Friday, November 11, 2011

More on Mr. 9-9-9 on 11-11-11

Today is Veterans Day, and every one of you reading this should take a minute or two to think about the men and women who have served this country.

The field has mad respect for all of them.

The field doesn't have any respect for Herman Cain. I don't know what really went on between him and those women, but his flip and cavalier attitude about this entire scandal (even using it to raise money) has been disgusting to watch.

He is like a character from a seventies black exploitation film. (I keep seeing him in that big hat that he likes to wear) All that's missing is the Courvoisier and a velvet covered love seat.

And now he is cracking jokes about Anita Hill:

"Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain — facing allegations of sexual harassment — is defending a joke he made about Anita Hill.

Cain said Friday he was approached at a recent event by a supporter who said Hill was trying to contact him.   

“And my response was ‘Is she going to endorse me?’” Cain said in an interview Friday on WGDJ-AM Albany, N.Y.

“He said it in a humorous way. I gave back a humorous response. It was in no way intended to be an insult toward Anita Hill or anybody else,” Cain said." [Source]

Herman seems to like to joke a lot. I guess that's why conservatives love him so much. There is nothing like a black man who likes to joke jig and laugh to keep some A-merry-cans entertained. There is one in every crowd. Sorry Herman, being president is no laughing matter. These are  serious f*&^%*g times!

I am not laughing with your simple behind, and I am pretty sure that most A-merry-cans echo that sentiment. Still, there are a lot of things you do that makes me want to laugh at you. Your 9-9-9 plan comes to mind. And the fact that you didn't realize that China has nuclear capabilities when in fact they have had it for over forty years. That one had me in stitches.

Meanwhile, two of the so called serious candidates in the republican primary were in New Hampshire demonstrating to the rest of us how they would lead our country.

"Republican presidential candidates Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum participated in the Granite State Patriot’s Constitutional Conversation Thursday night, where the two were not short on criticism of President Obama’s interpretation of the constitution.

“What’s the biggest constitutional failing of the Obama administration?” the moderator asked Santorum. The crowd laughed as Santorum scratched his head for a moment with a perplexed look.

“This is going to be a much longer debate now,” Gingrich said.

Gingrich paused and said, “Not understanding which country he’s president of.”
The crowd erupted with applause and gave the only standing ovation of the night to Gingrich’s comment. Santorum followed up by saying “Obamacare.”....

..The discussion then turned to the role of religion in the constitution in relation to a civic society. Gingrich asked Santorum asked what steps he would take to create a virtuous society.

“I was in a church in Iowa and I walked into a conclave of pastors. The pastor was up there preaching revival, and in many respects that’s true, American needs a revival of the principles that made America the greatest country in the history of the world,” Santorum said." [Source]

"Preaching revivial"? A revival of what? Jobs? No. Decent health care? No. A better educational system? No. Better environmental protections? No. "The principles that made America the greatest country in the history of the world". Oh, well if you put it that way; let us all pray.


  1. "Cain said Friday he was approached at a recent event by a supporter who said Hill was trying to contact him.

    “And my response was ‘Is she going to endorse me?’” Cain said in an interview Friday on WGDJ-AM Albany, N.Y."

    I guess he should have said:

    "Eff that lying bitch"

    Would that have been better?

    Man, liberals can get indignant about anything.

  2. Cain is a no good, hustling, jigging, ornery, sick man who has no respect for women. And I'm not taking that back and I stand my ground on what I said! Nevertheless, for the GOP to support him, it let's you know a lot about their "family values" and how they feel about women, people of color, and integrity.

    Anita Hill should sue his no good azz!

  3. "The principles that made America the greatest country in the history of the world"

    Liberals have no principles, and thus cannot understand that our prosperity, good jobs, the best healthcare system in the world, all developed in the climate created under our principles of freedom and liberty for the individual.

    You just want the money now.

    Our problems are directly proportional to the distance we have strayed from these principals.

  4. Johnny Cochran9:12 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Anita Hill should sue his no good azz!

    On what grounds?

