Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Don't get mad, get even.

I must say that I am disappointed with O. His peeps are crying" woe is me" after seeing the first Mitt Romney political ad. for the 2012 election.

Yes, it's deceitful and misleading, but so what else is new? This is politics; politicians and political campaigns lie. And Mitt, as we all know, will do anything to get elected. Anything. His only mission in life is to become the next president of these divided state of A-merry-ca.

So O, instead of getting mad, your people should be trying to get even. Start digging up all those sound bites and old pictures hidden in Mitt's closet, and I guarantee you that you won't have to use deceptive tactics to make your point.

There is enough flip flopping out there to bury the soulless one many times over.

Anyway, I am settling and getting ready to watch the republican debates. Newt is leading now, so it should be fun.

I just hope that there are no children in the audience; Newt might want to put them behind the cameras and have them clean up the stage.   

Pic courtesy of Merry Poppet blog.



  1. famous african inventors7:42 PM

    purple cow wrote:

    I did not say there's no scientific proof for genetics. I said there is no scientific proof for Eugenics.

    Hmmm. Let's see. Is there a continent comprising nations of people who are a little behind the curve?

    Could it be Africa? With almost a billion people who, without help, would still lack the wheel?

  2. more mormons7:49 PM

    field frets:

    So O, instead of getting mad, your people should be trying to get even.

    Nothing. Nothing Obama can uncover is enough to hide his own record of presidential failure.

    Start digging up all those sound bites and old pictures hidden in Mitt's closet, and I guarantee you that you won't have to use deceptive tactics to make your point.

    Hey, earlier today Obama's buddy -- Tony Rezko -- was sentenced to 10 years in prison.

    Obama is tightly bound to one flop and fiasco after another, the most egregious of which have occured in the last three years.

    Meanwhile, when the primaries are over, Obama may well find himself facing Huntsman rather than Romney.

  3. Wesley R7:55 PM


    Have fun, I'm taking this week off from watching the wingnut debate.

    Stanford plays at MSG tomorrow on espn @ 6pm. Little Cuz is their starting PG.

  4. MorMan8:04 PM

    "So O, instead of getting mad, your people should be trying to get even. Start digging up all those sound bites and old pictures hidden in Mitt's closet, and I guarantee you that you won't have to use deceptive tactics to make your point."

    Good plan Field, fits right in with Obama's plans for his second term:

    1) get reelected through voter fraud, media assistance, and a $billion smear campaign against the Republican nominee, financed largely by thuggish unions and Hollyweird degenerates;

    2) confiscate our firearms;

    3) keep running up massive bills that cannot be repaid;

    4) hook ever more people on government dependency;

    5) raise taxes through the stratosphere; and

    6) watch with a self-satisfied smirk on his face as the country he hates collapses.


    Stay classy wingnut.

  6. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Romney looks very Presidential; so does Newt. Ron Paul makes a lot of sense; so does Bachman and Perry.

    All total, the Republicans have a bench that runs deep for President in 2012.

    Obama is done. You can stick a fork in him now.

  7. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Taking the week off and reading the book "Down Low Baller"!!!

  8. Anonymous9:28 PM


    here's the link to the book down low baller!

  9. I move MorMan either changes his name or stops saying stupid things.
    Both your moniker and fear baiting offend me.

  10. Have to agree with Bro, Morman went all 1992 with the confiscating guns thing. Who even believes that stupid shit anymore? Troll upgrade needed immediately!

  11. Anonymous10:43 PM

    PilotX, "Have to agree with Bro, Morman went all 1992 with the confiscating guns thing. Who even believes that stupid shit anymore? Troll upgrade needed immediately!"

    I would expect you lefties to find fault with GOP candidates and NONE with your own. Could it be because Obama is Black and is not an African American?

    PilotX, you really hate AAs don't you?
    What's it like living on the South Side of Chicago?

  12. Anonymous10:45 PM

    Brohammas, "I move MorMan either changes his name or stops saying stupid things."

    Who is MorMan?

  13. I think Obama's people are setting a trap. They want Mitt to be the nominee because his medical insurance plan in Mass was similar to Obama's plan and also Mitt is a big time flip flopper.

    So they pretend to cower in the corner thereby empowering Mitt in the eyes of Republicans.

