Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Listen up poor black children! A rich white man has some advice for you.

So there is this article by fellow Philadelphian, Gene Marks, going around. I guess it's his solution to solving the poverty gap here in A-merry-ca. It has a very provocative title, ("If I Were A Poor Black Kid") and it got a lot of attention among black bloggers and the water cooler chattering class. I can't give you all of it, but here are some excerpts:

"President Obama gave an excellent speech last week in Kansas about inequality in America.

“This is the defining issue of our time.” He said. “This is a make-or-break moment for the middle class, and for all those who are fighting to get into the middle class. Because what’s at stake is whether this will be a country where working people can earn enough to raise a family, build a modest savings, own a home, secure their retirement.”

He’s right. The spread between rich and poor has gotten wider over the decades. And the opportunities for the 99% have become harder to realize.

The President’s speech got me thinking. My kids are no smarter than similar kids their age from the inner city. My kids have it much easier than their counterparts from West Philadelphia. The world is not fair to those kids mainly because they had the misfortune of being born two miles away into a more difficult part of the world and with a skin color that makes realizing the opportunities that the President spoke about that much harder. This is a fact. In 2011.

I am not a poor black kid. I am a middle aged white guy who comes from a middle class white background. So life was easier for me. But that doesn’t mean that the prospects are impossible for those kids from the inner city. It doesn’t mean that there are no opportunities for them. Or that the 1% control the world and the rest of us have to fight over the scraps left behind. I don’t believe that. I believe that everyone in this country has a chance to succeed. Still. In 2011. Even a poor black kid in West Philadelphia.

It takes brains. It takes hard work. It takes a little luck. And a little help from others. It takes the ability and the know-how to use the resources that are available. Like technology. As a person who sells and has worked with technology all my life I also know this.

President Obama gave an excellent speech last week in Kansas about inequality in America.

“This is the defining issue of our time.” He said. “This is a make-or-break moment for the middle class, and for all those who are fighting to get into the middle class. Because what’s at stake is whether this will be a country where working people can earn enough to raise a family, build a modest savings, own a home, secure their retirement.”

He’s right. The spread between rich and poor has gotten wider over the decades. And the opportunities for the 99% have become harder to realize.

The President’s speech got me thinking. My kids are no smarter than similar kids their age from the inner city. My kids have it much easier than their counterparts from West Philadelphia. The world is not fair to those kids mainly because they had the misfortune of being born two miles away into a more difficult part of the world and with a skin color that makes realizing the opportunities that the President spoke about that much harder. This is a fact. In 2011.

I am not a poor black kid. I am a middle aged white guy who comes from a middle class white background. So life was easier for me. But that doesn’t mean that the prospects are impossible for those kids from the inner city. It doesn’t mean that there are no opportunities for them. Or that the 1% control the world and the rest of us have to fight over the scraps left behind. I don’t believe that. I believe that everyone in this country has a chance to succeed. Still. In 2011. Even a poor black kid in West Philadelphia.

It takes brains. It takes hard work. It takes a little luck. And a little help from others. It takes the ability and the know-how to use the resources that are available. Like technology. As a person who sells and has worked with technology all my life I also know this..."

You get the idea. He goes on to give other solutions to the being a "poor black kid problem", such as utilizing and learning technology, trying to get into the right schools to utilize the proper connections, and so on. He ends his article with a positive vision for those "poor black kids":

"If I was a poor black kid I would get technical. I would learn software. I would learn how to write code. I would seek out courses in my high school that teaches these skills or figure out where to learn more online. I would study on my own. I would make sure my writing and communication skills stay polished.

Because a poor black kid who gets good grades, has a part time job and becomes proficient with a technical skill will go to college. There is financial aid available. There are programs available. And no matter what he or she majors in that person will have opportunities. They will find jobs in a country of business owners like me who are starved for smart, skilled people. They will succeed.

President Obama was right in his speech last week. The division between rich and poor is a national problem. But the biggest challenge we face isn’t inequality. It’s ignorance. So many kids from West Philadelphia don’t even know these opportunities exist for them. Many come from single-parent families whose mom or dad (or in many cases their grand mom) is working two jobs to survive and are just (understandably) too plain tired to do anything else in the few short hours they’re home. Many have teachers who are overburdened and too stressed to find the time to help every kid that needs it. Many of these kids don’t have the brains to figure this out themselves – like my kids. Except that my kids are just lucky enough to have parents and a well-funded school system around to push them in the right direction.

Technology can help these kids. But only if the kids want to be helped. Yes, there is much inequality. But the opportunity is still there in this country for those that are smart enough to go for it." [Source]

Now I won't rip into Marks as some others have brilliantly done in their response. I actually appreciate him writing his opinion. If we are going to have a positive and constructive debate in this country about poverty and inequality we need "rich white dudes" to step up and let us know where they stand and what they think can be done to bridge the income divide in A-merry-ca.

Still, the truth is, you are not a poor black kid from West Philly. You were not born poor or black. So you cannot really relate. Your essay was doomed to be flawed from the start. 

If I am going to be honest; I can’t relate, either. Because while I can relate with being black, one of two ain't gonna cut it. I would love to hear from someone who was born poor and black about how he [or she] overcame their obstacles.
I guess that they should be writing this essay and not Mr. Marks.

The true blueprint to success in A-merry-ca is something that I advocate very hard for: education. And Marks is right about highlighting education in his article. But Mr. Mark's article does come off as somewhat simplistic and condescending.

There are way too many other factors working against these poor black children:
Easy access to guns. (Thank the NRA)
Easy access to bad influences. (Thank some of these record companies out here and BET television)
A lack of proper role models and a stable home life. (Thank some of these Mick Jagger type daddies running around.)
Poor schools. (Thank phony ass politricksters (black and white) and bureaucrats who line their pockets instead of looking out for the welfare of the children that they are charged to serve.)

The deck is stacked against many of these kids from the jump, but they can overcome these obstacles. It just won't be easy. And an article from a rich white man in a business magazine won't make it any easier.     

Maybe Mr. Marks should take Jeff Yang's advice:

"In Philadelphia, there are nationally recognized newspapers like the Inquirer. You have columnists like Harold Jackson, who's also the editor of the editorial page. He has a Pulitzer Prize for editorial writing. And he's written eloquently about race and income inequality in the past, drawing from his own childhood as a poor black kid. Maybe he could give you a few pointers. If I were a rich white dude who wanted to write a column about poor black kids, I'd make it my goal to talk to a Pulitzer Prize winning opinion writer who was once a poor black kid.

If I was a rich white dude I would be compassionate. I would learn sensitivity. I would learn how to write columns that aren't dripping with entitlement. I would seek out opportunities to immerse myself to the real world rather than just surfing the Internet. I would make sure my cultural competency and knowledge of current events is up to date...

Because a rich white dude who puts in the effort on his part time job as a columnist and learns real empathy for those who don't have the advantages that he and his kids have taken for granted could make a difference. He could help his rich white readers understand that the problem poor black kids face isn't a problem of not having the right software, or not working hard enough, or not making the right decisions. He could help them think of real solutions, not indulge their tendency to blame the victims of centuries of social injustice."

Jeff, I am guessing that if Mr. Marks were to suddenly become sensitive; he wouldn't have any "rich white readers."



  1. I read that article and wondered what planet Mr. Marks was living on. It was so off base and condescending that I printed it out and circulated it. I'm sure he thought he was writing a great informative piece but it was so full of garbage which only showed how little knowledge he actually had of the situation.

    Thanks for the link to the Jeff Yang piece. It is an appropriate reaction to that piece of garbage Marks wrote.

    Field I think I've only commented once before but you are a daily must read! Thanks for being a light in the midst of darkness!

  2. Lock and Load11:15 PM

    The President spends the last three years waging open war on the middle class, then gives a speech where he says he wants a country with a strong and vibrant middle class.

    And you believe him.

    Obama believes in socialist wealth distribution. He believes in a society made up of a vast working poor ruled over by a tiny elite. Through his incessant attacks on capitalism, he is doing his damnedest to crush the middle class out of existence.

    Capitalism created the middle class. There was no middle class in feudalism. There was no middle class in the Soviet Union.

    Without the propsperity created by free markets and respect for property rights, there could be no middle class.

    Obama's redistribution plans and monetary policy have inexorably advanced this attack on the middle class.

    "The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation."

    Vladimir Lenin

    This is what "Change" was about.

