The answer is largely the Bush-era tax cuts, war spending in Iraq and Afghanistan, and recessions."

  18. Did you mention Carter?

  19. Anonymous11:38 PM

    I can't believe dude won Field.I think it's all a set up.Right now the Repubs have no one that could go up against Obama and win.So they try to put a black man up against another black..ish.. man.Except their party and tea party supporters are too racist for Cain to go far.They know that.

    What happens is Cain becomes a water boy for the real Repub Presidential candidate.They pat him on the head for going along with their Great Black Politrick.Then they pat themselves on the backs while trying to convince the public they are so advanced by LETTING Cain run in the first place.

    Cain better not get too cocky either.You know they can't stand a highfalutin negro. I expect one of Cain's fellow Repubs to tell his black ass what they really think about him in 5,4,3,2....


  20. Anonymous11:43 PM

    mm...worst pResident ever was Carter. Bush doesn't even make the list, unless you lie.
    BJ Clinton is a close second.
    Keep trying to re-write is entertaining and highlights my delusions.

    Yes, the SNL skit was retarded. The 'inside' jokes for the NYC crowd were lame.

    If you wish to refer to my scokpuppets, maybe you should refrain from praising what they scribbled. That just shows my desperation and lack of support.
    'Log rolling' my own 'jokes' in a failed attempt to drum up any agreement should inform you that only I find such things 'funny'. As Jon Stewart indicated...Jew first, liberal second.


  21. alicia banks said...

    kudos to hc!

    10:48 PM

    Cain made an appearance on Fox's Your World with Neil Cavuto, where he addressed Freeman's remarks.

    "Well, first of all, I doubt if Morgan Freeman, with all due respect, who is a great actor, has ever been to a Tea Party," Cain said. "Most of the people that are criticizing the Tea Parties...about having a racist element, they have never been to a Tea Party."

    But then:

    Tea Party activist sends email depicting Barack Obama as a chimpanzee
    A Tea Party activist in California circulated an email depicting Barack Obama and his parents as chimpanzees with the statement: "Now you know why – No birth certificate!"

    Yeah, Kudos..

  22. Anonymous11:50 PM

    mm...worst pResident ever was Carter. Bush doesn't even make the list, unless you lie.
    BJ Clinton is a close second.
    Keep trying to re-write is entertaining and highlights my delusions.

    Yes, the SNL skit was retarded. The 'inside' jokes for the NYC crowd were lame.

    If you wish to refer to my scokpuppets, maybe you should refrain from praising what they scribbled. That just shows my desperation and lack of support.
    'Log rolling' my own 'jokes' in a failed attempt to drum up any agreement should inform you that only I find such things 'funny'. As Jon Stewart indicated...Jew first, liberal second.


  23. Carter is the worst president everrrr. Must been that "ethnic purity" Carter spoke of. Now he builds house for poor black folk.....Over trash dumps.

    Unless you are a leftwing kook or half swedish,half african american,female who post like a gay white male in his 50's. Than Carter is da bomb!!!

    The obamessiah is may replace Carter soon.

  24. Chimpy Bushitler11:56 PM

    Rottnkid said...
    Tea Party activist sends email depicting Barack Obama as a chimpanzee
    A Tea Party activist in California circulated an email depicting Barack Obama and his parents as chimpanzees with the statement: "Now you know why – No birth certificate!"

    This is your evidence that all Tea Party members are racist?

    By that logic, reading any of Mold's posts would lead to the conclusion that all Black people are insane.

    The democrats have waged an effective propaganda campaign from the the beginning, using false stories and photoshopped pictures to try to convince Black people that that arguing for constitutional government and fiscal discipline is "racist".

    Can't have any black folk wandering off the plantation now, can we?

  25. Anonymous11:57 PM

    mm...worst pResident ever was Carter. Bush doesn't even make the list, unless you lie.
    BJ Clinton is a close second.
    Keep trying to re-write is entertaining and highlights my delusions.

    Yes, the SNL skit was retarded. The 'inside' jokes for the NYC crowd were lame.

    If you wish to refer to my scokpuppets, maybe you should refrain from praising what they scribbled. That just shows my desperation and lack of support.
    'Log rolling' my own 'jokes' in a failed attempt to drum up any agreement should inform you that only I find such things 'funny'. As Jon Stewart indicated...Jew first, liberal second.


  26. Breaking News:

    Sept 24, 2011

    SALT LAKE CITY — Thousands of people stripped to their underwear and ran through Salt Lake City to protest what they called the "uptight" laws of Utah.

    Undie Run organizer Nate Porter says the goal of the event Saturday was to organize people frustrated by the conservative nature of the state's politics.

