Sunday, November 27, 2011

Mi amigo Newt.

If any of you reading this believe that you are good enough to play safety or linebacker in the National Football League, please apply to the Philadelphia Eagles c/o the Philadelphia Sports Complex on South Broad Street here in Philadelphia. Thank you.

This was just ugly.

Anywhoo, the blog must go on.

I see where Newt Gingrich had his Sistah Souljah moment with the republicans. The wingnut purist are mad about his immigration stance, but Newt is trying to move to the middle, so he wants to seem like a "compassionate conservative."

The thing is, there is nothing compassionate about Newt. (Just ask his first wife.)
Newt tends to be somewhat of an asshole who pretends to be smart. He likes to take swipes at the media and everyone else who questions whatever he does, but that's just Newt.

Sad story out of Arizona where a Marine who defended his country in Iraq was shot to death in his own home by a Tuscon, Arizona SWAT team.

"TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) — Jose Guerena Ortiz was sleeping after an exhausting 12-hour night shift at a copper mine. His wife, Vanessa, had begun breakfast. Their 4-year-old son, Joel, asked to watch cartoons.

An ordinary morning was unfolding in the middle-class Tucson neighborhood — until an armored vehicle pulled into the family's driveway and men wearing heavy body armor and helmets climbed out, weapons ready.

They were a sheriff's department SWAT team who had come to execute a search warrant. But Vanessa Guerena insisted she had no idea, when she heard a "boom" and saw a dark-suited man pass by a window, that it was police outside her home. She shook her husband awake and told him someone was firing a gun outside.

A U.S. Marine veteran of the Iraq war, he was only trying to defend his family, she said, when he grabbed his own gun — an AR-15 assault rifle.
What happened next was captured on video after a member of the SWAT team activated a helmet-mounted camera.

The officers — four of whom carried .40-caliber handguns while another had an AR-15 — moved to the door, briefly sounding a siren, then shouting "Police!" in English and Spanish. With a thrust of a battering ram, they broke the door open. Eight seconds passed before they opened fire into the house.

And 10 seconds later, Guerena lay dying in a hallway 20-feet from the front door. The SWAT team fired 71 rounds, riddling his body 22 times, while his wife and child cowered in a closet.

"Hurry up, he's bleeding," Vanessa Guerena pleaded with a 911 operator. "I don't know why they shoot him. They open the door and shoot him. Please get me an ambulance."

When she emerged from the home minutes later, officers hustled her to a police van, even as she cried that her husband was unresponsive and bleeding, and that her young son was still inside. She begged them to get Joel out of the house before he saw his father in a puddle of blood on the floor.

But soon afterward, the boy appeared in the front doorway in Spider-Man pajamas, crying.

The Pima County Sheriff's Department said its SWAT team was at the home because Guerena was suspected of being involved in a drug-trafficking organization and that the shooting happened because he arrived at the door brandishing a gun. The county prosecutor's office says the shooting was justified." [Story]

Oh, the old "justified" shooting excuse. After all, he was a "suspected" drug dealer. But six seconds after crashing his door you start blasting into his home with his wife and child inside? (Shot sixty times!)

I will wait to hear more about this one.

Finally folks, if you happen to be unemployed and see an ad. offering you a job on Craiglist, please do your research before you head off to your new found nine to five. It seems that there might be someone killing folks who answer to Want Ads on Craigslist.

These serial killers seem to be getting more and more creative.

Be careful out there everybody, the Internet can be a wonderful place, but it can also get you killed.

*Image courtesy of and cartoonist Taylor Jones



  1. Field, that shout out on your sidebar to the Roots is ice cold, LOL!!!

  2. I sleep upstairs... and I feel like I need to barricade my stairs from the police more than I do any criminals. Criminals will hear that I have an alarm and a barking dog and leave. The cops will ignore the alarm and murder my dog, and probably me and my wife as well because once they start shooting I'm sure they don't want witnesses.

    Shit... should I be less paranoid, or more?

  3. NSangoma8:52 PM

    Just because you are paranoid, does not mean that the police are not out to get you.

  4. Dr.Queen said...
    Field, that shout out on your sidebar to the Roots is ice cold, LOL!!!

    Shows what a no class wingnut fn is.

  5. ... or at least, it doesn't mean they won't shoot my brown ass if it makes the paperwork easier.

    Which makes me think a little further. Although it wouldn't do ME any good, the whole country would know about me getting gunned down by the cops because I'm a Marine veteran, my wife is white and in a fairly high-powered position in her industry, and her father is a middling-wealthy and well-connected guy who deals in high-tech government contracts, thinks I'm the best thing since low-carb beer, and can afford a small team of lawyers who won't let my death get swept under the rug.

    But if I can still get killed, and my very special set of circumstances are the only reason anyone would notice... how many other brown and black folks are getting shot or even "just" beaten or Tasered by the pigs every day, and no one bothers to report it?

  6. Anonymous9:49 PM

    HAHA Obamabots right on schedule, Newt leading the polls break out the attack dogs and dogs they are, fetch, heel, good boy for your masters. workin hard for that bone aint ya.

  7. Wes Welker9:57 PM

    "Newt tends to be somewhat of an asshole who pretends to be smart."

    Surely the most spot-on assessment of uptownsteve I have yet read.


  8. no slappz10:14 PM

    It always helps to read entire news articles, rather than stopping at the end of the first page:

    Sheriff's Capt. Chris Nanos, who heads the criminal investigations division and oversaw the Guerena case, said that high-powered rifles and bulletproof vests that were found in Guerena's home after the shooting back up investigators' belief that Guerena was involved in drug trafficking. A shotgun found in the home was reported stolen in Tucson in 2008.

    By the way, the shooting occurred six months ago.

    Meanwhile, every year in the US there are 16,000 homicides.

    How many victims of homicide are killed by cops? Very, very few.

    Meanwhile, just over the border from Tucson, the bodies pile up every day.

  9. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Newt pretends to be smart? How do you do that?

    Field, Newt IS smart and don't you mediocre left liberal black dems forget it! Either Newt or Cain will be the next President.

    BTW, I appreciate you NOT disrespecting Michele Bachmann and acknowledging her looks, smarts and honesty. Thanks.

  10. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Field, "A U.S. Marine veteran of the Iraq war, he was only trying to defend his family, she said, when he grabbed his own gun — an AR-15 assault rifle.
    What happened next was captured on video after a member of the SWAT team activated a helmet-mounted camera."

    Jesus, Field. You posted on this months ago. It's the same old story and nothing has changed. Are you getting early on-set of Alheimers?

  11. no_slappz said...
    Meanwhile, every year in the US there are 16,000 homicides.

    Guns don't kill people, dangerous minorities do.

