Friday, October 14, 2011

Still running from the struggle?

I am out of town at a conference, but I am going to do a cut and paste job to encourage discussion about an interesting aspect of this Mr. 999 phenomenon.

"Cain continued on his trail of silly statements this week by saying that racism is not a factor in economic inequality in America. The candidate argues that educational and geographic differences account for disparities in wealth levels and unemployment. The statement is curious, because these words serve as further evidence that Cain never studied structural inequality in school. Also, to continue Cain’s argument, inequality exists because Black people are either naturally, culturally or strategically inferior to whites, which is the convenient explanation taught to us in White Supremacy 101.

While I won’t go into all the reasons that Cain is wrong in his statements on racism, the truth is that Cain seems to be building his campaign by making one eyebrow raising statement after another. In fact, he has become the shock jock of the Republican Party.

Being a shock jock is great for the radio and selling books, but it’s not the stuff that makes one into a serious Commander-in-Chief. Even within the Republican ranks, Cain’s candidacy merely deflects attention away from the flaws of more serious contenders, like Rick Perry’s love for the Confederate flag and all the other things that make Republicans just so darn interesting. But when the dust settles and the smoke clears, Republican leadership will ask Cain to walk off the track in the same way the pace setter is removed after the first two laps of a big Olympic race.

Cain has also made a career of hurling insults at Black people that no white man could ever get away with. His words have not been measured or diplomatic enough to garner broad-based support, and are about as sloppy and ignorant as a man killing a fly with a shotgun. Most of his comments are not the kinds of things he could say about other ethnic groups; if he were to say that all Jews were brainwashed (as he said about African Americans), he’d be off the stage before finishing his sentence.

Herman Cain has become, in many ways, the perfect racist. America lives under the interesting premise that a racist can’t be Black. That’s like believing that a man can’t hate his sibling, or that a woman can’t advocate for a man to beat his wife (as Whoopi did to Oprah in “The Color Purple”). The truth is that racism is typically most effective when you put a Black face on it, and Herman Cain has volunteered to become the cute little political puppet which allows white America to say the things that they are afraid to say.

It is their ability to put Cain out front to absorb the criticism for racist remarks that makes millions of right-wing Americans so happy about his racial politics. Cain validates and brings security to a set of ideas that are generally unacceptable to those who understand America’s ugly racial history. In this regard, Cain is a breath of fresh air because he is the only Republican who doesn’t change the subject when the issue of race is brought to the table.

As an older Black man, Herman Cain certainly understood the challenges of Jim Crow. But Cain was also able to evade Jim Crow by willfully standing to the side in the fight for Civil Rights (yes, he has admitted that he avoided the Civil Rights struggle). So, Cain cannot, in any way, connect his contributions to the Black community, nor his readily marketed ethnic legitimacy to that of his fellow Morehouse graduate, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. While he might have validity among those who gladly accept the rewards that come from the sacrifices of others, Cain cannot profess to have been willing to make necessary socio-political sacrifices himself. He stands on the backs of the brave, yet joins forces with the descendants of their historical oppressors.

Instead of marching for progress, Cain learned long ago that making whites feel comfortable was a powerful and simple key to success. He seems to think that Black folks who are unwilling to give in to structurally oppresive forces are somehow making things worse for themselves by not standing and applauding the grace of whites who’ve decided to no longer hang our relatives in the middle of the night. No different from the way he ducked and hid from those who marched with Dr. King in the 1960s, Herman Cain is ducking and hiding from doing the right thing today.

So, not only is Herman Cain a political gimmick, he is also a coward. That is just a couple of the many reasons that Herman Cain can never be President of the United States of America." [Source]
Interesting essay there Dr. Watkins.

Folks, let me know what you think.


  1. Racist6:10 PM

    "Herman Cain has become, in many ways, the perfect racist."

    Well there you go, everyone who opposes the democrat platform is a "racist", even the black guy.

    People like you have taken all meaning away from the word because you use it to mean "anyone who disagrees with me".

    The days of liberalism's fanatical racialism ruling this country are coming to an end. With a bang, not a whimper.

    We have no more time for this nonsense. Get out of the way or get run over.

  2. Cain's a coon, that's what I think!

  3. Coontastic Sam6:31 PM

    Ms.Coon said...
    Cain's a coon, that's what I think!

    I think you will never be a doctor.

  4. John McCoon7:27 PM

    What's all this talk of coons? No one ever called Obama a coon during the last election.

    Y'alls racist. Or maybe just partisan.

  5. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Cain's a coon, that's what I think!

    Who asked you to thinkerate?


  6. GrannyStandingforTruth7:50 PM

    Overseer Cain helps to enforce white supremacy with his statements. Mortifying blacks was another tool used by those who wanted maintain white supremacy as far as economical and political power goes. In essence, he goes against the grain of what blacks and some whites have fought and died for during the Civil Rights Movement and mimics the oppressor. Also, in the same sense, Cain is another Clarence Thomas, he jigs to get ahead with whites on the right at the expense of his own people. Although, if I had to rate between Thomas and Cain, Cain would get a little higher rating, because Thomas even went so far as to publicly belittle his own sister who was his own flesh and blood to get ahead, so you know he rates extremely low on the scale.

    As for those anonymous folk and aliases using the belitting remarks and calling blacks on here racist, It is another tool used back during the Civil Rights Movement, which was intimidation and harrassment to control and stop black people from speaking out about injustices, discrimination, and racism. However, what they fail to understand and realize is that just like back during those days, black folks are tired of the BS. We live in a diverse nation and for some reason those whites on the right don't get the part about Americans are in someways a team. Every single group of people has brought and has something to bring to the table to help build this nation, but because of their narrow-minded thinking, the only thing that the right seems to bring is divisive antagonistic tactics that halt progress, cause more suffering, and regress this nation back so far, until Ozzie and Harriett would not recognize it.

    Nevertheless, keep on speaking out against injustice, discrimination, and racism, and let your voices be heard. Rosa Parks sat down, so that black people could stand up!And like Booker T. Washington said, "Do not let any man bring you so low, that you hate them." Continue to speak out and do not cease speaking out, until true liberty and justice rangs true for all regardless of the color of their skin because the fight is not over. It never was!

    Now, let me get off my soapbox and sign off.

  7. "The truth is that racism is typically most effective when you put a Black face on it, and Herman Cain has volunteered to become the cute little political puppet which allows white America to say the things that they are afraid to say." Oh hell yeah! I don't know about sending him to the oval, but whitey's gonna make herm cain a much much richer man.

  8. Cain is like the General in "Undercover Brother".
    Anyhoo, I'll probably be in D.C. this weekend celebrating the first Black man and non-president to have a statue on the Washington mall. Gotta love it that an Alpha man was the first to pull it off.

  9. "whitey's gonna make herm cain a much much richer man."

    Thirty pieces of silver richer?

    Co-sign what Granny said.

  10. PilotX said...
    Anyhoo, I'll probably be in D.C. this weekend celebrating the first Black man and non-president to have a statue on the Washington mall. Gotta love it that an Alpha man was the first to pull it off

    Do you mean the statue of Mao Luther King Jr?

  11. PilotX said...
    Gotta love it that an Alpha man was the first to pull it off.

    My Dad's an Alpha and my mom's an AKA!

