Thursday, December 29, 2011

The imperfect revolution.

And so the "Arab Spring" continues. In Syria, the tyrant Bashar Assad, continues to mercilessly crack down on his people. And, in Washington, Hillary and company continue to do a delicate dance: Disposing of a brutal dictator which could lead to unanticipated consequences, or allowing democracy and the will of the people to take hold.

The ouster of Assad could open the door for more extremist groups (see Yemen), and, believe it or not, could lead to more instability in the region. Syria is a country of mostly Sunnis being led by a Shias who is in the minority. If the Sunnis take control of the country they might suppress the minority Shias, which could lead to a conflict with their neighbors in Iraq. A neighboring country made up of mostly Shias. Are you confused yet?

Then there is the Israeli problem: Syria shared a  border with Israel at the Golan Heights region. Not good. Believe it or not, the man everyone loves to hate recently, has actually showed that he is a moderate when it comes to Israel and has shown a willingness to sign a peace agreement over the Golan Heights region. Who knows what will happen when real democracy takes hold? 

I know one thing, Assad, like the other tyrants before him; will soon be gone as well. A-merry-cans can only watch so many images of innocent folks getting their heads bashed in on CNN before they start saying enough. The pressure is already on the Arab League to act and even Syria's other allies, such as Russia, are starting to waiver in their support. The world will not stand still while "massacres" occur in the Syrian countryside. If I were Bashar Assad I would be looking for a nice peaceful country to retire with the rest of my family.   

Finally, I, like the rest of you, have been hearing the buzz about my girl Condi appearing on the republican ticket as a candidate for VP. As Robert Traynham wrote in the Philadelphia Tribune, it would be interesting.  

"...Youthfulness, bona fide conservative credentials and diversity. Condi Rice, the first female African-American Secretary of State, brings diversity to the ticket and of course crackerjack foreign policy experience.

As I mentioned before, my money is on Mitt Romney becoming the next Republican nominee. His steadiness in the polls (yes, I know this has been a rollercoaster of a ride), his firm grasp of the issues that are demonstrated in the debates, and his ability to show considerable fundraising might compel me to believe that the primary race is still Romney’s to lose. His challenge will be whether or not he can convince conservative primary voters that he is not going to waffle on social issues if he wins the White House. Senator Rubio, as I have stated before, could be the reminder that conservatives may want in the White House; but Condi Rice could also serve in that role.

First, the drawbacks: Rice having never served in elected office, many Americans may think she is too inexperienced and naïve in the ways of the rough-and-tumble politics to actually assist Romney on the ticket.

The upside: Rice has always been and will continue to be an interesting public policy figure. She’s smart, engaging and unflappable. A debate between Rice and Biden would be must-watch television as each would be ready to better the other on hot-button issues such as North Korea, Pakistan, China and Cuba. Rice would also give African Americans a real clear choice as to which they want to represent them in the executive branch."

Calm down Robert, she would be running as the VP, not the HNIC. Besides, don't cross your fingers in anticipation of Flipper Mitt selecting the concert pianist with the shoe fetish just yet. We are still a long way from Tampa.  



  1. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Condi isn't all that was the Goobers and Heeyucks that she appointed. Not to forget the intellectually challenged who wore a dominatrix outfit to a diplomatic meeting.

    Me, I just love reading the suburban/rural faux-perts with their officious 'pronouncements' that stem from ghost-written Tom Clancy war pr0n.
    Yep, teen-boy fantasy is the 'exact same' as knowledge.


  2. Rice would also give African Americans a real clear choice as to which they want to represent them in the executive branch."


    Obama/Biden 2012

  3. Wanna see real choice for afro amerikkkans?

    Remove the "d" and "r" from ballots. That would force afro amerikkkans to actually know who/what they are voting for.

    Has it is now, afro amerikkkans just vote for who ever has the "d" beside their name. Thats how it goes on the democrat plantation.

  4. also the first official victim of the Republicans voter suppression bullshit is..

    Newt Gingrich!

    If he can get got in Virginia, us regular folks are fucked.

  5. soooo.. Rick Perry thinks Canada is part of the USA?

    Too funny.

  6. First, I'd like to wish all of you a Happy Belated and future holiday.

    As for the comment about "Has it is now, afro amerikkkans just vote for who ever has the "d" beside their name. Thats how it goes on the democrat plantation."

