Saturday, November 19, 2011

American suckers.

I think it was Marx who said that "Democracy is the road to Socialism".

"There was a time when the captains of finance and industry were proud of the label capitalist. “Forbes—Capitalist Tool” was a magazine popular with the Wall Street crowd. Schools taught about the benefits of capitalism over its biggest enemy, socialism.

Somewhere along the way, the enthusiasm for capitalism began to wane. Maybe it had to do with the fact that real wages were dropping and benefits were being slashed while the super-rich were whooping it up. More popular-sounding phrases began to take over. Countries were being pressured to accept “free markets.” The people who put up “venture capital” were called“entrepreneurs.” The magazine of multi-millionaire Steve Forbes became just plain “Forbes.”

Then came the housing crisis, the stock market dive, the jobs crisis, the budget cuts, the credit card crisis—in other words, the boom-to-bust crisis of capitalism that was inevitable in this profit system. The super-rich demanded, and got, trillions of dollars from the government to shore up their banks and other financial instruments.

But for millions of workers and dispossessed, the bottom has dropped out of their lives. More and more they are realizing this is the product of capitalism.
A national telephone survey was conducted recently by the polling firm Rasmussen Reports. It asked a simple question: Which is better, capitalism or socialism?

Just four months ago, in December, a similar poll asked people if they preferred a “free market economy” over one managed by the government. Some 70 percent were for the free market. But now, it seems, they don’t think capitalism is so “free.” In the new poll, two-thirds said big business and big government work together against the people’s interests. Now only 53 percent say they prefer capitalism over socialism. Among younger people, 37 percent prefer capitalism, 33 percent socialism, and 30 percent are undecided.

After so much Red Scare propaganda in this country, a lot of people are confused about socialism—although fewer than before. What if the questions were phrased this way:

Would you prefer an economy run by workers (socialism) or by bosses (capitalism)?

Would you prefer an economy geared to meeting people’s needs (socialism) or geared to producing profits for a few (capitalism)?

Do you think people should have a right to a job, a home, education and health care (socialism), or that the rich should have the right to fire, evict, foreclose, underfund the schools and deny medical care (capitalism)?" [Source] 

Republicans are always calling Obama a Socialist. He is not. In fact, he is closer to everything that they hold dear than to someone who is progressive in his thinking or leadership.

The irony is, of course, than under Obama wealthy corporations in A-merry-ca have become wealthier than they were under their great leader, W. The middle class has been shrinking for a long time, and under Obama, thanks to the disdain that those who control wealth in A-merry-ca feel for him, it has been getting worse. 

They sit on record profits and refuse to invest in jobs, and they outsource more jobs to other countries, causing more A-merry-can workers to lose their jobs here at home.

Don't expect this to change anytime soon. If things hold true to form Flipper Mitt will take the White House come November, 2012, and they will be partying on Wall Street once again.

Sadly, the folks on Main Street really won't care, because they understand that while the ideologues on the right celebrate a political victory, their lives will not change. In fact, unfortunately for them, it will only get worse.     



  1. Are you fucking kidding?9:03 PM

    "Somewhere along the way, the enthusiasm for capitalism began to wane. Maybe it had to do with the fact that real wages were dropping and benefits were being slashed while the super-rich were whooping it up."

    The question is why real wages are dropping while the super-rich (democrat donors, most of them) are having such a fine time.

    Maybe it has to do with the market distortions brought on by government control and crony capitalism and a tax code that disincentivizes American jobs. It was bad under Bush, but Obama has ramped it up exponentially with Obamacare, doubling the food stamp rolls, billions in free loan guarantees to companies owned by campaign donors, billions in payoffs to Big Labor, and billions in tax breaks for political allies.

    Obama's economic adviser, Jeffrey Immelt, is the CEO of General Electric. GE paid exactly $0 in taxes on over $14 billion in profits.

    Meanwhile, just in the last week he has killed the Keystone pipeline and placed a moritorium in shale gas drilling in Ohio, killing hundreds of thousands of REAL jobs in order to prop up his green jobs boondoggles.

    Obama is a socialist. It is also becoming clear he is an enemy of this country bent on its destruction.

    Motherfuck that.

  2. SocialismIsANightmare9:09 PM

    The most apt qoute on Socialism and Obamanomics and democratic views that I read. They are destroying the most fruitful country every in history.

    When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation

    An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had never failed a single student before, but had recently failed an entire class. That class had insisted that Obama’s socialism worked and that no one would be poor and no one would be rich, a great equalizer.

    The professor then said, “OK, we will have an experiment in this class on Obama’s plan”. All grades will be averaged and everyone will receive the same grade so no one will fail and no one will receive an A…. (substituting grades for dollars – something closer to home and more readily understood by all).

    After the first test, the grades were averaged and everyone got a B. The students who studied hard were upset and the students who studied little were happy. As the second test rolled around, the students who studied little had studied even less and the ones who studied hard decided they wanted a free ride too so they studied little.

    The second test average was a D! No one was happy.

    When the 3rd test rolled around, the average was an F.

    As the tests proceeded, the scores never increased as bickering, blame and name-calling all resulted in hard feelings and no one would study for the benefit of anyone else.

    To their great surprise, ALL FAILED and the professor told them that socialism would also ultimately fail because when the reward is great, the effort to succeed is great, but when government takes all the reward away, no one will try or want to succeed.
    It could not be any simpler than that.

    There are five morals to this story:

    1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.

    2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.

    3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.

    4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it!

    5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation.

  3. We need a third Party. And if that Party was Socialist that might be a really good thing right about now.

  4. Wow, there is a good chance that I might be the third to comment here. Big day for me!

    Field, I'm with you (as are, apparently, a lot of Americans).

    As to the first two commenters...

    Well, the first comment just used keywords and baseless accusations. "Obamacare!" "Destruction!" "Socialist!"-- Sigh, it's a remix of conservative talk radio, broken down to "scare" adjectives with verbs around them. No need to even address it, really (or respond when he inevitably starts calling me names for insinuating that he is dumb [which I did]).

    The second comment at least had some substance behind it, even though I don't agree with him (and let's face it, they are *all* (white) males, right?). But seriously, I have a couple of simple things to say in response to Socialismisanight:

    1) This comment he made:

    "When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation"

    I think this says much more about the commenter, and people like him, than it does Socialism.

    2) This comment:
    "You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it!"

    My response is: ...Of what use is multiplying wealth if it is not shared? I'm actually not trying to sell socialism here, but I am curious as to the logic of multiplying wealth. What's the point, then?

    3) Those poor students. Tricked by a professor that has a better handle on the cliometrics of economy than he does history. It's unfortunate that this type of oversimplified and out-of-context logic used on kids who are grappling with making a legitimate political stand probably for the first time in their life. Makes me sad. Mr. Socialismisanight, if you respond, please don't respond to this one; its too frustrating.