  14. Anonymous10:59 PM

    Val, "I think Obama's people are setting a trap. They want Mitt to be the nominee because his medical insurance plan in Mass was similar to Obama's plan and also Mitt is a big time flip flopper.

    So they pretend to cower in the corner thereby empowering Mitt in the eyes of Republicans."

    Flip flopper? You have the audacity to talk about flip-flopping? Obama is the biggest liar of all Presidents in the history of America!

    There is no pretense to Obama's cowering. Just look at how he has caved in front of the nation to the GOP. Obama has PROVEN that he is spineless.

    Hence, your thought of a trap is nothing short of delusion. Quite simply it has no basis in reality. It's YOUR wish and YOUR dream...but just a dream.

  15. Anonymous11:06 PM

    Field, "Yes, it's deceitful and misleading, but so what else is new? This is politics; politicians and political campaigns lie.And Mitt, as we all know, will do anything to get elected. Anything."

    And what about Obama? He lied, and lied, and lied to the American people over and over again to the extent that he is not trustworthy or believable. He has NO credibility.

    Of course, you conveniently avoid talking about how Obama has disappointed the people who voted for him. Of course, you fail to mention CHANGE...it might trigger memories of how Obama has ripped off his voters, esp. Blacks.

  16. Anonymous11:07 PM

    It's time to move on to a blog where it is fair and balanced and intelligent.

  17. Anonymous11:19 PM

    Brohammas said...
    I move MorMan either changes his name or stops saying stupid things.
    Both your moniker and fear baiting offend me.

    So who gives a shit what offends you or what kind of bowel movement you have "moved", Did someone make you HNIC or you one of them born entitled ones?

  18. MorMan11:35 PM

    Brohammas said...
    I move MorMan either changes his name or stops saying stupid things.
    Both your moniker and fear baiting offend me.

    Says the navel-gazer with the moniker "Brohammas".

    And if you are afraid of serious times, then stay off the playground and keep your bromance-induced bromides to yourself, Brohammy.

  19. Anonymous11:50 PM

    MorMan said...
    Brohammas said...
    I move MorMan either changes his name or stops saying stupid things.
    Both your moniker and fear baiting offend me.

    Says the navel-gazer with the moniker "Brohammas".

    And if you are afraid of serious times, then stay off the playground and keep your bromance-induced bromides to yourself, Brohammy.

    He thinks he is a cow from fallout 3 with that name.

  20. "Hmmm. Let's see. Is there a continent comprising nations of people who are a little behind the curve?

    Could it be Africa? With almost a billion people who, without help, would still lack the wheel?"

    By "help," you mean "benevolent European overseers who were kind enough to gently guide Africa towards the 20th century while availing itself to the continent's natural resources, as payment," right?

    "1) get reelected through voter fraud, media assistance, and a $billion smear campaign against the Republican nominee, financed largely by thuggish unions and Hollyweird degenerates;

    2) confiscate our firearms;

    3) keep running up massive bills that cannot be repaid;

    4) hook ever more people on government dependency;

    5) raise taxes through the stratosphere; and

    6) watch with a self-satisfied smirk on his face as the country he hates collapses."

    #1 could read like an accurate account of George W. Bush's 2000 and 2004 election campaigns, with "thuggish unions and Hollyweird degenerates" being replaced by thuggish corporate interests and Right-Wing media degenerates.

    #2 hasn't been in use by degenerate liberal commiecrats since the mid-1990s. Do you still store your digital media on floppy disks?

    #3 wasn't much of a problem for the annointed patron saint of Right-Wing Politics, Ronaldus Magnus I (also known as Ronald Reagan). Or his successor. Or his successor's Republican successor. Remember, those massive bills don't matter when the GOP's in charge.

    #4 sounds like a new way of saying "Niggers and spics on welfare ruin everything."

    I don't quite get #5. Taxes are as low as they've ever been for the gilded classes who usually whine about high taxes. The wealthy can take all the tax breaks and subsidies they can and still whine about "high" taxes.

    And #6? That's something you'll see among conservatives if they ever get the chance to successfully destroy Obama's presidency and subsequent political career. Self-satisfied smirks all around.

    Are these really trolls? They appear too mentally challenged and desperate to be trolls.

