Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Republicans are debating...zzzzzz, it's getting really ugly in "Happy Valley", and black people and their money.

I am trying to watch the republican debates, but I have a feeling that it's going to be just like the other debates with more of the same: blah blah blah, elect me and I will blah blah blah.

Wait, someone just asked Herman about his alleged inappropriate behavior with different women. Booooooo!!!  Herman seems mad about that question, and he says that his character is above reproach. Yeaaahh! Carry on folks, I think I will watch "Survivor: South Pacific".

Man this Penn State stuff won't go away. And it shouldn't. Not until we get to the bottom of this scandal. (We are up to victim number 9) Like the rest of you, I want to know who knew what and when. And I want to know why Jerry Sandusky was allowed to hang around that campus and be a part of a charity where he had contact with young boys for years after Penn State officials knew that he had a problem. I want to know what really happened to a Centre County DA who almost prosecuted Sandusky, and who went missing a few years ago.

JoPa has said that he is finally retiring after forever, and the President of the University could be gone by the time I finish writing this post. Is it enough? Only time will tell.

Finally, I see that you Negroes in A-merry-ca will have over a trillion dollars in buying power by 2015. That's a lot of money. Sadly, I am afraid that most of that money will be used to buy things that you Negroes really don't need. And you sure as hell will not be investing or keeping that money in your community. (Dollars flee the hood like white people. As soon as you get it it's gone. Why is that?) There are folks out here talking about black entrepreneurship and making sure that blacks take part in the new innovation economy. Those entrepreneurs need money.  

Come on people, let's keep some of those trillions among ourselves. Your neighborhoods, not to mention your own families, will be better off in the long run.


  1. American Dream9:31 PM

    "Finally, I see that you Negroes in A-merry-ca will have over a trillion dollars in buying power by 2015. That's a lot of money"

    That sure is a lot of money. I wonder how it compares to the buying power of all the other negroes in the world?

  2. Anonymous9:55 PM

    "Come on people, let's keep some of those trillions among ourselves. Your neighborhoods, not to mention your own families, will be better off in the long run."

    Now now, Field. You know what the deal is. the deal is we are not obligated to each other for anything. Since 'when' did us Negroes care anything about each other? I mean, look at the Negroes on FN who castigate other Negroes. Only a fool would believe anything good would come out of plowing their hard earned money back into the community. Btw, what community is that anyway?

  3. Did Ricky just forget the dept of energy? That man is an idiot. "I would eliminate three government agencies, the dept of education, the fed and uhhhh, uhhhhhhhhhh, uhhhhhhhhh, lemme think about it for a minute and I'll get back to you". Somebody has to stop this clown car. Hell, let's not even have an election in 2012 and call it a forfeit and let these fools get ready for 2016.

  4. Anonymous9:58 PM

    "Come on people, let's keep some of those trillions among ourselves. Your neighborhoods, not to mention your own families, will be better off in the long run."

    Hmmmmm. I wonder how Obama feels about that? hell, the most he and his wife has done is to "ignore" our existence, or to tell us to shutup and go march.

  5. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Field, you need to develop interest in political debates, esp when it entails the Presidency. You need to be informed before you go off and make a prejudiced decision.

    The Republican debates are extremely important and they are NOT as boring as your biased mind make them out to be. Someone on that stage is going to be our next President, and there is a very good chance it might be Cain.

    Don't be ignorant like some of the resident IDs on your blog.

  6. Can you imagine being a Republican operative? "Man we need a Black candidate so we won't have all white males running again. How about Powell? No? How about Condi, she would check two boxes. Keyes? OK who else do we have? Who????????? That slow talking fool with the pimp hat that grabs ass? Shit, we're screwed. OK OK we'll pick him. Damn. Maybe no one will notice he's an idiot when he stands next to Perry and Bachmann. Damn I wish we had Colin's number".

  7. The fact that Cain says he prizes his character above all things gives you a window into what's really important to him, power, and the lengths he'll go to to keep it.

  8. Teresa10:17 PM

    I don't care who gets nominated by the Republicans, Obama is destroying the country and has to go. I'd vote for a turnip.

  9. "Did Ricky just forget the dept of energy? That man is an idiot. "I would eliminate three government agencies, the dept of education, the fed and uhhhh, uhhhhhhhhhh, uhhhhhhhhh,"

    Yes, I saw that. It was painful to watch.

    Anon@ 10:04 PM, what was that you said about the republicans again?

    Oh ohhh, it looks like JoPa was just fired.

    I guess he will not be going out on his own terms after all.

  10. Wesley R10:21 PM


    I've always said on this thread if Black Folks did business with one another there wouldn't be unemployment issues in our community.
    That Willie Lynch was a bad muthaf------.

  11. "I don't care who gets nominated by the Republicans, Obama is destroying the country and has to go. I'd vote for a turnip."

    Well, if "the turnip" was running on the republican ticket it would probably make a better president than all of the people on stage tonight.

  12. Anonymous10:32 PM

    "Wait, someone just asked Herman about his alleged inappropriate behavior with different women. Booooooo!!! Herman seems mad about that question, and he says that his character is above reproach. Yeaaahh! Carry on folks, I think I will watch "Survivor: South Pacific"."

    You are such a liar...anything to try to make Herman Cain look bad. However, Cain handle the question with poise, integrity, skill and with a great attitude.

    Obama sure as held does not want to have to debate Cain, for he will surely lose, BIG TIME!

    Finally, Field's prediction, along with his cronies on FN. that Cain was finished proved their ignorance and lack of knowledge of politics. Of course, field was wrong about Obama being elected also.

    Field, Mack, and Uts are always wrong about Black men. Wonder why? Could it be they are jigging House Negroes, posing as Field Negroes? It sure looks like it....carry on.

  13. Well, if "the turnip" was running on the republican ticket it would probably make a better president than all of the people on stage tonight.

    Here! Here!

  14. Anonymous12:01 AM

    "Well, if "the turnip" was running on the republican ticket it would probably make a better president than all of the people on stage tonight."

