Sunday, October 09, 2011

"Do a Good Turn Daily"?

Is it about time for those Girl Scouts to come to my local grocery store and start peddling their cookies, yet? Some people thing that they are cute. (Like Mrs. Field, for instance.)But not moi. I don't like a shake down; not even by a Girl Scout.

"Mister would you like to buy some cookies?" No little girl, I would not. Besides, other than the lemon chalet cremes, they all pretty much suck.

Anywhoo, I knew that there was a reason that I didn't like the little female youth group:

"ATLANTA (AP) -- An Atlanta-area mother has filed a lawsuit against a Girl Scouts organization alleging that her twin daughters were expelled from their troop after they gave a presentation on their family's involvement in the civil rights movement.

Angela Johnson filed the suit last week in Gwinnett County State Court, claiming intentional infliction of emotional distress and negligence. The suit says the troop leaders knew an expulsion would cause the girls harm and that the organization had a responsibility to repair the situation.

In a statement, the Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta says the girls weren't expelled and calls the incident a "disagreement between well-intentioned moms," referring to Johnson and the troop leaders.

The 8-year-old twins gave a presentation in March for their "family heritage project" that centered on their family's involvement in the civil rights movement in Mississippi, and they were distraught when they received a cool response from the audience and troop leaders, the lawsuit says.

"The only applause they received was from the other two African American girls and one Indian girl in attendance," the suit says." [Article]

I sure hope that they weren't expelled. And, if they were, it had better be because they didn't sell enough cookies.


  1. NSangoma9:38 PM

    field booty, you will just love these girl scouts:

    Their cookies won't make your fat ass, fatter.

  2. Dulce De Leche9:53 PM

    Thanks for for publicizing this horrific incident Field. Coupled with the news yesterday that someone had scrawled the "N" word on a bathroom door in Michigan, the conclusion that we are entering an era of unprecedented racial terror is inescapable.

    And if that news is not enough, then there's this: On Friday, a janitor at McKinley Middle Scool in Hopwell Colorado found a a small scrap of paper with the word "Jigaboo" written on it in pencil. Someone had tried to erase it, but if you held it up to the light you could clearly make out most of the letters. The African-American janitor had been emptying the trash can in Ms. Farris's fifth grade classroom when he noticed the wadded up bit of paper. Thinking perhaps the paper contained some gum with a few chews left in it he unrolled the wad, when to his horror he saw the "J" word.

    How much more of this will have to go on before the President declares a state of emergency?

  3. Anonymous10:14 PM

    I can't believe this outrageous racism, you mean someone didn't applaud and clap hard enough for the presentation - they racist. Don't they know they must act think and coddle everything that is said done or thought about by anyone black.

    OK, its true things are getting bad, just the other day someone had a booger in a tissue and mentioned it and this became a race war in school. They thought booger was now a dog whistle for racism - you know dog whistles where someone gets to interpret thoughts they cant possibly know, reinvent language they don't even understand to change what you mean to be a racist charge. Booger, Booger, Booger...maybe they thought the kid was saying Uga booga?

    News at 11 Black woman sues baby sitter because she refused to sit for the kids saturday night, claims it was a racist attack, babysitter denies needing social re-engineering shock therapy - she just had a date.

    and you wonder why there is white flight?

  4. NSangoma, white folks do a pretty good job of disowning their redneck cousins when they commit aintshyt behavior, so I'm gonna do the same with these kneegroids.

    And it all happened over some trifling "bm", as the anons would put it. Shameful.

  5. Tyrone Shoes10:21 PM

    Atlanta got some racist in it for believe them damn conservative racists wouldnt let John Lewis speak - don't they know a black man especially a civil rights icon has the right to demand anything anywhere anytime anyhow or you racist? Oh wait the kids were the 99% crazy marxist/communist/insane demands/we aren't sure what the hell we want/Created by funded by SEUI/Acorn/Soros group - they are democrats wow so democrats are waaciiiissst???

    Demonstrators are planning to rally in downtown Atlanta this week as Wall Street protests spread to other cities nationwide.

    A group known as Occupy Atlanta plans to protested Friday night in Woodruff Park.

    About 200 people attended the event. U.S. Congressman John Lewis even stopped by for about half an hour.

    Several demonstrators held signs showing their frustration with Washington's relationship with big business. Many people voiced general frustration. One woman said she was there for changes for animals. Another attendee said he didn't think either party represented his feelings.

    Congressman Lewis (D, GA) was ready to talk to the group, but they didn't give him a chance to speak.

    "I was going to say, I stand with you. I support you, what you're down," said Lewis to the media.

    He said he wasn't disappointed he wasn't able to address the crowd. Several people CBS Atlanta spoke to were upset.

    Michelle Williams was excited to attend the event and no longer wanted to be associated with the movement, citing how Lewis was treated.

  6. no slappz10:46 PM

    Obviously the girls were asked to switch troops because they were doing nothing but hanging around.

    Meanwhile, they weren't "expelled".

    Moreover, leave it to some slimy lawyer representing black clients to claim the problems were racial.

  7. Mack, don't pay Nsangoma any mind. Dat Negro is one of dem hateful Negroes.

    BTW Nsangoma, break out the body fat counter. There is no fat in my ass, brotha. You might want to take a peek at that mirror, though. ;)

    "And if that news is not enough, then there's this: On Friday, a janitor at McKinley Middle Scool in Hopwell Colorado found a a small scrap of paper with the word "Jigaboo" written on it in pencil...”

    Dulce, was the janitor black? if he was, he should have found the little rugrat who wrote it and put a beat down on him.

    "How much more of this will have to go on before the President declares a state of emergency?"

    We are already in a state of emergency. Where have you been?

  8. Dulce De Leche11:10 PM

    "Dulce, was the janitor black? if he was, he should have found the little rugrat who wrote it and put a beat down on him."

    Yes the janitor was black and he has been placed on psychological disability until he can be evaluated. The school will be closed for te next few days, and counselors will be brought in for students and staff.

    The investigation is focusing on the lone white boy in the class, Bobby Ginger. Bobby denies writing the note, claiming the black kids had long ago stolen all of his paper and writing implements, but he is the obvious suspect for obvious reasons. Investigators from the State Office of Diversity hope to have a confession soon.

    I will keep you updated.

  9. Can't offend southerners delicate sensibilities. Like Lindsey Grahm, southerners feel victimized by constant charges of racism. No wonder Herman Cain has to distance himself from the civil rights movement. Anyhoo, the civil rights movement was unnecessary because southern states knew how to control their negras and problems only occured when the uppity nigras and northern agitators put those silly ideas about voting and whatnot in their nigra heads. Stop trying to rewrite history.

  10. Oh lawd! Dulce, please keep me updated. That poor janitor needs a good civil rights lawyer.

    "The investigation is focusing on the lone white boy in the class, Bobby Ginger. Bobby denies writing the note, claiming the black kids had long ago stolen all of his paper and writing implements, but he is the obvious suspect for obvious reasons."

    Of course he is a suspect. He already has racist tendencies. Why would he claim that the black kids stole his paper when he knows damn good and well that his daddy took it to roll tobacco?

  11. "Meanwhile, they weren't "expelled"."

    Slappy, do you live in Georgia now? How do you know that they weren't expelled?

    "Hanging around"? No, I suspect that's what you would do around a Girl Scout Troop.Just a guess.

  12. "Essentially, they’re fighting a battle to avoid historical context. Holocaust eduation is mandatory in Mississippi public schools. Civil rights history education is not."

    It never happened, close your eyes and concentrate. It was all a big lie, in fact it was the whites who were oppressed. Just ask Haley Baubor, wasn't no problems the white citizens council was established to promote brotherhood and peace. Trust me.

  13. "Slappy, do you live in Georgia now? How do you know that they weren't expelled?"

