Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The bully and the "future welfare recipient."

One of the biggest welfare programs in this country's history, the GI Bill, benefited a lot of white folks after World War II. Because of it many of them were able to buy their first homes, (Google Levittown, Pennsylvania when you get a chance) and they had their college tuition paid for by a thankful and generous government.
Buying those homes helped to establish generational wealth to many of these people, and it helped to set up their children and grandchildren so that they, too, could chase the A-merry-can dream.

Please stay with me, I am talking about welfare for a reason.

Unfortunately, not all of A-merry-ca's citizens were able to benefit from this wonderful government sponsored program. And, sadly, they gave and sacrificed blood sweat and tears in World War II as well.
So why am I talking about welfare tonight?
Because of folks like Derek Howard. A man so Ignorant and misguided that he allowed his bigotry to get in the way of his better judgement.

"As reported by the Kansas City Star and KCTV News, among other outlets, Marcus Williams Sr. and his son, Marcus Williams Jr., filed a racial harassment suit against the Winnetonka School District after Winnetonka (Kan.) High basketball coach Derek Howard called the younger Williams a "future welfare recipient" while the student was posing for a picture in a school hallway, then repeated the comments while Williams filmed him on his cell phone.
Here's how Marcus Williams Jr. described the incident to KCTV:
"[Howard] was doing a daily jog and he stopped and he said, 'Hey, take a picture and then at the bottom: future welfare recipient,'" the student said. "I just felt belittled, crushed and utterly discouraged."

Marcus Williams said this comment was typical of those he has endured for the past two years. So he grabbed his cell phone and asked his coach to repeat his remarks.

The coach can be heard laughing and saying, "Future welfare recipient who? Students that don't get good grades."
According to the Williams family, Howard's comment was just the latest example of racially insensitive comments from the longtime basketball coach. The younger Williams told KCTV that he refused to try out for the school's basketball team for the 2011 season because Howard told African-American members of the team that they would grow up to be laborers who earned less than $30,000 annually. The teenager claims that he repeatedly asked the coach to stop making the insensitive comments, but that the coach ignored those pleas.

After the younger Williams brought video of the coach's comments to the school principal, Howard was summoned and apologized. Yet the Williams family feels there wasn't any sincerity in the coach's apology, and won't be comfortable with the incident's resolution unless Howard isn't employed by the school any longer; the coach is currently on paid administrative leave.

"Countless times I told him, 'Hey, this is hurting my feelings and you should stop.' I guess he thinks I'm just a kid and he can do whatever he wants," Marcus Williams Jr. told KCTV. "I think he just apologized to take the heat off of him and I don't think he means what he says."

Meanwhile, the elder Williams insists that more students will come forward with similar complaints about the coach in the days to come. In the meantime, he insists the family's discrimination suit isn't about money; he simply wants the coach to issue a public apology and agree to get counseling.

"There's other kids coming forth, telling my son that they're glad somebody stepped up," Williams Sr. told the Star. "Ultimately, we want to shed light on how some teachers are bullying our kids. I don't care about money right now, man. I'm standing up as a concerned parent." [Story]

First of all Mr. Howard, WTF were you thinking? So you show your ignorance on camera while the offended party is actually filming you? I guess bigots bullies just aren't too bright.

BTW, poor grades only equals future welfare recipient if you happen to be poor or of a certain race. Some folks can make poor grades and run for president and even become governor of A-merry-ca's second largest state.

In closing let me say this: Teachers should not be bullies. They also should not have ignorant views, but if they can do a good job of teaching and keep their views to themselves, I say let them teach. But a bully should not get that kind of leeway, because a bully can't hide the fact that he is a bully, and invariably he will act out in ways that are harmful to the children that he is charged with teaching.  

Mr. Howard is a bully. And that's why he shouldn't be teaching. Not because of his narrow minded and ignorant views about welfare. Hell, if that was the case, the unemployment rate in this country would be closer to 80%.


  1. The coach was a douchebag, but it was his way of motivating (in an insensitive and bullying manner, like a lot of coaches) the lad to get better grades. But of course to you it's all about race.

    What does happen to black males who do poorly in high school? Statistics would indicate a lot end up in jail, dead or, if they are lucky, on public assistance.

    And the GI Bill wasn't welfare. Most blacks get more money from the government today for college than those vets did. They didn't even have to defeat the Nazis and the Japanese Empire to get all that college aid, and they don't have to have good test scores to get in. Pretty sweet deal.

  2. The only way I can defend this is if he used that line on all of his students under his watch. It isn't a bad line that if you don't get good grades you'll be a bum. Maybe he was trying to motivate the kid which is why he repeated it on camera because we all know welfare isn't restricted to one race.
    On the other topic it's funny how whites can never admit because of the special benefits their parents and grandparents received they have an advantage over most people of color. They ignore centuries of racism and white affirmative action and act like it's exclusively dealt to Black folks.

  3. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Field, you are an unforgiving Negro. That coach was trying to motivate that kid who obviously was getting very poor grades. Maybe he went so far as to come off as a bully, I don't know. But I do know YOU cannot prove that he is a bigot unless you believe what he says only pertains to Blacks.

    Btw, what happened to your blog today? The least you can do is explain to your readers what happened to your previous post. It was missing most of the day. Guess since most of us are Black, you don't need to say shit.

  4. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Field, after viewing this video I expect you to apologize for what you said about Bill O'Reilly:


  5. "Most blacks get more money from the government today for college than those vets did."

    That assessment was faulty and not in equal comparison.

    And just to be clear, whites are still the biggest beneficiaries of Federal Educational programs (via FASFA etc), as well as various welfare programs.

  6. btw, I meant "recipients" oppose to beneficiaries.

  7. Whites10:37 PM

    PilotX said...
    "On the other topic it's funny how whites can never admit because of the special benefits their parents and grandparents received they have an advantage over most people of color."

    Because it's not true.

  8. Negative expectations have an uncanny way of becoming self-fulfilling prophecies. The irony is that the only entitlement left to poor young black men in America is prison, and we're all worse off for it.

  9. Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    "The irony is that the only entitlement left to poor young black men in America is prison"

    Hey, that's the one thing black males have do something for.

    Don't insult them by saying they were just handed their prison terms; they earned them.

  10. NSangoma11:09 PM

    Damn, he saw it coming:

    Paterno Turns Home Over to Wife for $1
    The former Penn State football coach, Joe Paterno, gave full ownership of his house to his wife for $1 in July.

  11. Strike a nerve NSangoma? Don't like someone pointing out the truth?

    The total cost the GI bill for World War II vets was $14.5 billion.

    The US government has spent trillions subsidizing black America over the past 50 years, and tens of billons on financing the college education of blacks.

    And if the government money ain't enough, you can go ask Bill Gates, whose $20 billion foundation offers scholarships to everyone, unless you are white.

    What's the problem? Is that silver platter that you get everything handed to you on not shiny enough?

  12. no slappz11:27 PM

    Coach said:

    The coach can be heard laughing and saying, "Future welfare recipient who? Students that don't get good grades."

    Hmmm. Sounds about right.

    Marcus Williams said he did not try out for basketball this year because Howard told African-American students that they would grow up to be laborers who made less than $30,000 annually.

    Isn't honest labor better than a prison sentence?

    "Countless times I told him, 'Hey, this is hurting my feelings and you should stop.' I guess he thinks I'm just a kid and he can do whatever he wants," Marcus Williams said.

    Feelings, nothing more than feelings,

    Feelings, wo-o-o feelings,

    Father and son want the coach removed from the high school and the coach to be barred from contacting the high school senior.

    Wanna bet Coach has tenure and can't be fired?

  13. NSangoma11:32 PM

    You lived in a fucking project, you should have had your ass at home at 3-AM:



  14. no slappz11:33 PM

    nsangoma the coma posted:

    Paterno Turns Home Over to Wife for $1 -- The former Penn State football coach, Joe Paterno, gave full ownership of his house to his wife for $1 in July.

