Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Please stay in Vegas!

This is a serious question for my republican friends: Where do you get these candidates? I am watching the CNN republican debate in Vegas, and I hope that what happened in Vegas tonight stays in Vegas. These folks are brutal.---- BTW, will someone please tell Michele Bachmann that it's October 18th? I could have sworn that she wore white.

Anyway, it looks like a home crowd for Mitt, Herman keeps jigging, Rick is talking about doing away with the UN, and I still have no idea WTF Ron Paul Newt and Rick Santorum are talking about. I almost hope that one of these clowns become president so that I can quit my job, close my business, and blog full-time for the four years of their term.

I know who will be voting for one of these candidates come November 2012; Police officer Michael Daragjati of New York.

"A New York police officer faces civil rights charges after he allegedly falsely arrested a Black Staten Island man and then used racial slurs to brag about it.
“I fried another nigger, ” NYPD officer Michael Daragjati, 32, can be heard saying in a phone conversation intercepted by federal authorities.
“The power to arrest…must be used fairly, responsibly and without bias,” said Brooklyn U.S. Attorney Loretta Lynch. “Motivated by racial aniumus, the defendant allegedly abused this power and responsibility.”
You Negroes up in the big apple better be careful. I am not so sure that "protect and serve" means protecting your black asses.  [Story]

Finally, I have to get on my fam in Memphis a little bit. (Shout out to Rippa)
Now we have some crazy s&*^ going on here in Philly, but you folks in Memphis done lost your minds.



  1. Gives new meaning to the phrase "screwed the pooch"....

    Sorry, Field, I couldn't resist.

    But, damn, talk about animal cruelty....what the hell is in the drinking water in Memphis, or was brothaman too damned cheap to pay for a hooker and get his freak on?

  2. As for the NYPD cop, they will bury him out on a beat in Poughkeepsie until things quiet down and he'll be right back walking a beat in mid-town where he will harass everyone else to get more bragging rights unless they snatch his badge and gun for this incident.

  3. I know you don't believe in the death penalty Field but perhaps you will admit , with that Memphis story, there are more than a few people we could get along without.

  4. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Hey so if a bad white cop must be a republican, than a pooch screwing black man is a democrat by your logic right? Does Soro's pay you by the anti republican post/word count?

    as the old saying goes lie down with dogs, wake up with fleas - that's why I have never dated a democrat/socialist/marxist/progressive/liberal :)

    I wuf you man

  5. B. Real10:40 PM

    If those cops weren't out there "frying niggers", you couldn't leave your house, Field.

  6. Cap Hanson10:43 PM

    "I almost hope that one of these clowns become president so that I can quit my job, close my business, and blog full-time for the four years of their term."

    Might mot be a bad move for you Field. Once the Republicans have created millions of jobs, crime will be down and you might not have so many clients.

    I expect you'll still be complaining though.

  7. I was in Philly this weekend working and I don't want to go back...I will be working there for two months (Dec-Jan) and I am dreading every moment...it's depressing and then to hear that story...gawd.

  8. Mike Brickenstein10:53 PM

    I was just in Philly a few months back.Philly is a dirty depressing city.I'm not suprised to hear stories like this coming out of Philly.

  9. T-Shawn10:54 PM

    Hey Granny!

    Still voting for Cain?

  10. "If those cops weren't out there "frying niggers", you couldn't leave your house, Field."

    Wrong. I have to not only leave my house, but I have to try and "unfry" some of those poor n*&&^%s that the po po have been frying.

    Christian Prog. you know you wrong for that. :)

    "Hey so if a bad white cop must be a republican, than a pooch screwing black man is a democrat by your logic right"

    No, the pooch is a republican as well.

    Great Schools Project holla at me the next time you are in Philly.

    I will make sure that these Negroes show you a good time.

    Where in the city are you teaching?

  11. Anonymous10:58 PM

    LOL! I went and read that Memphis dog story and you know....I dunno, "the dog mouthed his penis"??? I dunno, putting your penis in a dogs mouth? Has anybody seen my dogs set of chompers??? Now I know my dog won't be getting raped that way LOL! cuz ANYTHING that goes in that mouth is-not-coming-back-out!
    My dogs take a chicken carcass and chew it like candy, in a flash that thing is gone and swallowed! I'm amazed sometimes at the strength in those teeth, So I don't know, that's crazy...and funny, sad but funny. and why she have that dog tied up? and on a short chain too. That's inhumane.

  12. backdoorsteve11:00 PM

    I think you are little too into this story Desertflower.

  13. "I was just in Philly a few months back.Philly is a dirty depressing city.I'm not suprised to hear stories like this coming out of Philly."

    Now you I don't believe. I have been to damn near every city in A-merry-ca and Philly is no better or worse than most. Is it as clean as Seattle or say Dallas? No. Is it as dirty as New Orleans or Detroit? No. But those are all great cities in their own right.

    The problem with losers who read stories and never actually visit the cities that they read about is that they spread they same b&** s*&^ on blogs like this.

    Mayor Nutter you are welcome. I will wait for my check.

  14. Michael Vick11:02 PM

    Whats the big deal?Sex with animals is legal in lots of Liberal societies.

  15. Anonymous11:06 PM

    Michelle B was directing a Love Boat episode tonight with that top on......too bad there was no love on stage.