    You and your liberal FN Negroes just refuse to give Cain, a brother any credit. You should be ashamed of yourself for being so mean-spirited and jealous. Herman Cain did very well tonight and continues to be the frontrunner despite all of the lies about sexual harassment.

    I can't believe that you Negroes aren't happy for Cain. You are unbelievable.

  15. Anonymous12:38 AM

    Wesley R said...

    I've always said on this thread if Black Folks did business with one another there wouldn't be unemployment issues in our community.
    That Willie Lynch was a bad muthaf------.

    Only so much drugs even junkies can use what else you got?

  16. Anonymous12:48 AM

    PilotX said...
    Can you imagine being a Republican operative? "Man we need a Black candidate so we won't have all white males running again. How about Powell? No? How about Condi, she would check two boxes. Keyes? OK who else do we have? Who????????? That slow talking fool with the pimp hat that grabs ass? Shit, we're screwed. OK OK we'll pick him. Damn. Maybe no one will notice he's an idiot when he stands next to Perry and Bachmann. Damn I wish we had Colin's number".

    Right, because whacky lefties must march lock step you think Cain was selected by the head of the Republican party - uh-huh. NO matter how you twist it you are lynching a black man because you can't stand the fact he stands for what you do not. Strong independance. Only a buffoon like you would have the nerve to call a literal rocket scientist mathematician man who ran in circles you will never see as a glorified taxi driver stupid. Do you not see the irony? You couldnt shine Cains intellectual shoes yet you call him stupid for being a strong independant black man who doesn't stay in lock step with what you were told blacks must.

    Intellectual - Certainly not you.

    I know/knew several people like you, they never have anything good to say, nothing. They live for the negative and find the speck in their brothers eye while flapping at the beams popping out of their own and somehow blame everyone around them for everything. You must be a real pain in the ass to even work with let alone know.

    Liberal Hypocrisy. At least you admit that a mans skin color is critical to you. Otherwise you might not be a democrat and vote for the most qualified candidate. All of a sudden Obama turned into a legitimate Black Man - now that is the funniest democratic scam of them all.

  17. At the secret Republican headquarters "OK, let's see the president is a graduate of Harvard Law school after going to Columbia and taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago and was in both state and national politics. How can we counter that, the airhead from Alaska didn't go over too well last time and granpa came across as too grumpy and out of touch. Maybe we can find our own candidate that graduated from a top notch law school and has come experience in government.......nah, I say we go with the guy who sang "Imagine There's No Pizza". All in favor????????????? What could possibly go wrong?"

  18. Wow, those Penn State students are protesting and I'm trying to figure out what they're for or against.

    Are they protesting for pedophiles or against them? Are they for those who enable pedophiles or against them?

    Can someone explain why they're protesting for or against?

  19. More from the debate. Newt is supposed to be the GOP intellectual? Did you hear his question he wanted to ask OWS participants? "If it weren't for corporations who would pay for the park you're occupying?" And this guy is the big brain they want to debate Barack? Jeezus, no wonder Cain, Perry and Bachmann are still in this. And let's not forget Mr. Moneybags who says he needs a job while building a ten million dollar home in Cali who emphatically stated bonuses are paid BEFORE a corporation makes a profit, so there!
    How out of touch are these clowns? How can anyone vote for these fools moreso give them applause for the stupid shit they say? I love the Democrats hate profitable corporations meme. Huge strawman there, maybe they don't hate corporations but feel a certain way when they outsource jobs and pay their executives 300 times the average salary. Oh, that's right, pretty Mitt was one of those guys paid well to outsource jobs. They're tanking it for 2016.

  20. "slow talking fool with the pimp hat"


  21. Val, you gotta love those university flash mobs.Yes, they were rioting in Happy Valley last night because they are mad that a football coach got fired. *shaking head*

  22. Mr. Tax Payer8:59 AM

    " American Dream said...
    "Finally, I see that you Negroes in A-merry-ca will have over a trillion dollars in buying power by 2015. That's a lot of money"

    I'd be curious to see the percentage of that trillion dollars that is derived from government "entitlements."

  23. Anonymous9:24 AM

    I love the Democrats hate profitable corporations meme. Huge strawman there, maybe they don't hate corporations but feel a certain way when they outsource jobs and pay their executives 300 times the average salary. Oh, that's right, pretty Mitt was one of those guys paid well to outsource jobs. They're tanking it for 2016.

    Pilot this is your HR Rep here to interview about that raise you feel you are owed. So tell us why in 100 words or less you deserve a significant raise and the work that you do is more valuable than the person who runs and is responsible for the entire company and the results of the planning and actions and work that everyone does? Also, I created my company, work from sunup to sundown and take all the risk, invested my money, so now why instead of a job fitting your skills do you think I owe you profit sharing? Can you explain that - your HS diploma and tireless efforts at developing your skills these past 10 or so years are admirable - but I don't really need someone who thinks working is a bit too hard and wants 25 dollars an hours to clean equipment...what say you?

    You could always just go and start your own about giving that a shot? Isn't this country great?

  24. fn

    last count i heard in chi = 40

    40 boys molested by sandusky...and counting

    he is the tiger woods of pedophiles

  25. amen

    black buying power is squandered on alcohol/drugs/alimony to white spouses etc

    we need to invest in more real estate and STOP investing in hobama!!!!

  26. Republican Brain Trust10:37 AM

    PilotY said...
    At the secret Republican headquarters "OK, let's see the president is an affirmative action graduate of Harvard Law school after maybe going to Columbia and briefly taught a low level constitutional law class at the University of Chicago and was in both state (Mr. "Present") and national (for a whole 1.5 years) politics. How can we counter that, the Chrisitian from Alaska was ruthlessly savaged by a fully coordinated smear campaign by the MSM last time and granpa came across as too liberal and semed like he didn't really want to win. Even then Obama needed Barney Frank and the CBC to hand us the mortgage meltdown and George Soros to set it all off.

    Let's try nominating a true conservative for the first time since 1988 and see what happens.

  27. re: ray gricar

    this is MORE proof of a HUGE conspiracy that protected DEATH!!!

    many more must go!!!

    cc this to lac

    conspiracies are real!!!

    i pity the boys who have to watch those who rally for these child predators/enablers etc...

    it must feel like serial rape...

