Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Cover up?

It's a sad day in "Happy Valley" and for the rest of white hat nation. So now we know that Penn State's venerable coach knew as far back as 1999 that his former defensive coordinator might have been acting in an  inappropriate manner with little boys.

We also know that in 2002, then grad assistant, Mike McQueary, actually saw the same former defensive coordinator engaged in a sexual act with a ten year old child in a PSU locker room and reported it to Joe Paterno after calling his father.

Paterno reported the incident to his handpicked Athletic Director, (another one of his myrmidons who surrounds the campus) and they told the alleged pedophile to stop using the university's facilities.

I read the grand jury report today, and the charges are absolutely disgusting. The folks at Penn State should be ashamed of themselves if children were allowed to be raped in order to protect the legacy of Joe Paterno and his football program.

The fact that the Centre County District Attorney sat on this case for a couple of of weeks,---- allowing Paterno to pass Eddie Robinson to become the all time winning coach in Division 1 football, also makes me wonder.

But this is bigger than football. We are talking about the alleged rape of children by a man who could have been stopped years ago, but who was allowed to allegedly continue because a great institution and football program had to be protected at all cost. And what about those hypocrites at the NCAA? We sanction a school and fire its coach for allowing football players to get free tattoos. So what do we do with a football program that possibly covers up sexual assaults on children?

We will be watching.

Now Penn State is thinking about letting Paterno go, because, as the saying goes; the s*&^ has hit the fan.

We all can't help but wonder how long this would have gone on if the Centre County District Attorney's office didn't decide to press charges against the alleged pedophile and school officials.

Joe Paterno was to give a press conference today, but the university canceled it because they didn't want Joe talking right now. Too much is at stake. There are assets to protect. Folks are talking about civil suits against Pennsylvania's flag ship university. So, just like the Catholic Church, they are "circling the wagons". And clearly they care more about protecting Penn State University and not the lives of innocent children.

"Hundreds of fans staged a raucous rally outside Paterno's home Tuesday evening. He appeared briefly, along with some family members, and thanked the crowd for coming.

"I've lived for this place. I've lived for people like you guys and girls," Paterno said.

"It's hard for me to say how much this means," the 84-year-old coach said.
"As you know, the kids that were the victims, I think we ought to say a prayer for them."

No Joe, I think that we should say a prayer for you. Right after the University fires you and everyone who had anything to do with this terrible affair.  

Finally, let me talk about another Joe.

Today as I sat in my office looking at an autographed picture of "Smokin Joe", I thought about the fact that he was the first Philly icon that I met after moving here some 19 years ago. He was friendly, down to earth, and accessible to everyone.

I remember telling him that I actually cheered for Ali in their first fight and he threw a shadow jab at me. I also told him that it was a disgrace that Philly didn't have a statue of him but had one of Rocky, a fictional fighter. I remember him laughing about it and saying that maybe one day the city would come around.  

Well, now that he is gone, let's hope that we honor him with a statue sooner rather than later. He would have liked that. 




  1. It sickens me to the core of my soul that people in positions of power harm children so brazenly and without conscience. There is a special place in hell for people like that. Disgusting!

  2. The '99 case was a slam-dunk. Dumping it was deliberate. They didn't even need the victim with an adult witness to the act.

  3. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Dear Mr. Field, I seldom agree with you because you are, on the wrong side of politics. But I do agree with you about Smokin Joe whom I met at a club out on City Line Ave in 1976. He was a very cordial and humble man to have been such a great fighter.... Quite the opposite of Ali.

    Thanks for honoring Joe today in your Post. He deserves it and I DO hope the city of Philadelphia will honor him as its greatest boxers and citizens. However, I recognize how Philly shuns its black citizens, no matter how great they may be. I lived there once and if I ever see Philly again, it will be too soon.

    I must say I am surprised that you know good character when you see it. You are living proof that there's hope for everybody.

  4. Hey Field A fellow yawdie (hope I got that right)passed today as well. Can't believe how our hip hop icons are leaving us.

    RIP Heavy D

    I'm looking forward to hearing the NCAA's statement on these charges.

  5. Sandy2489:23 PM

    I'm interested in hearing the NCAA's statement on these charges too. If someone buys a player a chesseburger, the NCAA comes down pretty hard on them so it will be interesting to hear how they handle these felonies. I can't believe the coach simply told the pervert to not use their facilities to commit those atrocities. GMAFB

  6. Wesley R9:27 PM

    RIP to my brother's Smokin' Joe and Heavy D. Two of the best ever in their crafts.

  7. Yes, Heavy D was only 44. Sad. I liked that dude.

    Yes Brooklyn, you got it right.

    The '99 case was a slam-dunk. Dumping it was deliberate. They didn't even need the victim with an adult witness to the act."

    The word is that Sandusky was asked to resign back then. But the university still gave him a pension and allowed him to use their facilities.

    BTW, he has had this charity (where he had contact with young boys) since the seventies.

  8. StillaPanther29:47 PM

    Brother Field.....the Lions create their history as well. They jelously guard the good...we are the greatest....better than you. I was a teen when Brother Ali was in his prime. He had to be arrogent to give his people a look at a Black man that bucked the white power structure. The image of a Black man in those days kept us on task.. PS about his draft status...We waited a month for the moment that the news showed his defiance. Brother, just remembering that day still brings a small smile in my mirror. Now before the commenters that were not living in those times. I went to Vietnam two years later 1969 and I have no problems with his actions. About Brother Frazier...we loved him too. Albeit he seemed to be more under the white man's control....as well as so many of us. Being here for two decades, you seem to have a special view of the struggle.

  9. I say we put a Herculean statue of Smokin Joe with one foot on each side of Broad street just South of Lehigh.

  10. Ali's greatness was diminished by his disrespect of Frazier.

    Frazier's true greatness was hidden by the shadow of Ali.

    In the end, it was Frazier who was the better man.

  11. ditto

    SEVERAL staff need to be fired and prosecuted ASAP!

    god bless the boys




  12. Party time! Black governor in the Sip and union rights won out in Ohio. Might have to celebrate a bit.

    R.I.P. Heavy. My man did it without cursing and using the "n" word. he will be missed.

  13. Anonymous11:13 PM

    1 for 2 X:

    Republican Phil Bryant of Brandon won the Mississippi governor's race Tuesday, defeating Democrat Johnny DuPree of Hattiesburg

  14. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Also, Ohioans rejected the individual mandate of Obamacare.

  15. Republican Phil Bryant of Brandon won the Mississippi governor's race Tuesday, defeating Democrat Johnny DuPree of Hattiesburg

    63% to 37%, with 80% of precincts reporting. Oh well, it's Mississippi, after all.

  16. Anonymous12:11 AM

    "I read the grand jury report today, and the charges are absolutely disgusting. The folks at Penn State should be ashamed of themselves if children were allowed to be raped in order to protect the legacy of Joe Paterno and his football program."

    You obviously don't know the history of dysfunctional families in America and where Americans place their values. Hint: "Money is more important than people."

    You see, children that aren't cared for grow up not caring for other kids. In America, love of money and power always trumps the lives of others. I am not surprised at all about this. In fact, I bet there are other colleges and Universities where other abuses are happening without consequences.

  17. Wrong info. Yep, it IS still Miss. At least issue 2 went down in Ohio.

  18. OK, on to the Papa Joe story. Why the hell didn't Mike Mac run into the room and knock dude off the kid and drag his ass to the nearest police station? Isn't that what any person would do if they saw a kid being molested? This shouldn't have anything to do with Joe or any other Penn State employee. That should have been nipped in the bud. Mike McQuery needs to immediately turn in his man card. I wish the other Penn State Mike, Millen, had caught dude diddling kids. Would have been a different story then.

  19. Anonymous12:33 AM

    "The fact that the Centre County District Attorney sat on this case for a couple of of weeks,---- allowing Paterno to pass Eddie Robinson to become the all time winning coach in Division 1 football, also makes me wonder."

    Mr. Field, I have been talking about an unfair Justice System for a long time on FN blog. But you fail to acknowledge that truth. I have repeatedly mentioned that America DOES NOT have a Justice System, it has a good Legal System where lawyers wheel and deal to their own advantages without regard to Justice.

    The fact the District Attorney sat on this case so Paterno could surpass Eddie Robinson proves my case. You see Mr. Field, Joe Paterno, Penn State, its reputation, and the President of Penn State have a lot on the line that is far more than Sandusky and his child sex abuse.

    This is America and the "money" is always more important than the children. Remember that and you won't ever be disappointed again.

  20. Anonymous12:41 AM

    Mack Lyons, "Republican Phil Bryant of Brandon won the Mississippi governor's race Tuesday, defeating Democrat Johnny DuPree of Hattiesburg

    63% to 37%, with 80% of precincts reporting. Oh well, it's Mississippi, after all."

    11:33 PM
    Mack, I keep telling you that the Republican Party is where the action is. The majority of Americans prefer the GOP to those sorry ass Dems led by Obama. It's going to a landslide for the Repubs in 2012, and Cain will be President, make no mistake about it.

  21. Anonymous1:08 AM

    I can't believe that MS, one of the best states in the USA, rejected the Personhood initiative! My God, are they not reading the Bible anymore? There are too many transplants in MS today. They should vote those transplants from the West, like CA out of their state.

  22. Puh-leeze.

    Obama beats all of the GOP candidates in polls even with the crappy economy.

    Cain is a punchline.

    Romney has the best chance against Obama and he's disliked by the Tea party goobers who are making the most Rethug noise.

  23. Anonymous1:11 AM

    Rigmaiden, "It sickens me to the core of my soul that people in positions of power harm children so brazenly and without conscience. There is a special place in hell for people like that. Disgusting!"

    8:45 PM
    Welcome to earth. And yes, there is a special place in hell for Sandusky. But it won't be as hot as the place for pedophile Priests!

  24. Anonymous1:15 AM

    uts, "Romney has the best chance against Obama and he's disliked by the Tea party goobers who are making the most Rethug noise."

    Bullshit. Cain has the best chance against Obama and most people know it except you.

    Why do you think the Dems are trying to ruin his reputation with those stupid ass blondes?

    FYI: Cain doesn't fool with blondes.

  25. Bullshit. Cain has the best chance against Obama...

    Why do you think so?

  26. Well to show the complexity of race relations and ideological divides, Glen Beck has defended Cain and feel slike some of his accusers are telling fishy stories. Your assertion the race of the women he might have harassed matters is interesting. Given how the Beck demographic is defending him and in some cases calling this a liberal, msm hack job...one wonders...

  27. "OK, on to the Papa Joe story. Why the hell didn't Mike Mac run into the room and knock dude off the kid and drag his ass to the nearest police station? Isn't that what any person would do if they saw a kid being molested? "

    Because the red head wanted to be a head coach one day. Sad but true.

    "Bullshit. Cain has the best chance against Obama...

    Why do you think so?"

    Brooklyn, that Anon was being funny. He knows in his heart, that "The Ladies Man" could never beat O.

  28. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Bullshit. Cain has the best chance against Obama...

    Brooklyn, "Why do you think so?"

    2:46 AM
    He has a plan and Obama doesn't. He hasn't lied to the people and Obama has. Cain has deep experience with business and Obama hasn't.

    Cain is an African American man who relates to the complexities of race in America and Obama doesn't. Cain is forthright while Obama has proven again and again that he is a liar.

    Cain's business experience makes him far more attractive to the American people for fixing the economy than Obama.

    Most Americans are fed up with Obama. He has NOT done a damn thing for our country. Obama

    Finally, Obama is not an African American who does not come from black slave ancestry in America, but Cain does. And that makes ALL the difference when it becomes to being a black President of the USA.

    After the way Obama has ignored the ENTIRE Black race, only a FOOL would vote for him. Apparently, AAs have some fools in its midst. But that is nothing new in our race.

    It doesn't take a genius to know that Obama is NOT a good choice for President. If anything, Cain wins by default.

  29. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Field, "Brooklyn, that Anon was being funny. He knows in his heart, that "The Ladies Man" could never beat O."

    Stop trying to stigmatize Cain like some racist. There is no proof he did any of these things those phony women accused him of.

    12 years later they come forth with their hair dyed blonde? It's as if they are trying to create a similar story to Tiger Woods and his blondes. And the message is ALL black men will screw a blonde, cleft chin or not--regardless of what they look like..... BULLSHIT.

    Cain is innocent but the racist Liberal Dems are trying real hard to trash Cain. Why? Because if Cain gets the nomination he will tear Obama apart in a debate.

    In fact, Obama won't have the guts to face another brother, seeing how Obama has managed to tell the black race to "shut up and start marching". Cain is much smarter and insightful into the American national psyche than that.. Also, Cain won't call us "mongrels" like Obama has.

    Face it. Obama is toast, which he should be.

  30. Anonymous7:03 AM


  31. Death Penalty is Fine By Me8:41 AM

    I wonder if this victim's hair was blonde?


    Bet you won't hear about this on the MSM.

  32. Anonymous8:43 AM

    PilotX said...
    OK, on to the Papa Joe story. Why the hell didn't Mike Mac run into the room and knock dude off the kid and drag his ass to the nearest police station?

    Because his name is Mack, something about people named Mack

  33. Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...
    Well to show the complexity of race relations and ideological divides, Glen Beck has defended Cain and feel slike some of his accusers are telling fishy stories. Your assertion the race of the women he might have harassed matters is interesting. Given how the Beck demographic is defending him and in some cases calling this a liberal, msm hack job...one wonders...

    That's because Cain has ingratiated himself to the white Teabaggers by calling blacks 'brainwashed' and creating excuses as to why there aren't more blacks at Tea Party rallies.

    Also the Teabaggers are the most ideological group and believe in conspiracies so it's not surprising that they agree with Beck that this is somehow a Democratic conspiracy to bring Cain down.

    The problem is how is Cain going to actually win primaries when he has very little if any on the ground organization and although Cain has been successfully fundraising recently his overall take is dwarfed by amount of money collected by Perry and Romney.

  34. file this bs under:


    hobama and his banksters have gone insane!!!!

    this hoaxer taxer bankster mofo hobama has lost his tiny mind!!!!


    nobama 2012

    President Obama’s Agriculture Department today announced that it will impose a new 15-cent charge on all fresh Christmas trees—the Christmas Tree Tax—to support a new Federal program to improve the image and marketing of Christmas trees.


  35. Anonymous9:53 AM

    That's because Cain has ingratiated himself to the white Teabaggers by calling blacks 'brainwashed' and creating excuses as to why there aren't more blacks at Tea Party rallies.

    Why aren't there more Blacks at the OWS sit ins? Are they racist even though backed by Obama and the democrats?

    Also the Teabaggers are the most ideological group and believe in conspiracies

    I don't know, when someone plays a tape of something someone said it exposing it isn't a conspiracy and when someone says the truth it isnt an attack but democrats think so

    so it's not surprising that they agree with Beck that this is somehow a Democratic conspiracy to bring Cain down.

    If it smells like shit it most likely is shit, have you notice the MSM says nothing about the president literally breaking laws to become the dictator in chief going to war, issuing presidential order after presidential order giving away more money , spending more money yet the MSM media says nothing, now all of a sudden it is important to mention one candidate who went to a place that had a rock nigger on it and another is getting accused of sexual harrasment 15 20 years later. Meanwhile didnt a democratic president literally have a cum stained dress as evidence of his lying at his impeachement?

    That isn't a conspiracy these are facts of who democrats are. Have no morals at all, this way you can fake outrage and change the standards whenever you like.
    Not my type of people, phony liars who don't even try to live up to thier own hype.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. hobama and rahmbo = 5 or 6???

    herman = 0

    the hoax and the mafiosa win again....shame!!!!



  38. very cool that u met joe!


    see tributes:


  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. pookies rule the world!!!

    they have no respect for elders or anyone else

    they have imprisoned the entire world

    and they regard rape as a universal/unisexual sport



  41. pookies rule the world

    and elders are generic geriatric prey



  42. The blonde who accused Cain has declared bankruptcy twice and is a former client of Obama's chief of staff, David Axelrod.


  43. not weird...WICKED!!!

    rahmbo and hobama are 2 of the most wicked mfs on earth

    herman has no chance




  44. Valentino10:46 AM

    The other blonde currently works for the Obama "Administration". She also has a record of fliling suits & complaints against her employers. Go figure.

    Lord, if I had gotten in trouble every time I tried to talk some girl into giving me a BJ or some booty, they would have sent me to the chair a long time ago.

  45. valentino:

    this is why herman should just confess asap

    he will be forgiven

    his denial is just angering millions

  46. most women have been harassed by letches at work

    and most never tell

  47. if any persons turned their home into a baby brothel
    the way that the penn state staff allowed...

    they would all be jailed
    every resident/owner/renter/attendee etc

    ditto for MANY heads that need to roll off of that campus now!!!!

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Anonymous11:01 AM

    The latest Cain accuser, Karen Kraushaar, who settled a harassment claim against Cain in 1999, has "a history of filing workplace complaints" including discrimination over not getting a promotion and sexual harassment over an office email she found offensive. She also works in the Obama adiminstration.

    At her next job, three years after the Cain charge, she complained unfair treatment, saying she should be allowed to work from home after a serious car accident.

    She has made a lot of money off a lot of workplace lawsuits over the past 15 years.

    I think Cain is going to beat this.

  50. Andros11:03 AM

    alicia banks said...
    most women have been harassed by letches at work

    and most never tell

    That's why women should stay home and take care of the kids. The workplace is no place for a married woman.

  51. andros:


    keep YOUR day job!

    that is logical only to a sexist fool


  52. cc that bs to hillary clinton and millions of other power women who are great moms and wives...

    stop coddling letches
    and blaming those they harass
    in all spaces

  53. Andros11:11 AM

    Women should not vote either.

    Giving women the vote has been a disaster for the country and for women.

    Women have turned government into their husband and thus no longer need husbands.

    The family has been destroyed, with fatherless children running wild, and family-less men left adrift.

    Women have babies with a series of boyfriends and live lives funded by the federal gvoernment.

    Now the govenment is broke, generations of children raised poorly, purposeless men in jail or dead, and women poorer, more miserable, but in control.

    We should repeal the 19th ammendemnt.

  54. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Anonymous said...
    The latest Cain accuser, Karen Kraushaar, who settled a harassment claim against Cain in 1999, has "a history of filing workplace complaints" including discrimination over not getting a promotion and sexual harassment over an office email she found offensive. She also works in the Obama adiminstration.

    At her next job, three years after the Cain charge, she complained unfair treatment, saying she should be allowed to work from home after a serious car accident.

    She has made a lot of money off a lot of workplace lawsuits over the past 15 years.

    I think Cain is going to beat this.

    I think you are right, funny thing is just like everything Obama and his democratic divide and conquer handlers have done, they think they have been crafty, it has backfired and exposed the insanity and incompetence. This was a hit job and a piss poor one at that. I can see someone from the Lefty Media and the Obama admin sayin, yeah get 3 or 4 women and that will really drive the nails in his coffin not realizing they have more opportunity to be exposed on the hack job they crafted.

    So far both "decades ago women" work for the government under the Obama admin and a lot more coink-e-dinks. File this under Cash for Caulkers, Cash For Clunkers, Obamacare and all the other insane lefty failures. Cain has already risen in the polls, that's the good things about democrats, they always underestimate the intelligence of people, simply because they are accustomed to sheeple and the lock-step plantation mentality from their own base.

    Can you imagine a strong black self made man who is a rocket scientist and a mathematician sayin you don't need to stay enslaved to the liberal white rich leaders, you too can make it without them? This threatens the very foundation of democrats for if they can't claim racism to offset the illogical policies, then what do they have?

  55. insane sexist fool andros:

    men still rule all arenas


    cc that bs to all of the men who rule dc

    men have ruled the world to hell

  56. Anonymous11:17 AM

    11:08 AM

    Andros said...
    Women should not vote either.

    Giving women the vote has been a disaster for the country and for women.

    Women have turned government into their husband and thus no longer need husbands.

    The family has been destroyed, with fatherless children running wild, and family-less men left adrift.

    Women have babies with a series of boyfriends and live lives funded by the federal gvoernment.

    Now the govenment is broke, generations of children raised poorly, purposeless men in jail or dead, and women poorer, more miserable, but in control.

    We should repeal the 19th ammendemnt.

    Right on - And we should get congress to draft a law that women must obey their husbands and husbands are allowed to have..hmmmm let's say up to four wives and if they get out of line it is a husbands duty to beat them back into submission. ALso they should ensure husbands are sexually satisfied at all times and they must walk behind the men to show the proper respect and place in life and ...wait a minute...this sounds like Islam..

    Go Nation of Islam Go - like to see this tried in Black America - Obey your baby daddy who you payin the bills for...yeah right.

  57. Andros11:18 AM

    alicia banks said...
    insane sexist fool andros:

    men still rule all arenas

    Those men work for women. Our society places womens needs first, and women have decided what they need most today is power.

    Tell me where my analysis of how today's family dysfunction is rooted in women's choices is wrong?

  58. sexist fool andros:

    wtfu asap

    and get over the crazy caveman crocks...

    Macho misogynists love to whine about Black women being more employed. While they ignore our lower wages for superior work. They whine about the smaller populations of Black men on college campuses, while they ignore sexist professors who give superior grades/degrees to illiterate jocks like O. J. Simpson. Likewise, they ignore the rapid increase of campus date rapes, from fraternity houses to dormitories. They whine about Black men in prison, as they ignore the droves of Black women in IDENTICAL cages, giving birth in chains to wards of states, fathered by men who never visit them.

    From Straight, No Chaser: “The notion that black women's independence is a contributing factor to black male oppression has long been a subtext in the black community, and its political, cultural, and social movements. It is founded on the belief that women inherently have it easier, that we are less threatening and therefore given more leeway by the dominant white culture…Nationalism required that we do the behind-the-scenes work, keep our mouths shut in public, and in private, happily assume the prone position at the whim of our King, the better to produce more male warriors. Nothing really changed for Black women except the rap and the costumes…Men who refused to buy into the white man's system by working as a slave, seemed to have little problem with his woman's enslavement…

    Unlike white men, we do not have most of the political power and nearly all of the corporate money. Unlike white women, we are neither the wives nor sisters of the masters of the universe. We have no National Organization for Women or other group with clout to advocate for us. Even though Black women do most of the work in our communities, are the mainstay of the strongest organization African Americans have, the black church ...unlike black men, we seldom head churches, are elected to political office, are in leadership…White male politicians demonize me as a welfare cheat, illegitimate baby-making machine, and drain on government programs.

    Black men single me out when they need either help or an example of why they are "endangered" or hindered. I am asked to cook the food, stuff the envelopes, open my legs, and keep my mouth shut…”





  59. Anonymous11:20 AM

    alicia banks said...
    insane sexist fool andros:

    men still rule all arenas


    cc that bs to all of the men who rule dc

    men have ruled the world to hell

    It's all about the pussy, more wars and murders have been committed over a woman than anything else. Woman can get nasty, plot very well and drive weak men to great lengths - all for a little poontang. I guess you could say it has a certain slick appeal.

  60. sexless brainless brazen bumbling buffoon andros:

    cc that misogynist mythical bs to:

    oil opium and gold!!!

    each of which has no gender u silly sexist mf






  61. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Black men single me out when they need either help or an example of why they are "endangered" or hindered. I am asked to cook the food, stuff the envelopes, open my legs, and keep my mouth shut…”

    Ahh and Ideally have a flat head and back so I have a place to put my beer and can put an ashtray on your back while takin a piece...now that is the perfect woman. Don't forget bring home the pay-pa so I looks good on your arm.

    Some advice for the bruthas out there never pick up a woman from a laundromat, any woman who can't even afford a washing machine isn't going to be able to support you.

  62. Anonymous11:27 AM


    alicia banks said...
    sexless brainless brazen bumbling buffoon andros:

    cc that misogynist mythical bs to:

    oil opium and gold!!!

    Oil and Gold only so the men can get more money and buy more pussy

  63. Andros11:30 AM

    Anonymous said..."Go Nation of Islam Go - like to see this tried in Black America - Obey your baby daddy who you payin the bills for...yeah right."

    There is also a Christian model of marriage, where the wife obeys her husband and the husband pledges to make all decisions based upon what is best for his wife.

    Or there is just the fundamental bargain at the root of all unions between men and women: The woman's promise of fidelity (paternity certainty) for the man's promise of resources (to raise her children).

    But in any event, the hand that pays is always above the hand that takes. In the end, women have traded obedience to a man who loves her for obedience to a government who owns her.

  64. Anonymous11:31 AM

    more advice on picking the perfect woman - look at her feet closely, she has got to have small feet if she has big monster hooves dont do it - no way she can get close enough to the kitchen sink while serving you with big feet

  65. racist sexist fool assnon:

    wm massas blamed stolen african slaves for being such great workers too

    importing stolen caged chattel was just a casual aside

    flocks of fatal fools like u never fade...

    blaming those u betray will never save your sexist soul

    ditto for letches who harass female peers


  66. Funny how white people are telling me my life would be so much better if i listen to a slow talking southerner who has sexual harassment charges filed against him. Who knew my life sucked so badly before? I also like how they tell me why I dislike Cain or other conservative Blacks. They inform me because I'm intimidated and live on some imaginary plantation. Interesting.

  67. BTW, the Black Panthers and ACORN are behind the latest attempt to falsely accuse Herman. It's so obvious because we need a distraction from our secret Muslim prez who will take over the world with the Muslim Brotherhood and Trinity United Church.

  68. Anonymous11:48 AM

    when ever you witness to any kind of child abuse it is your duty to call the police,not some one from the school administration.every one at the school who knew about this and did not call the police should be fired.any one not connected to the school who knew about the child abuse and did not tell the police should be ashamed of them selves.my grand son was being abused at a day care center by the owners 12yr old nephew how ever a neighbor this happing and called the police.the day care was closed and the boy was taken into custody for treatment.

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. peasant sexist ct jester perp bitch andros:

    real men need no one to obey them

    and real women need no one to obey

    queens and kings CHOOSE WHOM they love and obey

    sexist fools like u will never know such wisdom or choices


  72. anon:


    the coach should have called 911 FIRST...then the campus officials

    just as dr. murray may be free if he had dialed 911 first..before all the other criminal/coverup bs...


  73. Dr. Conrad Murry is being held without bail after his involuntary manslaughter conviction on Monday for the death of Michael Jackson. Defense drops claim that Jacko swallowed propofol Dr. Conrad Murray ignored medical protocol in Michael Jackson’s death: Expert MJ bodyguard says doctor delayed calling 911 Michael Jackson's doc claims singer addict Conrad Murray dances on anniversary of MJ's death Jackson death photo shown in doc's trial
    LOS ANGELES - Michael Jackson's doctor sealed his fate when he found the heavily sedated pop icon unresponsive and failed to call 911 immediately, a juror revealed Wednesday.

    Debbie Franklin, a 48-year-old mother of two from Temple City, Calif., broke her silence on ABC's "Good Morning America" and described the nine hours of excruciating deliberations that led to Dr. Conrad Murray's involuntary manslaughter conviction Monday.


  74. PilotX said...
    BTW, the Black Panthers and ACORN are behind the latest attempt to falsely accuse Herman. It's so obvious because we need a distraction from our secret Muslim prez who will take over the world with the Muslim Brotherhood and Trinity United Church.

    No X, it is just the Obama Campaign using their media to smear their opponents.

    The same media that steadfastly refused to inform Americans of Obama's decades long associations with ultra-left radicals sworn to the destruction of our country, like Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, Jeremiah Wright, Khalid al-Mansour, Rashid Khalidi, Bob Creamer and many others.

  75. Andros11:56 AM

    alicia banks said...
    real men need no one to obey them

    and real women need no one to obey

    How's that working out for all those real men and women?

    Do real life consequences ever intrude on into what you wish life was like?

  76. sexless clueless assnon andros:

    your eternal lack of experience will never constitute an issue or emergency for me.

    work that out asap.

  77. Anonymous12:01 PM

    PilotX said...
    Funny how white people are telling me my life would be so much better if i listen to a slow talking southerner who has sexual harassment charges filed against him. Who knew my life sucked so badly before? I also like how they tell me why I dislike Cain or other conservative Blacks. They inform me because I'm intimidated and live on some imaginary plantation. Interesting.

    Hmmmm.....I don't even like Cain but that doesn't mean I condone reprehensible democratic antics.
    Look how you immediately as a democrat flip to skin color - that is the important thing and divisive technique of democrats.
    Conservatives like Cain don't need to say anything, they simply achieve and this threatens your democratic outlook. How else can the rich white liberals stay in power and keep getting richer if they don't have a base that is convinced they don't need government to take from others to allow them to survive, rather they can use all this country has to offer and make it and all this despite them knowing that you can't make it and don't have the abilities to do so without them providing some leverage against the rest of the country.

    When a black man pops his head up that didnt need a cheating head start and proudly proclaims anyone of any race can make it if they have the goods and put in the work, the last thing liberals want is the young to start thinking hey look I dont need to think I am incompetent like those white liberals tell me and need those liberals, he made it without all that nonsense and hate, maybe I can too. Another words a total threat to the democratic beliefs aspiring to achieve instead of living with eternal envy and hatred. The party of Saul Alinsky - divide and conquer - than no one suceeds except the conquerers and from where I sit they are doing quite well. Or another word socialist/marxism where the rulers are the elite and wealthy and everyone else scrambles to survive irregardless of talents and contributions.

  78. ps:

    any real man who is noble/a parent would actually have saved the male/female child,

    kicked the pedpohile's ass,

    then called 911 FIRST...

    in that order!!!

  79. Anonymous12:08 PM

    PilotX said...
    BTW, the Black Panthers and ACORN are behind the latest attempt to falsely accuse Herman. It's so obvious because we need a distraction from our secret Muslim prez who will take over the world with the Muslim Brotherhood and Trinity United

    NO not that fine upstanding organizations, they would never be involved with conspiracies and spread racism hatred violence and discord, no not those organizations.

    Hey wait a minute, wasn't it a Panther who said the white man created aids to destroy blacks or guy van Jones who is sure that 9/11 was planned and executed by Bush or that Katrina was a special weather weapons program that Bush put together to wipe out the black district of New Orleans (it also brainwashed the local leaders into being incompetent) Also that Planned Parenthood was a white eugenics program to eliminate the drain of black culture on this country?...No wait..that one was documented and true and now you embrace it....Oh well

    Your standards are ridiculous as is the case with most liberals Hold the Panthers and Acorn to even the smallest fraction of accountability levels that you do with conservatives and see how that holds up. If you are able.

  80. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Your standards are ridiculous as is the case with most liberals Hold the Panthers and Acorn to even the smallest fraction of accountability levels that you do with conservatives and see how that holds up. If you are able.

    ALl the while claiming a black man who proved he had the smarts, talen and work ethic, was a literal rocket scientist and mathematician only did so because the white man patted him on the head for being a tom.

    You don't even realize how insulting you are to anyone Black pulling this shit. So any Black man who makes it, is intelligent and sucessful must be a white mans toy. I didn't realize white men had the power of god over black folk, they can make you smart, successful and competent or a blithering idiot who can't speak english. Doubly insulting if you ever stop to think about it instead of playing the plantation theme, you are bending over pickin that cotton and you don't even realize it. Shouldn't you be telling all the kids look, he is a man to be aspired to, you too can do anything and nothing not even your skin color will hold you back. It is all up to you, not some white man.

  81. Get Your Blacks Straight12:18 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    PilotX said...
    Hey wait a minute, wasn't it a Panther who said the white man created aids to destroy blacks or guy van Jones who is sure that 9/11 was planned and executed by Bush or that Katrina was a special weather weapons program that Bush put together to wipe out the black district of New Orleans (it also brainwashed the local leaders into being incompetent) Also that Planned Parenthood was a white eugenics program to eliminate the drain of black culture on this country?...No wait..that one was documented and true and now you embrace it....Oh well

    12:08 PM"

    No, I'm pretty sure it was Mammy AB that said all thant.

  82. penn state needs to fire ALL now

    and then use this as a teachable moment to repair their brand's image...asap

    When I began working in the field of sexual and domestic violence prevention in 1995, I was stunned to find that more than 80% of rape survivors know the men who attack them. The vast majority of sexual predators rely on an insidiously derived trust that not only provides access to their victims, but works to maintain their anonymity even in the light of day. They often stand on a broader, established reputation and use threats and gifts to maintain their victims' silence.

    When I served on the board of Stop It Now, which is focused on the prevention of sexual abuse of children, I learned that more than 90% of abused children know their attacker. Once again, this defies our misguided belief that predators are like lions in the tall grass waiting to attack. The overwhelming reality is that they are individuals who manipulate trust and positions of power to gain access to their victims and control them. It is this reality that has led to such terms as "intimate partner violence" and "interpersonal violence" and "acquaintance rape." Trust, access and familiarity are the tools of sustained abuse.


  83. racist assnon:

    i am not a mother

    i am no one's mammy

    especially yours

    u would have mysteriously died in infancy from ground glass in your milk if i had been your mammy


  84. racist sexist sterile impotent assnon:


    u lie like hobama


  85. Anonymous12:27 PM

    u would have mysteriously died in infancy from ground glass in your milk if i had been your mammy


    Ohhhhh, You know AB, I really like you, you are one hell of a woman. I can tell you are sensitive and have a good heart at the same time not taking any shit. No offense but to bad you are a lesbian.

  86. anon:

    i am black female & lesbian...in america

    if i was a wimp
    i would have been a corpse long ago

    "Alicia Banks is no wimp... It's that kind of outspokenness that has brought an audience to her show..." SOUTHERN VOICE 6/17/1993

    "Why has Alicia Banks, a beloved radio voice, gone back to school? 'I want to be as radical and renowned as a professor as I am as a talk show host.' Her FM show...has been her 'labor of love' for a decade...'I decided to change careers at this point because radio has been entirely locked down by white male neocons'...The same forces that inspired Banks to head to the hills of academia conspire against marginal forces in music...She points out that the vast majority of radio stations are owned by a small number of companies, and playlists are increasingly computerized...." GIRLFRIENDS MAGAZINE 7/2000

    "Musicologist, activist, and cyber columnist is how Alicia Banks describes herself. But she's better known to her fans and detractors as a popular talk radio personality. She is the producer, creator, and host of two radio shows...Alicia heats up early morning airwaves with her take-no -prisoners approach. But her shock-jock comparisons end with her eclectic mix of music and anti-racist interpretation...." GIRLFRIENDS MAGAZINE 9/1997

    "Alicia Banks drops a weekly bomb fused with consciousness and sister melodies..." HUES MAGAZINE 11/1996

    "If talk radio seems dominated by clones of Rush Limbaugh, Alicia Banks is the answer...Her fans revere her...The creator of two immensely popular radio programs, Banks has her finger on the pulse of American culture. There's a growing hunger for her message..." VICTORY MAGAZINE 1/1996

    "Banks makes it her business to deliver music, news and commentary in a way that challenges...Her show has become ground zero for a fire storm of controversy...Banks has built an enthusiastic audience and won a second prime time talk show...."OUT MAGAZINE 6/1994

    "Banks' programs are no ordinary talk shows...Her broadcasts are not to be taken lightly. She seems ready for anything. She is fearless..." DENEUVE MAGAZINE 6/1994

    "Banks' program combines the voices of Dinah Washington and Billie Holiday with tribal songs, fictional readings, erotica, and political discussions. It is the politics which have caused a stir..." THE WASHINGTON BLADE 2/25/1994

    "Alicia Banks jumped the tracks from FM to AM, sending sparks through the airwaves and widening debates on heated topics...Banks is no ordinary talk show host. She's articulate, intelligent, and above all, she's fearless...Banks' soft graceful voice belies the forcefulness of her views...Since 1989, the French-fluent host has segued personal commentary and literary messages with hours of music..." ATLANTA JOURNAL CONSTITUTION 10/14/1993

    "Since 1989, Alicia has been heating up the airwaves with her eyebrow raising program...Although the show is packed with great voices of the past and present, there's room for deep talk...Banks is now having the last laugh with her success..." ATLANTA MAGAZINE 10/1993




  87. ps anon:

    no offense taken

    but my wife is elated that i am lesbian


  88. 1 down...



  89. alicia banks said....
    "u would have mysteriously died in infancy from ground glass in your milk if i had been your mammy"

    Jesus AB.

    A woman who boasts of how she would have killed a baby rants on about a man who raped a child.

    You and Sandusky should both rot in hell.

  90. Inquiring Minds...1:15 PM

    " alicia banks said...
    ps anon:

    no offense taken

    but my wife is elated that i am lesbian


    12:38 PM"

    Yeah, and if you were married to a guy, I'm sure he would be felated, as well.

    C'mon AB....you can tell us. We're all your friends here.

    How many guys have you played "hide the salami with"?

  91. Anonymous1:24 PM

    "How many guys have you played "hide the salami with"?"

    I have heard the term "hide the salami" at least a dozen times on FN. But what does it mean?

  92. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Google it

  93. Anonymous1:26 PM

    It's a game UTS played to get through the Coast Guard. He Chief Cook and Salami Hider.

  94. Lt. Commander Johnson1:50 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    It's a game UTS played to get through the Coast Guard. He Chief Cook and Salami Hider.

    1:26 PM"

    Yep. It used to amaze the whole crew how Steve could take it all from Ensign Johannsen...(We used to call him the "Swedish Torpedo")

    But Seaman Steve would never miss a stroke, and keep on baking them biscuits.

  95. Anonymous1:59 PM

    I bet all of you are Catholics when it comes to sex. smh.

  96. Anonymous2:00 PM

    I know ab is Catholic by her dirty mouth and the way she talks about Heterosexuals and homosexuals...very SINFUL!

  97. falter boy/pope dope assnon:

    why would a meatless tool like you ever fret over sausages?




  98. Just Curious2:16 PM

    Hey AB. Seriously.

    That poster above who asked you if you had ever been with a guy, or how many....

    It made me wonder. What would you guess are the statistics for lesbians who have NEVER been with a man? Or, do you have a link to some stats on that?

  99. 2 down...



  100. This comment has been removed by the author.

  101. just kidding:

    real men never need to ask.

    they know.

    cc that bs to brad pitt
    and michelle bachman

    u lewd bitch.

  102. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "How many guys have you played "hide the salami with"?"

    I have heard the term "hide the salami" at least a dozen times on FN. But what does it mean?

    Its pretty much the same game as ride the bologna - or baloney

    Batter dip the corn dog

    Taking the skin boat to tuna town

    Butter The Muffin

    Dip The Wick

    Polish the Porpoise

    Put Sour Cream on the Taco

    Rumple The Foreskin

    OK let me try and explain

    You have a room
    You have a man
    You have a woman
    What does the man have that might be a hard salami?
    Where should he hide it?

    Uptown Steve sorry if I left out the Man/Man scenario - Not my (t-bag) either.

  103. what jobs???


    But in keeping with Obama's philosophy, his so-called “jobs bill” proposes nothing of the kind. More than half its original $447 billion price tag is made up of tax cuts, many billions of it to the same industries that are laying people off.

    At the same time, the Obama White House has advanced NAFTA-like free trade bills for Colombia, Panama, and South Korea, a kind of legislation that is a proven job-killer. Though the package of free-trade bills does contain a stipulation that additional billions be spent on retraining, this isn't part of the bill the White House is pushing, and is extremely unlikely to pass in any case.

    Even individual pieces of the president's “jobs bill” are unlikely to pass. The president knows it, and so does every member of Congress. Harry Reid only put it up for a Senate vote so he'd have Republicans on record as voting against something called a “jobs bill,” whether it was or not. The latest chunk of it got 51 votes out of 100 in the US Senate and still failed, due to the 60 vote rule, which is only applied when Democrats need an excuse for not passing nominally progressive legislation that their financiers would rather see fail. Remember Obama's health insurance company bailout bill? That didn't need 60 votes, because health insurance companies loved it.

    “When it comes to the interest of Wall Street and the one percent, Obama is effective. He gets it done where Republicans cannot.”

    Republicans are playing their usual “bad cop” role in the production, opposing the fake “jobs bill,” in an effort to make Barack Obama look like the good guy by comparison. They'll vote it down. They'll call it a “jobs killer” and accuse the president, a far more effective capitalist tool at this point than they are, of being a socialist. The Republican role in this drama is to oppose Obama's fake jobs bill as though it were real, to distract attention away from his real record, to make Obama look good, and to retain credibility in front of their own frequently racist constituencies, so that they too can be delivered to donors each and every election cycle.

    It's a game, played out on our TVs and blogs and newspapers daily and nightly, a fake world pulled over our eyes to distract us from the real game the players are playing.


  104. hobama and his cbc overseer drones are selling us all out by the dozens asap

    dear god
    please save all of us black mongrels from massa hobama and his amoral adoring dc posse


    A handful of Black lawmakers have joined with Blue Dog Democrats to call for $4 trillion in federal spending cuts over 10 years – far more than the congressional “Super-Committee” is required to make this month. $4 trillion happens to be the figure both President Obama and his deficit reduction commission proposed to cut. The six Black congressmen are attempting to help the First Black President seal his “Grand Bargain” with the GOP by defunding what’s left of the New Deal and Great Society

    It was at that point, last summer, that the real Obama was stripped naked to the world as a corporate enemy of the New Deal and the Great Society who deploys progressive rhetoric in order to disarm his own Democratic base, in the service of Wall Street.

    Without that revelatory moment, there may have been no Occupation movement.

    The six Black Caucus members are among the congressional Democrats that want to help Obama to finally seal that Grand Bargain with the Republicans. The letter to which they affixed their signatures mimics Obama language in maintaining that “all options for mandatory and discretionary spending and revenues must be on the table.” That’s Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, on a silver platter – in exchange for some token tax increases.


  105. This comment has been removed by the author.

  106. herman cainish assnons:

    i bet no one could ever count the droves of women u filthy mfs have harassed...


  107. Hey kosher kkk needs slaps:


    U racist lying fool

    Racial myths are slow to die, because they serve the purposes of those who rule through mechanisms of racial oppression. Black mass incarceration, which has been public policy of the United States for four decades, is underpinned by assumptions of Black criminality – especially drug abuse. “A new study, however, shows that Black and Asian kids are, in fact, much less likely than their white counterparts to abuse or become dependent on drugs and alcohol.”

    So, what does this new knowledge mean in terms of public policy? The author of the study, Prof. Dan Blazer, of Duke University Medical Center, says the data should help programs “focus on the subgroups of adolescents who are at greater risk.” At risk of what? The numbers show whites are more at risk than Blacks for actual drug and alcohol disorder and abuse. But Black kids are far more at risk for incarceration for drugs. Public policy, through police surveillance and stop-and-frisk, is justified by assumptions about human behavior, such as that Blacks are more involved in drug use and abuse than whites. But once again, this has been proven to be factually false. The Duke University data show that the United States criminal justice system – not Black behavior – is responsible for the vast racial disparities in incarceration for drug offenses. The system is rigged, and science proves it. The fundamental problem is that America is drunk on racism and constantly indulging in Black-people-abuse.





  108. dickless dumb assnon:

    why are you bragging and dreaming about penis when u have none???

    share your wife's impressive toy box/get over that asap

  109. I knew Alicia had never felt the touch of man meat.

    She has just confirmed it.

  110. like your wife's toy box confirms your own dickless being???

  111. How sad never to know the loving touch of a penis or the feel of man butter inside your womanly cavern.

    Your unfulfilled lust for man meat has made you insane, and left you jibbering all day on a blog comment section.

    Surely there some brave soul willing to plunge the depths of Alicia Banks. Won't someone come to this poor maiden's rescue?

  112. gsr = gay serial rapist

    why are you posting your sexless crime diaries/rape & penis fantasies herein???

    cc that bs to amanda knox

    she may be your psycho soulmate


  113. gsr = goofy silly rapist

    amanda would really enjoy your wife's overstuffed toy box too...


  114. shim shady:

    if you could grow a penis...would u come out?

  115. no slappz3:52 PM

    The child abuse problem -- the Sandusky problem, the priest problem -- are tied to Catholocism.

    Somehow, the Catholic religion manages to create a psycho-sexual problem that reveals itself through pedophilia, or man-older boy sexual relations.

    Sandusky is a Catholic, as is Paterno.

    If the criminal sezual abuse perpetrated by priests were treated like the crimes committed at Enron, the Catholic Church would have collapsed several years ago, and all its assets would have been distributed to the victims.

    Instead, because there is too much reluctance to treat the sexual sickness in Catholicism as it should be treated, the Church lives on and Catholics are returning to their old ways of ignoring the obvious.

    But any group of people who truly believe in the immaculate conception, the virgin birth and the life of Jesus, well, that group will believe anything -- including the notion that there's nothing wrong with the priesthood or nunnieries or a long list of other perversions of normal life.

  116. Anonymous3:54 PM

    slappz that is just crazy, and betrays your ignorance.

  117. "But any group of people who truly believe in the immaculate conception, the virgin birth and the life of Jesus, well, that group will believe anything"

    exactly, such as trickle down economics. Sounds like the GOP.

  118. no slappz3:58 PM

    pilot x,

    Because you know nothing about hedge funds, you do not know that a hedge fund is nothing more than an investment fund that invests to offset risks in other areas if investments.

    Like most nitwits, you think a hedge fund is only what you've read about in your Weekly Reader newspaper.

    But even if you use the current definition, you would/might see that 1920s funds were hedge funds.

    Frankly, in the 1920s, there was no SEC. There were no rules constraining investment funds. Funds were invested in whatever the fund manager wanted to invest in -- that's what today's hedge funds do.

    Today's hedge funds are unregulated pools of investment capital -- just like all funds in the era before the establishment of the SEC.

  119. Gotta love it, the Obama campaign is smearing Cain. Pure comedy. I guess Barack knowing Herman would run against him in 2012 pushed his hand up that woman's skirt. Ummmm, whatever happened to the old conservative philosophy of personal responsibility. I mean damn, if I had women get settlements against me for harassment I have to admit I was doing something wrong. For example, a friend of mine who was the chief pilot for a major airline always recorded any conversation he had with a subordinate because as a Black man he knows wheat folks, especially wheat women, sometimes use underhanded methods to bring you down. Ergo my man Herman isn't too bring but we already figured that out. BTW, I'm sure Barack would want nothing better than to run against that clown. Hell, Ron Paul has a better chance of winning.

  120. The AB Weiner Telethon4:02 PM

    Ya'll are getting us COMPLETELY off-topic.

    We were discussing AB's lack of the swingin' sirloin, and looking for volunteers (kamizaze-type volunteers, I might add), to cure her of her addiction to rubber & batteries.

    Step up, men...and take one for the team!

  121. no slappz4:02 PM

    I will repeat, the fundamental problem that has led to the extraordinary degree of man/boy sex among Catholics is the Catholic religion itself.

    Catholicism is to pedophila as Islam is to suicide bombers.

  122. no slappz4:07 PM

    pilot x,

    The last candidate Obama wants to face is Cain. Of course, Cain has the Biblical name to go with slaying his Able.

    If US voters were choosing between two black candidates, Obama would lose.

    But, the face-off will never happen.

    It will never happen because the US no longer elects presidents over the age of 60.

    WE do not elect candidates who have had cancer.

    And we do not elect candidates who have never held an elective office of government.

  123. Did I say hedge funds? Ooops. What was the other financial instrument you claimed existed in the '20's but wasn't created until 1948? help me out here Slappz but I like you answered that one pretty quickly but never answered the first. Here kitty kitty kitty.

  124. "If US voters were choosing between two black candidates, Obama would lose."

    So the only person who can beat Obama is another Black man? Whatever it is you're smoking must really be good. Not your best post. Just saying.

  125. "If US voters were choosing between two black candidates, Obama would lose."

    But seriously Obama would win in a landslide vs. Cain because elections are decided by swing voters and given the differences between these two Barack comes out on top in every category. Cain would get destroyed in a debate, he has shown an obvious inability to grasp complex issues, his tax plan would be picked apart by the Obama team leaving him defenseless on economic policy and lastly not his personal life is questionable which would turn off women voters. How would Cain possibly beat Obama? Impossible. He won't even make it past December. Puleeze.

  126. Deep-Fried Crusty Cain4:24 PM

    Cain will be lucky to make it past the next white skank who shows up with that bitch Gloria Allred at her side, crying that Herman bopped his johnson upside her forehead.

  127. Sherlock4:35 PM

    PilotX said...
    For example, a friend of mine who was the chief pilot for a major airline always recorded any conversation he had with a subordinate

    A pilot who recorded EVERY conversation he had with a subordinate? Like every time he asked a stewardess for coffee? He must have a warehouse full of tapes.

    You are even more full of bullshit than usual today.

  128. morose irony...untouchable.

    The fact that former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky's 2001 biography was called Touched: The Jerry Sandusky Story, is generating some pretty pointed commentary on Amazon.com this week.
    We can't post what's being said, as you might imagine. Sandusky is the man facing 40 charges connected to alleged sexual abuse of young boys — a scandal that has engulfed Penn State and led to the announcement today that revered head coach Joe Paterno will retire at the end of this season. Paterno hasn't been accused of doing anything illegal, but has come under fire for not doing more to raise an alarm after he was told about a 2002 incident in which Sandusky allegedly engaged in a sex act with a young boy in the Penn State locker room.

    The title of his book is certainly setting some people off.


  129. omg

    many more heads must roll asap


  130. Shylock4:51 PM

    no slappz said...
    Catholicism is to pedophila as Islam is to suicide bombers

    Utter foolishness. The Catholic sex scandals have been isolated acts of criminal behavior. In contrast, pederasty is an accepted practice in all moslem countries.

    Are you aware of the ubiquitous man-boy sexual realtionships throughout the moslem world? This is a result of there being no heterosexual outlet for unmarried moslem men. American soldiers come back from Afghanistan amazed at the amount of pederasty.

    The problem with the contemporary Catholic church is the requirement of celibacy and the decline of the church.

    In the past families had many children and it was acceptable if one or two joined the priesthood or became a nun. Today's western families have 1 or 2 children, and are not eager to see one of them join an order where they cannot marry.

    As religion has waned, it has been harder and harder to find enough priests. The Church began taking candidates who would have been rejected in the past (e.g. homosexuals). A homosexual subculture developed in the Church. Placing these men in postions of authority where they would come into contact with young boys led directly to the pedophile scandals.

    To the extent the Church has not purged itself of gay priests is an indicator of its institutional corruption.

    They should drop the celibacy requirement and let priests marry, as was done in the early days of the church.

    Sandusky's sickness has absolutely nothing to do with Catholicism.

  131. kosher kk needs slaps:

    u lie like hobama!!!!!!!

    u lying homohating dl dog


    the catholic church forces all men to be asexual

    it also allows homos to hide behind a god that hates them

    this is not a homo issue

    it is an inhumane issue

    These sadistic priests are demonnic monsters who do not represent all priests, all men, or all homosexuals. If all priests were allowed to have male or female spouses, fewer of them would prey upon children. Pedophilia, like rape, is a crime of power rather than sex. Priests who molest boys do so only because boys are more accessible to them in gender segregated churches. If religions were less sexist and segregated by gender, more girls would be molested by psychotic priests.
    The Catholic church is not alone in its inability to protect children. Boys and girls are molested everywhere daily, even in other religions and churches. Pedophilia is a global epidemic which is not limited in any way to priests or males. Like rape, pedophilia is a crime of opportunity. Children are unsafe globally.
    God created humans to touch and be touched. It is inhumane to force anyone to take a vow of celibacy. Too many priests are sexually repressed. Most of them are heterosexuals. Few are gay. The gay ones are dually repressed. They are told that God hates them. In reality, God does not hate sex or homosexuality. God created both. All religions are made by human men. Jesus never called anyone a Christian or a Catholic. God is a universal and genderless spirit open to literally everyone.
    Many homosexual priests join the church to sanction their lack of sexual attraction to women. They undeniably know that God made them homosexual. They erroneously learn that God hates homosexuals. Thus, they feel doomed to Hell. They molest children so that they do not have to wait in line when they get to Hell. They know that Hell's lines will be extremely long, elongated by droves of brutal gaybashers with theology degrees.


  132. is roman polanski catholic???

    is woody allen???


  133. As the media offer loud mics to gaybashers, they remain curiously silent about historic and legendary racism in the Catholic church. From the racist rituals of "pagan baby" offerings, to the eurocentric and radical revamping of ancient images of a Jesus that originally looked like Jimi Hendrix, to the jet black Madonna and Christ child that still grace the ceiling of the Vatican, the racist elements of this priestly "Pampergate" have been ignored by bigoted media editors. Real intellectuals who do their homework will find that the worst offenders of these psychotic pedophile priests are most often exiled to Black and Hispanic parishes. The worst rapists are usually positioned to prey upon black and brown children.
    I am indescribably disgusted by any adult who would sexually abuse a child. I am equally disgusted by gaybashing pseudo-christians. Pseudo-christians rule religion. They are weak and evil cowards. It is easier to bash homosexuals than to cure the gross institutional cancers of forced celibacy and homohatred in religious institutions. Cowards always take the easy way out. Thus, I expect the gaybashing and pedophilia to continue...
    My mom always says: "God blesses babies and fools...". So, perhaps there is hope for some...
    Dear God: Please deliver us all from the "Christians" and the monsters who prey upon our babies...Please bless us all.

  134. Ignorance is stronger than logic. The most dangerous and deadly blindness is that caused by religious ignorance. Just as the biological warfare of AIDS urged gaybashing fools to ignore decades of heterosexual African genocide and centuries of virus-free bloody prison rapes, gaybashing fools now ignore glaring and gross institutional flaws in the Catholic religion and millions of heterosexual pedophiles, as they vent about psychotic and monstrous priests. The only thing more evil than a priest who would sexually prey upon a child, is a demonic gaybasher who would slander all homosexuals for what a few demonic priests dare to do.
    All crime watch organizations report that 85-99% of most pedophiles are middle to upper classed, married, heterosexual men who rarely even visit churches and routinely molest their own daughters and nieces. The vast majority of priests are not raping little boys. Those priests who do so should be swiftly crucified. Those peers who harbor and protect these pedophiles should be crucified with them.
    Increasingly, pedophiles are cyber savvy hetereosexual men who lure young girls over the Internet while their wives are watching television or parenting their children. Many child rapists are increasingly females, seducing their friends's children or their own students etc...Many are males and females who traffic in global child pornography or sex slavery networks.
    All statistics on pedophilia are flawed. Most children who are molested and exploited never tell anyone. So, most of these crimes are never reported; especially by most boys, who fear gaybashers more than perverts. Most victims are girls. Boy victims fear the stigmas and shame they must eternally endure from family and friends, even more than they fear the abuse of predatory sex fiends. Many of these children blame themselves for being raped. Sexual predators are adept at making their victims feel blame and shame. Predators choose their prey wisely. They usually choose children who are regarded as disposable, due to their race and class. These dysfunctional children never tell because they are accustomed to being abused, ignored, and betrayed.

  135. is sandusky a priest u rabidly ignorant kapo kkklown?????

  136. And silent never golden

  137. kosher kkk needs slaps/kapo liar:

    the avg male/female child is FAR safer with a priest

    than they are with a dad/uncle/coach like sandusky


  138. no slappz5:15 PM

    pilot x askas:

    What was the other financial instrument you claimed existed in the '20's but wasn't created until 1948?

    Probably something related to Derivatives.

    They existed. But because YOU cannot recognize their earlier form does not mean anything.

    Same with hedge funds.

  139. no slappz5:18 PM

    pilot x,

    We're never going to know what would happen if Cain faced Obama.

    Mainly because Obama has to run against his record -- not Cain.

    Obama's record is so bad that even his previous supporters are willing to replace him.

    Most of those supporters would be willing to replace him with another black president.

    But, as I said, we do not elect former cancer patients, who are over 60 and have never before held elective office.

    Thus, Cain will not survive the primaries. His opponents are saving his cancer and inexperience for later.

  140. is eddie long a catholic u kosher kkk kkkapo mf?????



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  143. needs slaps:

    like racist sexist homohating jew clones of u, pedophiles are everywhere...and they come in HET BI & GAY!!!!!!!

    1000s of het pastors rape girls daily

    even MORE than gay pedophile priests who rape boys


    this is not a gender issue

    it is a UNIVERSAL pedophile issue

    your RABID hatred trumps your RABID ignorance u evil racist homohating kosher kkk mf

    Bronx minister and principal of a church-affiliated school faces escalated charges of raping a teen in light of new DNA evidence, according to the Bronx District Attorney.
    Reverend Michael Clare, a pastor at Harvest Worship Center and principal at Harvest Preparatory Academy was indicted by a grand jury on charges of rape in the first degree on Friday after DNA evidence linked him to the victim, who became pregnant at 15.

    Clare was arrested last June when a young girl told family and police that this man had molested her from age 12 to 15. He was initially charged with rape in the 2nd degree under other offenses and was released on a bail $20,000 cash or $10,000 bond.


  144. Hate Crime5:27 PM

    You know, after everything I've read that was posted on this thread today, this had to be the worst:


    But, I don't think one single black person here even commented on it.

    That says something.

  145. no slappz5:34 PM

    shylock splutters:

    no slappz said...
    Catholicism is to pedophila as Islam is to suicide bombers

    Utter foolishness. The Catholic sex scandals have been isolated acts of criminal behavior.

    Blind nonsense. Priests have been chasing boys since the advent of the priesthood.

    The priesthood is a gay bath-house. Nothing less.

    In contrast, pederasty is an accepted practice in all moslem countries.

    Homosexuality is punishable by death in Islamic countries.

    How often is the punishment dealt? I have no idea.

    But it's irrelevant. I compared priest/pederasts with Islamic suicide bombers.

    You decided to change the subject.

    Are you aware of the ubiquitous man-boy sexual realtionships throughout the moslem world?

    Yes. Why do you think Malcolm Forbes had a huge estate in Tangier?

    This is a result of there being no heterosexual outlet for unmarried moslem men.

    When it comes to sex, Islam advocates child brides -- Muhammad's favorite.

    American soldiers come back from Afghanistan amazed at the amount of pederasty.

    So what?

    The problem with the contemporary Catholic church is the requirement of celibacy and the decline of the church.

    Yeah. Well, celibacy actually means No Straight Hetero Men Need Apply. The restriction is a way of offering employment to gays.

    In the past families had many children and it was acceptable if one or two joined the priesthood or became a nun.

    In the past, families had no other way to honorably admit their son was gay. So they urged the gay ones into the priesthood.

    Today's western families have 1 or 2 children, and are not eager to see one of them join an order where they cannot marry.

    If the future priests were truly hetero, they could leave the Catholic Church and become Episcopalians, marry and serve their god.

    As religion has waned, it has been harder and harder to find enough priests.

    As gayness has become more accepted, the gay Catholic kids no longer had to run off and join the priesthood.

    The Church began taking candidates who would have been rejected in the past (e.g. homosexuals).

    You're an idiot. The Popes and Cardinals are as gay as the Village People.

    A homosexual subculture developed in the Church.

    The Catholic Church is the San Francisco of Christianity.

    Placing these men in postions of authority where they would come into contact with young boys led directly to the pedophile scandals.

    Yeah. And if they weren't priests, they'd become Boy Scout leaders.

    To the extent the Church has not purged itself of gay priests is an indicator of its institutional corruption.

    Sure, sure, sure. Like the Mafia is going to purge itself of Italians.

    They should drop the celibacy requirement and let priests marry, as was done in the early days of the church.

    Sure. Like the United Gay Workers of the Catholic Church are going to end the job and sexual opportunities for fellow gays.

    Sandusky's sickness has absolutely nothing to do with Catholicism.

    And the existence of suicide bombers has nothing to do with Islam.

  146. needs fatal slaps:

    cc that bs to hitler u kosher kkk bastard

    he could teach u a lot about purging

    ask your dead kapo kin

  147. kosher kkk needs slaps lies like hobama!!!!!

    A 17-year-old girl from Agusan del Norte filed on Wednesday three cases—acts of lasciviousness, child abuse, and rape, against a Catholic priest in Tubay town with the provincial court.

    Leah (not her real name) accused Tubay parish priest Fr. Raul Cabonce of sexually assaulting and raping her several times while she was working under his care.

    “I hope he will be imprisoned for his whole life,” she told the Philippine Daily Inquirer in an interview.

    Leah’s ordeal began on June 2010 when she got a message from the priest to see him at the convent.

    Cabonce, she said, offered to pay for her tuition as a fourth year high school student if she worked at the convent.

    Leah, who was 9th in a brood of 12, readily accepted the offer.

    “My parents were too poor,” she said. “I wanted to be a doctor.”

    On Sept. 16, 2010, the priest made advances to her while she was cooking. Cabonce suddenly put his hand on her breast. Shocked, Leah said she backed away from Cabonce, who made light of his actions, even teasing her for being “too serious.”

    A few months later, Leah’s situation at the convent worsened. One evening, Leah said she was summoned by Cabonce to his room. “There were guns in his bedroom. I saw three, two long firearms and one short,” she recalled.

    The priest asked for a massage, she said. A few minutes later, the priest started groping her. When she protested and tried to leave, Cabonce forced her to bed and molested her despite her protestations.

    Leah said the abuse was repeated several times the next month. She tried to avoid Cabonce while at the convent.


  148. many priests have even raped nuns for centuries!!!








  149. hate c:


    silence = coddling consent

    that is why so many black children and public schools are doomed



  150. Shylock5:56 PM

    slappz once again proves that his ignorance is no impediment to his expertise:

    "But it's irrelevant. I compared priest/pederasts with Islamic suicide bombers."

    It's not irrelevant; your comparison was flawed. Islam is all over Catholicism both in child rape and suicide bombings.

    "As gayness has become more accepted, the gay Catholic kids no longer had to run off and join the priesthood"

    In the past, acting on one's gayness was not permitted by the Church. In the farther past, such priests were burned.

    "The Popes and Cardinals are as gay as the Village People."

    In your wet dreams.

    "Yeah. And if they weren't priests, they'd become Boy Scout leaders."

    The Boy Scouts forbid gays from being Scout leaders. For this, they have been banned from my school district.

    Interesting that when the boy scouts try to keep gay pedophiles away from kids there is always some primarily jewish rights organization out to stop them. Why would that be?

    "And the existence of suicide bombers has nothing to do with Islam."

    Suicide bombers are almost exclusively moslem. Pedophiles are found everywhere.

  151. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Back when Clinton was shaking his finger, the Democrat mantra was “It’s just about sex.” Now it’s “Get a rope; we can’t have black guys sneaking off the liberal plantation.”

  152. Kemal6:13 PM

    President Obama is not actually a pragmatic centrist (witness everything he did in his first two years, his attitude and substantive proposals in every confrontation with this congress, and his assertions that Republicans want dirty air and water and would love to give mercury poisoning to children, for instance), and is not actually a populist progressive (witness his deep ties to and reliance on Wall Street and his overall regulatory agenda which basically amounts to institutionalized crony capitalism, for instance). Rather, he is an elitist liberal technocrat whose definition of pragmatism is agreement with him and whose idea of populism is resentment of people who disagree with him.

  153. Anonymous6:33 PM


  154. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Joe Frazier is a black icon. A hero for all americans-even the heckyews and left behinds.

    They ain't guna look up to a "migger".They go create a wite fictional hero based on Joe and call him rocky.


  155. "Because the red head wanted to be a head coach one day. Sad but true." more like red-handed. You can never wash that stain away.

  156. That wasn't me.

  157. Winton7:34 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    "Because the red head wanted to be a head coach one day. Sad but true." more like red-handed. You can never wash that stain away.

    The "red-head" was a 22 year old student.

    He told his father, and he told his coach.

    Come on, Whitey

  158. lewd sexist racist dl freak assnon:

    be careful what u covet dog

    u get what u pray for


  159. This comment has been removed by the author.

  160. This comment has been removed by the author.

  161. This comment has been removed by the author.

  162. pedophiles are universal and diverse!!!!

    A 41-year-old teacher has been accused of having sex with 11 of her students.
    Prosecutors believe Cindy Clifton has been charged with more offences against under age children than any other teacher in America in the last decade.
    She is facing a total

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2059491/Teacher-Cindy-Clifton-41-sex-ELEVEN-teenage-boys-month-period.html#ixzz1dG7oeGaR

  163. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HS3SLqyvrbY

  164. young amoral pookie teachers


    bad dumb big sexed out amoral kids


    pedophile epidimic




  165. "Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    "Because the red head wanted to be a head coach one day. Sad but true." more like red-handed. You can never wash that stain away.

    The "red-head" was a 22 year old student.

    He told his father, and he told his coach.

    Come on, Whitey"

    Actually, he was 28! And he saw a 60 plus year old man having sex with a 10 year old boy!!!!!

    WTF? He should have knocked Sandusky the f&^% out and then call the police.

    Please don't make excuses for that little weasel, Mike McQueary.

  166. "WTF? He should have knocked Sandusky the f&^% out and then call the police."


  167. "A pilot who recorded EVERY conversation he had with a subordinate? Like every time he asked a stewardess for coffee? He must have a warehouse full of tapes."

    Yeah because morons like yourself don't realize the chief pilot position is an administrative post that entails 95% of their time being spent in an office but don't let ignorance stop you from posting.

  168. "Most of those supporters would be willing to replace him with another black president."

    OK Slappz, you jumped the shark this time. This is typical Republican thought "we'll just get another jig and people will never know the difference". The GOP tried this in Illinois and we saw the results. Had the Republicans run a serious candidate instead of playing choose the spook you may not have a President named Obama today but they believed crap like you are talking. The reason you talk this shit is because and you admit Cain can't even win his party's nomination not to mention a matchup against the most successful Black politician in history. McCain never had one charge of sexual harassment leveled against him but yet lost the womens' vote by a pretty wide margin by just widening that voting block alone Obama would stomp Cain. He won't get the nomination but it has nothing to do with his age or cancer. 1. Republicans will NEVER nominate a Black person 2. the field is too far right to win a general so pretty Mitt is the only hope they have and when Matt Stone and Trey Parker get done with him he'll be in the same boat Palin was when Tina Fey got done with her. Because we live in a moderately polite society we don't attack each other's religion but when the masses find out about how utterly nutty Mormonism really is we'll see a landslide.

    BTW, nice answer about derivatives, yeah sure, they were just called something else.

  169. Sherlock9:13 PM

    PilotX said...
    "A pilot who recorded EVERY conversation he had with a subordinate? Like every time he asked a stewardess for coffee? He must have a warehouse full of tapes."

    Yeah because morons like yourself don't realize the chief pilot position is an administrative post that entails 95% of their time being spent in an office but don't let ignorance stop you from posting.

    You are still full of shit.

  170. "You are still full of shit."

    And you are still a moron.
