Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Turkey fever.

It must really suck to be a turkey in A-merry-ca. Can you imagine a day dedicated to millions of people eating your ass? If you are a young turkey that is not the kind of future you want to look forward to. "What are you going to be when you grow up there little turkey?" "Some lucky family's meal on Thanksgiving Day, sir. And if I grow really big and strong, I will feed a really large family on Thanksgiving Day."

Wow, talk about f*&^%d up options.

Anyway, I wonder what would have happened if the Pilgrims (and let's not forget the Wampanoags) had caught some wild pigs instead of wild birds during that three day celebration back in 1621? A lot of us would have been pretty much left out of this whole Thanksgiving Day thing. I know I would have. Thank you Governor Bradford.

I know that I don't act like it sometimes, but I really have a lot to be thankful for. ---I can't even begin to count the ways.--- I suspect that a lot of you reading this feel the same way. You are bonding with your families and friends while surrounded by all the creature comforts that life affords you. It's hard to think about those folks here in A-merry-ca -and all over the world- who don't have much to be thankful for, but we should. And we should never forget how fortunate we are.

Life is all about perspective, and we should always keep things in their proper perspective. We should also do whatever we can to improve the plight of others less fortunate than we are. I know that you Christians reading this already do that, but I just thought that I would remind you

So Happy Turkey Day A-merry-ca, enjoy your meals tomorrow while you connect with your loved ones. And remember; be grateful for what you have. Because if you think about it; you could have been a damn turkey.

Pic courtesy of


  1. Anonymous4:36 PM


    Never heard you dunno, so.......can't find the word....

    Just kidding! Sorry... It's true, and I am thankful. After all is said and doe, we are part of the greatest empire, America!

    and yes there are still people here who I know will go hungry tomorrow or have very little to eat..:( and I'm sorry for them. and I try to help always when I can....:(

    and yet....if I had been born in, lets say France, maybe,maybe....

  2. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Have a Happy Thanksgiving Field and everyone on this blog and that reads this blog

  3. Same to you field, and all of the regulars here. Too bad you can't enjoy bacon Field. I'll always remember a certain Christian owned cafe in Tel Aviv overrun every morning with Jews land Muslims ooking for their bacon ham and sausage fix.

  4. christian crusader5:04 PM

    whitey said:

    Too bad you can't enjoy bacon Field.

    Whoa there? Is field a muslim?

  5. Anonymous5:11 PM

    It must really suck to be a Turkey in A-merry-ca. Can you imagine a day dedicated to millions of people eating your ass?

    Field, don't eat the ass, eat around it, it tastes better

    Happy Thanksgiving

  6. "Too bad you can't enjoy bacon Field.

    Whoa there? Is field a muslim?"

    No, but I grew up a Seventh Day Adventist. Whitey you sound like Mrs. Field. :)

    Thank you Desertflower, WC, and Anons. I will definitely enjoy the Turkey Day.

  7. NSangoma5:55 PM

    Mother PFCUK Turkey Day, the PFCUKING Pilgrims tried their best to EXTERMINATE the Wampanoag; the very people that kept the PFCUKING Pilgrims from starving to death

  8. Anonymous6:34 PM

    NSangoma said...
    Mother PFCUK Turkey Day, the PFCUKING Pilgrims tried their best to EXTERMINATE the Wampanoag; the very people that kept the PFCUKING Pilgrims from starving to death

    Oh another spurt of genius from the resident seed of incest. Why are you always talking about fucking your mother? Was she that good? I mean I know she was your first but get over it.

  9. One of the great myths of history is that the Pilgrims went to America to evade religious persecution. In fact they were looking for a place where they would be allowed to practice religious persecution without hinderance. The Puritans murdered others for holding different views to themselves both before and after they left England.

    The coincidences between the views of the Puritans and the Taliban are quite startling.

  10. Have you guys seen this?

    Those Sikhs are crazy motherfuckers.

    The first 90 seconds is pretty lame, but then...

  11. Anonymous7:15 PM

    And how many Pilgrims did you know? Your bigotry has been noted in the past.

  12. Anonymous7:17 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    One of the great myths of history is that the Pilgrims went to America to evade religious persecution. In fact they were looking for a place where they would be allowed to practice religious persecution without hinderance. The Puritans murdered others for holding different views to themselves both before and after they left England.