  28. kudos to the campus officials who did not know and who are axing heads


  29. that dl hobama has lost his best boo..

    nobama no love 2012!!!!!

  30. re perry

    he is on drugs/drunk

    or has alzheimer's like raygun...

    he looks more like the late loopy raygun each day

  31. amen!

    preach sista fire!!!

    The two most talked about scandals this week have a lot in common.

    The sexual harassment allegations being made against Herman Cain expose a peculiar phenomenon also present in the scandal of Penn State icon Joe Paterno.

    Although both of these men are being accused of despicable behavior, people have rallied to their sides as if they are unfortunate victims.

    The revelation that Paterno, an icon in the sport of college football, had knowledge that his former assistant coach Jerry Sandusky was allegedly sexually abusing boys should have been devastating to the students at Penn State.

    These students should have been shocked that their hero did not call police when he learned that a former assistant coach was taking sexual advantage of troubled boys enrolled in a sports program.

    Instead of lamenting the callous act, the students held a pep rally outside the coach’s house.

    It was a disgusting display.

  32. amen!!!!


    if these were employees at mcdonald's

    EVERY MNGR/WITNESS and enabler would be jailed!!!

    According to a grand jury report, Paterno back in 2002 was informed by a grad assistant that he had seen former Penn State football coach Jerry Sandusky naked and forcing a boy who appeared to be about 10-years-old to have anal sex in the showers of the school's sports complex. Paterno reportedly told his boss, Athletic Director Tim Curley, but it's unclear whether the coach did anything further to follow up on the shocking report.

    And incredibly no one, Paterno or his superiors, reported this alleged incident to the authorities. Those of us who have been on campus find it a joke that Coach Paterno would now say that he reported the incident to his bosses. What bosses? Everyone knows Paterno had as much or more power on that campus than anyone to make things happen, including the president.

    It's absolutely unforgivable if Paterno did nothing but pass the information up the chain. In fact, even after this incident was reported, Sandusky still had the keys to the complex and free rein to bring boys he mentored at his nonprofit foundation, the Second Mile, to visit the campus and hang out around the sports facility.

    If these allegations are proven true, this scandal is far worse than anything that's happened at other universities. Exploiting dozens and raping young boys could never compare to the minor infractions of boosters buying a car for a player or a player selling his autographed football jersey for a few bucks.

  33. pookie parents do not feed their kids even when they can afford to do so...

    kudos to memphis serving dinner daily!!!!

  34. hobama will not save us...EVER!

    he is the reason so many good parents actually cannot feed their kids

    we must save us...kudos to memphis!!!!!!!

    please pray for all who are hungry....

  35. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Here is an audio that gives the low down of more horrific news to come regarding Sandusky and Penn State. It's unbelievable!

  36. Sandy2481:47 PM

    I hope Penn State's desire to see Paterno surpass Eddie Robinson's record is now worth it. This coverup was discovered YEARS ago and no one did a damn thing.

  37. The stupid is strong in the GOP. No wonder they have such clownish fools running for prez. This has got to be one big episode of punked.

  38. Can someone please tell me why asking a Presidential candidate what news publications she reads is a "smear campaign" or a "gotcha question"? This wasn't a win for the Left. This was a demonstration that the right doesn't vote on issues or qualifications and as such should STFU and study up on the issues. I've only met two people IRL who weren't embarrassed to admit to being Republicans.

    See those election results in MS, Ohio, AZ? Looking forward to 2012.

    Lol at Mitt flip-flopping mid statement in the debate last night.

    The Teabaggers seem to be the largest recipients of entitlements judging by the number of Hover rounds and Rascals at their rallies.

  39. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Brooklyn, YOU need to STFU.

  40. Well Brooklyn, conservatives are the masters at being hypocritical. They accuse Blacks of receiving affirmative action but ignore the centuries of white male AA that got themselves and families in the position they are in today. They Say we're on welfare but ignore the millions of whites on welfare. In their world a simple question such as "what government departments would you close" is a gotcha question. I guess "becky becky stan stan" is an acceptable answer about a foreign nation that has broad national security implications. Damn right one should be embarrased to be a Republican. Oh that's right, it wasn't that Palin was unprepared to even list what she reads she was attacked because she was a conservative Christian. So much illogic on the conservative end of teh spectrum.

  41. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Child molestation is an evil act by adults who know better.

    Everyone who covered up child molestation at Penn State and by extension at The Second Mile Foundation needs to go to jail. Pennsylvania is a very sick state with a lot of very evil people.

    Penn State has no character. It teaches kids and adults to cover-up wrongs by pedophiles. It is a weird school of Higher Learning. Now the students are rioting because the school has been exposed. WTF? Must be a lot of idiots who go there with no interest in becoming a better person.

  42. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Anon 1:30p-thanks for that radio link re:Penn State, its cover-ups and pedophiles. It TELLS EVERYTHING and forecasts what is to come for those bastards. Thanks for the full picture.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. @Pilot I call that hypocrisy mental gymnastics.

    I asked the Anons a few posts ago if they could tell the rest of us why Uzebekistan was important and got no response.

    Not surprised...facts seem to elude them.

  45. ditto anon!

    i will listen and link it asap

    peace the-horrid-child-rapists-they-breed/

  46. PilotY2:39 PM

    PilotX said...
    They accuse Blacks of receiving affirmative action but ignore the centuries of white male AA that got themselves and families in the position they are in today

    Just who was providing those white males with AA?

    Do you understand what AA is? It is white people giving advantages to blacks.

    There was no group giving advantages to white people.

    AA is not something you do for yourself. That is called accomplishment.

    The stupid is strong, indeed.

  47. BrookLyn said...
    @Pilot I call that hypocrisy mental gymnastics.

    I asked the Anons a few posts ago if they could tell the rest of us why Uzebekistan was important and got no response.

    Not surprised...facts seem to elude them.

    Brookly is truly, truly, an idiot.

  48. Jerry Sandusky2:45 PM

    Sandy248 said...
    I hope Penn State's desire to see Paterno surpass Eddie Robinson's record is now worth it. This coverup was discovered YEARS ago and no one did a damn thing.

