Thursday, October 06, 2011

"..the noise of others.."

"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition."~Steve Jobs~

As A-merry-ca and the world laments the loss of this industrialist/ visionary, maybe we should reflect on some of the words he spoke at that famous Stanford University commencement address.

A lot us are happy to be living the lives of others, and we have no problem dancing to whatever tune they are playing. It seems that we can't even function without the talking points

Consider the following: There is a growing movement in A-merry-ca to protest the nefarious acts of some folks on Wall Street. But [right] wingnuts won't participate because they think that it is funded by left wing politicians. There was (and still is) a right wing movement in this country called the tea party, and folks on the left won't participate because they think....Okay okay, it was funded by right wing groups and politicians, but you get the point. Folks only act when they get marching orders from the people pulling their strings. I wonder why there are so many puppets in A-merry-ca?

Steve Jobs was no puppet, and he was worth billions. Some poor working class stiff living in Morgantown, West Virgina, who thinks, like that idiot Hank Williams Jr., that Obama is a Nazi, will never be worth billions. In fact, he will probably never pay his bills on time. Why? Because he is a puppet. And his job in life is to keep other people in power, and make other people rich. Obama is not the one keeping him from becoming rich or paying his bills on time, the people he sends to Washington every time there is an election who are paid millions of dollars by lobbyist who are themselves paid by other people to protect their interest, (not his) are the ones keeping him from living the A-merry-can dream. 

Herman Cain is wrong, the folks on Wall Street are keeping a lot of people from becoming wealthy, because the system is rigged against them. And Wall Street is a perfect representation of the system. They are well represented on K Street.

I know a lot of hard working people in inner city Philadelphia who will never be as wealthy as Herman Cain, and I guarantee you that they have worked harder than Herman Cain all of their lives. Tell some poor single mother who works at Wal-Mart for four hours during the day then takes three buses to the burbs to clean some wealthy old woman's s*%@ for another eight hours that she doesn't work hard.--- FYI Herman, jigging 24/7 does not count as hard work. Negro, you done lost your mind.

Finally, I see that Barbara Walters dropped the N-word on The View. Apparently it led to a "tense discussion". I guess poor Sherri Sheperd did not realize that her boss could use the word with such ease.

"The conversation was centered around the controversy surrounding Rick Perry and a hunting camp he leased. The camp's entrance contained a rock with the term "Niggerhead" on it for many years. The Washington Post broke the story of the rock, and presented conflicting narratives about Perry's knowledge of what was written on it and his efforts to get rid of it.

Goldberg used the N-word (which was silenced throughout the conversation) first, while talking about Herman Cain's use of the word during a Sunday interview. It was when Walters used the word, though, that things got awkward. "It's very hard for me to say," she said. "It gives me chills." Goldberg said it was useless to "pretend" that the word didn't exist. "Let's call it what it said!" she said.

It was here that Shepherd cut in. "When I heard you say it, it was fine," she told Goldberg. Turning to Walters, she continued, "I didn't like the way you said it." In explaining this, Shepherd used the word several more times.
"I don't know if it's a semantics thing, but it's something that goes through my body," she said.

"It's because I'm white?" Walters said. Shepherd acknowledged that it was. "It's something about hearing you say it," she said. "I don't like it when you use the word ... when you say it it's a different connotation." [Source]


  1. Good observation. If someone on the right/left says it's raining outside the otherside will run out and get soaking and swear it's dry. This country is getting dumber by the minute.

  2. Steve Jobs was no puppet, and he was worth billions. Some poor working class stiff living in Morgantown, West Virgina, who thinks, like that idiot Hank Williams Jr., that Obama is a Nazi, will never be worth billions. In fact, he will probably never pay his bills on time. Why? Because he is a puppet. And his job in life is to keep other people in power, and make other people rich. Obama is not the one keeping him from becoming rich or paying his bills on time, the people he sends to Washington every time there is an election who are paid millions of dollars by lobbyist who are themselves paid by other people to protect their interest, (not his) are the ones keeping him from living the A-merry-can dream.

    Probably the most salient point made about Joe Six Pack who keeps voting in clowns like Boehner into office.

    It doesn't matter who the President is - if he has Congressmen and Senators who are in the pocket of Big Corporations (or in the case guys like Boehner and Cantor, literally the inseams of the pocket) he will keep getting screwed.

  3. Andy Stern, frequent White House Visitor9:30 PM

    "There is a growing movement in A-merry-ca to protest the nefarious acts of some folks on Wall Street. But [right] wingnuts won't participate because they think that it is funded by left wing politicians"

    It's not a matter of wingnut opinion, but of open fact.

    These protests are funded by (George Soros), the SEIU, the NEA, and succesor organizations to ACORN. I think they all qualify as "left-wing", as does organizer Van Jones.

    That this action is being funded and coordinated by close allies of the President raises a lot of questions, one being are the protestors against government policy or are they acting in the interests of the government?

    Obama was and is the candidate of Wall Street. What game is Obama playing, sending proxies to harass his campaign backers? Is this just theater, a shakedown, or reminder of who is in charge?

    One thing is certain: this is no grass roots movement like the Tea Party and as such will need the continued support of leftist billionaires and unions to maintain any momentum. My bet is that it will not.

  4. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Consider the following: There is a growing movement in A-merry-ca to protest the nefarious acts of some folks on Wall Street.

    No there isn't, it's a bunch of dumb white kids fed by the liberal thug left - nothing but tapeworm disengenious liberals who are protesting that now they may have to earn money to pay back the student loans they think someone else should pay for them because they are entitled and working and oweing is just something daddy did.

    Puppets? Keeping people who pull your strings in power? Sounds like democrats especially the CBC to me, only a dimmycrat would catch their elected leaders literally stealing and still stand behind them because of skin color and the fact that they support tapewormism. Puppets indeed. Enter Obama, the Master Of Puppets leading everyone to dismay because of his selfish will and icompetence and lack of skills for his position.

    Liberals Are Tapeworms. Demanding the rest of the country provide an american dream to them, rather than developing one, creating it or earning it. Work is hard, work makes you sweat, struggle makes you better, the x-box and chalupas do not.

  5. Anonymous9:33 PM

    PilotX said...
    Good observation. If someone on the right/left says it's raining outside the otherside will run out and get soaking and swear it's dry. This country is getting dumber by the minute.

    No doubt, look at the type of man we elected for president even though some were telling us who he was.

  6. Joe Twelvepack9:33 PM

    LACoincidental said...
    Probably the most salient point made about Joe Six Pack who keeps voting in clowns like Boehner into office.

    How about Yolanda Fortyounce who keeps voting in clowns like Obama who promise to take Steve Job's money and spread it to them?

  7. Wang Sum9:40 PM

    LACoincidental said...
    "It doesn't matter who the President is - if he has Congressmen and Senators who are in the pocket of Big Corporations (or in the case guys like Boehner and Cantor, literally the inseams of the pocket) he will keep getting screwed."

    Really LAC? Who is the pocket of GE? Goldman Sachs? Berkhsire Hathaway? Solyndra?

    Do you ever read what you write?

  8. Cornelius Vanderbilt9:56 PM

    What exactly does the Occupy Wall Street movement want? Some standard moonbat shit, apparently. Examples:

    Demand two: Institute a universal single payer healthcare system.

    Demand five: Begin a fast track process to bring the fossil fuel economy to an end while at the same bringing the alternative energy economy up to energy demand.

    Demand six: One trillion dollars in infrastructure (Water, Sewer, Rail, Roads and Bridges and Electrical Grid) spending now.

    Demand nine: Open borders migration. anyone can travel anywhere to work and live.

    Demand thirteen: Allow all workers to sign a ballot at any time during a union organizing campaign or at any time that represents their yeah or nay to having a union represent them in collective bargaining or to form a union.

    Could you imagine the economic havoc that would result if this agenda were enacted? Actually, there's no need to imagine it, we've been living it for the past 3 years. The demands above fit smoothly with Obama’s policies.

    Other demands include forgiveness of all debt everywhere, outlawing all credit reporting agencies, a guaranteed living wage even for people who refuse to work, et cetera, ad nauseam.

    I'll bet most of these idiot protestors don't even know they are just part of Obama's reelection campaign.

  9. Diversity is in the Eye of the Beholder10:02 PM

    One of the most common MSM criticisms of the Tea Party movement was how white it is. MSNBC slammed it because about 80% of the participants were white. But the population is about 75% white, so it was really not all that unrepresentative.

    Anybody see the pictures of the Occupy Wall Street folk? I'd guess the white faces make up over 95% of the protestors, much less diverse than the Tea Party. Do you think MSNBC will criticize the Occupy Wall Street folks for being to white?

    I sure hope so.

  10. "No doubt, look at the type of man we elected for president even though some were telling us who he was."

    And if John McCain hadn't been pandering to the tea party types and chose the dumbest woman he could find you might not be suffering right now right? Blame John McCain. Or better yet, had Barack's original opponent in the U.S. Sentate race wasn't a freak he might not have even won that election. Blame two women, Sarah Palin and Gerri Ryan. Ha!

  11. Alan Keyes10:05 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Blame two women, Sarah Palin and Gerri Ryan. Ha!"

    Good point

  12. Anonymous10:17 PM

    Field, "FYI Herman, jigging 24/7 does not count as hard work. Negro, you done lost your mind."

    FYI: Herman is in the running for President and you should be proud.

    And I am getting sick and tired of you FN folks beating on Herman. You should be proud that a bm could be considered in the GOP as a candidate for President.

    Field, you just don't know history in the making when you see it. Such unawareness shows how blind you are.

    Please lay off Cain. This bm is worthy and is going places Obama could never go.

  13. Excellent post as usual.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. "Please lay off Cain. This bm is worthy and is going places Obama could never go."

    Where? A Klan rally? Ha!

  16. I really don't understand all the hubbub about the death of Steve Jobs. Yes he was an innovator and brought revolutionary products to market, but he didn't cure a disease. And btw he said teachers unions are what's wrong with schools

    He moved manufacturing of Apple products to China.

  17. Testicles Augustus10:43 PM

    BrookLyn said...
    I really don't understand all the hubbub about the death of Steve Jobs. Yes he was an innovator and brought revolutionary products to market, but he didn't cure a disease. And btw he said teachers unions are what's wrong with schools

    Of course you don't understand it, computers and technology are voodoo to you.