    I'd rather vote for who ever has a "d" beside their name than vote for those with a "R" for RACIST besides theirs. Amen, I'm loving it on the "D" plantation because they care about safety nets for those that are less unfortunate rather than those that are filthy rich and they are not trying to suppress votes, kill health care, make education out of corporations and deprive the average American of one, or start mess with every other nonwhite foreign country because they covet their neighbors' resources, or paranoid about religions, and different lifestyles other than their own. In addition, the "D" plantation is more concerned about people keeping a roof over their head,that folks have food on the table, instead of what folks do in their bedroom or how to make a hugh profit so that they can pay CEOs million dollar bonuses, while they lay off thousands of workers.

    And that's only a smidgin of the reason I like the "D" plantation.

  7. Anonymous3:54 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    First, I'd like to wish all of you a Happy Belated and future holiday.

    As for the comment about "Has it is now, afro amerikkkans just vote for who ever has the "d" beside their name. Thats how it goes on the democrat plantation."

    I'd rather vote for who ever has a "d" beside their name than vote for those with a "R" for RACIST besides theirs. Amen, I'm loving it on the "D" plantation because they care about safety nets for those that are less unfortunate rather than those that are filthy rich and they are not trying to suppress votes, kill health care, make education out of corporations and deprive the average American of one, or start mess with every other nonwhite foreign country because they covet their neighbors' resources, or paranoid about religions, and different lifestyles other than their own. In addition, the "D" plantation is more concerned about people keeping a roof over their head,that folks have food on the table, instead of what folks do in their bedroom or how to make a hugh profit so that they can pay CEOs million dollar bonuses, while they lay off thousands of workers.

    And that's only a smidgin of the reason I like the "D" plantation

    I thought age was supposed to bring wisdom? Guess not. The only thing your democratic masters are doing is reducing the gap between those who made it out of the trap that Elders such as yourself teach young blacks to keep them corralled and the poor. Unfortunately the only way they can do it is to make everyone poorer. So now the poor are poorer than they have ever been and less and less opportunities are availible for someone else to help anyone out. Keep it up, looking at Black America you Black Elders must have a plan we can't see yet. Honestly though, the take you have on everything makes you either a Chris Matthews clone or insane.

    Thanks for trying to make this a nation of janitors, with any luck we can save you from your fairy tales despite all the damage you do to the next generation.

  8. Anonymous3:55 PM

    "The world will not stand still while "massacres" occur in the Syrian countryside. If I were Bashar Assad I would be looking for a nice peaceful country to retire with the rest of my family."

    And yet the world is more than prepared to stand by and watch Israel bomb and torture the Palestinians. The statement above continues the basic narrative and explanation of world events parroted about in the corporate controlled press which is far different than the reality. Basically a war is being conducted against Iran and Syria in line with the Project for the New American Century started by Bush and continuing with Obama. Our country is largely behind much of the unrest in Syria just like the so called color revolutions that took place in eastern Europe a few years back. The only problem this time is that this may result in a worldwide war over resources as Russia and China aren't going to sit on their hands while this occurs. Rather than cheering the demise of "tyrants" in Syria, it'd be better to take a look at what they've gotten away with here on our own shores as the crap we pull abroad will be the same stuff being pulled here against a domestic population soon enough--they're getting plenty of practice as they're enabled by many cheerleaders amongst us.

  9. Nation of janitors? You mean like "R" Newt suggested? LOL! If anyone needs saving it is you!!!! Because your mind is totally twisted. In other words, "F"'ed up beyond belief!

  10. Anonymous4:39 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Nation of janitors? You mean like "R" Newt suggested? LOL! If anyone needs saving it is you!!!! Because your mind is totally twisted. In other words, "F"'ed up beyond belief!

    No Maam, no disengenious silly finger pointing allowed here. A nation of janitors like when the majority of young kids drop out of HS, can barely read and perform math calculations above 3rd grade level, yet we eliminate all quality criteria and so are the one who is fucked up beyond belief. You are the one who created this all the while blaming someone else as if it were their responsibility to raise your young. You despise the very culture that supports us, do all in your power to destroy it and yet demand that it stay healthy enough to support your ideas and needs. Insane isn't it?

