Monday, December 05, 2011

Be careful of the headlines, and kissing Donald's ring.

You always have to watch for the okey doke (otherwise known as the fake out for my melanin challenged friends) when you are dealing with the main stream media here in A-merry-ca.

For instance, when I saw the headlines about the Detroit woman who traded in her home for a minivan, my first thought was: oh ohh, there goes one of my cousins again. You all know the stereotype: Negroes just love their cars, but they have no appreciation for the value of a home. ("Yes, but field, but you can live in your car, but you can't drive your house." You Negroes, I swear.....)

Anyway, so the story caught my eye, and, at first glance, I was a little disappointed:

"A mother living in Detroit has traded in her four-bedroom home for a 2006 minivan.LaWanda Flake, a 36-year-old, disabled mother of six traded in her four-bedroom, three-bath house, located in one of the city's better neighborhoods and valued at $96,000 for a 2006 Chevrolet Uplander with 85,000 miles, valued at between $5000 and $8,500."

Yes, it seemed bad, but then I read a little more:

"Flake said she posted the house offer on Craigslist because she needed a new car in order to get her children to school on time because the city's bus system was proving unreliable. Flake has an irregularly updated Twitter account, where you can see some of her complaints about the bus system.

Now, there are a couple of details that make this story far less crazy than it sounds at first. Number one, Flake and her six children are not living in the minivan. They've relocated to a three-bedroom home nearby that she was able to purchase on a $4,000 land contract.

And even though the house was once home to Diana Ross and the Supremes, Flake purchased it last year at a foreclosure sale for $3,600, not its near six-figure retail value. The house reportedly has several thousand dollars worth of necessary repairs waiting for the new owners, including a new furnace and water heater.

The family who purchased Flake's home has decided to stay anonymous for now. Flake agreed to not mention their names in the story, but she did note that she received several more lucrative offers for her home, including a Montana couple who offered Flake her choice of one of their four vehicles. And a man who recently moved back to Detroit from Las Vegas offered in trade his 1996 Bentley Brooklands luxury sedan, valued at about $20,000. A third trade offer was for a 1996 Corvette.

"I said, Oh wow! What am I going to do with a Corvette? I can't do anything practical with a Corvette," Flake said.Of course, with the current state of property values in Detroit, it sounds like Flake could have traded in one of those cars for another two or three houses." [Source]

So when you read the entire story, you realize that Ms. Flake might have actually made a good business decision: she purchased the $96,000.00 home for $3,600.00 and girlfriend has a new home which she purchased for $4,000.00. Now she even has a new van to get her kids to school.

Good for Ms. Flake, bad for news editors.

Finally, congrats to Mr. Birther for getting Newt to participate in his debate and getting him to make a trek to the big apple to kiss his ring. (Donald again expressed doubts that his Oness was born here.) Classy guy that Donald, he made fun of Jon Huntsman's religion and then lied about whether Huntsman had contacted him for a chance to kiss his ring like Newt.

Let's wait to see what Mitt does. I think that he was invited as well.


  1. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Field, Jon Huntsman has made a big political mistake. Donald Trump is a powerful man in the GOP.

    You can be sure that Mitt AND everyone else will be scrambling to be on Donald's show.

    Field, I have always wondered WHY? Why are you so jealous of Trump?

  2. no slappz7:57 PM

    So when you read the entire story, you realize that Ms. Flake might have actually made a good business decision:

    Not quite.

    ...she purchased the $96,000.00 home for $3,600.00 and girlfriend has a new home which she purchased for $4,000.00.

    The $96,000 refers to its value with respect to property taxes. Not its market value. I'm betting she didn't pay her property taxes. Or, maybe her purported disability exempts her from payment of property taxes.

    Detroit is heading toward bankruptcy because property taxes are going unpaid. Usually the closing of a sale is contingent upon resolving outstanding tax bills.

    It is the overhanging burden of property taxes that had driven the price of Detroit real estate almost to $ZERO. Based on current trends, it will soon be possible to acquire houses in Detroit by making a deal with the tax assessor.

    But as long as there are teachers, cops, firemen, sanitation workers, bus drivers and other city workers paid with tax revenue, the accruing tax bills will stand, and Detroit will pretend it expects to collect 100 cents on the dollar from some fool who's dumb enough to buy a house or other piece of real estate.

    Now she even has a new van to get her kids to school.

    Yeah. And soon the school will close because there's no funds to pay teachers. The vehicle is clearly a getaway car.

  3. I remember having the same attitude before I read the whole story about Ms. Flake's tactical move to find a way out of a difficult situation.

    One thing I really admire about her is the value she puts on education & making sure that her children arrive at school in a timely manner. With the van she also has a means of providing access to other school related activities that will benefit her children.

    Another surprise was learning about the housing market in Detroit. Had no idea one could purchase a home like that and as with most headlines--the point was to get you to read the article. What better way to do that then to
    reflect the adage from the ridiculous to the sublime in the title.

    Kudos to Ms. Flake!

    BTW: Do all of you remember Donald Trump's affect and demeanor during President Obama's roast of him at the Correspondent's dinner. He realized at that time that he was dealing with the "big boys" and you better be prepared for it. Which he wasn't. What was also amazing is that the President was doing this while his elite military force was taking outOsama Bin Laden. Trump will never forget that public humiliation & he may in his persistent and dogged pursuit in making the President a one term leader of the free world-undo himself.

    I have this inkling that it will be sad to watch!

  4. Anonymous8:23 PM

    no_slappz. "Yeah. And soon the school will close because there's no funds to pay teachers. The vehicle is clearly a getaway car."

    LOL. you are so funny. I bet even brotha Field laughing.

    And thanks for clearing up the tax angle. Once again, Brotha Field leaves out some important info.

    I am so glad you are on this blog to keep people like Field, UTS, and that nitwit Brooklyn(who doesn't know her way around Brooklyn) straight. You add some 'color' to the blog.

    Plus you are smarter than most on here. Any thoughts on that? Also, I don't trust brotha Field's Killadelphia meter. I think he dropped the numbers by 100.