    I sure did.

  49. ancient affirmative action for whites =

    blue blood bonds
    good ol' boys' clubs



  50. violent thug pookies rule the world

    and they have no compassion for anyone anywhere


  51. pookies rule the world

    and they love drugs and drama wherever they reign/ruin...


  52. armed pookies rule the world

    why do they stay strapped with 0 shooting skills???????


  53. Anonymous3:47 PM

    alicia banks said...
    hobama will not save us...EVER!
    he is the reason so many good pllarentspi
    actually oclolannot feed their kids..

    Now you're fucking delusional.o

    Get a life.

  54. a classic read on hobama!!!

    Enjoying Your Hope and Change?

    Whiny Little Bitch is your guide to the most embarrassing presidency since the Carter Administration.

    It's an exciting way to pass some time while you're waiting for the sea levels to drop.

    Don't faint, or you'll miss:

    Obama's Foreign Policy - Under the exciting new Obama regime, treating your allies with respect is part of the failed policies of the past.

    Obama's Party - Congressional Democrats view tax cuts with the same enthusiasm as a vampire viewing a crucifix. Come to think of it, Congressional Democrats view a crucifix with the same enthusiasm as a vampire viewing a crucifix.

    Obama's Financial Meltdown - Obama blaming Wall Street for the financial meltdown is like showing up for the last five minutes of Star Wars and deciding that Skywalker kid should go to jail for murdering all those nice folks on the Death Star.

    Obama's Homeland Security - Janet Napolitano is proof that there is at least one person in Washington who is less qualified for her job than Barack Obama is for his.

    Obama's Favorite Phrase - 'Let me be clear' is the rhetorical equivalent of an exploding dye pack in a bag of cash. It indelibly marks all words that follow as false.

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. dyslexic hobama nazi assnon:

    cc that to millions of parents who are unemployed

    who have exhausted all of their unemployment benefits

    and are getting their food stamps/SNAP cut

    all of which will only worsen in

    even a swollen gas bag like u cannot buy groceries with hot air


  57. that blackish hobama and his banksters have starved more black mongrels than any prez ever

    hobama makes hsi hero raygun look like a noble slacker...shame!!!!!

    Barack Obama must bear direct responsibility for the relative Black decline, both as candidate and president. As election year 2008 began, Obama took the most pro-banker [15], laissez faire capitalist position on home foreclosures of the three major Democratic presidential candidates. John Edwards backed a mandatory moratorium on foreclosures and a freeze on interest rates, while Hillary Clinton supported a “voluntary” halt and $30 billion in federal aid to homeowners. But Obama opposed any moratorium, mandatory or voluntary, and balked at cash for homeowners and stricken communities. As president, his program to stem the flow of foreclosures has been pitiful, near worthless in slowing the spiral that has taken down much of what once considered itself the Black middle class.

    “His program to stem the flow of foreclosures has been pitiful.”

    Where previous Democratic administrations have treated Black communities with benign neglect, Obama’s policy is best described as depraved indifference.

    Having collaborated in two recent major budget agreements with the Republicans that have already wiped out much of the life supports that made a dignified Black existence barely possible, and with more fiscal massacres to come, Obama characterizes his current posture as “Winning the Future.” That future holds nothing but further pain and decline for Black America. His budgetary formula [16] includes only $1 in closed corporate loopholes and higher taxes on the rich, for every $3 he slices from federal spending, most of it from education, health and other social programs. Then, like a cat scratching in kitty-litter, Obama tries to hide his actual deeds with a wonderfully crafted but totally fabulist speech: “We will all need to make sacrifices,” he said [17], without quantifying what was being sacrificed by whom. “But we do not have to sacrifice the America we believe in.”

    Obama has already explained, to anyone that was actually listening, what kind of America he believes in. It is one in which people are tossed about to sink or swim with the tides.

  58. "Just who was providing those white males with AA?"

    Other white males.


    Penn State fired Joe Paterno.


  59. PilotY4:37 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "Just who was providing those white males with AA?"

    Other white males.

    Wow, thanks uptown. You are really smart.

    Maybe you could figure out a way for blacks to provide their own AA too, and get your fucking hand out my pocket.

  60. That whole rotten nest needs to be shredded Fieldman. I read the GJR too. Janitors too afraid for their jobs to defend a little boy, Redhanded, at 27, sees a TEN YEAR OLD BOY being sodomized and has to call his dad to ask how to handle it? Then you see why. Because when they did speak up it only drew enough attention to get swept under the rug, because no one wanted to kill the golden goose over something as trivial as child rape. Kill the whole thing; the whole flagship athletic program. It was never anything but a sham anyway.

  61. no slappz4:51 PM

    field writes:

    Finally, I see that you Negroes in A-merry-ca will have over a trillion dollars in buying power by 2015.

    In other words, black buying power is less today. Let's put it in perspective.

    The GDP of today's economy is over $14 Trillion.

    Thus 1 Trillion is about 7%.

    But blacks account for almost 13% of the population.

    Meanwhile, in most African nations, blacks are 100% of the population. But the per-capita GDP in many black nations is $1,000.

    What does this suggest? It suggests that most of the money in black America is received through entitlement programs with a boost coming from the black athletes and entertainers who make a lot of dough.

  62. @The Island of Non-NYers

    I can spell and I know why Uzebekistan is important to US national security.

    Another the republican support of Herman Cain means we'll never have to hear about family values or the consensual sex between Clinton and Lewinsky right?

  63. no slappz4:56 PM

    BrookLyn said...

    I asked the Anons a few posts ago if they could tell the rest of us why Uzebekistan was important and got no response.

    Not surprised...facts seem to elude them.

    Maybe there was no interest in your pointless question.

    For someone who cannot find West Midwood Brooklyn with help from Google, you are not likely to know anything about a former Soviet republic

  64. Anon-Goober

    "Maybe you could figure out a way for blacks to provide their own AA too, and get your fucking hand out my pocket."


    Your advancement has been on our backs.

    Until a very short while ago in America it was perfectly legal to discriminate against black people in every aspect of American life.

    How could you NOT have benefited at our expense?