    What do you propose those masses without skills, education, abilities do ? Live off the largesse of those you are also dragging down in the interest of "social justice"? What happens when everyone is equal, who is going to take care of those who have no skills and are barely functional in society? What are your plans? Have them pick fruit? Dig ditches? Oh, never mind another democratic blunder, they think the 53% of all working americans should also pay for any illegal to come to the US and thrive. How have the liberal Santa Claus temporay solutions worked so far? Any projects gotten better? Any issue for Black folk at all better today than it has been over the last 40 years? Why is that? Tons and tons of money have been thrown at the problem, yet things get worse...hmmmmmm Maybe as your democratic white rich liberals say it is all someone elses fault and if only we break them then it will all be roses and we can keep throwing money down the rabbit hole for it surely is we haven't wasted anything or refuse to look at the real problem. We just need MORE of it.

    Now reread and think insanity and look me up in 20 years to see if the democratic agenda worked THIS TIME and unlike history actually improved things for anyone or just continued to degrade things for all.

  11. Syria embodies every bloody division in the greater Arab Middle East: Sunni v Shia Twelver, Arab v Kurd-Turk, Muslim v Christian, rural/traditional v cosmopolitan secular, stateless v citizens, military v civilian institutions, they've got it all. On steroids.

    Libya (by reliable estimates) lost about as many killed in their entire revolution as Syria already has in it's initial demonstrations, but then it is 4 times as populated and it has a unified working military instead of feudal militias and mercenaries, so it's ultimate death toll will exponentially eclipse Libya's and the fight will be much longer and harsher.

  12. What I said about you still stands even more so now than ever. BTW, you have a very negative vivid imagination. You should try writing fairy tales, I'm sure you'll be a big hit in it.

    BTW, wasn't it Bush a person with an "R" in front of his name who let those "illegals" in and did nothing? Education, ah yes...another one those "R" folks who thought up that "No Left Behind" idea without funding. Oh, did you forget that it was people with a "R" in front of their names that destroyed the economy, the school system by underfunding, and practically everything they put their John Henry to for eight years. However, it started with Reagan. You actually believe that eight years worth of destruction can be solved in lesser time than it took to cause it. Smh! Yeah, you crazy!

  13. BTW, anyone who would come on a black blog with an insulting icon to black people that reads, "You want to rape white women? Am I black? I heard that." Can't tell me a black woman to vote for "R" candidate. That would be too much like cutting my nose off to spite my face. Yeah, I got it though and I'm sure other black folks, including the poor ones get it. Keep on with that prehistoric thinking that black folks are these little docile creatures that need to be led and guided by whites. LOL! Blacks wasn't even that dumb during slavery and they illiterate back then. Smh!

    BTW, blacks have Civil Rights now, and they're allowed to get an education if they choose to, they can eat and use public facilities now, so yes they are somewhat better off than they will be if a "R" gets in the White House. Oh, I admit blacks still have some work to do, but there is no need to take a 46 years step backward and have to start all over again. Sorry, but I've discovered that I'm allergic to "R"s.

  14. Anonymous5:44 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    What I said about you still stands even more so now than ever. BTW, you have a very negative vivid imagination. You should try writing fairy tales, I'm sure you'll be a big hit in it.

    Actually it is worse than you will admit. Tell me one thing that I was incorrect about? Do the expensive elevators in the projects work? Is the HS dropout rate over 50%? One thing...or drop your "fairy dust" and lead as an elder

    BTW, wasn't it Bush a person with an "R" in front of his name who let those "illegals" in and did nothing? Education, ah yes...another one those "R" folks who thought up that "No Left Behind" idea without funding. Oh, did you forget that it was people with a "R" in front of their names that destroyed the economy, the school system by underfunding, and practically everything they put their John Henry to for eight years. However, it started with Reagan. You actually believe that eight years worth of destruction can be solved in lesser time than it took to cause it. Smh! Yeah, you crazy!

    Right, everything, all problems are the responsibility and caused by only conservatives - school system underfunded? Maam you are sorely misinformed by your white liberal masters. Well you keep on keepin on and keep voting for folks that think Guam will tip over or that it is ok to Steal anything they want for you know they gonna take but at least they gonna try and give you some of what they get or at least you think so.