  5. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Carolyn Moon, "BTW: Do all of you remember Donald Trump's affect and demeanor during President Obama's roast of him at the Correspondent's dinner. He realized at that time that he was dealing with the "big boys" and you better be prepared for it. Which he wasn't. What was also amazing is that the President was doing this while his elite military force was taking outOsama Bin Laden. Trump will never forget that public humiliation & he may in his persistent and dogged pursuit in making the President a one term leader of the free world-undo himself."

    That's a lie. Osama was killed months afterward. Get your history and facts straight FOR ONCE.

  6. Carolyn Moon8:49 PM

    @anon 8:26: Enough said Mr. Troll!

  7. ditto x 2

    this may be the best tv debate ever!

  8. Wesley R said...

    It was FoxNews you dumb backwards wingnut. Politico followed up again and again.....

    Let me break it down so even a plantation negro can understand.

    Watch the video. Listen to the video. Note where the reader states "allegations first published by Politico".

    Now watch the second video. Listen to the second video. Note where the reader says " Politico published".

    I know plantation negros are not the sharpest tools in the democrat shed. That could explain why you negros need a "D" beside a candidate's name so you will know who to vote for. or you thinkin' Obama was gonna pay your rent.

  9. My understanding is that Mitt already made the pilgrimage to meet with the Donald. He just managed to do it without any cameras around to record the event...

    I do think that it is sad that the GOP gives Donald Trump so much respect. He hasn't done much to earn it over the years.

    peace, Villager

  10. Wesley R10:08 PM


    You know the media won't tell the whole story when it comes to African Americans doing something successful. That's why Blogs like yours are so important.


    That's Field Negro to you wingnut. Brothers like me fought to get off the plantation back in the day and never came back. Put away the talking points because they don't work here. Fox and Friends asked a question today should Cain give back all of his campaign money. I don't remember ever hearing them ask that question about anyone else. Like Field said on an earlier post, "cain sided with the oppressor", and when he got bigger then they predicted they tore him down. But of course wingnuts like you can't figure that out, you just kiss The Donald's ring, Limpball's fat ass and repeat everything they tell you.

  11. AgentX10:21 PM

    Donald Dump running a debate is going to be amusing, especially if the glue on his fake hair fails.

    Ron Paul is not attending the event? Color me not surprised- he's so old, his wrinkles has wrinkles. He's so old he pines for the days of segregation.

    In the meantime, I will spend my time on more intellectual pursuits, such as the debate on this recent gem.

    On the humor side, we now have a place to stuff all the stupid Ron Paul voters and idiotic KKK/GOP voters.

  12. The question remains, Is accepting an invite to a Trump debate ultimately damaging to a candidacy? What percentage of Americans actually consider Trump a credible sponsor & moderator? The debate will likely get the best ratings of all the Repug debates so far, but I don't think it'll help Newt or anyone else who participates. President Obama is looking more & more "presidential" by the week.

  13. Where did you find the Donald caricature? Great story on the lady, the van, the houses.

  14. Wow, maybe I should consider moving to Detroit. I could really go for a $4000 house!

    Living in Detroit can't be that bad, right?

  15. Anonymous12:39 AM

    Bob said...
    The question remains, Is accepting an invite to a Trump debate ultimately damaging to a candidacy? What percentage of Americans actually consider Trump a credible sponsor & moderator? The debate will likely get the best ratings of all the Repug debates so far, but I don't think it'll help Newt or anyone else who participates. President Obama is looking more & more "presidential" by the week.

    Amazing that you need a sponsor that is not even credible to make Obama look presidential. Sadly, even that won't work.

    So what is the good news on the democratic front? What is Obama doing right now? What is going on? How is he managing the country? All I ever see or hear from democrats is whatever dirt they can mix up about conservatives but never a peep about the one who is actually in office and supposed to be doing the job but clearly is not.

    Is he still campaigning?
    Is he still practicing class warfare?
    Did you see the latest costs associated with Obamacare and do you realize now how much he lied to us and how totally incompetent he is?
    Why is he going on vacation again from Dec 17th until the New Year?
    Will he ever do anything he is supposed to and lead us or will he spend the next year as he has most of this one campaigning and playing divide and conguer to hide his incompetence.

    Most importantly, why do democrats want to do nothing but spend when we are broke, don't have the money, a large portion of it is used in corrupt scams and wasted and they have not passed a budget as required by law since Obama took office. Why won't they pass a budget? What are they hiding?

  16. Anonymous12:41 AM

    That's Field Negro to you wingnut. Brothers like me fought to get off the plantation back in the day and never came back. Put away the talking points because they don't work here. Fox and Friends asked a question today should Cain give back all of his campaign money. I don't remember ever hearing them ask that question about anyone else. Like Field said on an earlier post, "cain sided with the oppressor", and when he got bigger then they predicted they tore him down. But of course wingnuts like you can't figure that out, you just kiss The Donald's ring, Limpball's fat ass and repeat everything they tell you.

    Mentally deficient Black Man - YOU and your liberal masters tore Cain down. Remember a few short days ago you were blasting him and fighting conservatives over him, now you shed your guilt by blaming someone who was fighting you for your racism? You deserve to have pigs hooves shoved up your bottom.

  17. Anonymous12:56 AM

    Val, "Wow, maybe I should consider moving to Detroit. I could really go for a $4000 house!

    Living in Detroit can't be that bad, right?"

    Detroit is better than where you are living now. Go for it. In fact, AB is moving there also. There just might be an exodus of FN Liberal Negroes from here to Detroit.

    You lib Negroes would be better off in Detroit cause you ain't got no money. Who knows? Maybe Field might join you.LOL

  18. Anonymous3:09 AM

    36 year old disabled mother of six? And why wasn't the father(s) if the children helping? How did this disabled woman support her six children?

  19. I wonder why Diana Ross never bothered to reach out to LaWanda Flake and purchase the home as some sort of nostalgic gesture.

    Upon hearing of the story on Twitter I had a feeling there was more to the story than what the headline offered.

    I mean, who exactly trades their home for a vehicle? I could see if it read: Detroit woman loses her home in order to keep payments on her vehicle.

    That would've been different, and much more believable.

  20. "36 year old disabled mother of six? And why wasn't the father(s) if the children helping? How did this disabled woman support her six children?"

    Did it ever occur to you that, maybe, he died or they divorced?Because the father is not in the home doesn't always mean unwed single black mother. Evidently, she had a job, since she was able to buy not one, but two homes. More than likely, she didn't want to invest that amount of money in those repairs and go over her budget. It is a possibility that she may not have been aware of what the repairs on that house would cost when she first brought the home. The house may have been one of the auction deals.