  3. More bougie "up by your bootstrap" dogma for the barefoot.

  4. "He could help them think of real solutions, not indulge their tendency to blame the victims of centuries of social injustice."

    I'm not at all sure there are any "real solutions" anymore Field. We can't even talk about the real problems.

    The standard ideas, give black people more assistance, more privileges, more expensive schools, and lock up the most violent million - don't seem to be working. The achievement gap stubbornly persists. Black run cities sink further into dysfunction.

    Any discussion of the problems quickly winds up being really “racist,” meaning we find out facts about non-white people — then draw sensible conclusions from those facts, without (and this is key) assuming that non-white people are perfect and wonderful in every single way, and all their problems — I mean, struggles — are caused by white people, who can’t dance, play sports, act cool, control their subconscious white-supremacist psychosis, or indeed get anything right at all without the patient tutoring, moral support, and strict supervision of their omnibenevolent minority overlords: the Wise Latinas, the Magical Negros, and a whole gang of other Colorful characters.

    We are all here in Amerry-ca in 2011, and no one is going anywhere. We need to figure this shit out and learn to live together in a way that works for everyone. To do that, we need to get real about what the problems are.

    White people are not the problem. Step one is for Blacks to take full responsibility for their condition, each person individually, and stop externalizing one's adversities.

    One way or the other, the abetting of failure is about to come to an end.

  5. "...They will find jobs in a country of business owners like me who are starved for smart, skilled people. They will succeed..."

    Has this guy ever been to Silicon Valley? To Google or Facebook or Yahoo HQ? Because if he had he notice a general lack of African Americans at those tech companies.

    And the reason we aren't there isn't lack of technical skills. It's a good old boy network in the Valley that includes people of color only if they're the "good minorities". You know, Asian or South Asian.

    So this guy needs to write an op-ed for the heads of those firms to read. About giving opportunities to African American geeks.

    Now that might make a difference.

  6. Heat and hot water were not regularly provided in the apartment where I grew up. I hate chili to this day because it was all we could afford to eat. TV told me there was another world out there and I vowed to live in it. I was bright and precocious so teachers took an interest. I was offered a scholarship to a Connecticut prep school in fourth grade based on my test scores and the essays I wrote. My mother couldn't wrap her head around the idea of sending her little girl away for an education so I went to Philippa Schulyer Middle School for the Gifted and Talented. (Back then we were in the newspaper every week as the "miracle" school.) Thank God. There I met other kids who had broad interests and quirky personalities. I blossomed and started on the path to becoming the woman I am. It's all about education; the courage to dream big,want more and role models.
    I volunteer time so little girls will have the courage to want bigger and better things than their current situations allow. Kids don't have enough role models outside of entertainment and sports. If Black children knew that they really could escape their current situations without hip hop or chasing a ball we'd have half the battle won. I see it when I talk to my nephew--he wants to drive a truck so he can travel. (Scared to dream big.) After a couple of conversations with his "cool ass aunty who's been to Paris and still plays Xbox" he's taking courses towards his BA. Listening to gun battles on the next block is as much a part of my childhood as open johnny pumps and double dutch. I love my life because I know how differently it could have turned out.

    Be blessed FNs

  7. Anonymous12:37 AM

    "Still, the truth is, you are not a poor black kid from West Philly. You were not born poor or black. So you cannot really relate. Your essay was doomed to be flawed from the start."

    This is why Whites don't bother to give business advice to Blacks on how to succeed. They get dumped on, called condescending and told they don't understand because they are not Black.

    Maybe Blacks don't understand either. Obviously they don't because things in the black community are getting worse.

    Maybe the answer lies somewhere between what the Whites know and what the Blacks know. Neither one has the entire answer, but I am grateful that Mr. Marks made an effort to reach out to Blacks, even though he probably knew that Blacks wouldn't reach back.

    And Marks DID show compassion and sensitivity. Otherwise, as a rich White businessman, he wouldn't have bothered to write anything. To advise black kids to study and learn technology and a job and career is assured....IS VERY VALUABLE ADVICE.

  8. Anonymous12:44 AM

    Val, "And the reason we aren't there isn't lack of technical skills. It's a good old boy network in the Valley that includes people of color only if they're the "good minorities". You know, Asian or South Asian."

    No Val, it IS because there are VERY FEW Blacks with technical skills. Why is it you start talking about things you know nothing about? I work in the technical field and it is a FACT, there are very few qualified Blacks in the technical field and companies are hungry for them just like Mr. Marks has said.

  9. Bill Hates12:46 AM

    Val said...
    "Has this guy ever been to Silicon Valley? To Google or Facebook or Yahoo HQ? Because if he had he notice a general lack of African Americans at those tech companies.

    And the reason we aren't there isn't lack of technical skills. It's a good old boy network in the Valley that includes people of color only if they're the "good minorities". You know, Asian or South Asian."

    Right. It's discrimination.

    The reason there aren't many blacks in Silicon Valley is because there aren't many blacks who have the necessary technical skills. Northern California is the most liberal place on earth, they'd hire nothing but negroes if they could. There just aren't any.

    There aren't many South Asian players in the NBA either. It's not because of discrimination.

    Get real.

  10. Anonymous12:47 AM

    Val is the most negative blaming Negro on the planet. It's always "poor me, ain't it awful, it's the wm's fault." It's Negroes like you with kids that kills any hope or drive they might have.

  11. Anonymous1:01 AM

    I used to think if I had ONE choice to kick a poster of FN it would be no_slappz. But I've since changed my mind because no_slappz isn't nearly as dangerous to our children's well-being as Val is. Her damn solution to everything for Blacks: "It's the wm's fault." Yeah, we can really go a long way with that one.

    Dear Mr. Field, please kick Val's ass off FN. if you should do so, Anon, Inc will reduce its yearly increase of 25 cents/year to 15 cents/yr. Now that is a deal we have never given to anyone.

    Hell, we charge Stormfront a yearly increase of $100/yr. They are behind payments but they have always had bad credit...unlike your EXCELLENT credit rating. I last heard that even the credit agencies were dropping their sorry asses from their books. That's pretty bad.

  12. Anonymous2:28 AM

    VATER,11:50PM said, "...abetting failure is about to end..."
    I sure hope so.
    Without pointing fingers, we African-Americans; we Black People are way overdue for our communities and individuals to take and master responsibility for our choices. Embracing and glamorizing irresponsibility fail to address our problems; fail to provide solutions.

  13. Why do all these anonymous white concern-trolls (12:47, 1:01, 2:28 passim) feel it necessary to pretend to be black to get their point across?

  14. If you took the color labels out it would just be good advice for anyone.

    However, that old white privilege is there. And that old black unprivilege. Kids that have access to computers at an early age and are allowed to bang at them as they want, tend to grow up to be one of those technical geeks. Kids that are given tools learn how to use them. Even the newer game controllers and phones develop some higher user levels of tech savy, if not the actual computer skills.

  15. Thanks Carolyn. I appreciate the love.

    Vater, I actually liked your comments. I don't necessarily agree with everything you said, but you had some interesting points:

    "White people are not the problem. Step one is for Blacks to take full responsibility for their condition, each person individually, and stop externalizing one's adversities."

    This is a bit simplistic: "take full responsibility"? I agree that it must be done, but there are forces at work that society must address that makes it difficult to do what you are asking on a wider scale.

    Still, I love the fact that you realize that we are all in together and we have to make this work for all of us.

    Brooklyn, thanks for your comments. I loved the honesty and the personal story. Hope.

    Anon. please tell your president that we will not kick off Val. She is a very valuable FN. You might not always agree with her, but we need her toiling here in the fields to keep the HN honest.

  16. Mark of Cain6:22 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Why do all these anonymous white concern-trolls (12:47, 1:01, 2:28 passim) feel it necessary to pretend to be black to get their point across?

    Why do black euro trash posters marry American white women and pretend to be white American males on a black blog?

  17. "There aren't many South Asian players in the NBA either. It's not because of discrimination."

    Yes, but there might be South Asians who would be good NBA players if they started building basketball courts in South Asian neighborhoods.

    There are a lot of great Eastern European players now. Just like there were great Jewish players back in the day.

  18. Racism you won't read about on field negro.

    Blacks attack charity benefit in London.

    The carol concert was raising money for MacMillan Cancer Support. It was organised by a group of friends whose loved ones had been treated for cancer.