    And Jobs was exactly right about teachers unions being what is wrong with our schools.

    Why don't you go get a man a beer?

  18. Cornelius Vanderbilt,nice try. The list of "demands" you listed is preceded by the following disclaimer on the official Occupy Wall Street website, "Admin note: This is not an official list of demands. This is a forum post submitted by a single user and hyped by irresponsible news/commentary agencies like Fox News and This content was not published by the collective, nor was it ever proposed or agreed to on a consensus basis with the NYC General Assembly. There is NO official list of demands." Go here to see the post:

  19. Anonymous10:46 PM

    Field,you cussing?Gasp!I'm shocked! ;D

    And yes, I'm also a great proponent of 'follow your heart and your passion'.
    I think I've always tried to live my life this way,although there is such strong pressure from society to conform in a certain politically correct lockstep. I've always fought against that, but it has not been easy!

    As for Baba Wawa, yes beatch, BECAUSE YOU'RE WHITE! For God's sake why isn't she home playing with her grandchildren? Oh that's right she doesn't have any! and didn't she get her fill of....oh never mind, and he was married too, tsk,tsk,tsk

    it seems Anglo Saxons are hell bent on calling African Americans the N word! they seem to feel a GREAT need to be able to do this! I really don't understand! If someone is telling you that it's hurtful coming from an Anglo, that they don't like it, what the hell is so hard to understand about that??? But, noooooooo, they're still fighting it. They gotta say it, juuuuuuuust gotta say it!!!

    Sometimes I think we need a little Panther in the house... I really do, people just need to get slapped upside the head sometimes, I mean really! The nerve! Baba Wawa, STFU! go home and take Elizabeth with you huh? Give somebody else a break there!

  20. Anonymous10:51 PM

    ""It's because I'm white?" Walters said. Shepherd acknowledged that it was. "It's something about hearing you say it," she said. "I don't like it when you use the word ... when you say it it's a different connotation."

    This is ridiculous. NOBODY, Black or White should say that filthy ugly word. It is a dehumanizing word that originated during slavery where slaves weren't even considered fully human.

  21. Anonymous10:59 PM

    Desertflower, "Sometimes I think we need a little Panther in the house... I really do, people just need to get slapped upside the head sometimes, I mean really! The nerve! Baba Wawa, STFU! go home and take Elizabeth with you huh? Give somebody else a break there!"

    I see you are feeling better--getting all fiesty and challenging my girl Barbara Walters. In addition, you want Elizabeth gone too? Those two women are my love and if they can't say the N-word, then YOU can't say "broccoli". Now YOU think about that.

    I swear, the water in PR must be spiked.

  22. Anonymous11:03 PM

    this is just terrible

  23. Anonymous11:06 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Please lay off Cain. This bm is worthy and is going places Obama could never go."

    Where? A Klan rally? Ha!

    The Klan has been dead and dismantled for many a year, the liberal panther KKK democrats are alive and well, ask Obama he attended several rallies with Malik kill all the crackas Shabazz. So you are dinsengenious, yet again.

  24. Cornelius Vanderbilt11:07 PM

    Sage said...
    Cornelius Vanderbilt,nice try. The list of "demands" you listed is preceded by the following disclaimer on the official Occupy Wall Street website, "Admin note: This is not an official list of demands.

    They can disclaim it all they want, these ARE the demands being promulgated by the protestors themselves.

    What a bunch of adolescent nonsense.

    I can't wait until grown ups are running the country again.

  25. "The Klan has been dead and dismantled for many a year, the liberal panther KKK democrats are alive and well, ask Obama he attended several rallies with Malik kill all the crackas Shabazz. So you are dinsengenious, yet again."

    Several rallies with Malik Shabazz? Really? Hadn't heard about this and you haven't brought this up until Breitbart had some photos in which the two attended the Selma march. Hmmmmmmmm, so by that logic I attended an event in which I was on stage with a chemist. Guess that makes me a member of the national chemist club huh? Oh you conservatives are sooooooo gullible. I'd be cute if you guys didn't want to take over the country. Better talk to your boy about going to Niggerhead.
    BTW, Hilary Clinton was there too so is she in cahoots with the NBPP too? Ha!


    Here's the real story our anonymous troll was referring to.

  27. Jeremiah Wright11:24 PM

    PilotX said...
    " so by that logic I attended an event in which I was on stage with a chemist. Guess that makes me a member of the national chemist club huh? Oh you conservatives are sooooooo gullible"
    You really are being disingenuous.

    You would not be so dismissive if a Republican was attending a campaign rally with Grand Wizards and uniformed klansmen.

    Obama consorts with the worst kind of racists, what does that make him?

  28. Of course you don't understand it, computers and technology are voodoo to you.

    Hey asshole how do you think I posted this carrier pigeon?

    Field can you at least get a better class of misinformed, racist, misogynist, rightwing asshole?


  29. "You would not be so dismissive if a Republican was attending a campaign rally with Grand Wizards and uniformed klansmen."

    Talk about being misinformed and/or disingenous. The event then candidate Obama attended as well as thousands of others was not a campaign event it was the 42nd anniversary of the Selma march. Either you are too dimwitted to find out these facts for yourself or intentionally leaving them out. Stio getting your information from Big Government, it makes you look stupid.

  30. "Field can you at least get a better class of misinformed, racist, misogynist, rightwing asshole?"

    I've been telling him this for a while now. Maybe he'll listen to you.

  31. "You would not be so dismissive if a Republican was attending a campaign rally with Grand Wizards and uniformed klansmen."

    or hunting at the Niggerhead lodge.
    Actually I'd be surprised if a Republican wasn't at a rally with Grand Wizards and uniformed klansmen.

  32. Last time I checked Cornelius, one trait of adulthood is being able to admit when one is wrong and not just repeating BS because it fits in with ones agenda...

  33. And what's with comparing the NBPP with the Klan anyway? The Klan was a major organization that held political offices and terrorized and killed hundreds if not thousands of people. Even recently wasn't the guy who killed Robert Byrd a Klansman? WTF have the NBPPers done to anybody other than piss off Black folks for looking ignorant on tv? Hell, I had never heard of them until they made a national case of the two heads of knuckle in Philly went all goofy. And Malik Shabazz would be another brother riding the bus if Sean Hannity didn't keep bringing him on his show. White people lean in close, you'll want to hear this..............if the NBPP is your biggest fear you can exhale because all both of them won't do a damned thing to your baby. No need to thank me.

  34. Thirsty Howell III11:49 PM

    BrookLyn said...
    Field can you at least get a better class of misinformed, racist, misogynist, rightwing asshole?

    OK. Where's that goddamned beer?

  35. Anonymous11:51 PM

    I'm getting real tired of you regular ids whining and complaining about us. We can't help it if we offer more substantive comments than some of you sorry folks with a handle.

  36. There is a city in America named for a church mentioned in The Book Of Revelation. That city has a funny history, one even of worldwide import.

  37. "You would not be so dismissive if a Republican was attending a campaign rally with Grand Wizards and uniformed klansmen."

    But seriously, Republicans are too busy defending confederate history month and the flying of the confederate flag on state grounds. Virginia governor Bob McConnell reinstituted confederate history month and in S.C. all of the Republicans in the state congress voted to keep the flag on the state house including Joe "you lie" Wilson. Not caring how Black people feel about the flag and the month. The south lost the fucking war but yet want to wrap themselves around the flag of a group of traitors. The Nazis don't get to fly their flag over government buildings in Germany and we sure as hell don't have unionjacks blowing in the wind so what is up with these fools and their stars and bars? Gotta love hypocrisy.

  38. Cornelius Vanderbilt11:53 PM

    Sage said...
    Last time I checked Cornelius, one trait of adulthood is being able to admit when one is wrong and not just repeating BS because it fits in with ones agenda...

    I'll keep that in mind just in case I am ever wrong.

    Now why don't you grow up and stop trying to provide cover for bunch of spoiled, underachieving white kids wasting productive people's time by making utterly ridiculous demands that they lack the capacity to understand.

  39. Anonymous11:55 PM

    PilotX said...
    "You would not be so dismissive if a Republican was attending a campaign rally with Grand Wizards and uniformed klansmen."

    or hunting at the Niggerhead lodge.
    Actually I'd be surprised if a Republican wasn't at a rally with Grand Wizards and uniformed klansmen.

    Nah, nobody cares about someone who went hunting at a place named niggerhead lodge except for the eternally offended. If someone gets offended and alarmed over something this stupid, what kind of minds do they have anyway?

    Simply another bullet from the liberal armory of lie, cheat, steal and attack. Especially when you have not a single thing to stand on of your own, you make emergencies for others.

    Perry will win, why? People are tired of this nonsensical race bullshit and someone going someplace that might be offensive is certainly no worse than an entire race hypocritically calling each other niggas.

    Another words - the card is used tattered and full of shit.

  40. Anonymous11:58 PM

    PilotX said...
    And what's with comparing the NBPP with the Klan anyway? The Klan was a major organization that held political offices and terrorized and killed hundreds if not thousands of people. Even recently wasn't the guy who killed Robert Byrd a Klansman? WTF have the NBPPers done to anybody other than piss off Black folks for looking ignorant on tv? Hell, I had never heard of them until they made a national case of the two heads of knuckle in Philly went all goofy. And Malik Shabazz would be another brother riding the bus if Sean Hannity didn't keep bringing him on his show. White people lean in close, you'll want to hear this..............if the NBPP is your biggest fear you can exhale because all both of them won't do a damned thing to your baby. No need to thank me.

    Oh, I see, you say it's ok, so downplay it because they are liberals, yet you go apeshit over some guy visiting a place that just happened to be named niggerhead. If it was named niggerhead and ho'es with baby mamas and "did it on em" would that be better.

    Well to use your logic (as loose, disconnected and hypocritical as it is) you don't have to worry about someone killin your babies because his father went hunting at a place named niggerhead. You can thank me immediately.

  41. Shabizzo Foshizzo11:59 PM

    PilotX said...
    And what's with comparing the NBPP with the Klan anyway? The Klan was a major organization

    The key word there Crash is WAS, as in the Klan WAS a major organization. Long before any of us was born.

