Friday, October 07, 2011

"By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them"

Oh my! I told you all that this was coming. Actually, it has been there all along. These good Christians on the right can only hold in their true feelings for so long.

 "Shortly before noon, reporters at the Values Voter Summit were handed a blue sheet of paper with a news alert: "Southern Baptist Convention Leader to Endorse Perry at Values Voter Summit." Dr. Robert Jeffress, a Texas pastor, was all set to introduce his governor, and he had some thoughts. "Do we want a candidate who is a good, moral person, or one who is a born again follower of Jesus Christ?" Get it? "In Rick Perry, we have a candidate who is... a committed follower of Christ." Get it?"

I think I get it. Maybe if you told me a little more:

"Okay, I'll get it for you: Jeffress doesn't like Mormonism. Scott Keyes reminds me that Jeffress became briefly infamous in 2007 for his rants against Mitt Romney, and the unacceptability of a Mormon nominee. Romney, he said, was a "cult" member.
I believe we should always support a Christian over a non-Christian. The value of electing a Christian goes beyond public policies. . . . Christians are uniquely favored by God, [while] Mormons, Hindus and Muslims worship a false god. The eternal consequences outweigh political ones. It is worse to legitimize a faith that would lead people to a separation from God.

At 2:30, Jeffress took the stage, as promised, and repeated his statement, adding to it. Perry was a "genuine follower of Jesus Christ!"
Perry walked onstage and thanked Jeffress for the endorsement.
"He really knocked it out of the park!"
UPDATE: After the speeches, Jeffress walked through the hotel doing interview after interview about his take on Mormonism."Article 6 of the Constitution says government can impose no religious tests," he said. "But private citizens can impose all the tests they like!"
In the scrum, I asked if he'd expressed these concerns to Perry. "No. He is not aware of my views on Mormonism," he said, "nor am I aware of his."
What does Romney's religion say about his judgment?
"There are a lot of good people who are mislead," he said. "Being a fine person with a great family and great values does not get you to heaven." [Source]

Got it!. Is this the same guy who told Anderson Cooper that Mormons were a cult? Yep, I think it is.

Mitt, that's what you get for lying about his O ness.

"CNN’s John King called out Mitt Romney for making false claims about President Obama apologizing while making speeches abroad, something he has repeatedly claimed before. “While (Obama) has said some things that make Republicans mad and are fair game for criticism, President Obama has not apologized for America in the way Governor Romney and many other Republicans assert.”

Romney made the erroneous claim at the Citadel earlier today. “Let me make this very clear,” Romney said. “As president of the United States, I will devote myself to an American century and I will never, ever apologize for America.”
King explained that the Republican meme began with a Karl Rove editorial in April 2009, in which, Rove labeled Obama’s speeches abroad as an “apology tour.” “He has apologized on three continents for what he views as the sins of America and his predecessors,” Rove wrote.

“I can tell you firsthand the President bristles at the apology tour label and the idea he doesn’t view America as an exceptional nation,” King corrected. “He has, though, on several occasions…used very deferential language, conceding America’s mistakes, flaws and even arrogance. He insists being more humble was necessary in those early days because of the hits America’s image took and the Iraq War and what they call George W. Bush’s broader cowboy diplomacy image.”

The term strange bedfellows comes to mind. I wonder if Mitt realizes how much his fruit is starting to taste like the one that Mr. Jeffress and his followers are eating.

*Pic courtesy of


  1. As my dad used to say "no better for his ass". If Mitt and Herman want to be Republicans then they have to sell their souls and not be who they truly are. That's the Faustian bargain they made. Herman must admit, like Steele, he is only being used so conservatives can hide their bigotry and the same can be said for Mitt. Anyhoo, why the hell are contenders for president doing at this hate fest anyway? Despite their best efforts the U.S. is not a Christian nation and never has been and they have to realize their beliefs and desires are no more imnportant or pressing than anyone else's. The GOP lay down with right wing religious folks out of expediency and now it's starting to bite them in the ass just like the tea party.


    Interesting article and articulates a similar theme with this blog post.

    "The key phrase here is "fellow Republican." Because, you see, no one thought Cain was "playing the race card" when he said in the same program that black people are "brainwashed" into voting for Democrats and suggested that black people who vote Republican are "thinking for themselves." Cain wasn't rebuked by conservatives when he previously suggested President Barack Obama was not "a strong black man," implied liberals were out to commit genocide against blacks through support for abortion rights, and said he wouldn't appoint a Muslim to his cabinet."

  3. "None of that, in the eyes of the conservatives who cheered him for those remarks, constituted "playing the race card." But when a man who is old enough to recall living under American apartheid gets a little emotional over a piece of land called "Niggerhead," that's where the right draws the line. Not just because Cain is attacking a fellow Republican, but because he stepped out of the proper role of a black conservative, which is to reassure Republicans that their political problems with race are the inventions of a liberal conspiracy. Cain just ran head first into the brick wall of conservative anti-anti-racism, the attitude on the right that accusations of racism directed at white people are of far greater consequence than any lingering vestiges of institutional racism nonwhites might face."

  4. “I can tell you firsthand the President bristles at the apology tour label and the idea he doesn’t view America as an exceptional nation,”

    The fact is, he did go around apologizing for America, in a pathetically self-aggrandizing way that tried to make himself look magnanimous for slamming his country.

    And he most certainly does not believe in American exceptionalism, and has explicitly demeaned the concept.

    Obama hates America. That's why he wants to fundamentally change it.

  5. "Yet conservatives might rally around Perry's embattled campaign because a man with the living memory of what life was like for black people in the segregated South had the chutzpah to suggest that there was something "insensitive" about a place called "Niggerhead." Meanwhile, Cain, whose stock was rising prior to the controversy, may have harmed his own presidential ambitions with the mere suggestion that a white Republican had been "insensitive" on an issue of race. How's that for postracial?"

    Adam Serwer nailed this one.

  6. Aussie9:35 PM

    "a little emotional over a piece of land called "Niggerhead,"

    It was a mistake for Cain to try to use this vile democrat slander for his own political purposes. He has soiled himself by embracing a leftist lie.

  7. "Obama hates America. That's why he wants to fundamentally change it."

    Actually like most sensible adults I think he sees America's flaws and wants to correct them and make it an even better nation instead of acting like a 10 year old and pretending everything is perfect. Does a parent hate their child when they try to motivate their child who gets C's and is capable of getting A's? That is the biggest difference between liberals and conservatives and always will.

  8. Spengler9:37 PM

    "How's that for postracial?"

    There will never be a postracial America until the racist democrat party has been completely destroyed.

  9. "It was a mistake for Cain to try to use this vile democrat slander for his own political purposes. He has soiled himself by embracing a leftist lie."

    Because we all know it's impossible for a racially insensitive epithet to exist in Texas. perish the thought.

  10. "Does a parent hate their child when they try to motivate their child who gets C's and is capable of getting A's?"

    Inspiring your child to do better in school is improving the situation, not fundamentally changing.

    Taking him out of school and putting him to work on a collectivist plantation is "fundamental change".

    If you love something, you want to make it better, not fundamentally change it. That is the biggest difference between liberals and conservatives and always will.

    Obama hates this country, and all of his policies are designed to destroy it.

  11. Tony Rezko9:44 PM

    PilotX said...
    Because we all know it's impossible for a racially insensitive epithet to exist in Texas. perish the thought.

    No, because we all know that Perry's father leasing hunting property where someone had long before painted "Niggerhead" on a rock, which they immmediately painted over, is not a story.

  12. Anonymous9:49 PM

    funny field isn't mentioning the mass murderering negro shareef allman.looks like he got his hatrad of wite people from the naacp.

    funny field doesn't mention the bigotry of the chrisitian left. 27% of democrats said they wouldn't vote for a mormon. less than 20% of Republicans said they wouldn't vote for a mormon.


  13. Herman Coon in his heart of hearts knows that he will not be the GOP nominee.

    The goobers are apoplectic about the half-white Obama in the White House.

    Are they really going to vote for Cain's black ass, regardless of how much he buckdances?

    He's angling for VP so he can be the loyal sidekick.

    No real responsibility and assuring conservative white America that there are black folk who don't want to cause no trouble.

    We's jus happy that white folks allow us to stay in their country and benefit from the riches they created.

