Monday, January 09, 2012

"Fire them!"

I remember when I was just a little Rugrat my father uprooted the family from our wonderful Jamaican home and took us to live in East Lansing, Michigan. He did it so that he could work on his post graduate degree while being surrounded by his family. I also remember the governor of Michigan for a short time that we were there being a man my father always spoke glowingly about long after we left the Great Lakes state. The man pushed for civil rights when it was not popular to do so, and he clashed with his own church on the issue. Well, unfortunately, the apple in this case, has fallen very far from the tree.

Flipper Mitt is no George Romney. Flipper, unlike his father, doesn't seem to understand the working man and woman very much. Flipper lives in a bubble, and he only comes out of it whenever he wants to win an election.

The latest news out of New Hampshire is that Flipper, once again, has shown his true colors.

"With just one day to go before the first-in-the-nation New Hampshire primary, Mitt Romney -- the former Massachusetts governor and frontrunner for the nomination -- described his faith in the free market with words that might come back to haunt him.

"I like being able to fire people who provide services to me," Romney said at a Monday breakfast in New Hampshire, when talking about health care. "You know, if someone doesn't give me a good service that I need, I want to say, 'I'm going to go get someone else to provide that service to me.'"  

The candidate is already facing criticism from his Republican rivals about his record as CEO of Bain Capital LLC, a Boston venture capital group that invested in struggling companies in an effort to turn them around.

In the remarks, about his belief in providing people with options, Romney -- who in Massachusetts enacted an individual health care mandate while governor -- spoke about the need to incentivize insurance companies.

"I want individuals to have their own insurance. That means the insurance company will have an incentive to keep you healthy. It also means if you don't like what they do, you can fire them," he said." [Story]

"Fire them"! Sure Flipper, because, after all, they are just workers.


  1. Man, it's like these fools aren't even trying. Instead of flipper maybe he's flopping. One of my buddies thinks they're tanking it because they know the real extent of the economic troubles and don't want any part of it. Maybe he's right because he should have seen THAT comment coming back to haunt him. That or Romney is as dumb as Perry afterall.

  2. Kudos for giving the Honorary House Negro Award to ABC. But Donna Brazille deserves a piece of that award too, Mr. Field.

    She had a chance to bring up the 'Bluh' people thing during the post debate show and didn't.

  3. Americans, 2-1, Fear Obama's Reelection
    When it comes to how Americans view President Obama going into the new year, there appears to be very little spirit of Auld Lang Syne. Instead, according to the new Washington Whispers poll, many voters aren't forgetting what they dislike about Obama and want him out office.

    In our New Year's poll, when asked what news event they fear most about 2012, Americans by a margin of two-to-one said Obama's reelection. Only 16 percent said they fear the Democrat won't win a second term, while 33 percent said they fear four more years. [Check out the top political events of 2011]

    From hope and change to fear of Obamas' re-election. Times they are a-changin'.

  4. Anonymous10:58 PM

    PilotX said...
    Man, it's like these fools aren't even trying. Instead of flipper maybe he's flopping. One of my buddies thinks they're tanking it because they know the real extent of the economic troubles and don't want any part of it. Maybe he's right because he should have seen THAT comment coming back to haunt him. That or Romney is as dumb as Perry afterall.

    Sure, Sure, we don't want someone to have the freedom of choice and we have to make them like getting bad service otherwise how else can you guar-en-tee certain peoples jobs. You guys are nuts, nuts in the head. Now firing someone for not doing a good job as they were paid to and agreed to do is going to be victim scam? Obviously Romney was saying a governmental monopoly leaves us with horrible government services, you might like that but most people shudder in agony anytime they have to deal with governmental entitled employees.

  5. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Dr. Emmcatte said...
    Ms.Queen said...
    I'm doing GREAT and VERY busy these days, unlike some of the folks who post on this blog 25/8, LOL!!!

    Lots of glassware to clean for Dr. Nanda?

    You will never be a doctor.

    So many toilet bowels to brush..but dat little blue man in da boat keeps fuckin wit me imma gone shit on his head he dont know Im da queen

  6. wingnut tormented, you seem to like to quote polls. The only one that will count is the one taken after November, 2012.

    So relax, there will be lots of polls to come.

