Thursday, October 13, 2011

Anita is "brutalized", and Negroes keep jigging.

I never had any respect for Governor Big Hair, but I really don't have any respect for him now. My man sent his wife out there to cry woe is me to anyone who would listen. And boy did she ever deliver.

"It's been a rough month. We have been brutalized and beaten up and chewed up in the press to where I need this today...We are being brutalized by our opponents, and our own party. So much of that is, I think they look at him, because of his faith. He is the only true conservative – well, there are some true conservatives. And they're there for good reasons. And they may feel like God called them too. But I truly feel like we are here for that purpose." [Source]

Wow! "Brutalized and beaten"? Now that's some hyperbole for your ass. Welcome to national politics, Rick.

So he was called to run by a higher force. I wonder if that higher force told him to paint over that Niggerhead rock on his leased hunting property? God sure works in mysterious ways.

Some of you are claiming that Tavis Smiley and Cornel West did a good thing by going on FOX NEWS and sparring with Bill O'Reilly over poverty. Well I got news for you; they did not.

It's never good to go on FOX NEWS and give those clowns any sort of legitimacy. I know that those two will never hesitate to jump in front of a camera, but sometimes you just have to say no.

They thought that they were doing a good thing by getting into a shouting match with O'Reilly, but I can guarantee you that all they were doing was giving him material for his reprehensible show.

"He said that what Smiley and West seemed to want was for the government to "forcibly seize" money from the rich and give it to the poor. "That's socialism and that's not going to work here," he concluded.

"It wasn't socialism when we bailed out the banks in the first place?" Smiley said. He started to say that O'Reilly had been "right" in a recent attack on Stanley O'Neal, the former head of Merril Lynch. O'Reilly misheard him.
"Lied about it?!" he thundered. "What do you mean i lied about it?!"

"I said you were right!" Smiley said. "R-i-g-h-t!" O'Reilly apologized, and assured his guests he was "calm." Things got a lot less calm right afterwards, though. Smiley asked why O'Reilly was focusing on O'Neal, one of the few black CEOs of a major firm, causing O'Reilly to shout, "we treat everybody the same here!" Smiley disagreed, and wondered why, when Occupy Wall Street protesters were being arrested, no "bankster" had gone to jail "to pay for his crimes."

"They didn't violate any laws!" O'Reilly said, prompting Smiley and West to essentially lose it. "OOOOOHHHHHHHH!" they both said together. "How do you know?!" West yelled. "There's been no investigations! Why would you say something like that?!"

"All right, knock it off!" O'Reilly fired back." [Source]

I might have to agree with O'Reilly on that one: Fellows, please knock it off.


  1. Didn't anyone ever tell ol secesh not to hide behind his wife's skirts when he's playing with the bug boys?

  2. It makes them think you're a pu$$y.

  3. "I wonder if that higher force told him to paint over that Niggerhead rock on his leased hunting property?"

    No, God hates niggers.

  4. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Didn't anyone ever tell ol secesh not to hide behind his wife's skirts when he's playing with the bug boys?

    Hows the Wookie in the wife house mooch in charge doin? Staight out a star wars aint she? Chewbacca!!!

    Oh she's out there complainin everyday looking for money and support for Obummer..po po baby got gray hair and the job is so tough!!!! Now that is not a leader, always campaigning and blamin someone...pussy.

  5. Cornel West goes around looking like he's a character in in off-Broadway production of "Escape To Freedom".

  6. Hedley Lamar10:01 PM

    Yah, the goofball costume detracts from whatever message he is attempting to convey. I think his nutty professor outfit makes him look kind of like a black version of Noam Chomsky.

    Whenever I see him I think: Noam Chimpsky.

  7. "No, God hates niggers."

    No, He doesn't hate "niggers."

    But you do.

    Instead of being a coward about it, own up to your own opinions. Say you hate "niggers" and be done with it.

    But you probably won't do this. The coward in you won't allow it.

  8. Anonymous10:09 PM

    Hahaha! Funny post and comments.

    But on a serious note, isn't that what Ahmadinajad says, that he too was sent by Allah, and the mullahs love him because he's so religious? It's the same thing, the righteous Christian Repubs here and the righteous conservative Muslims there!

    Hmmmmmmmmm, you think they're all closet gays too? :)

  9. I'm surprised O'Reilly had West and Smiley on his show at all.

    Usually the only blacks he invites are handkerchief heads, obscure militants or Sharpton who is a lightning rod for rightwing hate.

    O'Reilly will never invite Keith Ellison or Ben Jealous who would cooly take his racist ass apart with facts and intellect.

    He obviously doesn't think much of West and Smiley.