  14. "Christians are uniquely favored by God, [while] Mormons, Hindus and Muslims worship a false god. "

    "To treat your facts with imagination is one thing, but to imagine your facts is another." ~John Burroughs

  15. "Obama hates this country, and all of his policies are designed to destroy it."

    This country does need fundamental change and I'll be glad when it happens. We are last in the 34 most advanced industrialized nations in wealth disparity, far down the list in education and several other indicators. Yes, we do need to change. Are you ok with those numbers? Everything is okey dokey?

  16. Able Cain9:56 PM

    upcoonsteve said...
    Herman Coon in his heart of hearts knows that he will not be the GOP nominee.

    You know deep down you are nothing.

  17. Still talking about a 30 year old rock that no one at the WAPO or other leftwing media types have ever seen? Or have pictures of?

    Everyone knows Obama went on a "blame America first" or "apology tour".

    “I can tell you firsthand the President bristles at the apology tour label and the idea he doesn’t view America as an exceptional nation,”

    What bullshit. Obama dosen't view America has exceptional.

  18. "No real responsibility and assuring conservative white America that there are black folk who don't want to cause no trouble."

    Well, he did lie and say he was too young to participate in the civil rights movement. In his book he says he did what he was told and went to the back of the bus. Glad we didn't depend on him to fight for our rights. Shit we'd still be drinking out of segregated fountains and his conservative masters would be just as happy and still hunting at niggerhead.

  19. "Still talking about a 30 year old rock that no one at the WAPO or other leftwing media types have ever seen? Or have pictures of?"

    He admitted it was named niggerhead. What more do you want?

    "What bullshit. Obama dosen't view America has exceptional."

    No he isn't a 10 year old fan that says America is the bestest and does no wrong. He's an adult who knows this country is good at some things but in the grand scheme of things is just another country.

  20. Cain And Wayne. The New CW.10:01 PM

    After Brigham Young massacre those fine white Christians, you don't think some hatin' by Christians in in order?

    Chittttt if Brigham Young had killed a bunch negros that day, y'all still be pissin' and moanin' about it.

  21. Rodney10:01 PM

    PilotX said.."We are last in the 34 most advanced industrialized nations in wealth disparity, far down the list in education and several other indicators."

    You are comparing the US primarily to European, along with a couple of Asian countries.

    The only "fundamental change" that would affect those rankings would be to get rid of most of the negros.

    Is that what you are advocating? Because as long as we have 40 million blacks dragging the average down, we are not going to rank very highly in educational or earnings statistics.

  22. Broder10:05 PM

    PilotX said...
    "This country does need fundamental change and I'll be glad when it happens."

    You'll be out of work when it happens. Airline travel will be so expensive it will be only for the richest of the rich (aka the Politburo).

    And in a fundamentally changed America, you won't be able to spout off on internet comment sections without going to jail.

    But, fool that you are, you'll probably still be glad.

  23. NSangoma10:05 PM

    Herman Cain, got spanked!!

    In your book you write the book you're selling down there at barnes & noble today, you write, the civil rights movement was a few years in front of me. i was too young to participate when they first started the freedom rides and the sit-ins. so on a day-to-day basis it didn't have an impact. i just kept going to school, doing what i was supposed to do, and stayed out of trouble. i didn't go downtown and try to participate in sit-ins. counter to our real feelings, we decided to avoid trouble by moving to the back of the bus when the driver told us to. dad always said, stay out of trouble, and we did." where do you think black people would be sitting on the bus today if rosa parks had followed your father's advice?
    my father was not given rosa parks' advice. here again, lawrence, you are distorting the intent of what i said. i was a high school student. the college students were doing the sit-ins. the college students were doing the freedom rides. if i had been a college student, i probably would have been participating. but if you're a high school student in the 10th or 11th grade, you're under 18 years of age, you didn't need to get arrested and be in the middle of that. that was the intent of what i said relative to me not being involved. now, i was impacted by that on a daily basis simply because i was living in atlanta, georgia when all of this was going on. it was not prudent. this is what my dad meant. it was not prudent for a high school student to be in the middle of what was going on in terms of those demonstrations. and thanks to rosa parks, yes, she struck a chord with a lot of people that helped to lead to the desegregation of the buses as well as she was a big part of the whole civil rights movement. and we are all very grateful to her for that.
    mr. cain, in fact, you were in college from 1963 to 1967, at the height of the civil rights movement, exactly when the most important demonstrations and protests were going on. you could easily as a student at morehouse between 1963 and 1967 actively have participated in the kinds of protests that got african- americans the rights they enjoy today. you watched from that perspective at morehouse when you were not participating in those processes. you watched black college students from around the country and white college students from around the country come to the south and be murdered, fighting for the rights of african- americans. do you regret sitting on those sidelines at that time?

  24. "Still talking about a 30 year old rock that no one at the WAPO or other leftwing media types have ever seen? Or have pictures of?"

    Goobers are still yapping about a 30 year old private converation that Jesse Jackson had when he said "Hymietown".

    That's a damn sight different than rednecks with rifles and booze prowling around "Niggerhead".

    With Perry saying "Y'all have a good time, ya hear?"

  25. Coontastic Sam10:10 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    That's a damn sight different than rednecks with rifles and booze prowling around "Niggerhead".


    Huntin' for day, uptown, one day soon....

  26. The whole faux outrage over "niggerhead" shows the desperation of the Liberal media.

    This is the only thing they have.They can't defend Obama's failed policies. This is the only way.

    Ha ha ha ha............

  27. Tormented Goober

    And the righties have nothing more than to yell "Obama's failed policies" even though the Rethugs started the wars and created the economic collapse.

    tee hee

  28. Fact Check10:29 PM

    Al Qaeda started the wars and the dems created the mortgage crisis.

  29. So we invaded the land of Al Queada and the Dems cut the banks loose to play ponzi schemes from 2001 thru 2006.


    And Sarah Palin read a book.

  30. Fact Check11:04 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    So we invaded the land of Al Queada and the Dems cut the banks loose to play ponzi schemes from 2001 thru 2006.

    Yes, Afghanistan and Iraq were harboring Al Qaeda.

    And it was Clinton who signed off on repealing Glass-Steagall in 1999.

    Sarah Palin wrote a book.

  31. Omar Thornton II11:04 PM

    From the San Francisco Chronicle on the black truckdriver who shot 9 people, killing six at his job at a quarry in Cupertino, CA:

    "Mose said she believed Allman "was just pushed over the edge, he really was. I guess he decided to just take things into his own hands.

    Another friend, Walter Wilson, board member of the African American Community Service Agency in San Jose, said, "Shareef felt that there was some discrimination on that job, but I had the impression he had it under control.

    Wilson said Allman told him he thought the quarry company was targeting older employees who had seniority for layoffs so it could hire cheaper, younger workers at half the wages.

    He also felt that he encountered discrimination because he was the only black person in the job that he had," Wilson said. "He applied for a supervisor job and they gave it to a person with less experience than him, who was not African American. Shareef thought that maybe they didn't like black folks.

    The quarry victims were shot during a routine workplace safety meeting. Co-worker Shaffer said Allman had repeatedly yelled, "You think you can f-- with me?" as he shot his victims with a handgun and an assault rifle.

    Killed were Mark Munoz, 59, of San Jose, Manuel Pinon, 48, of Newman (Stanislaus County) and John Vallejos, 51, of San Jose. Six other men, including Vallejos' brother, Jesse Vallejos, 52, of Gilroy were wounded."

    So, this time the dead men were Hispanics instead of whites, in contrast to the very similar case of truckdriver Omar Thornton who shot up his beer distribution worksite last year for racism. So, I wouldn't expect as much media and police interest in investigating whether the Hispanic victims had it coming for being racist toward the black shooter as in the crazy Thornton media coverage.

    What we won't see at all, of course, is the opposite inquiry: does the national obsession with rooting out racism and demonizing racists encourage unstable blacks to take matters into their own hands? Last January, when a nut murdered six people in Arizona, the press went wild blaming it on Tea Party and immigration restrictionist rhetoric. Of course, that turned out to be all wrong. But what about Thornton and Allman? Let me make a bet: You won't hear much about it.

