Monday, November 14, 2011

Et tu, T.G.I. Friday's?

WTF is wrong with these chain restaurants in A-merry-ca? First Applebee's, and now T.G.I. Friday's. (That's a shame; I actually like T.G.I. Friday's)

"NEW YORK — A New York man is suing TGIFriday’s for firing him after he told his boss he voted for Barack Obama in 2008.
Michael Verzillo, who is Black, claims his white boss, regional manager Tanya Edwards, launched a campaign against him after he revealed his vote and then fired him.

Verzillo, a 15-year company worker, said he was falsely charged with changing expiration dates on food and leaving early during a snowstorm.
“She sent me home two days before Christmas,’’ said Verzillo, and then fired him by phone." [Source]

Mr. Verzillo, if you worked for TGI Friday's for 15 years why weren't you managing the joint? Damn!

Anywhoo, next time keep who you vote for to yourself, because you never know who might be listening.

Speaking of never knowing who is listening, I know my man Mr. 9-9-9 is hoping that no one listens to an interview he did with a Wisconsin paper. Folks, please don't watch it, I am no fan of Herman Cain and I honestly felt sorry for the guy. (BTW, Herman, I told you that if you allegedly attacked a woman of a certain race this would happen.) Why do republicans think that they can just run for president and have zero knowledge about the world?

"Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain struggled to answer a question during an interview Monday when asked whether he supported President Barack Obama’s foreign policy in Libya.

A top aide said later Monday that Cain had not had enough sleep.  

The exchange over Libya with the Georgia businessman came during a meeting with the editorial board of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

Cain hesitated when asked whether he agreed with Obama’s decision to back Libyan rebels in overthrowing Moammar Gadhafi. The longtime Libyan dictator was killed last month.

“I do not agree with the way he handled it for the following reason,” Cain said in the videotaped interview.

“Uh, nope that’s, that’s a different one,” said Cain, who fidgeted in his chair and crossed his legs. “See, I got to go back, see, got all this stuff twirling around in my head. Specifically what are you asking me, did I agree or not disagree with Obama?”' [Source]

If Herman didn't have enough sleep this might be why:

(CNN) -- A former boyfriend of Herman Cain accuser Sharon Bialek said Monday that she told him in 1997 that Cain touched her inappropriately after the pair had dinner together in Washington, D.C.

Dr. Victor Zuckerman told a news conference that Bialek came back to Chicago from the trip and told him what happened.

"When she returned, she was upset," Zuckerman said a news conference arranged by celebrity attorney Gloria Allred. "She said that something had happened and that Mr. Cain had touched her in an inappropriate manner...."

Zuckerman, a pediatrician, described himself as a registered Republican who is not supporting any candidate so far in the 2012 presidential campaign. He said he neither asked for nor received any money for going public with his support for Bialek's account of what happened.

When he heard of the sexual harassment allegations against Cain, first reported by Politico on October 30, Zuckerman called Bialek to ask if she was involved, he told the Monday news conference.

She told him no, but Zuckerman said when Bialek heard Cain's denial of any sexual harassment in his past, she was "livid."
"She felt she had to speak out," he said." [Source]

Do you know who the blond with the makeup by Glidden is now, Herman?

Finally, have any of you ever heard of Bounce TV? Don't worry, you are not alone.

Unfortunately, according to some folks who have been tuning to this new black digital television channel, it might be just more of the same.

I am still waiting for the all news black television network that focuses on A-merry-can and world news. The operative word being news. You Negroes like music and drama too damn much.    


  1. Poor Herman was struggling to phrase whatever answer he had in such a way as to not make himself sound...ahem..."uninformed."

    And you're right about Mr. T.G.I. Friday's: why the hell wasn't he managing the joint after working there for 15 years? Who the hell would make working at a chain restaurant their career unless they were gunning for management or franchise ownership?

    Getting fired over your political affiliation. There's a lawsuit in there somewhere. Hope T.G.I. Friday's has the checkbook and pen on standby.

    One of the cardinal rules of the workplace is you never talk religion or politics.

  2. NSangoma10:03 PM

    “Connect to Compete” Offers 70% Discount on Broadband
    “Low income families with children eligible for the national school lunch program will be able to sign up for broadband Internet for $9.95 a month, with no installation fees, no activation fees,” and no modem rental fees, said Genachowski. “That’s roughly a 70 percent discount.”

    Yes, that is Congressman James E. Clyburn's daughter:

  3. NSangoma10:05 PM

    Herman Cain is FCUKING-toast; fuh-get-about-it.

    May I suggest seed in red raspberry preserves, high in antioxidants, a good anti-carcinogen.

    Harder to find, seed in black raspberry preserves are even better.

  4. NSangoma10:07 PM

    He do be wearing sum nice rags though:

  5. "Anywhoo, next time keep who you vote for to yourself, because you never know who might be listening."

    Damn. Did Negros actually vote for Obama? I had no f***ing idea. If Mr. TGIF manager hadn't let it slip I and all of my lily white chums would never have suspected.

  6. Anonymous10:36 PM

    yAWN Same ol same ol.....Herman Cain's accuser's boyfriend way back when, not now but then remembers she told him something in liberal land it must be true...Yawn....Why my friend from 15 years ago remembers you had an addadicktome operation, so it must be true and he has nothing to cain...err...gain...find out how much the chick is getting paid to promote the lawyers new judge show she is the star of.

    I wonder what would happen if you held all BLACK democratic candidates to the same unfailing scrutiny and convinction by claims...let alone hard evidence.

    Fire a negro for performance and odds are they will cry discrimination. Do you really think someone out there busy managing a place is surprised some one black voted for Obama and only after hearing it again to his suprise...made it his goal to fire the person and it had nothing to do with the actual performance of the person...sigh...more nonsense.