  12. Alpha Bits8:15 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    My Dad's an Alpha and my mom's an AKA!

    Then how come you are such an airhead?

  13. George Washington Carver8:15 PM

    Someday Herman Cain wil be on Mount Rushmore, or maybe they'll use a browner mountain.

  14. Clamidia Jones8:18 PM

    Alpha Bits said...
    Ms.Queen said...
    My Dad's an Alpha and my mom's an AKA!

    Then how come you are such an airhead?

    Shes a ghetto slut against black is racism unless you are black

  15. hates nigs8:21 PM


  16. Watching Herman Cain buckdance every night for the adoration of shallow minded white folks who sooner lynch him as speak to him and corporate elites whose ideals enslaved his people - I don't know whether to feel sorry for this self-hating jig or to get really angry that this 'unfortunate son' could be a product and direct benefactor of civil rights and then spit upon its legacy and the continuing struggle for equality amongst his own people. Its embarrassing.

    But not shocking - the modern Republican Party has a history of promoting self loathing fools since Reagan - from a Black man who openly supported Apartheid South Africa (Alan Keyes) a self righteous Tom who writes tirades about hating light skinned people (Thomas) to fools like Alan West and Herman Cain. The bigger a self-hating Uncle Ruckus handkerchief head - the bigger the GOP pay day.

    And when Black conservatives show an ounce of backbone the get the boot - just ask J.C. Watts, Colin Powell and 'Hip-Hop' Mike Steele. Those negroes dared to call a spade a spade after years of being loyal soldiers - and they got shown the backdoor with a foot to the rear.

  17. I co-sign with Lac, especially in regards to JC Watts and Powell.

  18. Mike Brickenstein8:43 PM

    LOL@ nuttin' be mo funnier than a bunch of plantation negros who hadn't had a independent thought in their lives bashing a negro who dare step off the plantation.


  19. @Granny
    Let the church say Amen!

    I think this may be a first for Fox...

    Enjoy your weekend folks!

  20. Mike Brickenstein8:51 PM

    LACoincidental said...

    And when Black conservatives show an ounce of backbone the get the boot - just ask J.C. Watts

    Dr.Queen said...
    I co-sign with Lac, especially in regards to JC Watts and Powell.

    and when negros get da soup bone they slobber like a 2 year old.

    what happen to negros if they try to step off the plantation?

    just watch slave catcher steve .

  21. Foolsrush Inn10:14 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    I co-sign with Lac, especially in regards to JC Watts and Powell.

    You would cosign with that bunch of nonsense from LAC. He can't even keep his liberal conventional wisdom straight and contradicts himself daily.

    LAC will never get it right.

    And you will never be a doctor.

  22. GrannyStandingforTruth10:16 PM

    I will say right now that if Cain does get the nomination, I will vote for him over Obama.

  23. Y'all want fries with that?:

  24. ManHatten10:20 PM

    BrookLyn said...
    I think

    No, you don't.

  25. Mike Brickenstein10:43 PM

    the actions of that black man was brave and heroic.

    what would you do if 2 dr.queen like females chimpout on you?

  26. GrannyStandingforTruth11:01 PM

    Field, I see you have some folks on here going around stealing people's identities. I did not post this:

    Something told me to come back. I'm glad I did. It appears Field that you have some folks on here that like to steal other people's identity because this right here is not me. The first post was me, and that is the first time I've posted on here in almost a month. Anyway, whoever posted this comment it was NOT me:

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    I will say right now that if Cain does get the nomination, I will vote for him over Obama.

    10:16 PM

    I felt in my spirit that I needed to come back and I'm glad that I did. The first post was me, but the one above is NOT. Btw, I haven't posted on here in almost a month and I told you why back months ago if you remember.

    Btw, I wouldn't vote for Herman Cain, if they paid me, and most of the people on here that know me, KNOW THAT! Nothing turns me off more than a jigging, grinning, Uncle Ruckas because my people's blood was spilled in the fight for Civil Rights, so that jigging negroes like him could even have a job or education.

  27. GrannyStandingforTruth11:03 PM

    My last message might be a little confusing, so let me clear that up. I did not post this:

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    I will say right now that if Cain does get the nomination, I will vote for him over Obama.

    10:16 PM

  28. The flying monkey anons are out in full force attacking me with....trite silly insults that don't even to attempt to refute what I actually said. Proves I must be on to something. ;-)

  29. Anonymous11:15 PM

    "The truth is that racism is typically most effective when you put a Black face on it, and Herman Cain has volunteered to become the cute little political puppet which allows white America to say the things that they are afraid to say."

    Where do you get this from, your self-righteous judgment? Yes, you are one self-righteous dude who is still wrong most of the time. You are wrong about NFL teams, sports, gold and people.

    Yet, you are a self-centered self-righteous addict full of wrong information but thinks that information is right. Carry on cross-eyes.

  30. LACoincidental said...
    Proves I must be on to something. ;-)



  31. Claudia11:18 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    I will say right now that if Cain does get the nomination, I will vote for him over Obama.

    I'm glad to see you have an open mind, but are you willing to vote for Cain only because he is black?

    Would you vote for the same positions expressed by a white man?

  32. Anonymous11:18 PM

    dr queen, "Cain's a coon, that's what I think!"

    Well, I'll be. Another wannabe prejudiced offensive doctor in the making. No wonder our health system is for shit. Most are ignorant jackasses like ghetto-mouthed queen.

  33. GrannyStandingforTruth11:19 PM

    Field, I see you have some folks on here going around stealing people's identities. I did not post this:

    I felt in my spirit that I needed to come back and I'm glad that I did. The first post was me, but the one above is NOT. Btw, I haven't posted on here in almost a month and I told you why back months ago if you remember.

    Btw, I wouldn't vote for Herman Cain, if they paid me, and most of the people on here that know me, KNOW THAT! Nothing turns me off more than a jigging, grinning, Uncle Ruckas because my people's blood was spilled in the fight for Civil Rights, so that jigging negroes like him could even have a job or education.

  34. Anonymous11:21 PM

    LACoincidental said...
    The flying monkey anons are out in full force attacking me with....trite silly insults that don't even to attempt to refute what I actually said. Proves I must be on to something. ;-)

    A racist like you will always be ones of the left behinds.


  35. @ Queen, tell your dad I said '0006.

    @LAC, I blame Colin Powell for destroying the world. Because he didn't run for prez in 2000 he let dumbo win and now instead of showing the world that an intelligent Black man can also be a Republican he lets Cain buck dance for the man for a few months before he's shown the door. Powell would also bring common sense and rationality to the GOP debates and drive the party off the crazy ledge. Only he can bring this country back from the brink.

  36. @ Granny, it does cross some kind of line when the anons jack people's handles. Happened to me a few months ago so I had to get the avitar and google id to prevent it in the future. There should be some things we shouldn't be able to get away with and that's one.

  37. Hey Dr.Queen. I pray that all is well with you.

    Field, I see I'm gonna to have to start signing back in, until you make up your mind to stop letting some folks take over your blog,or stealing other folks identities, keeping a lot of confusion up, and stopping people from having an adult decent, intelligent conversation.

  38. GrannyStandingforTruth11:29 PM

    PilotX your right, there should be some things they shouldn't be able to get away with and that's one, folks on here going around stealing people's identities. I did not post this.

