Friday, December 23, 2011

"Baby got back!"

"A Republican congressman from Wisconsin has offered a personal apology to First Lady Michelle Obama after he was overheard at an airport lounge criticizing her "large posterior."

Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner was overheard loudly complaining on the phone in the Delta Lounge at Reagan National Airport outside Washington about Obama's healthy food initiative.."

First of all, why were you looking at Mrs. O's moneymaker? As old time people used to say: "Stay out of black folks business".

Some of us happen to like a nice* "moneymaker".(Why do you think Kim Kardashian dates so many brothers?) Still, it's nice to know that O still has a little brother left in him.

Anywhoo, I have seen the good congressman, and, believe me, he is in no position to make fun of Mrs. O's physical appearance. Just sayin.

"According to the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel's Daniel Bice, Sensenbrenner made a similar remark at the Wisconsin church he was referencing in his phone call, telling attendees there that Obama has a "big butt."

The Wisconsin lawmaker—who, it must noted, is a bit rotund--sent a personal note to Obama apologizing for his remarks, his spokeswoman Amanda Infield tells Yahoo News. She declined to go into detail about what the note said.
In a statement to reporters, the lawmaker reiterated his apology. "I regret my inappropriate comment, and I have sent a personal note to the First Lady apologizing," he said."

A spokesman for Obama did not respond to a request for comment."

"A bit rotund"? Ya think?

I swear, republicans can be so petty. Eight years of first lady **Barbara Bush and I never heard a comment from the dumbocrats about her physical appearance.
And lord knows....let me stop.

Finally, this is all you need to know about Flipper Mitt: he waits until signs of violence in Iraq to attack O for pulling out of that country. He didn't have the courage or the "stones" to make a statement and take a position when the withdrawal was in full effect. But we have come to expect no less from Flipper.

"I hope that risk is not realized. I hope that we're able to see stability there but the president's failure to secure an agreement and maintain 10,000 to 30,000 troops in Iraq has to be one of his signature failures," he told Reuters.

Romney was speaking in an interview on his campaign bus in New Hampshire. The former governor of Massachusetts is among the top two candidates to win the Republican nomination to take on Obama in November, 2012.
In widespread comments on foreign policy, Romney rejected the transfer of Taliban prisoners from the Guantanamo Bay military prison into Afghan government custody as part of a secret dialogue to end the Afghan war.
He also accused Obama's of falling far short in his handling of the economy despite some signs of strength such as a drop in the unemployment rate to 8.6 percent from 9 percent.

Republicans will use Iraq against Obama in the election campaign if the country descends into violence again after the recent U.S. withdrawal. Thursday's attacks there are the first sign of rising violence since Shi'ite Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki moved to sideline Sunni rivals." [Source] 

So now I know what wingnuts want for Christmas: a dead Iraqi or two.

*Black model courtesy of SodaHead.

**Correction: Barbara Bush was First Lady for eight years, not four as I wrote in my post. Thank you.  


  1. Funny you bring up Barbara Bush. We visit the Coast of Maine every yr as it's a short drive. The Bushes live in Ogunquit, a popular seaside town. It is not unusual to hear them characterized as "elitist" by the working folks. She is the one I usually hear about in a negative light. I guess they're all fair game but it should be about their political POVs.

  2. no slappz8:15 AM

    field writes:

    Eight years of first lady Barbara Bush and I never heard a comment from the dumbocrats about her physical appearance.

    To begin, she was First Lady for only four years. But she was Mrs VP for eight years.

    Next, her grandmotherly appearance was media fodder for years.

  3. no slappz8:17 AM

    field reminds:

    As old time people used to say: "Stay out of black folks business".

    Black folks business? Murder? Rape? Robbery? Running African nations into the ground, spreading famine and disease?

    That kind of business?

  4. "Eight years of first lady Barbara Bush and I never heard a comment from the dumbocrats about her physical appearance."

    That would be 4 years. I know field negros never let the facts get in the way of their moonbat rants.

    Michelle does have a big ass.

    Sensenbrenner was right. Lard ass Michelle needs to lay off the fried chicken and chicken wings before she tries to tell us what we can and can't eat.

    Wayne Mitchell would have a hard time digging cocaine out of Michelles' big ass with his mouth.

  5. no slappz8:33 AM

    field posts:

    In widespread comments on foreign policy, Romney rejected the transfer of Taliban prisoners from the Guantanamo Bay military prison into Afghan government custody as part of a secret dialogue to end the Afghan war.

    What? Yeah, hand over the Taliban so the Afghan government can let them go. But, as Joe Biden said, the Taliban isn't the enemy. So we know our own vice president is a traitor.

    Anyway, as if handing over these killers would stop the Islamic madness underway in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

    Obama is heading into election year with the situation in Pakistan about to explode and Islamists taking over in every arab nation now experiencing revolution.

    Meanwhile, back at home, he's standing against a huge construction project that would employ 20,000 workers and help the US reduce the amount of oil imported from the middle east.

    In his heart of hearts, Obama is a muslim.

  6. no slappz8:40 AM

    field posts:

    "I hope that risk is not realized. I hope that we're able to see stability there but the president's failure to secure an agreement and maintain 10,000 to 30,000 troops in Iraq has to be one of his signature failures," he told Reuters.