  21. Another reason trolls bitch about taxes is the way they're employed. They're Form 1099 freelance contractors - low pay, zero benefits and since Anon, Inc. doesn't have to deduct taxes from their pay, the poor trolls have to deal with the good graces of the Internal Revenue Service and the wonderful Self-Employment tax.

    Oh, and since they're freelance contractors, they don't have job security. Anon, Inc. can fire trolls in bulk for no reason at all. Those poor bastards are expendable.

  22. Anonymous12:05 AM

    Field, I guess they are late with the leading republican candidate attack package that you usually get huh? But you guessed right, Newt is going to have to be next on the leftist loon whackjob hit list. He will eat Obama alive, this is a man who can talk the truth and cut right through the usual rhetorical bullshit - funny that is all Obama has, for any actions have been disasters so he relies on rhetorical bullshit. I wonder if he is going to run on his accomplishments or try and drag someone else down to make himself look better? Nah, just kidding, I know that's all democrats have, the negative pointing finger.

  23. Anonymous12:06 AM

    Field, I guess they are late with the leading republican candidate attack package that you usually get huh? But you guessed right, Newt is going to have to be next on the leftist loon whackjob hit list. He will eat Obama alive, this is a man who can talk the truth and cut right through the usual rhetorical bullshit - funny that is all Obama has, for any actions have been disasters so he relies on rhetorical bullshit. I wonder if he is going to run on his accomplishments or try and drag someone else down to make himself look better? Nah, just kidding, I know that's all democrats have, the negative pointing finger.

  24. MorMan12:06 AM

    @ Mack:

    Just to let you know, you are still an idiot.

    Nothing you just wrote in the previous two posts bears any resemblance to reality.

    Grow the fuck up already.

  25. Anonymous12:14 AM

    Are these really trolls? They appear too mentally challenged and desperate to be trolls.

    Oh goodness, the guy just can't say anything differently. Do you need someone to help you draft a new signature line to use for awhile? This one has mental retard written all over it. Trolls are dark, have course animal like hair which is nappy unkempt and sheeplike. They live in dark places and usually defecate where they live. Sounds to me like you fit the description of trolls a lot better than anyone you are trying to name as such. You don't wear a weave to cover that hair too do you?

    How much debt has Obama run up in three years?
    How does that compare to all U.S presidents combined? When you can answer that then come back with thoughtful comments or just say something stupid - rinse and repeat.

  26. Anonymous12:16 AM

    MorMan said...
    @ Mack:

    Just to let you know, you are still an idiot.

    Nothing you just wrote in the previous two posts bears any resemblance to reality.

    Grow the fuck up already.

    He can't grow up; his head would hit the bridge he lives under and ruin his gerrycurl. You know how some of them type of dudes are with those expensive gerrycurls, bell bottom jeans and marshmallow lifts.

  27. Anonymous12:26 AM

    Mack, "Oh, and since they're freelance contractors, they don't have job security. Anon, Inc. can fire trolls in bulk for no reason at all. Those poor bastards are expendable."

    Pray tell, what is job security? I can tell you after a career in the corporate work world, EVERYONE IS EXPENDABLE. Ask anyone from the janitor to the CEO and they will tell you so.

    By your comment, either you are naive or you haven't worked very much in your life.

  28. Anonymous12:43 AM

    Mack, fyi. Anon Inc is a very reputable company with outstanding Anons who have provided service beyond reproach to FN blog. I know because Field has told me many times in confidence that he feels so blessed and honored to have Anons posting on his blog.

    You see, without Anon, Inc. folks who live in isolation like you without a partner would have no one to talk to and therefore would feel lower than black whale shit. So out of compassion, we help you to not feel so lonely and to find your senseless voice.

    So, be thankful for Anons. Come on, it's Thanksgiving for Christ's sake.

  29. "All total, the Republicans have a bench that runs deep for President in 2012.

    Obama is done. You can stick a fork in him now."

    Go to bed, Newt! It's way past your bedtime.

    "It's time to move on to a blog where it is fair and balanced and intelligent."

    Please don't slam the door when you leave. The neighbors might hear you. :)

  30. Bro @ 9:46 PM, I am not sure what you mean. You will have to explain.

  31. Anonymous1:12 AM

    Field, "Please don't slam the door when you leave. The neighbors might hear you. :)"

    That was cold; my feelings are hurt. I can't believe you said that after ALL I have done for you. Negroes are so ungrateful.

