Sunday, November 20, 2011

No love from the NASCAR crowd.

What ever possessed Mrs. O and Second Lady Jill Biden to cause them to go to a NASCAR event? NASCAR?!! Still, I have to give them credit for trying to reach out to our single digit IQ friends.

  "First Lady Michelle Obama and Second Lady Jill Biden were booed at the Homestead-Miami Speedway Sunday, where they were present to Grand Marshal the final races of the NASCAR Sprint Cup.

They were also visiting to raise support for a White House initiative that encourages businesses to hire veterans." [Source]

Okay, they were there for a good cause, so I can't really knock them for going into the "Lion's Den". It must have been hard for them. They had to have known that those "good ole boyz" weren't going to exactly roll out the welcome wagon for them.

That NASCAR crowd is always tough on certain folks. 

Speaking of being tough on certain folks; there is no one tougher on those same certain folks than one Mr. Clarence Thomas.

Well now, as luck would have it, old Clarence has some problems of his own:

"WASHINGTON -- Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-N.Y.) is turning up the heat on Justice Clarence Thomas based on new information that builds upon previous reports of his alleged ethical lapses.

In late September, Slaughter had sent a letter to the Judicial Conference of the United States to request official action on Thomas' multiyear failure to disclose his wife's income from various conservative think tanks and activist organizations. The Judicial Conference is the principal policy-making and administrative body for the federal court system.

On Friday, Slaughter submitted a new letter, this time addressed to Chief Justice John Roberts in his capacity as the presiding officer of the Judicial Conference, to update and clarify the September letter.

At issue is the fact that Thomas repeatedly checked a box titled "none" on annual financial disclosure forms in response to a question about the sources of spousal income. Yet during those years, his wife, Virginia Thomas, worked for the conservative think tank Heritage Foundation and for the Tea Party lobbying group Liberty Central, which she helped found.

The first letter asserted that Thomas' nondisclosures persisted "[t]hroughout his entire tenure of the Supreme Court," which began in 1991. It was fair to infer from his "high level of legal training and experience," Slaughter wrote, that the justice's failure presented the type of "willful" behavior that federal law requires the Judicial Conference to refer to the Department of Justice for investigation.
Friday's letter, however, states that Thomas actually did report the sources of his wife's income until 1997, therefore heightening the inference that the justice had not "misunderstood the reporting instructions," as he asserted in January when he filed seven pages of addenda correcting his omissions over a six-year period." [Source]

Whoops! I think Clarence might have some "splainin" to do.

Pic courtesy of Celebrant Says.


  1. The irony of investigating Clarence is he'll hide behind racism to retain his seat on the Court.

    Slaughter better be careful though as investigating Clarence Thomas is what got the wingnuts digging through Anthony Weiner's trash. Hope she's clean as a newborn because they will go hard to protect him.

  2. Can you imagine the fallout had 100,000 African Americans booed former First Lady Laura Bush?

    Btw, so far Vince Young is looking pretty good, surprisingly. Should Michael be worried?

  3. Anonymous10:56 PM

    Val said...
    Can you imagine the fallout had 100,000 African Americans booed former First Lady Laura Bush?

    Btw, so far Vince Young is looking pretty good, surprisingly. Should Michael be worried?

    Or someone went on TV and accused the president of not liking black people...the nerve. Who really likes the Mooch? No one, have you seen Obamao in his funny cowboy hat? Looks like a chimp dressing up to be a human.

  4. Charly Rangel10:58 PM

    BrookLyn said...
    The irony of investigating Clarence is he'll hide behind racism to retain his seat on the Court.

    Slaughter better be careful though as investigating Clarence Thomas is what got the wingnuts digging through Anthony Weiner's trash. Hope she's clean as a newborn because they will go hard to protect him.

    guess you are right, can't trust anyone black especially when it comes to paying taxes, they never want to pay the way they wants someone else to pay gottdamn darkies

  5. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Wow - never watched NASCAR before, sounds like it is full of smart people if it upsets the natives this much, going to give that a second look after all.

  6. "Wow - never watched NASCAR before, sounds like it is full of smart people if it upsets the natives this much, going to give that a second look after all."

    Knock yourself out watching those cars go round and round. You might even get some snuff in the stands while you anxiously await your first crash.