    ...estimates 3,000 people participated in the run, which began in downtown Salt Lake City and circled past the state Capitol building about a mile away.

  27. "Thousands of people stripped to their underwear and ran through Salt Lake City to protest what they called the "uptight" laws of Utah."


  28. Anonymous12:02 AM

    mm...worst pResident ever was Carter. Bush doesn't even make the list, unless you lie.
    BJ Clinton is a close second.
    Keep trying to re-write is entertaining and highlights my delusions.

    Yes, the SNL skit was retarded. The 'inside' jokes for the NYC crowd were lame.

    If you wish to refer to my scokpuppets, maybe you should refrain from praising what they scribbled. That just shows my desperation and lack of support.
    'Log rolling' my own 'jokes' in a failed attempt to drum up any agreement should inform you that only I find such things 'funny'. As Jon Stewart indicated...Jew first, liberal second.


  29. "This is your evidence that all Tea Party members are racist?"

    Let's recap, shall we?

    "Well, first of all, I doubt if Morgan Freeman, with all due respect, who is a great actor, has ever been to a Tea Party," Cain said. "Most of the people that are criticizing the Tea Parties...about having a racist element, they have never been to a Tea Party."

    "about having a racist element, they have never been to a Tea Party." - now that sticks out...

    The democrats have waged an effective propaganda campaign from the the beginning, using false stories and photoshopped pictures to try to convince Black people that that arguing for constitutional government and fiscal discipline is "racist".

    Conservatives Circulate Picture Of Obama With Bone Through His Nose..

    Obama Witch Doctor poster... — An image of President Barack Obama depicted as a witch doctor began circulating the Internet in July 2009. The picture was traced back to Florida neurosurgeon Dr. David McKalip, who has since resigned as the President of the Pinellas County Medical... Sep 15, 2009..

    Damn Internet..

    But I will say this is pretty funny. I'm sure one of you Obama Hater trolls will get their jollies off with this pic

  30. Anonymous12:57 AM

    "Every time I throw the ball, I'm on the ground. And I don't know why I don't get the 15-yard flags like everybody else does."

    That's because you have bad karma, Vick. When you brutalized and took the lives of so many dogs, electrocuting them, hanging them, beating them...that's a lot of bad karma you have built up. You might have finished your obligations to man-made laws, but Divine Law says you still have a ways to go.

    Quite frankly, if I were a coach in the NFL, I wouldn't touch Vick with a 10ft pole. No other team would touch someone like you and pay $100mil for bad karma, except Philadelphia. The Eagles need to fire the coach and get a real one.

    Face it, Vick. You are a murderer of vulnerable animals. That is very ugly and produces a lot of ugly karma.

  31. "Face it, Vick. You are a murderer of vulnerable animals. That is very ugly and produces a lot of ugly karma."

    If you could put a bullet in the back of Vick's head, you would, and you wouldn't think much of it afterwards.

    At least you'll get a simultaneous fix of moral sophistry and Nigger-lynching in one go.

  32. Wesley R6:24 AM


    Vick breaks his hand and gets no flag. If Brady breaks a finger nail they'll be flags, fines, suspensions, media attacks, etc.

    The Eagles had leads the last two weeks when Vick went out. What's up with the defense?

  33. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Mack Lyons said...
    "Face it, Vick. You are a murderer of vulnerable animals. That is very ugly and produces a lot of ugly karma."

    If you could put a bullet in the back of Vick's head, you would, and you wouldn't think much of it afterwards.

    At least you'll get a simultaneous fix of moral sophistry and Nigger-lynching in one go.

    See the sick mind exposed in this exchange? What is abhorrent to our society (Helpless animal torture cruelty and suffering/killing) becomes acceptable due to racism, then justified by ridiculous accusations of projected racism.

    If you feel it is ok to be cruel and sadastic, torture and painfully destroy animals, simply say so and man up to the things this says about who you are. Don't try and blame someone else's skin color for your depravity by creating false murderous intent on anothers part. All obviously designed to cover your self disgust and create fake justification. Understand what motivates you and why your morals and humanity evaporate,if someone is the right skin color. .

  34. no slappz7:37 AM

    Herman Cain. Nice guy. Got a few good ideas worth embracing.

    But he hasn't got a chance.

    The US no longer elects presidents over age 60.

    Cain has had cancer. The US does not elect presidential candidates with cancer.

    Cain is not a politician. The US does not elect non-politicians to the presidency.

    The failing Obama presidency has made voters wary of black leaders. Cain can campaign as a conservative, but who knows what path he would follow if elected?

  35. no slappz7:43 AM

    rottnkid, the idiot, posted:

    An image of President Barack Obama depicted as a witch doctor began circulating the Internet in July 2009.

