Monday, October 17, 2011

Money Mitt in the house!

"Slammin Bentley doors,hoppin out of Porches Poppin up on Forbes list."

Sorry "Jigga man", I know that you like to flaunt, but the real baller is my man Money Mitt.

Just check him out in that pic; my man is seriously flossing. Nice.

And here I thought that only cats in the hood posed up with money.

Oh well, I guess there are all kinds of hoods.

This baller might be president some day.... Or maybe not. I don't think that everyone is pleased with Money Mitt.

"I have no doubt that the Bain boys thought they were enacting a hilarious parody of what others saw in them. At least in part. The other part was giddiness and pride at being rich.

But this picture speaks more than a thousand words in the campaign that will be coming if Mitt is the nominee. Mitt Romney is a heartless rich guy, who closed down factories and offices, throwing people out of work, solely to enrich himself and his cronies. Courtesy of this visual aid, the sales will be closed with a substantial segment of the voting public, who resent the big-money, well-connected Wall Street types who are financial manipulators.

For the moment, the picture is not being touted much by the left, though Gawker ran with it late last week. Obviously, this ammunition is being saved for the moment when it is too late for the GOP to change horses.

Is Mitt Romney really the most electable member of the GOP field?
This campaign is not going to be fought mostly on the basis of ideas. A plan to rehabilitate the economy consisting of dozens of points will simply be too complicated to explain, especially when a picture summarizes the Obama critique: Romney is a rich guy who doesn't care about you -- only about getting rich and flaunting it, when he thinks most Americans are not looking.

As if to drive home the Democrat critique, for inexplicable reasons during an election campaign, Romney announced a plan to tear down a mere 12-million-dollar beach house in swanky La Jolla, to replace it with a dwelling four times as large. That is literally livin' large. Sure, it would make a great summer White House, but that's getting ahead of ourselves, isn't it?" [Article]

Yes, it is.


  1. R.U. Retarded?9:46 PM

    OMG. Mitt posed with money. Obama may have completely destroyed the economy, but he least he never posed for a picture as a young man holding a dollar bill.

    That settles it, I guess.

  2. Anonymous10:01 PM

    u jess hating cuz u aint live in la jolla wuts da big idea huh?!!

  3. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Hey FN, what's up with the disabled ppl held captive in the basement in Philly. WTF is going on in this country?

  4. Mike Brickenstein10:32 PM

    Can't you just smell the desperation in the air?

    This and niggerhead is the only thing the left has to talk about.

    This photo is nothing more than a sideshow.

    Voters won't fall for that hope and change crap again.Cept black voters.They will eat up whatever Obama feeds them.

  5. Anonymous11:30 PM

    Jesus Christ, Field. How many times will it take to get through you and your liberal Dem FN Negroes that Herman Cain is the most electable GOP candidate?

    Why can't you folks get that through your thick liberal Negro skulls??

  6. Anonymous12:07 AM

    Then the left wonders why they are the minority and the world thinks they are useless and crazy. It's like dealing with angry bad children who don't create much but sure are entitled and destructive.

    You are a bit early on this one, you were supposed to hold back as per the organizations instruction until they were sure Mitt was the candidate, then go full speed ahead with the dimmy dirt story maker upper. Yet, you never say a word about democrats. You are enslaved, totally myopically mindless.

  7. Anonymous12:09 AM

    From the previous thread:

    "A few weeks ago it came out that 55% of black men in Chicago are FELONS!

    That's right, 55% of black men in Chicago are FELONS. But you NEEgroes are discussing "racism"."

    That figure is low. It's 70%...all of whom are liberal Dems. No black Conservatives are in that figure because black Conservatives don't go to jail.

    Face it, the Dem Party is not good for Blacks. Please brothas and sistas leave those racist Dems before the number goes higher!

    This just breaks my heart. Damn Dems!

  8. Anonymous12:12 AM

    Yet, you never say a word about democrats. You are enslaved, totally myopically mindless.

    It's usually the real House Negroes that go around badmouthing everyone else, Obama could spit in their face and they would just smile lick it and swallow...House Negroes for sure because color makes the brain drain away for some people.

  9. Romney has filed an application with the city to bulldoze his 3,009-square-foot, single-story home at 311 Dunemere Dr. and replace it with a two-story, 11,062-square-foot structure. No date has been set to consider the proposed coastal development and site development permits, which must be approved by the city.

    The former governor of Massachusetts purchased the home three years ago. According to a description from the listing agent, the Spanish-style residence at the end of a quiet cul-de-sac is sophisticated and understated in its décor, “offering complete privacy and unsurpassed elegance.”

    Nice crib.

    Here's your Man TP'rs, Annons, Alicias. Here's your man.