  5. B-Street Joe said...

    "Liberals have no principles"


    Anita Hill's lyin' ass should be in prison.

  6. Synonymous with ass-juice and shameless grifter have neither a shred of decency nor an iota of shame between them.

  7. Hey Granny! I'll take that case! And a case of Bud!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I say look on the brightside. We'll never have to listen to some conservative preach to us about "family values".

    And thanks to the Paterno/Sandusky scandal we won't have to listen to the meme that no-snitching is exclusive to black folks.

    I guess there is a silver lining in all clouds. The discussion will HAVE to change.

    Did anyone read this...

  11. The white woman is setting him up for the "lynching" just like the good ol' days, but yet he seizes the opportunity to disrespect the black woman. No one better send me any damn color coded t-shirt for marching.

    And where are his hands, are they resting on those women's ass (or what's suppose to be an ass)? Hasn't he learned his lesson already?

  12. Anonymous11:15 PM

    La♥audiobooks said...
    The white woman is setting him up for the "lynching" just like the good ol' days, but yet he seizes the opportunity to disrespect the black woman. No one better send me any damn color coded t-shirt for marching.

    I predicted it and LAA came through. If the accuser was black, LAA wouldn't be talking about no "lynching", and if he made a modest joke like that about a white woman gold digger, she'd be high fiving him.


  13. "And thanks to the Paterno/Sandusky scandal we won't have to listen to the meme that no-snitching is exclusive to black folks."

    Yep, they sure had a "no snitch" culture going on up at PSU.

  14. Anonymous11:16 PM

    La♥audiobooks said...

    The white woman is setting him up for the "lynching" just like the good ol' days, but yet he seizes the opportunity to disrespect the black woman. No one better send me any damn color coded t-shirt for marching.

    And where are his hands, are they resting on those women's ass (or what's suppose to be an ass)? Hasn't he learned his lesson already?

    LOL! Estas a fuego baby! ;)

  15. BrookLyn said...
    I say look on the brightside.

    Too bad you are only capable of looking on the dumb side.

  16. @Lloyd yeah cuz sitting on a hover round collecting SSI in my trailer park all the while screaming about gov't entitlements and keeping gov't out of my healthcare is the mark of high intellect.

    STFU and Kill ya self Lloyd

  17. Hey DesertFlower, LOL.

    I've noticed that even though both black and white republicans might be defending Cain, they are not attacking his white accuser the same as they still viciously attack Anita Hill. I wonder why?

    And it's boggling considering how Anita Hill's entire victimization and claim against Thomas sounds much more plausible, as compared to the man-jaw woman's sudden claim of being a victim of Cain.

  18. Anonymous11:48 PM

    "Herman seems to like to joke a lot. I guess that's why conservatives love him so much. There is nothing like a black man who likes to joke jig and laugh to keep some A-merry-cans entertained. There is one in every crowd. Sorry Herman, being president is no laughing matter. These are serious f*&^%*g times!"

    Field, you are the typical FN Negro, no sense of humor. Don't take yourself so seriously because you won't get out of this life alive. Laugh a little, have a little fun. Everything isn't all doom and gloom.

    BTW, Herman Cain is still in the running, whether you like him or not. And the reason is simple: Herman has integrity regardless of how you feel about him. Get used to it.:)

  19. Anonymous11:52 PM

    Brooklyn, "STFU and Kill ya self Lloyd"

    OMG! this evil woman is trying to get people she doesn't like, to kill themselves.

    You are insane and mean-spirited. Field should ban asses like you.

  20. Anonymous12:04 AM

    "He is like a character from a seventies black exploitation film. (I keep seeing him in that big hat that he likes to wear) All that's missing is the Courvoisier and a velvet covered love seat."

    You have a problem with black men who wear big hats? You are a racist and a self-hating black man.

  21. Wesley R12:06 AM


    One thing I can't stand is when a Negro is standing along with wingnuts and laughs the loudest, or claps the hardest. I wanted to see the tape of Cain go a little longer after he made the Anita Hill wisecrack. I bet if they rolled the tape a litle longer he would have broke out his tap dance routine.
    Another thing about the tape. It's a FoxNews tape and it goes to show you that the Republicans are behind the Cain attacks. Bet Karl Rove started them. Fox would never release the tape if it was another candidate.