    More than 50 percent of all murders in the United States are committed by Black males (less than five percent of the US population).

    America should enact massive racial profiling in major urban areas. Because the majority of those killed by Black people are Black people (because white people and other racial groups do everything possible to avoid living near Black people), this extra policing should work to increase the quality of life for all Black people.

  12. Anonymous10:45 PM

    Improbable Joe said...
    ... or at least, it doesn't mean they won't shoot my brown ass if it makes the paperwork easier.

    Which makes me think a little further. Although it wouldn't do ME any good, the whole country would know about me getting gunned down by the cops because I'm a Marine veteran, my wife is white and in a fairly high-powered position in her industry, and her father is a middling-wealthy and well-connected guy who deals in high-tech government contracts, thinks I'm the best thing since low-carb beer, and can afford a small team of lawyers who won't let my death get swept under the rug.

    But if I can still get killed, and my very special set of circumstances are the only reason anyone would notice... how many other brown and black folks are getting shot or even "just" beaten or Tasered by the pigs every day, and no one bothers to report it?

    Wow. Creating your very own private straw imaginary scenario you might as well inflate your importance by stating the whole country would know about it, why not say grieve for you BECAUSE you have a white father in law who will look out for you.

    You sound like no Marine I know calling cops pigs and not looking for the truth. I bet you are right though, if you go after cops with a automatic weapon, they will kill you. So my advice, don't go after cops with an automatic weapon or any weapon unless you wish to die. I will also bet you that if you take this advice and don't break the law you will have no problems with the police.

  13. Anonymous10:51 PM

    Obama is going on Fallon Next week I heard the Roots are gonna play:

  14. Anonymous11:08 PM

    Mr. Field, I am shocked that you would give an honorable title of Field Negro to the Roots based on their insulting degrading sexist treatment of Michele Bachmann.

    What is happening to you? Have you no sense of shame?

  15. Shabazz11:12 PM

    "So my advice, don't go after cops with an automatic weapon or any weapon unless you wish to die. I will also bet you that if you take this advice and don't break the law you will have no problems with the police."

    So, using your logic asshat, should he just stand there and let the pigs blow him away with automatic weapons?

    the fbi (fibber) lies:

    "More than 50 percent of all murders in the United States are committed by Black males (less than five percent of the US population)."

    Still using lying-ass raygun-era made up slanderous lies based on no real facts?

    Don't you have a family to kill or something instead of trolling Black blogs with your lies and inaccuracies?

    Big up to the Roots!
    Fuck that lying ass slackjaw bitch michelle cockman!

  16. It's frustrating because you can see with your eyes this isn't a "great" Patriots team, & you know they're gonna pass & pass & pass.
    As for the Repugs, they want someone who's REALLY cruel & REALLY Christian, & they really believe such a person not only exists but would make a wonderful President of the United States.

  17. change of subject: "60 Minutes" did an amazing follow up to their story last spring on children in poverty and the homeless children of Seminole County Florida. Apparently Florida has one third of the total homeless population in the U.S. The message was not new, i.e. recession worsening, jobs not being created, people failed by the system, but they humanized it with the faces of all these kids.

    Worth watching:;cbsCarousel

  18. No one is safe from American cops deadly sloppiness nowadays. They kill innocent people all the time. They're the collateral damage of the drug war that feeds our prison industrial complex.

  19. Shabitch said...
    Don't you have a family to kill or something instead of trolling Black blogs with your lies and inaccuracies?

    It's all true, Shabitch.

    Adult black males are only 5% of the population, yet commit 50% of the murders:

    The truth is that you are your own worst enemy. And everybody else's too.

  20. Anonymous11:44 PM

    Shabazz said...
    "So my advice, don't go after cops with an automatic weapon or any weapon unless you wish to die. I will also bet you that if you take this advice and don't break the law you will have no problems with the police."

    So, using your logic asshat, should he just stand there and let the pigs blow him away with automatic weapons?

    No man from the little clown car, lover the negro venacular you use, very telling.

    Big up to the Roots!
    Fuck that lying ass slackjaw bitch michelle cockman!

    You do what you like, but like I said, I know many people and funny enough none of them even knew someone who knew someone who knew someone who got shot and killed by cops, but then again, they dont sell drugs, attack them with automatic weapons, try to run them over with cars or any other black sport you would like to name. As for crime, Blacks exceed every race on the planet disproportionately in insane amounts for murder, rape, violent crimes and so on. This is a fact, just check prison populations, they don't get there because they are honor roll students..fool.

  21. "Newt tends to be somewhat of an asshole who pretends to be smart."

    That is what appears to be happening. Conservatives keep telling us that Newt is smart but I have yet to see any evidence of this assertion. I think it was Paul Krugman who said "Newt is what a dumb person thinks a smart person sounds like".
    He is just like the other so called thinkers on the right, D'nesh D'Souza, David Barton ect, they just say outrageous things in complete sentences and since most people just believe what "experts" say without their own research they appear to be reasonable and learned men when in reality if they taught their crap at an actual university they'd be fired. I love the meme Newt always pushes that the U.S. is a "Christian" nation and all but if one reads the first few words of the first amendment you know he's wrong but he uses the dumb that want this to be true to great personal benefit. Maybe we'll figure out he, Cain and Bachmann know they can't be elected but only use presidential campaigns to enrich themselves and sell their brand. Trump would have joined em but he would have lost his NBC gig which seems to pay more than a gig at Fox.

  22. Anonymous11:48 PM

    Obama is what a moron thinks a smart person sounds like.

  23. We already know that more than 100 bus drivers in the Detroit Department of Transportation (DDOT) refused to work because "they were scared for their lives" after numerous attacks on the Black drivers by young Black people. Instead of driving their routes, they stayed in the Rosa Parks Transit Center (not to be confused with the Rosa Park Hempstead Transit Center in Long Island) without one employee realizing the irony of the situation.

    Like Martin Luther King Drive's or Martin Luther King Street's across the nation, and the violence and low property value found on these hallowed streets, it's a safe bet that any city with a Rosa Parks Bus Terminal is one that has a lousy public transportation system (which is the primary reason that highways are full of cars inching along the expressway, as riding public transportation is not a healthy option).

    Now, Atlanta's public transportation system MARTA (Moving Africans Rapidly Through Atlanta) can be added to the illustrious list of cities - like Detroit - where employees fear picking up certain types of customers. Everett Sloan, a 28-year-old Black resident of Atlanta, is the latest individual who has been charged with attacking a MARTA employee.

    Nearly 85 percent of the people riding the Montgomery Bus System are Black; more than 75 percent of the people using MARTA are Black. We'd love to compile the racial breakdown of other cities public transportation users (specifically Washington D.C., Philadelphia, Chicago, New York, Seattle, Minneapolis, Portland, and Memphis) to show the true legacy of Rosa Parks.