    As a method of avoiding the payment of debts, the gambit of giving your house to your wife does not work.

    If beating the debt collector were his goal, his best bet would be to either sell the house and hide the money, or take the biggest home equity loan possible, and hide the money.

  15. no slappz11:49 PM

    la audio spews again:

    And just to be clear, whites are still the biggest beneficiaries of Federal Educational programs (via FASFA etc), as well as various welfare programs.

    For starters, moron, there are no questions about the race of the applicant on the FAFSA forms.

    But, inasmuch as white college attendance rates and white college graduation rates are higher than the black figures, we can assume you are right on a per-capita basis.

    Moreover, the FAFSA takes parental assets into account. My kid in college gets $ZERO free money.

    What do blacks study at college? Black studies? Yes. Sociology? Yes. Engineering? No. Finance? No. Accounting? No.

    As for receiving funds from various welfare programs, well, whites receiving welfare receive funding temporarily. Not for generations.

    There are virtually no white families in public housing projects.

    Meanwhile, the Foodstamp Program is a great program. Use it wisely.

    Whites enrolled in the program shop at Trader Joe's and buy quality food. Blacks buy pasta and high carb junk that causes obesity.

  16. Hillary's Merkin12:01 AM

    Obama lets you use EBT cards at McDonald's now.

    That means free McRibs.

    He has done something for black people.

  17. "The US government has spent trillions subsidizing black America over the past 50 years"

    And how much blood and free labor did black people sacrifice for hundreds of years in order to subsidize and increase white personal wealth, along with initially propagating the very prosperous economical infrastructure for modern America?

    Just for kicks, I could easily conclude that black people now being on welfare would be a mere gesture of reparations (apart from it's systematic oppression), but yet there are more hard-working black people paying taxes and paying into the system than there are black people who are actually on welfare. So....

    You need to learn and accept, there are more whites on various welfare programs who drain and abuse the system than there are blacks doing so.

  18. @NSangoma you know they spew this junk because they cannot reconcile themselves that despite redlining, voter suppression and legacy college admittance they haven't managed to stop our progress. They lull themselves to sleep with ridiculous stories about us so they can fool themselves into believing that they haven't been surpassed by POC.

    That said apologies for the bad language Field but it's been a stressful few weeks. But it all paid off your girl was promoted. As my man Prince says "Baby I'm a Star!"

    Have a wonderful evening all!!

  19. No_slappz, there are several qualifications that allow a person to file as an independent student without the parental income. Lot's of whites still qualify in those categories. Even so, I'll still note that you just highlighted the racial disproportion of household wealth in America. I wonder why it's so.

    And if you believe FASFA aid programs aren't able to capture the race of their recipients, then how do you racist bigots conclude that blacks are the larger recipients?

    "There are virtually no white families in public housing projects."

    Then what do you call government subsidized apartments and section 8 housing provisions? A hand out is a hand out.

    'As for receiving funds from various welfare programs, well, whites receiving welfare receive funding temporarily. Not for generations.'

    If you honestly believe this, you are the moron.

    "Whites enrolled in the program shop at Trader Joe's and buy quality food. Blacks buy pasta and high carb junk that causes obesity.'

    I am surprised you actually admitted there are whites on Food-stamps. And how did you know that Trader Joe's accepts food-stamps?

    As old people say, "mouth open, story jump out".

    I'll be back in the morning after I get some rest to properly address your other nonsense, keep talking.

  20. "What do blacks study at college? Black studies? Yes. Sociology? Yes. Engineering? No. Finance? No. Accounting? No."

    Except the Blacks that DO study engineering, finance and accounting.
    What do whites study at college? Interpretive dance? Yes. Sports medicine? Yes. Sociology? Yes. Do SOME study finance, engineering and accounting? Yes as do SOME Black people.
    Hmmmm, let's see the students and professionals that are members of NSBE studied engineering. Such broad sweeping ignorant statements are the hallmark of small minded ignorant racists but hey that's what one gets being an unemployed goof that can't even figure out Mitt Romney's age. Sad.

  21. "There are virtually no white families in public housing projects."

    Just as there are virtually no Blacks in dilapidated trailer parks in West Virginia. In this segregated nation even our poor are segregated.

  22. Coach needs to go, if he's creating a toxic environment where the kids are belittled into self-fulfilling prophecies due to worn-away self-esteem. He won't change his stripes until the board tells him his services are no longer necessary in the school system.

    I'm sure he has a number of a few private schools that need a coach. I wish him luck in his future endeavors.

  23. "Just as there are virtually no Blacks in dilapidated trailer parks in West Virginia. In this segregated nation even our poor are segregated."

    You're a damned liar, PilotX. Poverty doesn't exist in the white community.

  24. Anonymous1:46 AM

    Mack Lyons, "You're a damned liar, PilotX. Poverty doesn't exist in the white community."

    Preach it, Mack. That nut PilotX is nothing but a compulsive liar. Thanks for exposing his simple ass, brother.:)

  25. But Mack, Slappz says he has tenure so he can't be fired and we all know Slappz is right about everything.

  26. "You're a damned liar, PilotX. Poverty doesn't exist in the white community."

    You're right, all white people have 4.0 GPA's and are engineering majors who are wealthy and smell good all the time. Thanks for setting me straight.

  27. Anonymous2:45 AM

    PilotX, thanks for admitting you lied. There's hope for you yet.

  28. Anonymous2:57 AM

    FN, I knew you'd get on this. Who wants to pluck out each hair of that coach's goatee with a pair of pliers?

  29. "The US government has spent trillions subsidizing black America over the past 50 years, and tens of billons on financing the college education of blacks."

    WTF? Please provide a link for that ridiculous assertion.

    Loved this article:


    "There are virtually no white families in public housing projects."

    Just as there are virtually no Blacks in dilapidated trailer parks in West Virginia. In this segregated nation even our poor are segregated."

    PilotX, that is soooo on point.

    "Whites enrolled in the program shop at Trader Joe's and buy quality food. Blacks buy pasta and high carb junk that causes obesity.'

    I am surprised you actually admitted there are whites on Food-stamps. And how did you know that Trader Joe's accepts food-stamps?"

    Maybe it's time he left New York, the cost of living might be getting a little high for our friend slap stick.:)

  30. no slappz7:50 AM

    la audio jabbers:

    No_slappz, there are several qualifications that allow a person to file as an independent student without the parental income.

    I know. That's what I did when I went to college. I received a Pell Grant and I worked my way through school.

    Lot's of whites still qualify in those categories.

    So what? There's no box on the forms asking for the applicant's race.

    Even so, I'll still note that you just highlighted the racial disproportion of household wealth in America. I wonder why it's so.

    Yeah. Since college has been a low-cost, no-cost option for blacks since the 1960s, it's remarkable that so few have made it work for them.

    And if you believe FASFA aid programs aren't able to capture the race of their recipients, then how do you racist bigots conclude that blacks are the larger recipients?

    First its FAFSA, not FASFA. The first time I figured you made a typo. Now I see you simply do not know what the letters stand for.

    Second, as I said, since blacks attend college and graduate from college at lower rates than whites, the RATE of whites getting free money is higher than the RATE for blacks.

    But because parental assets count, white students receive smaller awards.

    I said:

    "There are virtually no white families in public housing projects."

    Then what do you call government subsidized apartments and section 8 housing provisions? A hand out is a hand out.

    The dummy quotient on full display. First, the process for obtaining a "subsidized apartment" is colorblind.

    Take Ebbet's Field Houses -- the subsidized apartment houses built where Ebbet's Field -- Brooklyn Dodgers baseball field -- once stood.

    Well, not a great example because everyone in those buildings is black or hispanic. But whites could get on the waiting list for those buildings.

    I said:

    'As for receiving funds from various welfare programs, well, whites receiving welfare receive funding temporarily. Not for generations.'

    If you honestly believe this, you are the moron.

    Why don't you try reading the available -- credible -- literature on the topic of who gets welfare and how the benefits are handled. As you know, welfare benefits go almost entirely to unmarried women with children.

