Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Newt and his" invented" friend, and Mitt and his real catchphrase.

Just look at that pic. Newt is really full of it, and I am not talking food.

He is full of something else. I will spare you the imagery and leave it at that.

Anywhoo, I come not to put Newt on blast tonight; tonight I want to talk about Flipper Mitt.

It seems Mitt has launched a new campaign slogan. But not just any slogan; this one is special.

"On Tuesday, political commenters reported that GOP presidential contender Mitt Romney has been using a catchphrase in his stump speeches that the Ku Klux Klan favored in the 1920s.

When the white supremacist group used “Keep America American,” it was to rally people against blacks American, gay people, Catholics and Jews. When Romney’s used it, as he did in this Los Angeles Times piece, it was to promise that as president he would “keep America American with the principles that made us the greatest nation on Earth.”

When reached by the Huffington Post, a spokeswoman for Mitt Romney has declined to comment on the matter." [Source] 


Keep it up Mitt, with moves like that, you just might win the republican primary after all. You are singing their song.


  1. Father Mallette fought to integrate the catholic church and marched with MLK in Selma.

    He spent most his life fighting for racial justice.

    Now Father Mallette is fighting for his life after being attacked by 2 field negros.

    Second thoughts, father?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Another company pulls advertising from TLC’s ‘All-American Muslim’

    In a letter of apology to customers, an executive at, the online travel site, explained the decision to stop advertising on the new reality show.

    "When we decided to give our money to TLC for this program, we deemed the show a worthy topic," Robert Birge, Kayak's chief marketing officer, wrote in the letter posted on the site. "When we received angry emails regarding our decision to advertise, I looked into the show more thoroughly."

    Birge continued:

    The first thing I discovered was that TLC was not upfront with us about the nature of this show. As I said, it's a worthy topic, but any reasonable person would know that this topic is a particular lightning rod. We believe TLC went out of their way to pick a fight on this, and they didn't let us know their intentions. That's not a business practice that generally gets repeat business from us. I also believe that it did this subject a grave disservice. Sadly, TLC is now enjoying the attention from this controversy.

  4. fn:

    did u see this?



    ti's son thnks he is white and wants a white woman

    where is the humor in that????

    ti did correct him...partially


    it would have been nice if ti had stated:

    "yes..but your black mommy is pretty too/and so are u and girls who look like u too etc"

    shame on ti!!!!!

    colorism is rampant in the atl

    ask spike lee

    school daze lives


  5. Anonymous8:30 PM

    "ti's son thnks he is white and wants a white woman"

    purple cow poo thinks he's wite and done gone got him a wite woman.


  6. Hi kinky wingnut, this is Father Mallete. No, I do not have any second thoughts, because, unlike you and folks of your ilk, I understand that I can't lump a group of people together because of the actions of a few.

    BTW, did someone on this blog tell me a few months ago to buy gold?


  7. field negro said...
    Hi kinky wingnut, this is Father Mallete. No, I do not have any second thoughts, because, unlike you and folks of your ilk, I understand that I can't lump a group of people together because of the actions of a few.

    "No love from the NASCAR crowd."

    Sad you don't have that same understanding. Guess that makes you part of my ilk,no?

  8. "Now Father Mallette is fighting for his life after being attacked by 2 field negros.

    Second thoughts, father?"

    I'm sure he has none. Being assaulted by two hoodlums wouldn't shake the faith of someone who's spent his life fighting for equality.

  9. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Field, "BTW, did someone on this blog tell me a few months ago to buy gold?"

    It was me, Mr. Field and it wasn't a few months ago, it was when you told Desertflower that I was wrong about buying gold. That was MANY months ago, Mr. Field. It was the time when you were thinking about jumping off the Ben Franklin. Remember? From that time until mid-November I have advised my clients to sell at various levels and take some profits. They have made handsome profits while you will have to wait some time to recoup what you lost.

    I advise everyone to scale back into gold, little by little, as it heads downward. But make no mistake about it Mr. Fields, Gold is not through running. It's going to make a turn upward going into 1st Quarter, 2012 and will head past $2000 in 2012.

    Now pay attention Mr Field. Don't miss this turn can recoup your loses and even make some money, IF you listen and stop being foolish.

    Are you listening? Did you finally get yourself a decent broker? I hope so.