    What is that legacy, you ask? Why don't you take a look at the behavior of those riding public transportation in Detroit and Atlanta - were the majority of the employees are Black - to understand that true legacy.

    There's a reason Black people were asked to sit in the back of the bus. The ailing public transportation systems around the nation are hemorrhaging billions a year because elected officials are too scared of pointing out the bad behavior of Blacks and their inaction continues to endanger the safety of both passengers and bus drivers.

    And white people continue to avoid public transportation because 'it isn't safe' (i.e., too Black).

  24. Anonymous12:58 AM

    PilotX said...
    "Newt tends to be somewhat of an asshole who pretends to be smart."

    That is what appears to be happening. Conservatives keep telling us that Newt is smart but I have yet to see any evidence of this assertion. I think it was Paul Krugman who said "Newt is what a dumb person thinks a smart person sounds like".

    You are absolutely right. Newt has no chance, he is history. Palin is going to re-enter and declare her intention to run for president, she said she wanted to make it easy for democrapCompoops like you and the hit pieces have already been written so you can just dust them off and re-use, plus she knows pretty white intelligent women who can use a gun threaten metrosexual sheepherders like you. Go get her tiger...sheez any man who qoutes Krugman of all people...sheezzzz

  25. The republicans support of first Cain and now Gingrich is just their way of telling Mitt Romney that they don't like him.

    Unfortunately the republicans are stuck with Mitt (since they choose to ignore Huntsman) and Romney knows it.

    Which is why Mitt is doing his Alfred E. Neuman "what me worry?" imitation on the campaign trail. He has the republicans just where he wants them; in a corner.

  26. "That is what appears to be happening. Conservatives keep telling us that Newt is smart but I have yet to see any evidence of this assertion. I think it was Paul Krugman who said "Newt is what a dumb person thinks a smart person sounds like"."

    Pilot X, what's that saying? Oh yeah, "In the land of the blind the one eyed man is King."

    "And white people continue to avoid public transportation because 'it isn't safe' (i.e., too Black)."

    That's a shame. Just think how much gas they could save.

  27. no slappz7:29 AM

    Little story about Tyrone and Keisha:

    Police: Woman fatally hits boyfriend with car

    Sunday, November 27, 2011

    GRAYS FERRY - November 27, 2011 (WPVI) -- Police say a man was struck and killed by his girlfriend after a heated argument in the Grays Ferry section of Philadelphia.

    At approximately 1:52 a.m., police received a call concerning the incident at Morris and Ringgold streets.

    Upon arrival, officers observed the male victim, identified as 28-year-old Tyrone Taylor, lying against the wall with a woman standing next him.

    The woman, 30-year-old Keisha Jones, identified herself as Taylor's girlfriend and stated to the officers that she struck him with the vehicle.

    Medics were called to the scene and pronounced Taylor, who was pinned against a home, dead.

    Police say Taylor and Jones were involved in a verbal altercation which continued inside the vehicle.

    Taylor was driving the vehicle at the time of the altercation; he then stopped and exited the vehicle at 2400 Morris Street.

    After Taylor exited the vehicle, Jones told police she jumped in the driver's seat and struck him.

    The investigation continues and charges are pending.

  28. no slappz7:45 AM

    shabazz denies:

    "More than 50 percent of all murders in the United States are committed by Black males (less than five percent of the US population)."

    shabazz, if the foregoing were untrue, all those millions of blacks with sociology degrees would have published tracts attempting to detail a more accurate picture of murder in America.

    But no one ever does. Not Henry Louis Gates. Not Cornel West. Not William Julius Wilson.

    None of the gasbags who are passed off as black intellectuals deny the statistics on race and murder.

    Of course uptown ree-tard stevie denies the facts. But that's most likely evidence of the birth defect that left him with brain damage.

  29. no slappz7:58 AM

    "And white people continue to avoid public transportation because 'it isn't safe' (i.e., too Black)."

    Not in NY City. But the subway lines are color-coded.

    The 7 Train dead-ends in Flushing, Queens, which is virtually all asian. Every morning it loads up with yellow people on their way somewhere.

    Meanwhile, the 2, 3, 4 and 5 Trains terminate in Brooklyn in some black neighborhoods. During the morning, as the trains head to Manhattan, the color of the ridership gets paler and paler.

    In any case, ridership is at record high levels, and subway crime is low. Lots of cops, uniformed and undercover, are onboard.

    There's also cameras everywhere. Expecially in the hands of riders.

    Last week some black clown was recorded punching a hispanic rider. After the video circulated, it took the cops only a couple of days to arrest the moron.

  30. no slappz8:06 AM

    I think it was Paul Krugman who said "Newt is what a dumb person thinks a smart person sounds like"."

    Paul Krugman measures intelligence by how much others agree with him.

    It should be noted that Krugman is so smart that he thinks it's okay to give huge piles of mortgage money to people with lousy credit scores, lousy jobs and NO downpayment money.

    He never met a deadbeat he didn't like. However, he also likes the parents of Princeton students who pay his salary.

    Then there's Obama, the guy who's so smart he's decided the best way to improve the economy is to weaken it.

  31. Shabazz9:22 AM

    "It's all true, Shabitch.

    Adult black males are only 5% of the population, yet commit 50% of the murders:"

    It is not you fucking lying ass cracker
    Like I said earlier bitch: Don't you have a family to kill or something?

  32. Shabazz9:29 AM

    And the faggot bitch hiding behind an anonymous handle lies:

    "As for crime, Blacks exceed every race on the planet disproportionately in insane amounts for murder, rape, violent crimes and so on. This is a fact, just check prison populations, they don't get there because they are honor roll students..fool."


    Or just more reverberated "white" lies?
    What makes your drivel true? Is it because the lies are coming from white mouths, so it has to be true?
    You nasty, stink breath smelling like wet dogs lying motherfucker.
    Fuck you and the hole you came out of.

  33. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Shabazz said...
    And the faggot bitch hiding behind an anonymous handle lies:

    Look ma, the little guy who munches on carrots doesn't like homosexuals even though his mouth is orange.

    "As for crime, Blacks exceed every race on the planet disproportionately in insane amounts for murder, rape, violent crimes and so on. This is a fact, just check prison populations, they don't get there because they are honor roll students..fool."


    Or just more reverberated "white" lies?

    Of course they are, everything you see, everything that happens anything that is real if you don't like it is a white lie or not real just made up by someone white.

    What makes your drivel true? Is it because the lies are coming from white mouths, so it has to be true?

    No, how about records. You know the things a white society provides you. They haven't outlawed reporting the race of criminals because of its' "disparate impact" on minorities as of yet, although they are trying.