  32. Wasn't Anon Inc trying to convince us Herman was the second coming just a week or so ago? If republicans don't care what liberals think why would Herman's poll numbers have plummeted after the sexual harassment allegations. It's not us who abandoned him,we were never with him.

  33. Anonymous2:07 AM

    Brooklyn, you are right you were never with Herman Cain. You Leftist FN Negroes tried your best to sabotage another brother. That speaks volumes about you House Negroes!

  34. Anonymous2:09 AM

    Now that you Negroes and Field's cold-ass comment, I might stay just to teach you sorry Leftist Negroes a lesson.

  35. Nobody sabotaged Cain, but his jigging ass, boot licking, womanizing self, dimwit self. Cain a brotha??? Puleeze! Cain is worser than Clarence Thomas.

    Yes, it does speak volumes about us doesn't it. It speaks loud and clear that we can see through that no good hustling, overseer, puppet for the bribery brothers, oops, I meant Koch's brothers.

  36. "Now that you Negroes and Field's cold-ass comment, I might stay just to teach you sorry Leftist Negroes a lesson."

    Nooooo! :o)

    Would it help if I said I was sorry?

    "Wasn't Anon Inc trying to convince us Herman was the second coming just a week or so ago? "

    Funny how things change. That's what messing with missy will do to you. :)

  37. Utah or bust7:06 AM

    Herman Cain, an earnest and sincere Republican hopeful -- who's over 65, who's had cancer, who's never held elective office, and who reminds voters every time he speaks that he knows too little about too much.

    After Clinton beat Bush in '92 and Dole in '96, it looked as though bimbo eruptions and draft dodging were no longer barriers to the While House.

    Hence, there's no reason Cain's girls should limit his chances of becoming the nominee. They haven't. He's not getting nominated for other reasons -- age, illness and lack of experience.

    Romney or Huntsman. Clean living Mormons. They are the choices.

  38. rubber bullets7:17 AM

    New York City will record about 500 murders this year -- almost 100% of the victims will be black or hispanic, killed by black or hispanic shooters.

    Cop gunplay at 40-yr. low


    November 23, 2011

    Holster that weapon.

    The NYPD is on track for an all-time record low number of police shootings for 2011, according to figures released yesterday.

    The existing record is 92 police shootings in 2010 — the lowest since 1971, when the department began collecting the data.

    There have been just 83 recorded so far this year.

    Commissioner Ray Kelly attributed the drop to police training, restraint and crime reduction.

    Last year, the department recorded 33 intentional shootings in defense of civilians, or of cops themselves.

    There were 21 accidental discharges, 30 shootings in response to animal attacks, and four instances when civilians obtained and fired cops’ guns.

  39. occupy wall street8:25 AM

    Gawker-ing at Reality: Venture Capitalism and Whiteness

    Not another white guy...

    Just a few weeks removed from Mike Arrington's admission of not knowing a "single Black entrepreneur" in Silicon Valley on CNN's Black in America Part 400, comes yet another shocking statistic that doesn't jive with the reality of your average single Black female having a net worth of $5 or your average Black family having a median net worth at $5,677.

    Venture capitalists in the United States - just like all those pesky National Register of Historic Sites across the nation - are, well, embarrassingly white...

  40. These concern-trolls are starting to get on my nerves.

  41. Field, did you see that our boys are giving it large in Mumbai?

    I know we've had false dawns before, but it looks like 15 years of pain might finally be coming to an end.


  42. Anonymous9:34 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Field, did you see that our boys are giving it large in Mumbai?

    Someone like you is giving instead of just receiving it "large" isn't givin instead of takin against the grain?

  43. Anonymous9:39 AM

    field negro said...
    "Now that you Negroes and Field's cold-ass comment, I might stay just to teach you sorry Leftist Negroes a lesson."

    Nooooo! :o)

    Would it help if I said I was sorry?

    "Wasn't Anon Inc trying to convince us Herman was the second coming just a week or so ago? "

    Funny how things change. That's what messing with missy will do to you. :)

    Actually no. If I remember correctly the anons were saying he would never be president but your race based attacks were despicable. As are all things you overlook and or justify no matter how horrendous, for the people with the right skin color who act the way those who are your liberal masters and providers demand.