    Keep on with that prehistoric thinking that black folks are these little docile creatures that need to be led and guided by whites. LOL! Blacks wasn't even that dumb during slavery and they illiterate back then. Smh!

    And yet all you do is repeat what the white liberal masters tell you to and never stop to wonder why what they say aint workin so good, never has and most assuredly never will. Up is down, down is up, things are reverse because of skin color..yup. We all know it's better to live in the projects and be a state ward then it is to get out and leave the liberal democratic voting block behind... it must be because more and more of it happens every decade. Keep shakin your head, maybe you will get some sense into it before the Island of Guam tips over and the people who tell you what to do won't be there when you need them and those who you declared enemies have no obligation now then do they?

    I know, I know, its all someone else's fault. Stand up and lead - you are an elder and if you teach your children that someone owes them something, boy wont they be surprised when someone disagrees and proves you wrong and leaves them incapable.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. The Democrat party is the birth place of the klan,jim crow,and the negro project.

    Democrats locked Japanese up in concentration camps.

    Democrats conducted a illegal war against yellow people spanding 3 Democrat presidents.

    In fact, most of the wars that America has been in were started by Democrats.

    "the "D" plantation is more concerned about people keeping a roof over their head,that folks have food on the table,"

    Yet poverty,homeless, are near records highs. 1 in 4 children are hungry and living below the poverty line.

    Where are the jobs Obama promised?

    "instead of what folks do in their bedroom"

    Umm Democrats do tell people what beds they can sleep on, what lights the can us, what toilets to shit on.

    "paranoid about religions"

    You forget how paranoid the left is about Christians?

    Than there's Jimmy Carter. The worst president ever. Obama is a close second.

    Get off your high horse granny. Don't want to see you fall.

  17. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Granny - In the Fable of the Ant and the Grasshopper - You are the grasshopper - for shame. Teach the young how to strive, struggle and improve so that no one can hold them down. Not to waste all energies on blaming and fighting someone who has nothing to do with them and who lives more in your mind then you do in thiers. For what will happen as has been happening is eventually people shrug off the drowning folk who dont want to be rescued and are drowning themselves and the rescuer as well and demanding the rescuer forget how to swim - leaving them alone to sink or swim and elders like you never taught them how to swim, just that those who took the time to learn and work at becoming good swimmers and achieved it were evil. You can't have all the pie in the country delivered to your door, but you can learn to bake one.

  18. Anonymous6:17 PM

    The liberal defines success by how many people he has managed to help through government action; the conservative defines success by how many people he has freed from need of such assistance.

  19. Down wit the struggle:

    First and foremost, those Democrats that you refer to joined the Republican party because of the Civil Rights matter. Sweetheart, you forget that some of old folks are still living and remember those days. Jimmy Carter wasn't all as bad as the Republicans labeled him and another good thing about him was he was honest, a quality that those "R" people lack. Matter of fact, he predicted what would happen with our oil guzzling country and he had them stock up and put up oil barrels for future crises. BTW, the way what happened to those barrels? President Obama is doing a better job than any of the last Presidents before him. However, the Party of obstructionist would like folks to think differently and so would some of the CORPORATE MEDIA, so that they can feed their greed monsters.

    Do you have amnesia? If I remember correctly, the reason for poverty has to do with illegal housing mortgages and repossessions, shipping jobs overseas and trickle down economics thanks to the Republicans. Starting a war that cost billions and giving no bid contracts to Cheney and his posse that was never accounted for. In addition, laying off thousands of workers, so some fat cat CEO could get a million of dollars in bonuses for lousy decision making skills. Puleeeeese! I could go on and on about those no governing Republicans and some of those stabbing in the back Bluedog Democrats.

    BTw, You don't have to worry about me ever falling, I'm solid and sturdy as a rock!

  20. BTW, I also remember that "Liberal" also was a code word used by racist to refer to people as "nigger lovers".

  21. Anonymous6:59 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    BTW, I also remember that "Liberal" also was a code word used by racist to refer to people as "nigger lovers".

    Typical Bullshit - trot out the skin color excuse. Sorry Granny, liberal came from progressives after they failed and caused havoc they changed the name again to liberal that also failed and caused havoc now back to progressives you see most of this country doesnt buy the "fairy tales" you spew; we wont accept socialisism and communism for we KNOW what it will cause while you think you will benefit. You wont.