    You nasty, stink breath smelling like wet dogs lying motherfucker.
    Fuck you and the hole you came out of.

    Ah, thank you for being so Negro, I would be disappointed if you didnt live up to your reputation.

  34. Quote No Slapzz

    "It should be noted that Krugman is so smart that he thinks it's okay to give huge piles of mortgage money to people with lousy credit scores, lousy jobs and NO downpayment money."

    That's not what he said, as I'm sure you are aware.

    Besides, Krugman is the one with the Nobel prize, you are the one still working on a high school diploma.

    Who do you think I should believe?

  35. Krudman10:52 AM

    Krugman has a Nobel Prize. Big Deal.

    Arafat & Obama both have a Nobel "Peace" Prize. I'm surprised they didn't give one to Pol Pot.

    Those things are nothing but glorified dildos. (In a circular way).

  36. Anonymous10:53 AM

    The Purple Faggot has arrived to bless us with his pithy nothingisms.

    Krugman was given a prize by the Nobel committe, therefore everything he says for the rest of his life must be true, even though he has been completely wrong in his analysis of the effects of every major economic policy intiative of the past 15 years.

  37. Shabazz said...
    "It's all true, Shabitch.

    Adult black males are only 5% of the population, yet commit 50% of the murders:"

    It is not you fucking lying ass cracker

    OK, OK, Shabitch, you are right, it's not 50%, it's actually 53.1%:

    Of the offenders for whom race was known, 53.1 percent were black, 44.6 percent were white, and 2.3 percent were of other races. The race was unknown for 4,224 offenders. (Based on Expanded Homicide Data Table 3.)

  38. Anonymous11:40 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote No Slapzz

    "It should be noted that Krugman is so smart that he thinks it's okay to give huge piles of mortgage money to people with lousy credit scores, lousy jobs and NO downpayment money."

    That's not what he said, as I'm sure you are aware.

    Besides, Krugman is the one with the Nobel prize, you are the one still working on a high school diploma.

    Who do you think I should believe?

    The Nobel prize? Oh you mean the similar to the one James Watson recieved for his work on analysis of genetics - who later became villified for daring to reveal his science? So now everyone uses his science but is not allowed to speak of some of the "scientific conclusions"

    Or do you mean the type of Nobel prize that Obama recieved (Affirmative Action) for things he had not yet achieved but was expected to, history having proven if anything he is the antithesis of peace?

    On Krugmans Nobel Prize for Keynesian economics, fortunately for Japan they went against his closed loop borrow and spend models and did the opposite and flourished. Again that remarkable thing called real world events have already shown us that in any economy, particularly the U.S and EU as of late, that the more governmental stimulus and juicing conducted the more the real economy is stifled while debt simply grows. Perpetually borrowing and spending causes massive debt and economic stagnation with the government growing and sizing out the private sector. Something unsustainable as the private sector funds the government - common sense of course until you start entering in personal preferences over science.

    Now with all that said, me, I would have more respect for someone that makes sense and looks at facts irregardless of the titles someone else may have "gathered" Especially in todays everyone gets a trophy politically correct society.

  39. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Why do Americans no longer think much of the Nobel Peace Prize? I am much older and remember it as one of the highest honors a human being like Mother Teresa could receive. Today, it is seen as a joke.....

    WHY? How did this come to be? Mr. Field, maybe you might post something on the lost faith and trust of Americans in just about everything, including our humanity. It really feels hopeless.

    Of course, it felt hopeless at the end President Bush's term. Then Obama promised change and gave everyone hope with "change". As it has turned out, Obama is no different from Bush, except for the color of his skin. That makes him worse, considering the depth of incurable racism that permeates our national psyche.

    Being at this place in human history, I am reminded of a comment by Sigmund Freud:

    "America is a mistake, a giant mistake."

    It is quite painful to watch the turning down of Americans' trust and faith in Democracy and Capitalism. Of course, those two ideologies never belonged together in the first place, imo.

  40. Anonymous12:08 PM

    It is quite painful to watch the turning down of Americans' trust and faith in Democracy and Capitalism. Of course, those two ideologies never belonged together in the first place, imo

    Illogical. America has faith in a free society and is a republic. Where we go wrong is trying to socially engineer improvement through legislation for those who are at certain levels instead of through good old fashioned achievement.

    Eliminating achievement categories because some will not toil to improve and or may not have the capabilities just weakens the standards and pretends that all outcomes regardless of effort and talent must be equal. Meanwhile all are dumbed down and the worse for it. Socialism is good for that, everyone becomes mediocre with little reason to strive for excellence.

  41. NOT PC12:11 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    Why do Americans no longer think much of the Nobel Peace Prize? I am much older and remember it as one of the highest honors a human being like Mother Teresa could receive. Today, it is seen as a joke.....

    11:42 AM

    That's an easy one!

    Political Correctness destroyed whatever integrity that was once associated with the Nobel Prize.

  42. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Paul Krugman - The man who says that Fannie and Freddie were not responsible for the large amounts of subprime/risky lending, because get this: People at AEI invented a different definition of what risky lending is.

    Right, this genius isn't politically driven especially given the Fannie and Freddie continued bailouts. Funny how he thinks its a matter of political correctness speak and that the majority of loans Fannie and Freddie were making were not high risk. Sure in democrat land loans over 90% LVR are not high-risk and demanding loans be given to people who have no credit, or bad credit histories with minimum or no ability to pay back the loans isn't high risk. Sure...he got a Nobel prize? Yup, politically correct delusional pandering. Now the DOJ demands banks provide homeloans to those on welfare being supported by the taxpayer and backed by Fannie and Freddie who coincidentally need another 6Billion dollar bailout from the working man. Its' all pocket change after the trillions in taxpayer money they have stolen.

    Oh, Bwaney Frank is retiring - a Main player in the U.S economic crisis.

  43. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Field, heads up. Newt is up nine points leading the pack. Check your mail, you should have instructions from your democratic masters/Soros foundations to do a hit piece on him tonight.

    Best of Luck. Do it quick cause the 3rd Quarter GDP was just revised downward again and Obama played another round of golf this weekend and is now on the campaign trail again. To bad we elected a campaigner instead of a president.

  44. "Newt tends to be somewhat of an asshole who pretends to be smart."

    Kinda like you fn?

  45. Don't worry about Shabazz. He's insulting you know.Later on he will be trying to get your boo-tay. Shabazz, like his hero Malcolm Little, loves the white mans' booty.

    I hear Louis Walcott loves the white mans booty to.

  46. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Arabs Like Saddam, Hugo Chavez, More Than Obama

    Despite intense and sustained efforts to woo the Arab world with money and nice words, a newly released survey of the region finds that President Obama is at the bottom of a list Arabs admire most.