  21. "..who exactly trades their home for a vehicle? I could see if it read: Detroit woman loses her home in order to keep payments on her vehicle.

    That would've been different, and much more believable."

    Good point, Don.

    "So what is the good news on the democratic front?"

    Newt is leading the republican pack. :)

    "You add some 'color' to the blog."

    I didn't know that ignorance had a color.

  22. Anonymous6:45 AM

    "Did it ever occur to you that, maybe, he died or they divorced?Because the father is not in the home doesn't always mean unwed single black mother."

    It is unlikely that this black woman was EVER married to anyone because the overwhelming MAJORITY (72% and increasing) of black children in the United States are born out-of-wedlock these days.

    The black out-of-wedlock birthrate is higher than 72% in some cities. For example, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin the black out-of-wedlock birth rate is 92%!!!!!

    This means that the majority of black women in urban areas with large black populations are baby mamas and/or hoes. And, of course, the majority of black men in urban areas with large black populations are baby daddies and/or FELONS. Those are FACTS, directly related to the monstrous out-of-wedlock birthrate in "black America" today.

  23. no slappz8:04 AM

    wesley r said:

    Fox and Friends asked a question today should Cain give back all of his campaign money. I don't remember ever hearing them ask that question about anyone else.

    What? Check with Hillary Clinton. And lots of others, like John Edwards. Yeah, the campaign finance system is corrupt. But it's not a personal charity aimed at enriching a candidate who quits.

  24. no slappz8:10 AM

    Regarding campaign financing -- do you realize that candidates compile silly books about themselves that are sold to raise campaign funds.

    When you go to a political fundraiser, you buy the candidate's book, a transaction that's not a direct campaign contribution. Hence, different rules apply to money received that way.

    Now that Cain is out of the race, there's no reason anyone would buy his book. But he can probably keep the money gotten from its sales.

  25. no slappz8:30 AM

    A debate organized and moderated by Donald Trump is likely to be the most interesting of all.

    I expect Trump to demand clear answers from candidates, and I hope he will challenge anyone who wanders away from the questions asked.

    I expect him to ask questions that truly matter, and demand details from the candidates.

  26. no slappz8:33 AM

    anon 8:23 pm says:

    Plus you are smarter than most on here. Any thoughts on that?

    In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man...

  27. Anonymous8:35 AM

    "You add some 'color' to the blog."

    I didn't know that ignorance had a color.

    6:27 AM
    Now are just jealous of him. It is as plain as your face that no_slappz is one of the smartest and most intelligent people on FN.

  28. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Obama is 40 Minutes Late

    by Keith Koffler on December 5, 2011, 2:29 pm

    President Obama this afternoon arrived in the White House Briefing Room at 2:10 pm ET, fully 40 minutes later than his scheduled 1:30 pm appearance time.

    Obama is habitually late, but it is rare his tardiness exceeds 15 or 20 minutes.

    The president, who showed up to attack Republicans for their stance on taxes, didn’t apologize for being late. I’d have thought he’d be eager to come to the briefing room and get started.

    Late means two things: It means disrespect, and it means disorganization. It’s a shame to find both in the White House.

  29. Anonymous8:50 AM

    With all of the media discussion and blog discussions like FN, I have a feeling that this debate will get high TV ratings that will lead to a Republican victory in Nov 2012.

    Newt has the charisma and intelligence to slam Obama into oblivion. Plus he is a compassionate man which most Liberal FN Negroes like Field and others refuse to acknowledge.

  30. Anonymous8:52 AM

    ahhhhh Detroit. Living proof of the failed liberal policies experiments. More spending, more taxes, more special programs, more, more, more til it's all used up and now......its a city that is like third world nation that very much resembles an african country.

    Shall we extend all of those policies to the rest of the U.S? Have you ever asked yourself what you will do if the U.S actually continues to follow suit with liberal demands? I say lets reelect Obama and pull the same Alinsky tactic he is working on. Lets crash the system - like he is doing. Shall be interesting the day the EBT cards stop working.

  31. Anonymous8:55 AM

    alicia banks said...
    i care about hobamacare and how it has already changed all medical privacy laws/premiums/co=pays...

    It has not changed anything except for the good, and certainly there have been no changes in medical privacy laws at all. As usually, you have no idea what you are talking about!

  32. Anonymous9:00 AM

    "Obama is habitually late, but it is rare his tardiness exceeds 15 or 20 minutes."

    Obama operates on BPT. It's a shame, but he can't get anywhere on time. But when you are the Prez, who can tell you to be on time?

    "Late means two things: It means disrespect, and it means disorganization. It’s a shame to find both in the White House."


  33. anon:

    ron paul is old

    and wise

    and brave

    and he hates banksters and wars
    that alone makes him better than that rabid hoax hobama

    ron paul 2012!!!!!!

  34. Anonymous9:16 AM

    They have found the 7 year old girl in a dumpster in Georgia. She suffered from violence and rape.

  35. Anonymous9:18 AM

    AB, do you think Obama operates on BPT?

  36. anon:


    i blame the babysitter who let her go get a can of soda solo alone at night...


  37. anon:

    hobama operates on CPT

    cia peoples' time

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. ps:

    and there are 35 registered sex offenders + in her complex...

    all probably staking out the soda machine too....


    may god bless her soul


    enter your zip code and be shocked

    and remember
    most pedophiles etc never even register...

    we are not safe

  40. nobama nazis 2012!!!

    ron paul 2012!!!

  41. hobama's ww3 has already begun in iran


    Ayatollah Khomeini in Tehran,Iran. The parade marks the beginning of the 1980-1988 war between Iran and Iraq. UPI/Maryam Rahmanian
    Two incidents that occurred on Sunday—Iran’s claim of a shoot-down of a U.S. drone, and an explosion outside the British embassy in Bahrain—may have been unrelated. But they appear to add to growing evidence that an escalating covert war by the West is under way against Iran, and that Tehran is retaliating with greater intensity than ever.

    Asked whether the United States, in cooperation with Israel, was now engaged in a covert war against Iran’s nuclear program that may include the Stuxnet virus, the blowing-up of facilities and the assassination or kidnapping of scientists, one recently retired U.S. official privy to up-to-date intelligence would not deny it.