    Yes Val, Birds win. #7 is still safe. Maybe we can just bring in Vince for the 4th quarter.

  7. Eagles!!!!!!! Wow that was a nail biter....had to go on Facebook and talk junk to the Giants fans.

  8. Anonymous1:08 AM

    field negro said...
    "Wow - never watched NASCAR before, sounds like it is full of smart people if it upsets the natives this much, going to give that a second look after all."

    Knock yourself out watching those cars go round and round. You might even get some snuff in the stands while you anxiously await your first crash.

    Snuff? Is that like rap talk for something or do you actually mean snuff? People still do that stuff? I heard of them chewin tabaccy but snortin snuff I thought that died with John Adams.

    Well, I dont know, let me see tickets to a Nicki Minaj Concert So I can learn if she had a dick she would whip it out and piss on dem niggas or Nascar...hmmmm...which one do you think takes more skill? Men have always built bigger and better faster machines that have brought us out of the dark ages, than again we always need someone to see to remind us how not to regress into previous evolutionary stages....hmmm what a tough choice.

  9. Gearheads are huge Tbaggers. In fact, make a Venn diagram of the 2 groups and all you'll get is a few few fuzzy edges for rich powerful folks like the Thomas's and Kochs who sell cultural panic to rest of them at shopping club prices. BTW;you know how you spell untouchable don't you? S-u-p-r-e-m-e C-o-u-r-t J-u-s-t-i-c-e. The republiklan's already proven that that they'll wreak the country just for shits n grins; just try getting rid of one of their supremes; they'll burn this thing like it was out-dated and insured.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Nothing will come of the Thomas Crown affair. Personally I think he should be impeached for letting his wife drunk dial Anita Hill and wear that damned Statue of Liberty crown. Now that's some embarrassing shit. My man could learn a thing or two from Ike Turner.

  12. "Knock yourself out watching those cars go round and round. You might even get some snuff in the stands while you anxiously await your first crash."

    I'm not sure what snuff is but you can buy plenty of meth at a NASCAR event. They love their meth in NASCAR country there's TWO television shows about it. Haven't you seen Sons of Anarchy and Breaking Bad?

    Interesting none of the good people who post here about crime have ever said anything about not being able to go straight to the shelf and pick up their Sudafed...strange.

    Night all...

  13. NASCAR, above all, is a multi-million dollar moneymaking enterprise. If Mike Helton and the men and women behind the scenes think this will make them look bad and subsequently put a dent in the company's profit margins, they'll sack up, issue a public apology, and take quiet steps to make sure this doesn't happen again.

    Has there ever been an instance where corruption actually forced a sitting Supreme Court justice from his seat? I doubt it. And I doubt Clarence will be going anywhere anytime soon.

  14. Anonymous2:13 AM

    BrookLyn said...
    "Knock yourself out watching those cars go round and round. You might even get some snuff in the stands while you anxiously await your first crash."

    I'm not sure what snuff is but you can buy plenty of meth at a NASCAR event. They love their meth in NASCAR country there's TWO television shows about it. Haven't you seen Sons of Anarchy and Breaking Bad?

    Interesting none of the good people who post here about crime have ever said anything about not being able to go straight to the shelf and pick up their Sudafed...strange.

    Night all...

    Maybe they aren't as well an informed about substance abuse as you seem to be? In some cases ignorance denotes intelligence. In example, I have no clue how feces tastes and no desire to learn, so if I need an opinion, I will be sure to look down to you.

  15. Anonymous2:19 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Gearheads are huge Tbaggers.

    Didn't realize that. So were there many gay events you attended with gearheads that had big balls and teabagged you? Did you have to search for these events or did they come easy to a DWL like yourself? Do you really enjoy being t-bagged and have you always been a gay white liberal or was this an de-evolutionary process?

    What do you think of our completely democratic socialist Occupy Friends? I know they are a bit dirty and unkempt with numerous diseases, but would you like to attend an OWS rally and be tagbagged at one of these as well? From what I read it should be a lot safer to ask somoene at a OWS rally to teabag you than it would be for you to ask a Nascar fan.

  16. Maybe they aren't as well an informed


  17. Sandy2482:52 AM

    I don't expect much from the nascar crowd. I don't consider it a sport. Why sit around a watch cars drive around in a circle wasting all that damn gas?