    Obama is admired by just 4 percent of Middle East Arabs in the new survey released by the Brookings Institution and University of Maryland.

    Above him:

    •13 percent prefer Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinajad.
    • 6 percent prefer dead Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.
    • 5 percent chose Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez.
    • Even 5 percent chose French President Nicolas Sarkozy over Obama.
    And when asked if there could be just one superpower, who would they like it to be, Arabs snubbed Obama again. The top choice, with 22 percent, was China, followed by Germany (15 percent), Russia (12 percent), France (10 percent) and Pakistan (7 percent). The United States also came in at 7 percent followed by just one country, Britain at 3 percent.

  47. Those Lyin' FBI Crackers1:37 PM

    I've lost count of how many times I've seen this link posted on this blog:

    Information from the U.S. Goverment...the FBI, no less!

    Yet, it's always ignored by those who refuse to beleive what they don't WANT to believe. All they can do is call you a liar, or some racial epithet.

    Almost amusing, yet sad for idiots like Shabazz.

  48. no slappz1:39 PM

    Frank 17th House Democrat to announce retirement

    By Emily Goodin - 11/28/11

    Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) is the 17th House Democrat to announce a retirement this cycle compared to seven Republicans.

    Hmmm. Is Barney attempting to get out of town before he's pulled into the muck of some unsavory scandal?

    If anyone should have been prosecuted for gross dereliction of duty to the American people, it's Barney, the clown who sent Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac down slope of financial ruin.

    However, maybe another male prostitution scandal is brewing and he's caught up in it?

  49. Anonymous1:42 PM

    kinky_neocon said...
    Don't worry about Shabazz. He's insulting you know.Later on he will be trying to get your boo-tay. Shabazz, like his hero Malcolm Little, loves the white mans' booty.

    I hear Louis Walcott loves the white mans booty to.

    Shabazz is nothing more than a chin dip. My dog understands more of what makes his world tick than Shabazz pretends.

  50. Anonymous1:48 PM

    ""Newt tends to be somewhat of an asshole who pretends to be smart."

    Kinda like you fn?

    1:16 PM

  51. Ballin' Bob2:01 PM

    kinky_neocon said...
    "Newt tends to be somewhat of an asshole who pretends to be smart."

    Kinda like you fn?

    I was thinking more like Purple Cow.

    No one (the females on this board excluded) has a more inflated sense of his own intelligence, and no one is more of an asshole.

  52. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Ballin' Bob said...
    kinky_neocon said...
    "Newt tends to be somewhat of an asshole who pretends to be smart."

    Kinda like you fn?

    I was thinking more like Purple Cow.

    No one (the females on this board excluded) has a more inflated sense of his own intelligence, and no one is more of an asshole.

    Shhhh don't tell him. It's very entertaining to watch someone with an overinflated sense of self importance thinking he is being intellectual.

  53. Anonymous2:28 PM

    "It is quite painful to watch the turning down of Americans' trust and faith in Democracy and Capitalism. Of course, those two ideologies never belonged together in the first place, imo"

    Anon replied, "Illogical. America has faith in a free society and is a republic. Where we go wrong is trying to socially engineer improvement through legislation for those who are at certain levels instead of through good old fashioned achievement.

    Eliminating achievement categories because some will not toil to improve and or may not have the capabilities just weakens the standards and pretends that all outcomes regardless of effort and talent must be equal. Meanwhile all are dumbed down and the worse for it. Socialism is good for that, everyone becomes mediocre with little reason to strive for excellence."

    12:08 PM
    Illogical? do you think your answer is logical? This country had its geneses in social engineering, mainly to support capitalist Whites. Hence a "free society" based on Democracy was for 'Whites, only'.

    After the Civil War, which freed the slaves, Jim Crow came into being, for the benefit of white capitalists. Affirmative Action came about because of centuries of "social engineering" by Whites to keep Blacks from gaining any education, status or financial position in America. After a few years, Affirmative Action was railed against as discriminatory against Whites! Imagine that! After a few years of Affirmative Action Whites could not stand to be discriminated against even though centuries of racism persisted against Blacks. But that seems to be ok and accepted by Whites.

    This attitude of "For Whites Only" is indelibly stamped in the American way of life(overly as well as covertly), which maintains White privileged status and undermines effort by others to better themselves.

    Your negative and ILLOGICAL comment about Blacks is a shining example of this. BTW, what you call logical is a negative feeling you have which does not come from the mind.... Check it out.

  54. no slappz2:29 PM

    Looks like the Occupy Wall Street block party is winding down.

    Every OWS campsite across the country is getting swept clean. Philly and LA are currently in a transition phase.

    I did run into Russell Simmons at the OWS gathering in Zuccotti Park in Manhattan. But he cleared out quick after the cops gave last call.

    Remarkably, even though he's a wealthy 1% guy who employs oppressed people in other countries to make his fashion clothing, the knuckleheads at OWS loved him.

    The OWS clowns don't understand how his business works, and they don't know about all his partners, like the Kellwood and Sun Capital.

  55. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Ballin Bob-"I was thinking more like Purple Cow.

    No one (the females on this board excluded) has a more inflated sense of his own intelligence, and no one is more of an asshole."

    anon-"Shhhh don't tell him. It's very entertaining to watch someone with an overinflated sense of self importance thinking he is being intellectual."

    2:19 PM
    LOL. Assholes calling each other assholes....I love this blog. Field, you are a genius! You have provided a place where ALL of humanity can show it's face.

    No wonder God, and later Satan left.

  56. The Washington Post’s Jonathan Capehart stumbled upon this unpleasant truth, this distressing reporting (from an analysis of crime statistics):

    "In short, 95.1 percent of all murder victims and 95.9 percent of all shooting victims in New York City are black or Hispanic. And 90.2 percent of those arrested for murder and 96.7 percent of those arrested for shooting someone are black and Hispanic. I don’t even know where to begin to describe the horror I still feel looking at those numbers. But the word ‘hunted’ comes to mind."

    The 2010 NYPD’s enforcement report, “Crime and Enforcement Activity in New York City,” showed that:

    --Blacks made up a staggering 60.9% of murder suspects (not arrests), 52.6% of rape suspects, 52.4% of other felony sex crime suspects, 70.8% of robbery (mugging) suspects and 54.9% of felonious assault suspects;

    --Hispanics made up 30.7% of murder suspects, 33.8% of rape suspects, 31.2% of other felony sex crime suspects, 23.3% of robbery suspects and 32.5% of felonious assault suspects; and

    --Whites made up 4.9% of murder suspects, 8.9% of rape suspects, 12.7% of other felony sex crime suspects, 4.6% of robbery suspects and 8.2% of felonious assault suspects.

