Monday, October 10, 2011

Protectors of the Oligarchy.

"It remains to be seen whether the Occupy Wall Street protests will change America’s direction. Yet the protests have already elicited a remarkably hysterical reaction from Wall Street, the super-rich in general, and politicians and pundits who reliably serve the interests of the wealthiest hundredth of a percent.     

 And this reaction tells you something important — namely, that the extremists threatening American values are what F.D.R. called “economic royalists,” not the people camping in Zuccotti Park.

Consider first how Republican politicians have portrayed the modest-sized if growing demonstrations, which have involved some confrontations with the police — confrontations that seem to have involved a lot of police overreaction — but nothing one could call a riot. And there has in fact been nothing so far to match the behavior of Tea Party crowds in the summer of 2009.

Nonetheless, Eric Cantor, the House majority leader, has denounced “mobs” and “the pitting of Americans against Americans.” The G.O.P. presidential candidates have weighed in, with Mitt Romney accusing the protesters of waging “class warfare,” while Herman Cain calls them “anti  American.” My favorite, however, is Senator Rand Paul, who for some reason worries that the protesters will start seizing iPads, because they believe rich people don’t deserve to have them.
Michael Bloomberg, New York’s mayor and a financial-industry titan in his own right, was a bit more moderate, but still accused the protesters of trying to “take the jobs away from people working in this city,” a statement that bears no resemblance to the movement’s actual goals.

And if you were listening to talking heads on CNBC, you learned that the protesters “let their freak flags fly,” and are “aligned with Lenin.”
The way to understand all of this is to realize that it’s part of a broader syndrome, in which wealthy Americans who benefit hugely from a system rigged in their favor react with hysteria to anyone who points out just how rigged the system is...."

..What’s going on here? The answer, surely, is that Wall Street’s Masters of the Universe realize, deep down, how morally indefensible their position is. They’re not John Galt; they’re not even Steve Jobs. They’re people who got rich by peddling complex financial schemes that, far from delivering clear benefits to the American people, helped push us into a crisis whose aftereffects continue to blight the lives of tens of millions of their fellow citizens.

Yet they have paid no price. Their institutions were bailed out by taxpayers, with few strings attached. They continue to benefit from explicit and implicit federal guarantees — basically, they’re still in a game of heads they win, tails taxpayers lose. And they benefit from tax loopholes that in many cases have people with multimillion-dollar incomes paying lower rates than middle-class families.
This special treatment can’t bear close scrutiny — and therefore, as they see it, there must be no close scrutiny. Anyone who points out the obvious, no matter how calmly and moderately, must be demonized and driven from the stage. In fact, the more reasonable and moderate a critic sounds, the more urgently he or she must be demonized, hence the frantic sliming of Elizabeth Warren.

So who’s really being un-American here? Not the protesters, who are simply trying to get their voices heard. No, the real extremists here are America’s oligarchs, who want to suppress any criticism of the sources of their wealth." [Article]

Paul Krugman is on point, and his well timed essay had me nodding my head in agreement. But I will go even farther and say something that Mr. Krugman was either afraid to say or does not believe:

It's not only oligarchs who are to blame for A-merry-ca's predicament. It's the poor, working class, and middle class  folks in this country who have been hoodwinked and beguiled into believing that the A-merry-can dream is not rigged. They have been made to believe that they too can become one of the oligarchs and look down on the rest of us someday from their penthouses in the sky.

A segment of the A-merry-can public is comfortable with protecting the status quo. (See the Tea Party movement) They don't want banking reform and consumer protections, because they see it all as being un-American. They contribute to the demonization of those questioning a rigged system because, they too, hope to benefit from that system some day.

Of course it will never happen. And their great- grandchildren will not be paying for their education from a trust fund; they will be paying for it from loans from the very government that their great- grandparents spent all of their lives putting down.



  1. NSangoma8:08 PM

    Crony capitalism is federal government subsidies and tax breaks for green/clean energy.

    Pure, chaste capitalism is federal government subsidies and tax breaks for the fossil fuel (oil, gas, coal) industry.

  2. Anonymous8:30 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Sex, drugs and hiding from the law at Wall Street protests

    Read more:

    The criminals are crashing the party.

    Lured by cheap drugs and free food, creepy thugs have infiltrated the crowd of protesters camped out in Zuccotti Park for Occupy Wall Street, The Post has learned.

    “I got warrants. I’m running from the law,” boasted Dave, 24, a scrawny, unshaven miscreant in filthy clothes from Stamford, Conn. “I’m not even supposed to be here, but it’s as good a spot as any to hide.”

    Wanted for burglary, the drug-addled fugitive said some of his hard-partying pals clued him in that the protest was a good place to be fed, get wasted and crash.

    I’ve been smoking and drinking in here for eight days now,” said Dave, booze on his breath and his eyes bloodshot as he lay sprawled on a tattered sheet of cardboard. “I need to get some methadone. Every day, I wake up, and I’m f--ked up.”

    Drugs can be easy to score -- a Post reporter was offered pot for $15 and heroin for $10.

    They’ve already fueled at least one violent incident, when a wasted nut job socked a medical volunteer in the face before others hauled the attacker away.

    “We are trying to keep everything calm and work with the police, but there are some crazies in here,” said Paul, a security volunteer.

    “The other day, there was a guy charging people $5 to use the McDonald’s bathroom. He was on LSD or high on something.”

    The house negro would have you believe the TP behavior was far worst.

  4. HEADLINES!!!!!!!!!

    David Duke endorses the Tea Party Movement.

    I wonder if Herman Cain is going to indignantly reject Duke's endorsement.

    Probably not.

  5. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Sex and drugs on tap, who says it's not a political partaaay? Occupy Wall Street protesters make love as well as class war Camp infiltrated by party goers and homeless looking for sex, drugs & food

    Photo of protester defecating on police car goes viral as political row grows

    NY Mayor Michael Bloomberg: 'Protesters are taking jobs away from the city'

    Conspicuously living among the politically active in the makeshift village in Zuccotti Park are opportunistic junkies and homeless people - making the most of the free food on offer.

    Also present and infuriating the hard core of activists are a number of teens looking to turn the gathering into an urban rave.
    Among the banners and flags are now discarded packets of condoms, cigarettes and bottles of spirits, while naked youngsters happily get together with just sleeping bags covering their modesty.
    A box of free condoms is kept in the main area where protesters are camping. In one shocking picture, a man can be seen defecating on a police car.

    The house negro would have you believe these freeks and astroturfers were "questioning a rigged system".

    If this were true they would be spreading stds, doing drugs, and protesting outside the whitehouse.

  6. Anonymous8:44 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    David Duke endorses the Tea Party Movement.

    I wonder if Herman Cain is going to indignantly reject Duke's endorsement.

    Probably not.

    Did Obama reject the support of the black panthers and nation os islam?

  7. The new wingnut Talking Points:

    Sex and drugs run rampant at Occupy Wall Street gatherings....

    Hmmm, they have one in Philly, right?

  8. Anonymous9:47 PM

    And don't forget that the oligarchs have a friend in the Oval Office, if only due to his timidity in taking them on.

  9. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Consider first how Republican politicians have portrayed the modest-sized if growing demonstrations, which have involved some confrontations with the police — confrontations that seem to have involved a lot of police overreaction — but nothing one could call a riot. And there has in fact been nothing so far to match the behavior of Tea Party crowds in the summer of 2009

    They are societies extreme rejects. You sure got that right, nothing even close to the adult responsible coherent self maintained tea party. There were more black people at the tea party events then on wall street.

    What exactly are they demanding besides screwing and shitting on cop cars? Fee everything for life? Good luck with that. Wonder why you like it so much?

    How is the system rigged? Because it isn't handed out at birth or because of race and you have to earn it? Cuckoo...cuckoo...cuckoo...I want free health care, free school, free food, free wages even if I don't work, free, free, free, free, freee, who is going to pay for all of this free stuff and why should they? Will someone eventually be enslaved to provide the free stuff when those working want a free life too?

    I am of the 53%'s and hold my head high. I don't need to forget daddy pays for everything as I go shit on a cop car.

  10. Anonymous10:42 PM

    field negro said...
    The new wingnut Talking Points:

    Sex and drugs run rampant at Occupy Wall Street gatherings....

    Hmmm, they have one in Philly, right?

    Got aids yet? Might as well go join the majority.

  11. "Sex and drugs run rampant at Occupy Wall Street gatherings....

    Hmmm, they have one in Philly, right?"

    It's the new troll tactic: discredit the protests by calling them sin-filled dens of hippy/commie iniquity. It causes the "goobers" to ignore the hundreds of thousands of jobless, homeless and damn-near-hopeless Americans making their voices heard.