    Yeah, and pictures of George Bush altered to make him look like Hitler were circulating in his first term.

    That's life for a president. But you clowns can't handle it when your boy is ridiculed and demeaned. Too bad.

    YOu seem to think the attacks on Obama are more important than his gross mishandling of the economy and his extraordinary inability to lead.

    He's incompetent. In over his head, and floundering.

  36. no slappz7:52 AM

    field jabbers:

    Poor Governor Big Hair. Wasn't it just a few weeks ago that folks were saying that he is all but unbeatable?

    There's always someone available to make any claim you want to hear.

    Hillary Clinton was expected to be crowned with the Democratic nomination in 2008, until she wasn't.

    One thing about early predictions in the nominating process -- a lot of the predictions are wrong. At this point, nobody knows who's getting the Republican nomination.

    Perry's in the race. But maybe Chris Christie will step in and grab the gold. Who knows?

  37. no slappz7:59 AM

    field jabbered:

    Someone asked me today if I thought that the killing of Troy Davis will cost his O ness votes. Black folks are still mad that you could hear a pin drop in the White House during the days leading up to the state sanctioned killing of Davis.

    Leave it to blacks to want to give murderers a free pass.

    Presidents don't step into criminal issues at the state level.

    But then again, Clinton should have said something about OJ Simpson's acquittal for murdering two people.

    By the way, how's OJ doing these days? Maybe Obama wants to stick his nose in that case?

    Meanwhile, all the angst over executions was reserved for killer Troy Davis. None of you clowns were worked up over the other killer who was executed at the same time. One of the guys who killed James Byrd in Texas, dragging him behind the truck.

    Didn't he deserve the same clemency?

  38. Hobama to the CBC:



    NOBAMA 2012!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  39. no slappz9:08 AM

    MORGAN FREEMAN: Obama made racism worse;

    Yep. Blacks now hate whites more than ever.

  40. Anon-goober

    "mm...worst pResident ever was Carter. Bush doesn't even make the list, unless you lie."

    Problem with this is that it is a fact that Bush lied to get us into war and destroyed the economy.

  41. slappy

    "Yep. Blacks now hate whites more than ever."


    Slappz loiters around a black blog 24/7 under about 5 different aliases because he jes loves black folks?

    Tell me slappz, just how would Obama make blacks hate whites?

  42. Kingnut11:00 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    Problem with this is that it is a fact that Bush lied to get us into war and destroyed the economy.

    Bush's conduct of the wars (more accurately, the nation building attempts after the wars) deserves a lot of criticism, but he never "lied" about his reasons.

    Iraq was a state sponsor of terrorism against the United States. Iraq had WMD. Iraq was bound by treaty to allow inspections to determine that it had destroyed its WMD program. Iraq halted inspections and refuse to comply with the UN resolutions. Bush enforced these resolutions rather than risk WMD being used by terrorists against American targets.

    Bush never lied.

    I do agree with you that Carter was the worst President of the last 100 years. Obama is making a run at him, though.

  43. Kingnut11:07 AM

    "just how would Obama make blacks hate whites?"

    I don't think Obama makes blacks hate whites, I think blacks hates whites on their own. Blacks believe all of their problems are due to white people, and have been taught that it is justified to exact retribution wherever and whenever they can.

    Obama's election made blacks feel that they were in charge now, and has emboldened young blacks all over the country to start openly attacking white people.

    Obama isn't the root cause of this, rather his electon provides blacks with a sense of opportunity that they can beat and steal, kind of like whenever the electricity goes out.

  44. "but he never "lied" about his reasons."

    Okay so where are them WMDs?

    How was Carter or Obama worse than Bush?

    You're nuts. Or a partisan liar.

    Then of course you conveniently forget all the other Repub fuckups like Herbert "Crash" Hoover or Trick Dick Nixon, the guy who tried to trash the US Constitution.

    One can also make a case for Reagan being among the worst because he made deficit spending an artform and left office with an urban collapse, mass homelessness and poverty, and an AIDS epidemic that he ignored.

  45. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Mack, nice riposte. Troll mentally stood there in his ManDumpling Underoos.

    bush lied. Even his friends and allies admit why are you trying to sell the falsehood?
    Iraq had bush and st reagan folks sold them
    bush did the abortion clinic ruse...give standards even wite tubercular jebus could not meet...then attack. Pretty much stereotypical bullying. You know, the thug won't hit you if you stop breathing. Or renounce Islam. Or cease being a Jew.

    So utterly bravely heroic of volunteer others to die for his swagger.

    Silly boy, even the Conservative MSM has uncovered the Fact of bush lying. Don't worry, you can show everyone how faithful you are to the nonsense. Beleef in the face of really kewl for Fundies and such. But it is more correct to call it error.