    The coincidences between the views of the Puritans and the Taliban are quite startling.

    You would know Imam Shit for brains do know what dipping the wick means right? Have you heard of the name for the bastard child left behind? Dipwick.

  13. Purple Cow still posting ? I thought after uptownsteve punked him, he said he wouldn't show his ugly mug around these parts again.

  14. Why all the anger directed at PC?

    That is not the spirit of Thanksgiving.

    And the man isn't even living in this country. Shouldn't we be showing him what a wonderful loving country we have here?

  15. PC's hate and bigotry should be called out whenever, whereever.

  16. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Field, "Why all the anger directed at PC?

    That is not the spirit of Thanksgiving.

    And the man isn't even living in this country. Shouldn't we be showing him what a wonderful loving country we have here?"

    Field, knock off the bullshit. You know there are some angry folks in A-merry-ka. You can't camouflage Negroes' or anons' anger. Hell, neither one of them have two nickels to rub together. They can only begin to dream of buying a turkey for Thanksgiving....they have to steal one.

    I am one of those broke-ass anons and I don't appreciate you and Desertflower rubbing my face in all of your boundless gratitudes cause y'all got so much. You two sound EXACTLY like a bunch of Republicans.

    As I said before, I will be eating a McBurger WITHOUT cheese, cause I can't afford the cheese. So go ahead, talk about how grateful you Negroes in Philly and on that tiny-ass island out in the middle of the ocean called Puerto Rico.

    I hear they don't even have turkeys in PR--they eat Black Condors shipped from CA....Lord have mercy.

  17. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Blacks in the UK should be banned from FN!!!they are too anti-God and too much like the devil.

  18. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Field, I hear some blogs will be closed tomorrow. Will FN be open? I am surprised that you haven't acknowledged that the Republican debate last night was outstanding and there was never a dull moment.

  19. Anonymous8:59 PM

    It would be a nice Thanksgiving if Maria would show up. Since she left, this blog has never been the same.

  20. Dear President of Anon. Inc. Here we are on the eve of throwing down on my poor turkey, and your Anons are messing with me. :(

    Anon. @ 8:59 PM, if it will make you feel any better, I think Maria still lurks around.

    "Field, I hear some blogs will be closed tomorrow. Will FN be open? "

    I thought about it, but no, it's better to stay open. I just wish that I could share some turkey with Anon @ 8:51 PM. The poor soul sounds like he could use some cheering up.

    I am trying to stay positive and upbeat on the eve of giving thanks and these Anons keep trying to pull me down.

  21. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Field, stop telling on me to my boss. What are you trying to do, ruin my McBurger without cheese and WITHOUT fries tomorrow? You see, tomorrow is just another day for me. Maybe YOU look forward to being with family, but I don't. Yeah, that's right. There are some of us who feel that if they EVER see some family again, it will be too damn soon.

    So go ahead and throw down your turkey. Obviously you are not feeling that sorry for a turkey if your mouth is watering for his ass tomorrow. Gobble, gobble.

    Looking forward to being on your blog tomorrow after I finish my one McBurger, which shouldn't take too long. God, I hope Mellaneous doesn't show up.

  22. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Christ, after tomorrow I'll have to deal with Xmas Negroes on this blog being thankful for having a tree and toys. WTF.

    I'll be glad when all of this bullshit is over.

  23. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Field, knock off the bullshit. You know there are some angry folks in A-merry-ka. You can't camouflage Negroes' or anons' anger. Hell, neither one of them have two nickels to rub together. They can only begin to dream of buying a turkey for Thanksgiving....they have to steal one.

    I am one of those broke-ass anons and I don't appreciate you and Desertflower rubbing my face in all of your boundless gratitudes cause y'all got so much. You two sound EXACTLY like a bunch of Republicans.

    As I said before, I will be eating a McBurger WITHOUT cheese, cause I can't afford the cheese. So go ahead, talk about how grateful you Negroes in Philly and on that tiny-ass island out in the middle of the ocean called Puerto Rico.

    I hear they don't even have turkeys in PR--they eat Black Condors shipped from CA....Lord have mercy.
    8:51 PM
    Ahahahahaha! Nooooo! I wanted to keep believing they were turkeys!!!