  10. When the white supremacist group used “Keep America American,” it was to rally people against blacks American, gay people, Catholics and Jews. When Romney’s used it, as he did in this Los Angeles Times piece, it was to promise that as president he would “keep America American with the principles that made us the greatest nation on Earth.”

    Actually, what Mitt said was "Keep America America", which is not the same slogan.

    One implies the retention of power by the existing power structure; the other implies staying true to America's principles.

    You should know better.

    Actualy, you probably do, you just can't help being a demagogue.

    And as regards your implication, do you really think Blacks would better off if we elect the guy who says "Make America Brazil" or "Let's try to be more like Zimbabwe"?

  11. Anonymous10:28 PM

    "Now Father Mallette is fighting for his life after being attacked by 2 field negros.

    Second thoughts, father?"

    Mack replied, "I'm sure he has none. Being assaulted by two hoodlums wouldn't shake the faith of someone who's spent his life fighting for equality."

    9:52 PM
    What would a fundamentalist atheist like you know about faith and Catholicism? Let me answer that for you: NOTHING!

  12. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Why oh why does FN keep advertising for Newt? Don't you clowns know that he can beat Obama? So can Romney.

  13. Anonymous10:54 PM



  14. Anonymous11:37 PM

    Field, Field, Field, you are slipping. You didn't get the recall notice on the latest democratic bullshit hit job cwying wacism. Even Sharpton slammed MSNBC for the bullshit hit job on Romney and MSNBC apoligized. Looks like they hung you out to dry pushing the talking points.

    You expect anyone to take any claim of racism seriously when bullshit like this goes on for years? No. When I hear racism no the first thing that pops into my head is "more bullshit"

  15. Bob Coosey11:40 PM

    You expect anyone to take any claim of racism seriously when bullshit like this goes on for years? No. When I hear racism no the first thing that pops into my head is "more bullshit"

    It's just another excuse to talk loudly in movie theaters.

  16. Anonymous11:41 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Anonymous 4:38

    "Purple, please. Media Matters, The Daily KOS are filled with insane leftist whackjobs who write the most ridiculous articles that literally make no sense. Only to a leftist would someone think that saying "FOX IS EVIL" you must dance to thier tune and this will make the "non insane" voters vote for Obama."

    Your comprehension skills are quite astonishingly poor. Your ability to non-understand what others are saying is bordering on the supernatural.

    Right, what total nonsense. You sure said a whole lot of nothing to cover up the expose of your gibberish postings. Fuck Off. Obama doesn't have a shot and you are one stupid man for even attempting such a ridiculous twist. Fox sure as heck is not doing anything but exposing Obama for the fraud that he is, no matter how you try and use liberal speak or liberal think to interpret it. You are a leftist whackjob. Straight up and simple. Insane.

  17. Peggy Noonan's right: Noot isn't one thing, he's everything: fish, fowl and furred. He's as radical a neo-con likudnik now as he was hard-nosed Madrid-Oslo-Camp David process supporter then. His world-historical sized ego is fundamentally too big to stay on just one side of every issue.

  18. Anonymous12:16 AM

    Field, Newt may be a lot of things but one thing you must admit is "Newt is not a racist." You can never say that about him. that is why I am voting for him. It is clear that Obama is not fond of Blacks, and you know it.

  19. Anonymous1:04 AM

  20. The exact KKK phrase was "America for Americans." I suppose Mitt is close enough. Who is an American? Not my grandmother in 1925, born in Philly to Irish immigrants, married & residing in a nice suburban town when the KKK was burning crosses against Catholics "right up the road where Galloping Hill Golf Course is now," she'd say.

  21. Quote Anonymous 11:41

    "Right, what total nonsense. You sure said a whole lot of nothing to cover up the expose of your gibberish postings. Fuck Off. Obama doesn't have a shot and you are one stupid man for even attempting such a ridiculous twist. Fox sure as heck is not doing anything but exposing Obama for the fraud that he is, no matter how you try and use liberal speak or liberal think to interpret it. You are a leftist whackjob. Straight up and simple. Insane."

    Ooooooh, I touched a raw nerve with that one, now didn't I?

    I think the reason you are so angry is that you suspect I might well be right.

    But don't worry, I won't tell anyone. It will be our little secret ;-)

  22. "And as regards your implication, do you really think Blacks would better off if we elect the guy who says "Make America Brazil" or "Let's try to be more like Zimbabwe"?"