    In other words, about 70% of black women, versus 30% of white women.

    I said:

    "Whites enrolled in the program shop at Trader Joe's and buy quality food. Blacks buy pasta and high carb junk that causes obesity.'

    I am surprised you actually admitted there are whites on Food-stamps.

    Hmmm. I suppose you would be surprised, inasmuch as I work with the truth and your stock-in-trade is denial.

    And how did you know that Trader Joe's accepts food-stamps?

    How do I know? The sign on the door and the signs on the cash registers -- that's how it is in every store in NY City. Whole Foods takes food stamps -- the EBT card.

    Recent immigrants get food stamps. In my area that includes Russians, Pakistanis, Haitians, Mexicans, Koreans, Chinese and more.

    Here in NY City, even the people running sidewalk fruit-and-vegetable stands now take EBT cards.

  31. no slappz7:55 AM

    pilot x says:

    Except the Blacks that DO study engineering, finance and accounting.

    Hmmmm, let's see the students and professionals that are members of NSBE studied engineering.

    The percentage of blacks in engineering is so small that it's no more than a rounding error.

    Dream on.

    HOwever, when the cost of getting an engineering degree is as low as it is for blacks, we have to ask why so few blacks pursue the education option most likely to lead to a good job?

  32. no slappz8:22 AM

    field, the math ree-tard, posted the following link:


    From the aritcle:

    Some 61 percent of welfare recipients are White, while 33 percent are Black, according to 1990 Census Bureau statistics, the latest figures available.

    If the population included equal numbers of whites and blacks, the story would end here. But it doesn't.

    The correct calculation would show the RATE at which groups receive benefits. Looking at things that way, blacks receive benefits at almost 4 times the RATE of whites.

    But this initial sweep includes beneficiaries of ALL entitlement programs -- not simply the poverty programs. But also Social Security

    Interestingly, the idiotic and defensive document does not mention Medicare, a rather strange omission considering the writer focuses on Social Security.

    That aside, if the non-means-tested programs (available to all without regard to income) are separated from the programs for the poor, the numbers for blacks are far worse.

  33. Three Against One9:16 AM

    Is it just me, or does anyone else notice a pattern in all these recent beat-downs?


  34. no slappz9:57 AM

    The four most expensive government programs — Defense, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid -- which together with interest account for about two-thirds of the overall budget.

  35. no slappz10:12 AM

    three against one:


    CBS News says the attack occurred on the L Train. It further said the L Train was bound for Queens.

    But the L Train runs in Manhattan and Brooklyn. Not Queens. Not that it matters a lot, but this was probably the 7 Train, which goes to Queens. On the other hand, the L Train goes deeper into Indian territory, if you know what I mean.

    As for the victim, he seems to have gotten away after taking only a few shots, none of which looked too serious.

    What were they fighting about? Probably something important like the shirtless black guy was doing some drugs and said something to the hispanic guy, something that probably qualified as a hate-crime threat.

    As the article said, the attack occurred November 8 at 2 am. Going shirtless in NY City in November at 2 am says something about the chemicals in your body.

    Maybe the shirtless black guy was mourning Joe Frazier. Maybe he was feeling Joe's spirit and hallucinating that the other guy was Muhammad Ali.

    Just another crazy black guy.

    Notice to black miscreants -- the proliferation of video cameras is making it painfully clear that the shockingly high rate of black crime is no illusion.

  36. ditto!!!

    this coach is a racist fool who has wounded a child's spirit and should be fired immediately


    no veterans should ever be called welfare recipients

    these vets are heroes who have earned their gi bills

    the sorry young fertile lazy dumb global turbo pookie slackers who live on the dole today are NOT vets!
    they want all they get for free
    including full time parenting and free babysitting from their own parents/grandmas

    i would never disgrace any vet by comparing them to welfare vets


    most of the dumb violent kids clowning in schools today will never make 30K or collect on the relics of ssi/welfare etc as they will be nullified/nothing like the abused programs we know today


    under the new global serfdom being swiftly fashioned by hobama and his bankers
    30K will soon be the new 300K...bet.




  37. kosher kkk:

    only racists like you pretend that prosperity is some color blind generic choice

    and all blacks simply choose to fail and embrace poverty

    and you are truly blinded and cursed because of that you racist clueless kapo demon

  38. kosher kkk:

    michael jackson was speaking of your fuzzy foolish math when he sang "kike me"


    NO subsidy of any kind will EVER compare to 300+ years of free stolen african labor

    bet u lying bagel bitch

  39. I wonder what colour the recipients of America's $98 Billion per year of corporate welfare are?

    How about the $25 Billion worth of annual farm subsidies?

  40. pc:


    the kosher kkk has pervasive blindness in all arenas

    and he is a complete moron about all global history

    especially finance!!!

  41. Hooties & Tooties10:46 AM

    "alicia banks said...
    NO subsidy of any kind will EVER compare to 300+ years of free stolen african labor.

    10:32 AM"

    OK, even though your figure of "300+ years of free stolen african labor" is utter bullshit, I'm gonna let it slide.

    But, tell me this...just what was Africa doing about 1700? Going all Mau Mau on each other and living in grass huts, that's what. That's ALL you were "robbed" of. We brought you over here, taught you a work ethic, and fed you grits & ribs.

    What's most of Africa doing today? Living in grass huts, and going all Mau Mau on each other.

  42. only racist fools like the kosher kkk pretend that rich educated blacks evade the very same racist gaps that plague poor uneducated blacks

    the kosher kkk and his racist ilk lie like their blackish elitist clone hobama

    The Brandeis study, conducted by the university’s Institute on Assets and Social Policy, showed that upper income Blacks fell even farther behind their white peers than lower income Blacks. During the survey period, higher income Blacks saw their wealth drop from $25,000 to just $18,000, while their white counterparts wealth soared to $240,000.

    Black folks have been integrated long enough to know that the white family didn’t get richer by a quarter million dollars because they were smarter than the Black family. Privilege, especially cumulative privilege over generations, works wonders, like compound interest only better. Whites are both collectively privileged and capable of bestowing an endless stream of privileges on each other, while Blacks are deliberately positioned outside of the stream, and are preyed upon as a group by powerful (white) financial forces that profit from the wealth differential.

    The Brandies report recognizes the “powerful role of persistent discrimination in housing, credit and labor markets” – that is, the institutionally racist crimes of finance capital. Had the survey continued past 2007, the carnage of the Great Recession would have revealed even more dramatically the incredibly shrinking nature of Black wealth in the current era.

    Enemies of all colors and sly servants of the rich will use the news of the evaporation of African American wealth to heap blame on Black “culture.” This “shaming” strategy is designed to keep Blacks looking inward for the source of their woes, and to simultaneously despair of finding salvation in our own capacity for group agency. Meanwhile, the Lords of Capital devour us like piranhas – quicker than they do whites, who are padded with the fat of relative privilege – $95,000 worth of it, the racial wealth spread of 23 years.




  43. BrookLyn said...
    That said apologies for the bad language Field but it's been a stressful few weeks. But it all paid off your girl was promoted. As my man Prince says "Baby I'm a Star!"

    Did you make the next level of World of Warcraft?

    Congratulations! You ARE a star!

  44. Apish kosher kkk caveman:

    In 1700

    Ebony black Egyptians were building Islamic empires

    While your hairy cousins were dining on the lice they picked from each other’s pasty simian bodies…


    And study the history/chronology of slavery u racist moron

    It began in 1502…




  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. hobama is a rabid elitist liar

    and only blind fool liars like the kosher kkk repeat the racist elitist lies that hobama and his banksters tell

    most of them are racist jews like the kosher kkk


    The gap between Black and white households ballooned during the 23-year study period, as white families went from a median of about $22,000 in wealth to $100,000 – a gain of $78,000. In the same period, Black household wealth inched up from a base of $2,000 per family to only $5,000. The sweat and toil of an entire generation had netted Black families only $3,000 additional dollars, while white families emerged from the period with a net worth of 100 grand that can be used to send a couple of kids to college, make investments, help out other family members, or contribute to the larger (white) community. The typical Black family has no such options. [The study did not take property ownership into account. If property were included, the disparity would be larger.]