  44. Quote Anonymous

    "Someone like you is giving instead of just receiving it "large" isn't givin instead of takin against the grain?"

    You're so clueless, it's incredible.

  45. sticky wicket9:55 AM

    purple cow links:


    Cricket. Yeah. That's important.

  46. Great. MorMan hates me and his anon friend thinks I rock a Jheri curl.

    How can one be homeless and still have enough money for activator? See Field, I told you these anons needed upgrading. You can literally smell their desperation from miles away.

  47. *space reserved for witty anon joke based on "smelling desperation".*

  48. Captain Underoos10:21 AM

    I wonder if anyone has ever asked Mitt the now infamous, "boxers or briefs?" question in a public forum.

    Now, THAT might be worth the price of admission. C'mon, one of you Dumbocrats....go for it!

  49. Quote Sticky Wicket

    "Cricket. Yeah. That's important."

    I agree.

    After soccer it's the world's second most played team sport.

    Of course the vast majority of cricket players are non-white, so I'm guessing that if you are an insular, friendless, racist sleazeball stuck in the cellar of a rented house somewhere out in Bumfuck Wisconsin, I could see that it wouldn't be very important to you.

  50. Anonymous10:48 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Sticky Wicket

    "Cricket. Yeah. That's important."

    I agree.

    After soccer it's the world's second most played team sport.

    Of course the vast majority of cricket players are non-white, so I'm guessing that if you are an insular, friendless, racist sleazeball stuck in the cellar of a rented house somewhere out in Bumfuck Wisconsin, I could see that it wouldn't be very important to you.

    Yeah, only people who believe that what was once a place where horses and donkeys laid and shit is now a good place for you to live and have your half breed children lay and shit, would try and say those who don't like soccer must be renters.

    We don't like soccer because it sucks and it has fans like you.
    As for real sports, you might be able to participate if I need a man to pickup the horsehit...nah, never mind you certainly are lazy, I will stick with Pedro, at least he wont' try and eat the horse puckey - you did say you were Haitian right?

    Sports are always important to those like you. It is the highest form of economic achievement you can hope for. Another words you are good at playing with balls.

  51. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Of course the vast majority of cricket players are non-white, so I'm guessing that if you are an insular, friendless, racist sleazeball stuck in the cellar of a rented house somewhere out in Bumfuck Wisconsin, I could see that it wouldn't be very important to you.

    Of course they are non-white, it is traditional to have the livestock perform for the masters.

  52. Anonymous10:57 AM

    How can one be homeless and still have enough money for activator? See Field, I told you these anons needed upgrading. You can literally smell their desperation from miles away.

    I can see you saying this over and over and over in a nasily whiney voice...feeeeeeeillllddddddd I don't know what else to say..oh I know the trolls need an upgrade the trolls need an upgrade...the trolls need an upgrade. Would you like us anons to write a new line for you so you dont sound so autistic? Now back to your point, did anyone ever say you were homeless? No, read carefully you live under a bridge - this is your home and admit it you have a gerry curl you just have to have one with that whiney personality.

    Ok I will take a shot at the smell joke..That isn't desperation you smell it's the wet smell of sheep hair when you apply the texture cream.

  53. Dear anonymous 10:48 and 10:50

    Isn't today some kind of American holiday?

    And yet you still spend the entire day on here posting racist insults, because as we discussed earlier, that's the only thing that gives your life meaning.

    So I was right all along, you really don't have any friends, or family that will speak to you. Your life really is that empty and meaningless.

    No wonder you are so bitter.

    I almost feel sorry for you, you are a sad little fuck.

  54. Anonymous11:57 AM

    You wanna know what I think? No? Well okay....I'll tell you anyway:D

    I think that the Anons are really only just one. Just one playing all the different Anons!!! ;) Yup!

    Anyway is everybody or their wife or mom thawing the turkey???

    It's Thanksgiving Day tomorrow! We're supposed to be united and giving thanks! and getting ready to pig out!

    I just love it!

  55. Lt. Commander Johnson12:11 PM

    Desertflower, you might just be one of the nicest & humorous people that posts on this blog.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you & yours.

  56. The President of Troll, Inc.12:36 PM

    Mack Lyons said...
    I told you these anons needed upgrading.

    Enough with you and StewardessX and BrokeLyn whining about how the anons/trolls need to be "upgraded".