  10. Anonymous12:33 AM

    "It's usually the real House Negroes that go around badmouthing everyone else, Obama could spit in their face and they would just smile lick it and swallow..."

    Those real HNs would be Mack Lyons, PilotX and UTS. They are suckers for the Dems.

  11. Anonymous12:39 AM

    Who is this Rottenkid character? Sounds like he is admiring Romney's crib. He has the potential of making a good Republican. We need to see more bm leaving the dark Dem side and coming over to the bright GOP side where there is laughter, joy and love.

    But alas! he is brainwashed beyond redemption, like Mack. It is so sad.

  12. Anonymous12:50 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Who is this Rottenkid character? Sounds like he is admiring Romney's crib. He has the potential of making a good Republican. We need to see more bm leaving the dark Dem side and coming over to the bright GOP side where there is laughter, joy and love.

    But alas! he is brainwashed beyond redemption, like Mack. It is so sad.

    Nah, remember the psyche. Jealousy breeds hate and low self esteem must either go in or out, in and you work on improving...these people would have nueron misfires if they faced reality so they blame everyone else for the hate they have and hate them.

  13. I still think they're gonna pick 'Ol Seccesh.

  14. Anonymous1:17 AM

    Shhh it's a secret, while the liberal lie spin machine focus's on calling a black man racist for being a conservative, blinks at bachman and now moves focus to Mitt someone else is sewing up the nomination...can't say it here, don't want to tip off all of fields Soro's whackademics.

  15. @Field: What's your take on the MLK Memorial? To me, something is deeply off about the whole concept. Why couldn't they find an American, particularly a black American, to design this memorial? Ed Dwight was originally picked to lead the project and be the “sculptor of record” by the memorial foundation.

    Dwight is a black American artist who's done several sculptures of Martin Luther King, but doesn't have access to a Chinese quarry and the indentured laborers who come with it.

    So, "they" could not find a capable black sculptor. They would not have a white one. Or they simply didn't want to pay a decent wage. So the Chinese, who disdain democracy and embrace ethnic nationalism, who despise black Americans and view America's experience with multiculturalism and diversity as "chaos" largely because of the civil rights movement, who have contributed nothing to the advancement of individual or minority rights--they have the same, or greater claim to the civil democratic tradition than an American of European descent, whose forefathers have been dying for centuries to advance the cause, or, most appropriately, an American of African descent, who has lived as the exemplar of that cause.

    A Communist Chinese national creating an image of an African American to harry European Americans about legal and political rights. And none dare note the ironic affront. This is the inverted empire of American multiculturalism, where hypocritical foreigners use the perverted language of civil rights to attack us.

    I am stunned by the absolute brutality of this sculpture.

  16. Edwin, I have been thinking about this. I am going to D.C. tomorrow for a symposium. I think I will take a close up look for myself.

    My my, the wingnut haters seem genuinely spooked. (No pun intended) I think Money Mitt might have some "splaining" to do.

    "Nah, remember the psyche. Jealousy breeds hate and low self esteem must either go in or out, in and you work on improving..."

    Sounds like some of the folks who post here.

  17. Anonymous8:35 AM

    A plan to rehabilitate the economy consisting of dozens of points will simply be too complicated to explain, especially when a picture summarizes the Obama critique: Romney is a rich guy who doesn't care about you -- only about getting rich and flaunting it, when he thinks most Americans are not looking.
    Car movers chandigarh

  18. Fast And Criminal9:20 AM

    If there IS any justice, the Obama administration should fry for this:

    If a Republican administration had been behind this criminal stupidity, the MSM would be all over it, 24/7.

    As it is, you barely even hear a peep about it.....not even on "Faux News", as you like to call it. Holder is Obama's boy. He deserves just as much blame.

    Sorry....the Captain of the Ship, can't just say, "ooooh, I didn't know!"

    It still happened on his watch, and people are dead as a result.

  19. no slappz9:25 AM

    We're heading toward another year when almost 100% of NY City murders are committed by blacks and hispanics. Blacks will carry out about 70% of the killings.

    Gunfire terror in Brooklyn


    October 18, 2011

    A shooting in Brooklyn last night left a man dead and a female bystander wounded, police said.

    The assailant fired at a 31-year-old man at 6:40 p.m. on the corner of Skillman Street and Dekalb Avenue in Bedford-Stuyvesant, hitting him in the chest. A stray bullet then wounded a 43-year-old woman.

    The man died in an ambulance en route to Kings County Hospital, where the woman was in stable condition.

  20. no slappz9:27 AM

    The MLK statue looks like Lenin.

  21. GunGate9:27 AM

    Hey come YOU don't do a post on "Fast & Furious"? (Yes, I KNOW you know about it).

    Your hypocrisy panties are showing.

