Friday, December 30, 2011

Obama, the leftist Americans like.

So most A-merry-cans believe that O is to the left of them politically. And given how A-merry-cans feel about leftist, it's shocking that his Oness is stacking up so well against each of the republican candidates for president of these divided states. Even the right wing leaning Rasmussen Poll can't put O away just yet.

Maybe it's because most of them admire him so much personally that they can look past his political leanings.

I also wonder if this curious contradiction has something to do with the economy picking up in the last quarter of 2011. The housing market is picking up. Unemployment numbers are down. And there has been growth in the manufacturing sector.

This, of course, is bad news for Flipper Mitt and company. No one is praying for a failing economy harder than my republican friends. Four years of power is at stake. A-merry-cans, as is usually the case, do not care about foreign policy. All they care about is their pocket books, and that is what will influence their vote in 2012. If a leftist commie helps to put steak and potatoes on the table; well then so be it.

Speaking of Flipper Mitt; I see where he recently compared O to Marie Antoinette.

"Mitt Romney says President Obama is out of touch with average Americans and compared the man he'd like to replace with the former French queen who came to symbolize extravagance.

"When the president's characterization of our economy was, 'It could be worse,' it reminded me of Marie Antoinette: 'Let them eat cake,' " Romney told The Huffington Post in an interview Thursday."

Hmmmm.....this is an interesting observation from Flipper. I say that because I just read the following:

"DAVENPORT, Iowa--I'm told the reason it remains illegal to raise chickens in Iowa City, where I live, is because Iowans moved to our relatively cosmopolitan college town to get away from the country people and, by extension, their chickens. Twentysomethings from bigger cities, where it is fashionable to raise your own chicks and harvest fresh eggs and place them decorously on gingham dish towels, come to Iowa thinking they will live the country life for a little while, only to find their neighbors shutting them down. I mention this by way of explaining my first impression of the 400 people who came to see Mitt Romney in a hotel in Davenport, Iowa, on Tuesday night: These are the people who would call the police on your illegal chickens.

The women have accessorized. They're wearing foundation, bronzer, silk scarves, pearls. There are men in ties, men in Banana Republic sweaters, over-scrubbed little blond boys in blue fleece. It is a crowd in which it is possible to linger on a face that seems remotely recognizable and wonder if you're staring at a news anchor whose name you used to know." [Source]

Mitt, those all sound like folks Marie Antoinette would love to me.

Finally, shout out to the folks over at the Black Weblog Awards for recognizing the field for the best political or news blog. That is serious FNB on your part.


  1. Congratulations on your Black Weblog Award, and thank you for being a voice for the voiceless. Best wishes to you and yours in 2012 and beyond. Let us march on until Victory is Won.

  2. Congratulations and Happy New year!

  3. As any rational analysis of his politics and economics shows, Obama is a moderate conservative. It's a measure of just how far the American political narrative has been skewed to the hard-right this last few years, that Americans could consider him Left of anyone save Genghis Khan or Attila-the-hun.

  4. Anonymous12:40 PM

    "I also wonder if this curious contradiction has something to do with the economy picking up in the last quarter of 2011. The housing market is picking up. Unemployment numbers are down. And there has been growth in the manufacturing sector"

    Field - Debby Whattaman Shcultz would be proud, did she send these talking points direct or did you get them from tingles?

    Unemployment down? Hardly they eliminated 325 thousand job seekers, claims have just risen again how do the leftists say it "unexpectedly" - you know fake numbers thats how democrats HAVE to roll. Growth in manufacturing? Hardly - car lots stuffed with Government Motors autos nobody wants or will buy - more fake Obamanomics numbers - thats how they HAVE to roll.
    Mooch Obama is currently on an 4 million dollar tax payer funded vacation and you worry about how some people look? It is all about to come crashing down.

    Has the democratic Senate done a budget yet since Obama has been in office? No? Wonder why they have broken the law?

    What you should really be interested in is even more fake Obamabot numbers and the condition the US really is in financially: Simply put a 4.2 Trillion deficit and Obama borrowing another Trillion just to keep the machine running..

    In fiscal 2011, the cost of the promises grew from $30.9 trillion to $33.8 trillion. To put that in context, consider that the total value of companies traded on U.S. stock markets is $13.1 trillion, based on the Wilshire 5000 index, and the value of the equity in U.S. taxpayers’ homes, according to Freddie Mac, is $6.2 trillion. Said another way, there is not enough wealth in America to meet those promises.

