Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Possible murder in Arkansas,a murder in Romania, and good things in West Philly.

The Occupy Wall Street folks marched around Rupert Murdoch's penthouse today. But I want to know where the Koch brothers live? It seems to me that these Occupy Wall Street folks should be marching on their home compound as well.

Why? Because the Koch brothers could be literally getting away with murder down in Arkansas. (h/t to Robert Greenwald and the folks at Brave New Foundation for bringing this story to my attention.)

Speaking of murder. I feel bad for Chauncey Hardy [in pic] and his family.But what is it going to take for some of you Negroes to learn?

Look, just because you are a big man on campus here in A-merry-ca and you can go and get your pick of the litter at the local bar on a Saturday night, don't ever believe that you can try that crap in some other parts of the world. (Or A-merry-ca for that matter.) Romania?! Negro are you crazy? First of all, I wouldn't travel to Romania if someone told me that there was a million dollars in unmarked bills waiting for me at the airport in Bucharest.

Still, it's a sad story. And I hope that this will be a lesson to you young bucks out there. I know this is 2011, but color arousal can be a a mother *^*%$#.

Now for some good news. I am always focusing on the bad stuff that some of our kids do here in Philly, but believe me when I tell you that there are some kids out there handling their business as well.

"The West Philly Students Who Build Supercars

This is no mere science fair project: The students on West Philadelphia High School’s Hybrid X Team built two hybrid cars for the Automotive X-Prize, making it all the way to the semifinals. PM awarded the students with its Next Generation Breakthrough Award.

Of the 111 Teams that competed for the $10 million purse in last year's Progressive Insurance Automotive X Prize, only one was from a high school—West Philadelphia, where85 percent of students are economically disadvantaged. West Philly entered two vehicles—a Factory Five GTM biodiesel hybrid kit car and a converted Ford Focus gasoline plug-in hybrid—and made it to the semifinals with both. "We were going up against teams that had dozens of engineers, and we had 15 students, a couple of teachers and a dream," says adviser Simon Hauger, a teacher in the school's Academy of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering. "One of the marvelous things about teenagers is they're not daunted by that."

After its impressive X Prize performance, West Philly won the Green Grand Prix in Watkins Glen, N.Y., last April, when its GTM achieved the equivalent of 160 mpg over 100 miles.

"I always liked fast, gas-guzzling race cars, so when I first heard the club was named the Hybrid X Team, I wasn't so sure, but I gave it a try," says captain Stefon Gonzalez. "It definitely broadened my horizons, not just with cars but with things like public speaking, fundraising and networking." The after-school program also helped the high school senior (and two other teammates) land a public-transit internship with the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority.

"I call it the light-switch effect," Hauger says. "This work truly enlarges the students' vision for what they're capable of doing. We don't put them in a row of desks and lecture about fuel efficiency, biofuels or aerodynamics. We say, 'Let's solve this problem together.'"

The students so impressed Edison2 founder and Automotive X Prize champion Oliver Kuttner that he asked them to build an electric version of his Very Light Car (VLC). The team hopes to operate a nonprofit after-school project that employs students to make and sell the EVLC kit car. "When they're done, they will have the world's most efficient electric car by a leap," Kuttner says".[Story]


It's always good to see young Field Negroes getting their science on. (h/t to Brown Dartanyan for this story.)

Finally, a lot of you have been writing to me and asking me to comment on Herman Cain.

I promise that I will have more on Herman later. I want to watch the debate tonight and see where to take it from there.

I know one thing; Herman has become a hit with right wing white folks. It must be wonderful to be able to put down those lazy shiftless n*&&^%s without actually having to do it yourself.

Thank you Herman.  



  1. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Still no mention of Shareef Allman? Is it because he was a field negro?

    Is it because he was bff with Jesse Jackson and other race hustlers?

    Is it because he was a outstanding member of the naacp?

    "but color arousal can be a a mother *^*%$#."

    If you work or hang where black folks are it can mean death.

  2. c'mon Field, Slappy already told you cars that get good gas mileage are no good. Conservatives love their gas guzzlers. they'd rather spend their entire paycheck on gas than admit you tree hugging hippies are right about efficient cars.
    I feel bad for Hardy, that's a bad way to go so far away from home chasing your dream. Wonder if America will get as upset as when Nathalie Holloway was killed? Yeah, right.

  3. StillaPanther29:00 PM

    Brother Field.....Thank you for that pull-up about the young students and future engineers from the school in Philadelphia. Brought tears and a big smile. Keep up the good works Brother.

  4. Dr. Fortytwo9:08 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    I interrupt this post to say that I got my MCAT scores back a few minutes ago, and I KNOW for a fact that it's safe to say I'M GONNA BE A DOC!!!!

    And a big F*CK YOU for the road!


    Hmmm. I really don't think that a combined score of 12 is going to get anyone into medical school, not even a black female with Tourette Syndrome.

    I will second Stilla Panther2's kudos to the young students and future engineers from the school in Philadelphia. They have a bright future.

    You don't.

    You will never be a doctor.

  5. Anonymous9:38 PM

    I know one thing; Herman has become a hit with right wing white folks. It must be wonderful to be able to put down those lazy shiftless n*&&^%s without actually having to do it yourself.

    Thank you Herman.

    Hmmmmm...Have to give Herman Cain another look, if liberals hate him he has got to have good ideas.

  6. "Hmmmmm...Have to give Herman Cain another look, if liberals hate him he has got to have good ideas."

    Sure, like $9.99 pizzas.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Dear stalking, unsuccessful, jeslous, assnon,

    12 is an interesting number to pick for a number of reasons:

    12 is the age you last had a coherent thought.

    12 is the number of minimum wage jobs you've held in the last 2 years.

    12 is the number of knots on your forehead from those "love taps" your boyfriend gives you every night.

    12 is the number of men your mammy had sex with the night you were conceived.

    12 is the number of feet you have to walk from your doublewide to get to your outhouse.

    12 is the score I earned on ONE of the 4sections of the MCAT. That's ~90% for the uninformed.

    Finally, 12 is the number of ways you can kis my ass, ALL THE WAY to med school and back!

  9. Hell will freeze over twice before Cain gets the Repub nomination!

  10. The guy was in the bar, he was flirting with a girl and put his hat on her head. The girl's boyfriend didn't like what was going on and threw him ONE punch to the jaw, he then lost his balance and hit his head on the floor. Not that I am sticking up for the guy that hit him, but this story states he was given a savage beating. This is untrue! The media in Romania has covered the story very intensely, and the guy who did it handed himself in and is now dealing with the consequences.

  11. Sorry folks, I was trying to watch the republican debates.

  12. Dr. Fortytwo10:00 PM

    Ms.Queen, MCAT Filler said...
    Dear stalking, unsuccessful, jeslous, assnon,

    12 is the score I earned on ONE of the 4sections of the MCAT. That's ~90% for the uninformed.


    Sure you did, Queen, sure you did.

    We believe you. Well, I don't, but Mold will.

    You will never be a doctor.

  13. field negro said...
    Sorry folks, I was trying to watch the republican debates

    I also forgot it was on, too busy celebrating with the fam!

    And thanks for the congrats Field!!! I hear those Philly schools know how to show good candidates some love!!! And hopefully some scholarship money too, LOL!!!!

  14. Damn Tanner10:10 PM

    The Koch Brothers are now killing people down in Arkansas? Man.

    I heard they are making a giant machine in the middle of Kansas that will spew billions of tons of carbon dioxide into the air and melt the polar ice caps, just so they can drown about a billion people. There's no money in it, they are just doing it for "kicks".