    The Korean War ended in 1953. We've still got 30,000 troops on the border between the two countries. That arrangement has worked remarkably well, as it's obvious, if our troops weren't there, North Korea would have invaded the South whenever the coast was clear.

    Meanwhile, we have larger numbers of troops in Germany and Japan, just in case despots in those regions get some troubling ideas in their heads.

    Deterrence works.

  7. @ no slappz,perhaps "media fodder" for years. However, Field said, "I never heard a comment from the *dumbocrats" about her physical appearance." Just sayin...

  8. no slappz8:46 AM

    Sensenbrenner was wrong to make a public display of himself when he spoke of Michelle's keister.

    He'll pay for his comment in the court of public opinion. But that doesn't mean he was wrong on the facts.

    It's just that Michelle's keister isn't a worthy topic for politicians. Like Chelsea Clinton lacking good looks.

    Is she divorced yet? Seems she and her husband separated shortly after getting married and then pretended to reconcile.

    Anyone seen or heard from Glenn Beck?

  9. sendlawyersgunsandmoney8:50 AM

    "Sensenbrenner was right. Lard ass Michelle needs to lay off the fried chicken and chicken wings before she tries to tell us what we can and can't eat."

    Words from a braying jackass.

  10. no slappz8:52 AM

    sage says:

    @ no slappz,perhaps "media fodder" for years. However, Field said, "I never heard a comment from the *dumbocrats" about her physical appearance." Just sayin...

    field misses a lot of comments. It means nothing that he heard nothing.

    When it comes to Democrats, field lives by the code of Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil.

  11. Anonymous8:54 AM

    First of all, why were you looking at Mrs. O's moneymaker? As old time people used to say: "Stay out of black folks business".

    Tell the Mooch to "stay out of Americas business and stop making us pay for more free food that kids throw out because it tastes like shit or million dollar vacations.

    Also, aren't the demonrats the ones who kept calling a certain person from New Jersey krispy creme? You included? No PC censorship allowed here - Michelle does have a little head and a big fat jiggly ass butt.

    Some of us happen to like a nice* "moneymaker".(Why do you think Kim Kardashian dates so many brothers?)

    Because she is a low-life pig who.

  12. @no slappz, my point is your non-sequitur, not the potential reliability or lack thereof of Field's pop cultural comment catching proficiency.

  13. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Why are you allowing that sick willful racist no-slappz to run your blog down? I'm for non-censorship but enough is enough.

  14. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Michele Obama is simply beautiful. I love her shape and thank God someone is addressing American's weight problem.

    That Sensenbrenner is a fat pig! No, he's an elephant. He needs to go on a diet...Sensenbrenner IS JUST FAT SLOPPY TRAILER PARK TRASH!! KIA

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. fn:


    u r bashing mitt for speaking about dead iraquis

    as you remain mum on hobama escalating the murders of countless iraqis STILL...after 3 yrs of hobama's RECORD carnage????...really???



    it is always fugly men like the fat faceless kkk who reign herein who bash "ugly" women
    that lard assed rush limbaugh bashes fat women who weigh 200 lbs less then he does daily

    and ALL fat fugly sexist dogs in media have bashed hillary and barbara bush FAR more than they have bashed michelle
    ditto for chelsea and amy carter

    sad how u hobama nazis exaggerate every slur against the hobamas


    black beauty has always been envied
    sara baartman/"venus hottentot"
    the history of the antebellum hoop dresses that mimicked the flawless protruding buttocks of black slaves

    barbara bush/poppy bush/nixon/marion barry etc were all truly gorgeous once
    but evil rots the body as it does the soul horridly ugly will the hobamas be someday???????...

    I date Black women exclusively because I need a woman who understands/shares my life experiences, joys, fears, pains, abuses, passions, missions, dreams, perspectives, politics, emotions, vision, history, ancestry, etc...Clearly, I have yet to find all of this even in an African sister. I truly need and am desperately seeking a soulmate. Our souls are housed inside bodies that shape our experiences. As a lesbian, I need a cloned body that houses a cloned soul.

    I date Black women exclusively because I need what God gave to most of us: Chocolate skin, soft sexy nappy locks, sacred breasts, magical movement, divine rhythm, protruding buttocks, soft full sexy lips, round curves, soothing voices, soul food magic, and sista cool etc...We Black women have “that thing” that no other gender or race has. That is the thing I need to live, breathe, love, heal, and to survive. This is my thing. I humbly respect that your thing may be completely different.

  17. ie

    michelle has been generally worshipped akin to jacquie o

    hillary was bashed ruthlessly re: her "fat ankles"/even her pants that hid them etc
    and even by that female sexist dog/draq queen ann coulter

    and amy/chelsea were children when grown men called them monsters etc
    especially david letterman
    who has never attacked the hobamas so

    shame how hobama nazis pretend the hobamas are innocent gods etc!!!

  18. Fn:

    How long will you blatantly excuse and ignore hobama’s eternal wars/global warmonger roles etc?????????