    The precedent for distorting the truth of crime in America has already been set by the Fox Network, with the creator of the popular COPS show admitting he tried to paint a rosy picture of the Black and Hispanic communities in America by deliberately showing a disproportionate amount of white criminals:

    John Langley, the creator of the long-running FOX program, COPS. Langley says he's irked by some media critics who accuse the show of perpetuating stereotypes about "people of color" by depicting a disproportionate percentage of minority suspects. Au Contraire, Langley protests, he intentionally shows an inordinate number of white suspects in order to side-step the facts. "I show more white people than, statistically, what the truth is."

    The FBI's 2010 Uniform Crime Reports showed that 53.1 percent of known murderers in 2010 were Black people (44 percent were white, but the FBI lumps in those of Hispanic/Mexican descent into this pale category). Think about that for a second: already, more than 1 million Black males are in prison; Black people are only 13 percent of the overall US population, with a significant portion under the age of 12. Thus, the bulk of the violent crime in America is committed by (and this is an estimate) roughly 2-3 percent of the US population.

    This is an insane situation for which you can thank liberalism.

  57. Anonymous2:38 PM

    no_slappz, "I did run into Russell Simmons at the OWS gathering in Zuccotti Park in Manhattan. But he cleared out quick after the cops gave last call."

    Wow, Slappy. I didn't know you supported OWS. The truth about you is finally shining through.

  58. fn:


    hobama has deported and orphaned MILLIONS of latinos...

    what more could newt do???

    nobama 2012!!!

    There are only two ways to look at the Obama re-election campaign right now: Either the upstart candidate who stunned the world when he defeated the Clinton machine to capture the Democratic nomination three years ago has lost every bit of that massive mojo, or the bruised and battered president, after three years in office, just doesn’t want another spin in the Oval Office.

    How else to explain the nonstop missteps, the stammering and stuttering campaign, not to mention the brazen attacks on American voters, who, he has said, have “fallen behind,” lost their “ambition and imagination,” gotten “lazy” and “a bit soft” - this is a guy seeking the support of America?!

    For the past 36 months, Americans have hoped for the best. But it hasn’t turned out that way. In fact, some argue that Mr. Obama actually made the economy worse - the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said last week that his 2009 stimulus package may have sustained as few as 700,000 jobs at its peak and that over the long run it will be a net drag on the economy.

    But then, this. The president, traveling the country purportedly to look for votes in 2012, decided to lecture the American people on their shortcomings: fat, lazy, stupid. And now, he’s channeling - of all people - Jimmy Carter.

  59. no slappz2:46 PM

    anon said:

    This attitude of "For Whites Only" is indelibly stamped in the American way of life(overly as well as covertly), which maintains White privileged status and undermines effort by others to better themselves.

    Yeah, except for a few inconvenient facts.

    Here in America, these days it's asians who are walking off with all the prizes for important academic achievements.

    It's blacks who are making huge bucks in professional sports and many are succeeding beyond their wildest dreams as entertainers.

    Moreover, all colleges are looking for competent black students.

    On the other hand -- Here in NY City, the Best Public High School -- Stuyvesant -- admits students on the basis of results from ONE test, which is open to every 8th-grade student in NY City.

    The student body is now 63% asian. Almost all the non-asians are white.

    Meanwhile, I'm pretty sure almost every sub-Saharan nation in Africa is almost 100% black (South Africa excepted at 90% black).

    Hence, for your goofy claim of white privilege to be true, blacks would need a showcase nation somewhere in the world to demonstrate their potential and how it's been thwarted in the US by unfair policies and practices.

    Instead, we find that the poorest black in America is rich compared with his African counterpart.

    Furthermore, despite the Back-to-Africa Movement of some earlier black leaders, no American blacks are heading east across the Atlantic to settle in the lands of their ancestors. However, everyone who can leave those countries, leaves -- for predominantly white countries.

  60. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Illogical? do you think your answer is logical? This country had its geneses in social engineering, mainly to support capitalist Whites. Hence a "free society" based on Democracy was for 'Whites, only'.

    After the Civil War, which freed the slaves, Jim Crow came into being, for the benefit of white capitalists. Affirmative Action came about because of centuries of "social engineering" by Whites to keep Blacks from gaining any education, status or financial position in America.

    OK so in your very own words Affirmative action keeps Blacks from gaining education ,status or financial I assume you mean wealth or stability by position. Yes, so then why are you for it?

    After a few years, Affirmative Action was railed against as discriminatory against Whites! Imagine that! After a few years of Affirmative Action Whites could not stand to be discriminated against even though centuries of racism persisted against Blacks. But that seems to be ok and accepted by Whites.

    No, perhaps it was the dumbing down and elimination of standards applied that is resented. No one could resent anyone who actually achieved something could they. Unless the achievements no longer matter but the race does. Race is used as an excuse for everything from pimples to intelligence it is ridiculous.

    This attitude of "For Whites Only" is indelibly stamped in the American way of life(overly as well as covertly), which maintains White privileged status and undermines effort by others to better themselves.

    How so? schools are free, everyone wants blacks to succeed, the drain on america is very easy to see. Everyone that is except liberals. Liberals need Blacks to remain incompetent in thier own eyes so they have someone to look to them for thier needs and to keep them in power no matter how damning the evidence is.

    Your negative and ILLOGICAL comment about Blacks is a shining example of this. BTW, what you call logical is a negative feeling you have which does not come from the mind.... Check it out.

    When in doubt, trot Jim Crow has been over four decades now, how long will this history lesson fraught with excuses carry you?

    What did I say that was negative and illogical? You made a statement assigning a value to Blacks yourself and now claim it is a shining example.

    You use the word illogical but clearly show you are not versed in it's meaning. Illogical is to take a statement that I made such as:

    "Eliminating achievement categories because some will not toil to improve and or may not have the capabilities just weakens the standards and pretends that all outcomes regardless of effort and talent must be equal"

    Well, if you insist but I made a general statement, what made you assign it to Blacks? I don't care what someones skin color is, but apparantly you do and feel that Blacks are the ones who do need a pass on achievements. Now that is illogical.

  61. no slappz2:52 PM

    Crime Story:

    You've come across the yearly NYPD crime statistics.

    The facts are known to those of us who live here and read the reports.

    But, as the reports note, perps and victims are mostly black. Further, perps and victims generally meet in the neighborhoods in which they live -- black neighborhoods.

    Thus, the sensible person -- white or black -- stays off the streets of black neighborhoods from 1 am to 5 am, the high crime hours.

  62. PulsatingPuckeringsphincter2:52 PM

    LOL. Assholes calling each other assholes....I love this blog. Field, you are a genius! You have provided a place where ALL of humanity can show it's face.

    No wonder God, and later Satan left.