  12. The way to understand all of this is to realize that it’s part of a broader syndrome, in which wealthy Americans who benefit hugely from a system rigged in their favor react with hysteria to anyone who points out just how rigged the system is...."

    Sounds like typical white male behavior;-)

  13. "Did Obama reject the support of the black panthers and nation os islam?"

    Why do these racists keep comparing the New Black Panthers and N.O.I. to the klan? The klan was responsible for hundreds if not hundreds of deaths and numerous cases of assaults and battery but can anyone find even one white person harmed by either group? I love how racist whites have to go out of their way to try to find equivalence no matter how far the stretch.

  14. ooops....thousands.

  15. mellaneous11:29 PM

    Good post Field! Greetings from Occupy Minnesota (occupying the gov't center in downtown Minneapolis.

    I have missed the fun because I have been working with Occupy Minnesota. We had a few hundred on the first day, and this weekend brought several hundred.

    It's a well meaning movement with a combination of everything, naive young people, doctrinaire young people, old unionionists, environmentalists, social justice advocates, human rights activists and just about everyone.

    They are inexperienced so they think they can protest without real demands. So of course the press is trying to beat them over the head with their vagueness.

    But they --unlike the folks Field described so well-- have a problem with whats going on in this society and in this government, even if they can't quite articulate it.

    Notice how the Dems are trying to coopt the movement to convince folks that the system is their only option.

  16. mellaneous11:32 PM

    The troll is missing the point.
    The Occupy folks let anyone in their space because its about being democratic. They are even feeding the homeless. They welcome everyone

    They even welcome the misinformed contrarian "Diversity kills"!

  17. mellaneous11:34 PM

    Oh BTW Amen Field
    Field said:

    "It's not only oligarchs who are to blame for A-merry-ca's predicament. It's the poor, working class, and middle class folks in this country who have been hoodwinked and beguiled into believing that the A-merry-can dream is not rigged. They have been made to believe that they too can become one of the oligarchs and look down on the rest of us someday from their penthouses in the sky.

    A segment of the A-merry-can public is comfortable with protecting the status quo. (See the Tea Party movement) They don't want banking reform and consumer protections, because they see it all as being un-American. They contribute to the demonization of those questioning a rigged system because, they too, hope to benefit from that system some day."

  18. At least the OWS protesters had the presence of mind to tell Geraldo to get lost.

    If the kids at the protests went home showered, put on nice clothes and returned carrying guns would that make Fox News and their sheep feel better? It seemed to make them very uncomfortable in the 60s when the Panthers protested with guns...oh well.

  19. Anonymous12:03 AM

    OMG!! DFHs!!! Quickly now, Brownshirt TaxBaggers fer the agents provocateurs!

    We pay Swedish levels of taxes...why don't we have Swedish levels of benefits? Including decent vacations and Universal.

    FDR saved Capitalism from the greed and idiocy of the oligarchs...what happens when there is no FDR?

    I did find it rather odd that the allegedly Liberal MSM kept using wingnut Con terms to describe the Occupy protests. And so very few of the pretty pretties deigned to bless the protests with their presence. Instead, they repeated what good friends told them. Sort of news by way of gossip.
    Even the Chinese have journalists on the ground.


  20. StillaPanther212:12 AM

    Brother Field...Watched Brother Tavis and Brother Dr. Cornel on TV in regards to poverty in America. Tonight's blog is important because the Internet may be the only way that the message can be disseminated. The Zionist star control most of the print,tv and radio that rarely will one hear what is really happening. I see soon a situation whereby all those "heroes" will have to truly show what people they "protect and serve". Daily, I listen to Mr Rush and Mr. Hannity to hear their marching orders to their crews.....main theme.. As long as you are a "real American", nothing else matters. I like the way you spread the blame. Talking about brainwashing.

  21. Astroturf Wall Street12:16 AM

    Krugman: "And there has in fact been nothing so far to match the behavior of Tea Party crowds in the summer of 2009."

    Yes Paul, we all remember the violent riots at the the Tea Party assemblies, the burning cars, smashed windows, trash and destruction everywhere...

    What planet does Krugman live on? He must think he can just manufacture reality because he writes for the New York Times.

    What a complete joke.

  22. Anonymous12:18 AM

    mellaneous said...
    The troll is missing the point.
    The Occupy folks let anyone in their space because its about being democratic. They are even feeding the homeless. They welcome everyone

    They even welcome the misinformed contrarian "Diversity kills"!

    They aren't feeding anyone silly, the people who pay taxes and union dues are, they are funded by (besides daddy who works) SEUI and ACORN - all of my tax money pays for Obamas campaign which is all this nonsense is.

  23. mold said..."We pay Swedish levels of taxes...why don't we have Swedish levels of benefits?"

    Cause we have too many negros. DUH!!!

  24. mellaneous12:27 AM

    anon you are quite the doctrinaire aren't you, which makes you the silly one. These kids are raising their own money in fact some of the young people doing the feeding have already been doing this like the group Food not Bombs.

    In MN I can tell you the money collected comes from everyone who wants to give.

    How did this protest become about you? And its not cause you are on the side that will lose eventually.
    @Astro turf- you are the one on the alternative universe. As everyone on this blog knows, many Tea Party rallies included lots of mean spirited signs and signs that could clearly be interpreted as racist. A few were attended by folks with guns.

    Only a dishonest interloper would deny the spirit and meanness of the Tea Party protests.

  25. mellaneous said...
    "Notice how the Dems are trying to coopt the movement to convince folks that the system is their only option."

    You are on to something mell, but missing the big picture.

    These protests ARE the democratic party. They are being funded by SEIU (Andy Stern), (George Soros), the NEA, and ACORN.

    All political supporters of the president. Soros and Stern are two of the most frequent visitors to the White House. An ex-adminstration member (Van Jones) helped plan the demonstrations and addressed the crowd in New York this weekend.

    These protests are being engineered at the direction of the President and his party.

    Published demands, such as they are, are directly compatible with Obama's agenda. They are not rebels without a cause, they are serving the interests of the sitting government.

    This is politcal theater for the base. I give it a half star.

  26. Anonymous12:40 AM

    mellaneous said...
    anon you are quite the doctrinaire aren't you, which makes you the silly one. These kids are raising their own money in fact some of the young people doing the feeding have already been doing this like the group Food not Bombs.

    In MN I can tell you the money collected comes from everyone who wants to give.

    How did this protest become about you? And its not cause you are on the side that will lose eventually.

    Oh, I hope I lose, in fact, tell ya what. I quit. I agree with you, I want everything for free too. So tell me, when we dismantle corporations, take the money from people who have more than you do, who is going to earn...or rather how will that work? Who will get to decide who can stay in parks and protest and who must go to the fields and plow? How does this socialist utopia work? I only have historic precedent to guide me and those examples never really worked out to well, inevetably failing and causing the murder of millions, so how will your ideal be different or do you see this utopia just for young white kids and liberal leaders?

    deny the spirit and the Mean-ness of the tea party? Interloper? You bet - I demand we return to the constitution where you have the right to persue happiness, not force it from someone else. Anyway, love to hear your plan. For honestly I predict Obama and this type of horror show will decimate the democratic/socialist/marxist party for years and years to come. Your type has always kept his head low hiding your insanity and whacky ideas and demands, only the past few years everyone like you has gone for the gold and the country and the world doesn't like it. So share your utopian plan or do you think you will be one of the elite while everyone else gets a metal collar and chain to provide all that free stuff? Sort of like a Somalian warlord who will take all the supplies and distribute to his people?

  27. Anonymous12:44 AM

    BrookLyn said...
    At least the OWS protesters had the presence of mind to tell Geraldo to get lost.

    If the kids at the protests went home showered, put on nice clothes and returned carrying guns would that make Fox News and their sheep feel better? It seemed to make them very uncomfortable in the 60s when the Panthers protested with guns...oh well.

    No, no they would have to actually contribute to society, work and pay taxes like the teaparty, support many government infrastructures and the 47% of dependants, create, be responsible law abiding adults and also have a coherent reason for doing what they are doing other than getting high and getting laid, what most kids who have no responsibilities do, oh and don't forget play xbox all the time, right?

  28. What's with all the weird Chantspeak going on at these Astroturf Wall Street rallies:

    They seem to be losing the focus on hating the rich, though, with demands like "You can have sex with animals or whatever"

    And those crowds sure look a lot whiter than Tea party rallies.

    And dirtier. Maybe they should call it the Flea Party.

  29. Anonymous12:49 AM

    Field, Philly? This is what you have in Philly, protestors flying the soviet flag and you wonder why the rest of the country despises these people? Go ahead Captain Melanoma stand up for communism and kiss Maos ass like all of Obamas pals do, after all he only killed and starved millions for the good of the people.

