Saturday, November 12, 2011

"There's No Place Like The Neighborhood."

That is Applebee's slogan these days.

But Lord have mercy, what is wrong with you Negroes? Now your reputation for not tipping is affecting even other Negroes who are trying to get their grind on.

I honestly don't know what to make of this story.

"No, you didn't read the date on this story incorrectly. It really is 2011. In a story involving allegations that sound like they belong in the civil rights era or earlier (seriously, does even the most racist person in this day and age care about the color of the person bringing them the bar food and blue beverages?), an African-American woman has filed a discrimination complaint against Applebee's, claiming that the manager in the Towson, Md., restaurant where she worked allowed her to serve only tables taken by black customers, and fired her when she complained.

My Fox DC reports:
23 year-old Courtney Haywood started working at the Towson Applebee's in 2007 as a server and bartender.

In May of 2011, she claims new management at the restaurant allowed her to serve food only to black patrons.

According to the, Haywood said "I talked to a manager, who kept saying, 'I will take care of it, don't worry about it.' And nothing was taken care of."

After filing several complaints with the company, Haywood said she was given a termination letter in October 2011.

Haywood has filed a complaint of racial discrimination with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

A communications firm for Applebee's released a statement saying “We take these allegations very seriously. We're fully committed to creating a fair work environment for all of our team members. We have not received a copy of the alleged complaint, so we do not have any further information to offer at this time." [Source]

See, this is why you couldn't pay the field to eat in a joint like Applebee's.

Anywhoo, there are some folks who just aren't comfortable having you Negroes serve them in restaurants, and maybe the manager was just aware of that fact.

I have to wonder about my girl Courtney as well. Did she buy into the black folks don't tip stereotype? Hmmmmm. And were there other black waiters and waitresses in the joint? Who did they serve? The Hispanic and Asian customers?

Still, if what Courtney alleges is true; it doesn't excuse the Manager from playing social engineer with his lousy food joint. "Courtney, you serve the black folks, I think they will feel more comfortable if they see a black face." Unbelievable!

Finally, I see that God really loves these GOP candidates.  I wish they would tell me how to reach her; she seems to reach out to these guys quite often.

"ATLANTA (AP) -- Republican Herman Cain said God convinced him to enter the race for president, comparing himself to Moses: "'You've got the wrong man, Lord. Are you sure?'" [Source] 

Yes, Herman, she is sure. Something about needing a few laughs. It can get pretty stressful up there in Heaven.



  1. Reminds me of the first time I lightened a corporate pocket.I'd take her case if it happened n California.

  2. Wesley R8:05 PM


    I've always left a tip, even when dealing with a jerk ( i then leave a penny just to let them know), and I never believed the 'myth' that Black Folks didn't tip until I went out with a family member. I jumped all over him then he did it but I don't understand that frame of mind.
    That picture of Mike Tyson is too funny.
    He's a question for you wingnuts; If God told all of the Republican Candidates to run for President, did he tell them how was going to win?
    Take this to Vegas Field (I think). I called LSU last week and TCU today. Next Standford goes down tonight, Oklahoma St. loses to Oklahoma the last game, so for the championship game once again, LSU vs. Alabama.

  3. 'Still, if what Courtney alleges is true; it doesn't excuse the Manager from playing social engineer with his lousy food joint."

    Even if it had nothing to do with the "tipping" scenario, on this note I agree.

    And as for the record, as long as I'm treated well I tip all servers well above the expected percentage regardless of race.

    What I've noticed in my area (US Caribbean), the white owned high-end restaurants seem to hire only white waiters and waitresses. Or they tend to automatically add the tip into the bill when the patrons are black, or if their not black political officials. It seems no where on earth can you escape the sickness of anti-black racism.

  4. Field, I also want to share a tragic news story regarding our Carib cousins in St. Lucia.

    A minibus leaving a funeral goes over a cliff killing 17 people including children. My heart goes out to their loved ones and may they rest in peace.

  5. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Huh. When you're raised in the era of "entitlements", black folks think the teat of the tax payer should pick up the tip.

    I wonder how much tax payers have to pay to "figure" that out.

    A Tip To Nowhere.

  6. I believe in tipping for good service above the customary percentage and the minimum with less than, however, I've encountered the stereotype that we don't tip.