    Masked teenage boys ‘stormed’ the singers, throwing bottles of water and hot drinks into the crowd. A woman in her 40s, said to be undergoing treatment for breast cancer, was pulled to the ground. A youth attempted to set light to the Christmas tree, an annual gift from the city of Oslo since 1947, one witness said.

    “They were determined not to let us sing and have fun and utterly ruined the atmosphere. Have your protest and make your point, but why did you have to ruin a lovely occasion with your scuminess,” Mark Horton, a conductor of the choir, wrote in

    Note the UK Telegraph censors the race of the thug attackers.


  19. Anonymous7:46 AM

    This guy is an idoiot!

    I agree with him about learning to write code, but only if that's what your interest lie!

    I am an electrical engineer and I know so many black engineers that are unemployed because they were set up and fired from their jobs.

    As an engineer, who now owns my own business, I can truly say that black engineers are walking to the headwind of resentment and suspicion when they are employed by many of these so called companies.

    Many Caucasian people hate having to work with black engineers. I have witnessed it with my own two eyes. White think engineering is their fields. we need that engineering is everyone's field.

    I know many brilliant black engineers who are not working now because some poor white trash rasict manager was and is diversity-challenged.

    I say start your own business!! Call your own shots! Wherever you do!!

  20. Anonymous7:53 AM

    This guy fails to understand that white have it so good because of this country's racist history.

    Just google "the homestead act".

    Also, read the book "Black Labor, White Wealth", black wre working sun up to sun down to allow whites the opportunity to have leisure life and sit on their asses.

    Just look how it was against the law for black to learn how to read and write" or testify against a white person.

    The lynchings and Jim Crow laws.

    Also, there are forces in place to keep certain people on the lower rung of the ladder.


  21. Quote Mark of Cain

    "Why do black euro trash posters marry American white women and pretend to be white American males on a black blog?"

    Nope, I can't imagine. Do you have any evidence that such shenanigans are going on?

  22. Anonymous7:57 AM

    This guy is an idoiot!

    I agree with him about learning to write code, but only if that's where your interest lie!

    I am an electrical engineer and I know so many black engineers that are unemployed because they were set up and fired from their jobs.

    As an engineer, who now owns my own business, I can truly say that black engineers are walking to the headwind of resentment and suspicion when they are employed by many of these so called companies.

    Many Caucasian people hate having to work with black engineers. I have witnessed it with my own two eyes. White think engineering is their fields.We all know that engineering is everyone's field.

    I know many brilliant black engineers who are not working now because some poor white trashy rasict manager is diversity-challenged.

    That's why this country is in serious trouble economically...You white people are just too damn racist!!

    I say start your own business!! Call your own shots! Wherever you do!!

  23. Anonymous9:21 AM

    A common theme that jumps out at me while reading all the responses is

    " I will find a poor black kid, and then expect him to know the road to success from a very young age. Without almost ANY guidance. That seems very fair and the kid doesn't deserve a better life anyway"

    Sounds to me as if many people are missing the point and expect someone else to handle the problem while they do not. If the Black kid has no guidance and this makes it "unfair" where are the ones who are supposed to be guiding them? Which part of this 'societal village" is responsible to raise and guide children? Isn't it the parents first, then should misfortune strike other family members? Sounds like there is a common expectation of having children and than blaming how they are raised on someone else and this will never make sense or be accepted no matter how you twist the theme.

  24. Anonymous said...
    I know many brilliant black engineers who are not working now because some poor white trashy rasict manager is diversity-challenged.

    Your entire post was right on point! I married an Engineer that's done the same thing you have, started his own business.

    However, I think you're incorrect to say that life gets "easier" going the business owner route. In fact, I'd say just the opposite. A black man running HIS own show gets a TON of shade from white folks.

    All that said, I wish it were as easy to go this route for Black Scientists as it seems to be for Engineers. Which is in part why I'm pursuing medicine in combination with being a Scientist.

  25. it is never necessary to "relate" to any experience to garner humane empathy

    inability to relate = a sorry excuse for apathy and inaction

    all one has to do is care for a fellow human who is less blessed


    hobama the peace prized global warmonger has proven that he hates poor children
    by gutting social programs and destroying public schools
    to feed bankster pigs and ed corp scammers...



    you do not have to relate
    to any experience of any poor person/child

    all you have to do is care enough to help fellow humans in any way you can





  26. parvenu10:03 AM

    The single most influential element in my young male Negro life was the PUBLIC LIBRARY! At eight years, I suffered from a problem most common to boys of this age, i.e., I did not like to read. By a fortunate happenstance, one day in the late afternoon I had some time to kill so I wandered into the children's book section of our local library.

    I had recently been to the movies to see the initial release of the Wizard of OZ in fabulous MGM technocolor. A rather large book on the shelves caught my eye. It wsa titled, "The Great and Wonderful Wizard of OZ". The pages of the book were arranged with the text of the story appearing underneath full colorful illustrations which depicted what the characters were doing in the story. My curiosity was immediately aroused, I quickly launched into the book to see if the book was the same as the movie.

    When I picked up the book it was about a half hour before closing time, so I had to come back the next day to finish the book. Surprisingly, this rather insignificant event ignited my interest in reading, and I quickly went on to other books in the children's section of the Library. As a result I became a life long user of libraries, the results of which allowed me to complete a sucessful career as a Software Engineer.

    I recall that James Baldwin in his first autobiography gave full and unreserved credit to the librarian at the "Down Town Main" Library, who persistently encouraged him as a young boy to use the resources of the library in his leisure time. I will second and happily say AMEN to brother James' record of his own personal library experiences.

    The problem with most young black children today is that very few of them even consider the public library as a resource to greatly broaden their world view. This problem is universal and applies to all classes of black children. If our children could be blessed with a feeling of comfort and relaxation in seeking out and using the resources of the public library, most of the negative statistics associated with black youth would rapidly begin to disappear.

  27. parvenu:



    sheer poetry in your post

    i tutor at public libraries daily...

    and most of the children there play video games online


  28. p:


    my parents made library visits and reading eternal happy rituals

    most kids today know no such quality time or positive habitual training
    in any venue

    it is truly a shame that most pookie parents never take their kids anywhere
    except maybe a store or their weary old grandmother's home

    ricky smiley does classic comic routines on how black grandmothers get stuck with their grandkids incessantly...


    We have lost far too much for far too many generations. These losses remind me of a classic poem by Alice Walker entitled Women. It praises uneducated rebel ancestors who defiantly revered the education of their progeny. We must save ourselves now as we did then:

    by Alice Walker

    They were women then
    My mama's generation
    Husky of voice
    Stout of Step
    With fists as well as
    How they battered down
    And ironed
    Starched white
    How they led
    Headragged Generals
    Across mined
    To discover books
    A place for us
    How they knew what we
    Must Know
    Without knowing a page
    Of it

  29. Dr. Engineer10:31 AM

    Ms.Queen said...
    All that said, I wish it were as easy to go this route for Black Scientists as it seems to be for Engineers. Which is in part why I'm pursuing medicine in combination with being a Scientist.

    I would suggest that the proper medicine you should be pursuing would be lithium.

    Washing glassware for Indian people is not being a "scientist".

    You will never be a doctor

  30. pookies rule the world

    they shoot kill and maim wherever they roam/dine/shop





  31. "Dr. CrabShit Algae
    I would suggest that the proper medicine you should be pursuing would be lithium."

    And the proper medicine for you would be exlax washed down with and Arsenic milkshake.

  32. hobama is the new hitler

    hobama has solicited more global spying and snitching than any prez ever...


    The Obama presidential campaign is launching an effort to collect Republican email addresses by inviting its supporters to submit information about their Republican associates to the Obama 2012 website.

    The effort could help the Obama campaign build a database that would enable it to target Republican voters during the general election campaign. But, more perniciously, it could also become part of an Democratic effort to influence Republican primary voters to select a candidate Democrats think Obama could most easily defeat.

    The Democratic National Committee last month released a video that seemed designed to damage Mitt Romney, the GOP candidate feared most by the Obama campaign.







  33. "parvenu said...
    The problem with most young black children today is that very few of them even consider the public library as a resource to greatly broaden their world view".

    Public libraries in the 'hood are a complete joke!

    But they are better than nothing, though AB's point is correct that most of the kids there are online playing games and on Facebook.