  46. Kingnut11:29 AM

    Mold: "bush lied. Even his friends and allies admit why are you trying to sell the falsehood?
    Iraq had bush and st reagan folks sold them
    bush did the abortion clinic ruse...give standards even wite tubercular jebus could not meet...then attack."

    What was the lie? As you said, Iraq had WMD's, although they most certainly did not get them from the U.S. If you can site a legitimate (ie non-left-wing wacko) source that states otherwise, please do so.

    And Bush did not set the standards, the UN did.

    You are midlessly parroting leftist myths that you don't even understand.

  47. "Blacks believe all of their problems are due to white people, and have been taught that it is justified to exact retribution wherever and whenever they can."

    Puh-leeze. I guess that's why the goobers are trying to blame the collapse of the economy on black first time homebuyers?

  48. Or every time a goober doesn't get the job or promotion he feels he's entitled to, it's because some black got it thru affirmative action.

  49. Anonymous11:48 AM

    29 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    "Blacks believe all of their problems are due to white people, and have been taught that it is justified to exact retribution wherever and whenever they can."

    Puh-leeze. I guess that's why the goobers are trying to blame the collapse of the economy on black first time homebuyers?

    No you dumb mud guppy, it's because that is a fact but racist niggas like you cant stand the truth - they do nothing but call other people racist, while they themselves are the one to blame for everything in life, not some external person they never met.

    What would the economy be like now if there was no Fannie and Freddie and loans were given to only those who had good credit, a good job and weren't a bad risk that inevitably would lead to tremendous amounts of defaults? Answer that question if you can put down your "goober" crutches for a minute you weak pathetic excuse for man.

  50. Anonymous11:53 AM


    uptownsteve said...
    Or every time a goober doesn't get the job or promotion he feels he's entitled to, it's because some black got it thru affirmative action.

    Oh, I highly doubt it's "every time" but I am sure there are white people in your office who wonder how the hell this dumb idiot who never works but is always blogging keeps his job and REALITY is that without affirmative action a large number of positions throughout the various walks of life would leave morons like you unqualified. If this country ever went to pure equality based on skills and test results as well as work ethics, instead of dumbing down and eliminating tests because blacks cannot pass them, black unemployment would be amazingly high - or do you deny that and or blame someone else for that as well?

  51. OOOOOOHHHHHH widdle anon-goober is blowing a gasket again.

    LMAO!!!! I love when I make him do that.

    Sorry Goober, but Fannie, Freddie, and the Community Investment Act have all been around for decades so it doesn't make a lot of sense to suddenly blame them for the economic crash of 2007.

    Now try to not to drool and answer this:

    What would the economy be like if Bush had not deregulated banks and corporations to run wild with credit default swaps, excessive bank leverages and other non-traditional financial chicanery which put the who financial system at risk?

  52. "Oh, I highly doubt it's "every time" but I am sure there are white people in your office who wonder how the hell this dumb idiot who never works but is always blogging keeps his job.

    Coming from an idiot who is always blogging


  53. Kingnut12:08 PM

    uptownsteve said..."What would the economy be like if Bush had not deregulated banks and corporations to run wild with credit default swaps, excessive bank leverages and other non-traditional financial chicanery which put the who financial system at risk?"

    Actually, it was the Clinton Administration that engineered the repeal of the Glass-Steagall act, in 1999.

    Get your facts straight and you won't look so stupid.

  54. You mean the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act???

    3 rightwing Republicans in a GOP controlled Congress??

    Get your facts straight goober and maybe you wouldn't have to post anonymously to avoid looking so stupid.

  55. Kingnut12:19 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Get your facts straight goober and maybe you wouldn't have to post anonymously to avoid looking so stupid.

    The fact is, mouth breather, that Bill Clinton was president in 1999, not George Bush.

    Now wipe that drool off your chin and do some work.

  56. Anonymous12:19 PM

    You need to go back further, to the ahistoric times of st reagan.
    Let me guess....anything not written by Brietbart is a Lefty horrible unpossible inarticulate thing that causes you distress.
    Actually, the best pieces on bush lying were from conservative media. Feel free to do your own work. I will allow you to research only those written in English.

    Keep up that faith-based beleeverating. The status you accrue amongst fellow Troo beleevers will possibly make up for the peals of laughter when you share your thinks with those who are not the Chosen Anointed Perfect Ones.
    Yes, I've heard these Fundie delusions before....from ill-educated Goobers who claimed to be holders of the Great and Secret Knowledge. More likely, it is an older Left Behind who is trying to salvage their ego...instead of admitting they were in error.


  57. Kingnut12:22 PM

    Mold: "Actually, the best pieces on bush lying were from conservative media. Feel free to do your own work. I will allow you to research only those written in English."