    You do that every time you are confronted with facts you can't refute.

    The trolls are here to do you a service. If we were gone, this board would just be another liberal intellectual circle jerk, where everyone spent all day validating one another's tired, cliched lefty opinions based on a distorted reading of history and an inability to comprehend complex facts. (America is racist, Republicans are greedy and racist, black people are victims, homosexuality is fun for the whole family, wealth is evidence of crime, not agreeing with Obama is racist, white people are stupid and live in trailers, freedom = oppression, Diversity Uber alles, not liking socialism is racist, etc ad nauseam).

    At least with the trolls around, you have to occassionally try to think instead of parroting the last thing you heard on MSNBC.

    Now go and have yourself a nice Thanksgiving, and don't piss in the gravy by pushing your progressive politics into your assembled family's collective faces.

  57. God bless Tatyana Limanova. She is a true field negro!!!!!!!!!

  58. Wow, Mr. President of Troll inc. - just how small is your penis?

    You seem to have a massive inferiority thing going on.

  59. :06 PM
    Anonymous said...
    It's time to move on to a blog where it is
    fair and balanced and intelligent.
    11:07 PM

    Yeah!!!!!!! I down 200 to go.

  60. sticky wicket12:55 PM

    purple sow says:

    Of course the vast majority of cricket players are non-white...so I'm guessing... that if you are an insular, friendless, racist sleazeball stuck in the cellar of a rented house somewhere out in Bumfuck Wisconsin, I could see that it wouldn't be very important to you.

    So you're guessing? Don't bet money on your guesses.

    But you can bet on this: The majority of the world's leading athletes are paid by capitalists. They compete in free countries.

    Athletes from poor, undemocratic, non-capitalistic nations frequently leave their repressive homelands to cash in elsewhere.

    But they need the capitalists to cash in.

    HOwever, even the capitalists understand there's no US market for cricket. Strictly amateur here. But games are shown on cable.

  61. President of Troll, Inc.1:22 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Wow, Mr. President of Troll inc. - just how small is your penis?

    You seem to have a massive inferiority thing going on.

    I think perhaps the cow who thinks he can see a penis through an internet post might be the one with the insecurities.

    Your amateur psychology is right up there your amateur economics.

  62. Anonymous2:00 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Dear anonymous 10:48 and 10:50

    Isn't today some kind of American holiday?
    No dipwick. Stick with what you know a bit about - balls, hirsute and otherwise.

    And yet you still spend the entire day on here posting racist insults, because as we discussed earlier, that's the only thing that gives your life meaning.

    Actually it took me seconds and I know you are speaking to a superior but you don't need to fake your use of time with me, a minute or two is not "all day" you aren't pretending you are working here. However, I come back and you are still here posting racist drivel. You really want to have meaning in the life of someone who is more important than a white woman who is slumming dont you. Sorry, it won't be me. Just bring my shoes and OK I will let you pick up the horse pucky as that seemed to upset you, just DO NOT EAT IT!!! How long has it been since you left Haiti?

    So I was right all along, you really don't have any friends, or family that will speak to you. Your life really is that empty and meaningless.

    Now, Now, purple cow, stop projecting, just because someone recognizes who you are, doesn't mean they are like you. Did you clean up the pool from my party last night as instructed cabana boy?

    No wonder you are so bitter.

    Ehhh...well, I told you that I eat a lot of meat, you have to let it go to the taste buds in the back of your tongue, they are the sweet ones.

    I almost feel sorry for you, you are a sad little fuck.

    I love how the phsycotic create worlds that don't exist so they can pretend to feel a human emotion such as compassion. We know you don't have the ahem..DNA for it so cease your emulations your simian like mimicking is unbecoming. For now leave, I will call you if I need something to swing a stick at something or another show for the gentry is planned.

  63. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Lt. Commander Johnson said...
    Desertflower, you might just be one of the nicest & humorous people that posts on this blog.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you & yours.

    12:11 PM
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Awwww shucks! But I'll believe that thankeee sir Lt.Commander sir!:))))

  64. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Oh and you guys are/can be veeeery humorous too!

  65. Quote Sticky Wicket

    "HOwever, even the capitalists understand there's no US market for cricket. Strictly amateur here. But games are shown on cable."

    What on Earth makes you think we care if there's a US market for cricket or not? Why should we give a kipper's dick?