    Ask yourself - how does "illegal mortgages and repossesion" result in poverty? How? If you can't afford a house you shouldnt have bought it and you wouldnt be "poor" would you? Oh right, democrats convinced you everyone has a right to own a house even those who couldnt afford to make the payments let alone the maintenance.

    Jimmy Carter was good, Obama is doing a good job, "corporate Media is lying and telling us different. Right, and there isn't 95% mainstream liberal media Obamabot liars? Granny - you aren't just wrong - you are woefully and I mean woefully ill informed. If reality ever hit you it will be like a ton of bricks crashing through the liberal fairy tales.

    By the way, we need to borrow another trillion to keep afloat - good job Obama. I guess when the country goes bankrupt like detroit you will say it was the "R"s fault for not stopping it because they knew better.

  22. Anonymous7:00 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    BTW, I also remember that "Liberal" also was a code word used by racist to refer to people as "nigger lovers".

    And your code word for racist is republicans, anyone who doesnt agree with your demented logic despite facts must be racist right Granny?

  23. GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    BTW, I also remember that "Liberal" also was a code word used by racist to refer to people as "nigger lovers".

    A new USA Today/Gallup poll shows most folks think Obama is a Liberal........................

  24. "democrats convinced you everyone has a right to own a house”

    Oh, so, what are you saying? Was the “American Dream” a scam or a big fat lie told to the average American citizen? I noticed you used the word “RIGHT” implying that all American citizens do not have a “right” to own a home.

    Now, you’re worried about the country going bankrupt? LOL! That is so hypocritical, since the country was bankrupt before President Obama took office. Yup, that’s real rich how you Republicans are still trying to blame President Obama for Republican’s incompetence in managing money. The mess was there before he took office and even got elected President thanks to those Republican big spenders, you know, those folks who pretend to be so frugal. Republicans spent money like it was water when they were issuing it out to their rich cronies, while they screwed over average citizens—those “WE the People Folks.” You know who they ran for office to represent, but DO NOT!

    When are you going to stop watching Fox We Make It Up News? BTW, the words socialism and communism are so ancient. What is it with you folks that everyone is a communist or socialist when they think that everyone in America deserves their fair share in political, economical, and social power? However, you are patriotic when you screw over the majority of Americans to feed rich folks’ greed.

    Stop lying the MEDIA has always been CONSERVATIVE!

  25. BTW, you must be young because most people who lived during Jim Crow and the Civil Rights movement know that "Liberal" was a term used by racist for "Nigger Lover" that is true a fact!

  26. "Remove the "d" and "r" from ballots. That would force afro amerikkkans to actually know who/what they are voting for. Has it is now, afro amerikkkans just vote for who ever has the "d" beside their name. Thats how it goes on the democrat plantation."

    Black Americans already know who/what they're voting for. That's why blacks won't touch your conservative friends with two 10-foot polls taped end-to-end. They already know what the "R"s are all about.

    "The Democrat party is the birth place of the klan,jim crow,and the negro project."

    And the people and attitudes behind that migrated to the GOP in droves. It's as no one ever heard of the Southern Strategy before. *smdh*

  27. I'd love to find out the real identity of some of these trolls. I'd be interesting to see who they are and what motivates them to troll and spam a black blog.

  28. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Romney and Condi Rice would be a winning ticket in America. There is no question that Americans are tired of Obama and have lost confidence in him to much of anything.

    My only concern would be whether Romney would be able to put his arm around Condi and genuinely mean it. I don't recall anyone in the Bush Admin. touching her, including President Bush or Laura Bush. It always looked too much of barely tolerant racial bias to me.

    Nevertheless, anyone would be better than Obama in 2012.

  29. Granny,why bother,the republicans who are posting above are slaves to their own talking points and they don't even realize it.

    Down wit da....I take it that you have heard of the "Southern Strategy". look it up, you might learn a thing or two.

  30. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Mack Lying, "I'd love to find out the real identity of some of these trolls. I'd be interesting to see who they are and what motivates them to troll and spam a black blog."

    8:27 PM
    Wow, Mack. What makes you think the trolls are all White? And what makes you think FN is a black blog? Anybody is welcome on FN. Field has said so. He DID NOT say "FN is only for Blacks", you racist creep.