    I knew you had nothing.

    Busted. Again.

  58. Report: Vick will miss 3-4 weeks

    Last night, Eagles quarterback Mike Vick put the officials on notice that he has concerns about their failure to throw flags when he’s hit illegally. The men in white and black may have a month or so to get their act together.

    Howard Eskin of NBC 10 reports that Vick will miss 3-4 weeks with that broken right (non-throwing) hand he suffered in Sunday’s loss to the Giants.

    The Eagles have three games before their bye week. They host the 49ers before traveling to Buffalo and Washington

    Hows that 100 million dolla investment workin' for ya Eagle fans?

  59. Hey mold, i've never heard of a swedish-african american. Do all swedish-african american females post like gay white dudes?

  60. Anonymous12:27 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    OOOOOOHHHHHH widdle anon-goober is blowing a gasket again.

    LMAO!!!! I love when I make him do that.

    HAHA what an intellectual midget. You really do ring the bell every time you get out of bed. You haven't made anyone do anything although I specifically did set out to get you to use your usual failing and amazingly predictable repertoire...lookee lookee I made him...HAHA.. what a fraud you are.

    What would the economy be like if Bush had not deregulated banks and corporations to run wild with credit default swaps, excessive bank leverages and other non-traditional financial chicanery which put the who financial system at risk?

    What precisely is it that these banks were "swapping"? What credit could possible have been involved I wonder? Try learning something instead or repeating buzz sentences and you might see the light. What exactly is this " financial chickanery and excessive leverages you talk about? What were they leveraging?

  61. Kingnut

    "The fact is, mouth breather, that Bill Clinton was president in 1999, not George Bush."

    Another fact was that the economy was enjoying record prosperity in 1999.

    And you LIED when you claimed that the Clinton administration ENGINNERED the repeal of Glass-Steagall.

    Gramm-Leach-Bliley repealed it. And Clinton didn't have the votes to veto it.

    Busted again Jethro.

    You have no idea how I enjoy making you look like the imbecile you are.

  62. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Mack Lyons-"If you could put a bullet in the back of Vick's head, you would, and you wouldn't think much of it afterwards.

    At least you'll get a simultaneous fix of moral sophistry and Nigger-lynching in one go."

    First, I am not White, I am Black. Secondly, those are YOUR violent feelings and imaginings, not mine. I don't own a gun, and you shouldn't own one either. Judging from your thoughts you are a catastrophe waiting to happen.

    I also don't support the death penalty, let alone consider putting a bullet in another human being- or hanging, strangling or electrocuting dogs until they are dead. I have no desire to take the life of anyone, human or animal.

    Michael Vick created the kind of karmic sway that probably will continue to interrupt his life in different ways for some time. He chose that life---to take the lives of vulnerable innocent dogs. I had nothing to do with it.

    However, I don't like Vick for it. And I think many people, OF ALL COLORS, feel the same way....That's part of Vick's created karma.

    One of the most important features of karma, is "its capacity to produce results that corresponds to the ethical quality of the action."... Vick produced some bad karma, imo.

    YOUR thoughts of Putting a bullet in the back of a man's head and lynching others because of the color of their skin--are quite violent. They are thoughts against life.

    It's pretty sick, Mack.

  63. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Get your facts straight goober and maybe you wouldn't have to post anonymously to avoid looking so stupid

    From now on when I see you call someone a disparaging racist name like goober in order to hide your low IQ, I will call it like it is you dumb spook. Fairness and equity right mud shark?


  64. "Gramm-Leach-Bliley repealed it. And Clinton didn't have the votes to veto it."

    Since when does the president need votes to veto any bill?

  65. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Where is AB? why does she disappear like this?

  66. Kingnut12:39 PM

    uptownsteve said..."And you LIED when you claimed that the Clinton administration ENGINNERED the repeal of Glass-Steagall.

    Gramm-Leach-Bliley repealed it. And Clinton didn't have the votes to veto it."

    No uptown, the Glass-Stea­gall repeal was signed by Clinton and pushed for by Rubin. Clinton decided against regulating derivative­s based on Rubin's advice. That is to say, Clinton's treasury secretary engineered the repeal of Glass-Steagall.

    Or as that conservative rag, democraticunderground put it in 2007:

    "Billionaire Sanford I. Weill, who according to Louis Uchitelle made "Citigroup into the most powerful financial institution since the House of Morgan a century ago," has what I call the Wall of Me leading to his office, which he has decorated with tributes to him, including a dozen framed magazine covers. A major trophy is the pen Bill Clinton used to sign the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act, a move which allowed Weill to create Citigroup. Fittingly, Citigroup is a major contributor to guess which current Democratic Presidential candidate?"

