Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Mitt says no, and Newt dares Nancy.

I come to praise and to rip flipper Mitt tonight. I am praising him because he told Mr. Bad Hair no thanks to his post Christmas debate. It looks like, just this once, he turned his back on those importunate demands of the wingnut crowd. Flipper Mitt seems to be thinking about all those independents who will vote in the general election. The problem is, of course, that he has to get out of the primary, and if he can't beat Newt, there will be no showdown with his Oness come November, 2012.

I have to rip him because.....well, let's just say that flipper Mitt's milks isn't so clean.

"Shortly before leaving the governor's office in Massachusetts, Mitt Romney's administration spent nearly $100,000 of state money to purge computer and email records in an unprecedented attempt to wipe out the paper trail of his tenure. His staff took home hard drives from state-owned computers and erased emails and other communications from state servers, complicating current efforts to retrieve and review the records of Romney's four-year term that ended in 2007.Related:

It is not believed that Romney violated any laws, but according to state officials who spoke to Reuters, the move to scrub the digital archive of his administration was unusually thorough. Several members of his staff used their own money to purchase the hard drives of their state computers so that they could take them home after leaving their jobs. The staff also broke an existing lease on office equipment so that they could rent new "clean" computers at the end of their run, a move that cost the state $97,000 in additional funds.
Romney claims that whatever record remains of his time in office — including possible details of what was erased — are not subject to state disclosure laws. However, like regulations governing the destruction of digital records, Massachusetts law is vague on what is and isn't allowed. The court ruling most likely to cover any disclosure ruling is from 1997 (well before most state business was done on email) and the state's official records law has not been updated to deal with digital records, meaning Romney could benefit from Massachusetts' failure to adapt to the 21st Century." [Source]

Folks, it's called Romneycare, and flipper Mitt is trying very hard to run away from it. Good luck with that. 

Finally, I see that Nancy Pelosi is threatening to tell the rest of us a little something about Newt. Nancy knows a lot; she was on the ethics committee that investigated him back in the day.

"Pelosi: “One of these days we’ll have a conversation about Newt Gingrich,” Pelosi told Talking Points Memo. “When the time is right. … I know a lot about him. I served on the investigative committee that investigated him, four of us locked in a room in an undisclosed location for a year. A thousand pages of his stuff.”

Oh my! What else could there possibly be about Newt that the rest of us need to know? Nancy, please tell, inquiring minds want to know.

Of course, Newt was not pleased:

"I want to thank Speaker Pelosi for what I regard as an early Christmas gift,” Gingrich said at a press conference in Manhattan Monday.

Gingrich denounced the threat from Pelosi, who is now the minority leader in the House, as “a fundamental violation of the rules of the House,” and said that if Pelosi were to disclose details of the investigation, it would expose the “tainted ethics process the House was engaged in.” He also called for the House to condemn Pelosi if she were to reveal anything from the ethics probe."

Well Newt, some of this stuff is a part of the public record, and I think that it's time we all started looking.



  1. When Nancy leaks it it'll be both obvious and untraceable.

  2. "When Nancy leaks it it'll be both obvious and untraceable."

    When Nancy leaks she's going to need Depends Maximum Protection.

  3. conservativefamilyscandals9:54 PM

    Well Newt do the phrase Super happy fun sexy time mean anything? You know it had many happy endings. There is proof.

  4. Kinda the old Newt trick "if you quote what I said you're lying". Is this still the best the GOP can do? They're tanking 2012.

  5. What the heck is wrong with Pelosi! The Democrats should just shut up about Newt during the primary and hope that he wins. In fact they should secretly donate money to his PAC.

    If Newt Leroy Gingrich is the nominee then Obama will win in a landslide.

    Btw, did you know his middle name was "Leroy"? Lol

  6. Tell 'em Purple Cow!

    I think Obama has done a steady job given the circumstances but he has to be doin some backwoods, sanctified church shoutin about the lame field of Rethugs out there to oppose him.

    Fo Mo Years!

    Paint the White House Black!

  7. Nancy Pelosi nearly choked on her lunch when she heard about Newt's threats.

    Don't be fooled by the Dior and Jimmy Choos.

    At heart, Nancy Pelosi is a big city street pol with those kinds of sensibilities.

    She is SO not playing with Newt, and is hoping that the GOP is stupid enough to nominate him.

    She will bring it to him so hard and, without breaking a sweat, it will seem effortless.

    Newt threaten Nancy?


  8. Anonymous11:07 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Tell 'em Purple Cow!

    I think Obama has done a steady job given the circumstances but he has to be doin some backwoods, sanctified church shoutin about the lame field of Rethugs out there to oppose him.

    Fo Mo Years!

    Paint the White House Black!

    This sums it all up. Nothing more need be said.

    "Fo Mo Years" Paint that white house Black.

    Dey iz wut dey iz.

  9. Just throw out the hook and reel in goobers.


  10. Anonymous12:32 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    Just throw out the hook and reel in goobers.


    cant catch dat much usin dirty niggers like youse fer bait

  11. Anonymous12:52 AM

    Val, "If Newt Leroy Gingrich is the nominee then Obama will win in a landslide."