  66. Quote President of Troll inc

    "I think perhaps the cow who thinks he can see a penis through an internet post might be the one with the insecurities.

    Your amateur psychology is right up there your amateur economics."

    Well your massive inferiority complex comes from somewhere, a microscopically small penis was just my best guess.

    If you want to share the true root cause of your problems with us, feel free. Why is it that women cross the street when they see you coming? Why is it that your 'friends' never call you back?

    You are amongst friends here, and we absolutely will not piss ourselves laughing at everything you say.

    So unload your cares onto my broad shoulders, my little friend.

  67. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Lt. Commander, "Desertflower, you might just be one of the nicest & humorous people that posts on this blog."

    Actually I am. Desertflower went to my Thanksgiving school of niceness. Would you like to sign up?

  68. Not Much A Dumbocrat Can Say2:37 PM

    For all you idiots who constantly clain it's the REPUBLICANS who "steal" elections:


    BTW....can you spell "ACORN"?
    Voter ID? You're damn straight! (Might keep a FEW dead Democrats from voting anyway....not to mention illegal immigrants)

  69. Lt. Commander Johnson2:41 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    Lt. Commander, "Desertflower, you might just be one of the nicest & humorous people that posts on this blog."

    Actually I am. Desertflower went to my Thanksgiving school of niceness. Would you like to sign up?

    2:36 PM"

    Thanks very much, but I'm afraid I'd scare all of your other pupils off:)

    There's no hope for me. Things just haven't been the same since Steve left ship....(sniff).

  70. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Desertflower, "I think that the Anons are really only just one. Just one playing all the different Anons!!! ;) Yup!"

    Desert, you are waaaay offf on this one. There are many 'different' Anons on this blog. Field would never have signed a contract with Anon, Inc for just one Anon.

    Field wants to get more bang for his dollar with many Anons. You know how lawyers are....always trying to maximize their money.:D

    Anon #9

  71. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Lt Commander, "There's no hope for me. Things just haven't been the same since Steve left ship....(sniff)."

    Well, don't cry. Anon, Inc received a resume from Steve. He really wants a job with our company....The man wants prestige in his life. Unfortunately, or fortunately we can't hire him simply because we don't hire buck-dancing house Negroes.

    So, keep the faith. He will be back. However, he will be attacking Anons with a vengeance- for obvious reasons.

    He and Purple Cow are very similar. I wouldn't be surprised if they were long lost brothers.

  72. Quote Anonymous 2:00

    "No dipwick. Stick with what you know a bit about - balls, hirsute and otherwise."

    The word is dipstick that's d-i-p-s-t-i-c-k - you useless twunt. If you are going to insult people at least make the effort to spell it right.

    That's an F for you on this one, little man.

    But anyways, I was told that today was the day that all America travelled home to their friends and loved ones ready fro the big party tomorrow. Now whilst I appreciate that it doesn't take long to hitchhike from one trailer-park to the next, I was still surprised that you have so much time on your hands.

    It's almost like you've got no friends, no family and no job.

    "Actually it took me seconds and I know you are speaking to a superior but you don't need to fake your use of time with me, a minute or two is not "all day" you aren't pretending you are working here. However, I come back and you are still here posting racist drivel. You really want to have meaning in the life of someone who is more important than a white woman who is slumming dont you. Sorry, it won't be me. Just bring my shoes and OK I will let you pick up the horse pucky as that seemed to upset you, just DO NOT EAT IT!!! How long has it been since you left Haiti?"

    Now you see, even by your lowly standards this paragraph doesn't make any sense.

    Why would I want to have meaning in your life? What possible reason would I have for that? You live thousands of miles from here, in a terminally doomed country that has little or no relevance to me. I couldn't give a shit if you post or don't post, stay or go, live or die. I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire.

    I'll give you a D- for this one, best I can do I'm afraid.

    "Now, Now, purple cow, stop projecting, just because someone recognizes who you are, doesn't mean they are like you. Did you clean up the pool from my party last night as instructed cabana boy?"

    OK I get it now - you're saying that because I'm black I should be cleaning pools because only black people clean pools right?

    That's genius!

    That's just so fucking witty!

    What a towering intellect you must have to have dreamed up something so original and sparklingly witty as that one. WOW! That one must have knocked 'em dead at the Aryan Brotherhood meeting, right?