  42. has romney gone insane???

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. some sanity lingers...ditto!

    nobama 2012!!!!!!!

    Mitt Romney is ripping President Obama's sand and sun vacation in Hawaii, insisting he's showing more interest in golfing than solving the country's economic woes.

    "I have to feel that this President has been a failure," the White House hopeful said during a tele-townhall Monday evening with potential Iowa voters.

    "I just think it's time to have a President whose idea of being ‘hands on’ doesn't mean getting a better grip on the golf club," Romney zinged.

  45. Sober Republicans like George Will realize that GOP POTUS candidate field has become a bizarre circus with Donald Trump as the ringmaster.

    Obama must be thanking his lucky stars.


  47. Anonymous12:49 PM

    That's unbelieveable!! News Editors never get the story right!!


  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. uts:

    no clowns could ever show out like that repub hoax hobama and his banksters...

    their global circus = ww3/black holocaust/genocide/doom/eternal global wars


  50. AB, like Donald Trump, you're hatred for the President is clinical.

    And silly.

  51. Anonymous2:24 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    AB, like Donald Trump, you're hatred for the President is clinical.

    And silly.

    Said as he strokes his Obama Doll sitting on top of his monitor sayin I luv you my half white brutha you make a gay man proud.

  52. Mark of Cain2:39 PM

    Girl gang who kicked woman in the head while yelling 'kill the white slag' freed after judge hears 'they weren't used to drinking because they're Muslims'Yobs ripped lump of hair from Rhea Page's head during High Street attack

    A gang of Muslim girls who repeatedly kicked a young woman in the head walked free from court after a judge heard they were 'not used to being drunk' because of their religion.

    The group screamed 'kill the white slag' while kicks raining in on 22-year-old Rhea Page as she lay motionless on the ground, the court heard.

    The attackers - three sisters and their cousin - were told by a judge that normally they would have been sent to jail.
    However, he handed the girls - all Somalian Muslims - suspended sentences after hearing that they were not used to alcohol because their religion does not allow it.

    Their victim was left with a bald patch after they pulled a chunk out of her hair during the attack on the High Street, Leicester.
    Ambaro and Hibo Maxamed, both 24, their sister Ayan, 28, and cousin Ifrah Nur, 28, attacked Rhea, a care worker, as she walked to a taxi rank with her boyfriend after a night out.

    The victim, a support worker, was left so traumatised that she lost her job following repeated absences with stress and flashbacks, Leciester Crown Court was told.
    The charge - assault occasioning actual bodily harm - carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison.
    James Bide-Thomas, prosecuting, said Ambaro Maxamed, who started the violence, had called Miss Page a 'white bitch' during the incident.
    The women, who are all Somalian Muslims, were not charged with racial aggravation.

    Victim Miss Page said: 'I had gone for a drink after work and then I met my boyfriend for a couple more before heading home.
    'We didn't want to stay out too late so we went to get a taxi and all of a sudden I heard these women shouting abuse at me.
    'We were just minding our own business but they kept shouting "white bitch" and "white slag" at me.
    'When I turned around one of them grabbed my hair - she literally wrapped her fingers in my hair - then threw me on the ground. That's when they started kicking me.

    'They were taking turns to kick me in the head and back over and over. I was lying on the ground the whole time, crying and screaming. It was terrifying. I thought they were going to kill me.

    'Eventually the police came but it felt like ages. Afterwards I was covered in blood and hair.

    'I had a bald patch on my head where they had yanked my hair out and I was black and blue all over.
    'I honestly think they attacked me just because I was white. I can't think of any other reason.'
    She suffered bruises and grazes to her head, back, legs and arms, and had clumps of hair pulled out.

    Rhea said after the hearing: 'It should have been immediate custody after what happened. It's not sending out the right message about street violence.

    'They were kicking me in the head right up to the minute the police arrived.
    'Even after the police came and they all ran away, one of them came running back to kick me in the head one last time while I was lying unconscious on the ground.'

    Rhea, a support worker who helps care for people with autism and learning difficulties, said the sentence was 'disgusting'.

    'It's no punishment at all and sends out a message that it's okay to do that to someone,' she said.
    'And for them to say they did it because they were not used to alcohol is not an excuse. If they were not supposed to be drinking then they shouldn't have been out in bars at that time of night.
    'The attack has had a devastating affect on my life and they have just been allowed to get away with it.'

    Meanwhile the English authorities are holding a white woman in jail for “hate speech” on a public bus.

  53. silly blind "bro"manced hobama nazi uts:

    did/do i ever lie on hobama????????

    wtf has hobama done that i should love??????

    why do u love that racist elitist warmongering inept bankster hoaxed FAILED mf so???

    what is NOT silly about u sucking him since 2008???

  54. donald trumps hates ineptitude

    that mf hobama is the most inept blackish bastard in history


    ask any jobless homeless black american

    wtf has hobama done that should make him my god as he is yours u gd fool???

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. Ab,

    You are acutally cheerleading for that racist, egomaniacal asshole TRUMP?

  59. silly hobama nazi drone uts:

    wtf has hobama done that any sill mf should love who is not a bankster???????

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. alicia banks said...
    psycho hobama nazi uts:

    wtf has hobama done that YOU want 4 more years of????


  62. "wtf has hobama done that should make him my god as he is yours u gd fool???"

    Got Universal Healthcare passed.

    Saved the economy from freefalling into depression.

    Bailed out the auto industry.

    Reversed the racist policies of the Bush justice department.

    Ended the war in Iraq.

    The unmployment rate is down and the econmy is improving.

  63. Oh yeah.

    Bin Laden is dead and Al-Queada has been decimated.

    Trying to get a jobs bill passed but is being stonewalled by the Rethugs.

  64. uts:

    u r the dumbest boldest hobama nazi i know...

    scan up

    all lies!!!!!!

    what recovery????


    only hobama nazi drones like u believe such UTTER mirages!!!!!

  65. Even sober Republicans like George Will realize that the GOP POTUS candidate field has descended into a bizarre freak show with Donald Trump as the ringmaster.

    Obama in 2012!

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.