    I'm not necessarily a socialist, but I do see the merit in, if not the idea of sharing, then at least the idea that in a nation, we should all want to make each other better. Maybe socialism isn't the way, but can we truly say that capitalism is? It isn't. It is survival of the fittest. And while some capitalists out there might hail that as a virtue, I would say that it is the exact opposite of what America is supposed to be. America is supposed to be an "us", not a "me"-- and "me" is the foundation (and frankly, the moral expectation) upon which capitalism rests.

    I've read a lot of Marx, and I like what he has to say. I've also read Adam Smith, David Ricardo, and a host of other economists' work, and it is always frustrating to hear either people in comment sections or even other economists hail the work older economists with a "free-market" orientation, especially when, economically speaking, there has never been a truly free market in the United States anyway.

    It's all very frustrating stuff. I think that is what Field was getting at, by the way: whether you are a communist, a socialist, or even a capitalist, if you look out your window, you will find the less and less people think that capitalism is working for them anymore. This might explain explain why conservatives are trying to disenfranchise voters in places like Florida, Wisconsin, Tennessee, etc...).

    But the question is, how many people have to be dissatisfied with capitalism before we admit that something might be wrong?

    That's it for me, though. Haters-- hit up google and come back at me with a real argument-- and cite your sources! lol

  5. parvenu10:28 PM

    I hope to leave a reasonable comment on your post here that addresses youur subject.

    First of all the old traditional guardians of capitalism have all died out in America and they have been replaced by con-men, scallywags, and common thieves. The captians of American industry in the past constantly struggled to guard their unique fraternity from those interlopers who yearned to occupy the CEO's seat in America's most powerful corporations. The creeping internal decadence in the boardrooms of most American corporations opened the door to a new host of scam artists and confidence men to enter as interim CEOs allowing them to surreptitiously grasp the levers of power throughout American industry. These men at one time were known by the unique title of "Corporate Raider". Today it is the excessive greed of the current crop of corporate executives who boast of their "Raider" like attitude towards corporate goals and culture that has brought America to the current state of fiscal affairs. It is not a economic problem, nor is it a credit crunch problem, nor is it an unemployment problem. Rather it is a problem with a capitalistic system that has become so distorted and corrupt that it no longer can meet the definition of capitalism, American or otherwise.

    Amerca has never actually tried socialism on a nationnwide basis, so it is impossible to use socialism as a whipping boy in the current economic failure in America. The anti-socialist demagouges traditionally seize upon "socialism" as the culprit in any crises. However, as stated above blaming something that does not exist is only a game played for fools.

    World wide capitalism is deteriorating before our very eyes and unless a new generation of traditional capitalists can emerge to purge the capital world of the current group of entrenched self-serving crooks, capitalism will fail and the world will be driven into the bloody arms of endless war and savage militarism.

  6. "Meanwhile, just in the last week he has killed the Keystone pipeline and placed a moritorium in shale gas drilling in Ohio, killing hundreds of thousands of REAL jobs in order to prop up his green jobs boondoggles."

    Killing it was a good thing. Those jobs were temporary and the pipelline could potentially do more harm than good.

    "When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation"

    That's simply not true; half the people are working their asses off but can't get anywhere because the system is rigged against them.

    Still, these are some pretty good comments so far.

  7. Anonymous11:19 PM

    Wow, I want to attend that 'christian' Universitee. Repeating mindless drivel and hoperating that someone is as equally mentally deficient as the poster. Yup.
    Sorry, never-went-to-college boy...most academics are more interested in imparting knowledge than in passing on wingnut ignorance. Matriculate at your local Community College and learn this...first-hand.

    I love how the other writer conflates the idiocy of bush with the crony Legacy 'capitalism' and the policies of Obama that try to prevent an economic collapse. If he...and it is surely a a he...bothered to step outside his dogma, he might grasp the true nature of the situation. I do encourage him to ask more questions.


  8. Anonymous11:26 PM

    Here's a hint for you whites who thinkerate you am smart.
    When you lie that Obama is a are lying.
    When you claim he is a Kenyan, you are lying.
    When you call him a Muslim, you are lying.
    Why should I believe you after your tell those lies? Peel away those fakes...and all you have is that an AfAm kicked your Chosen Ones and easily defeated them.
    When he easily defeats the next R will you cling to wite superiority?


  9. Great comment at 10:28.

    I'm just wondering when the Tim McVeigh types are gonna band together and start a redneck revolution.

  10. Anonymous12:07 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Here's a hint for you whites who thinkerate you am smart.
    When you lie that Obama is a are lying.
    When you claim he is a Kenyan, you are lying.
    When you call him a Muslim, you are lying.
    Why should I believe you after your tell those lies? Peel away those fakes...and all you have is that an AfAm kicked your Chosen Ones and easily defeated them.
    When he easily defeats the next R will you cling to wite superiority?


    And another example of why Socialism aside from killing millions has never worked. It creates retarded people like Mold.

  11. Anonymous12:19 AM

    The author of this article is a prime example of a moron, who is so consumed by his sick hatred of others, that he is willing to enslave himself through it.

    Socialism, and communism, as Doctor King stated, reduce men to slaves, because without the right to self determination, a man is a slave. The facts are, that under socialism and communism, society is NOT controlled by the workers. In fact, the workers are reduced to nothing more than disposable cogs in the wheel, with no rights, no freedoms. They are nothing more than slaves in harness. There is nothing one is given for free, the worker under socialism and communism is a slave, owned by the elites.

    Every country that imposed socialism or communism has enslaved all it's people, and all become failed societies. Now, weak minded fools, immature, ignorant, morons will listen to elites telling him that if only he is willing to be a good little pawn, and put himself at risk in the 'revolution', he'll be kept fat and happy in his crib for the rest of his life. The same nonsense was told to equally moronic, ignorant, weak minded fools throughout history since the inception of socialism and communism, and as then, said useful idiots either end up dead or wearing the chains his elite overlords bind him with once he's served his purpose... but don't let that stop you..

  12. Anonymous12:22 AM

    The second comment at least had some substance behind it, even though I don't agree with him (and let's face it, they are *all* (white) males, right?). But seriously, I have a couple of simple things to say in response to Socialismisanight:

    1) This comment he made:

    "When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation"

    I think this says much more about the commenter, and people like him, than it does Socialism.

    OK you said something that means nothing with a inferred personal attack with racism used as an excuse. What does someones skin color have to do with anything? Especially in this context. Unfortunately your comment has no substance or context. Exactly what are you trying to say, say it. Do you understand the point? What do you have to say about the point without your socialist smokscreen and racist agenda?

    2) This comment:
    "You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it!"

    My response is: ...Of what use is multiplying wealth if it is not shared? I'm actually not trying to sell socialism here, but I am curious as to the logic of multiplying wealth. What's the point, then?

    Well, this sounds to me like you expect someone else to create wealth and then "share" give it to you. Wealth is not limited, you can create as much as you like, go ahead, do so. There isn't one batch of money out there that everyone needs to fight for. Why is it ok to demand someone else, sacrifice, toil, learn, improve and create a little money then demand they give it to someone who has not who has not? If we all are equal, than who will decide who works and who does not have to and how hard? Who will enforce this? Have you ever looked at a socialist real life example? Have you? How would you make socialism work? WHy have all socialistic experiments ended in mass deaths and starvation? WHat is your plan to make it different?