  7. "Fire a negro for performance and odds are they will cry discrimination. Do you really think someone out there busy managing a place is surprised some one black voted for Obama and only after hearing it again to his suprise...made it his goal to fire the person and it had nothing to do with the actual performance of the person...sigh...more nonsense."

    Is it just me, or does anyone else reading those comments see the irony of Anon and Bobo's posts?

  8. "I am still waiting for the all news black television network that focuses on A-merry-can and world news."

    BET actually had a decent news show circa early '90s, before it turned into the 24/7 minstrel show it is today.

  9. Carolyn Moon10:54 PM

    I do Field!

  10. OK, I feel better. :)

    I swear you can't make up this stuff.

  11. Anonymous11:11 PM

    "Do you know who the blond with the makeup by Glidden is now, Herman?"

    Is Glidden somebody famous who makes people look good or something? Somebody please tell me who Glidden is.

    I swear, half the shit Field writes makes no sense. I'm beginning to believe that you have to be 'at least' half Black to get what he is talking about.

  12. no slappz11:14 PM

    Verzillo, a 15-year company worker, said he was falsely charged with changing expiration dates on food and leaving early during a snowstorm.

    Obviously the TGIF manager fired Verzillo for changing expiration dates on food and leaving early during a snowstorm.

    And just as obviously, Verzillo lied when he made his crazy claim about his presidential vote

  13. Anonymous11:18 PM

    "Fire a negro for performance and odds are they will cry discrimination. Do you really think someone out there busy managing a place is surprised some one black voted for Obama and only after hearing it again to his suprise...made it his goal to fire the person and it had nothing to do with the actual performance of the person...sigh...more nonsense."

    Field-Is it just me, or does anyone else reading those comments see the irony of Anon and Bobo's posts?

    10:42 PM
    Field, what the hell are you talking about? I don't see any irony whatsoever. This is frustrating.

    First it was "Glidden", then the "irony" of a comment by Anon, then "Bobo". Who the fuck is Bobo, a child's ass?

    Field, you need to lay off that Jamaican rum.

  14. no slappz11:19 PM


    The Riese Restaurant Corporation owns all the TGIF franchises in NY City. It also owns many other NY City restaurant franchises.

    You can be certain that thousands of Riese employees, including managers, voted for Obama.

    Members of the Riese family undoubtedly voted for Obama.

    Obama won big in NY City -- because millions of whites voted for him.

    But you clowns will believe any racist lie spouted by some dopey black who got fired for cause.

  15. Anonymous11:32 PM

    "I am still waiting for the all news black television network that focuses on A-merry-can and world news. The operative word being news. You Negroes like music and drama too damn much."

    Wait on, brother... wait on. Surely you know by now that a network show that focuses on NEWS for Blacks would get a rating of less than "1". That means only you and a couple of other FN Negroes would be watching.

    Now I know you KNOW that Blacks like gossip, drama, chaos, sex and music. News has no place in their fast lives.

    There are three things FN Liberal Negroes don't have time for: News, Education and Voting. Don't believe me? Start posting about News, Education, and Voting and watch the hits on FN drop.:-))))

  16. Fire a black guy because he voted for Obama?

    How many black guys didn't vote for Obama?

    That being said, voting for Obama is a good indicator for low intellect and poor character, but I'll bet this dude was fired because he was a poor employee.

    But, as TGIF is finding out, you just can't fire a negro in America these days. Obama should take heart at that reality.

  17. Anonymous11:41 PM

    no_Slappz said, "P.S.

    The Riese Restaurant Corporation owns all the TGIF franchises in NY City. It also owns many other NY City restaurant franchises.

    You can be certain that thousands of Riese employees, including managers, voted for Obama.

    Members of the Riese family undoubtedly voted for Obama.

    Obama won big in NY City -- because millions of whites voted for him.

    But you clowns will believe any racist lie spouted by some dopey black who got fired for cause."

    no_Slappz, you are the greatest. You nailed Field and his FN liberal cronies to the cross. Thanks for the REAL FACTS.

    I am Black, but after your in-depth research about this matter, Field's post makes me ashamed to be Black.

    Brother Field, Please be more careful. You know no_slappz is watching your black liberal ass. A black Conservative would have never bought into that story.

    Why is it that you FN Dem Negroes always support the liar? What can't you support an honest Black for a change?

  18. "I am still waiting for the all news black television network that focuses on A-merry-can and world news"

    Here you go, Field

  19. Verzillo may have been a cook & liked his work. Managing a chain restaurant is a terrible job if daily stress at the bottom of the TGIF corporate foodchain isn't your preference. Edwards is nuts for firing a guy like that. In fact, chain restaurant managers come & go faster than the bartenders.

  20. Anonymous12:17 AM

    I watched that video of that kid knocking out that poor homeless man and that white girl trying to help him.

    Well, Field now you know why Blacks are not interested in News, Education and Voting. That kid is interested in abuse and "Bounce" type shows.

  21. Anonymous12:28 AM

    Glidden is a brand of paint. You geniuses never heard of google?

  22. "I swear, half the shit Field writes makes no sense. I'm beginning to believe that you have to be 'at least' half Black to get what he is talking about."

    If that's what you think then go the fuck away and take your no nothing hypocritical friends with you.

    Make up your fucking minds either blacks don't vote or we overwhelmingly voted for Obama.

    "What can't you support an honest Black for a change?"

    You mean like Herman Cain who's lying his ass off about sexually harassing those women...

    "There are three things FN Liberal Negroes don't have time for: News, Education and Voting."

