Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The doctor, the racist, and the robe.

"The man helps us all by taking a pedophile off the street and they give him four f&^%$#@ years!"

Man you black folks are hard on each other. That's what I overheard some  black dude telling another one in the crowded CJC (Criminal Justice Center) lobby today while I waited for an elevator. Everyone within earshot, like me, probably heard them, but everyone pretended not to. Some things are not even cool to think about.

Anyway, I read that the good doctor is suicidal; apparently his lawyers didn't do a good enough job of preparing him for the worse. The Judge sure didn't seem to like Doctor Murray very much.

 "The judge was relentless in his bashing of the 58-year-old Murray, saying he lied repeatedly and had not shown remorse for his actions in the treatment of Jackson. Pastor also said Murray's heavy use of the powerful anesthetic propofol to help Jackson battle insomnia violated his sworn obligation.

"It should be made very clear that experimental medicine is not going to be tolerated, and Mr. Jackson was an experiment," Pastor said. "Dr. Murray was intrigued by the prospect and he engaged in this money for medicine madness that is simply not going to be tolerated by me."

Pastor also said Murray has "absolutely no sense of fault, and is and remains dangerous" to the community.

The judge said.one of the most disturbing aspects of Murray's case was a slurred recording of Jackson recovered from the doctor's cell phone."

I didn't like the cell phone recording, either. But four years (two for sure in the County) seemed a bit harsh. I don't think the good Doctor is a danger to anyone but himself right about now.

Finally, as most of you know, I am a notorious racism chaser. But I am also a huge advocate of free speech, so every now and then I become conflicted when I have to choose between the big R being offensive and the big R having the right to offend.

This latest case in England is a great example.

In case you all haven't heard the story or seen the latest video which has gone viral, this white lady in London did what a lot of you white folks would love to do while taking public transportation; she allowed her inner klan to flow.

"A woman in South London was arrested after she was caught on tape unleashing a racist tirade on an unsuspecting train car full of passengers.

A two-minute clip went viral across the internet of the rant late Sunday, with many horrified viewers and celebrities tweeting to help find the woman.

“BREAKING: The woman in the #MyTramExperience video has just been arrested. Excellent. See how vocal she is in a police cell,” British-born talk show host Piers Morgan tweeted.

The woman, in the clip, can be heard telling people "you ain't English, you ain't English either - go back to your own f--- country."

She also demands that black people on the train go back to their own country, which she claims is "Nicaragua".

When another passenger asks her to watch her language because of the children on board, she replies, "Yes fine, I have a little kid here."

A small child in her lap remains silent, playing with what appears to be a toy dinosaur, throughout the disturbing rant.

At one point, the video shows, she tells a woman, "You ain't British - you're black." [Story]

That's just precious. Isn't it nice when racists can pass on their ignorance to their children?

Still, I have news for you; this lady should not have been arrested. It's not like she started a riot or anything. (Although I suppose that you could make an argument that she might have started one.) If she wants to make a fool of herself in public (with her child present no less) by all means let her go. No one was hurt, so it's all good as far as I am concerned. Having to live with herself is punishment enough for this poor woman.

BTW, speaking of displaying ignorance; I see where the Smithsonian's new section for us Negroes will be displaying some recently donated klan robes. Again, I am fine with that. The klan is as A-merry-can as apple pie, and every A-merry-can should be able to see and read about their long "rich" history.




  1. They have different laws in Canada, England and a few other countries, Mr. Field. Hate speech is illegal.

    Can you imagine if hate speech was illegal here in America? Lmao! Half the county would be in jail!

    Btw, this lady has nothing on Eric Clapton. He gave a similar racist rant during one of his concerts back in the day.

    Here it is;

    "Do we have any foreigners in the audience tonight? If so, please put up your hands. Wogs I mean, I'm looking at you. Where are you? I'm sorry but some fucking wog...Arab grabbed my wife's bum, you know? Surely got to be said, yeah this is what all the fucking foreigners and wogs over here are like, just disgusting, that's just the truth, yeah. So where are you? Well wherever you all are, I think you should all just leave. Not just leave the hall, leave our country. You fucking (indecipherable). I don't want you here, in the room or in my country. Listen to me, man! I think we should vote for Enoch Powell. Enoch's our man. I think Enoch's right, I think we should send them all back. Stop Britain from becoming a black colony. Get the foreigners out. Get the wogs out. Get the coons out. Keep Britain white. I used to be into dope, now I'm into racism. It's much heavier, man. Fucking wogs, man. Fucking Saudis taking over London. Bastard wogs. Britain is becoming overcrowded and Enoch will stop it and send them all back. The black wogs and coons and Arabs and fucking Jamaicans and fucking (indecipherable) don't belong here, we don't want them here. This is England, this is a white country, we don't want any black wogs and coons living here. We need to make clear to them they are not welcome. England is for white people, man. We are a white country. I don't want fucking wogs living next to me with their standards. This is Great Britain, a white country, what is happening to us, for fuck's sake? We need to vote for Enoch Powell, he's a great man, speaking truth. Vote for Enoch, he's our man, he's on our side, he'll look after us. I want all of you here to vote for Enoch, support him, he's on our side. Enoch for Prime Minister! Throw the wogs out! Keep Britain white! "