  18. BrookLyn said...
    I'm not sure what snuff is but you can buy plenty of meth at a NASCAR event. They love their meth in NASCAR country there's TWO television shows about it. Haven't you seen Sons of Anarchy and Breaking Bad?

    Talk about single digit IQ's and not being well informed.

    The attacks on Clarence Thomas is warning to all negros who dare step off the Democrat party plantation.

  19. "Well, I dont know, let me see tickets to a Nicki Minaj Concert"

    Hmmm, let's see, look at Nicki Minaj for two hours or Jimmy Johnson? I think I am riding with Nicki.But that's just me.

    "I don't expect much from the nascar crowd. I don't consider it a sport. Why sit around a watch cars drive around in a circle wasting all that damn gas?"

    Couldn't have said it better myself.

    "The attacks on Clarence Thomas is warning to all negros who dare step off the Democrat party plantation."

    He never stepped off the plantation. He has been on the plantation all along passing information to the big house. :)

  20. Anonymous5:57 AM

    how disgusting liberals like to think they open minded and here u guys r talkin shit about people cuz of the sport they like to watch? y'all are some ignint niggas wut ude rather do watch wheel of fortune where other peple win money that ur black asses wisht u had>? phukkin pathetic u guys r a bunch of banana peelin redneck racists jess like ur nascar buddies u deserve each other dummies!

  21. Wesley R6:15 AM


    What do you expect from a bunch of KKKrackers? The left needs to raise hell about Thomas' conflict of interest on the Health Care Bill. He shouldn't be allowed to hear the case.

  22. Funny comments here FN's, ROTFLMBAO!

    PilotX, I think Thomas could learn a thing or two from OJ.

    Just saying.......

  23. A relative of mine went to a Nascar event while vacationing in the US last year. She told me they were openly selling 'NO N*****S IN NASCAR' T-Shirts at the event.

    You can say this for T-Shirt vendors, they know their customers.

  24. no slappz8:18 AM

    negroes horsing around:

    Teen busted in shooting of Seton Hall's Hazell


    November 21, 2011

    A Manhattan teen has been arrested in the shooting of a Seton Hall basketball star over the Christmas holidays last year.

    Police say Bernard Osamani, 18, shot Jeremy Hazell in the back on Dec. 26, 2010, after an argument near Hazell’s Harlem home.

  25. no slappz8:31 AM

    purple cow oozes:

    A relative of mine went to a Nascar event while vacationing in the US last year. She told me they were openly selling 'NO N*****S IN NASCAR' T-Shirts at the event.

    Try Googling the topic, moron.

    It's possible there were a total of ONE such t-shirt sold.

    Meanwhile, even a nitwit as dumb as you should know that NASCAR was not selling the shirts.

    Furthermore, all along 125th St in Harlem there are black guys on the sidewalk selling books.

    Many of the books are vicious attacks on whites. Some claim whites cause cancer among blacks. And many make the same bizarre political and economic claims about whites made by Louis Farrakhan in his Nation of Islam publications.

    If you want to know about black atittudes, you should read Message to the Black Man by Minister Elijah Muhammad of the Nation of Islam.

  26. no slappz9:02 AM

    Haarlem or Harlem. What's the difference?

    Seattle Mariners Baseball Player Stabbed to Death

    Brother arrested in death of power-hitting prospect Greg Halman

    By Greg Wilson
    Monday, Nov 21, 2011

    Dutch-born Seattle Mariners outfielder Greg Halman was stabbed to death in his homeland early Monday and his brother has been arrested in connection with the killing.

    Details were not immediately clear, but the stabbing occurred in Rotterdam.

    "A 24-year-old died this morning in a stabbing and we have arrested the 22-year-old brother of the victim," a Rotterdam police spokesman told Reuters.

    The 24-year-old outfielder was born in Haarlem, Netherlands.

    He was a graduate of Mendel College, in Holland, and spoke four languages. Halman's father and brother played on the Dutch national baseball team, and his sister, Naomi Halman, is a professional basketball player in Europe.

    The 6-foot-4, 200-pond Halman was seen as a power-hitting prospect, especially after hitting 33 home runs in 2010 at the team's Triple A team in Tacoma.