  30. Anonymous12:51 AM

    My Pet Goat said...
    What's with all the weird Chantspeak going on at these Astroturf Wall Street rallies:

    They seem to be losing the focus on hating the rich, though, with demands like "You can have sex with animals or whatever"

    And those crowds sure look a lot whiter than Tea party rallies.

    And dirtier. Maybe they should call it the Flea Party.

    NOtice how the media nor blacks are saying anything about the dominant whiteness? Thats cause these few hundred protestors are the fringe of the fringe of society aside from the rich white kids whose dads are funding along with Acorn and SEUI. Now why would a union and felony community organizing group promote more unrest for handouts?

  31. Vinnie Spatula12:57 AM

    Hey Mold, Happy Columbus Day!

  32. Anonymous1:00 AM

    Vinnie Spatula said...
    Hey Mold, Happy Columbus Day!

    Why thankerate you Vinnie - he was a priv'ledge white wait he was heeeespanic ah shit ok forget dat I go round the world wit u for 5 dollah

  33. ResistWeMuch1:02 AM

    Mellaneous is this your type of socialist preaching? Gotta love this interview with Ordained at 10 Big Al Sharpie - he is such a "legitimate leader"

  34. Anonymous1:09 AM

    Field, have you read this, re:Herman Cain?

    He has leapfrogged over Perry and gaining on Romney. Still think he is a joke? I called the NFC Conference. I called the Eagles as losers. I called Herman Cain as a serious contender. I called Gold as a safe haven currency that would skyrocket.

    When are you going to give me credit and a h/t?

  35. "An ex-adminstration member (Van Jones) helped plan the demonstrations and addressed the crowd in New York this weekend."

    Van Jones was fired by the Obama administration. If you really want to know who's funding these protests and why the people are out there go and ask. Just as tea partiers ask how many tea parties have critics attended I have to ask how many OWS rallies have you been to? Even if it is funded by Soros ect. that's good because we need a counter balance to Koch funded activities. If I were a billionaire I would fund protests on the left too.


    Sure Cain will remain in the race and win the occasional straw poll because he's useful to the GOP so they can say they aren't racists. Same reason Bachmann will be kept around to avoid the sexist charge. Nothing new but he won't win the nomination.

  37. No, no they would have to actually contribute to society, work and pay taxes like the teaparty, support many government infrastructures and the 47% of dependants, create, be responsible law abiding adults and also have a coherent reason for doing what they are doing other than getting high and getting laid, what most kids who have no responsibilities do

    All the teaparty protesters I see are collecting on entitlements--Medicare, Social Security, etc. I read recently Paul Ryan grew up and went to college on SSI. I will give you Cons credit for continuing to push your talking points even as your hypocrisy is repeatedly pointed out.

  38. Anonymous1:43 AM

    For all FN Negroes interested in Superheroes who help ungrateful police officers fight crime:

  39. Alan Grayson breaking it down about OWS. Its a thing of beauty when a real liberal speaks.

  40. Anonymous1:52 AM

    PilotX, "Sure Cain will remain in the race and win the occasional straw poll because he's useful to the GOP so they can say they aren't racists."

    Tell me something, PilotX, where are you getting your information, out of your fabricating ass?

    Has it ever occurred to your racist butt that you might be wrong? You have ABSOLUTELY no evidence that the GOP is using Cain.

    If your imagined victimized story is true, then it is true that the Democrats have used Obama as well. You are one sorry Negro who ought to be ashamed of himself. All you do is make up shit and then pretend to be aligned with science. You are pathetic.

    Cain is in the running because people like his plan and solution....end of story. No Republican is using him for anything. What would benefit them out of that? NOTHING. WTFU, brainwashed Negro.

  41. Anonymous2:06 AM

    "It's not only oligarchs who are to blame for A-merry-ca's predicament. It's the poor, working class, and middle class folks in this country who have been hoodwinked and beguiled into believing that the A-merry-can dream is not rigged. They have been made to believe that they too can become one of the oligarchs and look down on the rest of us someday from their penthouses in the sky."

    Well, Mr. Field if the system is rigged, why doesn't somebody break it down so the poor and middle class can understand how it is rigged?

    That's all I hear from you is the system is rigged. But none of you so-called liberal 'smart" thinkers can lay out what is rigged. And now you are blaming the poor and middle class for believing in the American system that has been around since the birth of America?

    GET REAL, Field. Obviously, you are guessing that the system is rigged but you don't have proof.

    "A segment of the A-merry-can public is comfortable with protecting the status quo. (See the Tea Party movement) They don't want banking reform and consumer protections, because they see it all as being un-American. They contribute to the demonization of those questioning a rigged system because, they too, hope to benefit from that system some day."

    Again, instead of blowing liberal hot air, show us....

  42. "Cain is in the running because people like his plan and solution....end of story. No Republican is using him for anything. What would benefit them out of that? NOTHING. WTFU, brainwashed Negro."

    Um, yeah. A man who doesn't know the political significance of Uzbekistan has a true chance of being elected president. You're right, I don't have specific evidence that Cain is being used but I guess I got it from the same place Cain got the info Obama is using the OWM movement to divide the country. You people are amazing, members of an obviously racist party that is 90% white and I'm supposed to believe this obviously unqualified dude is a serious candidate. My guess is you believed Bristol Palin and Levi Johnson were getting married. Ha! I know BS when I see it and if Herman Cain ain't being used to avoid the charge of racism the pope is Black. What would they benefit? Nobody is that dumb.

  43. If you want evidence of Herman Cain's being a pawn just look at his response then walking back said response during the "Niggerhead" dust up. It's okay to be a black republican as long as you always hold that there is no racism in the US today.

  44. "It's okay to be a black republican as long as you always hold that there is no racism in the US today."

    But Lynn, there IS racism in America. You Black racists prove it everyday. Reverse discrimination happens everyday and the only reason you finished school and have a job is because of AA. Or did you not get the Republican memo.

  45. They are being funded by SEIU (Andy Stern), (George Soros), the NEA, and ACORN.

    ROTFLMAO!! Anon do you even know what the NEA is?

  46. "ROTFLMAO!! Anon do you even know what the NEA is?"

    Those are the infidels who blasphemed our lord and savior.

  47. He forgot the New Black Panthers.

  48. Anonymous2:57 AM

    PilotX, "You're right, I don't have specific evidence that Cain is being used but I guess I got it from the same place Cain got the info Obama is using the OWM movement to divide the country."

    You don't have any specific evidence and you continue to make up shit? What ever happened to the PilotX who ONLY deals with facts?

    You 'guess' you got it from the same place Cain got the info Obama is using?
    That's waaay too much guesswork to have any validity to your fabricated non-factual non-scientific bullshit. Why don't you just say that you hate Cain and the GOP and you are willing to say anything discredit them even though you have no evidence.

    YOU have no integrity, nor are you truthful. You need to work hard on your character to remove a lot of serious flaws.

  49. Anonymous3:03 AM

    Brooklyn, " It's okay to be a black republican as long as you always hold that there is no racism in the US today."

    It's okay to be a black Democratic President as long as you don't acknowledge any racism whatsoever--even when it has been directed at your own family.

    GET REAL, Brooklyn. Your argument is so weak. A 3rd grader could do better.

  50. Anonymous3:10 AM

    Brooklyn, "It's okay to be a black republican as long as you always hold that there is no racism in the US today."

    PilotX said, "But Lynn, there IS racism in America. You Black racists prove it everyday. Reverse discrimination happens everyday and the only reason you finished school and have a job is because of AA. Or did you not get the Republican memo."

    2:18 AM
    Please read anon3:03AM comment to Brooklyn. That should help you because it pertains to you as well. In any case, don't bother to reply. uust keep working on your character. Keep working on honesty and integrity, you'll thank me later when you grow up.

  51. It's okay to be a black Democratic President as long as you don't acknowledge any racism whatsoever--even when it has been directed at your own family.

    Uh yeah. This country will never be able to have an honest discussion about racial discrimination.

  52. Liberals should STFU and listen to these guys? I'll never understand Cons.

    BTW I'll look forward to your 3rd grader's post about this since you clearly don't have anything worthwhile to contribute.

  53. "YOU have no integrity, nor are you truthful. You need to work hard on your character to remove a lot of serious flaws."

    Yeah, you should know about that. If you aren't able to understand how Herman Cain is being used, as was Michael Steele, then that's a flaw in YOUR character.

    "Why don't you just say that you hate Cain and the GOP and you are willing to say anything discredit them even though you have no evidence."