  2. No matter who or what his patient was or wasn't, Dr. Feelgood was criminally negligent when he abandoned his anesthetized patient, if not before.

  3. Anonymous11:15 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    No matter who or what his patient was or wasn't, Dr. Feelgood was criminally negligent when he abandoned his anesthetized patient, if not before.

    Listening to Motley Crue again are we? Good tune.

  4. Anonymous11:18 PM

    That lady was a bit insane. But we do need to understand what caused her to snap and voice her inner hatred. Word has it that the woman is Purple Cows wife and she had enough.

  5. Hey Field
    Did you see the open letter to Herman Cain from the good Reverend Al? [wow]

    The following is a message from Al Sharpton to Herman Cain.

    The greeting on your website says, "we are looking forward to hearing from you",

    but I'm not sure you will be looking forward to hearing from me, Mr. Cain.

    I saw on the internet that you called the President a liar. I deplore what you are doing and the things you are saying about the President in order to gain favor with these

    greedy, thieving, selfish, Republicans.

    How dare you call President Obama a liar. You are a pathetic, obviously brainwashed black man who has lost his way and his mind. You have had opportunity and a smattering of privilege in America that has made you forget your roots. I despise people like you and Clarence Thomas, and you both have Georgia roots.

    What is it with you black men from the south who grow up in an oppressed environment and end up siding with the oppressor? The recent case of Troy Davis in Georgia is an excellent example of the present day oppression and legal lynching that still takes place in that state and in this country.

    The political party that you praise so highly is presently enacting laws to suppress the black vote, the student vote, and many elderly voters across this entire country. Yet, you choose to stand with people who display such obscene and un-American behavior. You would throw black people (including the President of the U.S.) and others under the bus to curry favor with these non-caring and hedonistic people.

    You were there when your Republican cohorts cheered about the death penalty which

    disproportionately affects black men and women in this country - some of whom

    have been proven to be innocent. You should be ashamed to stand with these

    people and yet, you appear to be proud of such an association.

    Yes, President Obama does believe in fairness and sharing the responsibility of the

    tax burden, it is not socialism nor is it class warfare, and he is not a liar

    for saying it. That kind of rhetoric from you and those with whom you identify

    is nothing more than a weak defense for the greedy and despicable philosophy

    that you choose to embrace.

    You had the unmitigated gall to tell Wolf Blitzer on CNN that two thirds of

    African-American people are brainwashed and incapable of thinking for

    themselves. You are surely touched in the head. The millions of us who are

    capable of thinking for ourselves - we know who is really brainwashed - you -

    brainwashed whiter than snow.

    Do you really think those people with whom you stand on the debating platform really respect you and see you as their equal? They as well as others see you as a joke and a

    person who is engaging in buffoonery. A Republican majority House and Senate

    would never pass your "so called" 999 plan. They would never deem it

    in their best interest. Besides, there are many who believe your plan is a

    coded message from Satan. If you flip the numbers they become the 666 plan.

    You will never be President of this country, and I thank God for that. I must say, you

    certainly live up to your last name. Just as Cain in the Bible so blatantly

    slew his brother, you are equally willing to do the same politically and

    economically to millions of black and middle class citizens of this country.

    Such behavior is extremely ugly, and need I remind you, Mr. Cain, that God does

    not like ugly.

    P.S. If it wasn't for the fact that I'm having a nice day, I would tell you what I really

    think about you.

  6. Val stole my thunder about Clapton's comments all those years ago. =0

    But recently John Cleese said that "London is no longer an English city".

    People notice change. Whether they think it's a good thing or not is a different question but they do notice.


    Most of the European nations weren't set up for immigration. Ultimately most people have a preference for their own.

  7. Anonymous12:35 AM

    "That lady was a bit insane. But we do need to understand what caused her to snap and voice her inner hatred. Word has it that the woman is Purple Cows wife and she had enough."