    I felt in my spirit that I needed to come back and I'm glad that I did. The first post was me, but the one above is NOT. Btw, I haven't posted on here in almost a month and I told you why back months ago if you remember.

    I do plan on voting for Herman Cain, and the idea that I would take money for my vote is some folks on here that like to steal other people's identity idea, because this right here is not me. The first post was me, and that is the first time I've posted on here in almost a month. I would never sell my vote because my people's blood was spilled in the fight for Civil Rights, so that my people could vote.

  39. Anonymous11:29 PM

    queen, "My Dad's an Alpha and my mom's an AKA!"

    Two years ago, you claimed you were the first in your family to go to college. Now, your Dad and Mother went to college?

    I remember the big shootout you had with Granny who told you weren't old enough to know much at forty somethin. Those were the days when Granny had some respect on FN. She lost a lot of respect that day. I even remember Jody trying to stand up to you for Granny. Remember?

    It was then that you said you were the first in your family to get out of the hood, and the FIRST to go to college.

    You are so full of shit Lucifer doesn't even want you. When you die you will be the first reject by Hell and Heaven. They'll have to send your soul to one of those bottomless black holes in the universe. Your lies are so big, you make Satan cringe. You are sick, sick, sick.

  40. Mike Brickenstein11:30 PM

    PilotX said...
    Powell would also bring common sense and rationality to the GOP debates and drive the party off the crazy ledge. Only he can bring this country back from the brink.

    So you're admitting Obama has pushed this country to the brink?

    Good.Its a first step.

    Second step will be teaching you not to automatically vote for the person that has a "D" beside their name. Teaching you to think.

  41. Anonymous11:31 PM

    LACoincidental said...
    The flying monkey anons are out in full force attacking me with....trite silly insults that don't even to attempt to refute what I actually said. Proves I must be on to something. ;-)

    Exactly what are you on that you think you are a flying monkey? Mushrooms? I can understand the part about you thinking you are a monkey - it's the flying thats a hard sell you are too fat for that you'll never get off the ground mr beef round

  42. We knew that he was sock-puppeting you Granny. Definately second your first ; ) along with the rest of the crowd.

  43. Anonymous11:33 PM

    PilotX said...
    @ Granny, it does cross some kind of line when the anons jack people's handles. Happened to me a few months ago so I had to get the avitar and google id to prevent it in the future. There should be some things we shouldn't be able to get away with and that's one.

    Oh we heard all about you liking to jack mens handles - now shut up and go get me a pillow and some coffee you're the hostess with the mostess dearie

  44. Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    We knew that he was sock-puppeting you Granny. Definately second your first ; ) along with the rest of the crowd.

    My last message might be a little confusing, so let me clear that up. I did not post this:

    The first post was me, but the one above is NOT.

    The first post was me, but I did not post this.

  45. Anonymous11:39 PM

    "So, not only is Herman Cain a political gimmick, he is also a coward. That is just a couple of the many reasons that Herman Cain can never be President of the United States of America."

    The biggest gimmick and coward of all time is Obama. If he can be President, so can Cain, because he is much braver than Obama could ever be.

  46. Anonymous11:44 PM

    BTW, has Obama ever marched for Blacks? NO, NEVER!!!

    Incidentally, during the sixties, there were far more Blacks who DIDN'T MARCH than those who did. So, don't try to lay that MLK Civil Rights bs on Cain. You only show your ignorance of those days. Many Blacks were against King, althought today it's surprising that you can't find any today.:))))

  47. I hear ya Pilot, it's like someone stealing your credit cards and assuming your identity; therefore, it does cross the line.

    You think that's something, people have hacked my blog before left and right, sent viruses, and you name it. I actually had to close the first blog down and start all over again.

  48. GrannyStandingforTruth11:48 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    We knew that he was sock-puppeting you Granny. Definately second your first ; ) along with the rest of the crowd.

    My last message might be a little confusing, so let me clear that up. I did not post this:

    The first post was me, but the one above is NOT.

    The first post was me, but I did not post this.

    Just to clarify all the first post was me but not the second the third was also somebody else but the fourth was mine. So the first post was not me it was someone else making out to be me and I had to clear that up with the second post, sorry for all the confusion and all the multiple posts.

    Now just to set the record straight I am a god fearing woman and love my neighbor I would vote for Herman Cain over Obama anyday.

  49. Look at them, they've even come up with a way to steal you identity in the blue. Good thing most people know, which is me, and which is not. 11:39 pm is not me either!

    Field, they need to be reported because that is definitely not cool!

  50. Mike Brickenstein11:51 PM

    queen, "My Dad's an Alpha and my mom's an AKA!"

    Two years ago, you claimed you were the first in your family to go to college. Now, your Dad and Mother went to college?

    I remember the big shootout you had with Granny who told you weren't old enough to know much at forty somethin. Those were the days when Granny had some respect on FN. She lost a lot of respect that day. I even remember Jody trying to stand up to you for Granny. Remember?

    It was then that you said you were the first in your family to get out of the hood, and the FIRST to go to college.

    You are so full of shit Lucifer doesn't even want you. When you die you will be the first reject by Hell and Heaven. They'll have to send your soul to one of those bottomless black holes in the universe. Your lies are so big, you make Satan cringe. You are sick, sick, sick.

    I've lost count of the many lies posters like queen and mold have posted.

    I do remember the times when a poster could land here and get the straight story. Without the bullshit.

    Lots of insightful debate.

    Those were the days.

    Now this blog has been taken over by bullies and racist.Granny ran Jody off. Slave catcher steve has ran many black posters off.

    The racism and religious bigotry shown by Lac,Purplecow,Mold, and PilotX have turned posters away.

    This is why black bloggers are no longer linking to field.

    I find myself going to Jack and Jill or What about our daughters.

    I invite posters who just want to debate ideas and not deal with racist crap to meet me there.

  51. Claudia11:52 PM

    Claudia said...
    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    I will say right now that if Cain does get the nomination, I will vote for him over Obama.

    I'm glad to see you have an open mind, but are you willing to vote for Cain only because he is black?

    Would you vote for the same positions expressed by a white man?

    I'm confused by your posts. I guess the answer is 'yes' and 'no', respectively.

    I like Cain too because I am excited by his ideas AND by the fact he a real black man. Maybe we'll get it right this time!

    Thanks Granny!

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. @LAC they have thrown a lot of venom but still haven't refuted your arguments.

    @Granny your first post was so spot on and resonated with the rest of us so much that they can't figure out what else to do. Cons play dirty.

    Ever notice the trolls go particularly dirty when Fox doesn't provide talking points for the day. It's also got to be a pretty disappointing day for the troll community after repeating that Obama apology meme incessantly yesterday only to have Dookie admit Fox lied.

    Amen Queen!
    Our presence on this blog CLEARLY controlling their thoughts AND especially their actions, means that they've lost a battle they were too stupid to know they were even fighting.

  54. That's funny, I ran Jody off? That's a lie right there. If I remember correctly Jody left because of all the confusion on here, which I can't say that I blame her. Because I didn't do anything to Jody and did not have anything against Jody, period! Or anyone on here for that fact.

  55. Amen BrookLyn! Look at them, they've even come up with a way to steal you identity with my avatar. Good thing most people know, this is not me, and which is not me either!

    The first post was me, but I did not post this. Just to clarify the post before was me but not the second and third ago which was also somebody else but the fourth was mine.