    Well first off I have no hatred towards anyone. I actually feel sorry for Cain because he might actually believe he has a chance and Republicans might actually nominate him. Delusions but he'll get the picture soon enough. Tell you what son, let's bet and see who's right. Any amount of money says Cain doesn't get the GOP nomination. Too much racism and denial. He would have to ignore too many confederate flags and confederacy sympathizers. I do wish him luck though, I'd love to be wrong but deep down you know I'm right.

  54. "But Lynn, there IS racism in America. You Black racists prove it everyday. Reverse discrimination happens everyday and the only reason you finished school and have a job is because of AA. Or did you not get the Republican memo."

    Didn't get the memo, but a lot of our Anon. commenters clearly did.

    "And those crowds sure look a lot whiter than Tea party rallies.

    And dirtier. Maybe they should call it the Flea Party."

    "Pet Goat", maybe you are just mad because they weren't sleeping with any goats at the rallies. Just sayin.

    "No, no they would have to actually contribute to society, work and pay taxes like the teaparty, support many government infrastructures and the 47% of dependants, create, be responsible law abiding adults and also have a coherent reason for doing what they are doing other than getting high and getting laid, what most kids who have no responsibilities do, oh and don't forget play xbox all the time, right?"

    Blah blah blah. This from someone (like most of his wingnut friends) who have never created ONE single job in their miserable lives.

    BTW, weren't all the Tea Party wingnuts on Social Security?

  55. I am amazed to learn from our right-wing friends that the 'Occupy Wall Street' people don't pay taxes.

    Don't you have sales tax in America?

  56. Anonymous8:32 AM

    PilotX said...
    "ROTFLMAO!! Anon do you even know what the NEA is?"

    Those are the infidels who blasphemed our lord and savior.

    You mean they are saying the truth about Obama? Oh Liberal Blasphemy.

  57. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Blah blah blah. This from someone (like most of his wingnut friends) who have never created ONE single job in their miserable lives.

    Field, don't you ever get confused with your alternate realities? How can conservatives own all the companies, keep everyone down rig the system and yet not employ anyone? Logic man, use logic.

  58. Anonymous8:58 AM

    BrookLyn said...
    It's okay to be a black Democratic President as long as you don't acknowledge any racism whatsoever--even when it has been directed at your own family.

    Uh yeah. This country will never be able to have an honest discussion about racial discrimination.

    Not when you start the discussion with racism, claim you are a victim and your discussion partner is a perpatrator and owes you more. Not when there are double standards for everything with higher standards imposed on those not of a certain ethnic group or race. If we are to embrace special treatment, set asides and excuses then maybe we should document and lodge in congress which race gets what, who has what handicap and make it official to stop the arguing or simply follow the constitution. Maybe impliment laws that someone like Steve Jobs can only use 10% of his brain because he has more of an advantage then the the rest of us and that isn't fair, destroy the best instead of admiring and aspiring.

    With your wall street occcupiers you may just get more than you expected from your white liberals this time. Occupy Atlanta would not let John Lewis speak because he is not better than everyone else.

  59. Memory Like A Zebra9:14 AM

    " PilotX said...
    Why do these racists keep comparing the New Black Panthers and N.O.I. to the klan? The klan was responsible for hundreds if not hundreds of deaths and numerous cases of assaults and battery but can anyone find even one white person harmed by either group?

    11:14 PM"

    Remember the "Zebra Murders", PilotX? Most people never heard of them. I wonder why?:

    Bet you'll never see a movie starring Denzel about it. Or, even a 60 Minutes episode. Sort of a little piece of history conveniently "shoved under the rug". Why do you think that is? They made Manson & his little gang look lie a bunch of amateurs.

    Why do you suppose the NOI would have paid for the defense of these animals?

    I wouldn't be surprised if some of these murderers aren't walking the streets today.

  60. Anonymous9:14 AM

    CBS NYC reported:

    On Monday, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said “Occupy Wall Street” protesters can stay and have their say as long as they’re law-abiding.

    But also expressing themselves were the business owners around Zuccotti Park, who are angered over the impact of the Wall Street protests, reports CBS 2’s Kathryn Brown.

    In his strongest comments since protesters began occupying lower Manhattan four weeks ago, Mayor Bloomberg made it clear demonstrators can continue to occupy New York City indefinitely, as long as they don’t break the law.

    “The bottom line is people want to express themselves and as long as they obey the laws we’ll allow them to,” Bloomberg said early Monday.

    But for some business owners, there’s nothing but outrage. They say the city’s stance on the protest means there is no end in sight to what has rapidly become a living nightmare, reports Brown.

    “They want to take showers, want to wash up and use the toilet paper to dry up. It becomes … you gotta have one person assigned just to clean the bathrooms,” said Steve Zamfotis, manager of “Charley’s” restaurant.

    Zamfotis, who runs a pizza shop directly across the street from Zuccotti Park, said he has to stand guard at the door — just to keep protesters out.

    “They expect everything, everything for free, nothing to pay,” Zamfotis said.

    Yup. They’re just like the tea party.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. amen

    occupy wall st = the new rainbow rebel tea party


    and that hnic bankster hobama is the new global "rigger" in chief


  63. Anonymous9:27 AM

    NYPD spent 1.9 million in overtime on the protests so far and just last week, Bloomberg ordered all agencies to prepare to cut expenses by a total of $2 billion during the next 18 months. Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said the budget cuts may cause the cancellation of a new class of police officers entering the academy in January

    Oh the indignities of responsibility. They should find these protestors and levy judgement agains them or any family members to pay for this cost. I mean thats what would happen in the socialist paradise they are clamoring for. But they can just shirk off the cost and let the machine (someone else) pick up the tab as they expect.

  64. Anonymous9:29 AM

    " PilotX said...
    Why do these racists keep comparing the New Black Panthers and N.O.I. to the klan? The klan was responsible for hundreds if not hundreds of deaths and numerous cases of assaults and battery but can anyone find even one white person harmed by either group?

    11:14 PM"

    Zebra Murders, several cop killings, black mass murderers, overall violence against whites can be linked to black panthers,nation of islam, or the naacp.

    Because of a media blackout, very little is ever reported about crimes releated to these hate groups.

  65. "What’s going on here? The answer, surely, is that Wall Street’s Masters of the Universe realize, deep down, how morally indefensible their position is. They’re not John Galt; they’re not even Steve Jobs. They’re people who got rich by peddling complex financial schemes that, far from delivering clear benefits to the American people, helped push us into a crisis whose aftereffects continue to blight the lives of tens of millions of their fellow citizens.

    Yet they have paid no price. Their institutions were bailed out by taxpayers, with few strings attached. They continue to benefit from explicit and implicit federal guarantees — basically, they’re still in a game of heads they win, tails taxpayers lose. And they benefit from tax loopholes that in many cases have people with multimillion-dollar incomes paying lower rates than middle-class families."

    Krugman nails it again.

  66. Anon-Goober

    "If your imagined victimized story is true, then it is true that the Democrats have used Obama as well."

    One major flaw in your argument.

    Obama is President of the Unites States, elected by American citizens.

    Cain is a buckdancing ex-pizza slinger who has won a couple of straw of polls.

  67. herman has gone insane with power

    he is a gd fool


    only a moron like uts would call the ceo of a pizza empire a "slinger" as if he were some pt delivery boy

    that is because stuntin' stymie can only relate to the sole pizza post which he can qualify for...

    uts is a craziER coon pleeb.

  68. liying coon uts:

    u lie like hobama

    herman is a gifted SERIAL ceo...

  69. herman is the new hobama

    ditto for the mute-about-all-race-issues/troy/sean/oscar/jobless/pic/mic/etc.....coward hoax hobama


    Herman Cain has become, in many ways, the perfect racist. America lives under the interesting premise that a racist can’t be Black. That’s like believing that a man can’t hate his sibling, or that a woman can’t advocate for a man to beat his wife (as Whoopi did to Oprah in “The Color Purple”). The truth is that racism is typically most effective when you put a Black face on it, and Herman Cain has volunteered to become the cute little political puppet which allows white America to say the things that they are afraid to say.

    It is their ability to put Cain out front to absorb the criticism for racist remarks that makes millions of right-wing Americans so happy about his racial politics. Cain validates and brings security to a set of ideas that are generally unacceptable to those who understand America’s ugly racial history. In this regard, Cain is a breath of fresh air because he is the only Republican who doesn’t change the subject when the issue of race is brought to the table.

  70. ditto for hobama

    herman = hobama

    Instead of marching for progress, Cain learned long ago that making whites feel comfortable was a powerful and simple key to success. He seems to think that Black folks who are unwilling to give in to structurally oppresive forces are somehow making things worse for themselves by not standing and applauding the grace of whites who’ve decided to no longer hang our relatives in the middle of the night. No different from the way he ducked and hid from those who marched with Dr. King in the 1960s, Herman Cain is ducking and hiding from doing the right thing today.