    The NBPP IS a major organization whose members hobnob with the President of the United States.

    Thats a disitinction with a difference that matters.

  42. Anonymous12:01 AM

    Hell, I had never heard of them until they made a national case of the two heads of knuckle in Philly went all goofy.

    No thats because the disengenious white liberal machine rarely tells the truth and always plays the race card. They will never report openly, they are afraid of eternal victims objecting to honest reporting, as would happen immediately, it's racist to report news isn't it?

  43. Anonymous12:05 AM

    Thirsty Howell III said...
    BrookLyn said...
    Field can you at least get a better class of misinformed, racist, misogynist, rightwing asshole?

    Liberalism 101 say nothing but call a lot of names, empty heads and people with spelling disorders "untie"

  44. Anonymous12:06 AM

    Umm...the Goobers do care what AfAms feel about the cowards who coveted slavery...and they really gets their sick kicks out of being such jerkholes.

    Love how Trolls are TELLing us the Occupy Wall Street is the 'exact same' as the AstroTurf TaxBaggers...but offer zero proof of their assertions.

    Must be their propaganda is solely from FAUX, pretty much every pic I've viewed has minorities in the frame.

    Cry all you want that smarter-than-you kids have made sensible demands. It reminds you of just how much a Left Behind you are.
    Oh, in your fantasy race'll be the cannon fodder. As your female children are conscripted to be comfort women for the more gawdly...who will be well removed from any fighting. Good for's your Darwin Award.


  45. The Tea Party is a legitimate grassroots movement.

    The prove is in how much liberal statists hate it.

  46. "Cry all you want that smarter-than-you kids have made sensible demands"

    These kids are idiots who, when asked, are completely unable to articulate what it is they want beyond demanding money from corporations.

    What they are advocating is tyranny.

    America's first pro-tyranny demonstrations, brought to you by the President and his political party.

    There will be blood.

  47. Anonymous12:17 AM

    Umm...the Goobers do care what AfAms feel about the cowards who coveted slavery...and they really gets their sick kicks out of being such jerkholes.

    Love how Trolls are TELLing us the Occupy Wall Street is the 'exact same' as the AstroTurf TaxBaggers...but offer zero proof of their assertions.

    Must be their propaganda is solely from FAUX, pretty much every pic I've viewed has minorities in the frame.

    Cry all you want that smarter-than-you kids have made sensible demands. It reminds you of just how much a Left Behind you are.
    Oh, in your fantasy race'll be the cannon fodder. As your female children are conscripted to be comfort women for the more gawdly...who will be well removed from any fighting. Good for's your Darwin Award.


    I knew why you weren't here spamming as usual the last few days, you were out with your white know nothing college kid friends. Do they mind that you got kicked out of college for being a stalker? I guess you are the same age and color and just as batshit crazy as them so they don't mind. Unless you wear your dress or big mama mask..have you?

  48. Anonymous12:20 AM

    Why don't they call it "redneck cracker head" I think that sounds way better!

  49. Stop complainin’. Stop grumblin’. Stop cryin’12:27 AM

    This has been so OBVIOUSLY PLANNED, it is a politically connived ‘response’ to the true grassroots tea party movement. The brown shirted public union thugs and anarchists together pulled by the more-visible-every-day puppet strings of Soros. They (MSM, lefties, et al) WISH DESPERATELY that this will become what the tea party IS.
    Sitting back and watching this circus objectively only reveals the concerted push to make this ‘protest’ bigger than it will ever be. It is not even logically viable if they succeed in drawing larger numbers, and from the looks of it they are already straining to push the numbers over a few thousand…

  50. Pretty sure I spelled asshole correctly. It was the point, afterall.

    Maybe I'd spend as much time proofreading and perfecting my posts if it were all I had to do all day. You Anons spend ALOT of time here calling other people lazy. What exactly is it that you do? Or is spamming this blog that lucrative for you?

    Let me know if I need to provide a definition for lucrative. On a rightwing blog I got called out for using big words lol.

  51. Anonymous12:41 AM

    At least he wasn't a nigger.

  52. "The NBPP IS a major organization whose members hobnob with the President of the United States."

    OK that comment right there should get all anons kicked off the blog immediately. In what white fantasy world is the NBPP a major organization? Really? No comment about the killing of Robert Byrd huh? Name one person killed by the NBPP. Hell, I'll even throw in the old BPP if you want since you are so desperate to make this a big deal. Jezus, the stupid is strong in this one.

  53. And notice how the anon doesn't address the fact the event it tried to portray as an Obama rally was an event honoring civil rights participants attended by Hillary and Bill Clinton. Guess they're NBPP members too huh? Did the liberal media miss that too?

  54. Thirsty Howell III12:49 AM

    BrookLyn said...
    On a rightwing blog I got called out for using big words

    Probably because you used them out of context, Thesaurus in hand, desperately trying to impress your betters.

    Be a dear and bring me a beer.

  55. Jeremiah Wright12:51 AM

    PilotX said...
    And notice how the anon doesn't address the fact the event it tried to portray as an Obama rally was an event honoring civil rights participants attended by Hillary and Bill Clinton. Guess they're NBPP members too huh? Did the liberal media miss that too?

    Yes, the liberal establishment always covers for Democrats.

    Shame on all of them for cozying up to the NBPP.

    Time to throw these racists out of power.

  56. Jeremiah Wright12:54 AM

    PilotX said...
    "In what white fantasy world is the NBPP a major organization?"

    Major enough that Eric Holder drops a completed investigation into the NBPP Philadelphia voter intimidation case at the behest of Obama.

    This adminstration is a cesspool of racism and hate.

  57. Hey Pilot
    Did you know that Steve Jobs was half Syrian and was adopted by the Jobs family in Cali? His father was a Syrian muslim named Abdulfattah Jandali. Wonder if the rightwing media will stop giving him props when that becomes more public. Breitbart is already up in arms. HA! Love it!

  58. Anonymous1:01 AM

    PilotX said...
    And notice how the anon doesn't address the fact the event it tried to portray as an Obama rally was an event honoring civil rights participants attended by Hillary and Bill Clinton. Guess they're NBPP members too huh? Did the liberal media miss that too?

    This from the man who is supportive of someone getting attacked because he visited a place that had a rock with a funny name on it. I saw pictures of Obama with Malik Shabazz and Rev Right and other Nation of Islam leaders, he attended his church for 20 years. What kind of double standard are you trying to play? It doesn't work anymore. If you set standards then you have to live by them.

    When was the last time the KKK signed into the white house? Well the NBP sure as hell did several times right around the time the crimes caught on tape and that they were convicted of got dismissed by the Racist DOJ division.

    Are you seriously that much of a disengenious liberal that you can't see double standards and promote them?

    The reason any conservative’s failing is always major news is that it allows liberals to engage in their very favorite taunt: Hypocrisy! Hypocrisy is the only sin that really inflames them. Inasmuch as liberals have no morals, they can sit back and criticize other people for failing to meet the standards that liberals simply renounce. It’s an intriguing strategy. By openly admitting to being philanderers, draft dodgers, liars, weasels and cowards, liberals avoid ever being hypocrites.

    -- A Pal

  59. What's the matter Thirsty? Is your Real Touch sex toy broken? Is that why you're so cranky?

    Night night all! I've got some DVR'd Masterpiece Theater to watch and the Battlefield 3 demo to play.


  60. Anonymous1:07 AM

    OK that comment right there should get all anons kicked off the blog immediately. In what white fantasy world is the NBPP a major organization? Really? No comment about the killing of Robert Byrd huh?

    Not sure what your point is about Byrd as unrelated as it seems to the NBP and President Obama. Robert Byrd was a democratic KKK member or was he a KKK Leader? Who led the democrats for many years serving as the president pro tempore of the democratic party/KKK from 1989-2010 fighting against civil rights etc, is he one of your heroes?

  61. Anonymous1:08 AM

    BrookLyn said...
    What's the matter Thirsty? Is your Real Touch sex toy broken? Is that why you're so cranky?

    Night night all! I've got some DVR'd Masterpiece Theater to watch and the Battlefield 3 demo to play.


    Is that all liberals have? Name calling, sex in your end o's and game playing? Yup....have fun.

  62. I see the tr00ls are in full effect, foaming on their keyboard and

  63. Night night all! I've got some DVR'd Masterpiece Theater to watch and the Battlefield 3 demo to play.


    1:01 AM

    Let me know what you think about BF3.

  64. Hey Anon Sweetie
    If your game were really tight you'd have made some comment about my watching publicly funded TV.

    It's okay we can't expect you to be quick except when using your Real Touch. do realize the fact that you knew immediately what I was talking about is kinda an indicator right?

    Thanks for being a guest on the show!!!!!

  65. Nizar1:19 AM

    BrookLyn said...
    Did you know that Steve Jobs was half Syrian and was adopted by the Jobs family in Cali? His father was a Syrian muslim named Abdulfattah Jandali

    And? Are you some sort of pureblood racist?

    Jobs was not a muslim. Muslim isn't in one's genes. He was raised an American.

    Have some respect for the dead.

  66. "I saw pictures of Obama with Malik Shabazz and Rev Right and other Nation of Islam leaders, he attended his church for 20 years."

    So what, I have friends and family that attended Rev. Wright's church as well as thousands of other people. Trinity is a very influential church here in Chicago. Next.

    Whoops, I meant James Byrd. And as far as the DOJ case against the NBPP that has already been put to rest here by our esteemed host and lawyer Field. I know white guys want to portray themselves as some kind of victims and there's some kind of Black conspiracy against them but it just ain't true.

    Show of hands from the Black folks here who even knew the NBPP existed before Fox blew the story waaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy out of proportion.

    I still want you to adress the James Byrd killing and name me ONE white person harmed by the NBPP. Tick tock.

  67. Thirsty Howell III1:22 AM

    BrookLyn said...
    I've got some DVR'd Masterpiece Theater to watch and the Battlefield 3 demo to play.


    Masterpiece theater. Too much.

    I believe you about playing video game demos, though. That's more your speed.

    One more for the road, sweet cheecks.

  68. God Damn America!1:25 AM

    PilotX said...
    "So what, I have friends and family that attended Rev. Wright's church"

    Wow. So you are friends with racist, America-hating trash.