    Man those guys are evil.

  15. El Gato Medico10:12 PM

    Ms.Queen, MCAT Filler said...
    I also forgot it was on, too busy celebrating with the fam!

    Well put down that 40 oz. and the crack pipe and get your fat ass in front of the TV already!

    You will never be a doctor.

  16. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Ms.Queen, MCAT Filler said...
    I also forgot it was on, too busy celebrating with the fam!

    But somehow you find time to post like a 14 year old on this blog.

  17. Zzzzzzz

    C'mon man! You're missing out on the next prez of the U.S. Either Michele "Pray away the gay" Bachmann, Newt "I keep getting fired" Gingrich, Herman "I don't understand the constitution" Cain, Mitt "John Kerry" Romney and Tyler "Secession" Perry. This is exciting, they even have "No chance in hell" Ron Paul and Jon "I'm really a Democrat" Huntsman. How can you not get excit.............zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

  18. sistermoon10:25 PM

    "I was po before I was poor" - Herman Cain.


    The only way this man can buck dance any harder is to appear at the next debate in blackface, and break into a chorus of "Mammy" at the end.

    Please, tell me again why this is someone that young African Americans should emulate?

  19. "Would you be comfortable appointing a Muslim either in your Cabinet or as a federal judge?" the blogger asked.

    "No, I will not," Cain replied. "And here’s why. There is this creeping attempt, there’s this attempt to gradually ease Sharia law and the Muslim faith into our government. It does not belong in our government."

    Got the bigotry stuff down pat. He's perfect for the GOP. Oooooops, wrong color.

  20. brothermoonbat10:32 PM

    sistermoon said...
    "Please, tell me again why this is someone that young African Americans should emulate?"

    You are right. Self-reliance, hard work, and success are white concepts.

    The only way black Americans will ever do well is if the government provides all our needs.

  21. Kudos to the young future engineers in West Philly.

    Just goes to show that given a chance and a clear opportunity, inner city black kids can do as well as anyone.

  22. Wesley R10:33 PM


    I think Tavis Smiley and Cornell West should get the Field Negro award for tomorrow, because they went on OReally?'s show and tore him up. The replay is coming on in 30 minutes.

  23. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Field, "Zzzzzzz"

    Knock off the bullshit. It is very interesting and one of them will be our next President. There is nothing boring about that. You libs are just jealous.

  24. Steve, I used to teach inner city kids and given the exact same opportunities as white kids, they're more than capable of doing well in tough fields like science and engineering!

  25. "The only way WHITE Americans will ever do well is if the government provides all our needs."

    There, fixed it for ya. Long live Dixie!

  26. sistermoon said...
    "Please, tell me again why this is someone that young African Americans should emulate?"

    Well, they could emulate the president who worked his way through school by studying hard and actually won the W.H. which is something Cain and his ilk will never be able to say.

  27. "Please, tell me again why this is someone that young African Americans should emulate?"

    He is not. Unless, of course, they want to be on Dancing With the Coons. :)

    "You are right. Self-reliance, hard work, and success are white concepts."

    No, those are Field Negro "concepts". Jigging is an I wish I was like de white man "concept."

  28. Queen,

    Congrats on passing your exam!

  29. Anonymous10:52 PM

    PilotX said...
    Well, they could emulate the president who worked his way through school by studying hard and actually won the W.H. which is something Cain and his ilk will never be able to say.

    Obama worked his way to the whitehouse with the help of social promotion,lowering test scores,affirmative action,racial set-a-sides,welfare, and racial quotas.

  30. Knubian10:53 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Well, they could emulate the president who worked his way through school by studying hard and actually won the W.H. which is something Cain and his ilk will never be able to say."

    Why, because Herman Cain isn't half white? A full blood black man isn't capable?

    You racist pig.

  31. Field,

    These goobers wish we were all like coon-servatives.

    Shuffling, compliant and dying for white approval.

    Ever wonder why these racists trolls don't hang out on black conservative blogs?

    They're already mind-fucked.

    Mission Accomplished.

  32. Peter Lewis10:56 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Just goes to show that given a chance and a clear opportunity, inner city black kids can do as well as anyone.

    Yes, well, it was probably rigged so they they would do OK.

  33. "Why, because Herman Cain isn't half white? A full blood black man isn't capable?"

    Wait a minute goober.

    You clowns claimed that Obama got elected simply because he was "black".

    Now it's because he was "half-white"????

  34. "Yes, well, it was probably rigged so they they would do OK"

    The cars were rigged or the competition itself?

  35. Knubian11:06 PM

    dumbtownsteve said...
    You clowns claimed that Obama got elected simply because he was "black".

    Now it's because he was "half-white"????

    Are you calling PiotX a goober? That was his idea that Cain couldn't get elected because he is 100% black.

    I'm with you uptown, I think Obama looks enough like a real black guy to use race to get elected.

  36. Anonymous11:09 PM

    "Self-reliance, hard work, and success" are conservative concepts.

    "social promotion,lowering test scores,affirmative action,racial set-a-sides,welfare, and racial quotas."

    These are liberal concepts.

  37. Peter Lewis11:09 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    The cars were rigged or the competition itself?

    Probably the judging. One would hope that these kids earned it on their own, but in Affirmative Action America, you never can be sure if the black person deserved what they got or it was given to them. It's sad because there really are some qualified, achieving black people, but there's allways that doubt about how they got there. That's just one of the evils of AA.

  38. Anonymous11:11 PM

    "I think Tavis Smiley and Cornell West should get the Field Negro award for tomorrow, because they went on OReally?'s show and tore him up. The replay is coming on in 30 minutes."

    That's a lie. No way did they beat O'Reilly.

  39. Anonymous11:17 PM

    "Why, because Herman Cain isn't half white? A full blood black man isn't capable?"

    Here's the scoop: Obama doesn't come from a lineage of AAs. Period. But Herman Cain is a full blooded AA, who relates very well to Whites AND Blacks. In addition, and this is very important, he knows how businesses work and what it takes to get our economy back on track. Obama doesn't.

  40. "Obama worked his way to the whitehouse with the help of social promotion,lowering test scores,affirmative action,racial set-a-sides,welfare, and racial quotas."

    But of course your pet negroes Cain and West recieved none of those things, right?

    I guess all a negro has to do is shuffle for racists and he'll get a gold star slapped on his head and told he made it on "merit".

    I suppose that's why they do it.

    So Massa can say "Good Boy".

    Like I tell my son, "just outperform them, watch 'em drool, contort and make excuses."

    They just CAN'T accept that Obama came out of nowhere and defeated more monied, established, and connected white opponents on sheer talent and intelligence.

  41. "One would hope that these kids earned it on their own, but in Affirmative Action America, you never can be sure if the black person deserved what they got or it was given to them."

    How about actual performance?


    Is ya stoopid?

  42. Anonymous11:23 PM

    "You are right. Self-reliance, hard work, and success are white concepts."

    Field replied, "No, those are Field Negro "concepts". Jigging is an I wish I was like de white man "concept."

    10:50 PM
    My dear Field, "jigging" is strictly a black concept. It's part of the black culture that EVERY Black does, or has done, to some extent or other, including you.

  43. Just watched O'Reilly.

    Smiley and West redeemed themselves.

    They WHUPPED O'Reilly's ass.

  44. Peter Lewis11:48 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    Is ya stoopid?

    No, you are.

    They made the semi-finals. They didn't win the prize.

  45. Anonymous11:49 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    They WHUPPED O'Reilly's ass.

    That must be true, because steve has so much credibility.