    I repeat, the first post was me, but the one above is NOT. This was not me:

    I did not post this.

    Because I definitly did NOT post this.

  56. Anonymous12:02 AM

    Granny, "My last message might be a little confusing, so let me clear that up. I did not post this:

    The first post was me, but the one above is NOT.

    The first post was me, but I did not post this."

    11:39 PM
    ROFL!!! Granny, you are sooo funny. That has to be one of the funniest comments I've ever read. I didn't know you were so smart and clever. I always thought of you as a little slow, but you have surprised me on this one.

  57. Anonymous12:02 AM

    Amen Queen!
    Our presence on this blog CLEARLY controlling their thoughts AND especially their actions, means that they've lost a battle they were too stupid to know they were even fighting.

    Good, now that you control someone elses thoughts maybe you can work on your own negative impulses and start contributing to society, put down the x-box chile, read a book take a class improve yourself.

  58. Anonymous12:08 AM

    Granny, I want you to know that Anons would never steal your identity. To do such a thing would be a violation of our contract with Field and FN blog. I hope you know that anons are straight up people who are not interested in stealing identities. We don't like identities because they are too easily stolen.

    Anon, Inc

  59. Anonymous12:09 AM

    LOVE the picture linked to your name on the post at 11:39, I think it explains all your confusion about what you posted and how many times you posted tonight. It's all good Granny take a hit for me and post or not as many times as you like or say you haven't.

  60. Btw. let me add this, I did not come here to win a popularity contest. Nor am I here for a bunch of confusion. I came to discuss important issues. BTW, who is everybody that you keep referring to like you and some folks had some type of secret meeting? LOL!

    Because there are a lot of people who post on here that communicate with behind the scenes too and few of them know me personally. Or is your name is Everybody?

  61. Anonymous12:10 AM

    Granny, I want you to know that Anons would never steal your identity. To do such a thing would be a violation of our contract with Field and FN blog. I hope you know that anons are straight up people who are not interested in stealing identities. We don't like identities because they are too easily stolen.

    Anon, Inc

    That was NOT me either.

    Anon, Inc.

  62. "Many Blacks were against King, althought today it's surprising that you can't find any today.:))))"

    Change the word to white and you might be on to something. The vast majority of Black people supported Dr. King and his attempts to bring equality to this nation. His biggest critics were conservative whites who somehow want to claim his message ala Glenn Beck, Limbaugh and other racists who would be leading the mob against him so many years ago.

  63. Anonymous12:15 AM

    granny, "That's funny, I ran Jody off? That's a lie right there. If I remember correctly Jody left because of all the confusion on here, which I can't say that I blame her. Because I didn't do anything to Jody and did not have anything against Jody, period! Or anyone on here for that fact."

    Granny, go back an read the comment. No one said you ran Jody off. But then again, maybe you did! I recall you wanting Jody to do something for you again and again to the point she got sick and tired of being used by you. When you stopped responding to you, you started bad-mouthing her on this blog. Remember?

  64. @BrookLyn:

    I see what you mean now, the trolls have really a little too far now. Stealing identities! It must be hard being them.

  65. It must be hard being them! It must be harder being me! Btw. let me add this, this is not me either. I am not here for a bunch of confusion. you don't think Everybody at the secret meeting knows this is not me? LOL!

    Because there are a lot of people who post on here and a few of them know that this is not me. Or is your name still Everybody?

    The one just above is definitely not me. I would never admit to being not me, and to somebody which is not me either. This is not me:

    The first post was me, but I did not post this. Just to clarify the post before was me but not the second and third ago which was also somebody else but the fourth was mine.

    I did not post this.

  66. Anonymous12:23 AM

    Granny, I want you to know that Anons would never steal your identity. To do such a thing would be a violation of our contract with Field and FN blog. I hope you know that anons are straight up people who are not interested in stealing identities. We don't like identities because they are too easily stolen.

    Anon, Inc

    That was NOT me either.

    Anon, Inc.

    12:10 AM
    Oh Lawdy. We are truly fucked.

    Dear Mack Lyons and LAC: we know you know a lot about computers and identity protection. Please make them stop. Show those black and white goobers how smart you are. Show them you know your stuff.

  67. Anonymous 12:15:

    That never happened, but now I do have every last email that Jody and I ever sent to each other. I wouldn't want to embarrass you and cut and paste them all in this message box because it sure did not go down like you claiming.

    How would know that I wanted Jody to do something for me, since I never said anything like that on this blog?

  68. I think Granny was right on point with her first comment.

  69. Anonymous12:28 AM

    Granny, please stop messing around. And where the hell is Brooklyn? Why isn't she STANDINGUPFOR you? typical Brooklyn Negro. you can never count on them.

  70. Anonymous12:30 AM

    Granny, "How would know that I wanted Jody to do something for me, since I never said anything like that on this blog?"

    Oh yes you did say something on this blog. How else would everybody know? You just forgot, as usual, what you said on FN.

  71. Winfrey12:34 AM

    So Granny, are you voting for Herman Cain or not?

  72. Winfrey said...
    So Granny, are you voting for Herman Cain or not?


    Ahhhh! What's going on here? That wasn't me either!

    But, weirdly, that was the exact question I wanted to ask Granny.

  73. Anonymous12:43 AM

    Field, I am afraid to ask you anything because I am not sure if you actually wrote this post. Anyway, I want you to know why you are against Cain. It's because if he is right about there is very little racism, you will have to shut down your blog, and UTS, PilotX, LAC and Mack Lyons would have no place to go.

  74. Anonymous 12:28:

    I am a strong black grown woman and I stand every inch of ground I walk on! I've been through hell and high water and I'm still standing. I don't need anyone to stand up for me. You really need to quit playing games. Because you get uncomfortable with somethings I might say, does not make me stop saying them.

    Don't try to skip around what I asked you. Because you said, "I recall you wanting Jody to do something for you again and again to the point she got sick and tired of being used by you." Where did you get that from because that never happened? So, once again, how would you know that?

    Because what Jody and I discussed never went any further than me and Jody, far as I know, well, I'll put it this way, on my behalf it didn't.

    I have communicated with a lot of people on here behind the scenes, and I bet ya, none of them can say that I've ever repeated any of our conversations. So, now could you answer the question I asked you up above.

  75. Incidentally, during the sixties, there were far more Blacks who DIDN'T MARCH than those who did. So, don't try to lay that MLK Civil Rights bs on Cain.

    There were a lot more components to the Civil Rights Movement than marching. Black people all over the South stopped riding buses. Black people all over the country donated shoes, money, and couches to sleep on. A movement takes more than just marching; it takes commitment from the community at large. Of course there were people like Herman Cain who sat on the sidelines. And now he uses the inroads Fred Shuttlesworth, Charles Sherrod and John Lewis made to aspire to the White House, something, without these men would be inconceivable.

  76. Anonymous12:46 AM

    "Anonymous said...
    Field, I am afraid to ask you anything because I am not sure if you actually wrote this post. Anyway, I want you to know why you are against Cain. It's because if he is right about there is very little racism, you will have to shut down your blog, and UTS, PilotX, LAC and Mack Lyons would have no place to go."

    That wasn't me, but I agree with everything I didn't say.