    I'm so sorry you're going to McBurgers, you think maybe they might have a turkey burger or something? They might and even throw in a little slice of free cheese cuz of the holiday ya know?

    I know! I have an idea! I'll post a picture of all my food and you can eat with your eyes! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    (Why am I so mean?, oh yeah must be cause I'm a nurse):))))))

    Field and everybody has turkey and you don't nananananana, singing and sticking out tongue) Field let's call the Anons McBurgers from now on, deal?

    They're so poor, yeah I'll bet! Didn't you say you owned a yacht?

  24. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Christ, after tomorrow I'll have to deal with Xmas Negroes on this blog being thankful for having a tree and toys. WTF.

    I'll be glad when all of this bullshit is over.
    You forgot New Years! With all the happy wishes and kisses and fireworks and wild parties on TV.
    I'll just be home prolly alone :( that's really just another day to me.

  25. Anonymous10:44 PM

    Desertflower, "They're so poor, yeah I'll bet! Didn't you say you owned a yacht?"

    that wasn't me, that was another anon. the fool tried to said to PR to your mean ass. he drowned trying to get there--the fool.

  26. Just last night I watched a documentary about the Wampanoags and how the settlers forced them to stop speaking their language. So now they are trying to re-learn the Wampanoags language.

    The settlers also stole just about all of their land. Oh and the Wampanoags were almost totally killed off by diseases the settlers brought with them from England.

    And on that note; Happy Thanksgiving, Mr. Field!

  27. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Desert, "(Why am I so mean?, oh yeah must be cause I'm a nurse):))))))"

    That explains everything. Were you one of those nightshift nurses who harassed the patients?

  28. Desertflower, you need to quit. They don't have turkey burgers at Burger King. You are really going to make Anon mad at you now.

    Anon, please come by tomorrow. I promise I will tell Mell to stay away. Besides, he will be out feeding the less fortunate or something.

    "The settlers also stole just about all of their land. Oh and the Wampanoags were almost totally killed off by diseases the settlers brought with them from England."

    Oh yeah, where did I put that medicine again?

    Sup Val? Happy Turkey Day!

    On a serious note, speaking of feeding the homeless; shout out to the "Philabundance" folks. They really do some good work this time of year.

  29. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Val, "Just last night I watched a documentary about the Wampanoags and how the settlers forced them to stop speaking their language. So now they are trying to re-learn the Wampanoags language.

    The settlers also stole just about all of their land. Oh and the Wampanoags were almost totally killed off by diseases the settlers brought with them from England."

    Val, why is it that you are ALWAYS trying to make Whites look bad? You know half of these documentaries are false, don't you? But you would rather believe the settlers killed off everybody and brought a lot of diseases with them. That is NOT true, at all. If it were true, there would be no person of color alive today.

    The fact is the Whites helped save us. That's why folks like Field, Desertflower, and you celebrate Thanksgiving. While you are giving your thanks tomorrow show some gratitude for the Whites who have made your life immensely better!

  30. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Field, "Anon, please come by tomorrow. I promise I will tell Mell to stay away. Besides, he will be out feeding the less fortunate or something."

    Was the last sentence in your comment intended to tease me? Was that a dig to let me know that even homeless people are having turkey while I have to eat a McBurger? I swear, there are some cruel folks on FN, esp those from PR. Desert remained in the health field waaay too long. I am changing her name to FrostyFlower.

  31. Dr Zhivago11:04 PM

    Desert, "(Why am I so mean?, oh yeah must be cause I'm a nurse):))))))"

    Interesting, tough job being a Nurse. Just wondering do you find it Titillating and how do you keep abreast of new developments in your field? What do you do to keep a head and do you find yourself really spread thin on some nights that force you to bend over backwards for demanding patients? Do you like it on the floor? I think thats what nurse's call it when they make the rounds?
    Do they still make you wear those loose but revealing uniforms? What color is the one you use? Are you wearing it now? :)

  32. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Dr Zhivago, "Do they still make you wear those loose but revealing uniforms? What color is the one you use? Are you wearing it now? :)"

    Oh Lordy! There was a movie called "Night Shift Nurses" years ago that took the porn industry by storm.I bet Field saw it many times.