    What's wrong with Brazil and Zimbabwe?They are both beautiful countries with beautiful people.

    "Field, Field, Field, you are slipping. You didn't get the recall notice on the latest democratic bullshit hit job cwying wacism. Even Sharpton slammed MSNBC for the bullshit hit job on Romney and MSNBC apoligized. Looks like they hung you out to dry pushing the talking points."

    No No no, I am not Rev. Al or MSNBC. I call it as I see it.
    My "talking points" are my own.
    If they choose to apologize, good for them, that will never happen with the kid.

    The facts don't lie.

    BTW, do you have a link to that MSNBC apology? I can't believe that they would be that stupid.

  23. "What would a fundamentalist atheist like you know about faith and Catholicism? Let me answer that for you: NOTHING!"

    What would a troll like you know about my faith? I'm a Baptist, and as much as I dislike most aspects of Catholicism and the deeds and personalities of the people who claim to represent it, I do have respect for a few of its worthier members.

    "What's wrong with Brazil and Zimbabwe?They are both beautiful countries with beautiful people."

    The problem? They're no longer run by whites. That's the problem. I thought you knew this, Field.

    Oh, and did you hear about black republicans running to the UN to have the Obama Administration and the NAACP censured for human rights violations? Yep, I wouldn't have believed it, either. If the Dems and NAACP did this to the Bush Administration and the GOP, Rushbo would have died and went to heaven:

  24. no slappz7:12 AM

    field, the uninvestor, asked:

    BTW, did someone on this blog tell me a few months ago to buy gold?

    Over the last two years, gold has risen from $1100 an ounce, to a peak of $1889 an ounce, which it hit in August.

    The price spiked in August, then dropped in September, making the one-month stretch a bad time to buy the metal.

    After dropping back to $1600 in late September, it began another climb and is now around $1660.

    Gold is not part of my investment portfolio, but there's no denying the fact that gold prices have risen for the last 10 years.

    From about $300 an ounce to the current price of more than $1660.

    Is the price going higher? The gold bugs can debate that issue.

    But it's no surprise that field shows his thinking falls into the category known as Adaptive Expectations.

    That style is murder for investors.

    He's one who thinks that whatever happened yesterday is evidence of what will happen every day in the future.

  25. no slappz7:19 AM

    field and mack lyins wonder about Brazil and Zimbabwe:

    The problem? They're no longer run by whites. That's the problem. I thought you knew this, Field.

    Hmmm. When was Brazil run by whites?

    Meanwhile, Mugabe has been running Zimbabwe for decades. For a while the economy of Zimbabwe was healthy. It was healthy when whites were running the farms and producing the exports that funded the nation.

    What happened? Mugabe seized their land. Then what happened? The economy went into free-fall and now Zimbabwe is another African basket-case.

    That's black leadership. Happens every time.

    The UN estimates 40% of the people of Zimbabwe have left the country since Mugabe made a mess of the economy. I suppose things in Zimbabwe could get worse. But when Mugabe dies, there's a chance things will get better. Unless the muslims come into power, which is possible.

  26. no slappz7:30 AM

    A photo of Gingrich with Arafat?

    As if there aren't photos of every president glad-handing thugs and dictators all around the world.

    There's even a photo of Hillary Clinton giving a kiss to Arafat's wife -- the woman who now possesses the money Arafat stole from the governments that gave the money to his Palestinian Authority.

    Moreover, there's Obama's godfather, Jimmy Carter, who, in his heart of hearts, is a Palestinian.

    He even writes books about his love of Palestinians, proving that he's a true condescending Democrat who believes it's his duty to reward people who are fundamentally and constitutionally self-destructive.

  27. no slappz7:36 AM

    field posted:

    When the white supremacist group used “Keep America American,” it was to rally people against blacks American, gay people, Catholics and Jews.

    As if today's Democrats don't mock religion, especially Christianity, and then rally against it.

    Again, hoist by your own petard.

  28. "That's black leadership. Happens every time."

    At this moment, I can imagine you saying this very line while holding a can of Colt 45, donning your best Herman Cain-esque pervert smile. You know, the one that sends the ladies a-runnin.

    "Hmmm. When was Brazil run by whites?"

    I guess you can't consider the Portuguese "white." No "honorary white" status for them.