    If the government followed corporate accounting rules, that $2.9 trillion increase would be added to the $1.3 trillion cash deficit for fiscal 2011 that has been widely reported. And a $4.2 trillion deficit is something that Americans need to know about.

  5. Lugash12:48 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    As any rational analysis of his politics and economics shows, Obama is a moderate conservative

    A completely irrational analysis from a mis-educated useful idiot.

    Obama is atempting to fundamentally change America to a country where an elite controls all economic activity, a place where the middle class is eliminated by wealth distribution. His goal is to cut America down to size relative to the rest of the world. He and his adminstration are open admirers of Communist China.

    Only an idiot or a liar would call Obama a "moderate consevative".

  6. Anonymous1:13 PM

    "A completely irrational analysis from a mis-educated useful idiot".

    use of "useful" in this context is akin to charity.

  7. Brandon1:22 PM

    FN, Marie Antoinette liked to dabble in the farming life.

  8. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Brandon said...
    FN, Marie Antoinette liked to dabble in the farming life.

    She loved to get plowed

  9. NSangoma1:31 PM


    The policies of REAGAN; BUSH; BUSH; ROMNEY; GINRICH; HUNTSMAN are atempting to fundamentally change America to a country where an elite controls all economic activity, a place where the middle class is eliminated by an unequal wealth distribution.

  10. Anonymous1:35 PM

    NSangoma said...

    The policies of REAGAN; BUSH; BUSH; ROMNEY; GINRICH; HUNTSMAN are atempting to fundamentally change America to a country where an elite controls all economic activity, a place where the middle class is eliminated by an unequal wealth distribution.

    Interesting. Policies such as what and how do they work in actual practice?

  11. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Congratulations on your Black Weblog Award. Keep up the Good Work Mr. Field Negro.


  12. Congratulations and another reason why you can't quit the blog business!

  13. Anonymous2:51 PM

    PC, "As any rational analysis of his politics and economics shows, Obama is a moderate conservative. It's a measure of just how far the American political narrative has been skewed to the hard-right this last few years, that Americans could consider him Left of anyone save Genghis Khan or Attila-the-hun."

    You are correct. When the color of a man's skin is all that matters, you tend to miss who he 'really' is. That is the dilemma of Obama supporters, of which the majority are unquestionably brainwashed Blacks.

  14. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Dear Mr. Field, I am holding back on congratulating you because I am concerned about my own future with FN blog. I have worked my ass off and to date have not received a commitment from you regarding our contract for 2012. It's damn near Jan 1! What the hell is going on?

    Anyway, congratulations on your award. May I remind you that Anon Inc contributed significantly to your award? As a matter of fact, if it wasn't for Anons, you might not have won it. Just the other day I received a bribe from one of your competitors to move to their blog. Just goes to show you can never trust a Negro.

    Your loyal Anons,
    Anon, Inc

  15. Congratulations on your award,richly deserved!!

  16. no slappz4:54 PM

    Fri, Dec. 30, 2011, 3:01 AM

    Kill-adelphia: Yet again, city tops list of homicide rates

    Philadelphia Daily News 215-854-4225

    ON THE DOOR into the Uceta Mini Market in North Philadelphia, a sign warns shoppers, "No Weapons Allowed."

    Inside, the message on a sign sandwiched between cigarette ads is even more blunt: "Stop. Shooting. People."

    The market sits at Stillman and Somerset streets, just steps from the scenes of two recent gun slayings that remain unsolved.

    This is among the city's most dangerous neighborhoods, where violence is as ingrained as the futility many feel that it will ever abate.

    "I know a lot of people who got killed, maybe 10, I don't know how many," Marcus Henry, 29, said yesterday as he got his morning coffee.

    Murders are up again this year in Philadelphia, and the city still has the highest homicide rate of the nation's 10 most populous cities, according to stats provided by each city's police department.

    At the same time, fewer murders are getting solved.

    With a few days left in the year, the city's homicide tally stood at 324 Wednesday, including the eight victims allegedly killed in previous years by West Philly abortionist Kermit Gosnell.

    Last year, 306 people were killed, and the year before, 302.

    Comparing murder rates with the rest of the 10 most populous cities, Philly comes out on top, with 20.7 homicides per 100,000 residents.

    The next closest are Chicago, 15.7, and Dallas, 10.9.

    New York's rate is 6.1, and even notorious Los Angeles' is only 7.8, though rates for some smaller cities - like Detroit, New Orleans and St. Louis - are much worse than Philly.