    Satan didn't leave, he heads up the democratic party. Want's you to believe that you should hate those who have more than you even if they earned it. You deserve it, remember that, you deserve it all. It is all yours for the taking...

    For God or someone good would say covet not thy neighbors success but learn from it and achieve it as well.

  63. Damm Field, You've got half of stormfront posting here as anons now.

    Newt's always been the thoughtless man's thinking man. Ever since he was just an untenured history instructor at an anonymous state school in the Atlanta burbs bubbling with crackpot ideas, he's framed every issue that animates him as at a "world historical crossroads," usually with accompanying predictions of cataclysmic crises that only his wisdom can resolve. (in a $29.99 hardcover book, available at the merchandise table in the back of the room.) His entire congressional career was either peddling snake oil or throwing firey bottles of it. He only achieved leadership in the party because, being structurally out of power, leadership was a worthless position.

    He shut down the Federal Government because he had to sit in the back of Air Force 1. Seriously, he let the whole world feel his temper tantrum.

    He was too corrupt for Tom Delay! As the dyspeptically republican George Will says, "he's the classic rental politician."

    In order to get the 'klan nomination, he has to convince evangelicals that a twice divorced serial adulterer with a golddigger-barbie trophy wife is a better champion of their values than the plastic Mormon wedding cake groom with no discernable principle other than ambition.

    As an Obama supporter I would tactically welcome a Newt nomination, but as an American, I'd rather not take the risk with the country. Especially with the pending Euro-crash getting ready to throw us into a worldwide depression that will make the last 3 years into "the good old days."

  64. anon said:

    This attitude of "For Whites Only" is indelibly stamped in the American way of life(overly as well as covertly), which maintains White privileged status and undermines effort by others to better themselves.

    So what are the advantages of being a (non-elite) white person in the US anyway?

    A lot of ink is spilled talking of the mythic creature known as 'White Privilege'. Normally these arguments say---hey, these elite guys, who happen to share the same skin color as you, have a lot of things going for them and the system cuts them obscene amounts of slack. Therefore you, Mr Non-Elite white person shouldn't grumble about you or your kids being discriminated against for the benefit of Mr. Present or Future Elite non-white person. Obviously this is a crock, and, even if we DID enjoy a substantial advantage by way of something shady, we'd be fools to volunteer to reverse that advantage. But let's investigate just what a non-elite white person has going for him in the US today.

    An observer can reasonably infer that your IQ, conscientiousness, executive function, etc are drawn from the white distribution. Which is to say, in the case of IQ, 100 mean with approximately 15 as a standard deviation. Whether you want to toss in the fact that, as a non-elite white person, your 'attributes' are generated in the first place using that sort of distribution is something of a philosophical point, and not one I'll go into in this post. The point is, when an observer is analyzing your capabilities, and doing that little regression towards the mean thing to correct for his fairly low r-squared in his estimate, that's the underlying distribution he's using for his priors. He'll likely do a similar computation when estimating how criminal or antisocial you are. Were you, a black guy, his prior estimate of the probability of you being, say, a murderer, and thus potentially very dangerous, would be around 9x higher (if he had a set of priors informed by the FBI UCR or reality).

    One can infer that this is probably reasonably advantageous in most cases, although someone visibly Jewish or Japanese/Chinese might in fact do slightly better in terms of the priors.

    Ironically, the better the tests you've got available in your battery, the less said priors matter. If you've got, say 95% reliability or more, like a lot of the most popular psychometrics on intelligence, the correction for regression towards the mean is pretty small. On the other hand, if you're doing what I'll call folk psychometrics (and people are actually not half bad at this), that correction is pretty large. So having a lot of tests and such pervasively applied actually reduces this advantage, insofar as it exists.

    The next big advantage is the places wherein you look out of place are usually a lot less desirable than if you were, say, a Non-Asian Minority. You are likely to fit in culturally in a considerably larger fraction of reasonably functional neighborhoods.

    The final big advantage is that you presently enjoy demographic hegemony. This is perhaps slipping away, but is still the reality.

  65. no slappz3:03 PM

    anon says:

    Wow, Slappy. I didn't know you supported OWS. The truth about you is finally shining through.

    Support OWS? You're joking.

    I stopped by a couple of times to chat with the nitwits and boneheads.

    They complained a lot, about how unfair everything is, like the unfair expectation that they repay their college loans.

    They're upset because the money they borrowed for degrees in art, English and film has not turned into high-paying jobs.

    Somehow, their debt is a fault of theirs. Someone else -- some unnamed bamboozler -- is responsible for their neck-deep debts.

    Meanwhile, not one person at Zuccotti Park told me he/she had a degree in science, engineering, finance or economics.

    In other words, don't borrow money to go to art school or film school.

  66. Anonymous3:09 PM

    jehu, isn't it interesting the way humans think? It always turns out to be in favor of their selves and against others.

    Humans don't examine the faults of them selves as a possibility, they examine others as an observed, but inexperienced reality. Your reply to anon is a shining example.

  67. i love this bro deval

    even hobama's BEST friends are appalled at his betrayals of latinos

    newt could fare no worse....ever!


    This week Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick joined a growing chorus of governors standing up against the federal government’s immigration enforcement agenda when he announced that he would not enter his state into Secure Communities. The program, which is supposed to target immigrants who commit serious crimes for deportation, has been controversial in that it has deported streams of people, both documented and undocumented, who were convicted of minor offenses or, in some cases, none at all.

    The Department of Homeland Security responded to Gov. Patrick by immediately slamming the door on the state’s efforts to keep out of the program. An anonymous DHS official told the Boston Globe that the state’s participation is not optional. Immigrant rights advocates say DHS is setting itself up for a legal fight over what’s quickly becoming its most controversial immigration enforcement program.

  68. parvenu3:34 PM

    There is a great deal of commonality in these swat shootings. One glaring fact, the victims are either black or brown. Remember some years back in New York some undercover cops stopped an recent african immigrant as he was entering in the doorway of his apartment building going home after work. He HAD NO GUN and he was reaching inside his coat for his passport in response to some cops calling for him to identify himself. Minutes later he lay dead in the corner of the doorway with 54 BULLET wounds in his body. Police simply said "we thought he was reaching for a gun". Not one cop was even reprimanded for the killing of this man, NOT ONE. I rather suspect that no cop in this latest murder will ever be charged or even rerimanded. This is America and hunting season on black and brown men is open year round for the police of this nation.

  69. kosher kkk:

    cc this to a white blog asap

    At least 20 current or former high school students from an affluent New York suburb of high achievers have been charged in a widening college entrance exam cheating scandal that has raised questions not only about test security but about the pressures to score well.