  22. no slappz9:50 AM

    purple cow uddered:

    Whites are 100% more likely to drop nuclear bombs on Japanese school-children than blacks.

    To end WWII and stop the killing.

    Meanwhile, armed mainly with machetes, Hutus slaughtered about 800,000 Tutsis (twice the number of people killed by our war-ending atomic bombs dropped on Japan) in Rwanda for absolutely no reason at all.

    If we look at the civil wars that have been raging in Africa since the grainting of "independence" to African nations in the 1960s, we see that millions and millions and millions of people have been killed for no reason.

    And when we look at the idiocy of African leadership we see that EVERY YEAR about 5 MILLION Africans die from drinking unclean water.

    86% of murdered Whites were murdered by other white people.

    Which means 14% of white murder victims were murdered by non-whites, which we know means they were murdered by blacks. Meanwhile, US blacks are undoubtedly thankful for 9/11 for taking the heat off them.

    But the key factor is the murder rate. The rate of murder among whites is about one-tenth the murder rate among blacks.

    Like basketball, blacks dominate.


    I can quote meaningless statistics out of context without listing sources too.

    One of your most amusing flaws is your talent for quoting statistics that backfire on you.

  23. no slappz9:58 AM

    Mitt Romney has an excellent chance of becoming the next president.

    What would he do as president?

    He would expand oil & gas drilling, thereby putting many many thousands of people back to work at high-paying jobs that require NO taxpayer funding.

    He would take the obvious steps of getting the government out of the way of business -- which would lead to investments by businesses. He would attempt to eliminate the tax on corporate profits earned outside the US.

    The absence of taxes would induce businesses to bring that money to the US and put it to work -- IF there were good opportunities for growth.

    Otherwise those foreign profits might become dividends paid out to investors -- pension funds, retirees, etc.

  24. no slappz10:00 AM

    pilot X,

    Hedge funds have been around since the dawn of investment funds. You simply do not grasp the obvious, nor do you understand the definition. It's not what you think.

  25. Mike Brickenstein10:08 AM

    So You Don't Want Fries? Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child at 365Black McDonald's

    It wasn't that long ago that a brazen shooting in broad daylight outside of a Brooklyn McDonald's offered the latest example of 365Black behavior to marvel at; and by marveling, we mean being able to mutter almost inaudibly, "thank God for Chick-fil-A."

    Now, another McDonald's in New York City (this time Manhattan) provides 31-year-old cashier Rayon McIntosh with the opportunity to earn his 15 minutes of 365Black fame:

    A McDonald's cashier is caught on a horrific cell phone video using a metal rod to brutally beat two female customers who'd jumped the counter of his West 4th Street restaurant early Thursday during a fight over their order.

    The cashier, who police said had previously served a decade for manslaughter, beat the women so badly that one suffered a fractured skull and broken arm in the shocking attack, which was captured on a customer's cell phone and then posted to YouTube.

    Police have charged the cashier, identified as Rayon McIntosh, 31, with felony assault charges, along with criminal possession of a weapon. Both women were charged with menacing, trespass and disorderly conduct. He is being held at the Manhattan Detention Complex on $40,000 bail, according to the Department of Correction website.

    The drama began about 12:30 a.m. Thursday when the two customers — Denise Darbeau, 24, of Queens, and her pal, Rachel Edwards, 24, of Brooklyn — entered the popular fast food spot and began giving McIntosh a hard time, police sources said.

    In the video, Darbeau, 24, of Queens, is clearly heard cursing at McIntosh after the cashier told her he had to scan a $50 bill to make sure it was authentic before he would give them their food.
    That's when all hell breaks loose.

    An agitated Darbeau is seen slapping McIntosh across the face, prompting him to lunge forward and shove the two women.

    Darbeau leaps onto the counter and clears the other side while Edwards retreats to the other end of the restaurant, according to the video.

    Suddenly, McIntosh reappears on the video, brandishing a metal rod, which he slams onto Darbeau's head.

    McDonald's is good for providing at least three or four examples of Blacks Behaving Badly (BBB) in any given month, more video proof that avoiding the Black Undertow and fast food restaurants that pander to Black people is not only good for your waistline, but good for avoiding being bludgeoned with a metal rod or shot by a customer irate over the McRib being dropped from the menu.

    Corporate America offers a wonderful barometer of how politics are being played in America and which group is being favored; judging by McDonald's continued use of 365Black marketing efforts, Black-Run America (BRA) still holds sway.

  26. no biggie

    no wm could ever be worse than that big blackish hoax hobama

  27. stay tuned to hobama tv

  28. Monkey See, Monkey Do10:18 AM

    Hey AB....what do your boys Tavis & Cornsmell have to fat about "Fast & Furious"?

    I notice you don't have much to say about it either. (and I'm not asking for any stupid links....I already know the sordid story).

