Friday, October 28, 2011

Daddy at the day care.

Happy Friday everybody. I am sure that it's always good to lounge a little after a long week of work. Sadly, though, it's time to attack black.

"Come on field, why are you attacking black folks when s*&^ like this is still going on in A-merry-ca"? 

Sorry Negroes, I have to do it.

So anyway, check out this story:

"A 4-YEAR-OLD girl was accidentally sent from a Mantua day-care center with the wrong man yesterday, then was reunited with her parents after police responded to a call about a possible child abduction.

She even got some ice cream and a trip to the park out of the deal, police said.
Staff at Caring People Alliance, inside a community center on Haverford Avenue near 35th Street, were called by two girls' mothers, who gave names of two men authorized to pick them up, police said.

Cops said that the men had the same last name - Lawson - and the little girls had similar first names.

About 1 p.m., Jerry Lawson, 48, came to pick up his 2-year-old daughter but left with a 4-year-old girl.

Lawson showed ID, signed the log book and walked out with the girl, Lt. John Walker, of the Southwest Detective Division, said.
After the pair had departed, Tanya Corbitt, the mother of the child whom Lawson was supposed to pick up, called and asked to speak with her, Walker said.

Police said that the girl fell silent when Corbitt spoke into the phone. Lawson asked Corbitt how old his daughter was, and she said 2.

The child Lawson was walking with told him that she was 4, police said. Corbitt told Lawson to head back. Walker said that Corbitt went to the daycare center and called police.

Lawson and the 4-year-old girl went out for ice cream and a trip to the park before anyone called him, police said. They returned around 3:15 p.m.
Police said that Lawson had been incarcerated and didn't recognize his daughter because he hadn't seen her since she was about 7 months old.
"He just assumed that he had the right kid," Walker said.

Walker said that the employees followed protocol by having Lawson show ID, sign his name and leave his phone number - which is how police contacted him.
The mixup apparently resulted from staff doing only a cursory review of Lawson's ID, Walker said.

"Unfortunately," he said, "most people only look at last names." [Source]

WTF?! This story is wrong on so many levels.

When did dude get out of jail? And mommy never sent him any pictures of his daughter while he was in the big house? And what's up with the day care workers?  

Oh lawd, our poor children.  

*"Family Day Care" is not the day care center associated with this story.


  1. NSangoma8:14 PM

    Someone needs to keep their pussy plugged and their legs crossed.

  2. Whats not being talked about is the black on white genocide in this country.

    Det.: Woman shot to eliminate witness to burglary

    BRANDON - A convicted felon confessed to shooting a woman in the back of the head so there would be no witness to a daylight burglary at a home in rural Rankin County, a detective testified last week at a hearing for two men charged with murder.

    Rankin County Sheriff's Department Chief Investigator Tim Lawless testified on Oct. 18, that Leslie Sheppard Doame, 36, was forced to kneel or lie down on the floor of her parents' home before a blanket or shawl was put over her head and she was shot execution-style.

  3. Anonymous9:04 PM

    Field I had to come outta lurk mode for this here.WTF!!??? Shame on 'em!

    I would have said "shame on us" seeing as though I am also a black but I'm not taking ownership of this sh*t here.Sorry, I ain't got no kids.


  4. NSangoma9:06 PM

    ... Dr. Sidney Ribeau, president of Howard University in Washington, cited a 2008 study showing that among American students in overseas study programs, only 16 percent were minority students. African-Americans accounted for 3.5 percent. The 2009 open Doors report by the Institute of International education in the US also indicated that of the 260,327 Americans studying abroad, only 4.2 percent were black.

    Howard, a historically black university, is committed to changing this, Ribeau said. He wrote in the school's summer magazine that higher education must prepare students to deal with more complexities in the
    world brought by "the growing intermingling of cultures, and the profound lack of awareness and misunderstandings that characterize many of our relationships."

  5. Anonymous9:07 PM

    Well, at least he did try to pick up his child after he was released. Sad mistake. Shame on the daycare, also.

  6. Sounds like a kid manning up, or at least starting. It's not so obvious to most men what age small kids are unless they've been through it with them.

  7. Anonymous9:41 PM

    "Happy Friday everybody. I am sure that it's always good to lounge a little after a long week of work. Sadly, though, it's time to attack black."

    Allll Riiiight! Now you are talkin! We Blacks have been gettin away with too much stuff. I guess this conversation will leave Mack Lyons and PilotX out, huh?

    Field, let me say that I had you figured wrong. You are an alright guy.

    your favorite anon,

  8. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Sounds like a kid manning up, or at least starting. It's not so obvious to most men what age small kids are unless they've been through it with them.

    Too bad we allow men who never met our kids to pick them up, wonder if we actually met the men or did he come right out of a prison pen pal relationship and get the kid? Don't we teach kids not to go with strangers because they might want to diddle you like my daddy does to me?


  9. Anonymous9:49 PM

    NSangoma said...
    Someone needs to keep their pussy plugged and their legs crossed.
    Dat mean you gone be takin da herschy highway?

  10. Anonymous9:52 PM

    "Dat mean you gone be takin da herschy highway?"

    What the hell are you talking about?

  11. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Silly goobers. Still thinkerate dad diddling my skittle is wrong?

    This is 2011. Wite privilege is no more. You can no longer tell this ol' colored lady what to do.


  12. My Black Snake Make You Moan10:05 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Dat mean you gone be takin da herschy highway?

    I only like traveling down the "herschy highway" when i'm riding in a wite girls car.

  13. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Everything was wrong about this story. But isn't that the way we normally do things? If it everything had gone right with the day care center, then THAT would have been an abnormal story.

    I bet mixups with black kids happen everyday....Anyway, they all got lucky. The parents actually got their kid back.

  14. Blackonda10:07 PM

    And that's why the most confusing day in the ghetto is Father's Day......

  15. Sobhy Girgis10:14 PM

    Regarding the man who doesn't want to give gun training to Muslims and Obama voters, that sounds like good sense to me.

    That man is just being responsible about who he will give firearm training to. As soon as a Muslim learns how to shoot a gun, he's liable to yell Alla Akbar! and start killing infidels.

    And Obama voters? Please. No one in their right mind would teach an idiot how to use a weapon. That's plain crazy.

  16. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Field, "Come on field, why are you attacking black folks when s*&^ like this is still going on in A-merry-ca"?

    Thanks for the link, Field. I saw or hear nothing wrong with it. In fact, I agreed with everything the ad said. So I am not sure what you meant calling it s*&^? I mean, why should he train folks how to use a gun to kill Americans? That is plum crazy!

  17. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Field, I misjudged you @ 9:41p. For a minute I thought you had come to your senses and crossed over.

    But after reading further into your post, it became clear you are still the same ole brainwashed Field. How disappointing.

    Nevertheless, I will keep praying for you.

  18. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Silly goobers. Still thinkerate dad diddling my skittle is wrong?

    This is 2011. Wite privilege is no more. You can no longer tell this ol' colored lady what to do.


    Now that be some confusion - is your baby daddy your daddy and your baby daddy granpappy and your baby grandmas baby daddy?

    Whose u'r daddy?

  19. NinCumPoopies10:45 PM

    And Obama voters? Please. No one in their right mind would teach an idiot how to use a weapon. That's plain crazy.

    Why not we made on the president

  20. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Folks, I have analyzed the candidates for President in 2012 and there is no one who is as capable as Obama. You might as well vote for him for another four years.

    All of the auspicious signs point to him doing great things for America that favor the Whites and Latinos. Vote Obama in 2012!

  21. Anonymous10:58 PM


    My Black Snake Make You Moan said...
    Anonymous said...
    Dat mean you gone be takin da herschy highway?

    I only like traveling down the "herschy highway" when i'm riding in a wite girls car.

    Of course it would have to be her car. Tell me can you tell when you got poop on your stuff or do you just know when to wash for your bimonthly cleaning when it starts to stank and some white guy tells you that its time to clean up? Or do they just turn the hose on ya?

  22. this is a classic pookie saga...

    they do rule the world indeed.


  23. Anonymous11:13 PM

    "Of course it would have to be her car. Tell me can you tell when you got poop on your stuff or do you just know when to wash for your bimonthly cleaning when it starts to stank and some white guy tells you that its time to clean up? Or do they just turn the hose on ya?"

    Whoa! That ought ta shut him up.

  24. Anonymous12:00 AM

    The defenseless are the ones who will always suffer, this means children and the aged.

    Some parents seem to think that children are like sacks of potatoes, devoid of feelings. Leave them here, dump them there, let them go with a person they have never seen before, like so much baggage!

    Across the economic and color board, this is happening. Just the other day the husband of a doctor were arguing in the morning, he strapped the kid in the car seat in back but forgot to tell the wife. She drove to her office and got out without ever realizing the child was in back. When the dad went to pick him up at the care center and they said he never got there, he called his wife at her office and told her he had put the child in her car so she could take him.

    Her patients in the waiting area say she let out a scream and ran out. Too late, child was dead. This has happened several times here and would you believe always to women doctors! WTF!

    People are too busy with making money,seems there's no time for caring for children anymore...

  25. Anonymous12:09 AM

    Desertflower, "Her patients in the waiting area say she let out a scream and ran out. Too late, child was dead. This has happened several times here and would you believe always to women doctors! WTF!"

    Just curious. What happened to the doctor and husband after that tragic episode?

  26. Interesting story but that was the story line on tonight's Bored to Death.
    BTW, bad parenting skills are not the sole dominion of Black folks. Have to tell you about my h.s. classmate who used to smike weed with his mom.

  27. Anonymous1:07 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Just curious. What happened to the doctor and husband after that tragic episode?
    Well there was a sort of national debate as to whether she should stand trial for negligence.The justice department did not want to bring charges against her, but public opinion won and the current government buckled and she has a sort of mini trial coming up. But for all intents and purposes she will prolly not be charged with anything who knows..Her name is Dr.Cynthia Galinaltis and she is a Gyn.
    She tried to give him CPR but it was too late. What people are wondering is why the child did not make a sound during the ride. Here's the news article and a short video as they took her away in an ambulance.

    One other case was in this area, a doctor from a very prominent and well known family of doctors did the same thing. She was called to an emergency and left her child in the car and he also died. I believe she suffered a breakdown and is no longer practicing.

  28. Anonymous1:24 AM

    Desertflower, thanks for the info. It does seem weird that the doctor did not notice her child in the back seat. It is also weird that the child didn't make a sound or movement at all while in the car.

    In any case, I tend to look in the back seat when getting into my car. I am really surprised that this happens to doctors. Maybe it's indigenous to the health field between doctors and nurses?

  29. Anonymous1:36 AM

    I don't know Anon. The news has reported that the nanny has said the couple were arguing,so he decided he wouldn't take the baby to the care but he didn't tell her, There were suspicions that perhaps the child had been given Benadryl or some sleeping aid, but the autopsy did not prove this...

    I think in general people are overworked, and just kind of so intent on making money that perhaps their priorities are off. That's my opinion anyway.It is a tragedy...

    Another thing I see a lot is moms not wanting to interact with baby. Children a active as a rule but I see a lot of mothers saying "oh he/she's hyperactive" labeling and actually seeking medication for a child to get them off their backs!!! Unbelievable! I don't know why they have them. As if they were dolls to be paraded around but not interacted with!:(

  30. Anonymous1:42 AM

    I think in general people are overworked, and just kind of so intent on making money that perhaps their priorities are off. That's my opinion anyway.It is a tragedy...

    Another thing I see a lot is moms not wanting to interact with baby. Children a active as a rule but I see a lot of mothers saying "oh he/she's hyperactive" labeling and actually seeking medication for a child to get them off their backs!!! Unbelievable! I don't know why they have them. As if they were dolls to be paraded around but not interacted with!:(

    And this is professional parents, just envision the millions of pookies who have kids when they are kids dump them on granma so she can get head of household checks and they go out and make more kids while they are still kids no one cares about these little pests they are just future democrats

  31. AgentX5:00 AM

    I wouldn't go to Hillbilly Jack for gun training. His dumbass probably couldn't hit the side of a barn even if he was standing in front of it.

    Of course, he would have no problem training people who later go apeshit and shoot a few cops like that McCain voter who went nuts and shot up a few states. Gee, that sounds like a lot of spree killers...don't it, Field?

    Cheers to STL for winning the World Series.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. "Another thing I see a lot is moms not wanting to interact with baby. Children a active as a rule but I see a lot of mothers saying "oh he/she's hyperactive" labeling and actually seeking medication for a child to get them off their backs!!! Unbelievable! I don't know why they have them. As if they were dolls to be paraded around but not interacted with!:("


    "And this is professional parents, just envision the millions of pookies who have kids when they are kids dump them on granma so she can get head of household checks and they go out and make more kids while they are still kids no one cares about these little pests they are just future democrats"

    Co-sign revoked. *walks away*

  34. "Allll Riiiight! Now you are talkin! We Blacks have been gettin away with too much stuff. I guess this conversation will leave Mack Lyons and PilotX out, huh?

    Field, let me say that I had you figured wrong. You are an alright guy."

    See what you started, Field? Keep this up and they'll make you an honorary black conservative. I'm sure Herman Cain will be along shortly to personally bring to your house a free pizza with some crazy bread.

    "Too bad we allow men who never met our kids to pick them up, wonder if we actually met the men or did he come right out of a prison pen pal relationship and get the kid? Don't we teach kids not to go with strangers because they might want to diddle you like my daddy does to me?"

    Sorry fake Mold, you didn't "beleeverate" enough AND not one time did you use the word "goober." Try again.

  35. "See what you started, Field? Keep this up and they'll make you an honorary black conservative. I'm sure Herman Cain will be along shortly to personally bring to your house a free pizza with some crazy bread."

    Nope, the will never make me an honorary conservative because I just can't jig well enough.

    It must be all that reggae in my system. It threw my timing off. :)

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. field negro said...
    Nope, the will never make me an honorary conservative because I just can't jig well enough.

    It must be all that reggae in my system. It threw my timing off. :)

    LOL Field, it really is hard to imagine you "jigging" to a reggae beat! It's snowing here in metro DC,how much are you getting up there in Philly?

    DFlower, what a sad and tragic story that actually isn't limited to Docs. Personally, I've ALWAYS made it a habit to look in the back seat of my car, more for safety reasons than anything else.

  38. It MUST be the Wingers7:10 AM

    OK, C'mon......lemme guess... Caring People Alliance is a Rebublican/Conservative program?

    Damn Wingers.

  39. "LOL Field, it really is hard to imagine you "jigging" to a reggae beat! It's snowing here in metro DC,how much are you getting up there in Philly?"

    Not yet Dr. Queen, but we are getting ready.

    Damn, they have fake Molds now? I have to talk to the president of Anon. Inc.

  40. Admirer8:53 AM

    You are a good guy, field,


  41. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Like the Native Americans, Like the African Americans: Going Into Extinction


  42. Anonymous9:03 AM

    "Nope, the will never make me an honorary conservative because I just can't jig well enough."

    You've been jiggin' pretty well on the Democrat plantation.

  43. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Why is liberal synonymous with Democrat? For years being liberal, I wasn't register for either party and the registered to vote in primary for either party depending upon whom I wanted elected. Most politics being local, those outside cannot know whose plantation someones on. Although it seems that those who adamantly claim that others are on the Democratic plantation are themselves field slaves on the Republican plantation.


    Comment gets eaten because it doesn't recognize my account.

  44. "Although it seems that those who adamantly claim that others are on the Democratic plantation are themselves field slaves on the Republican plantation."


  45. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Mack Fryin Somethin said...

    "See what you started, Field? Keep this up and they'll make you an honorary black conservative. I'm sure Herman Cain will be along shortly to personally bring to your house a free pizza with some crazy bread."

    Well looky here, Mack made sure to call you a Gonna be Tom. You know you aint allowed to be honest you have to lie and misrepresent..Mack respect card revoked because you are weak willed and weak minded. FN? We know you just aim to please those darker brethren no matter what the issue is..this is how you become one o dem slaves on the plantation while trying your hardest to say it is someone else.

  46. "Although it seems that those who adamantly claim that others are on the Democratic plantation are themselves field slaves on the Republican plantation."

    I might add that they are all basically "house slaves" on the Repub. plantation and the ones in the field don't have the number of perks and benefits of those on the Democratic side. The independent stance or a well organized third party for the marginalized groups are considerations at this point.

    Something's happening here with our children and we may have to go to the drawing board to come up with some enforceable rules/regulations/practices to protect them. Remember those who survive childhood will be adults with a lot of issues. What we're dealing with now started with the little ones born in the 70's & 80's.

    @Field...I love the pic of the airplane and wish I could have been on one too. I'm glad you are back safe from your travels and indeed had hoped you had good time!

  47. Anonymous1:15 PM

    This is sad ---love the pic of the airplane!!

    Check out a free sample of "Down Low Baller" at the link below!!

  48. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    DFlower, what a sad and tragic story that actually isn't limited to Docs. Personally, I've ALWAYS made it a habit to look in the back seat of my car, more for safety reasons than anything else.
    I always checked too for the same reason, and I tell my daughter to also!:)
    Yeah, this was a tragedy, and no it's not exclusive to doctors, but it seems to be endemic in the middle and upper class, at least on this island anyway. Which is why I feel that it's related to the urgency to make money to keep up with a certain lifestyle.
    I have a cousin who is a pneumologist, and his wife finished her studies while the boys were growing up. Well, my aunt/their grandma, took care of them for a time, but after they got to a certain age, they wanted to stay home. So every day they would be given $20 bucks to buy fast food with, but they would keep the money for games and toys and cook instead! But what a lonely life huh? and today those young men are having related issues. So the mad rush for a certain lifestyle was paramount to anything else.