    Viewed another way, the median white family was 11 times richer than the median Black family in 1984 ($2,000 vs. $22,000). By 2007, the white household had become 20 times richer than its Black counterpart ($5,000 vs. $100,000).

    Any way one measures it, the numbers show African Americans are tumbling out of the nation’s economic orbit, wealth-wise, on a trajectory that can never achieve parity with whites. I repeat: never.

    On the campaign trail in 2007, Barack Obama flippantly declared that African Americans had “already come 90 percent of the way” to equality, with only 10 percent more to go. Whatever the future president was thinking, it wasn’t economics. The meter of progress is running backwards on Black America, toward greater inequality and relative poverty. Everything else you’ve heard is propaganda.


  47. Although Black parity with whites has never been on the horizon, impatient whites have insisted since 1969 or thereabouts that “it’s time” African Americans were made to “stand or fall” on their own, minus all the imagined assistance Blacks have supposedly received from phantom federal and state agencies. After all, say the anxious whites, how long is society (meaning themselves) supposed to pay for the slavery and segregation of the past? Most white folks – and President Obama – believe, or pretend to believe, that whatever legitimate grievances Blacks might harbor against the United States stem from circumstances deep in the past. The only question is, when will Blacks finally “get over it?”

    The Brandies study shows that the racial wealth gap, although historically rooted in slavery and Jim Crow oppressions, has grown dramatically under post-civil rights era conditions. The gap is not simply a legacy of some ancient American apartheid, but a product of the recent past and of the present. This is a different paradigm, entirely, in which past racial wrongs are compounded by additional layers of institutionalized anti-Black behavior in the 1980s, 90s and in the 21st century –wounds so harmful they set African Americans on a backward course in terms of wealth accumulation.

    In 2004, United for a Fair Economy came out with the first of its annual “State of the Dream” reports. Readers were shocked out of complacency by data that showed Blacks would not reach wealth parity with whites until the year 2099. It was surely a bummer to realize that no one then alive would see the “promised land” of evenly matched Black and white median household wealth. But at least the study indicated that “we, as a people” would eventually get there, as someone famous once predicted. There are no such condolences in the Brandies data. At the rate Blacks have been falling behind in wealth since the mid-80s, the Black and white median paths will diverge ever farther, never to connect under this system of economic and political rule. Blacks cannot shop or invest or save or borrow our way to a just society. Social justice and true human equality can only be achieved through our collective political action in opposition to the current order – by any means necessary, as another famous man once urged.

  48. NSangoma11:11 AM

    2012 Republican Presidential Debate
    Saturday November 19, 2011
    Thanksgiving Family Forum

    5pm ET streamed on CitizenLink.com (Online stream only)

    Location: First Federated Church in Des Moines, Iowa
    Sponsor: The Family Leader
    Participants: Bachmann, Cain, Gingrich, Paul, Perry and Santorum all confirmed, Romney unconfirmed

    Aw Lawd nah, family values.

    Mayhap YHWH = Jesus = Holy Ghost will descend to earph, and on internet worldwide streaming video, tell us their choice to challenge and defeat POTUS Obama in 2012.


  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. every war in africa today and ever

    can be traced to american robbery of slaves/gold/oil...

    follow the money/"rebels" etc

    trace any army in africa
    and u will find a rich politico clone of that mf the kosher kkk
    funding local wars for foreign profits







  51. most welfare dregs are white

    they look like clones of the kosher kkk
    with smaller noses

    For some people, there is a need to believe that there are professional welfare recipients who are deliberately trying to get not only what they need to survive, but more," says Anne D. Hill, director of programs for the National Urban League. "People say to themselves: 'I work. How come this person who appears to be healthy isn't working?' We tend to equate our condition with others without fully knowing their circumstances."
    Hill and other welfare supporters argue that numbers, and not erroneous stereotypes, tell the real story about public assistance clients: Some 61 percent of welfare recipients are White, while 33 percent are Black, according to 1990 Census Bureau statistics, the latest figures available.

    The federal government defines welfare as all entitlement programs funded through taxes. These programs, listed as "direct benefit payments for individuals" by the Office of Management and Budget, make up $730 billion or 43 percent of the $1.47 trillion the government will spend this fiscal year.


  52. millions MORE whites are poor and on welfare

    but blind racist fools like the kosher kkk ignore them as they bash poor blacks exclusively

    the kosher kkk is a racist liar

    And indeed there is far more sympathy expressed for the white poor, historically and today, than for the black and brown poor: another form of implicit preference for, and privileging of, whiteness. Now that the economy is imploding, one can hear concern expressed about the poor (especially the once middle-class poor, mostly constructed as white), and how terrible it is that they are now facing such hardships. Yet when those same hardships were being experienced by the urban black and brown (whose communities have been in a recession or even depression state for entire generations in some cases) little sympathy attached. Indeed, as Martin Gilens explained in his book Why Americans Hate Welfare, as the media imagery of the poor began to shift in the early 1970s, from mostly white and rural to mostly black and urban, public animosity towards the impoverished rose in lockstep. As contrasted with the mostly sympathy-filled portrayals of the Dust Bowl poor in the 30s, or the white families that were losing their farms in the 80s, black families suffering under the combined forces of the decline in city-based manufacturing employment, as well as racism, redlining by banks and neglect of urban school infrastructure, were viewed as responsible for their own plight.

    The simple truth is, working people are not all in the same boat, and white working class folks have real advantages. Black and Latino workers are typically the first fired in an economic downturn, and remain twice as likely to be unemployed and 3-4 times as likely to be poor, in good times or bad; and white high school dropouts are twice as likely to find work as similarly uneducated African Americans.

    Furthermore, according to Thomas Shapiro’s groundbreaking work on the racial wealth divide, whites in the bottom fifth of all white households (in terms of income) have, on average seven times the net worth of similar blacks. In large part this is due to a major advantage in home ownership and thus equity, due to passed down property from parents. Indeed, whites with incomes below $13,000 are more likely to own their own homes than blacks with incomes that are three times higher, largely due to these intergenerational transfers of wealth.




  53. jopat knows he will and SHOULD be sued

    this sale should be nullified

    one more example of how the rich stay rich via evil deeds etc

    bet his amoral atty looks like that mf the kosher kkk too!!!



  54. the rich rule dc and the world

    and they are all crooks!

    but racist fools like the kosher kkk will tell you that the amoral newt's black politico peers are just slackers who earn less...

    Bloomberg Businessweek is reporting that Newt Gingrich "made between $1.6 million and $1.8 million in consulting fees from two contracts with mortgage company Freddie Mac," and that his work didn't involve lobbying.

    That's curious. Aside from his influence, I can't think of anything the man has to sell the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. that's worth seven figures, even over a period of years.

    Here's how Mitchell Delk, Freddie Mac's chief lobbyist, explains the relationship: "I spent about three hours with him talking about the substance of the issues and the politics of the issues, and he really got it ... what the benefits are to communities, what the benefits could be for Republicans -- and particularly their relationship with Hispanics."

    I'll bet I could post an ad on Craigslist Washington D.C. and find a recent Ivy League grad willing to work for 30 grand a year who understands the substance and politics of mortgage subsidies.


  55. Math is Hard12:36 PM

    alicia banks said...
    most welfare dregs are white

    Only because blacks are only 12% of the population.

    Alicia banks is not a genius.

  56. meth is harder:

    u r a drugged out dreg yourself

    u prove that with each whacked out post

    carry on trailer coke head

  57. pedophile pookies/baby sanduskys rule the world

    protect your babies!!!

    CINCINNATI, Ohio (CBS Cleveland/AP) — Authorities in southwest Ohio have charged a 13-year-old boy with raping a 5-year-old girl at a McDonald’s play area.