    3) Those poor students. Tricked by a professor that has a better handle on the cliometrics of economy than he does history. It's unfortunate that this type of oversimplified and out-of-context logic used on kids who are grappling with making a legitimate political stand probably for the first time in their life. Makes me sad. Mr. Socialismisanight, if you respond, please don't respond to this one; its too frustrating.

    History? What the hell does history have to do with anything. How did he trick anyone? He provided a clear cut situation of socialism. It doesnt work. WHy do you think if this model was applied in the U.S it would work and not fail as it has every time ever tried? Or are you just one of those fools who promotes socialism thinking you will be in the group that benefits at someone else's expense not realizing that things change and tomorrow it will be at your expense. Is this moralistic?

    I'm not necessarily a socialist, but I do see the merit in, if not the idea of sharing, then at least the idea that in a nation, we should all want to make each other better. We do, but with the fellow citizens commitment to supporting development of us all we are missing the commitment from us all to committing themselves to development and increased contributions.

    Maybe socialism isn't the way, but can we truly say that capitalism is?

    Yes it is. It has created the most beneficint country in the history of the world. Think about how many countries around the world will literally go hungry without the benefit of US capitalism. Have you ever thought of that?

  13. Anonymous12:22 AM

    It isn't. It is survival of the fittest. And while some capitalists out there might hail that as a virtue, I would say that it is the exact opposite of what America is supposed to be. America is supposed to be an "us", not a "me"-- and "me" is the foundation (and frankly, the moral expectation) upon which capitalism rests.

    No, your vision of socialism is the me against them. Again foolishly thinking that you will be in the group that benefits. Do you really believe that any structure will tolerate leeches endlessly and not cast them off for survival no matter how "socialist" it is? The incapable need help, the unwilling and lazy need a boot in the ass. If you do not contribute your qouta comrade, they will be around to see what else you can contribute to the group.

  14. Anonymous12:24 AM

    Almost forgot.. Perhaps the moronic author of this piece hasn't been paying too much attention to anything short of his reflection.. but virtually all the crony capitalism has been at the behest and with the help of the same corrupt democrats, the author of this piece has voted for, the worst of them all being Buttcrack HObama. Who started outsourcing all our jobs, displacing US citizens from their jobs, imposed NAFTA and MFN with China? Bill Clinton. It was all about undermining capitalism, in the US, by imposing economic genocide upon the American people. Capitalism isn't what has caused our problems, it's been the corrupting influence of the left's political agenda.

  15. Anonymous12:25 AM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Great comment at 10:28.

    I'm just wondering when the Tim McVeigh types are gonna band together and start a redneck revolution.

    Shut the fuck up you slimey sow. Why did you have to come in here and fuck up a decent conversation with your bullshit hoodrat shit. Rednecks aren't the ones against socialism, they are just like you and want dat goverment shit for free you racebaiting ignorant pig.

    You disgrace people who claim they are educated for someone who is supposed to have learned something and achieved degrees you sure sound like a little hoodrat bitch who never heard of the world outside her little projects in the ghetto.

  16. Anonymous12:27 AM

    Oh and Queefa for the last fucking time you are a twat ignorant angry negress you are clearly too dumb to achieve anything in life and you will never be a doctor. How old are you now? What have you been waiting for? AA old age action?

  17. Anonymous12:30 AM

    "Republicans are always calling Obama a Socialist. He is not. In fact, he is closer to everything that they hold dear than to someone who is progressive in his thinking or leadership."

    Yes it is true. Yet, how many people know this, and why not? I submit because he is a Democrat and is Black...not necessarily in that order. They obscure the reality of what Obama is really doing which is holding to the support of modern corrupt capitalism where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, while the middle class fades away.

    THAT is what is happening whether you are an Obamaholic or not. The result is we are all dying financially, unless you are rich. The Obamaholic excuse that he can't get anything done because the Republicans won't let him because he is Black just doesn't cut it anymore.

    I think back when Obama had both Houses ready to do his bidding and what did he do? He refused to move until he had bi-partisanship, which set up the meteoric rise of the Republicans and the demise of the Democrats who were ready to bring "CHANGE".

    I submit that Obama did that ON PURPOSE. For what other reason did he have? Every move he made while in Office was a groveling solicitation of the GOP when he didn't have to. He put the GOP ahead of his promises to the American people! That is not the mark of a socialist. It is the mark a capitalist who is owned by the super-rich.

    IMO, there is only one way out for the survival of most Americans: Socialism. But would take a civil war for the rich and their poor followers aren't going to give up easily.

  18. Anonymous12:38 AM

    "Maybe socialism isn't the way, but can we truly say that capitalism is?

    Yes it is. It has created the most beneficint country in the history of the world. Think about how many countries around the world will literally go hungry without the benefit of US capitalism. Have you ever thought of that?"

    12:22 AM
    Yes I have. Even in the best of US times, there were and still is, third world countries with children starving.

    Capitalistic materialists have no reason to give to the poor or homeless. There just isn't any incentive. Capitalists continue to prove that over and over again.

    Sure, they give a little here or a little there and then pat themselves on the back as 'givers'....such self-centered bullshit.

  19. Anonymous12:45 AM

    Field, I like the title of your post because it is very true. Americans have been deceived.

    But there is an old saying, " the deception of others is always rooted in the deception of ourselves." Nobody gets away with anything. It's universal law. What goes around comes around.

    However, when you are blinded by selfish greed you will miss this important law until it's too late. Yep. It's coming around and it's gathering velocity.

  20. Dr. Queen said,

    "I'm just wondering when the Tim McVeigh types are gonna band together and start a redneck revolution."

    Well, you got your answer. And the answer is: Exactly 18 MINUTES after you asked your question!

  21. Anonymous2:11 AM

    Yes I have. Even in the best of US times, there were and still is, third world countries with children starving.

    Capitalistic materialists have no reason to give to the poor or homeless. There just isn't any incentive. Capitalists continue to prove that over and over again.

    Actually, those who toil work hard and achieve by the sweat of their brow and improve themselves over the years have proven historically to be compassionate and giving to those less fortunate that is a fact. It is those who believe the world owes them everything that usually wait around for the world to deliver and cant and wont help others when they demand others help them and feel entitled about it. Someone demanding a system take care of them surely isn't going to be taking care of anyone else.

    Sure, they give a little here or a little there and then pat themselves on the back as 'givers'....such self-centered bullshit.

    So you want people to be forced to give you what they create and then not even have the decency to allow them to feel good about it and you call them self centered? The world owes you and should deliver and shut up and not feel good about the sacrifice they make? Is this so you don't have to be grateful for accepting the handouts of what someone else created instead of creating equally? You sound seriously deluded about your entitlement and what is owed to you. What have you done that makes you believe anyone owes you anything other than to leave you free to go bake your own pie as they have to in order to eat? Why should someone else sacrifice for you when you are looking to recieve but not give as well?