    Slappz knows everything, that's why it comments on everything as if it is an expert.

  14. Almost everything. He didn't pass the PE exam,remember?:)

  15. Old Scroggins11:34 PM

    "Of course he is a suspect. He already has racist tendencies. Why would he claim that the black kids stole his paper when he knows damn good and well that his daddy took it to roll tobacco?"

    Now field, you know damn well if that boy had him a daddy, he wouldn't have to be going to a school where he's the only white kid. Come on, use that $20 dollar noggin of yours.

  16. "Now field, you know damn well if that boy had him a daddy, he wouldn't have to be going to a school where he's the only white kid. Come on, use that $20 dollar noggin of yours."

    Now see.....

  17. Anonymous12:13 AM

    ATLANTA (AP) -- "An Atlanta-area mother has filed a lawsuit against a Girl Scouts organization alleging that her twin daughters were expelled from their troop after they gave a presentation on their family's involvement in the civil rights movement."

    Field, could you clarify what color this family was? There were also white families who were involved in the Civil Rights movement. Thanking you in advance, thanks.

  18. Mrs. Twitchet12:18 AM

    If they had just done the presentation straight up, it would have gone over a lot better.

    Instead they told the story of their family's involvement in the civil rights movement via an interpretive dance, dressed as mimes.

  19. "Field, could you clarify what color this family was? There were also white families who were involved in the Civil Rights movement. Thanking you in advance, thanks."

    Now now, you know that little white twins would not have been ALLEGEDLY expelled from the Girl Scouts.

  20. Anonymous12:38 AM

    Field, "Now now, you know that little white twins would not have been ALLEGEDLY expelled from the Girl Scouts."

    My dear brotha Field, do you not know that this is the 21st Century? Please, get a grip, man.

  21. Anonymous12:43 AM

    Dear Mr. Field, why haven't you acknowledged me for having the knowledge and prescience to state the Eagles as going NOWHERE, and the Redskins as looking good.

    Why won't you bend your knees and kiss my Redskin ring?

  22. Anonymous12:50 AM

    Field, who is in first place in the Eagle's Conference. Say it, I want to hear you say it....Kiss the Redskin ring on my hand. Do it like you would kiss the Pope's ring or the God Father's ring.

  23. Sonny Jurgensen12:54 AM

    the Redskins will finish behind both the Cowboys and the Eagles.

    You heard it here first.

  24. Field, I'm disappointed to hear this for I have a weakness for the "Thin Mints"! Also, the girl scouts and their den mothers who sell them outside of a chain grocery store in my community are black and those braids, bangs and beautiful doe-eyed, polite young ladies win me over every time. Last cookie season it was a trip to Disney World--Florida thrown in the mix for the most sold. :-)

    What a hit; two more of our heroes have transitioned. The esteemed legal scholar/activist Dr. Bell & the principled warrior Rev. Shuttlesworth. Hmmm....

  25. Anonymous1:04 AM

    Oh lawd! Dulce, please keep me updated. That poor janitor needs a good civil rights lawyer.

    "The investigation is focusing on the lone white boy in the class, Bobby Ginger. Bobby denies writing the note, claiming the black kids had long ago stolen all of his paper and writing implements, but he is the obvious suspect for obvious reasons."

    Of course he is a suspect. He already has racist tendencies. Why would he claim that the black kids stole his paper when he knows damn good and well that his daddy took it to roll tobacco?

    NO thats impossible, haven't you heard - liberal pandering physcologists are keeping up with the insanity, now they say school supplies can offend the oh so easily offended and could be part of the cause of minority problems in schools so they recommend all "white" paper be removed and that the teachers choose a colored marker to ensure they are projecting diversity - god we have to get liberals out of high office they are absolutely insane what disgusts me more is any man who takes on this meme as an excuse, how can you live with yourself?

    But of course we can't discuss what the real problems are - no that would be racist so we will pretend they are something a unicorn dumped out and say sure give that 20 years and 50 billion, lets see if that works.

  26. Anonymous1:28 AM

    "the Redskins will finish behind both the Cowboys and the Eagles.

    You heard it here first."

    Lord have mercy. You must be related to Field, because you sound like an NFC loser. I bet you are even Jamaican like Field-- no insight on how to call the right NFC Champion.

  27. Anonymous5:30 AM

    ballzack is back;)

  28. Wow, this reminds me of the parental conference that my 8th grade history teacher required from my parents after reading my Nat Turner report! I didn't get expelled and my parents agreed with my report and didn't show up at the conference. Maybe, had they shown up, I wouldn't be so radical, huh...They'd turn me into a house negro, fo-sho!!!

  29. "Why won't you bend your knees and kiss my Redskin ring?"

    Because they suck! [See what Sonny J said above.]

    Wasn't he a QB for you losers back in the day? He should know how much that squad stinks.

    "But of course we can't discuss what the real problems are - no that would be racist.."

    No, it wouldn't be racist to discuss a lack of funding from Washington because we have been funding two wars for the past ten years. Or, the lack of political will from national and local poli-tricksters.

    No sir, it wouldn't be racist at all.

  30. NSangoma7:43 AM


    Herman Cain lied !!; he said he did not participate in the civil rights struggle because he was too young and then a high school student, not a college student; when in fact, Herman Cain was a college student at the time.

    He punk-gawd-damn lied !!

    Herman Cain is the kind of Negroe who would have told on Nathaniel "Nat" Turner, Gabriel Prosser, and Denmark Vesey.

    Sojourner Truth and Harriet Tubman had to shoot Negroes like Herman Cain dead, to keep them from running to tell massa.

  31. GimmeMore8:58 AM

    No, it wouldn't be racist to discuss a lack of funding from Washington because we have been funding two wars for the past ten years. Or, the lack of political will from national and local poli-tricksters.

    Oh, didn't realize that even after all the budgets and spending were highlighted that people still believed kids dropping out of HS, being disciplinary problems and such were all the result of not enough money, you think more money could buy them parental involvement? By at least one parent for the 70%'s?

    This highlights the disengeniousness of liberals, you as a Jamaican lawyer have to know very well the importance parental involvement and standards played in your getting an education yet here you say its all about money.

    Actually you should look at it this way, the tons of money thrown at the problem have done nothing except make more of the same. Why continue to feed the ever hungry beast

  32. Field, you're like me about ugly people vs. pretty people, dude! I don't really think you have a problem with Girl Scouts, man. That would be terrible for your PR! That would be like OJ playing poker with Mother Theresa . . .

    I think you might have issue with WHERE the Girl Scouts in question are FROM . . . Maybe you just hate the South? More than little girls, anyways?

    Me, too. I grew up in the South, and it's just FULL of racism. But, Girl Scouts in general as racist? That might be a bit of a stretch. Well, I mean if you don't count the Cross Burning Merit Badge. They got rid of that last year. Just kidding!

    Seriously, I've seen LOTS of Black Girl Scouts around.

  33. Stretched-Neck Turner9:26 AM

    Nat Turner was a blood-thirsty murderer of women & children.

    Always Aspiring should have written his tribute to Charles Manson, Marquis De Sade, or jeffrey Dahmer, and seen how far that would have flown in his school.

  34. Field

    "Because they suck! [See what Sonny J said above.]

    Wasn't he a QB for you losers back in the day? He should know how much that squad stinks."

    Exactly, and soon as his tired ass retired the 'Skins started winning.

    Jurgensen has been eating his own boogers in the booth for the last few years.

    He should have been put out to pasture a while ago.

    Go 'Skins.

  35. Anonymous9:29 AM


    You too can help the Wall Street Protestors While getting paid:

    Please apply to this ad on Craigslist: note no job recruiters should contact the activist employer:

  36. hobama's selling of his serial failures and his bogus "jobs" bill
    cookie sales

    hobama is one and done like a discontinued gs cookie

  37. pookies rule the world

    even the amish endure a new breed of fools!