  10. I like West (always have) and I like Tavis. Besides Prez Obama, what other Black folks are willing take O'Rielly on? Acting like Fox doesn't exist is a terrible idea IMHO.

  11. Chris Rock10:16 PM

    "Say you hate "niggers" and be done with it."

    Who doesn't ?

  12. Anonymous10:17 PM

    I did it, I figured out why so many Black Americans have converted to Islam, it isn't prison or so they can change their name from Da'QuannaLeroy to Abdulla LickemSalami Its because Islam says you can have up to four wives and have sex with them all at once. Only thing is could be expected Black america got the message a little screwed up it's says as long as you can support them, not create baby mama's who's biggest friend is unca sam.

    Woo-hoo, where the nearest NOI I am going to convert..wait a minute who the hell wants FOUR women instead of about buying earplugs...oh yeah in Islam they have to SERVE YOU. You black mamas are in trouble and just think they get to stone you too if you are raped and don't have four witnesses to say you were raped, cause that means you enjoyed it.

  13. Dr. West10:17 PM

    Ms.Queen, MCAT Failer said...
    I like West (always have) and I like Tavi

    Figures. A two bit poser looks up to a couple five dollar posers.

    You will never be a doctor.

  14. Hey Steve, your email isn't working. I just tried to send you a thank you note for the congrats!

    And thanks to everyone else for their well-wishes and congrats! It's very much appreciated!

  15. Speaking of 'Anitas", Field I'd love to hear your take on the Anita Hill controversy 10 years later.

  16. Anonymous10:21 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    I'm surprised O'Reilly had West and Smiley on his show at all.

    Usually the only blacks he invites are handkerchief heads, obscure militants or Sharpton who is a lightning rod for rightwing hate.

    O'Reilly will never invite Keith Ellison or Ben Jealous who would cooly take his racist ass apart with facts and intellect.

    He obviously doesn't think much of West and Smiley.

    keith Ellison -- har-har the nutjob Islamist who thinks government regulations create jobs and that Poor Islam is getting a bad rap (shhhh forget the murders and Jihad) who cries racist, bigot for everything...oh yeah he is your type of guy a living excuse.

  17. Dr. Porkinbenes10:21 PM

    Ms.Queen, MCAT Failer said...
    And thanks to everyone else for their well-wishes and congrats! It's very much appreciated!


    Congrats for what? Did you get those beans out that were stuck in the freezer?

    You will never be a doctor.

  18. "No, God hates niggers."

    Hmmm, sounds like somebody else lost a loved one to one of you Bucks. :)

    Relax Rev. god will bring along another significant other for you. All you have to do is ask her.

  19. uptownsteve said...

    O'Reilly will never invite Keith Ellison or Ben Jealous who would cooly take his racist ass apart with facts and intellect.

    O'Reilly has invited Ellison on a few times. Like you, Ellison was shown to be lacking in fact and intellect.

  20. Queen

  21. Comrade Ellison Abuses the Privilege10:49 PM

    Keith ellison is an absolute dumbass. He actually thinks government regualtions create jobs:

    “When we talked about increasing fuel efficiency standards, the industry responded, and they need engineers and designers and manufacturers, and they need actually more people to help respond to the new requirement.

    “I believe if the government says, look, we have got to reduce our carbon footprint, you will kick into gear a whole number of people that know how to do that or have ideas about that, and that will be a job engine. I understand what you mean, because if anything adds a cost to a business, you could assume that that will diminish that business’s ability to hire. But I don’t think that’s actually right.”

    Hmmm, the way to total employment is more regulations. All we have to do is place more and more onerous requirements on businesses and eventually everyone will have a job.

    It worked for the Soviet Union, where they reduced unemployment by assigning two men to watch a single cow graze. In the USSA, five bureaucrats will be assigned to watch each American who doesn’t work for the government or collect welfare.

    The distinction between jobs that produce wealth and those that don’t is lost on liberals. They believe that wealth is a pie that magically appeared and all that matters is how big a piece you get.

  22. Bridgett Nickerson Boyd11:21 PM

    Wat????? A sista can't get love from " The Field Negro"?

    I guess if i was Bill O' Reilly i'd be gettin' some love.

    I jusa hope na a nigga have to go through what i went through.

  23. Capitalism11:28 PM

    "Meanwhile­, Iran's top leader said the wave of protests reflects a serious problem that will ultimately topple capitalism in America. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei claimed the United States is in a full-blown crisis because its "corrupt foundation has been exposed to the American people."

  24. Braulio12:22 AM

    Iran failed in its attempt to assasinate the Saudi Ambassador to the the US when their plot was uncovered by the CIA.

    Iran also failed in its attempt yesterday to launch a monkey into space.

    A bad week for the mullahfuckers.