    What else do we talk about on this blog besides voting, education and news/current events?

    Just STFU and kill ya self.

    So sick of these anon idiots with their circular arguments and constantly contradicting themselves while calling us names.

    Again STFU and kill yourselves.

  23. Anonymous1:46 AM

    Now, now Brooklyn...control yourself. The truth hurts doesn't it? Blacks don't vote. When they voted for Obama that was a once in a lifetime vote of you black liberal dems. You know that won't happen again, esp after the way Obama has treated you libs. As I recall he told you Negroes to shutup, stop whining, and march. lol

    Now, Herman would never say such insensitive words to you.

  24. Brother Field... Think a lot of non Blacks know my people through the lens of the television. Granted, way too many of us present daily on Judge Judy, Maury, and other daytime shows. Other races not really having human interactions with us, rarely see that the majority of us are unlike what they see. Still the news have a ready bevy of Blacks to display as evil. Knowing the Blacks of my reach, I doubt if any believe the excuse given by the TGIF worker. Guy working 15 years may have cashed in his last "bullshht chip". Looking at the situation by legal eyes....lawyers take the cases that come through the door. Suspends belief. Tavis Smiley was with BET news. StillaPanther2

  25. Anonymous1:54 AM

    "Other races not really having human interactions with us, rarely see that the majority of us are unlike what they see."

    I don't know, Brother Panther. I live in Oakland and I swear a whole lot of our folks act just those on television and in the movies.

    have you ever gone to a movie in East Oakland or Richmond where Granny lives? Lord have mercy...those folks make you want to leave the Black race.

  26. "Michael Verzillo, who is Black, claims his white boss, regional manager Tanya Edwards, launched a campaign against him after he revealed his vote and then fired him."

    I take it she wanted him to supersize his french fry and get all up in her ketchup, but he didn't dig pork, so she burned him on the grill and had his crispy ass thrown out. It's just speculation.

    And no_slappz is working his hardest to pin the blame entirely on Verzillo. After all, he's black, and an Obama voter, so he must have done something to deserve being fired. The information about RRC is just a smokescreen to obscure how Edwards, not RRC, fired him under false pretenses for differing political views (or for not wanting to plunge his Chicken McNugget in her ranch dressing).

    Depressed House Negro @ 11:41PM, you mention how you're black and also ashamed to be such, that it leads us to believe that you're NOT black. Most black Americans don't go on at length about or have to constantly remind everyone how they happen to be black. Only a dedicated white troll/spammer (or a genuinely self-hating Negroid) would go to such lengths as to concoct a character that purports itself as being "one of the good ones" by constantly remarking how ashamed he is of his fellow dark-skinned Americans and their stereotyped behaviors.

  27. Anonymous2:29 AM

    Only a dedicated white troll/spammer (or a genuinely self-hating Negroid) would go to such lengths as to concoct a character that purports itself as being "one of the good ones" by constantly remarking how ashamed he is of his fellow dark-skinned Americans and their stereotyped behaviors.

    Stereotyped behaviours? You mean like talkin about and projecting a fantasy of having sex with a white woman, despite not one word in the story even slightly indicating that? That stereotype? Yeah, I thought so.

  28. "Now, Herman would never say such insensitive words to you."

    Herman has said worse. If us Negroes don't vote then why do you Anons keep coming here to try and convince us to work for old buckdancing Herm. While he's trying to get his talking points from the Koch Bros. straight perhaps either he or the "well-informed" Anons will tell us the significance of Uzebekistan. Yep, still waiting for a response from the peanut gallery on that.

    Night all...

  29. Anonymous2:41 AM

    Mack Lyons, "Depressed House Negro @ 11:41PM, you mention how you're black and also ashamed to be such, that it leads us to believe that you're NOT black. Most black Americans don't go on at length about or have to constantly remind everyone how they happen to be black. Only a dedicated white troll/spammer (or a genuinely self-hating Negroid) would go to such lengths as to concoct a character that purports itself as being "one of the good ones" by constantly remarking how ashamed he is of his fellow dark-skinned Americans and their stereotyped behaviors."

    Your comment proves that I am Black. You have called me a depressed Negro before. Fyi, most Negroes are depressed, just like the dude who got lied and got canned in Field's post. Hell, you can't be Black and live in America without being depressed or have PTSD... don't you know that? It's quite obvious from your comments on FN that you are one depressed Negro. You are also sexually addicted to white women. I didn't know that until you went off the chart in your comment with your white woman fantasy.

    Since you have never had sex with a White woman(or a Black woman for that matter), why not find a white prostitute who will gladly give you some for a fee?

  30. Anonymous2:49 AM

    Brooklyn, "Yep, still waiting for a response from the peanut gallery on that.

    Night all..."

    2:30 AM
    Brooklyn is always running off to bed after she makes some caustic remark. no_slappz must be making his rounds in Brooklyn and planning on stopping by at 3am.

  31. Anonymous2:55 AM

    Field, you start off your post with a statement that doesn't make sense. You say you like TGIF and claim you don't like Applebees. Now see. that doesn't make any sense.

    Any connosieur of restaurant chains knows that if you like TGIF, then you definitely like Applebees. I swear, you FN Negroes are nothing but compulsive liars. I bet you are in Applebees damn near every work day for lunch. Go ahead. Admit it. It's the time of year for confession, redemption and restitution. Don't let this one pass you by.

  32. Anonymous3:31 AM

    Since you have never had sex with a White woman(or a Black woman for that matter), why not find a white prostitute who will gladly give you some for a fee?

    He not interested he'd rather have balls on his chin - he is still pissed off that when he joined the tea party they explained to him that only democrats thought it had something to do with getting teabagged as morally corrupt perverts normally do.