  38. Now she's quoting the Murdoch rag the "NY Post".

    What's next AB, "The RAHOWA Gazette"?

    You have lost your freakin mind.

  39. illiterate stuntin' stymie:

    did he lie????

    as if u read any paper coon nig?

    spare us your bs

    ALL msm are ruled by murdoch/hobama/banksters

    that is why hobama is killing the net u fool


  40. did he lie coon???

    The gist is this: President Obama has become a lone wolf, a stranger to his own government. He talks mostly, and sometimes only, to friend and adviser Valerie Jarrett and to David Axelrod, his political strategist.

    Everybody else, including members of his Cabinet, have little face time with him except for brief meetings that serve as photo ops. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner both have complained, according to people who have talked to them, that they are shut out of important decisions.

    President Obama has become a lone wolf, a stranger to his own government.
    The president’s workdays are said to end early, often at 4 p.m. He usually has dinner in the family residence with his wife and daughters, then retreats to a private office. One person said he takes a stack of briefing books. Others aren’t sure what he does.

    Read more:

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. beaulah10:32 AM

    Carolyn Moon (Amina) said...
    Field, I'm disappointed to hear this for I have a weakness for the "Thin Mints"! Also, the girl scouts and their den mothers who sell them outside of a chain grocery store in my community are black and those braids, bangs and beautiful doe-eyed, polite young ladies win me over every time.

    That's OK, as long as you only buy from black girl scouts.

  44. Anonymous said...

    You too can help the Wall Street Protestors While getting paid:


    Hmmmm nobody had to pay the Tea Party protestors.

    Another big draw seems to be free food:

    Bunch of freeloading white trash.

  45. Love Me Some Brownies10:41 AM

    " Also, the girl scouts and their den mothers who sell them outside of a chain grocery store in my community are black and those braids, bangs and beautiful doe-eyed, polite young ladies win me over every time.

    That's OK, as long as you only buy from black girl scouts.

    10:32 AM"

    I'd be amazed if they still had "Brownies". Surely, someone must have PC-bitched them out of existence.

  46. pookies rule the world

    and they all shop!!!


  47. Lawd these goobers are not to be believed.

    Protesters against Wall Street corruption are "freeloading white trash" but the racist Tea Party who protests on the steps of the US Capitol, spits on and hurls racial epithets at black legislators, and rails against the US government are "patriots".

    Bless their pointed little heads.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Hermann Cain demonstrates how to defend one's core beliefs when white liberals try to browbeat you into staying their pet vicitms:

    Common sense, intelligence, experience and balls.

    That's why this white guy is voting for Cain.

  50. uptownsteve said...the racist Tea Party who protests on the steps of the US Capitol, spits on and hurls racial epithets at black legislators, and rails against the US government are "patriots".

    That never happened as was definitively proved by video evidence long ago:

    If you have to attack your political opponents with lies, then obviously your beliefs cannot stand on their own.

  51. Cain will win despite racism, where Obama won because of it.

  52. Tea Party Protests: "Nigger" and "Faggot" shouted at Democratic Congressmen.

  53. Anonymous11:01 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    Tea Party Protests: "Nigger" and "Faggot" shouted at Democratic Congressmen.

    Lies and hearsay. The video PROVES otherwise.

  54. Field said to slappz: "Hanging around"? No, I suspect that's what you would do around a Girl Scout Troop."

    Field, enough said, you took it right out my mouth. Whata creep.

    And I agree with everything Mack said at 10:17 pm.

  55. Anonymous said...
    uptownsteve said...
    Tea Party Protests: "Nigger" and "Faggot" shouted at Democratic Congressmen.

    Lies and hearsay. The video PROVES otherwise.


    Here's the video:

    Tell me uptown, can you hear the words "nigger" or faggot", or is it just the voices in your head?

  56. So John Lewis, Barney Frank, and Emmanual Cleaver just made the whole thing up?

    You're not stupid enough to think just because you can't hear the slurs on ONE VIDEO that it didn't happen?

  57. Anonymous11:24 AM

    32 AM

    PBM said...
    Anonymous said...

    You too can help the Wall Street Protestors While getting paid:


    Hmmmm nobody had to pay the Tea Party protestors.

    Another big draw seems to be free food:

    Bunch of freeloading white trash.

    Those are the wall street protestors you fool.

  58. uptownsteve said...
    So John Lewis, Barney Frank, and Emmanual Cleaver just made the whole thing up?


    It was just part of the strategy to delegitimize the Tea Party movement by associating it with racism. The whole unecessesary stunt of marching members of the CBC straight through a Tea Party demonstration was done for the sole puprpose of trying to generrate an incident that could be used for this propaganda campaign. When nothing happened, they just ran with story as pre-written.

    This has been a standard tactic of the democratic party for decades, how is it so surprising?

    No third-party witnesses ever testified to hearing those slurs. Lewis himself hedged at ever hearing them. Only Cleaver said he distinctly heard nigger, something no one else heard and no one else recorded, despite dozens of people with cam corders and cell phones documenting the event.

    Either Cleaver has an active imagination, superhuman auditory abilities, or he is a liar, doing his part as a foot soldier for Nancy Pelosi.

  59. Anonymous11:31 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    So John Lewis, Barney Frank, and Emmanual Cleaver just made the whole thing up?

    You're not stupid enough to think just because you can't hear the slurs on ONE VIDEO that it didn't happen?

    No actually you nitwit, Nancy Pelosi linked arm and arm with them walking orchestrated the whole lie. The walk was supposed to symbolize an MLK civil rights walk and it was filmed from various angles, not once did anyone other then a protestor shouting kill the bill get close enough or spit on them. You are a gullible, no you want to beleive this, this way you have no guilt about who you support. You know damn well this never happened otherwise some liberal whackjob like you would have claimed the 100k award, but they could not.

    You aren't stupid enough to post a video as proof that someone said "niggers and faggot' that proves the exact opposite and then immediately claim that one video proves nothing are you or are you just a dirty dishonest racist liberal?

  60. So I'll ask once again.

    John Lewis, Frank, Emmanual Cleaver and Jim Clyburn just made it all up?

    "It was absolutely shocking to me," Clyburn said, in response to a question from the Huffington Post. "Last Monday, this past Monday, I stayed home to meet on the campus of Claflin University where fifty years ago as of last Monday... I led the first demonstrations in South Carolina, the sit ins... And quite frankly I heard some things today I have not heard since that day. I heard people saying things that I have not heard since March 15, 1960 when I was marching to try and get off the back of the bus."

  61. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Umm...TaxBaggers were paid. Keep selling! You must meet your quota!

    Cain paid your fellow whites less than minimum wage...and you honour him for doing so. You really really really need to have an long as you have Dalits to sneer at.

    Well, the South lost. They don't like to be reminded that their fantasy was ended by more competent Yankees...after the South forced the issue. Now, they wish to pretend being jerkholes was a successful policy.
    And having children knowing Truth is untenable.


  62. Anonymous12:03 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    So I'll ask once again.

    John Lewis, Frank, Emmanual Cleaver and Jim Clyburn just made it all up?

    "It was absolutely shocking to me," Clyburn said, in response to a question from the Huffington Post. "Last Monday, this past Monday, I stayed home to meet on the campus of Claflin University where fifty years ago as of last Monday... I led the first demonstrations in South Carolina, the sit ins... And quite frankly I heard some things today I have not heard since that day. I heard people saying things that I have not heard since March 15, 1960 when I was marching to try and get off the back of the bus."

    You are pretty dense aren't you. Notice the lack of a question mark, they did not just make it up, they purposely LIED!!!!!!! Playing the race card is all democrats have to back up the insane policies that the majority of America did not want. Notice in his comments not one specific is offered, it's all rhetoric, fifty years ago I did this "got your respect yet" good. I heard "things" really what things?
    It doesn't matter but I haven't heard these "things" since I was trying to march of the back of the bus.