  32. "You'll be out of work when it happens. Airline travel will be so expensive it will be only for the richest of the rich (aka the Politburo)."

    Unlike you I have a firm grip on reality. How can the president effectively turn the country into a socialist nation as you seem to hint? The fact is it is Reoublicans who are the biggest threat to my continued employment as an airline pilot. See, the GOP wants to institue an agreement with European nations that allows them to fly routes in America thus allowing them to outsource American jobs. It was Obama and the Dems in congress that stopped this from happening during GWB's term. In essence Obama helped save our jobs along with our union and the GOP is against both unions and me keeping my job. But of course I get labled as brainwashed and only looking for a handout when in reality I was voting to protect our jobs. Talk about a bizzaro world conservatives live in.

  33. Anonymous11:17 PM

    These Qoutes are for Pilot Ex-lax

    Americans cannot comprehend how their fellow countrymen could not love their country. But the left’s anti-Americanism is intrinsic to their entire worldview. Liberals promote the right of Islamic fanatics for the same reason they promote the rights of adulterers, pornographers, abortionists, criminals, and Communists. They instinctively root for anarchy against civilization.

    Liberals don’t mind discussing who is more patriotic if patriotism is defined as redistributing income and vetoing the Pledge of Allegiance. Only if patriotism is defined as supporting America do they get testy and drone on about ‘McCarthyism.

  34. And speaking of trying to fundamentally change the country it's the right that wants to establish the ten commandments as the law of the land

    "I have opponents in this race who do not want to change the Constitution,” Huckabee told a Michigan audience on Monday. “But I believe it’s a lot easier to change the Constitution than it would be to change the word of the living god. And that’s what we need to do — to amend the Constitution so it’s in God’s standards rather than try to change God’s standards so it lines up with some contemporary view."

    Then we have Mr. niggerhead who wants to teach Christian creationism in public schools thereby interfering with decades of settled constitutional law. And let's not mention all GOP candidates who want to overturn Roe v. Wade which is also settled law for almost 40 years. And they chide Obama as the one who wants to fundamentally change the country? Delusional.

  35. Anonymous11:19 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Tormented Goober

    And the righties have nothing more than to yell "Obama's failed policies" even though the Rethugs started the wars and created the economic collapse.

    tee hee

    Tee-hee? What are you transgendered? A totally incompetent affirmative action negative nasty negro is something to tickle your asshole and laugh like a woman about? You must be a liberal...tee--heee

  36. "Liberals don’t mind discussing who is more patriotic if patriotism is defined as redistributing income and vetoing the Pledge of Allegiance. Only if patriotism is defined as supporting America do they get testy and drone on about ‘McCarthyism."

    Not very true but on the other hand conservatives like to define terms also and paint liberals as anti-American or subversive. In some cases historically the Communists have been actually more patriotic in their actions in this counyrtu than so called "patriots". It was communists such as Bayard Rustin who campaigned his entire life to make this country live up to the ideals it states in its founding documents. I guess we could just spout talking points and lambast liberals or we can have an adult conversation and understand everyone has experiences that lead them to their personal views. But I guess it's easier to spew talking points.

  37. Anonymous11:22 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Obama hates America. That's why he wants to fundamentally change it."

    Actually like most sensible adults I think he sees America's flaws and wants to correct them and make it an even better nation instead of acting like a 10 year old and pretending everything is perfect. Does a parent hate their child when they try to motivate their child who gets C's and is capable of getting A's? That is the biggest difference between liberals and conservatives and always will.

    Well depends on your race....for a real parent would want to change the same old patterns that screwed up their lives and not have kids make the same mistakes, but thats hard to do when you are a kid yourself and rely on the rest of the country to raise em and feed em, while granma gets head of household credits and babysits so baby mama can go make some more check getters. You right this place needs to change quick

  38. Anonymous11:24 PM

    But I guess it's easier to spew talking points.

    No give yourself credit, it's no guess, you know.

  39. "They instinctively root for anarchy against civilization."

    Nonsense, I'm a liberal and I have never rooted for anarchy against civilization. I just don't like defining who is "civilized" and who isn't. I will also not allows others to do it for me.

  40. "Well depends on your race....for a real parent would want to change the same old patterns that screwed up their lives and not have kids make the same mistakes, but thats hard to do when you are a kid yourself and rely on the rest of the country to raise em and feed em, while granma gets head of household credits and babysits so baby mama can go make some more check getters. You right this place needs to change quick"

    I agree but don't be so hard on white trailer park dwellers. They do what they can.

  41. CarshPilotX said..."the GOP wants to institue an agreement with European nations that allows them to fly routes in America thus allowing them to outsource American jobs"


    When fuel costs have put most airlines out of business, you can thank the democrats for the loss of your job.

    You are cutting your own throat.

  42. Kid Ney11:34 PM

    CrashPilotX said...
    " I just don't like defining who is "civilized" and who isn't"

    Because, as a liberal, you are an agent for civilizational destruction (aka anarchy).

    Relatavism is the corrosion of reason.

    Leftism is a civilizational cancer.

  43. "Bullshit.

    When fuel costs have put most airlines out of business, you can thank the democrats for the loss of your job.

    You are cutting your own throat."

    Like I said, I have studied the issue and like I stated I still have a job today because the dems in congress would not allow cabatoge. Do you have a reading conprehension problem? My airline employs over 9,000 pilots and none are in danger of losing their jobs based on oil prices. You are not very knowledgable when it comes to airline issues relating to pilots obviously but feel the need to pontificate anyway. Please explain to the others what cabatoge is and what the Open Skies agreement would mean to airline employees and which party supports it. Thanks.

  44. "Relatavism is the corrosion of reason."

    Sure, to those who think they are always right and only their ideas matter.

  45. CrashPilotZ said..."You are not very knowledgable when it comes to airline issues relating to pilots obviously but feel the need to pontificate anyway."

    An airline out of business will not need many pilots.

    Your inability to compete globally won't matter in the Brave New World of Cap and Trade and Green Energy.

    Your absolute ingnorance about economics and the ultimate effects of the policies you support are astounding.

  46. "Your absolute ingnorance about economics and the ultimate effects of the policies you support are astounding"

    Really? What economic policies have we discussed? What policies do I support and how are they harmful? Please expound because you seem to know alot about my stances that I have never elicited. I also notice you didn't answer my other questions only resported to insults. I thought only liberals did that.
    Anyhoo, what is cabatoge and how would it affect U.S. owned airlines and how would the Open Skies agreement affect the airline industry? I mean since I'm so ignorat please teach us all. I'll give you time to use the google. Tick tock.

  47. "An airline out of business will not need many pilots."

    Um, we'll file that under the no shit section. Glad I work for a strong airline with a strong union presence. Nice of you to notice.

  48. "Your inability to compete globally won't matter in the Brave New World of Cap and Trade and Green Energy."

    Gee, and here I thought I worked for the world's largest airline that turned a healthy profit last quarter and even got a bonus check because of the large profit. Hmmm, maybe I'm better at this economics thing than people give me credit for huh?

  49. PilotX said...
    Glad I work for a strong airline

    Not for long if Obama gets his way.

    Explain to me how massive carbon taxes, drilling bans, and shutting down refineries will be good for the airline business?

  50. "Explain to me how massive carbon taxes, drilling bans, and shutting down refineries will be good for the airline business?"

    Crabon taxes, like any other tax such as the 9-11 tax, will be passed on to the consumer. Drilling bans aren't in effect are you referring to new drilling sites proposed? I have no clue. Shutting down refineries shouldn't be a problem as top oil executives stated there is plenty of refining capacity.

    In short you want to know how airlines will cope with higher fuel prices in the future as reserves dry up? Well with innovation. New planes that use less gas, better ATC procedures that allow approaches that consume less fuel (my airline is testing this procedure now), add winglets to our planes and possibly use bio fuels (once again my airline is testing this). So really we as an industry will deal with fuel costs the way we always have, pass on the costs and park fuel inefficient planes. Not rocket science.

  51. BTW TWA see how I answered your questions while you avoided mine? C'mon, I thought you conservatives were so smart and us libs were dumb. Show me something.