  25. mellaneous12:45 AM

    Actually Field those two characters had a point. NO one has been charged with a crime and some crimes were definitely committed.

    And CNN and the other Big Business media outlets aren't much better, as they continue to push this fake election on us every day as if we really do only have a choice between the right and the center right tweedlee dee and tweedlee dum.

    If nothing else the Wall Street protests are at least making us think that there are other possibilities in this world.

    And Field today your experiment in tolerance is failing terribly, or you can say its suceeded, you have attracted the finest characters the Devil could assemble!

  26. The 53%12:56 AM

    mellaneous said...
    If nothing else the Wall Street protests are at least making us think that there are other possibilities in this world.

    What would that be, smelly hippies chanting about goat sex, eating food provided by George Soros, and crapping on police cars?

    This is progress?

  27. HaveAnAbortionKillAbabyToday12:59 AM

    If nothing else the Wall Street protests are at least making us think that there are other possibilities in this world.

    What are those possibilites? Would you prefer Socialism? I read somewhere recently South Korea has everything the flea party on wall street has, when do you leave will you ask the devil for permission to go and if he is finished with you and your mission here?

  28. "What are those possibilites? Would you prefer Socialism? "


    Capitalism is in the process of collapsing, it has nothing left to offer anyone but multi-national corporations and the super-rich.

    It's time for class warfare.

  29. mellaneous said...
    you have attracted the finest characters the Devil could assemble!

    Of course he has, LOL!!! And we can either choose to focus on that, or be content with them taking time out every day, many times a day, to kiss our collective asses.

    Personally, I choose to foucs on living my exceedingly blessed life, while reveling in the fact that so much of what they call a life is being wasted on nonsense.

    Our presence on this blog CLEARLY controlling their thoughts AND especially their actions, means that they've lost a battle they were too stupid to know they were even fighting.

  30. "Our presence on this blog CLEARLY controlling their thoughts AND especially their actions, means that they've lost a battle they were too stupid to know they were even fighting."


    Yes Mel. there is a lot of hateration out here, but hey,I say bring it on. I love haters, they motivate me.

    "What would that be, smelly hippies chanting about goat sex, eating food provided by George Soros, and crapping on police cars?

    This is progress?"

    No, it's called democracy.

  31. Anonymous7:19 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "What are those possibilites? Would you prefer Socialism? "


    Capitalism is in the process of collapsing, it has nothing left to offer anyone but multi-national corporations and the super-rich.

    It's time for class warfare.

    Do you feel "pretty, Oh So pretty" today?

  32. Anonymous8:15 AM

    "If nothing else the Wall Street protests are at least making us think that there are other possibilities in this world".

    So let me see if I have this right, government took our money, government took corporations money, government then decided to give large amounts of our money to corporations who had given them large amounts of money.

    So the corporations are then to blame and the government is good, simply because presently democrats are in charge?

  33. Anonymous8:18 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "What are those possibilites? Would you prefer Socialism? "


    Capitalism is in the process of collapsing, it has nothing left to offer anyone but multi-national corporations and the super-rich.

    It's time for class warfare.

    OK I will bite. I think you are way off, but what do you propose replaces capitalism and can you point to an example of how this would work? As someone else mentioned the only society today that has precisely what you want is South Korea, is this your model? If not, which nation at any point in history would you point us to? Once those who have money no longer have it, then what?

  34. "OK I will bite. I think you are way off, but what do you propose replaces capitalism and can you point to an example of how this would work?"

    How about Norway, Denmark Sweden.........and seeing the U.S. isn't a pure capitalist nation either there are some elements of socialism that work here.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. How is the gov any different from hobama sending michelle out to discuss obese children when hunger in American worsens daily/while hobama starves poor mongrels’ seeds???

  37. Shame that tavis and cornel are always slandered for daring to speak up for poor people

    While that bankster hobama is beloved for ignoring the same poor people and for telling them all to stfu as he ignores them




    Did u tell hobama to stay away from fox before they slew him with the only real interview he has ever done?????


  38. shame!!!!!!!!!

    cornel and tavis are warriors

    history has vindicated and will always vindicate them

    just as history will expose that bannkster racist elitist hobama

    There are a long list of reasons that all of us should be concerned, disappointed and even angry about what Wall Street has done to our country. The real wage of the average American worker has remained stagnant, while the gap between the rich and poor has risen to levels that are unsustainable in nearly any civilized society. We live under the illogical reality that those who caused the financial crisis by taking unnecessary risks were the first ones to be bailed out by politicians who are enslaved by campaign contributions and lobbying groups. Labor unions have been undermined throughout the nation, and while the joblessness problems persist, corporations are sitting on trillions in capital that could be used to hire American workers.

