Saturday, December 24, 2011

"The Donald" rethinks a run and we rethink Santa.

Oh ohh, could Mr. Bad Hair cause the republicans to lose the next election because of his big ego?

"NEW YORK (AP) — Billionaire businessman Donald Trump has changed his voter registration in New York state from Republican to unaffiliated.

A spokesman for Trump says the businessman and television host changed his affiliation to preserve his option to seek the presidency in 2012.

Special Counsel Michael Cohen said Friday that Trump could enter the race if Republicans fail to nominate a candidate who can defeat President Barack Obama.

He said Trump probably would use his substantial wealth to even the playing field with Obama's re-election campaign.

Cohen said Trump's commitment to hosting TV's "The Apprentice" will keep him from doing anything until May, when the show's season wraps up.
He said Trump filed his voter registration paperwork Thursday." [Source]

I wonder what makes Trump think that he can defeat Obama? That man has been getting some bad advice from somewhere. Donald, stick to building casinos that lose money and tacky television shows.

Finally, as we approach Christmas eve, I have some uncomfortable thoughts about Santa: With all these sexual abuse scandals hitting us one after another and shattering our perceptions of institutions and individuals that we previously held in high esteem, could it be.....noooooo, I don't even want to think about it.

Santa, we will still have milk and cookies out for you; we just won't allow little Johnny to give them to you by himself.



  1. According to Lawrence O'Donnell he hasn't got enough money to run.

  2. Anonymous1:37 AM

    Field, I can't believe you would even let the thought creep across your mind that Santa might be a pedophile. I mean, that is creepy and quite frankly, irreligious.

    Obviously, you have a deep seated resentment against Santa from childhood because he didn't bring a toy that you wanted. And You have never forgiven him for that.

    You need go on your knees and ask God to give you the willingness to forgive Santa over something that happened over forty five years ago. . You really need Jesus.

  3. Anonymous1:46 AM

    Santa has been delivering toys for centuries without incident. He is perfectly safe for kids.

    It's the reindeer who have to be gets lonely and cold at the North Pole!

    But when he's delivering toys and sliding down chimneys he really doesn't have that kind of time to be effing around with anybody. You have to be a coach or priest to have the time play around like that.

  4. Anonymous1:47 AM

    Black Culture - Have nothing defile everything. Vicous post

  5. Anonymous1:55 AM

    "Black Culture - Have nothing defile everything."

    Lord have mercy. That really hurts. There must be 'something' we haven't defiled.

    hmmmm....I know! we have never defiled the Catholic Church. But maybe we should have, considering what has happened to a lot of children.

    BTW, what culture defiled the Church and caused a loss of faith for millions? I believe the Catholic Church is still paying through the nose for it.

  6. Hey everybody I have a joke to tell. Are you ready? Okay here it is;

    Donald Trump.

  7. The Donald's going for an independent run? I don't think so. He doesn't have the juice to last but a few caucuses.

  8. "Field, I can't believe you would even let the thought creep across your mind that Santa might be a pedophile. I mean, that is creepy and quite frankly, irreligious."


  9. no slappz9:21 AM

    pilot xyz:

    Aircraft fuel:

    As usual, you let your imagination run away with you.

    The ONLY reason an airline would use a biofuel is this: price.

    If energy content or environmental concerns were the priority, our idiotic Congress might mandate the use of hydrogen -- the most common element in the universe.

    But that won't happen. Why? Price.

    We use liquid hydrogen to power rockets because fuel costs aren't a priority.

    Anyway, your crazy idea that algae-fuel and other biofuels are going to begin powering commercial aircraft are as nutty as your belief in electric planes.

    The cost of these alternatives puts them way way way out of reach.

    You couldn't fuel a single 747 for one trip to Europe with all the french-fry oil in the world.

    And if airlines started mixing that stuff with aviation fuel, the price of fast food and lots of other food-related items that would rise like the Space Shuttle.