    It was an Asian restaurant and before I noticed that the tip had been included I was prepared to add far more and went with what they entered. One outcome was we never returned to that establishment and the lesson was folks can be gracious with a smile, bow and still engage in racist behavior. Of course, I knew the latter happens but that was a timely reminder.

    BTW: This restaurant was recommended by a white colleague and she's never had that happen to her or her family at this particular restaurant.

  7. Anonymous9:07 PM

    Field, "See, this is why you couldn't pay the field to eat in a joint like Applebee's.

    Anywhoo, there are some folks who just aren't comfortable having you Negroes serve them in restaurants, and maybe the manager was just aware of that fact.

    I have to wonder about my girl Courtney as well. Did she buy into the black folks don't tip stereotype? Hmmmmm. And were there other black waiters and waitresses in the joint? Who did they serve? The Hispanic and Asian customers?"

    Field, as a brother I have to wonder why we are so often out of sync with our perceptions as a black person? Applebees is a fine restaurant but it depends on where you are at. For instance, in Towson Md. most people there are suburbanites and aren't used to Blacks. It makes perfect sense to have Blacks serve Blacks and Whites serve Whites. It's good for business.

    Every now and then, however, you get one of our folks- usually a racist Dem like yourself who thinks their shit doesn't stink to start some crap about being discriminated against. I swear, in this post-racial age some of you lib Negroes just won't leave well enough alone.

    Furthermore, Blacks DO tip less than Whites. It's a national understanding about that. Certainly you can understand why waiters and waitresses don't want to serve you?

    The best remedy is to tell them up front that you plan to tip them above the norm so they will relax and serve you well. Come on, Field I am sure you know how to get around such fears by now. Surely you have been in America for some time, haven't you?

    I do it all the time and get fabulous service wherever I go. Of course, if I get a black female waitress, it doesn't matter what I tip. She is going to have an attitude toward her kind and the service is going to be mediocre, at best.

  8. Anonymous9:09 PM

    I really resent Field putting down is a Friendly fine dining restaurant and is better than anything in Philly, that's for sure.

  9. Anonymous9:21 PM

    "ATLANTA (AP) -- Republican Herman Cain said God convinced him to enter the race for president, comparing himself to Moses: "'You've got the wrong man, Lord. Are you sure?'" [Source]

    Field, you are a mean-spirited man. Herman Cain IS a man of God who prays and sings the glory of God.

    And you have the audacity to degrade him? Who do you think you are? Satan? Well, maybe so, but it doesn't change who Herman Cain is, which is he is a man of God. Nothing you can say will change that.

    He WILL be the next President and will carry a significant percent of the Black and White, as well as the Latino vote.... Count on it.

    I know it is a waste of time to tell you that you are sinning by putting down Herman. But you will find out once you are on your death bed and you will be sorry. It's too bad you are an anti-God Liberal, it clouds your weak decision-making mind.

    Nevertheless, I will keep coming to FN to try to help you and sinning followers like Mack, Desertflower, LAC, and PilotX to see the light. I know it's a long shot, but somebody has to do it.

  10. Anonymous11:03 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Nevertheless, I will keep coming to FN to try to help you and sinning followers like Mack, Desertflower, LAC, and PilotX to see the light. I know it's a long shot, but somebody has to do it.
    Yes thank you, please pray for me! I can't stand Applebys, the one here by me has the worst food!

    Goodnight all!

  11. Feed the trolls leftovers from Applebees...

  12. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Desertflower, "Yes thank you, please pray for me! I can't stand Applebys, the one here by me has the worst food!"

    Must you misspell Applebees? No wonder the food is bad, you are going to the wrong restaurant!

  13. Anonymous11:37 PM

    Sure it must be applebees if it werent for that rest. we would think Negroes are really big tippers. :)

  14. Anonymous11:45 PM

    "Sure it must be applebees if it werent for that rest. we would think Negroes are really big tippers. :)"

    As Field often says, "Ouch!"

  15. Anonymous12:03 AM

    The Applebees Restaurant I go to in Connecticut, and I rarely see ANY Blacks there. Btw, the food and service is excellent.

    Maybe there are too many Blacks who go there? Maybe it's kinda like McDonald's? Maybe that's why Field doesn't go there because he can't stand being around too many of our folks? I can understand that. Before I go to see a movie, I make sure I go to one where there aren't too many of us. I want to enjoy the movie. Field, you know what I'm talking about.