  65. no slappz5:01 PM

    brooklyn writes:

    I've only met two people IRL who weren't embarrassed to admit to being Republicans.

    Let's see. HOw many ways can you sound like a dummy?

    Obviously you live in a very narrow band of society.

  66. "Let's see. HOw many ways can you sound like a dummy?"

    One way is to imitate Rick Perry at a debate.


  67. no slappz5:06 PM

    downs syndrome steve wonders:

    How could you NOT have benefited at our expense?

    Inasmuch as most of our social services expenditures, most of policing efforts, most of our remedial education efforts and most of our prison system is populated with blacks, it's easy to see how whites have benefited from the black presence in America.

    Generations of social workers, cops, fireman, sanitation workers, teachers, tutors and prison guards have benefited from jobs tied to black dysfunction -- paid for by taxpayers.

  68. kosher kkk needs slaps:

    cc your racist bs to any of those u listed...

    they will gladly tell you that they know MILLIONS MORE whites and jews who are MORE dysfunctional

    u lie like hobama u psycho kapo!!!

  69. The main Affirmative Action for black folks in this country is it's most costly entitlement: head of the line privileges to prison.

  70. no slappz5:14 PM

    bonehead steve:

    Perry may well have ruined his shot at the nomination. Tough luck.

    However, the primaries are still ahead and nothing can stop people from voting for him when it really counts.

    In 2008, until well into the primary race, it looked at though Hillary had the nomination sewed up. Then she blew it.

    Meanwhile, Romney is -- at this point -- the best choice. So don't worry about Perry.

    Moreover, the big problem for Obama is -- Obama.

    He's running against his record, which stinks. His administration is a sewer of incompetence, but that's what America expects from black leaders. On that score, he has not disappointed.

    He's going to get hit with the Solyndra Scandal, the Fast and Furious Scandal, the horrible, horrible, horrible economy, his blind mad dash toward more and more debt and his blocking of energy companies ready to hire thousands without a dollar of taxpayers' money.

    He's followed the Jimmy Carter playbook, going so far as to find himself humiliated by Iran.

    The death of bin Laden has meant nothing to the citizens of the US. We're still waiting in long security lines at airports.

  71. ie

    1000s of children who are wards of the state/in foster care are NOT black!!!

    The number of children in foster care has decreased over the past 10 years, but there still are 463,000 children — of every age, race, ethnicity, and culture — currently living in foster care across the United States. Foster care provides an important safety net for children and youth who experience neglect or abuse. These vulnerable young people need stable, loving care until they can safely reunite with their families or establish another lifelong relationship.

    The National Foster Care Coalition (NFCC), through its broad-based membership of dedicated, organizations, caring professionals, and others, is an important resource for information and research on the nation's foster care system and the children, youth, and families who are most impacted by it.

  72. "Inasmuch as most of our social services expenditures, most of policing efforts, most of our remedial education efforts..... is populated with blacks"


    As far as the prison industrial system, it's a big money maker in many communties so locking up blacks for the same crimes whites get away with is another form of white AA.

  73. ie

    hobama's world record deportations are making millions of latino kids orphans!!!!

  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. ditto uts!!!

    kosher kkk needs slaps is a rabid assed bigoted lying kapo fool

    he has 0 math skills and he skews and revises all stats/his-story as he sees fit

    eff him!!!!


  76. Slappy says Obama's administration has been a "sewer of incompetence".

    How so?

    Can you detail any "incompetence"?

    I bet you can't.

    And how is Obama "blocking energy companies from hiring thousands"?

    Especially when they are recording record profits.

    I'll wait patiently for your reasoned response.

  77. no slappz5:22 PM

    bonehead steve says:

    ...locking up blacks for the same crimes whites get away with is another form of white AA.

    I see. So you admit there's a crime problem in the black community.

    When do whites get a free pass on crimes?

    Murder? Rape? Robbery? Burglary? Larceny? Drug dealing?

    Even field admits there are way too many black thugs who will kill anyone at the drop of a hat.

    I guess you've never known any murder victims.

  78. PilotY5:23 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Until a very short while ago in America it was perfectly legal to discriminate against black people in every aspect of American life.

    How could you NOT have benefited at our expense?

    I or my ancestors never did.

    The individual plantation owners enriched themselves by the labor of blacks, but this represented less than 1% of whites in 1860.

    Whites did not benefit at black's expense post-slavery. Since then, blacks have been an expense to everyone. A huge expense, trillions of dollars, over the past half century alone.

    The cost of black crime is enormous. If you think prisons are money makers, you are an idiot. But we knew that already.

    Blacks are a non-performing asset, bleeding more red ink every year.

  79. toxic parents are a global ill

    only racists like the kosher kkk pretends they are all black

  80. every fortune 500 co in america began with slave labor

    cc that bs to the racists wms who still run wall street

  81. A present for No-slappz:

    "Black and Asian teens are less likely to abuse drugs than whites"

  82. no slappz5:27 PM

    bonehead steve,

    Solyndra is a $500 million scam funded by the Obama administration. Evergreen Solar is another.

    Obama is blocking the Keystone Pipeline project, a pipeline running from Canada to Texas.

    It is truly a "shovel-ready project" that will employ 13,000 construction workers as soon as it gets the green light. But Obama won't do it.

    Incompetence? How about over A TRILLION DOLLARS in Stimulus money that has had NO effect on unemployment?

    That's the textbook example of incompetence in government.

    For you, being stupid is easy. It requires no effort.

  83. only racist whites are in deep denial sans math skills

    300 yrs of black slavery + 300 yrs of white profit = equality only to racist fools


  84. numbskullsteve said...And how is Obama "blocking energy companies from hiring thousands"?

    For one, by blocking exploratory drilling in the Gulf.

    Here's what President Pixie Dust did today:

    Blocking this pipeline means less oil from Canada and more of our money going to the Middle East.

  85. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Slavery was a money loser.