    Democratic lies. Lies, Lies. For the easily fooled and gullible like you.

  63. uptownsteve said...
    So I'll ask once again.

    John Lewis, Frank, Emmanual Cleaver and Jim Clyburn just made it all up?

    And I'll tell you again: yes.

    The video doesn't lie.

  64. If A Dombocrat's Lips Are Moving, It's Lying12:06 PM

    " uptownsteve said...
    So I'll ask once again.

    John Lewis, Frank, Emmanual Cleaver and Jim Clyburn just made it all up?

    "It was absolutely shocking to me," Clyburn said, in response to a question from the Huffington Post. "Last Monday, this past Monday, I stayed home to meet on the campus of Claflin University where fifty years ago as of last Monday... I led the first demonstrations in South Carolina, the sit ins... And quite frankly I heard some things today I have not heard since that day. I heard people saying things that I have not heard since March 15, 1960 when I was marching to try and get off the back of the bus."

    11:46 AM"

    Yeah, Clyburn is a lying sack of sh!t.

    Democrats will lie when it's easier to tell the truth....aka., Bill Clintn, Obama, too many to name.

  65. Anonymous12:15 PM

    I forget....when did Obama close-down Gitmo? End the wars in Iraq & Afghanistan?

    Lying POS.

  66. anon:


    hobama lied then and now

    he has done nothing for the drones he pimped in 2008 and whom he has betrayed more daily from 2008-now!!!

    hobama 2008 = anti-bush

    hobama 2011 = bush clone on steroids!!!


  67. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Anonymous said...
    I forget....when did Obama close-down Gitmo? End the wars in Iraq & Afghanistan?

    Maybe we should have elected someone who had some qualifications other than being "black".

  68. "Maybe we should have elected someone who had some qualifications other than being "black"."

    As the American people have gotten to know the stranger they elected President 3 years ago, he has lost a lot of his awesomeness, hasn't he? If the press had shown some interest in vetting him a little better, we would have arrived at the conclusion of most people who knew him well that Obama was really in no way ready to be President.

    Black people in Chicago never thought he was all that. His own wife isn't terribly awestruck by him. They had about the right read on him. He's kind of a small man: relatively elegant as far as politicians go, but not a big man. It's just white people who kept telling him he should be President.

    The weird thing is that nobody in the press ever wants to admit that Obama got to be President because he's black -- or, too be more precise, because he's an extremely white black guy. That's just unthinkable. Instead, he got to be President because of some extremely long, complicated reason that the pundit makes up.

    Here's a thought experiment to test that: What if his Indonesian stepfather Lolo Soetoro had decided to tell everybody that little Barry was his son, and Stanley Ann had gone along with the gag? (Weirder stuff has happened.) Barry wouldn't have known. He was a tot when his real dad skedaddled. Lolo could have gone around saying, "Granted, my kid doesn't look totally Indonesian, but his wooly hair comes from this New Guinean great-grandmother of mine I never happened to have mentioned before."

    So, assume Obama goes through roughly the same life, but he, and everybody else, believes he's half Indonesian/Papuan and half white. Would he be President today? Would you even have ever heard of him?

    I think we all know the answer.

  69. UH, which one of the Rethugs is talking about ending the wars and closing Gitmo?

    "Maybe we should have elected someone who had some qualifications other than being "black"."

    Yeah, being black sure helped all 43 of Obama's predecessors.

    I can't tell if these goobers are serious (and incredibly dumb) or are pulling our legs.

    Oh Goober, can you tell us what the GOP job plan is?

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. Anonymous12:33 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    spits on and hurls racial epithets at black legislators

    Please pot aufdio,video, or pictures of these actions.

  72. anon:

    stuntin' stymie never will do so for 2 reasons

    1. they lied about all

    2. he is too illiterate to research said lies


  73. that bold blackish hobama has blamed bush while cloning and besting bush for far too long!

    no lie lives forever..especially a double lie told incessantly!!!


    Vice President Joe Biden spent some time in Florida talking to a class of 5th graders about the economy and his favorite three-letter word, jobs. In his discussion about the troubled economy, do you think Biden was forced to admit to the kids that the stimulus was a waste of a huge amount of money, “we have to spend money to keep from going bankrupt” is a ridiculous theory, “green jobs” is a disaster, and that trillions have been charged to their generation and beyond on the Sheriff’s watch alone?

    Nah, he just blamed Bush:

    “Because things got really bad before we came into office and an awful lot of companies said ‘there’s no more jobs for you here.’”

  74. Congressmen Lewis, CLyburn and Cleaver's word is good enough for me.

    And I guess this Tea Party racism is fake as well, huh?

  75. did ck lie???



  76. even eric holder is blaming bush too now


  77. Anonymous12:52 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    UH, which one of the Rethugs is talking about ending the wars and closing Gitmo?

    "Maybe we should have elected someone who had some qualifications other than being "black"."

    Yeah, being black sure helped all 43 of Obama's predecessors.

    I can't tell if these goobers are serious (and incredibly dumb) or are pulling our legs.

    Oh Goober, can you tell us what the GOP job plan is?

    Notice how every post and I do mean every post is a racist rant? You then expect people to accept you think and aren't just a poor excuse of a racist? Then also notice how you say something absurdly stupid and highlight these with your own words and then say something like I can't believe them, they must be stupid...

    I will type slowly as I know your IQ growth either was stunted or you are at capacity. Obama being elected because he was black does not indicate anything other than specifically that Obama was never and could never be competent despite being black. The other 43 presidents have nothing to do with Obama being elected solely because he was black other than the white liberal media and white voters hoping there could be change. Unfortunately he turned out to be the worst ever.

    Now, when you lose arguments as liberals do you seem to jump from topic to topic to topic. Republicans have numerous bills passed and awaiting senate action that would immediately stimulate the economy - look it up and dont be such a dumbass your whole life. The bill that is stalled is the entire Obama campaign lie of his new stimulus (jobs bill) where the democrats refused to take it up, even though Obama like you lies and blames conservatives. It is nothing but a rehash of old lefty policies that do nothing but take more money from the 53% and pay his cronies in acorn/SEIU and so on. No jobs will be created, or if they are they will be about 2.8 million per temp job as his last stimulus did. Government does not create jobs for the free economy, it regulates them out of existance.

    Any other topics you want to leapfrog on? Or just keep hurling racial slurs, it shows who and what you are.

  78. Anonymous12:53 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Congressmen Lewis, CLyburn and Cleaver's word is good enough for me.

    And I guess this Tea Party racism is fake as well, huh?

    12:39 PM

    Of course it is, like any liberal racist if it's for YOU, it's good enough.

  79. stuntin' stymie/da dumbassed mayor of sepia utopia:

    wtf has hobama done for you?????

    what recovery??????

    shame on u u coon liar!!!!!

    After a week in which the building popular anger about economic inequality led the news, today the latest job numbers are out. They’re being called “better than expected,” a familiar refrain when there’s an uptick in job creation. But the week-to-week and month-to-month ups and downs aren’t really the point anymore. It’s the trend line that matters, and that’s downward. And earlier this week, the Economic Policy Institute crunched data to show just how sharply downward it is in black America. Between 2007 and today, the black populations of several cities slid into what can only be described as a depression.

    EPI’s Algernon Austin looked at the 30 cities with the highest black jobless rates in 2010, comparing them to the rates in 2007 and to the overall jobless rates. The absolute numbers are bracing enough by themselves. Here are the top five cities:

    1. Detroit — 24.7 percent
    2. Milwaukee — 22.3 percent
    3. Las Vegas — 21.4 percent
    4. Minneapolis — 20.7 percent
    5. Charlotte and Los Angeles — 19.5 percent

    That means the black population of these six cities is living with unemployment that is comparable to that of the Great Depression. These are stunning numbers. Any meaningful effort to fix our nation’s crisis would include massive, targeted efforts to create jobs that are accessible to black people in these specific places

  80. Sorry quantum, I despise all those little cookie hustlers equally. Be they black,white, yellow, green, and brown. It doesn't really matter. :)

    "Congressmen Lewis, CLyburn and Cleaver's word is good enough for me."

    Me too Steve. I will take a guy who got his ass kicked during the civil rights struggle while trying to stand up for what is right, over a lunatic wingnut every day of the week.

  81. Anonymous12:59 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Congressmen Lewis, CLyburn and Cleaver's word is good enough for me.

    Steve is nothing but a bullying slavecatcher working for a smooth House Negro that goes by the name of Field Negro.

    Any negro that sees these guys coming should run.

    Whatever good Clyburn has done in the past, the evidence shows he lied for Nancy Pelosi. As are you.

  82. Anonymous1:01 PM

    "Congressmen Lewis, CLyburn and Cleaver's word is good enough for me."

    Me too Steve. I will take a guy who got his ass kicked during the civil rights struggle while trying to stand up for what is right, over a lunatic wingnut every day of the week.

    Another misreprented statement, there is no one person he is pitting his lie against, it is the filmed event of the historic walk of he, pelosi and the set up to be like MLK that gave away it never, ever happened, police were there in fact right at his elbow, journalists, hundreds of people, and he had no one to accuse, yet it happened..sure it did. It isn't like there are fake accusations spread by racist liberals everyday.

    It's ok Pelosi rewarded him by creating a new title for him after they lost the majority in 2010 something like House democrat in charge of negro relations or some other. Looked like AA action payback.

  83. "Obama being elected because he was black does not indicate anything other than specifically that Obama was never and could never be competent despite being black."


    I'm really trying not to laugh while I type this because I see how earnest and serious you are.

    tee hee

    But please answer this for me.

    If merely being black is the ticket to becoming President, how come it never worked for anyone before Obama?

  84. Anonymous1:03 PM

    So out of the hundreds of open mics,photographers, and people filiming the staged event,no factural proof. NONE

    Just the words of race hustlers.

  85. And that means that Herman Coon...errr...Cain should be a shoo in this time around, eh?

  86. Anonymous1:06 PM

    I heard Open Sore Steve was a brownie when he was a mere geek of a lad besides gettin his ass kicked in the bronx he used to specialize in sucking lemon drops while growin up...his parents had to move outta-town to save him. Nevertheless he is so confused he thinks the bronx is part of uptown manhattan...says a lot about his mind, then he joined the coastguard and complained so much about lack of a title because he was a black brownie, they named him the head seamen of the sword swallower division - he loved this and got a tattoo of a penis on his ass - He named this tattoo he call's it "mold"

  87. Congressman Cleaver spit on by Tea Party heckler

  88. Anonymous1:11 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "Obama being elected because he was black does not indicate anything other than specifically that Obama was never and could never be competent despite being black."


    I'm really trying not to laugh while I type this because I see how earnest and serious you are.

    tee hee

    But please answer this for me.

    If merely being black is the ticket to becoming President, how come it never worked for anyone before Obama?

    God they don't get any dumber than you do they, read the paragraph in context. He was the first black president, well half black. This greatly resulted in the media uncategorically cheerleading for him and burying anything about him. No history, no school discussions, horrible senate record of AA action voting (present) marxist/socialist views, ties to terrorists, radicals and on and on, yet we voted him in to prove we weren't racist as is always charged, lets give a black man a shot. If he were properly vetted let alone attacked like the liberal smear machine does to conservatives he wouldn't have gotten close to being a senator let alone president. Little did we know he was the most racist president ever and immediately started breaking our laws to pander to various racial groups.

    Now, think will ya before you speak next time, it is getting embarassing to even respond to you. You leave no choice but to point out your IQ must be lower then your wifes shoe size.

  89. "If he were properly vetted let alone attacked like the liberal smear machine does to conservatives he wouldn't have gotten close to being a senator let alone president."

    Oh so you mean the accusations that he was born in Indonesia, was a Muslim, was a black radical associated with Farrakhan, was gay, a coke user, and wasn't qualified to get into Harvard don't count?

  90. Anonymous1:19 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    And that means that Herman Coon...errr...Cain should be a shoo in this time around, eh?


    Not after Obama blew it. Cain's going to have to do it on merit, not on skin color.

  91. Anonymous1:19 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    And that means that Herman Coon...errr...Cain should be a shoo in this time around, eh?

    See how useless a human being you are? You are nothing but a racist.

    Apparently, to liberals and race baiters, real blacks aren’t educated, employed, productive, successful, or diametrically opposed to them. I know you don't have the IQ to see the path you are taking but essentially you are undermining your own racist mantra by attacking Cain. How can any black man be discriminated against due to his skin color if the color of his skin is not what makes him a black man. I suppose this is too deep for you and you will just come back and say the mindless racist hoodrat you are but I tried.

  92. Anonymous1:23 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "If he were properly vetted let alone attacked like the liberal smear machine does to conservatives he wouldn't have gotten close to being a senator let alone president."

    Oh so you mean the accusations that he was born in Indonesia, was a Muslim, was a black radical associated with Farrakhan, was gay, a coke user, and wasn't qualified to get into Harvard don't count?

    How many times did those stories ever make the network news? They didn't even make Fox News.

    And he actually was an associate of Farrakhan who admitted using coke in his autobiography. He was a muslim when he lived in Indonesia. I don't know if he was gay, but no one knows how he got into Harvard.

  93. Anonymous1:25 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "If he were properly vetted let alone attacked like the liberal smear machine does to conservatives he wouldn't have gotten close to being a senator let alone president."

    Oh so you mean the accusations that he was born in Indonesia, was a Muslim, was a black radical associated with Farrakhan, was gay, a coke user, and wasn't qualified to get into Harvard don't count?

    Does your head hurt when you try to think? Do you understand what properly vetted means? Did you see any of these fringe stories prior to the election or was Obama the coming of christ on all the MSM channels? Did you forget all the reporters conferences on burying his past were exposed? DId you forget that he was linked to terrorists, Alinsky, COmmunists, Marxists or how the MSM buried his Rev Wright beliefs? Forget all that, is he a good president now? If so how is he doing so well? If you say it's Bush's fault I will ignore that childish reply.

  94. Lt. Commander Johnson1:31 PM

    "uptownsteve said...
    Congressman Cleaver spit on by Tea Party heckler

    1:07 PM"

    That dumb negro just got some spittle on his face frm that guy yelling at the top op his lungs. Dumbass stucis face right up next to that screaming idiot. If he did catch a few splatters; serves him right.

    Now, KNOW that was nothing like one of those big loogies I used to drop on the head of my johnson before I rammed it home.

  95. "Did you forget all the reporters conferences on burying his past were exposed? DId you forget that he was linked to terrorists, Alinsky, COmmunists, Marxists or how the MSM buried his Rev Wright beliefs?"

    Actually I remember hearing all those bull$hit accusations and smears BEFORE the election.

    And I happen to think that he is doing a good job considering the cards he's been dealt.

    "Not after Obama blew it. Cain's going to have to do it on merit, not on skin color."

    You mean like the white folks do?

    Like Dubya, who would have been pumping gas in Midland Texas if his name was George W. Brown.

    Or how about Sarah Palin who has the IQ of a waxed fruit.


  96. Anonymous1:42 PM

    uptownsteve: You mean like the white folks do?

    Yes. Dubya blew it for the legacy candidates.

    Obama blew it for affirmative action candidates.

  97. Anonymous1:43 PM

    UTS: "Or how about Sarah Palin who has the IQ of a waxed fruit."

    She's smarter than Biden.

    And you.