    Any of your friends in the NBPP?


  69. Gotta love Sherri Shephard. I watched the video and was shocked to see her call Walters out on using the n-word, and with relative ease, might I add. Not really a conspiracist, though I wonder if there is a story behind the story. Well, far as the show, I meant.

    I'm well aware of the story behind the n-word.

    Hilarious @ your comment to Hermain Cain.

    Politics is politics, true enough, but doesn't it appear to be more transparent than ever?

  70. "Wow. So you are friends with racist, America-hating trash."

    Funny how when Black people express themselves were are racists but the southerners who fress up like confederate soldiers. wave the rebel flag and celebrate confederate history month (all Republicans) they are just celebrating their "heritage". You white folks wouldn't know what real racism is if it bit you. Still didn't comment about James Byrd I see and answer the question about how many whites have been harmed by the NBPP.

  71. Anonymous1:58 AM

    Yes indeed Brooklyn! Many people don't know that a lot of American words actually come from the Arabic language! I should maybe compile a list and you'd be surprised. For example the word Algebra, is from the Arabic language as well as many, many others. The Middle East has given the world it's fair share knowledge but Americans don't like to acknowledge this! :)

  72. And BTW Trinity United Church of Christ has given millions of dollars in scholarships for deserving students, given food and clothing to the poor around the world, helped AIDS patients on the mother continent and the list goes on. Also, for a "racist" church they have quite a few white members but I forget, in right wing world populated by bigots like Limbaugh and such only Black people can be racists.

  73. God Damn America!2:00 AM

    PilotX said...
    Funny how when Black people express themselves were are racists but the southerners who fress up like confederate soldiers. wave the rebel flag and celebrate confederate history month (all Republicans) they are just celebrating their "heritage"

    Hey, if you want to dress up like a slave and pick cotton, have at it. Whatever floats your boat.

    But anybody who attends racist, hate filled sermons week in and week out must be a racist hater.

    You should find some new friends.

  74. "The Middle East has given the world it's fair share knowledge but Americans don't like to acknowledge this! :)"

    Many cultures have influenced our lives but too many here are so xenophobic they won't be willing to accept any of these facts. I bet if half these tea partiers found out the statue of liberty was made in France they'd want to give it back.

  75. PilotX: "Also, for a "racist" church they have quite a few white members "

    Whites can be racists too, although most today are black.

  76. Steven Chu2:04 AM

    Desertflower said..."The Middle East has given the world it's fair share knowledge but Americans don't like to acknowledge this!"

    Yes, but do we really need to know everything there is to know about goat fucking?

    The only bigger shit hole than the Middle East is Africa.

  77. "Hey, if you want to dress up like a slave and pick cotton, have at it. Whatever floats your boat.

    But anybody who attends racist, hate filled sermons week in and week out must be a racist hater."

    Ha! The racist thinks my culture began picking cotton. No wonder you think sermons that give praise to our heritage is hate speech. My friend, before you dismiss an entire church maybe you should attend or at least talk to a few people who go there to get a balanced understanding instead of just getting your info from Sean Hannity. No wonder you people thought the Selma march was an Obama rally. Such low standards of facts. Like I said before, this country is stupid.
    My bet is you haven't ever even been to the southside of Chicago.

  78. Zannah2:06 AM

    Don said...
    Gotta love Sherri Shephard. I watched the video and was shocked to see her call Walters out on using the n-word

    Sherri was amazing! And good riddance to that nigger-hating Barbara Walters.

  79. PilotX: "No wonder you people thought the Selma march was an Obama rally. Such low standards of facts. Like I said before, this country is stupid."

    Starting with Obama, who claimed the 1965 Selma march was the inspiration for his parents for his 1961 birth.

  80. PilotX said..."No wonder you think sermons that give praise to our heritage is hate speech"

    If your heritage is hating whitey, calling for the destruction of the country, and promoting violence against white people, then yes, it is hate speech.

  81. "Starting with Obama, who claimed the 1965 Selma march was the inspiration for his parents for his 1961 birth."

    You trolls are good at avoiding the topic. Good work. But still no word on James Byrd huh? Seeing as he was killed not that long ago by a Klansman thus refuting the notion the Klan isn't alive and well while not one scratch has ever befallen one single white person at the hands of the NBPP. What gives? I mean they stated they wantd to kill white babies and since they have the full force of the White House and the DOJ the streets should be flowing with the blood of cracker babies right? Or maybe their influence has been slightly exaggerated by racist whites who want to give the idea that there are Black people who are the "real" racists?
    Tick tock.

  82. "If your heritage is hating whitey, calling for the destruction of the country, and promoting violence against white people, then yes, it is hate speech."

    What sermon was entitled "Kill whitey"? Other than one snippet of one sermon show me evidence Trinity promotes violence against white people. Maybe you should attend there once before making such a claim. That is a downright dumb accusation. Just because people are proud of their heritage doesn't make them anti-white despite what racists like yourself think. Instead of focusing on what you think Black people ar eplotting you might want to look at what white people have actually done to people of color in this country. The NBPP talked about stuff while the Klan actually dragged a man to death. No comparison except in the minds of paranoid white men.

  83. "Seeing as he was killed not that long ago by a Klansman thus refuting the notion the Klan isn't alive and well while not one scratch has ever befallen one single white person at the hands of the NBPP"

    James Byrd's killer was executed by the State of Texas. I don't know if he was a real klan member, but he was a racist.

    You obsess on this one case from many years ago, when everyday NBPP types attack white people.

    For every black killed by a white racist, a hundred whites are killed by a black racist.

  84. Carolyn Moon (Amina)2:33 AM

    I'm going to try this again given that I don't know of a Steve Jacobs who passed.......

    ~Rest in Peace Steve Jobs~

  85. We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both--Brandeis

  86. "You obsess on this one case from many years ago, when everyday NBPP types attack white people.

    For every black killed by a white racist, a hundred whites are killed by a black racist."

    Start naming names. If instances of the NBPP physically assaulting whites are so prevalent, they'd be on the MSM 24/7. Instead, people barely remember the NBPP. A militant black group terrorizing whites would have the full and unencumbered weight of the federal, state and local law enforcement brought upon it, despite what you believe Eric Holder would do, in your mind, to stop it.

    I also want to know about these black racists who are killing a hundred whites a piece. These guys must be some smooth criminals, because the only way a black serial killer would last under any circumstances is if he kept his killing to black females on the lower end of the socioeconomic scale, like that Anthony Sowell character. It took 11 dead black women and years of reporting foul smells from his home before cops even remotely gave a fuck about it.

    (I love guys who try to justify their viewpoints by presenting facts as gospel, without understanding the overall significance of the facts they present. It's like watching a drunk man stagger down a bar aisle before landing flat on his face.)

    You know, you should try going over to Balloon Juice or Firedoglake to see how real trolls handle their shit. Maybe it'll convince you to stop putting out weak efforts, like the constant name changes, desperate name calling and incoherent slapdash arguments.

  87. I also love how the overrepresentation of blacks in criminal statistics is somehow an indictment on the social behavior of blacks. It becomes a revalidation of the old thought of blacks as animals lacking faculties of self-control and self-governance. The argument eventually culminates to the conclusion that segregation was actually beneficial for blacks, since it confined them to their own quarters and kept opportunities to predate on white society to a bare minimum, and that slavery was actually beneficial for the meager black psyche, since manual labor and strict bondage conditions were all that the Negro was capable of handling.

    A lot of this is left unsaid but heavily implied when arguments over blacks and criminal stats come up, but whites seem to be experts when it comes to saying unsaid things.

  88. I guess Hank Williams didn't get Fox's Roger Ailes latest marching orders. I read somewhere were he told his pundits to tone down the rhetoric because they were too over the top. Looks like to me, they sat Howdy Doody up, in order to appear more fair and balanced. Normally those pundits would have been ha,ha,he heing right along with the sucker.

  89. "The Klan has been dead and dismantled for many a year"

    Then who was at that FOX NEWS debate I saw a couple of weeks ago?

    Brooklyn,I am trying to upgrade my troll population but it's hard. The nasty ones are just drawn to us black folks. :)

    Carolyn, we knew who you meant. You never have to correct yourself here.

    "For every black killed by a white racist, a hundred whites are killed by a black racist."

    Please provide a link that backs up that statement. And not the FBI stats you provided. As is usually the case with you wingnuts it does not support your claim.

    I will wait......

  90. Dammit I love this blog!

  91. It certainly isn't for the faint at heart that's for dayum sure...

  92. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Those kids who are doing the Occupy Wallstreet and the unemployed 50-something hippies joining them are the same ones laying down candles and wreathes for Steve Jobs.

    A corporate magnate who never gave a dime to charity that anyone knows about. What hypocrites! They are also puppets! Did the guy give money to write rural America that has no internet?


    Did he go public with his pancreatic cancer to draw attention to this most deadly of cancer, most underfunded, with outcomes that haven't improved in 40 years?


    He iied about his health. All he cared about was keeping the stock price up. He skipped up the line to get a liver transplant that was wasted on him. He lived 7 years with a disease that kills most people in a year because he had access to the best doctors and money was no object.

    What a pillar of society!

    He fathered a child out of wedlock and denied paternity for YEARS.

    He's being canonized as if he ran a nonprofit or gave all his money to charity. Show me any low or moderate income person who can afford a mac.

    Show me the abused workers in Chinese factories making Apple products.

    Fuck Steve Jobs. Give me BIll Gates any day.

  93. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Meant to say WIRE rural America.

  94. Latent Racism9:14 AM

    " LACoincidental said...
    Probably the most salient point made about Joe Six Pack who keeps voting in clowns like Boehner into office.

    9:21 PM"

    Would that be similar to Leroy 40 oz'er voting a clown like Obama into office, ad then still defending him to this day, even though he's shown himself to be incompetent?

  95. Did anyone get around to reminding the self-important and no doubt chickenhawk troll(s) that proud Germantown's Jeremiah Wright is a former Marine and Navy Corpsman? (He's also a Central High School alum.)

    I saw an all-too-enlightening remark suggesting Herman "Herb" Cain can go places the President cannot... I suppose this is in a sense true, just as it is for the remarkable former wingnut sweetheart Alan Keyes: witness My First Tea Party.