    The Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office said Monday that the alleged assault occurred Oct. 29 at a McDonald’s in the Cincinnati suburb of Anderson Township. Sheriff’s spokesman Steve Barnett says the girl’s grandmother was nearby in the restaurant at the time.

    Judson Pickard, the owner of the McDonald’s location, said in a statement that he will cooperate fully with the investigation.

    “The safety and well-being of my customers, especially children, is extremely important,” he said. “As a parent myself, I was very upset to learn about this situation.”


  58. please please please pray for teachers every day!

    especially those who teach P-6

    pookies run public schools!


  59. no slappz12:57 PM

    purple cow udderates:

    How about the $25 Billion worth of annual farm subsidies?

    Lots of people would love to end farm subsidies, including me. The worst is probably the ethanol subsidy.

    However, if understood anything about American politics, you would know that a lot of states are covered in farm land and that each of those states has two senators and several representatives in Congress.

    They get elected because they promise to keep the subsidies coming, so maybe even you can understand that voters in farm states love their subsidy-getter politicians.

  60. Et tu, Moo?1:10 PM

    Purple Cow is just pissed because the beef & dairy industries are subsidized too.

  61. "The percentage of blacks in engineering is so small that it's no more than a rounding error."

    And yet 90% of whites are engineers huh? I guess their farts smell like roses too?

  62. Sp Slappz believes that there a too few Black engineers? Well, instead of bitching about it sounds like he should join NSBE and actually point students on that career path. Then aagin it might be intimidated by highly intelligent Black engineers and physicists that actually work in the field unlike Slappz who couldn't make it as an engineer for some reason and has some resentment towards Black people.

  63. ”First its FAFSA, not FASFA. The first time I figured you made a typo. Now I see you simply do not know what the letters stand for.

    Slappz, remember when I once told you that in my geographics the English language landed on us, and not the other way? Well that too goes for acronyms as far as I’m concerned. FASFA has always been easier to pronounce by many including myself, so the spelling was projected that way when typing. Since you know what I'm referring to, I will continue to type it as FASFA, and there is nothing you can do about it except get distracted and vile. Only when I’m corresponding with consequential people, I will make the correction.

    ” That's what I did when I went to college. I received a Pell Grant and I worked my way through school.

    Were you that established as an independent student that you couldn’t receive “free” financial aid through FASFA? How old were you when you applied? Keep talking buddy.

    ’ There's no box on the forms asking for the applicant's race.

    Again, so why do people like you constantly claim that “blacks” are the larger recipients if you don’t have the proof, even on the FASFA form?

    ”Yeah. Since college has been a low-cost, no-cost option for blacks since the 1960s, it's remarkable that so few have made it work for them.

    You keep telling yourself that, considering how many blacks do graduate from college and Master programs each year with honors. And when they apply for higher paid jobs they either get denied or you people claim they’re given Affirmative Action.

    ”Second, as I said, since blacks attend college and graduate from college at lower rates than whites, the RATE of whites getting free money is higher than the RATE for blacks. But because parental assets count, white students receive smaller awards.

    You need to make up your mind as to what lie you’re trying to convey, this is one big mess of contradiction.

    "The dummy quotient on full display. First, the process for obtaining a "subsidized apartment" is colorblind. "

    Perhaps this is why you don’t know that there are more whites (especially white females with children) living in subsidized housing scattered all across America. Just because they are not living in the urban ghettos or the white trailer parks, doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Why don’t you ask your Human Resources or Payroll Dept. about all those annual/quarterly income verification forms they have to fill out on behalf of Ms. Becky. And thanks to the growing numbers of failing white marriages and the loose young “Mariah Yeaters” of America, the white welfare stats are steadily growing.

    ’Why don't you try reading the available -- credible -- literature on the topic of who gets welfare and how the benefits are handled. As you know, welfare benefits go almost entirely to unmarried women with children. In other words, about 70% of black women, versus 30% of white women.

    Those so call stats claim that 70% of black women are unmarried, that doesn’t say they are on welfare or even have children. And most of those single black women are likely employed and college educated.

  64. PilotX said, "It's a good line that he says if you get bad grades you'll be a bum."

    Pilot, you sound like a reasonably intelligent person. You seem to have a solid grasp on the way the world works, actually. The PROBLEM is the way it works. It's not a kid who doesn't make the grade that isn't good enough. It's the society in which there are grades and bums. Make sense?

    You see, if you apply THAT kind of reasoning, we all continue to strive forward as the best country on Earth. If we don't, what makes us one shred better than any other country? You know, North Koreans can be fierce Nationalists. So can the Chinese.

    At the core of American values is the worth of every individual.

    The coach should have more sense. We can say maybe he shouldn't be fired. I could buy that. Coaches are dicks for a reason - this is true. But, yeah, he should also get a decent talking to from me, so that he'd understand WHY what he did wasn't acceptable.

    Welfare isn't some un-American thing. It's as American as it gets. The stigmas associated with it are A) misinformed, B) blown out of proportion and C) counterproductive. We could much more easily site waste in our military or law enforcement methodologies. Not that I'm doing so, btw. I'm smarter than that coach - part of the reason I don't think he should be fired. He should have to admit he's wrong and face it right where he stands like a big boy and move forward. :)

  65. Good question Quant, what does make us "better" than any other country on earth. I don't think we are, just different. Thinking we're better can lead to bad places.

    @LAA, Slappz pulled that 70% figure the same place it pulls all of its stats. Remember, it said no one over 60 would get elected president then changed course the next day after saying that crap for a month. Tune in tomorrow, it'll be 90%.

  66. YPilot2:27 PM

    PilotX said...
    Thinking we're better can lead to bad places.

    Or knowing we're better precisely because we have built a great place.

  67. Y Goober

    "Or knowing we're better precisely because we have built a great place."

    Whose "we"?

    Black folks have been here from the gitgo.

    WE established this country's foundation of wealth.

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. kosher kkk:

    seen this???

    another wf mommy baby killer



  70. Captain Ahab3:19 PM

    " uptownsteve said...
    WE established this country's foundation of wealth.

    2:44 PM"

    I'd like to see you prove this assertion, but hey, even if it was true, it's not our fault your African brethern were catching you and loading you up on European & American ships before they could even drop anchor off the coast.

  71. hey geo moron assnon:

    which coast?????

  72. frmore3:20 PM

    Your largest problem is that blacks, just by sheer numbers, make up the majority of social freebie recipients even though they comprise only 13% of the population. And many are, for generations, in perpetual custodial care. A similar depressing stat is blacks are responsible for more than half the murders in the US, while, again, comprising only 13% of the population. It goes on and on. Sadly, if the coach was to rest his case solely on factual statistical information on groups, he would be right, of course. At worst, the coach was rude; not tactful. But, I had coaches say much worse to me. And, of course, what animates you is your field negro-hood. It is central to your identity. Or more accurately, your type goads and bullies others into believing there are no cognitive differences between races which will have enormous impact on the paths lives take. And this goading ends up costing us all. It's the 700 pound gorilla in the room. The emperor wears no clothes. Anyone who believes evolution applies to all other life forms except humanity is either a religious zealot or is a recipient of the neo-marxist driven largesse in some capacity: votes, settlements or mostly just an EBT card. Speaking of which, there was a thoughtful article on Taki's Magazine. All should give it a quick read:


    I wish you access to clarity. But I am not holding my breath.

  73. kosher kkk:

    rainbow pookies rule the globe

    seen this elder cowardly white pookie hate crime?

    bullies and murderers are universal

    no global school bus stop is safe!!!!!!!


  74. Captain Ahab3:26 PM

    "alicia banks said...
    hey geo moron assnon:

    which coast?????

    3:20 PM"

    Arrrr.....that would be the West African Coast, of course.

    Sorry we weren't going to the East African Coast to pick up any of your Nubian "Queens" & "Kings". The Arabs got all of them.