    President Barack Obama said Tuesday that economic inequality in America is at "a level we haven't seen since the Great Depression" and "hurts us all."
    "When middle-class families can no longer afford to buy the goods and services that businesses are selling, it drags down the entire economy, from top to bottom," Obama said in a speech pushing for Congress to approve provisions of his jobs package.

    WTFU ASAP!!!!!!!!!!

  68. Hood rich hobama nazi uts:

    Leave your luxuty mall mf
    Wtfu asap

    More stores across the U.S. that offer deeply-discounted products are seeing their sales decline after years of growth amid America’s “Great Recession” — and one analyst said on Monday it’s another sign of even deeper downturn.

    While the demand at stores like the 99-Cent Store or Dollar Tree is still relatively high, the biggest chains in the nation have fallen short of Wall Street’s expectations for several months, a trend that may prove even more ominous for the economy at large.

    “I think what’s going on in those stores is that we are in a depression for 80 percent of Americans,” top retail analyst Howard Davidowitz told KNX 1070.

  69. Got Universal Healthcare passed.

    Saved the economy from freefalling into depression.


    Bailed out the auto industry.


    Reversed the racist policies of the Bush justice department.


    Ended the war in Iraq.

    WHEN U FOOL????

    The unmployment rate is down and the econmy is improving.






    Torture and Sport Killing: Bush accepted some blame for the Abu Ghraib torture debacle. Rightly so, as it was his Administration that set forth more enhanced interrogation permissions down the chain of command that ultimately resulted in such disgusting behavior. Obama used the notion of closing Guantanamo prison to score political points and to appear as "anti-torture." Not only does Guantanamo remain open two years into his presidency, the detainees have less rights than they did under Bush. Additionally, Obama has allowed the torture of American soldier Bradley Manning simply for being a suspected whistleblower. If he allows this type of treatment to an American citizen, we can only imagine the tactics that are still being used against enemy detainees. If it's fair to blame Bush for Abu Ghraib, then it seems fair to blame Obama for allowing an environment where the U.S. military is engaged in sport killing of innocent civilians -- which also seems to negate his calls for humanitarian purity in other nations.

    Illegal Domestic Surveillance: It seems the monster surveillance-industrial complex that was kicked off under Bush remains in full swing under Obama. Obama voted for the Bush/Cheney FISA-telecom immunity after vowing to support a filibuster of it while he was a Senator. Glenn Greenwald reported: "So candidate Obama unambiguously vowed to his supporters that he would work to ensure 'full accountability' for 'past offenses' in surveillance lawbreaking. President Obama, however, has now become the prime impediment to precisely that accountability, repeatedly engaging in extraordinary legal maneuvers to ensure that 'past offenses' -- both in the surveillance and torture/rendition realm -- remain secret and forever immunized from judicial review." And Carol Rose added, "The link between secrecy and surveillance is critical: in effect, our government is increasing its power to watch its citizens, while diminishing the power of citizens to watch their government – the very antithesis of democracy." It's telling how out of control illegal surveillance has become when private foreign companies are hired to spy on American environmental activists. This is in addition to the TSA's roll-out of naked body scanners and intrusive pat-downs selectively enforced at airports and fiercely defended by Obama's DHS

  71. Anonymous3:21 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "wtf has hobama done that should make him my god as he is yours u gd fool???"

    The unmployment rate is down and the econmy is improving.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Sure it is, didn't you learn last time? The unemployment rate did NOT go down. ObamaBOTS got more creative, they decided not to count 315K Americans who are disaffected. This is fact, google it dumbo. Man you are going to fall hard if you ever need to take care of yourself, are all Obamabots as dumb as you?

    The rest of your Obama Points are laughable. Healthcare, Auto Industry HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Look up GM and see how much money they have lost and are losing, see how much lane stuffing they are doing right now to rig the manufacturing numbers for Obama. You do know what lane stuffing is right Mr Economic Genius don'tcha?

  72. AB is actually channelling Donald Trump.

    You gonna copy his hairstyle too?


  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. "Look up GM and see how much money they have lost and are losing"

    What is this goober yapping about?

    GM, Ford and Chrysler show big gains.

  75. November jobs report

    Hiring up, unemployment down

  76. what kill????

    what jobs????


  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. math moron msm drone uts:

    wtfu asap

    actual unemployment is OVER 22%

  79. Blind lying hobama lover uts:

    What jobs ????

    Well, Happy Holidays. They don’t do Merry Christmas in the media. But we’re back, it’s done, they got the headline: “Unemployment, 8.6%!” Now, the truth of the matter is — and Bloomberg News even points out that the only way — it’s a corrupt number. It is a corrupt number. Folks, the number of people who have quit looking for work in the last few weeks is 315,000. Those are the people have thrown up their hands after 99 weeks or more of being unemployed; and they’ve said, “I’m quitting. I’m not looking.” So they’re not counted. Therefore, the universe of jobs available in the country is down by 315,000. That is the labor force participation rate. The labor force participation rate is a meager 64%. It fell to 64% from 64.2%. So the 0.2% drop equals 315,000 people leaving the workforce.
    That means there are 315,000 fewer jobs to have, so the universe of jobs has been steadily shrinking. What was the number of jobs created? It’s 120,000 jobs. It’s 120, 126,000, whatever. That’s in the ballpark. That number of jobs created can lower unemployment rate 0.4%, almost one half of a percent? Creating 120,000 new jobs can do that? That alone tells us how small the labor force participation rate is. That tells us how small the universe of available jobs in the country is, when creating 120,000 — and we still have, don’t forget, over 400,000 applications for unemployment compensation reported yesterday. So just 120,000 new jobs can lower the unemployment rate almost a half a point. That’s not possible without that 315,000 figure, the 315,000 people who have just walked away.

  80. Mute moronic Hobama drone uts:

    What jobs mf????