  31. Thanks Mack, I was posting at the same time you were.

  32. Field, I was thinking about signing off anyway, but I am trying my best to ignore the pain and hang in there. I think I did pretty good to stay up as long as I have today due to the weather.

  33. So granny, FDR ,Truman ,JKK , Johnson, were all Republicans?

    The Democrats' illegal war known has the Vietnam War was really a Republican war?

    When did Wallace,Connor,Maddox,Fullbright, etc. etc. become Republicans?

    Blacks are slaves to the Democrat party. They use debunked talking points and refuse to acknowledge Democrat racism.

    Mack Lyons said...
    Black Americans already know who/what they're voting for.

    Well Mark, there is Kinston, North Carolina. The "D" is the only way blacks know who to vote for.

  34. Hang in there Granny, and have a good night.. Anon, of course we welcome all in the fields, your President and I have a great relationship. I am not sure of the racial breakdown of Anon. inc. I am sure it is a fair representation of our fine country.

  35. "Has it is now, afro amerikkkans just vote for who ever has the "d" beside their name. Thats how it goes on the democrat plantation."

    As it is now, goobers vote for whoever has the "r" beside their name.

    Which is the main reason why blacks vote Democratic.

    Why should blacks support a party that gleefully accomodates racists?

  36. field negro said...
    Granny,why bother,the republicans who are posting above are slaves to their own talking points and they don't even realize it.

    Whites, hispanics, and Asians are diverse in their politics, opinions, and beliefs. Thats something blacks can't say.

  37. uptownsteve said...
    Why should blacks support a party that gleefully accomodates racists?

    You support the Democrat party don't you?

    I know. It all goes by to that free stuff. But thats just a myth.

  38. Condi Rice as the VP nominee means Obama gets reelected.

    Blacks aren't going to vote for her because of her ties to the corrupt and immoral Bush administration.

    White conservatives won't vote for her because she's black.

  39. "Whites, hispanics, and Asians are diverse in their politics, opinions, and beliefs. Thats something blacks can't say.

    Hispanics and Asians vote overwhelmingly Democratic.

  40. "The Democrats' illegal war known has the Vietnam War was really a Republican war?"

    What Republicans opposed the Vietnam War?

    "When did Wallace,Connor,Maddox,Fullbright, etc. etc. become Republicans?"

    Were they alive today they'd be Republicans.

  41. Whites, hispanics , and asians are free to disagree with Obama There's no hispanic, white, or asian uptownsteve, attacking them for doing so.

    I've been here for about a year. I have seen you attack every black poster who dare speak ill of Obama.

    Yeah that plantation thing.

    Doesn't matter who opposed the Vietnam War. It was still a illegal war started and funded by Democrats{ who granny say was really Republicans} up until Nixon. Most of the Democrat illeagal war happen without the knowledge of the American people.

  42. "I've been here for about a year. I have seen you attack every black poster who dare speak ill of Obama."

    Outside of AB who is a closet coonservative, whom are you speaking about?

    Watch folks, he won't answer.

  43. Speaking of "plantations" Tormented Goober, what Democrat have you ever supported?

    It never ceases to amaze me how white conservatives accuse blacks of being bound to the Dems when they themselves vote Republican simply because they feel the GOP protects the interests of whites.

  44. dr. queen, purple cow, lac

    Watching you attack them was funny. Watching you backtrack afterwards was priceless.

    I did vote for ex Lt. Gov. Mark Taylor Rep. Greg Morris {before he switched}.

  45. Tormented Goober,

    You're full of dung.

    My disagreements with queen, etc,,, had nothing to do with Obama and you know it.

    And who the heck is Mark Taylor or Greg Morris?

  46. fn:

    wtfu about hobama's blackish fascist global oil thefts asap

    syria is being robbed...

    ask any libyan

    hobama's eternal global oil wars have just

  47. hobama is a global thug and thief



  49. I was enjoying the second piece about Sec. Rice until I read this;

    "Rice would also give African Americans a real clear choice as to which they want to represent them in the executive branch."

    As for Syria. The Arab League isn't serious, Mr. Field. One of the monitors they sent into Syria is an official from Sudan who is suspected of torture and mass murder in Darfur.

    So I think the Arab League is just doing something to be doing something. Behind closed doors I think their money is on Assad.

    And the U.S. will be stepping into a minefield if it intervenes in Syria. Iran is itching for a fight and that would give Iran an excuse to engage with the U.S. and Israel.

  50. Anonymous11:53 PM

    UTS, "Why should blacks support a party that gleefully accomodates racists?"

    Dems are racists and so are a lot of
    Blacks. YOU are definitely one of them. So what difference does it make? Obama has insulted us. He told us to stop complaining, shut up and march, indicating he had more important things to do for "others". Basicly, he doesn't give a damn about the Black race.

    At Least Condi Rice has spoken out about racism in this country, how it started and where it came from.

    Her comments alone puts Condi leagues above Obama in terms of supporting Blacks. She is far more trustworthy than Obama when it comes to standing up against racism. Obama has been an nothing but an obsequious spineless jiggin fool-- bowing down to the GOP and caving in to their outrageous demands. He has been both disgusting and shameful when it comes to his ability to stand his ground in the white face of the GOP. But he had no hesitancy in telling us Blacks to shut up and stop complaining; and he did it with blatant irritation.

    Any Negro who keeps licking Obama's boots after what he has done to us is nothing but another jigger.

    FYI: Not every Black who has been screwed by Obama can in good conscience continue to support him like you can. From where I am standing should Condi Rice becomes Romney's VP, she has my vote...and to hell with Obama...

    Steve, you must be a dl Negro because you like getting screwed.

  51. Anonymous12:00 AM

    Field, "The upside: Rice has always been and will continue to be an interesting public policy figure. She’s smart, engaging and unflappable. A debate between Rice and Biden would be must-watch television as each would be ready to better the other on hot-button issues such as North Korea, Pakistan, China and Cuba. Rice would also give African Americans a real clear choice as to which they want to represent them in the executive branch."

    Mr. Field, there would be no contest in the debates between Condi and Biden. Condi would walk all over his dumb ass and you know it. You bet it would be a "clear" choice for AAs: Condi wins hands down and I think you know that also.

    Dems had better pray the Republican ticket is NOT Romney/Rice. Romney can hold his own and probably whip Obama's ass. And when Condi finishes with Biden, IT WILL BE A CLEAR CHOICE....Romey/Rice.

  52. "Wow, Mack. What makes you think the trolls are all White? And what makes you think FN is a black blog? Anybody is welcome on FN. Field has said so. He DID NOT say "FN is only for Blacks", you racist creep."


  53. Anonymous12:27 AM

    "Wow, Mack. What makes you think the trolls are all White? And what makes you think FN is a black blog? Anybody is welcome on FN. Field has said so. He DID NOT say "FN is only for Blacks", you racist creep."


    12:10 AM
    That's right, go back to sleep. That's what you do best. Commenting is too much for a Negro like you.

  54. Anonymous1:08 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    Speaking of "plantations" Tormented Goober, what Democrat have you ever supported?

    Ida know dirty nigger what conservative have you? Why are you such a fucking pig racist and nigger?

  55. Traynham should name one state Rice would flip for Romney. Does he think African-Americans are idiots? Oh yeah, let's trade in a black President who has lots of power & lives in the White House & is called the Commander-in-Chief for a black Vice President who has an office in the White House only if the President offers one.

  56. So Liberal Tormentor, if you have been torturing Liberals with logic and facts since 1982, how come you have never been known to do any of that stuff here?

    When does our torturing start? Why have you kept us waiting for so long?

  57. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Bob, "Traynham should name one state Rice would flip for Romney. Does he think African-Americans are idiots? Oh yeah, let's trade in a black President who has lots of power & lives in the White House & is called the Commander-in-Chief for a black Vice President who has an office in the White House only if the President offers one."

    Your thinking has been the pattern of thinking of many AAs for decades. We generally support and vote for the politician who will insult us and won't lift a finger for us.

    Never before in the history of America have so many Blacks been unemployed as under the Obama Admin. Never before in history of America has a President told the black race to "shut up and march" as under the Obama Admin. Yet, you are too ready to vote for him again.

    Bob, all you see is a black man in the WH with "power"-- and from your comment, that is good enough for you. It doesn't matter what he thinks or feels about Blacks, which is very little, at best.

    Mr. Bob, you are a fool.