    So, not only is Herman Cain a political gimmick, he is also a coward. That is just a couple of the many reasons that Herman Cain can never be President of the United States of America.

  71. pooies rule the world!!!

    and they are buck wild!!!

    and getting wilder on campuses each day


  72. as opposed to middle aged overweight pookies wilding on other peoples blogs 24/7?

  73. Trotsky10:35 AM

    UTS: " And they benefit from tax loopholes that in many cases have people with multimillion-dollar incomes paying lower rates than middle-class families."

    Not true, but assuming it was, why have the democrats opposed republican measures to reform the tax code and eliminate loopholes, instead focusing on a symbolic (and fiscally meaningless) attempt to raise rates on the top 1%?

    Political theater. Red meat for leftists.

  74. brutal thug pookies rule the world

    and they hate women like that beta male bitch uts does


  75. lard assed blogless felled fool conked coon uts:

    no..wrong as always!

    like a fat coon nig that got tamed and emaciated by me slaying his phat foolishness herein incessantly...

    so that all he can do is lie and holla for fn to banish me so i can stop beating that slave ass daily...count your lash scars stymie!

    see nig???

  76. i am 48

    i am younger than that emaciated old geezer hobama

    how old is that dl bitch uts?

    that original mf is older than me no?

    uts is way too old to ever have
    the younger bottom bitch romance he craves with

  77. why do fat old mfs like uts and rush l dare to bash young thin women all day...


  78. Trotsky

    When have Republicans tried to eliminate tax loopholes?

    Republican "tax reform" is essentially opposing to any tax increases for the rich and corporations, opposition to campaign finance reform and promoting a national sales tax which will increase the relative burden on middle and working class taxpayers.

  79. beer bellied moobed uts:

    how old are u u bloated male bimbo geezer???

    when was the last time u pulled down your hobama manties and saw your lil limp pud with a hand mirror????

  80. hobama is worse than bush in EVERY way!!!!

    adios vato 2012!!!!

    Indeed, the latest Gallup poll shows his support among Latino voters has fallen to 48 percent, a new low.

    Uribe singles out a program called Secure Communities, in which local police check the immigration status of those they arrest on other violations. The administration says the program has led to some 195,000 criminals being deported this past year — about half of all deportations.

    Uribe says many of those caught are for traffic violations and minor offenses.

    The president ran on a platform of immigration reform, but what we've seen is that he's actually leaving behind a legacy of deportation and criminalization.

    - Sarahi Uribe, of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network
    "The president ran on a platform of immigration reform," she said, "but what we've seen is that he's actually leaving behind a legacy of deportation and criminalization."

    Latino leaders say the administration has been too tough on immigrants here illegally, deporting some 400,000 a year — more than the Bush administration ever deported in a single year.

  81. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Occupied Wall Street “You can have sex with animals”

  82. fat stupid lying blubbery blubbering fool stymie:

    what jobs????

    what recovery???


    Millions of unemployed Americans are waiting for Congress to do something other than trade barbs over their job creation plans.

    If lawmakers don't act soon, the jobless see their unemployment checks start to disappear come January.

    PrintCommentMore than 6 million Americans are set to lose federal unemployment benefits in 2012, with 1.8 million running out in January alone, according to new figures from the National Employment Law Project

  83. Trotsky12:10 PM

    "Republican "tax reform" is essentially opposing to any tax increases for the rich and corporations, opposition to campaign finance reform and promoting a national sales tax which will increase the relative burden on middle and working class taxpayers."

    You understand nothing, yet feel compelled to broadcast your ignorance. Why?

    Everyone has the right to be stupid, but comrade uptown abuses the privilege.

  84. Here is what Pete King said about the Occupy Wall Street movement:
    ""But King refuses to give the protesters any credence.

    "It's really important for us not to give any legitimacy to these people in the streets," King said. "I remember what happened in the 1960s when the left-wing took to the streets, and somehow the media glorified them and it ended up shaping policy. We can't allow that to happen."

  85. Fleabagger1:08 PM

    Or we'll have to put up with hippies fucking goats in public.

  86. Anonymous1:26 PM

    AB, my God! You are walking all over poor little stevie. have a little mercy on the poor boy.

  87. Anonymous said...
    AB, my God! You are walking all over poor little stevie. have a little mercy on the poor boy.

    We have video:

  88. Lt. Commander Johnson1:34 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    AB, my God! You are walking all over poor little stevie. have a little mercy on the poor boy.

    1:26 PM"

    Belay that!

    Steve likes it rough.

  89. Anonymous1:35 PM

    ab, "Herman Cain has become, in many ways, the perfect racist. America lives under the interesting premise that a racist can’t be Black."

    Herman is a gift to America. He has given us a much more profound understanding of what it is to be a racist.

    Cain's behavior is 'no stranger' to Blacks, considering many of us have been behaving in the 'exact' same way toward each other for centuries.

    What's amazing is today we can do it in front of the entire nation, proving Blacks are so low that even Blacks are against Blacks. Now that is racism at its finest for the world to see.

    However, Obama does exactly the same thing to Blacks WITHOUT saying a word. He just ignores us as IF we don't exist. That is far worse, imo.

  90. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Belay that!

    Steve likes it rough.

    They still refer to him as the swabbie scabbie in the Coast guard, something to do with his open sores and the way he flopped around on his knees swabbing the dicks.

  91. "Zebra Murders, several cop killings, black mass murderers, overall violence against whites can be linked to black panthers,nation of islam, or the naacp."

    Oh, I gotta see the facts on this claim. The NAACP is now a hate group that promotes vilence against whites? Black mass murders?

    Field, your trolls have now officially jumped the shark. Start the elimination process.

  92. We may not make sense with our words, but we really mean them:

    That's what really counts.

  93. CrashPilotZ2:00 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Field, your trolls have now officially jumped the shark. Start the elimination process"

    Translation: I can't compete. Field, please impose some AA in here.

  94. "Zebra Murders, several cop killings, black mass murderers, overall violence against whites can be linked to black panthers,nation of islam, or the naacp."

    And once again, who is advocating flying the Black Panther flag, NAACP flag or NOI flag on top of government buildings? Is Black Panther history month being instituted by Deval Patrick? Conservatives love their false equivalencies. I swear if these punk assed white boys ever had to face real discrimination like Black people did they would commit suicide because they cry like babies over the slightest BS.

  95. "Translation: I can't compete. Field, please impose some AA in here."

    Nah, i'm not a white male. I don't need to cheat to compete.

  96. Anonymous2:12 PM

    PilotX, "Oh, I gotta see the facts on this claim. The NAACP is now a hate group that promotes vilence against whites? Black mass murders?

    Field, your trolls have now officially jumped the shark. Start the elimination process."

    YOU gotta see the facts? What the hell are you talking about? You have made a number of fact-less assertions in this thread and you have the nerve to demand facts from others? You are a double-standard man: one set of rules for you, and another set of rules for others. You don't have to verify what you say by facts, but others do....HYPOCRITE!!!

    Dear Mr. Field, please eliminate Pilotx, who is a double-standard-racist, from FN blog.

  97. that lying coon uts has a habit of perpetually starting bs that he is too inept and illiterate to finish...

    his selective peer hobama nazis herein MUST learn to lament his starts as they do my superior finishes...

    stuntin' stymie will be stupendously stopped by me!

  98. Anonymous2:13 PM

    PilotX said...
    Nah, i'm not a white male. I don't need to cheat to compete.

    Keep telling yourself that Crash. You realy were good enough, even though you needed AA to get hired and the threat of a lawsuit to keep from getting fired.

  99. Anonymous2:15 PM


    Maybe they'll let you drive a bus, if you can keep that fool mouth of yours shut.

  100. "YOU gotta see the facts? What the hell are you talking about? You have made a number of fact-less assertions in this thread and you have the nerve to demand facts from others? You are a double-standard man: one set of rules for you, and another set of rules for others. You don't have to verify what you say by facts, but others do....HYPOCRITE!!!"

    So in other words you pulled the shit out of your ass. That would have been quicker to write than that BS.

  101. "Keep telling yourself that Crash. You realy were good enough, even though you needed AA to get hired and the threat of a lawsuit to keep from getting fired."

    Only white boys needed to excude others so they could attain airline pilot jobs. Documented fact. I have never been close to being fired but alot of white boys who couldn't complete training did. White male washout rate is pretty high.

    "Maybe they'll let you drive a bus, if you can keep that fool mouth of yours shut."

    No, I fly multi-million dollar aircraft. What do you do?

  102. Anonymous2:32 PM


    Yah, everbody knows white guys make terrible pilots.