    There is no way Obama will win against Newt. Romney would be a better choice. But the best one would be Ron Paul.

  12. Newt must remind a lot of women of their lousy first husbands, except he's even worse than most. So of course now he's married to a botoxed creature that came out of a pod.

  13. "What the heck is wrong with Pelosi! The Democrats should just shut up about Newt during the primary and hope that he wins. In fact they should secretly donate money to his PAC."


    Bob, I thought Mrs. Newt looked a little....ahhm, stiff. :)

    "cant catch dat much usin dirty niggers like youse fer bait"

    Oh my! UTS sure knows how to bring out the inner David Duke in these Anons.

    Poor creatures.Will one of you church going folks please pray for these angry Anons?

    They need Jesus.The white one.

  14. Anonymous6:41 AM

    "Oh my! UTS sure knows how to bring out the inner David Duke in these Anons.

    Poor creatures.Will one of you church going folks please pray for these angry Anons?

    They need Jesus.The white one."

    Field, why must UTS use the word goober when he knows that is a dirty word also? why not just kick uts off the blog for provoking and antagonizing trailer park whites? It's as though steve lives to put down Whites. He is like a black no_slappz!

    Two no_slappz's is too much for one blog. The white one was here first. Please get rid of Steve so that we may have a peaceful, harmonious and spiritual relationship with our white brothas and sistas.

    Brotha Field, do you get what I mean? BTW, what ever happened to that non-spiritual brotha by the name of mellaneous?

  15. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Field, your Killadelphia meter is low again. Why is it every year in Dec you start to get sloppy with the count in Philly? Are they killing each other so fast that you can't keep up?

    Have you ever thought about having a white Killadelphia meter, just to see who would win at the end of the year?

    I think that would be a very interesting post that would give Blacks and Whites a perspective about each other. That is, which race is killing the most within their respective race in Philly?

    My third eye tells me that the White Killadelphia count would be the highest, which would make no_slappz STFU, and make little Stevie jump for joy. So what are you waiting for?

  16. Kinda makes me wonder what else does a politician like Romney or full-scaled fidget such as Newt hides from public consumption. And, if so, who possibly trusts Pelosi enough to imagine the extent of Newt's added shamefulness?

    Shoutout to Massachusetts Law for not realizing America has entered into digital age.

  17. Anonymous8:13 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    Just throw out the hook and reel in goobers.


    Sorry, Mudsharks like you get thrown back when caught. Useless parasitic fish that is inedible.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. newt is amoral scum...

    that is renowned
    and so are his enemies

    i am sure nancy is not the only one who will talk asap...


  20. Donald t has 0 tolerance for cowards

    Romney et al are running scared from REAL queries
    They are passing on a classic debate…Shame.

    Is hobama ANY more ethical and honest and open?...

    Hell no!!!

    Why no similar concern for the BILLIONS bilked by hobama and his banksters? Siga? Solyndra?? BP??? Etc???

    100K pales by comparison…no???

    Why no concern for how hobama is shutting down the entire internet and invading PRIVATE pcs via LEGENDARY spying worse than gwb etc???

    Hobamacare is 23 trillion times worse than Romneycare…And???...So???

    Nothing is more unfair/selective/blind/hypocritical than a hobama nazi….shame!!!!!!!


    trust no politico

    huckabee wiped and stole pcs in ar too







  21. romney/newt could have no more secrets than that cia baby hobama...ever!!!




  22. no one has more secrets than the STILL unvetted coddled and adored hobama...bet!!!







  23. fnotd online!!!


    nobama 2012!!!


  24. Hobama’s evils trump Romney’s and newt’s combined!!!


    No wm prez could ever slay black mongrels like hobama!

    Black racists would never let any wm do what they have cheered hobama for doing!!!


    Barack Obama’s role in exacerbating the crisis goes unnoticed while tangential characters are given needless attention. Every hateful statement from the mouth of Newt Gingrich is dissected and railed against but Gingrich has not been in power in this country for a long time. He played no role in the bank bailout and he did not declare that Social Security would be placed on the budget cutting table. Obama did those things and put an already suffering group further and further behind.

    While phony government figures claim that employment numbers are improving, more than 46 million Americans are now receiving food stamps, a record. As the leaders of European countries struggle to keep the crises of Greece, Italy and Spain from spinning out of control, it is tempting to anticipate the post capitalist world. The thought experiment is interesting, but one thing is clear. When the dust eventually settles, black people will be at the bottom of a destroyed system.
    Black Americans are more optimistic about the economy than all other groups. Obama twists Black minds. “Most black people still love the president who looks like them but who goes out of his way to ignore them and their needs.”
    Enter Barack Obama, the beneficiary of both black loyalty and a system which he assessed astutely as being ready for the right black man to come along. He fills the duel roles perfectly, giving good feelings about his presence in the White House but this presence is a result of promising to do nothing that the 1% would find inconvenient.

    Simply put, black Americans are at the absolute bottom of the economic heap in a county still teetering from the effects of a seemingly endless recession. The term recession is something of a misnomer because it does not adequately describe the worldwide crises endemic to capitalism. As western nations take their citizens on a dizzying race to the bottom with various austerity measures, the fate of people already on the bottom grows more precarious by the day.