  77. BlackSphere112:47 AM

    Texas Man freed after 25 years in prison for wrongful conviction in the murder of his wife:

  78. No I would not vote for Cain!

  79. @ BrookLyn:
    Fred Shuttlesworth, Charles Sherrod and John Lewis never ran for President.

  80. Anonymous12:55 AM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    No I would not vote for Cain!

    What changed your mind? All the peer pressure from the racists around here?

    Don't be afraid to think for yourself, Granny. We respect you around here, you should respect your own opinions. If you want to vote for Cain, you have the credibilty.

  81. Anonymous12:55 AM

    Brooklyn, "And now he uses the inroads Fred Shuttlesworth, Charles Sherrod and John Lewis made to aspire to the White House, something, without these men would be inconceivable."

    Many, many Blacks used the inroads of MLK and his supporters to become successful. Black CEO's as well as billionaire of BET, black politicians, generals of the military, tv shows like Bill Cosby, Oprah, and many others.

    And don't forget Malcolm X, as well as the Panthers.

    FYI: Most Blacks did not march and most Blacks did not donate...most did NOTHING! But reaped the benefits from the determined efforts of MLK and his marches.

  82. @Tina their sacrifices made it possible for black people to achieve what we have.

    To think that marching was/is the only way to support the movement is as narrow as thinking only a burning cross or screaming the N-word is racism.

  83. Anonymous1:01 AM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    No I would not vote for Cain!

    Is that you? I thought the second post where said you would vote for Cain over Obama was you.

    Or was this you?:

    I do plan on voting for Herman Cain, and the idea that I would take money for my vote is some folks on here that like to steal other people's identity idea, because this right here is not me. The first post was me, and that is the first time I've posted on here in almost a month. I would never sell my vote because my people's blood was spilled in the fight for Civil Rights, so that my people could vote.

    That sounds like you. You should be proud. And you are right about voting.

  84. BrookLyn said...
    @Tina their sacrifices made it possible for black people to achieve what we have.

    To think that marching was/is the only way to support the movement is as narrow as thinking only a burning cross or screaming the N-word is racism.

    Same with running for President.

  85. I see that Anonymous 1:01 hasn't quite matured yet and likes to play games. Smh!

    Btw, I'm still waiting on my answer from the anonymous that claims," I recall you wanting Jody to do something for you again and again to the point she got sick and tired of being used by you". How would you know that, since I never discussed any conversations I had with Jody or anyone else with ANYONE? You've accused me of something that did not happen, so I would like to know where you got your info from.

  86. Anonymous1:20 AM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    "Btw, I'm still waiting on my answer from the anonymous that claims," I recall you wanting Jody to do something for you again and again to the point she got sick and tired of being used by you". How would you know that, since I never discussed any conversations I had with Jody or anyone else with ANYONE? You've accused me of something that did not happen, so I would like to know where you got your info from."

    That wasn't me, and I can't respond to somethng I did not post. And I did not post this.

  87. Anonymous1:29 AM

    Anonymous said...
    That wasn't me, and I can't respond to somethng I did not post. And I did not post this.

    Yes it was, and I did. This is me.

  88. Norm DeGuerre2:07 AM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    No I would not vote for Cain!

    It's the name isn't it?

    I think it reminds you of McCain. A small change, the "Mc".

    What if Obama were named Osama, could you still vote for him? How about if his full name was Sadaam Hussein Osama, how about then? I think that woud be asking a lot of people.

    What if Joe Biden was Joe BinLaden? Why are all these names so similar, anyway?

    I think if you can just think of him as "Herman", you will feel much better about voting for him.

  89. Anonymous4:02 AM

    granny you r so attention starved that u made all that shit up wit thefake identities ya weirdo

  90. Trolls stealing identities. And people wonder why I made a genuine Blogger account.

    Granny, these people picked their target to chase off the Field Negro, and they're doing it in the most pathetic, haphazard way possible. Pretty sad, when you think about it.

    "Dear Mack Lyons and LAC: we know you know a lot about computers and identity protection. Please make them stop. Show those black and white goobers how smart you are. Show them you know your stuff."

    I'm sorry, Anon. I have neither affiliation nor control over the technical underpinnings of your operations. I thought you guys had some sort of troll tech support over there.

  91. Anonymous 4:02:

    Attention starved??? You are something else. smh! First of all, I don't have but one identity on here, and field can tell you that. Someone did post in my name on here, which is not cool at all. Was it you?

    The only weird person on here is you and you're messy at that because you keep starting mess. I haven't posted on here in almost a month. Today, I came on here and posted one comment and left. Then I felt in my spirit that I needed to come back and that's when I noticed someone posted a comment using my handle. I plan to send Field and email and talk to him about it too. Because I really do not appreciate it.

    I don't play those type of childish games. Those that know me, know that I'm not type of person. Because of all of the stupid games and the bickering back and forth on here, that is the very reason why I stop coming here as much as I did because I do not have time for foolishness and BS.

    It is something seriously wrong with you for you to keep up the mess you keep up on a daily basis. You might be a computer whiz kid, but you have some serious issues that you need to deal with.

  92. @Mack:

    "Trolls stealing identities. And people wonder why I made a genuine Blogger account."

    "Granny, these people picked their target to chase off the Field Negro, and they're doing it in the most pathetic, haphazard way possible. Pretty sad, when you think about it."

    God is my witness. A few years back, I warned Field about this because I smelled them coming. I had a dream and saw all of this confusion in the comment section. I told him. Mack, these trolls think I'm playing, but I have keen discernment. God gave me that gift.

    The only time I might get off target is when I am totally exhausted because I sometimes have a habit of trying to do too much a taking a cat nap in shifts. Stillapanther2 told me something one day that gave me food for thought, and I said to myself, he is right, and I need to do that too. That's when I started cutting down on a lot of my excess activities. I begin to feel better too.

  93. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Attention starved??? You are something else. smh! First of all, I don't have but one identity on here, and field can tell you that. Someone did post in my name on here, which is not cool at all. Was it you?

    now that you got that off ur chest ya feel better granny? or does ur stand for truth mean u get the last werd in too sweetie? good nite!

  94. Anonymous6:55 AM

    You might be a computer whiz kid, but you have some serious issues that you need to deal with.
    as if u dont? muah muah muah muah muah computer whiz kid like ur buddies kuntlickin buceta breaf banks or queefda kim who aint neva gone be no dawktaw? choose ur friends wiser ure better off with steve from downtown muah muah muah and stillapanther!

  95. @ Granny, I pretty much cosign with EVERYTHING you've written here! But it's complete of time to try to defend your life, what you write and what you say/have said to a bunch of lying psycho's.

    Quite frankly, it's a pretty typical Repub trick, say a lie over and over again until the collective masses believes it.

    I will admit that it's been difficult for me not to "turn this little brouhaha over" to DH who essentially hacks into computers for a living in an effort to fend of the cyber war the US is involved in. But then I remember how much of a complete waste of time that would be. Idiots and lying psycho's will ALWAYS be around.

    Now if there's anyone else that's down for doing what Black folks have had to so for as long as anyone can remember, and that is just ignore the idiots and continue to have conversations for the betterment of our people, then holler atcha' girl!

  96. @ BrookLyn
    Personally, I think it takes a little marching and a little "by any means necessary" to get the job done with these types of issues!