  16. Anonymous12:13 AM

    Alright, that's it for me tonight. Just had to help make a rout for Anons on Saturday Night.

    What would FN blog be without us? nothing.... it would be NOTHING! Those regular IDs-Mack Lyons, PilotX, Mellaneous, Desertflower, Brooklyn, Uts, Lac, Granny, are of little support to Field. But if you are a Liberal Black Dem, what can you expect?

    Just think. The Dems had the majority in BOTH Houses of Congress and they had a Dem President and they STILL couldn't get a damn thing done. That is the epitome of a LOSER.

    2012 will be a landslide for the GOP.

  17. Did God tell Herman Cain to grab that white lady's pum pum? Or was that his own idea?

  18. Anonymous12:51 AM

    What is a pum pum?

  19. Daddy2:10 AM

    What is a pum pum?

    I'll show you

  20. Anonymous2:55 AM

    Shady_Grady said...
    Did God tell Herman Cain to grab that white lady's pum pum? Or was that his own idea?

    Not sure I think it is an extra body part blacks have, I heard it grows on them after a certain age and is related to social diseases.

  21. I thought god told Jon Huntsman to run.

  22. My ex-girlfriend diner waitress cited teenagers & early bird special seniors as poor tippers (she didn't generally mind the latter, as 4 to 6 pm were slow hours), but the very worst were large family groups with many children. They rarely compensated her for the hassles they caused. Oh yeah, gypsies. They were awful tippers, she said. They always wanted doggie bags & she suspects they left the bags by the graves of their ancestors as they visited their cemeteries along Route One in Jersey.

  23. Anonymous4:58 AM

    Bob, "My ex-girlfriend diner waitress cited teenagers & early bird special seniors as poor tippers (she didn't generally mind the latter, as 4 to 6 pm were slow hours), but the very worst were large family groups with many children."

    What color were those LARGE family groups that cause so much out of control hassles? I can guess because it is obvious. But I will refrain from saying.

  24. Anonymous5:01 AM

    Yeah, it's the same large inconsiderate family that is a problem at the movies.

  25. "Field, I also want to share a tragic news story regarding our Carib cousins in St. Lucia.

    A minibus leaving a funeral goes over a cliff killing 17 people including children. My heart goes out to their loved ones and may they rest in peace."

    Wow! Sorry to hear about that story La~Audio. My heart goes out to those folks. :(

    St. Lucia is a beutiful country with wonderful people.

    "Did God tell Herman Cain to grab that white lady's pum pum? Or was that his own idea?"

    I think that the real "Black Moses" (Issac Hayes) told him to do it in a song.

    "know it is a waste of time to tell you that you are sinning by putting down Herman. But you will find out once you are on your death bed and you will be sorry. It's too bad you are an anti-God Liberal, it clouds your weak decision-making mind."

    Please pray for me.

    "I really resent Field putting down is a Friendly fine dining restaurant and is better than anything in Philly, that's for sure."

    Actually, there are Aplplebee's in Philly. In fact, there is one right down the street from chez moi. Again, they have a lousy rep for food and service.

    "Field, as a brother I have to wonder why we are so often out of sync with our perceptions as a black person? Applebees is a fine restaurant but it depends on where you are at. For instance, in Towson Md. most people there are suburbanites and aren't used to Blacks. It makes perfect sense to have Blacks serve Blacks and Whites serve Whites. It's good for business."

    Sorry Anon. I was trying to read what you wrote but my phpne kept going off. I picked it up and it was "The Drop Squad", they wanted to know if I could give them as much information as possible about you.

    "Before I go to see a movie, I make sure I go to one where there aren't too many of us. I want to enjoy the movie. Field, you know what I'm talking about."

    Well, yes, there is that Rule. :)

  26. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Must you misspell Applebees? No wonder the food is bad, you are going to the wrong restaurant!
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hahahahaha! The jokes are great and have given me my Sunday morning laugh I sorely needed! Thanks guys! :)

    I wanna say I spelled Appelbis ;) like that on purpose cuz I don't like it, but I would be lying! I was tired and it was late! So there! I used to win spelling bees in school, really :D

  27. This proves God has a sense of humor and is fucking with Herman.

  28. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Of all the "family restaurant" chains, and I've tried just about all of them in the Midwest, Applebee's is by far the worst.