    You are out for the count, upsqueeze.

  67. Anonymous said...
    Where is AB? why does she disappear like this?

    she is babysitting today

  68. Anonymous12:40 PM

    "Hows that 100 million dolla investment workin' for ya Eagle fans?"

    Whoa, Mr. Field. That's a lot of karma for an Eagle fan.

  69. Hobama to CBC:



  70. For Whom The Bell Curve Tolls12:53 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    From now on when I see you call someone a disparaging racist name like goober in order to hide your low IQ,


    12:34 PM"

    LOL. AB would have a better chance at hiding her fat, bug-eyed herd, than UTS would have trying to hide his low IQ.

  71. More Cowbell12:55 PM


    A Freudian slip if there ever was one.

  72. cow pie emaciated brained kkk assnon:

    cc that bs to your obese nicole and her cowboy oj!

  73. moobed boob lard assed kkk assnon:

    i bet your cow spouse is getting milked by a big black bull right

  74. PATHETIC, simply pathetic.

    3 rightwing COngressman in a GOP COntrolled Congress author the repeal of Glass-Steagall yet Fox told goober that the Clinton Administration ENGINEERED it.

    Idiot, Rubin, to Clinton's chagrin, advised him not to veto Gramm-Leach Bliley.

  75. Kingnut1:32 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    PATHETIC, simply pathetic.

    3 rightwing COngressman in a GOP COntrolled Congress author the repeal of Glass-Steagall yet Fox told goober that the Clinton Administration ENGINEERED it.

    Idiot, Rubin, to Clinton's chagrin, advised him not to veto Gramm-Leach Bliley.

    Fact is, you blamed it on Bush, and you were wrong. The Clinton adminstration, aka clinton and Rubin, engineered the repeal of Glass-Steagall.

    You were called on it, and you still can't admit it.

    That's what I call "pathetic".

  76. I blamed the recession on Bush.

    It did occur on his watch, didn't it goober?

    And answer this for me willya?

    If the repeal of Glass-Steagll was "engineered" by the Clinton administration then why was the actual legislation written by 3 Republicans???

    Watch the goober dance around this one folks.

  77. uptownsteve said...
    If the repeal of Glass-Steagll was "engineered" by the Clinton administration then why was the actual legislation written by 3 Republicans???

    Watch the goober dance around this one folks.

    You're the one shuffling, you buckdancing fool.

    One more time, slowly for you: Bush was Governor of Texas in 1999. Bill Clinton was President. A member of Bill Clinton's administration, Richard Rubin, worked with congress to draft legislation repealling the Glass-Steagall Act, which his boss, Bill Clinton signed on November 12, 1999.

    George W. Bush did not assume office until January 20th, 2001, by which time the phony internet boom stock market had crashed and the economy was in recession.

    Your assertion that is was Bush who deregulated the financial markets is just simply wrong.

    Your ability to cling to your misconceptions in the face of easily veriable facts is evidence of a profound intellectual deficiency. It's a good thing your job is so menial.

    Now start dancing already.

  78. Barrack Obama speaking to the CBC yesterday:

    "If asking a billionaire to pay the same tax rate as a Jew, uh, as a janitor makes me a warrior for the working class, I wear that with a badge of honor. I have no problem with that."

    WTF? What an idiot.

  79. Maybe Obama had the great Sly Stone, who is now living in a Van, on his mind:

    "The singer claims his money troubles escalated in 2009, when his royalty payments stopped flowing after Stone accused his manager, Jerry Goldstein, of fraud. Stone says he was tricked into signing a rotten contract with Goldstein in 1989, giving the manager control of his finances in exchange for a weekly paycheck.

    Last year, Stone sued Goldstein for $50 million, alleging fraud and 20 years of stolen royalty payments. (Contributing to the singer’s dire financial situation, he foolishly sold his valuable music-publishing rights to Michael Jackson for a reported $1 million in 1984.)

    Goldstein did not return calls seeking comment."

    That's right: A Jew stole all his money.

  80. The authors of the legislation to repeal Glass-Steagll were Phil Gramm, R-TX, Tom Bliley R-VA and Jim Leach R Iowa.

    Respective versions of the legislation were introduced in the U.S. Senate by Phil Gramm (Republican of Texas) and in the U.S. House of Representatives by Jim Leach (R-Iowa). The third lawmaker associated with the bill was Rep. Thomas J. Bliley, Jr. (R-Virginia), Chairman of the House Commerce Committee from 1995 to 2001.

    Cabinet officers don't write legislation you fuckin imbecile.

    Give it up.

    You're beaten. AGAIN.