  16. Field, I am woking on a project for The Philadelphia School District. Lots of interesting things happening there. I can't say it was all bad...I live in Colorado, so you can understand why I was in shock! Lots and lots of people. Very little space. I took a cab from the airport to my hotel and the driver actually apologized for his erratic driving...he shoulda tipped me because I was scared as shit!

  17. Hamibal11:12 PM

    Field Negro said....
    Is it (Philly) as clean as Seattle or say Dallas? No. Is it as dirty as New Orleans or Detroit?

    Hmm, are you saying that the blacker a city is, the dirtier it is?

    I think you are, dude.

  18. Anonymous11:16 PM

    backdoorsteve said...

    I think you are little too into this story Desertflower.
    I just think that dogs are intelligent and noble animals.They have always been mans friend. They help in hunting, their keen sense of smell is utilized in disasters, they are used by the blind, they are watchdogs and protectors. This German Shepard seems to be a neglected tied up dog, and a pervert took advantage of him, just as perverts take advantage of neglected children!

  19. Anonymous11:19 PM

    Hey so if a bad white cop must be a republican, than a pooch screwing black man is a democrat by your logic right"

    No, the pooch is a republican as well.

    True, after reading your thought and reconsidering, you are righta pooch's natures are loyal and honorable, they could never be a democrat. Why do the majority of dogs literally go ape shit whenever someone black comes around the house? What do they smell?

  20. Michael Vick11:21 PM

    Desertflower said...
    backdoorsteve said...

    I think you are little too into this story Desertflower.
    I just think that dogs are intelligent and noble animals.They have always been mans friend. They help in hunting, their keen sense of smell is utilized in disasters, they are used by the blind, they are watchdogs and protectors. This German Shepard seems to be a neglected tied up dog, and a pervert took advantage of him, just as perverts take advantage of neglected children!

    You are so right my bootyful flower.I love dogs to.I cried when i read this story.

  21. Anonymous11:29 PM

    Where is Queefa who will never be a Doctor? I hear she has a little trick she plays with a poodle and a jar of peanut butter (hides the fishy smell)

  22. The poodle died. Choked on a crab.

  23. Mike Brickenstein11:34 PM

    field negro said...
    "I was just in Philly a few months back.Philly is a dirty depressing city.I'm not suprised to hear stories like this coming out of Philly."

    Now you I don't believe. I have been to damn near every city in A-merry-ca and Philly is no better or worse than most. Is it as clean as Seattle or say Dallas? No. Is it as dirty as New Orleans or Detroit? No. But those are all great cities in their own right.

    Philly isn't the worst. Its damn near close to it. People are rude and nasty. The air smells. The water taste funny. Even The Hill or Old City couldn't sway me to move to Philly.

  24. Field they are replaying the debate now, go back and just watch Romney's reaction every time Michelle Bachman responds to a question. It's hilarious. If I were Romney I'd be kinda pissed to have to contend with the rest of them in order to get the nod.

  25. Anonymous11:42 PM

    Michael Vick said...
    You are so right my bootyful flower.I love dogs to.I cried when i read this story.
    :) sure you did

  26. Not surprised. Hide your kids, hide your wife, and hide your dog.

    I'm still trying to get over this other sickening story, this time by the usual suspects.


    Btw Field, I'm shocked at all these racist white Republicans who have been showing their concern over the MLK monument being "made in China" and looking more like an "Asian man". Gee, who would have thought they'd care so much about the honor and memory of MLK.

  27. "Philly isn't the worst. Its damn near close to it. People are rude and nasty. The air smells. The water taste funny. Even The Hill or Old City couldn't sway me to move to Philly."

    Stay where you are. Trust me, we don't want you.We are doing just fine.

    "Why do the majority of dogs literally go ape shit whenever someone black comes around the house? "

    Because they are republican.

    "Hmm, are you saying that the blacker a city is, the dirtier it is?

    I think you are, dude."

    No, I am saying the wealthier the city and the newer the city the cleaner it is. I will still take New Orleans over most cities and Philly as well.

    Maybe it's the food, the culture, the people, and the history. You folks, of course, can't appreciate that because you live for the next sound bite.

    I swear wingnuts and this color arousal is getting old. *shaking head*

  28. "Btw Field, I'm shocked at all these racist white Republicans who have been showing their concern over the MLK monument being "made in China" and looking more like an "Asian man". Gee, who would have thought they'd care so much about the honor and memory of MLK."

    They don't. Kind of like they have never been to Philly.

  29. "Field they are replaying the debate now, go back and just watch Romney's reaction every time Michelle Bachman responds to a question. It's hilarious.."

    But Brooklyn, why did Money Mitt put his hand on that man? You know that ain't right. :)

  30. I come to Philly all the time. For the creamcheese and the bells.

  31. my new hero!!!



  32. Mike Brickenstein11:52 PM

    La♥audiobooks said...
    Btw Field, I'm shocked at all these racist white Republicans who have been showing their concern over the MLK monument being "made in China" and looking more like an "Asian man". Gee, who would have thought they'd care so much about the honor and memory of MLK.

    Oh please.....If black people cared about MLK than MLK BLVD. would be the most violent areas in this country.

  33. You try steal happy family lucky civil rights! And cigarette lighter too! Good for you we no white racist! Stop looking at girl! Up against wall!