  29. no slappz7:49 AM

    mack lyins says:

    I guess you can't consider the Portuguese "white." No "honorary white" status for them.

    Actually, it's more a matter of those YOU consider white.

    Inasmuch as the leadership of Brazil has not been black, that's all that matters. The country, as they say, Is The Country of the Future, And Always Will Be. But that's okay.

    There's a whitish group that continues to keep the economic pump primed. Brazil has some advanced industries, its trade policies have improved and it was smart enough to build an energy industry around sugar.

    Now it's got a huge offshore oilfield to exploit, which ought to raise the nation's level of prosperity. But it will always suffer a little for being one of the very few nations of the world where people speak Portugeuese.

    No one really expects Brazil to shake off its Third World status. Not as long as its primitive sectors remain.

  30. Anonymous9:13 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Anonymous 11:41

    "Right, what total nonsense. You sure said a whole lot of nothing to cover up the expose of your gibberish postings. Fuck Off. Obama doesn't have a shot and you are one stupid man for even attempting such a ridiculous twist. Fox sure as heck is not doing anything but exposing Obama for the fraud that he is, no matter how you try and use liberal speak or liberal think to interpret it. You are a leftist whackjob. Straight up and simple. Insane."

    Ooooooh, I touched a raw nerve with that one, now didn't I?

    I think the reason you are so angry is that you suspect I might well be right.

    But don't worry, I won't tell anyone. It will be our little secret ;-)

    Hardly, I would say nice attempt but it wasn't. Don't like when you get caught in your lies do you?

  31. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Field here is Tingles himself apologizing for the KKK hit job on Romney. The second video is Sharpton backing that up.

    I am thinking if this continues Obamas negative campaign is going to really hurt a few networks and MSNBC being known as the Marxist Socialist National Broadcasting Network is already in the dumps and the least watched Network.

    But Obama doesn't have a choice, he can't run on his record so he has to spread discord.

  32. fn:

    is that really fair???

    the kkk has no monopoly on any phrase/diction/nuance...


    msnbc DOES have a monopoly on being hobama tv!
    they slay and spin ALL to crucify mitt and anyone else who dares to challenge/check the chosen hoax hobama


    mitt is no saint
    but he is FAR LESS elitist than that bankster hobama
    and his religion is no more racist than any other

    this is a false racism claim
    one that only makes real charges of racism moot

    shame on u fn!!!!!!!!

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. mitt is no glossy dummy like hobama

    he is smart and LUSTS for the power of being prez

    mitt wants to be prez so badly that he has squandered his own millions...twice

    the pain in his face is currently visible as his dream swiftly fades away to newt/gwb 3.0...

    why on earth would mitt foolishly sabotage what he covets so intensely by deliberately stealing a kkk slogan???

    it is a senseless claim...

  35. hobama is praying that newt wins

    because mitt could slay hobama in every way


    newt is even more foul fugly racist and amoral than that skunk bankster hobama

    mitt is the new hillary

    shame on all hobama nazi msm!!!

  36. on real santas

    pookies rule the world


    there are a few angels left here on this hellish earth

    kudos to secret santas...fnotds!!!


  37. like the kosher kkk

    those who hate us
    want to be us

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. racial envy breeds racial hatred

    classic book

    especially re the kosher kkk
    and all bigots who covet blackness etc

  40. Malcolm X's daughter held on probation violation

    NEW YORK (AP) — Authorities say a daughter of Malcolm X is being held without bail after violating terms of her probation.

    According to the New York Post, ( ) Malikah Shabazz (muh-LEE'-kuh shuh-BAHZ') is due back before a New York City judge on Jan. 6.

    She was arrested at her home in Mars Hill, N.C., in February and later extradited to New York.

    She was sentenced to five years of probation in July for stealing the identity of a family friend to run up credit card bills.

    She pleaded guilty and was freed from jail in June and ordered to pay back the amount stolen.

    Prosecutors in New York say Shabazz opened credit cards in the name of a 70-year-old woman whose late husband was one of Malcolm X's bodyguards.

    Shabazz's lawyer did not immediately return a call for comment Thursday.

  41. "As if today's Democrats don't mock religion, especially Christianity, and then rally against it."

    So No Slapzzz do you have any examples of Democrats rallying against Christianity? I'd be fascinated to see them.

  42. more on that skunk grinch hobama

    "yes you can be poorer than ever"

    what jobs?
    what mercy?


    WASHINGTON (AP) — Squeezed by rising living costs, a record number of Americans – nearly 1 in 2 – have fallen into poverty or are scraping by on earnings that classify them as low income.
    The latest census data depict a middle class that’s shrinking as unemployment stays high and the government’s safety net frays. The new numbers follow years of stagnating wages for the middle class that have hurt millions of workers and families.

    “Safety net programs such as food stamps and tax credits kept poverty from rising even higher in 2010, but for many low-income families with work-related and medical expenses, they are considered too `rich’ to qualify,” said Sheldon Danziger, a University of Michigan public policy professor who specializes in poverty.

    “The reality is that prospects for the poor and the near poor are dismal,” he said. “If Congress and the states make further cuts, we can expect the number of poor and low-income families to rise for the next several years.”

  43. Quote No Slapzz

    "No one really expects Brazil to shake off its Third World status. Not as long as its primitive sectors remain."

    It's amazing the shit you make up about subjects you clearly know nothing about.

    Brazil is not considered a third-world nation today,it is the seventh largest economy in the world. It is one of the BRIC countries - widely expected to dominate the world's economy by the end of the 21st Century. In terms of GDP the BRIC nations will have already overtaken the G7 economies as early as 2027.

  44. Quote anonymous 09:13

    "Hardly, I would say nice attempt but it wasn't."

    Oh I think it was, sunshine.

    "Don't like when you get caught in your lies do you?"

    It's never happened.

  45. Anonymous12:41 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote anonymous 09:13

    "Hardly, I would say nice attempt but it wasn't."

    Oh I think it was, sunshine.

    "Don't like when you get caught in your lies do you?"

    It's never happened.

    Yes Barney and you aren't a disengenious asshole, no you aren't. No one ever said that.
    You couldnt' hang if you had to speak the truth. It isn't in you, the truth that is.

    Used Car Salesman, Vacuum Cleaner Salesman, Rev'rund, ad copywright writer, Lefty Gasbag - all the same - sell bullshit and prey on others to live.

  46. Anonymous12:43 PM

    43 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "As if today's Democrats don't mock religion, especially Christianity, and then rally against it."

    So No Slapzzz do you have any examples of Democrats rallying against Christianity? I'd be fascinated to see them.

    Then wake the hell up and stop lying to yourself it happens daily.

    Merry Christmas Barney, Merry Christmas.

  47. MSNBC apologizes to Mitt Romney campaign over ‘irresponsible,’ ‘incendiary’ KKK segment

    MSNBC has apologized to Mitt Romney's presidential campaign for airing a segment that connected Romney's use of the expression "Keep America American" to the Klu Klux Klan.

    "During the 11AM hour on MSNBC, we reported on a blog item that compared a phrase used by the Romney campaign to one used by the KKK in the 1920s," Chris Matthews said on Wednesday. "It was irresponsible and incendiary of us to do this and showed an appalling lack of judgment. We apologize, we really do, to the Romney campaign."

    fn should also apologize

  48. Anonymous 12:41/43

    "So No Slapzzz do you have any examples of Democrats rallying against Christianity? I'd be fascinated to see them.

    Then wake the hell up and stop lying to yourself it happens daily.

    Merry Christmas Barney, Merry Christmas."

    If this post of yours makes any kind sense to you, you need to consult a therapist. I hope for your sake you are drunk.

  49. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Mack Lyons-"What would a troll like you know about my faith? I'm a Baptist, and as much as I dislike most aspects of Catholicism and the deeds and personalities of the people who claim to represent it, I do have respect for a few of its worthier members."

    First, you have a lot of nerve calling anybody a troll, Troll! Secondly, if you are a Baptist, you prove my point, which is you know NOTHING about Catholicism. You have respect for a few 'worthier' Catholics? Who made you God to judge who's worthier or not? Your arrogant condescending attitude clearly shows you know NOTHING about faith or Baptists for that matter.

  50. Anonymous3:41 PM

    AB, "more on that skunk grinch hobama

    "yes you can be poorer than ever"

    what jobs?
    what mercy?

    poor redundant lost AB. stop calling your President Obama a skunk you ignorant political fool. You know less than Perry and Bachman combined!

    Get a one way ticket to Mars and don't come back you martian looking nut.