  81. Anonymous2:17 PM

    "Barrack Obama speaking to the CBC yesterday:

    "If asking a billionaire to pay the same tax rate as a Jew, uh, as a janitor makes me a warrior for the working class, I wear that with a badge of honor. I have no problem with that."

    WTF? What an idiot."

    2:05 PM
    He wants to make sure he is not electable next year. He reminds me of Jessie Jackson and his insults to the Jewish people. You are right. Obama is not very bright.

  82. ditto

    hobama MUST have his trusty teleprompter with him at all times

    he has many such gaffes that prove he is a glossy dunce/empty suit/hoax etc


  83. uptownsteve said...
    You're beaten. AGAIN.

    uptownsteve at 11:57 am today:
    "What would the economy be like if Bush had not deregulated banks and corporations to run wild with credit default swaps, excessive bank leverages and other non-traditional financial chicanery which put the who financial system at risk?"

    Sorry upbutt, but your post is still there.

    Not only are you a loser, but an emphatically pathetic one at that.

    Now close your mouth and dance, unclesteve!

  84. Kingnut goober

    Commodity Futures Modernization Act signed by GWB

  85. oj stalkers/murderous pookies rule the world


  86. The essence of the act was the deregulation of derivatives trading (financial instruments whose value changes in response to the changes in underlying variables; the main use of derivatives is to reduce risk for one party). The legislation contained a provision -- lobbied for by Enron, a major campaign contributor to Gramm -- that exempted energy trading from regulatory oversight. Basically, it gave way to the Enron debacle and ushered in the new era of unregulated securities.

  87. uptownsteve said...
    Commodity Futures Modernization Act signed by GWB

    Did I say, pathetic?

    Give it up, your knuckles are dragging.

  88. Anonymous2:56 PM

    steve we are losing all respect for you. wait a minute, we never had any respect for you. keep it up.

  89. maxine/paul 2012!!!!!

    WASHINGTON (AP) -- Rep. Maxine Waters says she's not sure who President Barack Obama was talking to when he told black Americans to quit complaining and follow him into the battle for jobs and opportunity.

    The California Democrat, a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, says she found the president's language "a bit curious." She says Obama didn't address Hispanics in such a blunt manner and would never use that language in a speech to a gathering of gays or Jews.

  90. anonymous

    You have no self-respect.

    That's why you post as anonymous.

    And stop trying to speak for others fool.

    Unless it's your other aliases.


  91. Anonymous3:24 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    You have no self-respect.

    That's why you post as anonymous."

    posting anonymously lets me keep my self-respect, unlike you, who everbody know is a fool


  92. "posting anonymously lets me keep my self-respect,"

    Probably your freedom as well.

    There's probably some warrants out on ya.


  93. mellaneous3:50 PM

    Whoever is doing the Karma comparisons about Micheal Vick's struggles ought to quit.

    If karma was that instant there would be a lot of folks falling on their faces in this country esp with all the blood on the hands of the working class and their willing executioners.

    @Field did you see Trent Dilfer go off on Vicks accusations? It sounded like jealousy to me. He really tore into Vick, he didn't simply disagree. He seemed to take Vick's statements personally. It was a really odd show of emotion about someone else's perception about how they are being treated on the football field.

    I wonder what prompted this response.

    I actually used to know Herman Cain. He was a joke then and still is a joke politically. He always had the most backward political ideas. Its amazing that he has gained prominence.

  94. courtland is a man i love!


    just how bold is that blackish bastard who has YET to say one word about the murder of troy davis!!!


    The unemployment rate among blacks stands at 16.7 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, up from 11.5 percent when Obama took office. By some accounts, black people have lost more wealth since the recession began than at any time since slavery. And Obama gets to lecture us?
    During a series of town hall meetings on jobs recently, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) and other CBC members expressed the exasperation of their constituencies.
    “African Americans are very proud that there is an African American man who is the most powerful man in the world, and they hold on to that with everything they possibly can,” Waters said. “But it’s starting to slip because of the pain of the African American community.”
    Why would Obama show up at a CBC dinner and take Waters and the others to task? Was this his Sista Souljah moment? In 1992, then-presidential candidate Bill Clinton criticized the black female rapper to score points with white conservatives by showing that he could be tough on blacks. Now comes Obama, telling blacks to stop whining so much. Actually, he sounded more like a wannabe Herman Cain, the conservative black Republican who just won the presidential straw poll in Florida.

  95. just how bold is that blackish bastard hobama who has YET to say one word about the murder of troy davis!!!???


  96. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Kingnut said...
    uptownsteve said...
    Commodity Futures Modernization Act signed by GWB

    Did I say, pathetic?

    Give it up, your knuckles are dragging.