  34. Daragjati. I take it he's descended from immigrants, possibly Central European. So it's ironic to see the descendant of the relative "niggers" of Europe brag about "frying a nigger." Given any other point in time in his home turf, he'd be the one being fried, especially if he happened to be of Roma (Gypsy) extract.

    "MLK was a Republican..."

    That's a lie conservatives tell themselves every time they want to piggieback onto the man's legacy. Funny how they refuse to slander him as a "philanderer" and a "communist" in the same breath.

    Apparently, you also had something else to say, but I fear that's exactly what earned your comment a burn notice, so I won't replicate that shit in its entirety. It did make you look like quite a little bitch, though.

  35. Anonymous12:14 AM

    Maybe it's the food, the culture, the people, and the history. You folks, of course, can't appreciate that because you live for the next sound bite.

    Philly has become a ghetto hellhole, just like any other major urban city...wonder what the common things that tie these cities together are? I feel you tho field -hell of a lot better than Old Kingston. Never saw so many three legged dogs and people literally sleeping on rocks and rubble in my life than I did visiting Jamaica.

  36. "MLK was a Republican, you stupid bitch."

    That's old news. What does that have to do with all those white racist republicans, white christians (and white racist dems) who still hated him for the color of his skin, and for his audacity to pulpiteer racial equality.

    I was going to ignore you, but I hate seeing simpleton logic get away so easy. Someone might come along and actually assume you made some sort of point.

    And I was born in the late 70's, so I'm sure your mother was a bitch first.

  37. Anonymous12:24 AM

    Philly the city of "brotherly love"

    Isn't this the city that booed Santa Claus and whalloped him with snowballs at an Eagles game yet loves them some dog torturin and killin soul?

  38. alicia banks said...
    my new hero!!!



    I concur!!

  39. Anonymous12:26 AM

    Mao Luther King said...
    You try steal happy family lucky civil rights! And cigarette lighter too! Good for you we no white racist! Stop looking at girl! Up against wall!

    Ah shit I bang Ma Nei

  40. Mack Lyons said...
    "It did make you look like quite a little bitch, though."

    So says the little bitch hiding behind Field's skirt.

    You are one pathetic little braggart, strutting around waving your 5 inch long intellect, taking brave, if safe, stances and then patting yourself on the back for it.

    Waking up is going to rough, little man.

  41. Mike Brickenstein12:31 AM

    Kimberly Lawson {black man] was arrest for having sex with a dog.

    He was doing the catching.

    How does that work?

    La♥audiobooks help me out. How does one catch what the dog is pitching? You're the expert on these topics.

  42. Anonymous12:34 AM

    LAA has gone through a lot of dogs.

  43. Who Doesn't Like A Little Pussy...Cat12:43 AM

    Police: Hispanic Man Admits To Sex With Cat

    COUNCIL BLUFFS, Iowa -- A Council Bluffs man faces several charges after witnesses told police he threw a cat from a seventh-floor apartment window with his pants down.

    On Wednesday morning, officers were called to 455 W. Broadway for a report of someone tossing a cat from an apartment and exposing himself. According to the police report, officers found a gray cat, which later died, bleeding and barely breathing near the sidewalk.

    Witnesses told police they saw a man expose himself from the seventh floor of an apartment building across the street. They told police he then threw the cat out the window.

    Officers identified the apartment from which the witnesses said the cat was thrown and made contact with a man inside.

    The 29-year-old man, identified as Gerardo Martinez, answered the door shirtless with his pants down, the police report said. Officers asked him to pull his pants up and asked him about the cat.

    Martinez, who admitted to using meth, first denied having a cat, police said. Later, he changed his story and told police his boyfriend threw the cat from the window three hours prior, police said.

    When police told Martinez that witnesses said the cat was thrown more recently, he said he attempted to have sex with the cat and then threw it out the window, along with a pornographic DVD, police said.

    Police arrested Martinez and witnesses identified him as the man from the window.

    Martinez -- who turned 30 on Thursday -- has been charged with animal torture, bestiality and indecent exposure, according to the Pottawattamie County attorney.

    He's being held in the Pottawattamie County Jail and faces up to five years in jail if convicted.

    Read more: http://www.kcci.com/news/28768222/detail.html#ixzz1bCPiEq8i

  44. Anonymous12:45 AM

    Field, why are you black folks on FN talking about a man having sex with a dog? Are you upset over a dog? I doubt it....Just two animals in Memphis having sex.

  45. Jose Queervo12:47 AM

    "He's being held in the Pottawattamie County Jail and faces up to five years in jail if convicted."

    I hope this doesn't negatively affect his career options.

  46. "That's a lie conservatives tell themselves every time they want to piggieback onto the man's legacy.

    I don't even know why they bother bringing it up, his political status is so irrelevant considering the racial dynamics. As if.

    They hated him then and many of them hate his legacy to this day. I don't play into messiah ideologies, but MLK and many others sacrificed and paved many roads. They deserve the respect and honor.

  47. Anonymous12:55 AM

    The Republican debate was great. It is better than anything the Dems have ever had, that's for sure.

    The Republicans have a great array of candidates to choose from...any one of them can defeat Obama.

    I have my money on Mr. Cain. He's the best and the smartest and the man with the plan. The fact that he is Black, doesn't hurt either.