  98. "And he actually was an associate of Farrakhan"


    "who admitted using coke in his autobiography."

    He tried coke like millions of other people but the rightwing media portrayed him as an addict.

    "He was a muslim when he lived in Indonesia."


    "I don't know if he was gay,"

    He's not. He's a married man with two daughters.

    "but no one knows how he got into Harvard."

    How about he applied and got accepted?

    How did Bush get into Harvard Business School after getting rejected by the University of Texas?

    Any answers goober?

  99. "She's smarter than Biden."

    Palin isn't smarter than Biden's pet poodle.

    The stupid bitch thought Paul Revere's ride was to warn the British.


    "Obama blew it for affirmative action candidates."

    By becoming President of the Harvard Law Review?

    I must tell you, you are blowing it for Bell Curve proponents.

  100. @uptownsteve:
    We know Bush's grades throughout his career because, he like every other Presidential candidate EXCEPT Obama, released his transcripts. By all accounts, Obama was not a good enough student to be considered by Harvard Law. Percy Sutton said that he wrote a letter to Harvard on Obama's behalf at the behest of Khalid al-Mansour, the advisor to a wealthy Saudi who had paid for Barack Obama’s education at Harvard Law School. Remember all the press that got, an esteemed civil rights icon's revelation about Obama's Saudi connections? Me neither.

    Young Barry Obama (Soetoro) was a practicing Muslim when he lived as Lolo Soetoro's adopted son. This is a matter of record.

    And the Obama's were close associates of Louis Farrakhan and his wife. They were close neighbors in chicago. They've pushed most of this history down the memory hole (along with Bill Ayers), but here's a picture of Michelle Obama and Louie's wife together at a luncheon:

    Maybe you can get Rep. Clyburn to tell a lie about that too.

  101. Charles Murray2:03 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    I must tell you, you are blowing it for Bell Curve proponents.

    How so? Obama's middling intellect can be accounted for the fact that he is half-white.

  102. "Apparently, to liberals and race baiters, real blacks aren’t educated, employed, productive, successful, or diametrically opposed to them."

    As usual you have it completely backwards.

    According to toothless inbred goobers like you, the ONLY educated, employed, successful and productive blacks are Republicans.

    The rest of us are either waiting for a government handout or taking something by force that rightfully belongs to a white person.

  103. Trap a goober time.....Chapter 137

    "How so? Obama's middling intellect can be accounted for the fact that he is half-white>

    But you seem to feel that 100% blacks like Clarence Thomas, Cain and Sowell are smart.

    So it's not genetics but ideology?

    Or do you think black conservatives ARE intellectually inferior, and useful?

  104. Anonymous2:17 PM

    "But you seem to feel that 100% blacks like Clarence Thomas, Cain and Sowell are smart."

    They are, and they have proven themselves to be smart.

    Obama has not.

  105. They're smart because a dumbass like you agrees with them.

    I tell you goober, you are about as much fun as a man can have at work.


  106. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Good think you have a make work job, uptown.

  107. Anonymous2:39 PM

    "Apparently, to liberals and race baiters, real blacks aren’t educated, employed, productive, successful, or diametrically opposed to them."

    As usual you have it completely backwards.

    According to toothless inbred goobers like you, the ONLY educated, employed, successful and productive blacks are Republicans.

    The rest of us are either waiting for a government handout or taking something by force that rightfully belongs to a white person.

    Toothless and inbred. Hmmmmmm, you keep that outlook about white people. See how far it gets you. See how much you beleive your own lies? You say there is white supremacy, they rule the country have all the money, yet you then claim they live in trailers, have no teeth, inbreed....any more false realities you want to spread while you call people racist names? Can you make any point without them? Of course not...white people mean..dey racist. Just admit, you don't have the tools to compete without idiotic grade school name calling. How could you, your points are mindless.

    What you miss with all your coonishness is an intellectual man does not care what color skin a man has. But YOU DO. You care that if he is Black HE MUST act a certain way swallow (don't get excited cause I said swallow) the lines fed him and Act black - I don't have the boundaries you do. Summation you are a very low IQ racist who has not one bit of logic to hang his lack of morals on so white people and black people who do not do as you insist are dumb, racist, fools. When all along you are the one getting smacked in the head, pigeonholed and told what to do, now run along like a good little boy and do what they say, mindless coon.

  108. Anonymous2:43 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Trap a goober time.....Chapter 137

    "How so? Obama's middling intellect can be accounted for the fact that he is half-white>

    But you seem to feel that 100% blacks like Clarence Thomas, Cain and Sowell are smart.

    So it's not genetics but ideology?

    Or do you think black conservatives ARE intellectually inferior, and useful?

    Once again you proved your IQ cannot be above 55. You are the one who is saying that Black conservatives are intellectually inferior, as they must be trying to please the white man in power (how can he be in power if he is toothless and inbred?) You are the racist, you are the one putting down a black man whos idealogy you don't like, simply because you feel you do not measure up. It isn't a race that is inferior, it is YOU. You create the stereotype of the dumb no thinking no account coon and back it up every time you attack a black man for doing what he believes, for being self made and successful yet without remorse and hating anyone who isn't black, you hate a black man who doesn't wear the eternally vigilant victim badge on his sleeve (no not like the brownie patch you had) and thank all of black america for his success despite white people, rather tell how he did it on his own using the system that is wide open to all. For some reason equality scares you. Wonder why?

  109. Anonymous2:47 PM

    That dumb negro just got some spittle on his face frm that guy yelling at the top op his lungs. Dumbass stucis face right up next to that screaming idiot. If he did catch a few splatters; serves him right.

    Now, KNOW that was nothing like one of those big loogies I used to drop on the head of my johnson before I rammed it home.

    This has to be the funnies thing I have read all owe me a new monitor Commander I just spit coffee all over it....I think Open Sore Steve (Still don't understand why he told us all about his Herpes) had to go to the mens room to relieve himself after he starting getting coast guard flashbacksides

  110. Anonymous2:55 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    They're smart because a dumbass like you agrees with them.

    I tell you goober, you are about as much fun as a man can have at work.


    Laugh some more, it show your intelligence. No they are smart because when they grew up with coons like you they didnt listen to them pull them down and care wether they said they were actin white and got great educations and went on to become A supreme court justice, CEO of a major corporation that he turned into a profitable job providing company, and the last person is became an economist, social theorist, political philosopher, and author and National Humanities Medal

    These are the type of men you tear down for being black? Yet you claim you are not dumb and racist? You should aspire to being just like these men, you should hope your children can accomplish half as much as these men have or would you rather they become "salesman"
    or do you just hate them because they are black and you are racist?

  111. Anonymous3:06 PM

    UTS, "They're smart because a dumbass like you agrees with them.

    I tell you goober, you are about as much fun as a man can have at work.


    2:21 PM

    Mr. Field, the above comment is a fine example of verbal and emotional abuse. Do you really want an unconscious person like Steve on an international blog like yours? I mean, the boy is a racist! I have been advocating for the removal of UTS and Mack Lyons for some time. But you don't reply. What gives, are you racist too?

    The word goober is a nasty word invented by a black racist by the name of low-downtown Steve. Why must we be his racist emotional battering ball? Please, Mr. Field. Get rid of that mofo so that we can have 'decent' conversations.


  112. more on the real reason why abortions are being outlawed

    more pure white births will be mandated by abortion laws asap

    Each year, 12,000 sets of twins are born in Britain. Of these, 385 of them are black or mixed race.

    But those like Kaydon and Layton are even rarer – only two in a million are black and white.

    But this once unheard of phenomenon is on the increase and some experts even predict that having twins who are polar opposites in colour could actually become almost commonplace.

    Read more:

  113. The USS Obama Is Going Down, The Rats Are Jumping Ship4:18 PM

    Steve, your Wonder Boy Obama is losing it:

    Remember, this is from the AJC.

    The only people who can't see what a total failure he is, are other failures or deluded people, such as yourself.

  114. "Steve, your Wonder Boy Obama is losing it:"

    Not entirely, many see congress as blocking any progress and we know why. True his poll numbers are bad but GOP congress is much much worse. There is more than a year to go to the election and anything can happen and if this occupy wall street is any indication populism is on the rise and if the GOP candidates choose the wrong side you very well may see 4 more years of Barack Obama.

  115. This comment has been removed by the author.

  116. This comment has been removed by the author.

  117. if hobama and rahmbo blow up any chi towers before nov

    so hobama can look like a war hero before his re-selection

    they will do so openly

    they will not even have to lie about it as dick c and king shrub lied about 911

    the fleeced sheeple sleep still...

    see proof from that black sheeple uts at 4:41 above...shame!!!!

    he is blaming everyone in dc/nyc but the hnic hobama...shame!!!!!

  118. Anonymous4:54 PM

    AB, I have been writing comments for years in support of you, hoping you would at least give me recognition.

    Not ONCE have you even acknowledged my existence. Instead, you recognize a racist misogynist fool like uts.

    Why do women like you, Dr. Queen and other sistas on this blog go after the fools? Why do good chivalrous guys finish last with black women? Black women 'claim' they are looking for good men, but they spend their time and are attracted to abusive assholes like Steve.

    i am so tired of working my ass off making big money only to spend it on call girls and prostitutes because women like you ignore me...

    I will be in Chicago next week, won't you have dinner with me at the top of the Hancock?

    depressed lonely Negro

  119. Anonymous4:56 PM

    PilotX, "Not entirely, many see congress as blocking any progress and we know why. True his poll numbers are bad but GOP congress is much much worse. There is more than a year to go to the election and anything can happen and if this occupy wall street is any indication populism is on the rise and if the GOP candidates choose the wrong side you very well may see 4 more years of Barack Obama."

    Wow. Even in the face of facts, PilotX still denies the inevitable Reality. Isn't DENIAL a wonderful thing?

  120. assnon/stymie 2:

    any "man" ignorant enough to think we desire uts

    is too dumb to dine with me...

    have fun in chi!

  121. Anonymous5:09 PM

    ab, "any "man" ignorant enough to think we desire uts

    is too dumb to dine with me...

    have fun in chi!"

    You see? this is what I am talking about. I invite you out, and you treat me like uts treats you! some of you sistas are full of shit! you don't want good loving men with money, you want bm like steve so YOU can take care of him.

    I rest my case!

  122. Helioso5:17 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Steve, your Wonder Boy Obama is losing it:"

    Not entirely, many see congress as blocking any progress and we know why.

    No "we" don't - you are just repeating the democrat spin.

    The republican congress was put there by the people in the 2010 election precisely to stop any more "progress" on the nightmare Obama progressive agenda.

    The dismal poll numbers on congress still reflect the animus toward Nancy Pelosi and the fact that Harry Reid still runs the senate.

    One could say Obama and Reid are blocking any progress on the jobs bills the republicans have passed despite the message the electorate gave them in 2010.

    We'll just have to say it louder in 2012.

    The democrats are dead men walking.

  123. Anonymous5:18 PM

    anon, "You see? this is what I am talking about. I invite you out, and you treat me like uts treats you! some of you sistas are full of shit! you don't want good loving men with money, you want bm like steve so YOU can take care of him."

    Good point, Anon. I think I'll stop working and go back to the hood, cause all this big money I'm making is going to waste. Sistas ain't interested in a working man like me.

    Hell, I even owned a yacht and sailed for PR to see Desert. Come to find out Desertflower didn't care if I lived or drowned in the ocean.

    The only woman who has cared about me on this blog was a white woman by the name of Maria. God bless that woman....I miss her soooo. AB isn't half the woman Maria is!

  124. This comment has been removed by the author.

  125. anon:

    cc that bs to any real bro... who knows we hate uts


    blair underwood and mumia can share home cooked gourmet dinner + dessert with me and my wife in our queendom anytime

  126. Anonymous5:28 PM

    AB, "blair underwood and mumia can share home cooked gourmet dinner + dessert with me and my wife in our queendom anytime"

    WTF? You are going to give them desert? In front of your wife? Lord have mercy.

  127. hobama lies for his wall street bankster owners/peers!!!


    WASHINGTON -- In President Barack Obama's sales pitch for his jobs bill, there are two versions of reality: The one in his speeches and the one actually unfolding in Washington.

    When Obama accuses Republicans of standing in the way of his nearly $450 billion plan, he ignores the fact that his own party has struggled to unite behind the proposal.

    When the president says Republicans haven't explained what they oppose in the plan, he skips over the fact that Republicans who control the House actually have done that in detail.

    And when he calls on Congress to "pass this bill now," he slides past the point that Democrats control the Senate and were never prepared to move immediately, given other priorities. Senators are expected to vote Tuesday on opening debate on the bill, a month after the president unveiled it with a call for its immediate passage.

  128. hobama and his banskter pals are partying on!!!


    While most Americans aren’t expecting their incomes to rise with the cost of living in the near future, more than 60 percent of Wall Street professionals say they anticipate their bonuses will be higher or the same as the bonus they earned in 2010, according to a recent survey.

    Sixty-two percent of Wall Street workers said they’re expecting a bonus that’s in line with last year’s or higher, according to a survey from And while still a firm majority, that’s down from last year, when 71 percent of survey respondents said they expected the same or higher bonus than what they received in 2009.

  129. FN wrote:
    "Sorry quantum, I despise all those little cookie hustlers equally. Be they black,white, yellow, green, and brown. It doesn't really matter. :)"

    Geez Field...that's rather harsh. I'm with the Mrs. Field on this one.

  130. Olestra Jones, let me know when that black helicopter touches down. * I hear crazy people*

    Sorry Carolyn, I will work on it.

  131. alicia banks said...
    blair underwood and mumia can share home cooked gourmet dinner + dessert with me and my wife in our queendom anytime

    You disgusting depraved deviant pig. You would serve a cold-blooded murderer.

  132. field negro said...
    Olestra Jones, let me know when that black helicopter touches down. * I hear crazy people*

    You hear nothing that might upset your world view.

    If Percy Sutton's words have no credibility, then whose do?

  133. Here's Mr. Sutton in his own words:

  134. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Olestra Jones said...
    Here's Mr. Sutton in his own words:

    So Obama is a Muslim supported by Muslim Benefactors and he had Al-mansour get him into Harvard. But of course he did. So he had already taken a test to become "president of the law review" before he even got accepted to Harvard, but of course he did, no president of the Harvard Law review ever got the position without publishing ANYTHINg, but Obama did thanks to his rich Muslim benefactors..what an AA through and through.

  135. Didn't the goobers claim that Obama was supported by George Soros?

    Bless their pointed little heads.

    They just an't make up their minds.

    They just know they hate Obama.

  136. uptownsteve said...
    Didn't the goobers claim that Obama was supported by George Soros?

    Shut your eyes a ittle tighter, slavecatcher.

    You don't have to think it's a deep dark conspiracy (cue the helicopter noise) not to think Mr. Sutton's revelations curious, and worthy of discussion.

    How did this unknown kid, with an unremarkable undergraduate performance at Columbia, have heavy hitters like Al-Mansour pulling strings for him?

    Why were the Saudi's paying for this guy's education?

    If it's easy to explain, why has Obama maintained he paid for his education by taking out Student loans?

    And most perplexing of all, why has an establishment media who has sent an army of reporters to look for a painted rock from 1983 in Texas, who sent another army of reporters to interview every resident of Wasila, Alaska trying to dig up some dirt on Sara Palin, never expressed any curiousity about Obama's past?