  33. "Stereotyped behaviours? You mean like talkin about and projecting a fantasy of having sex with a white woman, despite not one word in the story even slightly indicating that? That stereotype? Yeah, I thought so."

    "You are also sexually addicted to white women. I didn't know that until you went off the chart in your comment with your white woman fantasy.

    Since you have never had sex with a White woman(or a Black woman for that matter), why not find a white prostitute who will gladly give you some for a fee?"

    "He not interested he'd rather have balls on his chin - he is still pissed off that when he joined the tea party they explained to him that only democrats thought it had something to do with getting teabagged as morally corrupt perverts normally do."

    Oh dear. Looks like I got the anons off to a running start. Really, I broach a theory about the guy getting fired over not wanting to dip his Pirouette wafer in vanilla frosting and the anons are going every which way with it. *smdh*

    "Your comment proves that I am Black. You have called me a depressed Negro before."

    On the Internet, no one knows who you really are. Besides, Depressed House Negro is the perfect identifier for you.

  34. Anonymous4:58 AM

    "I am still waiting for the all news black television network that focuses on A-merry-can and world news."

    FN, a black tv news network is never going to happen. In order for that to happen, there would have to be a critical mass of American blacks wanting to watch "world news". That critical mass of blacks wanting to watch world news DOES NOT EXIST.

    Most (not all, but MOST) American black people are interested only in religion (of the fake variety), sports, entertainment gossip (i.e., Bossip) and other superficial idiocies.

  35. "Make up your fucking minds either blacks don't vote or we overwhelmingly voted for Obama."

    Sorry, they would have to have a mind to make up. I think the mind part is lacking.

    "Field, you start off your post with a statement that doesn't make sense. You say you like TGIF and claim you don't like Applebees. Now see. that doesn't make any sense."

    See what I mean?

    "Glidden is a brand of paint. You geniuses never heard of google?"

    I think they have; it's how most of them got here.

    Their favorite search word is N*&&^r. No joke, I have seen them.

    "I am Black, but after your in-depth research about this matter, Field's post makes me ashamed to be Black."

    Please feel free to join another race. I will write a letter of recommendation for you.:)

  36. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Mack Lyons, "Oh dear. Looks like I got the anons off to a running start. Really, I broach a theory about the guy getting fired over not wanting to dip his Pirouette wafer in vanilla frosting and the anons are going every which way with it. *smdh*

    anon-"Your comment proves that I am Black. You have called me a depressed Negro before."

    Mack-On the Internet, no one knows who you really are. Besides, Depressed House Negro is the perfect identifier for you.

    4:49 AM
    You are so stupid. First you call a brother a depressed Negro, which is insulting enough. Then you turn around and add House Negro to Depressed Negro. Don't you know November and December are the months where suicides happens? And you keep putting me down like that? Somebody should tie you to a tree and give you 20 lashes for the way you treat Blacks.

    Fyi, I don't know who google is. I just got an old dell in the dumpster and trying to learn how to work a computer and get on the internet w/o paying. I am homeless, you black ass turkey. What does google do?

  37. Anonymous7:27 AM

    "Glidden is a brand of paint. You geniuses never heard of google?"

    I have heard of neither Glidden or google. But thank you for the info, you are a compassionate decent human being, sir. But those other brothers, Field and Mack Lyons are really rude. Obviously they have never heard what it is to Christian-like....Pricks.

    Just one more question about Glidden: that White woman didn't have any paint on her face. Since Glidden is a paint what the hell is Field talking about? That lovely ww didn't have any paint on her face. She looked like maybe her hair was dyed, but definitely did not have any paint on it. Thanks.

  38. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Anon, "I am Black, but after your in-depth research about this matter, Field's post makes me ashamed to be Black."

    Field replied, "Please feel free to join another race. I will write a letter of recommendation for you.:)"

    Are you saying you would write a letter to the Creator of the Universe about me? Do you know it is arrogant to send such a letter to God? Lord have mercy, you have lost your mind.

    And WHERE is your mercy and acceptance for me as a Black? Just because I don't see things the way you do does not mean I should be in another race. God put us Blacks together so that we can learn to love and accept one another. Obviously, you have every intention of NOT doing that! You must be a soldier from the dark side.

    Now it makes sense why November and esp December is when spiritual warfare is at its zenith. Now it makes sense who you and Mack Lyons and Brooklyn REALLY are. Now it makes sense why some of you FN Negroes want to discriminate and separate and "color" us black Anons "White".

    You ARE the new generation of segregationists and wannabe slave masters. You wannabes are posing as Field Negroes...when the real FNs are the folks are pathetic.

  39. Anon-idiot

    "Fire a negro for performance and odds are they will cry discrimination"

    And it won't get them very far.

    There is a 5 year back log of actual cases discrimination at the EEOC thanks to the Bush Administration's evisceration of the agency.

    BTW, whenever a goober DOESN'T get a job or promotion, he blames it on Affirmative Action. Even when they're no blacks at the company.

    It's totally reflexive.

  40. Second point

    Black conservatives are the classic case of race based advancement.

    If Cain was a democrat, would ANYONE pay the least bit of attention to anything he says?

    His candidacy would be a joke.

    He couldn't even win the GOP primary for US Senator in Georgia in 2004.

    If Rick Perry were black, with his level of ability, he'd be shovelling horshit back at Niggerhead ranch.

  41. Anonymous8:51 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    Second point

    Black conservatives are the classic case of race based advancement.

    If Cain was a democrat, would ANYONE pay the least bit of attention to anything he says?

    His candidacy would be a joke.

    He couldn't even win the GOP primary for US Senator in Georgia in 2004.