  48. Man Mack, they're still on that MLK was a Republican shit? No one can produce any evidence of such but they repeat it like a mantra. Conservative logic, repeat something enough times then it might come true. The man himself said he was non-partisan.

    July 28, 1960
    King advocates political nonpartisanship

    In a televised conversation with CBS, King comments that nonpartisanship creates a ''better bargaining position...the Negro will not be inextricably linked to any political party.''

  49. The GOP is a clown car. It's as if they just gave up, again. None of these flying monkeys could be leader of the free world. 5 out of the 7 believe in creationism. 1 of the two that actually understand science and evolution wears magic underwear to protect himself and the other wouldn't have signed the Civil Rights Act. Just considering these fools is setting the country back 50 years. I hope no one outside of this country is watching these debates, embarrasing.

  50. Anonymous1:02 AM

    PilotX said...
    Man Mack

    Man Mack? Man Mack? Is this gay shorthand you wanna Mack his man?

    MLK had to be a conservative he said judge a man by his character not his skin color. Democrats say judge a man by his skin color not who he is.

  51. Anonymous1:05 AM

    PilotX, "In a televised conversation with CBS, King comments that nonpartisanship creates a ''better bargaining position...the Negro will not be inextricably linked to any political party.''

    Too bad you and Mack haven't got the message. You two are still Dems and you think you are smart? smh No, you two are dummies.

  52. Anonymous1:13 AM

    Even animals aren't safe from those F@(& crackheads!!!

    And why are country people so afraid of big cities???

    All big cities are basically the same. They all have the good, the bad and the ugly. If you're gonna walk around scared...anyway maybe I feel that way cuz I've always lived in big cities, except for now, that I live in the boondocks :) I love big cities.

  53. People who knock Philly probably don't like any cities. I know people in Jersey who won't go to Manhattan, although it's a 40 minute train ride & Times Square is nothing but boring good clean fun now.

    That Staten Island black man can go to Occupy Wall Street, where he'll stand a reasonable of chance of being smacked for being black while pepper sprayed for being a damned commie protester.

  54. Reading the story about the dog in Memphis reminded me of the scene in Friday After Next with Katt Williams and Terry crews.
    "You are not in prison anymore Damon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

  55. Anonymous3:15 AM

    stank breaf banks finally got caught screwing wit animals and we all knew that was the case anyway dummies!

  56. "I feel you tho field -hell of a lot better than Old Kingston. Never saw so many three legged dogs and people literally sleeping on rocks and rubble in my life"

    Yes, I was in Kentucky once as well. ;)

    BTW, I am from Mandeville. But I get it. You are kind of like the guy who figures that everyone from A-merry-ca lives in New York.

    In other words; an idiot.

  57. "Field, why are you black folks on FN talking about a man having sex with a dog? Are you upset over a dog?"

    I guess he must have had a white girlfriend from Europe. Didn't they start that trend?

    Hell, I even saw them getting down with horses on some of those XXXX vids. (A long lng long time ago I watched one....) :)

  58. Did anyone see Donald Trump on Klannity last night?

    He did everything but call Obama a spearchucker.

    Really ugly stuff.

  59. ditto

    the entire debate was a disgrace

    and so were the hobama nazi "moderaters" who did nothing to deter the clown show

    and more proof that hobama is selected thru 2016

    i have not seen such a disgusting display since hillary was abused while hobama was adored during their "debates"


  60. coon uts:

    so what DID trump say???

    DID he lie????


  61. unlicked canine breeder vdlr:

    your doggy baby deddies have nothing to do with me

    if u could read a map
    u would know the dif between
    il/ar and tn.

    shoo u rabid bitch!

  62. Anonymous9:27 AM

    field negro said...
    "I feel you tho field -hell of a lot better than Old Kingston. Never saw so many three legged dogs and people literally sleeping on rocks and rubble in my life"

    Yes, I was in Kentucky once as well. ;)

    BTW, I am from Mandeville. But I get it. You are kind of like the guy who figures that everyone from A-merry-ca lives in New York.

    In other words; an idiot.

    Awwww Field just like I am sure you know Philly is only a city in Pennsylvania I know that Kingston (Old and Port Royal) is only a Parish in Jamaica I am not like the people you know back home who think all Americans live in New York.

    So you came from a really nice town. Lot of expats live/lived in Mandeville - I bet you are a Seventh Day Adventist

    Now Kentucky whle a relatively small state for the US is large enough to fit 10 JM's within its 40,409 Sq Miles compared to the country of JM with 4,243, which part did you visit? Did you drive really long and far into the woods looking for some "deliverance"?

    You have to be impressed with Cincinnati airport in good ole Erlanger Kentucky if you just passed through....

  63. Anonymous9:34 AM

    I guess he must have had a white girlfriend from Europe. Didn't they start that trend?

    Hell, I even saw them getting down with horses on some of those XXXX vids. (A long lng long time ago I watched one....) :)

    So what are you saying? Some White European girls started sleeping with Animals and this made the brutha want to get rear ended by alfie?

  64. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Anonymous said...
    So what are you saying? Some White European girls started sleeping with Animals and this made the brutha want to get rear ended by alfie?
    No, he said that he saw a porn movie (gasp!) albeit a loooooong time ago,(yeah right,*rolling eyes*), in which a woman was engaging in sexual intercourse with a pony. But wasn't there a randy British queen, I think Victoria, not sure, that did that too? Nothing new!
    And this guy wasn't getting "rear ended" I believe the article spoke about oral sex being performed on him by a dog! Holy cow, will wonders never cease.