    The African American community has every reason to be on the front lines in this battle for our nation’s economic soul. Black unemployment has skyrocketed to levels that haven’t been seen since Michael Jackson released Thriller. Nearly half (40%) of all Black children are living below the poverty line. Black wealth has continued to shrink, as the burst of the real estate bubble left many African Americans either homeless or upside down in their mortgages. Black families have been destroyed by the prison industrial complex, where Wall Street firms earn billions each year from slave labor. Last, but not least, several Wall Street banks deliberately targeted Black and brown communities for predatory loans that put grandma out of the house she lived in since Malcolm X was alive.

    Yes, we have reason to be very, very upset. It is in part because my grandmother was one of the people who lost her home due to predatory lending that I plan to join my brothers and sisters (of all races) in their decision to occupy Wall Street. This is our chance to confront the economic bullies who’ve worked to politically castrate nearly every politician in Washington, and also those unpatriotic enough to allow the country to sink into the financial abyss.

    I wish I could say that major civil rights organizations would join us in this fight. But I am reminded of the decision by the NAACP to take millions of dollars from Wells Fargo, a bank accused of predatory lending. This is not to say that they won’t join the battle, but it does say that biting the hand that feeds you isn’t exactly the key to economic prosperity. This might be a lesson to all of us that in spite of the fact that we all need money to survive, we must be careful about making ourselves dependent upon a resource that is controlled by the descendants of our historical oppressors.

    No matter how you slice it, the Occupy Wall Street movement belongs to the people. By seizing the moment and putting it all on the line, we have an opportunity to help fulfill the long lost dream of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. If Dr. King were alive today, he wouldn’t be asking Washington bureaucrats to give him a multi-million dollar monument funded by corporate America. Instead, he’d be right down on Wall Street with the protesters, demanding justice, freedom and equality for the American people. In fact, if you look into the eyes of those who’ve become inspired to resurrect the spirit of conscientious activism in America, you can see that Dr. King’s spirit is down on Wall Street right now.

  39. Dancing With The Losers9:35 AM

    I'd say your hero Obama is a Master Jigger himself:

  40. shame!!!!!!!!!

    cornel and tavis are warriors

    history has vindicated and will always vindicate them

    hobama has been WORSE than either
    ever warned


    history will expose that bankster racist elitist hobama

    just as he is unmasked more each day


    There are a long list of reasons that all of us should be concerned, disappointed and even angry about what Wall Street has done to our country. The real wage of the average American worker has remained stagnant, while the gap between the rich and poor has risen to levels that are unsustainable in nearly any civilized society. We live under the illogical reality that those who caused the financial crisis by taking unnecessary risks were the first ones to be bailed out by politicians who are enslaved by campaign contributions and lobbying groups. Labor unions have been undermined throughout the nation, and while the joblessness problems persist, corporations are sitting on trillions in capital that could be used to hire American workers.

    The African American community has every reason to be on the front lines in this battle for our nation’s economic soul. Black unemployment has skyrocketed to levels that haven’t been seen since Michael Jackson released Thriller. Nearly half (40%) of all Black children are living below the poverty line. Black wealth has continued to shrink, as the burst of the real estate bubble left many African Americans either homeless or upside down in their mortgages. Black families have been destroyed by the prison industrial complex, where Wall Street firms earn billions each year from slave labor. Last, but not least, several Wall Street banks deliberately targeted Black and brown communities for predatory loans that put grandma out of the house she lived in since Malcolm X was alive.

    Yes, we have reason to be very, very upset. It is in part because my grandmother was one of the people who lost her home due to predatory lending that I plan to join my brothers and sisters (of all races) in their decision to occupy Wall Street. This is our chance to confront the economic bullies who’ve worked to politically castrate nearly every politician in Washington, and also those unpatriotic enough to allow the country to sink into the financial abyss.

    I wish I could say that major civil rights organizations would join us in this fight. But I am reminded of the decision by the NAACP to take millions of dollars from Wells Fargo, a bank accused of predatory lending. This is not to say that they won’t join the battle, but it does say that biting the hand that feeds you isn’t exactly the key to economic prosperity. This might be a lesson to all of us that in spite of the fact that we all need money to survive, we must be careful about making ourselves dependent upon a resource that is controlled by the descendants of our historical oppressors.

    No matter how you slice it, the Occupy Wall Street movement belongs to the people. By seizing the moment and putting it all on the line, we have an opportunity to help fulfill the long lost dream of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. If Dr. King were alive today, he wouldn’t be asking Washington bureaucrats to give him a multi-million dollar monument funded by corporate America. Instead, he’d be right down on Wall Street with the protesters, demanding justice, freedom and equality for the American people. In fact, if you look into the eyes of those who’ve become inspired to resurrect the spirit of conscientious activism in America, you can see that Dr. King’s spirit is down on Wall Street right now.