  52. But anyhoo, back to my assertion as to why most major airline pilots vote Democratic. Most major airline pilots belong to a union and the GOP has been strongly anti-union (see WI and OH as examples). Specific legislation proposed and championed by the GOP would effictively outsource U.S. airline jobs. The Dems are more labor friendly and showed it by appointing a former airline pilot and union leader as a member of the NMB which is helping the pilots at my airline negotiate a fair contract as we speak. The GOP wants to eliminate the NMB as well as the NLRB which would have a very detrimental effect on labor in general and airline labor specifically. As the old saying goes "if you're an airline pilot you can live like a Republican but you sure as hell better vote Democrat."

  53. Anonymous12:36 AM

    PilotX said...
    "An airline out of business will not need many pilots."

    Um, we'll file that under the no shit section. Glad I work for a strong airline with a strong union presence. Nice of you to notice.

    Once upon a time Pan AM had tremendously strong unions and dominated the market - they bankrupted them.

    Once upon a time TWA had tremendously strong unions and dominated the market - they bankrupted them.

    Once upon a time Eastern Airlines had tremendously strong unions and dominated the market - they bankrupted them.

    I can go on but hopefully the point is clear.

    Pilot costs while important are peanuts to fuel - it is quite simple to find adequate low hour pilots for reasonable salaries. I am sure you know this. Fuel prices rise to the point that airlines can't charge the fuel surchage or people will reduce flying, this is a given. When this happens airlines reduce frequencies, cut routes, cut pilots, lose cash.

    Unions in airlines actually turned into one of the worst things imaginable. Why would you need a flight crew of 12 on a midnight shift with one flight to shuttle one crew to an aircraft? Oh...unions...say bye-bye airline....

    Do you work for UA? If so you haven't been with them long - ask about 2006 and bankruptcy

    Do you work for AA? Funny AMR is talking about using bankruptcy to break the labor "logjam"

    Are you entry level with minimal hours? You'd be one of the first to go - even if you play the AA card.

    So the last thing you want is higher aviation fuel prices, especially in this economy. People will greatly reduce flying and airlines will lose money and tourist season is over....

    I have to say judging by how you are so confident that your airline can make a profit in one quarter yet not have the vision to see how they could literally head to bankruptcy the next you must be a very new pilot just learning the industry. Ask any Operations Director in your airline what impact fuel cost has to the airlines overall profitability and the next time you sign a fuel ticket see if you can see a price. Jet fuel rose 40% 2010-2011 - why do you think that is and if fuel rises, passenger traffic decreases because of the fuel surcharge, how safe do you think your job is? Especially when the very first thing I cut in my budget when things get tough is travel. VideoConference works wonders.

  54. Anonymous12:46 AM

    In short you want to know how airlines will cope with higher fuel prices in the future as reserves dry up? Well with innovation. New planes that use less gas, better ATC procedures that allow approaches that consume less fuel (my airline is testing this procedure now), add winglets to our planes and possibly use bio fuels (once again my airline is testing this). So really we as an industry will deal with fuel costs the way we always have, pass on the costs and park fuel inefficient planes. Not rocket science.

    Pilot, seriously no offense meant but are you new to the industry? All of the above have been common for years, fuel has always been a major cost and maximizing approach, ground delays etc if they aren't part of your airlines bible, then you have bad Directors and managers.

    Secondly, if you think an airline can upgrade the fleet with a snap you really need to check into the economics of this. Even if they decided tomorrow to greenlight a fleet upgrade for better fuel consumption it would take years to fund, purchase, build and acquire. These aren't leased auto deals your talking about.

    Also, any "parked" plane is a money loser, aircraft are not parked, they are either utilized or sold. When a plane is on the ground you lose money and if it is too innefficient to fly you lose money...would you keep an entire inventory of parts and personnel for mothballed planes? No and like I said previously when you pass on the cost of fuel surchage to customers, you have less customers, that is a fact, people don't travel for leisure and businesses cut back. You should ask your Operations Director to have a chat, so you don't get surprised someday.

  55. "Do you work for UA? If so you haven't been with them long - ask about 2006 and bankruptcy"

    I've been a mojor airline pilot for over ten years.

    "Once upon a time Eastern Airlines had tremendously strong unions and dominated the market - they bankrupted them."

    Not so, Frank Lorenzo bought Eastern and tried to whipsaw labor groups against one another and start a virtual airline. Unions prevent this from happening, our contract include scope clauses.

    "Are you entry level with minimal hours? You'd be one of the first to go - even if you play the AA card."

    No I'm a seasoned vet with many flight hours and I'm not white so I didn't get to use special preferences when I got hired. Only white males enjoy certain prividges when it comes to pilot jobs.

    "I have to say judging by how you are so confident that your airline can make a profit in one quarter yet not have the vision to see how they could literally head to bankruptcy the next you must be a very new pilot just learning the industry"

    Actually airlines with strong balance sheets cannot head to bankrupcy in one quarter. No airline will lose that much cash in one quarter except after an event such as 9-11. Don't forget that is a major reason so many airlines went bankrupt, it wasn't fuel costs that did it. While a major component fuel is never the sole driving mechanism. And trust me, I do my homework, some airlines are stronger financially than others and are better able to withstand economic downturns.

  56. PartOfThe53%12:57 AM

    Now that we are sure by all the liberal outright support of the "wall street occupation" including Soros funding and other astroturf activities, I have to ask some liberals, why are liberals so crazy and such filthy human beings?

    Is it that similar to the demands they are making they expect someone else to take care of them and the mess they make and they feel they can just shit on the world on someone else must wipe it clean?

  57. "Unions in airlines actually turned into one of the worst things imaginable. Why would you need a flight crew of 12 on a midnight shift with one flight to shuttle one crew to an aircraft? Oh...unions...say bye-bye airline...."

    I have no clue as to what you are referring to but unions have historically been beneficial not only to its members but to the flying public. ALPA has pioneered many safety procedues that have made the U.S. airline industry the safest in history. Major airlines have gone over 5 years without a fatality due to an accident. That is an admirable record and it was achieved with the help of a dedicated and professional union. An airline cannot prosper without a safe and competent flight crew and we as pilots and union members make sure that remains true. There are so ma ny instances of airlines not instituting safety measures because of costs and it was the unions that fought to instate these regulations saving countless lives. Sometimes we lose such as the attempt to get impenetrable doors installed on all aircraft. That may have prevented the attacks of 9-11 but the industry resisted because it would add weight and cost the companies money. Funny thing is they're installed now. Bash unions all you want but you are missing a big part of the story.

  58. BTW anon, are you now not using the handle TWA to avoid my direct questions? Typical conservative, refure to answer any questions and switchup screennames to avoid a debate. And I thought only liberals avoided debates.

  59. Anonymous1:13 AM

    Actually airlines with strong balance sheets cannot head to bankrupcy in one quarter. No airline will lose that much cash in one quarter except after an event such as 9-11. Don't forget that is a major reason so many airlines went bankrupt, it wasn't fuel costs that did it. While a major component fuel is never the sole driving mechanism. And trust me, I do my homework, some airlines are stronger financially than others and are better able to withstand economic downturns.

    Sure, it isn't likely if a company truly has a "strong" balance sheet but don't forget you will be one of the last to know if they say they do but actually do not. Especially if there is stock involved. But, never say never. You know this as you did your homework and checked the history of airline solvency and bankruptcies. While it isn't likely that a strong airline with a good cash balance could head towards (not actually declare) but head towards in a quarter it isn't that difficult to happen with internal issues and fuel/passenger traffic. cash flow dries up, loans and concessions from employees not forthcoming...voila. In example, lets say someone decided to greenlight that new fleet you mentioned and cash reserves dried up because of increased ticket prices and reduced traffic or the projected traffic just never materialized? The airline is still on the hook with the contract - this has also happened to numerous airlines.

    Anyway the scenarios are many, scenarios that have actually taken place and those that could under similar circumstances, when you talk about solvency all major contributing costs have to be managed. Fuel is one of those costs and somewhat controllable to a minute degree, the point is if fuel prices keep rising you will see passenger traffic and reduced frequency of air cargo. I have entire sections planning ahead better simply to ship by ocean and avoid the significant air costs. If they go up even more you can bet businesses will need to move more from just in time cargo to developing more ocean logistics.

    Hmmmmmmm.... I need to talk to UPS and invest and get them to expand more into Ocean Logistics - thanks for the idea.