  34. no slappz11:00 AM

    Joshua wrote:

    Islam is not like Chrisitianity, or any other religion for that matter. An adherent of Islam does not have leeway to "Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's".

    A Moslem must work towards the imposition of Islamic Law - this means implicitly that they must dedicate themselves to the eventual abolishment of the U.S. Constitution.

    True. Islam recognizes no authority higher than itself and its believers accept the Koran as the Infallible Word of their crazy god.

    Hence, the Islamic world has advanced very little since muhammad inflicted his schizophrenia-driven madness on the planet.

  35. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Ms.Queen said...
    All that said, I wish it were as easy to go this route for Black Scientists as it seems to be for Engineers. Which is in part why I'm pursuing medicine in combination with being a Scientist.

    Tell the truth hon, it's because you are a useless ghetto rat who found another lifelong excuse for not achieving, blame someone else and become a permanent student with government (taxpayer seized) funding. It's been over a year you been talking this shit about becoming a Doctor, are you in school yet? What are you waiting for? Drag it out another ten years and than blame someone else? Whats at the end of this? A bitter life filled with living off someone else, not accomplising anything and going to the grave an old lady with a pocket full of excuses for being a ghetto hoochie mama.

    Is someone else also responsible for your fat nasty ass? Or that your Navy "husband" won't marry you?

  36. Okay - so my rant can't be longer than 5,000 words? How in the hell am I supposed to make a point in less than 5,000 words? I think that's part of the problem, right there, Field.

    Here, let me try -

    It's all Burger King vs. McDonald's. Coke vs. Pepsi. So-called 'Rich' White Middle Class Dude vs. Poor Black Children.

    Thinking any of us are any different at all is exactly the problem.

    It's disheartening to this peon to see the finger-pointing among all the other peons. Obama is yet another peon. Realize that and you realize how f***ed we truly are and how little we can afford distinctions of any sort among 99.9% of us. The aristocracy is our mutual problem at this point, and yes, people on both sides of any given tracks had best to realize it.

    Field, you said the one useful thing that can be said about that article - at least it gets us talking about what bullshit it is. Sad thing is most of the replies here are bullshit, as well. When we point the finger at Mr. Middle Management there, in response to his pointing the finger at us . . . well, there is no Us vs. Him. He's one of us and doesn't know it. Realize that and solve that problem. There is no American Dream, just a Globalist Fairy Tale.

  37. no slappz11:22 AM

    Oh yeah, everything's stacked against blacks. Ain't it awful.

    Blacks haven't got a chance. Nope. With free housing, free medical, free food, free public school, and cheap college. Nope, they haven't got a chance in this here America. It's nothing but misery and violence.

    If the free housing, free medical, free food, free public schools and cheap college are not part of the formula for entering into the middle class, maybe we should stop offering all that free stuff, which is mostly met with complaints from those who receive it.

    What would black America look like if the free housing, free food, free medical and free public schools disappeared from black neighborhoods?

    They'd look like Somalia. Or Chad. Or a few other African nations.

  38. A couple snippets that don't represent conclusions in and of themselves -

    1) Field, the same factors you cite as challenges facing poor black kids are challenges affecting all kids. Available guns, rap music . . . Which I don't say to minimize their impact on black kids, it's undoubtedly greater. Just saying - we're ALL being sold that same negatively reinforced, divisive song and dance. It's called the low self-esteem of the human race.

    2) One wouldn't expect to see as many blacks in Silicon Valley, because there aren't as many blacks, period. Again, that doesn't negate the issue, I say it just to promote clarity. We should expect to see about 12% blacks in successful professions compared to 80% or so whites, generally speaking - that would be representative of our population. We don't, though, and that's still a huge marker of inequity.

    3) My gf writes federal grants. She said to me just yesterday that, for every 4 people out of work right now there is 1 job available. Her sources are reliable, it's her job. So the opportunities EXIST all right, but they're more like a crust of bread on a crowded lifeboat. I don't think ignorance is the poor black kids' problem, I think awareness of their situation is. Ignorance is that white guy not knowing he could be in the soup line next week through no fault of his own.

  39. no slappz11:34 AM

    If blacks in America were victims of whites and white privilege, the proof would be in the existence of a prosperous black nation.

    But there is no prosperous black nation.

    Someone with an understanding of economics might say that Nigeria should be a prosperous nation. Someone who knows a little about economics might say Nigeria should be like Norway.

    Norway EXPORTS 90% of the oil it extracts from its North Sea oilfields. It sells that oil on the world market and puts the funds into the Norwegian economy, where it's used to finance education, arts, infrastructure and everything else that has advanced the Norwegian state.

    Nigeria has the same opportunity. It has huge oil reserves. Except the people and government of Nigeria only know how to waste their opportunity.

    The Nigeria Question stands. Why is Nigeria, despite its extraordinary oil wealth, a failed state? Half of all Nigerians sill live without indoor plumbing and without electricity.

    Huge resource wealth -- enough to fund the development of an advanced society -- cannot overcome the backward culture of blacks.

    If blacks were capable of creating prosperous nations, the richest continent in the world would be Africa. But...

  40. Anonymous11:38 AM

    BTW, don't ASSUme that just because you can't give your fat, funky cracka ass away to a crack head, don't hate me because I got a man who put SIX carats on it!

    Sexless, manless, careerless BITCH!

    Dr.Q's alter ego

  41. more on fatal pookies' shopping sprees




  42. no slappz11:46 AM

    quantum0d0 dreams:

    We should expect to see about 12% blacks in successful professions compared to 80% or so whites, generally speaking - that would be representative of our population. We don't, though, and that's still a huge marker of inequity.

    12% in successful professions? Nope. It takes way too much work to become a successful professional -- doctor, lawyer, etc -- to base distribution on the percentage of the population a race accounts for.

    Here in NY City, the public school population is about 35% hispanic, 35% balck, 14% white, 14% asian and 2% other.

    The best high schools in NY City require students to pass an entrance exam. The best high school is Stuyvesant. There are 3,200 students in the school.

    The student body at Stuyvesant is 63% asian.

    But asian kids are only 14% of the total citywide school enrollment.

    Whereas, blacks and hispanics account for 70% of students. However, at Stuyvesant, blacks and hispanice, together, are about 6% of the student body.

    Moreover, special prep programs -- free -- aimed at preparing black and hispanic students to pass the entrance exam for Stuyvesant and the four other top city high schools, have not succeeded in raising the test scores of the black and hispanic kids enough to gain admission.

    More blacks and hispanics are taking the entrance exam, and more are failing to make the cut.

  43. Anonymous11:47 AM

    PC, "Why do all these anonymous white concern-trolls (12:47, 1:01, 2:28 passim) feel it necessary to pretend to be black to get their point across?"

    2:52 AM
    What makes you think 12:47 is White? I have been on FN for years and most know that I am Black, except you. Who gave you the right to judge the color of Anons on this blog? Obviously you don't know what you are doing.

  44. Dr. Doppelganger11:51 AM

    Ms. Q's alter ego will never be a doctor either.

    What a hoodrat....

  45. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Field, "Anon. please tell your president that we will not kick off Val. She is a very valuable FN. You might not always agree with her, but we need her toiling here in the fields to keep the HN honest."

    Mr. Field, I will tell our President but that woman is going to cost you an extra 10 cents/year. The yearly fee is back to 25 cents/year. But I see your point. FN is committed to accepting all comments, even the HN comments like UTS.

  46. Anonymous12:00 PM

    AB, "hobama is the new hitler

    hobama has solicited more global spying and snitching than any prez ever...


    Stop bashing Obama, you fool. He is a good man and will lead us out of this mess, you dummy. Go take huge doses of Omega 3 to brighten your brain because you need it!

  47. no slappz12:02 PM

    brooklyn writes:

    Philippa Schulyer Middle School for the Gifted and Talented.

    It's about time to stop jabbering about the middle school you attended.

    Meanwhile, since you didn't mention your high school, the omission suggests it was not one of NY City's best.

    Anyway, Philippa Schulyer Middle School is now entirely black and hispanic. Over two-thirds black.

    No white kids. Thus, now matter how good you think it was, the black and hispanic kids did not face competition from asiand kids and white kids.

    As for college, well, inasmuch as you didn't mention college or what you might have majored in, that omission suggests something unstellar.

    Meanwhile, you ought to acknowledge that your middle school was the product of whites attempting to improve public education for blacks.