  25. i love tj

    hobama and his ruthless peer banksters have gentrified america as no prez before

    even cnn grows whiter daily





  26. best wishes tj



  27. FN

    "Oh my! UTS sure knows how to bring out the inner David Duke in these Anons."

    It's always right there below the surface.

    One thing I've learned over the years is scratch a rightwinger deep enough and you'll find a racist everytime.

    Just get 'em emotional and the hate will come spewing out like water from a fire hydrant.

  28. "Simply put, black Americans are at the absolute bottom of the economic heap in a county still teetering from the effects of a seemingly endless recession."

    And I suppose we'll be better off under Romney, Newt or maybe even Ron Paul who wants to overturn the 14th amendment?

    AB just stop the charade and admit that you're just another buckdancing coonservative who only feels comfortable being governed by Massa.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. coon nig uts:

    the half breed overseers are always worse than massa

    ask your massa/gawd hobama u stupid lying slave mf

  31. neocon hobama ninny uts:

    did i lie u silly bitch????

    hell no!!!

    defend your blackish god hobama u fool!

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. that silly dizzy illiterate bitch uts is hobama's bottom bitch/miss anne....shame!!!!

    This is not to say that President Obama is not deserving of the black vote. But it does say that black America must cease to make itself into the political mistress of the Obama Administration. For a man whose loyalties lie elsewhere, the mistress is often the woman from whom he expects preferential treatment, but only offers second-class status. The love is often one of secrecy because he may be ashamed of the relationship and fear the reputational consequences of those who may judge him harshly.

    He only comes by with flowers when he wants something and in spite of his consistent disrespect and actions to the contrary, the mistress believes that deep down, he really loves her. When she expresses her concern about the love not being mutual, he tells her to stop complaining and support him in protecting his reputation. She accepts his stern admonishment because she’s simply grateful that he even stopped by to say hello and might even consider his words to be reflective of tough love. After all, she shouldn’t put any additional pressure on him because his wife is giving him such a hard time already.

    So, if the White House expects black America to treat Obama differently from the way they would treat a white politician, it is only logical that we expect the same. One of the tenets of racial inequality is the idea that black people should be complacent with being treated worse than others treat us: For example, whites are allowed to moan to President Obama all day about 8.1 percent unemployment, but black people are told to “stop complaining” about nearly 17% unemployment. Do we realize how sick it is that we allow others to say and do things that we cannot do ourselves? So, when President Obama gives a speech before a group of white folks and says “stop complaining,” then I’ll be satisfied. But until then, we might want to reconsider accepting our role as President Obama’s political mistress.




  34. "yes you can find a wm almost as bad as me"

    only coons like uts think this is a great slogan for the failed fool hobama in 2012


  35. Anonymous11:40 AM

    uptownsteve said...

    "Oh my! UTS sure knows how to bring out the inner David Duke in these Anons."

    It's always right there below the surface.

    One thing I've learned over the years is scratch a rightwinger deep enough and you'll find a racist everytime.

    Just get 'em emotional and the hate will come spewing out like water from a fire hydrant.

    Seems like the only emotional one around here consistantly is you, although you do attempt to infect others and blame them for the emotions you are feeling and displaying. Why do you think that it is ok to be racist and call others hateful names and then when someone retaliates it becomes them who are the hateful ones? Not you?

    Become an adult and take responsibility for your own actions and don't try and drag everyone else into your ineptitudes. You are the one who is racist and starts racial disharmony. People don't like you, yet you once again try to excuse your failings at being able to ineract with humans, blaming your abrasive whiny little bitch nature on politics or skin color. The fact is you are a nasty arrogant faggy little bitch that no one likes because not only are you stupid you are hatefully so and weak. You get proven to be a raging moron day in and day out and inevitably you revert to your hate and your crutches as weaklings do for an excuse. Never once have you been a man and just held a discussion and admitted you were misled or wrong. Not once.

    In person you must sound like a nagging little nasally twat always crying to the point people tell you to take a hike. "But, but, it's not my fault, they just don't like me because I am Black. Wrong..we don't like you because you are a useless little asshole.

    Now, all of the above is said with love for my brother and mankind; of which you have no qualifications to be considered a part of either group.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. only psycho mfs like uts pretend that hobama is not fashioning the biggest govt ever

    uts is sheeple as he proudly and incessantly sucks that dick hobama's cia teets....






  38. no slappz11:52 AM

    80-Year-Old Priest Severely Beaten In Rectory

    December 6, 2011 7:46 AM

    CHICAGO (CBS) — It was a scene of sheer terror early Tuesday morning, two men accosted an 80-year-old Roman Catholic priest as he lay sleeping in his South Side rectory and brutally beat him.

    As CBS 2′s Derrick Blakley reports, police say shortly before 12:30 a.m. Tuesday, the suspects broke into the rectory at St. Margaret of Scotland Church, at 9849 S. Throop St. in the Longwood Manor neighborhood, and found the Rev. Dan Mallette sleeping.

    CBS 2’s Mike Parker reports on Tuesday night, Mallette said he looked like he had been hit by a train and was still in a lot of pain, and was not ready just yet to face a TV news camera.

