Saturday, December 17, 2011

Ms. Hein's "cloudy pool" problem.

You Negroes are going to have to stop putting all these chemicals in your hair. It can cause all sorts of problems.

These white folks in A-merry-ca are trying so hard to live up to our new "post- racial" narrative and you all are making it so hard for them.

"A landlord in Ohio is claiming that not only is her “White Only” pool sign not racist, but that the state’s civil rights commission was wrong in declaring it discriminatory.

The landlord, Jamie Hein, posted the sign on a fence near the pool when an African-American teen was visiting her parents, who were then living in a duplex owned by Hein. After seeing the “Public Swimming Pool, White Only” sign, the parents filed a discrimination charge with the state civil rights commission and moved out of the duplex to “avoid subjecting their family to further humiliating treatment,” the commission said in a release announcing its finding. The Ohio Civil Rights Commission determined that Hein, who is white, violated the Ohio Civil Rights Act by posting the sign at the pool.

Hein, however, disagrees. As reported by the Associated Press, she claimed that she only posted the sign to prevent the chemicals in the girl’s hair products from rendering the pool “cloudy.” Somehow the commission managed to see past that statement and concluded that the posting of such a sign “restricts the social interaction between Caucasians and African-Americans and reinforces discriminatory actions aimed at oppressing people of color.”

Hein is appealing the decision, and is now saying the sign is just an antique, and nothing else. If the Ohio civil rights commission upholds the findings, penalties in the case could include a cease-and-desist order and even punitive damages, commission spokeswoman Brandi Martin told the AP. If only the commission could also penalize Hein with a very very cloudy swimming pool." [Story] 

Oh Lawd! Who wants to swim in a cloudy pool? Ms. Hein, maybe we can just tell the Negroes to bring a swim cap.

*H/t to Robert Garrick for sending me this story.*


  1. "The book was dumb as Hitchens tried to disprove the existence of God but could not explain his own existence."

    Clearly you have not read the book, Hitchens did not try to disprove the existence of God. In the book Hitchens says you cannot disprove the existence of God, but that does not mean that you have to believe that it exists.

  2. Anonymous7:16 PM

    PC, "Clearly you have not read the book, Hitchens did not try to disprove the existence of God. In the book Hitchens says you cannot disprove the existence of God, but that does not mean that you have to believe that it exists."

    Well, he's dead now. I wonder if he thought himself wrong in the end?

  3. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Field, Why do Blacks want to swim with the Whites? Why don't they just swim with other Blacks? It doesn't make sense, unless it is for safety reasons.

  4. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Come on, Field. You can do better than this...stop skating. I mean, look what's happening to Kobe Bryant. His wife is divorcing him and it has shattered him. He might not have such a great season.
    Lord have mercy.

  5. Wesley R8:00 PM

    Kobe wasn't going to get too far this year anyway with the weak team they have.
    The cloud you have to look for swimming underwater in a pool is the yellow one.

  6. @Wesley R.. Re: swimming underwater--Good point! ✯◡✯

  7. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Yo Field-

    How can you be reading with the book covering your face and your hands behind your head? Just something I noticed.

    The Fool

  8. "Field, Why do Blacks want to swim with the Whites? Why don't they just swim with other Blacks? It doesn't make sense, unless it is for safety reasons."

    Actually, most blacks don't like swimming that much. Something about that yellow stuff in the water.

    "Yo Field-

    How can you be reading with the book covering your face and your hands behind your head? Just something I noticed.

    The Fool"

    My eyes were tired. Reading a lot will do that to you.

    Try it. You might even get to change your ID if you do. ;)

  9. Anonymous11:02 PM

    If the pool is cloudy, it could be from all the sun tan oil slathered on by whites.

  10. this rabid racist's "cloudy" lie is akin to sandusky claiming he was teaching boys hygiene as he raped them in the showers...

    what a bigoted boob!

  11. What's the name of the apartment complex? The best way to send a message is to put a hurting on her bottom line. Spread the word and make sure her tenant occupancy rates hit the floor.

  12. "If the pool is cloudy, it could be from all the sun tan oil slathered on by whites.


    Mack, it wouldn't even be worth the time. I am guessing that this woman doesn't have many takers to occupy her "wonderful" apartment complex.

    It's probably a dump.

    I say let her leave her sign up and she can go ahead and rent to like minded people. They deserve each other.

  13. Hein said. "If I have to stick up for my white rights, I have to stick up for my white rights. It goes both ways.”

    I don't know where she's going to, but I sure can tell she's coming from.

    PS: I've been saying that gravity's gonna catch snoot; it's happening now; it'll be conventional wisdom next week. I wouldn't be surprised if Romney, Paul and Marcus Bachman's beard all beat him in Iowa now.