    The phone's ringing, hurry, it might be Greyhound!

  103. "Field, your trolls have now officially jumped the shark. Start the elimination process."


  104. Anonymous2:56 PM

    upbitchsteve can't hack it either.

  105. "Yah, everbody knows white guys make terrible pilots.

    The phone's ringing, hurry, it might be Greyhound!"

    You might be right because all of the major accidents that happened in this country had one common thread. Hmmmmmm, what could that be?

    BTW, still didn't tell me what you do for a living. Ashamed anon?

  106. New Blog Rules3:12 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "Field, your trolls have now officially jumped the shark. Start the elimination process."

    OK, steve, we promise that all posts must conform to the following uptown-approved asumptions:

    1. Black people are superior to white people in every way.

    2. All white people are "goobers" who live in trailer parks and collect welfare.

    3. Black people have to work 10 times harder for half the pay of white people.

    4. Barack Obama's success is tied inextricably with the fate of black people, therefore everything he does must be defended.

    5. Being a Republican is tantamout to be a Nazi / Slaveowner / Klansman.

    6. Any deviation from the Democratic party line by a black person is race-treason. Any such person should be labelled a "Tom" and ridiculed until they get back in line.

    7. Any black woman who considers a man outside the race is traitorous, low self-esteem whore, but poking white women is the best.

    8. Anybody who makes more money than you is "rich" and needs to be taxed more.

    9. Your lawn should only be cut by white people.

    10. The Redskins have never lost to the Cowboys and never will.

  107. trolls sure are obsessive and seem to have a lot of time on their hands.

  108. Clamidia Jones3:26 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    trolls sure are obsessive and seem to have a lot of time on their hands.

    Now if that isnt the pot calling the kettle BLACK! Practice Hypocrisy much Rev Open Sore Steve?

  109. Anonymous3:28 PM

    CrashPilotX said...
    BTW, still didn't tell me what you do for a living. Ashamed anon?

    No, not at all. My youth as a concert pianist prodigy was cut short when I was called to serve my counry. I am a decorated war hero who went on to college after being discharged. After graduating from the top of my class at Harvard and eraning my third PhD, I enjoyed a successful four year career as an NFL quarterback. After a brief stint on the PGA tour that netted me a Masters championship, I founded a company that perhaps you have heard of - Boeing. The military then called me back to service as an astronaut. Yes, I have walked on the moon. Since then I have focused on my life long pursuit of invention. My patents inlcude the thermistor, the integrated circuit, zinc, the internet, cauliflower and the pocket fisherman.

    I spend my spare time surfing the internet looking for great minds such as yourself to bandy ideas about.

    Life is good, PilotX, life is good.

  110. Sounds like an accurate top ten to me except 5. not so much Nazis.
    6. not so much. Many of us are independents. 7. grown folks should date who they want to date. And don't care about 10. but everything else is pretty much on point.

  111. Anonymous3:29 PM

    No, I fly multi-million dollar aircraft. What do you do?

    Now, Now, getting the captain coffee and saying check isn't really flying now is it? How long has it been since you used the companies affirmative action program to upgrade from stewardess? Now you think you can say get your own damn pillow and get away with it.

  112. Anonymous3:30 PM

    No, not at all. My youth as a concert pianist prodigy was cut short when I was called to serve my counry. I am a decorated war hero who went on to college after being discharged. After graduating from the top of my class at Harvard and eraning my third PhD, I enjoyed a successful four year career as an NFL quarterback. After a brief stint on the PGA tour that netted me a Masters championship, I founded a company that perhaps you have heard of - Boeing. The military then called me back to service as an astronaut. Yes, I have walked on the moon. Since then I have focused on my life long pursuit of invention. My patents inlcude the thermistor, the integrated circuit, zinc, the internet, cauliflower and the pocket fisherman.

    I spend my spare time surfing the internet looking for great minds such as yourself to bandy ideas about.

    Life is good, PilotX, life is good.

    Mold, is that you? Nah, you haven't done enough to be Mold/Uptown Steve.

  113. Anonymous3:35 PM

    So Pilot Ex-lax if you dont align with the panthers and NOI when will you denounce them as you expect white folk to denounce others actions you perceive as racist, like your rant about perry and niggerrock? Put your money where you mouth is or will you get it full of crap? Do you denounce Steve and his racist name calling? Do you denounce the panthers, NOI, Farrakhan? Do you? Put it in writing so we all know you aren't a racist and follow the standards you demand whites do.

  114. Or according to our racist trolls.
    1. No Black person eevr got a job or went to college on their own merits. It had to be affirmative action.
    2. All white males are overqualified for every aspect of life and should be the authority on everything.
    3. Racism only exists when it is practiced against white males.
    4. Only conservative ideas are worth discussing. And then only if thought up by a white male.
    5. Only conservative Blacks who agree with conservative whites are deemed worthy and authentically Black.
    6. All forms of Black expression, no matter how popular, should be eliminated and replaced by American (white American) ideals.
    7. All racism prior to 1965 did not exist.
    8. No white male ever got an advantage because of their race and gender.
    9. Any Black person who is not a Republican is on welfare and lazy.
    10. Only white males are allowed to define Blackness even to Black people.

  115. "Now, Now, getting the captain coffee and saying check isn't really flying now is it? How long has it been since you used the companies affirmative action program to upgrade from stewardess? Now you think you can say get your own damn pillow and get away with it."

    How would you know? The closest you ever got to an airplane is drooling as one flies overhead.

  116. @anon, i denounce all forms of racism. How about you and your Republican friends. Ready to give up confederacy history month and the confederate flag? Thought so.

  117. "No, not at all. My youth as a concert pianist prodigy was cut short when I was called to serve my counry. I am a decorated war hero who went on to college after being discharged. After graduating from the top of my class at Harvard and eraning my third PhD, I enjoyed a successful four year career as an NFL quarterback. After a brief stint on the PGA tour that netted me a Masters championship, I founded a company that perhaps you have heard of - Boeing. The military then called me back to service as an astronaut. Yes, I have walked on the moon. Since then I have focused on my life long pursuit of invention. My patents inlcude the thermistor, the integrated circuit, zinc, the internet, cauliflower and the pocket fisherman."

    So in other words you are unemployed and live in a trailer park. Thought so.

  118. Pilot X

    "How about you and your Republican friends. Ready to give up confederacy history month and the confederate flag? Thought so."

    Notice how white conservatives NEVER denounce racism.

    They only deny it.

    Whether it be Rick Perry and "Niggerhead", the Tea Party spitting and yelling at black legislators, etc...

    They never say "That is wrong and should be roundly condemned."

    They say it didn't really happen.

  119. Anonymous3:45 PM

    "Now, Now, getting the captain coffee and saying check isn't really flying now is it?"

    Absolutely classic.

    I'll bet you laughed too, X.

  120. Oh and the black conservatives say "Massa ain't dun nuttin wrong!"

  121. Anonymous3:48 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Pilot X

    "How about you and your Republican friends. Ready to give up confederacy history month and the confederate flag? Thought so."

    Maybe. But not my confederate flag pants. Never.

  122. i love cornel west!

    he slew herman

    ditto for that black mongrel slaying crack smoker hobama!!!

    In a CNN appearance, Princeton professor Cornel West and broadcaster Tavis Smiley blasted GOP presidential hopeful Herman Cain for his recent claim that racism is not a big factor in African-American unemployment. West urged him "to get off the symbolic crack pipe."

    On CNN over the weekend, Cain said that racism is not a factor in poverty in America and that "people sometimes hold themselves back because they want to use racism as an excuse for not being able to achieve."

    West disputed his claim, saying evidence is to the contrary. "Well, one, black people have been working hard for decades," he said. "I think he needs to get off the symbolic crack pipe and acknowledge that the evidence is overwhelming. I think he also knows that if brother [Troy] Anthony Davis, a brother who was just put to death, were a white Wall Street banker brother, that the response in the nation would have been very different, as opposed to being a poor black brother. And that's just one small example, one very small example of that, of racism still at work holding people back."

    The political rhetoric is getting nasty, and the presidential election is a little over a year away. How much worse can it get? We'll see after a Republican candidate is chosen.

  123. Anonymous3:50 PM

    PilotX said...
    @anon, i denounce all forms of racism. How about you and your Republican friends. Ready to give up confederacy history month and the confederate flag? Thought so.

    Absolutely, I will throw mine away - oh wait, never had one, never will. Whats your point again? What is with you and this obsession with flags, us northerners have hears of this stuff but can't equate one bit. I have a neighbor who flies the NOI flag and I don't like that, should I go protest in front of his house and demand he bow to my desires like you are? But then again I know the world doesnt' revolve around me and I cant stop others from liking or not liking anything.