    Numbers aside, officials have no unexpected explanations for what's driving the trends. Some observers point to demographics.

    Black citizens comprised 84 percent of homicide victims from January to June 2011, according to police statistics.

    "Responsibility has to be taken by members of the African-American community to address the issues that deal with this particular problem," Gillison said.

    "African-American males killed by other African-American males is literally the elephant in the room."

  17. no slappz5:08 PM

    Romney now stands the best chance of winning the Republican presidential nomination.

    But don't count out Huntsman yet. He's like Newt, only better.

  18. no slappz5:12 PM

    field fantasizes:

    A-merry-cans, as is usually the case, do not care about foreign policy.


    All they care about is their pocket books, and that is what will influence their vote in 2012.

    No one believe he's voting for a leader who will take things away. But, as those who voted for Obama should know by now, that's what he did.

    If a leftist commie helps to put steak and potatoes on the table; well then so be it.

    Yes, that will happen when a leftist commie invents the anti-gravity machine.

  19. no slappz5:21 PM

    field deteriorates:

    No one is praying for a failing economy harder than my republican friends.

    If a failing economy were in someone's prayers, then those prayers were answered when Democrats elected Obama.

    Many, many thousands of oil and gas jobs can be created in the time it takes Democrats to stop opposing the fossil fuel energy industry.

    Those who want to save the US auto industry must remind the idiots of this nation that cars run on oil and that's how it's going to be for decades and decades.

    There is simply no chance more than a handful of people will drive electric cars before 2050.

    Four years of power is at stake.

    How about four decades of economic security is at stake. Obama is an economy killer.

  20. The tragedy is that simpletons like No Slappz just don't have the mental capacity to work out that new technologies bring new jobs. Investing in obsolescent 20th century technologies like fossil fuel is just flushing cash down the drain.


    If Obama is such a Leftist as you nutjobs claim, where is worker control of production? Where is free health care? Where is free nursery care, where is free old-age provision?

    I don;t see anything like that in Obama's programs. He's a natural born conservative, when he had the chance to force a reform of capitalism he bailed out Wall Street instead.

    As I say, he's a conservative and you know it.

  21. " And given how A-merry-cans feel about leftist, it's shocking that his Oness is stacking up so well against each of the republican candidates for president of these divided states."

    Really? With b.s. like that its no wonder you won Democrat plantation award for best blog.

    Flipper Mitt? Really? Should we talk about how many back flips Obama has done? Start with renditions, CIA black ops , Afghanstan, etc. etc. I hope Democrats try to play the filp flop card in 2012.

    "The housing market is picking up"

    2011 was the worst year on record for new home sells. {stat only goes back to 1963}.

    "Unemployment numbers are down."

    Only because of Christmas hiring and the fact millions have stopped looking for work.

    "Four years of power is at stake."

    Not really. Republicans will keep the Congress. Republicans now have a great chance to take the Senate.

    Thats where the power is. The Senate.

    Obama doesn't have a moderate conservative bone in his body. Like most Democrats, Obama has to lie about who he is in order to get re-elected.

  22. Funny. My next door neighbor snitched on my 3 suburban hens last Summer because they cackled when they laid eggs, fair enough since that's the law. So I replaced them with a rapidly expanding flock of pigeons, since the law says I can have them, and they coo 24/7. Careful what you snitch for.

  23. The Purple Cow said...

    As I say, he's a conservative and you know it.

    If that was the case than Obama wouldn't have the undying love of

    The gay mafia.

    Field negro and his ilk.

    White Liberals.

    And every other leftwing group in this country.

    Keep trying to put forth this false narrative.

    Next you will be saying Reagan was a Liberal.

  24. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Congratulations for your much deserved award! Great blog!

  25. Speaking as a liberal, Tormentor-on-par-with-a-Fruit-Fly, Reagan was a "liberal" compared to the whack-job, "Tea Party," Objectivist-Christian-Warmongers these days. For Christ's sake, you guys should be medicated. I've never seen such a miserable bunch of conflicted, hypocritical, dour schmucks.

    You know why Obama is on the rise, folks? You know why???

    There's only one reason.

    The conservative field and the conservative message is not popular. The people do not want it. The conservatives have been proven wrong one too many times. No matter Obama's job approval, the GOP is handing him his second term.

    Personally, I'm glad. It boosts my faith in humanity.


    Interesting blog, folks.


  26. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Speaking of meds,did you forget to take yours snookie?