  14. Anonymous12:15 AM

    Let us face reality. Newt will win the nomination. That's a fact that FN folks lack the insight to know like me.

  15. Anonymous12:19 AM

    Field, "Actually, most blacks don't like swimming that much. Something about that yellow stuff in the water."

    BTW, you did not answer the fact that the 'minority' of Blacks who swim prefer to swim with Whites because it's too dangerous to swim with their own people. Btw your Killadelphia meter is off. It needs to be increased.

  16. Anonymous12:26 AM



    Field, are you advocating for the Obamas? The Obama who has done NOTHING for us since he has been President?

    Why was it FNB to ask the President's wife out on a date? Are you that morally depraved?

  17. Spliff12:47 AM

    FNB is when Aaron Leeks blows his wad in Michelles ass,


  18. anon:


    it was disrespectful to ask anyone's wife on a date

    even a hoax hnic like hobama


  19. Aschpowatamie1:21 AM

    My grandfather to re-tell the whole thing to me as soon as possible. Anyway, moving on..... they were sight-seeing this village and engaging in simple chit-chat with the villagers. All of a sudden, a VERY tall man (approximately 12 feet tall, I think my grandfather said! ) walked into the village. This man had a noticeable dent in his forehead and in the middle of his forehead, there was clearly a circle or hole there. It seemed to be an injury of some sort, but there was no scab which had developed where the hole was. The man was quite silent until he approached a man inside a small restaurant selling traditional Indian food. He asked the owner of the store something like 'What have you cooked for me this time?' and, in response, the owner of the store served him a vast variety of foods to quell his appetite. So HUGE was this mysterious man's appetite that he apparently cleared out the restaurant's entire stock of food! Then this man became thirsty and requested water. He was pointed in the direction of a large pot which was filled right to the top with water. He promptly went to this pot and proceeded to drink ALL of the water held inside it until not even a single DROP remained! My grandfather's brother and his wife had seen this occurring in front of their very eyes and were quite astonished. They asked a nearby onlooker if he knew who this man was. He responded by saying......... that he was Aswatthama from the Mahabharata! I asked my grandfather out of curiosity how and why these villagers could be so calm and offer him food and water even though they are aware of the many grievous sins associated with Aswatthama. My grandfather responded by saying that whenever one is hungry, he or she should be given food and whenever one is thirsty, he or she should be given water... REGARDLESS of that person's character or identity. It should be done because it is a selfless thing to do. It should be done not because it generates very positive karma for a person, but because it is the right thing to do. Upon closer inspection on this anecdote my grandfather told me, it makes SENSE that the man who entered that village was indeed Aswatthama himself! The man was said to be EXTREMELY tall. The events of the Mahabharata occurred during Dwapar Yuga (the age which occurred just before this one) and, if I remember correctly, the average height of humankind during this age is between 12-14 feet . This man was said to have eaten an ENORMOUS amount of food and drank an entire pot FULL of water. The regular appetite of people in Dwapar Yuga is stated as being considerably greater than what it is today. Also, this man was said to have had an injury in the middle of his forehead. In the Mahabharata, Aswatthama was said to have been born with a precious gem known as chintamani embedded onto the centre of his forehead. After the end of the Kurukshetra War, Krishna is said to have forcefully pulled this gem out of Aswatthama's forehead as a part of his punishment for his crimes. It is written in the Mahabharata that blood began to pour profusely out of the hole in the centre of Aswatthama's forehead where the chintamani gemstone had been removed. The removal of the chintamani gemstone caused him SEVERE physical pain. To me, it ALL adds up. That man was most likely Aswatthama. It is also said that Aswatthama is engaged in intense meditation within a cave in the Himalayas to atone for his misdeeds. However, since Aswatthama is said to be a siddha, you will not be able to see him with your limited mortal eyes if he does not want to be seen. He can adopt an incorporeal form and render himself invisible at will wherever and whenever he does not wish to be perceived by people. The man who was encountered in that village was most likely the very SAME Aswatthama described in the Mahabharata. If this is indeed the case, then he is living PROOF that the Mahabharata is not simply a mere mythological story but an actual HISTORICAL document.

  20. Yes, Hanumanji is an empowered amsha of Lord Shiva, not the Lord directly. Your second statement is a Vaishnava belief, which I respect but do not accept, as I myself am not a Vaishnava, but a Shaivite impersonalist. I will thus not comment on it.

  21. One day, while we were resting in the premises of Sulpaneshwar Mahadeva Mandir, my eyes got locked into the eyes of that extraordinary being. He looked young and had an admirable height and long arms. He had a sharp moustache and his eyes had a fire like brilliance. He looked composed and had a celestial bearing. His forehead was covered by the characteristic yellow cloth. When I began, to whisper into ' PahariBaba's ears about the 'special' 'Bhila' he gave a knowing smile and left that place. But my curiosity regarding the 'Bhila' was so overpowering, that I also got up from my place and began to follw him. When the tribals saw me following the magnificient figure, they also joined me. The 'Bhila' turned around and requested us to leave. Since I had reached quite close to him, I caught his feet and burst out beseechingly - "Who ever you are, I want your introduction, whether we are complete or incomplete, we look up to your guidance. Your lofty personality tells us that you do not belong to this age. With great humility I want to surrender my self at your feet. Please reveal your identity : I want to know whether my guess regrding your identity is right or wrong. The bhilas were infuriated at my act and began to protest,excitedly. The civilised looking 'Bhila' was their revered one and during the festival of 'Shiva Ratri' they worshipped him along with Lord Shiva.

  22. Joe Biden Yes!1:31 AM

    Toward the end of the Kurukshetra war, Ashwathama uses the Brahmastra on the unborn child of Abhimanyu to end the Pandava dynasty. Before that he killed all the Pandavas' children in the dead of the night in stealth, breaking all the rules of war that Bhishma had framed.

    His rationale for this is that the Pandava's themselves had broken several rules and they killed all the Kaurava heroes by cheating. Which is true. Drona was disarmed by a lie and killed when he had cast away his bow and arrows and was grieving for his son. Karna was unlawfully killed. So why not the upapandava's? And why not the unborn baby?

    Krishna revives the baby and curses Aswathama to eternal pain from a festering wound on his forehead. Why? Why? Why eternity?Is'nt God supposed to be merciful and ever-loving. What kind of a curse is this? Eternity ... ETERNITY !!!

    Why did he refuse to not use weapons himself and then use all kinds of trechery and devious means to kill the Kaurava warriors? And why was Aswathama cursed so? Why is there a Brahmastra that can destroy the universe and why is he cursed for using it?

    Why is there a right and wrong and a complex dharma defining it if at the end of it whatever 'God' does is right and most other stuff is wrong?

  23. Endued with youth, possessed of a handsome form, agreeable to the sight, and celebrated throughout the world, what, O Sanjaya, did Ashvatthama, the intelligent son of Drona, upon whom brahmanas and kshatriyas and vaishyas who are desirous of acquiring the science of arms wait, for protections, say when he saw Karna slain?

    Vaseline is the shit.

  24. @ Planet Shukra:

    That's what I been sayin'!

  25. And a half1:44 AM

    @ Don m. F. Ho:


    O king, pierced Drona's son unitedly and separately with many shafts, whetted on stone equipped with wings of gold. The youthful prince of the Chedis pierced Drona's son with twenty and Partha pierced him with three. Then Drona's son struck Arjuna with six arrows, and Vasudeva with six, and Bhima with five, and each of the other two viz., the Malava and the Paurava, with two arrows. Piercing next the driver of' Bhima's car with six arrows, Aswatthaman cut off Bhimasena's bow and standard with a couple of arrows. Then piercing Partha once more with a shower of arrows, Drona's son uttered a leonine roar. With the sharp, well-tempered, and terrible arrows shot by Drona's son, the earth, the sky, the firmament, and the points of the compass, cardinal and subsidiary, all became entirely shrouded both in his front and rear. Endued with fierce energy and equal to Indra himself in prowess, Aswatthaman with three arrows, almost simultaneously cut off the two arms, like unto Indra's poles, and the head of Sudarsana, as the latter was seated on his car. Then piercing Paurava with a dart and cutting off his car into minute fragments by means of his arrows, Aswatthaman lopped off his antagonist's two arms smeared with sandal-paste and then his head from off his trunk with a broad-headed shaft. Possessed of great activity, he then pierced with many arrows resembling blazing flames of fire in energy, the youthful and mighty prince of the Chedis who was of the hue of the dark lotus, and despatched him to Yama's abode with his driver and steeds. Beholding the chief of the Malavas, the descendant of Puru, and the youthful ruler of the Chedis slain in this very sight by the son of Drona.. Bhimasena, the mighty-armed son of Pandu, became filled with rage. The scorcher of foes then covered Drona's son in that battle with hundreds of keen arrows resembling angry snakes of virulent poison. Endued with mighty energy, the angry son of Drona then destroying that arrowy shower, pierced Bhimasena with sharp shafts. The mighty-armed Bhima then, possessed of great strength, cut off with a broad-headed arrow the bow of Drona's son and then pierced Drona's son himself with a powerful shaft. Throwing away that broken bow, the high-souled son of Drona took up another and pierced Bhima with his winged shafts. Then those two, viz., Drona's son and Bhima, both possessed of great prowess and might, began to shower their arrowy downpours like two masses of rain-charged clouds. Gold-winged arrows, whetted on stone and engraved with Bhima's name shrouded Drona's son, like gathering masses of clouds shrouding the sun. Similarly, Bhima was soon shrouded with hundreds and thousands of strong arrows shot by Drona's son. Though shrouded in that battle by Drona's son, that warrior of great skill, Bhima yet felt no pain, O monarch, which seemed exceedingly wonderful. Then the mighty-armed Bhima sped ten gold-decked arrows, of great keenness and resembling the darts of Yama himself, at his foe. Those shafts, O sire, failing upon the shoulders of Drona's son, quickly pierced his body, like snakes penetrating into an ant-hill. Deeply pierced by the high-souled son of Pandu, Aswatthaman, closing his eyes, supported himself by seizing his flagstaff.


  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Snoot collapses on Intrade

  28. Admiral Nelson1:53 AM

    Biggety shitz and a half apound of grits, I have no idea what you are talking about! Hoowah!

  29. Foxstrot1:56 AM

    Thanks a lot. Glad you like dem lyrics. And cool banjo erection.

  30. Charlie Brown1:57 AM

    I suspect that your frenulum on the "back" side of your penis is preventing your foreskin from being pulled back when you are erect. I would highly recommend that you speak to your doctor, and preferably a urologist. I know we guys don't like to see doctor's about such things, but trust me it is the best thing to do. Your doctor will be understanding, professional, and will try to help you. It is my understanding that a fairly simple surgical procedure can solve the problem.

  31. Anonymous2:23 AM

    Charlie Brown said...
    I suspect that your frenulum on the "back" side of your penis is preventing your foreskin from being pulled back when you are erect. I would highly recommend that you speak to your doctor, and preferably a urologist. I know we guys don't like to see doctor's about such things, but trust me it is the best thing to do. Your doctor will be understanding, professional, and will try to help you. It is my understanding that a fairly simple surgical procedure can solve the problem.

    Or just use your teeth

  32. I didn't know that people smoked the good collie weed so early in the morning here in A-merry-ca.:)


    "BTW, you did not answer the fact that the 'minority' of Blacks who swim prefer to swim with Whites because it's too dangerous to swim with their own people.."

    Why is that? Because when they are drowning they will pull others down with them?

    Are you really as dumb as you seem?

    "Why was it FNB to ask the President's wife out on a date? Are you that morally depraved?"

    Because the young man clearly has self confidence. There is nothing depraved about wanting to escort the First Lady of these divided states to a Marine Ball. Get your mind out of the gutter.

    If a young white officer had asked Barbara Bush out on a date I would have....wait, never mind.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. yardie2:29 PM

    just checked out che what you call pasa
    well worth checking! thanxs for the tip!

  35. There was a dim bulb in D.C.
    Who married a gay grandee
    Once elected to congress
    She talked nonstop nonsense
    Then ran for El Presidente

  36. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    There was a dim bulb in D.C.
    Who married a gay grandee
    Once elected to congress
    She talked nonstop nonsense
    Then ran for El Presidente

    El presidente is in Mexico get your prose right

  37. I swear, some white folks have a real problem with negroes and water.

    I was a Red Cross Senior Life Saver at 16, a varsity swimmer in High School and a rescue swimmer in the US Coast Guard and I never cease to amaze with the issues many white folks have with black folks and water.

    "BTW, you did not answer the fact that the 'minority' of Blacks who swim prefer to swim with Whites because it's too dangerous to swim with their own people.."

    And from what smelly orifice did you pull this bullsquat?

    You make my case.

  38. Anonymous8:37 PM

    anon, "BTW, you did not answer the fact that the 'minority' of Blacks who swim prefer to swim with Whites because it's too dangerous to swim with their own people.."

    Field replied, "Why is that? Because when they are drowning they will pull others down with them?"

    Well, that might be part of it but a bigger problem with safety is we folks like to shoot up the place and fight. You know this to be true. Hell, folks can't even enjoy a good movie without some violent trouble happening. And don't go to McDonald's cause no telling if you will live long enough to each your burger.

    BTW, why do folks like you and UTS assume that I am White, which I am NOT. Yes, it is true, I don't want to be around TOO MANY of our folks at one time because the odds of violence happening are quite high. Field, you know this is true. Btw, your Killadelphia meter is once again on the low side.

  39. Iggles win, but too little too late.

    Thank you Deadskins for putting a beatdown on the G-men.