    Also, not sure I understand this thought. You want us to take responsibity for the world under the guise of socialism but you don't recognize that in places where people are third world countries and starving to death it is precisely because of socialistic policies. Someone in charge has the goods and guns to enforce what is good for the people - after he and his friends in charge take what they need. Please tell me what socialist country provides aid to Haiti? To Africa to help those poor starving people? How much did The Peoples republic of north Korea contribute to starving countries? Can they? Or are they eating dog and cat food to stay alive under socialist regimes? How much is Somalia and the like helping theri own people let alone the hungry people of the world? Why do all socialistic regimes result in slavery, murder, mayhem and ultimately starvation and failure? If you destroy capitalism how will you replace it and what model will you use? Will you enslave those who can create to provide for those who will not?

    Somehow I don't think you have thought this through at all.

    You seem to think there is a complete amount of goods of value in the world that are being hoarded and if forced to distribute equally we would magically be in wonderland.

    You do realize that the economy of the world is things grown, items produced, services of value that can be created etc? Wealth is not one apple pie - it is as many as you can many as you CAN and WILL and actually DO bake. If there were no paper money how would you survive, have to have skills of hunting, fishing, farming, foraging or another words securing and creating or providing a service to those who do have these skills. Now, if you don't have any skills can't hunt, fish or anything to feed yourself, than what will you do next? Become a criminal and force people to give you what they have created? That is socialism. So if they have bigger guns then they can force you to work on the farm and provide them with what you create, that too is socialism, how are you so sure which side you will be on?

    Socialism is banditry and you just may not be the bandit with the biggest gun if it all goes down the way you wish.

  22. Anonymous2:14 AM

    Dr. Queen said,

    "I'm just wondering when the Tim McVeigh types are gonna band together and start a redneck revolution."

    Sage replied, "Well, you got your answer. And the answer is: Exactly 18 MINUTES after you asked your question!"

    1:54 AM

  23. Anonymous2:21 AM

    "Actually, those who toil work hard and achieve by the sweat of their brow and improve themselves over the years have proven historically to be compassionate and giving to those less fortunate that is a fact. It is those who believe the world owes them everything that usually wait around for the world to deliver and cant and wont help others when they demand others help them and feel entitled about it. Someone demanding a system take care of them surely isn't going to be taking care of anyone else."

    Right...tell that to the American middle-class who are now poor. They worked their asses off and look where they are now. I am sure the 1% are eagerly trying to hell their fellow Americans. They are such compassionate saints. GTFOH.

  24. Anonymous2:28 AM

    "Socialism is banditry and you just may not be the bandit with the biggest gun if it all goes down the way you wish."

    You are absolutely right. Let's leave everything the way it is. Hell, we don't need a middle-class anyway. as long as the rich get theirs from the poor, everything should work out just fine.

  25. "Shut the fuck up you slimey sow. Why did you have to come in here and fuck up a decent conversation with your bullshit hoodrat shit. Rednecks aren't the ones against socialism, they are just like you and want dat goverment shit for free you racebaiting ignorant pig.

    You disgrace people who claim they are educated for someone who is supposed to have learned something and achieved degrees you sure sound like a little hoodrat bitch who never heard of the world outside her little projects in the ghetto."

    "Oh and Queefa for the last fucking time you are a twat ignorant angry negress you are clearly too dumb to achieve anything in life and you will never be a doctor. How old are you now? What have you been waiting for? AA old age action?"

    Some of you anons have issues.

    Field, the "S-word" is just a foster parent for what many conservatives really want to call Obama: the "N-word". One of these days, one of the talking heads in the conservative echo chamber will slip up and let their true feelings known. It's bound to happen.

  26. Anonymous3:43 AM

    Mack Lying, "Field, the "S-word" is just a foster parent for what many conservatives really want to call Obama: the "N-word". One of these days, one of the talking heads in the conservative echo chamber will slip up and let their true feelings known. It's bound to happen."

    Mack, those are YOUR feelings and opinions but they are far from reality. Get it? Just because such thoughts pop up in your psychotic mind does not mean that is what will happen.

  27. Anonymous5:02 AM

    mack u stoopid kunthead u need to keep ur nose out of grown folks bidness loser why u try to defend that ignorant shit filled kuntlicker kimdaqueef is beyond this anon or anyone wit sense that sow is not a doctor and has desecrated the title by claiming it without earning it any of u idiots who actually call her a doctor when she has not EARNED the title, and admittedly so, are fools she is nothing more then a gottdam loser and LIAR wit no sense her lies aint even consistent wake up and stop defending her shese nothing but goat shit!

  28. For the most part these are some great comments.

    Although I have to talk to the President of Anon. Inc.about some of his peeps ruining a very instructive and positive thread.

  29. "The middle class has been shrinking for a long time, and under Obama, thanks to the disdain that those who control wealth in A-merry-ca feel for him, it has been getting worse."

    That should read

    The middle class has been shrinking for a long time, and under Obama, thanks to his failed policies, its getting worse.

    I know you fn types can't blame your messiah for anything, but damn.

  30. Did anyone else catch the emotion and conviction with which the redneck revolution's president spoke in his VERY revealing ignorant diatribes 18 minutes after my last post, LOL?????

    Like the OWS, the FARTS (Funky Ass Redneck Toothless Society) who are credited with starting the Redneck Revolution on Field's blog, appears to be a grass roots effort to address the increase presence of people not washing their hair, smelling like wet dog, not wearing shoes or brushing their teeth, and purchasing Chevy F150 trucks. And while the later does help keep American auto workers working, shoppers of Piggy Wiggly's nationwide are starting to complain of unpleasant shopping experiences with people who have 10 inch callouses on their unwashed, bare feet.


  31. dr hood rat claims to be educated.

    What a lying fat welfare queen.

  32. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Sadly, how many folks on main street thought their lives were gonna get better with the elected of Obama?

    Obama gonna pay my rent!!!

    Obama gonna give us cash!!!!!!

  33. "Nappy_oldiecoon said...

    That should read

    My brain has been shrinking for a long time, and under the influence of meth, thanks to being born to a crack addicted piece of white trash slut mother, its getting worse."

    Yeah Nappy Coon we ALL understand your problem.

    Now go play in traffic after transform back into the president of FARTS!!!

  34. dr hoodrat keeps proving everyone who says she's nothing more than a welfare queen right.

    6 generations of welfare recipients indeed.

  35. "Nappy_OldieCoon said...

    I keep proving everyone who says I'm nothing more than a Redneck right.

    6 generations of dog smelling, Levi's overall's wearing, triple plaque teeth having, uneducated, trailer trash residing, hicks indeed."


  36. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Dr.Queen said...
    "Nappy_oldiecoon said...

    That should read

    My brain has been shrinking for a long time, and under the influence of meth, thanks to being born to a crack addicted piece of white trash slut mother, its getting worse."

    Oh so Queenie Queefa you are just like Obama, you had a white trash drug addict mom who let an African pop her and become a baby momma who than was raised by pedofiles and his granparents. At least you admit it and we know what your problem is, this explains why you can read and write, but not very well.