  60. "and maximizing approach, ground delays etc if they aren't part of your airlines bible, then you have bad Directors and managers."

    You really have no clue what you're talking about. Approach procedues are not airline specific but created by the FAA and are problematic due to capacity issues so the approach you fly is dictated by ATC. What I was referring to is the use of constant descents that will be utilized in the future if and when the Nextgen program gets going.

    "Secondly, if you think an airline can upgrade the fleet with a snap you really need to check into the economics of this."

    Once again we go to the no shit file. We are buying and adding new aircraft to our fleet at about a rate of 10 per month. New 737's and 787's will replace some of our less efficient aircraft. It may be a slow process but it is actually happening. Never said it is an issue of snapping one's finger did I ?

    "Also, any "parked" plane is a money loser, aircraft are not parked, they are either utilized or sold."

    You might want to check the desert in Victorville, CA because you will see thousands of parked aircraft from many airlines. Those that can be sold are those that are leased are returned to the lessor and those owned outright that cannot be sold are parked. We parked our entire 727 and 737-200 fleet so I'm just guessing you either weren't aware of this or just like pulling stuff out of your backside. Google aircraft boneyard and you will see you are wrong, as usual.

  61. Anonymous1:16 AM

    BTW anon, are you now not using the handle TWA to avoid my direct questions? Typical conservative, refure to answer any questions and switchup screennames to avoid a debate. And I thought only liberals avoided debates

    Nope, different Anon, I just came on a short while ago. If I picked an airline handle I would have used Flying Tigers although it was a cargo carrier.

  62. "In example, lets say someone decided to greenlight that new fleet you mentioned and cash reserves dried up because of increased ticket prices and reduced traffic or the projected traffic just never materialized? The airline is still on the hook with the contract - this has also happened to numerous airlines."

    Which is why airlines make optional orders on many aircraft. Thus if something comes up they can decline the orders. Happens all the time.

    "Sure, it isn't likely if a company truly has a "strong" balance sheet but don't forget you will be one of the last to know if they say they do but actually do not."

    Not so true, at our company we negotiated a seat on the BOD which is occupied by a member of our union, usually our chair but not necessarily. Because of this the books are open and we know the financial situation of the airline and can plan accordingly. Dude, we've thought out all your concerns and have covered our bases. You're not bringing up anything new.

  63. "Nope, different Anon, I just came on a short while ago. If I picked an airline handle I would have used Flying Tigers although it was a cargo carrier."

    Yeah sure, so the other guy just got scared off and you suddenly appeared. How convenient. Guess I'll never get my question answered.

  64. Anonymous1:27 AM

    I have no clue as to what you are referring to but unions have historically been beneficial not only to its members but to the flying public. ALPA has pioneered many safety procedues that have made the U.S. airline industry the safest in history. Major airlines have gone over 5 years without a fatality due to an accident. That is an admirable record and it was achieved with the help of a dedicated and professional union

    I agree this is true, no doubt unions played a significant and admirable part in all industries. But later on they became pharias.

    The story I was talking about was just a simple personal experience. I and my entire family are in the air industry, Lets just say when I finished work I would go visit someone special at TWA, this person made about 26 dollars an hour 30 years ago on a ground crew. They by union rules had to have a minimum staff of twelve Sup, lead, driver and so on to operate. what did they do all night long? Played Cards, had BBQ's and oh yeah, one person left for 20 minutes to drive the crew to the aircraft for the one flight they had each night. The same union counseled someone else close to me that when they were given a job to do if it better not be done in 15 minutes next time, it better take them all night. This was the manager....I can tell you these stories endlessly, point is, unions were great, but when they turned into this no company can survive and everybody loses. When you can steal at an airline get caught red handed and (then) the union can save your job even if you have no work, what type of people do you think you wind up with? What type of company can survive this way long?

    With todays labor laws to the point that someone can sue if you sneeze wrong, employers are extremely vigilant to be careful in word and action. Unions make sure to collect your dues but in most case do absolutely nothing for you.

    Good chatting with ya, time go dream of ATC delays.

  65. Anonymous1:28 AM

    PilotX said...
    "Nope, different Anon, I just came on a short while ago. If I picked an airline handle I would have used Flying Tigers although it was a cargo carrier."

    Yeah sure, so the other guy just got scared off and you suddenly appeared. How convenient. Guess I'll never get my question answered.

    Comon now, why would anyone lie to you? A little cocky arent ya? Ok what question did you ask him that you want answered that maybe I can give my opinion on?

  66. "With todays labor laws to the point that someone can sue if you sneeze wrong, employers are extremely vigilant to be careful in word and action. Unions make sure to collect your dues but in most case do absolutely nothing for you."

    I disagree. I have never sued for sneezing wrong nor do I know anyone who ever has. Don't know where that complaint came from.
    If you are a part of a union that isn't doing anything for you then go to the meetings and hold the leaders accountable and if they do not abide by your wishes run for a leadership position yourself. You are a part of a union you don't just join and say "now go work for me". Unions are the purest for of democracy because if the majority of the members want a specific action it is done, as long as it's legal.
    On a side note I do agree that the labor laws in this country need to be revamped and it should be easier to form and join a union if that's what a majority of the workgroup wants. No more goofy rules, a straight up vote. The Railway labor act has seen better days, on that we can agree.

  67. "Comon now, why would anyone lie to you? A little cocky arent ya? Ok what question did you ask him that you want answered that maybe I can give my opinion on?"

    Nah, not cocky but suspicious that the guy calls himself TWA and then the next anon says he has ties to TWA.

    If you wanna answer the questions read the previous posts but they weren't requiring an opinion just a straighforward answer from that specific individual.

  68. Anonymous1:38 AM

    You really have no clue what you're talking about. Approach procedues are not airline specific but created by the FAA and are problematic due to capacity issues so the approach you fly is dictated by ATC. What I was referring to is the use of constant descents that will be utilized in the future if and when the Nextgen program gets going.

    Seriously, who do you think meets with the FAA to discuss and map out approaches, do you think the FAA is all magical and doesnt meet with Senior people from all the airlines? Seriously, stop zipping in and out when you fly and sit down with your Operations Director. You have some good ideas but you are a little strongly opinionated on sadly what seems to be little fact. The approach you fly is dictated by the ATC and the traffic.

    Now again, are you talking about CDA? You don't really think this is new do you? YOu do know that airline management recycles ideas as they become needed again, when they need reinforcement, when employees stop using them, when it becomes important. CDA has been a major factor in my industry for eons and I do mean eons due to night flights and noise supression and restrictions also the fact that we really care about fuel and know you cant just go out and lease a new plane that easily.

    Anyway, take it easy. Seeya round.

  69. Anonymous1:44 AM

    Jesus, this guy PilotX is taking up all the commentary tonight. Must not have any planes to fly. I bet he was fired because he was a potential liability for the airline he worked for. It makes good sense. This guy is bad karma.

  70. Anonymous1:49 AM

    Frm the previous thread:

    anon, "ALL Anons are NOT here to insult ANYBODY. And why would you generalize about Anons when you have people like UTS, PilotX, Mack Lyons and others who insult others on continuous basis?"

    PilotX replied, "Hey anon, fuck you you moron. Ha!"

    Now, where is BROOLYN who doesn't like this kind of language when Anons use it? WHY aren't you on this moron's ass too? Let me tell you 'why': you are a person with a double are a Brooklyn racist, just like no_slappz! Your entire borough houses nothing but racists. How un-American. They should throw Brooklyn out of the USA.


    Pretty funny.

  72. "Seriously, who do you think meets with the FAA to discuss and map out approaches, do you think the FAA is all magical and doesnt meet with Senior people from all the airlines?"

    Apples and oranges. The FAA has phone conferences with ATC coordinators from a few airlines to figure out what the day to day operations will be every few hours but that has nothing to do with CDA's. True there is imput from the airlines "customers" but the FAA holds 51% of the vote. BTW, we don't have a position called operations director, we have many managers who assist running the airline but at a company so large no one person is in charge of operations.
    Sounds like you are at a cargo op that flies mostly on the backside of the clock so CDA's can be used but at peak hours in certain airspaces that is not possible. It may be possible in the future as Nextgen goes into use and once again we are leading the industry with ADS trials on our 747's and 777's.