    However, astronomical strikeout totals tempered expectations. Last season, Halman was called up as a backup outfielder late in the year and batted .230 with two home runs and six RBI.

  27. No Slapzz - your stupidity is only matched by your personal arrogance. No wonder you spend all day every day on the web abusing black people - I can't imagine that employers are queuing up for your services.

    In what way would "Googling the topic" help me exactly? What would I learn?

    There was a good deal more than one of the t-shirts sold, they appeared to be doing very good trade.

    Nowhere in my post did I suggest that the Nascar organization were selling the shirts. Nevertheless the shirts were being sold openly at the event from a stall without hinderance or objection from anybody. THAT's the point.

    Regarding the books on 125th - how is this in any way relevant to this topic?

    What exactly is your point?

    Are you saying that because some guys allegedly sell racist books on 125th it is therefor perfectly acceptable to sell racist T-Shirts at Nascar events?

    Please explain.

    Most people get smarter with time, No Slapzzzzz.

    With you the reverse process appears to be happening. The more you are here, the more bollocks you talk.

  28. Anonymous9:37 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    A relative of mine went to a Nascar event while vacationing in the US last year. She told me they were openly selling 'NO N*****S IN NASCAR' T-Shirts at the event.

    Sure she did.

  29. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Are you saying that because some guys allegedly sell racist books on 125th it is therefor perfectly acceptable to sell racist T-Shirts at Nascar events?

    Taking a stab at it. He is saying because a relative told him so...double standards are loathesomely hypocritical at least allegedly.

  30. no slappz10:25 AM

    purple surd:

    Regarding the books on 125th - how is this in any way relevant to this topic?

    What exactly is your point?

    The volume of anti-white publications sold on 125th Street, and in Harlem's One and Only Bookstore -- the Hue-Man Bookstore -- and by the Nation of Islam, by mail-order and by the street hustlers working for Louis Farrakhan, make the sales of a few NASCAR t-shirts pale in comparison.

    How are things going in Haiti? How about sub-Sahara Africa? Any bright spots?

    Despite its enormous oil wealth, Nigeria is still unable to provide electricity and indoor plumbing to half its citizens.

    Worse still, Nigeria is well over half Islamic. The slide toward Islam ensures permanent economic mayhem for the fools in that sewer nation.

  31. no slappz10:31 AM

    anon says:

    Are you saying that because some guys allegedly sell racist books on 125th it is therefor perfectly acceptable to sell racist T-Shirts at Nascar events?

    No, bonehead.

    I'm saying a lot of black guys earn their livelihood selling anti-white rubbish on 125th st and elsewhere and that like the murder rate, these racist activities occur among blacks at 10 times the rate they accur among whites.

    Moreover, you can buy all the anti-white books you want from Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam online.

    But if you Google the NASCAR t-shirt you get one hit that shows a photo of some ding-dong modeling one, but no links to a site where you can buy one.

  32. Quote No Slaapzzzzzzzzz

    "The volume of anti-white publications sold on 125th Street, and in Harlem's One and Only Bookstore -- the Hue-Man Bookstore -- and by the Nation of Islam, by mail-order and by the street hustlers working for Louis Farrakhan, make the sales of a few NASCAR t-shirts pale in comparison."

    How do you know?

    Do you have the relevant sales figures for Farrakhan books and racist T-Shirts available for us?

    Or are you just making this shit up as you go along as usual?

  33. Quote No Slapzzzz

    "I'm saying a lot of black guys earn their livelihood selling anti-white rubbish on 125th st and elsewhere and that like the murder rate, these racist activities occur among blacks at 10 times the rate they accur among whites."

    Really? Do you have any statistical evidence to back up this startling claim?

    Or are you just making this shit up as usual?

  34. Quote No Slapzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    "Moreover, you can buy all the anti-white books you want from Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam online.

    But if you Google the NASCAR t-shirt you get one hit that shows a photo of some ding-dong modeling one, but no links to a site where you can buy one."

    I'm sorry, but how exactly is this relevant?

    Are you saying that over-the-counter racist paraphernalia doesn't count?

    Or are you saying that it's a better class of racism?

  35. No mention of Herman Cain in three posts. I guess the new instructions have come through.

    Can't wait to read the reasons we should support Newt lol.

    Have a great day FNs!

  36. no slappz11:42 AM

    purple ooze:

    Do you have the relevant sales figures for Farrakhan books and racist T-Shirts available for us?

    The Nation of Islam itself exists on funds derived from the sale of its racist literature.

    Other than selling racist literature the NOI operates NO businesses that pull in revenue.

    Take a look at Farakhan's "newspaper" -- The Final Call. It's often sold in NY City subway stations by black guys in suits and bow-ties. The price is $1.

    Once again, bonehead, black Organizations sell anti-white literature. Its' their stock in trade. It's what those organizations -- NOI, chiefly -- do.

    Whereas, the occasional white nitwit sells a couple of anti-black t-shirts. The white nitwit may dream that printing anti-black t-shirts will be his ticket to wealth. Then he tries to sell the shirts and fails, because there's no buyers. No market.

    Get it? Probably not.

  37. Anonymous11:56 AM

    BrookLyn said...
    No mention of Herman Cain in three posts. I guess the new instructions have come through.

    Can't wait to read the reasons we should support Newt lol.

    Have a great day FNs!

    Yeah you guys gave up on the hit jobs once he wasn't the poll Save time, don't support Newt because he believes in people working and is white.

    why don't you talk about how democrats are urging Obama not to run in order to save the democratic party for revival once again after it immolates itself by revealing the core beliefs, as has been done countless times in this countries history? I think it went from liberal to progressive, back to liberal, back to progressive and now openly embraces socialisM/marxisM/communisM. What will the new name be after a resounding defeat in 2012..the peoples party of the USSA? Or the Eu and English Welfare failure didnt teach us anything party?

  38. Quote No Slapzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    "Get it? Probably not"

    You're right Slappy, I don't get it. I suspect that's because as usual with your alleged arguments, there isn't anything to get.

    You still haven't explained how your people in bow-ties selling books and pamphlets you haven't read (but don't approve of) is relevant to open racism at Nascar.

    What exactly is the logic behind your argument here?

    Is there any?

    Because of B, we should ignore A.

    Because of B, A is not applicable.

    Because of B, we shouldn't even discuss A.

    Because B is bigger than A, A doesn't count.

    Which is it?

    You far-right types do this sort of shit all the time. It's instead of a rationality.

  39. Anonymous1:52 PM

    It doesn't take a genius to know that the First Lady should not have attended NASCAR, the biggest white racist sports event in America. Even though her intentions might have been good, nothing good comes from attending such an event when you are Black. It's mass "color arousal" that could become quite dangerous for her. For the life of me, I can't understand why she would jeopardize her life at a NASCAR event. It was a waste of time.

    CT is a Supreme Court Judge who happens to be Black. Absolutely "Nothing" will come of the accusations against him.

  40. White, middle-age Marine and Nascar fan who was disgusted by that. Then when I search the web to see whether Nascar had made any comment condemning it, I see the web ablaze with right wing blogs calling the First Lady unspeakable names and comparing booing Palin, a politician, to booing Michelle. I never once heard Laura Bush booed, not once. I'm so proud to be an American right now, you have no idea.

  41. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Michele Obama attending Nascar certainly would stir up racism. Even a moron would know that.

    The Obama's must have the dumbest political advisers on earth. Her presence at that event was stupid, just plain stupid.

  42. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Zebster said...
    White, middle-age Marine and Nascar fan who was disgusted by that. Then when I search the web to see whether Nascar had made any comment condemning it, I see the web ablaze with right wing blogs calling the First Lady unspeakable names and comparing booing Palin, a politician, to booing Michelle. I never once heard Laura Bush booed, not once. I'm so proud to be an American right now, you have no idea.

    Sure, it has nothing to do with her husband being the absolute worst president this nation has seen and literally destroying the economy while telling americans it is all thier fault (it's the black in him) They don't like Obama and they like a mooch like his wife who wears a 400 designer shirt to a sporting event even less. You are a DWL - the most disgusting type of person on the planet.

    When you put a man in charge who lives by race and breaks the law of the land at every opportunity to get what he is "entitled to" done even against the will of the majority of the country and than liberals like you support him because you want to prove to the bell curve personas that you aren't racist. Who should be hanging your head in shame- Marine

  43. Anonymous2:38 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote No Slapzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    "Get it? Probably not"

    You're right Slappy, I don't get it. I suspect that's because as usual with your alleged arguments, there isn't anything to get.

    You still haven't explained how your people in bow-ties selling books and pamphlets you haven't read (but don't approve of) is relevant to open racism at Nascar.

    What exactly is the logic behind your argument here?

    Is there any?

    Because of B, we should ignore A.

    Because of B, A is not applicable.

    Because of B, we shouldn't even discuss A.

    Because B is bigger than A, A doesn't count.

    Which is it?

    You far-right types do this sort of shit all the time. It's instead of a rationality.

    First time I agree with you. So I gather you will no longer be using those scattered historical events to justify black underachievements, violence and overall depravity any longer now that you have found logic?

    Great to see you escape the ever illogical clutches of the left/socialist/marxist/democratic take care of us party.


    By the way, even Spain has now rejected Socialism with the recent elections. I guess people have woken up that the eternal welfare state just doesn't work. There is hope for mankind afterall.

  44. Attention, spectators. Before the race begins we'd like to explain the basic rules: Turn left, go straight, Turn left, go straight, Turn left, go straight, Turn left, go straight, Turn left, go straight, Turn left, go straight, Turn left, go straight, Turn left, go straight.

  45. "Most people get smarter with time, No Slapzzzzz.

    With you the reverse process appears to be happening. The more you are here, the more bollocks you talk."

    You noticed that too huh Cow? Slappz used to be at least one of the top tier of trolls here but its game seems to be getting much weaker. Maybe it retired and let the kid in college take over.

  46. "Watching the video of this answer almost made me feel sorry for Cain until I remembered that he’s not a hungover frat boy getting picked on by a professor at an 8am history class but is, in fact, a grown man running for president of the United States. Holy Mother of God."

    Funny quote of the day.

  47. Anonymous5:39 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    A relative of mine went to a Nascar event while vacationing in the US last year. She told me they were openly selling 'NO N*****S IN NASCAR' T-Shirts at the event.

    She is a liar.

    Or you are.

    There is absolutely no way that is true.

  48. ManHatten5:45 PM

    Zebster said...
    I never once heard Laura Bush booed, not once. I'm so proud to be an American right now, you have no idea.

    Laura Bush didn't hate America.

    It didn't take her husband's nomination before Laura Bush "felt proud of her country for the first time".

    I'll boo Obama's Bitter Half every chance I get.

  49. QUOTE anonymous 5:39

    "She is a liar.

    Or you are.

    There is absolutely no way that is true."

    C'maan Slappy, you are inventing anonys to agree with you again?

    I thought even you would have grown past that tactic by now.

  50. Quote Anonymous 2:38

    "By the way, even Spain has now rejected Socialism with the recent elections."

    Oh boy, you don't know your recent European history do you?

    Spain has been the poster-boy for right-wing economic theory since 1992.

  51. "No Slapzz - your stupidity is only matched by your personal arrogance. No wonder you spend all day every day on the web abusing black people - I can't imagine that employers are queuing up for your services."

    He used to do this over at Abagond.

    It's not worth getting into it with a guy whose made it his life's work to troll black American-oriented blogs. He's beyond help.

  52. "C'maan Slappy, you are inventing anonys to agree with you again?"

    I find it hard to believe that dozens of people would show up just to anonymously chew out the Field and other commentators. I figured it was the work of one solitary nutcase (or perhaps two).

    "Laura Bush didn't hate America."

    But Michelle Obama does, because she's a Socialist/Communist/Marxist Kenyan-loving N-word who hates freedom-loving/patriotic "real" Americans and free markets. Got it.

  53. But Michelle Obama does, because she's a Socialist/Communist/Marxist Kenyan-loving N-word who hates freedom-loving/patriotic "real" Americans and free markets. Got it.

    Michelle Obama is a Wookie.

    Everyone knows,


    Check the WAPO Tuesday. They will tell us if Wookie is the new "N' word.

  54. Anonymous6:34 PM

    'kinky_neocon said...
    Michelle Obama is a Wookie.'

    Speak in adult language, BITCH!

    Dr. Queen

  55. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Anonymous said...
    'kinky_neocon said...
    Michelle Obama is a Wookie.'

    Speak in adult language, BITCH!

    Dr. Queen

    A wookie is a big fat hairy sasquatch like creature you dumb fat hairy sasquatch like creature.

    You don't even know what you are, why do you cover your sheep hair with human hair weaves? Cause you are a wookie.

  56. dr. hoodrat is a Wookie. Has we learned this weekend,


  57. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Limbaugh hits the nail on the head regarding Nascar booing:

  58. Limp the Blimp needs to STFU!!!


  59. In case i forget to tell you guys have a happy and safe Indigenous Holocaust day! Eat well!

  60. D@mn X, you just had to go there!

  61. "The Purple Cow said...
    A relative of mine went to a Nascar event while vacationing in the US last year. She told me they were openly selling 'NO N*****S IN NASCAR' T-Shirts at the event.

    She is a liar.

    Or you are.

    There is absolutely no way that is true."

    Why? I have heard of worse things happening at those events.

    Still laughing @ Bob @ 4:22 PM.

  62. mildew9:16 PM

    PilotX said...
    In case i forget to tell you guys have a happy and safe Indigenous Holocaust day! Eat well!

    Why thank you. The only thing that would make indigenous holocaust day better if we had killed them all!!!!

  63. "Why thank you. The only thing that would make indigenous holocaust day better if we had killed them all!!!!"

    Stay classy wingnut.

  64. Shabazz9:44 PM

    mildew you are a stupid fat ugly little dick no rhythm honkie cracker bitch.

    A Native amerikkkan would tear your fucking head off just as soon as you even think of fixing your lips to say that shit.

    You whites feel real gangsta and tough hiding behind a keyboard or in large groups (with guns)

    I wish I was alive during slavery . I would've killed as many of you pasty ass mother fuckers as i could possibly get away with. I probably would've gotten killed, but I would've went down with a worse M.O. than Nat Turner.

  65. white guys have little dicks9:47 PM


  66. Mildew9:48 PM

    Shabazz said...
    mildew you are a stupid fat ugly little dick no rhythm honkie cracker bitch.

    Yo mama

  67. Shabazz said...
    mildew you are a stupid fat ugly little dick no rhythm honkie cracker bitch.

    A Native amerikkkan would tear your fucking head off just as soon as you even think of fixing your lips to say that shit.

    You whites feel real gangsta and tough hiding behind a keyboard or in large groups (with guns)

    I wish I was alive during slavery . I would've killed as many of you pasty ass mother fuckers as i could possibly get away with. I probably would've gotten killed, but I would've went down with a worse M.O. than Nat Turner.

    Stay classy wingnut.

  68. Shabazz wants to kill an ignorant poster on the Internet. The ignorant poster wants to kill an entire race of people.

    Big difference.

  69. Mildew10:00 PM

    shabazz is nothing more than a malcolm little wannabe.

    Is shabazz gay like malcom little?

  70. Shabazz10:01 PM

    Actually, I would like to kill more than just one...

    P.S. YOUR mama, that dirty, junkie meth-head bitch!

  71. Shabazz10:02 PM

    mildew, I bet you wouldn't say that shit in my face pussy!

  72. Field, you sure do bring out the best the 'net has to offer. I heard Rushy said the reason they booed the First Lady is because she's uppity. Isn't that code for the N word? To those people the only thing worse than a N is an uppity N.

  73. NASCAR events attract large tailgating & RV scenes. Thousands of people stay for the entire weekend. You probably find all kinds of unauthorized racist & vulgar merchandise sold at those outside the track.

  74. Anonymous1:14 AM

    Shabazz, admit the truth: You can't fight and anybody like Mildew can walk over your black ass whenever they want!

    Now take your dark ass to bed!

  75. Shabazz8:50 AM

    "Anonymous said...
    Shabazz, admit the truth: You can't fight and anybody like Mildew can walk over your black ass whenever they want!"

    Why don't you try anonymous tough guy?

    @6'3", 347 lbs, I don't think any of you pasty white motherfuckers would stand a chance.

    Now go back to fondling your son you stupid lillywhite hillbilly!

    P.S. I LOVE my Black skin!!!

  76. Anonymous10:47 PM


    Why do people give out their height and weight on the internet?

    Give out your address, nigger. Then maybe some one will give a shit.