    Lord have mercy. Poor Purple Cow will never recover from this slam dunk. LOL

    I wonder what PC has to say about the racist Brits who are twice as racist Americans? Just think, I claims he loves it there.

    As I understand it, interracial couples are safer in MS than in the U.K. That's pretty bad.

  8. Anonymous12:38 AM

    Its all those British Empire Chickens coming home to roost.

  9. Anonymous12:39 AM

    "BTW, speaking of displaying ignorance; I see where the Smithsonian's new section for us Negroes will be displaying some recently donated klan robes. Again, I am fine with that. The klan is as A-merry-can as apple pie, and every A-merry-can should be able to see and read about their long "rich" history."

    I hope they won't show the klan robes in a bad light. I mean, the KKK wasn't that bad. Besides, they don't hang us anymore. I bet if really pressed, they would let some Blacks into their organization.

  10. Huh. Most of those "ain't English" are there because the English occupied & exploited their nations.

    I've met Bahamians who are in some ways just as English as the English & speak better English, too.

  11. Anonymous12:44 AM

    Field, where might I find the viral video of that fine Brit? You did not provide a link. I bet if it was Cain, you would have provided a link, you apathetic Cain hater!

    Brooklyn, take that fake letter you posted and shove it!

  12. Anonymous12:49 AM

    Anonymous said...
    "BTW, speaking of displaying ignorance; I see where the Smithsonian's new section for us Negroes will be displaying some recently donated klan robes. Again, I am fine with that. The klan is as A-merry-can as apple pie, and every A-merry-can should be able to see and read about their long "rich" history."

    I hope they won't show the klan robes in a bad light. I mean, the KKK wasn't that bad. Besides, they don't hang us anymore. I bet if really pressed, they would let some Blacks into their organization.

    Now how can you belong to a group and not now you are a member? It is called the Democratic Party. None of the usual democratic twists (up is down/down is up) withstanding. Remember, they know what is best for you, so keep them in power. Just stay in line otherwise they will get you sucka. Right Herman? You uppity Negro you.

  13. Val said...
    Can you imagine if hate speech was illegal here in America? Lmao! Half the county would be in jail!

    Maybe Obama wants half the country in jail.

    The Obama Administration is endorsing restrictions on so-called “hate speech” at the United Nations. The Administration is backing proposals to classify hate speech as a violation of international human rights law.


  14. Maybe that British lady has a point about her country.

    There's a lot of anti-white sentiment expressed by the ruling elites in Britain. Whites aren't even treated as people. Pressure groups can push policies that hurt whites but whites aren't allowed to complain because they're not treated as people. That's anti-white. So it's entirely appropriate to wonder out loud whether some policies really are anti-racist or whether they're just anti-white.

    But you can't wonder out loud in Britain. It's against the law.

  15. Conrad Murray is going from being a rich doctor with lots of babes to the big house with lots of ugly dudes. Suicide is on his mind.

    As far as Big Daddy Cain I know I took my conspiracy hat off long ago I think conservatives do have a point that when a conservative brother starts doing well some sexual bs comes up. Could they be right that there is a left wing conspiracy to derail these dudes? Tim Scott and Alan West better hide them texts.

  16. Anonymous1:16 AM

    PilotX-"As far as Big Daddy Cain I know I took my conspiracy hat off long ago I think conservatives do have a point that when a conservative brother starts doing well some sexual bs comes up. Could they be right that there is a left wing conspiracy to derail these dudes? Tim Scott and Alan West better hide them texts."

    I agree. I've always thought that there has been a left wing conspiracy against Cain. It is too weird for all these woman to show up one after the other when Cain was taking the country by storm. I am surprised that so many Blacks on this blog think Cain is guilty without even thinking about it....like Granny and others.

    Mark my words when this is over it will come to light that it was a fabricated lie about Cain.

  17. Anonymous1:29 AM

    "The man helps us all by taking a pedophile off the street and they give him four f&^%$#@ years!"

    Man you black folks are hard on each other. That's what I overheard some black dude telling another one in the crowded CJC (Criminal Justice Center) lobby today while I waited for an elevator. Everyone within earshot, like me, probably heard them, but everyone pretended not to. Some things are not even cool to think about."

    Field, why didn't you speak out about that? that was just insensitive and ignorant of that black moron. And it was in a courthouse building? My God!

  18. I discovered that there was indeed quite a demand for hooded kids custom robes, generally the ones available are of a lightweight soft cotton weave bathrobe which are used by many of the finest tropical hotels but I didn't think that this is quite what my kid had in mind, he wanted a rough and tough looking hooded kids monogrammed bathrobe that had attitude, not something straight out of Fantasy Island.

  19. "Mark my words when this is over it will come to light that it was a fabricated lie about Cain."

    Nope, I don't think so. My man Herman is a playa. :)

    WTF? Val, did Eric Clapton really say that? I am going to toss that " Shot the Sheriff" record right now. :(

    "I hope they won't show the klan robes in a bad light. I mean, the KKK wasn't that bad. Besides, they don't hang us anymore. I bet if really pressed, they would let some Blacks into their organization."

    Oh shut up Herman, don't you have a white woman to go chase?

  20. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Why are they not at least investigating all those other docs that prescribed drugs to MJ?

    Because MJ was addicted long before Dr.Murray came into his life. And those other doctors were/are they not being unethical also?

    The lady in England sounds unbalanced at the very least. To bad all people don't get a chance to travel and live in and experience other cultures/countries. Insularity keeps minds so closed.

    My thoughts on the museum are that yes the robes are a sad part of, but hopefully the riches that resulted from this free labor and the accomplishments will be exhibited also!

    Val, Wow! I had never seen that rant, I guess it wasn't given a lot of exposure. and here I thought he was such an illuminated and free spirit. Guess it's just hype.

  21. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Val, Wow! I had never seen that rant, I guess it wasn't given a lot of exposure. and here I thought he was such an illuminated and free spirit. Guess it's just hype.

    "Illuminated" isn't the first word I think of when I see and hear Sharpton. Ancient Chinese proverb say he like light bulb - Wy So Dim. The first thing I think when I see him now is "Resist We Much..."

  22. "At one point, the video shows, she tells a woman, "You ain't British - you're black"

    Hey Field,

    Back when I was in high school I heard an ignorant sister on the subway tell a man "You ain't black, you a Jamaican".

    I'll never forget the look he gave her.

    Like "are you some new breed of idiot?"

  23. Pilot x

    "I think conservatives do have a point that when a conservative brother starts doing well some sexual bs comes up."

    Or maybe a lot of them are just plain freaks.

    It's obvious that they aren't too well mentally or they wouldn't be conservatives.

    I don't remember any "sexual bs" coming out about JC Watts, Gary Franks or Michael Steele.

    But Clarence Thomas, Juan Williams, Armstong Williams and Herman Cain obviously are sexual predators and the revelations have got nothing to do with them being black conservatives.

    Anybody remember Bill Clinton, Gart Hart and John Edwards?

  24. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Val, Wow! I had never seen that rant, I guess it wasn't given a lot of exposure. and here I thought he was such an illuminated and free spirit. Guess it's just hype.

    "Illuminated" isn't the first word I think of when I see and hear Sharpton. Ancient Chinese proverb say he like light bulb - Wy So Dim. The first thing I think when I see him now is "Resist We Much..
    I was referring to Vals Eric Clapton article. :)

  25. Anonymous10:06 AM

    It's strange to me that our constitutional right to mouth off and look stupid is not universal in the western world. I like that about America.

  26. I really don't think the public understands what a physician's roll is. They don't sit there and watch all their patients. If they did, then they could only have 1 patient at a time. That is what you hire a nurse for. To sit there and keep their eyes on you the entire time you labor. Doctors aren't even trained for that. I should know. I'm a doctor. To make him responsible for MJ's death due to negligence or abandonment is simply naive.

  27. Anonymous10:20 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    Pilot x

    "I think conservatives do have a point that when a conservative brother starts doing well some sexual bs comes up."

    Or maybe a lot of them are just plain freaks.

    It's obvious that they aren't too well mentally or they wouldn't be conservatives.

    As if the Democratic party isn't the freak show party. Difference is they have no morals so aren't held to the same level of scrutiny as conservatives. Conservatives oust someone with no morals and proof of same, Democrats make them heroes.

  28. Meet the delightful Emma, if you haven't already seen it.


    For one glorious moment I thought the guy at 01:15 was going to smack her one.

    She's now retained in custody for "mental health screening...

  29. Anonymous11:01 AM


    I see this happening on Marta whicH is the Atlanta Subway system all the time...It's usually a drunk poor white trash homeless man cursing and using the N-word and kids are on the train and the black men won't step up and ask the man to stop cursing and using the N-word. The white people on the train laughs and the white policeman treat this man like he's some kind of V-I-P!! Go Figure!!

  30. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Great book to read is "Down Low Baller" at the link below!!


  31. See, I think the racist Brit "lady" should have been arrested--and charged with negligence (and perhaps even abuse) of the child in her custody. It is clearly negligent to expose children to and inculcate them with mores that run counter to the larger society's. It's pretty rare we get such patent evidence of such negligence--though we see its consequences too frequently--and perhaps an arrest on those grounds would be a message worth sending.

  32. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Mrs. C said...
    See, I think the racist Brit "lady" should have been arrested--and charged with negligence (and perhaps even abuse) of the child in her custody. It is clearly negligent to expose children to and inculcate them with mores that run counter to the larger society's. It's pretty rare we get such patent evidence of such negligence--though we see its consequences too frequently--and perhaps an arrest on those grounds would be a message worth sending.

    True, but than we need to arrest all rappers and baby mommas as well.

  33. Quote Mrs. C

    "See, I think the racist Brit "lady" should have been arrested--and charged with negligence (and perhaps even abuse) of the child in her custody. "

    The child has indeed been taken into local authority care, though what charges the mother faces remains to be seen.

    She is English btw, there's no such thing as a 'Brit'. Not a word we use.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. ditto!!!

    we need free speech so that racist fools can speak freely and expose their hatred and ignorance

    private hatreds will never liberate us from public oppressions

    just as secrets about sexual issues are destroying americans in denial about their own childrens' extensive sex lives/their spouses' dl homo antics/het transmission of aids/hiv etc/pedophiles in every arena/families etc...

    our secrets are psychic/social wounds
    and all wounds heal best in open air

    the truth is its own defense
    conrad murray did have orders to poison and kill mj
    he deserves far MORE than 4 years
    mj is dead forever

    who gave murray his orders???
    how many other wm docs drugged and slew mj for decades???
    when are their trials scheduled????
    that is the truest travesty in the case

    1 twisted black genius is dead
    1 framed black doc is jailed
    countless wm leeches are still spending mj's ongoing billions...





  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. secrets kill!!!







  38. Anonymous1:39 PM

    UTS, "Hey Field,

    Back when I was in high school I heard an ignorant sister on the subway tell a man "You ain't black, you a Jamaican".

    I'll never forget the look he gave her.

    Like "are you some new breed of idiot?"

    9:11 AM
    Uts, it's true..... Field is not Black, he is Jamaican! So don't be classifying him with your dumb ass.

    Everybody on this blog knows that Field is not Black, even though he married a Black. But when Mrs. Field starts in on his ass, he realizes that he is not 'quite' Black, he is Jamaican.

    UTS, you must be some kind of idiot, not to know the nuances of racial differences.

    BTW, Anons call Field, "Brother Field" because, well.... it is company policy. It's part of our contract with FN. Field would never sign a contract without inclusiveness for all POCs, including Mexicans! He seems to be weak and blind that way. Go figure, there must be something in the genes.

  39. Anonymous1:43 PM

    the truth is its own defense
    conrad murray did have orders to poison and kill mj
    he deserves far MORE than 4 years
    mj is dead forever

    who gave murray his orders???
    how many other wm docs drugged and slew mj for decades???
    when are their trials scheduled????
    that is the truest travesty in the case

    Who gave the orders? The Cuckoo in that clock aint straight maybe it was one of the little boys who MJ stuck his dinky in dey hiney holes fathers

  40. The Walking Dead1:47 PM

    " alicia banks said...
    secrets kill!!!"

    Well now...that explains a lot. With all the so-called "secrets" & "conspiracies" that you claim to be privy to, it's understandable why you look like a black zombie.

  41. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Purple Cow Said...

    "President Obama’s slow ride down Gallup’s daily presidential job approval index has finally passed below Jimmy Carter, earning Obama the worst job approval rating of any president at this stage of his term in modern political history."

    And yet still, he's ahead of all current Repug candidates.

    You guys are opposing the least popular President since Joe Stalin and you are still going to lose!

    What a bunch of fuck-ups the Republicans are!

    How Now Brown Cow? Who are the fuckups? Apparantly once again you were completely wrong. Just one day later...let me repeat that, just ONE day later.

    In a National Poll Newt 45 Obama 43% even with his neverending taxfunded campaign.
    Never trust a disengenious liar.


    Let the hitjobs on Newt commence.

  42. Betty Crocker2:01 PM

    Serenity Love Sincere Peace Earth said...
    I really don't think the public understands what a physician's roll is

    Is it different from a Kaiser roll? Or just a plain dinner roll?

  43. Bob Marley2:03 PM

    The Purple Cunt said...
    She's now retained in custody for "mental health screening...

    I think her distress is quite understandable in light of having to watch her country swamped by asswipes such as yourself.

  44. George Orwell2:06 PM

    The Purple Twunt said...
    The child has indeed been taken into local authority care, though what charges the mother faces remains to be seen.

    Wow. Arrested, put in a mental hospital, and losing custody of one's child, all for calling a spade a spade.

    "Change" has been completely implemented in the U.K.

  45. no slappz2:19 PM

    brooklyn writes:

    Did you see the open letter to Herman Cain from the good Reverend Al? [wow]

    The letter is a fake.

    Go to Al Sharpton's website and see for yourself -- moron.

    As always, you're the picture of gullibility.


  46. Dr Quack2:22 PM

    Serenity Love Sincere Peace Earth said...

    I really don't think the public understands what a physician's roll is.

    It's like an egg roll -- inserted into the rectum.

  47. Anonymous2:28 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Mrs. C

    "See, I think the racist Brit "lady" should have been arrested--and charged with negligence (and perhaps even abuse) of the child in her custody. "

    The child has indeed been taken into local authority care, though what charges the mother faces remains to be seen.

    She is English btw, there's no such thing as a 'Brit'. Not a word we use.

    Oh, I see. You politically correct people always ninnyjawing about words and the correct labeling get confusing. So Obama didn't make a mistake as everyone is telling him? He was correct in saying the "English Embassy in Iran, instead of the "British Embassy" as according to you "there is no such thing as a Brit" it is rather "English"

    Who knew you and Obama were on the same wavelength, oh well, let me go read the latest news on the "English Embassy and the pullout of all the "English" people from the "English Embassy" in Iran.


  48. Walking dead/running retard kkk assnon:

    U should drag your dumb dreg corny ass to a library asap
    You may discover countless documented conspiracies
    especially fashioned to easily dupe droves of sheeple like you

    I pray u continue to never get laid/breed

    We need no more illiterate kkk zombies like you on earth

    Carry on u stiff clueless kkklown


    Your ignorant and incessant kkkomical vulgar obsessions with my entire being only prove how beautiful and brilliant I am…


    I get stalked like that a lot…It amuses my blessed wife.

  49. Anonymous2:56 PM

    "I get stalked like that a lot…It amuses my blessed wife"

    If A lesbian lets her yeast infection rise - can you make bread with it?

  50. Anonymous "Oh, I see. You politically correct people always ninnyjawing about words and the correct labeling get confusing. So Obama didn't make a mistake as everyone is telling him? He was correct in saying the "English Embassy in Iran, instead of the "British Embassy" as according to you "there is no such thing as a Brit" it is rather "English"

    OK anony, I had an idea this one was going to be too difficult for you, so I've prepared an answer earlier, as simple as I can make it.

    1. Britain is a state, but it's not a nation.

    2. So the British embassy is the embassy of the British State, therefore the O Man was wrong.

    (Stop me if I'm going too fast for you)

    3. However, the people who make up the citizens of the British State hail from a variety of countries. England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland (or 'The Six Occupied Counties' as Irish Nationalists say), The Isle of Man, The Channel Islands and certain overseas territories.

    So in this day and age, you wouldn't say "I am British", you are English/Scottish/Welsh/Manx etc. though you pay taxes to the British State. Britain exists a defense organization a tax-collecting entity and a concept used in grand affairs of state and sporting occasions.

    There have been several times in history when the Government of the day has tried to promote the concept of Britishness, usually in an effort to unite us all - particularly in times of war. However, though still widely used in the 50's and 60's the use of the word fades every year. You pretty much only hear the Royal family, hard-right types and geriatrics using it these days.

    Even the few Neo-fascist loonies who once took up the concept of Britishness and wrapped themselves in the Union Jack, (such as the British National Party) are now losing out to the equally bonkers 'English Defense League.

    Also people refer to the Nation as "the U.K." rather than Britain.

  51. Secret Society3:31 PM

    Hmmm. So an irate woman ridiing the London subway let the cat out of the bag.

    Yeah. Someone from the Global Union of White People should call her in and reprimand her for speaking out without permission.

    It looks bad for the Global Union when some screamer shoots her mouth off like that.

  52. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Purple, you are a funny man. Do you really think that I didn't know all of that and wasn't yanking your chain just because you are the typically obnoxious man that you are? One who insists his interpretation of things and matters is always correct no matter how awful his track record?

    You are the typical underachiever, you are so busy looking behind you to ensure someone doesn't catch up that you failed to see them leading and having done so for centuries.

    As for the use of the U.K, I vividly recall you taking exception to someone using the U.K even though it is commonplace and you now say so. Must have been on your period that day. Anyway it is all irrelevant, the empire has long been sunk, God save the Queen and long live diversity.

  53. This post is why I like you, Field. You've got the sense to turn your own arguments around and see how they stand up.

    Yes, there's plenty of racism in the world and plenty of legislation - but not every instance of every atom of racism requires police intervention. The woman shouldn't have been arrested, because she really committed no legal crime. She's a dumb bitch, but okay - if that were a crime there'd be nothing but jails.

    And Jackson's doctor - well, I don't think 4 years is bad for practicing experimental medicine. If I started offering boob jobs in my garage I'd likely get that, at least. So, no, I don't think we need racism to explain that one, either.

    If you want my opinion (which maybe you do, since you have comments activated) your introspective analysis is why I will listen when you do find racism that should be legislated against, etc. You're just a really, really good blogger in that regard, Field. A good moderator for what's innately a very inflammatory subject.

  54. @Desertflower & Mr. Field

    A lot of those old rock and roll guys were really racist back in the day. Tom Petty, for instance, used to fly the confederate flag at his concerts.

    And Creedence Clearwater Revival were first known as The Goliwogs. And as you know goliwog is a racist term that is basically the same as the N word.


  55. no slappz3:52 PM

    brooklyn asked:

    If regulation and taxes are driving business away why does Mercedes-Benz have a plant in Alabama?

    Because Alabama is a non-union state -- AND -- it's in the US, the largest market for Mercedes Benz. Meanwhile, it is an assembly plant. The cars are not built from scratch in Alabama.

    Shouldn't their plant be in one of those countries with lower taxes and no regulation?

    You have a talent for making moronic statements.

    Compared with Germany, Alabama is a Utopia. Labor is cheaper.

    When it comes to regulations, all car-makers selling vehicles in the US have to meet the same standards for safety, etc.

    Meanwhile, divisions of foreign companies operating in the US are taxed at a lower rate on their US income than US companies. Get it?

  56. Johnny Reb4:14 PM

    Val said...
    @A lot of those old rock and roll guys were really racist back in the day. Tom Petty, for instance, used to fly the confederate flag at his concerts

    The confederate flag wasn't considered racist back then, so calling Tom Petty racist is unfair. You are viewing the past through the hyper-sensitive, hysterical mindset that has been induced in modern black people by non-stop racism chasing and the embrace of the cult of victimhood.

  57. vulgar itchy burning ping pong kkk assnon:

    ask your wife

    your perpetual shared infections make her your expert resident host...


  58. triple troll kkk assnon:

    or ask your wife's lover/s...

    she is certainly infecting someone while u waste time scratching herein

  59. hobama is a moron who truly needs his teleprompter

    nobama 2012!!!


  60. pookies rule the world

    they have no work ethics

    but they keep blunts!



  61. there is a method to ALL of the madness of hobama inc


    hobama tv just struck gold...

    more hobama nazis will now be even more dumbed down...



  62. Anonymous4:52 PM

    alicia banks said...
    vulgar itchy burning ping pong kkk assnon:

    ask your wife

    your perpetual shared infections make her your expert resident host...


    love the name calling some of them leave me puzzled though.

    "Itchy burning Ping Pong KKK"

    I get itchy burning but Ping Pong sounds like a gay sport and KKK? Are you saying the KKK is gay and plays ping pong until they start burning and itching?

    Ask my wife? But she isn't a lesbian so how can I ask her if a lesbian lets her yeast grow can you make bread? Can she call you?

    and you end it with bet? What does Black Entertainment Television have to do with any of this?

    Thanks for the chuckles

  63. cackling fool:

    it is truly amusing that you sre so proud to be a racist sexist moron and getting prouder with each post

    u r making my day...thanks!!!

    u r just too easy bubba


    kosher kkk:

    cc this to white/jew blog asap!!!


  64. Anonymous5:35 PM

    no_slappz, brooklyn writes:

    Did you see the open letter to Herman Cain from the good Reverend Al? [wow]

    The letter is a fake.

    Go to Al Sharpton's website and see for yourself -- moron.

    As always, you're the picture of gullibility.


    2:19 PM
    no_slappz, you are wrong about Brooklyn's gullibility. Please change that to "stupidity".

    Any fool could see that Al Sharpton did not write that letter. He is far more adroit at speaking and writing than that.

    Poor Brooklyn. She claimed to go to a Broolyn school for her education. Are those schools there that bad? Did she ever figure out where you lived?

  65. Quote anonymous

    " Do you really think that I didn't know all of that and wasn't yanking your chain just because you are the typically obnoxious man that you are?"

    No I don't think you knew all that.

    "You are the typical underachiever, you are so busy looking behind you to ensure someone doesn't catch up that you failed to see them leading and having done so for centuries."

    HA! If I am an underachiever what does that make you?

    "As for the use of the U.K, I vividly recall you taking exception to someone using the U.K even though it is commonplace and you now say so."

    If you "vividly recall" that - seek psychiatric help, that would be my advice...

  66. no slappz5:43 PM

    anon writes:

    Poor Brooklyn. She claimed to go to a Broolyn school for her education. Are those schools there that bad?

    Some Brooklyn public schools are very bad. The worst are in the black neighborhoods -- because -- the worst students attend them.

    Did she ever figure out where you lived?

    Not likely, even though West Midwood has a website anyone can find via Google.

  67. dunce kkk assnon:

    (read sloooooooowly...k?)

    bet = wager

    as in:

    i bet u live with a laptop in your lap
    and that is why your tiny penis is limp and shoots blanks into your perpetually yeast infected wife...



  68. Anon-Idiot

    "Uts, it's true..... Field is not Black, he is Jamaican!" So don't be classifying him with your dumb ass.

    "Everybody on this blog knows that Field is not Black," UTS, you must be some kind of idiot, not to know the nuances of racial differences."

    Wow Anon, it must really hurt to be so dumb.

    And loud.

  69. Anon-Freak

    "As if the Democratic party isn't the freak show party. Difference is they have no morals so aren't held to the same level of scrutiny as conservatives. Conservatives oust someone with no morals and proof of same, Democrats make them heroes."


    To quote Barney Frank: "What planet do you reside on most of the time?"


  70. Anonymous6:19 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote anonymous

    " Do you really think that I didn't know all of that and wasn't yanking your chain just because you are the typically obnoxious man that you are?"

    Here Pupil Cowell; I fixed it for you so you don't go to hell for all the lying that you do.

    Purple Cow Said

    "No I don't think"

    and we all say at this point no worries, we don't expect anything more from you.

  71. Anonymous6:28 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    "As if the Democratic party isn't the freak show party. Difference is they have no morals so aren't held to the same level of scrutiny as conservatives. Conservatives oust someone with no morals and proof of same, Democrats make them heroes."


    To quote Barney Frank: "What planet do you reside on most of the time?"


    Ha-Ha you qoute Bwaney Fwank; of all of the shining examples of the Democratic Freak Show; Bwaney Frank...the Fudge Packer who hired a male prostitute as his assistant after he paid for his services who than ran a male prostitution ring out of Barneys house? Bwaney Frank the same guy who fixed parking tickets for a gay lover? Barney Frank the same guy who wrote a misleading memo to probation officers on behalf of another gay lover. Or do you mean Barney Frank the guy who was selling weed out of his house but Barney didn't know? Or maybe even the Barney Frank who lied to congress twice when republicans held hearings on the concerns regarding the solubility of Fannie and Freddie and how it might cause a housing bubble and financial crisis...oh yeah that clown.

    Yes, you must be a democrat.

  72. kinky goober

    They gave up the klan robes and became Republicans.

    Where ya been goober?

  73. Anonymous7:36 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    kinky goober

    They gave up the klan robes and became Republicans.

    Where ya been goober?

    7:34 PM

    If'N IMA goober yer a derty nigger

  74. Did ya get an erection after hurling the N bomb?

    You clowns are such cowards.

  75. Steve, I'm just looking at the highest profile brothers and it seems the conservative types get runout or attempted to run out by some sex stuff. Jesse's love child didn't come to light while he was running for prez. As far as Steele, J.C. or Gary Franks they weren't going for the S.C. or prez cause I'd bet some stuff would come out. I'm just say'n, seem suspicious. Maybe it's GOP insiders who found out he was getting a few too many votes. I'm not going to spend too many sleepless nights thinking about it but I just find it interesting.

  76. "You have a talent for making moronic statements."

    Says the person who stated Herman Cain could beat Obama in a head to head matchup. Also stated that no one over 60 could win the WH and all major candidates in the GOP are over 60.
    As my man Forest said "stupid is as stupid does".
    Get a job Slappz!