    It's true what Kahlil Gibran wrote: "A thirsty man will drink even of dead waters"

    LOL! Hey the verification word is twome, and I wrote 'twosome' haha

    Gotto go, got work to do......

  65. uptownsteve said...
    Did anyone see Donald Trump on Klannity last night?

    He did everything but call Obama a spearchucker
    He's no spearchucker, that's for sure. Maybe spear sucker, though.

  66. OccupyMemphis11:06 AM

    Desertflower said...
    "And this guy wasn't getting "rear ended" I believe the article spoke about oral sex being performed on him by a dog!"

    Yes, and there was a lot of foreplay before and cuddling afterward, and the dude gave him some kleenex and a biscuit, so it was actually quite beautiful.

  67. Anonymous11:08 AM

    ab, "my new hero!!!


    that marine was trying to provoke the cops. he was wrong like so many liberal black dem fn folks.

    if he were a black Conservative he would not be yelling and foaming at the mouth like a crazy man looking for trouble.

  68. more on black genius


    Last weekend at John Hopkins University in Baltimore, scientists, mathematicians, engineers, doctors, and other intellectuals came to honor a living legend in the field of science, Dr. James West.
    At the age of 80, West has dedicated 60 years of his life to the advancement of science and to provide opportunities for minorities and women in the field of science.

    West has over 250 patents, but his most significant invention is the electret microphone, which he along with German scientist, Gerhard Sessler invented in 1961.

    To this date the electret microphone has been made over a billion times and is used in cell phones, cameras and many other devices.


  69. lac:

    good to know we agree on one thing

    have a great day!

  70. Anonymous11:24 AM

    "I guess he must have had a white girlfriend from Europe. Didn't they start that trend?

    Hell, I even saw them getting down with horses on some of those XXXX vids. (A long lng long time ago I watched one....) :)"

    Field, Desertflower, you two are a bunch of sex deviant racist. There was nothing in anon's comment to Field that should have brought such irreligious comments. you are disgusting.

    fyi. whatever Whites may do does not excuse what that Negro did. But that's always the excuse you liberal Black Dems come up with: "the Whites did it long time ago, so what's the big deal?"

    You prove on FN everyday that you measure yourselves by white standards, which means your sense of self-worth and behavior is based on 'White is right.'

    FYI: TRUE Field Negroes don't think and feel like Whites. TRUE FNs think, speak and behave differently. Admit it. You two wish you were White.

  71. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Desertflower said...
    Anonymous said...
    So what are you saying? Some White European girls started sleeping with Animals and this made the brutha want to get rear ended by alfie?
    No, he said that he saw a porn movie (gasp!) albeit a loooooong time ago,(yeah right,*rolling eyes*), in which a woman was engaging in sexual intercourse with a pony. But wasn't there a randy British queen, I think Victoria, not sure, that did that too? Nothing new!
    And this guy wasn't getting "rear ended" I believe the article spoke about oral sex being performed on him by a dog! Holy cow, will wonders never cease.

    Oh I see "Holy Cow" - please don't mention Cow in a discussion about sex with animals I am very, very afraid what the Purple Cow will say about a subject that is sure to hit home, after all he just moved into a barn to be close "with" his loved ones. He said he is experimenting with mixing a rooster and peanut butter and I am afraid to hear what that might consist of...or cause

  72. Anonymous11:29 AM

    "FYI: TRUE Field Negroes don't think and feel like Whites. TRUE FNs think, speak and behave differently. Admit it. You two wish you were White."

    Co-sign, 100%. Too many fn Negroes try to minimize their wrongs by blaming others for what they did. This does nothing to make anything right what a Negro does. WRONG IS WRONG.

  73. Skeeter McDoublewide11:30 AM

    alicia banks said...
    West has over 250 patents, but his most significant invention is the electret microphone, which he along with German scientist, Gerhard Sessler invented in 1961.

    I'll bet the German guy invented the microphone and the black guy just rapped with it.

    Also, I'm pretty sure they had electric microphones at least as far back as the 1920's.

  74. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Desertflower, "No, he said that he saw a porn movie (gasp!) albeit a loooooong time ago,(yeah right,*rolling eyes*), in which a woman was engaging in sexual intercourse with a pony. But wasn't there a randy British queen, I think Victoria, not sure, that did that too?"

    ...."Links please".

  75. I think having sex with a horse might have precluded Queen Victoria's name from being associated with an era known for sexual restraint.

    You are probably thinking of stories told about Catherine the Great of Russia, however these are believed to be slanders spread by anti-monarchist forces in France after her death, and are pretty preposterous on their face.

  76. Anonymous12:06 PM

    LOL! you guys are hilarious!

    Anonymous said...
    fyi. whatever Whites may do does not excuse what that Negro did. But that's always the excuse you liberal Black Dems come up with: "the Whites did it long time ago, so what's the big deal?"
    Noooooo! you always get it wrong!:) The thing is that THEY perverted us! :)))
    Anonymous said...
    He said he is experimenting with mixing a rooster and peanut butter and I am afraid to hear what that might consist of...or cause
    Ahahahahaha! A Peanut butter and chicken sandwich....or worse yet..:0

    and that queen was allegedly Catherine The Great or Mary or both, you know how those people love horses, now you know why! :P

    Really, reeeeeally gotta go now! This blog is addictive....