    People on this blog are like, "Shhhh....ignore it, and maybe it will disappear"

  29. blind ape assnon/lazy chimp coon uts:

    how about u research that for yourself???

    u r late and lost u liar

    u r attacking the wrong person on this blog

    i despise hobama

    and u have missed many posts
    often deleted by the insane vdlr


    see hobama's mexican gun sales links here

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. pookies rule the world

    and they love being drunks!!!


  32. pookies rule the world

    and they love to brawl


  33. Quote No Slapzz

    "One of your most amusing flaws is your talent for quoting statistics that backfire on you."

    They were meant to backfire moron, that was the entire fucking point of my entire fucking post!

    I was attempting to demonstrate the fallacy of posting meaningless statistics out of context - as witnessed by my line...

    "I can quote meaningless statistics out of context without listing sources too."

    Congratulations, No Slapzz. By totally miss-understanding my previous post, you have just revealed the length and depth of your stupidity in ways that I could only have dreamed of.

    It really is a joy debating someone as dumb as you, No Slapzz, it really is.

    Like taking candy from a baby.

  34. Quote No Slapzz

    "Mitt Romney has an excellent chance of becoming the next president."

    Define what you mean by 'excellent,' numbnuts.

    Romney still trails Obama in opinion polls, as does ever single Republican candidate.

  35. Anonymous12:11 PM

    RE MLK monument: Isn't it interesting that whenever it comes to Blacks something is always OFF. Besides not having a black sculpturer, we didn't even have an American to build it. We went all the way to China, where they hate Blacks to have it made. We Blacks are really weird people- lacking self-pride for probably the greatest black American(MLK) ever.

    And Field says he's thinking about it? Just more denial of our low self-esteem and inability to do the right thing...which was to have a Black do this. NO other race would do such a thing. We hate ourselves so much we won't even trust ourselves to do such an important project.

    What will we tell our children? Yeah, that's the MLK statue that was builit in China by a Chinese artist? It's sick.

  36. Anonymous12:14 PM

    I see all the FN Negroes are happy no_slappz is back. He gives them a sense of self-worth by paying attention to them.

    Blacks feel best about themselves when Whites and Jews are talking to them. It doesn't matter whether it's negative or not. We just want attention from Whites.

  37. What do the these anonymous sleazeballs keep trying to pass themselves off as black?

    See this latest idiot at 12:11 and 12:14.

    Why can't they just have the courage of their cruddy convictions?

  38. C'maan Slappy-boy!

    You didn't think I was going to let you get away with those two didja?

  39. anon:

    u r ignoring millions of blacks who righteously bashed and boycotted that mlk bs


  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. But there’s another part of me that becomes saddened and even disgusted by our decision to celebrate Dr. King’s life in a way that would probably insult him. Economic inequality has actually worsened over time, and the very politicians who claim to admire the life of Dr. King are quick to urinate on the ideals for which he stood. In fact, I venture to say that if he were alive, Martin Luther King would not attend this ceremony himself.

    As it stands today, black male unemployment is now over 40% in many urban areas, African Americans are being incarcerated at holocaust proportions, and inner city children are leaving school without even learning how to read. The word “poverty” is rarely mentioned in Washington, and America has become a hyper-militarized international bully, all in the name of corporate profitability. All the while, the political predators who care nothing about addressing these issues are more than happy to stand and smile at the dedication ceremony for a man they would ignore and ridicule if he were alive right now. The truth is that they are glad to honor Dr. King with a memorial, as long as both he and his spirit remain in the grave.

    We commemorate the life of Dr. King without having the license to do so, like the pastor who recites the word of God as he molests his children and cheats on his wife. We don’t deserve Dr. King, and our decision to memorialize him while rejecting him is entirely reflective of the hypocrisy to which our nation has become accustomed. One must also wonder how Dr. King might feel about a country that continues to oppress the people he claimed to represent: We can’t profess to love a man and simultaneously destroy the people he cares about the most. To further analogize the contradiction, we can’t build a statue of Jesus while we simultaneously worship the devil.

  42. Nice article, thanks for the information.

  43. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Obama is even toxic to the Dumbocrats:

  44. Anonymous2:10 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    What do the these anonymous sleazeballs keep trying to pass themselves off as black?

    See this latest idiot at 12:11 and 12:14.

    Why can't they just have the courage of their cruddy convictions?

    Why can't you just go all the way and have the operation, you sound and probably dress like a bitchy woman already.

    By the way dickface Cain would beat obama if the election were held today. A generic Republican candidate would have a landslide. Once Perry is nominated Obama is one and done. Every White person I know will vote for Perry because they had enough of this garbage and eternal victimization from shitheads like, take that Nigger Rock and stuff it in your ass BarnBoy. When you can walk the talk and not offend as you are offended, then we can talk. Until then you are just a hyprocritcal pansie who not only needs the cards stacked in his favor but must have all others handicapped for you to survive. Fuck all that, you want what I earned, go earn it, you aint gettin it from me. You marxist drug addled leech.

  45. Anon-goober

    "Jesus Christ, Field. How many times will it take to get through you and your liberal Dem FN Negroes that Herman Cain is the most electable GOP candidate?"

    Sure. There's a lot of black Republican elected officials.

    What a dope.

  46. You Go, Uptown2:28 PM

    Ah, it's Steve, a voice of reason in the darkness.

    I'l sure he has some enlightening comments about the "Fast & Furious" debacle, and what should be done with the geniuses who came up with that one.

  47. What are you yapping about today Slappy?

  48. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Something you OBVIOUSLY would prefer not to discuss.

    Not surprising, really.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. Monday, October 17, 2011

    Herman Cain is a self made man who succeeded in spite of being black; NOT because of it. His mother was a maid for the white man and his father was a white man's driver. "The Help" is not just a Hollywood flick for depict's his REAL roots.
    Cain's ancestors came to America on slave ships......not on a Kenyan Boeing 747. Cain grew up under Jim Crow.....he did not have to be taught about discrimination; he rose above it.
    Therein lies the fundamental difference between Herman Cain and the presidential pretender...."President Cain" would be the first REAL black President of the United States of America.

    Mr. Cain's philosophy for success in life is predicated on a work ethic NOT victim hood. He does not hide from his heritage nor does he exploit it........he chooses to be judged based on performance NOT guilt. Cain considers himself an American who happens to be black; dismissing the divisive term African American.

    The race baiters are in a frenzied disbelief: Cornel West, Al Sharpton, Walter Evans a/k/a Quanell X and the left wing media are now in "Palinesque" character assassination overdrive.
    As these folks desperately sling their insidious racism against Herman Cain; black America is "out to lunch".
    What an OUTRAGE!

    Black "leadership" is stunned: How can a black man possibly succeed on merit and have conservative Christian values? He must be a grinnin' shufflin' Uncle Tom goober! He must be destroyed! God forbid Mr. Cain's values permeate the hood!
    Oh my goodness, what would happen to the poverty pimps of the democratic party if the disenfranchised segment of black America followed Cain's example? The brainwashed herd mentality would be lost...the dependent victims would be free at last!

    The Tea Party's overwhelming support of Mr. Cain demonstrates their adherence to the fundamental belief that the content of an individual's character is more important than their skin color........principled policy counts. WOW!
    Cain offers solutions instead of excuses and does what other folks just talk about....he is not a polished politician and that also is refreshing.

  51. i'd bet that every mansion mitt romney owns is in his own name

    aliases trump opulence


    mitt still bests that corporatist/corp ho/cia baby barry/harrison/hobama!
    irrespective of mitt's insane "corps are humans" warts and all

    1. The bogus social security number that Barack H Obama has been using since 1977-1979.

    2. We exposed his alias, Harrison J Bounel and how it is associated with Barack H Obama and the address that he calls home in Chicago as of 2009 to present day.

    3. We also showed the connection that Harrison J Bounel also has to Michelle L Obama where she is listed as Harrison J Bounel’s spouse as of 2011.

    4. We also showed where the Harrison J Bounel alias was removed from the databases linking it to his social security number; however, we also proved that the alias is still searchable using the last name of Bounel and the state of IL in the search cues.

    5. We also showed the numerous inconsistencies as shown with the Hyde Park mansion in Chicago that the Obama’s call home.

  52. "Herman Cain is a self made man who succeeded in spite of being black; NOT because of it. His mother was a maid for the white man and his father was a white man's driver. "The Help" is not just a Hollywood flick for depict's his REAL roots.
    Cain's ancestors came to America on slave ships......not on a Kenyan Boeing 747. Cain grew up under Jim Crow.....he did not have to be taught about discrimination; he rose above it."

    Sounds just like the Jesse Jackson story.

    I wonder why the racists and Toms weren't cheerleading for him?

    Might be becuase he didn't kiss goober ass.

    "Black "leadership" is stunned"

    Black "leadership" and black America in general is laughing their asses off.

    Cain is the Tea Party's flavor of the month and when it comes time when the votes really count, he won't get out of single digits in a single primary.

    You heard it first here.

    "How can a black man possibly succeed on merit"

    We do it every day.

    The fact that you question this just shows the kind of peabrained racist fool you are.

  53. Anonymous3:00 PM


    You personify the adage, "you can't fix stupid".

    Black Ink was referencing black leadership's position, not his own, when he made the comment, "How can a black man possibly succeed on merit". Your out of context rant supports his point and exposes your ignorance and chip on the shoulder insecurity and hate.
    Shame on your racist agenda!

  54. Anonymous3:07 PM

    " PM

    Anonymous said...
    Something you OBVIOUSLY would prefer not to discuss.

    Not surprising, really.

    2:35 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Try me goober.

    2:41 PM"

    OK. What do you think about Operation "Fast & Furious", and why do you think it's received such little media attention?

    Man, people DIED as a result of the clusterf*ck...including U.S. Agents. God only knows how many unnamed civilians.

    Just in case you may need a refresher course:

  55. And you're asserting that "black leadership" whoever the hell they are in your feeble mind, thinks that black people can't or don't succeed on merit???

    It's idiots like YOU who claim that every black person who isn't a conservative gets a gubmint check and a block of velveeta every month.

    Merit is the story of the advancement of black America, particularly the black middle class.

    We HAD to be better because we had to take harder road to get to the same place as the white middle class.

  56. Try again Goober.

    "Operation Fast and Furious" was operation run by renegade operatives in the ATF and CIA.

    Probably white, male, conservative and career.

    They have nothing on Holder.

  57. Anonymous3:14 PM

    You really are one dumb black fuck.

  58. LMAO!!!!

    He's upset again.

    And his brain went into neutral.

  59. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Like talking to a tar baby.

  60. what recovery??????

    Remember when your parents told you to finish the food on your plate because “people in China were starving?” Well, the Chinese might well be saying that about America these days.

    According to new polls by Gallup, fewer people in the U.S. say they have access to fundamental needs like healthcare, food and shelter. And the kicker? People in China are struggling less than Americans to put food on the table.

    Read more:

  61. uptownsteve said...
    Sounds just like the Jesse Jackson story.

    Without the gay sexual harassment lawsuit:

    "Things reached an apex later in 2008, when Bennett says he "was summoned to Rev. Jackson's hotel room" at the Hilton Chicago O'Hare Airport Hotel. Bennett claims that he was eventually instructed to apply cream to Jackson, who "had a rash between his legs." Bennett says that he refused, resulting in Jackson allegedly calling Bennett a "little motherfucker."

    Bennett then states that another time at the same hotel, Jackson summoned him at 1 a.m. to take notes. The complaint states, "When Mr. Bennett arrived, Rev. Jackson was dressed only in his briefs and a v-neck t-shirt." Bennett alleges Jackson was sexually excited. Asked by Windy City Times how he came to this conclusion, Bennett said, "I could tell by his look. His whole demeanor had changed. His breathing pattern had changed."

    The complaint continues: "Before Mr. Bennett left, Rev. Jackson stated that white folks took the word 'gay' and gave the word its own definition. Rev. Jackson further stated that he was a real poor child in North Carolina and his name was first Jesse Burns, and then Jesse Robinson and then he became Jesse Jackson.

    "Rev. Jackson stated that he played football and there was a gay high school teacher who took Rev. Jackson under his wings and told him that he needed education to go along with football. Rev. Jackson said, '[F]rom that gay teacher, I got a good grade, I got to use his car, I got ten dollars and I got my dick sucked.' Rev. Jackson said, '[T]hat's not gay, that is surviving.'" Bennett alleges this meant Rev. Jackson wanted sex, but that Bennett then left the room."

  62. Anonymous4:09 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Try again Goober.

    "Operation Fast and Furious" was operation run by renegade operatives in the ATF and CIA.

    Probably white, male, conservative and career.

    They have nothing on Holder.

    Except evidence gottdamn you a dumb nigger

  63. What evidence goober?

    And wipe your mouth before you answer.

    tee hee

  64. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Upsidedown Stevie Wonderless:

    Jesse Jackson, Eric Holder and Barry Obama could be gang bangin' yo baby mama or one of your children and you'd find an excuse for their behavior.

    Your an excuse maker and your brand of hate defies logic.

  65. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Holder lying before Congress is gonna be all they need. From there, the rats will start jumping off the ship.

    Holder either lied to Congress about what & when he knew about Fast & Furious, or is the most incompetent AG since that dyke cow Reno.

    Issa has Whistleblowers just waiting for Holder to step in the traps when he gets subpoened. He's gonna skin that boy alive.

    Renegade ATF & CIA agents. What a joke. Dumbass DOJ, more likely.

  66. even the bold brazen arrogant deluded hobama admits he has failed more than his nazis do


    nobama 2012!!!

    On the second day of his bus tour through North Carolina, President Obama acknowledged in an exclusive interview with ABC News that the challenges facing his re-election stem in part from the disillusionment of his supporters with his leadership on the economy.

    “I guarantee it’s going to be a close election because the economy is not where it wants to be and even though I believe all the choices we’ve made have been the right ones, we’re still going through difficult circumstances,” Obama told ABC News senior White House correspondent Jake Tapper in the interview to air this evening on “Nightline” from Jamestown, N.C.

    “That means people who may be sympathetic to my point of view still kind of feel like, yeah, but it still hasn’t gotten done yet,” Obama said.

  67. Clinton death list4:31 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "Holder lying before Congress is gonna be all they need. From there, the rats will start jumping off the ship."

    Holder is Obama's Ron Brown.

    If he is smart, he won't go on no plane trip to Croatia.

  68. cdl:


    and holder better stay away from long flights too

    hobama may kill him too

    On April 3, 1996, while transporting Mr. Brown and 34 others, an Air Force CT-43 executive transport crashed near Dubrovnik, Croatia. Thirty-three of the bodies, including Ron Brown's, were flown to Dover Air Force Base, Delaware, where they were examined by AFIP personnel. At the time of the crash, Mr. Brown was under investigation by the Office of Independent Counsel (Mr. Daniel Pearson was the Special Prosecutor) and was under subpoena to produce documents concerning the sale of seats on trade missions in a civil law suit by Judicial Watch. The official determination of the cause of Mr. Brown's death was blunt force trauma.

    On November 24, 1997, shortly after the Air Force released a voluminous report of its investigation of the crash, an article concerning the report was published in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. On December 3, another article included statements by one of the pathologists on the AFIP team, Lt. Colonel Steven Cogswell (USAF), that there was a perfectly round hole, inward-beveled, in Mr. Brown's skull that looked like a bullet hole. However, no autopsy was performed.

  69. clinton has done much dirt too


    ricky ray rector
    lani guinier
    jocelyn elders
    sista souljah etc

    trust no politico
    trust them all MORE than that cia cobra hobama,r:3,s:0&tx=41&ty=58,r:12,s:0&tx=60&ty=50

  70. Anonymous4:45 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    What evidence goober?

    And wipe your mouth before you answer.

    tee hee

    Tee-Hee? Are you a fag? Did the fairy fairy fly over and sprinkle those little nuts with fairy dust?

    Wipe my mouth? Lissen here fagola I aint be suckin no pee-pees like you I don't need to wipes my mouth or ass...but my question to you is which one you wipes first when he finished?
    fuggedaboutit I saw the pic you have posted - that explains a lot you are a queer

  71. bubba is also to blame for

    crime bill

  72. mo bout massa hobama n all dem reddishin ta vote fo him

    shame on mindless jobless homeless mongrels!!!!!!

    nobama 2012!!!!

    The stated purpose of the trip was to continue selling the jobs bill. But Obama is also selling himself, trying to pump up voters whose enthusiasm may have waned. That's particularly important in North Carolina, a state he wrested from Republicans in 2008 but that could slip from his grasp next November.

    To try to recapture some of his electoral appeal, Obama turned to campaign staples: barbecue, babies and barrels of candy.

  73. "Holder either lied to Congress about what & when he knew about Fast & Furious, or is the most incompetent AG since that dyke cow Reno"

    So you admit that Reagan knew all about Ira-Contra?

    Or was he incompetent?

    Bush didn't KNOW there were no WMDs in Iraq?

    Or did he lie?

  74. Anonymous5:07 PM

    " uptownsteve said...
    "Holder either lied to Congress about what & when he knew about Fast & Furious, or is the most incompetent AG since that dyke cow Reno"

    So you admit that Reagan knew all about Ira-Contra?

    Or was he incompetent?

    Bush didn't KNOW there were no WMDs in Iraq?

    Or did he lie?

    5:01 PM"

    See, this is how you jig & jive. We're talking about FAST & FURIOUS here. Not Reagan or Bush.

    More deflection from the miniature erection.

  75. Anonymous5:09 PM

    100 dummies

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. Uptownsteve,

    1. Reagan suffered from Alzheimer's Diseaese and actually had objective memory issues during the Iran-Contra scandal

    2. the Weapons of Mass Destruction issue was based on faulty intel that was widely accepted by both the Clinton and Bush administrations as well as by high ranking US Senators and government officials on both sides of the aisle.

    3. Eric Holder and Barack Obama are outright liars regarding what they knew and when they knew it about Fast and Furious; but also the Obama administration's involvement with the Greenbacks for Green Solar industry scandals are just starting to unfold.

    4. At the end of the day Barack Obama will make Jimmy Carter appear competent and Richard Nixon appear honest......who knew?

  78. Anonymous6:06 PM

    An “Occupy Cleveland” protester tells police she was raped in her tent over the weekend.

    Cleveland police are investigating an alleged sexual assault incident Saturday at the “Occupy Cleveland” rally involving a 19-year-old female student from Parma.