  75. fool retard moron/frmore:

    cc that racist skewed bs to white murderers:

    amerikkkan history
    the kkk
    the cia
    the us military
    the cdc
    the lapd
    the nypd
    the fbi

    wtfu u racist fool

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. cc that racist bs to murderous slave masters too

    who killed blacks the way the aspca kills stray dogs

    4 centuries

  78. captain international idiot:

    only complete idiots like you believe that any singular coast defined a global slave trade

    just as u have no idea how ancient that global slave trade is

    fix both asap


  79. frmore3:42 PM

    Dearest Alicia,

    One only has to look at your blogs to see that you are both unintelligent and mentally unbalanced. There is a federally funded prescription assistance program your physician-zookeeper can likely tell you about. It is free. Just the type of "gibs" which sustain you and provide all which you have. Ask for Chlordiazepoxide (or librium). Have the veterinarian administer it as a suppository. You can keep running your large mouth as you receive your dosage anally. Heck, do it on a Saturday night and bring a bottle of champagne. Pamper yourself, you strong Nubian queen. You deserve a rest from all the racism. And voices in your head.

  80. Anonymous3:43 PM

    I'm thoroughly convinced that No Slappz and other racists believe that if they tell a lie long enough,and spread that lie using all forms of media, eventually everyone will believe it's true.

    I KNOW No Slappz doesn't really believe the lies it makes up.There's no way.It's all Propaganda.


  81. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Here's an article I found interesting, concerning slavery in the U.S.

    If, you have time to read it. It's rather lengthy.


    As far as I can tell, it's a non-biased account.

  82. no slappz3:50 PM

    pilot x:

    And yet 90% of whites are engineers huh? I guess their farts smell like roses too?

    About 99% of the engineers in the US are white or asian.

  83. no slappz3:59 PM

    la audio asks:

    And how much blood and free labor did black people sacrifice...

    The labor was NOT free. Slaves were costly. There was always a question of whether to hire workers or buy slaves. Like purchasing a machine that needs maintenance and repair.

    ... for hundreds of years in order to subsidize and increase white personal wealth,...

    Oh yeah. Subsidize? You can't even begin to have a subsidy until you have a government that can redistribute wealth.

    Slavery was not subsidized. It had to stand on its own economic merits, which were non-existent by the time the Civil War started.

    along with initially propagating the very prosperous economical infrastructure for modern America?

    Yeah. Microsoft, Google, Bank of America, and Macy's were all highly dependent on slave labor.

    Did you know Boeing made its first airplanes with slave labor?

  84. IF welfare (and food stamps) were just for the colored people- the programs would not be exist.

    I can't help but notice the Center for Families and Children in the middle of a Orthodox Jewish neighborhood. It appears that some of those large families are getting government help (SNAP WIC) and probably HEAP too.

    And if you root around in Appalachia, there are plenty of poor whites living on the government dime in their trailers. I see some their relatives on the lines for free turkeys this time of the year.

    The coach is a fool. Coaches who use racially (and gender) insenitive remarks to motivate kids are clueless. I think this kind of crap goes on more often than we know. But then again, I think most organized sports that blacks participate in have a bit of the plantation system going on.

  85. YGoober4:08 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Y Goober

    "Or knowing we're better precisely because we have built a great place."

    Whose "we"?

    Black folks have been here from the gitgo.

    WE established this country's foundation of wealth.

    By "we" I meant America, collectively.

    Your assertion that it was slave labor that built America is simply false.

  86. fried roasted blogless brainless moron:

    i will lose no moment of sleep over your comical slander

    fyi fool:

    your abject generic ignorance


    your blatant lies and glaring envy

    carry on u racist fool

    there are no meds for morons like you


    ps: count the coastS on that map u racist retard

  87. no slappz4:09 PM

    la audio says:

    Since you know what I'm referring to, I will continue to type it as FASFA,

    As I said -- and now I know you know which is right and which is wrong -- it's FAFSA.

    It's this same determination to present things wrongly or falsely when you know better that helps whites understand why blacks say "ax" instead of "ask."

    This innate determination to knowingly express or do things wrongly extends to all areas of black life, which sheds a little light on why blacks engage in such extraordinary levels of sociopathic behavior.

    Including an illegitimacy rate of 90%.

    And a marriage rate that is so low that it's been the subject of sociological studies for the last 40 years.

    Recently, a well known black "intellectual" put out a book on the subject.

    However, since you trade in your own fantasies rather than fact, these things are outside your experience.

  88. if amerikkkans had not killed and robbed native americans/"indians"


    stolen and enslaved africans

    amerikkka would not exist

    only historical morons deny that fact

    According to this classic of revisionist American history, narratives of national unity and progress are a smoke screen disguising the ceaseless conflict between elites and the masses whom they oppress and exploit. Historian Zinn sides with the latter group in chronicling Indians' struggle against Europeans, blacks' struggle against racism, women's struggle against patriarchy, and workers' struggle against capitalists. First published in 1980, the volume sums up decades of post-war scholarship into a definitive statement of leftist, multicultural, anti-imperialist historiography. This edition updates that project with new chapters on the Clinton and Bush presidencies, which deplore Clinton's pro-business agenda, celebrate the 1999 Seattle anti-globalization protests and apologize for previous editions' slighting of the struggles of Latinos and gays. Zinn's work is an vital corrective to triumphalist accounts, but his uncompromising radicalism shades, at times, into cynicism. Zinn views the Bill of Rights, universal suffrage, affirmative action and collective bargaining not as fundamental (albeit imperfect) extensions of freedom, but as tactical concessions by monied elites to defuse and contain more revolutionary impulses; voting, in fact, is but the most insidious of the "controls." It's too bad that Zinn dismisses two centuries of talk about "patriotism, democracy, national interest" as mere "slogans" and "pretense," because the history he recounts is in large part the effort of downtrodden people to claim these ideals for their own.

    Howard Zinn is a historian, playwright, and social activist. He was a shipyard worker and Air Force bombardier before he went to college under the GI Bill and received his Ph.D. from Columbia University. He has taught at Spelman College and Boston University, and has been a visiting professor at the University of Paris and the University of Bologna. He has received the Thomas Merton Award, the Eugene V. Debs Award, the Upton Sinclair Award, and the Lannan Literary Award. He lives in Auburndale, Massachusetts.




  89. math moron assnon:

    can u even count coastS???

  90. captain imaginary amerikkka:

    nothing is as deep and vulgar as your racist ignorance

    you are the most huge stuffed kkk ass on the net

  91. mellaneous4:24 PM

    @Hootie who said:
    "But, tell me this...just what was Africa doing about 1700? Going all Mau Mau on each other and living in grass huts, that's what. That's ALL you were "robbed" of. We brought you over here, taught you a work ethic, and fed you grits & ribs."

    You badly misspoke when you used the term WE when referring to those who brought the slaves over.

    Unless you are a blue blood a Rockefeller or Dupont or Vanderbilt or from any of the other ruling class families, your forebears were either in Europe working as serfs (lower than sharecroppers and close to slave status) like 90 percent of the European population. Or they were in the Americas working as endentured servants. Or maybe they could have been one of the clueless settlers that didn't know how to feed themselves and who turned around and murdered those who helped keep them alive.

    And you are misinformed about what was going on Africa during the 1700's. They lived in organized societies similar to the Europeans and of course some were still nomadic and they had their tribal and national conflicts, just as the Europeans.

    BTW the Europeans up to and during this time were fighting with one another in Europe while setting up forts on all the coasts of Africa. They used these to rip off African wealth and as a gathering point for the African slaves they gathered to enrich themselves.

    And BTW a slave ship captain was seen during those times as the lowest of the low because they treated their crews nearly as bad as they did their slave cargo.

    If you come from that WE I guess that would figure!

  92. mellaneous4:24 PM

    @Hootie who said:
    "But, tell me this...just what was Africa doing about 1700? Going all Mau Mau on each other and living in grass huts, that's what. That's ALL you were "robbed" of. We brought you over here, taught you a work ethic, and fed you grits & ribs."