    "also the fact that we really care about fuel and know you cant just go out and lease a new plane that easily."

    Sure you can, if you are talking about planning for the future. Nextgen and more efficient planes are part of future planning and hopefully your company is also planning for the coming years. Hate to see you guys get left behind.

  73. "Now, where is BROOLYN who doesn't like this kind of language when Anons use it? WHY aren't you on this moron's ass too? Let me tell you 'why': you are a person with a double standard..."

    Because I'm so much more likable than you anon's. Ladies like me. Don't hate the player, hate the game.

  74. Anonymous2:16 AM

    Brooklyn, where the hell are you? Why won't you answer? Answer the damn question. Don't make me put no_slappz on your ass!

  75. Anonymous2:22 AM

    PilotX said, "Because I'm so much more likable than you anon's. Ladies like me. Don't hate the player, hate the game."

    You sound exactly like a boy dreamer who has never had a woman in his life. Your dingy is probably too small to attract the most desparate woman wanting sex.

    You are so pathetic....LONELY LOSER! HA!

  76. "Also, any "parked" plane is a money loser, aircraft are not parked, they are either utilized or sold."

    Funny how easy it is to prove conservative anons wrong. Here is a pic of the airplane graveyard in Victorville, CA where airlines park the planes they no longer need. You should go there if you get a chamce, it's a cool place. Take your camera.

  77. "The approach you fly is dictated by the ATC and the traffic."

    Uh, anon your reading comprehension skill are pretty bad. You don't need to sit down with your ops director you need to grab a copy of Hooked on Phonics. See what I posted and what you reposted.

    "and are problematic due to capacity issues so the approach you fly is dictated by ATC."

    Now I said the exact same thing you tried to say. Really? you're so dumb you repost a quote from me saying the same thing you tried to say and say I didn't say it?
    Field, i want new trolls now!!!!!!!!!!

  78. "You sound exactly like a boy dreamer who has never had a woman in his life. Your dingy is probably too small to attract the most desparate woman wanting sex.

    You are so pathetic....LONELY LOSER! HA!"

    Dingy? What are you five? Ask you mom how big I am son. And there's a reason I called you son. That ain't just a suntan. Ha!

  79. Anonymous6:13 AM

    alicia banks said...

    i am GONE like hobama's false hope and fake change

    bon soir!!!

    6:03 PMalicia banks said...

    i am GONE like hobama's false hope and fake change

    bon soir!!!

    6:03 PMalicia banks said...

    i am GONE like hobama's false hope and fake change

    bon soir!!!

    6:03 PMalicia banks said...

    i am GONE like hobama's false hope and fake change

    bon soir!!!

    6:03 PMalicia banks said...

    i am GONE like hobama's false hope and fake change

    bon soir!!!

    6:03 PM

  80. Omar Thornton, what's your point?

    "Cody Myers, from Oregon, who had thoughts of joining the ministry was found dead yesterday in woods near his home, the victim of 'homicidal violence'.

    The white supremacist couple who were wanted in connection with the death of a woman and disappearance of her husband have been arrested, and police believe they murdered the Oregon teenager who went missing last week.

    Authorities are not sure how the paths of a teenager who called his mother daily and two white supremacists fleeing a murder scene in Washington state crossed in Western Oregon's Willamette Valley."

    We can do this all day.

    bert @ 9:32 pm, do you have a link to back up what you are alleging?

    Take all the time you need there wingnut, I will wait.....

    Why would a troll argue with an actual airline pilot over airline procedures? I am not sure I get that one.

  81. Anonymous10:33 AM

    PilotX said...
    "The approach you fly is dictated by the ATC and the traffic."

    Uh, anon your reading comprehension skill are pretty bad. You don't need to sit down with your ops director you need to grab a copy of Hooked on Phonics. See what I posted and what you reposted.

    "and are problematic due to capacity issues so the approach you fly is dictated by ATC."

    Now I said the exact same thing you tried to say. Really? you're so dumb you repost a quote from me saying the same thing you tried to say and say I didn't say it?
    Field, i want new trolls now!!!!!!!!!!

    You are a cocky for sure, only your knowledge especially of how a business is run certainly doesn't match your opinion of yourself.

    What you specifically said was that Approach was determined by the "FAA and FTC" You do know what approach is right?

    I then said, each flights approach is determined by the ATC based upon the specific conditions at the moment of your arrival. Are you reaching so hard that you cant understand what you have written yourself and see the difference? You even edited the FAA out when you qouted yourself? Why?

    What kind of person are you? for some reason your method of discussion is to accuse people of trying to trick you, call people dumb and call them trolls?

    You said "we don't have an "Operations Director at our company as your company is too large for any one person to be in charge. Do you have any concept of how businesses are organized and run? Are you truly trying to say that there isn't a local Operations Director who reports to a Regional Operations Director who reports a Sr Vice President of Operations responsible for all of airline operations, I don't care what the title might be but you know very well what the position does and I am sure can imagine how a company woudl go out of businesses if there wasnt uniform standards and objectives. Do you really think CEOS talk directly to 100's of local empowered Directors who do whatever they wish without direction?

    As far as your airplane graveyard, now you need to go talk to the airline director of finance or the vp. Yes there is also one Chief Financial Officer at an airline as well who has numerous local and regional reports. Find out how they are mothballed fiscally and written off the books so they aren't still active and paid for planes that will never be used and cannot be maintained. Which car are you going to use today? I mean judging from how you think businesses are run, you must have every car you have ever bought standing by parked in your garage in case you need them, even though you upgraded.

    As for it being easy to just go and oh so merrily upgrade the fleet. You are clueless when it comes to the business side of the industry I mean why dont we just stop using kerosene, gas, oil, coal and switch right over to Solar Panels and damn the expense and impact to the business. I mean its so easy when you want to do something because its sounds better right? Who has to worry about profitability, meeting payroll, just go spend.

    It's ok to have different views and opinions and even to be strongly opinionated but you turned into someone I lost all respect for when your discussion method become a complete personal attack, for some reason you felt threatened and that aint cool.

  82. Anonymous10:33 AM

    They ams 'experts'!!! Their 'alternate' understanding is the 'exact same' as the Real one. In their underverse...a TV weather chick has the same validity to promote IntelligentCreationismDesign as the holder of a PhD in Biology. Or a Moms can be the 'exact same' as a Virologist or Public Health...because she was the onliest female human on the planet to ever give birth to a snowflake baby. Or the folly of abstinence ejumacation....which seem designed to funnel kickbacks to political allies...and lets your kids become parents.

    Fundies hate, hate, hate Mormons because they take showers/baths. Mormons also accept education beyond Grade Five.


  83. Anonymous10:46 AM

    They ams 'experts'!!! Their 'alternate' understanding is the 'exact same' as the Real one. In their underverse...a TV weather chick has the same validity to promote IntelligentCreationismDesign as the holder of a PhD in Biology. Or a Moms can be the 'exact same' as a Virologist or Public Health...because she was the onliest female human on the planet to ever give birth to a snowflake baby. Or the folly of abstinence ejumacation....which seem designed to funnel kickbacks to political allies...and lets your kids become parents.

    Fundies hate, hate, hate Mormons because they take showers/baths. Mormons also accept education beyond Grade Five.


    Field - May I ask, Is this person a troll? Do you know what they are trying to say? I have a translator that handles just about any language, problem is I can't figure out which language is being used.

  84. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Fundies hate, hate, hate Mormons because they take showers/baths. Mormons also accept education beyond Grade Five.


    So you are a Moldy Mormon?

  85. Hey, Field, one of your negros done run off the plantation, an ex-NAACP President no less!

    He's out there running off his mouth, saying bad things about the Massa.

    Better get slavecatchersteve on the case quick, before too many negros get any ideas:

  86. Anonymous1:09 PM

    dear Mr. field, Anon, Inc wrote you a nice letter in the previous thread yesterday. It sounded like a letter of appreciation for FN. It must have taken hours and hours of reflection and composing. As an anon it was the most beautiful letter I have ever read. It brought tears to my eyes.

    Why have you and your complaining regulars IDs ignored it? It seems all the complainers notice is what's wrong with FN blog, instead of what's right with it. That sucks.