  41. as those who dare to expose hobama and his banksters are told to "knock it off"

    hobama is knocking all black mongrels OUT!!!


    “Barack Obama must bear direct responsibility for the relative Black decline, both as candidate and president.”

    Black wealth has virtually disappeared. Data gathered prior to 2007, when the full scope of the subprime mortgage catastrophe was just becoming known, showed median Black family wealth at about $5,000, one-twentieth [12] of the median white family’s $100,000 holdings. Since then, the bottom has fallen out from under whole communities, with Blacks hit by far the hardest. By the second quarter of 2010, Black home ownership had declined [13] from its 2007 level of 48 percent to 46.2 percent, a 3.7 percent drop, and still falling – a guarantee that median Black household wealth is well below the $5,000 registered in 2007. (Median wealth for single Black women [14] at the top of their earning capacity, ages 36 to 49, was precisely $5 – five dollars! – in 2010.)

    Barack Obama must bear direct responsibility for the relative Black decline, both as candidate and president. As election year 2008 began, Obama took the most pro-banker [15], laissez faire capitalist position on home foreclosures of the three major Democratic presidential candidates. John Edwards backed a mandatory moratorium on foreclosures and a freeze on interest rates, while Hillary Clinton supported a “voluntary” halt and $30 billion in federal aid to homeowners. But Obama opposed any moratorium, mandatory or voluntary, and balked at cash for homeowners and stricken communities. As president, his program to stem the flow of foreclosures has been pitiful, near worthless in slowing the spiral that has taken down much of what once considered itself the Black middle class.

  42. see stymie prove he is a hobama loving moron???

    he actually thinks that hobama ONLY telling blacks to stfu

    is ok because a wm called ALL americans of all races whiners

    what a gd fool uts is!!!

  43. Farmer Jim10:18 AM

    Oh Lord. Someone left the barn door open again, and the cow got out.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Kingnut10:55 AM

    PilotX said...
    "OK I will bite. I think you are way off, but what do you propose replaces capitalism and can you point to an example of how this would work?"

    How about Norway, Denmark Sweden.........and seeing the U.S. isn't a pure capitalist nation either there are some elements of socialism that work here.

    You'll bite? That's what uptown always said about you.

    Obama is pushing European style socialism here just as the European welfare state is beginning to collapse.

    Generous social welfare benefits work in a homogeneous culture where the use of those benefits is small, due to to a strong worth ethic.

    For cultures with populations who will only work if they have to, generous welfare benefits result in multi-generational dependency.

    Such as a system depends on a continuous economic growth rate that is higher than anemic socialist economies can generate. They also depend on a continuously growing population that provides enough workers to support all the dependents. Europe stopped having children 40 years ago, and now there aren't enough productive people entering the workforce.

    Europe today is being overwhelmed by third world immigrants, many of whom move there for the benefits and never get off. The whole European system is about to collapse, first in the weaker countries, but eventually across the continent.

    Why would we want to go down that path?

  46. like hobama

    warren b lies!!!


    Funny thing is, it turns out Buffett was being… shall we say… disingenuous when he claimed his “leaders” never got around to asking for his “shared sacrifice.” His company, Berkshire Hathaway​, has been fighting the IRS tooth and nail to avoid paying its federal tax bill for nearly a decade.

    How much of the State’s rightful money has this hypocrite been clutching in a white-knuckled death grip? Oh, only about a billion dollars or so. Bill Wilson of Americans for Limited Government tallies up the bill:

    Using only publicly-available documents, a certified public accountant (CPA) detailed Berkshire Hathaway’s tax problems to ALG researcher Richard McCarty. Now, the American people have a better idea of how much in back taxes the company could owe Uncle Sam.

    According to page 56 of the company report, “At December 31, 2010… net unrecognized tax benefits were $1,005 million”, or about $1 billion. McCarty explained, “Unrecognized tax benefits represent the company’s potential future obligation to the IRS and other taxing authorities. They have to be recorded in the company’s financial statements.”

    He added, “The notation means that Berkshire Hathaway’s own auditors have probably said that $1 billion is more likely than not owed to the government.”

    On top of this tax bill, figure the value of the time IRS agents have invested trying to collect it – they don’t work cheap, and we pay their salaries – and the resources Buffett’s people have invested fighting back. All of which would have been saved if Buffett simply practiced what he preached, and willingly handed over his fortune to the brilliant and compassionate “leaders” he commands the rest of us to support without resistance.