  124. Anonymous3:50 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Whether it be Rick Perry and "Niggerhead", the Tea Party spitting and yelling at black legislators, etc...

    Sure, Rick Perry catches hell, but no one ever critcized Jim Henson for that show "Nigger Rock"

  125. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Oh, that was "Fraggle Rock".

    Never mind.

  126. Anonymous3:53 PM

    pilot if i see you flying the plane i am getting off for the same reason i would not let you be my doctor but you could be mike jackson's doctor..if you go to work you are a minority of negroes, as far as racism in america it is you and field who are the american racist.x and field most whiteys don't give a shit what you do as long as you are not trying to rob,rape or murder us.your protesters are a bunch of lazy commies who are in for a sad awaking when they have to fed them selves.field my wife went to work this morning at a large hospital and found her self in the middle of a gang war.she was lucky the negroes only killed each other there by saving the tax payer the cost of keeping them alive.what i want to know is field,steve and x,what the fuck have you done to stop this kind of behavior? i wait your answer.

  127. Anonymous3:54 PM

    PilotX said...
    "No, not at all. My youth as a concert pianist prodigy was cut short when I was called to serve my counry. I am a decorated war hero who went on to college after being discharged. After graduating from the top of my class at Harvard and earning my third PhD, I enjoyed a successful four year career as an NFL quarterback. After a brief stint on the PGA tour that netted me a Masters championship, I founded a company that perhaps you have heard of - Boeing. The military then called me back to service as an astronaut. Yes, I have walked on the moon. Since then I have focused on my life long pursuit of invention. My patents inlcude the thermistor, the integrated circuit, zinc, the internet, cauliflower and the pocket fisherman."

    So in other words you are unemployed and live in a trailer park. Thought so.

    It's as believable as you being a pilot.

  128. Anonymous3:55 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Pilot X

    "How about you and your Republican friends. Ready to give up confederacy history month and the confederate flag? Thought so."

    Notice how white conservatives NEVER denounce racism.

    They only deny it.

    Whether it be Rick Perry and "Niggerhead", the Tea Party spitting and yelling at black legislators, etc...

    They never say "That is wrong and should be roundly condemned."

    They say it didn't really happen.

    Wrong goofball, Racism is completely and fully denounced, you are getting confused with your fake racism, someone didn't refill the toilet paper holder isn't racism so yeah we deny bullshit. You try to make racism the total excuse for everything in your life, that is why Dat Shit be Waacist has turned into a full blown joke. You done cried wolf too many times there. Using the examples you supplied, the spitting never happened, it is racist of you to insist that it did despite all the evidence contrary to your claim.

    On Nigger Rock, grow the fuck up, what are you a weak little bitch, you get upset because someone painted nigger on a rock how many years ago and gasp.....somebody white went there and didnt kill someone and have the rock destroyed, what a pussy. How many times in your life have you heard someone say something racist about whites? How many rap cd's you destroy because they are racist? How many times have you marched because someone is racist against whites? Get outta here with your fake wounded pride bullshit. YOu never were there, never will go there and yet you pretend the world is going to end for some trivial nonsense that in the end makes you look even smaller of a man then you already appear.

  129. Anonymous3:58 PM

    what i want to know is field,steve and x,what the fuck have you done to stop this kind of behavior? i wait your answer.

    Blame da white man, its all his fault because of the way baby mamas have kids with no daddy, daddy runs away so baby momma get da benefits. white man dont fund our schools enough even though we dont go and dont listen when ew do its all someone elses fault

  130. Anonymous4:01 PM

    "On Nigger Rock, grow the fuck up, what are you a weak little bitch, you get upset because someone painted nigger on a rock how many years ago and gasp.....somebody white went there and didnt kill someone and have the rock destroyed, what a pussy. How many times in your life have you heard someone say something racist about whites? How many rap cd's you destroy because they are racist? How many times have you marched because someone is racist against whites? Get outta here with your fake wounded pride bullshit. YOu never were there, never will go there and yet you pretend the world is going to end for some trivial nonsense that in the end makes you look even smaller of a man then you already appear."

    Amen, brother.

  131. He's so upset he's even talking to himself.


  132. hobama = wall street!!!

    we got what they paid for!!!!

    and they are paying even MORE in 2012...shame!!!!

  133. Anonymous4:09 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    Everytime you write that it evokes the visual of a fat, mongoloid-looking middle aged black guy wearing a t-shirt that is two sizes too small and covered with food stains and drool, spasmically flopping on a dirty floor making a noise that is a cross betwen a retard laugh and the moans of a trapped animal.

    Thanks, uptown.

  134. Anonymous4:13 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    He's so upset he's even talking to himself.


    Actually not upset at all, don't let truth which you never hear confuse you with anger. Quite calm cool and collected and you?

    You need a new schtick, just because you are Mold doesnt mean other people talk to themselves and if you are to ashamed to answer a point, just do it, stop with the same old tired catch phrases that you use a least a few times a day.

    Oh yeah, heres the reason your Heroes aren't getting kicked out of the park in NY. More strings to Obama and leftist funding of misuse of the 53% funds.

    Here's The Real Reason Why Occupy Wall Street Protesters Aren't Getting Kicked Out Of Zuccotti Park

    Coming on the heels of the Solyndra debacle, the Obama administration has just approved a $168.9 million loan guarantee for the Granite Reliable wind farm project owned by Brookfield Asset Management (BAM).

    Among its many holdings BAM owns Brookfield Renewable Power, which owns the Granite Reliable and it also owns Brookfield Office Properties, whose holdings include the now famous Zuccotti Park.

    The Department of Energy finalized the loan guarantee less than a week after Occupy Wall Street protesters took to Zuccotti Park, and with the Obama administration's Tuesday endorsement of the protests, rumors are starting to circulate that this could be the reason Brookfield is allowing protesters to remain on its property.

  135. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Looky Here, another "black" leader shouted down by the OSW, first lewis is run off, then Jackson lees rep is told to take a hike, apparantly they dont want to play the normal liberal racist games either. Interesting. So that makes two attempts by members of the CBC to co-opt the "movement" that the liberals are trying to get behind (what with all the big dollar funders being tax beneficiaries this make sense)

    It wont be long now until someone starts calling them racist, if this wasnt purely a democratic move for Obama's re-election that would have happened already.

    It's always fun to watch liberals try and copy adult themes and then step all over themselves with the incompetence of execution.

  136. Reading these statements it is interesting how so many of these are racist attacks. If you have an argument present it. Other than that, well just say the word you wish to say and get it over with. I like my racist front and center. Keep your obsfucation and talk directly. Now, doesn't that feel better?

    OK. This system has become what Paul stated. It is an oligarchy. Look it up. When the top 1% has the companies that are treated like they are individuals by order of the Supreme Ct., when dummy org. are created and go into different states to affect their govt. - well they can only do that because they have the money.... It is like Americans do not remember the 1st serious depression/recession -most folks had to get help to get on their feet, most of the gov. agencies were created to protect people from abuses etc. It is like history is convenient to forget so let's just FORGET it. It's like watching FOX commentators go on and on about what poor people have in their homes and watching new reels of previous prez bragging to Russia about these same said things that most folks had access to in America with days gone pass. We live in a time when we do not remember our history or clearly definitions. Democracy is NOT at play right now where is our King - for certain it is not our President - perhaps it is Rove and the Koch brothers? Look the word DEMOCRACY up first before you argue. Look at the Constitution and its historical intentions, go to a history class etc. before you aruge what this place was meant to be. What was fled from is being created AGAIN by our own.

  137. Lt. Commander Johnson4:39 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    If he could do that, he wouldn't be posting on the internet. He never would have joined the Coast Guard, either.

    4:31 PM"

    I can assure you; no one on my crew ever gave Seaman Steve a BJ. We would have kicked that faggot overboard.

    Steve was strictly a catcher; not a pitcher. (But he did make some damn good biscuits!)

  138. hobama = wall street!!!

    ask any of his peer banksters

  139. Anonymous5:13 PM

    AB, you are WRONG about Herman Cain. He is the real deal and is not a racist and don't EVER compare him to Obama. They are not even close. Herman has never made a mistake, but Obama has made countless ones. WTFU, fool.

  140. Anonymous5:19 PM

    AB hates all men.

  141. Bucktooth5:25 PM

    Excepot for Cornpone West

  142. This comment has been removed by the author.

  143. silly blind assnon:

    u r late as always!

    herman has been channeling black sambo for app 72+ hrs now

    catch up asap

    why is it that real men never claim i hate men

    only perp bitches like u & uts????

    u lie like hobama!!!!!!!

    see many tributes to many real men at my blog

    u lying bitches are unfit to pick cornel's afro

  144. i love tavis and cornel!!!!

    and i love harry b

    harry slew herman too


  145. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Harry Belafonte is a ball-sucking loon.