  22. Anonymous12:07 AM

    Cain served in the military, so on Veteran's Day Field should be mad about Herman Cain, a hero.

  23. The Righteous Bone12:07 AM

    La♥audiobooks said...
    And it's boggling considering how Anita Hill's entire victimization and claim against Thomas sounds much more plausible, as compared to the man-jaw woman's sudden claim of being a victim of Cain

    Both are obvious liars.

    And you wish you were half as good looking as that man-jawed woman.

  24. Anonymous12:10 AM

    Anita Hill tried to ruin Clarence Thomas and that wasn't right. Why some of you FN Negroes think she was railroaded by CT, is beyond comprehension. She lied!

  25. I just wanted to set the record straight: I lied about Clarence Thomas at his confirmation hearings. I got paid by Ted Kennedy to try to stop Thomas' nomination.

    I was angry that he had not pursued me and that he had married a white woman instead.

    I did a terrible thing and hope someday Clarence Thomas and his wife can forgive me.

    I am very sorry.

  26. "And you wish you were half as good looking as that man-jawed woman."

    I'm not even one-third interested. I wouldn't want the risk of being assumed as a man.

    And if you consider her good looking as a woman, then it's obvious you find white men attractive. Down low?

    Good night folks...

  27. Anonymous1:01 AM

    La♥audiobooks said...
    "And you wish you were half as good looking as that man-jawed woman."

    I'm not even one-third interested. I wouldn't want the risk of being assumed as a man.

    Shit; too late for that now.

  28. It is time to "Wake Up!!!"

  29. "You have a problem with black men who wear big hats?"

    I have a problem with anyone who wears a big hat. But that's just me. I am someone of a sartorial snob. :(

    "I was angry that he had not pursued me and that he had married a white woman instead."

    And now, in retrospect, aren't you glad that he did.

    "Both are obvious liars.

    And you wish you were half as good looking as that man-jawed woman."

    I don't think that I have ever seen La~Audio, but I have seen that woman, and right now my money is riding on La~Audio big time.

    I'm just sayin.

    That woman had on so much makeup that if she smiled too hard it would start cracking.

  30. Anonymous8:02 AM

    At sometime you need to write about something other then the mark of Cain.

  31. "At sometime you need to write about something other then the mark of Cain."

    I will try. But he is leading the GOP field right now so he is a relevant and legitimate subject.

  32. Anonymous8:55 AM

    field negro said...
    "At sometime you need to write about something other then the mark of Cain."

    I will try. But he is leading the GOP field right now so he is a relevant and legitimate subject.

    Sure you mean he is the required topic from the Soros mediasphere. Attempt to destruct any political leader other than Obama.

    Surely you are interested in other things, that matter from people who are actually charged with leading us away from the cliff right now or other tidbits like:

    Michelle Obama to serve as the grand marshall for Nascar.

    The deaths, disease (tuberculosis) gunbattles fights at Occupy sites.

    Obamas Executive Orders and bypassing of the constitution to pander for votes.

    Solyndra and other major Obama taxpayer cronyism scandals

    Fast and Furious uncoverings and the corruption of the justice department.

    The wholescale exposure of outright lies by Nancy Pelosi, Reid and Obama on Obamacare and it's failure and destruction of healthcare.

    Jay Z selling Occupy wall street T-Shirts but keeping all the money.

    Obama and Sarkozy dissing Netanyahu all the while helping to plan and participate for an imminent attack on Iran.

    Democrats offering a 1 trillion dollar tax increase that will impact all middle income americans after the 2012 election

    The liberal experiment failing in california with a 1.5 billion revenue shortfall despite increased taxes and free everything for everyone.

    Obama deciding not to approve or dissaprove the pipeline to canada and punting until after the election showing he doesnt care about country, just party.

    Recent Numbers on educational gap and its everincreasing widening.