    Warren Buffet is no different from the other liars and frauds orbiting Barack Obama​. His hypocrisy just runs billions of dollars deeper. When it comes to “shared sacrifice,” you do the sacrificing, and they do the sharing.

  47. It's another Alicia Banks Friday!

  48. Quote Anonymous 08:18

    "OK I will bite. I think you are way off, but what do you propose replaces capitalism and can you point to an example of how this would work?"

    Democratic Socialism. Models would be most of Scandinavia and also Finland. Also aspects of the German and Dutch economies.

    "As someone else mentioned the only society today that has precisely what you want is South Korea, is this your model?"

    South Korea ? are you nuts?

    I've been to South Korea, it's like a pale grey version of America, with even worse beer.

    "If not, which nation at any point in history would you point us to? Once those who have money no longer have it, then what?"

    What ARE you talking about?

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. mellaneous12:45 PM

    @Dr Queen Amen and congratulations on your latest accomplishments. This statement sounds like someone with a Phd.

    Dr Queen said:
    "Our presence on this blog CLEARLY controlling their thoughts AND especially their actions, means that they've lost a battle they were too stupid to know they were even fighting."

  51. mellaneous12:49 PM

    @53% and anon-
    First South Korea is no panacea, it is a capitalist country that also concentrates most of the riches in the hands of the few, the ruling class the rich.

    And the European nations that you mentioned are also capitalist with the same unequal relations between the workers and the rich.

    They simply have a larger social welfare net. And the reason for the larger social welfare benefits is the fact that the working class in those countries have shown more resistance to their plight and have forced a few more concessions from the capitalists.

  52. Anonymous12:59 PM

    nuckas aint even no how to act shit dumb broad tryin to take over the blog she lucky cuz the real blog administrator is golfing rite now and is lettin her talk more then she should dummy!

  53. FOX Boston reoported:

    The Coast Guard in Boston confirmed that a woman in uniform was harassed and spat upon near Occupy Boston protesters.

    The woman was walking to the train and said protesters spit on her twice, called her foul names and even threw a water bottle at her.

    Now, the Coast Guard is warning all staff working on Atlantic Avenue to avoid those protesters while in uniform.

    Stay classy leftwing kooks.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. Anonymous1:06 PM

    100 dummies

  56. mellaneous1:11 PM

    @anon who said:
    OK I will bite. I think you are way off, but what do you propose replaces capitalism and can you point to an example of how this would work? As someone else mentioned the only society today that has precisely what you want is South Korea, is this your model? If not, which nation at any point in history would you point us to? Once those who have money no longer have it, then what?

    @ the abortion guy who said:
    "What are those possibilites? Would you prefer Socialism?"

    First you all have swallowed the propaganda whole. If someone says yellow doesn't look good on you there is no obligation for the critic to provide an alternative. Its absolutely okay to provide a critique without having a solution.

    You do this because rulers have provided this false eqation to prevent folks from criticyizing a system they know doesn't benefit them.

    But my answer to those who ask is socialism better is the same as the old slave when asked where he was going to run off to.

    The other slaves asked, "where are you going to go and find a better master, where you going to get better food (leftovers from the pig) better clothes (tattered hand me down rags)the old slave said,"anyplace where I'm free is better than this place."

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. mell


    hobama is ONLY a socialist for banksters

    and only slave dreg hobama nazis agree that:


    is a valid 2012 slogan for that house nig massa mf hobmama


  59. Field - I've lost much respect for those two sanctimonious ass hats years ago. Like you said, they'll do anything to mug for a camera.

    Mell - yes, West and Smiley were hitting on salient points but doesn't help their case by going on the O'Reilly show and acting like straight coons with college degrees. That transcript does little to legitimize the 'Protest Wall Street' movement or the grievances of progressive populists. It reinforces the idea that the anti-Wall Street protestors are pissed off college hooligans and scruffy trust fund hipsters lead by out of touch loud mouth know-it-alls.

    Message delivery is often as important as content, if not more. Come around half cocked and you're doomed for life - even if you make the most sense. Just ask Nader or Paul. Even a clown like Sharpton has learned to step his media game up a little. Smiley is professional journalist and should know better. And tell West to leave the theatrics for his classroom or a pulpit.

    Also, going on O'Reilly show is a dead end - because O'Reilly and his audience of knuckle dragging drones have already written progressives off as anti-American nut jobs. And O'Reilly rarely engages in debate - just stupid one liners that his nitwit audience gobbles up. That's why Jon Stewart always engages O'Reilly in a calm intelligent fashion. Its a rope-a-dope. Acting like a fool with an even bigger fool gets you nowhere.

    AB - what can I say, you love West and Smiley because they blame Obama. So, that's about it.