    If Rick Perry were black, with his level of ability, he'd be shovelling horshit back at Niggerhead ranch.

    I sometimes wish you had the intelligence to realize just how stupid you are, think about that for a moment. You just effectively said A Black CEO Mathematician and rocket scientist is a dumb black man like you and the Governor of the only state that added millions of jobs while the majority of others lost them is incompetent.

  42. Anonymous8:58 AM

    uptownsteve said...

    "Fire a negro for performance and odds are they will cry discrimination"

    And it won't get them very far.

    There is a 5 year back log of actual cases discrimination at the EEOC thanks to the Bush Administration's evisceration of the agency.

    BTW, whenever a goober DOESN'T get a job or promotion, he blames it on Affirmative Action. Even when they're no blacks at the company.

    It's totally reflexive.

    Oh I see the backlog is because there aren't enough folks to process the claims and it never occurred to you that crying racism for everything a black person doesn't like is "totally reflexive"

    It's called dee-vers-uh-tee. Dont you know there has to be a specified amount of blacks forced into positions even if there are none qualified? There are no companies without blacks in them, affirmative action quoutas mandate a percentage be hired otherwise the welfare roles would explode, just ask your boss about this law.

  43. Anon-Goober

    "You just effectively said A Black CEO Mathematician and rocket scientist is a dumb black man like you"

    No goober, let me go slow for you.

    I said his candidacy would be a joke. He has no elective experience.

    "and the Governor of the only state that added millions of jobs while the majority of others lost them is incompetent."

    Wow, I thought Government couldn't create jobs.

    I guess it depends on the conversation at the time.

    "Dont you know there has to be a specified amount of blacks forced into positions even if there are none qualified?"

    Oh really? And what is the specified number?

    "There are no companies without blacks in them, affirmative action quoutas mandate a percentage be hired otherwise the welfare roles would explode, just ask your boss about this law."

    Please post the specific law and the required percentage.

    Don't worry asswipe, I don't expect an answer.

    You morons just pull it out of you butts and post it.

  44. amen!

    blacks and americans in general are too obsessed with mindless entertainment

    lewd videos
    buffoonish sitcoms

    while news shows lead the ratings in most other countries...

    that is why most foreigners accurately regard most americans as apolitical/morons

    it is truly tragic in these armageddon times

    hobama fashions global war and poverty
    while black fans admire his hoax swag...


    so many kids who sing and dance expertly cannot read and write

    we all do best what we do most often


  45. so many drones who think hobama is god

    are too illiterate to describe even one of his evil global deeds

    but they can tell u the top 10 bet videos daily


  46. tiki = a pookie chicken hawk oj


  47. uptownsteve said...
    If Rick Perry were black, with his level of ability, he'd be shovelling horshit back at Niggerhead ranch.

    If uptown were black, he'd have some do-nothing job at a software company.

  48. Roy Rogers10:07 AM

    LOL. I bought a little bay colt two weeks ago, and named him "Niggerhead".

    He seems to like it.

  49. "while news shows lead the ratings in most other countries..."

    I don't believe this.

    Can you prove it?

    Don't throw a fit AB.

    Just back up your assertion with proof.

  50. Chic Anderson10:54 AM

    Roy Rogers said...
    LOL. I bought a little bay colt two weeks ago, and named him "Niggerhead".

    I hope someday he makes it to the Kentucky Derby and I can hear Bob Costas say "Niggerhead by a nose!"

  51. Anonymous10:55 AM

    "BTW, whenever a goober DOESN'T get a job or promotion, he blames it on Affirmative Action. Even when they're no blacks at the company."

    uptownsteve: I usually don't agree with you but I do agree with you on this.

    I had a white self-employed plumber tell me, out of the clear blue sky, while he was fixing something at my house that he didn't get a job with the fire department because of affirmative action. I guess he felt he just had to tell me this story because I'm black.

    I saw this guy quite by accident years later and he was no longer a self-employed plumber. He was a lowly clerk at a hardware type store. He told me he could no longer do what he was doing before because of a "bad back".

  52. Anonymous11:19 AM

    This guy is talking to you Outta Town Steve.

  53. no slappz11:21 AM

    brooklyn combustulates:

    Make up your fucking minds either blacks don't vote or we overwhelmingly voted for Obama.

    Virtually ALL blacks who vote (a subset of all blacks) voted for Obama.

    What percentage of blacks eligible to vote actually voted? Probably about 60%.

  54. Show Me Yo I.D.11:25 AM

    " no slappz said...
    brooklyn combustulates:

    Virtually ALL blacks who vote (a subset of all blacks) voted for Obama.

    What percentage of blacks eligible to vote actually voted? Probably about 60%.

    11:21 AM"

    Does that include the dead ones, the ACORN felons, and the ones who voted more than once?

  55. no slappz11:29 AM

    Verzillo, the "black guy" fired by the TGIF manager, is a black guy like Roy Campanella of the Brooklyn Dodgers.

    Italian father, black mother. Of course we haven't seen a photo, so who knows what's true? Maybe he's just a dark-skinned Italian able to fool people about his racial history? Who knows?

    When he got fired for cause, instead of going Italian and writing his own version of Dante's Inferno, he went to his dumb side and said, I'm black and the manager is racist.

  56. no slappz11:34 AM

    anon asks:

    Does that include the dead ones, the ACORN felons, and the ones who voted more than once?

    Good question. But the answer means little.

    The practice of redistricting -- gerrymandering -- ensures that black candidates win local elections whenever they run against white candidates.

    Brooklyn is an example. My Congressionla district -- the 8th, was gerrymandered to ensure the election of Shirley Chisholm.