    My thoughts are that there really should be child rearing classes because nobody teaches this stuff and it's obvious that not many know ho to do it at least in a half assed way!

  49. Dr. Fordor Cedann3:00 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    DFlower, what a sad and tragic story that actually isn't limited to Docs. Personally, I've ALWAYS made it a habit to look in the back seat of my car, more for safety reasons than anything else.

    Really Queen? This sort of thing happens to people who are not doctors too? Wow.

    That habit of yours to look in the back seat of your car is just another way you are different than doctors.

    You will never be a doctor.

  50. Obama's state department has purchased $70,000 dollars worth of his autobiography "Dreams from My Father" to pass out as gifts around the world.

    President Obama is of course collecting royalties on this ghost-written piece of fiction.

    Obama has earned far more from his books than he has earned holding government office. He reported from $1 million to $5 million in royalties in 2010 for “Dreams From My Father,” and between $100,001 and $1 million in royalties for “The Audacity of Hope.”

    I wonder where my cut is?

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. Desertflower said...
    So the mad rush for a certain lifestyle was paramount to anything else.

    I'd have to agree that the chase for the almighty dollar is probably at the heart of the issue, as is this "rush" everyone seems to be in too!

    What I want to know is why in the hell is EVERYONE in such a damn rush, and where in the hell is EVERYONE in a rush to get to?

  53. Dr. Prodigy3:42 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    What I want to know is why in the hell is EVERYONE in such a damn rush, and where in the hell is EVERYONE in a rush to get to?

    So says the 46 year old colege student...

    You will never be a doctor.

  54. "Obama has earned far more from his books than he has earned holding government office. He reported from $1 million to $5 million in royalties in 2010 for “Dreams From My Father,” and between $100,001 and $1 million in royalties for “The Audacity of Hope.”

    I wonder where my cut is?"

    Magic word being "earned" wingnut.

    Sorry, you will have to work for your cut.

  55. "Obama has earned far more from his books than he has earned holding government office. He reported from $1 million to $5 million in royalties in 2010 for “Dreams From My Father,” and between $100,001 and $1 million in royalties for “The Audacity of Hope.”
    Black man writes a book, makes a couple milli from it, and now he owes some assnonymous white man?

    What narcissistic bullsh*t!!

  56. AB Is A Liar!6:00 PM

    " What A Buffoon said...
    " alicia banks said...
    notice how the vdlr erases all of my most intellectual posts

    and saves only the vulgar banter she can comprehend with her nominal IQ???


    5:33 PM"

    What in the world makes you think that ANYONE can erase a post on Field's blog, besides Field himself?

    5:42 PM

    SURELY.....I'm not to only one on this blog to wonder how the "vdlr" erases her most "intellecual" posts. She refuseuse

  57. What A Baboon6:04 PM

    refuses to answer or address the scurilous accusation, I meant to say.

  58. Anonymous6:17 PM


  59. What A Baboon6:30 PM

    Thank you. But....she still keeps making the same assinine (yes, I LIKE two SS's in ASSININE), accusation, and can't back it up.

    UNLESS,,,,,she is calling field or his lady the "vdlr".

  60. Anonymous7:57 PM

    OMG! Herman Cain has picked up momentum in the polls and in raising campaign funds! I am so proud of him. He is one sharp man.

    Of course, Mack Lyons, PilotX and Field wrote him off as nothing serious that the GOP would consider. As usual, they prove that they know NOTHING about the GOP, let alone the Democrats and Obama. They are like the three musketeers led by Mickey Mouse. LOL

  61. Anonymous7:59 PM

    link for proof of Cain's advance in the polls and raising campaign's awesome!

  62. "Of course, Mack Lyons, PilotX and Field wrote him off as nothing serious that the GOP would consider. As usual, they prove that they know NOTHING about the GOP..."

    I know this much: Mr. 9-9-9 will never be the GOP nominee for president of these divided states of A-merry-ca.

  63. field negro said...
    agic word being "earned" wingnut.

    Dude, I wrote the book.

  64. Mr. Curious11:48 PM

    Mr, Field....
    how, personnally, divide these splits:?

    No "Government" stats,

  65. "Dude, I wrote the book."

    No you didn't, Bill. Only the wingnuts and their news organization, FOX NEWS, say that you did.

    Some blacks folks can actually read AND write. ;)

    Mr. Curious, you will have to explain yourself a little better.

    I am not sure where you are coming from. "splits"??