  60. lack:

    u remain hopeless and unchanged

    only hobama zombies like you pretend that hobama is some

    and tavis and west are evil haters who hate hobama the way hobama hates poor black mongrels

    carry on u blind hobama nazi fool

  61. Nicole C2:12 PM

    The moment when West and Smiley said, "Ohhhhhh!!" on cue was priceless. lol

    Smiley and West held their ground, but I would've loved to see Michael Eric Dyson serve O'Reilly. He is always on point!

  62. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Yes Mel. there is a lot of hateration out here, but hey,I say bring it on. I love haters, they motivate me.

    I bet they do Mold, I bet they do.
    Some people thrive on other peoples hate as they hate themselves and externalize - there is a name for these folks...liberals. Others thrive on being the best they can be and continually challenge themselves - these folks are called - not liberals.

  63. Anonymous3:00 PM

    x the wheels are comming off of european socialism in case you haven't noticed.carbon foot print!!no carbon,no life.duh!socialism leads to poverty and tyranny every time it's tried.the ression we are in was caused by the national socialist democratic workers party's community reinvestment act along with a corrupt freddy and franny. this is all public record just take a look.this whole mess was caused by government interference in the market.

  64. cc this to libya and the cbc


    - President Barack Obama said on Friday he was sending about 100 U.S. military advisers to Uganda to support central African allies pursuing Joseph Kony, leader of the Lord's Resistance Army, and other rebel commanders.

    Obama's decision commits U.S. forces to help battle a Ugandan rebel group he once condemned as an "affront to human dignity" for chilling violence that has included hacking body parts off victims, abduction of young boys to fight and young girls to be used as sex slaves.

    "I have authorized a small number of combat-equipped U.S. forces to deploy to central Africa to provide assistance to regional forces that are working toward the removal of Joseph Kony from the battlefield," Obama said a letter to Congress.

    But he asserted that U.S. forces "will only be providing information, advice and assistance to partner nation forces, and they will not themselves engage LRA forces unless necessary for self-defense."

    The terms of engagement may be aimed at reassuring war-weary Americans he has no plan to entangle U.S. forces directly in another conflict when they are already involved in wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and are playing a support role in a NATO-led air campaign in Libya.

  65. lack:

    have tavis and cornel EVER lied on hobama????

    why do their truths vex u so much more than hobama's lies???


    does that blackish bankster warmonger's newEST war in uganda vex u like tavis and cornel's truths do???

    africom is real
    like all real conspiracies

    hobama has illegally attacked 3 black countries SOLO
    and he will steal oil and gold from many more

    and u racist blind black hobama nazis cheer him as he does so

    i told u so
    wtfu asap!!!!!!!

    hobama hates and slays ALL GLOBAL black mongrels

  66. Anonymous 3:00

    That post was a post-ironic joke, right?

  67. mellaneous3:30 PM


    I wasn't defending West I was merely saying that major financial crimes were committed and no one has had to pay for it.

    And if they weren't crimes the behavior of some of the banks was downright unethical and immoral.
    If black folks had stole like that or been that uncouth in thier concern for others, folks would look what those negroes did.

    But because the rich including the associated gangsters who run the banks, corporations and the White House are running things the government which actually operates on their behalf turn a blind eye to their criminality.

    And yes what was done by the banks was criminal, just as enforcing drug laws primarily in black communities is criminal, just as occuppying Iraq and Afghanistan and killing nearly 2,000 innocent folks in drone attacks is criminal.

    The young people are afraid to ask for what they really want, but they know that something is gravely wrong.

    Ironically just as the rest of us who have either been bought off with their fine homes and big cars and big paychecks and the others who find it easier to buy in even though the system doesn't really benefit them either. And of course there are the dreamers who hope they will be one of the criminals one day.

  68. mell

    like all black fool hobamabots

    lack is deaf to anything other than hobama as some blackish saint/noble dem/messiah/baby deddy/stepdeddy/uncle/posse pal/etc

    ignore him
    he is hopeless
    he will remain unchanged

    the revolution is looming
    some will not be saved

    they will not and should not be saved

    good riddance to all racist foolish blind mfs like lack/uts/vdlr etc

    too bad the vdlr has over bred already though!!!

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. when lack looks at hobama he sees an imaginary superhero

    when i look at hobama i see an immensely evil real snake hoax

    therein our difs lay...always!!!

  71. "That's why Jon Stewart always engages O'Reilly in a calm intelligent fashion. Its a rope-a-dope. Acting like a fool with an even bigger fool gets you nowhere."

    Outstanding LAC.

    Keith Ellison and Ben Jealous also went the cool cerebral route with O'Reilly, and left him beet red and muttering.

    Exactly why you will never again see them on his show.

    Fox TV is very selective about the blacks they invite on their shows.