    Now we have Yvette Clarke, a woman so dumb she says she forgot that she never graduated from college, after telling voters she had graduated.

    Meanwhile, we know she's lying. But that's her story and she's sticking to it.

  57. uts:

    YOU research what you refute or deny...


    i am waiting...

  58. no slappz11:50 AM

    The Occupy Wall Street crowd has been tossed out of Zuccotti Park.

    OWS is a protest movement based on the Jerry Seinfeld model -- a show about nothing.

    As the protestors said, We Have NO Demands. But We Are Angry. We Are Angry Because Some People Have a Lot of Money and WE Have Very Little, or None.

    They blame somebody, something, somewhere for the fact that many of them borrowed money for college to obtain degrees that mean nothing to employers.

    Who told them a degree in English, Film or Women's Studies was a ticket to a good job?

  59. uts:

    start YOUR own research ASAP here

    then post it as i do


    Such, uh, lack of global awareness is the kind of thing that drives Susan Jacoby, author of “The Age of American Unreason,” up a wall. Ms. Jacoby is one of a number of writers with new books that bemoan the state of American culture.

    Joining the circle of curmudgeons this season is Eric G. Wilson, whose “Against Happiness” warns that the “American obsession with happiness” could “well lead to a sudden extinction of the creative impulse, that could result in an extermination as horrible as those foreshadowed by global warming and environmental crisis and nuclear proliferation.”

    Then there is Lee Siegel’s “Against the Machine: Being Human in the Age of the Electronic Mob,” which inveighs against the Internet for encouraging solipsism, debased discourse and arrant commercialization.

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. During the early 1990s the Department of Justice used its Voting Rights Act power to object to racially unfair redistricting laws to force states to maximize minority congressional districts. The results were dramatic: Congressional Black Caucus membership swelled from 25 to 38 and nine new Hispanic congresspersons were sworn in. Only three years later, the maximization strategy lay in ruins. The courts forced many of the new minority districts to be redrawn and the judiciary reserved especially harsh criticism for the Department.

    Cunningham examines and analyzes how the Department came to adopt the maximization strategy. He explores the bureaucratic culture of the Division's Voting Section, its history, and the interaction of its progressive career staff with more conservative political appointees. The Division works amidst a vibrant interest group environment, with civil rights advocates, the state, and political parties eager for influence. Cunningham shows how that influence contest was won by the civil rights groups, how their preferred interpretations of fair redistricting and discriminatory purpose were adopted by the Division, and how their chosen districting models were forced upon states by the Division. He examines the effect the Department has had on federalism, representation, and its own impaired credibility with the judiciary. Finally, he suggests how the Division might resurrect its damaged reputation for balanced enforcement. An important study for scholars, students, and public policy makers involved with civil rights, public administration, and public law.

  62. kosher kkk:

    u r an ahistorical ass

    send that bs to every white politician in the history of amerikkka

    who have mapped out black and brown voters for decades...

    An examination of the language of law in the area of political representation, this book considers the development and recognition of group claims brought pursuant to the Voting Rights Act and the Equal Protection Clause in Supreme Court opinions. In his analysis, Burke highlights the different, discursive strategies, broadly identified as liberal and communitarian, used by the Supreme Court to justify the outcomes of various cases, and he argues that no particular strategy of justification is inherently politically conservative or liberal and that no conception of political representation is unassailable. Therefore, it is unlikely that the Supreme Court will articulate a stable measure of fair representation.

    The Supreme Court offers one more forum in the deliberation over what is fair representation; however, it is not likely to provide minority communities with a legal answer to the problem of political underrepresentation. As such, this book tells the uncertain story of the creation of political fairness by the Supreme Court. The language used to characterize what is fair and representative, and the theoretical designs which the rhetoric reflects, allows us to formulate concepts of fair representation as legal standards evolve. By placing the debate over fair representation in not only political and legal but also philosophical terms, we are better able to understand the inevitable tensions that drive the concept of representation into new, ill-defined, and contentious areas

  63. kosher kkk:

    only callous revisionist elitist mfs like u pretend that ANY college degree is worth the costs today
    in any field!

    i advise students to snare IS internships and pursue 2 yr IS degrees to make it in america today

    the blue bloods and their blessed demon seeds will run the world via colleges that ONLY they can afford


  64. masterminds trump marathons

    more proof of how most americans are literally playing themselves to death

    u cannot love gaming and hate math/sci etc
    and excel...
    it is ONLY those who create the games that prosper

    According to findings from a recent study by University of Southern California Professor Dmitri Williams, only 10 percent of characters in video games are Black, and even then most are depicted as gangsters or athletes.

    Some would argue that while so many African Americans religiously play video games, they cannot see themselves getting into an industry that is predominately white. Others point to institutional bias and inequality of opportunity in the gaming and tech industries.

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. no_slappz said...
    Now we have Yvette Clarke, a woman so dumb she says she forgot that she never graduated from college, after telling voters she had graduated.

    Meanwhile, we know she's lying. But that's her story and she's sticking to it.

    And we know she will be re-elected every time she runs, no matter what she does.

  67. AB, A Turd By Any Other Name12:58 PM

    I swear, AB. You post more useless crap on this blog than a goose shits.

    And, that's a LOT!

  68. T.G.I. Tookie2:01 PM

    Poor Tookie. I'm heartbroken.

  69. Dog bites Man!2:08 PM

    alicia banks said...
    "According to findings from a recent study by University of Southern California Professor Dmitri Williams, only 10 percent of characters in video games are Black, and even then most are depicted as gangsters or athletes."

    What a coincidence!

    Only about 10% of Americans are black, and most of them are gangsters and athletes!