  77. Anonymous12:10 PM

    ben said...

    I think having sex with a horse might have precluded Queen Victoria's name from being associated with an era known for sexual restraint.

    You are probably thinking of stories told about Catherine the Great of Russia, however these are believed to be slanders spread by anti-monarchist forces in France after her death, and are pretty preposterous on their face.
    Yes you're absolutely right. I just looked it up, and some say it's true and some say it's slander. Prolly slander, but you know what they say, gossip sure is entertaining!

  78. Anonymous12:17 PM

    @PilotX - Remember that discussion about airlines and how fuel costs were a major impact to the airlines and you disagreed thinking that it didn't matter if the Obama admin continued to drive up the price of oil as the airlines could just raise prices and there would be no impact on reduction in travel due to rising costs. Or that rising costs with reduced customers would not jeapordize jobs or reduction of service for airlines?

    (Reuters) - AMR Corp, parent of American Airlines, reported a wider-than-expected quarterly loss, hurt by high fuel costs and a strong dollar.

    AMR, which saw its fuel costs rise 40 percent from a year ago.....

    Analysts have debated the chances of a bankruptcy filing from AMR as it works to cut its labor costs...

    U.S. airlines are bracing for an economic downturn that could see travel demand sag this year. Some top airlines, including AMR, have announced service reductions to offset weaker demand.....


  79. amoral people/buck wild lethal pookies have gone mad globally

    raping dogs
    ignoring human female baby road kill

    it is all proof of said diverse madness




  80. Feelin' The Love12:34 PM

    Well, at least this time, it wasn't in the city limits of Philly:


  81. Anonymous12:42 PM

    alicia banks said...
    amoral people/buck wild lethal pookies have gone mad globally

    raping dogs
    ignoring human female baby road kill

    it is all proof of said diverse madness


    AB that was horrible - What really made me sick was the second truck driver who saw the little girl stopped a bit and then decided to run her over again. How can anyone with even a smidgen of a soul look at a poor helpless 2 year old in a pool of her own blood and walk by and not help or even worse run her over again!!

  82. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Anonymous said...
    He said he is experimenting with mixing a rooster and peanut butter and I am afraid to hear what that might consist of...or cause
    Ahahahahaha! A Peanut butter and chicken sandwich....or worse yet..:0

    I hope he uses plenty of "crisco" he wouldn't want it to stick to the "pan" or the roof of his mouth

  83. anon:

    it made me cry harder than i have in a very long time...

    i posted this at my youtube channel tue


    as parents like the vdlr breed humane humanity out of existence...

    most humans are less than beasts


    actual jungle animals HELP their wounded/protect teach feed and clean their babies etc

    may god bless us all!!!

  84. Female children have no value in Chinese society.

  85. "@PilotX - Remember that discussion about airlines and how fuel costs were a major impact to the airlines and you disagreed thinking that it didn't matter if the Obama admin continued to drive up the price of oil as the airlines could just raise prices and there would be no impact on reduction in travel due to rising costs. Or that rising costs with reduced customers would not jeapordize jobs or reduction of service for airlines?"

    How many strawmen did you just create? 1. I do not agree with the premise that the Obama administration is driving up oil prices. 2. Yes, increases in oil prices hurt the bottom line of all airlines but there is more to the issues of airlines than just oil prices.
    If you remember correctly the question was what would airlines do when oil prices continue to rise and that was the question I answered. AMR is going through some tough times because they, unlike Delta and United, did not go through bankrupcy and now need to reorganize their finances. IMHO, they're just using current situations to escape bargaining fairly with their employees but I digress. Taken in context I did not infer fuel costs weren't a major concern I only responded as to how airlines respond to them.
    Nice try though.

  86. Um, damn. Ok, so Philly is not my favorite place, but I saw more black folks in the airport than I see in one day in Denver. I loved seeing my beautiful people everywhere! And it wasn't boring. I had a fabulous time dancing and drinking and eating! It's an old city with a lot of history. I could tell you some shitty ass stories about Denver...and Boulder in particular.

  87. "but I saw more black folks in the airport than I see in one day in Denver."

    That is one reason Philly is one of my favorite layover cities. It didn't hurt when I found that Drexel U radio station that was bumping the reggae. Reminds me of Detroit. I like the look on my white co-workers' faces when we get to cities that are primarily Black. In the back of my mind I'm thinking "now you know how I feel in Sioux Falls." Love it.
    But I do like the physical beauty of Denver. Being a midwesterner I'm still in awe of mountains. I can stare at em all day.

  88. If we really want to delve into the issue of the future of airline travel we have to look at many issues including the stalled FAA reauthorization bill. The Republicans are holding up the bill because they want it to include provosions that will weaken unions. If we want to be partisan and pass blame why are we not talking about GOP obstruction? Union matters have no place in the FAA bill. By stalling progress we are stalling nextGen advancement. If we want to save fuel we need to advance satellite based ATC as opposed to our current ground based system which is over 60 years old. Time to move to free flight, ADS-B and CDA's. To move forward the FAA needs to have solid funding that is not a stopgap measure.

  89. And let's not forget that cheap oil is a thing of the past. The remaining oil is hard to get, such as shale, and not the easy to refine light sweet crude and we have to respond realistically. Not even Michele Bachmann can bring back the good old days.