  97. no slappz8:53 AM

    Negroes enjoying some fine dining at McDonalds in Greenwich Village

    GREENWICH VILLAGE — A McDonald's cashier is caught on a horrific cell phone video using a metal rod to brutally beat two female customers who'd jumped the counter of his West 3rd Street restaurant early Thursday during a fight over their order.

    The cashier, who police said had previously served a decade for manslaughter, beat the women so badly that one suffered a fractured skull and broken arm in the shocking attack, which was captured on a customer's cell phone and then posted to YouTube.

    Police have charged the cashier, identified as Rayon McIntosh, 31, with felony assault, along with criminal possession of a weapon. Both women were charged with menacing, trespass and disorderly conduct. McIntosh is being held at the Manhattan Detention Complex on $40,000 bail, according to the Department of Correction website.

    The drama began about 12:30 a.m. Thursday when the two customers — Denise Darbeau, 24, of Queens, and her pal, Rachel Edwards, 24, of Brooklyn — entered the popular fast food spot, near Sixth Avenue, and began giving McIntosh a hard time, police sources said.

    The McDonald's on West 3rd Street, near Sixth Avenue (DNAinfo/Ben Fractenberg)In the video, Darbeau is clearly heard cursing at McIntosh after the cashier told her he had to scan a $50 bill to make sure it was authentic before he would give them their food.

    Read more:

  98. no slappz9:06 AM

    la coincidental writes:

    I don't know whether to feel sorry for this self-hating jig or to get really angry that this 'unfortunate son' could be a product and direct benefactor of civil rights and then spit upon its legacy and the continuing struggle for equality amongst his own people. Its embarrassing.

    Embarrassing? Possibly for you. Cain undoes all your grievance idiocy -- as do black athletes, black entertainers, black musicians, and other blacks who demonstrated their own merit.

    If there's embarrassment, it should appear among those blacks who were accepted at elite colleges only because the admissions committees awarded them 200 bonus points on their SAT scores while looking the other way when reviewing high school grades.

    You ought to look up Reginald Lewis, former head of Beatrice Corp. He'd have been in Cain's presidential-hopeful shoes if he hadn't been stricken with a fatal case of cancer.

  99. no slappz9:17 AM

    la coincidental jabbers:

    And when Black conservatives show an ounce of backbone the get the boot - just ask J.C. Watts, Colin Powell and 'Hip-Hop' Mike Steele.

    Apparently you're unaware of the rate of turnover in politics, whether it's voters tossing out elected officials or the president replacing his staff. Or the leadership of each party appointing a new guy.

    There's a lot of change. But dopes like you pretend the only reason a black guy is replaced is racism.

    It's true that Louis Farrakhan has held onto his position for a long time. Seems when a black sells the kind of anti-white hate he sells, he retains his allure for a long time.

    It's interesting that few blacks criticize Farrakhan even though he's a parasite bleeding the black community.

    Those negroes dared to call a spade a spade after years of being loyal soldiers - and they got shown the backdoor with a foot to the rear.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah. How many people has Obama booted? About the only person who came to Washington with him in 2009 and is still with him is his wife, and she's probably having second thoughts these days.

  100. no slappz9:19 AM

    Brookly the nitwit is still making her witless comments.

    What a shock.

  101. Anonymous9:20 AM

    the actions of that black man was brave and heroic.

    what would you do if 2 dr.queen like females chimpout on you?


  102. no slappz9:24 AM

    brooklyn writes:

    Ever notice the trolls go particularly dirty when Fox doesn't provide talking points for the day. It's also got to be a pretty disappointing day for the troll community after repeating that Obama apology meme incessantly yesterday only to have Dookie admit Fox lied.

    If I ever wanted to know what was said on Fox News, I know I can check with brooklyn.

    She monitors Fox like a hawk.

  103. Anonymous11:55 AM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...

    "Trolls stealing identities. And people wonder why I made a genuine Blogger account."

    "Granny, these people picked their target to chase off the Field Negro, and they're doing it in the most pathetic, haphazard way possible. Pretty sad, when you think about it."

    God is my witness. A few years back, I warned Field about this because I smelled them coming. I had a dream and saw all of this confusion in the comment section. I told him. Mack, these trolls think I'm playing, but I have keen discernment. God gave me that gift.

    So you were empowered by God to make a few nonsense posts on a blog a religious experience? But it is OK god "gifted" you with "discernment" No offense Granny but I hope you have some "discernment" aren't you making a bit much out of very little? God "warned you" that you would be facing a couple of stupid posts on a "blog" you would think he had better things for you planned in life and it's a good thing he gave you the ability to judge what was of value to you, otherwise you might just be totally overwhelmed, but I am sure you shall "overcome" oh lawdy yes. The trials and tribulations of ones life.

    The only time I might get off target is when I am totally exhausted because I sometimes have a habit of trying to do too much a taking a cat nap in shifts. Stillapanther2 told me something one day that gave me food for thought, and I said to myself, he is right, and I need to do that too. That's when I started cutting down on a lot of my excess activities. I begin to feel better too.

    So someone had to tell you that when you feel you aren't making sense anymore, go get some sleep? Surpised God didn't prepare you and provide more discernment and give you a vision to go nap.

    Remember it is not a religious experience, it's a blog. Mostly atheists or marxist god twisting abortionists around these parts anyways.

  104. "Apparently you're unaware of the rate of turnover in politics, whether it's voters tossing out elected officials or the president replacing his staff. Or the leadership of each party appointing a new guy.

    There's a lot of change. But dopes like you pretend the only reason a black guy is replaced is racism."

    Well let's see, Steele presides over the biggest gains in the house in decades and what does he get in return? A pink slip. He should have gotten a promotion but we all know the GOP doesn't have much use for Blacks. You have to look at the track record and you get the idea they don't like us too much. It's not too much of a stretch to get the idea that there are racist elements in the Republican party. Why else would you feel so comfortable there Slappz? Just say'n.

    Ha! My secret word is noose.

  105. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Mack Lyons said...
    Trolls stealing identities. And people wonder why I made a genuine Blogger account.

    Don't worry, no one would ever steal your identity Mack, just like no one ever reads your blog. Field's place is a free market of ideas. Bessides, that was some funny shit last night.

  106. Philly Creamcheese1:13 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    "God is my witness. A few years back, I warned Field about this because I smelled them coming. I had a dream and saw all of this confusion in the comment section. I told him. Mack, these trolls think I'm playing, but I have keen discernment. God gave me that gift."

    Wow, that's cool. Could you ask god who is going to win the Eagles - Redskins games tomorrow? I got a lot of money riding on it.

  107. Mike Brickenstein1:14 PM

    Well lets see, Steeles' term was marked with scandal and lack of fundraising.

    Big donors were starting to pull their cash.

    Steele wasted millions.

    Steeles' election strategy cost Republicans 3 Senate seats and 3 Congressional seats.

    None of that matters to pilotx. A black person can't be fired.If he/she is, well thats just racist.

  108. Anonymous1:17 PM

    PilotX said...
    It's not too much of a stretch to get the idea that there are racist elements in the Republican party. Why else would you feel so comfortable there Slappz? Just say'n.

    Why would the Democrat party feel so comfortable with the nation of islam,black panthers,cop killers,cair,laraza, and other hate groups?

    Just say'n.