  70. vulgar kkk morons really hate black truths...

    hear their pain????


  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. "Virtually ALL blacks who vote (a subset of all blacks) voted for Obama.

    What percentage of blacks eligible to vote actually voted? Probably about 60%."

    lol do you even read what you write?

    And when are you going to stop using an organization that doesn't exist anymore as an excuse for piss poor republican candidates.

    I've got the real world to participate in.

    Have a great day fellow FNs.

  73. hobama will CONTINUE to betray black farmers...

    but now he will blame his own special congress for the abuses


  74. i will never defend michelle's elitist bs!!!!



    poor people can barely find/afford spam and ramen!!!


    Visiting an organic farm in Hawaii on Saturday, First Lady Michelle Obama said that “arugula and steak” was her “favorite” meal and expressed her view that American children need to “get their palates adjusted” so they will begin eating properly.

  75. Anonymous2:40 PM

    "alicia banks said...
    vulgar kkk morons really hate black truths...

    hear their pain????


    2:10 PM"

    Was Tookie Williams one of those "black truths"?

    Funny, ya'll don't seen to have much to say about another Warrior King gone to his just reward.

  76. pookies rule the world

    your couriers are less safe than ever!!!!

  77. witless whitey assnon:

    do u fret over white gangsters so too???

  78. hmmm?

  79. BrookLyn said...
    I've got the real world to participate in.

    Yep, it's all you can eat Tuesday's at Captain D's.

  80. Anonymous3:28 PM

    BrooKKKLyn said...
    BrookLyn said...
    I've got the real world to participate in.

    Yep, it's all you can eat Tuesday's at Captain D's.

    Followed by an eve-nin of entur-tain-munt......XBOX YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!! Lif in amereeka is great- dey pays me to be born and play xbox and complain about everytin else If I were in another black country I might be eatin shit pies but nooess...I gots me da xbox invented by those smurt asians and whites

  81. "Followed by an eve-nin of entur-tain-munt......XBOX YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!! Lif in amereeka is great- dey pays me to be born and play xbox and complain about everytin else If I were in another black country I might be eatin shit pies but nooess...I gots me da xbox invented by those smurt asians and whites"

    Have you ever taken a good look at your comments? I mean a REALLY good look at what you post?

  82. Have A Hushpuppy3:41 PM

    "BrookLyn said...

    And when are you going to stop using an organization that doesn't exist anymore as an excuse for piss poor republican candidates."

    Uh, huh. Yeah. Right. Keep telling yourself ACORN "doesn't exist" any more, while you're choking on that fishbone at Captain D's. What's so pathetic, you KNOW it's a lie. They just changed names & reorganized.

  83. sandusky clones rule the world

    they are everywhere

    across all boundaries of race/class/sexuality/gender/ages etc

    protect your children and counsel them about REAL monsters!!!

    There's a story unfolding in Charleston, S.C., that sounds depressingly similar to the scandal that has rocked Penn State University.

    Officials at The Citadel, "the military college of South Carolina," are admitting they did not do enough after learning that a man in custody in Mount Pleasant, S.C., who has been accused of sexually abusing at least five boys in recent years, was brought to the school's attention in 2007. Then, school officials were told, he had engaged in inappropriate sexual activities with boys during a summer camp at the college in 2002. An internal investigation was done, but police were never informed.

  84. more proof that sandusky is often the norm among pedophiles
    of all persuasions
    not the exception’s Goldie Taylor appeared on The Last Word last night, sharing with host Lawrence O’Donnell her own personal experience with sexual abuse in the wake of the Penn State rape scandal.
    O’Donnell pointed out that, earlier, Taylor had tweeted that she had been angered over the scandal’s cover-up by those at PSU, but later felt “ashamed that I never had the courage to tell my own story.”

    In my case, it was a high school football coach. I was a varsity cheerleader in Missouri. And there were other women like me, and I knew it at the time. And, in my own fear of being shamed and blamed, even as a growing person, as an adult, a mother of children now, I felt like I had no safe harbor to tell it. But if I were going to challenge these adults at Penn State to tell it, if I were going to challenge other people to speak up and speak out, I said yesterday afternoon, then why not me?

    And so I started to Tweet about it. And as people began to respond, I said, “Now’s the time.” And I would not wait another day.

  85. Larry Sinclair4:25 PM

    Mack Lyons said...
    "Followed by an eve-nin of entur-tain-munt......XBOX YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!! Lif in amereeka is great- dey pays me to be born and play xbox and complain about everytin else If I were in another black country I might be eatin shit pies but nooess...I gots me da xbox invented by those smurt asians and whites"

    Have you ever taken a good look at your comments? I mean a REALLY good look at what you post?

    I thinkerate therefore I amerate have u ever really taken a good look at what you post Are u goin to join the perverts for Obama club led by Mr Titcomb? The kickoff event is a golfing fundraiser with little caddies guar-un-teed to bend over and set the tees and pick up your balls for y'all, with those givin more than 10k guar-un-teed a caddie ten or younger.

  86. kudos to all rebel teachers!!!

    testing is not teaching

    hobama's nclb 2.0 has destroyed public ed

    The U.S. Department of Education announced Tuesday that 11 states have formally submitted requests for waivers from key provisions of No Child Left Behind.

    Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Tennessee have submitted to the Education Department curriculums and plans catered to their localities in exchange for

  87. no slappz5:39 PM


    Those of us who live in NY City know ACORN is like our Chinese restaurants.

    When the bills overwhelm Chin's Double Dragon Delight on Flatbush, the crew shuts down and reopens as Ming's Cantonese on Fulton.

  88. "Virtually ALL blacks who vote (a subset of all blacks) voted for Obama."