    Anyway, my wife made me throw it away. That was 20 years ago and I really miss those nurses. I finally divorced my wife over it. What a b***h!

  33. Anonymous11:19 PM

    Dr Zhivago, there aren't that many nurses around anymore and they don't wear those uniforms anymore.

  34. Anonymous11:24 PM

    Dr Zhivago said...
    Interesting, tough job being a Nurse. Just wondering do you find it Titillating and how do you keep abreast of new developments in your field? What do you do to keep a head and do you find yourself really spread thin on some nights that force you to bend over backwards for demanding patients? Do you like it on the floor? I think thats what nurse's call it when they make the rounds?
    Do they still make you wear those loose but revealing uniforms? What color is the one you use? Are you wearing it now? :)
    Oooooooooh Dr.Zhivago I love it when you talk medical to me!!!!;)

    Oh Yes,yES,YEEESS! Everything is true! and those night shifts, AAah for those good old days, the bendi.. ooops, ahem, but I digress...No, I'm a prim and proper retired nurse now..ahem...totally proper.

  35. Anonymous11:25 PM

    I have GOT to find some turkey tomorrow. That hamburger isn't going to cut it. Many I can con somebody to give me a turkey meal with all the trimmings?

    Does anybody on FN know anything about a thanksgiving con game I can pull on somebody?

  36. Anonymous11:38 PM

    That you're from the Food Channel and you're tasting turkeys for a contest?

  37. Anonymous11:41 PM

    Good luck :) I gotta go to bed, I have to put mine in the oven at the crack of dawn if it's going to be ready for lunch!

  38. Wesley R11:42 PM


    Speaking of food, I saw on huffpo that Pat Roberson asked one of his people if Mac and Cheese is 'Black Food'

  39. Anonymous12:43 AM

    Here's the video of what Pat and a black Christian female follower said about Mac and Cheese. I think it's bullshit:

  40. I Told Ye I Missed!1:07 AM

    " PM

    NSangoma said...
    Mother PFCUK Turkey Day, the PFCUKING Pilgrims tried their best to EXTERMINATE the Wampanoag; the very people that kept the PFCUKING Pilgrims from starving to death

    5:55 PM

    Obviously, we missed one.

    What's your address, so we can send you a turkey?:)

  41. Throw Bacon In My Coffin1:11 AM

    Field....Seventh Days don't eat pork? Seriously?

  42. Pork'em2:09 AM

    Man, ribs are good! Especiallly pork!

  43. My wife just celebrated Thanksgiving with a turkey sandwich brought from the local Co-Op.

    This is the one day of the year that she gets homesick.

  44. Lawd have mercy, I hate to know some English Bastard started all of this shit.

  45. I Got Your Diversity6:10 AM

    Hey, Purple Cow.....come on over here, if you can borrow an Aircraft Carrier from your frog buddies in Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrane. & we'lll give YOU some "Thanks Giving".

  46. Quote: I Got Your Diversity

    "Hey, Purple Cow.....come on over here, if you can borrow an Aircraft Carrier from your frog buddies in Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrane."

    Sorry Mr. Diversity, I don't know any frogs - though as a kid I had a pet snake for a while. Sadly It got out one day and Mrs King next-door-but-one beat it to death with a rolling pin.

    Also, I don't know where Frane is, I'm afraid.

    Is it anywhere near France?

  47. "Field....Seventh Days don't eat pork? Seriously?"

    No, they don't. But it's all good. Eating healthy is one doctrine I can get behind.

    You all are soooo funny on this thread.

    Deserflower, we are going to have to get you an 800#. You have these Anons going. You are going to have to give me a commission, though.:)

    "Man, ribs are good! Especiallly pork!"

    Are McRibs Pork? Damn it! I heard they are good. I was going to try one of em bad boys.

    Happy Turkey Day folks. I don't think mine is in the oven yet.

    I really do feel sorry for the turkeys. :(

    Why didn't O pardon more than two of them?

  48. Turkish Taffy8:36 AM

    Why didn't O pardon more than two of them?

    He was going to but got confused, someone told him there was a Turkey named purple cow who was a Frog in "frane" but all he found was a chicken neck that speaks gobbledygook and thinks he is a Peacock.