    It's not a "rumor" or a "myth" that most black people are poor tippers, it's a fact. Just ask any waiter/waitress (this is true also of cranky old white people). Listen, if you're not willing to leave a reasonable gratuity (by reasonable I mean 18% of the pretax bill for good service, 20% or more for excellent service, 15% for mediocre service, one penny for terrible or incompetent service) you shouldn't be eating out at all. Don't try to save money by stiffing the waitress, just consider that tip as part of the overall bill and act accordingly.

  29. "Take this to Vegas Field (I think). I called LSU last week and TCU today. Next Standford goes down tonight, Oklahoma St. loses to Oklahoma the last game, so for the championship game once again, LSU vs. Alabama."

    Wesley, you need an 800 number to take bets. Man you are scary good with your pics. :)

    BTW, my Birds will NOT cover today. D-Jack is out for missing a team meeting, and the chemistry in that locker room is just not good these days.

  30. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Hmmm... who to believe? Asking plenty of waiters and waitresses about black people tipping habits, or a blogger who takes personal offense at unflattering categorizations, without working in the industry in question? I'll go with the former.

  31. Anonymous2:25 PM

    I HAVE asked waiters and waitresses about how black people tip, and it's Liberal Progressive Dem Blacks. They demand a lot, but tip like cheapskates.

    Those Blacks who claim to tip well, are very much in the minority...i.e. Conservative Blacks. Why are the Dems such heartless cheap creatures?

    Brother Herman Cain in 2012! Btw, Conservatives will be looking into how Applebee's is run, because it sounds like the same sinners that eat at McDonald's are also patronizing Applebees all the way to Puerto Rico!

    I have heard there are no Applebees in the VIs. Lord have mercy, please don't let it be true.

  32. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Dear Mr. Field, I have noticed over the past week that you have maintained a vicious attack on Brother Herman Cain. Now is that anyway for you to act as a brother?

    I know you have a black liberal blog to keep up, but don't you think you are a little off the charts with this Cain thing? Do realize that you are putting down a brother who just might become the next President of these Conservative "United" States? What in the world is wrong with you?

    However, I know deep down within you are hoping Cain makes it so that we will truly see a post-racial period in America. You see, President Herman Cain will make that possible. He can do the things Obama never could do and I am certain that you and your liberal Black ANS White FN followers secretly are hoping Cain stays ahead and wins!

    It just makes good sense for the country and for PR, VI, and Jamaica too. Come on, admit it, you and your FN cronies haven't been this excited about the possibility of REAL BLACK MAN with style and power in the WH since that weakling Obama let 'everyone' down.

    One thing for sure, when Cain becomes President, he won't have the GOP against him. And that alone will give him the power to turn this country around! I hope my piece of Conservative wisdom will enlighten most of you FN dem Negroes.

  33. I worked for tips the year after high school bagging groceries in embassy commissary that also served a large military and retired military community . We had a huge sign stating that we worked for tips only. Almost without fail, young enlisted people and their wives would tip a quarter a bag/dollar a cart, officers and diplomats a dime a bag/quarter a cart. The senior enlisted and retirees could go either way, invariably depending on how they viewed those serving them. If they gave off an "I'm entitled to be served" attitude, it was small change; but*, if it was "wow, thanks" it was folding $$. If race played a role, none of us baggers noticed -and who would tip what was our favorite topic of conversation.

  34. Anonymous2:53 PM

    "If race played a role, none of us baggers noticed -and who would tip what was our favorite topic of conversation."

    Yes, I remember those days. I worked at the commissary during the summer and on weekends while in HS in Germany. Race NEVER played a role, only WHO tipped well. But that is the military. In civilian life racism plays more of a prominent acceptable role than in the military.

  35. "I have heard there are no Applebees in the VIs. Lord have mercy, please don't let it be true."

    LOL. Only Wendy's, McDs, KFC, Subway, Dominos and Pizza Hut. That's all folks.

    No more Burger King and Arbys since Hurricane Marilyn 1995. No more Taco Bell, it went bankrupt in the 90's just after couple years (my favorite fast food btw). Popeyes only lasted a few months in the 80's, Pandarosa only lasted about a year in the early 90's. Papa Johns burned down some time ago after a year of being opened. In St. Thomas, IHOP was more recent and only lasted about a year and left around 2008, thanks to high electricity and mall rent overhead.