  109. GOPer1:19 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Well let's see, Steele presides over the biggest gains in the house in decades and what does he get in return? A pink slip. He should have gotten a promotion but we all know the GOP doesn't have much use for Blacks"

    Steele was good for a gaffe-a-week. I supported his appointment, in part because I thought we needed more black faces in the front of the party, but the guy proved to be less than ready for prime time. He served his term, but that was enough. Race helped get him hired, but performance got him fired.

    Kind of like Obama.

  110. Anonymous1:30 PM

    field you commies are a sick bunch who hate mr.cain for no reason other than he is not a commie looking for hand out, like you.only a nit wit would vote for that failure bongo over mr.cain but i think you people will vote for bongo,the cain is right racism has little to do with success but poor choices sure do.take a look in the mirror and you will see the person who is responsible for your how your life turned out.

  111. Kingnut1:47 PM

    PilotX said...
    "It's not too much of a stretch to get the idea that there are racist elements in the Republican party."

    When you divide a nation of 300 million people into two groups, you are going to find yourself with a lot of nut cases on each side of the fence.

    I am a Republican because I feel the core ideology of my party is better for everyone (including me) in the long term.

    A respect for individual rights, smaller, less intrusive governement, more economic freedom, and respect for the institutions that have made this country great.

    The Democrats offer increasing government control over our lives, stagnant economic growth, limits on opportunities, and a fracturing of the cultural bonds necessary for holding the country together.

    Are there, on my side, some vile racist yahoos who hate Obama because he's black? Are there some zealots who want to ban the teaching of evolution? You bet there are, but they are a tiny fringe element that does not represent the core beliefs of the party. They are a much smaller element than the lunatic leftist fringe of the Democrat party, which seeks the destruction of the family, the Church, and the Constitution so that a collectivist Marxist utopia can be imposed by an all-powerful state.

    And I will say that I have heard much more anti-white racist sentiment from liberals, quite out in the open, than I ever heard anti-black racist sentiment in public or private from conservatives. And liberals don't hesitate to express their racism against those blacks who align themselves with Republicans, do they?

    If you took a good look at the crowd around you, and then an honest look at the other side, you might have a clearer view of the different paths each party has staked out.

  112. Nobel Peace Prize recipient Barack Hussein Obama, without even consulting with Congress, has just arbitrarily entrapped us in foreign war #4 by sending troops to Uganda, a region in which we have no national interests whatsoever. WTF?

    Meanwhile, 8 months after a "days long" operation to get rid of Gaddaffi, we're still doing daily bombing runs over Libya.

    There seems to be only one war in which Obama is truly qualified to serve as Commander in Chief — the class war.

  113. Personally, I think it takes a little marching and a little "by any means necessary" to get the job done with these types of issues!

    That was the point I was making Doc. Hope that was clear to everyone else who read it.

    @Slappz heey what's up. Finally put away that map with fake neighborhoods on it and look you found your way back to your computer--cool!

  114. Anonymous3:01 PM

    BrookLyn said...
    Personally, I think it takes a little marching and a little "by any means necessary" to get the job done with these types of issues!

    That was the point I was making Doc. Hope that was clear to everyone else who read it.

    @Slappz heey what's up. Finally put away that map with fake neighborhoods on it and look you found your way back to your computer--cool!

    As long as you buy your OWN boots, go ahead and march to your little piggies start to smell. You know you can't play video games on the road right?

  115. Quote General Malaise

    "There seems to be only one war in which Obama is truly qualified to serve as Commander in Chief — the class war."

    But ask yourself this, which side declared class war?

    Was it the poor?

    Or was it the rich when they awarded themselves multi-billion dollar tax cuts that America couldn't afford, while reducing real American wages by 10% of GDP in 30 years, and exporting jobs to the third world.

    Ask yourself who declared class war before you condemn the poor for fighting it.

  116. "Police have charged the cashier, identified as Rayon McIntosh, 31, with felony assault, along with criminal possession of a weapon"

    Rayon? Folks must have been calling him soft all his life.

    "Don't worry, no one would ever steal your identity Mack, just like no one ever reads your blog."

    Dear anon, does it irk you that you can't troll my blog in the same manner you and your partner(s) troll the Fields? It probably does. Besides, I've never heard you bitch about not being able to troll FDL, Balloon Juice or other blogs with some semblance of moderation.

    "Field's place is a free market of ideas."

    Field, I didn't know you were raising free-range chickens.

  117. Anonymous3:49 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    "The only time I might get off target is when I am totally exhausted because I sometimes have a habit of trying to do too much a taking a cat nap in shifts. Stillapanther2 told me something one day that gave me food for thought, and I said to myself, he is right, and I need to do that too. That's when I started cutting down on a lot of my excess activities. I begin to feel better too."

    That's good Granny, I hope you are resting right now. At your extremely advanced age, it's probably easy to get confused about who you want to vote for.

  118. The Purple Cow said...
    Or was it the rich when they awarded themselves multi-billion dollar tax cuts that America couldn't afford, while reducing real American wages by 10% of GDP in 30 years, and exporting jobs to the third world.

    You repeat liberal propaganda that you don't even understand.

    The Bush Tax cuts actually resulted in more tax revenue and in shifting the burden more to the rich, i.e. the federal income tax became MORE progressive:




    The top 10% pay more than ever as a percentage of federal income tax receipts.

    Income disparity is not a good thing. I wish there was not such a concentration of wealth at the top. However, it is not the federal tax structure that causes this.

    One of the reasons the rich stay rich is all the crony capitalist deals, on both sides of the aisle; this is not addressed in Obama's proposals.

    There are too many loopholes in an overly complex tax system. Once the Republicans are in charge, we will have a shot tax reform that promotes growth and prosperity and stops picking winners based on connections.

    A rising tide will lift all boats. That's a start.

  119. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Mack Lyons said...
    "Besides, I've never heard you bitch about not being able to troll FDL, Balloon Juice or other blogs with some semblance of moderation."

    I've never even heard of those blogs. They are probably typical liberal intellectual circle-jerks where everyone competes to see who has the approved opinions down best.

    You ought to spend some time in the reality-based community, Mack. You seem to have the verbal intelligence to be able to handle complex ideas. It took me decades to shed liberal lies for conservative truths. There may be hope for you yet.

  120. Anonymous4:32 PM

    I think that Ovamit is to the point he'll blow any blck dick to get elected again.

    Thank God the "enlightened", young, white voters aren't falling for this shit again.

  121. Clarence D.4:42 PM

    We'd all be doing better if American business could start competing more effectively with the rest of the world. A lot of it I think is due to incompetent senior management. Affirmative action was designed to help blacks, but the primary beneficiary has been white women. While blacks have a presence in today's board rooms, their numbers are dwarfed by the number of women in senior positions. Some of these women are smart business people, but those arent the ones who needed affirmative action. Feminists just seem to get their way more, and the outside pressure to promote women is relentless. I've worked in business for almost 37 years now, for some of the largest financial companies in the world, and I can say the effects have been profound. I'm seen some colossaly bad decisions, more often through neglect than ignorance. I can't help but think that he loss of competetiveness of American companies has something to do with the thousands of executive positions held by white women candidates who got the job just because they were female.

    That's just my opinion.