    By the way, the teacher turnover at Philippa Schulyer Middle School is way above the average -- almost triple -- for a NY City public school. In other words, the teachers want out. Not a good sign.

  48. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "It's been over a year you been talking this shit about becoming a Doctor, are you in school yet? What are you waiting for?"

    I don't have to explain a mother fucking thing about my life to you, okay Bitch? And I don't know how many times I have to tell your stupid slow ass the same shit over and over again.


    So go ahead and continue to ride my cl*t from here to med school, residency, fellowship, through to my first gig as an Attending.

    YOUR stupid ass will STILL be cleaning the gulf of mexico for peanuts!!!


    Now is there anything else I can help you with?

    Dr. Q's alter ego

    This defines you, shows who you are and highlights why you have not accomplished nor will you accomplish anything. You are ghetto scum.

    Maybe if you get louder and more crude and more obnoxious someone will believe you.....Not. If you don't care what people think than maybe you should stop coming on here and frontin so much. Why constantly tell everyone how you no longer are a hoochie mama hoodrat if you have nothing to prove. We see your language, the way you think. We know who you are.

    But please, please, please, leave out your disgusting nasty body parts. I was eating lunch when I read about your clit and literally had to spit it out and threw up in my mouth a bit. What a disgusting pig you are, but of course that is all you know and all you will know you will never be a Doctor.

  49. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    "parvenu said...
    The problem with most young black children today is that very few of them even consider the public library as a resource to greatly broaden their world view".

    Public libraries in the 'hood are a complete joke!

    But they are better than nothing, though AB's point is correct that most of the kids there are online playing games and on Facebook.

    Why is that? Are they filled with books that require reading? How are they a joke? They are filled with books. Books sit there and wait for someone to go in and read. So why are they a joke?

  50. no slappz12:17 PM

    brooklyn jabberates in response:

    it's always best for corporations to stay away from sponsoring any production with links to religion, especially a religion that seeks political/dictatorial domination of the world.

    So no corporate sponsors for the 700 Club then?

    Oh. What example of 700 Club sponsorship can you point to?

    Meanwhile, Islam and its image-spinners here in America and elsewhere in the world are determined to make laws that prohibit mocking Muhammad or showing signs of disrespect to Islam and its founder.

  51. Anonymous12:23 PM

    no_slappz, please have some mercy on Brooklyn. Do not take away what she has accomplished. Everybody can't be as great as you apparently are.

    On behalf of Mr. Field, and all FN Negroes, including Steve and AB, we wish you Happy Holidays in the interest of post-racial harmony and love. Isn't this sweet?

  52. ""Republicans originally thought that Fox worked for us – and now we're discovering we work for Fox."

    George Frum, former George W. Bush Speechwriter.

  53. The Purple Cow said...
    ""Republicans originally thought that Fox worked for us – and now we're discovering we work for Fox."

    George Frum, former George W. Bush Speechwriter.

    Is this the same Frum that voted for Obama and is pissed that he didn't get a promised show on Fox?

    Me thinks so.

  54. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Anonymous said...
    BTW, it's the fact that your clitorus is covered in Treponema pallidum that made you throw up during lunch, bitch.

    And I'll bet your punk ass boyfriend throws up from the smell.

    Or should I say your "Johns" throw up from the smell.

    Dr.Q's alter ego

    Treponema? She be your fam right? Treponema Jones? She related to Clamidia Jones.

    Hon...you really are a lost cause. What a lowlife. I had to look up most of what you say because it doesnt exist in my world. Maybe because I am not a ghetto hoochie mama like you. You got the bug from the needle yet? Hows that hep C doin? Does having a fat nasty ass and smegma surrounding your clit endanger your health with obesity and other factors considered? Can you still walk?

  55. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Yeah cracka bitch, munch on those gulf oil infested "skrimps" why dontcha', LOL!!!

    Dr.Q's alter ego

    Anybody know what a "skrimps" is? Is this something like crabs surrounding all of Dr Queefas hairy ass legs armpits and nasty coochie?

  56. no slappz1:45 PM

    Another former poor black male child who grew up without listening to the good advice that's freely available to all.

    It was probably one of those Kwanzaa-or-Christmas arguments that end in murder. The usual.

    Horror as Walmart stays open after husband 'stabs wife to death in front of shoppers in the middle of the store' By Daily Mail Reporter

    December 14, 2011

    A South Carolina man has been charged with murder in the death of his wife, who was fatally stabbed inside a Greenville County Walmart this weekend.

    But as shoppers looked on in horror, store management roped off the area for homicide investigators and continued to operate as usual.

    Avery L Blandin, 46, is accused of killing Lilia Blandin, 38, who worked at the Woodforest Bank inside the discount retail store in Berea.

    Killed: Lilia Blandin, 38, was working at the Woodforest bank inside Walmart where deputies said her husband, Avery Blandin, stabbed her to death.

    Greenville County Sheriff's Office Master Deputy Jenning said police were called to at 1:21pm on Saturday to the Walmart at 6134 White Horse Road, where they found Mrs Blandin with stab wounds.

    Witnesses told deputies they heard a verbal fight between the woman and a male suspect, which escalated to a physical fight.

    Shopper Phillip Tallent told local station WYFF4 he was looking for Christmas lights with his family when the horrifying scene unfolded, and he intervened.

    Mr Tallent to the station he 'When I looked, I could see a couple of stabbing motions, and I really started to run towards the front (of the store).'

    He continued: 'I seen it when (the man) was making a stomping motion at (Lilia Blandin) across her chest and neck area. I picked up the chair and I hit him.'

    Mr Tallent said a man deputies identified as Avery Blandin ran towards the door with several witnesses failing in attempts to stop him.

    He said the man fled the scene after pulling out a second knife.

    'That's when I let him go because I already seen what he did with the first one, so I wasn't going to get involved with the next one,' Mr Tallent said.

  57. Anonymous1:53 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    She related to Clamidia Jones".

    Yeah bitch, she's related to your fat, nasty Mammy! And your "sweet" brother Neisseria.


    Dr. Q's ego

  58. A year is a long time in politics, but recent poll results suggest Obama could be heading for a landslide victory in 2012.


  59. no slappz2:08 PM

    field confuzzles himself:

    There are way too many other factors working against these poor black children:

    Easy access to guns. (Thank the NRA)

    The NRA? Always, you always try to blame whites for the misery and misfortune of blacks.

    Why is there no similar problem among white kids? Asian kids? Neither white nor asian kids are killing or shooting other kids with guns. But black kids do it hourly.

    As you and I know, black males between the ages of 15 and 25 are the leaders in the shooting/killing category.

    Easy access to bad influences. (Thank some of these record companies out here and BET television)

    How do white and asian kids avoid the same bad influences? We know white and asian kids are not affected the way black kids are.

    A lack of proper role models and a stable home life. (Thank some of these Mick Jagger type daddies running around.)

    Actually, there are quite a few -- black role models. But you can't name them. As for Jagger, it appears he pays his required child support, whereas millions and millions of black males pay ZERO.

    Poor schools. (Thank phony ass politricksters (black and white) and bureaucrats who line their pockets instead of looking out for the welfare of the children that they are charged to serve.)

    Same old story. Schools are a reflection of the kids who attend them.

    Students who do very little homework and skip a lot of classes achieve little. Is this news?

    Once again, if blacks were promising students, there'd be proof. A school system somewhere with impressive results.

    By "impressive", I mean a school system where blacks achieve the same level of academic success as whites and asians.

  60. Quote Kinky Neocon

    "Is this the same Frum that voted for Obama and is pissed that he didn't get a promised show on Fox?

    Me thinks so.

    You thinks wrong.

    So no change there then...

    This is what From had to say...

    "I'm a conservative Republican, have been all my adult life. I volunteered for the Reagan campaign in 1980. I've attended every Republican convention since 1988. I was president of the Federalist Society chapter at my law school, worked on the editorial page of The Wall Street Journal and wrote speeches for President Bush—not the "Read My Lips" Bush, the "Axis of Evil" Bush. I served on the Giuliani campaign in 2008 and voted for John McCain in November. I supported the Iraq War and (although I feel kind of silly about it in retrospect) the impeachment of Bill Clinton. I could go on, but you get the idea."

    Here's some free advice for ya, Kinky-boy - next time you decide to just make shit up as you go along, make sure the shit you make up isn't so easily disproved.