    According to police reports, the 19-year-old student was instructed by “Occupy Cleveland” personnel to “share a tent with the suspect due to a shortage of tents.” The suspect identified himself as “Leland” to the woman. The woman told police that after she had thought the suspect went to sleep in his own bed, she slept in a sleeping bag provided to her by the rally.

    The student went to school Monday and told a teacher about her sexual assault incident in Public Square — which is being classified as “kidnapping/rape” — prompting the teacher to immediately contact the authorities.

    I don't remember things like this happenin' at Tea Party events.

  79. Anonymous6:12 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "Holder either lied to Congress about what & when he knew about Fast & Furious, or is the most incompetent AG since that dyke cow Reno"

    So you admit that Reagan knew all about Ira-Contra?

    Or was he incompetent?

    Bush didn't KNOW there were no WMDs in Iraq?

    Or did he lie?

    What I want to know is how come whenever you get pissed off Mold and the spamming little pissant show up? Only then!!!

    Hit a homo I mean home run with dat one Stevie is a fag just look at his picture no wonders why he gets into cat fights wit all da women on da blog all the time it aint just dat he stupid he is a transgender motherfucker

  80. Quotes Anonymous 02:10

    "Why can't you just go all the way and have the operation, you sound and probably dress like a bitchy woman already."

    How do you know how I sound? Can you hear through your keyboard? That's some trick, you should be on T.V.

    "By the way dickface Cain would beat obama if the election were held today."

    His first name is dickface?? I didn't know that.

    Wow, his mom and dad must have had some weird sense of humour.

    Dickface Cain, - he must have gone through hell in high school.

    " A generic Republican candidate would have a landslide. Once Perry is nominated Obama is one and done."

    Even by your spectacularly low standards that makes no sense whatsoever.

    "Every White person I know will vote for Perry because they had enough of this garbage and eternal victimization from shitheads like, take that Nigger Rock and stuff it in your ass BarnBoy."

    Ahhhhh more conservative intellectualism.

    Hoorah for the American educations system!

    "When you can walk the talk and not offend as you are offended, then we can talk."

    But why would I want to talk to a prize dickhead like you?

    "Until then you are just a hyprocritcal pansie who not only needs the cards stacked in his favor but must have all others handicapped for you to survive. Fuck all that, you want what I earned, go earn it, you aint gettin it from me. You marxist drug addled leech."

    I neither need or want anything from useless scum like you. I sold my advertising agency in 2009 for serious money. I'll never need anything from anyone, let alone someone like you who sits typing in his Momma's basement surrounded by empty pizza boxes and beer tubes...


    Ramussen poll, not worth the paper it's forged on.

    Rasmussen uses doctored poll results as a means of right-wing propaganda. Real news organizations have dumped them, only the hard-core Conservasphere uses them any more.

    At the last election they favored conservatives by an average of 4 points over reality. At one result (in Hawaii IIRC) they predicted the right wing candidate would poll 43 points over what he actually achieved.

    The worst single opinion poll in the industry's entire history.

    No wonder that you are so impressed...

  81. masterstat7:06 PM

    You can reliably take the opposite of what Purple Cow says as the truth.

    When comparing results, Rasmussen has been the most accurate poller over the past ten years.

  82. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Anonymous said...
    An “Occupy Cleveland” protester tells police she was raped in her tent over the weekend.

    Stupid hippy bitch.

  83. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Purple KnobGobbler..

    But why would I want to talk to a prize dickhead like you?

    Oh that...because you like the cock and anything you can call a dick you want to suckle even if it only makes sense to you.

    No way you created and sold a successful business, you do not have a clue what it takes to create, sweat, sacrifice to earn. Either that or you had somebody give you the business and you sold it before you crashed it. But you do not possess a creative mind.

  84. Anonymous7:26 PM

    The Purple KnobGobbler Said....
    Quotes Anonymous 02:10

    "Why can't you just go all the way and have the operation, you sound and probably dress like a bitchy woman already."

    How do you know how I sound? Can you hear through your keyboard? That's some trick, you should be on T.V.

    Why what a pleasant choice of words, "I should be on T.V" and you are a T.V - Transvestite, how glorius for you. Would you like some crumpets, tea and a slam in the ass or would you prefer to your usual fare of Jihad Sausage?

  85. Anonymous7:31 PM

    masterstat said...
    You can reliably take the opposite of what Purple Cow says as the truth.

    When comparing results, Rasmussen has been the most accurate poller over the past ten years.

    dont say poller thats british for the guy who slams the purpleknob gobbler --or his rear admiral if you like...if he reads that word no telling what he will do with his excitment

  86. lol is anyone watching the debate?

    What would be really scary is if any of them actually believe the bs they say.