    "Ehhh...well, I told you that I eat a lot of meat, you have to let it go to the taste buds in the back of your tongue, they are the sweet ones. "

    errr, sorry. Don't understand this one. It's almost like you've run out of things to say, and are just making up infantile shit to say, to mask your vacuity.

    Ummmmmm, C- on this one. Can't say fairer than that.

    "I love how the phsycotic create worlds that don't exist so they can pretend to feel a human emotion such as compassion. We know you don't have the ahem..DNA for it so cease your emulations your simian like mimicking is unbecoming. For now leave, I will call you if I need something to swing a stick at something or another show for the gentry is planned."

    Wow!! 'Phsycotic' - that's a big intellectual word - I can tell you're a white guy.

    Let me just find me O.E.D. and look it up.

    Let's see...




    Nope, sorry Phsycotic isn't in my dictionary. Can you explain it to me please?

    [Is there such a thing as an F- does anyone know?]

    2:00 PM

  73. Lt. Commander, you are right about Desertflowe, I can always feel her spirit. (Good vibes)

    I hope all of you are getting ready for your Turkey day. I wish you all happy eating and bonding. (Even the Anons who hate on a brotha.)

    I have respect for the President of Anon. Inc. and what he is trying to accomplish, but he does need some more institutional control of some of his peeps. :)

    PC, glad to see that the Windies cricketers might be getting their game back on. It has been a long wait. 575/9 is no joke.

    Oh for the days of men like Holden, Richards, Hall,DuJon, Walsh,Lara, and others. :)

  74. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Field, "I hope all of you are getting ready for your Turkey day. I wish you all happy eating and bonding. (Even the Anons who hate on a brotha.)"

    Thanks Field, but I won't be eating turkey this year. Fucking Anon Inc cut my pay. It's McDonald's for me and there isn't a damn thing to be thankful for that. I think we have a moral problem.

    But I am not mad or jealous at anyone who can afford a nice turkey. As a matter of good-will, let me say, "Enjoy your fucking turkey, I hope you choke and cough so hard that your ass falls off!"

    Love, Anon #11

  75. Wow Anon #1, why the anger? I will have a talk with your president to see if we can get you a raise.

    That is not right. The holidays are upon us and no one should be getting their pay cut this time of year. Not even an Anon.

  76. "Enough with you and StewardessX and BrokeLyn whining about how the anons/trolls need to be "upgraded".

    You do that every time you are confronted with facts you can't refute.

    Now go and have yourself a nice Thanksgiving, and don't piss in the gravy by pushing your progressive politics into your assembled family's collective faces."

    These aren't even your products, Mr. President of Troll, Inc. Don't tell me you're so incompetent that you can't distinguish between your products and that of Anon, Inc. No wonder your stock prices are in the shitter.

    "I have respect for the President of Anon. Inc. and what he is trying to accomplish, but he does need some more institutional control of some of his peeps. :)"

    And apparently more class than the president of Troll, Inc.

  77. "I would expect you lefties to find fault with GOP candidates and NONE with your own. Could it be because Obama is Black and is not an African American?

    PilotX, you really hate AAs don't you?
    What's it like living on the South Side of Chicago?"

    You're right, there are ALOT of fault to be found on the GOP side. Sorry but facts are facts. No candidate is perfect but I say the same is true of righties. Becky becky stan stan isn't my idea of good foreign policy nor do I endorse child sweat shops vice school.
    What is an AA? If it's what I think it means I love all Black people no matter what country they're from.
    The southside is cool, when it's warm but I'm starting (going on 20 years) to dislike cold so if I could live here from May to October and maybe the Bahamas during the winter I'd be rocking.

  78. "You do that every time you are confronted with facts you can't refute."

    Show me ONE time I've been confronted with "facts" from a troll that I couldn't refute. I'll wait probably as long as I waited for the troll who said he could show me a weather model that the average person could make.

    Well Field, at least your trolls are funny. Stupid but funny.

  79. Trying To Be Nice3:06 AM

    You folks are mean.

  80. I had a "moment" the other night. I'd just watched debate snippets on The Daily Show, I was reading WP & HuffPost columns about the debate online. I had the sinking feeling Mitt Romney will be our next president. I hope I'm wrong.