  46. Anonymous11:50 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    They just CAN'T accept that Obama came out of nowhere and defeated more monied, established, and connected white opponents on sheer talent and intelligence.

    We we can't accept are YOUR LIES steve.

    Obama raised and spent more money than McCain did.

    Obama had been groomed by his white Democrat masters for years.

    Obama was established and had major support from his Democrat masters.

    Obama had 3/4'th's the media on his side.

    With that he was able to con 52.9% of voters with "hope and change".

    The Obama con is over.

  47. Anonymous11:52 PM

    Dr.Queen, MCAT Killer said...
    Steve, I used to teach inner city kids and given the exact same opportunities as white kids, they're more than capable of doing well in tough fields like science and engineering!

    Then why are they cancelling advanced science classes all across the country claiming lack of diversity, only white and asian kids make it in and that isnt fair to give em all a trophy dimmies.

  48. Noam Chimpsky11:54 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Like I tell my son, "just outperform them, watch 'em drool, contort and make excuses."

    They just CAN'T accept that Obama came out of nowhere and defeated more monied, established, and connected white opponents on sheer talent and intelligence.


    How would you know how people act when you outperform them? I feel sorry for your son.

    And Obama did come out of nowhere, but he came with a lot more money than any "monied interests". He was and is the candidate of monied interests.

    And you clap because he looks black. What a dupe.

  49. Barry Soetoro12:01 AM

    "They just CAN'T accept that Obama came out of nowhere and defeated more monied, established, and connected white opponents on sheer talent and intelligence"

    Not looking so talented and intelligent now, is he?

    Maybe electing some guy with $800 million who came out of nowhere without checking him out first wasn't such good idea.

  50. Sorry folks, I was trying to watch the republican debates.

    I watched most of it. I watched as Rick Perry strugged to remain "with us" most of the debate, poor guy. I watched as Herman Cain softshoed his way into the hearts and minds of millions of white Americans, only to be slapped down by the GOP's pre-chosen nominee, Mitt Romney, and that loveable kooky gold-bug, Ron Paul. I watched as Newt Gingrich attempted to stay relevant among all of this, and I watched as Michelle Bachmann used her 22 or 23 foster kids as a political campaign crutch. Santorum bored me -- standard issue GOP talking points and nothing more. And once again, Huntsman seemed like the only relatively sane guy in the bunch, emphasis on "seemed."

    Congrats on your MCAT score, Dr. Queen. The resident trolls are just pissed you'll be making six figures while they slave and toll at their "troll-for-pay" gigs, to add with the supplementary income they get from selling their sperm and ovaries.

    And I would like to extend a warm welcome to Mr. Barry Soetoro to the Field Negro. I'm glad to see Mr. Soetoro take time out of his busy schedule to leave such a wonderful post that refers to himself in the third person. Way to go, Barry!

  51. Montgomery Burns12:59 AM

    These hipster OccupyWallStreet nitwits posting photos of their debt-laden lamentations online are targeting the wrong bad guys. The Wall Street bailouts and securitized mortgage repackagings were bad, to be sure, and I wouldn’t mind a day-of-the-rope for a lot of these cognocryptic leeches, but if you look at the OWS complaints you’ll see that a common thread is the neck-deep debt they’ve incurred from student loans.

    Yo, braheems, word of advice: you should be directing your righteous rage against the professors, faculty and admin of your chosen school of hard ownage. You went there, they gave you a shitty, useless libtarts degree and saddled you with mounds of debt. You compounded that debt because the college experience just wouldn’t be intellectual enough if you didn’t splurge on status whoring necessities like $5 lattes and Macbook pros. Now the world is changing with smart and industrious billion-plus Chinese coming on board to gut the value of your social media relations dreamjobs that you and the rest of the country wants and you’re pissed about it. Truth is, the university system is the droid you’re looking for.

    But no, you’ll obey your leftie professors’ marching orders and fall back on tired old protest cliches, railing against the finance fat cats when the more pertinent oppressors (in your cases) are the monopolists who run academia and the federal government which subsidizes their bust-the-inflation curve tuition hike increases with giveaway loan programs. Coupled with the credentialist zeitgeist pushing idiots into college and open borders human capital depreciation that devalues vocational work and college degrees alike, the academia fleecing steamrolls through your future. And you lash out impotently.


  52. Anonymous2:13 AM

    The Creation of The Liberal

    Think about the people you know who have low self-esteem. We’ll call that person The Patient. The Patient does not see value in himself. He does not consider himself worthy of advancement, of self-transcendence, or self-actualization. Instead, The Patient believes he is a bad person, undeserving of success, love, wealth, or happiness. He comes to believe, therefore, that any effort he exerts on his own behalf is doomed to fail because he is such a bad person and does not deserve any success.

    But there is this tiny little voice — the ego — that just won’t stand for this self-flagellation. So the ego projects The Patient’s self-hate onto The Other as a defense mechanism. They project the self-hate onto the person who is happy, wealthy, successful, and loved. Now, it is The Other who becomes the object of hate. “Why should he have everything? What has he done to deserve all this? I’m not the bad person, he is.” As a friend’s Facebook quote said just today, “Haters don’t really hate you, they hate themselves because you are a reflection of what they wish to be.”

    Then, as the pathology deepens, the projection distorts further. Now The Other is actually the cause of The Patient’s unhappiness because The Patient’s ego refuses to accept the truth that The Patient himself is the cause of his own unhappiness. Blame cannot be taken! The Patient becomes The Victim. The Other is demonized — literally transformed into a demon, an evil entity. The Other is called names. The Other is dehumanized. The Patient now self-righteously, and in the name of all that is good and just, actively seeks to destroy The Other. To punish It. To take away what It has by force. Because by destroying The Other, The Patient believes the source of their suffering will be removed.

    Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you The Liberal.

  53. Anonnymous 2:13,

    Yes, you've found your copy and paste buttons!

    Congratulations, that makes you among the smartest 1% of right-wing nutjobs who post here.

    You've actually found a piece on another website...



    or here...


    and perhaps you found it here...


    ...and worked out how to post it here as if it's a product of your own brain.

    Very good, you are learning fast.

    Next week, if you are a good boy, I'll teach you all about plagiarism.

  54. Oh my! PC, you mean to tell me that Anon @2:13AM is a plagerist? Who knew that wingnuts could do such a thing. :)

    Mack, I was going to do a post about the debate, but I think you just did it for me. Good job!

    " He does not consider himself worthy of advancement, of self-transcendence, or self-actualization. Instead, The Patient believes he is a bad person, undeserving of success, love, wealth, or happiness. He comes to believe, therefore, that any effort he exerts on his own behalf is doomed to fail because he is such a bad person and does not deserve any success."

    What a bunch of balderdash. First of all, the progressive is trying to make the patient better, ---regardless of what he thinks of himself.-- The wingnut, on the other hand, wants the patient to die.

    It's really that simple.

  55. Anonymous8:10 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Anonnymous 2:13,

    Yes, you've found your copy and paste buttons!

    Congratulations, that makes you among the smartest 1% of right-wing nutjobs who post here.

    You've actually found a piece on another website...



    or here...


    and perhaps you found it here...


    ...and worked out how to post it here as if it's a product of your own brain.

    Very good, you are learning fast.

    Next week, if you are a good boy, I'll teach you all about plagiarism.

    Purple Cow, as can be expected from one such as you, you just completely solidified the entire point of the post, by being who you are and displaying your liberal physcosis.