    “He said he woke up and two people were standing over the bed and the first thing he knows he got hit,” said Pfleger. “He doesn’t know whether it was a stick, a bat or a cane. He got hit very hard and then they wanted money.

    Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart is a parishioner at the church, and was with Father Mallette since early Tuesday morning. He said Mallette was the victim of “a vicious, vicious assault.”

    The men were described as black and being dressed like ninjas.

    Dart says Mallette was beaten severely, and suffered broken ribs and facial injuries. The robbers got away with $600.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. hey kosher kkk:

    cc this to white/jew blog asap


  41. kosher kkk:

    cc this to a white/jew blog asap!!!


  42. kosher kkk:

    cc this to a white/jew blog asap!!!


  43. what jobs????

    -- Citigroup will lay off roughly 4,500 employees over the next few months, CEO Vikram Pandit said Tuesday, as Wall Street continues to bleed jobs amid tough economic times.
    Speaking at the Goldman Sachs Financial Services Conference in New York on Tuesday afternoon, Pandit said the cuts would come over the next few quarters.


  44. lights, camera12:11 PM

    sneaker attack by moron...

    Dean College Students Expelled After Beating Video Surfaces Online

    December 6, 2011 5:56 PM

    FRANKLIN (CBS) – Nine students at Dean College have been expelled after a student was beaten up in an attack that was recorded on video.

    WBZ NewsRadio 1030′s Karen Twomey reports

    It happened on the campus in Franklin Friday.

    The disturbing video posted online shows a young man confronting another man. Moments later, the first man punches the other, knocking him to the ground and the beating continues.

    While the attack goes on, a group of men yell and laugh at the victim as he is knocked to the ground and pummeled with his own sneakers.

    Franklin Police are still investigating what led to the fight and expect to file criminal charges soon.

    Students say the altercation was over sneakers that the attacker believed the victim had stolen from him. They are limited edition Nike sneakers that sell for $200.

    The victim’s roommate tells WBZ that the victim did not steal the sneakers from his attacker and that he brought them from home. He says the victim is not an aggressive person and never fights, and is now recovering from the one sided attack. He asked for privacy during this difficult time.

    “We have a zero tolerance policy as it relates to this type of thing and anybody that’s involved will be dealt with strictly and swiftly as possible,” Chalk said.


  45. hobama is 57 times dumber and faker than gwb




  46. Anonymous1:07 PM

    "Black racists would never let any wm do what they have cheered hobama for doing!!!"

    Hate to say it AB has a point.I think UTS and others know this to be true also.Many of them are just content that we have a black-ish president who is now also free to fruck up the country just like all the white men that came before him.They just like the way it sounds and looks to have a black man in office.That alone is enough for them to keep supporting him despite the fact that we as a nation,with the help of Obummer,are moving closer and closer to martial law.Some of us will soon be imprisoned without having even committed any crimes and we won't even be allowed a lawyer.We will be detained and there ain't sh*t we can do about it.

    Stop being so goddamned VAIN!


  47. Hey Field I know you're not an advocate for him but this is interesting. They've dropped the death penalty charges against Mumia.


  48. Anonymous1:40 PM

    BrookLyn said...
    Hey Field I know you're not an advocate for him but this is interesting. They've dropped the death penalty charges against Mumia.


    Who? Oh you mean Wesley Cook the cop killer.

  49. bk:

    thank god!

    mumia is innocent!



  50. 9 new victims = new arrest

    may this monster stay caged this time



  51. blago has MUCH more to tell on hobama than pelosi has on newt....bet!

    will he talk now???



  52. kudos to mumia!!!

    These photos effectively refute key elements of the prosecution’s case. And clearly, one picture is worth a thousand words, this is irrefutable evidence,” Linn Washington, a Temple University journalism professor and a member of Journalists for Abu-Jamal told The Final Call.
    The photos were discovered in 2006 by Dr. Michael Schiffman a German researcher working on his doctoral dissertation. His findings were published in a book available only in Germany, called Race Against Death. The book is a complete analysis of the Abu Jamal trial, said Mr. Washington. Dr. Schiffman discovered the photos on the website of the photographer who shot them.

    The photographs were turned over by the photographer to the District Attorney’s office in 1982. Mr. Petrokloff “always thought that Abu-Jamal was guilty as charged, so when (the prosecutors) didn’t get back to him, his reaction was: ‘They didn’t think it was important. They had enough other evidence. This doesn’t involve me. I’m out of it,’ ” said Mr. Washington.

    “The pictures show the whole changing of the crime scene,” Pam Africa, a member of the International Concerned Friends and Family of Mumia Abu-Jamal told The Final Call.


  53. that blackish hobama/gwb 2.0 is
    20 x worse than gwb



  54. Anonymous3:03 PM

    kudos to mumia!!!

    These photos effectively refute key elements of the prosecution’s case. And clearly, one picture is worth a thousand words, this is irrefutable evidence,” Linn Washington, a Temple University journalism professor and a member of Journalists for Abu-Jamal told The Final Call.
    The photos were discovered in 2006 by Dr. Michael Schiffman a German researcher working on his doctoral dissertation. His findings were published in a book available only in Germany, called Race Against Death. The book is a complete analysis of the Abu Jamal trial, said Mr. Washington. Dr. Schiffman discovered the photos on the website of the photographer who shot them.

    The photographs were turned over by the photographer to the District Attorney’s office in 1982. Mr. Petrokloff “always thought that Abu-Jamal was guilty as charged, so when (the prosecutors) didn’t get back to him, his reaction was: ‘They didn’t think it was important. They had enough other evidence. This doesn’t involve me. I’m out of it,’ ” said Mr. Washington.

    “The pictures show the whole changing of the crime scene,” Pam Africa, a member of the International Concerned Friends and Family of Mumia Abu-Jamal told The Final Call.


    So what does Mumbia say happened, just him his brother and a cop and the cop got killed with his gun and he got shot. So what happened if he is innocent? I didnt see any of that in the article about the photographs just a couple points that the cops who was killed hat was placed for the photo and that they had pictures of the ground that didnt show chips or gouges from bullets.

    If it wasn't Mumia who killed the cop and who shot mumia and what was he doing at the scene charging the officer?

  55. muslims in the white house3:18 PM

    Lawmakers Blast Administration For Calling Fort Hood Massacre 'Workplace Violence'

    Sen. Susan Collins on Wednesday blasted the Defense Department for classifying the Fort Hood massacre as workplace violence and suggested political correctness is being placed above the security of the nation's Armed Forces at home.

    During a joint session of the Senate and House Homeland Security Committee on Wednesday, the Maine Republican referenced a letter from the Defense Department depicting the Fort Hood shootings as workplace violence.

    She criticized the Obama administration for failing to identify the threat as radical Islam.

    Thirteen people were killed and dozens more wounded at Fort Hood in 2009, and the number of alleged plots targeting the military has grown significantly since then.

    Lawmakers said there have been 33 plots against the U.S. military since Sept. 11, 2001, and 70 percent of those threats have been since mid-2009.

    Major Nidal Hasan, a former Army psychiatrist, who is being held for the attacks, allegedly was inspired by radical U.S.-born cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, who was killed in a U.S. drone strike in Yemen in late September.

    The two men exchanged as many as 20 emails, according to U.S. officials, and Awlaki declared Hasan a hero.

    Rep. Peter King of New York, the Republican chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, said military service members are "symbols of America's power, symbols of America's might."

    "And if they (military personnel) can be killed, then that is a great propaganda victory for al Qaeda," King told Fox News.

    King said there is also evidence that extremists have joined the services.

    "There is a serious threat within the military from people who have enlisted who are radical jihadists," King said.

    "The Defense Department is very concerned about them. They feel they're a threat to the military both for what they can do within the military itself and also because of the weapons skills they acquire while they're in the military."

    "My faith in government is diminished. It invents euphemisms ... Little Rock is a drive by and Fort Hood is just workplace violence. The truth is denied," Long testified.

    King said the web is the driver of the new digital jihad.

    "It enables people -- rather than having to travel to Afghanistan to learn about jihad or to be trained, they can do it right over the Internet," he said. "And this is a growing role."

    And while Awlaki and his colleague Samir Khan, who was behind the magazine Inspire, were killed in a CIA-led operation in September, King warned against overconfidence that al Qaeda in Yemen was done.

    "To me it's a validation of what I've been trying to do all year," King emphasized. "There's a definite threat from Islamic radicalization in various parts of our society, including within the military, and we can't allow political correctness to keep us from exposing this threat for what it is."

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. moneybags4:38 PM

    How Many New Yorkers Earn More Than $2 Million?.

    By Robert Frank -- Associated Press

    New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo The definition of “rich” keeps rising.

    It started with $250,000 a year in 2008. Then it went to $1 million a year for the initial Buffett Rule. Now, New York has decided that $2 million a year ranks as rich.

    Governor Cuomo’s latest budget plans calls for raising $1.9 billion from households earning $2 million or more a year. If passed, the tax rate for the $2 million plussers (bi-millionaires? Duo-millionaires?) would be 8.82% until December 2014.

    Currently, they pay 8.97% under the so-called millionaire’s tax that was scheduled to expire Dec. 31 and that covers those making $500,000 or more. Without the new levy, the tax rate for the bi-millionaires would have gone down to 6.65%.

    So how many $2 million-plussers are there in New York?

    The state doesn’t break out $2 million-plus earners. But they do break out $1 million-plus and $5 million-plus taxpayers, which gives us a ballpark.

    According to their latest data in 2008, there were 35,763 taxpayers who reported AGI of $1 million or more. Of that group, 4,459 reported AGI of $5 million or more.

    The $1 million-plussers represented 0.6% of the state’s tax filers and earned a total of $143 billion, or a quarter of the state’s personal income.

    They paid more than 32% of the state’s personal-income taxes.

    So the number of $2 million-plus taxpayers in 2008 was somewhere between 35,763 and 4,459, probably in the 15,000 to 20,000. (The state tax department says about 31,500 taxpayers are in the new tax bracket but about half are non-residents).

    Of course, 2008 was a long time ago in rich people terms, since their incomes have gone through huge swings in the subsequent years.

    Wall Street has been rapidly shedding jobs and incomes, which is a big reason New York has such a large budget gap.

    But if the 2008 numbers are roughly accurate, those 20,000 people would each contribute an average of $82,000 to the new revenue pool.

  58. mumia is innocent

    had mumia not been sloppily framed
    he would have been executed long ago!!!

    mumia's hands were never tested

    the bullet in the dead cop did not match mumia's gun

    his dreg bro helped police set him up

    this young rookie was killed by evil dirty elder pigs before he snitched

    do you homework!!!!

    start with many links here


    Why is Mumia on death row?

    On Dec. 9, 1981, Abu-Jamal was driving a taxi when he saw that police had stopped his brother. He got out of the car to make sure police were not violating his brother’s civil rights.

    In the altercation that followed, Philadelphia Police Officer Daniel Faulkner was shot and killed. Witnesses saw a man flee the scene who did not look like Abu-Jamal. But when police arrived, they arrested Mumia Abu-Jamal, who had also been shot.

    Ballistics reports prove that the gun found on Mumia Abu-Jamal, a .38 caliber weapon, was not the gun that killed Officer Faulkner. He was shot with a .44 caliber weapon. Police did not even test Abu-Jamal’s weapon to see whether or not it had been fired.

    Eyewitnesses who were not called to testify in 1982 have come forward. They say Mumia Abu-Jamal was not the shooter. Eyewitness Veronica Jones says police threatened to jail her if she testified. Other witnesses, who testified against Abu-Jamal in the original trial, have changed their stories, saying police threatened and intimidated them.




  59. Anonymous 11:40 am

    "In person you must sound like a nagging little nasally twat always crying to the point people tell you to take a hike. "But, but, it's not my fault, they just don't like me because I am Black. Wrong..we don't like you because you are a useless little asshole."

    Funny I always seem to elicit an hysterical multi-paragraphed, drooling rant from you.

    And whose "we" goober?

    We all know that you anon idiots post under numerous aliases like the attention seeking socially inept turds that you are.

    Not to worry, I will be here as often as possible to fuck with you, pull your chain and watch you blow your swollen stack.

    I OWN YOU.

  60. "That alone is enough for them to keep supporting him despite the fact that we as a nation,with the help of Obummer,are moving closer and closer to martial law.Some of us will soon be imprisoned without having even committed any crimes and we won't even be allowed a lawyer.We will be detained and there ain't sh*t we can do about it."


    This is total insanity.

    We all knew the election of a black man to the nation's highest office would have the racists coming out of the closet adnd showing their hatred and hysteria unabashed.

    The sad thing is that we now see self-hating Aunt Jemimas like AB gleefully joining them.

    You voting for Newt AB?

    Maybe he and the Donald can get you a job as a janitor.

  61. mumia has also been officially stalked by COINTELPRO since he was a 15 yr old BPP media chief...

    then he spent his media career in philly as a MOVE mic

    both defiant roles marked him for death long ago



  62. hopeless unchanged coon nig uts:

    the racists are hobama and his racist simple clueless cooning black mongrel drone fans like u

    if u were not a racist

    u could see that your blackish god is a racist colorized clone of gwb

    u silly blind itty bitty beta male bitch




  63. So who are you supporting AB?

    Show some guts and just admit you're a coon-servative.

    Your hysterical hatred for Obama makes no sense.

    He inherited Bush's economy and wars.

    While an argument can be made that he hasn't resolved these problems as quickly as we would have liked, you can't blame him for their existence.

    So it stands to reason that just like Trump and these anon-idiots, you're just offended by a black man in the White House.


    Who are you supporting and why?

  64. uts is a shoe shining boot licking hobama nazi mongrel
    and he loves being stomped by hobama and his banksters

    slave nigs like uts love to be abused by massas like hobama
    always have
    always will

    monkey shining and masochism are in his apish coon dna =
    dem no-good ancestors


    Where previous Democratic administrations have treated Black communities with benign neglect, Obama’s policy is best described as depraved indifference. Having collaborated in two recent major budget agreements with the Republicans that have already wiped out much of the life supports that made a dignified Black existence barely possible – and with more fiscal massacres to come – Obama characterizes his current posture as "Winning the Future."

    That future holds nothing but further pain and decline for Black America. His budgetary formula includes only $1 in closed corporate loopholes and higher taxes on the rich, for every $3 he slices from federal spending, most of it from education, health and other social programs.

    Obama tried to hide his actual deeds with a wonderfully crafted but totally fabulist speech: "We will all need to make sacrifices," he said, without quantifying what was being sacrificed by whom. "But we do not have to sacrifice the America we believe in."

    Obama believes in an America in which people are tossed about to sink or swim with the tides. By virtually all indices, Black fortunes have plummeted under the First Black President, whose policy is to let the (chocolate) chips fall where they may.


  65. nothing is more hysterical than a gated nigger like uts cheering hobama's global cages



  66. ron paul 2012

    nobama 2012!!!


  67. Ron friggin Paul

    A damned white supremacist who would have your black ass back on the cotton fields in a NY minute if he had his way.


  68. dirty laundry5:10 PM

    Wash day on Staten Island:

    9 arrests in wild Staten Island incident, as unruly crowd overruns cops, police say

    Wednesday, December 07, 2011

    By John M. Annese

    STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- Firefighters came to the rescue of two police officers outnumbered in Mariners Harbor today, in a scene so chaotic that New York’s Bravest employed a truck-mounted deluge gun -- a water cannon -- to fend off the marauding group of teens.

    The scene unfolded at about 3:30 p.m. in front of 83 Harbor Rd., where a large group of teenagers had amassed to confront a teenage girl who lives in the residence.

    By the time it was over, two officers were sent to Richmond University Medical Center, West Brighton, for treatment, and nine teens ended up under arrest, said Inspector John Denesopolis, the 120th Precinct's commanding officer. Police also recovered a starter pistol, he said.

    The officers were OK, but "banged up," Denesopolis said.

    The group was threatening the girl, yelling at her to come out and fight, witnesses told the Advance. That sparked calls to 911, and two officers, one male, the other female, arrived at the scene.

    The male officer attempted to arrest a member of the crowd, and the teens turned on him, knocking him to the ground.

    "The kids were on top of the cop while the cop was arresting the first person," the neighbor said.

    When his female partner tried to intervene, witnesses said, she was knocked down as well. As she was being attacked, she shouted for assistance on her police radio.

  69. So AB thinks that Ron Paul will be more attentive to the needs of black America than Obama?


    And these no account negro haters that you constantly link never detail exactly what they expect Obama to do SPECIFICALLY for blacks.


    Create a "black fund" for jobs and business development?

    How will it get through a GOP Congress?

    Wouldn't that mean "bigger government"?

    Face it AB. You're just ranting.

  70. ranting yapping uts:

    i debate and document

    illiterate mfs like u rant

    see boy?

  71. Watch this folks.

    AB, what exactly has Obama done TO black people?

  72. nigger uts:

    only coons like u need ask


    scan up mf

  73. pedro escobar5:19 PM

    Ron Paul would legalize all recreational drugs. Then what?

    The substance-abuse problems in the black community would multiply by 10 and destroy all remaining traces of goodness in black neighborhoods.

    Violence and murder would fly totally out of control, making the job of policing black neighborhoods nearly impossible.

    Drugs would be legal. But not free. Hence, prostitution and dealing would become leading occupations. The girls would get younger and die sooner. As would the huge number of shooting victims.

    Ron Paul -- Village Idiot.

  74. I'm not asking for your silly links.

    YOU explain it. If you're able.

  75. hobama nazi assnon/uts:

    where is the peaceful utopia that hobama has crafted????

  76. uts:

    nigs who cannot read are not worth one iota of my time

    eff u

  77. Anonymous5:21 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Anonymous 11:40 am

    "In person you must sound like a nagging little nasally twat always crying to the point people tell you to take a hike. "But, but, it's not my fault, they just don't like me because I am Black. Wrong..we don't like you because you are a useless little asshole."

    Funny I always seem to elicit an hysterical multi-paragraphed, drooling rant from you.

    But of course, the few words you know from the English language you use over and over and over..drooling..rant? Nah, not quite. If you do not have the intelligence to understand something, that does not mean it is a rant. Can't you do any better than this response? Is it written in word for you by someone with a brain and you just copy and paste it each time?

    And whose "we" goober?

    Ahhhh.....the weak kneed - weak minded low life dumb ass reverts to again the only thing he knows. You are so sad and SO obvious. I know what I am, do you know what YOU are?

    We all know that you anon idiots post under numerous aliases like the attention seeking socially inept turds that you are.

    No Dumbass - if we wanted attention we would be stupid enough as you are to publish the meager details of our life on a blog to get attention from low lifes like you, but we don't and yet you don't understand that. Says a lot about you, you are beyond redemption.

    Not to worry, I will be here as often as possible to fuck with you, pull your chain and watch you blow your swollen stack.

    Keep trying sleestack. I am not angry, however every time you have nothing intelligent to say (always) to project that someone else is angry does not deflect the truths that were exposed about you. Have at it, no one said I wanted you to leave. You are like watching an ant farm. Your responses are extremely predictable although sadly limited and used over and over again, but it is somewhat entertaining to be able to push your buttons and watch you do the exact same thing each time. What still amazes me is that several people have told you the same thing and predict the exact response you will use and you still can't vary it, you use the same things over and over. Are you really that limited in mental acuities?

    I OWN YOU.

    HAHAHA just call me Gepetto Mr Puppet, call me Gepetto your Master of Puppets.

  78. An actor walks upon the floodlit stage of life

    wearing a mask of an angel beneath a demon's gown.

    Pretence smiles upon the crowded hall of life

    holding out hope as bright as it is false.

    Son of a woman in whose veins flows the blood

    of ancient Ireland and dark Africa’s plains.

    You are Obama, nick-named the standing king

    You are Barack, oh, son born to deceive

    The suffering hoards of Africa look up to you,

    See a black saviour where nought but a Judas strides.

    An entrapper of nations, bringer of dismal war

    Behind the robes and the nylon wings of hope

    Oh, may those who look upon you, see you as you are.

    May those who hope in you behold you as you be

    A prince deceitful to bring down Africa’s shrines

    A siren who leads Africa’s ships onto rocks of obliteration.

    Your rule my lord will not be one of peace

    Your reign my king will not be one of smiles

    Even as we speak in caves both dark and dank

    Enraged fanatics plot your dark demise

    They will put around your head a bloodwet martyr’s crown.

    Oh black Kennedy following the one before

    May God forgive thee and thy fiery spouse

    As you walk in silence from the stage of life

    Barack Obama, blessed son, Oh standing king.

  79. Well looky here.

    An aide of former MD Governor Bob Ehrlich is convicted of conspiring to suppress black voter turnout.

    Yeah AB.

    Keep coonin for those righties.


  80. ron paul is our last hope to save the globe from hobama and his banskters


  81. Anonymous5:24 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Watch this folks.

    AB, what exactly has Obama done TO black people?

    Need a towel? I swear to use your catch all phrase I see you drooling as you say this making your retarded face...watch dis folks ahuuuuuuuuunnnn ahunnnnnnnnnnn...ahunnnnnnnnn ayIImmmmm sew smurt seeez.
    wipe your chin or no pudding for you tonight Cornelius and we have chocolate your favorite, so you better behave.

  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. The New Invasion Of Africa

    Amiri Baraka 3/21/2011

    So it wd be this way
    That they wd get a negro
    To bomb his own home
    To join with the actual colonial
    Powers, Britain, France, add Poison Hillary
    With Israeli and Saudi to make certain
    That revolution in Africa must have a stopper
    So call in the white people who long tasted our blood
    They would be the copper, overthrow Libya
    With some bullshit humanitarian scam
    With the negro yapping to make it seem right (far right)
    But that’s how Africa got enslaved by the white
    A negro selling his own folk, delivering us to slavery
    In the middle of the night. When will you learn poet
    And remember it so you know it
    Imperialism can look like anything
    Can be quiet and intelligent and even have
    A pretty wife. But in the end, it is insatiable
    And if it needs to, it will take your life.

  84. "if we wanted attention we would be stupid enough as you are to publish the meager details of our life on a blog to get attention from low lifes like you, but we don't and yet you don't understand that."

    That's only because you have no life.

    Your sole purpose seems to be to anonymously squat on a black blog and heckle black folks whom you know in your heart are your betters.

  85. This comment has been removed by the author.

  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. Well what do ya know.

    A woman who was so angered by "Obamacare" that she changed her political affiliation from Democrat to Independent, finds out that she has breast cancer.

    Now she apologizes to the President.


  88. drones like uts stay dumbed down by design/dem deceptions


    When Republicans invade new countries, global public opinion can put millions worldwide in protest demonstrations in the street. When Democrats invade, there are no demonstrations. When Republicans propose social security, Medicare and Medicaid cuts, and try to regulate unions out of existence, public outcries and near general-strike situations loom. When Democrats do the same, all is quiet. Republicans could not even pass their own bailout bills with a Republican in the White House. So between bigoted, bumbling tea party Republicans, and level-headed, competent corporate Democrats, which is the greater evil? And which is the more effective evil?

    The last refuge of Obamaphiles is that no matter how many times the First Black President double-crosses us by cutting Medicare and Medicaid, no matter how completely be betrays his voters us by ignoring black unemployment, by deporting one million Latinos, by protecting the banksters responsible for the foreclosure crisis and by invading, bombing, occupying and subverting even more countries than the Cheney-Bush regime, his white supremacist tea party opponents are far worse. But what if Democrat Barack and the Republican tea partyers are just playing different positions on the same team?

    The 2012 Republican presidential candidates are indeed different from most (but not all) Democrats. They are intolerant religious zealots and Dominionists. They are anti-Muslim and anti-gay bigots, and open white supremacists. Their debate audiences raucously cheer the prospect of more executions and the undeserving poor dying for lack of medical care. But these are all about cultural, not policy differences. What Republicans call “Obamacare” is the same insurance company boondoggle governor Mitt Romney imposed on Massachusetts in the 1990s, and the poor are indeed still dying for lack of care in Massachusetts. The rhetoric Republican candidates use to round up and corral their base voters should not be confused with Republican policy objectives.

  89. Anonymous7:06 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "if we wanted attention we would be stupid enough as you are to publish the meager details of our life on a blog to get attention from low lifes like you, but we don't and yet you don't understand that."

    That's only because you have no life.

    Your sole purpose seems to be to anonymously squat on a black blog and heckle black folks whom you know in your heart are your betters.

    So you really are that limited that you think because you get totally whalloped and exposed for the idjut you are that someone must devote a lot of time to doing so? Hate to pop your pimple but it's easy and takes minutes and there you go again with your excuses. We aren't talking about Black folks, we are talking about YOU. So stop hiding behind your racism. You are one of the dumbest sacks of goo I have seen in a long time, don't hide behind all Black people it isn't them it is you.

    So what is it you think you are better at? Sword Swallowing? Could be, Oh yeah, racism - you are right, you are one of the best at that on this blog.

  90. Anonymous9:34 PM

    mitt and newt are just punks!!