  51. "First, you have a lot of nerve calling anybody a troll, Troll! Secondly, if you are a Baptist, you prove my point, which is you know NOTHING about Catholicism. You have respect for a few 'worthier' Catholics? Who made you God to judge who's worthier or not? Your arrogant condescending attitude clearly shows you know NOTHING about faith or Baptists for that matter."

    No one's made you the final arbiter of how someone of one faith can or can't have an opinion or respect for someone of another faith, yet here you are.

    Father Mallette's done great work to aid his community and others around him, as well as fight the good fight for equality, and he has my utmost respect.

  52. no slappz4:00 PM

    purple clod expectorates:

    Brazil is not considered a third-world nation today,it is the seventh largest economy in the world.

    Believe what you want. But in consideration of its wealth disparity, there should be an Occupy Brazil.

    The 1% controls about 99% of Brazil's wealth, and they're not sharing, as millions in the favelas know.

    It is one of the BRIC countries - widely expected to dominate the world's economy by the end of the 21st Century.

    Yeah, well, India and China are third-world too. But they're on the way out, and they'll get there sooner rather than later.

    Brazil, on the other hand, has a long, long way to go before it climbs out of its hole.

    In any case, in the coming century, none of the four has a chance of exceeding the aggregate or per-capita GDP of the US.

    In terms of GDP the BRIC nations will have already overtaken the G7 economies as early as 2027.

    Yeah, sure. As soon as the socialist loonies are tossed out by EU members, there will be renewed growth among five of the G-7.

    Meanwhile, the US, as soon as we dump the idiotic Obama, will storm ahead. Canada will ride our coattails.

    The BRIC nations will cling to us, hoping to cash in on US prosperity.

    It's been that way for a long time. There's no change coming in that area.

  53. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Wow, no_slappz, you have defeated everyone today. I hate it when you do that to so many of my peeps. Too bad CF isn't here. He would defeat you. Unfortunately, he was driven off by some FN Negroes like Uts and Mack Lyons. go figure.

  54. Rudy Ray Moore5:03 PM

    Thanks no slappz for schooling these field negros. Allah knows they need it!!!!!

  55. Rudy Ray Moore5:09 PM

    Now excuse me while I go figure out the next screen name I should take up...

  56. Anonymous5:43 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Anonymous 12:41/43

    "So No Slapzzz do you have any examples of Democrats rallying against Christianity? I'd be fascinated to see them.

    Then wake the hell up and stop lying to yourself it happens daily.

    Merry Christmas Barney, Merry Christmas."

    If this post of yours makes any kind sense to you, you need to consult a therapist. I hope for your sake you are drunk.

    Merry Christmas Barney, Merry Christmas. Lacking knowledge of true events in the world and the intelligence to interpret them, of course you are left confused and dumbfounded. Notice I said you are "left" somehow I am sure these small witticisms will escape your intellectual capacities, as do most things.

  57. hey fugly faceless mindless hobama nazi side pc assnon:


    The political argument is simple: To whom much is given, much is required. President Obama received unprecedented support from black America in large part, because of the color of his skin. Had he been white, millions of black folks would not have rallied for him, organized on his behalf or took time off to go vote for him. Therefore, it is only logical that those who went the extra mile for their president expect and demand that he go the extra mile for them. Going the extra mile means not just showing up when he needs something (notice the special attention black folks have received since election season began), but having the same degree of integrity, faith and commitment in us that we are expected to have toward the White House. Yes, the Republicans are giving President Obama a hard time, but millions of black people are being hammered by racism themselves and they didn't use that as an excuse for not showing up on election day.
    So, if the White House expects black America to treat Obama differently from the way they would treat a white politician, it is only logical that we expect the same. One of the tenets of racial inequality is the idea that black people should be complacent with being treated worse than others treat us: For example, whites are allowed to moan to President Obama all day about 8 percent unemployment, but black people are told to "stop complaining" about nearly 17 percent unemployment. Do we realize how sick it is that we allow others to say and do things that we cannot do ourselves? So, when President Obama gives a speech before a group of white folks and says "stop complaining," then I'll be satisfied. But until then, we might want to reconsider accepting our role as President Obama's political mistress.

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Dear AB, I am sick with my blackish self-demeaning slave-type thinking, which always puts me at the end of the line. The only defense I have is that it is 'collective' thinking in our race. It's self-destructive and sets us up to being the last suckers in line and helping others to go ahead of us...those who would destroy us.