    (Shoot, I've never heard such a thing called a "Godfather's Pizza" until it was mentioned on this blog.)

    Anony, I hope you're well satisfied with yourself opening up old wounds and rubbing it in my face. I literally get depressed thinking about the plane I'd have to catch to PRico or US mainland just to enjoy taco bell, Denny's and Burger King. Thanks a lot.

  36. Oh btw, we do have Hooters now, I'm sure Steve would at least appreciate that. :)

  37. Anonymous4:20 PM

    LAA, "Oh btw, we do have Hooters now, I'm sure Steve would at least appreciate that. :)"

    You shouldn't have said that...he's probably planning his next get-a-way vacation to the VIs. Keep a lookout for him. He'll be the Negro in Bermuda shorts from JC Penny'sand a Hawaiian Shirt from Wal-Mart with drink in hand doing the "bump" with a Hooter's waitress. Yuk! that's a horrible image...but it's Steve.

  38. Anonymous5:19 PM

    La♥audiobooks said...
    Oh btw, we do have Hooters now, I'm sure Steve would at least appreciate that. :)

    Steve would appreciate your hooters? I don' think so he likes the white meat. Do you have to bend over far to find them these days?

  39. "Hmmm... who to believe? Asking plenty of waiters and waitresses about black people tipping habits, or a blogger who takes personal offense at unflattering categorizations, without working in the industry in question? I'll go with the former."

    Hmmm, who to believe? A poster who takes surveys of what race of people tips more, or a blogger who happens to be black and who knows for a fact that MOST black folks are generous tippers.

    I think I will go with the blogger on this one.

    Person taking racial tipping surveys? Not so much.

  40. Anonymous6:59 PM

    I always tip, because when you come back they remember you and they comment to the others so you always get decent service.

    I go to a local Longhorns here, which by the way has the most delicious steaks and salmon,and the people there already know me and that I will not sit at a table I always want a booth. They see me come in and they take me straight to a comfy booth :)

    Here in PR people are very poor tippers, which I think is related to the economy. So tips are appreciated. I usually tip just the 15% but if the service was exceptionally good or I take a liking to the waiter I'll tip more.;)

    I usually do ask for a doggie bag for the bones because I have three dogs and you better believe I'm taking them those leftovers!

    But one time the waiter was new and in training and he was nervous so when he brings that white paper plate box lidded thingy for us to put the bones, and he almost dropped it, and he spun and caught it, and it slipped out of his hands again and he looked like he was juggling with the thing untill he finally caught it and flipped it on the table and sort of held it down with his hand in it (ugh), as if to make sure it wouldn't move! Thank God it was for the dogs! He was so flustered and embarrassed!

    So we all started goofing on him amongst ourselves,that he almost caught it with his shoe and then prolly would've stepped on it on the table, lucky for us he didn't sit on it, thank God it was only for the dogs, etc,etc, we laughed all the way home and then some.
    Needless to say we only tipped 15% Hehehhehe

  41. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Christopher said...

    This proves God has a sense of humor and is fucking with Herman

  42. Anonymous7:24 PM

    La♥audiobooks said...

    Field, I also want to share a tragic news story regarding our Carib cousins in St. Lucia.

    A minibus leaving a funeral goes over a cliff killing 17 people including children. My heart goes out to their loved ones and may they rest in peace.
    Wow, that's truly horrible!

    The terrain here on the islands is so rough and most of the smaller out of the way roads are not paved and are prone to mud slides when it rains etc.
    We had a something similar happen last week with a corrections van falling into the river by flooding in it's path. Eight of the ten prisoners drowned inside. Thy were shackled hand and foot and most were scheduled to be released that same day. The drivers had taken a dangerous shortcut fully aware that it was unsafe and then refused to hand rescuers the keys!!! Tragedy.

    These islands have a reputation for being paradisaical but only we natives know the perils of nature that abound here!

  43. Anonymous6:11 PM

    "Hmmm, who to believe? A poster who takes surveys of what race of people tips more, or a blogger who happens to be black and who knows for a fact that MOST black folks are generous tippers."

    Most black people being generous tippers is about as believable as most black kids being raised by 2 parents.