    You badly misspoke when you used the term WE when referring to those who brought the slaves over.

    Unless you are a blue blood a Rockefeller or Dupont or Vanderbilt or from any of the other ruling class families, your forebears were either in Europe working as serfs (lower than sharecroppers and close to slave status) like 90 percent of the European population. Or they were in the Americas working as endentured servants. Or maybe they could have been one of the clueless settlers that didn't know how to feed themselves and who turned around and murdered those who helped keep them alive.

    And you are misinformed about what was going on Africa during the 1700's. They lived in organized societies similar to the Europeans and of course some were still nomadic and they had their tribal and national conflicts, just as the Europeans.

    BTW the Europeans up to and during this time were fighting with one another in Europe while setting up forts on all the coasts of Africa. They used these to rip off African wealth and as a gathering point for the African slaves they gathered to enrich themselves.

    And BTW a slave ship captain was seen during those times as the lowest of the low because they treated their crews nearly as bad as they did their slave cargo.

    If you come from that WE I guess that would figure!

  93. Captain Ahab4:25 PM

    " alicia banks said...
    math moron assnon:

    can u even count coastS???

    YOU'RE the moron. I was speaking specifically of the WEST AFRICAN COAST.

    You know how we say, "Los Angeles is on the west coast of the U.S., and New York is in the east coast of the U.S.?" Aplly that same principle to the African continent.

    You retard. If YOU want to specify any individual coasts, you just feel free. Idiot.

  94. King Mell:

    preach to this wm peasant!!!!

    he is the retarded seed of white slaves who read more books than he does!!!!

  95. captain ass unsaved:

    nice try

    no cigar u sucker

    scan up u silly busted uneducated bitch

  96. frmore4:27 PM

    Dearest Alicia,

    You're not only insane, you are hilarious. When I read your nonsensical posts, it's as if Aunt Esther, the Bible-toting sister-in-law of Fred Sanford, is narrating your low IQ gibberish. You ought to throw in an occasional "Watch it, sucka!", "Fish-eyed fool!" or "Oh, Glory!" in there once in a while. Wave your suitcase-sized purse. Go cock-eyed and purse those upper and lower slabs of lip-meat into a minstrel show wet pout. By the way, how's Lamont?

  97. captain blogless/net starved white nigger:

    thanks for the retarded kudos!

    your envy is showing

    check my stats???

    nice huh?

    where is your blog????

  98. lipless witless wigger:

    got a mirror you hairy dumb ape???

  99. This comment has been removed by the author.

  100. trifling swirled trois maker:

    ask your mom/wife/sister how lamont is...k?

    i hear they are all doing him daily

  101. Captain Ahab4:41 PM

    AB, I made my point quite clear.

    I'd rather jump in a pool of sharks than visit your stupid blog.

  102. mellaneous4:43 PM

    Thanks AB I just thought I would bring a few facts to the table. I agree with TP blinks, not all the interlopers are serious, some are paid to keep folks confused. After all who could harbor that much hatred?

  103. captain amnesia:

    u lied on YOU too???

    scan up u schizo lying FAN!!!!!!!

  104. King Mell:

    hatred is a symptom of rabid ignorance

    and these kkk haters are endlessly ignorant

    they are demonic jokers
    they are definitely not joking

  105. Poorly Paid Interloper4:52 PM

    mellaneous said...
    Thanks AB I just thought I would bring a few facts to the table. I agree with TP blinks, not all the interlopers are serious, some are paid to keep folks confused. After all who could harbor that much hatred?

    No one needs to spend any money to keep you confused, Mell. You do just fine on your own.

  106. Sacky4:54 PM

    Alicia is nuttier than a squirrel's balls.

  107. mellaneous4:55 PM

    The rese tident jewish racist used the term illegitimate as if folks having babies out of wedlock is a big deal these days and as if it says something about one's character. Lots of folks black and white are making the choice not to marry.

    And he is not aware that is no such thing as an illegitimate human being.

    And of course if there were such a human being IT WOULD BE HIM.

    And notice how he doesn't want to talk about all the good white folks in Happy Valley PA who chose their institution and money over the needs and the safety of their children.

  108. sackless sucker assnon:

    u r dumber than a flea on said squirrel's ball

    we feel your itch herein you trifling pest



    i know that my superb english is stellar

    just like my fluent french

    get your education/tutor asap!!!

  109. mellaneous5:00 PM

    @Poorly paid interloper- in no way and in no form am I confused about what is going on in this society.

    Even if you disagree with my views you can in no way say I am confused

  110. This comment has been removed by the author.

  111. King Mell:


    and the kosher kkk's kkkloned kkkiller kkkuzins LOVED those very same black babies when they could sell them like pups



    fertility/morality always


  112. This comment has been removed by the author.

  113. more fugly american empire fallout

    hobama/gwb 2.0 and his entire bloody regime have made amerikkka more hated than ever

    hillary is hobama's soulless powerless drone




  114. kosher kkk trifling solo troll:

    got lamont's email id?

    your mom lost it


  115. mellaneous5:24 PM

    Field good post. Some people think didn't know about something then the new information thats revealed is not true. It is the height of arrogance. Intelligent folks are always willing to grow and admit that they didn't know something.

    It is an absolute fact that the GI Bill benefited white GI's more than blacks.

    Common sense alone should inform one about redlining and the lack of black access to the very suburbs the GI Bill helped build and subsidize.

    It also ought to have helped one understand that blacks were limited and sometimes prevented from attending college in those post WWII years, esp in the south and also in the north to a lesser degree.

    Ira Katznelson has documented all of this in his book, "WHEN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION WAS WHITE"

  116. Captain Ahab5:27 PM

    "alicia banks said...
    captain amnesia:

    u lied on YOU too???

    scan up u schizo lying FAN!!!!!!!

    4:47 PM"

    Damn, I know I'm going to hate myself for this....but...AB, praytell, just where did I "lie on me?"

    (What atrocious grammar)

  117. This comment has been removed by the author.

  118. captain grammar idiot/blog stickler:

    only illiterate losers like u pretend they fret over formal english on a blog

    you lied about not reading my blog/posts so that you could pretend my formal english is not impeccable

    scan ON up u silly LYING mf

    eff u

    ps: how is your count OF/ON those coastS coming???


  119. captain witless blogless comic relief:

    gaffes trump grammar!!!

    u r the goofy gaffe master as u lie herein all day

  120. Captain Ahab5:35 PM

    Whatever you may imagine, I DID NOT visit your blog, and never claimed I did.

    The insanity you post on this blog is quite enough for me, thanks very much.

  121. This comment has been removed by the author.

  122. This comment has been removed by the author.

  123. captain stuck ON his blogless shameless unsaved lying ass:

    u lie like hobama!!!

    u r as hopeless as that psycho columbus

    when he got lost here in "india"

    give it up u geo moron goon!!!

  124. captain atrophied kkk asshole:

    ancient geography trumps blog grammar


    count the slave portS/coastS ON these maps u effing fool


  125. no slappz5:55 PM

    mellaneous bubbles:

    It is an absolute fact that the GI Bill benefited white GI's more than blacks.

    Oh. So there were no black GIs?

    Meanwhile, for what reason do you seem to believe the GI Bill was extended only to WWII vets?

    Half the reason people enlist today is for tuition benefits.

  126. no slappz6:02 PM

    obi says:

    I can't help but notice the Center for Families and Children in the middle of a Orthodox Jewish neighborhood. It appears that some of those large families are getting government help (SNAP WIC) and probably HEAP too.

    They are. They collect all the benefits to which they're entitled.

    Meanwhile, Jews account for 2% of the US population. But Orthodox Jews are a tiny fraction of the 2%. And the percentage of Orthodox Jews who receive welfare checks is even smaller -- several thousand people. A rounding error. So don't get yourself feeling justified about who gets what.

    Moreover, the Jewish recipients are a law-abiding group -- no violent crime, and everyone goes to college.