  90. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Pilot X said..

    "Taken in context I did not infer fuel costs weren't a major concern I only responded as to how airlines respond to them.
    Nice try though".

    "If you remember the question I answered was what would the airlines do if oil prices continued to rise and that is the question I answered"

    PilotX Qoute from Friday Oct 7

    "really we as an industry will deal with fuel costs the way we always have, pass on the costs and park fuel inefficient planes. Not rocket science"


    You came back with political talking points claiming some ficticious straw argument when provided real world proof that airlines cannot as a rocket scientist would know simply pass on rising fuel prices without expecting a major impact to the airline from reduced passengers due to increased ticket cost. (this was our conversation)

    You acknowledge soaring fuel costs but do not acknowledge US policy for non production while increasing dependancy on foreign oil as obvious.

    You specifically said airlines would simply pass the cost of fuel to the consumer without impact and I said this would result in reduction in passenger traffic, flight reductions, pilot reduction, you disagreed. AA airlines and customers in fact the whole air industry disagrees with you.

    Now you say the only reason AA is having financial problems is because while all three airlines have issues AA was foolish enough to continue paying the bills and not stiff creditors and get employee concessions as if this is unrelated to the entire issue of a 40% increase in fuel year over year which is a main contributing factor to the airlines fiscal insolubility.

    There is no reasoning with liberal logic. So to you the only way to stay healhy and in business as an airline is to just keep declaring bankruptcy so debt is wiped off the books, fortunately there are laws against this and it isn't "rocket science" seeing the obvious floundering spin tactics.

  91. PilotX said...
    "I like the look on my white co-workers' faces when we get to cities that are primarily Black. In the back of my mind I'm thinking "now you know how I feel in Sioux Falls."

    Minus the fear of beng robbed or murdered, of course.

    Illuminating how you "Love it".

  92. Anonymous3:17 PM

    If we really want to delve into the issue of the future of airline travel we have to look at many issues including the stalled FAA reauthorization bill. The Republicans are holding up the bill because they want it to include provosions that will weaken unions. If we want to be partisan and pass blame why are we not talking about GOP obstruction? Union matters have no place in the FAA bill. By stalling progress we are stalling nextGen advancement. If we want to save fuel we need to advance satellite based ATC as opposed to our current ground based system which is over 60 years old. Time to move to free flight, ADS-B and CDA's. To move forward the FAA needs to have solid funding that is not a stopgap measure.

    Union matters have no part in the FAA "FUNDING" bill - only in Bizarro world. We need to advance to satellite based ATC , we need solid funding....

    God you are so left thinking do you want to wait until we launch the starship enterprise to manage the managable of reality today while throwing a ton of money at unplanned pipe dreams?

    This is what Obama has done, totally mismanaged our energy situation without a viable alternative. You usually maximize costs and use profit to invest in advancements you don't declare advancements that don't exist yet are the only option.

    For a man who supposedly is scientific minded you seem to throw out reality and real results for pipe dreams a bit. Forget all about the issue of how our current and for a long time oil based economy is managed by saying if we forget that and throw money here we will save more of the high priced fuel. Exactly whose assets do you want to throw at the problem and Fund the FAA without thought? Are there commitments with x amount of money going to be saved in fuel costs by airlines if taxpayers fund all of this? Will the airlines pass back a percentage of profits back to the government?

    Is this scientifically feasible, how long will it take,. what is required in terms of resources and what do you do about fuel costs in the interim for all transportation not just airlines.

  93. Anonymous3:19 PM

    PilotX said...
    And let's not forget that cheap oil is a thing of the past. The remaining oil is hard to get, such as shale, and not the easy to refine light sweet crude and we have to respond realistically. Not even Michele Bachmann can bring back the good old days.

    There is more oil in the US untapped than the world reserves combined, you have got to switch from the Al Sharpton channel, you just have to. Even if you do it out of partisan goofiness try it, you might see a light bulb go on somewhere.

  94. Obama the Destroyer3:21 PM

    PilotX said...
    How many strawmen did you just create? 1. I do not agree with the premise that the Obama administration is driving up oil prices. 2. Yes, increases in oil prices hurt the bottom line of all airlines but there is more to the issues of airlines than just oil prices.
    You are confused Pilot X. A "Strawman" argument is when you ascribe some easily attacked point to your opponent which he never said. This is all Obama does, e.g. yesterday saying Republicans want to completely deregulate Wall Street and want dirtier air, dirtier water, etc.

    Point 1 you are still defending, despite Obama saying that his policies would "necessarily cause energy prices to skyrocket". He has halted all exploratory drilling in the Gulf since the BP disaster, and has severely curtaled the issuance of new permits anywhere on land in the US. How can these policies do anything but raise the price of oil?

    On point 2, yes there are other issues that affect airline costs, but none are so volatile or uncontrollable as fuel costs, and none have impacted the airlines bottom line as much over the past decade.

  95. Anonymous3:22 PM

    PilotX said...
    "but I saw more black folks in the airport than I see in one day in Denver."

    That is one reason Philly is one of my favorite layover cities. It didn't hurt when I found that Drexel U radio station that was bumping the reggae. Reminds me of Detroit. I like the look on my white co-workers' faces when we get to cities that are primarily Black. In the back of my mind I'm thinking "now you know how I feel in Sioux Falls." Love it.
    But I do like the physical beauty of Denver. Being a midwesterner I'm still in awe of mountains. I can stare at em all day.