  122. Anonymous5:23 PM

    General Malaise said...
    The Purple Cow said...
    Or was it the rich when they awarded themselves multi-billion dollar tax cuts that America couldn't afford, while reducing real American wages by 10% of GDP in 30 years, and exporting jobs to the third world.

    You repeat liberal propaganda that you don't even understand.

    The Bush Tax cuts actually resulted in more tax revenue and in shifting the burden more to the rich, i.e. the federal income tax became MORE progressive:

    You should keep your head in Britain buried in some poofters ass instead of leaning into America something you will never understand nor have the capacity to make it (of course you could join the welfare class)

    The people who declared class warfare are rich, you are quite correct. They are the elite ,the liberal elite and they know what is best for americans to keep them in power and quite wealthy. Wouldn't want none of them folks strikin out on they own and making good cause then who needs the rich liberal elite?

  123. Anonymous5:55 PM

    American Nazi Party released a statement in support of Occupy Wall Street movement.

    The foremost authority on National Socialism in America has this to say about “Occupy” [ANP leader Rocky Suhayda -ed.] :

    What is really MISSING – is the “MOVEMENT” from these popular protests – its time to pull WN heads out of their collective ass’s, and JOIN IN the attack on Judeo-Capitalism. What do you suggest? That WN Working Class White people DEFEND the Judeo-Capitalists? IF the “movement” wasn’t so PATHETIC it would be OUT THERE – LEADING these protests! The fact that its these “lefties” as you call them, who are picking up the ball and running with it – only shows how much more in tune THEY are with the fed up masses of White Workers, than the fossilized, reactionary “right-wing”. WHO holds the WEALTH and POWER in this country – the JUDEO-CAPITALISTS. WHO is therefore the #1 ENEMY who makes all this filth happen – the JUDEO-CAPITALISTS. WHO therefore do WN need to FIGHT? My heart is right there with these people, perhaps someday the “movement” will SHOW the same COURAGE and DEDICATION that these people OUT THERE FIGHTING are SHOWING!

    Sincerely, ROCKY SUHAYDA Hail Victory! 88!

  124. Anonymous5:57 PM

    CPUSA website:

    This is an exciting time! Thousands of mainly young people have been occupying Wall Street for three weeks already, and the “Occupy Movement” has spread to more than 200 other cities. On Oct. 6 the actions spread to our nation’s capital.

    The Communist Party USA (CPUSA) will hold a national teleconference to discuss it:

    Arturo Cambron
    The Communist Party and the Occupy L.A. Movement
    Tuesday, October 11, 8 pm Eastern
    Teleconference number: 605-475-4850 (please note this is the corrected number. ignore previous.)
    Access code: 1053538#

    Southern California Party leader Arturo Cambron will share how the CPUSA and Young Communist League (YCL) are working in “Occupy Los Angeles.”

    This movement, also known as the “99% movement,” is being hailed across the country. Movements and organizations are reaching out in solidarity. The AFL-CIO is opening union halls and offering other material assistance. Ordinary people are donating food, money and materials.

    In many areas, the “Occupy Movement” is linking up with the National American Wants to Work Week of Actions, Oct. 10-16.

    No doubt the “Arab Spring” demonstrations and those that exploded in Wisconsin, Ohio and elsewhere have inspired it. But underlying it all is the economic crisis, the massive unemployment and growing realization that nothing is getting better, and in fact we may be slipping into a “double dip” crisis. The crushing student debt and the feeling of being locked out of society with no future compound this.

    The movement is the newest wrinkle in the all-people’s upsurge against the banks and corporations and reflects a new level of class-consciousness.

  125. Anonymous6:02 PM

    OWS'ERS haven'haven't showed in weeks.They are doing durgs and spreading STDs.

    They have desecrated the America flag.

    They have spat and throw bottles at military personnel.

    It's the 60's all over again.

  126. "You ought to spend some time in the reality-based community, Mack. You seem to have the verbal intelligence to be able to handle complex ideas. It took me decades to shed liberal lies for conservative truths. There may be hope for you yet."

    "Reality-based community." I heard you guys have your own little reality. Perhaps you're talking about that one.

    Oh, and thanks for the support, but I already had my Freeper card punched once, and that was one time too many.

  127. Quotes General Malaise

    ”The Bush Tax cuts actually resulted in more tax revenue and in shifting the burden more to the rich, i.e. the federal income tax became MORE progressive:”

    That’s a lie and you know it. The Bush tax cuts have cost $1.812 Trillion.

    Losses that were enacted at a time when you were spending $1.4 Trillion on wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

    Don’t believe me?

    Why don’t you check out these figures from the Congressional Budget Office…

    ”The top 10% pay more than ever as a percentage of federal income tax receipts.”

    This is a scandelous lie and you know it.

    Tax rates on householdes with incomes over $1 million fell from 32% in 1992 to less than 23% today.

    Don’t believe me?

    Why don’t you check out this chart from your very own IRS ‘Statistics of Income’…

    If you are going to lie to us General Malaise, at least try and pick lies that are not so laughably ignorant and easily disproved.

    You are showing us the true breadth and depth of you arrogance and stupidity.

  128. Lt. Commander Johnson7:16 PM

    Goodness gracious.

    Field, you should change you blog name to the "Big Black Bitch Blog"

    I never heard such pussies.

    (Except for Steve)

  129. Mack Lyons said...
    Field, I didn't know you were raising free-range chickens.

    Mack, you're only partially correct.

    Field's blog consists of folks like us, and free-range CHICKEN SHITS, LOL!!!

  130. The Purple Cow said...
    ”The top 10% pay more than ever as a percentage of federal income tax receipts.”

    This is a scandelous lie and you know it.

    Tax rates on householdes with incomes over $1 million fell from 32% in 1992 to less than 23% today.

    If you are going to call me a liar, you should at least look at the links I provided, which obviusly you did not.

    The inability to discern between abosolute and relative numbers is a common malady among liberals. It is most certainly the truth that the Bush tax cuts resulted in a more progressive tax code.

    Maybe you don't know what that means? It means that the more money you make, the higher taxes you pay.

    After the Bush tax cuts, the "rich" paid both a higher effective rate relative to everyone else, and a higher percentage of the total tax receipts than everyone else.

    In other words, the tax code became more progressive.

    Your aggressive defense of your ignorance not withstanding, you are once again full of shit.

    I supplied you with the facts if you care to know what the fuck is going on. I know math is hard. Try.

  131. "They are a much smaller element than the lunatic leftist fringe of the Democrat party, which seeks the destruction of the family, the Church, and the Constitution so that a collectivist Marxist utopia can be imposed by an all-powerful state."

    Hyperbole much. Glad I'm not a Dem.

    "If you took a good look at the crowd around you, and then an honest look at the other side, you might have a clearer view of the different paths each party has staked out."

    I offer you the same advice. You articulated clearly why you support the GOP as I have articulated why I don't. If the creationists, bigots and general superficial thinkers weren't the majority in your party then maybe I could start to agree with some of the economic and social stances but I don't even agree with those stances. If foreign policy based on the bible wasn't in the GOP party platform I might agree the religionists are a fringe minority but it is and they aren't. Thanks for trying.

  132. He should have called his book "From the Big House to the White House".

  133. Anonymous10:13 AM

    I totally agree with you on this one Cain is a sad reflection of black folk who have arrived then quickly forget from where they come from.
    The other thing.... I think your writings are getting plagiarized.