    Whicj shows a high degree of intelligence. We're not dumb enough to vote for a religious idiot from Alaska that thinks that "what do you read" is a trick question.

  89. no slappz5:42 PM

    brooklyn, I wrote:

    "Virtually ALL blacks who vote (a subset of all blacks) voted for Obama.

    What percentage of blacks eligible to vote actually voted? Probably about 60%."

    Seems you disagree. Which part was wrong? The percentage of blacks who vote? What is it? 20%? 30%?

  90. "Who told them a degree in English, Film or Women's Studies was a ticket to a good job?"

    Maybe a degree in engineering will qualify them to sit on the couch and troll Black websites and make racist comments. Great idea.

    "lol do you even read what you write?"

    Um Lyn, it'spretty obvious Slappz doesn't read anything it writes, just pulls it out of its ass. You saw how it just makes shit up and then gets called out on it and just flip flops. Typical conservative. Why have facts, just make up bullshit. For fun ask it what's the latest reason Cain won't get the nomination since the old "nobody under 60 will be elected" bull was exposed. "Uh, uh what I meant was nobody under 65.............."

    Field, your trolls suck!

  91. What percentage of blacks eligible to vote actually voted? Probably about 60%."

    "Seems you disagree. Which part was wrong? The percentage of blacks who vote? What is it? 20%? 30%?"

    Seems you like that 60 number. Which part of your ass did you pull that out of? Ha?
    BTW buddy, what's your latest reason Cain won't win the nomiation?

  92. herman has gone completely insane

  93. no slappz5:50 PM

    pilot x,

    Even a dummy like you knows the pool of black voters is reduced by the high percentage of incarcerated felons and ex-cons among blacks.

    What percentage of blacks over the age of 18 are eligible to vote?

    Undoubtedly the percentage of eligible black females is far higher than eligible black males.

    What percentage of eligible black voters are registered to vote?

    What percentage of registered black voters actually vote?

    There are about 39 million blacks in the US. At least half are too young to vote.

    That takes the total to less than 20 million.

    At least a quarter of those are ineligible to vote. That brings us down to 15 million.

    At least another quarter are unregistered. That brings us down to 10 million.

    So, that means there are no more than 10 million registered black voters. If 60% get themselves to the polls to vote for Obama, that means they kicked in 6 million votes.

  94. no slappz5:54 PM

    pilot bonehead asks:

    BTW buddy, what's your latest reason Cain won't win the nomiation?

    Mental deficiency.

    He's still over 65 and he's still got cancer. For Cain it just gets worse.

    He seems like a decent guy -- but he's not presidential material. Never was. But here in America you can take your shot.

    What happens in black nations? Haiti? How are things going in that Caribbean paradise?

    Pick a black African nation. Any standout black leaders over there?

  95. no slappz6:03 PM

    pilot bonehead said:

    what's the latest reason Cain won't get the nomination since the old "nobody under 60 will be elected" bull was exposed.

    Nobody OVER 60. But the key point is this: until the other day, I thought Romney was 55. In fact, I thought I had seen some biographical information stating that he was born in 1955 or '56.

    Therefore, we now have Republican contenders who are over 60, but under 65.

    Obama is running against his horrible record, which is likely to get worse now that the moron has taken a stand against the Keystone Pipeline.

    Meanwhile, the Republican candidates can promise they won't raise taxes. But Obama can't. He's already said he wants to raise taxes, and it's already clear that an increase will hit everyone who pays taxes, not just the people at the top.

    Obama wants taxes rather than growth. That what he shows when he says we have to raise taxes while stopping the Keystone Pipeline project.
    Meanwhile, Iran is going to humiliate Obama just like it humiliated Jimmy Carter.

  96. Duhbama6:08 PM

    Obama certainly impresses me with his intelligence. Thinking Hawaii is in Asia.....hell, I'll bet he can see Asia from Hawaii!

    Hope his Harvard education didn't cost the tax payers too much.

  97. no slappz6:29 PM

    duhbama says:

    Hope his Harvard education didn't cost the tax payers too much.

    Are you kidding? It's cost America about $5 Trillion in the last 2 years and 10 months.

  98. Flyboys6:32 PM

    Thought you might be interested in this, PilotX.......since you sport their avatar, and feel such a need to always correct the record:

  99. "Nobody OVER 60. But the key point is this: until the other day, I thought Romney was 55"

    Exactly, typical of your type don't do any fact checking but blather on about shit you have no clue. You used to be a bit better than that but now you are just like the other anons that spout Republican talking points and easily refutable nonsense. Sad but you were one of the better trolls now reduced to mediocrity but then again that's what modern conservatism is. Now I gotta ignore you like I do the anons.

  100. "BTW buddy, what's your latest reason Cain won't win the nomiation?

    Mental deficiency."

    In other words typical GOP conservative.

    "What happens in black nations? Haiti? How are things going in that Caribbean paradise?

    Pick a black African nation. Any standout black leaders over there?"

    I'll play Abdoulaye Wade of Senegal. Been there and had a great time and can't wait to go back. Jamaica and the Bahamas have Black governors and are great places to go, if one can afford it. Not sure what that mentally unstable diatribe had to do with answering my question but I guess you can't help your racist Tourett Syndrome. You are getting more pathetic by the second Slappz. Maybe you need a job to pass the time if you can get one. I mean you do have a degree in engineering but now I'm starting to doubt that too.

  101. "Thought you might be interested in this, PilotX.......since you sport their avatar, and feel such a need to always correct the record:"

    Interesting site, not sure why this particular racist wanted to pick on a group of excellent aviators that fought for the country but hey sick racist minds never stop amusing me.