    Ben Franklin in 1751:

    'Tis an ill-grounded Opinion that by the Labour of Slaves, America may possibly vie in Cheapness of Manufactures with Britain. The Labour of Slaves can never be so cheap here as the Labour of working Men is in Britain. Any one may compute it. Interest of Money in the Colonies from 6 to 10 per Cent. Slaves one with another cost L30 Sterling per Head. Reckon then the Interest of the first Purchase of a Slave, the Insurance or Risque on his life, his Clothing and Diet, Expences in his Sickness and Loss of Time, Loss by his Neglect of Business (Neglect is natural to the Man who is not to be benefitted by his own Care or Diligence), Expense of a Driver to keep him at Work, and his Pilfering from Time to Time, almost every Slave being by Nature a Thief, and compare the whole Amount with the Wages of a Manufacturer of Iron or Wool in England, you will see that Labour is much cheaper there than it can ever be by Negroes here.

  86. racist kosher kkk needs slaps:

    wtfu u kapo kkklown

    In his follow-up to Between Barack and a Hard Place, Wise continues to explore his provocative contention that Obama's commitment to transcending racism has made it "more difficult than ever to address ongoing racial bias" in America. By refusing to openly confront racism, Wise argues, the President has ceded the ground to conservatives, allowing them to "manipulate racial angers unmolested and unchecked." While many progressives are disappointed that Obama has, in their view, capitulated to corporate interests and not forged his own New Deal, Wise makes the opposite charge. He believes that Obama is in fact too eager to follow FDR's lead in subordinating racial issues to the fight against poverty. Obama's endorsement of New Deal measures like social security, FHA home loan programs, and the G.I. Bill downplays the extent to which these programs were and continue to be "intensely racialized." Wise also contends that the pervasiveness of racism has a subconscious effect on Americans that can only be altered by forcing the issue into the open.

  87. "Whites did not benefit at black's expense post-slavery. Since then, blacks have been an expense to everyone. A huge expense, trillions of dollars, over the past half century alone. "

    Are you an adult?

  88. u racist kkk fools lie like hobama!!!

    Published on Friday, March 29, 2002 by Common Dreams
    Slave Profits and the Roots of the Wealth Gap
    by Meizhu Lui and Rose Brewer

    Few Americans learned in school that slaves were about half the workforce that built the White House and the U.S. Capitol. A slave named Philip Reid supervised construction of the Statue of Freedom hoisted atop the Capitol dome in 1863. Such revelations rightly disturb our view of important symbols of democracy and remind us that slavery is at the foundation of our nation�s history.
    Well-known bastions of American capital also have the institution of slavery at their foundation. Last Tuesday, lawyers Deadria Farmer-Paellmann and Ed Fagan filed lawsuits against insurance company Aetna, railroad giant CSX, and FleetBoston bank, claiming that these companies profited from slavery. These are only a fraction of the prosperous American companies whose wealth came in part from the slave trade.

    Railroads utilized slave labor to lay rail. Tobacco firms used slaves in the harvest. Southern utilities used slaves to construct oil lines. Mining companies used slaves to process salt and coal.

    The unpaid productivity of these slaves was converted into corporate income and wealth that still sustains many companies today. Slaves were denied not only wages but the opportunity to buy property, build companies and pass assets on to future generations.

    Many people know the expression �40 acres and a mule,� but don�t know it was a false promise. In 1865, General Sherman issued an order providing homesteads to freed slaves. But President Andrew Johnson, Lincoln�s successor, overrode the order and gave the land back to white Confederate landowners. Instead of 40 acres and a mule, freed slaves got brutal sharecropping and segregation.

    The descendants of slaves continue to find their ability to jump on board the asset-building train impaired. Fault lines laid long ago forged a vast and enduring wealth gap between white Americans and African-Americans. In 1998, the median net worth of white households was $81,700, while the median net worth of African-American households was just $10,000. The homeownership rate among white families is 74 percent, while for African-American families it is just 48 percent nationally, and much lower in some local areas.

  89. Anonymous5:36 PM

    no_slappz, "For someone who cannot find West Midwood Brooklyn with help from Google, you are not likely to know anything about a former Soviet republic"

    Preach it, no_slappz. Brooklyn is indeed a dunce and needs to STFU. But she IS a dunce and therefore doesn't know how to shut up. lol

  90. no slappz5:37 PM

    la audio is confused by the news:

    "Black and Asian teens are less likely to abuse drugs than whites"

    So what?

    The headline omits the key part -- that blacks develop huge problems with drugs and alcohol after their teen years.

    Dopes like you are desperate to slice the data in ways that cover up serious problems.

    It is an obvious fact that drugs have a huge and bad effect on the black community.

    The impact of drugs on the white community is much less.

    Meanwhile, as we all know, the NY Police Department releases demographic figures on crime in the city.

    Over 95% of the violent crime in NY City is committed by blacks and hispanics. But the largest percentage of offenders are black.

  91. legacies trump lies!!!!!

    eff all u kkk trolls

    If the foundation of the Capitol was dug and laid by slaves, and some of America�s most successful corporations have profits from slavery in their early capital formation, perhaps the story we tell ourselves about the creation of all wealth needs to be examined and those invisible foundation stones be brought into the light.

    Slaves weren�t poor because people of African heritage are lazy. They were poor because the laws of the land prohibited them from getting paid for their work and from owning assets.

    In generations since, structural obstacles have continued to impede black asset development. African-American homeowners are often subjected to discriminatory and predatory lending practices that unfairly inflate their mortgage costs and rob them of the home equity that so many Americans draw on for college, business start-ups and retirement. Insurance companies are only now coming to acknowledge that for many years they charged African-American customers unjustifiably higher rates than whites. After World War II, the GI bill and Veterans Administration helped almost exclusively white families to become homeowners.

    When black farmers filed their historic lawsuit against the Department of Agriculture (DOA) in 1997, DOA investigators presented damning evidence of decades of discrimination: 84 percent of the white applicants had their loan applications approved, while only 56 percent of the black applicants received loans. The result was that black farmers lost their farms at more than triple the rate of white farmers.

    We can no more replace the foundation stones of the US Capitol than we can change the wealth foundations of many American businesses. However, with the truth of these foundations now being excavated, we can and should adopt fair rules to redress the injustice of the past.