    Sad thing is he is so stupid and over his head, he doesn't even realize that his own words highlighted he had no understanding of what he was trying to say and is a complete fool. Not because he doesn't understand finance or economics but because he likes to argue and will swear he does. Lets face it buckwheat; we know you don't even pay the bills in your house, your wife does. So what in the hell would you know about the difference between banking regulations and commodities, NADA like the dumbass you are.

  97. maxine/milloy 2012!!!

    Funny, isn’t it, how Obama always gets the nerve to say shut up when he’s addressing a friendly audience?

  98. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Stop complainin put on your marchin shoes and even though I dropped all my "g's" you better not write that or you racist.

  99. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Mellaneous, "Whoever is doing the Karma comparisons about Micheal Vick's struggles ought to quit.

    If karma was that instant there would be a lot of folks falling on their faces in this country esp with all the blood on the hands of the working class and their willing executioners."

    Clearly you are ignorant how Karma can act in an instant, or a thousand years. Which means you haven't been paying attention to your life.

    Do you understand the term "Vengeance is mine"? does God work in an instant or later? Think about it.

    How did you come to the conclusion that karma was instant? Vick kiiled many dogs several years ago, and went to prison for 2 years. You call that instant?

  100. silly assnon:

    i march for no one...especially not for that racist rude bankster hobama!!!
    never have
    never will


    i will LOVE watching hobama march his sorry self out of that free home in dc in shame after he is one and done in!!!

    memo to hobama:
    karma is real and LOUD!!!!

    On my talk radio show, I often speak against all marches. I believe that they are all ineffectual, favoring style over substance. The flames of revolution MUST be fanned with FAR more than the winds of marching feet. I suport NO marches, including The Million Man March.

    I would rather see a million brothers gather to pay child support, promise to become superior fathers, or pledge to be monogamous. I loathe the sexism and gaybashing of the Nation of Islam. I am wounded by the misogyny of Louis Farrakhan and the lechery of Ben Chavis.

    From Straight, No Chaser: “Wouldn't it have been more effective for black men to amass in southeast D.C., a neighborhood with one of the highest crime rates in the country and shut down the crack houses, seize the guns, clean up the community, talk to the young brothers? But that would have required work and ongoing commitment…Was the atonement really to black women or was that just a cover story to hide the far more ominous agenda, that black men were going to apologize to the great patriarchal white father for not being real men and keeping their women and children in line, to pledge allegiance to the patriarchy of the United States of America?…Whatever black men's failings in America, they pale by comparison to what was visited upon all black people by slavery and its continuing aftermath. When it comes to who needs to atone in America, black men are not at the top of the list…Black so-called leadership has accepted their consignment to the colored leadership ghetto, where their primary function is to either bemoan or denigrate the state of black people. They are never allowed to critique white people. Even through all the rhetoric and bad politics, Louis Farrakhan speaks to a broad spectrum of black folks because he dares to speak some truth, as many black folks see it, to white people, plain and simple…I found it hard to sit still and view the spectacle. To do so would have been to forget who I was, actively collude in my own erasure.”

  101. Anonymous6:03 PM

    AB, preach! Obama had the nerve to tell AAs to put their marching shoes on when he has been spineless and weak in the face of the GOP/Tea Party.

    Then he makes a gaffe about Jews. How insanely insulting can one President be?

    And you are right about KARMA. Like a boomerang, it is coming back around, and it ain't good karma, either.

  102. Anonymous6:33 PM

    And you are right about KARMA. Like a boomerang, it is coming back around, and it ain't good karma, either.

    Be careful, Mellaneous will tell you Karma is racist if aimed at a black preacher

  103. OldGuru10:56 PM

    Cain needs to relish in this win. It will be his last.

    Vick is right, the refs don't look out for him.

  104. Anonymous4:24 PM

    vick is a whinning hillbilly.brady takes as many hits as vick or any other quarter back in the nfl.bongo is with out a doubt the stupidist president ever and a jew hater,what an ass hole.if mr.cain runs against bongo he will win because bongo is toast.bongo was talking to the criminal black caucus who have kept negroes in bondage to the welfare state.wake the fuck up will you!

  105. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Isn't it hilarious how people get so upset about some dogs getting killed, and noone bats an eyelash about the human beings all over the world blasting the absolute crap out of each other every single day. Bombs, drones, guns, every damn thing, that's OK. Human beings are insane as all getout. Bunches of warring factions, hating, disrespecting, killing, slaughtering, never ending, never satisfied, never happy.

    Before that first slave ship set sail, why was it that noone had the intestinal fortitude to say, "That's a bad, bad idea. Just that alone, could have solved this African/European fiasco, we're all dealing with 24/7/365. All someone had to say, was "NO WAY", "NO"!!! That's really too, too bad and mucho sad. We never should have been thrown into the same space. It is not working and never has.