    How witty you are in your thoughts on the matter and summing up quickly by your words and thoughts you believe :

    -Nothing on the content.
    -You are very intelligent, you managed to figure out this posting was a conspiracy. But you outsmarted the poster. You are smart and know how to use google found the source and you prove your intelligence by using the old wasteful point of "look, you copy and pasted - Pointless but a talking point when all other intelligence is lacking
    -You are very intelligent and undoubtably superior because despite an obvious attempt to trick you, you headed off a serious attempt to steal someone else's work and gain credit, surely that was the entire reason for the post as it seems to be the only reason for your reply.
    You did this again unerringly with a quick eye and deep thought and determined that Mr Anon Anon wanted the writing credit added to his resume. How witty of you to foil that plot.

    Again, you unerringly proved the entire point of the post by being a vacous example of it's content.

    Now I could sign off with a smarmy useless remark such as the one you did regarding "teaching about plagiarism" severely straining your vocabulary definition, but I won't, it isn't necessary. No one can get you to be an internalist as opposed to an externalist but you.

  56. Anonymous8:34 AM

    What a bunch of balderdash. First of all, the progressive is trying to make the patient better, ---regardless of what he thinks of himself.-- The wingnut, on the other hand, wants the patient to die.

    It's really that simple.

    How droll and extreme - you as the liberal ARE the patient as I am sure you know, so as a liberal point you equate encouraging self confidence, self worth and self respect with a person knowing they certainly can determine the state of thier being by determined personal actions, as wanting someone to die.

    Point of the article again driven home deeply.

  57. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Field said:
    "First of all, I wouldn't travel to Romania if someone told me that there was a million dollars in unmarked bills waiting for me at the airport in Bucharest."

    What an ignorant thing to say.

  58. Anonymous8:53 AM

    PilotX said...
    "The only way WHITE Americans will ever do well is if the government provides all our needs."

    There, fixed it for ya. Long live Dixie!

    oiy so YT aint livin dat superior shit you say good...canxcle all de programs now we teach them YT's we aint gonna pay for they govnt progams anymores!!!

  59. how many trillions of persons have hobama and his banksters murdered globally???...

    literally/emotionally/financially/spiritually etc???????

    hobama and his wall st posse make the koch bros look like amateur paupers!!!

    ask halliburton/BP/solyndra/goldman sachs...


  60. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Hey speaking of debates, does anyone know when the democratic debates start? I know Obama has been on the road campaigning for months, really looking forward to seeing who else is being put forward to give us some options, although Obama is gonna have an edge with taxpayer funded campaign donations for sure.

  61. that bankster hobama is a smoother glossier trickier clone of herman cain

    with more money and more curses exclusively for black sheeple

    and better telemprompters


    While I won’t go into all the reasons that Cain is wrong in his statements on racism, the truth is that Cain seems to be building his campaign by making one eyebrow raising statement after another. In fact, he has become the shock jock of the Republican Party.

    Being a shock jock is great for the radio and selling books, but it’s not the stuff that makes one into a serious Commander-in-Chief. Even within the Republican ranks, Cain’s candidacy merely deflects attention away from the flaws of more serious contenders, like Rick Perry’s love for the Confederate flag and all the other things that make Republicans just so darn interesting. But when the dust settles and the smoke clears, Republican leadership will ask Cain to walk off the track in the same way the pace setter is removed after the first two laps of a big Olympic race.

    Cain has also made a career of hurling insults at Black people that no white man could ever get away with. His words have not been measured or diplomatic enough to garner broad-based support, and are about as sloppy and ignorant as a man killing a fly with a shotgun. Most of his comments are not the kinds of things he could say about other ethnic groups; if he were to say that all Jews were brainwashed (as he said about African Americans), he’d be off the stage before finishing his sentence.


  62. Anonymous9:38 AM

    This hate crime won't get much national media coverage and field won't do any posting about it.

    Brave black males mock,spit on, than punch mentally disabled woman.

    But it’s difficult to watch. A woman who appears mentally impaired is punched in the face.
    It all started while she stood in front of a doughnut shop where she is taunted by a group of guys who sound as if they’re spitting on her.

    Then she’s shoved in the face and laughed at.

    After that she snaps and chases her attackers, asking why they’re hurting her.

    “Why you slapping me, huh?” she can be heard asking.

    After that a man punches her in the face, knocking her to the ground, where she can be heard moaning.


  63. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Ultimately violence will be necessary, says Occupy L.A. speaker

    One of the speakers said the solution is nonviolent movement. No, my friend. I’ll give you two examples: French Revolution, and Indian so-called Revolution.
    Gandhi, Gandhi today is, with respect to all of you, Gandhi today is a tumor that the ruling class is using constantly to mislead us. French Revolution made fundamental transformation. But it was bloody.
    India, the result of Gandhi, is 600 million people living in maximum poverty.
    So, ultimately, the bourgeoisie won’t go without violent means. Revolution! Yes, revolution that is led by the working class.
    Long live revolution! Long live socialism!


  64. 200 mil is LESS than pocket change for the elitist drone hobama and his super rich global trillionaire banksters

    mccain slew hobama by 20+ pts in AR in 2008
    and a repub will win this red state again

    due to the miserably failed bankster hobama...

    the poor state of AR will only prove that hobama created MILLIONS more cloned voters in NEWLY blood red states!!!

    The Koch brothers plan to spend $200 million on elections in 2012 to buy a majority for their anti-tax, anti-regulation, anti-poor political agenda.

    They've long been up and running in Arkansas, with a front group, Americans for Prosperity, busily working in effective coordination with the Arkansas Republican Party to win a majority in the Arkansas legislature and sweep congressional elections.

    The Kochs and like-minded wealthy Republicans demonstrated what a fairly modest sum can achieve in Arkansas legislative elections in 2010. With $10,000, a candidate in rural Arkansas with a little voter ID work and some hot-button direct mail (Baby Killer Democrats! The Queers are Taking Over! Clean air rules will take your jobs!) can do wonders, particularly against a less-sophisticated good old boy riding his name recognition and little else. That seat representing the Yellville area (PETA is coming!) is worth exactly as much as a seat for a liberal warren of Fayetteville or Little Rock and much cheaper to purchase.




  65. if you have 2 bowls of feces
    and you wrap one in pretty blue paper
    you still have 2 bowls of feces

    ditto 4 hobama and herman

    ron paul 2012!!!!!

    He only comes by with flowers when he wants something and in spite of his consistent disrespect and actions to the contrary, the mistress believes that deep down, he really loves her. When she expresses her concern about the love not being mutual, he tells her to stop complaining and support him in protecting his reputation. She accepts his stern admonishment because she's simply grateful that he even stopped by to say hello and might even consider his words to be reflective of tough love. After all, she shouldn't put any additional pressure on him because his wife is giving him such a hard time already.

    The political argument is simple: To whom much is given, much is required. President Obama received unprecedented support from black America in large part, because of the color of his skin. Had he been white, millions of black folks would not have rallied for him, organized on his behalf or took time off to go vote for him. Therefore, it is only logical that those who went the extra mile for their president expect and demand that he go the extra mile for them. Going the extra mile means not just showing up when he needs something (notice the special attention black folks have received since election season began), but having the same degree of integrity, faith and commitment in us that we are expected to have toward the White House. Yes, the Republicans are giving President Obama a hard time, but millions of black people are being hammered by racism themselves and they didn't use that as an excuse for not showing up on election day.

    So, if the White House expects black America to treat Obama differently from the way they would treat a white politician, it is only logical that we expect the same. One of the tenets of racial inequality is the idea that black people should be complacent with being treated worse than others treat us: For example, whites are allowed to moan to President Obama all day about 8 percent unemployment, but black people are told to "stop complaining" about nearly 17 percent unemployment. Do we realize how sick it is that we allow others to say and do things that we cannot do ourselves? So, when President Obama gives a speech before a group of white folks and says "stop complaining," then I'll be satisfied. But until then, we might want to reconsider accepting our role as President Obama's political mistress.