    You woke me up with this very clear and straight forward article:

    "The political argument is simple: To whom much is given, much is required. President Obama received unprecedented support from black America in large part, because of the color of his skin. Had he been white, millions of black folks would not have rallied for him, organized on his behalf or took time off to go vote for him. Therefore, it is only logical that those who went the extra mile for their president expect and demand that he go the extra mile for them. Going the extra mile means not just showing up when he needs something (notice the special attention black folks have received since election season began), but having the same degree of integrity, faith and commitment in us that we are expected to have toward the White House. Yes, the Republicans are giving President Obama a hard time, but millions of black people are being hammered by racism themselves and they didn't use that as an excuse for not showing up on election day.
    So, if the White House expects black America to treat Obama differently from the way they would treat a white politician, it is only logical that we expect the same. One of the tenets of racial inequality is the idea that black people should be complacent with being treated worse than others treat us: For example, whites are allowed to moan to President Obama all day about 8 percent unemployment, but black people are told to "stop complaining" about nearly 17 percent unemployment. Do we realize how sick it is that we allow others to say and do things that we cannot do ourselves? So, when President Obama gives a speech before a group of white folks and says "stop complaining," then I'll be satisfied. But until then, we might want to reconsider accepting our role as President Obama's political mistress."

  60. PC

    "So No Slapzzz do you have any examples of Democrats rallying against Christianity? I'd be fascinated to see them."

    "Then wake the hell up and stop lying to yourself it happens daily."

    Typical Slappy.

    Make a stupid assertion and can't back it up with evidence.

  61. "President Obama received unprecedented support from black America in large part, because of the color of his skin. Had he been white, millions of black folks would not have rallied for him, organized on his behalf or took time off to go vote for him."


    Gore got 90% of the black vote in 2000.

    Kerry got 88% of the black vote in 2004

  62. Anonymous7:22 PM

    It is interesting that Field never posts anything that would shine the light on Obama's shortcomings that would cause Blacks to pause about Obama.

  63. Anonymous7:27 PM

    It's time to at least 'consider' voting for someone else other than Obama, who has unequivocally demonstrated that he cares nothing about the poor.

  64. Yeah, he leaves that to you goobers who would say "he can't swim" if BO walked on water.

  65. And which Republican cares about the poor?

  66. Anonymous7:32 PM

    uts, "BULL$HIT

    Gore got 90% of the black vote in 2000.

    Kerry got 88% of the black vote in 2004"

    Steve, did you notice the vast difference in the % of Blacks who voted in 2000, 2004 compared to the record number of Blacks who hadn't voted since hell froze over? Of course not...because you are a brainless moron.

  67. Anonymous7:36 PM

    uts, "And which Republican cares about the poor?"

    A more insightful question is: "which DEMOCRAT cares about the poor?"

  68. "Steve, did you notice the vast difference in the % of Blacks who voted in 2000, 2004 compared to the record number of Blacks who hadn't voted since hell froze over?"

    Why don't you tell us?

    Take all the time you need.

    "A more insightful question is: "which DEMOCRAT cares about the poor?""

    I thought the Dems were about "class warfare" according to you goobers.

    I guess it depends on the argument at the time.

  69. Mark of Cain7:44 PM


    "So No Slapzzz do you have any examples of Democrats rallying against Christianity? I'd be fascinated to see them."

    Ummm The ACLU and pick any atheist group.

  70. ACLU are Democrats?

    They once defended the KKK.

  71. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Mark of Cain, you nailed PC's ass to the cross! Thanks.

  72. Don't forget those two sentences Democrats have such a hard time saying.

    "One nation under God"

    "Endowed by their Creator"

  73. It never ceases to amaze me how rightwingers always wanna talk about "One Nation Under God" when the issue is public prayer but turn right around and divide everyone with labels like "blacks", "muslims", "immigrants", "liberals""feminists", "environmentals"......etc...

  74. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Very good point, Kinky.

  75. Anonymous7:55 AM

    When Newt screwed over his first wife while she was hospitalized, he was lucky to leave West Georgia College alive. I remember his faculty friends disucssing re-education with a baseball bat. Newt was and is a compulsive liar and cheat.

    Regards Newt, from "hippywarlord"