  27. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Funny. My next door neighbor snitched on my 3 suburban hens last Summer because they cackled when they laid eggs, fair enough since that's the law. So I replaced them with a rapidly expanding flock of pigeons, since the law says I can have them, and they coo 24/7. Careful what you snitch for.

    Bang Bang - careful how many neighbors you piss off with your inconsiderate antisocial living style. If you want to raise animals buy a farm ya filthy animal. Five cats going over your fence in a couple days, see how you like that.

  28. Anonymous9:56 PM

  29. I didn't support Reagan, but he sought and signed tax increase after tax increase on the rich as governor and as president. He went out on a limb to defend gay rights against an "Anita Bryant" initiative to legalize employment discrimination against them in '78. He sought to abolish the Bomb. He fought Tip O'neal Mondy-Friday then party'd with him on Weekends.

    Compared to this year's clown parade, he stands out as both a liberal and a gentleman.

  30. Anonymous10:41 PM

    I sometimes wonder if these Judges on the panel of Black Weblog Awards are much like the Judges on the Academy Awards.... politically rigged. Except for FN blog, of course.

    Also, there seems to be a category for every black blog in the universe. What's up with that? Who is doing this, Cornel West?

  31. Congrats, Field, & Happy New Year to you & Mrs. Field.

    The reason ther Prez comes across so well is that when the issues are broken down & presented one by one, more people agree with him than with Repugs. Even so-called Obamacare - which is so NOT socialist - is a Republican idea they repudiated mainly because a Democrat ised it. & who now would dare say he isn't a Commander-in-Chief? Really, how many Americans want the military attache with the nuclear codes following Newt around 24/7? & which terrorist has Romney taken out? The President is just warming up to his campaign game, no way he's giving away his moves before the game really begins.

  32. Anonymous11:58 PM

    Hey Field-

    Congratulations on the award. Man, you deserve it, if nothing else, for being one of the most stead fast people on the web who actually practice what they preach about free speech. Macaroni!

    The Fool

  33. Anonymous12:14 AM

    I agree with The Fool. Mr. Field you have kept your word about free speech and have not been swayed by fools like Mack Lyons and UTS. I shutter to think what would have happened to FN if you had taken their advice. Fortunately, you are smarter, no you are Light Years in intelligence to those two fools.

    You have an outstanding blog and it goes beyond the black blogosphere. It is truly a place where EVERY HUMAN BEING comes to voice their opinions. Some voices are eloquent and exquisite. Some are the worst of ebonics and trailer talk. Others are somewhere in between. This is a great playground for the entire human race if they choose to participate or just read.

    Yes, you truly deserve the Award but it should be for more. That is, acknowledging your commitment to free speech on a daily basis with a new post on a daily basis. There is no other blog that can match FN. Congratulations!

  34. Anonymous12:54 AM

    Congratulations on the award.

    I think Lewis Black summed up when he said that Democrats have no ideas and the Republicans have stupid ideas. We as the American people get screwed. No matter who is in the White, the person will govern center or center-right depending upon the mood of the country at the time. Politicians are really not in touch with the people because they have to make pragmatic decisions that in many cases are not beneficial to the large segment of the population. Empathy is not a skill not many politicians possess with the exception of Bill Clinton who had such a skill. The image of him saying that I feel your pain went a long way particularly if you were standing in the same room and he looked at you as if you were the only person there. Although, I find it interesting that Rommey would say that the President is out of touch. The man has about as much passion as a pet rock. It's really a case of the pot calling the kettle black, no pun intended, but these guys are not warm and fuzzy, and unable to invoke empathy.

  35. Congratulations Field! I pray that you and Mrs. Field have an abundantly blessed Happy New Year filled with love, peace, joy, and harmony. Also, I wish all of the posters the same.

    BTW, Bob and Henna, it's good to see your fonts again.

  36. "Next you will be saying Reagan was a Liberal."

    Well Robot Ronnie did legalize abortion in California....

  37. Congrats on your big win, Field. The blogosphere needs more voices like yours.

  38. Anonymous9:52 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "Next you will be saying Reagan was a Liberal."

    Well Robot Ronnie did legalize abortion in California....

    Yet Mumsy didn't kill you and you managed to be born, what a world.

    Not sure what your point is though, are you saying only liberals believe in killing unborn babies?

  39. Or put it another way, who cares about the 10,000 Californian women who were visiting back-street abortionists every year?

    Legalizing abortions does not lead to more abortions, it just means that women can have the procedure carried out in relative safety.