  87. Anonymous1:35 PM

    C. L. Bryant, " Better get slavecatchersteve on the case quick, before too many negros get any ideas:"

    Wow. that was a great talk and proves more Blacks are becoming Conservatives and leaving the falsehood of Liberalism.

    Of course, most folks on FN blog are progressive black liberal Dems like PilotX and UTS who are so brainwashed they can't think for themselves. It is so sad. They are trapped in a way of thinking which has imprisoned them for more generations to come.

  88. Lets look at the irony, or hypocrisy, of the astroturfering Wall Street movement against eeeeeevil corporations:

  89. "It's ok to have different views and opinions and even to be strongly opinionated but you turned into someone I lost all respect for when your discussion method become a complete personal attack, for some reason you felt threatened and that aint cool."

    Which is fine but don't talk as if you know our operation and how it works, you don't. If you feel the need to not respond to my posts be my guest as they are irrelevant anyway.

    "Do you have any concept of how businesses are organized and run? Are you truly trying to say that there isn't a local Operations Director who reports to a Regional Operations Director who reports a Sr Vice President of Operations responsible for all of airline operations,"

    That is exactly what i'm saying. When it comes to day to day operations we have dispatchers, maintenance controllers, ect who have direct managers but no singular individual who is identified as an "ops manager" in charge of the entire operation. Of course we have VP's of certain divisions but they are not involved in the day to day ops of the comapny. If you want to know how United Airlines runs you can google it or something but don't just make random guesses as each company runs differently and I'm sure it run very differently that the company you are supposed to work for.

    "As for it being easy to just go and oh so merrily upgrade the fleet."

    Never said it was easy or difficult but it is happening. Like I said we are acquiring new 737's and will begin getting 787's soon. Don't know why it's hard for you to understand airlines acquire new airplanes all the time. Didn't know it was such a "magic mushroom" process in your opinion.

    "Find out how they are mothballed fiscally and written off the books so they aren't still active and paid for planes that will never be used and cannot be maintained."

    Don't care how they are written off, you or some other anon (I know it's so hard to identify yourselves so you can play games like this) said airlines don't park planes and I showed you they are. You are now trying to add unnecessary complexity to attempt to show you were wrong but whatever helps you sleep at night.

  90. "Of course, most folks on FN blog are progressive black liberal Dems like PilotX and UTS who are so brainwashed they can't think for themselves. It is so sad. They are trapped in a way of thinking which has imprisoned them for more generations to come."

    Black people have always been conservative about certain issues but the Republican party lost its damned mind in 64-65 and won't ever get more than 10% of the Black vote until they recognize they are filled with racists and are puppets for the top 1%. Too bad so many poor whites are dumb enough to think they'll win th elottery and become rich. Sad.

  91. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Don't care how they are written off, you or some other anon (I know it's so hard to identify yourselves so you can play games like this) said airlines don't park planes and I showed you they are. You are now trying to add unnecessary complexity to attempt to show you were wrong but whatever helps you sleep at night.

    The only one playing oneupmanship games is you for whatever reason and if you really think having a discussion on a blog is that critical to ones life, you are mistaken.

    I went back and read what may have made you so irritable if that is what the problem is, as you again bring up some other person which is the only premise and my posting as an anon seems to somehow invalidate discussion for you. So now I see.

    Your right, no need for me to respond to your posts any longer, so I will not. It was nice talking with you. Safe Travels.

  92. "The only one playing oneupmanship games is you for whatever reason and if you really think having a discussion on a blog is that critical to ones life, you are mistaken."

    no, just clarifying some things and no this is just a way to kill time occasionally. Not taken seriously at all.

    "Your right, no need for me to respond to your posts any longer, so I will not. It was nice talking with you. Safe Travels."

    Have a good one.

  93. Stinking up Wall Street: Protesters accused of living in filth as shocking pictures show one demonstrator defecating on a POLICE CAR

    This are the shocking scenes that have led some people to accuse the Occupy Wall Street protesters living rough in New York's financial district of creating unsanitary and filthy conditions.

    Exclusive pictures obtained by Mail Online show one demonstrator relieving himself on a police car.
    Elsewhere we found piles of stinking refuse clogging Zucotti Park, despite the best efforts of many of the protestors to keep the area clean.
    The shocking images demonstrate the extent to which conditions have deteriorated as demonstrations in downtown Manhattan enter their fourth week.


  95. Ok, after that detour back OT. Didn't the other Mormon candidate skip the Value Voters Summitt aka the real Republican primary? He is the only one with some sense and didn't kowtow to the crazy right religious nuts. If the GOP knew what was good for them they'd nominate Huntsmann right now before they go too far on the crazy train.

  96. "Stinking up Wall Street: Protesters accused of living in filth as shocking pictures show one demonstrator defecating on a POLICE CAR"

    Not that I condone this behavior nor do I recommend it but I gotta say it takes hella huevos to take a shit on a NYPD car.

  97. NSangoma3:00 PM

    Republican Hammer Cain for Stepping Off the Lawn

    nice one, really nice

  98. Anonymous3:20 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Of course, most folks on FN blog are progressive black liberal Dems like PilotX and UTS who are so brainwashed they can't think for themselves. It is so sad. They are trapped in a way of thinking which has imprisoned them for more generations to come."

    Black people have always been conservative about certain issues but the Republican party lost its damned mind in 64-65 and won't ever get more than 10% of the Black vote until they recognize they are filled with racists and are puppets for the top 1%. Too bad so many poor whites are dumb enough to think they'll win th elottery and become rich. Sad.

    The only party with racial set-asides, self identified racial lines and racist mantra and blind puppets following the corrupt masters are democrats/progressive/marxists.
    Always has been this way and continues to today.

    "Too bad so many poor whites are dumb enough to think they'll win th elottery and become rich"

    what you are saying here is idiots who chase the american dream, working hard, creating, sacrificing are fools for being conservatives and having values, they will never earn or make it and be successful, they need to turn democrat and see what they can get from others for free.

    It's the old ant and grasshopper story, only the grasshopper dies in the end, he doesnt' get to cry racism, play class warfare and make the ant pay for his food and housing.

  99. Obama's vision for America:

  100. IamThe53%3:24 PM

    NSangoma said...
    Republican Hammer Cain for Stepping Off the Lawn

    nice one, really nice

    O donnel is as liberal a whackjob as they come. He works for CNBC, now liberals are turning on Black Men - he might have just as well come out and called him a Tom - the moron.

  101. Anonymous3:36 PM

    What kind of free stuff could Republicans offer blacks?

    I say Mitt should promise every black American $1000 dolla has a down payment of reparations.

    Mitt should get 70% black vote.

  102. "Black people have always been conservative about certain issues but the Republican party lost its damned mind in 64-65 and won't ever get more than 10% of the Black vote until they recognize they are filled with racists and are puppets for the top 1%. Too bad so many poor whites are dumb enough to think they'll win th elottery and become rich. Sad."


    "What kind of free stuff could Republicans offer blacks?

    I say Mitt should promise every black American $1000 dolla has a down payment of reparations."

    No, he will have to come a lot better than that. How about waiving taxes for all of us hard working black folks for a three year period. I think I would consider voting for old Mitt then.

    Land Of The EBT (Otherwise known as the Appalachias)

    This is the wingnut image of A-merry-ca:,r:7,s:0

    "Wow. that was a great talk and proves more Blacks are becoming Conservatives and leaving the falsehood of Liberalism."

    Yes, all ten of them.

  103. "Why have you and your complaining regulars IDs ignored it? It seems all the complainers notice is what's wrong with FN blog, instead of what's right with it. That sucks."

    Sorry Anon. that was a beautiful and touching comment. It brought tears to my eyes. I forwarded it to the President of Anon. I thanked him for the good Anons who frequent the site to offset the bad ones.

  104. "No, he will have to come a lot better than that. How about waiving taxes for all of us hard working black folks for a three year period. I think I would consider voting for old Mitt then."

    How would that work? A majority of black folk DON'T EVEN PAY FEDERAL INCOME TAXES! Most of those actually get money from the IRS in the form of an earned income tax credit.

    How then can Mitt buy the votes of black Americans? No sales tax on diapers, shoes and malt liquor?

  105. "It's the old ant and grasshopper story, only the grasshopper dies in the end, he doesnt' get to cry racism, play class warfare and make the ant pay for his food and housing."