    At the UN Conference Against Racism held in South Africa last fall, governments around the globe declared the slave trade a �crime against humanity.� Aetna, CSX, FleetBoston and others should be held accountable for any complicity in this crime.

    Public policies can also help people of all races build lasting financial security. We can protect and strengthen affirmative action policies that redress past discrimination. We can ban predatory lending practices. We can enforce non-discrimination at the Department of Agriculture. We can launch a new GI bill to offer all working families a boost to homeownership. These are the kind of policies that should serve as democratic cornerstones of our 21st century economy.

  92. This comment has been removed by the author.

  93. kosher kkk needs fatal slaps:

    cc that bs to that jew con bernie madoff u lying mf

    the worst criminal EVER in nyc and beyond!!!!!!!

  94. no slappz5:44 PM

    la audio expressed bafflement:

    Whites did not benefit at black's expense post-slavery. Since then, blacks have been an expense to everyone. A huge expense, trillions of dollars, over the past half century alone. "

    Are you an adult?

    Let's see. An oil rich nation in Africa -- Nigeria -- should enjoy a per-capita GDP to rival the US.

    But, because Nigeria is run by blacks, the per-capita GDP is a small fraction of the US figure -- even though the country gets piles of money from sales of oil produced by experts from other nations who know how to run the oil business.

    With piles of free money from oil pouring in, Nigeria remains a sewer.

    If blacks can't manage an economy funded with free money, what can be expected of blacks here?

  95. kosher kkk rabid dog:

    cc that bs to all of bernie madoff's victims too

    u fugly evil mf

  96. Queen Laa:

    preach to that peasant fool!!!!

    A major oil company has agreed to pay for the execution of several people, including a leading environmental activist. The oil company is Royal Dutch Shell. The activist was Ken Saro-Wiwa, who lived near Shell oil wells in Nigeria. In the 1990s he led a protest movement on behalf of the Ogoni tribe.

    Mr. KEN SARO-WIWA (Activist): What are they going to do tomorrow? How are they going to live? How are they going to go to school? All their land is gone. The air is polluted, the streams are polluted, the air is poisoned. This land on which you are walking is dead.

    INSKEEP: Shortly after that interview on NPR Ken Saro-Wiwa was arrested, placed in a noose and hung. Nigeria's military rulers did that, but for years his family blamed Shell for backing the government. Yesterday in New York, the oil company settled a lawsuit for $15.5 million. NPR's Ofeibea Quist-Arcton has spent much time in Nigeria's oil drilling region and today she is in the Nigerian city of Lagos.

  97. AB

    "he has 0 math skills and he skews and revises all stats/his-story as he sees fit"

    He just pulls terds out of his butt and posts them.

  98. alicia "baby killer" banks said...

    Slaves weren't poor because people of African heritage are lazy. They were poor because the laws of the land prohibited them from getting paid for their work and from owning assets


    So since the laws of the land do not prohibit blacks from getting paid for their work and from owning assets, then blacks must be poor because people of African heritage are lazy.

    Is that what you are saying?

  99. Anonymous5:50 PM

    anon5:36p-you hit the nail on the head about Brooklyn. I am sure most folks agree with you. except miss AB, of course.

  100. Slapped stupid

    "How about over A TRILLION DOLLARS in Stimulus money that has had NO effect on unemployment"

    That's only because Bush's recession caused sever structural damage to the nation's economy.

    The stimulus package prevented us from falling into a total depression.

  101. unpaid slaves in = billions out

    4 centuries and ongoing now!!!!

    A list of the leading slave merchants is almost identical with a list of the region's prominent families: the Fanueils, Royalls, and Cabots of Massachusetts; the Wantons, Browns, and Champlins of Rhode Island; the Whipples of New Hampshire; the Eastons of Connecticut; Willing & Morris of Philadelphia. To this day, it's difficult to find an old North institution of any antiquity that isn't tainted by slavery. Ezra Stiles imported slaves while president of Yale. Six slave merchants served as mayor of Philadelphia. Even a liberal bastion like Brown University has the shameful blot on its escutcheon. It is named for the Brown brothers, Nicholas, John, Joseph, and Moses, manufacturers and traders who shipped salt, lumber, meat -- and slaves. And like many business families of the time, the Browns had indirect connections to slavery via rum distilling. John Brown, who paid half the cost of the college's first library, became the first Rhode Islander prosecuted under the federal Slave Trade Act of 1794 and had to forfeit his slave ship. Historical evidence also indicates that slaves were used at the family's candle factory in Providence, its ironworks in Scituate, and to build Brown's University Hall.[4]

    Even after slavery was outlawed in the North, ships out of New England continued to carry thousands of Africans to the American South. Some 156,000 slaves were brought to the United States in the period 1801-08, almost all of them on ships that sailed from New England ports that had recently outlawed slavery. Rhode Island slavers alone imported an average of 6,400 Africans annually into the U.S. in the years 1805 and 1806. The financial base of New England's antebellum manufacturing boom was money it had made in shipping. And that shipping money was largely acquired directly or indirectly from slavery, whether by importing Africans to the Americas, transporting slave-grown cotton to England, or hauling Pennsylvania wheat and Rhode Island rum to the slave-labor colonies of the Caribbean.

    Northerners profited from slavery in many ways, right up to the eve of the Civil War. The decline of slavery in the upper South is well documented, as is the sale of slaves from Virginia and Maryland to the cotton plantations of the Deep South. But someone had to get them there, and the U.S. coastal trade was firmly in Northern hands. William Lloyd Garrison made his first mark as an anti-slavery man by printing attacks on New England merchants who shipped slaves from Baltimore to New Orleans.

    In a notorious case, the famous schooner-yacht Wanderer, pride of the New York Yacht Club, put in to Port Jefferson Harbor in April 1858 to be fitted out for the slave trade. Everyone looked the other way -- which suggests this kind of thing was not unusual -- except the surveyor of the port, who reported his suspicions to the federal officials. The ship was seized and towed to New York, but her captain talked (and possibly bought) his way out and was allowed to sail for Charleston, S.C.

  102. Anonymous5:53 PM

    The best part about BrookLyn is that she is a dunce who thinks she is genius. It's hilarious to watch her try to make a point.

  103. "When do whites get a free pass on crimes?"

    Drug related crimes in particular.

    The preponderance of black incarceration is because of non-violent drug related crimes.

    Although whites, as verified by the CDC, are 3 times more likely to have used or dealt drugs than blacks.

    Take your head out of your ass.

  104. "The headline omits the key part -- that blacks develop huge problems with drugs and alcohol after their teen years."

    That's partly because drug abusing black teens systematically get directed towards the juvenile and penal system, while drug abusing white teens get placed into rehabs and counseling programs. Poor you. Having White Affirmative Privilege is such a bliss.

  105. tab:

    u r retarded u racist dog

    cc that to your cave bitch mammy and her black pimp

    she is lazy on her stroll and owes him cash

  106. "Over 95% of the violent crime in NY City is committed by blacks and hispanics."

    More bullshit.

    95% of those ARRESTED for violent crimes in NYC are black and hispanic.

    Big difference.

  107. Andy Stern5:59 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    That's only because Bush's recession caused sever structural damage to the nation's economy

    How are Bush's policies preventing companies from hiring people now, in late 2011?

    Don't you think it has something to do with the anti-business policies of the Obama administration? Billions of dollars in new regulatory costs, the huge and uncertain costs of Obamacare? His practice of attacking the competitors of his crony capitalist partners?

    Ya think?

  108. Anonymous6:01 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "Over 95% of the violent crime in NY City is committed by blacks and hispanics."

    More bullshit.

    95% of those ARRESTED for violent crimes in NYC are black and hispanic.

    Big difference.

    Right. Cause white criminals just get a piece of candy and a pat on the head and then sent on their way.

  109. What new regulations?

  110. kosher kkk needs slaps:

    cc hitler re: free money

    he collected much from your kapo kin

  111. Anonymous6:04 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    What new regulations?

    Please, dumbass, try to keep up.

  112. "Right. Cause white criminals just get a piece of candy and a pat on the head and then sent on their way."

    Now you got it.

    I have a childhood friend who has been walking around for 30 years with one eye because of a gang beating he took from white thugs on Fordham Rd in the Bronx.

    Even though there were scores of people on 4 corners who witnessed the beating, nobody "snitched".

  113. Anonymous6:06 PM

    no_slappz, what do you recommend Blacks should do to improve themselves to be on par with Whites and Asians? I really want to know so that I can begin my journey toward excellence. Please. this is serious business. I don't want to end up like uts or Brooklyn.

  114. C'mon Anon-Goober.

    Name the "new" regulations.

  115. Three-Eyed Marty6:10 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Even though there were scores of people on 4 corners who witnessed the beating, nobody "snitched".

    And I still ain't telling.

  116. Anonymous6:11 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    C'mon Anon-Goober.

    Name the "new" regulations.

    You can alway tell when steve is out of bullshit when he starts playing dumb.

    On second thought, it's not that easy to tell when he is playing dumb, or just being dumb.

  117. Aww, I guess he can't answer.

    tee hee

  118. Anonymous6:19 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Aww, I guess he can't answer.

    tee hee

    Dumb and gay.

  119. "Let's see. An oil rich nation in Africa -- Nigeria -- should enjoy a per-capita GDP to rival the US.

    But, because Nigeria is run by blacks

    You and this again.

    "Nigeria" is now primarily made up of once neighboring tribal nations that were uprooted, oppressed and thrown together willy nilly to systematically fight among each other - by your kind. They had different languages, beliefs and cultures etc., it was all by design.

    So after your thieving murdering kind pillaged, plundered and ravished the resources of "Nigeria". The now displaced Africans tribes were further distressed and oppressed by greedy African house negroes that your kind deliberately "appointed" to lord over Nigeria. That's basically what happened in a nutshell.

    Wherever your kind seems to land and whatever you seem to touch, you leave behind destruction and chaos.

  120. I think this anon-goober is actually Rick Perry.

    "I know there were new regulations but I just can't name them."


  121. LAA

    You are on FIYAH girl!

  122. Goodluck Jonathan6:28 PM

    La♥audiobooks said...
    "The now displaced Africans tribes were further distressed and oppressed by greedy African house negroes that your kind deliberately "appointed" to lord over Nigeria. That's basically what happened in a nutshell."

    This is the kind of high-level thinking that has gotten Nigeria to where it is today.

    You should be president!


  123. mellaneous6:32 PM

    What up Field everybody!

    There is something seriously wrong in Happy Valley. A lot of folks knew what was going on with Sandusky. The University even talked to his charity yet he was stil there in an official capacity.

    This goes deeper and a one level it almost suggests that some folks in that area didn't see these acts as seriously criminal and seriously immoral.

    The kids in this case have been let down by everyone.

    It illustrates once again why there has to be real change in this society and that we need one that places the interests of people before those of money and property. Penn State considered the interests of its institution before the interests of human children.

    Please Field give us more on this I know this is deeper.

    BTW notice that the NCAA is quiet while a real crime has been committed in an athletic dept and by people in an athletic dept.


  124. Steve, I always enjoy it when slappz relentlessly insist on banging that African drum. His ignorance is amusing.

  125. Anonymous6:33 PM

    More ugly stuff about Penn State and Sandusky:

  126. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Mell, read and listen to the link provided by anon1:30pm-it tells a lot about this story.

  127. Anonymous10:13 PM

    Please Field give us more on this I know this is deeper.

    I bet you say that to all the guys..I know there is more and you like it deeper. Never trust a Black supposed man of god who preaches hate and division. Mail Order Rev'rund.

  128. Assume The Position1:15 PM

    "uptownsteve said...
    C'mon Anon-Goober.

    Name the "new" regulations.

    6:09 PM"

    Steve, you stupid twat. You know how to use Google.

    Quit rolling around the floor on your black ass, going "tee hee", you faggot, and use it:

    You don't like that link? That's just one of hundreds, maybe thousands. Look for yourself.

  129. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Right on...let's keep our money in the community!!

    Check out "down Low baller" at Barnes and the link below:

  130. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Right on...let's keep our money in the community!!

    Check out "down Low baller" at Barnes and the link below:
