Monday, November 28, 2011

Herman's latest adventure.

I am sure that you all have heard of Herman's latest missy adventure by now: A modern day Scarlett O'Hara from Atlanta named Ginger White (Yes, that's her name. I swear you can't make this stuff up.) is saying that Herman was her Rhett Butler for 13-years

Now I am going to shock some of you, but I am not going rip Herman Cain for his alleged affair. This is not like allegedly harassing women and making sexual advances towards them against their will. As Herman's lawyer said earlier tonight, this was something that happened between two consenting adults. Besides, a 13 year affair with someone other than his wife would not affect how Herman does his job as president. Some of our better presidents in A-merry-ca (See Bubba & JFK) were known philanderers. Hey, the man leading the GOP pack was cheating on his wife while she was dying for crying out loud.

Still, I am begging Herman to get out of the race. He is killing us married guys out here. Every time one of these stories hits the news we get the fuzzy eyeball from out significant other. That is not cool. He has got to know by now that he has no shot of ever winning the republican nomination. They just can't trust the guy anymore. He is ruining the republican brand. They have all got to be thinking the very same thing: "What's next?"

Finally, I knew that you A-merry-cans loved to shop. But this next story is a bit much:

"A Black Friday shopper who collapsed while shopping at a Target store in West Virginia went almost unnoticed as customers continued to hunt for bargain deals.
Walter Vance, the 61-year-old pharmacist, who reportedly suffered from a prior heart condition, later died in hospital, reports MSNBC.

Witnesses say some shoppers ignored and even walked over the man's body as they continued to shop, reports the New York Daily News.

Friends and co-workers saddened to learn of his death, expressed outrage over the way he was treated by shoppers.

"Where is the good Samaritan side of people?" Vance's co-worker Sue Compton told WSAZ-TV.

"How could you not notice someone was in trouble? I just don't understand if people didn't help what their reason was..." [Source]

Their reason was 50% off on the latest electronic tablet item. Santa has to put something under the tree.

Poor Walter, someone should have told him that shopping is serious business here in A-merry-ca. It's a matter of life and death.    



  1. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Field, I am very disappointed you did not participate more in the discussion obviously dominated by Stormfront.

    Now I know why. You were busy writing a supportive negative Stormfront opinion of Herman Cain. Brother, you have been brainwashed....BY STORMFRONT!

  2. Anonymous8:58 PM

    First my heart goes out to the man and his family who died at Target.

    Herman Cain ain't shit!!

    Check out the book "Down Low Baller" at the link below"

  3. "Hey, the man leading the GOP pack was cheating on his wife while she was dying for crying out loud."

    I am no fan of Newt, but these stories about him are greatly exaggerated.

    For one, they were in the late stages of divorce. Secondly, she was not "dying". In fact she is still alive today.

    As for Herman, well it's probably strike 12, yer out.

  4. The mark of cain9:35 PM

    Come on fn. Give brutha Cain a break. No black man alive could turn down some white vagina.

    Just ask purple cow.

    Why do you think most interracial rapes are commit by black men?

  5. hc is a gd disgrace

    he has sloppy game

    and he is a sexed out coon liar

    he has pimped and duped his wife

    ethics trump whoring

    lies trump lays

    hc needs to stfu and go away now!!!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. this goofy mf hc needs to take some player notes from jfk/bubba/that dl hobama etc...asap

    and cc this bs to monogamous gays like me

    that sleezy ho herman denies my wife and i the same legal marriage his nasty germy lying ass has

    he is a gop oj clown

    eff him

  10. Wesley R9:49 PM


    It doesn't matter if he did it or not at this point. RNC needs to step in and tell him to step down. Then you'll have the two flip floppers in Newt and Mitt.

  11. Sense9:59 PM

    alicia banks said...
    that sleezy ho herman denies my wife and i the same legal marriage his nasty germy lying ass has

    But Alicia, you can have "the same legal marriage" as old Herman. The rules are the same for everyone: you can marry anyone of the opposite sex.

    Herman is not allowed to marry someone of the same sex either.

    There is no discrimination under the law.

  12. Anonymous10:12 PM


    Sense said...
    alicia banks said...
    that sleezy ho herman denies my wife and i the same legal marriage his nasty germy lying ass has

    But Alicia, you can have "the same legal marriage" as old Herman. The rules are the same for everyone: you can marry anyone of the opposite sex.

    Herman is not allowed to marry someone of the same sex either.

    There is no discrimination under the law.

    Just wait until next week, word has it that Herman Cain was really a lesbian and is going to come out....maybe you got a shot Alicia he can lick that poot-a-nanny for ya.

  13. NSangoma10:33 PM

    I figured that the name Ginger meant a redbone.

    Lay dat pipe Herman, lay dat pipe.

  14. I bet if instead of an old man on the floor there was a dog lying there unconscious people would have helped the dog.

    That's America.

  15. My heart goes out to Mrs. Cain & her family for having to undergo these unfortunate turn of events. I now understand better her response when asked if her husband would make a good President.

    It was also reported that she voted in one of the democratic primaries and more than likely voted for then candidate Obama.

    One of the media outlets ran a montage of Mr. Cain's statements & responses to alleged sexual harassment of the women who came forward & the affair with Ginger White.He is a bold face liar & can look one in the eye (interviewer) and "unequivocally" deny any wrongdoing. Character deficits abound as a husband and minister.

    With all due respect Field, Bill Clinton and JFK's politics and backroom antics and betrayals
    still aren't examples as to why Herman Cain could be a good candidate for Presidency. He's either an intellectual lightweight or too arrogant to do the research needed when one is running for the office. I think the whole thing was a rouse but they didn't count on so much trash falling out of Mr. Cain's closet(s)!

  16. Some shoppers ignored and even walked over the man's body as they continued to shop. If I didn't know any better I'd say that people on a whole stopped caring a long time ago.

    You mean to tell me that no one valued human life over some electronic items?

    Still, I am begging Herman to get out of the race.

    It's hilarious once you consider how Cain actually had the audacity to run for POTUS knowing he had all kinds of drama in his past.

    Man oh man oh man.

  17. Anonymous12:40 AM

    Carolyn Moon, "He's either an intellectual lightweight or too arrogant to do the research needed when one is running for the office. I think the whole thing was a rouse but they didn't count on so much trash falling out of Mr. Cain's closet(s)!"

    First, you don't have to be an intellectual heavyweight to be a superb President. When you look at how lousy Obama is, and President Carter's incompetence, one can only conclude that intellectual heavyweights make poor Presidents.

    Herman Cain's record as a successful businessman is EXACTLY what this country needs. We don't need anymore incompetent don't give a damn politicians in the WH....That would be the "kiss of death" for America. Hence, Herman's business acumen is far more capable than Obama or Newt could ever be.

  18. Anonymous1:00 AM

    FN, "Poor Walter, someone should have told him that shopping is serious business here in A-merry-ca. It's a matter of life and death."

    Field, capitalism has always been about the money and things. It doesn't breed compassion or love for your fellow man. You see, with capitalism, it's what you've got that matters- not your life. Hence, most American hearts are closed.

    Of course, you know this as a blogger from the many comments on FN.

    Your blog the perfect meeting place where a cross-section of humanity gathers and express themselves.... Rarely is there a drop of love or compassion. expressed here. Yet, this IS what humanity IS.

    "It is what it is." No need to pretend it is otherwise. Hell, they nailed Christ to the cross. Can't be anymore non-caring than that. Welcome to earth.

  19. Anonymous1:04 AM

    "Still, I am begging Herman to get out of the race."

    Field, why can't YOU rise above your humanity and have a little love and compassion for HC? The man has been doing well and he SHOULD have the Black and White vote, except for those jigging Blacks like yourself.

  20. Poor old clueless hurmincaine. He says that he's staying in the race "as long as my wife's behind me." I think he misinterpreted her saying that he shouldn't come home now. I think we've seen the last of Mrs. Cain "standing by" though, no married woman's as dumb as hermie wants us to believe she is.

  21. Anonymous1:29 AM

    I once spent some time in a hospital in PR years ago. A lovely nurse by the name of "Desert" would come around on her floor to make sure her patients were ok and give prescribed medications by doctors.

    I swear, Ginger White could be Desert's twin at the time.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Herman is still a useful idiot. Take for example the response to Mike Eric Dyson when he stated some of the pushback against Obama was racial it was pointed out to Mike that it couldn't be racial because the tea party LOVES Herman. He ain't going nowhere, as he so eloquently stated. If he drops out the GOP candidates go back to what they've always been, all white and they think that's not a good look going up against the first Black prez. Money says they try to darken up their convention by any means necessary because we know the Dem convention is gonna look like a backyard barbeque.

  24. Anonymous1:40 AM

    Whitey, "Poor old clueless hurmincaine. He says that he's staying in the race "as long as my wife's behind me." I think he misinterpreted her saying that he shouldn't come home now. I think we've seen the last of Mrs. Cain "standing by" though, no married woman's as dumb as hermie wants us to believe she is."

    1:29 AM
    That's where you are wrong for three very good reasons: First, she is a bw and they always stand by their bm. It's part of the black culture.

    Secondly, she is the wife of a Republican. This means she will stay and try to work things out in her marriage. If it doesn't, it will be the husband who files for divorce, not the wife.

    And third, Republicans are good Christians. A lot of thought and prayers happen before anyone takes action, if there is any at all.

    Of course, this is basically a liberal progressive immoral blog and a lot of you FN Negroes(Liberal Whites included) have NO moral compass. Therefore, you DON'T know right from wrong....Republicans do. Sorry, Mr Field and Mr Whitey; I didn't mean to hurt your feelings but the truth is the truth.

  25. Anonymous1:44 AM

    PilotX, "Money says they try to darken up their convention by any means necessary because we know the Dem convention is gonna look like a backyard barbeque."

    The Dem convention is gonna look like a backyard barbeque? ugh, that sounds ugly. What made you say that?

  26. Anonymous1:57 AM

    Field, your Honorary HN in your sidebar is absolutely wrong! You are just against anyone who is against Obama. I am beginning to think you are a racist that can rival Stormfronters any day, any time.

  27. "White said they had met in Louisville, Kentucky, in the 1990s when he was head of the National Restaurant Association. He invited her to his hotel room for drinks. After that, she flew round the country to meet him."

    "He ended sexual relations with her eight months ago, when he began his run for the Republican nomination, she said."

    "She produced mobile phone bills showing a number she said was Cain's and that he had phoned her 61 times over four months. One call had been at 4.26am."

    I'll say, looks like Ginger and Herman stole eighteen years out of forty years of Gloria's time.

    Well, right about now, Gloria ought to have out the calculator doing a little arithmetic, haveing a yard sale...all Hermain's stuff, getting that pot of grits ready, finding a good detective see if Herman has any hidden assets, and hunting for the best divorce lawyer in the business.

    Oh yeah, and if Herman so much as twist his lips to try and explain, tell him see none, hear none, speak no evil because he is liar and cheat. Kick him to the curve with the quickness.

  28. Quote Milo

    "Why have they stopped investing? Because of the huge regulatory costs that have been imposed? Because of an onerous tax system that threatens to get worse? Because of the uncertain costs of Obamacare?"

    There are no huge regulatory costs being imposed and you don't have an onerous tax system, you have one of the lowest tax rates in the world.

    American corporate profits NOW are 10% of GDP higher than they were in the 'boom years' of the '50'd and '60's.

    "Do you really think companies base their investment decisions on spite?"

    No, greed.

    "Perhaps the private sector is acting rationally in an environment full of risk and danger created by an anti-business government."

    The environment always has been full of risk and danger, that's the nature of capitalism. Handling risk and danger is called entrepreneurialism - a skill that much of American business has forgotten. They think they have a God-given right to profits and nobody should be allowed to stop that. That's not how it works now, or in the past. To make money you have to innovate and invest, and make stuff people actually want. (c.q. Japanese and European cars.)

    "Obama has already ramped up the national debt by several trillion dollars..."

    ...saving capitalism's sorry ass.

    "Instead of investing in the country's infrastructure like he promised..."

    You appear to have short-term memory problems, it was the Republicans who stopped him making the necessary level of investment.

    ...he diverted the trillion dollar stimulus funds to pay off democrat constituencies like government workers and Big Labor. He has wasted hundreds of billions more on crony capitalist green energy boondoggles.

    There was no trillion $ investment fund.


    "There is no way that an economist with a shred of integrity can look at the wreckage of the past three years and come to the honest conclusion that we need to do more of the same.

    There is no way an economist with a shred of integrity could not look at your infantile, superficial alleged "analysis" and not piss themselves laughing at your stupidity.

  29. Anonymous3:19 AM

    Granny, "Well, right about now, Gloria ought to have out the calculator doing a little arithmetic, haveing a yard sale...all Hermain's stuff, getting that pot of grits ready, finding a good detective see if Herman has any hidden assets, and hunting for the best divorce lawyer in the business.

    Oh yeah, and if Herman so much as twist his lips to try and explain, tell him see none, hear none, speak no evil because he is liar and cheat. Kick him to the curve with the quickness."

    Granny, you are such a black man hater. You have no compassion or love for a bm trying to run for President. HC is a successful businessman who can turn this country's economy around so people can get a job, which is more than Obama is doing.

    Of course, you like Obama because he seems to be a good husband even though he is a failure as President. Well, Both Bush's, Reagan and Nixon were good husbands. oughta quit.

  30. Anonymous3:25 AM

    "Instead of investing in the country's infrastructure like he promised..."

    PC replied-"You appear to have short-term memory problems, it was the Republicans who stopped him making the necessary level of investment."

    That's not quite right. Obama caved when he should have stood his ground in the beginning to make the necessary investment to be a success. Instead, he took what would make him failure and sink the economy even deeper.

    Of course, a racist like you can't see that.

  31. UCantHandleTruth3:34 AM

    I bet if instead of an old man on the floor there was a dog lying there unconscious people would have helped the dog.

    @Val: DAMN! You hit the nail on the head!

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Anonymous4:07 AM

    "BTW, I wouldn't trust Herman Cain with a lemonade stand."

    You're just jealous.

  34. "I bet if instead of an old man on the floor there was a dog lying there unconscious people would have helped the dog.

    That's America."

    Pass the offering plate!

    "Granny, you are such a black man hater. You have no compassion or love for a bm trying to run for President. HC is a successful businessman who can turn this country's economy around so people can get a job.."

    I know one group that would have zero unemployment: middle aged white women. ;)

    "Field, your Honorary HN in your sidebar is absolutely wrong! You are just against anyone who is against Obama. I am beginning to think you are a racist that can rival Stormfronters any day, any time."

    Now why would you say that? Isn't Obama's mama white?

  35. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Purple Nurple Said..

    "There is no way an economist with a shred of integrity could not look at your infantile, superficial alleged "analysis" and not piss themselves laughing at your stupidity."

    You know I started to reply with utter disbelief in your naiveté, and then I saw the closing paragraph and realized you are just a self obsessed nasty cunt. One who is so arrogant and oh so certain about what he thinks that he is always busy talking so he never shuts up to learn anything. Your kind is easy to see all mouth all braggadocio but not much substance. The real blithering idiot on this blog is you with the fake pseudo intellectualism you spew. You might fool those who haven't a clue, to others you are just a nasty pompous ass.

    First of the many misinformed and arrogant about it statements you make while laughingly applauding yourself as knowing something about economics is the United States of America having the lowest tax in the world.

    Well, humpin himey homey, you are wrong about this as with most things you attempt to figure out. America has one of the most convoluted and highest corp. tax rates in the world. For starters a base of 35%. Additionally, who the fuck cares what other failing socialist governments have as a tax rate? This is your point? America has no products yet you are in the advertising field? You have to be a moron.

    Come back and tell us some more about silly socialism in about 10 days after the Euro Union is dissolved due to incessant spending by bloviating noisemakeing know nothing idiots like you. Economics are not a good look on you, I am confident your American wife runs the financial portion of your household otherwise the pittance anyone who is in advertising yet thinks american products don't have a global presence must make won't stretch very far.

    Little tip for you huckleberry hound the U.S remains the top importer and exporter into the land of the yellow teeth and if you ever want to make money in advertising you better learn economics the top 40 brit companies are financial institutions. Now where did all that manufacturing go? Oh, I know they are making many prayer mats now.

  36. Anonymous8:03 AM

    "Field, your Honorary HN in your sidebar is absolutely wrong! You are just against anyone who is against Obama. I am beginning to think you are a racist that can rival Stormfronters any day, any time."

    Now why would you say that? Isn't Obama's mama white?

    Yes but the man who "reared" him was Frank Marshall Davis,often and repeatedly.

  37. Anonymous8:33 AM

    @Pilot X - Oh my. AA just went bankrupt due to labor and fuel costs. Who could have seen this coming?

  38. 99 percent of men with money and power cheat. No new revelations here.

  39. Who do they cheat with Queen?


    I'm no fan of Cain's but these skanks coming out the woodwork on a daily basis deserve no sympathy either.

  40. Cain has no one to blame but his fellow Republicans for the "drip, drip, drip" sexual allegations against him.

    He's learning what every black Republican finds out when they get too big to stay on the porch.

    They'll get beaten down like a housepet who just crapped on the carpet.

    Talk to JC Watts, Colin Powell and Michael Steele.

  41. Anonymous, either you are drunk at 7.59 a.m. or you are losing your mind.

    Either way, seek help mate.


    "First of the many misinformed and arrogant about it statements you make while laughingly applauding yourself as knowing something about economics is the United States of America having the lowest tax in the world. "

    I've never once said that America has the lowest tax in the world.

    "Well, humpin himey homey, you are wrong about this as with most things you attempt to figure out. America has one of the most convoluted and highest corp. tax rates in the world. For starters a base of 35%. Additionally, who the fuck cares what other failing socialist governments have as a tax rate? This is your point? America has no products yet you are in the advertising field? You have to be a moron."

    Your stream-of-consciousness writing style makes your arguments difficult to follow, but I will do my best.

    Firstly not every European government is Socialist, in fact I would go as far as to say the majority are not.

    Specifically this sentence "America has no products yet you are in the advertising field"- you are going to have to explain to me. No clue what you are trying to say.

    "Come back and tell us some more about silly socialism in about 10 days after the Euro Union is dissolved due to incessant spending by bloviating noisemakeing know nothing idiots like you. "

    OK, firstly the EU is not a Socialist construct, it's a free-trade area.

    Second of all, government spending is absolutely nothing to do with E.U.'s problems. As I said earlier two of the biggest current basket-case economies in Europe - Ireland and Spain - were considered poster-boys fro right-wing economic theory up till it all went tits up. The Greeks (the second hardest workers in the World* according to the OECD) had a Conservative administration for the five years up till October 2009, when the left-of centre Papendreou government was elected in a desperate attempt to stave off the disaster that their previous liberal (in the European sense of the word) government had brought them.

    "Economics are not a good look on you, I am confident your American wife runs the financial portion of your household otherwise the pittance anyone who is in advertising yet thinks american products don't have a global presence must make won't stretch very far."

    Firstly, my wife and I split most things pretty equally, she probably does about 60% of the finance stuff. No idea why you think this is relevant.

    Secondly, I've never once said that American products do not have a global presence.

    Neither have I said anything that anyone but a delusional drunken buffoon could even construe as meaning that. I am after all, typing this on a Macbook Air.

    "Little tip for you huckleberry hound the U.S remains the top importer and exporter into the land of the yellow teeth and if you ever want to make money in advertising you better learn economics the top 40 brit companies are financial institutions. Now where did all that manufacturing go? Oh, I know they are making many prayer mats now."

    Absolutely no clue what this paragraph means. Are you writing in some sort of code?

    I will tell you what happened to our manufacturing base though, that evil old cow Margaret Thatcher destroyed it. She did more damage to our manufacturing infrastructure than the fucking Luftwaffe.

    Anyways, you need to calm down or sober up before you post again. Go and lie down in a darkened room somewhere.

    *South Koreans are number 1, USA are ninth.

  42. I Know'em When I see 'em9:08 AM

    If that woman is "white", then I poop purple.....(cow).

    You KNOW there's a brutha hidin' somewhere in that woodpile.

  43. No white Republican thought that Herman Cain would be a serious contender for the presidency. Herman Cain never thought that he would be a contender. But when he became successful, those 'Good Ole Boys' had to slow him down. I have no intention of supporting his candidacy, but I can see that this is a true smear campaign. Who has a non-sexual relationship with someone for 13 years that you need to be concerned about? What did they do? Talk on the phone all night? Really. STFU!

  44. hey dl dunce assnon:

    thanks for proving that you are legally wedded to your arrogant ignorance

    u moronic mf

  45. herman cain is oj

    she is white

    he is a classic color struck old coon



  46. shame!!!!

  47. uptownsteve said...
    Cain has no one to blame but his fellow Republicans for the "drip, drip, drip" sexual allegations against him.

    Please provide links that show these " drip,drip,drip" are coming from Republicans.

  48. I Know'em When I see 'em9:40 AM

    "alicia banks said...
    herman cain is oj

    she is white

    he is a classic color struck old coon


    9:27 AM"

    If SHE'S white, than so is Obama.

    But, going back to the color of my poop, actually, it's the exact same colr as you, AB....(except for when I have a little corn-on-the-cob)

  49. Dr. Queen:


    and 99% of broke powerless men cheat too!!!

    and ditto for most young women who refuse to be played like their masochistic elders/mrs. herman cain etc...


  50. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Rev Al Cow Dumbledore Said...

    "I've never once said that America has the lowest tax in the world"

    You didnt'?
    Try some disengenious wordsmithing on this one Purple Al...

    " There are no huge regulatory costs being imposed and you don't have an onerous tax system, you have one of the lowest tax rates in the world".

    Now enough of you. I don't have discussions with dishonest people. As for the rest of your drivel, the pretend ignorance and futile again wordsmithing distractions are telling. Either you are a lot dumber than I gave you credit for or you play stupid quite well. Actually you do not, that tactic doesn't work with me. I never said you were stupid, I said you were Naive. Now I say you are a disgusting liar, which makes everything else irrelevant. Nothing you say is to be taken seriously.

  51. defective melanin-free albino kkk assnon:

    do not hate me because your pasty ghostface is an ancient genetic defect

    cc that bs to that equally pathetic tiny unlicked white pud in your fecal filled pants...

  52. PilotX said...
    Money says they try to darken up their convention by any means necessary

    Don't know if Republicans can get enough blacks off the democrat plantation to darken their convention.

  53. Anonymous9:54 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    Cain has no one to blame but his fellow Republicans for the "drip, drip, drip" sexual allegations against him.

    He's learning what every black Republican finds out when they get too big to stay on the porch.

    They'll get beaten down like a housepet who just crapped on the carpet.

    Talk to JC Watts, Colin Powell and Michael Steele.

    Aint this a hoot, the dude who blasts Cain day and night calling him a Tom and step and fetch it is now trying to say the conservatives he was fighting against to hurt Cain, were really the ones who secretly had a plot to hurt him.

    Yup and we used dumbass Black Men like you, we took over your mind with a TV remote control (small batteries not much power needed) and made you say all those bad things and attack Cain - it was a conservative plot.

    That, drip, drip, drip you hear could use some attention from penicillin, the disease is rotting your brain. n the meantime put on some shorts to stop the drip.

  54. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Anonymous said...
    I once spent some time in a hospital in PR years ago. A lovely nurse by the name of "Desert" would come around on her floor to make sure her patients were ok and give prescribed medications by doctors.
    I swear, Ginger White could be Desert's twin at the time.
    1:29 AM
    :O! Were you the one we jokingly called "the horse" oops!my bad,HIPAA and all that...hehehehe

    Actually I have worn my hair short like that for many years, but was never that chubby.:)

  55. Anonymous9:56 AM


    Falicia? Isn't that like fellatio only it's face sitting for lesbians?

  56. corny fecal unlicked kkk assnon:

    keep your day job at the car cemetary...

    comedy is not your niche u generic reject

  57. ie


    foolatio = senseless kkk assnon = logic from a ghostly faceless retarded "logic" spewing lickless jerk off...

    do better u buffoon...asap!

  58. Kernel Sanders10:07 AM

    I'll never be able to look at AB's pic again, and not see a big ole corn nugget on the end of her nose.

  59. "Now enough of you. I don't have discussions with dishonest people."

    Oh anony, you would just love it if I allowed you to squirm out of this one so easily.

    Who exactly is being dishonest here?, Mr. anonymous sleazeball?

    Did you honestly think that I would not know that American corporations pay nowhere near 35%? You are hoping that I would just believe your fantasy figures and leave?

    The fact is that Fortune 500 companies pay an average of 18.5% Corporation tax. (Those that pay corporation tax at all - but I'll come back to that in a moment.)

    You want another fact?

    THIRTY of the US's biggest companies paid zero income tax over the last three years despite making $160 Billion in profits.

    You want another fact?

    The effective Corporation tax payable in America has fallen under the Obama administration.

    Yes, I said ‘FALLEN’ – as in it is now less than it was.

    Here are the average Corporation tax percentages paid per sector in 2008…


    …and 2010…

    So there you go 16.5% is amongst the lowest corporate tax rates in the world - FOR THOSE AMERICAN COMPANIES WHO ACTUALLY BOTHER TO PAY CORPORATION TAX AT ALL. Unlike (say) the Wells Fargo bank who have received $18 Billion in tax breaks in the last three years.

    So in what way does saying that

    ...America does not have an onerous tax system, you have one of the lowest tax rates in the world".

    Make me a "disgusting liar"?


    And if I am a disgusting liar, what does that make you? Given what we have just learned?

    Now why don't you slither away back to your pit, and reflect on what a perfectly useless human being you are. Not only are you a completely useless debater, you can't even lie effectively.

    What a total fucking waste of good European DNA you are.

  60. Anonymous10:15 AM

    alicia banks said...
    corny fecal unlicked kkk assnon:

    keep your day job at the car cemetary...

    comedy is not your niche u generic reject

    C'mon lighten up someday you will look back and say Falicia was witty and funny.

    Corny Fecal? Ewww are you still referring to the guy who said he had corn in his poop? Yeechh!

    Unlicked yes, suckled is more like it. No salad tossing for this boy - I leave that to the lesbiatarians.

    Is the KKK against lesbian facesitting, I didnt know that, they are sick!!!!! Who can I talk to about that? I want to help!!

    Car cemetary? Do you mean like Obamas Cash for Clunkers program? I thought that finished already.

  61. Mark of Cain10:32 AM

    Today's black news

    At least eight shot including 1-year-old child in West Oakland

    At least eight people, including a 1-year-old boy, were shot Monday night during what police said was a videotaping of a rap music video.

    The child was reported in critical condition after undergoing surgery at Children's Hospital Oakland for a bullet wound to the head. An adult woman was also in critical condition with unspecified injuries, according to Oakland Police Department spokeswoman Johnna Watson. Police said the other victims were in stable condition.

    Police said an Oakland rapper who goes by the name of Kafani was at the scene of the shooting, which happened at 6:08 p.m. in the 700 block of Willow Street, in the parking lot of a liquor store where dozens of people had gathered.

    Watson said that at some point an argument erupted and bullets started flying. A van belonging to the rapper was riddled with gunshots, and at least 50 shell casings littered the parking lot. Watson said there was more than one shooter.

    It was not clear late Monday whether the victims were in the van, or standing nearby. Several of the injured went to Highland Hospital, and all used their own transportation, Watson said. Kafani was not among the victims.

    No one had been arrested and a motive was not immediately known.

    "We have eight people who are victims of gunshot wounds and we are asking the community to get involved and report anything they might know," Watson said. "There were a lot of eyes and ears out here tonight."

  62. that is today's tragic news

    pookies come in all races and they rule all spaces

    cc that racist bs to columbine

  63. tragedy is universal and colorless

    especially among GLOBAL lost dumb violent drunken drugged youth

    cc that bs to all of the white pookies and their blogs asap

  64. Anonymous10:46 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "Now enough of you. I don't have discussions with dishonest people."

    Oh anony, you would just love it if I allowed you to squirm out of this one so easily.

    Who exactly is being dishonest here?, Mr. anonymous sleazeball?

    Did you honestly think that I would not know that American corporations pay nowhere near 35%? You are hoping that I would just believe your fantasy figures and leave?

    The fact is that Fortune 500 companies pay an average of 18.5% Corporation tax. (Those that pay corporation tax at all - but I'll come back to that in a moment.)

    So you are a shameless disingenuous cunt as well, what makes you a liar? Well, you said you did not say it and lied, now you come back and say here is my backup I actually did say it, so now I am not a liar because you do not believe you are wrong, even though you just denied you said it. So what happened when you denied saying it? You were sure your bluff, hunch had been called so you denied writing it, now you found some numbers you like and twisting them don’t think you are lying anymore?

    So which is it fuckface, if you didn’t say it, then why when you are presented with your own words proving you did say it and proving you are a liar do you come back with all your usual bullshit and nonsense wrodsmithing your way out of the lie you were caught in?

    As to the escape clause from your LIE, any blithering idiot knows that there are exemptions used to relieve some of the taxes levied on individuals and corporations, yet you seem somehow supremely self satisfied in figuring out the obvious. Congratulations, glad you learned that just now. What low standards you must have. However you slimy slug that was not the discussion, you specifically said America had the lowest tax rate in the world, I said it did not, and then you said, well I never said that. Now thinking you are right you are saying you said it after all. Is that clear enough for you cockswaddle? Do you know what a lie is?

    As for your further disingenuous (that word comes up a lot with you) reference to Obama and corporate tax rates declining. Again of course they have you silly twit; he is a corporate whore extreme. He plays the violin of class warfare saying some do not pay their share and push jobs overseas and some of "them" do. Primarily his friends and supporters/cronies like GE. Obama has more corporate and union donations than any of the people he accuses, go ahead and challenge that scum gargler, I dare you.

    Now Mr. Wordsmith you would do well in your disingenuous efforts to sharpen your memory. Weren't you the one who in similar words said that the DailyMail was a rag and nothing it had written was to be trusted? Yet you use it to what? Continue your envious watching of the U.S and piss poor attempt at analyzing things far far above your capacity?

    Lastly, you flatter yourself a bit much. I could care less that some disingenuous (goddamn that word fits you so well) wordsmithing sneaky butcher thinks I am trying to "slither" away from the lie that HE got caught in. How very socialist of you, attempting to share the accountability of your actions.

    Leave economics to those with as you say European DNA. You add in too much personal crap and will never be able to understand that you cannot as some say keep a car running without a battery, even though you might jumpstart it and have it running until the power (spending so you don't play stupid) runs out it will stall and leave you in a worse position unless the alternator (economy again so you don't play stupid) is fixed.

  65. Field, thanks for bigging up Steel pulse - they are from my home town, you know.

    I remember Basil Gabiddon gave me a copy of their Nyah Luv 12" when I was at the Golden Eagle back in the day. (Which was slightly odd because I was playing Kraftwerk at the time.)

    Good bunch of blokes though, always liked them, Ku Klux Klan and Handsworth Revolution both remain classics.

  66. kosher kkk assnon/caned mark:

    u racist blog crasher mfs will never infest my blog

    and u will never censor me here


  67. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Mark of Cain, ask Granny about the shooting. She lives in the East Bay where everybody is pretty hard for Blacks. Sometimes I wonder if it's worth living in the Bay Area if you are Black. It sure as hell isn't safe.

  68. So Anonymous 10:46, are you drunk? or stoned? or what?

    I have just proven that everything I said was completely justified, you have responded with hysterical blather that contains not one single fact, statistic, or logical assertion.

    It's all over mate, stick a fork in you you are done here, you numpty.

    You have managed to make yourself look like a complete buffoon. If I was you I would go away for a couple of days and return later pretending to be a different animal.

  69. Stanley10:56 AM

    field negro said...
    Now why would you say that? Isn't Obama's mama white?

    Shhhh. Obama want's y'all to forget about that.

    When he filled out his census form that his own administration designed, he skipped over the "Mixed Race" box and checked "Black".

    Like his momma wasn't white. Like there wasn't a category for people just like him on the form. Like he wasn't raised by his white family.

  70. i love steel pulse too!

  71. Anonymous10:59 AM

    PC-"It's all over mate, stick a fork in you you are done here, you numpty."

    In English does "mate" mean, "you know what I mean?" And what about "numpty?"

    Are you really a writer? Did they give you a writer's degree because of your color, even though you were below average like that jabbering, driveling AB/AB?

  72. Thurston11:06 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    You have managed to make yourself look like a complete buffoon

    No Cow, a buffoon is someone who goes on and on about topics he obviously knows nothing about.

    That would be you.

    I must agree with Anon 10:46 that the word "disingenuous" characterizes everything you post. I would also commend the use of the word "insufferable" when describing your person.

  73. Anonymous11:08 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    So Anonymous 10:46, are you drunk? or stoned? or what?

    I have just proven that everything I said was completely justified, you have responded with hysterical blather that contains not one single fact, statistic, or logical assertion.

    It's all over mate, stick a fork in you you are done here, you numpty.

    You have managed to make yourself look like a complete buffoon. If I was you I would go away for a couple of days and return later pretending to be a different animal.

    You know, I never thought of that. I thought you were just a disgusting liar who when caught in his own incompetence could not be a man and face up to his words, precisely like what you are attempting with this post. But maybe you are on drugs? Are you mainlining? Snorting H? Cause if anyone is done around here it's the man who got caught lying through his teeth and denied it than came back to say he didnt deny it and now trying to spin it some more.

    What a stout character you are; Look I lied, but then I found some numbers that Obama would love so now I didn't lie, not so much...

    Get the fuck out of here meathead. You sound like Obamas economic advisors and any child can rip apart your fallicious economic theories and we have, repeatedly.

    The issue remains you are a liar. The debate on economics ended when you lied. End of story, end of whatever remnant of credibility you had left.

    Now go hang your head in shame, it is ok to be wrong, it is ok to not know something, we all learn something every day, but I spit on a disengenious shameless liar like you.

  74. "In English does "mate" mean, "you know what I mean?" And what about "numpty?"

    Mate means friend.

    A numpty is a milder version of a twunt.

    "Are you really a writer? Did they give you a writer's degree because of your color, even though you were below average like that jabbering, driveling AB/AB?"

    I don't have a "writer's degree". I have a degree in Diagnostic Imaging and I have an M.B.A.

    I came third in my class in the D.I., and about half way up in the M.B.A.

    Anything else I can share with you?

  75. "I must agree with Anon 10:46..."

    Yes, I'm sure you do anonymous 10:46!!

    Inventing other anonys to agree with you? How lame is that?

  76. Thurston11:23 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "I must agree with Anon 10:46..."

    Yes, I'm sure you do anonymous 10:46!!

    Inventing other anonys to agree with you? How lame is that?

    You definitely are a twunt.

    You have obviously never learned the First Law of Holes.

  77. "You know, I never thought of that. I thought you were just a disgusting liar who when caught in his own incompetence could not be a man and face up to his words, precisely like what you are attempting with this post. But maybe you are on drugs? Are you mainlining? Snorting H? Cause if anyone is done around here it's the man who got caught lying through his teeth and denied it than came back to say he didnt deny it and now trying to spin it some more."

    All this hysterical blather. You have been destroyed, this smokescreen won't save you.

    "What a stout character you are; Look I lied, but then I found some numbers that Obama would love so now I didn't lie, not so much..."

    Yes, but the point you are missing is that I have not lied. for all your bluff and bluster you have not been able to point to anything that is a lie. You can try and impress your aryan brotherhood buddies with your hysteria, but sane observers would know I am right and you are finished.

    "Get the fuck out of here meathead. You sound like Obamas economic advisors and any child can rip apart your fallicious economic theories and we have, repeatedly."

    Oh you have? Where? When? Who is "we"?

    How come you chose not to post any of these arguments on this website?

    "The issue remains you are a liar."

    Yes, but the point you are missing is that I have not lied. for all your bluff and bluster you have not been able to point to anything that is a lie. You can try and impress your aryan brotherhood buddies with your hysteria, but sane observers would know I am right and you are finished.

    "The debate on economics ended when you lied. End of story, end of whatever remnant of credibility you had left."

    Nope the debate on economics ended when I blew your arguments out of the water. Your frantic Google searches have revealed no worthwhile response, which is why you are attempting this ridiculous "you lied" snow-job, which has convinced nobody..

    "Now go hang your head in shame, it is ok to be wrong, it is ok to not know something, we all learn something every day, but I spit on a disengenious shameless liar like you."

    Yes, but the point you are missing is that I have not lied. for all your bluff and bluster you have not been able to point to anything that is a lie. You can try and impress your aryan brotherhood buddies with your hysteria, but sane observers would know I am right and you are finished.

  78. Quote

    "You definitely are a twunt. You have obviously never learned the First Law of Holes."

    Whatever you say anonymous 10:46, what ever you say.

    But for the record it ain't me that's frantically digging.

  79. Sir Rodney King11:41 AM

    Can't all you twunts just get along?

  80. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Purple Cow at 2:56 said

    The Purple Cow at 2:56 said...

    .... you have one of the lowest tax rates in the world.

    Purple Cow at 9:05 said:

    "I've never once said that America has the lowest tax in the world".

    The purple cow at 11:25 having been caught flat outright and having had his disengenious wordsmithing attempts at explaining away the lie now tries pulling out a pair of racial crutches to catch his pathetic fall says:

    Yes, but the point you are missing is that I have not lied

    So yes, you were caught, "yes" you are a liar, but still say you have not lied. Only in bullshit land "Mate" only in bullshit land.

    Fuck Off - you have no credibility and as for that other lame tactic you use, obviously I do not need to create other responses, I have no problem telling you the truth personally. Clearly you have several admirers who have sniffed out your bullshit and no they aren't all racist as would be your next lame excuse, you pathetic liar, oh wait you used that crutch in this post.

    As an old saying in the U.S goes, your credibility was always suspect, now it's toast.

  81. Horatio PeckerPuffer11:47 AM

    Hey Purple Cow,

    I see the ragheads in I ran are kicking your Brit asses. Send in the Aircraft Carriers!!!!

    (Oh wait, I think you might only have one now, and you'll have to see if the Frogs will let you borrow it this month)

    Rule Brittania!!!!

  82. Purple Cow lies11:50 AM

    The Purple Liar said...

    "You definitely are a twunt. You have obviously never learned the First Law of Holes."

    Whatever you say anonymous 10:46, what ever you say.

    But for the record it ain't me that's frantically digging.

    Now who is reaching? Tell you what, I will call you Purple Liar if I choose to address you again this way you know which anon is exposing the fraud that you are.

  83. Anonymous11:53 AM

    I think the Brits have got it going on! Check this out:


  84. Yeah Steve, they're cheating with unicorns, lol! One thing seems pretty clear, most seem to cheat with single women. Ummmmmm

    AB, I read that the more a man earns the more likely he is to cheat.

  85. This comment has been removed by the author.

  86. Dr. Queen:

    I say men at McDonald's cheat just as much as men at IBM...

    Chris Rock said ir best:

    "A man cheats as often as his options allow"

    Rich men have more options ONLY due to more cash/travel/privacy/pvt tax accts/phones/perks/corp credit cards etc...

  87. browntowndave12:19 PM

    alicia banks said...
    Rich men have more options ONLY due to more cash/travel/privacy/pvt tax accts/phones/perks/corp credit cards etc...

    No, rich men have more options because all women are whores.

    Some just have a higher price than others.

  88. The Purple Cow at 2:56 said...

    .... you have one of the lowest tax rates in the world.

    Purple Cow at 9:05 said:

    "I've never once said that America has the lowest tax in the world".


    EXACTLY. I never once said that America has the lowest tax in the world.

    Thank you for having the decency to admit that you are wrong and I am right.

  89. This comment has been removed by the author.

  90. stand by for the hc exit...

    boy bye!!!

  91. So AB it sounds like you think all men cheat? I think there are people, both men and women, capable of being faithful.

  92. no slappz1:11 PM

    purple cow said:

    There are no huge regulatory costs being imposed...

    ...and you don't have an onerous tax system, you have one of the lowest tax rates in the world.

    Then purple cow said:

    I've never once said that America has the lowest tax in the world.

    As always cow -- lying.

  93. Ride'em Cowgirl!1:12 PM

    S, AB, what do you Lezbean whores do when you're both in heat? Whoop out the double-headed dildo?

  94. This comment has been removed by the author.

  95. Anyone with any real sense of political acumen would realize that a dope like Cain wasn't going to be the GOP nominee. The last thing the Republican big wigs want is some bug eyed Tea Party goober going toe to toe with Obama in a debate. Like SNL joke, taking on Obama in a debate is like fighting Aquaman in the ocean.

    Even Cain realized that he shouldn't be at the big show - his 'run' was mostly a backdoor hustle to sell more books and get top dollar as a Fox News commentator.

    The sexual allegations show, if nothing else, money and power give men delusions of being untouchable. UTS, you're my man and I normally rock with you. But Queen and AB have a point on this one -dude is a horny rich dude who thinks a few duckets allows him to feel up on Missy. Trying to force a woman to give you head for a job? If I found out my fiancee's boss pull that type of crap on her - that man wouldn't walk for a few weeks.

    Herman Cain is the classic Samson Syndrome -a powerful and successful man whose ego and libido get him into serious trouble.

    Anyway, we all knew it would end once the first two chicks came forward - Herman Cain is no Bill Clinton, in terms of White privilege or overall media acumen. The last woman was was icing on the cake. Herman Cain is toast.

  96. no slappz1:15 PM

    purple cow hallucinates:

    Second of all, government spending is absolutely nothing to do with E.U.'s problems.

    Wow. Yeah. Nothing like being on top of things.

  97. Dr. Queen:

    scan up
    i said
    MOST people cheat

    male and female

    i complimented younger women for cheating equally etc

    but the perp walk/spouse show bs is purely/strictly a male whore phemon

    As no husband would be stupid enough to defend a wife who is a whore

    i pity mrs. cain

    eff hc…and ditto for maion barry et al

  98. Double dunce assnon:

    U will never be lucky enough to do more than wonder and lie

    Get over that asap

  99. lac:


    like Dr. Queen and her King

    you and your queen are nothing like that court jester hc

  100. Dr. Queen:

    i am hopelessly monogamous

    and so is my wife
    i think

    no free adult ever knows what another free adult may do...

    we are blessed

    if we ever failed
    i would forgive her in private
    ditto for her

    but i would never ever do so publicly/get played like mrs. cain

  101. no slappz1:25 PM

    I see someone else noticed purple cow's hair-splitting.

    So, purple cow, you believe there's a substantive difference between a nation that has the LOWEST corporate tax rate and a nation that has ONE of the LOWEST corporate tax rates.

    Anyway, deceptive wordplay. That's advertising.

    Meanwhile, you need to learn a little about Unfunded Liabilities.

    Moreover, since you believe the Europe's problems are not tied to government spending, then you can surely explain why the interest rates on sovereign debt of several EU members are higher than usual.

  102. This comment has been removed by the author.

  103. Punchy McDrunk1:31 PM

    LACoincidental said...
    Trying to force a woman to give you head for a job? If I found out my fiancee's boss pull that type of crap on her - that man wouldn't walk for a few weeks.

    Why, cause you'd bite his dick?

    Listen to LAC, all threatening violence like a real negro. I'd bet on you getting your ass kicked by old Herman.

  104. no slappz1:40 PM

    Herman Cain. And his women.

    As if they matter. Bill Clinton survived Gennifer Flowers. Cain will live through his Ginger White experience.

    But, as we all know, American voters do not elect presidents with cancer. They do not elect presidents who have no previous experience in elective office. And American voters have stopped electing presidents over age 65.

    Cain has added something to the race for the Repubican nomination. But he himself has never had a chance.

    Neither does Newt. So what?

  105. Anonymous1:41 PM

    "The mark of cain said...
    Come on fn. Give brutha Cain a break. No black man alive could turn down some white vagina."
    9:35 PM

    You know what they say....."It's all pink on the inside!"

    (Except for AB. I'm pretty sure hers is snot green.)

  106. Dr. Queen:

    dolphins are my fav animals

    as they mate in het/homo pairs

    once 4 life
    If that mate dies
    They never mate again…

    i think some humans are like that too

    but most humans are whores


  107. vulgar slimiy envy green kkk assnon:

    u r one lewd loony lizard

  108. This comment has been removed by the author.

  109. The black middle class is toast like herman
    hobama + foreclosures + layoffs = black holocaust

    may god bless us all!!!!!!!

    nobama 2012!!!!

  110. I care more about the guy dying on the floor at Wal-Mart than I do Herman Cain's affair, etc.

    And that's what's wrong with me, you see. I'm weak. I give a f*** what happens to other people - like, for real. For the most part, as much as I care about me.

    And I'm afraid of the rest of ya. Because, see there? That IS the "good-samaritan" side of people. That's the IN-side of people, is what it is.

    Hopeful winners in the front, tired losers out the rear. And that's the American way. We started out buying and selling people pretty expensive and now we buy and sell them cheap. Our slave collars used to be made of iron, now they're cotton.

    Anyone who stepped over another human being as they lay dying to continue Wal-Mart shopping is a f***ing poor excuse for an animal, much less a human being. But see? Such soulless bastards are the status quo.

  111. brutal rude pookies rule the world

    and the nfl


  112. i love tyler p

  113. true hobama nazis never die

    even after they are smashed and betrayed by hobama


  114. pookies rule the world

    and all late night restaurants too


  115. kinky goober

    "Please provide links that show these " drip,drip,drip" are coming from Republicans."

    Take your head out of your ass.

    What would the Dems gain from taking down Cain?

    It's a hoot watching these righties cannibalize each other.

  116. Queen,

    "One thing seems pretty clear, most seem to cheat with single women. Ummmmmm"

    And while there are plenty of single men out here, these skanks choose to boink to married men.


  117. US News and World Report:

    President Obama’s slow ride down Gallup’s daily presidential job approval index has finally passed below Jimmy Carter, earning Obama the worst job approval rating of any president at this stage of his term in modern political history.

    Since March, Obama’s job approval rating has hovered above Carter’s, considered among the 20th century’s worst presidents, but today Obama’s punctured Carter’s dismal job approval line. On their comparison chart, Gallup put Obama’s job approval rating at 43 percent compared to Carter’s 51 percent…

    …What’s more, Gallup finds that Obama’s overall job approval rating so far has averaged 49 percent. Only three former presidents have had a worse average rating at this stage: Carter, Ford, and Harry S. Truman. Only Truman won re-election in an anti-Congress campaign that Obama’s team is using as a model.

  118. Quote No Slapzzz

    "So, purple cow, you believe there's a substantive difference between a nation that has the LOWEST corporate tax rate and a nation that has ONE of the LOWEST corporate tax rates."

    Yes Slappy, indeed I do.

    But there again I'm English and I understand how the English language works.

    I do know that stupidity and anti-intellectualism are more or less de rigueur amongst you hard-right types these days. So I understand why you have to pretend not to understand stuff sometimes - (y'know, like the FoxNews analysts do) but if you guys genuinely can't see a substantive difference then you are well and truly fucked.

    You can argue the point about low tax points if you wish, but to suggest, as your anonymous friend does, that anyone who disagrees with him must be lying - well that's just kindegarten logic.

  119. uptownsteve said...
    kinky goober

    "Please provide links that show these " drip,drip,drip" are coming from Republicans."

    Take your head out of your ass.

    In other words, you just making up shit again.

  120. Quote kinky neocon

    "President Obama’s slow ride down Gallup’s daily presidential job approval index has finally passed below Jimmy Carter, earning Obama the worst job approval rating of any president at this stage of his term in modern political history."

    And yet still, he's ahead of all current Repug candidates.

    You guys are opposing the least popular President since Joe Stalin and you are still going to lose!

    What a bunch of fuck-ups the Republicans are!

  121. Head to head polling at this stage means nothing.

    You should know better.

  122. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Purple disingenuous Liar Said.....

    Quote No Slapzzz

    "So, purple cow, you believe there's a substantive difference between a nation that has the LOWEST corporate tax rate and a nation that has ONE of the LOWEST corporate tax rates."

    Yes Slappy, indeed I do.

    But there again I'm English and I understand how the English language works.

    I do know that stupidity and anti-intellectualism are more or less de rigueur amongst you hard-right types these days. So I understand why you have to pretend not to understand stuff sometimes - (y'know, like the FoxNews analysts do)

    "Pretend not to understand stuff"

    Your modus operandi is innately infantile, this is precisely what you do to avoid conceding a point purposely misunderstanding the most basic of thoughts, as if this makes you witty and not a snarky cunt. Then add in an obligatory floating non anchored inference to FoxNews seeking to curry likely favorable opinion. What an intellectual lightweight you are.

    see you but if you guys genuinely can't see a substantive difference then you are well and truly fucked.

    You can argue the point about low tax points if you wish, but to suggest, as your anonymous friend does, that anyone who disagrees with him must be lying - well that's just kindegarten logic.

    Now you know very well you dimwitted disengenious clown that a liar is someone who denies the truth, such as "I did not say that"
    when he very well did .

    You sir are a piece of shit liar and a Pseudo Intellectual phony one at that. Now why are you still here? Don't you have some young lads to molest on your childrens soccer team or did you already do this earlier?

  123. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Purple disingenuous Liar Said.....

    Quote kinky neocon

    "President Obama’s slow ride down Gallup’s daily presidential job approval index has finally passed below Jimmy Carter, earning Obama the worst job approval rating of any president at this stage of his term in modern political history."

    And yet still, he's ahead of all current Repug candidates.

    You guys are opposing the least popular President since Joe Stalin and you are still going to lose!

    What a bunch of fuck-ups the Republicans are!

    If you were an honorable individual, waiting for you to eat your words might be somewhat pleasurable, but you are a snarky cunt liar so there is no point. You will just deny you ever said this when the time comes.

    You really should pay attention to something one can assume you know just as little about but nevertheless is more appropriate for you, such as British happenings - the situation is quite grim.

  124. The Sun Sets On The British Empire4:02 PM

    I heard the Iranians were pissing on the portrats of Queen Elizabeth that they looted from the British Embassy in Iran.

    If you Limeys as REALLY nice, we might give your people a boat ride outta that litter box.

  125. It's My Money, And I Want It Now!4:10 PM

    One of AB's poor, down-trodden educator heroes, I'll bet....and another shining example of all things good in wonderful Philly.:

  126. "Now you know very well you dimwitted disengenious clown that a liar is someone who denies the truth, such as "I did not say that"
    when he very well did ."

    Except that we have established beyond doubt that I didn't say it.

    You've been given ample opportunities to produce this evidence that I lied and you have failed to do so. So either this is some kind of post-ironic joke that I'm not getting or you are in need of psychiatric help.

    "You sir are a piece of shit liar and a Pseudo Intellectual phony one at that."

    Blah blah fucking blah. As well as totally fucking bonkers, you are also a tedious, repetitive little twat.

    "Now why are you still here? Don't you have some young lads to molest on your childrens soccer team or did you already do this earlier?"

    I'm not going to climb down into the gutter with you, no matter how offensive you become. You can stay down there on your own. Right where you belong.

    Incidentally, is this really the life you wanted for yourself?

    "When I grow up I want to spend the entire day hurling abuse at black people I've never met. Because that will FINALLY make me feel like a real man."

    Don't you think the younger you would be disappointed at how your life panned out?

    Doesn't days like this make you feel just a touch impotent?


  127. remember when herman said racism was a relic???

    how dare he cry racism only now that his oj/serial sexcapades are outed...


    bye boy!!!

  128. uneducated kkk assnon:

    u lie like hobama

    what the hell would an inbred racist moron like you know about any facet of academia???

  129. remember when blacks accessed the american dream via solid jobs at the usps

    hobama says: no more mongrels!!!


    While America’s economic downturn has been devastating to the middle class as a whole, middle-class African-American government workers have suffered disproportionately in terms of layoffs and unemployment.
    About one in five black workers have public-sector jobs, and according to economists and recent government data, tens of thousand of middle-class African-American government workers, have been laid off since the recession ended in June 2009.

    Though the precise number of African-Americans who have lost public-sector jobs nationally since 2009 is unclear, observers say the current situation in Chicago is typical. There, nearly two-thirds of 212 city employees facing layoffs are black, according to theAmerican Federation of State, County and Mu

  130. Valerie4:23 PM

    The Purple Clown is a bitch.

    Please go away. You are becoming the new AB.

  131. kosher kkk:

    cc this to a white/nordic/jew blog now!

    how bold is this ywm serial killer???

    The notorious poker-playing Dutchman accused of killing a woman in Peru is crying foul - and suing the victim's father.

    Joran Van der Sloot has filed a $10 million lawsuit claiming his rights were violated when he was nabbed in Chile and hauled to jail in Peru, according to El Comercio.

    The 24-year-old, who was charged in September with the 2010 murder of Stephany Flores in a Lima hotel, names several people in his suit, including the former Peruvian President Alan Garcia, Chile's former interior minister and several police generals, the Peru newspaper reported.

  132. kkk valerie:

    never fret

    he is the new slayer


    u r still the same old slain
    kkk fool

    deal with that u psycho prey

  133. Hey StewardessX, remember when you told us all how increasing fuel costs could never force an airline into bankruptcy?:

    FORT WORTH, Texas (AP) — American Airlines' parent company is seeking Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection as it seeks to unload massive debt built up by years of accelerating jet fuel prices and labor struggles.

    American was the only major U.S. airline that didn't file for bankruptcy protection after the 2001 terrorist attacks. The last major airline to file for bankruptcy protection was Delta in 2005.

    American says labor-contract rules force it to spend at least $600 million more than other airlines.

    Besides higher labor costs, American also struggled with rising jet fuel costs. Jet fuel cost an average of $3 per gallon so far this year — a record according to government data that goes back to 1990. Jet fuel is more expensive now than the average of $2.96 per gallon in 2008, when oil rose above $147 per barrel for the first time. It's risen 56.4 percent in the past five years. The average price of jet fuel was $1.92 per gallon in 2006.

    God bless President Obama for helping to push us off evil fossil fuels. Pretty soon you can be flying one of those solar powered airplanes the Chinese will make for us.

    And I sure hope the unions stick to their guns and don't agree to any concessions. It's worked out pretty well so far.

  134. no slappz4:45 PM

    For purple cow:

    Corporate Tax Rates:

    High -- = >33%


    Low =< 10%

    Costa Rica

    Of course the final tax calculation is tricky, and in the US, there are corporate taxes imposed by states, which pushes the final percentage higher.

    But, rates in the US are both high and, all in, among the very highest in the world.

    Not low, or among the lowest.

    That's you cow, wildly out of touch.

    By the way, as is often said, American corporations are holding roughly $1 TRILLION offshore. Why? Because the high US tax rate makes repatriating those funds too painful. The earnings will be reinvested in the more favorable climates of those lower-tax nations.

  135. Kosher kkk:

    Cc this to a white blog now!

    The man accused of killing 77 people in a terrorist rampage that shook Norway last summer is insane and cannot be sentenced to prison or preventive detention, but can be confined to a mental hospital for the rest of his life, police said Tuesday.

    Anders Behring Breivik suffers "grandiose delusions" and "believes he is chosen to decide who is to live and who is to die," Prosecutor Svein Holden announced.

    Police said psychiatrists had determined that the 32-year-old man was psychotic at the time of the attacks and during 13 interviews experts conducted with him afterward. The doctors also found him to be paranoid and schizophrenic, police said.

    Breivik is accused of killing eight people in Oslo and 69 who were among 700 mostly young people attending a Labour Party youth camp on nearby Utoya Island.

  136. You're A Loon5:29 PM

    "alicia banks said...
    Kosher kkk:

    Cc this to a white blog now!"

    Sooo....what's you point, AB. WHY should someone "Cc this to a white blog"? I'd wager the majority of whites would like to see this freak get fried.

    What's wrong...? Did he kill a lot of minority-types?

  137. uptownsteve said...
    And while there are plenty of single men out here, these skanks choose to boink to married men.



  138. bold blind loon/kosher kkk:

    cc that bs to the kkk solo black crime blotter posse herein!!!!!!!

    you hypocritical weak fake racist bastard

  139. This comment has been removed by the author.

  140. ditto uts

    and those single whores never rape the married male whores they woo either


    married whores rarely have just a single single whore...nahmean?

    ask herman the serial playboy coon

    it takes 2+ to sin against a fool spouse like mrs. cain


  141. "But, rates in the US are both high and, all in, among the very highest in the world.

    If you want an example of a lie, a real lie. This is one right here.

    America's tax rates are not high, they are on a global scale amongst the lowest.

  142. If regulation and taxes are driving business away why does Mercedes-Benz have a plant in Alabama? Shouldn't their plant be in one of those countries with lower taxes and no regulation?

  143. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Purple the Disingenuous Liar Said...

    I'm not going to climb down into the gutter with you, no matter how offensive you become. You can stay down there on your own. Right where you belong.

    Incidentally, is this really the life you wanted for yourself?

    "When I grow up I want to spend the entire day hurling abuse at black people I've never met. Because that will FINALLY make me feel like a real man."

    Don't you think the younger you would be disappointed at how your life panned out?

    Doesn't days like this make you feel just a touch impotent?


    Thanks for the laugh and I do mean that sincerely. I have to admit your poor attempt at hurling insults taken from your psyche is indeed quite funny. It is amazing how much Pseudo Bullshit you can spew; does anyone actually fall for this nonsense aside from the children you play soccer with? Or do most thinking adults just laugh at your pompous self indulgent asininities as many on here are?

    Oh noes...he caught me so I will tell him he is a sad man hurling insults at a poor ole black man...poor, poor, purple cow being challenged because he is Black ..Really? Nah, like I said before skin color doesn’t matter even if you try and use it as an escape clause and an excuse, you would be a cockswaddler no matter what the tint of your outer wrapping. It is what is inside that is damaged.

    Allright, you have proven enough today how weak and pathetic you are just to cover your lies and not man up. Later, my arms ache from reaching down to you. Purple the Disingenuous Liar - So arrogant, so self consumed, so full of shit. So clueless.

  144. Anonymous6:46 PM

    He's not interested in talking about gay marriage or gay anything. No republicans are. But gays are a "threat to traditional marriage?"
    All of these hypocritical fools should be removed from the Earth.

  145. fazool6:54 PM

    BrookLyn said...
    If regulation and taxes are driving business away why does Mercedes-Benz have a plant in Alabama? Shouldn't their plant be in one of those countries with lower taxes and no regulation?

    For that you can thank Ronald Reagan, who made foreign automakers build plants here in America.

    The better question is why Apple doesn't build its products here.

  146. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Herman Cain should just switch to being a Democrat and challenge Obama, with all of these accusations wether true or not - he will become a democratic hero. So far no cum stained dresses or dead lovers for him though.

  147. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Purple the Disingenuous Liar Said....

    If you want an example of a lie, a real lie. This is one right here....

    "America's tax rates are not high, they are on a global scale amongst the lowest".

    Finally in a roundabout way you are manning up. You are right, that sentence is a complete lie.

  148. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Anonymous said...
    He's not interested in talking about gay marriage or gay anything. No republicans are. But gays are a "threat to traditional marriage?"
    All of these hypocritical fools should be removed from the Earth.

    On the good ship lollipop if you dont' suck it - we will kill you.

  149. "Oh my. AA just went bankrupt due to labor and fuel costs. Who could have seen this coming?"

    While United, Delta, Southwest and US Air continue to make profits. Who could have seen that? You figure it out, they seem to have.

  150. "Oh my. AA just went bankrupt due to labor and fuel costs. Who could have seen this coming?"

    BTW, never said these costs weren't a problem but there are ways to overcome them. AA chose the wrong way but buying more fuel efficient planes is a good start.