  66. Dear anonymous of 08:10,

    I genuinely feel sorry for you, I really do.

    Why is your life such a disappointment to you? Is it that you are humiliated daily in your work? Is that girls cross the street when they see you coming? Do you support the Minnesota Timberwolves?

    Whatever it is, you need to start working on improving your feelings of worthlessness. Is this life really what you wanted for yourself when you were a kid?

    "When I grow up I want to spend all my days telling people I don't know, and never will meet, how much I hate them."

    That's pretty tragic doncha think?

    Draw a straight line from your life now, back to that little kid playing in the park. How do you think he would feel if he could see the empty, sad life you lead now?

    If this is entertainment for you, how shallow and meaningless must your life be??

    I don't even want to think about the living nightmare that is your sad little life.

    Get well soon, my new, sad little friend.

    I'm here to help if you need me.

  67. Cowboy Carl10:27 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Next week, if you are a good boy, I'll teach you all about plagiarism.

    Plagiarism is the act of taking credit for what someone else has written, which is hard to do when you post anonymously.

    What a pompous, preening fool you are.

  68. hobama = endless hoaxes & endless bilkings


    SunPower: Twice As Bad As Solyndra, Twice As Bad For ObamaCongressman's son lobbied for failing solar panel company

    A photovoltaic solar panel ranch similar to the California Solar Valley Ranch under construction by SunPower in the state's San Luis Obispo County. The $1.2 billion loan guarantee to support the project was finalized in hours before the loan program expired Sept. 30. The company announced Aug. 5 that it will build the panels for the ranch at a new factory it will open in Mexico.

    How did a failing California solar company, buffeted by short sellers and shareholder lawsuits, receive a $1.2 billion federal loan guarantee for a photovoltaic electricity ranch project—three weeks after it announced it was building new manufacturing plant in Mexicali, Mexico, to build the panels for the project.

    The company, SunPower (SPWR-NASDAQ), now carries $820 million in debt, an amount $20 million greater than its market capitalization. If SunPower was a bank, the feds would shut it down. Instead, it received a lifeline twice the size of the money sent down the Solyndra drain.

    Two men with insight into the process are SunPower rooter Rep. George R. Miller III, (D.-Calif.), the senior Democrat on the House Education and Workforce Committee and the co-chairman of the Democratic Steering and Policy Committee, and his SunPower lobbyist son, George Miller IV.

    Miller the Elder is a strong advocate for SunPower, which converted an old Richmond, Calif., Ford plant in his district to a panel-manufacturing facility.




  69. Plagiarism is the act of taking credit for what someone else has written, which is hard to do when you post anonymously.

    Oh pur-leaze!! how desperate are you?

    Pity you didn't take the time to read what I actually said.

  70. ron paul 2012!!!

    But now that we have found and we have gotten an audit, we have found out an awful lot on how special businesses get bailed out -- Wall Street, the banks, and special companies, foreign governments. And you said that you advise those of us who were concerned, and you belittled -- you say call up the Federal Reserve and just ask them. ... Do you still stick by this, that that this is frivolous, or do you think it's very important? Sixty-four percent of the American people want a full audit of the Fed on a regular basis."

    Cain said that, in fact, he didn't oppose an audit, and that when he served on the Fed it was a different institution. "You have misquoted me. I did not call you or any of your people ignorant. I don't know where that came from," he said. "You've gotta be careful of the stuff you get off the Internet."

    A careful check of the Internet, however -- guided by the Paul campaign -- turns up audio of Cain saying just what Paul accused him of saying. As recently as 2010, long after the Fed began engaging in the lending Cain says he opposed, Cain belittled those calling for an audit.

    "Some people say that we ought to audit the Fed. Here's what I do know. The Federal Reserve already has so many internal audits it's ridiculous. I don't know why people think we're gonna learn this great amount of information by auditing the Federal Reserve. I think a lot of people are calling for this audit of the Federal Reserve because they don't know enough about it. There's no hidden secrets going on in the Federal Reserve to my knowledge," he said.


  71. Cowboy Carl10:56 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Pity you didn't take the time to read what I actually said.

    No one does.

  72. "Not looking so talented and intelligent now, is he?"

    More talented an intelligent than any Republican.

    What's their plan for economic recovery BTW?

    There is none.

    Both the President and Congress have no real plan to address the two biggest problems in America...the debt and unemployment.

    The fact is that the American political system is such a mess that it is beyond the ability of one man to fix it.

    Which is why my late mother who died last November said after the POTUS election in 2008 that she was glad she lived to see a black President but she knew she was going to hate what they're (the racists) are going to do to him"

    Just like Clinton disappointed his supporters, and righties are now calling George Bush a "liberal" after his failed Presidency, Pbama over promised and is disappointing his supporters.

    The difference here is that by Obama being black, his presidency becomes a referendum on the competence and value of black Americans.

    And the righties are going to make sure to brand him as a total failure so that another black person won't even think about being President for another century.

  73. Stanley Ann11:05 AM

    Which is why my late mother who died last November said after the POTUS election in 2008 that she was glad she lived to see a black President but she knew she was going to hate what they're (the racists) are going to do to him"

    The difference here is that by Obama being black, his presidency becomes a referendum on the competence and value of black Americans.

    And the righties are going to make sure to brand him as a total failure so that another black person won't even think about being President for another century.

    I see where you get your outlook from. And now you pass it along to your son. Sad.

    You are the one making Obama's success a referendum on the competence and value of black Americans, not the Republicans, who are looking more and more like they are going to nominate Herman Cain.

  74. Anonymous11:12 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Dear anonymous of 08:10,

    I genuinely feel sorry for you, I really do.

    Why is your life such a disappointment to you? Is it that you are humiliated daily in your work? Is that girls cross the street when they see you coming? Do you support the Minnesota Timberwolves?

    Whatever it is, you need to start working on improving your feelings of worthlessness. Is this life really what you wanted for yourself when you were a kid?

    "When I grow up I want to spend all my days telling people I don't know, and never will meet, how much I hate them."

    That's pretty tragic doncha think?

    Draw a straight line from your life now, back to that little kid playing in the park. How do you think he would feel if he could see the empty, sad life you lead now?

    If this is entertainment for you, how shallow and meaningless must your life be??

    I don't even want to think about the living nightmare that is your sad little life.

    Get well soon, my new, sad little friend.

    I'm here to help if you need me.

    Well, that was a hell of a liberal rant. You couldn't possibly know anything about me so it is quite clear all these projections of a sad life are your own and again you prove the essence of my post.

    It is so sad that you feel you are hated. Think clearly for a minute all those liberal emotions of inferiority you feel aren't real, they can't be, well at least in regards to my simple post, I don't take accountability for the rest of your life and your state of liberal self loathing. Anyway, think man, I don't even know you, so logically you shouldn't feel so hated and inferior. Now if the words in the post hit close to home for you, I understand your liberal externalism, better to blame me for speaking the truth than to own up to it - for a liberal. In fact this is precisely what the post was about wasn't it? How ironic, you clearly fit the bill and comically are a case study.

    So in all your "witty" repartee, all you have to offer is:

    -Useless internet chat room gobblygook - look he copied and pasted and I figured it out, you are so bright, who needs alternate energy?
    -You must be sad because you hate me - I don't hate you - Are you speaking to yourself?
    -Projecting your feelings of inferiority and putting forth false sympathy as IF I were to have a life similar to the one you seem to know very intimately and describe in detail.

    Thanks for feeling sorry for me and providing a living example so closely following the post of liberal self loathing, people might actually think I paid you to do this or something :)

    I swear everyone, I don't know purple cow, he did this on his own, he is a classic liberal who will now try and escape by saying he is not a liberal after all his pointless rhetoric.

  75. Sol Lindra11:12 AM

    Obama has received more campaign cash from Wall Street than any other politician in the past 20 years. Nonetheless, Wall Street bashing is a key part of his posture. According to the narrative he’s selling, the economy is tanking not because of the taxes, regulations, uncertainty, waste, and ham-fisted incompetent mismanagement he has inflicted, but because of those rotten capitalists who everybody knows are in bed with the Republicans. There are people dumb enough to buy this, or politically obedient enough to play along; they run the mainstream media.

    Ground zero for the OcuppyWallStret protest is owned by Brookfield Office Properties. Why hasn’t Brookfield cleared the park of the thousands of stinking socialist hippies who have rendered it unusable? In the name of “green energy,” the Obama administration is using taxpayer money to subsidize a New Hampshire wind farm that is a subsidiary of a hugely profitable company: Brookfield Asset Management, owner of Zuccotti Park.

    Why would a company created by a $3.2 billion company and backed by a $2.7 billion private fund need federal loan guarantees? That would be an important question at any time, but it is more pertinent after the bankruptcy of Solyndra, a solar-panel maker that got a $535 million federal loan guarantee from the Obama administration last year.

    If the wind farm flops, and investors cut their losses, the taxpayers stand to lose $135 million. What is the justification for risking $135 million in public money, especially on a company with access to so much private cash?

    By now it is apparent that the primary purpose of “green energy” is to launder money for political payoffs.

  76. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Purple Cow Said:

    "You've actually found a piece on another website..."

    and worked out how to post it here as if it's a product of your own brain.

    Next week, if you are a good boy, I'll teach you all about plagiarism.

    Then another anon and purple Cowz said:

    The Purple Cow said...
    Plagiarism is the act of taking credit for what someone else has written, which is hard to do when you post anonymously.

    Oh pur-leaze!! how desperate are you?

    Pity you didn't take the time to read what I actually said.

    So tell us purple, what hidden words of wisdom did you actually mean? If you are saying you didn't accuse me of plagiarism for posting an article as anon then what do you mean by "you will teach me about plagiarism" is this liberal speak? Enlighten me.

  77. Anon Goober

    "You are the one making Obama's success a referendum on the competence and value of black Americans"

    Oh willya stop?

    Every other word out of you goobers mouths is that Obama was unqualfied, only got elected because he was black, got slidebyes his whole life, never earned it.....in other words the same bull$hit you losers try to lay on any successful black.

    "not the Republicans, who are looking more and more like they are going to nominate Herman Cain."


    Sarah Palin will score 1000 on the SAT before that happens.

  78. Obama, the great divider, sent this email message to his supporters yesterday:

    "The Republican's strategy is to suffocate the economy for the sake of what they think will be a political victory."

    The Republicans in the House have passed tax reform and spending cuts that would have an immediate positive affect on the economy; all have been killed by the Democrat Senate. The Democrat senate hasn't even passed an annual budget bill in 3 years.

    When a liberal accuses you of something, it let's you know what they are up to. The Democrats relentlessy sabotaged the conduct of the War on Terror in the hopes of engineering an American defeat that they could hang on Bush. They ignored Republican warnings about Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, and caused the economic crisis that propelled Obama inot the White House.

    Now they try to accuse the Republicans of being as politically craven as they are.

    There are no words for how vile and despicable the Democrats have become.

  79. Stanley Ann11:39 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    Every other word out of you goobers mouths is that Obama was unqualfied, only got elected because he was black, got slidebyes his whole life, never earned it.....in other words the same bull$hit you losers try to lay on any successful black.

    Obama is unqualified, he did get elected because he sold himself as black, and he did get boosts all his life in part because how he looked. All of this is a matter of record.

    Herman Cain has considerably more qualifications than Obama and achieved personal and financial success eschewing the ladder of minority favoritism.

    The race has come down between Cain and Romney. If some of these other conservative candidates drop out, their votes will coalesce around Cain.

    So lay your money down, uptown. I am sure Sarah Palin scored higher on the SAT than you did.

  80. "So lay your money down, uptown. I am sure Sarah Palin scored higher on the SAT than you did."

    That's your ignorant racism talking goober.

    I read more books last month than PAlin has in her life.

    And I knew what Paul Revere's ride was about in the 6th grade.

  81. "Herman Cain has considerably more qualifications than Obama"

    Like WHAT?

  82. Anonymous11:50 AM

    PC has a lot of low-down insults doesn't he? What a jerk!

  83. uptownsteve said...
    "Herman Cain has considerably more qualifications than Obama"

    Like WHAT?

    Well for starters being more electable by all americans in 2012 so far, well true this isn't wholescale proof, everyone could beat Obama:

    •Perry beat Obama by 6-points, 42-36.
    •Romney had a slightly higher margin—he beat Obama by 7-points 40-33, but he did it with less support. He got less support than Perry, but so did Obama, and there were more people who were uncertain about him, which doesn’t come as a surprise—there’s clearly been a lot of dissatisfaction with Romney as the establishment candidate.
    • Cain barely edged out Obama 35-34, but he moved from 5 points down in the control group with the generic Republican to 1 point up. And this jump came entirely out of Obama’s vote.


  84. Anonymous 11:21

    I can't enlighten you that would be a waste of my valuable time. That's because you, and the likes of you are of course almost by definition uneducable..

    You are uneducable because the best part of you rolled down the inside of your mommy's fat, wobbly, thigh the moment you were born.

    [Or quite possibly the moment you were conceived, but that's a mental image I don't want to get into right now.]

    Here's the thing though. Your buddy the plagiarist tried to pass off somebody else's work (if you can even describe such shallow, infantile dribblings 'work') as his own. Anonymous or not is completely irrelevant in my view. I see no great moral difference.

    Here's the dictionary definition.

    "the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work, as by not crediting the author"

    Which is exactly what he did.

    This in my view makes him a plagiarist, and I don't give a kipper's dick what your Conservapedia or other such source of the conservative bollocks du jour* says.

    *Copywrite Dr. Ben Goldacre

  85. Anonymous 11:12

    In retrospect I think you are probably too late for therapy.

    I recommend suicide.

    Remember the knife should go up along the arteries, not across them.

    Let me know if you need any help.

  86. Anon-goober

    "well true this isn't wholescale proof,"

    Of course it isn't.

    It came out of your ass.

  87. This comment has been removed by the author.

  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. This comment has been removed by the author.

  90. still google skilless slacking/stuntin' stymie:

    i hate BOTH black stooges/hc and that blackish bankster hoax hobama


    research herman's bio for yourself u brazen lazy nig!!!

    hc's STELLAR academic and corp resumes make hobama's razor thin resumes so much THINNER that they become TRANSLUCENT!!!


    herman is a morehouse grad with honors/a military career/and a serial ceo at major corps

    wtf has that cia baby hobama done but hide all his alleged college transcripts/cia jobs/his entire life?????