  40. How ironic. I compare the repubs to pre-revolutionary French aristocracy all the time. These folks just LOVE transference, don't they? Romney calling Obama "Marie Antoinette" is classic misdirection worthy of Chris Angel Mindfreak.

    The republicans are the ones who think it's just fine for the top 1% of the country to hoard 40% of the wealth. They're the ones who say those elite are the innovators without whom the rest of us couldn't make it. They're the ones who think food, shelter, and medical care are luxuries no different from their own hot tubs and condos. They're the ones who claim all this goodness just flows downward and Americans in general have it so good . . .

    I get that they're saying Obama is out of touch, but I think they're saying that because he's out of touch with fashions in Versailles, or business as usual in DC, not real life in America.

    Hell, most Americans KNOW it could be worse, because just last week it was.

  41. Stopping by to say Happy New Year and Congrats on the award. I have not been here for awhile... I have been too busy with Occupy... The People are in the streets, here in Philly, across the US and around the world. These are exciting times. Change is coming but it won't come from the ballot box... Direct Democracy is being born. See ya in the streets!

  42. Anonymous1:29 PM

    PC "Legalizing abortions does not lead to more abortions, it just means that women can have the procedure carried out in relative safety."

    That doesn't make it right, you depraved sinful devil. I can see that there will be no immoral changes in your thinking for 2012. But that's how Blacks in the UK roll.

  43. Thanks for all the congrtats, but seriously, this is an award for everyone who comments here. You make this blog what it is.

    I hope all of you (yes,even the haters) have a wonderful and meaningful New Year!

  44. Congrats man. Going to a new plane, actually returning to one of my favs so I'll be hit or miss at best but keep on keeping on.

  45. Anon-Goober

    "When the color of a man's skin is all that matters, you tend to miss who he 'really' is. That is the dilemma of Obama supporters, of which the majority are unquestionably brainwashed Blacks."

    How the hell can blacks be the "majority of Obama supporters" when we are only 12% of the electorate?

    Obivously "the color of his skin" is the only thing that matters to white conservatives and is the engine that powers their intense opposition to Obama.

  46. Congrats on the award Field!

  47. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Awards are based on posts, not comments. Believe me, the many by AB and others are a huge detraction.

    Many people who love your blog and give you shout-outs, such as Richard Prince, Mr. Journalisms, have never read the comments.

  48. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Field, "I hope all of you (yes,even the haters) have a wonderful and meaningful New Year!"

    That you, Mr. Field. You have a big heart to be able to include Stormfronters, white and black klansmen, and New Panthers.

    Are you sure you don't believe in God? I have a hunch that you pray and meditate every morning.:)

    I wish you a very prosperous, healthy, peaceful and joyful New Year.

    Peace, Brother.

  49. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Happy New Year to everyone here,to Field and the family,to all of us i wish health, happiness and prosperity.

  50. "I don't think the viewers are the least bit disappointed with us," Wallace said. "Our viewers think finally we're getting somebody to tell the other side of the story."

    "Who are the most consistently misinformed media viewers?" Stewart asked. "The most consistently misinformed? Fox viewers. Consistently. Every poll."

    "I'm just trying to understand you," Wallace claimed.

  51. agentX9:55 AM

    Happy New Year Field!
    I hope next year gives you a better group of news to post about. I know I'll be doing my damndest to keep up the good fight. AB and the other racist Ron Paul/Stormfront droids will still be here, still trying to make the site look bad.

    Keep fighting for/with us, Field! Your voice is important and vital.

    Give up now and Killadelphia will never be Philly.

  52. Nappy Nig Year12:18 PM

    you niggers can't stop with the chimpout killings even for holidays. "murder at house party in western PA" for example. You had your chimpout murders at Christmas, too. You even had a sheboon stabbing a fellow teacher in New York with a screwdriver during Christmas week. You even had a chimpout murder during the hurricane in New York state. Was there ever a race of such gutter apes as you people? Now go back to your constant whining about "racism", and Wayne go back to applying your lips to Obama's ass like you always do.

  53. Anonymous12:20 PM


    niggers support other thieving criminal niggers, that is true TNB

  54. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Wayne the cowardly negro runs a censored blog, that figures. Plus, he gets an award from some uber-small black racist negro group... what a doosh awarded by fellow dooshes.

  55. Exhibit A why we should not allow close relatives to marry each other in A-merry-ca. :)

  56. Belated congrats, field, on your weblog award. You're one of only three personal blogs I look at regularly, so I guess I'm congratulating myself too, for my good taste, ahem.

    Have a great year!