  7. Shut the hell up anon. You know gotdamn well I'm referring to the soundbite. Don't make this a discussion about other shit. Bottom line Romney once again said something dumb, period. This is not a discussion about some mythical idea of freedom nor consumer choice, it's the GOP frontrunner saying dumb shit as usual. Nice attempt to distract.

  8. Anonymous11:14 PM

    fn, i would ask your next post be about "riding while white".

    you can post about those 7 black savages who almost beat a 13 year old white kid to death.

    or you can post about 2 black male savages raping a 8 year old white kid on the bus.

    its dangerous being white in obamas' america.

  9. Anonymous11:24 PM

    Flipper is a rotten apple for sure!!


  10. Anonymous11:32 PM

    PilotX said...
    Shut the hell up anon. You know gotdamn well I'm referring to the soundbite. Don't make this a discussion about other shit. Bottom line Romney once again said something dumb, period. This is not a discussion about some mythical idea of freedom nor consumer choice, it's the GOP frontrunner saying dumb shit as usual. Nice attempt to distract.

    The soundbite says he likes being able to fire someone who doesnt provide the services he is paying for. Nice attempt for you to twist it into tatters and make it something it is not. He said something the majority of this country that happens to lean conservative jump behind, we work hard for our money and LIKE to be able to choose who gets it by the service they provide. If we don't like the service we like being able to FIRE THEM and pay someone else. Your not being able to take something out of context is a distraction eh? I guess you will enjoy when the governement forces you to buy one brand of anything take it or leave it but pay for it you will.

  11. Anonymous11:36 PM

    Anonymous said...
    fn, i would ask your next post be about "riding while white".

    In my next life I will ask Allah to come back White, uptight and outtasight. I just hope he doesn't make me a tampon.

  12. "In my next life I will ask Allah to come back White, uptight and outtasight. I just hope he doesn't make me a tampon."

    That was actually funny.

    "fn, i would ask your next post be about "riding while white".

    Why don't you do a post about that for us? I can imagine all the difficulties you go through....

  13. Anonymous12:37 AM

    With historic black unemployment, black cities like Detroit and Birmingham collapsing, out-of-control black violent crime, 70+% black illegitimacy, and a sitting president that doesn't have a clue how to do anything other than waste trillions of white taxpayer's great to see that you're focusing on important things, like trashing candidates that you and your readers are never going to vote for anyway.

    “I’ll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”
    - Lyndon B. Johnson

  14. Swedge12:37 AM

    You are right Field, we sure don't want anybody who knows anything about business running the country. Better to stick with the community organizer who never had a job. It's been working out so well.

  15. Anonymous12:39 AM

    Field, you need to chill out on Romney because he is just like his Dad. He has to play politics like Obama does. Why not give him the benefit of the doubt like you do for Obama?

    For instance, Obama has basically told Blacks to STFU and you have overlooked it. In fact, you haven't even mentioned it. Also, Obama signed NDAA and you have remained mute about that too.

    So please give Mitt at least half the consideration you give Obama. When Mitt is elected, you will see that he is exactly like his father. You see, Fathers have tremendous influences on sons...wouldn't you say?

  16. Anonymous12:43 AM

    “I’ll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”
    - Lyndon B. Johnson

    Yep. He knew what he was doing. Even Field is eating out of Dem hands that trick Blacks with the false promise of "CHANGE" all the time.

  17. "Better to stick with the community organizer who never had a job. It's been working out so well."

    Actually, it has

    "So please give Mitt at least half the consideration you give Obama. When Mitt is elected, you will see that he is exactly like his father."

    I seriously doubt that. George Romney seemed like he had a back bone. His son, not so much.

  18. The Beat Goes On....12:46 AM

    President Obama's first chief of staff Rahm Emanuel once sat on the board of troubled federal mortgage giant Freddie Mac. Bill Daley, the president's chief of staff whose departure was announced today, was previously a top executive at financial firm J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. So of course there should be little surprise that Obama's latest chief of staff, announced today by the president himself, also has deep ties to the financial industry himself.

    From 2006-2008, Jack Lew was chief operating officer of Citibank's alternative investments division. And it was his division that made billions of dollars betting "U.S. homeowners would not be able to make their mortgage payments," as the Huffington Post reported.