  91. President Obama’s own work in 1983 for Business International Corporation, a CIA front that conducted seminars with the world’s most powerful leaders and used journalists as agents abroad, dovetails with CIA espionage activities conducted by his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham in 1960s post-coup Indonesia on behalf of a number of CIA front operations, including the East-West Center at the University of Hawaii, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and the Ford Foundation. Dunham met and married Lolo Soetoro, Obama’s stepfather, at the East-West Center in 1965. Soetoro was recalled to Indonesia in 1965 to serve as a senior army officer and assist General Suharto and the CIA in the bloody overthrow of President Sukarno.

    Dunham dropped out of the University of Hawaii in 1960 while pregnant with Barack Obama. Barack Obama Sr. left Hawaii in 1962 to study at Harvard. Dunham and Obama divorced in 1964. In the fall of 1961, Dunham enrolled at the University of Washington while caring for her infant son. Dunham was re-enrolled at the University of Hawaii from 1963 to 1966. Lolo Soetoro, who Dunham married in March 1965, departed Hawaii for Indonesia on July 20, 1965, some three months prior to the CIA’s coup against Sukarno. Soetoro, who served Suharto as an Army colonel, was clearly called back from the CIA-connected East-West Center to assist in the coup against Sukarno, one that would eventually cost the lives of some one million Indonesian citizens. It is a history that President Obama would like the press to ignore, which it certainly did during the 2008 primary and general election.

    In 1967, after arriving in Indonesia with Obama, Jr., Dunham began teaching English at the American embassy in Jakarta, which also housed one of the largest CIA stations in Asia and had significant satellite stations in Surabaya in eastern Java and Medan on Sumatra. Jones left as East-West Center chancellor in 1968.

    In fact, Obama’s mother was teaching English for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), which was a major cover for CIA activities in Indonesia and throughout Southeast Asia, especially in Laos, South Vietnam, and Thailand. The USAID program was known as Lembaga Pendidikan Pembinaan Manajemen. Obama’s mother, painted as a free spirit and a “sixties child” by President Obama and people who claimed they knew her in Hawaii and Indonesia, had a curriculum vitae in Indonesia that contradicts the perception that Ann Dunham Soetoro was a “hippy.”

  92. pookies rule the world

    and no kids/celebs are immune to their constant ghetto gat sagas



  93. Help Stop TNB12:37 PM

    This hate crime won't get much national media coverage and field won't do any posting about it.

    Brave black males mock,spit on, than punch mentally disabled woman.

    But it’s difficult to watch. A woman who appears mentally impaired is punched in the face.
    It all started while she stood in front of a doughnut shop where she is taunted by a group of guys who sound as if they’re spitting on her.

    Then she’s shoved in the face and laughed at.

    After that she snaps and chases her attackers, asking why they’re hurting her.

    “Why you slapping me, huh?” she can be heard asking.

    After that a man punches her in the face, knocking her to the ground, where she can be heard moaning.



  94. hsts:


    it is truly horrid

    those thugs are inhumane

    and millions of blacks are calling them out

    as always



  95. uptownsteve said...
    I read more books last month than PAlin has in her life.

    Spiderman comics don't count as books, uptown.

  96. Cowboy Carl12:56 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    This in my view makes him a plagiarist, and I don't give a kipper's dick what your Conservapedia or other such source of the conservative bollocks du jour* says.

    You can keep your kipper's dick you insipid little nonce. Why don't you initiate legal proceedings against Anonymous, that guy is posting all over the internet, millons of times every day.

  97. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Can't touch me.

  98. Anonymous1:20 PM

    "Jose said...
    uptownsteve said...
    I read more books last month than PAlin has in her life.

    Spiderman comics don't count as books, uptown.

    12:48 PM"

    Neither does Playgirl.

  99. Anonymous1:40 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Anonymous 11:21

    I can't enlighten you that would be a waste of my valuable time. That's because you, and the likes of you are of course almost by definition uneducable..

    You are uneducable because the best part of you rolled down the inside of your mommy's fat, wobbly, thigh the moment you were born.

    Oh the poor sad liberal is really has a case of self loathing, sorry but my mommy was and is still fit. She didnt have fat wobbly thighs. Why do you continue to reveal so much about yourself? Is this all you have? Your momma jokes? How old are you?

    Here's the thing though. Your buddy the plagiarist tried to pass off somebody else's work (if you can even describe such shallow, infantile dribblings 'work') as his own. Anonymous or not is completely irrelevant in my view. I see no great moral difference.

    Here's the dictionary definition.

    "the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work, as by not crediting the author"

    OK genius, whats the name of the person who tried to claim it was his "one's own work"?

    This in my view makes him a plagiarist, and I don't give a kipper's dick what your Conservapedia or other such source of the conservative bollocks du jour* says.

    No self loathing man, in order to steal something and represent it as ones own work, you would need to post your name and say it was yours, neither of which happend but in your infantile rush to compose a witty post with self loathing projection, you used a word you don't understand and now are trying to redifine the dictionary even though your definition tells you precisely what it means.

    Now, as far as kippers dick thanks for keeping that all for yourself.

    Aside from poorly thought out and executed false accusations, "your momma" jokes and vileness, you don't have a wit in your head and again you have demonstrated with your self loathing that you are a textbook case of the projection that caused you to comment initially.

    I am convinced someone is going to accuse me any second of being in cahoots with you, here I post an article about self loathing liberals and here you come and live up to the article by the letter, doubling down and getting even more loathesome on each reply.

    Now as to your latest post, I know you are projecting your own utter self hatred when you recommend suicide but I implore you not to seek this option, all you need to do is embrace reality, empower yourself. You can make things change, you don't have to envy and be disgusted with yourself so much that you hate everyone because you know you are totally inferior, you too can change and improve. Give it a try, before you give up and take the final act. This too woudl be selfish, think of the people that woudl have to clean up after you if you went ahead and slit your own arteries like you talk about. Try smiling, spreading some happiness, people don't like negative cocksuckers like you but you can change that if you reach deep down inside, try and accomplish something so you can be proud and smile instead of pissing and moaning all the time and people won't dislike you so much.

  100. Quote Cowboy Carl

    "You can keep your kipper's dick you insipid little nonce. Why don't you initiate legal proceedings against Anonymous, that guy is posting all over the internet, millons of times every day."

    I'll take that for what it is, an admission of abject defeat on your part.

    Oh, and you forgot the question mark at the end of your question.

    I'll be generous and give you a D-.

    Do better.

  101. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Purple CowDung.....I see no great moral difference.

    You see we can agree!!! To a self loathing liberal like you, morals make no difference. You wouldn't recognize one if it hit you on the forehead, let alone have the intestinal fortitude to sacrifice a little of your need for immediate gratification to even hint at being moralistic.

  102. Anonymous1:49 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Cowboy Carl

    "You can keep your kipper's dick you insipid little nonce. Why don't you initiate legal proceedings against Anonymous, that guy is posting all over the internet, millons of times every day."

    I'll take that for what it is, an admission of abject defeat on your part.

    Oh, and you forgot the question mark at the end of your question.

    I'll be generous and give you a D-.

    Do better.

    Wow, so you are not only self loathing you are are blithering idiot. No you haven't defeated anyone, nor is anyone competing with you. Only in your self loathing mind are you looking for some salve to soothe your self pity again by projecting your inferiority onto others. Your not very bright if you really think you can pull off actually posting the definition which we didnt need you to do anyway, and then lie about the very words you yourself posted. God I really do feel sorry for you, you have such disgust at yourself that you will go to any lengths to try and project that on someone else.

    And for the other anon I will answer the utterly ridiculous thing you said about his forgetting the question mark...use your kippers dick instead.

  103. Quote Anonymous:

    "No self loathing man, in order to steal something and represent it as ones own work, you would need to post your name and say it was yours"

    No. you. do. not.

    Also you need a whole new schtik.

    Simply quoting my jokes back at me, isn't working.

    So while the committee was impressed with some of your relatively (for a conservative hate-monger) sophisticated word choice, we are going to have to fail you on two grounds.

    1. Repetition - just parroting my jokes

    2. Tedium - the whole 'self-hating black' thing has been done to death, by less imbecilic nutjobs than you - most notably Joe Goebbels and Coulter.

    So C- is the best we can do for you this time, I'm afraid.

  104. "And for the other anon I will answer the utterly ridiculous thing you said about his forgetting the question mark...use your kippers dick instead."

    I don't have a kipper's dick. I leave that sort of thing to white folks.

    Committee is even less impressed with this effort. It's never good to do your homework when you are in the process of losing your rag. Try and calm down before you consider submitting your next piece of work.

    D- You are cruising for a detention I'm afraid children.

    I've informed your form teacher Mr. Duke that you are both suspended from the school Cross-Burning and Lynching teams until your grades improve.

  105. Anonymous2:07 PM

    PC "Anonymous 11:12

    In retrospect I think you are probably too late for therapy.

    I recommend suicide.

    Remember the knife should go up along the arteries, not across them.

    Let me know if you need any help."

    11:57 AM
    Wow. that PC is one mean-spirited demonic SOB....such hatred, wishing someone would kill themselves. No respect for life, and not too bright in making such a public statement....Unbelievable!

    It's too bad PC didn't keep his word about leaving FN...Field needs to monitor comments that encourage people to kill themselves. This is an investigative train wreck waiting to happen..

  106. Cowboy Carl2:09 PM

    The Purple Fag said...
    Simply quoting my jokes back at me, isn't working.
    Jokes? You flatter yorself.

    But that's kind of your thing, isn't it? Parrot some conventional wisdom opinion you read (but don't understand) in the Guardian and then pompously dismiss contrarian opinions (that you also don't understand) through off-the-mark bigotted slams that betray your parochial small-mindedness.

    Carry on, cow. It's illuminating.

  107. Cowboy Carl - you have been warned, the committee is losing it's patience.

    Do you want to be suspended from the Cross-Burning team as well??


    But that's the course you are heading on young man.

    Your House Master Dr. Goering is not going to be very impressed when he gets my memo.

  108. Cowboy Carl2:15 PM

    You send memos to Nazis?

  109. Cowboy Carl2:18 PM

    And I was an All-State Cross Burner last year. No one is suspending me.

  110. Quote Cowboy Carl

    "You send memos to Nazis?"

    Judging from your hate-filled rhetoric, I naturally presumed you attend a nazi school. No?

    "And I was an All-State Cross Burner last year. No one is suspending me."

    Oh yes we are.

    What's more, your position in the school Jew-Bating team is under consideration as well.

  111. Cowboy Carl2:27 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    What's more, your position in the school Jew-Bating team is under consideration as well.

    I'm a four year starter there too.

    That's about as likely as you getting suspended from the master-bating team.

  112. Quote Cowboy Carl

    "That's about as likely as you getting suspended from the master-bating team."

    There you go again!

    Repeating my jokes.

    You have been warned about this sort of thing, but you have chosen to ignore the committee's warnings, and now you must face the dire consequences.

    I'm afraid the committee has lost all patience with you, and you are hereby suspended forthwith from The Cross-Burning Team, The Jew-Baiting Team, The Goose-Step Formation Marching Team AND the 'Let's Invade Poland' Club.

    Let that be a lesson to you, young Adolf.

  113. City of Baby Mama Love2:37 PM

    Hmmmm...let me guess....


  114. Much as I'd love to continue this witty repartee all night, the excitement of my cricket club's quarterly youth-coaching policy committee meeting awaits at 8 p.m.

    So I must quickly peddle off into the darkness, because I can't be late again.

    I wish you a not-particularly fond adieu.

  115. Cowboy Carl3:27 PM

    Really? I'm still waiting for any evidence of your wit.

    Try to keep your hands off the lads tonight.

  116. The Youth-Coaching Policy Committee4:21 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "Much as I'd love to continue this witty repartee all night, the excitement of my cricket club's quarterly youth-coaching policy committee meeting awaits at 8 p.m."

    I'm afraid the committee has lost all patience with you, and you are hereby suspended forthwith from any further contact with young bad-wielding boys.

  117. Anonymous5:05 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Much as I'd love to continue this witty repartee all night, the excitement of my cricket club's quarterly youth-coaching policy committee meeting awaits at 8 p.m.

    So I must quickly peddle off into the darkness, because I can't be late again.

    I wish you a not-particularly fond adieu

    The world has gone mad, this self loathing exposed liberal is going to meet with a cricket clubs youth coaching policy committee - If that isn't a cover for Nambla if I ever heard one. Now you have revealed to much so in essence you will have a handful of bats and balls while around young youths all evening deciding on policies, it's innocent officer really it is...what ID Glide...now, that tube is for when I get home...I swear officer!!

    and we give you a very fond cheese fondue - Love thyself, you will marvel at how even the least deserving can receive love and do not need to waste entire lives envying others.

  118. hobama = fail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  119. hobama has failed!!!!


  120. ron paul 2012!!!


  121. Quote Youth Coaching Policy Committee

    "I'm afraid the committee has lost all patience with you, and you are hereby suspended forthwith from any further contact with young bad-wielding boys.

    What is it with you nazis?

    Why are you so incapable of humor? All you can do is make lame attempts at recycling my jokes...

    It's no wonder there's no such thing as a funny conservative comedian. You guys just don't have a sense of humor in you.

    Maybe you should put yourselves on the waiting list for a sense-of-humor transplant. Try Cuba, statistically they are better at transplants than you guys.

  122. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Purple Cow, thread killer.

  123. Quote Anonymous 5:05

    "The world has gone mad, this self loathing exposed liberal is going to meet with a cricket clubs youth coaching policy committee"

    I'm not meeting with a committee, I'm a member of the committee - different shit all together.

    "If that isn't a cover for Nambla if I ever heard one."

    If you want to translate that sentence into English anytime, feel free. Not that I'll really care even then.

    As you well know I'm not a Liberal, Liberals are wimps. I'm a Socialist.

    But you knew that already, of course. This Liberal label is what passes for a joke amongst you neo-nazi types.

    "Now you have revealed to much..."

    That's TOO much, you dumb shit.

    T - O - O

    Was it with you nazis and education?

    Why don't you get yourselves some? Maybe with a proper education you would have a life worth living, and wouldn't have to spend your bitterness on this site abusing and vomiting hatred over black people.

    When you go to bed tonight think about your day. If you feel good about spending the entire fucking day, trying to dream up insults to aim at somebody who lives 5000 miles away and who you will never meet... Then you are fucked, your life is fucked, truly fucked beyond repair.

    If you feel bad about your wasted day though - that's good. Tomorrow you should set about repairing your life.

    "so in essence you will have a handful of bats and balls while around young youths all evening deciding on policies..."

    There are no youths on the committee you twunt.

    And I've got my C.R.B. diploma - have you got yours?

    I suspect not.

    "and we give you a very fond cheese fondue - Love thyself, you will marvel at how even the least deserving can receive love and do not need to waste entire lives envying others."

    Here's a tip for you, little man. NEVER post while you are intoxicated. You end up posting pseudo-intellectual shite like this last paragraph. It's not a good look.

  124. Quote Anonymous 7:54

    "Purple Cow, thread killer"

    Damn straight. Momma told me to concentrate at what I'm good at.

    But it's almost 1 a.m. now so I'm off to bed, and the threads all yours.