    I could go on but nope we know, A black man being attacked by racists and supported by blacks for being a threat to Obama and the liberal theme is the most important thing. At least that is what your white liberal media masters demand of you.

  33. Anon. @ 9:55 AM, you have done a wonderful job with the republican talling points. Isn't A-merry-ca great?

    Now we don't even have to watch fox news for the next week or so.

  34. The next debate is about foreign policy. Cain and Perry are screwed. "Becky becky stan stan is not an acceptable answer Mr. Cain."

  35. Anonymous1:57 PM

    field negro said...
    Anon. @ 9:55 AM, you have done a wonderful job with the republican talling points. Isn't A-merry-ca great?

    Now we don't even have to watch fox news for the next week or so.

    I understand, so anything of importance can only be viewed on FOX and is called a talking point while the Mainstream Media won't mention any of this while it provides focus on hit jobs on Black Men conducted by white women with absolutely shady characters and you join right in. Yeah, you aint on the plantation..much....

  36. Anonymous1:59 PM

    PilotX said...
    The next debate is about foreign policy. Cain and Perry are screwed. "Becky becky stan stan is not an acceptable answer Mr. Cain."

    You just attacking him because he is Black. you racist.

  37. Anonymous2:50 PM

    field, "I have a problem with anyone who wears a big hat. But that's just me. I am someone of a sartorial snob. :("

    a snob you are! isn't that why your black disciples follow you? cause they think that someday they will be a snob like you?

  38. Anonymous2:57 PM

    "At sometime you need to write about something other then the mark of Cain."

    Field replied, "I will try. But he is leading the GOP field right now so he is a relevant and legitimate subject."

    8:28 AM
    Amazing! A month ago, Field refused to talk about Cain because in his wisdom Cain wouldn't even be a factor because the GOP wouldn't consider him because he is Black.

    Now, Field thinks of Cain with every post. Field can't get Cain out of his liberal progressive black dem mind.ROFLMAO!

    Field, you should do a post on how WRONG you have been about SO MUCH!! LOL!

    You are living proof that very few know much of anything about the human mind, let alone the human heart. Don't feel bad, you have plenty of company....about 7 billion

  39. "Now, Field thinks of Cain with every post. Field can't get Cain out of his liberal progressive black dem mind.ROFLMAO!

    Field, you should do a post on how WRONG you have been about SO MUCH!! LOL!"


    But, for now, he is leading the GOP field, so we must recognize him as he is somewhat relevant for purposes of water cooler discussion.

    Sorry if it comes as a dissapointment to you. Maybe he can get a position as Food Czar in the next republican administration.:)

  40. If he can't be pres or vp, hermicain wants to be, no joke, defense secretary!

  41. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    If he can't be pres or vp, hermicain wants to be, no joke, defense secretary!

    Better than your aspirations of cupcake monitor.

  42. Anonymous11:42 PM

    field, "Sorry if it comes as a dissapointment to you. Maybe he can get a position as Food Czar in the next republican administration.:)"

    Oh, Herman will be high up at a governmental level of our nation IF he doesn't become President. THAT, you can take to the bank....

    Field, you are nothing but a racist. It is obvious that you are trying to make Herman a bad guy and lower him to the level of a cook. But your reality does not match political reality.

    As I have stated before, your political forecasting track record has a history of being WRONG.... many times over.

  43. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Don't listen to ANYTHING this vicious TRANSPHOBIC monster has to say about anything.

    Remember some threads ago, she DEFENDED the two black female beasts who almost murdered a transgendered WOMAN (yes, I said WOMAN) at a McDonalds a few months ago.

    La*audiobooks' extremely vigorous defense of these black shebeasts, who almost killed a transwoman, is indicative of what a sociopath she actually is.

    La*audiobooks, you are an evil, bigoted transphobe.

  44. As always, a wonderful and entertaining post. Your observations and wit are greatly admired. No one can quite capture the essence of these ridiculous politicians like you. I just can't stand to watch or listen to them right now but I know I will have to soon.