  61. no slappz2:14 PM

    purple cow burbles:

    A year is a long time in politics, but recent poll results suggest Obama could be heading for a landslide victory in 2012.

    Winning, whether by landslide or by a nose, means the US would subject itself to a continuation of the failed and failing policies of a tiresome ideologue.

    Even though the US can claim victory in Iraq, Obama and Biden are signalling they're expecting failure. From their comments, it's clear they think Iran will overturn the results of America's sacrifice over the last 8 years.

  62. Feefifofrum2:15 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    A year is a long time in politics, but recent poll results suggest Obama could be heading for a landslide victory in 2012.

    If Obama wins it will be by the skin of his teeth.

  63. Slappz
    Whatever is going on at Schuyler now is of little consequence to me since I'm no longer a student and don't have children that attend there. I know you hate me because I'm too close to home and I represent exactly what crackas like you hate. I've seen you all my life. You're that Jew guidance counselor that told my friends and I that we should get jobs instead of applying to college. She was pissed when I walked into her office with all my acceptance letters.

    You're not brave enough to say the things you write here to the black folks in your neighborhood or on the subway. You're angry that there are as many upwardly mobile blacks as there are (as AB calls them) Pookies. You became a republican because those dixiecrats promised you they'd keep us niggers down and damned if you don't have a Black president now. There's not a lot a space left for people like you and you're angry that's fine. You can hate on my shine but I'll continue to bask in the sun and prosper.

    I omitted my high school and college because it's none of your business. Others may get baited into revealing too much info on the interwebs but I'm not one of them.

    @Field the accolades you received for this blog was in part due to the comments section. I don't know what your intentions are for the blog, perhaps it's just an outlet for your musings, but unless AB, Slappz and his alters are what you're looking for in your comments section it's getting less and less worth it to even read your posts.

  64. Anonymous2:26 PM


    The Purple Cow said...
    A year is a long time in politics, but recent poll results suggest Obama could be heading for a landslide victory in 2012.


    This is funny. I like how delusional you leftist whackjobs are.

    The tagline on this article says

    "Obama’s approval rating is soft, but new polls of South Carolina and Florida show him ahead of Gingrich and Romney. Michael Tomasky asks: could the GOP be headed for disaster? "

    Then in the very same article he says way down in the narrative

    "OK. Realistically, South Carolina is a reach. But nobody cares about South Carolina, really"

    So, Obama is going to win by a landslide...well...not really...well...we don't care about the state we said he would win by a landslide because he won't anyway.

    Obama will never win in Florida and South Carolina, the rest of this article is leftist garbage.

    The truth is just today two more liberal propaganda sites ran polls ABC and the Washington Post and Obamas approval is the lowest ever and continues to decline. In fact ABC qouted someone saying something about the more the monkey climbs up the pole the more you see his ass and the less you like it. He is done. He has nothing remaining but pathetic rhetoric on how everyone else caused him to "not succeed"


  65. ManHatten2:27 PM

    BrokeLyn said...
    I omitted my high school and college because it's none of your business

    Just as I thought: a GRE folllowed by cosmotoolgy school.

    Regarding your critique of the comments section, yours are some of the least inciteful, factually deficient postings on this blog.

    You are a peron who talks when they should be listening, and thus has learned nothing.

    Good riddance.

  66. PepeLaPew2:32 PM

    "the more the monkey climbs up the pole the more you see his ass and the less you like it"

    and with someone like Obama the more he leaves his skunk slime on the pole stinking up everyone and everything around him - America.

    Time to clean the slime and deskunk the USA. Animals belong in barns - right Purple CowPatties?

  67. Anonymous2:33 PM

    "ManHatten said...
    Regarding your critique of the comments section, yours are some of the least inciteful, factually deficient postings on this blog".

    So it looks like you're a bitch with a problem with outspoken Black women. Yeah, that makes sense, LOL!!!!

  68. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "ManHatten said...
    Regarding your critique of the comments section, yours are some of the least inciteful, factually deficient postings on this blog".

    So it looks like you're a bitch with a problem with outspoken Black women. Yeah, that makes sense, LOL!!!!

    Feel free to speak your mind, as soon as you get one. It isn't sufficient to just talk loudly and incoherently.

  69. It has been demonstrated that there is a direct lineal correlation between the amount of face-time Republican candidates get on Fox News and their standing in opinion polls.


    So in a very real sense, Fox News is President Obama's greatest strategic asset. To appease Fox and to get the face-time they need to win the Republican nomination, candidates have to dance to Fox's hard-right tune, a dance that will distance themselves from the great bulk of non-insane American voters.

    The two candidates that have a chance of beating Obama - the worthy (though dull) Mitt Romney and the intelligent and articulate John Huntsman have next to no Fox face time, and are thus falling away in the polls.

    And if you want to know just how much Fox News hates Mitt Romney - check out this graphic...


  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. bk:

    i do not get your unfair attacks/lumping etc....



    have i ever lied in any of my posts???


    especially about that hoax hobama???

  72. guns n' roses3:23 PM

    Mayor Bloomberg announces results of undercover operation into illegal gun sales


    December 14, 2011

    Another undercover operation into gun sales -- this time over the Internet -- found that 62 percent of private sellers were willing to peddle firearms to people who couldn't pass a federally-mandated backround check, Mayor Bloomberg announced today.

    One of the guns bought illegally by private investigators hired by the city was a Ruger P95 9 mm -- the exact model of the weapon that a career criminal allegedly used to kill Police Officer Peter Figoski earlier this week.

    Investigators searched 10 websites with 25,000 guns available for sale and, posing as buyers, contacted 125 sellers in 14 states.

    They then began negotiating their purchases, admitting during each exchange that they couldn't pass a backround check.

    That should have sounded the alarm bells, since federal law prohibits weapons sales to such dicey individuals.

    But officials said only 48 of the 125 sellers followed the law.

    They said sellers on Craigslist -- which supposedly prohibits the sale of firearms on its site -- failed the integrity test most often, 82 percent of the time.

    Investigators recorded telephone conversations of the transactions as well as hidden videos in five instances where the buys were made in person at prices ranging from $300 to $650.

  73. bk:


    "@Field the accolades you received for this blog was in part due to the comments section. I don't know what your intentions are for the blog, perhaps it's just an outlet for your musings, but unless AB, Slappz and his alters are what you're looking for in your comments section it's getting less and less worth it to even read your posts."



  74. Apologies Alicia...lumping you in with Slappz and his various identities isn't fair.

  75. bk:


    how the hell did u leave uts off of your curiously selective and suspect list?????

  76. bk:


    we agree to disagree

    but i post much wisdom herein

    and i only slay fools in the languages that they speak and comprehend...as i am a comm scholar

    i speak fluent englishfrench/blog fool etc


    fn allows fools to clown me

    i am compelled to clown them back

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. Anonymous3:38 PM

    BrokeLyn said...
    Apologies Alicia...lumping you in with Slappz and his various identities isn't fair.

    You are right, Alicia is kind of in her own league of bat-shit crazy.

  80. no slappz3:50 PM

    brooklyn froths:

    Whatever is going on at Schuyler now is of little consequence to me since I'm no longer a student and don't have children that attend there.

    It's about time you got over your middle-school experience.

    I know you hate me because I'm too close to home and I represent exactly what crackas like you hate.

    Unfortunately for you, you represent nothing of consequence. That's the bottom line. In fact, you spout black myths and the tired and depressing mantra of black empowerment, as though middle-class success for blacks is something wildly different from the middle-class white or asian version.

    I've seen you all my life.

    Not likely. You present your view of the world as though it is filled with your stereo-types. Clearly, you know nothing beyond your limited view that's been formed by conventional racist drivel that infuses black urban culture.

    You're that Jew guidance counselor that told my friends and I that we should get jobs instead of applying to college.

    Yeah, sure. What were your SAT scores? Your high school grades are of less importance. Inasmuch as you went to an unremarkable high school populated mainly by black and hispanic students, your grades mean very little.

    She was pissed when I walked into her office with all my acceptance letters.

    You obviously have some serious mental dysfunction. I'm sure she said, "Wow, this is great news."

    But, in your weird way of translating those words, you decided she was angry.

    By the way, if you went to high school in Brooklyn, then getting accepted to a campus of CUNY or SUNY is not exactly the biggest leap known to mankind.

    You're not brave enough to say the things you write here to the black folks in your neighborhood or on the subway.