    The problem with this little game of What If, was that Obama kept upping the ante, with one outrage after another, each more nightmarish than the last. What if he put Social Security and Medicare on the chopping block? Obama promptly did that, two weeks before taking the oath of office. So we had to pick another hypothetical Obama act that might constitute a deal-breaker with Black America. How about: What if the First Black President launched an all out military attack on Africa? Seven months ago he did just that, in Libya, following up with a huge intensification of the cruelest war in the world, against Somalia, and the assignment of U.S. Special Forces to central Africa.
    It was becoming evident that there was no line of civilized behavior that Obama would not cross in service of corporate empire at home and abroad. And yet, his core supporters had still not reached their limits of tolerance for the man in whom they had invested so much hope in 2008.
    Now, with preventive detention the law of the land and political assassination official U.S. policy, Obama is poised to enter the realm of the unthinkable – a future of pure horror in which there is no rule of law. When a president can lock up or kill whomever he chooses, without formal charge or trial, the rule of law ceases to exist. The finality of that verdict is not mitigated by the fact that George Bush also believed, as does Obama, that U.S. law already implicitly gave presidents the power to indefinitely detain. It is now codified – a law that negates the rule of law.
    “It was becoming evident that there was no line of civilized behavior that Obama would not cross in service of corporate empire at home and abroad.”
    Obama’s guiding hand finessed the legislation through Congress, anointing this president and those who come after with the power to lock up American citizens for life without trial, or even being charged. Obama has given President Gingrich or President Romney or President Palin those powers – the same powers Egyptian generals have used to imprison thousands of protesters in military jails. Obama expresses sympathy for an Arab Spring while presiding over a dark American winter. This is his historical contribution: the evisceration of the Constitution as we had previously understood it, a far deeper mark on the historical record than breaking the White House color bar.
    If there is any constituency for preservation of the rule of law, it must be Black America, a people whose lives on this continent began in the perpetual incarceration of slavery and who today comprise one out of every eight prison inmates on the planet, and whose political prisoners from a previous generation of struggle still languish behind bars. Is Black love of the idea of a Black president so perverse, that it would tolerate – or even celebrate! – a man who gives himself and his successors the power to imprison and kill at will?
    Enough of this nonsense about greater and lesser evils. When it comes to murdering the Constitution, Barack Obama is a champion evil-doer.

  19. even that racist barbara bush was routinely dogged by older uglier men in media

    shame how racist hobama nazis demand that only the hobamas should be sacred cows in dc!!!!

  20. Anonymous10:28 AM

    You have to understand that a Michelle & Serena combo is an overload for these dudes that lean more towards the Jerry Sandusky body type of interests.
    See ever since hip-hop culture reintroduced an alternative female figure back into the mainstream, this invasion of voluptuous vixens have stimulated vindictive and vicious attacks from uptight lamoes who are so accustomed to the cullings of gay fashion designers.
    The traditional thrones of whiteness i.e. White House & Wimbledon, now have new occupants. These wolves know good and well you can't blow down a "brickhouse."

  21. evil rots the body as it does the soul...indeed


    how fugly will hobama nazis become in 2016/2020...

    as they have been complicit in the already morphing fugly hobama's evil since 2008???,r:5,s:19&tx=108&ty=31

  22. OKaaaaay. We've got us some Africana Goddess energy up in da' house now. I may not agree with absolutely everything that's being said from that perspective. But I sure do welcome the energy!

  23. the evil soulless hobamas are getting fuglier each day


  24. no slappz10:45 AM

    Barbara Walters, ABC News: "What is your biggest peeve of each other?"

    President Obama: "I don't have one."

    Walters: "Aww."

    Michelle Obama: "My list is too long."

  25. no slappz10:58 AM

    pilot xyz:

    United Continental Airline stock is taking a hit today.

    Higher costs and lower revenue. That's why, and it's an old story for the airline industry.

    It's always bad news for airline personnel if their retirement money/pension money is invested in their company stock.

    You might do okay owning Boeing, but you won't do okay owning an airline stock.

  26. hey fn:

    did romney lie????

    did he/tavis/cornel et al EVER lie on hobama???

    like hobama has lied about "ending" this war for the 4th+ time???????

    Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney has said the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq is one of President Barack Obama's "signature failures".

    He spoke as the death toll from a string of bombings across the capital Baghdad rose to at least 69, raising fears of a return to widespread sectarian violence in the country after the last American soldiers left.

    Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Malik met with US Army General Ray Odierno in Baghdad on Thursday to discuss the future of Iraq.

    Nearly 200 people were hurt on Thursday morning in apparently co-ordinated attacks that saw at least 14 bombs explode in 11 neighbourhoods in Baghdad.

    The explosions ranged from blasts from sticky bombs attached to cars, to roadside bombs and vehicles packed with explosives. There was at least one suicide bombing

  27. "You might do okay owning Boeing, but you won't do okay owning an airline stock."

    Nothing personal Slappz but I'll take a pass on financial advice from you for a couple reasons 1. I don't base my stock portfolio on one day results and 2. you can't even get small things such as the ages of candidates and congressional party affiliations correct so why would I trust you with things that require even more scrutiny. Like I said nothing personal but wikipedia is more accurate and trustworthy than you. But thanks for the attempt but no thanks, we'll be fine.

  28. Shabizzo11:56 AM

    Obama's bitter half is a racist, America-hating bitch, a modern Marie Antoinette, living large on the public dime ($10 million in vacations per year), who won't even let us eat cake.