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. just as his cuz gwb pimped church sheeple who hated gays from 2000-2008

    hobama pimps a redux of hypochristians anew who hate repubs/rebels/gays in 2012

    that nelly rick warren has been hobama's own td jakes/pet homohater since 2008

    hobama = gwb 2.0 with racist bankster apps....shame!!!!


    David Kuo came to Washington wanting to use his Christian faith to end abortion, strengthen marriage, and help the poor. He reached the heights of political power, ultimately serving in the White House under George W. Bush. It was a dream come true: the chance to fuse his politics and his faith, and an opportunity for Christians not just to gain a seat at the proverbial table but also to plan the entire meal.
    Yet his experience was deeply troubling. He had been seduced, just as so many evangelical conservatives had been seduced by politics. Tempting Faith is a wrenching personal journey and a heartfelt plea for a Christian reexamination of political and spiritual priorities. --This text refers to the Paperback edition.

  74. Cowboy Carl5:05 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    That post was a post-ironic joke, right?

    Youre persona is a post-rationalism joke, right?

    I have rarely seen someone so smugly certain about their misconceptions.

  75. anon:

    they nabbed this thug bitch!


  76. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Keith Ellison and Ben Jealous also went the cool cerebral route with O'Reilly, and left him beet red and muttering.

    Wow, I guess that was "cerebral" to black folks I saw two guys one unkempt yammering for attention and throwin out catch phrases before they used the oh so predictable race card. Corps bad but why did you go after a black CEO there aint many of dem around..


  77. more on that crooked cia creep overseer "massa" hobama


    So, in light of the fact that African Americans should not expect any semblance of targeted political support from President Obama, shouldn’t that also imply that he should not expect preferential treatment from us? When my friend mentioned that we would never expect a white president to speak up for Troy Davis (Jimmy Carter is, actually, a white man), I simply asked her, “So, you would want us to respond to Barack Obama as if he were just another white guy?” She was silent after that.

    If Barack Obama were a white man, that would mean that there would be collective outrage over speeches like the one he delivered at the Congressional Black Caucus Convention, where Black people were told to “stop complaining” about the highest unemployment in nearly 30 years. It would mean that we’d expect the same things from President Obama that we would have expected from Bill Clinton or anyone else during their time in the White House. I would dare to say that if Black unemployment had risen to 17% under Clinton, he would be hammered by the Black community for refusing to consider targeted economic policy.

    This is not to say that President Obama is not deserving of the Black vote. But it does say that Black America must cease to make itself into the political mistress of the Obama Administration. For a man whose loyalties lie elsewhere, the mistress is often the woman from whom he expects preferential treatment, but only offers second-class status. The love is often one of secrecy because he may be ashamed of the relationship and fear the reputational consequences of those who may judge him harshly.

  78. Quote Cowboy Carl

    "Youre persona is a post-rationalism joke, right?

    I have rarely seen someone so smugly certain about their misconceptions."

    I'm smugly certain of one thing, sunshine.

    You're a cunt.

  79. Anonymous6:09 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Cowboy Carl

    "Youre persona is a post-rationalism joke, right?

    I have rarely seen someone so smugly certain about their misconceptions."

    I'm smugly certain of one thing, sunshine.

    You're a cunt.

    who let this bitch ass sneaky butcher back here? I thought UTS kicked your british cocksucking little twat back to the land of the fags where it belongs U'r a nasty little fucker fuckin bloodclot battyman!!! Fuckin moron who is proud of being a moron

  80. AB - like I said, whatever. You're as predictable as heavy rain in monsoon season.

    As you supported Hillary Clinton as the more liberal voice(?!) in the election and have openly thought that Ron Paul was more open to the issues of Black and working people than Obama - you're officially persona non grata to me in politics. You obviously have been smoking something too hard.

    Mell - I don't think you were defending West. And like I always say, we agree more than we disagree. My point is that if we hope to 'reach the masses' we need more eloquent voices than West, Smiley and Moore - guys more interested in mugging for cameras than getting things done.

  81. Anonymous12:40 AM

    Pefect picture of that clown Cornell West. Mouth wide open.

  82. Anonymous2:01 PM

    wtf does he teach,negrology! he realy is full of poop.this is some one negroes listen to,no wonder you are so screwed up.

  83. First, there are an awful lot of troopers commenting on the site.

    Second, I think Anita was out there giving them the best that she's got!! And if that's any indication, Perry should be a non factor when the primary roles around. As for west and smiley, I can't put my finger on why I'm no longer a fan of these guys. They have real, relevant issues with the POTUS but for some reason I feel like they are just bitter! O'Reily is great at what he does, he kicked lettermans butt on his own show!! Leave that clown alone.