  96. Stop complainin’. Stop grumblin’. Stop cryin’9:20 AM

    I went to a couple of Tea Party rallies, where people came during their lunch hour and then went back to work, totally orderly, peaceful, respectful, and the left the place spotless, no trash left behind. These pigs are Obama’s foot soldiers, organized and paid for by George Soros, a bunch of dumb lazy dope heads with a penchant for anger and violence. Just look at their actions, it’s disgraceful. This is exactly what community agitators like Obama do.

  97. Civil Rights luminary Fred Shuttlesworth died the same day as Steve Jobs. He was stabbed, beaten, his home bombed and his family continually threatened with violence as he pursued a lifetime of non-violent social action to make this country and world a better place. R.I.P. Fred. You WILL be very missed!

  98. Anonymous9:24 AM

    PilotX said...
    And BTW Trinity United Church of Christ has given millions of dollars in scholarships for deserving students, given food and clothing to the poor around the world, helped AIDS patients on the mother continent and the list goes on. Also, for a "racist" church they have quite a few white members but I forget, in right wing world populated by bigots like Limbaugh and such only Black people can be racists.

    Right so in your mind everything the NBP and Trinity church does to promote hatred and racism is OK because you supposedly think they are small or do good work too...

    remember those standards two faced liberal, remember them and apply them next time you attack with fake race baiting. Never can trust a liberal, bad behaviour somehow becomes justifiable always. They never condemn what they condone.

  99. Organizer admits to paying ‘Occupy DC’ protesters

    A liberal organizer told the Daily Caller on Thursday afternoon that he paid some Hispanics to attend “Occupy DC” protests happening in the nation’s capital.

    TheDC attended the protest event, an expansion of the “Occupy Wall Street” movement that began in New York City. Some aspects of the protest, it turned out, are more Astroturf than grassroots.

    One group of about ten Hispanic protesters marched behind a Caucasian individual from the DC Tenants Advocacy Coalition, a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting rent control in Washington, D.C.

    Asked why they were there, some Hispanic protesters holding up English protest signs could not articulate what their signs said.

    Interviewed in Spanish, the protesters told conflicting stories about how their group was organized. Some said it was organized at their church, and that they were there as volunteers. Others, however, referred to the man from the DC Tenants Advocacy Coalition — the only Caucasian in the group — as their “boss.”

    TheDC asked that organizer whether he was paying the group to attend the protest, and he conceded that some protesters “aren’t” volunteers.

    “Some of them are volunteers. Some of them aren’t,” he explained. “I can’t identify them. I’m not going to get into an identification game.”

    Read more:

  100. "But the population is about 75% white, so it was really not all that unrepresentative."

    The population of what? Germany?

  101. "How about Yolanda Fortyounce who keeps voting in clowns like Obama who promise to take Steve Job's money and spread it to them?"

    Steve Jobs probably paid a lower tax rate than Yolanda.

  102. i am never offended by mere words

    i am deeply offended by ignorance, hatred, poverty, colorism, vulgarity etc

    we must get rid of the nigs like stuntin’ stymie/uts & the vdlr etc!!!

    before we get rid of the word NIG that describes them so perfectly

    kudos to all the rebel warriors in nyc who are walking like Egyptians!!!!...and the sequel in LA!

    power to the people!!!
    free the land!!!!

    more rebellions loom!!!

  103. Anonymous10:10 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    "How about Yolanda Fortyounce who keeps voting in clowns like Obama who promise to take Steve Job's money and spread it to them?"

    Steve Jobs probably paid a lower tax rate than Yolanda.

    9:46 AM

    Indeed. He took a salary of $1 and lived on his options, which are taxed at the lower capital gains rate.

  104. Anonymous10:13 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    "How about Yolanda Fortyounce who keeps voting in clowns like Obama who promise to take Steve Job's money and spread it to them?"

    Steve Jobs probably paid a lower tax rate than Yolanda.

    Just like the paid spanish protestors who did not understand the english signs they were carrying this person does not understand the talking points he qoutes.

  105. Anonymous10:14 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    "But the population is about 75% white, so it was really not all that unrepresentative."

    The population of what? Germany?

    No Germany is 93% White, how do you think it manages to support Europe and it's communist diversity?

  106. "Just like the paid spanish protestors who did not understand the english signs they were carrying this person does not understand the talking points he qoutes."


    How about explaining how Obama could take Steve Jobs' money and give it to poor black folks. Even if he wanted to.

    Take all the time you need.

  107. pookies rule the world!!!

    and they stay strapped...shame!!!

  108. hobama is a nazi!

    hank did not lie!

    American militants like Anwar al-Awlaki are placed on a kill or capture list by a secretive panel of senior government officials, which then informs the president of its decisions, according to officials.

    There is no public record of the operations or decisions of the panel, which is a subset of the White House's National Security Council, several current and former officials said. Neither is there any law establishing its existence or setting out the rules by which it is supposed to operate.

    The panel was behind the decision to add Awlaki, a U.S.-born militant preacher with alleged al Qaeda connections, to the target list. He was killed by a CIA drone strike in Yemen late last month.

    The role of the president in ordering or ratifying a decision to target a citizen is fuzzy. White House spokesman Tommy Vietor declined to discuss anything about the process.

  109. Hobama lies!!!

    President Obama spun a work of creative nonfiction yesterday in his latest pitch for his jobs plan, fudging the facts of a Boston schoolteacher’s White House visit as he cast the man as a poster boy for the hot-button bill.
    “I had a chance to meet a young man named Robert Baroz,” the president said at a midday news conference. “He’s got two decades of teaching experience. He’s got a master’s degree. He’s got an outstanding track record of helping his students make huge gains in reading and writing. In the last few years, he’s received three pink slips because of budget cuts. Why wouldn’t we want to pass a bill that puts somebody like Robert back in the classroom teaching our kids?”
    Two problems: Obama never met Baroz. And Baroz remains happily employed

  110. hobama lies!!!

    see more lies:

  111. Anonymous11:01 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    "Just like the paid spanish protestors who did not understand the english signs they were carrying this person does not understand the talking points he qoutes."


    How about explaining how Obama could take Steve Jobs' money and give it to poor black folks. Even if he wanted to.

    Take all the time you need.

    Are you drooling again lawn jockey? Is this all you have name calling you racist piece of shit. Yes it is. Now STFU and wheel away you crippled pathetic little weasel of a man. who said anything about color you dimwitted bell curve proving coon?

    What exactly does the qoute that you used mean and is it true...take all the time you need dumbass....a lifetime hasn't seemed to work for you yet.

    Better yet, never mind, just go sit down on my lawn and greet my visitors, that's all you are worth.

  112. "How about explaining how Obama could take Steve Jobs' money and give it to poor black folks. Even if he wanted to."

    Duh, he'll use his army of Black Panthers and the DOJ. Geez Steve wake up and smell the coffee man!

  113. "Right so in your mind everything the NBP and Trinity church does to promote hatred and racism is OK because you supposedly think they are small or do good work too..."

    No, didn't say that. your reading comprehension is typically conservative. I stated that Trinity does good work. I don't know and have never known one single supporter or member of the NBPP and I submit neither do 99.9% of Black people in this country. And i suggest going to Trinity before you base your opinion by watching Bill O'Reilly who is so racist he was shocked Black people can use forks and knives and not yell for more F'n iced tea. Talk about hypocrisy but I understand, only Black people can be racists and if we are we were taught by the best. I do however suggest you look up the definition of racism but from your past reading difficulties I doubt you have a dictionary in your trailer.

  114. "Are you drooling again lawn jockey? Is this all you have name calling you racist piece of shit. Yes it is. Now STFU and wheel away you crippled pathetic little weasel of a man. who said anything about color you dimwitted bell curve proving coon?"

    Awwww, I done got him all upset again.


  115. You're a racist Steve!

  116. Well, we can see 2012 is coming up and the race baiting begins. For the next year + we get to hear about the NBPP and Rev. Wright non-stop because these folks want a good southern white man back in the W.H. Buckle up fellow negroes, gonna be a bumpy ride.

  117. This comment has been removed by the author.

  118. Pilot X

    Oh it's going to be ugly alright because as bad as the economy is and as beleaguered as Obama is, the GOP field SUCKS and they know it.

    For that reason alone Obama may cruise to a second term.

    But not before the goobers pull out every racist tool in their arsenal.

    From commercials showing white guys getting pink slips and leaving companies being passed by cornrow and baggy pants wearing homies taking their jobs......

    To Obama being depicted in Muslim garb and inviting Al Queada operatives to the WHite HOuse......

    To bullshit like the anon-idiot uttered white folks getting held up by "da gubmit" and their fortunes being redistributed to ghetto pookies.

  119. And these folks are downright funny. You get to choose between a no neck redneck who believes creationism should be taught in public schools because 10 year olds should get to choose what is science and what isn't (please morons don't start a global warming debate), a Mormon who wears magic underwear, a damned bama who sings Old Man River and wants to replace Hail to the Chief with a gospel song, a bat-shit insane woman ect. It's like they gave up 2012. Chris Christie didn't even want to be seen with this box of fruit loops. You're right about this lineup.

  120. And one minute Barack isn't Black as Rush and Laura Ingram said he wasn't authentically Black then the next he's fucking Huey Newton leading all both of the NBPPers. Must be hard to live being so stupid.

  121. Spare us the b.s., slave catcher steve.

    Obama and the Democrats are the only ones race baiting.

    Has the election nears, race hustlers will be out in full force.

    Expect the NAACP to pass out pamphlets informing voters that electing a white Republican means more black churches will burn and more black people will be lynched.

    Like the Texas and Missouri NAACP did in 2000 and 2004.

    If that doesn't work than expect Democrats to compare Republicans to a haunted house.

    You know how haunted houses scare black folks.

  122. PilotX said...
    Must be hard to live being so stupid.

    Why don't you tell us? Is it hard being so stupid px?

  123. Tormented Goober

    As over the top as the NAACP pamphlets may have been, the fact was that the Bush Administration evisceraated the DOJ Civil Rights Division and damn near gutted the EEOC.

    Now THAT's some compassionate conservatism.

    Black conservatives are certifiably insane.