    Manufacturing was losing jobs even before the recession began — and the sector got hammered in '08 and '09, before stabilizing in the past year.
    Construction was, of course, at the heart of the boom and bust. The industry lost a ton of jobs in the early part of the recession. In the past year, the decline continued, albeit at a slower pace, with a loss of about 200,000 jobs since Sept. of '09.
    Administration and support services is largely made up of temp. jobs, which fell sharply during the recession, but have made a comeback in the past year.
    Finance and real estate is the white-collar counterpart to construction — a key player in the boom and bust that lost a lot of jobs during the recession, and cut jobs at a slower pace over the past year.
    States and local governments have been been cutting jobs this year, even as jobs in the private sector have begun to stabilize. For local governments, that includes cuts to education. Between August and September alone, local governments cut 76,000 workers — including nearly 50,000 people who work in education.
    Private education, on the other hand, has been growing. (Note that this sector includes private non-profit as well as for-profit schools.) Education is often thought of as counter-cyclical: It tends to do well when the broader economy is doing badly, as people who are out of work or nervous about losing their job go back to school to pick up new skills.
    The federal government, unlike states and cities, can run a deficit — and it's been borrowing furiously and adding jobs. *Note that the figure in the graph above does not include the U.S. Postal Service, which is self-financed, and which has cut more than 130,000 jobs since December of '07.
    Health care is the big winner for jobs. It's added jobs month after month, driven by the aging population, steady funding from government programs such as Medicare, and the fact that sick people spend money on medical care in good times and bad

  81. This comment has been removed by the author.

  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. hobama joker jester uts:

    read a mf book/watch non msm media asap

    osama was a lie too

    what jobs bill u coooning fool????

    at least trump does not lie about dyeing his mane as that witless white haired hobama does

    is that important to u u conked nig?


    war and poverty trump hair for those who are not coons who major in the minor like u

  84. no slappz3:52 PM

    up downs syndrome stevie barfulates:

    Got Universal Healthcare passed.

    Guess again. However, he succeeded in raising national healthcare costs while doing almost nothing to expand coverage.

    Saved the economy from freefalling into depression..

    We were never heading for a depression. Maybe gasbags you watch said we were, but that means nothing.

    That aside, why is GDP stagnant? Why are food prices rising rapidly while wages are flat? Why is the housing market still a disaster? Why is Detroit looking like Hiroshima?

    Bailed out the auto industry.

    A mistake started by the Bush Administration that ultimately dumped healthcare and pension expenses for retired UAW members on taxpayers. In other words, Obama failed. Not only that, but GM would have muddled through and gotten far more concessions from the UAW had Bush and Obama backed away from sticking the government into a large, but standard, bankruptcy proceeding.

    Reversed the racist policies of the Bush justice department.

    Oh yeah. Now the justice department gives guns to Mexican drug cartels and argues for support to hold the trial of al Qaeda big-wig Khalid Muhammad in Manhattan, where, if it were held here, would make every day the kind of grid-lock day we have when the president is in town.

    Ended the war in Iraq.

    Not exactly. But that's a way of saying we more or less won the war because Bush went for the Surge, luckily, before Obama could go for the retreat and surrender.

    Meanwhile, as Iraq winds down, Afghanistan has gotten more pointless and less winnable than ever, AND, we're now at war with Pakistan, a country that does have a nuclear bomb, though it may not work when called upon.

    Moreover, we're on the cusp of getting drawn into a fight with Iran, but that's one that we could win in an hour or two -- if Obama would send in the cruise missiles.

    The unmployment rate is down and the econmy is improving.

    Wrong. The unemployment rate is down because discouraged workers have fallen out of the job market and are no longer counted among the unemployed.

    The economy, in a few spots, is improving. But those bright spots are the spots untouched by the abusive hand of the Obama administration.

    Well, actually, the spots are bright in spite of the efforts of the Obama administration to darken them. Energy, for one. Oil, gas and coal. But the Obama EPA is on the verge of closing down a lot of coal-fired power plants, which will raise household electricity bills in much of the country.

    Obama is the first ree-tard to be hailed as a genius.

  85. uptownsteve said...
    November jobs report

    Hiring up, unemployment down

    Keep jiggin' uptown. Unemployment is down because over 300,000 job seekers stop looking for work.

    Participation in the work force{ people looking for work, for all you plantation negros} is at a 30 year low.

  86. Anonymous3:57 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "Look up GM and see how much money they have lost and are losing"

    What is this goober yapping about?

    GM, Ford and Chrysler show big gains.

    My, My. The low intellect of a racist obviously intellectually wanting Black Man. Of course you never heard of lane stuffing/channel stuffing. What could you possibly know about economics given your past displays of economic knowledge.

    At 623,666 cars, GM’s dealer inventory is an all time absolute record, and represents about 3.5 times the total GM vehicles sold in November! Why make more product than is likely to be sold? Because building the car is what matters to various gubbermint statistics (PMI, CMI, etc.) What GM is really trying to manufacture is the appearance of an economic recovery to aid Dear Leader’s reelect effort. FYI – this is basically how China’s whole economy works, the model so many “smart people” want to bring here.

    These cars will continue to destroy the economy as the taxpayer loans will be written off by GM, eventually they will turn into rustbuckets and need to be written off and they are not selling. What happens when Obama demands continued manufacturing for lots that are already overstocked with a existing supply for a year of projected demand? Oh more borrowed money followed by more failure followed by complete job losses.

  87. bold bald uts:

    hobama's hero/god raygun had great hair...and????


  88. Anonymous4:08 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "Look up GM and see how much money they have lost and are losing"

    What is this goober yapping about?

    GM, Ford and Chrysler show big gains.

    This is why you are a despicable man. You clearly are an idiot, but an angry racist idiot. You don't even deserve to be called nasty names as you do to everyone you cannot compete with intellectually. How can one who knows so little and understand even less be so hateful and racist? Don't you ever feel less of a man and less than capable with your neverending excuses and wheelchair use? It is pathetic.

    Now go have a nice day and smile, you can't help who you are and obviously you are too lazy to attempt and develop new brain cells or thinking patterns so just accept it.

    Countdown to the mindless ones script 3..2...1

    1) I love it when I make them do this
    2) Calm down Goober - stop ranting
    3) You sound angry stop drooling on your keyboard
    4) Ask a question to avoid the reality of the situation that only furhter highlights the impossibility of you being able to count the dollars in your wallet without taking your shoes off, let alone understand economics.
    5) Engage in further racist comments.

  89. IgnorantUptownSteveWhoLivedOuttaTownReally4:14 PM

    Ignorance is Bliss and man am I feelin dat blissful shit.