    The subtext of your statement is that by speaking my mind, I'd face a physical threat, which means you're confirming and conforming to the well-earned stereo-type of the black inclination to violence. Congratulations on doing your part to convince whites that blacks are dangerously violent.

    You're angry that there are as many upwardly mobile blacks as there are (as AB calls them) Pookies.

    Yeah. Sure. First, there are very few. Second, upwardly mobile blacks commit less crime and are less likely to end up as victims of the serious social pathologies that are destroying much of black America.

    Why would anyone oppose something that leads to a better world for all? Only a screwball like you would think such dumb thoughts.

    You became a republican because those dixiecrats promised you they'd keep us niggers down and damned if you don't have a Black president now.

    I'm a registered Democrat. But I did not vote for Obama. His potential for failure was obvious from the day he entered the primaries.

    There's not a lot a space left for people like you and you're angry that's fine.

    Another meaningless comment from a muddled mind.

    You can hate on my shine but I'll continue to bask in the sun and prosper.

    Whatever that means?

    I omitted my high school and college because it's none of your business.

    In other words, two crappy schools, and you're on the 8-year plan for that community college degree.

    Others may get baited into revealing too much info on the interwebs but I'm not one of them.

    Believe me, with what you've written, you've revealed all that's necessary for someone to know more than enough about you.

  81. bat brained kkk assnon:

    u remain an eternal exhibit A for the kkklowns herein

    i sincerely appreciate your perpetually superb example

    carry on u racist sexist retard

  82. pookies rule the world

    and they do not need cars to clown in public spaces

    horses will do just fine



  83. bk:


    the kosher kkk must believe that all blacks are peasants simply because he is one

    he is just too racist to handle that he is simply a peasant to millions of superior black persons...


  84. "bitch slappz said...
    Believe me, with what you've written, you've revealed all that's necessary for someone to know more than enough about you".

    That's some real interesting "cracka" thinking you got going on there. Now that I think about you, because Jews aren't white, I can't call you a cracka.

    I'll just call you Jew boy and call it a day.

    And you should really work on why it's scares you shitless that there are so many Blacks better educated than you, and with better lives.

  85. This comment has been removed by the author.

  86. I'm white, grew up with middle class values and expectations if not income, and I don't believe in simple or simplistic formulae for complex problems, so I can't speak to the call of the question, but I would suggest to Mr. Marks, that one concrete measure that successful individuals can take to help hard knock kids trying to achieve is mentoring; give them the same access to your experience, networks and contacts that you would your own. There are plenty of existing programs in every city and industry; you don't have to reinvent the wheel; just do a little research to find one that fits.

  87. Dr. Queen:

    Preach surgically!!!

    the kosher kkk is one quaking petrified kapo kkklown indeed!!!

  88. bk:

    a racist revisionist amoral uneducated arrogantly ignorant dreg like the kosher kkk

    has nothing but his swarthy skin to garner his twisted "self-esteem"...

    it is a tragic shame...akin to german genocide

    and the kosher kkk is a kapo who mimics his very own racist lying nazi oppressors who despise him...
    and he does so quite well...no???

  89. Anonymous4:38 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    It has been demonstrated that there is a direct lineal correlation between the amount of face-time Republican candidates get on Fox News and their standing in opinion polls.


    Purple, please. Media Matters, The Daily KOS are filled with insane leftist whackjobs who write the most ridiculous articles that literally make no sense. Only to a leftist would someone think that saying "FOX IS EVIL" you must dance to thier tune and this will make the "non insane" voters vote for Obama.

    Well, nice delusional leftist whackjob insane reasoning. However, no one except brainlesss leftist whackjobs listens to thier twisted drivel oh and erhummmm....Fox is the highest rated news program in all of America because all the others stations are filled with this gibberish insane drivel that means nothing but what some leftist whackjob has invented to assuage his fears of the truth.

    If Fox news were Obamas greatest asset then I guess he wouldn't have tried to muzzle them when they told the truth.

    So anyway, glad you are rooting for FOX news now. Why do you care so much that you talk about American politics this frequently? Britain is fucked, don't you have enough at home to worry about?

  90. see clones of the kosher kkk/other scared racist jews who fear their own peasantness/blackness here:




  91. more proof that

    msnbc = hobama tv

    as all msm
    except fox
    and that is TRULY why fox is hated



  92. usps says:

    "obama 2012...uh...
    app may 2012..."



  93. Dr. Schittles4:59 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    because Jews aren't white, I can't call you a cracka.

    I'll just call you Jew boy and call it a day.

    And you should really work on why it's scares you shitless that there are so many Blacks better educated than you, and with better lives.

    Neither of which characteristic applies to you, a poorly educated, broke-ass nobody without a job or any career prospects.

    Stay classy, Queen. It's gotten you this far, right?

    You will never be a doctor.


  94. hobama's carnage looms....shame!!!

    his layoffs have just begun!!!

    Obamacare costs 100,000 jobs in January
    December 13, 2011 by Don Surber

    President Obama’s signature domestic policy will throw 100,000 people out of work come January as Obamacare costs insurance agents, brokers and administrators their jobs as private insurers are ordered to trim their office staff by as much as a quarter. This comes at a time when federal mandates pile up, increasing the workload for companies. The problem is an airy mandate that 80% to 85% of health insurance premiums go to health care.

    That sounds good but no one can make money doing that. This is part of the Democratic Party’s plan to get rid of private health insurance — for everyone except themselves. Waivers, waivers, waivers for the unions and Democratic-friendly companies out there.



  95. Well at least I know my tax dollars are hard at work keeping the library's internet service up and running.

    You have nothing to offer but racist screeds and fact-less nonsense. When you and your alters were trying to sell Herman Cain it was amusing but these random arguments just prove you are a deeply pathetic being.

  96. Dr. Shittles said...
    Neither of which characteristic applies to you, a poorly educated, broke-ass nobody without a job or any career prospects.

    Yet you're the asshole on the internet all day long?

    Keep at it loser, you're doing just great!


  97. kosher kkk:

    cc this to a white/jew blog asap

    A tasteless survey has some University of Vermont frat boys in big trouble.

    School officials believe that members of the Sigma Phi Epsilon penned a survey that included the question "If you could rape someone, who would it be?"

    The Burlington Free Press reported that the frat was suspended from the campus on Tuesday following the allegation and that police were investigating.

    “We've got to give them some due process, obviously," Thomas Gustafson, the vice president for student and campus life, told the Burlington Free Press. "We don't know yet if this will drift into the criminal realm, or if it's just an internal UVM issue."

    Officials said they were investigating not only who sent the survey, but what was going to be done with the answers.

    "So that causes great concern to us about what's the purpose of that kind of question," Annie Stevens, who oversees campus and student life at the university, told WCAX-TV.

    The frat has also drawn the ire of the university’s Feminists group, whose petition to disband Sigma Phi Epsilon has garnered more than 2,000 signatures.

    "An institution that discusses who it wants to rape has no place at UVM or in the Burlington community," the group wrote.

    According to the Burlington Free Press, this isn't the first time the frat has been in trouble

    at UVM.

    In 1993, the frat's national office suspended the UVM branch’s charter because of hazing and other risky behavior.

    Students interviewed by WCAX-TV said they were appalled by the survey.

    "It should be just as bad as hazing. It's just as harmful," junior Sonia David told the TV station. "There are a lot of people who have experienced sexual violence, on-campus and elsewhere. Just really disrespectful."


  98. pookies rule the world

    and some are the seeds of legends and heroes





  99. Dr. F. King-Loosaire6:10 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    Keep at it loser, you're doing just great!

    Thanks, I think so too. And I will keep at it, day in and day out, until either you stop calling yourself "Dr." or you actually get a doctorate degree.

    In effect, that means until you stop pretending you are a doctor, because the other option is never going to happen.

    You will never be a doctor.

  100. Dr. F*cker said.
    Thanks, I think so too. And I will keep at it, day in and day out, until either you stop calling yourself "Dr." or you actually get a doctorate degree.


    All day long huh? Sure, sit on your fat ass all day at the expense of the working and well paid Black folks on this blog.

    You are such a sad, jealous, under-educated, broke ass little loser.


  101. Here's some free advice for ya, Kinky-boy - next time you decide to just make shit up as you go along, make sure the shit you make up isn't so easily disproved.

    I can say i'm the president of the Sudan. That doesn't make it true.

    David has a long history of committing Frumcide.

    And he has a grudge against FNC.