    Even you should be able to see the obvious after the last few years of the Ethanol madness.

    By the way, as the last decade has shown, travel on US airlines is astoundingly safe. As was recently stated, the greatest risk in air travel today is when the planes are on the ground, taxiing.

    No one is going to monkey around with this record. No one wants to be blamed for a flameout and crash tied some new fuel.

    As for the biofuel research -- do you not know a good public-relations effort when you see one? Apparently not.

  10. Wesley R9:24 AM


    I like to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas. The same for everyone who post on this site. God Bless.

  11. no slappz9:42 AM

    Gotta get me dem shoes:

    In suburban Seattle, police used pepper spray on about 20 customers who started fighting at the Westfield Southcenter mall. The crowd started gathering at four stores in the mall around midnight and had grown to more than 1,000 people by 4 a.m., when the stores opened, Tukwila Officer Mike Murphy said. He said it started as fighting and pushing among people in line and escalated over the next hour.

    Murphy said no injuries were reported, although some people suffered cuts or scrapes from fights.

    Shoppers also broke two doors, and 18-year-old man was arrested for assault after authorities say he punched an officer.

    "He did not get his shoes; he went to jail," Murphy said.

    The $180 shoes went on sale Friday in a limited release at stores, and the lines began forming several hours before businesses opened.

    As the crowds kept growing through the night, they became more unruly and ended in vandalism, violence and arrests.

    A man was stabbed when a brawl broke out between several people waiting in line at a Jersey City, N.J., mall to buy the new shoes, authorities said. The 20-year-old man was expected to recover from his injuries.

    In Richmond, Calif., police say crowds waiting to buy the Air Jordan 11 Retro Concords at the Hilltop Mall were turned away after a gunshot rang out around 7 a.m.

    No injuries were reported, but police said a 24-year-old suspect was taken into custody. The gun apparently went off inadvertently, the Contra Costa Times reported.

  12. no slappz9:47 AM

    White riot:

    Apple Opens New York Grand Central Store


    Apple Inc. opened its latest retail store Friday, December 9th, in New York's historic Grand Central Terminal to hundreds of eager shoppers from around the country who had been waiting in line for as long as a day.

    Apple said 2,500 people were waiting in line before the opening, and the store had nearly 4,000 visitors before noon.

    The first person in line, a 19-year-old man from Albany, N.Y., got there at 9:44 a.m. Thursday. A few spots down in line was a retired gentleman from California who got there at noon Thursday and had been to 30 store openings.

    The latest store, Apple's fifth in Manhattan, adds to the company's footprint of more than 300 locations world-wide.

    The Cupertino, Calif., maker of the iPhone and iPad continues to expand its retail locations, counting on the popularity of its devices to drive traffic to its stores.

    In turn, the retail stores have boosted sales of its products by giving consumers an opportunity to try the devices and interact with Apple experts.

    More people now visit Apple's stores in a single quarter than the 60 million who visited Walt Disney Co.'s four biggest theme parks last year, according to data earlier this year from Apple and the Themed Entertainment Association.

    Bob Bridger, Apple's vice president of retail and real estate development, told AllThingsD that Apple has seen more than 12 million visitors in its New York stores this year, and more than 300 million visitors world-wide.

    The crowd that had waited outside the new Grand Central store remained orderly during the night, even when they were forced to leave the waiting area between 2 a.m. and 5 a.m.

  13. Mr. Field:

    Surely Brent Bozell's description of Obama as looking like a "skinny ghetto crackhead" deserves to earn him recognition as HN of the Day.

  14. Jobu, it does. I have someone else for that honor right now, but he might win it later on.

    "Obviously, you have a deep seated resentment against Santa from childhood because he didn't bring a toy that you wanted. And You have never forgiven him for that."

    That's not why I don't like that fat old man. I actually saw him kissing my mama once and it scarred me for life. :(

    "You need go on your knees and ask God to give you the willingness to forgive Santa over something that happened over forty five years ago. . You really need Jesus."

    * on knees* Dear God, please forgive Santa for doing grown up things to my mom.

    Same to you Wesley.

  15. "It's the reindeer who have to be gets lonely and cold at the North Pole!"

    Oh my!

    Anon @1:47AM, did you see what that wicked person wrote?

    Now that is so wrong.To suggest.....oh never mind.

    I am just glad that kids don't read this blog.

  16. MERRY CHRISTMAS Field. I have been enriched by connecting with your blog in 2011. Wishes for a Blessed 2012!

  17. Thanks Sarge! Same to u.

  18. My Black snake make You Moan12:24 PM

    I would like to wish one and all a Happy Kwanzaa.

    Remember,during the holidays and celebrations,shop black. Fill your tank up at a black owned gas station. Buy your socks,draws,shoes, and baby clothes at a black owned store.

    Even if they be a brother in the whitehouse,things are still hard for a negro.

    Soutout to all my wite sisters.

    Remember who makes you moan baby.

  19. "Anyway, your crazy idea that algae-fuel and other biofuels are going to begin powering commercial aircraft are as nutty as your belief in electric planes."

    Not my idea, it's Boeing's. No one is going to monkey around with this record.

    "No one wants to be blamed for a flameout and crash tied some new fuel."

    Which is why the performed extensive testing both civilian and militarily before introducing it into commercial aviation. Look here man, you are not an aerospace engineer nor do you work for Boeing so you know nothing about this topic. BTW, United was the first airline to successfully fly a regular commercial flight using biofuels. To add insult to injury taxiing is not the most dangerous part of air travel.

    "News outlets around the world covered United's historic flight Monday of a Boeing 737-800 powered by sustainable algae-based biofuel (see the Nov. 7 United Daily.)"

    See Slappz, just because YOU don't know about something doesn't mean it's not happening. Stick with bad guesses about politics, you know the whole over age 60 thing.

    "A team from the University of Stuttgart has set a new milestone for electric aviation after averaging more than 100 mph for a little more than two hours. Not only did eGenius push the limits of speed and endurance for electric aviation, it did so with two people aboard."

    There are new resords being set in the area of electric aircraft. I'm sure your knowledge of aviation advancements is lacking, obviously, so a little reading on the subject might be in order before weighing in on such topics. You are outclassed in this area so you may want to leave it alone before you get further embarrassed by a Black man. Learning is not a bad thing though conservatives seem to think so.

    BTW, that United flight that used biofuel didn't flame out but you already knew this.

  20. Ulrich1:00 PM

    There were some who said at the time that Trump's foray into the birther issue was done at the behest of the Obama campaign, to set up the release of the document, and to establish Trump's "anti-Obama" image in the minds of the public - all to facilitate this sham "third party" run designed to split the opposition.

    These latest developments make this somewhat far-fetched theory more credible.

    I wouldn't put it past these neo-Marxist democrats to do this kind of thing. They successfully did it in a New York congressional race in 2010, where they used a fake Tea Party candidate to split the Republican vote. And I wouldn't put it past Trump, who is no Republican (he gave $50,000 to Rahm Emmanuel's campaign just this year), and whose ego and opportunism knows no bounds. Obama has been very generous with public money to campaign supporters; Trump would stand to make out very well indeed.

    Democrats can do this sort of thing because the media will play along. I'm sure you applaud our devolution into a banana republic maintained by a state-run media, but I think it will be the eventual end of freedom.

  21. No Nonsense1:34 PM

    He certainly isn't going to the White House without the votes of "The Blacks" he's so friendly with.

  22. Mr. Field:

    Seth Meyer had a great line about Donald Trump at the White House Correspondent's Dinner -- with Trump in attendence. "Donald Trump says he has a great relationship with the blacks. Unless the blacks are a family of white people, I think he might be mistaken."

  23. Mitchell Craig1:55 PM

    Considering how the Republican presidential candidates have been kneecapping themselves and each other, Das Donald's run for the office would guarantee a second term for Obama.

    And there's a fringe benefit: Trump may go so deep in debt with his campaign that he winds up moving into a palatial refrigerator carton.

    Good tidings, y'all.

  24. Mr. Field:

    I think it is important to note that progressive forces in Wisconsin have just gathered over HALF A MILLION signatures on a petition to recall Scott Walker/The Kochs while Newt and the Rick Perry (with the backing of Big Oil) couldn't come up with 10K signatures to get on the GOP primary ballot in VA.

  25. Lets look at some crime stats from my home city of St. Louis.

    Blacks make up 49.2 % of the population.

    Blacks are responsible for

    93% of robberies

    92% of homicides

    87% of aggravated assaults

    82% of burglaries

    78% of rapes.

    I was shocked at these numbers. Looking at the air jordan riots on tv, i shouldn't have been.

  26. season's beatings3:22 PM

    Black Eye Friday:

    Shoppers throw punches over new Air Jordans

    Dec 23, 2011

    PINEVILLE, NC (WBTV) – Dozens of police officers had to break up fights and restore order at a local mall while shoppers were waiting for an overnight sale of a popular basketball shoe.

    "They almost took the door off the hinges," one shopper who didn't want to be identified said, "there were women with babies in their hands and they on their backs."

    Shoppers were in line waiting for the re-release of the Air Jordan XI Concord tennis shoe at Foot Locker, Finish Line and Downtown Locker Room.

    Outside the Foot Locker on the second floor, witnesses said some shoppers started jumping the line, then a crowd of people at the back of the line forced their way to the front, causing several people to get angry and become unruly.

    "People were falling, I had to jump over a girl, it was crazy," Dominique Brewer said.

    Two women were even spotted throwing punches. The incident was caught on camera by WBTV Photojournalist Corey Schmidt.

    Neither woman was arrested.

    More than a two dozen officers from Pineville Police and Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police were stationed inside the mall as the stores continued to make their sales.

    "Overall, it was a successful event," Carolina Place Mall General Manager Susan Barwick said.

    Outside the mall, crews were cleaning up piles of debris and trash left behind by mall patrons.

    At Northlake Mall, shoppers forced the mall doors open, taking the sliders off the hinges. "At 6:30, they were like, that's it, we're going to bust the doors down, they busted the doors down, everybody was falling and running, shoes everywhere," one witness said.

    Police responded to the mall in a big way, sending 40 officers to the scene. One person was arrested and charged with resisting arrest, a police spokesperson said.

    Other witnesses said mall security threatened to arrest more people if they did not leave the mall before it officially opened.

    At SouthPark Mall, there were more reports of large crowds and an increased police presence, although no incidents or arrests were reported, police said.

  27. Anonymous3:25 PM

    kinky_neocon said...
    Lets look at some crime stats from my home city of St. Louis.

    Blacks make up 49.2 % of the population.

    Blacks are responsible for

    93% of robberies

    92% of homicides

    87% of aggravated assaults

    82% of burglaries

    78% of rapes.

    I was shocked at these numbers. Looking at the air jordan riots on tv, i shouldn't have been.

    What percent recve some form of public assistance and do not pay taxes?

  28. "There were some who said at the time that Trump's foray into the birther issue was done at the behest of the Obama campaign, to set up the release of the document, and to establish Trump's "anti-Obama" image in the minds of the public - all to facilitate this sham "third party" run designed to split the opposition."

    ~~~~I hear Twilight Zone music~~~

    "Lets look at some crime stats from my home city of St. Louis."

    Why? I am sure it proves nothing.

    Your people have been shutting black folks out of good paying jobs in St. Louis for years.

  29. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Why? I am sure it proves nothing.

    Your people have been shutting black folks out of good paying jobs in St. Louis for years.

    HAHA it's always someone else's fault. Yeah, I guess those criminals are entitled to rape the women because they were "locked out" will that be an entitlement blacks demand soon? Free sex with whomever they want because they were once slaves and can't make it now? You are a sick man and I hope you never meet up with one of those entitled criminals you support.

  30. Anonymous4:31 PM

    ~~~~I hear Twilight Zone music~~~

    Thats the theme for the democratic national party. Where murdering jihad is renamed "workplace violence" and such

  31. Let's drill down to the specifics, shall we? I know that's a bit hard for you to do. So, please bear with me.

    What percentage are blacks in St. Louis is responsible for the statistics you cite? 1%, 5%, 10%? I am willing to bet less than 2 percent.

    What percentage of the blacks who are responsible for the statistics you cite are educated and hard working people? I am willing to bet 0%.

    Where are you getting your statistics?

    People who just blurt statistics without questioning said statistics are lazy individuals.

    Carry on.

  32. Oh one other thing, thanks for reminding me that we are not "all Americans."

    Fuck you!

  33. Teen Spanked by Uncle in Viral Video Found Dead:

  34. Douchbag Trump is a bigger joke than Hermincaine, who is a bigger joke than Gangrenegrich. None of them are in danger of winning election as part-time dog-catcher for their neighborhood watch, much less president of the republic.

    Let's not brush off this possible Santa as pedophile musing though: an old man who sneaks into kids houses while their parents are sleeping to bring them presents and treats? Sounds like it could be grooming. And then he "keeps track of weather they've been bad or good." Perhaps like not telling their sleeping parents about what happened on his last visit? And finally, the "milk and cookies" what could possibly be more phallically symbolic than that?

    I'm not saying he's necessarily guilty, but it bears looking into.

  35. Anonymous7:35 PM

    OMG! I think Fields on to something with this Santa thing!

    Actually he has all the earmarks! It certainly does bear looking into!

  36. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Merry Christmas everybody!

  37. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Merry Xmas to everyone! Has anyone seen LAA lately?

  38. Anonymous10:55 PM

    Field, There should be another fresh post up by now. This week you have been slipping. What gives?

  39. Field,

    Merry Christmas to you, Mrs Field, and all of your readers. I hope you all have a safe and wonderful day with your family and friends.

  40. Anybody know how many whites in Missouri are on public assistance? Bet it's a bunch.

  41. Anonymous12:01 AM

    Mele Kalikimaka Field!! Many bows from the waist for your blogs in 2012.

  42. Anonymous12:03 AM

    Let's not brush off this possible Santa as pedophile musing though: an old man who sneaks into kids houses while their parents are sleeping to bring them presents and treats? Sounds like it could be grooming. And then he "keeps track of weather they've been bad or good." Perhaps like not telling their sleeping parents about what happened on his last visit? And finally, the "milk and cookies" what could possibly be more phallically symbolic than that?

    I'm not saying he's necessarily guilty, but it bears looking into.

    I just hate Disengenious White Liberals.

    Merry Christmas anyway you pandering pig

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Anonymous1:44 AM

    I have had it with you sick pedophillic liberal leftist FN Obamaholic Dems! Leave Santa the eff alone! It's XMAS and Santa is busy delivering toys. He doesn't need your sick crap. Is there nothing sacred with you?

    You folks, along with Field would ruin a good wet dream if given a chance. That goes for you too, Desert.

    Leave Santa the eff alone. He is not a coach or a priest, you fools.

  45. Like we really need a red-nosed capitalist swine scumbag who can only pencil us in between episodes of his stupid show for President. Donald Trump gives America a bad enough image as it is. Can we just get McCain and Palin back?

    Okay, if any of you dumbasses out there REALLY want the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling having cage matches on the White House lawn, go ahead and vote for Donald Trump. Sheesh.