    Thirteen students from the Great Neck area, a cluster of Long Island communities with top-ranked schools that send virtually all their graduates to college, were implicated in the latest round of charges, filed Tuesday. Seven others were arrested in September.

    November 22, 2011: Joshua Chefec, left, Adam Justin, background center, and George Trane, right, are escorted from of the Nassau District Attorney's office, in Mineola, N.Y.

    Prosecutors said 15 high school students hired five other people for anywhere from $500 to $3,600 each to take the SAT or ACT for them. The impostors - all of them college students who attended Great Neck-area public and private high schools - fooled test administrators by showing up for the exams with phony ID.

    Read more:

  70. pookies rule the world
    they ruined black friday!!!

  71. I used to commute to Manhattan via train & 95% of us shivering out on the platform at 7 am in January were white. Then I had to elbow them out of the way in the hope I could grab one of the few remaining seats. At Penn Station I had to rush a quarter mile underground to get a subway to 12th St. Well, that train also went to Wall Street, so it meant standing. In the evening the process was reversed. The job wasn't difficult, but by the time I got home I was so exhausted I could barely make & eat supper. But it was easy compared to people who had to take two or three buses to work.

  72. Cow Farts Cause Global Warming, PilotX4:01 PM

    It's Science!

  73. Parden you4:23 PM

    parvenu said...
    There is a great deal of commonality in these swat shootings. One glaring fact, the victims are either black or brown

    Oh, you mean like Randy Weaver's 14 year old son? Or the 74 people killed at Waco?

  74. how stupid and played does mrs. herman cain feel now???

    no wife should ever share a whore hubby's perp walk!!!

    After being criticized for his slow response to sexual harassment allegations, presidential candidate Herman Cain on Monday refuted a story that has yet to come out.

    “It was pretty simple,” Ginger White told an Atlanta TV station in an interview set to air at 6 p.m. Monday evening. “It wasn't complicated. I was aware that he was married. And I was also aware I was involved in a very inappropriate situation, relationship.”

    The former Godfather’s Pizza CEO told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer that a story will break Monday night in which a woman is “going to accuse me of an affair for an extended period of time.” An Atlanta television station, Cain explained, asked him for comment.

    Fox 5 Atlanta is also hyping the story, saying in a promotional video that the woman in question accused Cain of a 13-year-affair

  75. Quote Anonymous 11:40

    " Again that remarkable thing called real world events have already shown us that in any economy, particularly the U.S and EU as of late, that the more governmental stimulus and juicing conducted the more the real economy is stifled while debt simply grows."

    You do realize that it is exactly the opposite of that that is happening don;t you?

    The EU and US economies are in a tail-spin because capitalism has stopped investment, preferring instead to take profits.

    [Q. Which European country has shown the highest level of profits taken in the first decade of the 21st century?

    A. Greece.

    Q. Which two European countries have shown the lowest levels of investment?

    A Greece and Portugal.]

    So now we have two right-wing economic entities in charge of the Euro and $ who are going out of their way to take even more demand out of the economies, by reducing growth even further.

    The catastrophic mistake the USA and the Eurozone has made in the last 20 years is in not borrowing and spending enough.

    It should be noted that two of the biggest economic basket-cases of 2011 - Ireland and Spain were poster boys for right-wing economic theories up to and including 2008.

    The one economy that is holding Europe together today is Germany. A country with a high-wage, high-skill, high investment economy, with government intervention at every level - including compulsory worker representation at boardroom level.

    Sweden and Finland with similar infrastructures are also doing well. It's the right-wing economies Spain, Ireland, France, Portugal who have toed the IMF party line who are struggling.

    When a company wants to grow, it goes to the bank and borrows the money it needs to invest in it's infrastructure. Why should countries be different?

  76. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Purple Cow;

    Interesting viewpoint, especially on the economics of EU countries. I differ completely but don't have the time tonight to get into detail another time perhaps. I will answer one thought quickly though:

    "When a company wants to grow, it goes to the bank and borrows the money it needs to invest in it's infrastructure. Why should countries be different?"

    Because our government and any government has special interests and borrow or mostly create money out of thin air. It is highly wasteful and borrowing in private industry creates capital and jobs -simply put interest. This debt must be repaid or the companies assets are seized to repay the debtors. Governments just print more money/devalue the currency and take more money from it's citizens in a never ending spiral. All the while adding more and more waste and fat to the governmental machine that creates no wealth yet is fully and totally supported by the private industry it is supplanting, thus being parasitic in nature and consuming it's own host.

    Our governments engage in what would land anyone of us in jail, only they call it "deficit spending" Our government engages in a practice politely called "deficit spending". Or in other words "counterfeiting" and "check kiting" spending money it does not have.

  77. Purple Cow said...
    "The EU and US economies are in a tail-spin because capitalism has stopped investment, preferring instead to take profits."

    Why have they stopped investing? Because of the huge regulatory costs that have been imposed? Because of an onerous tax system that threatens to get worse? Because of the uncertain costs of Obamacare?

    Do you really think companies base their investment decisions on spite?

    Perhaps the private sector is acting rationally in an environment full of risk and danger created by an anti-business government.

    Obama has already ramped up the national debt by several trillion dollars. Instead of investing in the country's infrastructure like he promised, he diverted the trillion dollar stimulus funds to pay off democrat constituencies like government workers and Big Labor. He has wasted hundreds of billions more on crony capitalist green energy boondoggles.

    There is no way that an economist with a shred of integrity can look at the wreckage of the past three years and come to the honest conclusion that we need to do more of the same.

  78. That's a damned shame. Justified my @ss!

  79. Negrodamus7:25 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "The one economy that is holding Europe together today is Germany. A country with a high-wage, high-skill, high investment economy, with government intervention at every level - including compulsory worker representation at boardroom level.

    Sweden and Finland with similar infrastructures are also doing well. It's the right-wing economies Spain, Ireland, France, Portugal who have toed the IMF party line who are struggling."

    The correlation seems to be the whiter the country, the better it's doing.

    The more third world immigrants a country has to support, the more social and economic troubles it has.

    America has a huge and growing underclass that pulls down all indicators of a strong society - economics, crime, healthcare, education.

    Diversity is weakness.

  80. Anonymous8:39 PM

    "Diversity is weakness."

    Yeah, that's what the Whites said during slavery and Jim Crow. However, when it came to war, Whites claimed "diversity" was strength. That's the LOGICAL rationale of racists.

  81. Anonymous10:09 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "Diversity is weakness."

    Yeah, that's what the Whites said during slavery and Jim Crow. However, when it came to war, Whites claimed "diversity" was strength. That's the LOGICAL rationale of racists.

    Whenever there is a discussion where the topic is over your head, bring out Jim Crow and call someone a racist rather than look at the specifics. That is the logic of an inferior mind.