  124. the black agenda-less hobama has been the most ruthless and brutal prez ever!!!

    who could be more racist and white than the blackish hobama?

    what wm would black mongrels give such a HUGE pass to/masochistically cheer incessantly etc???

    what could be bumpier than the depression blacks have endured under hobama???

    who has done NOTHING for us except to tell us to stfu????????

  125. J. Jackson12:52 PM

    PilotX said...
    And one minute Barack isn't Black as Rush and Laura Ingram said he wasn't authentically Black then the next he's fucking Huey Newton leading all both of the NBPPers. Must be hard to live being so stupid.

    He is not authentically "black". Obama has nothing in commom culturally or even genetically with American blacks. He is not descended of slaves imported primarily from West Africa. He is the son of a pampered East African grad student and a white woman of Irish descent.

    He grew up in multi-ethinic, white minority Hawaii and in Muslim Indonesia. He then wen to rich kid west coast Occidental College where he hung out with Pakistanis, then went to Columbia where he hung out with gays, then to Harvard Law.

    He probably hardly even had seen a black person until he was in his twenties. But with the help of Michelle, and under the weekly tutelage of Rev. Wright and Louis Farrakhan, Barry Soetoro learned to be a Black Man named Barack Obama. He did this because he knew he had to to be able to pull of an "authentic" blackness to further his career.

    Part of this authenticity has been the embracing of the racists haters who, unfortunately, are the ones who get to define "blackness" today. You have to hang with guys like Farrakhan, Wright, Sharpton and Malik Shabbaz to give you enough credibility with black voters, and you have to depend on the Democrat mainstream media to minimize and hide this from white voters, to whom you need to be seen as a friendly negro who offers absolution from charges of racism if you will suppport him.

    So you see, PilotX, Obama can be both unauthentic in his black identity AND a consorter of the worst kind of racist human garbage in the black community.

    There is nothing real or authentic about Obama. Nothing good can come from a man whose entire life is based on a lie.

  126. i love steve jobs

    he was a humane ceo with a heart

    and he was an abandoned kid who became a stellar adopted son

    he has also been really great even belatedly to his kids

    to each their own

    if more breeders like the unlicked unglued ipadless condomless vdlr were not pookies and more like steve

    we would all live in a better place...

    rip steve!

  127. to see my superb and swiftly erased posts daily


    Email follow-up comments to

    have a great day!

  128. to see my superb and swiftly erased posts daily


    Email follow-up comments to

    have a great day!

  129. J. Jackson

    "He is not authentically "black". Obama has nothing in commom culturally or even genetically with American blacks."

    What in your feeble mind is "authentically" black?

    What is the "cultural black experience" in America and how did Obama miss it?

    I can't wait to hear this bull$hit but of course this moron won't answer.

  130. This comment has been removed by the author.

  131. This comment has been removed by the author.

  132. Anonymous1:30 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    J. Jackson

    "He is not authentically "black". Obama has nothing in commom culturally or even genetically with American blacks."

    What in your feeble mind is "authentically" black?

    What is the "cultural black experience" in America and how did Obama miss it?

    I can't wait to hear this bull$hit but of course this moron won't answer.

    Awww look you pressed the lawn jockey's buttons again he is mad....stop drooling cowgirl. Why don't you tell us, you seem to be one of dem dere know it all lib' know everyone else is wrong but you know nothing except that you are a racist and align solely on skin color and racial divisions.

    So tell us...we will wait.

  133. J. Jackson1:38 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    What in your feeble mind is "authentically" black?

    "Black" in the American context means someone who is descended of slaves brought forcibly from Africa. They are members of a population that has historically suffered discrimination and that has advanced itself to a postion of legal equality today. American blacks have their own culture that has contributed greatly to the common culture of the United States.

    "What is the "cultural black experience" in America and how did Obama miss it?"

    The cultural Black experience is growing up Black in America, something Barack Obama (aka Barry Soetoro) did not do. He was raised by white people in places that there was no black population.

    Black culture is not something you are born with based on the tone of your skin. Obama may look like like an American Black, but he is not.

  134. Anonymous1:39 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Tormented Goober

    As over the top as the NAACP pamphlets may have been, the fact was that the Bush Administration evisceraated the DOJ Civil Rights Division and damn near gutted the EEOC.

    Now THAT's some compassionate conservatism.

    Black conservatives are certifiably insane.

    Sure, Bush didnt like Black people Kanye Gayfish. That has what to do with the bad behaviour of the NAACP? You justify it by some "feelings" about Bush?

    I understand, I understand why you follow the democratic leaders no matter how corrupt, how incompetent, how outright dumb they are (any Islands tip over lately) I expect you to call strong Black Men who make it Toms's race traitors and all the other garbage you spew, WHY? Simply because you are right even with all the Affirmative Action Programs, EEOC programs, Democratic racial set asides and special programs provided to prop up Black america, look at the state it is still in.

    Without all these special programs and Affirmative Action I cannot imagine the African Horrors Black America would be experiencing if there truly were equality and fair judgement on merit and contributions based on developed skills and capacities. You would be nuts to be a constitutionalist and demand fair treatment for all.

    So, you got one right after all. You would be nuts to think conservatively and turn away from the disengenious white liberals. After all the majority of Prince George County is propped up by Government programs, pork and redistribution of tax money paid to fund all of this and create a temporary artificial Black middle class. Oh, yeah thats how Obama does it.

  135. I wasn't the one who used the term "authentically black" goober.

    One of your inbred buddies did.

    It never ceases to amaze me how racist white folks who don't know any blacks, hate blacks and are scared shitless to come into black neighborhoods are suddenly experts on what is "authentically black".


  136. White Folks1:43 PM

    "uptownsteve said...
    Pilot X

    Oh it's going to be ugly alright because as bad as the economy is and as beleaguered as Obama is, the GOP field SUCKS and they know it.

    For that reason alone Obama may cruise to a second term."

    Who's worried? We'll just "disenfranchise" all you gullible nergos, (or just tell you they changed election day to Wednesday, because Obama has declared Tuesday as "Free Dark Meat Day" at all KFC outlets), or, just steal the election.

    You KNOW we can do it. YES WE CAN!!!

  137. What's authentically black about Herman Cain?

    BTW if the point of you Anons being here is to convince us that we're brainwashed and should join the Republicans/Tea Party how is insulting us going to accomplish that?

  138. Anon


    More on TYPICALLY racist black foreigners like that blackish Kenyan cia baby hobama:

    Jill eloquently describes another black neocon poster boy, Juan Williams. Juan is to racist media what Colin Powell/Colon is to Republikkkans and what Clarence Thomas/Uncle Thom is to the Supreme Court. I quote Jill, as her description of racist African immigrants is superbly applicable to Colon and his entire HNIC ilk:

    From “Volunteer Slavery”: "Williams is a black Republican type, a neconservative opportunist a la Clarence Thomas. He is also of Panamanian parentage, which explains some of where he’s coming from. He typifies the worst stereotype of people of African descent who come to America inadvertently or willfully ignorant of the history of black folks born here. Many such immigrants, because they ostensibly came here voluntarily, view America as a place where, if you work hard, keep your nose clean, and obey the law, anything’s possible.
    They either don’t understand or conveniently forget the hand of America, and those of other superpowers, in their native region’s dismal economy. These immigrants often have a hard time relating to and understanding African-Americans, who after centuries of experience with what psychologist Na’im Akbar calls “the chains and images of psychological slavery” do not see America as so beneficent.
    Ignorant of our history, these immigrants of African descent pass judgment: “African-Americans” , they say, “are lazy, cynical, always looking for a hand-out.” They point to themselves as proof of the American dream come true. Denying the role of race, they mouth the prejudices of white immigrants in blackface. “Forget racism, history, the brutalization of the African-American psyche from the middle passage on down”, they holler. “America is a nation of immigrants, and we are just like the Irish, Polish, Japanese, and Jews who have come here.” They conveniently forget that African-Americans, unlike them, unlike any other immigrants, did not come here voluntarily; we are, all of us, children of slaves".

  139. herman cain is a native of the racist usa

    and his resume as a black ceo trumps hobama's as a slacker IL senator

  140. Pamela1:51 PM

    For me it's not a matter of whether or not this person or that person "should" use the N-word; my question is "Why would you want to?" That goes for black people, too.

  141. no political event could be fuglier than how hobama has abused adoring slain blacks since 2008

  142. Nizar said And? Are you some sort of pureblood racist?

    Jobs was not a muslim. Muslim isn't in one's genes. He was raised an American.

    Have some respect for the dead.

    Being a muslim and being american are not mutually exclusive. Are you a pure blood racist?

  143. Another drooling goober rant.

    Watch me expose him AGAIN.

    Affirmative action in public sector has but been eliminated.

    Outlawed in the two largest public university systems, CA and TX.

    Name a black "special program".


    "look at the state it (black America) is still in.

    Of course we were better off under Jim Crow, huh Jethro.

    If black America was a nation it would have the 10th largest GNP in the WORLD you fucking idiot.

    "After all the majority of Prince George County is propped up by Government programs, pork and redistribution of tax money paid to fund all of this and create a temporary artificial Black middle class."

    Spewing this nonsense makes you feel just a little bit better while pumping up the tires on your double-wide.


  144. "The cultural Black experience is growing up Black in America, something Barack Obama (aka Barry Soetoro) did not do.

    He most certainly did grow up black in America.

    You don't have to live in the hood to be black moron.

    Is Colin Powell, who grew up as the son of Jamaican immigrants in a multi-racial community in the Bronx NOT authentically black????

  145. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Brooklyn said, "We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both"--Brandeis

    3:55 AM

    This is so true. For some time I have realized that capitalism and democracy are like oil and water, they just don't mix. We can either have capitalism like the bumper sticker often seen on cars, "The man with the most toys WINS!"

    Or, we truly strive for democracy, which is the human heart's desire.

    Capitalism feeds human greed, pride, anger, envy and fear. It makes people secondary and, to a large extent, unimportant. It is about the love of 'power'.

    When the 'power of love' is preferred over the 'love of power', then we will, for the first time in history find peace, respect, dignity and value for everyone in the human race.

  146. Pamela2:02 PM

    And...I've always thought that black people justifying their use of the N-word was pseudo-intellectual BS; the idea being that black people's use of the word devalues it as a slur and instead changes it into a term of endearment. This is how so many rap artists have justified proficient use of the word, slinging it like a weapon against other black people. But if proficient use of the N-word by black people makes it less of slur, takes the sting out of it, then why can't white people use it? If a white person said it to you, your gut instinct would be to slap them, right? Visceral, as they say. That's when and why the theory of turning the word into an endearment falls apart. And as a practical matter, the idea that these people can say this word but those people can't is just dumb.

  147. "Black" in the American context means someone who is descended of slaves brought forcibly from Africa"

    So if you came from Nigeria or Ghana or Kenya to America voluntarily you are not actually black?

    Neither are your children who would be raised here?

    What about the descendants of slaves from Brazil, Jamaica and Hispaniola who emigrate to the US.

    They not "really" black either?

    You are an idiot.

  148. Hey AB sis, I too greatly respect and will always miss Steve. I've been a machead for years and I'm deeply saddened.

    I don't know if someone else mentioned this prior, but do you know that the Westboro Baptist Devils are at it again? They are planing to protest and picket at Jobs' funeral because... "he had a huge platform, give God no credit and taught sin".

    Yet they announced this on the "sinful" iphone. LOL. Why don't these people hurry get together somewhere and drink the koolaid already.

  149. J. Jackson2:14 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "He most certainly did grow up black in America.

    You don't have to live in the hood to be black moron."

    No, but some connection would help.

    Indonesia is not America.

    Hawaii has less blacks than Switzerland.

    If Obama had been raised in isolation in an Amish community, would he be an authentic representative of Black america because he looked kind of black?

    Culture is not race.

    A White American riased in an mixed population community has more cultural connection to Black America than someone like Obama.

  150. J. Jackson

    So some one like me who grew up in a multi racial neighborhood in the Bronx be "less authentically black" than someone who grew up in virtually all black Tunica, MS?

  151. "Hey AB sis, I too greatly respect and will always miss Steve. I've been a machead for years and I'm deeply saddened."


    I'm gonna leave this one alone.

  152. Hermie Klown, despite his success in business, is obviously not the sharpest tool in the shed. It's not that he's stupid, but that his dull palinesque incuriousness narrows his focus such that he knows almost nothing about anything else. So, he fakes it. Obviously. I've known any number of entrepunarial black men like just like Klown who's opinions, were they white men I'd dismiss as racist simpletons.

  153. J. Jackson2:28 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "So some one like me who grew up in a multi racial neighborhood in the Bronx be "less authentically black" than someone who grew up in virtually all black"

    No. Both had authentic connections to black communities.

  154. J. Jackson2:30 PM

    J. Jackson said...
    uptownsteve said...
    "So some one like me who grew up in a multi racial neighborhood in the Bronx be "less authentically black" than someone who grew up in virtually all black"

    No. Both had authentic connections to black communities.

    And, I might add, both had authentic interactions with White American communities

  155. "No. Both had authentic connections to black communities."

    You don't make any sense.

    BY your definition any community with a black person has a connection to a black community.

    My neighborhood growing up was not majority black nor was Colin Powells for that matter.

    And if you read Obama's book "Dreams of my father" there were black people in HAwaii.

    So you are all wet.

  156. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Brooklyn, "BTW if the point of you Anons being here is to convince us that we're brainwashed and should join the Republicans/Tea Party how is insulting us going to accomplish that?"

    ALL Anons are NOT here to insult ANYBODY. And why would you generalize about Anons when you have people like UTS, PilotX, Mack Lyons and others who insult others on continuous basis?

    I have noticed that you say "NOTHING" about their insults, which happen daily. WHY?

    Dear Mr. Field, all Anons are not trolls. They are human beings much like those regulars with IDs. Those who complain are the same ones who do quite a bit of insulting themselves but don't seem to notice their own shortcomings.

    If you must police 'please' be even handed and fair to EVERYONE-- not police only Anons.

    I have found it helpful and enlightening to read what America is made of, without any sanitizing by you. Sometimes it is shocking, but "America is what it is." IMO, FN blog is unique, thanks to you. It is a meeting place for ALL of humanity.

    FN blog is like a watering hole where all in the forest can come to drink. It's the place where one actually observe who lives in the forest: from the noble to the ignoble, the bright to the dumb, the good to the evil, trolls to non-trolls, Blacks to Whites, the compassionate to the heartless, the 'believers in God to the atheists, etc. It's the whole dance of humanity with very little interference by the blogger.

    I, for one, appreciate that quality of thoughtful non-interference about you. Thank you. I hope you don't change a thing, but allow them to occur on their own, which invariably they will. It is the nature of everything to change, sometimes quickly, and sometimes slowly.

    History has already shown that it takes a long, long, long time for humans to change...and it doesn't matter whether they are anons or regulars with IDs.

    Anon, Inc.

  157. "LMAO!!!

    I'm gonna leave this one alone.

    You might as well leave it alone. You wouldn't know how to relate to such technology anyway.

    I could put you in front of an OS9 or an OSX machine and you'll still be hunting for the start icon on the botton left. But I bet you know about the iPad. :)

  158. Anonymous2:52 PM

    uptownstevesaid.."And if you read Obama's book "Dreams of my father" there were black people in HAwaii."

    Yes, about 3 and half, to be exact. (He was the half).

    Mitt Romney knew more black people growing up than Barack Obama.

  159. La*a

    "You might as well leave it alone. You wouldn't know how to relate to such technology anyway."

    But I bet you do since you don't have a social life.

  160. This comment has been removed by the author.

  161. This comment has been removed by the author.

  162. steve's deadbeat bio dad was a syrian muslim

    but sj was not

    I think it is very cool that muslim haters who are too stupid to use any gadget steve invented are just finding that this great genius and greater man steve was a muslim by blood/origin…

    One thing many are finding surprising is that Steve Jobs was adopted. Jobs’ biological parents met as 23-year-old students at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, and his mother, Joanne Schieble,became pregnant in 1954. Jobs’ father was a Syrian Muslim immigrant. At first, Schieble’s father would not permit her to marry an Arab, so Schieble, without warning moved to San Francisco to have Jobs. She then put him up for adoption. Eventually, Schieble and Jobs’ father Addulfattah Jandali were married and had a second child, but they divorced when she was 4 years old.

    Somehow, it has escaped the notice of everyone that the man who is Jobs’ biological father has been quietly living in Reno. In the time following Jobs’ death, the man that once avoided interviews and told very few people about his relation to the famous Jobs, finally spoke up to a British tabloid about his desire to meet the famous son he had given up for adoption.


    and one of the VERY FEW things i admire about that kenyan hobama is that he seems to be a great dad...

    nothing like his own exotic deadbeat globetrotting oj/serial sperm donor dad...

  163. "Spare us the b.s., slave catcher steve.

    Obama and the Democrats are the only ones race baiting."

    Nonsense Tormentor, justread the comments section iin the article about Herman Cain Field linked to and you'll see so much racialism it'll make you reconsider your ideas. Or maybe not, conservatives have a way of ignoring facts.

  164. "ALL Anons are NOT here to insult ANYBODY. And why would you generalize about Anons when you have people like UTS, PilotX, Mack Lyons and others who insult others on continuous basis?"

    Hey anon, fuck you you moron. Ha!
    Feel better now?

  165. anyone who calls herman cain a sellout/tom

    and loves that blackish black agenda-less black mongrel hating bankster hobama/gwb 2.0...
    who has tommed and sold out the entire globe

    is a rabidly racist fool

    got selective hypocrisy???????


  166. AB

    Why doesn't Cain have any black support (outside of people like you)?

    Ever see him in front of a black audience?

    We all brainwashed?

  167. "I support ron paul as millions of black rebels do"

    Ron Paul and his goober son want to rescind the 14th amendment and have ties to white supremacists.

    Is ya crazy?

  168. Able Cain3:57 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    We all brainwashed?


    You are.

    (see UTS's Ron Paul comment above).

  169. Anonymous3:59 PM

    "ALL Anons are NOT here to insult ANYBODY. And why would you generalize about Anons when you have people like UTS, PilotX, Mack Lyons and others who insult others on continuous basis?"

    Your back to your same old ways picking on the black men on the site and here I thought you redeemed yourself for cussing out that mean LAA the other day.

  170. "I support ron paul as millions of black rebels do"

    AB, you're my girl but I doubt there are millions of Black supporters of Ron Paul. I'm betting most Black folks have no idea who Ron Paul is. Some of his ideas are ok but he is out in loony toon land on some of his positions.

  171. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Your back to your same old ways picking on the black men on the site and here I thought you redeemed yourself for cussing out that mean LAA the other day.

    That was not the same anon and I remember it the other way.

  172. Fan of Ann4:03 PM

    Ann Couler nails you Libtards again:

    October 5, 2011

  173. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Hermie Klown, despite his success in business, is obviously not the sharpest tool in the shed. It's not that he's stupid, but that his dull palinesque incuriousness narrows his focus such that he knows almost nothing about anything else. So, he fakes it. Obviously. I've known any number of entrepunarial black men like just like Klown who's opinions, were they white men I'd dismiss as racist simpletons.

    The DWL weighs in, Herman literally was a rocket scientist and you? Be specific what exactly did he say that in your grand intellectual capacity made you judge him to be a simpleton? Could it be something you disagreed with so you called him a liberal name such as "stoopid"? Be specific with your DWL charges.

  174. Vintage Ron Paul

    "Martin Luther King Jr. -- described as a "pro-Communist philanderer."

    "One newsletter, from June 1992, right after the LA riots, says "order was only restored in L.A. when it came time for the blacks to pick up their welfare checks."

    Another says, "The criminals who terrorize our cities -- in riots and on every non-riot day -- are not exclusively young black males, but they largely are. As children, they are trained to hate whites, to believe that white oppression is responsible for all black ills, to 'fight the power,' to steal and loot as much money from the white enemy as possible."

    I'll ask once again AB, are you crazy?