    If black welfare recipients behaved like the Orthodox Jews who receive welfare, no one would complain about the money given to them.

  127. Scripture6:05 PM

    mellaneous said...
    The rese tident jewish racist used the term illegitimate as if folks having babies out of wedlock is a big deal these days and as if it says something about one's character. Lots of folks black and white are making the choice not to marry.

    With moral leaders such as yourself, it is no wonder Black America is in such dire straights.

    If there is one indicator that points to a high likelihood of trouble in life, it is being born to a single mother.

    You are confused. Deeply confused.

  128. no slappz6:08 PM

    mellaneous the bonehead says:

    And notice how he doesn't want to talk about all the good white folks in Happy Valley PA who chose their institution and money over the needs and the safety of their children.

    Until a few weeks ago, Sandusky was just a former coach. Who knew?

    Meanwhile, on the subject of denial, everyone is OJ Simpson's family (his side only) said he didn't do it.

    Meanwhile, no black parents complained about the leader of the Harlem Boys Choir while he was molesting kids. Soooo....

  129. Slappy

    I just finished reading the book "Levittown" by David Kushner which detailed how Bill Levitt, the Jewish developer who created the cookie cutter suburban housing with the help of massive federal subsidies, refused to sell to black GIs.

    In 1957, 3 years before I was born, there were violent uprisings against the black Myers family who attempted to integrate the Levittown development in PA.

    Even today, the Levittown development on Long Island remains 90% white.

    Stop your lies.

  130. no slappz6:20 PM

    mellaneous confuzzles himself:

    And you are misinformed about what was going on Africa during the 1700's. They lived in organized societies similar to the Europeans and of course some were still nomadic and they had their tribal and national conflicts, just as the Europeans.

    Why yes, the Africans had their black Isaac Newton who explained the laws of motion to the nomadic tribes speeding from place to place, and while traveling they studied Greek and Latin, and threw in a little French. They like studying Plato in the original Greek.

    Meanwhile, they were trying to invent the wheel, but they kept turning out something that was oblong. But they were baffled by the axle.

    Not that it mattered, because the had no horses to pull whatever they were trying to build.

    For a while they tried to make boats. But it took forever to hollow out the logs and then they were tough to paddle.

    After watching buzzards in the trees, a few tried to fly. But that didn't work. So they went back to building their own version of the Sistine Chapel.

  131. mellaneous6:25 PM

    @No Slaps - you made my point! You still don't want to talk about Happy Valley hmmm

    @Scripture- well that moniker about says it all. You must be one of those folks who think because they are crazy and confused everyone else is.

    You did get one thing right I do try to do the moral thing. You can turn it around all you want but if folks had my perspective we would all be better off. And who made you the arbiter of what is and is not good for Black folks.

    I'm out Field. What up Pilot, Mack, Steve, LA I miss the back and forth. Been having fun hanging out with young folks who really do believe a new world built around the needs of people, not profit is possible.

  132. Another white freak preying on black children.

    Former Red Sox Clubhouse Manager Donald Fitzpatrick molested black boys over 20 years.


  133. no slappz6:32 PM

    upclownsteve writes:

    Bill Levitt, the Jewish developer who created the cookie cutter suburban housing with the help of massive federal subsidies, refused to sell to black GIs.

    Was Levit opposed to selling houses to blacks? I believe he was.

    Did he receive massive federal subsidies? Not likely. There were none, except a GI mortgage loan and the GI Bill.

    Levit built small two-bedroom Cape Cod-style houses on tiny lots. It cost about $100 to get into one.

    In 1957...there were violent uprisings against the black Myers family who attempted to integrate the Levittown development in PA.

    Vocal protests? Yes. Violent uprisings? Sorry. That's a black thing. Whites don't tear down neighborhoods when they "protest".

    Even today, the Levittown development on Long Island remains 90% white.

    Levittown is a town, not a development. And anyone with the money can buy one of those homes.

    Until I was 7, I lived in one in another Long Island town.

  134. no slappz6:37 PM

    mellaneous jabbers:

    @No Slaps - you made my point! You still don't want to talk about Happy Valley hmmm

    What aspect of the Sandusky affair interests you most?

    He's been found out, he's getting prosecuted and only his lawyer is trying to defend him, but even his lawyer is doing an incompetent job of it. He's likely to get murdered in prison.

  135. Slappy is an idiot

    "Vocal protests? Yes. Violent uprisings? Sorry. That's a black thing. Whites don't tear down neighborhoods when they "protest"."

    Nah, they just bomb churches and kill little girls at Sunday school.

    Or attack and murder civil rights workers.

    Or kill blacks walking innocently through their neighborhoods.

    Slappy are you serious?

    The list of whites going completely beserk when blacks move into their neighborhoods is a matter of historical record.

    Not just in the 50's South either.

    Rosedale, Queens, Slavic Village, Cleveland, Gray's Ferry, Philadelphia, Berwyn Heights, MD...I can go on for an hour.

  136. Think6:51 PM

    "The list of whites going completely beserk when blacks move into their neighborhoods is a matter of historical record."

    For good reason.

    With blacks come violent crime, terrible schools, and destruction of property values.

  137. no slappz7:00 PM

    up clown steve,

    When it comes to inter-racial attacks and murders, it's been a one-way street for almost 60 years.

    Blacks violently attack whites, and blacks kill whites about 1,000 times more often than whites attack or kill blacks.

    And the 1,000-figure is not an exaggeration, as you know.

    As we know, whevever there are a lot of blacks there is a decline in civil society.

    Meanwhile, as we both know, the NY Police Department provides its crime figures for public view. The NYPD figures show that over 95% of violent crime in NY City is committed by blacks and hispanice, with blacks being, by far, the largest source of the violence.

    Thus, your nonsense about a few whites who don't want your company is nothing but a red herring to relieve your guilty mind.

  138. Damn Slappy,

    I thought you said that the black murder rate was 7 times more than whites.

    Now it's a one thousand times???

    You hittin the meth pipe tonight?

    As far as whites not wanting my company, I live in a beautiful, safe 90% black suburb and happily so.

    BTW you seem to CRAVE black company.

    You're always here.

    What's up with THAT?

  139. We are the 73%8:14 PM

    "As far as whites not wanting my company, I live in a beautiful, safe 90% black suburb and happily so."

    I am glad you are happy, but I have trouble believing there is any place that is both 90% black and safe.

  140. "but I have trouble believing ..."

    I am guessing that you have trouble doing a lot more.

    "When it comes to inter-racial attacks and murders, it's been a one-way street for almost 60 years.

    Blacks violently attack whites, and blacks kill whites about 1,000 times more often than whites attack or kill blacks."

    Well, not all the time:

    "A shooting in the upscale Society Hill section of Center City had Philadelphia Police asking for the public's help.

    A 46-year-old man was left in critical condition after being attacked and shot in the chest by two men walking on the 400 block of Pine Street around 11:20 Monday night, police said.

    The motive was probably robbery, police said.

    The whole incident was caught on camera and police posted the disturbing video on YouTube Wednesday in a hope to identify the suspects.

    In the video the two suspects approach the victim and one of the suddenly throws a violent punch that seems to take down the victim. A SEPTA bus drives by as the assault is occurring.

    The two men continue to assault the victim and then there are two flashes -- possibly the gunshots -- before the two suspects run off towards the camera.

    Police released these descriptions of the two suspects:

    Suspect 1: A 6-foot to 6-foot-2, 170- to 180-pound white male who was carrying a gun and wearing a dark vest with a white design on the back with a black hoodie and blue jeans.

    Suspect 2: A 5-foot-9, 150-pound white male who was dressed in all dark clothing.

    If you see these men police urge you to not approach them and to call 9-1-1 immediately."


    "Nah, they just bomb churches and kill little girls at Sunday school.

    Or attack and murder civil rights workers."

    And they still didn't stop those evil Negroes from moving into their neighborhoods and sitting downstairs in the theater.