    Here we have a respected civil rights icon, son of a slave, describe in detail how he helped Obama get into Harvard, and how that education was financed by a Saudi prince, and no one at ABC/NBC/CNN/MSNBC?NYT/AP/UPI/BBC/NPR even thinks to ask Obama about it? Not even Fox.

  137. Anonymous7:19 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Didn't the goobers claim that Obama was supported by George Soros?

    Bless their pointed little heads.

    They just an't make up their minds.

    They just know they hate Obama.

    Look Another racial slur from the weakest link coon you ever read.

    You just aren't bright enough to understand even the most basic timelines are you? Harvard - Obamas early years - Soros - Invests in all things left destroying America for his investments. There has been more than enough proof, whats your proof? Goober. Goober, Goober, what a pathetically weak mind. Are you a woman? Heres some oil for your wheelchair you weak little bitch.

    Tee-Hee LMBAO

  138. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Here we have a respected civil rights icon, son of a slave, describe in detail how he helped Obama get into Harvard, and how that education was financed by a Saudi prince, and no one at ABC/NBC/CNN/MSNBC?NYT/AP/UPI/BBC/NPR even thinks to ask Obama about it? Not even Fox.

    Cause you only askin cause he black not cause it true. That guy only got arrested for murder cause he black not caused he pulled the trigger right Open Sore Semen Steve?

  139. This is absilutely pathetic and shows the desperation of these racist morons to discredit Obama.

    Sutton said that he wrote a letter of recommendation to Harvard for Obama at the behest of his friend Dr. Khalid al-Mansour of Texas who was "raising money for Obama's education" after he passed all the requirements for entry to Harvard Law.

    From that statement, these pea-brained goobers are claiming that the Saudis "financed" Obama's Harvard education.

    Pathetic. Simply pathetic.

  140. "who sent another army of reporters to interview every resident of Wasila, Alaska trying to dig up some dirt on Sara Palin"

    One Joe McGuiness is an "army of reporters"??????

    Goober, puh-leeze.

    Stay away from pointed objects.

  141. uptownsteve said...
    "who sent another army of reporters to interview every resident of Wasila, Alaska trying to dig up some dirt on Sara Palin"

    No, Joe McGuiness rented the house next door and surveiled the Palin's home for 6 months, long after she was candidate for anything.

    The army of reporters descended on Wasila within days of McCain announcing her as his running mate.

    Sure are trying hard, aren't you slavecatcher?

  142. "The army of reporters descended on Wasila within days of McCain announcing her as his running mate."

    Wow, imagine the media being interested in the background of a relatively unknown politician who was just nominated for the 2nd highest office in the land.

    It's a liberal CONSPIRACY!!!!!!

    Tell me goober, does it hurt being so stoopid?

  143. uptownsteve said...
    Sutton said that he wrote a letter of recommendation to Harvard for Obama at the behest of his friend Dr. Khalid al-Mansour of Texas who was "raising money for Obama's education" after he passed all the requirements for entry to Harvard Law.

    From that statement, these pea-brained goobers are claiming that the Saudis "financed" Obama's Harvard education.

    Al-Mansour was the "principle advisor to one of the richest men in the world". Where do you think the money came from?

    Why was noted Islamic extremist Al-Mansour working to get Obama into Harvard?

    How was Obama given the position of President of the Law Review before he was even admitted to Harvard? These are Mr. Sutton's words, not fantasy.

  144. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Slave Catchin Open Sore Steve said...
    This is absilutely pathetic and shows the desperation of these racist morons to discredit Obama.

    Yes'm it absiletely pamthetic fact are desperation?

    Goober...Goober...Goober.....mammy they bein mean to me agin call da waacist police and gimme my crutches!!! Goober Goober Goober picken me a goober out my nose goober goober gooober

    UTS still wishes he were king like in the 3rd grade when he won the biggest penis contest among his classmates. He asked his mammy if he won cause he was black, she said no Steve it's cause you are 23.

    You need to calm down and stop droolin and banging your keyboard with your forehead its gonna make them lines worse. Stevey Munster

  145. Anonymous8:17 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "The army of reporters descended on Wasila within days of McCain announcing her as his running mate."

    Wow, imagine the media being interested in the background of a relatively unknown politician who was just nominated for the 2nd highest office in the land.

    It's a liberal CONSPIRACY!!!!!!

    Tell me goober, does it hurt being so stoopid?

    Hey Stupid dats da point dumbass why didnt they do all of this with Obungo? Everything was hidden anyone who brought it out was don't use logic much I can see that. Squeeky...Squeeky..crutch..crutch...mammy....mammy...

  146. "Why was noted Islamic extremist Al-Mansour working to get Obama into Harvard?"

    Evidence that Al-Mansour was an "Islamic extremist" please.

    Take all the time you need.

    And calm down goober.

    You're drooling again.

  147. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Take all the time you need.

    And calm down goober.

    You're drooling again.

    I dont know why you call white people goobers, your wife doesnt', but she does call allright.

    Nope your the one drooling Senor mudshark. It's ok I unnersan your wife tol me last night you just pissed cause you playing with the little rugrats in the sandbox and the cat tried to cover you up.

  148. So goober says the media didn't OBSESSIVELY investigate Obama's background.

    Okay, you're an idiot.

  149. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Evidence that Al-Mansour was an "Islamic extremist" please.

    OK at least we got past his campaigning to have Saudi Arabians fund the unknown poor student Obama.

    Sure to you he is just a nice fellow racist hebe u hero and I donts means a sangwich, to others not so nice...

    Al-Mansour is an outspoken hater of the United States, Israel, and white people generally. In recent years he has accused the U.S. of plotting a "genocide" designed "to remove 15 million black people, considered disposable, of no relevance, value or benefit to the American society." He has told fellow blacks that "whatever you do to [white people], they deserve it, God wants you to do it and that's when you cut out the nose, cut out the ears, take flesh out of their body, don't worry because God wants you to do it." Alleging further that Palestinians in Israel "are being brutalized like savages," he accuses the Jews of "stealing the land the same way the Christians stole the land from the Indians in America."

    Al-Mansour holds standard Islamist views: he absolves the Islamist government in Sudan of sponsoring slavery, he denies a Jewish tie to Jerusalem, and he wrote a booklet titled "Americans Beware! The Zionist Plot Against S. Arabia

  150. Anonymous8:34 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    So goober says the media didn't OBSESSIVELY investigate Obama's background.

    Okay, you're an idiot.

    You might as well just bang your head against the wall, thats what it is like talking to someone this dumb, Steve points change by the second and none of them would be logical to a 3rd grader but to him they are proof he is right, of what he doesn't know but he will just keep talking and talking and name callin and talkin a pure example of an empty headed racist liberal.

  151. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Steve like most mentally stunted folks similar to Obama use the same talkign points over and over and over again, because he can't remember wether he shit his pants in the last five minutes he thinks everyone else is the same. Qoutes you could copy and paste and use for just about everyone of steves post?

    Goober....always uses
    OK calm down and stop drooling - He uses this when he has no point and knows it.
    I love doing this to them - he uses this when he gets his ass kicked and looks like a idiot
    Why do you make me do this to you - this is when you know you got steve good and he is very frustrated
    LMBAO Tee-Hee - Steve uses this when he feels in touch with his sensitive side after getting ass raped on the blog for being a blithering idiot( just about always)

    a couple more, but thats all he has in his bag of tricks, no original thought, when it gets tough add more obligatory goobers.

  152. googleincapablensteve said...
    "Evidence that Al-Mansour was an "Islamic extremist" please."

    He's not just an Islamic extremist, he's a complete nutjob:

  153. Dr. Khalid Abdullah Tariq Al-Mansour
    International attorney, teacher and businessman. Dr. Al-Mansour’s business interests include co-founding the United Bank of Africa, the World United Bank of Africa and the Saudi African Bank.

  154. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Among other thngs...

    come on slavecatcher, you can do better than that!