  49. I seem to remember Rastamen weren't allowed to eat pork either. In fact IIRC they weren't even allowed to refer to it by name.

  50. PC, you are right. And not salt. Strictly Ital food.

    PC, you seem to have a fan club.

    Does Turkish Taffy seem like someone you might know? :)

  51. Anonymous8:44 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote: I Got Your Diversity

    "Hey, Purple Cow.....come on over here, if you can borrow an Aircraft Carrier from your frog buddies in Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrane."

    Sorry Mr. Diversity, I don't know any frogs - though as a kid I had a pet snake for a while. Sadly It got out one day and Mrs King next-door-but-one beat it to death with a rolling pin.

    Also, I don't know where Frane is, I'm afraid.

    Is it anywhere near France?

    Can't blame low IQ on the education system. Do you often miss what is glaringly obvious to most?

  52. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Does Turkish Taffy seem like someone you might know? :)

    As we say here in little Italy "he don't know nobody"

  53. I quite enjoy the hate actually.

    If the Aryan Brotherhood aren't spluttering with rage I'm not doing my job.


    India came back well on day 4, predictably. Looks like we are heading for a draw.

    But I remain cautiously optimistic over Windies intermediate future.

  54. QuoteAnonymous 08:44

    "Do you often miss what is glaringly obvious to most?"

    No, never.

  55. Anonymous9:12 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    I quite enjoy the hate actually.

    If the Aryan Brotherhood aren't spluttering with rage I'm not doing my job.

    Ah the weak minded one chortles - they don't like me because of the way I look, it has nothing to do with the way I act. Sure, sure it's all just because you are fugly.

  56. Anonymous9:14 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    QuoteAnonymous 08:44

    "Do you often miss what is glaringly obvious to most?"

    No, never.

    Peacock meet Chicken Neck. Tell the family to put away the stuffing, this bird is already stuffed and full of it.

  57. "India came back well on day 4, predictably. Looks like we are heading for a draw."

    Damn! :(

  58. President and CEO of Anon Inc.10:54 AM

    And now, a tradition as American as pumpkin pie: Rush Limbaugh's "true story of Thanksgiving."

    Remember the story of the first Thanksgiving? Well, according to the story that Limbaugh tells almost every year on his radio show, history books, your parents and all the best elementary school plays left out one crucial part: socialism.

    Yes, the pilgrims came to Plymouth, Massachusetts to seek religious freedom and build a new home. But, as Limbaugh explains, their plan was almost scuttled when a social contract they'd made backfired.
    The original contract the Pilgrims had entered into with their merchant sponsors in London called for everything they produced to go into a common store, and each member of the community was entitled to one common share. All of the land that they cleared and the houses they built belonged to the community as well. Now, they were going to distribute it equally; all the land they cleared, all the houses they built belonged to the community. Nobody owned anything. They just had a share in it. It was a commune.

  59. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Field said, "No, they don't. But it's all good. Eating healthy is one doctrine I can get behind.

    You all are soooo funny on this thread."

    Damn, Field. I didn't know that pork was unhealthy. I bought a huge ham for Thanksgiving, thinking I would go half vegan and save some fowl lives. I figured God wouldn't give a damn about pigs. Come to think of it I bet you have a few pigs on your blog, esp on Thanksgiving Day.

    BTW, I am so glad you are open today. It shows your dedication to Blacks, uninvited Whites, and zero Latinos. Do you ever wonder about those Latinos? I mean, at least the white racists show up to let us know they think we are slaves. But the Latinos act as if we don't even exist.

    I guess they follow the slogan, "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."

    Don't forget to watch the Packers/Lions game. That is going to be a knock down drag out fight...49ers/Ravens too.


  61. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Pork isn't really unhealthy - it's actually just as healthy or moreso in some cases as beef. However there are many cultural taboos - going back to seventh day adventists follow the same dietary restrictions as Jews.

    So do we have a Sammy Davis Field in our midst who follows the laws of ancient Jews? Islamists also follow the same dietary rules with the restriction of Camels, they believe you can eat a camel if needed. Jews do not.

  62. Anonymous1:39 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Is that all you got?

    Clearly all that was necessary and totally sufficient.

  63. Happy Thanksgiving, Field & Mrs Field and to all of your readers!

    Be blessed, Be safe, and enjoy your families!