    No it's hard working Black ants who don't identify with a party that is comfortable with its racism against people of color. How many GOP governors and GOP controlled states continue to honor confederate history and fly the confederate flag? You can't blame us for not wanting to be around vestages of a bad part of history. It's like complaining that Jewish voters don't identify with a party that is comfortable with its members flying the Nazi flag and honoring Nazi history month. Typical conservative that doesn't think anyone else has values and works hard. You offer images of Blacks as lazy and only want handouts and then wonder why we won't support or vote with you? That shows me either you are tone deaf or plain stupid and thus don't deserve our support or votes.

  106. "How then can Mitt buy the votes of black Americans? No sales tax on diapers, shoes and malt liquor?"

    Nah, he's too busy being told by southern bigots he belongs to a cult pandering for the broke and toothless vote. He doesn't have time to get around to us. He could buy my vote by not allowing creationism in public schools and abstinence only education. You know, follow the constitution.

  107. Anonymous5:37 PM

    PilotX said...
    "How then can Mitt buy the votes of black Americans? No sales tax on diapers, shoes and malt liquor?"

    Nah, he's too busy being told by southern bigots he belongs to a cult pandering for the broke and toothless vote. He doesn't have time to get around to us. He could buy my vote by not allowing creationism in public schools and abstinence only education. You know, follow the constitution.

    Dont you have a World of Warcraft tournament waiting or its time to go rewatch the raging stallions or bareback honchos again?

  108. Cleveland Brown5:41 PM

    PilotX said...
    "He could buy my vote by not allowing creationism in public schools and abstinence only education."

    Um, no public school district teaches Creationism as fact.

    And you want to encourage adolescents to have sex? Don't you realize how tough teen pregnancy makes the lives of teen mothers?

    How is advising teens not to risk pregnancy and disease anti-constitutional? How is informing them that some people believe the earth is 6,000 years old a violation of the Constitution? Do you have any idea what is actually in the Constitution?

    If you are so concerned about the Constitution, you must oppose the federal government requiring citizens to purchase health insurance, right?

  109. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Good article. However the voting public is left with slim pickings. Obama has no concept of governance; the repubs are dis-organised and chasing a myth. Net consequence, the voters will be left holding the bag and attempting to vote for the lesser of the two evils. this reflects a decline in american politics on the world stage for the next decade.

  110. Sorry about the Phillies. Thought they would least get to the series.

  111. Kingnut6:43 PM

    PilotX said...
    "He could buy my vote by not allowing creationism in public schools"

    PilotX, a man whose entire political philosophy is based on a fear of something that doesn't exist.

    Liberalism in a nutshell: Ignore problems that do exist (public debt, private sector job destruction, islamic extremism) and focus all our resources on non-existent problems (contemporary white racism, human caused global warming, the coming Chrisitian theocracy).

  112. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Umm...Trolls, you keep repeaterating the same lies...hoping that 'this time' the lie will be true. No wonder you hoperate that absitinence will workerate 'this time'. Didn't prove effective for Bristol 'TwoBabees' Palin...or Sarey. But I can mention that use of birth control allows women who are not grifitng con artists to have lives of voluntary and happy singleness well into their 40s. Oh, you have to impregnate minor females...otherwise they will leave your Left Behind self...behind. Nothing like a freshman year of college to show your 'market value'.

    The airlines were bankrupted by the business 'geniuses'. Keep blaming the Jews/Feminists/Liberals/Blacks/ is always someone else with you.

    Thousands of protesters...and one has diarrhea or Crohns? Such heroic manly brave-type studliness on your part...reading off your telemarketing script.
    How many TaxBaggers have adult Vitters? Oh...paid for by they pout over an right-of-centre R AfAm being duly elected to office.

    The beleef that 'Merica can do no a false idol. Before eagerly gulping down the wingnut spew on what the actual Founding Fathers wrote...not what Barton lies.


  113. Anonymous7:25 PM

    LT-"Sorry about the Phillies. Thought they would least get to the series."

    You must be kidding. Philadelphia has no winners. They are all losers for a town that is a loser.

  114. CPA, I probably pay more taxes than you earn in a year. And I am sure that there are many more black folks just like me out there.

    So yes, I would consider Mitt if he would waive a couple of years of taxes.

    The again, see what Pilot X said.

    "You must be kidding. Philadelphia has no winners. They are all losers for a town that is a loser."

    Where do you live? Never mind,it doesn't matter.The town/city can't make the man.

    BTW troll, five division titles in five years, a World Series ring, and another appearance in the WS says winner to me.

  115. field negro said...
    CPA, I probably pay more taxes than you earn in a year. And I am sure that there are many more black folks just like me out there.

    So yes, I would consider Mitt if he would waive a couple of years of taxes

    If you do, you are a very rich man who is probably bilking his clients and could use a better accountant. Maybe that's where all your liberal guilt comes from.

    You are part of a minority of blacks who pay federal income taxes, so I don't think you speak for the majority. But I'll tell Mitt at the next White Guy meeting and maybe we can make a deal.

  116. Anonymous8:01 PM

    field negro said...
    CPA, I probably pay more taxes than you earn in a year. And I am sure that there are many more black folks just like me out there.

    You are funny, where did you get these funny conflicting ideas that anyone conservative is a po po boy and a simple lawyer probably pays more taxes then they earn in a year? You sound a man of complete conflicting thoughts who probably battles logi/ reality and his liberal delusional mantras daily.

    Arent you supposed to think that conservatives are the evil ones who have all the money and are hoarding it so that the magical transmission of funds cant get to your legal aid clients via xbox while they dont even have to pause the game to collect?

  117. Brohammas8:32 PM

    sigh.... people, people, people...
    I can't even get through one third of your trolling and bickering and AB hasn't even shown up yet.

    Let me sum up some some fundamentals of what is going on here:
    1. Fundamentalists hate Mormons.
    2. Mitt is a Mormon
    3. GOP, mostly in the south, don't like black people but REALLY want to prove themselves wrong.
    4. Herman is Black
    5. Mitt is a politician
    6. Herman is a politician
    7. politicians will sell themselves out to get elected.

    Thank you. Feel free to carry on with your other arguments.

  118. "You are funny, where did you get these funny conflicting ideas that anyone conservative is a po po boy and a simple lawyer probably pays more taxes then they earn in a year? You sound a man of complete conflicting thoughts who probably battles logi/ reality and his liberal delusional mantras daily.

    Arent you supposed to think that conservatives are the evil ones who have all the money and are hoarding it so that the magical transmission of funds cant get to your legal aid clients "

    Okaaay. Whatever you say there rich white man....

    Brohammas, direct and to the point. I like.

  119. "Dont you have a World of Warcraft tournament waiting or its time to go rewatch the raging stallions or bareback honchos again?"

    You seem to know a little too much about that for my comfort.

    "PilotX, a man whose entire political philosophy is based on a fear of something that doesn't exist."

    You mean like Black Panthers, secret Kenyans with fake birth certificates and Sharia Law? You're right, I should get a grip.

    BTW, Kingnut did you ever find me that climate model that "anyone" can make? Tick tock man.

    "Um, no public school district teaches Creationism as fact.

    And you want to encourage adolescents to have sex? Don't you realize how tough teen pregnancy makes the lives of teen mothers?"

    So that makes Rick Perry a liar, he did say they teach creationism in Texas schools. Is he lying or just so out of touch he doesn't know what he's talking about. No wonder the GOP candidates are going no where, they have no clue what they're talking about. Also, teaching the birds and the bees isn't encouraging teens to have sex just showing them how to do so responsible IF they choose to do so. You're pulling my leg because no one is that delusional, I mean except for Republicans whi believe that crap (see grandma Palin). Ha!

  120. "Do you have any idea what is actually in the Constitution?"

    Yes, do you?

    "If you are so concerned about the Constitution, you must oppose the federal government requiring citizens to purchase health insurance, right?"

    Actually i do but it's not up to me, it's up to the Supreme Court isn't it? I'm more of a universal healthcare kinda guy.

  121. Ok, maybe I was a bit harsh on Mitt, he did condemn some of the far right religious bigots in his speech. Maybe the guy has a pair afterall.

  122. Anonymous5:13 PM

    who do you go for,the big boogalu.