    So as a representative of the Black Race you are proud of the reputation for crime and violence that has been solidly earned and enjoy seeing whites who would not engage in that behaviour look uneasy and you compare that to Siox falls".

    Doesnt that in itself say a lot about the very essence of your personality?

  96. Mike Brickenstein3:22 PM

    Crime Stats
    {from a few post ago}


    Pay close attention to the black male raping white women %.

    Than look at white males raping black woman %.

  97. Anonymous3:30 PM

    who would run over a dead baby,a union thug that's who.you are judged by the company you keep mike king paled around with commies controled by moscow.vick is a hillbilly and hillbillies fight dogs.fn you don't know shit about american history or you would not be a democrat because they were the party of the slavers.they formed the kkk while republicans fought the clan it was democrats who oppressed and murdered blacks.i think you are not a real dem but a commie fool.oh, how come you are always wrong,look at gold it is worth 4 times as much as when i bought it and it is real money. i await your reply.ask me about bad cops.

  98. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Lots of Fear and Loathing (to the point of nausea) in Las Vegas to go 'round at the GOP debate..I didn’t watch the debate. In fact, it might still be going on. However, I’m going to go out on a limb and make some predictions:

    Mittens Romney will make excuses for Wall Street.

    Herman Coon will repeat 9-9-9 at least 999 times and insist, whenever it is skewered by the other imbeciles (and it will...... be), that they are imbeciles and don’t understand the nuances of the plan. How could they understand when he doesn’t understand it himself? Or maybe he’ll just say that there is no 9-9-9 plan, and he was just joking.

    Rick "N-----head" Perry will babble incoherently and look like he thinks he left the water running in the bathtub.

    Michele Bachmann will make shit up while hollering about how the Pigford settlement is "reparations" while her family bankrupts and sucks up all the farm subsidy in the state of Minnesota for themselves..

    p.s. I think the slugfest is just really about mitten's underlying covetousness for N-----head's hair. I think that would be a fitting name for Perry because that hair line is old as herman cain and is YET to see a crack or wrinkle! ;)

  99. Anonymous5:53 PM

    anon5:01p is mean-spirited and disgusting. But obviously thinks it is looking good. How pathetic.

  100. Anonymous6:03 PM

    p.s. I think the slugfest is just really about mitten's underlying covetousness for N-----head's hair. I think that would be a fitting name for Perry because that hair line is old as herman cain and is YET to see a crack or wrinkle! ;)

    Obvious Jealousy - projected hate. what does your hairline look like a brillo pad without soap?

  101. Anonymous9:53 PM

    "Obvious Jealousy - projected hate. what does your hairline look like a brillo pad without soap?"

    I don't have hair. Obviously you want hair like Perry. You are just another FN Negro who wants to be White. Start bleaching that might help but be careful, you don't want to end up looking like MJ.:)

  102. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "Obvious Jealousy - projected hate. what does your hairline look like a brillo pad without soap?"

    I don't have hair. Obviously you want hair like Perry. You are just another FN Negro who wants to be White. Start bleaching that might help but be careful, you don't want to end up looking like MJ.:)

    so you a chrome dome mofo hatin on a dude wit good hair LOL now thats jealousy you shiny headed human dick do you rub your head with one hand on each side to get off?

  103. "So as a representative of the Black Race you are proud of the reputation for crime and violence that has been solidly earned and enjoy seeing whites who would not engage in that behaviour look uneasy and you compare that to Siox falls".

    Doesnt that in itself say a lot about the very essence of your personality?"

    You must live in Sioux Falls.

  104. "God you are so left thinking do you want to wait until we launch the starship enterprise to manage the managable of reality today while throwing a ton of money at unplanned pipe dreams?"

    Unplanned pipe dreams? Satellite surveillance is being tested as we speak. Our 747's and 777's are already configured with ADS-B components. Keep up son.
    And you DID build a strawman argument. I agree with much of what you stated about fuel costs and I explained how airlines deal with issues of rising fuel costs. What's so hard to understand? I mean if you don't like my answer you explain how airlines deal with fuel costs. On this topic as well I'm done unless you create a handle and converse in a fair manner if not please stop stalking me. Ha!

  105. "So as a representative of the Black Race you are proud of the reputation for crime and violence that has been solidly earned and enjoy seeing whites who would not engage in that behaviour look uneasy and you compare that to Siox falls".

    Doesnt that in itself say a lot about the very essence of your personality?"

    It says I like Black people. Infer what you want.

  106. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Just for the record, Field: the motto of the NYPD isn't "protect and serve," it goes even further: "courtesy, professionalism, and respect."

    Meanwhile, the mayor had to intervene officially to put a stop to students being stopped, frisked and dropped to the pavement. Then there's the pepper spray, false allegations of "resisting arrest," etc. etc.

    I heart NY.


  107. Sadly it's not about NYPD cops, it's about the misuse of police power in general, throughout the nation. If you go back to The Documentary History of the Negro, it's quite sobering to realize how long police brutality has been an issue for blacks and "hey you" people in general.

    I just think it's dangerous for us to think that someone else has a better version of racism than we do.

    Otherwise spot on, as always.