  175. Sure there are some Black Paul supporters but that number would probably be in the thousands if not hundreds. I doubt the millions figure. The problem exists that there are no good alternatives to Barack on the there side so by default he will get the vast majority of Black votes as well he should. The thing is just like in 2008 if he's so bad and should lose why does the GOP just offer up sorry assed candidates? It's almost as if the GOP wants him to win. Maybe they know the economy is going to collapse and want him to take the blame. Only thing I can figure why they send their C team up against him.

  176. This comment has been removed by the author.

  177. px:

    holla back in nov

    millions of americans of all races are voting against banksters

    hobama is THEIR prez only
    he proves that each day

    and ron is the best man to slay the fed and hobama's rich pals etc

    Obama Is Making You Poorer—But Who’s Getting Rich?
    Goldman Sachs, GE, Pfizer, the United Auto Workers—the same “special interests” Barack Obama was supposed to chase from the temple—are profiting handsomely from Obama’s Big Government policies that crush taxpayers, small businesses, and consumers.

    Investigative reporter Timothy P. Carney digs up the dirt the mainstream media ignores and the White House wishes you wouldn’t see. Rather than Hope and Change, Obama is delivering corporate socialism to America, all while claiming he’s battling corporate America. It’s corporate welfare and regulatory robbery—it’s Obamanomics. In this explosive book, Carney reveals:

    * The Great Health Care Scam—Obama’s backroom deals with drug companies spell corporate profits and more government control
    * The Global Warming Hoax—Obama has bought off industries with a pork-filled bill that will drain your wallet for Al Gore’s agenda
    * Obama and Wall Street—“Change” means more bailouts and a heavy Goldman Sachs presence in the West Wing (including Rahm Emanuel)
    * Stimulating K Street—The largest spending bill in history gave pork to the well-connected and created a feeding frenzy for lobbyists
    * How the GOP needs to change its tune—drastically—to battle Obamanomics

    If you’ve wondered what’s happening to our country, as the federal government swallows up the financial sector, the auto industry, and healthcare, and enacts deficit exploding “stimulus packages” that create make-work government jobs, this book makes it all clear—it’s a big scam. Ultimately, Obamanomics boils down to this: every time government gets bigger, somebody’s getting rich, and those somebodies are friends of Barack. This book names the names—and it will make your blood boil.

  178. This comment has been removed by the author.

  179. To be fair Steve many of those comments attributed to Paul were supposedly written by someone else and he had no part in it but it shows a lack of judgement on his part. As far as his comments about Dr. King he was just relecting the common meme among whites at the time. Nowadays Dr. King is sainted but you know in his day he was seen as an agitator and just another ungrateful negro.

  180. "holla back in nov"

    I will and here is my prediction, Ron Paul won't get near the nomination and neither will Cain. Romney is their man and he'll lose a squeaker to Barack.

    "Obama Is Making You Poorer—But Who’s Getting Rich?"

    Actually my situation is better with a Dem in the W.H. It's Repubs that want to outsource my job, google thw term "Open Skies Agreement". It was Dick Durbin and Barack when he was a senator that held off this agreement and i kept my job, for now.

    "* The Global Warming Hoax—Obama has bought off industries with a pork-filled bill that will drain your wallet for Al Gore’s agenda"

    Global warming is not a hoax, the planet is warming and that's the case whether or not Al Gore makes a penny or not. That is science not economic or political.

  181. stuntin stymie/al jolson in conked drag uts:

    no one could be more of a tom than that global dl elitist war loving tomcat hobama


  182. This comment has been removed by the author.

  183. King Was No Saint4:29 PM

    " PilotX said...
    To be fair Steve many of those comments attributed to Paul were supposedly written by someone else and he had no part in it but it shows a lack of judgement on his part. As far as his comments about Dr. King he was just relecting the common meme among whites at the time. Nowadays Dr. King is sainted but you know in his day he was seen as an agitator and just another ungrateful negro.

    4:20 PM"

    Not to mention, King actually WAS a pro-Communist philanderer.

  184. Anonymous4:31 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Another drooling goober rant.

    Watch me expose him AGAIN.

    Affirmative action in public sector has but been eliminated.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAH the only thing you expose each time you speak is your ass and I am CERTAIN everyone in your life has told you this before. The majority of public sector employees are minorities and Obama just issued memorandum to departments heads after the CBC complained to ensure equity by making sure government heads hire even more minorities. Even though minorities are already the majority. You aren't very bright are you? AA is dead HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    Outlawed in the two largest public university systems, CA and TX.

    Bullshit, its commonplace throughout universities around the country to accept Blacks who can barely function academically, why surely you heard of the "racist" bake sale protesting one such universities admission policies? Cupcakes for 2$ for whites 1$ for blacks and 50 cents for latinos only it should be 50 cents for blacks as latinos are the majority and getting a lot of good jobs blacks used to get. Really are you this arrogantly vocal and uninformed or do you just live in liberal la-la land?

    Name a black "special program".


    Oh get the fuck out of here with this, there are so many special programs you would need a day to list them all and you KNOW this having practiced this very same rant over and over and over and over before. So fuck off with your lying ass and this ignorant bullshit.

    "look at the state it (black America) is still in.

    Of course we were better off under Jim Crow, huh Jethro.

    Right, another straw man liberal lie Cornelius, I say equality and you get all teary eyed and dramatic like the weak man you are Jim Crow...Jim fudgepacker - equal doesnt mean Jim Crow but of course to you anything fair be waacist dont take away the special programs that "dont" exist right Cornelius?

    If black America was a nation it would have the 10th largest GNP in the WORLD you fucking idiot.

    what is the average net worth of a black man? Black woman? Where do you get your fantasies from? whats the black unemployment rate? Even with AA action and qoutas? Keep ranting, it helps, you can never fix anything until you understand and recognize what the problme is, but to you it's all good in the hood as always.

    "After all the majority of Prince George County is propped up by Government programs, pork and redistribution of tax money paid to fund all of this and create a temporary artificial Black middle class."

    Spewing this nonsense makes you feel just a little bit better while pumping up the tires on your double-wide.

    Sure, uh-huh yeah, all white people are dumb and live in trailers uh-huh and there is no affirmative action or special racial set asides and blacks are doing fine and the economy is good under Obama and unemployment is going down so things are good...have you always been this much of a well...retard? Is it natural or did you get deprived of Oxygen at some point?

    Take care Cornelius, talking to you is like clapping with one hand, the lights are burning bright but there aint nobody home.

  185. px:

    as long as u believe

    dems = good
    repubs = bad
    we all = played broke fools


  186. Won't someone give a radio show to Ms Banks so she quits spamming these "airwaves" please?

  187. This comment has been removed by the author.

  188. This comment has been removed by the author.

  189. This comment has been removed by the author.

  190. Lt. Commander Johnson4:51 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    ..have you always been this much of a well...retard? Is it natural or did you get deprived of Oxygen at some point?

    Take care Cornelius, talking to you is like clapping with one hand, the lights are burning bright but there aint nobody home.

    4:31 PM"

    I believe the ship's doctor diagnosed it as "acute semen poisoning".

    Poor thing just couldn't get enough.

  191. hobama has been the most ruthless repub in history!

    ron paul 2012!!!

    the GLOBAL missions to evict hobama asap are on!!!!!!!

    The last refuge of Obamaphiles is that no matter how many times the First Black President double-crosses us by cutting Medicare and Medicaid, no matter how completely be betrays his voters us by ignoring black unemployment, by deporting one million Latinos, by protecting the banksters responsible for the foreclosure crisis and by invading, bombing, occupying and subverting even more countries than the Cheney-Bush regime, his white supremacist tea party opponents are far worse. But what if Democrat Barack and the Republican tea partyers are just playing different positions on the same team?

  192. IAMOneOfThe53%4:59 PM

    Vote for ABO. ABO will win 2012 hands down.

  193. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  194. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Lt. Commander Johnson said...
    " Anonymous said...
    ..have you always been this much of a well...retard? Is it natural or did you get deprived of Oxygen at some point?

    Take care Cornelius, talking to you is like clapping with one hand, the lights are burning bright but there aint nobody home.

    4:31 PM"

    I believe the ship's doctor diagnosed it as "acute semen poisoning".

    Poor thing just couldn't get enough.

    I hear you Commander. He gives you the impression he would find any semen cute he is such a he-man woman hater, especially Black Women. Must be he completely turned in the coast guard but needs his wife to support him and tell him how to live, you see that commonly.

  195. Leggo my Neggro7:45 PM

    "Not to mention, King actually WAS a pro-Communist philanderer."

    At least according to Bobby Kennedy. And Jackie O too.


    "Oh get the fuck out of here with this, there are so many special programs you would need a day to list them"

    Then take a minute and name ONE.

  197. Pilot X

    "To be fair Steve many of those comments attributed to Paul were supposedly written by someone else and he had no part in it but it shows a lack of judgement on his part."

    A lack of judgement??

    Why didn't he denounce them? Why would he associate his name with them?

    "As far as his comments about Dr. King he was just relecting the common meme among whites at the time."

    He made that comment during the nineties.

  198. Anon-goober

    "The majority of public sector employees are minorities"

    This is out and out lunacy.

    Just makes you wonder if these fools are just brainwashed or retarded.

    Goober, are you seriously asserting that the cops, firemen, and other government workers in white communities in segregated America are minorities????????

    Are you insane?

  199. Anonymous8:54 PM

    I knew I could count on a bunch of technological backward cheese eating negroes to bash Jobs. For the record, Jobs tried to keep Apple jobs in the US but he couldn't fight the market forces that undercut him when the competition shipped jobs overseas.

    Whether or not he was nice man, he was a genius at what he did. He understood technology well enough to lead development of products that revolutionized how information/media is exchanged.

    Why is it that ignorant black people think that if they pee on someone white who leaves a tremendous legacy that it somehow elevates them. In fact, it just makes you look ignorant. You can't even make valid criticisms of his technological achievements because you really don't even understand what he accomplished.

    Steve Jobs will be remembered as the tekkie revolutionary he was. You ridiculous negroes here will be remembered for being clueless. Keep on piling up those useless sociology degrees. The folks who are leaders in techonolgy will continue to leave your black asses in the dust.

    And I ain't no white troll. Just someone black who is so sick of tired assed negroes who are all mouth and dumb as a bag of rocks.

  200. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Imagine my shock to see my post discarded but someone throwing out the n-word is welcome. This blog is still a big fat joke.