    MF her.

  29. kobe is the new tiger


    LOS ANGELES-Kobe Bryant’s wife, Vanessa Bryant has accused him of having sex with a total of 105 women while the two were still married.
    According to reports, Vanessa hired a private detective who found photos of Kobe cheating during the recent NBA lockout.

    PopularCrtic reports:

    “[Vanessa] estimated that he was averaging at least 10 affairs a year with different women over the course of their marriage and puts his number of conquests at 105”.

    Vanessa reportedly planned to divorce Kobe four years ago but was allegedly advised by her mother to wait until the 10-year mark to receive half of Kobe’s earnings. With no prenup her payday stands at $75m.

  30. if michelle hates america

    then hobama must really despise america...

    he has done FAR more to destroy

  31. ditto for america hating dick c and gwb

  32. no slappz12:31 PM

    pilot xyz says:

    1. I don't base my stock portfolio on one day results

    Oh. A long-term guy, then. Okay, maybe you better check those airlines and see if you can find ONE that isn't going down the tubes. You know, long-term performance.

    You don't have a lot of choices:

    AMR; DAL; JBLU; LCC; LUV; and yours.

    The biggest near-term threat to airlines is Obama. He's all for more taxes, fees, and higher fuel costs, which means he's accepted the inevitable bankruptcies his policies will deliver.

    Aside from the impact or higher oil prices, the biggest news in airlines today is the IPO of GoGo -- WiFi for airplanes. Stock symbol will be GOGO.

    It has good possibilities for popping over the IPO price, and long term, it's an obvious takeover candidate. But that means shares in the IPO will be hard, if not impossible for retail investors to get.

  33. Anonymous12:32 PM

    alicia banks said...
    "ditto for america hating dick"

    hey spunkycheeks just cause you hate dick doesnt mean America does theres only 1% of women who muffdive and like the redsnapper like you do the rest are normal and like the sausage

  34. michelle hobama is much worse than marie a
    marie never pretended to me "mrs. messiah/coretta king" etc


  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. fugly fat stat fool:

    try 30%+..k?


    add fat nasty dumb rejects like u who breed lesbians to the math mix and it may even be 40%+!!!


    cc that to these kindred patriots here asap

  37. Anonymous12:46 PM

    alicia banks said...
    vulgar retarded fat moobed scrooged assnon:

    santa will leave you a lump of coal laced with anthrax and porno mag confetti...

    inside your worn sticky std infected sock/stocking asap

    please do stand by u filthy tree ornament blue balled moron

    OK I get most of your names but what in the hell is a filthy tree ornament? Is that like a really big dirty lesbian bush? Don't you trim the landscape?

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Alicia Banks Said..

    try 30%+..k?


    add fat nasty dumb rejects like u who breed lesbians to the math mix and it may even be 40%+!!!

    You are not only wrong you are crazy, 40% of Americans are gay? You are out of your mind woman. This is Gayspeak and totally false. It is 1-3% including fish taco eaters like you AND Bisexuals. If 4 out of 10 people were gay then this would be three times plus more homos then Blacks in the US - way, way off wishful thinking on your part tuna salad/crabbycakes.

    Data collected from a national sample of 13,495 men and women between 2006 and 2008. The study attempted to differentiate between sexual attraction, sexual behavior, and sexual identity. The percentage reporting their sexual identity as homosexual ranged from 2% to 4% of males, and about 1% to 2% of females. The percentage reporting their sexual identity as bisexual is between 1% and 3% of males, and 2% to 5% of females. About 4%–6% of males ever had same-sex contact. For females, the percentage who have ever had same-sex contact ranges from about 4% in the GSS, to 11%–12% in the 2002 and 2006–2008 NSFG.

  40. scared homohating moron blob slob assnon:

    u sound like u counted each one of us...


    u sound petrified too u silly bitch


  41. SometinFishyRoundHere1:04 PM

    Alicia Banks said..

    " add fat nasty dumb rejects like u who breed lesbians to the math mix and it may even be 40%+!!!"

    let me see if I get this Fishy Banks: So Fat, Nasty and DUMB rejects breed lesbians who are also rejects because their parents were fat nasty and dumb and made the Lesbian freaks. Have you called Mom and pops lately?

  42. hey dreg davis assnon:

    count this stat:

  43. what jobs???


  44. Anonymous1:18 PM

    alicia banks said...
    demented dumb defective dna/down low nincompoop assnon:

    you are a faceless fat fugly mf
    because u look like your mom and

    Actually I am pretty cute and mom and dad didn't create a lesbian like your parents did so with your own words they must be good looking and well adjusted normal people

    post your pic u fat fugly foolish petrified prick!!!

    I thought you didnt like dick? Now you want to see a picture of a prick? Do you want one with the veins bulging from excitement?

    u talk much bs for a ghost faced kkklown!!!

    ghost faced KKK? Where do you get this shit from? Should I call you shithead colored dredfully headed ignant dolphin chomper?

    Hit a sore spot I guess. Never did understand why homos always think everyone else is just like them but hiding it. Nope you are alone in your sickness so wishing it on others and lying about how many deviants there are aint gonna make it so.

  45. dl dreg davis:

    u sound like a manic ms mayor

    u filthy fat fibber

  46. I swear, republicans can be so petty. Eight years of first lady Barbara Bush and I never heard a comment from the dumbocrats about her physical appearance.

    You meant Laura Bush. And yes, you've never heard a single comment from the Dems or Repubs about her physical appearance. Because it wasn't worth any comment.

    Barbara Bush looked old enough to be George H.W. Bush's mother. Seeing the two of them together always gave me the creeps. *shudders*

  47. dl unblown blowhard blowfish faced boob assnon:

    nothing is as fishy as your homophobic self hating retarded stats

    ya rotten retard

    u fugly foul fat fishy fool

  48. kudos to ALL those who force hobama to man up and take the same heat as all of his peers/their wives/kids etc

    did they lie??????

  49. I grumbled as much as any of the other vets of the first gulf war that Bush the elder didn't take down Saddam, but as his son went on to prove, it was the only way from keeping it from turning into "Lebanon on Steroids." The '07 Surge's purpose was to give space for an accommodation to be reached by the Iraqi constituent communities. Instead, they've waited us out so that they can finish resolving it in the same way they were in 04-07. Like VietNam, we don't even get a decent interval.

    BTW His name is David Hickman, 23. The last man to die for the Iraq mistake.

  50. So the Michelle has a big rump - uh yeah, its one reason the President married her. Show me a Black man who doesn't appreciate a great round tail on a woman, and I'll show you a (really) gay Black man. Thanks for playing.

    This is such a non-story. This pasty fat congressman is probably jealous that the only way he could ever get a sister as half as good looking as Michelle Obama is to pay a hooker in east DC.

    And more importantly, he's getting in the FLOTUS's rear (no pun intended) for what....telling Americans that they need to eat more greens and exercise?! Wow, just, wow.

  51. Sorry Mac, I meant Barbara, but it was four not eight years.

    Good looking out.

  52. But to your point Field, they didn't get into Laura Bush' Botox Joker Grin look either for 8 years. Or the fact his daughters were drunken party girls in college. (There are few Yale stories my buddies hipped me to about Barbara Jr.)

    But then again, the media should leave politicians' families. Unless they place themselves into the political limelight, like Hillary Clinton, or are complete hypocrites like Sarah Palin, the a politician's family is off limits. Its just dirty pool.

  53. Anonymous3:29 PM

    This is such a non-story. This pasty fat congressman is probably jealous that the only way he could ever get a sister as half as good looking as Michelle Obama is to pay a hooker in east DC

    you are right, they look the same to me

  54. LACs Sense3:37 PM

    LACoincidental said...
    So the Michelle has a big rump - uh yeah, its one reason the President married her. Show me a Black man who doesn't appreciate a great round tail on a woman, and I'll show you a (really) gay Black man. Thanks for playing.

    So are you gay, or are you marrying a fat chick?

  55. Anonymous3:49 PM

    LACoincidental said...
    So the Michelle has a big rump - uh yeah, its one reason the President married her. Show me a Black man who doesn't appreciate a great round tail on a woman, and I'll show you a (really) gay Black man. Thanks for playing.

    No Obama married her cause she told him to. Who else would want a Skinny dork with flappy ears but a fat ass flat chested mooch that looks like a wookie and planet of the apes extra?

  56. No slappz said

    "Black folks business? Murder? Rape? Robbery? Running African nations into the ground, spreading famine and disease?

    That kind of business?"

    I see ur ignorant azz got currently according to multiple sources such as the Economist Magazine Africa is the fastest growing area in the world check out the link

    As far as USA, our growth for the last 30 yrs has been minimal at reason is dumbazz rednecks such as yourself can not think past FOX and Rush so you continue to vote for a party that doesn't give a shit about your economic interest.

  57. Fact Check5:34 PM

    Barbara Bush: VP's wife (a.k.a Second Lady) for eight years (1981-89), First Lady for four (1989-93). Barbara was overshadowed by Nancy Reagan, and received press coverage for her matronly appearance only when her husband became President.

    Laura Bush, First Lady for eight years (2001-09).

  58. no slappz5:54 PM

    healthysouls says:

    lol currently according to multiple sources such as the Economist Magazine Africa is the fastest growing area in the world

    You've got the usual math problem with percentages. When you start from a small base -- Africa -- even growth of 100% in the Dark Continent is nothing compared with 1% growth in the US.

    As far as USA, our growth for the last 30 yrs has been minimal at best...

    Growth in the US has bogged down due to foolish regulations and social burdens put on the sources of economic strength in this country.

    Meanwhile, like I said, even an annual growth rate of 1%-2% blows away the rest of the world.

    As I've always said, Nigeria should be the Norway of Africa. It's got the oil. But it hasn't got the brains or the organization. That's why half the population is still waiting for indoor plumbing and electricity.

    Other African nations could become prosperous if the dictators were removed and they were replaced with democratic capitalism. But you boneheads just can't get it right.

    one reason is dumbazz rednecks such as yourself can not think past FOX and Rush so you continue to vote for a party that doesn't give a shit about your economic interest.

    It's obvious from your comments you haven't got the slightest idea what's needed to stimulate an economy.

    You should ask yourself why nothing is invented in Africa. Why nothing is manufactured in Africa. Why the oil industry in Africa is run by non-Africans.

  59. The first lady has a nice figure. She is intelligent,she represents all the people, I'm proud of Mrs. Obama great role model.

    A study was done showing women built like Mrs. O.are healthy and live long and also are smart.

  60. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Eastside Joe said...
    The first lady has a nice figure. She is intelligent,she represents all the people, I'm proud of Mrs. Obama great role model.

    A study was done showing women built like Mrs. O.are healthy and live long and also are smart.

    Uh-huh - Cheetah lived to be about 76 didn't she? But she didnt have that fat ass the mooch does

  61. Anonymous9:08 PM

    THis just shows how stupid and ignorant these racist are. Why is the first lady always attacked for her appearance. She's a beautiful black woman. Period. And if you racist want to look at something look at the fat asses of a lot your trailer park trash white girls

  62. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Field, what do you mean by Mrs. Obama's "moneychanger?" It sounds quite inappropriate. You should treat the First Lady with respect instead of going lower than the Republican Congressman did. You ought to be ashamed of yourself.

  63. Anonymous10:35 PM

    @10:33pm-I meant "moneymaker" instead of moneychanger.

  64. Chicano a tu chinga11:12 PM

    A little racist are we slapz, ya friggin brown-shirt!

  65. My Er force ones11:52 PM

    Once again, Black people rioted nationwide trying to acquire the new Air Jordan tennis shoe. Nationwide is a misuse of the term. Black people -- whose monthly tithing to the high church of Foot Locker keeps that company afloat -- fought, punched, kicked, bit, and waged mini-wars trying to acquire the new Air Jordan's:

    The quest for some limited edition sneakers took an ugly turn early Friday morning outside the Mall at Stonecrest in Lithonia.

    DeKalb police say several people have been arrested , including one woman who left two young children in her car, after the new Nike Air Jordan 11 Concords went on sale.
    Hundreds of people began lining up in the early hours at the Mall at Stonecrest to get their hands on a pair of Nike's new Michael Jordan sneakers. Several stores inside the mall were offering the sneakers.

    Apparently, some people could not wait until the mall opened its doors at 8 a.m. Police were called to the scene.

    DeKalb police responded with as many as 20 squad cars after a large crowd apparently made an illegal entry into the mall, breaking down the door. Police escorted most of the people back outside. At least four people were arrested in that incident.

    It wasn't just Atlanta, that glorious Black capitol city of America, where Black people battled one another and the police for the right to spend one/half of their monthly earnings on a pair of shoes for themselves.

    The same happened in Washington:

    Police officers used pepper spray to break up fights within a group waiting snag a pair of the latest Air Jordan sneakers early Friday morning.

    A Q13 FOX News photographer on the scene said people were shoving each other and shouting at police before the mall opened. Four stores in the mall were selling the shoes. The crowd had started gathering around 2:00 a.m. and one store — Foot Locker — opened about 3:30 a.m.

    It happened in Charlotte too:

    Dozens of police officers had to break up fights and restore order at a local mall while shoppers were waiting for an overnight sale of a popular tennis shoe.

    The disturbance started inside Carolina Place Mall just after 5am. Witnesses said as mall officials opened the mall doors, crowds of people pushed their way in.

    "They almost took the door off the hinges," one shopper who didn't want to be identified said, "there were women with babies in their hands and they on their backs."

    And Louisville:

    Witnesses say Louisville Metro Police had to break up a fight early today at Jefferson Mall over the release of a new style of sneakers, but sources with the mall tell a very different story.

    Metrosafe dispatchers told WDRB News they received a report of 75-100 people in a fight over pairs of the new Air Jordan Eleven Retro Concords

    Our wealth in America is redistributed to people -- yes, Black people -- who engage in this type of behavior on a daily basis, making malls no-go areas that inevitably close. I'd love to know the costs associated with policing these Black people across the nation on The Night the Air Jordan's Get Released. It's a yearly ritual by this point, and Foot Locker executives secretly love this stuff; after all, without Black people, who would even shop at the store?

  66. Anonymous11:53 PM

    How could no_slappz be a brown shirt? He is Jewish.... Is it possible to be a Jewish Nazi in America?

  67. Fresh kicks11:55 PM

    There was also a stampede in Indianapolis over the shoes. Thanks Black people, for once again showing us your "content of character" when it comes to Air Jordan's, and that it isn't isolated to Atlanta, Charlotte, Austin, or Indy, but a universally-shared trait among Black people nationwide. Oh, it happened in Detroit too. And there was gunfire, courtesy of Black people.

    Why in the world do white people not engage in similar actions - fights, shootings, stabbings, riots with police - when they line up to purchase Apple's newest products, such as the iPad, iPhone or iPod?

    WTF is wrong with y'all?

  68. Anonymous12:01 AM

    My my. The way Blacks across the country are behaving, it makes some of us ashamed to be Black. But fret not, Field will never do a post about his liberal progressive FN Negroes who are violently fighting each other over sneakers. Merry Xmas, y'all.

  69. Thanks for the tips Slappz but the old saying never take financial advice from fellow pilots or racist internet trolls applies. But I did however research one of your tips and found this gem

    "We are investing in biofuel research around the world. To date, Boeing has helped establish research programs at universities and institutions in the United States, Australia, Europe, the Middle East, India and China. These include prestigious institutions such as Yale University, the University of Queensland in Australia, the Masdar Institute in Abu Dhabi, India's Jawaharlal Nehru University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences."

    Wow, seems one major corporation is investing in biofuels. $64,000 question, which company is it? Let's see if you can guess.

  70. Anonymous12:09 AM

    "Why in the world do white people not engage in similar actions - fights, shootings, stabbings, riots with police - when they line up to purchase Apple's newest products, such as the iPad, iPhone or iPod?

    WTF is wrong with y'all?"

    11:55 PM
    Whites and Blacks are different kinds of people. that's why they are Black and White. Blacks are quick to fight and shoot one another while Whites are not. Whites, Asians, and Latinos have a civility that Blacks don't have, and probably don't want. We are more physical than intellectual and that's ok, esp liberal black Democrats who rarely ever vote....probably never.

    We still have a long way to go and I think Field will agree. Just take a look at the Killadelphia meter and you can see why.

  71. "pilot xyz thinks commercial airliners are going to start burning "biofuels" instead of fossil fuels.

    Yeah. Nice try, dimwit. But even if clean, well filtered french fry oil has the energy content to meet aircraft needs, there's no chance there's enough of the stuff to matter.

    You screwballs think these alternate fuels are going to power cars, planes, trains, ships, and anything else with an internal combustion engine."

    Ah, more wisdom from Slappz, let's see what the experts have to say on this matter

    "In June 2009, Boeing and an industry team released a research study on sustainable biofuels. Based on laboratory, ground and flight tests, this study proved that biofuels performed as well as or better than typical petroleum-based jet fuel. Our tests included using blends of up to 50 percent petroleum-based jet fuel and 50 percent sustainable biofuels in several commercial airplane engine types. These tests demonstrated that biofuel blends meet or exceed all technical parameters for commercial jet aviation fuel, including freezing point, flash point, fuel density and viscosity."

    Seems real engineers disagree with our esteemed expert on all matters. Wonder who's right? But wait there's more.

  72. Anonymous12:14 AM

    PilotX-"Wow, seems one major corporation is investing in biofuels. $64,000 question, which company is it? Let's see if you can guess."

    PilotX, do you know that Blacks are killing each other over sneakers and hamburgers and you are playing guessing games with no_slappz? How the hell is wasting time with no_slappz going to help our situation? It won't. Stop trying to impress no_slappz. All you are doing is showing how much you can jig for a Jew....You are such a loser.

  73. "Well, bonehead, if we tried to do that, food would cost as much as gold. It's bad enough that we're using corn for ethanol. But at least the morons can see what that does to food prices."

    Ah, the comedy never stops. Seems Slappz is an environmentalist afterall, worried about food and stuff. Did the experts consider this in their research?

    "As a company, we are focused on sustainable biofuels produced from algae and other renewable resources that do not compete with food crops for land or water. Sustainable biofuels reduce greenhouse gas emissions over their life cycle while offering the potential to lessen aviation's dependence on fossil fuels."

    Wow, they even seem to have an answer to our little Slappz' worries. So maybe we should invest in Boeing afterall because they seem to be on the cutting edge of biofuel technology. Well we certainly know for sure now Slappz degree wasn't in aerospace engineering because it'd still be designing Wright Flyers. I guess by definition conservatives are stuck in the past.

  74. Anonymous12:26 AM

    Nice to see that lads who are unable to find dates...are able to critique the appearance of Michelle Obama. Even if you hire a mail-order is truly about the Green Card when it involves you-uns.

    Keep trying to TELL the lie that all Af-Am citizens are just like your friends and peers. Obama is President. DeGrasse Tyson is an international expert.
    What's in YOUR cv?

    By your fantasy, all white folks are like the Austrian who imprisoned his own children.


  75. To promote the development of sustainable biofuels, Boeing is a founding member of the Sustainable Aviation Fuel Users Group devoted to reducing greenhouse gases emissions from commercial aviation. We also participate in the Commercial Aviation Alternative Fuels Initiative, a broad-based industry coalition that addresses fuel alternatives in commercial, noncommercial and military aviation. Boeing sponsors and serves on the board of the Algal Biomass Organization, focused on creating commercial markets for algae-based fuels and greenhouse gas abatement. We also are a member of the Roundtable on Sustainable Biofuels, an international initiative bringing together industry, investors, environmental organizations and producers of biofuel feedstocks

    Makes you wanna just run out and buy Boeing huh Slappz? Good because they're based in Chicago and we need the tax dollars.

  76. "pilot xyz thinks commercial airliners are going to start burning "biofuels" instead of fossil fuels."

    And it seems so does Boeing. Wanna admit you've been outclassed yet again?

    "By late this year or early 2011, we anticipate ASTM International, a recognized standards body, will approve the use of sustainable biofuels for regularly scheduled commercial flights."

  77. "Whites and Blacks are different kinds of people. that's why they are Black and White. Blacks are quick to fight and shoot one another while Whites are not..."

    At least not strangers.
    just other family members, such as parents.

    Or children.

  78. mold: "Obama is President. DeGrasse Tyson is an international expert"

    Both are half white.

    Most African Americans are part white. Depending on the part of the country, they average between 3 and 20% white.

    Very few full blood blacks are capable of any meaningful intellectual achievement.

    I've been to Africa. Blacks here are different. They are an African/European hybrid.

    Almost every black who rises to any prominence (Eric holder, Colin Powell) has substantial white ancestry.

  79. "Almost every black who rises to any prominence (Eric holder, Colin Powell) has substantial white ancestry."

    What about whites who rise to "prominence" in A-merry-ca? Do they have any black ancestory?

    That Abe Lincoln looked like a brother to me. And I think I met a brotha once who was related to Reagan.

    Unfortunately,I think he ended up going to prison for a long time.

  80. "I've been to Africa."

    khan, my BS detector is moving again.

  81. See Field, this i sth eproblem. These ignorant white posters relate from their own limited experience and knowledge and think that just because they don't know something it doesn't exist. Just because this troll can't think of a prominent sista or brotha from the continent doesn't mean there aren't any. Sad to be so arrogant and so ignorant.

  82. Hybrid vigor is well established bilogical construct. Lincoln well may have had African ancestry, I don't know.

    I have been to South Africa (tense), Zambia (beautiful), Botswana (quite nice), the DRC (terrifying), and Guinea (sad.

    Things are very different there.

  83. Anonymous2:40 AM

    Egalitarianism leads to democracy; democracy leads to socialism; socialism leads to economic destruction; and democratic socialism in multicultural societies leads to death and democide.

    When South Africa was governed by a racist white minority, it was scorned by the West. Now that a racist, black majority government controls the country, it's the toast of the West.

    Diversity' is a euphemism for racial retribution administered mostly by guilty white liberals in universities, corporations, and government. It is a thoroughly collectivist notion that condones punishing the current generation of white males for the sins of the past. It's most extreme form is practiced in post-Apartheid South Africa, and its effects are: rampant black-on-white crime, racist labor laws that have created `The world's most extreme affirmative action program'; the confiscation of private property; economic socialism; state-sponsored terrorism; and, most sickeningly, the idolization of the corrupt and murderous Zimbabwean dictator, Robert Mugabe. The Western media ignore all of this because of their ideological love affair with the communistic African National Congress and, frankly, their support for many of these same policies.

    Ethnic cleansing is underway in the once great nation of South Africa, but Americans hear nothing of it; they are deliberately shielded by the same parties that served to bring it about, the liberal elites in Western governments and the press who believe that white South Africans `have it coming.' It is white guilt and the so-called right of black reprisal extrapolated to ghastly extremes; political correctness on steroids, and all in the name of craven progressive ideology. If the West is ever to occupy anything resembling moral high ground - not to mention avoiding this fate itself - it will have to come to terms with its part in South Africa's demise, and the misery, degradation and naked horror of those who now suffer.

    What we have witnessed since the end of Apartheid is African political leaders in South Africa dragging that nation down to the same violent, primitive and tribal existence found in every other failed African government, and for the same reasons.

  84. Calvin3:05 AM

    Fresh kicks said....WTF is wrong with y'all?

    These mobs don’t originate within the pathologies of the black community so much as that they were almost deliberately triggered by the Nike company. This is evidently what happened. Air Jordans were very popular many years ago, then went out of production, and now the company decided to make them again, but to make only a few of them available in any one location, such as eight pairs in one store, thus assuring a mad rush to get the sneakers resulting in the aggressive mobs, riots, violence, etc. Given blacks’ weakness for certain kinds of consumer goods, and their tendency to unleash mayhem, it seems like an inconceivably irresponsible act by Nike.

    This is not black people's fault; this is on Nike.

  85. "When South Africa was governed by a racist white minority, it was scorned by the West. Now that a racist, black majority government controls the country, it's the toast of the West."

    Yes, I guess they should take Mandela to the Hague right now for all retribution killings. ***


  86. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Gotta love this blog. A place for inbred, low intelligence, white people to come and say whatever they please about black people and the blog master is as happy about it as a hog rolling in pig crap. You all really deserve each other.

  87. Anonymous11:52 AM

    I agree, Anonymous. I stopped by this blog on accident today, but I can assure you I won't make it a regular site to visit. There seems to be no shortage of vile commentary dealing with blacks folks in general and the Obamas in particular on the part of commenters. It does make me wonder about the blog owner who allows this brand of "free speech."

  88. "So now I know what wingnuts want for Christmas: a dead Iraqi or two."

    I guess Obama is a wing nut too, because like the Republicans, he wants the terrorists in Iraq (and no other Iraqis) brought to justice.

  89. Anonymous8:52 AM

    we know all you niggers is fat and ugly because of food stamps. all you know how to do is steal rape and kill. obamanigger got put in the white house so the scumecrats could get there way with all they illegal shit.

  90. Anonymous12:26 PM

    shut the fuck up cracker you so smart your blind and dumb to everything that goes on around you bitch your white kind raped , stole, and murdered or beautiful black ppl for years bitch if it was up to me Id hog tie every cracker I see and return the favor white Americans have no culture of its own you take and take well Im glad Obama put his dick in ya mouth smoke on that dick cigar for four more years white trash