  146. silly assnon:

    cc that bs to hobama

    harry slew him too

  147. west/belafonte 2012!!!!!!!

    Applied to the Obama presidency however, “make me do it” is a popular myth. It's popular because the president and his lackeys repeat it endlessly. It's a myth because it's not true. Longtime activist Harry Belafonte, who played a key role in the Freedom Movement of the fifties and sixties, exploded the myth in a Democracy Now interview broadcast on May 16.

    Belafonte was asked by host Amy Goodman whether he'd used his occasional access to directly share his many critical and valuable public policy insights with the White House. Belafonte replied that his only access to the president has been for a few seconds at a time, not long enough for any substantive discussion. But, he said, at one such event President Obama approached him to inquire when Belafonte and Cornel West were going “to cut me some slack.”

    “What makes you think we haven't?” Belafonte replied to the president? At this point the brief encounter was over.

    Let's pause to think about that. When President Obama cusses out Cornel West and personally demands that historic stalwarts of the movement for peace and justice “cut him some slack” on black unemployment, on foreclosures and the prison state, on torture and the military budget, on unjust wars and corporate welfare, on fulfilling the just demands of those who elected him, our first black president is revealing his real self. Far from saying “make me do it,” President Obama is saying how dare you pressure me to do what you elected me to do.

    Harry Belafonte has done a great public service in helping us distinguish the imaginary Barack Obama of “make me do it” from the real Barack Obama, who demands our support, but expects us to “cut him some slack.” Rather than agitating and organizing in our communities to “make him do it” all the real President Obama wants of movement activists is for us to sit down and shut up, until it's time to help chase everybody out to vote for him in 2012.

  148. "field my wife went to work this morning at a large hospital and found her self in the middle of a gang war.she was lucky the negroes only killed each other there by saving the tax payer the cost of keeping them alive.what i want to know is field,steve and x,what the fuck have you done to stop this kind of behavior? i wait your answer."

    Don't believe you. I think you made up that story. What city is this, and please show me a link in your local paper about the gang war at the hospital. I will wait...

    "Reading these statements it is interesting how so many of these are racist attacks. If you have an argument present it. Other than that, well just say the word you wish to say and get it over with. I like my racist front and center. Keep your obsfucation and talk directly."

    I agree.They are all front and center right here. But we like them right where we can see them.

    Anon @ 3:55PM, so what's your excuse? I always get the impression that certain white folks cry reverse racism and Af. Action when their lives don't turn out how they wanted it to?

  149. "I have a neighbor who flies the NOI flag and I don't like that, should I go protest in front of his house and demand he bow to my desires like you are?"

    Once again, conservative false equaivalency. Until NOI flags are flownon top of government buildings there is no tit for tat even though white racists always seem to want to play the game. You ask what's the big deal? Tell you what dipshit, ask any Black person over the age of 60 that lived in the south that question and see if then you will be able to understand. Here's the short version, racist southerners wanted to keep Black people down so they went to war against their beloved U.S. of A. and roundly got their asses whipped. now instead of hanging their heads and flying the correct flag these racist assholes insist on still flying the traitorous symbol of white oppression. Clear enough? I know stupidity is srtong in some but maybe there's hope in your inbread trailer living brood.


    Maybe the trailer parkers are correct, Cain does have the same lack of comprhension about the constitution as the play pretend Holloween costume wearing goofballs with tea bags hanging from their hats do. They can have this guy, just as bigoted as they are too.

  151. Anonymous6:08 PM

    "They can have this guy, just as bigoted as they are too."

    You are the hopeless bigot. Just listen to yourself.

  152. Anonymous6:20 PM

    PilotX said...
    Once again, conservative false equaivalency. Until NOI flags are flownon top of government buildings there is no tit for tat even though white racists always seem to want to play the game. You ask what's the big deal? Tell you what dipshit, ask any Black person over the age of 60 that lived in the south that question and see if then you will be able to understand. Here's the short version, racist southerners wanted to keep Black people down so they went to war against their beloved U.S. of A. and roundly got their asses whipped. now instead of hanging their heads and flying the correct flag these racist assholes insist on still flying the traitorous symbol of white oppression. Clear enough? I know stupidity is srtong in some but maybe there's hope in your inbread trailer living brood.

    "I know stupidity is srtong in some"


  153. Anonymous6:26 PM

    PilotX said...
    "I have a neighbor who flies the NOI flag and I don't like that, should I go protest in front of his house and demand he bow to my desires like you are?"

    Once again, conservative false equaivalency. Until NOI flags are flownon top of government buildings there is no tit for tat even though white racists always seem to want to play the game. You ask what's the big deal? Tell you what dipshit, ask any Black person over the age of 60 that lived in the south that question and see if then you will be able to understand. Here's the short version, racist southerners wanted to keep Black people down so they went to war against their beloved U.S. of A. and roundly got their asses whipped. now instead of hanging their heads and flying the correct flag these racist assholes insist on still flying the traitorous symbol of white oppression. Clear enough? I know stupidity is srtong in some but maybe there's hope in your inbread trailer living brood.

    Ohhh.....looks like a certain flight attendant's panty hose is too tight. "Ask anyone over 60" are you over 60? What year was the civil war? Don't you mean anyone over 150? Yeah, will you carry this cross forever ? Are you about to go hunt down japanese and Germans for flying their flags now for what happened in WWII? Hell WWII was a lot closer in time than the civil war (you aren't likely to find survivors of either)A lot more recently then the eternal chip you have on your shoulders. Arrogant and stupid, have it your way. If not everyone else is racist and stupid. When you probably can't count to 15 with your shoes on.

    Now I think I will go buy and wear a confederate flag. Who the fuck are you to demand what people do , fly, say and think? You don't like it, go knock on the door of the person flying the flag and go to war.

  154. I interrupt this post to say that I got my MCAT scores back a few minutes ago, and I KNOW for a fact that it's safe to say I'M GONNA BE A DOC!!!!

    So to all my fans with their hateful ass messages, I want to thank you, thank you for giving that extra motivation to do the damn thing!!

    And a big F*CK YOU for the road!

  155. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Well, well. The Obama Administration is launches a crackdown on medical marijuana. I could have sworn Obama was all for it at first....flip-flop Obama, liberal progressive black dems favorite trustworth President!

    Lord have mercy...the Senate voted down Obama's bill on jobs. This has to be the most ineffective and weakest President in the history of America. And, he was our first black President.

    hmmmmm. brothas and sistas, I DO believe we might have a problem here. But don't worry. If given a chance in the WH, Herman can fix that, provided Field and his jealous disciples like PilotX, UTS, and lying Queen leave the GOOD brother alone.

    I swear, I don't know how my buddy Field and his devoted loyal followers figure they are qualified to be FNs. They are not.

    Field, Obama has screwed up so much that I am now 'demanding' that you make that run down Broad St. You don't have to go very far...just do a 'circle' around that little centerpiece that connects Broad and Market. It is only fitting that you run in suits you well.:)

    I swear. First Obama, then Gold, then the black progressives keep getting it wrong. You should come on over to the other side where there is LIGHT, HOPE, WINNERS, GREAT MINDS, CHARITY, AND LOVE FOR OUR FELLOW MAN.

  156. "Now I think I will go buy and wear a confederate flag. Who the fuck are you to demand what people do , fly, say and think? You don't like it, go knock on the door of the person flying the flag and go to war."

    And once again conservative ignorance shows its ugly racist head. Ahem, when did I ever say I was opposed to an individual flying any flag they choose to? Now follow close Cooter, I know with your inbred father/cousin teaching you history it may be hard to keep up. Now some ignorant southern racists use the confederate flag to show defiance and often racist attitudes. Well into the 60's the klan and other hate groups used the confederate flag to intimidate Black people thus my comment about asking a Black southerner over the age of 60. Just try it and see what happens. Typical ignorant response, keeps bring up individuals flying racist symbols and not government establishments and GOP government officials that condone such behavior. Nice try moron but anyone with an IQ over 12, no one in the Republican party or no one in a trailer park, will be fooled by your obvious attempt to obfuscate my posts. Maybe your stormfront kin and your sister/cousin will believe you but that's because white people don't seem to be so bright.

  157. "I swear. First Obama, then Gold, then the black progressives keep getting it wrong. You should come on over to the other side where there is LIGHT, HOPE, WINNERS, GREAT MINDS, CHARITY, AND LOVE FOR OUR FELLOW MAN."

    Oh how soon we forget. You also have racists, GWB, religious bigots and creationist nutjobs. No thanks, I'll stay right here.