    By the way you still sound like Al Sharpton or are you Negra the Hut pretending to be like Yoda?

    "go play in traffic after transform.."

    resist we much?

  37. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Dr.Queen said...
    "Nappy_OldieCoon said...

    I keep proving everyone who says I'm nothing more than a Redneck right.

    6 generations of dog smelling, Levi's overall's wearing, triple plaque teeth having, uneducated, trailer trash residing, hicks indeed."


    Ah look at what our tax dollars fund, A person who claims she studied her entire life achieving multiple degrees who can barely speak the language and has very late in life now chosen a path that will wonderfully keep her in school and recieving tax dollar government grants for another ten years. So this is the best a "highly educated" negress can do?

    "Blessed, We are"
    "Go play in traffic after transform"
    "Triple Plaque teeth, having"

    Resist we much?....

    From now on to reward you for your efforts in thinking and speaking like a star wars refugee, Al Sharpton and having the world view of a hoodrat hoochie mama, "named, you shall" be after the one you most resemble - Jabba The Negress

  38. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Did anyone else catch the emotion and conviction with which the redneck revolution's president spoke in his VERY revealing ignorant diatribes 18 minutes after my last post, LOL?????

    I did, he obviously can't stand you and your dumbed down view of the world and was in awe of the intellectual contribution you made to the discussion about socialism by floating Tim McVieigh the age old democratic pro union lefty and the word redneck. Is this the best that your mind can offer?

    I want my tax dollars back from the colleges that supposedly issued you degrees. They obviously just passed you on, by voiding the tests.

  39. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Some of you anons have issues.

    Field, the "S-word" is just a foster parent for what many conservatives really want to call Obama: the "N-word". One of these days, one of the talking heads in the conservative echo chamber will slip up and let their true feelings known. It's bound to happen.

    Mack, do yourself a favor, if you can't understand a complex thought - stop trying to translate and reduce it to a basic grunt that is intelligible to you. It is ridiculous. What in the world are you thinking? People don't want to be like Korea - oh yeah, that's because they really want to call Obama the N word and it has nothing to do with socialism.

  40. Good try Nappy_Coon, but no one here is falling for your posts as Assnon.

    Boy, we ALL know it's you, LOL!!!!

  41. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Jabba The Negress said...
    Good try Nappy_Coon, but no one here is falling for your posts as Assnon.

    Boy, we ALL know it's you, LOL!!!!

    See, you are good, really good. You always know something no one else does. Wonder why? If only you could convince them with your adept articulation to see things your way, the world would be different.

    Anyway, glad you figured out the difference between know and no. You hang out with honest anons and you will learn more here than you ever did in "college" also, for free.

    Now go back to the trough and finish your chicken and pizza, it's feedin time aint it? I know, I know, feedin time is all the time for you Jabba the Negress

    Resist we Much...

  42. Anonymous1:07 PM

    "Then came the housing crisis, the stock market dive, the jobs crisis, the budget cuts, the credit card crisis—in other words, the boom-to-bust crisis of capitalism that was inevitable in this profit system. The super-rich demanded, and got, trillions of dollars from the government to shore up their banks and other financial instruments"

    Field, your premise is flawed because socialism caused the housing bubble. Just ask Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi and the failed democratic views and the hiding of the fannie freddie faulty loans.

    The premise is simple if you have a society of 10 people and 5 bring it food everyday and 5 others do not but eat just as wont last long. That is what your form of socialism is. With the gifts and equality that you are implying socialism provides there also will be stringent accountability -meaning, no free rides. If YOU did not invest the time to learn skills, do not have the capacity to perform a function , did not have the political connections to know a party leader, than you may just need to be a laborer to earn enough to barely eat and survive as laborers in the party are common cheap and not very valuable. But everyone must contribute to the society or be considered an enemy of the party. Remember comrade you must be a part of the party, not a leech on the parties essence, surely you don't think that if we had socialism a certain group of people could give up and not struggle to improve and achieve while other groups slaved to support them do you?

    I wonder where a large portion of todays Black youth will wind up contributing if socialism were accepted by more than the very small minority of far leftists.

    Without skills, with little education and drugs becoming a capital offence as in every other socialist nation you may be asking for an entire generation to be enslaved as general laborers.

    I mean those with socialist dreams hopefully have thought it through and realize that the party will not just send checks to people as is so readily done today out of compassion, but will issue ration cards and allotments and have a contribution balance sheet for work earned credits and determine what is good for the collective wether that ends your existance or not.

    Somehow it always comes down to personal accountability and capability doesn't it.

    Good thing is under socialism we will have almost no lawyers and ambulance chasers. You better not speak against the party, they will tell you how loyal you must be.

  43. Kingnut1:19 PM

    the goat bleated...
    "I've read a lot of Marx, and I like what he has to say."

    Really? Did you perhaps notice what happened when Marxist principles were put into action in Soviet Russia, Communist China, Cambodia, North Korea, etc. ad nauseum? How about when the National Socialist Party took over in Germany?

    Is kicking your neighbor out of his big house worth 100 million bodies?

    To understand why this is the inevitable outcome, you need to recognize that socialism requires that you give up your freedom. A socialist government needs the power to "redistribute" wealth. It needs the power to decide the supply and price of goods. It needs the power to determine how many people can pursue various careers and who will pursue them. It needs to have the power to determine how and where people live. It needs the power to control every aspect of your existence.

    This is called tyranny.

    Now matter how benign it may be in the beginning, being run by men, it is corruptible. And absolute power corrupts absolutely.

    Once you give up your power to the state, you can't ask for it back.

    The social democracies of Europe are not true socialist societies. The are market economies with well developed welfare states. Welfare states work best in smaller countries with very homogenous populations with a strong cultural work ethic (like Sweden). They do not work in large multi-ethnic (diverse) countries with varying views on the stigma associated with taking handouts. But wherever they are implemented, they eventually metastisize into a cultural cancer.

    Even in Scandanavia, the welfare states are crumbling. The European model was never sustainable over the long term. The importation of large third world populations with no adversions whatsoever in taking handouts has hastened the end, but the native populations would have done it on their own eventually. What has started in Greece and Spain is just the beginning.

    The best way for man to live is to live free. This entails a certain amount of risk that must be assumed by the indvidual, but such is the price. A society that maintains a high level of freedom offers the greatest level of peace and prosperity to the greatest number.

    I believe that the growth in the concentration of wealth in the top tiers of society is in large part the result of the rigging of the system by an alliance of monied interests and the government. In other word, such high levels of income inequality are made possible by the distortion of free market capitalism. A free market economy does not allow the government to shower billions to enrich campaign bundlers to make solar panels the market does not want.

    To the extent that our prosperity has suffered over the past half century is directly attributable to our growing restrictions on economic and personal freedoms.

    A more free America would have let the investors in Bank of America and Goldman Sachs bear the brunt of their failures rather than bail them out. A more free America would have let GM and Chrysler go through their deserved bankruptcies. A more free America wouldn't be picking one energy technology over another in an incestuous payoff scam of unprecedented scale. A more free America wouldn't pick winners and losers through massive subsidies and tax breaks for campaign donors.

    What we need is more freedom, not less. I do not understand why so many cheer the leftist call for more chains.

  44. "Really? Did you perhaps notice what happened when Marxist principles were put into action in Soviet Russia, Communist China, Cambodia, North Korea, etc. ad nauseum?"

    No, but I like what it gave us in Canada, England, and a host of Scandinavian countries.

    "A more free America would have let the investors in Bank of America and Goldman Sachs bear the brunt of their failures rather than bail them out. A more free America would have let GM and Chrysler go through their deserved bankruptcies."

    And how many jobs would that have cost us?

    "To the extent that our prosperity has suffered over the past half century is directly attributable to our growing restrictions on economic and personal freedoms."

    Protecting the environment and worker's rights is not hurting prosperity in this country. Greed is the culprit.

  45. Anonymous2:36 PM

    field negro said...

    No, but I like what it gave us in Canada, England, and a host of Scandinavian countries.

    Field, you are way off. Canada, England etc are not socialist countries. Hardly, they all have capitalistic economic system based on free enterprise.

    The problem is "diversity" in Canada minorities are extremely small with the Black and Latino populations a total of 3.5% for the entire country. The country is dominantly of European White ancestry. This means that working people taxpayer funded programs can absorb some of the "costs' of diversity. However countries like England are dying due to such diveristy and the evergrowing leech on the British Society.

    Socialism means that no one owns any enterprise, all profits go to the state for distribution. How long do you think that would last? What incentive is given to someone to struggle, improve, he doesn't get to reap rewards from any of his toils. Well, don't guess look at socialist countries. What you wind up with is a form of dicatorship and a favored class. Do you really think people who are poor and struggling due to capacity, skills and what have you would wind up better off in a ruling class society?

    Remember the ant and grasshopper parable. Here is the updated one that is precisely the belief you are promoting.

    The ant works hard, in the withering heat, all summer long.
    He builds his house and stores supplies for the winter.

    The grasshopper thinks that the ant is a fool.
    He laughs, dances and plays the summer away, preparing nothing for the coming winter.

    Winter comes, the ant is safe and warm.
    The shivering grasshopper calls a press conference and demands to know why the ant should be allowed to be warm and fed, while others are cold and starving!

    CBS, NBC, ABC & CNN show up to provide pictures of shivering grasshoppers, next to a video of an ant
    in his comfortable home, with a table filled with food.

    America is stunned by the sharp contrast! How can this be, that in a country of such wealth, this poor
    grasshopper is allowed to suffer this way?

    Kermit the Frog appears on Oprah, with the grasshopper.
    Everyone cries when they sing "It's Not Easy Being Green".

    Jesse Jackson stages a demonstration in front of the ant's house, where the news stations film the group
    singing "We Shall Overcome".
    Jesse then has the group pray for the grasshopper's sake, and reminds the group to contribute to his group, so that he can "continue the fight" for grasshoppers, everywhere!

    Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Ried and Field Negro exclaim, in an interview with Al Sharpton, that the ant has gotten rich, off
    the back of the poor grasshopper!
    Both call for an immediate tax hike, to make the ant pay "his fair share"!

    Finally, the EEOC drafts the "Economic Equity For Grasshoppers Act", retroactive to the beginning of the

    The ant is fined for failing to hire the proportionate number of green bugs and, having nothing left to
    pay his retroactive taxes, his house is confiscated by the government.

    Hillary Clinton gets her old law firm to represent the grasshopper, in a defamation suit against the ant.
    The case is tried in federal court, with a jury comprised of unemployed welfare recipients.

    Surprise! The ant loses the case!

    The story ends, as we see the grasshopper finishing up the last bits of the ant's food, while the government house he lives in (which happens to be the ant's old house) crumbles around him,
    due to lack of maintenance!

    The ant has disappeared in the snow.
    The grasshopper is found, dead, in a drug-related incident.
    The house, now abandoned, is taken over by a gang of spiders, who terrorize this once-peaceful neighborhood.

    The moral of this version? You decide but I sure as heck don't understand why liberals cannot see reality.

  46. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Protecting the environment and worker's rights is not hurting prosperity in this country. Greed is the culprit.

    So you need socialism to protect a workers rights and the environment? The rules of law EQUALLY applied to all without making exceptions as socialists do for favored groups would do this fairly. This is a tired old Obama Cliche and the greed is originating with those who want to be given freely and or have the government take what others have sacrificed a lifetime to achieve while they did not. If I start working when I am 12 learning how to earn, if I am taught how to save and that I need to sacrifice to pay for my improvement and schooling and be able to support myself, my family and my community knowing that it is hard and a struggle but that it will pay off and I do so for 10 or more years and start earning a higher amount with my self driven increased skills in my 40's and 50's. am I now required to support the person who never went to school even though it's free and paid for by people like me, that decided hanging out on a corner smoking weed was more important than the future? That decided screwing and having kids while still a kid was more important than becoming a responsible adult who could raise children? Now I am responsible for all the slack, lack of drive, laziness and bad choices someone else made? I am responsible for the way they were raised? Ok, put in socialism, the next one will make the same choices as the lazy ones and then before you know it, we are all incompetent and lazy, why should I go without sleep to work overtime, go to school and get a better job feed my kids peanut butter sandwiches to make sure I pay the bills , when I have to pass the guy hanging out on the corner who is going to take what I create later and feed his kids good food with my tax money that I have to scrimp to pay? Socialism will certainly cause a revolution but I don't think it is the kind you are thinking, those that can create will revolt and tell those who demand, enough. Here is the manual, go do it yourself.

  47. Love the cute updated "parable" but it is far removed from reality.

    The grasshoppers are the ones who work hard building the ant's home for minimum wage, while the ant gets all types of tax breaks and benefits that the grasshopper was refused just because he is green.

    The grasshopper's ancestors helped to build the country that the ant enjoys living in, because of the free labor and blood sweat and tears shed by his ancestors.
    The ungrateful Ant reaps all the benefits and now wants to pretend that he got where he is because of his hard work.

    Kermit the Frog has made it because of the extra hard work that he put in, but he understands the disadvantages of being born green, and he wants to bring attention to it so that A-merry-ca never makes the same mistakes that she did in the past.

    It's because of the work of folks like Kermit and people of good will that the story won't have the kind of ending that it does in your parable.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Um Field, I think you left out character from your story.

    Oscar the Grouch desperately wants to move up from his double wide garbage can and stupidly relies on the Ant to help him do so. But the Ant is just going to do what the Ant has always done and that is use Oscar for political gain by convincing him that he's on "his" side to get his vote. As soon as he's elected, the Ant is gonna run over Oscar's double wide garbage can, build an oil refinery in it's place, then blame the grasshopper for it's "green" initiatives.

  50. Anonymous3:50 PM

    The grasshoppers are the ones who work hard building the ant's home for minimum wage, while the ant gets all types of tax breaks and benefits that the grasshopper was refused just because he is green.

    Field, You are delusional. The grasshoppers are still playing x-box, dropping out of school and demanding government benefits to support the lifestyle they demand but refused to plan for and then when they try to find work can only find menial labor intensive jobs because they did not plan. Now should those jobs be given to lets say crickets from another country because the grasshoppers don't have the skills and don't want to do the work they are qualified for? Or even better, now you want them to not have to work period.

    History is bad, yes these grasshoppers ANCESTORS were mistreated, that has nothing to do with anything they have done nor do and is totally irrelvant. The Kermits are the worst of all, telling the grasshoppers they are right, go sit back down, dont work hard don't struggle, those who have money are lying, they didnt have to work for it, so you should have it too and I will get it for you. Another words double leeches.

    So the ant agrees with you now and plays with the grasshopper all winter long instead of preparing. What happens next? For you seem to have no comment on the fact that so many grasshoppers do play and seem to think that Kermit can sue someone into working and providing for others.

    Looks like slavery you were just alluding to in my eyes.

  51. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Um Field, I think you left out character from your story.

    Oscar the Grouch desperately wants to move up from his double wide garbage can and stupidly relies on the Ant to help him do so. But the Ant is just going to do what the Ant has always done and that is use Oscar for political gain by convincing him that he's on "his" side to get his vote. As soon as he's elected, the Ant is gonna run over Oscar's double wide garbage can, build an oil refinery in it's place, then blame the grasshopper for it's "green" initiatives.

    Yeah, the ghetto hoochie mama chimes in and makes about as much sense as well....a ghetto hoochie mama. Only in your world is the everworking ant the bad guy. I don't know anybody who lives in a doublewide as you contiually push as some type of self relief from who you are, but I bet you "no's lots of dem folks who axe's ques'tuns. What is your degree in again? Sewing?

  52. "Scratch a wingnut, find a redneck", ROTFLMBAO!!!!

  53. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Kinky and others,

    Never argue with an idiot, they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

  54. Anonymous4:43 PM

    It seems to me that there is this growing infatuation with Socialism these days. The very heart of it attracts those compassionate people into believing that this is the object of civilized society. I see it growing in political popularity. I see it growing in religious circles. I see it becoming a welcomed member of society.Socialism is basically a form of government that takes all the profits of a society and spreads it equally across its citizens. It looks real good on paper: no one is richer than anyone else; no one goes without a home; everyone has equal access to the goods of a society; everyone has exactly what they need provided for them; everyone is treated and respected equally.As I said, this all sounds great on paper. Problem is, in action, the deeds fall short of the intention. Here are my issues with Socialism:1. No CompetitionIn socialism, all classes of people have exactly the same wealth. No one has more than their neighbor. What this does is create a sense of security and comfort. When someone works harder than another person, the exact same profit is earned (in whatever capacity we call "profit"). Therefore, there is really no need to work harder than another. If one person carries more of the burden, or more responsibility - like a manager of a plant, or the head of a business - there is really no incentive to carry the needs of that particular position to its peak level. You have thus created a plateau for business achievement.2. Someone always takes over.Stalin. Chairman Mao. Fidel Castro. Hugo Chavez. Hillary Clinton. There's always someone ready to take the lead and decide what's best for everyone else.

  55. Anonymous4:47 PM

    There is a pinnacle; a peak representative of the society willing to bear the "brunt" of the blows for the "good of society." In other words, it turns into a dictatorship very quickly. With society in control of all the wealth and distribution thereof, the head of that society is the one in charge of deciding how it goes out. You have just created a despot. It might work out for a generation, maybe two, but someone will be in charge that doesn't want to give up power. It's human nature. Not spiritual nature - human nature. There are smooth talkers, and fast walkers. Look how our buddy Hugo Chavez has turned his democratic Venezuela into a dictatorship systematically. As long as the right procedure is followed, it can be done. When the government is in charge, there's no stopping the government's control.3. It has not worked anywhere it has been tried.The Soviet Union; Cuba; Communist China; North Korea; Vietnam - not one of these countries has succeeded without millions of deaths, outrageous numbers of starving citizens, or they just haven't succeeded at all. Stalin massacred his own people. So did Chairman Mao. Kim Jong Il allows his citizens to starve while he further isolates his country. Vietnam had millions of its citizens killed when the United States withdrew from its efforts to halt the spread of Communism. Cuba has refugees leaving still to this day. China is only just now viewing the potential wealth in modeling its economy along more capitalist forms. Socialism doesn't work. Not in the forms that have been tried, and not in the forms that will be developed.Human society, as a whole, cannot hold up in this dream of a Utopia. I'll admit it again - all these ideas about Socialism sound absolutely wonderful. But they have always fell short in action.


  56. Dr. Oscar Manana4:56 PM

    Ms.Queen, Moron said...
    Oscar the Grouch desperately wants to move up from his double wide garbage can and stupidly relies on the Ant to help him do so. But the Ant is just going to do what the Ant has always done and that is use Oscar for political gain by convincing him that he's on "his" side to get his vote. As soon as he's elected, the Ant is gonna run over Oscar's double wide garbage can, build an oil refinery in it's place, then blame the grasshopper for it's "green" initiatives.

    Yeesh. Please leave the parable creation, and the thinking, to the adults.

    Your vile bigotry and intellectual insecurity permeates everything you write.

    You will never be a relevant commenter.

    And you will never be doctor.

  57. Any one wonder why no one wants to serve blacks at restaurants?

    This happens in dr hoodrats hood everyday.

    What would Hugo Chavez do?

  58. Lugash5:02 PM

    field negro said...
    The grasshopper's ancestors helped to build the country that the ant enjoys living in, because of the free labor and blood sweat and tears shed by his ancestors.
    The ungrateful Ant reaps all the benefits and now wants to pretend that he got where he is because of his hard work.

    An ideology based on resentment can bring only misery.

    You are a victim of your own false reading of history and your inability to accurately discern the world around you.

    This false narrative makes you a pawn of those whose primary goal is the destruction of America in the pursuit of power.

    I am Lugash.

  59. Anonymous5:11 PM

    field negro said...
    Protecting the environment and worker's rights is not hurting prosperity in this country. Greed is the culprit.

    Whose greed?

    The greed of those who want their neighbors stuff?

    Your arguement is a strawman. The environment is doing just fine. Environmental initiatives today are being used by the left to control industry, not to "save the earth". These regulations certainly are decreasing prosperity. And what workers rights are being protected? The rights of national unions to extract money from them?

    This is nonsense. The Golden
    Goose of capitalism is being strangled by greedy socialists and you want to kick the goose.

  60. Anonymous5:16 PM

    field negro said...

    Love the cute updated "parable" but it is far removed from reality.

    The grasshoppers are the ones who work hard building the ant's home for minimum wage, while the ant gets all types of tax breaks and benefits that the grasshopper was refused just because he is green.

    The grasshopper's ancestors helped to build the country that the ant enjoys living in, because of the free labor and blood sweat and tears shed by his ancestors.
    The ungrateful Ant reaps all the benefits and now wants to pretend that he got where he is because of his hard work.