    When you don't get your show on FNC, it does something to you.

    Just ask Arianna Huffington.

  102. "A lack of proper role models and a stable home life. (Thank some of these Mick Jagger type daddies running around.)

    Actually, there are quite a few -- black role models. But you can't name them. As for Jagger, it appears he pays his required child support, whereas millions and millions of black males pay ZERO."

    I honestly wasn't going to even acknowledge this clown until he passed his PE exam. (That's if he even has an engineering degree.) But now he is so out in left field and wrong that I have to call him out on his ignorance. He might infect other people on this blog with whatever he has.

    Most people keep their mouths shut if they don't know about a particular subject. Not Slappy. He posts on this blog all day and pretends to be smart while he googles away from his mother's basement.

    Slappy, obviously you weren't insightful enough to know where I was coming from. I am sure that most people on this blog got it, so the joke was on you.

    When I say Mick Jagger, I don't literally mean the artist, Mick Jagger. I am referring to the fact that he is a member of The Rolling Stones Band, and he represents, in a metaphorical way of speaking, the countless fathers who have abandoned their families.

    I will give you a hint: think Temptations.

  103. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Dr. Queen, who is that person that keeps brainwashing you with. "you will never be a doctor."?

    Judging from your way out replies, he is getting to you. Come on, you have got to be stonger, not weaker.

  104. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Dear Mr. Field, I thought you might like this youtube of Clint Eastwood and wife's new son. they confirm everything you thought about Whites and their pets.:)


  105. Anonymous said...
    Judging from your way out replies, he is getting to you. Come on, you have got to be stonger, not weaker.

    Yeah, it really gets to me everytime I receive yet another letter from a med school asking me to apply.

    I am absolutely DISTRAUGHT by it all, ROTFLMBAO!!!!!!!

    Here's a newsflash for ya' slick. Jealous, jobless, careerless, broke ass Cracka's get to NO ONE!! Other than on their parents nerves because they haven't moved out their parents basement yet, LOL!!!

  106. And I should correct that by saying I'm primarily getting emails, along with brochures from different med schools.

    Jealous assnon? You should be!

  107. no slappz7:46 PM

    dr queen eructs:

    That's some real interesting "cracka" thinking you got going on there. Now that I think about you, because Jews aren't white, I can't call you a cracka.

    Ah, the old "Jews aren't white" routine. If not white, then what? Asian? Black? Or do you believe Jews are a race?

    This bizarre claim, by itself, reflects on the larger issue of how little you know about the world.

    I'll just call you Jew boy and call it a day.

    Your weakness is thinking, or believing or hoping there's something in your name-calling that rises to the level of an insult.

    You should face the fact that the people with the thin skin are black. Your responses say it all.

    And you should really work on why it's scares you shitless that there are so many Blacks better educated than you, and with better lives.

    Other people's success is always music to my ears. But other people's delusional thoughts are not.

    Inasmuch as only a tiny percentage of blacks graduate from college, and only a handful earn engineering degrees, your goofy claim makes you eligible for special-ed.

    As for blacks with better lives, well, there's always someone who's younger, better looking, more accomplished and perhaps even happier. But when it comes to envy, it appears black America is consumed by it.

    When you mention envy, especially because you mention it so often, it's obvious envy is eating you up. The way it seems to work you over, it's likely you've got a weight problem.

  108. You just HATE IT not being thought of as White, don't cha' bitch slapz?

    You're brown OK? You, your parents, and their ancestors are ALL brown, or people of color if they're Jewish.

  109. Quote Anonymous 4:38

    "Purple, please. Media Matters, The Daily KOS are filled with insane leftist whackjobs who write the most ridiculous articles that literally make no sense. Only to a leftist would someone think that saying "FOX IS EVIL" you must dance to thier tune and this will make the "non insane" voters vote for Obama."

    Your comprehension skills are quite astonishingly poor. Your ability to non-understand what others are saying is bordering on the supernatural.

    "Well, nice delusional leftist whackjob insane reasoning. However, no one except brainlesss leftist whackjobs listens to thier twisted drivel oh and erhummmm....Fox is the highest rated news program in all of America because all the others stations are filled with this gibberish insane drivel that means nothing but what some leftist whackjob has invented to assuage his fears of the truth."

    Which is another way of saying you don;t have the intellectual nitty in your gritty to adequately debate the points I was making. Either that or you know I'm right.

    "If Fox news were Obamas greatest asset then I guess he wouldn't have tried to muzzle them when they told the truth."

    Rather obviously it's only recently become apparent that Fox is winning the election for Obama. Plus it has to be said, Obama's political advisers are not the shiniest apples on the tree.

    "So anyway, glad you are rooting for FOX news now."

    That presumes that I want Obama to win. Personally I'd prefer it if he lost. Having one of those Tea-Party whackjobs in charge of the decline of the American empire would be comedy gold.

    "Why do you care so much that you talk about American politics this frequently?"

    Sadly, now, and for the next ten years or so, who you guys choose to elect affects us here in Europe.

    India and China will be running the world soon - then it won't matter at all...

    "Britain is fucked, don't you have enough at home to worry about?"

    The U.K. is somewhat fucked, America is totally fucked.

  110. no slappz8:11 PM

    field conversates:

    I honestly wasn't going to even acknowledge this clown until he passed his PE exam. (That's if he even has an engineering degree.)

    Hey, this is the Internet. A poster can say anything. Meanwhile, your obsession with a person who is not a professional engineer and who has not taken the PE exam is evidence of your disjointed thinking.

    Just to give you a heads-up, on Wall Street no one with an engineering degree, including those with masters degrees and PhDs, sits for the PE exam. Wall Street firms want engineering school graduates who can handle numbers and/or write reports.

    However, if taking the PE exam would boost the paycheck, then every ex-engineer on Wall Street would take the two-part test.

    But now he is so out in left field and wrong that I have to call him out on his ignorance. He might infect other people on this blog with whatever he has.

    To what ignorance are you referring? That millions of blacks don't pay child support? As if that's a big secret.

    Slappy, obviously you weren't insightful enough to know where I was coming from. I am sure that most people on this blog got it, so the joke was on you.

    Wrong, bonehead. And you yourself explained the reason. But you, with your limited grasp of meaning, do not see the irony of your own words.

    When I say Mick Jagger, I don't literally mean the artist, Mick Jagger. I am referring to the fact that he is a member of The Rolling Stones Band, and he represents, in a metaphorical way of speaking, the countless fathers who have abandoned their families.

    The metaphor -- as you call it -- has meaning only to those who've experienced the joke about why Father's Day is the most confusing day in black America.

    Like I said, Jagger pays his child support. But in black America, it's taxpayers who pick up that bill.

    That's a very simple fact and it kills you to admit it.

  111. no slappz8:20 PM

    dr queen enviates:

    You just HATE IT not being thought of as White, don't cha' bitch slapz?

    What's sadly amusing about your crazy assertion is that only blacks spout it.

    I guess it's impossible for you to grasp how your claim expresses your extreme envy.

    You're brown OK? You, your parents, and their ancestors are ALL brown, or people of color if they're Jewish.

    My ancestors came from three countries: Austria, England and Sweden.

    Brown skin often looks very good. But I haven't got it. I look a little like a younger William Hurt.

  112. Dr. Glossy8:35 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    And I should correct that by saying I'm primarily getting emails, along with brochures from different med schools.

    Jealous assnon? You should be!

    You bet I am! Not everyone can get a brochure and an e-mail from a medical school.


    Now don't get too excited. If you start daydreaming again about that BMW with a case of Courvoisier in the trunk and drop another beaker, Dr. Rajiv going fire your ass!

    You will never be doctor.

    Seriously, you will never be a doctor.

  113. no slappz said...
    My ancestors came from three countries: Austria, England and Sweden.

    And THEIR ancestors came from places where the people are BROWN!!!

    In other words, you an't nothin' but a n*gga with a Kippah.

    BTW, is all that BS about Wall Street really about the fact that your dumb as couldn't pass the PE exam despite your buddies giving you a copy of it before hand? Yeah, I know how you people do, LOL!!!!

  114. http://chamblee54.wordpress.com/2011/12/15/if-i-were-a-poor-black-kid/
    If nothing else, this story gave me something to write about. Those pictures need some text between them.
    Honestly folks. Did anyone put a gun to your head to make you read that article? Yes, it is a dumb article. What did you expect?

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