  90. Was it something I said?


  91. msm drone uts:

    gwb "ended" the same war u

    it rages on


    As you probably know by now, Iraq’s cabinet yesterday approved a pact that allows American forces to stay in the country for three more years. But after that, the G.I.s are gone – "a full withdrawal of American forces from the country by the end of 2011," is how the New York Times describes it. "The Iraqis have forced an end to the war," adds Spencer Ackerman.

  92. I think Donald Trump is the Joker and has infected AB, Slappy and his anon alter-egos with the hysterical poison gas.


    Thanks for the laugh today y'all.


  93. blind blabbing fool/cackling coon uts:

    hobama makes gwb look like a kind genius pacifist/war slacker!!!!!!!

    wtfu asap!!!

    Betrayal of the Poor: Bush never pretended to give a damn about the poor and the systematic mechanisms that keep them poor; openly calling the "haves and have mores" his "base." But Obama has been portrayed as different, mainly because the Democratic party is viewed as more empathetic to the poor. Obama promised affordable healthcare, to create new jobs, and to increase access to a college education. However, the mandated healthcare bill has proven to actually hurt the poor, the "jobs" bill HIRE was nothing but a smokescreen to pass capital controls, and college loans are increasingly worse than useless since record numbers of students can't find work to pay them off. So far he only seems to be helping the poor by extending food stamps to a record number of needy Americans -- which is currently on the spending cut chopping block by the way. Obama also extended Bush's tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans while the poor suffer the dramatic effects of inflation and the approaching austerity cuts demanded to prevent a government shutdown.

    Escalating Wars of Aggression: Whoever thought it couldn't get worse than Bush in regards to wars of aggression -- especially by a Nobel Peace Prize recipient -- have been proven dead wrong. Obama has now unilaterally attacked more countries than Bush, notably bombing inside Pakistan, Yemen and now Libya without Congressional approval. Obama is worse than war-mongering Neocons because he moved the war bar from requiring a real or manufactured threat to justify American military intervention, to vague humanitarian justifications. In other words, if a secular dictator is stamping out a handful of jihadists that threaten his regime, we will now bomb the dictator and support the jihadists when it serves corporate interests. By all counts Obama is serving the same military/oil masters no matter what labels or excuses are given. It is truly a hideous display to watch progressives support Obama's wars as if they're more righteous than Bush's.

    Illegal Domestic Surveillance: It seems the monster surveillance-industrial complex that was kicked off under Bush remains in full swing under Obama. Obama voted for the Bush/Cheney FISA-telecom immunity after vowing to support a filibuster of it while he was a Senator. Glenn Greenwald reported: "So candidate Obama unambiguously vowed to his supporters that he would work to ensure 'full accountability' for 'past offenses' in surveillance lawbreaking. President Obama, however, has now become the prime impediment to precisely that accountability, repeatedly engaging in extraordinary legal maneuvers to ensure that 'past offenses' -- both in the surveillance and torture/rendition realm -- remain secret and forever immunized from judicial review." And Carol Rose added, "The link between secrecy and surveillance is critical: in effect, our government is increasing its power to watch its citizens, while diminishing the power of citizens to watch their government – the very antithesis of democracy." It's telling how out of control illegal surveillance has become when private foreign companies are hired to spy on American environmental activists. This is in addition to the TSA's roll-out of naked body scanners and intrusive

  94. Anonymous4:25 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    I think Donald Trump is the Joker and has infected AB, Slappy and his anon alter-egos with the hysterical poison gas.


    Thanks for the laugh today y'all.


    There you go, now you get it, take yourself lightly, we all do. Too bad as an intellectual lightweight this is all you can come back with after your moronic claims, but nonetheless at least this time you are cheery about it and tried to vary your usual typical responses. Note you do realize instead of replying with facts (that you don't possess) and coming back with "was it something I said" "wook it must be all one person" and "thanks for the laugh" are all simple variations of your usual theme. Talk shit, get outed and then hide and cover behind racist names or silly diatribes. You are a fraud, but a pretty comical one at that. Would be great if you could up your game so there could be some semblance of a discussion, but I won't hold your breath.

    Have a nice day.

  95. This comment has been removed by the author.

  96. Val said...
    Wow, maybe I should consider moving to Detroit. I could really go for a $4000 house!

    Living in Detroit can't be that bad, right?

    While I don't think it's the next Brooklyn or Pittsburgh, like the rest of urban Michigan Detroit has a rich history and culture and is ripe for the kind of urban pioneering to which this generation of enterprising young people flock. It's Winter gloominess and surplus of empty industrial structures, it might be particularly attractive to artists and artisans.

    I'm a rooted 51 year old grampa, but for the the 20-30somethings stuck on a reverse escalator and the guts to try something different, this might be the best opportunity out there.

  97. joker loving jester uts:

    the joker is hobama...

    your blackish false god/hoax inept hnic in dc failing globally



    will u hobama nazis still cackle in 2012/2016....???

  98. hobama makes gwb look like jfk!!!!

    Free Speech Restrictions: Bush mainly used fear, intimidation, access and fake reporters to control the establishment message. He and the media cartel acted in concert to sell gigantic lies to the public. Now, as more people replace their television service with the Internet, "news" has been more difficult for the establishment to control. As the global awakening takes place, the crackdown on free speech intensifies under Obama. The crackdown has been most obvious on the Internet (see next section) and on peaceful protesters. In a comically hypocritical moment that exemplifies how tyrannical this administration has become, Hillary Clinton was giving a speech about supporting the right of peaceful protesters while her security thugs violently removed a "veteran for peace" from the audience for standing in silent protest. Additionally, there was an absolute police state put in place during the 2009 G20 meeting in Pittsburgh to shut down peaceful protests. Finally, we know what direction the current Administration is headed in terms of free speech, given the recent White Papers revealing their desire to "outlaw" or "tax" conspiracy theories, and to make it a felony offense to share copyrighted information even when no money is involved.

    Internet Rights Eroding: The open and free Internet is under full assault under Obama's leadership. It has become obvious that there has never been much in the way of Internet privacy, especially since the Patriot Act went into full effect. But now, free access to information via the Internet is the target of legislation such as The Protecting Cybersecurity as a National Asset Act, aka the "Internet Kill Switch" bill, and the Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act (COICA), aka the domain "Blacklist" bill. The free Internet is also being threatened by market-based "net neutrality" agreements, civil lawsuits, technical censorship via search engines, and yes, blogging taxes too. Finally, the DHS has been arbitrarily seizing domain names, which is clearly unconstitutional. Given that Obama is completely in bed with Google and others in the corporate information cartel, you can bet he will show his support for these endeavors even if only by remaining silent as they are debated then implemented.

  99. Uh Oh.

    Newtie is threatening to file charges against Nancy Pelosi if she releases dirt on him found in Congressional investigations.

    Git 'em Nancy.

    I bet that fat fuck makes Cain and John Edwards look like Pope Benedict.

  100. hobama makes his hero raygun look like a slacker drug/guns dealer!!!

    In Fast and Furious, ATF agents allowed thousands of weapons to cross the border and fall into the hands of Mexican drug cartels.

    It's called letting guns "walk," and it remained secret to the public until Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was murdered last December. Two guns from Fast and Furious were found at the scene and ATF agent John Dodson blew the whistle on the operation.

    Eric Holder the (Obama-appointed) Attorney General gave the go ahead on the operation.

  101. uts is 48 x dumber than that witless wonder hobama


    Some economists might be worried about a double-dip recession, but a large number of Americans have an even worse scenario in mind.

    Approximately 48 percent of Americans say they think that a Great Depression is either very or somewhat likely to occur within the year, according to a CNN Opinion Research Poll, the highest percentage of respondents that have stated that level of certainty since CNN first started asking the question in October 2008.

  102. it is silly to pretend that hobama is not gwb 2.0...

    hobama is 23 trillion times worse than gwb in every way

    ask any libyan/african/detroiter etc

  103. hobama is a blackish hitler

    uts is a silly racist sexist colorist love drunken happy death camper/cackling coon


    When it comes to the November unemployment numbers issued by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there was a tale of two ethnicities. White Americans saw their unemployment rate decline in every demographic (women, men and teens), while African Americans saw their rate rise in every single category.
    The overall national unemployment rate dropped from 9% to 8.6%, which has been hailed as a victory for the Obama Administration. But the differentials conceal a sharp and problematic racial undertone as it pertains to black unemployment. White men saw their unemployment rate decline the most, dropping from 7.9% to 7.3%, while black men endured a spike from 16.2% to an especially disturbing 16.5%.

  104. i love boyce!


    I loved the fact that Oprah helped to make all of us aware of what was going on in our community. She saved a lot of lives in the process. But the flip side of sounding the alarm bell is that some of us can become excessively alarmed, and perhaps even a bit paranoid. I argue that it was these episodes of the Oprah Winfrey Show which led to a form of sexual McCarthyism in black America.

    After the infamous Oprah episodes, every black woman in America was on code red high alert, fueling a tiny war on sexual terror – any brother caught with a potted plant in his living room was suddenly suspect. They weren’t hunting down black men who sleep with hundreds of women without going to the doctor. Instead, they were looking for the men who were either gay or bi-sexual, as if being in this group somehow makes you into a tragic and disgusting abomination of both God and all mankind. If only you could be like the pastor who sleeps with every woman in the church, or the professional athlete who sleeps with three women a week – perhaps then, some black women might be able to forgive you. But being gay or bi-sexual, for some reason, is probably the worst crime a black man can possibly ever commit.

  105. Navy Corpse Man Zombie Head5:34 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Uh Oh.

    Newtie is threatening to file charges against Nancy Pelosi if she releases dirt on him found in Congressional investigations.

    Git 'em Nancy.

    I bet that fat fuck makes Cain and John Edwards look like Pope Benedict.

    Sigh - are you always going to be this lame? Pelosi has nothing on him and backtracked the lies already. What did Newt do wrong? Oh he used aides to help him work out a college course he was teaching. Yes for a liberal that is so horrible but lets not talk about Charlie Rangel, Maxine Waters, Jesse JR and on and on and on and on. Tax Evasion, fraud, real liberals.

    The standards you have are really warped. We don't trust you. In fact if I were a democrat I would say everything you talk about is only because you are a gay racist Black man, sucks to be you - literally.

  106. that silly clown uts makes his peer hobama nazi joker chris rock look like chris matthews


    Chris Rock and others who wish to give President Obama credit for things that he has not yet done would be best served to provide evidence of their assertions. The president has a three-year track record for us to observe, and every intelligent voter should simply check the record to decide what kind of president he is. Most of us know scores of people who want you to believe that they are going to engage in progressive action once their chains have been lifted, but in the end, we usually find that the chains are psychological constraints of their own creation.

    President Obama is an amazing man, but he is certainly not anyone's "gangsta." Chris Rock is a great man and an amazing comedian, but like Steve Harvey, his political analysis is a bit of a joke. The last thing we need to do is allow public figures to do our thinking for us, for the proof of Obama's qualifications is in the political pudding. At the end of the day, our trusted public figures and celebrities should just stop playing with our heads. The only thing that's been "gangsta" about the last three years is the terroristic manner by which self-serving black celebrities have tried to convince us to check our brains at the door. People can make their own decisions about Obama, and we don't need anyone to tell us how to perceive his presidency

  107. "think Donald Trump is the Joker and has infected AB, Slappy and his anon alter-egos with the hysterical poison gas."

    It's in the hair.

  108. Anonymous6:42 PM

    field negro said...
    "think Donald Trump is the Joker and has infected AB, Slappy and his anon alter-egos with the hysterical poison gas."

    It's in the hair.

    You gotta watch that relaxer it burn your scalp, just get a Jerry Curl like our girl UTS

  109. Anonymous6:46 PM

    AB, "uts is a silly racist sexist colorist love drunken happy death camper/cackling coon"

    Yes, Yes!! Lay into him, AB. Plus he is totally gullible if he thinks Obama has done much for our country, esp Blacks!

    But it works to UTS's financial advantage to have Obama in the WH again. You see, UTS doesn't care about the poor- and he damn sure don't care about Blacks. That's why Uts is for Obama.

    I am so glad you are tearing apart that nut Uts.

  110. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Damn UTS and AB are back at it again?Could have sworn I saw them on a post taking turns insulting racists like No Slappz and other assanons together.Giving each other high fives and such.I thought they had become friends.

    Now we all have something else to blame Obama for-causing even more division among black people.

    @story someone told me that the media was the hand of's probably true.