    Kermit the Frog has made it because of the extra hard work that he put in, but he understands the disadvantages of being born green, and he wants to bring attention to it so that A-merry-ca never makes the same mistakes that she did in the past.

    It's because of the work of folks like Kermit and people of good will that the story won't have the kind of ending that it does in your parable.

    2:57 PM
    FIELD! You're a genious! LOLOLOL I love this!!!! RIGHT ON!!!

    Cuz noblody remembers how the little green grasshopper was worked to the bone but denied anything and so had nothing in the end


  61. "Scratch a wingnut, find a whole buncha rednecks", ROTFLMBAO!!!!

  62. Every Republican may not be a racist, but every racist is a Republican.

    And every Black Republican is a TOM.

  63. ."Every Republican may not be a racist, but every racist is a Republican.

    And every Black Republican is a TOM."

    Come on Steve, Powell is NOT a Tom!

  64. And every disillusioned Redneck is a Republican.

  65. Powell is no longer a Republican.

    He supports Obama.


    Check out how the wingnuts are going to try and stop OWS.

    They are really a terrible lot...

    Back to my much needed day of rest....

  67. Actually Steve, Powell said in an interview last week that he's a Republican.

  68. So he's going to support Gingrich?

    Romney? Perry?

    I doubt it.

  69. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Field, I am very disappointed that you and your FN Negroes have not honored a legend in his own time, Regis Philbin-who has left TV. Regis has done so much for Americans. You Negroes could have shown some gratitude.

  70. Mindish7:47 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Every Republican may not be a racist, but every racist is a Republican.

    And every Black Republican is a TOM.

    What an asshole.

    That's why no one takes you seriously, uptown.

  71. Steve, Powell said last week he hasn't made up his mind who he's going to vote for. Honestly, if he were just 10 years younger (and could get his wife's permission, LOL), he could have easily won the nomination.

  72. no slappz8:09 PM

    GE Taxes, from the GE 2010 10-K:

    GE and GECS file a consolidated U.S. federal income tax return. This enables GE to use GECS tax deductions and credits to reduce the tax that otherwise would have been payable by GE.

    The GECS effective tax rate for each period reflects the benefit of these tax reductions in the consolidated return. GE makes cash payments to GECS for these tax reductions at the time GE’s tax payments are due.

    The effect of GECS on the amount of the consolidated tax liability from the formation of the NBCU joint venture will be settled in cash when it otherwise would have reduced the liability of the group absent the tax on formation.

    Consolidated U.S. earnings (loss) from continuing operations before income taxes were $5,078 million in 2010, $(212) million in 2009 and $2,956 million in 2008.

    The corresponding amounts for non-U.S.-based operations were $9,130 million in 2010, $10,207 million in 2009 and $16,814 million in 2008.

    Consolidated current tax expense includes amounts applicable to U.S. federal income taxes of a benefit of $3,253 million, $833 million and $651 million in 2010, 2009 and 2008, respectively, related to the benefit from GECS deductions and credits in excess of GE’s current U.S. tax expense.

    Consolidated current tax expense amounts applicable to non-U.S. jurisdictions were $3,258 million, $2,385 million and $3,027 million in 2010, 2009 and 2008, respectively.

    Consolidated deferred taxes related to U.S. federal income taxes were an expense of $2,099 million in 2010 and a benefit of $2,501 million and $836 million in 2009 and 2008, respectively, and amounts applicable to non-U.S. jurisdictions of a benefit of $1,167 million, $264 million and $499 million in 2010, 2009 and 2008, respectively.

    Deferred income tax balances reflect the effects of temporary differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities and their tax bases, as well as from net operating loss and tax credit carryforwards, and are stated at enacted tax rates expected to be in effect when taxes are actually paid or recovered.

  73. no slappz8:11 PM

    More GE Taxes from 2010 10-K:

    Deferred income tax assets represent amounts available to reduce income taxes payable on taxable income in future years.

    We evaluate the recoverability of these future tax deductions and credits by assessing the adequacy of future expected taxable income from all sources, including reversal of taxable temporary differences, forecasted operating earnings and available tax planning strategies.

    To the extent we do not consider it more likely than not that a deferred tax asset will be recovered, a valuation allowance is established.

    Our businesses are subject to regulation under a wide variety of U.S. federal, state and foreign tax laws, regulations and policies.

    Changes to these laws or regulations may affect our tax liability, return on investments and business operations.

    For example, GE’s effective tax rate is reduced because active business income earned and indefinitely reinvested outside the United States is taxed at less than the U.S. rate.

    A significant portion of this reduction depends upon a provision of U.S. tax law that defers the imposition of U.S. tax on certain active financial services income until that income is repatriated to the United States as a dividend.

    This provision is consistent with international tax norms and permits U.S. financial services companies to compete more effectively with foreign banks and other foreign financial institutions in global markets.

    This provision, which expires at the end of 2011, has been scheduled to expire and has been extended by Congress on six previous occasions, including in December of 2010, but there can be no assurance that it will continue to be extended.

    In the event the provision is not extended after 2011, the current U.S. tax imposed on active financial services income earned outside the United States would increase, making it more difficult for U.S. financial services companies to compete in global markets.

    If this provision is not extended, we expect our effective tax rate to increase significantly after 2012.

  74. no slappz8:16 PM

    field the bonehead said:

    Killing it was a good thing. Those jobs were temporary and the pipelline could potentially do more harm than good.

    EVERY construction job is TEMPORARY, you moron.

    I repeat:

    EVERY construction job is TEMPORARY, you moron.

    But the consumption of oil and gas is PERMANENT. It will continue until the cost of hydrocarbons is out of reach of EVERYONE.

    Your comment is incontestable evidence that you're stupid.

  75. no slappz8:19 PM

    brooklyn the moron said:

    Check out how the wingnuts are going to try and stop OWS.

    OWS has already collapsed. In NY City -- it's over.

    But you dopes who believe these goofballs were accomplishing something are too lame to see the obvious.

    And Obama is FAILING more spectacularly every day.

  76. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Brooklyn, "Back to my much needed day of rest...."

    What restaurant do you work at and how's business there?

  77. Field, I am very disappointed that you and your FN Negroes have not honored a legend in his own time, Regis Philbin-who has left TV. Regis has done so much for Americans. You Negroes could have shown some gratitude.

    You've been posting this shit for days now and this is the first time you got the man's name right.

    STFU when grown folks are talking.

    Great parable Field.

  78. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Field, I am very disappointed that you and your FN Negroes have not honored a legend in his own time, Regis Philbin-who has left TV. Regis has done so much for Americans. You Negroes could have shown some gratitude.
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Just what has Regis done that's so great?? and as for Kelly,is she still looking like a skeleton or has she put on some weight?

  79. "You are a victim of your own false reading of history and your inability to accurately discern the world around you."

    Sorry,I am not a victim, and I think that my reading of the world around me is dead on.

    slappy, I will not address you again until you pass the PE.

    But here is a great article on the scam known as the Keystone Pipeline:
