Friday, December 16, 2011

Farewell to Hitch, crime news in A-merry-ca, and a rapist gets his "just deserts."

I will miss Christopher Hitchens. I didn't always agree with him (I thought he was wrong to support the war in Iraq), but I appreciated his honesty, his lucid writing style, and his perspicacious insight on certain subjects.

He was an atheist, so I am sure that he figured that this was it for him. But hey, I gotta give it to him; the guy made the best of it while he was here.

What is it about trailers that cause folks to go nuts when they are living in them?

"GARGATHA, Va. — Authorities investigating the deaths of five people found in a trailer on Virginia's Eastern Shore say the person responsible is among the dead.
Accomack County Sheriff Todd Godwin said Friday the five were found dead Thursday after deputies responded to a call of an attempted suicide in Gargatha.
Police are attempting to identify the victims.

A brother of one of the victims, Omar Colon Matias, said his sister Evelyn,
her husband, their two children, ages 9 and 11, were living in the trailer
with another woman.

The trailer is located along a dirt road in a wooded remote area of the
Eastern Shore between Parksley and Bloxom. It's among a handful of trailers in
the area." [Source]

*shaking head*

And then, out in Cali, some dude wasn't getting along with his bosses and decided to go all postal. Or, in this case, all utility company on his co-workers.

"IRWINDALE, Calif. (AP) — Three people were killed and two more injured Friday in a California office complex shooting, police said.
The suspected gunman was among the dead and is believed to have self-inflicted wounds, Baldwin Park police Capt. Michael Taylor said.

"As far as we know there was one shooting suspect, period," Taylor said.
The shooting occurred around 1:30 p.m. Friday at Southern California Edison offices inside a larger office complex in Irwindale.

There was no immediate word on what prompted the gunfire. Authorities were not saying whether the gunman worked at SoCal Edison or might have been a former employee.

Multiple media reports said the gunman was an Edison employee and his two victims were believed to be company managers. Police said they could not confirm those reports.

One of the dead was discovered inside the building during a sweep, and police were continuing their search for more victims, said Taylor.

Another victim died en route to a hospital. The two wounded have unspecified injuries and their conditions are not known.

Taylor said police have not accounted for everyone in the building yet and were doing a sweep.

No gunfire was exchanged after officers arrived.
The building was quickly locked down and dozens of people were seen streaming out with their hands raised.

Gil Alexander, a spokesman for Southern California Edison, said the company has about 200 employees at the facility." [Story]

Folks, always keep an eye on that strange co-worker.

Finally, this is why I love my yawdie sisters:

"KINGSTON-Patrick Drysdale, who was convicted of three separate cases of rape, including one where he forced a woman to perform oral sex on him by gunpoint before she almost severed his penis by biting it has been convicted and sentenced to 25 years in prison.

Drysdale was convicted of robbery with aggravation, indecent assault, wounding with intent and illegal possession of firearm.
The Jamaica Star reports:
The police found Drysdale at the hospital suffering from an injury to the penis. When questioned he said that he was in bed with a woman when her jealous lover came home and hit him with a piece of chain on his penis. The penis which was bandaged was almost severed.
The Crown led evidence that on June 20, 2008, Drysdale committed the offences in Stony Hill, St Andrew. He went to the homes of three women, robbed and raped two of them, indecently assaulted the third woman and then wounded her." [Source]
Rapists beware; don't f^%* with a yawdie.


  1. Classic Christopher Hitchens

    DHS Aircraft Aided In Massacre Of 73 Civilians

    If you thought that the use of a Predator drone to target a family in rural North Dakota was overkill, wait until you hear what happened in Jamaica. The Department of Homeland Security aided Jamaican authorities in massacring 73 civilians as part of a botched drug raid conducted with the help of a DHS surveillance aircraft – before attempting to cover up the atrocity by refusing to release the footage.

    “At the DEA’s insistence, Jamaican authorities reluctantly raided Tivoli Gardens, the West Kingston slum (Christopher) Coke ran as a de facto governor, two years ago. Coke didn’t turn up, but Jamaican police officers killed 73 civilians, many of them allegedly in cold blood. A Department of Homeland Security surveillance plane was overhead the whole time,” reports Gawker.

    Don't f^%* with The Department of Homeland Security.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. " If you gave Jerry Falwell an enema you could bury him in a matchbox."

  4. I never found Christopher Hitchens appealing. In fact he always pissed me off. I've been reader int Vanity Fair for years and never found him to be anything but pugnaciously conservative & pedantic.

  5. i adored him and all of his work

    i will miss him so

    he was a brave warrior and a rare real scholar and journalist



    "the help" is not racist

    but those who bash it unseen are racists!

  6. Anonymous10:57 PM

    "the help" is not racist"

    The Help will win the most Awards. It was a very moving movie.

  7. Anonymous10:57 PM

    California Girl, you're an idiot. Hitchens was not a conservative. He will be greatly missed. You are clearly not smart enough to understand what he was trying to say, which, judging by your blog, doesn't come as a surprise.

  8. Anonymous10:58 PM

    " If you gave Jerry Falwell an enema you could bury him in a matchbox."

    This is an insult to a great minister and a great personality who is dead.

  9. Anonymous11:02 PM

    anon, "California Girl, you're an idiot. Hitchens was not a conservative. He will be greatly missed. You are clearly not smart enough to understand what he was trying to say, which, judging by your blog, doesn't come as a surprise."

    10:57 PM
    Anon, you are a mean-spirited dunce who needs to check himself into an anger management course. Clearly, you are over-reacting to much of emotional imbecile.

  10. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Wow. Jerry falwell is dead. Oral Roberts is dead. All the great ones are dead. Wow. There is no one left who is as great.

  11. Anonymous11:23 PM

    "He was an atheist, so I am sure that he figured that this was it for him."

    Too bad he had no faith and never knew God. That is a very bad way to die. Guess he wasn't so bright afterall.

  12. "The Help will win the most Awards. It was a very moving movie."

    The Help was a movie made for white women so they get to feel good about themselves; a fantasy story of pious whities and magic negroes....

  13. The Icy Flame11:38 PM

    Live on, thou damned!
    --Baudelaire, The Double Room

    Life is the lash
    Driving us on
    Into the fire
    Without haste
    Without respite
    Without pause
    Calm, cruel, fixed
    Indifferent to us
    Its raw material that serves some purpose
    We cannot know
    Into the chilling fire, slave-soldiers!
    Into Nature's maw!
    This command the only counsel
    Of a universe without conscience
    So let us take our own
    Be brave--as if you had the choice
    And fake an embrace
    Of our rigid fate
    Mock it as it mocks you now
    Imagine worlds beyond
    Over and above this grave
    Fill them with wonder
    People them with your beloved
    Who wait there serene and knowing
    Holding the Secret in trust
    Sing, as if you had the voice
    And cheer at once--because it is only there
    In that crucible of ice and dust
    In that fire that will not warm
    There, final and eternal
    Only there
    We are
    At long last my tiring friend
    No longer alone.

    Good travels, Hitch

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. ch was an atheist

    but he was an eloquent fiercely intelligent defiant and brave one...

    that is what i loved about him!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Weldon Kees11:49 PM

    Obituary (1943):

    Boris is dead. The fatalist parrot
    No longer screams warnings to Avenue A.
    He died last week on a rainy day.
    He is sadly missed. His spirit was rare.

    The cage is empty. The unhooked chain,
    His pitiful droppings, the sunflower seeds,
    The brass sign, "Boris," are all that remain.
    His irritable body is under the weeds.

    Like Eliot's world, he went out with a whimper;
    Silent for days, with his appetite gone,
    He watched the traffic flow by, unheeding,
    His universe crumbling, his heart a stone.

    No longer will Boris cry, "Out, brief candle!"
    Or "Down with tyranny, hate and war!"
    To astonished churchgoers and businessmen.
    Boris is dead. The porch is a tomb.
    And a black wreath decorates the door.

  18. Anonymous11:51 PM

    "The Help will win the most Awards. It was a very moving movie."

    The Help was a movie made for white women so they get to feel good about themselves; a fantasy story of pious whities and magic negroes....

    11:35 PM
    Bullshit. There were no pious Whites nor magic Negroes in the movie. No where has the movie promoted itself as what you claim. It's YOU who making a fantasy story in your own distorted mind. Clearly you have not seen the movie.

  19. anon:


    every one who bashes this film has not seen it


    rarely do i agree with john m

    but he is spot on!!!


    {I dedicate this column to Hattie elegant black actress who was always forced to play a racist caricature of an ignorant and undignified maid. She would have adored the realistic and revolutionary evolution of the imagery of the black maid that is featured in “THE HELP”...AB }

    “NEW ORLEANS featured Holiday’s only major film role. Holiday had several musical numbers in the film, however, she was unhappy that her role was that of a maid. In her autobiography, she wrote:

    “I thought I was going to play myself in it. I thought I was going to be Billie Holiday doing a couple of songs in a nightclub setting and that would be that. I should have known better. When I saw the script, I did. You just tell one Negro girl who’s made movies who didn’t play a maid or a whore. I don’t know any. I found out I was going to do a little singing, but I was still playing the part of a maid.”

    Billie Holiday - 1947 - Autobiography - “Lady Sings the Blues”

    “One senses that for many, the sheer fact that the movie is about black maids prepared them to sharpen their pencils to decry dusted off Queenies and Beulahs, with the actual content of the movie of little interest.

    We dishonor black people of the past in assuming that they spent their entire lives fuming at the white man and suffering his abuse. As human beings with a survival instinct, they carved meaningful existences out of what they had been given. This included laughing and good times and, yes, some of it was between whites and blacks.

    Nuance, we suppose, such as when Aibileen, soberly describing what it’s like to raise other people’s children while your own are at home—or dead—recounts to Skeeter how another white toddler she all but raised asked why she was black and Aibileen jokingly said it was because she had drunk too much coffee. Davis imitates the toddler’s facial expression and drifts into laughter through near tears. It’s a heartbreaking passage, worthy of an Oscar alone. No “nuance” here?”

    John McWhorter - The New Republic - 8-17-11

  20. Anonymous12:13 AM

    The Help sucked.

  21. yogi:

    see the film

    stop repeating blatant lies about it


    Those who engage in collectively and arrogantly ignorant groupthink can never honestly answer valid questions about this film. They dishonestly and deliberately evade and ignore relevant racial and political queries like:

    Were many black women actually maids in Mississippi in 1963?

    Are the maids in this film FAR FROM clones of Hattie McDaniel/Butterfly McQueen in "GONE WITH THE WIND"?

    Does this film include positive and negative characters in both races?

    Are the most inhumane villains in this film white women?

    Are the black maids in this film superior parents and people?

    Are these black maids revolutionary warriors?

    Does this film excellently depict realistic rabid racism?

    Does this film capture the collective pain of the murder of our hero Medgar Evers?

    Are these black maids courageous victors?

    Will you ever gaze upon chocolate pie without recalling this classic film?...

    For those who are wise enough to watch the film with their third eye, and process what they see with their own mind, the answer to each question posed above is a resounding “YES!!!”. The superb cast has delivered an eternal classic for all who dare to share their awesome heartfelt creation. See their wondrous work today.

    The global hoax of the blackish Hobama has dumbed down the racist masses. Yet, political sanity trumps political swagger. The civil rights movement trumps "post racial" madness. And, timeless dignity trumps domestic survival.

  22. "We dishonor black people of the past in assuming that they spent their entire lives fuming at the white man and suffering his abuse."

    As we dishonor white people of the past in assuming that they were all raging Klansmen.

    The past is always a cariacture that serves the needs of the present. Sometimes viewed a golden age, sometimes as a hell, never as it truly was.

  23. dyson:


    u r preaching in prose


  24. Anonymous12:30 AM


    every one who bashes this film has not seen it


    rarely do i agree with john m

    but he is spot on!!!


    The help? that movie gots me hot I like dem womens in uniforms

  25. Anonymous1:16 AM

    I can't believe some marine asked the First Lady to be his date at the Marine Corp Ball next year. And you will never guess the color of the Marine who asked. Never in the history of America has anyone asked a First Lady for a date.

    It will be interesting to hear what Mr. Field has to say about this! Me thinks that Marine could be in deep shit.

  26. Anonymous1:27 AM

    You Negroes have no boundaries when it comes to a man's wife. But we have encountered this outrageous dating outside the marriage for decades haven't we? Look at what's happening to Kobe Bryant and many other black couples. It's a damn shame.

    Brotha Field, why is it that Whites don't have this problem? Pray tell, brother Field, please explain this. The surveys prove it. Please. No more asking for links. I don't have time to provide links. But it's a fact, none the less. What's wrong with us!?

  27. Anonymous1:33 AM

    dear mr. field, it would be nice if you listed the date celebrities were born and when they died. In other words, give their age. How old was Christopher Hitchens?

    FN blog should be more detailed in giving news to FN folks like me. FN is the only place I go to get my news. I feel well informed about everything.

  28. Anonymous said...
    "I can't believe some marine asked the First Lady to be his date at the Marine Corp Ball next year"

    Not only that, he said he wanted to take her for ride down the Hershey highway, and she said yes!

    WTF is going on!

  29. Anonymous1:54 AM

    he penis which was bandaged was almost severed.

    Best to make sure you feeds them a piece of meat before you feeds them another piece of meat

  30. Anonymous2:23 AM

    Field, it seems women are more violent than ever today toward penises. What in the hell is going on? It's getting so bad that it is unsafe for a man to get a little head. This kind of shit never happened to Bill Clinton. But he was White and Whites don't do this kind of violent shit.

    I am beginning to wish I were White because it just isn't safe being Black in the bedroom.

  31. The very old Anglican Bishop of Cork & the extremely old Roman Catholic Bishop of Cork took to their sickbeds at the same time. Each desired to outlive the other. As it turned out, the very old Anglican Bishop passed on to his maker first. The Monsignors gathered around the Catholic Bishop & inquired if there was some statement he'd like to make on the sad occasion to the Anglicans of Cork.

    "Yes, " said the old priest, propping himself up on his pillows. "Say that now he knows who's the real Bishop of Cork."

  32. Quote anonymous 10:58

    " If you gave Jerry Falwell an enema you could bury him in a matchbox."

    This is an insult to a great minister and a great personality who is dead."

    Yes but did they bury him in a matchbox?

  33. Quote Anonymous 10:38

    ”Do you mind elaborating on good and bad hatred?”

    Well, rather obviously I would have thought…

    Hatred of injustice, intolerance, poverty, pizza, disease, corruption, – all good

    Hatred of people with different melanin levels – bad.

  34. Jerry Falwellis dead? Oh my! I hope he packed light for his trip.
    I suspect it will be pretty warm where hs is going.

    "Field, it seems women are more violent than ever today toward penises. What in the hell is going on?.."

    Maybe, in your case, the violence is justified. I mean if the P was doing it's job and all.... just sayin. ;)

    "The Help sucked."

    Didn't see it, and I don't care to. I think Hollywood has been down that road many times before. We get it. "Good" Negroes will always have a place in the heart of A-merry-ca's majority.

    "I can't believe some marine asked the First Lady to be his date at the Marine Corp Ball next year. And you will never guess the color of the Marine who asked. Never in the history of America has anyone asked a First Lady for a date.

    It will be interesting to hear what Mr. Field has to say about this! Me thinks that Marine could be in deep shit."

    That Marine is my FNOTD.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. "Didn't see it, and I don't care to. I think Hollywood has been down that road many times before. We get it. "Good" Negroes will always have a place in the heart of A-merry-ca's majority"

    I haven't seen it and don't plan to either. In fact, I've never seen a movie with this kind of theme.

  38. Wesley R8:53 AM


    Bet when Hitchens passed he saw Jesus, and Jesus said 'believe now'.

  39. How Homeland Security Helped Jamaica Massacre 73 Civilians

    While this was going on, a Department of Homeland Security surveillance plane was circling overhead, providing Jamaican authorities with intelligence and videotaping the whole thing. Schwartz obtained documentary evidence of the surveillance flight via the Freedom of Information Act, forcing the Jamaican government to retract claims it made at the time of the raid that the U.S. played no role.

    But Homeland Security is refusing to release the video itselfeven though it may contain evidence of atrocities committed by Jamaican police officersin part on the preposterous ground that it would constitute an "invasion of personal privacy."

  40. Indefinite Detention Bill Heads To Obamas Desk As White House Drops Veto Threat

    UPDATE: Obama has dropped his threat to veto the bill and is now expected to sign it into law. Remember it was Obamas White House that demanded the law apply to U.S. citizens in the first place.

    The bill which would codify into law the indefinite detention without trial of American citizens is about to be passed and sent to Obamas desk to be signed into law, even as some news outlets still erroneously report that the legislation does not apply to U.S. citizens.

    Detaining US citizens: How did we get here?

    Aziz Rana, professor of constitutional law at Cornell University, explains the significance of provisions in the 2012 National Defense Authorisation Act that define the entire world as a battlefield, allowing for open-ended detainment of US citizens, without a trial.

    Obama wants to indefinitely detaining US citizens without trial. Obama was part of the left that pissed and moaned about Bush terrorism policies.
    Remember the cries of the left? This isn't the America we want? Torture? Renditions? CIA op sites? Black flights? Justice by bullet not by trail? Detaining Americans without trail?

    America doesn't do those things!!!!

    I guess that was soooooo yesterday. Now the left is mostly silent.

    Is it because most on the left is full of sh*t ? Or is it because most on the left is ok with those things long has their guy is doing it?

  41. The Help was a great movie. I cried when i watched it. Gonna get it on Blu-ray. I want my black friend to see it. She will enjoy it.

  42. Mr. Field:

    I came across this assessment by Hitch of the Tea Party: "All politics is yokel."

  43. Anonymous10:28 AM

    I have to start out by saying that I love the word perspicacious. I don't know if I would use that word to describe Christopher Hitchens. Myopic would be the word I would use to describe Hitchens, and even he once said himself that is good moral character to consistency in your thoughts. I don't know if it such a good thing to be incurious, and does not leave one much room for intellectual growth. How I thought 20 years isn't the same as I how I think today. The last time I saw Hitchens when he appeared on Real Time with Bill Maher, he was drunk and I'm trying to figure out what in the world was talking about. I think he was a miserable and sad person, and also don't think he saw much enjoyment out of his life. Perhaps he was not the intellect as everyone believed, the English accent did help with the perception that he was. These are just some thoughts I have, and they can change with any new information to the contrary.

  44. Anonymous10:44 AM

    kinky_neocon said...
    The Help was a great movie. I cried when i watched it. Gonna get it on Blu-ray. I want my black friend to see it. She will enjoy it.

    Dat movie got me hard. Daddy loved it too after he watched it he diddle me for hours

    It was almost as good as the diddling he gave me after we watched the blind side and precious back to back


  45. Quote Hennasplace

    "These are just some thoughts I have, and they can change with any new information to the contrary."

    Your thoughts are almost completely wrong on all counts. He was a man who enjoyed life to the maximum, and he was one of the sharpest minds of our age. I agreed with about half of what he said, but even when writing stuff I disagreed with I was in awe of his intellect and erudition.

  46. "The Help was a great movie. I cried when i watched it. Gonna get it on Blu-ray. I want my black friend to see it. She will enjoy it."

    Kinky wingnut I didn't know that you had a black friend.

    Does he/she know how you REALLY feel about black folks?

    hennasplace, I respect your position, and, you are right, dude at times seemed like he was on a path to self destruction. And he did come off as always being miserable.

    Still, I have to agree more with PC than with you about my overall impression of him.

    Maybe his book "god is not Great “did it for me. I thought it was a great read.

  47. Androcles11:41 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Hennasplace

    "These are just some thoughts I have, and they can change with any new information to the contrary."

    Your thoughts are almost completely wrong on all counts. He was a man who enjoyed life to the maximum, and he was one of the sharpest minds of our age. I agreed with about half of what he said, but even when writing stuff I disagreed with I was in awe of his intellect and erudition.

    Arrogant misplaced condescension; these words always appear when you post.

    "Your thoughts are wrong" and you support this strong statement with your opinion?

    Of course you were in awe of his "intellect and erudition", however your awe of characteristics that you perceive and label as such do not mean that they were in fact of high caliber. Only that they were of such high caliber to you and your intellectual capabilities that they resulted in "awe"

    Now, how does your opinion mean that someone elses thoughts "are completely wrong on almost all counts?

  48. Anonymous1:07 PM


    You can say that I am wrong, but I really don't know if Christopher Hitchens was an intellectual and neither can anyone else with great certainty. Is it a fact that he was, or are we going by with others tell us? Can you really consider Hitchens an intellect in the way of Einstein? I think one of the criteron of an intellect is the ability of having imagination and a sense of wonder as it goes to creativity. Was Hitchens an open-mined person who saw other perspectives? Did Hitchens really speak the truth, or are we just agreeing with his perception? I know perception is reality, but perception is not the truth. There is a truth about this adage "If atheism is a religion then not collecting stamps is a hobby." It's just something to think about.

  49. Anonymous1:14 PM

    "If atheism is a religion then not collecting stamps is a hobby." It's just something to think about.

    What is the sum of zero?

  50. Mr. Field:

    Christopher Hitchens' literary criticism is first-rate; he evinces taste, erudition and insight without resorting to the excruciating jargon that mars contemporary academic "lit crit." In my view, his talent and intellect were best on display when he wrote about his first love -- literature.

  51. Anonymous1:49 PM


    Dawkins, Hitchens or others have an inescapable belief in atheism leaving no room for doubt. Atheism is just as dogmatic as religion as they both require little or no room for doubt. I know Jesus was not born on December 25, but that doesn't necessarily disproves the existence of God. Here it is the thing no one can absolutely prove the existence or nonexistence of God. It is simply something we do not know. However, human beings are not comtfortable with the idea of the unknown because it's not absolute. We have no sense of wonder and this means that creativity, imagination,innovation and inspiration suffer. No sense of curiosity and forget about questioning the motions of Christopher Hitchens and closely examing his method of critical thinking. Let's say for the sake of argument that Hitchens was right, but what if his process of thinking at arriving his conclusion is wrong? Does that change anything? I'm just asking questions.

  52. ch was indeed a gifted intellectual

    his interviews speeches and books prove that for certain

    see more:

  53. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Maybe his book "god is not Great “did it for me. I thought it was a great read.

    Of course you would think so, you atheist. The book was dumb as Hitchens tried to disprove the existence of God but could not explain his own existence. But, that's how a fundamentalist atheist thinks, which is very much like a religious fundamentalist....closed-minded EXTREMES.

  54. "Of course you would think so, you atheist. The book was dumb as Hitchens tried to disprove the existence of God but could not explain his own existence. But, that's how a fundamentalist atheist thinks, which is very much like a religious fundamentalist....closed-minded EXTREMES."

    I am NOT an atheist; I cannot say for sure that God does not exist.
    Just as you cannot say for certain that he/she DOES exist.

  55. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Hennasplace, "You can say that I am wrong, but I really don't know if Christopher Hitchens was an intellectual and neither can anyone else with great certainty. Is it a fact that he was, or are we going by with others tell us? Can you really consider Hitchens an intellect in the way of Einstein?"

    He certainly wasn't the caliber of Einstein whose discovery of E=mc2 changed the world and how we looked at the universe. Hitchens was a tv polemic who appeared to be drunk a lot of the time. There is no comparison between Einstein and him.

    William Buckley was a true intellectual. Hitchens is no where close to Buckley. Hitchens was a loud polemic who at times was drunk on national tv! He was a man out of control... The bigger fool he acted, the smarter FN Negroes thought he was! Go figure! Our folks like loud drunk fools who use big words. They see that kind of distorted mind as bright and intellectual, like AB...Go figure.

  56. Anonymous6:28 PM

    "I am NOT an atheist; I cannot say for sure that God does not exist.
    Just as you cannot say for certain that he/she DOES exist."

    6:05 PM
    My dear Mr. Field, believe it or not, there are people, saints as well as sages who can say for certain that God exists.

    Gandhi, Mother Teresa, St. Augustine, Vivekananda, Ramana Maharshi, Martin L. King, Malcolm X, Pope John Paul ll, C.S. Lewis, Carl Jung, and many others have experienced God. I pray and meditate every day. Do you? Probably not. Hence, you wouldn't know anything about the "extraordinary" because you don't do anything beyond the ordinary.

    Just because YOU haven't experienced God, doesn't mean God does not exist. It just means that YOU have not experienced what many humans have experienced throughout human history.

  57. unholy assnon:

    ch and i know why morons like u slander and envy us

    so does god

    ask her

  58. Quote: Somebody or other

    "You can say that I am wrong, but I really don't know if Christopher Hitchens was an intellectual and neither can anyone else with great certainty."

    Well clearly you can.

    "Is it a fact that he was, or are we going by with others tell us?"

    Nobody gets to tell me that he was an intellectual - I'm judging him on my experience of what he said and what he did.

    "Can you really consider Hitchens an intellect in the way of Einstein?"

    Einstein was not an intellectual and as far as I am aware he never claimed to be.

    "I think one of the criteron of an intellect is the ability of having imagination and a sense of wonder as it goes to creativity. Was Hitchens an open-mined person who saw other perspectives?"

    Yes absolutely.

    " Did Hitchens really speak the truth, or are we just agreeing with his perception?"

    What's the difference?

    "I know perception is reality, but perception is not the truth. There is a truth about this adage "If atheism is a religion then not collecting stamps is a hobby." It's just something to think about."

    Sorry, no idea what this paragraph is trying to say.

  59. Anonymous7:08 PM

    AB, "unholy assnon:

    ch and i know why morons like u slander and envy us

    so does god

    ask her"

    You idiot. I am commenting on FN blog and I am talking to YOU. That is proof that I am "unholy." That's why I go to church, pray, meditate and read scriptures and other sacred texts, you fool.

    If I were "holy" I wouldn't have to do any of the above, stupid. Apparently you are so holy that even God has envy of you. Yet, you hurt many on this blog with your rants, cursing and name calling. Sounds to me that you are Satan pretending to be above God, you sick moron. You are nothing but a hypocrite!

  60. "Gandhi, Mother Teresa, St. Augustine, Vivekananda, Ramana Maharshi, Martin L. King, Malcolm X, Pope John Paul ll, C.S. Lewis, Carl Jung, and many others have experienced God."

    I think I did too, once. Wait.....never mind, that was a young lady in the Cayman Islands.

    Carry on.

  61. Hey, Field - I feel kind of obligated to point out on a blog where the main topic is how wrong it is to prejudge people by appearances, that you're kind of way off base in telling people to watch out for 'those strange coworkers.' If you ask me, you gotta watch out for the ones who are just a little TOO uptight and perfect. Isn't that what they always say? "He seemed so normal. Just a normal guy." Yeah, if you ask me, I'm glad when my cubicle buddy looks and acts as much like Marilyn Manson as possible. Just sayin'. The ones I worry about are the ones who look like they've got a nice house, a few insurance policies, maybe a girlfriend or two on the side, some babies floating around out there making things interesting . . . some nice, serious normal stuff to be really attached to, uptight about, and committed to the death to holding onto. I think they're the ones who might take not getting that promotion a little too seriously.

    You know, in this society we're way too attached to appearances. This idea that mass murders, serial killers and child molesters LOOK weird only disarms people to the normal-seeming ones. And I mean, if you're predatory, or planning some kind of final retributive act against society, how dumb would it be to run around looking and acting weird? So I figure the predators are MOSTLY good at seeming as normal as possible.

    Just some food for thought that I hope might encourage people to be aware of more than mere surface appearances, and maybe make them just a little safer.

  62. Also, on atheists. God supposedly said in the Bible that David was his favorite servant because he questioned things. I think that means atheists must be pretty close to God's heart, if there is a God. If there is one, He didn't make us thinking, feeling, philosophical creatures for nothing. Just some more food for thought.

  63. Anonymous1:47 AM


    Reality is a state of being actual or true, but truth is a conformity to actuality or a statement proven to be. The former is abstract and the latter is concrete. An example would be my niece when she was four who told my mother she went to church today, but God wasn't there as she identified the priest which was perception, but the truth was the priest wasn't God.

    The Adage simply means that atheism is a religion respect to that it's a set of dogma and Hitchens wasn't really any different than his Christian or Muslim counterpart. He was very myopic in his views, and doesn't leave much in widening one's intellectual curiosity.

    So I am not going to get on the bandwagon when I have some questions about Hitchen's intellectual acuity. Perhaps he was, but I'm not going because everything tells me so either.

  64. quantum, you got me on this one. You made a good point: Normal is in the eyes of the beholder. I guess you have to keep an eye on those "normal" looking co-workers as well.

    hennasplace, I am enjoying the discussion that you and PC are having regarding Hitch.

    It's a microcosm of how folks in general feel about the guy. I guess how he will be remembered depends on who wins the debate.

  65. Anonymous11:38 AM

    In this game you have to say or do something that enables you to stand out from an ocean of candidates. If you're a diva make a sex tape, if you're black, as Chappelle says, "...entertain these whyte folk, play basketball or something." In Hitchens' case, talk noise. He is to the intellectual community what 50 Cent is to rap. Talk enough noise till you get everybody's attention. Ali did it.

    Yes Hitchens carried a strong opinion and could articulate it with a delivery more entertaining than Noam Chomsky but that didn't make his content as intellectually solid. Talk noise get attention. Mike Tyson wasn't only famous for knocking out opponents. Didn't matter if Tyson's rants were incoherent or not the purpose was to capture attention. Hitchens was in the business of clown'n, act'n a fool, being rude but delivering it in a coherent manner. He was sensational in his delivery. But he was very black & white in his assessment of others.

    Our culture is extremely polarized and Hitchens exemplified that. If he saw bad in something it was all bad. The way he tried to clean up his arrogant position on Iraq revealed his unwillingness to man-up. An excuse for being wrong always reveals a persons level of sincerity. And to be an intellectual, sincerity is the biggest part of it. That's what makes Malcolm X the most dynamic intellectual of our age. Hitchens was not even a Howard Zinn or a Cornell West. I think Christopher Hitchens is the likeness of what people try to make Manny Pacquiao out to be.