    The piece also reported: “Lew made millions at Citi, including a bonus of nearly $950,000 in 2009 just a few months after the bank received billions of dollars in a taxpayer rescue, according to disclosure forms filed with the federal government. The bank is still partly owned by taxpayers.”

  19. Anonymous1:13 AM

    "So please give Mitt at least half the consideration you give Obama. When Mitt is elected, you will see that he is exactly like his father."

    I seriously doubt that. George Romney seemed like he had a back bone. His son, not so much.

    12:44 AM
    There you go again, labeling Mitt with no back bone while saying nothing about Obama's spineless back. Face it, brotha Field. You are a prejudiced Negro from Jamaica. I am surprised because the way you described your father he didn't have a prejudiced bone in his body.

    Maybe you need to open your heart a little for Mitt like your father did for his son? Come on Field, open up some. Romney isn't a bad guy and wil make a much better President than Obama could ever dream of.

  20. Anonymous3:13 AM

    field negro said...

    "So relax, there will be lots of polls to come."

    Thats what she said...

  21. Anon@ 3:13 am,the measure of a true man is not how he brags about his sexuall accomplishments on the Internet. You must be a conservative:)

  22. Quote Anonymous

    "You didn't get the point of the story about the syphilitic black teenage girl giving birth to a syphilitic baby."

    Yes I do. You think that you can define this woman and her child as 'syphilitic' - as if that is all they were. You were never a social worker.

    "That story ties into what this thread is about. The majority of black mothers today, I repeat the majority, are not good mothers. They are, after all, raising the murderous black males that the 'field negro' is talking about in this post. I wonder how that syphilitic black baby boy turned out seeing as how he was birthed by someone who gave him syphilis AT BIRTH."

    If America had a health care system that functioned for all, regardless of income, and if America had a sex-education system worth a damn, chances are none of this would have happened. This alleged woman and her alleged child are victims of a society that ensured that they had no chance from birth. Why? Because it is considered more important that private companies make profit than you care for your own people.

    "BTW, you apparently don't know what casework/social work is about. It certainly not about "feeling sorry" for people. You would understand that if you had ever done case work/social work."

    It's not about "feeling sorry" for people, it's about having compassion for people. Not the same thing. A pre-requisite of any social-work applicant I would have thought, rather than your christianist judgementalism.

    "In my work I discovered that a large number, possibly a majority of black people under the age of 40subscribe to a culture of being baby mamas/hoes and baby daddies/thugs."

    I don;t know what your line of work was but you were clearly never a social worker.

    "These are the people who are raising the majority of black children today. That is why this murder epidemic is happening. In other words, being baby mamas/hoes and baby daddies/thugs is a "culture" among many younger blacks today and, as such, it cannot be "fixed". "

    You're as completely clueless about culture, as you are about social work. Those tired old 'culture can't be changed' arguments died out in the 1960's.

    "These black people don't feel they are doing anything that needs fixing so why would they change? There is no solution to this problem other than for black people with common sense to get the hell out of dodge and let the savages kill each other."

    Well yes I suppose for a racist troll like yourself that would seem like the obvious solution. I wonder why you invest so much time and energy pretending to be something you are not?

  23. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Field, "Anon@ 3:13 am,the measure of a true man is not how he brags about his sexuall accomplishments on the Internet. You must be a conservative:)"

    5:47 AM
    Ouch! You must be a Libertarian:) Are you considering voting for Ron Paul, or is he a little too virtuous for you?

  24. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Well yes I suppose for a racist troll like yourself that would seem like the obvious solution. I wonder why you invest so much time and energy pretending to be something you are not?

    7:08 AM
    PC, why do you call people racist trolls? it does not make for healthy respectful conversation. You forget who you are and react to Whites with fear by calling them racists. Is the UK so racist that you have a lot of fear? Can you sleep at night? Have you considered therapy from a black therapist on fear of Whites? It might be helpful. We folks(black folks) have to learn HOW to 'act' instead of 'react'. Please, go get help.

  25. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Well, it looks like that's all the comments for today so I will be signing off.

    Brotha Field, have a nice day. You too Purple Cow, UK.

  26. Anony 7:20

    I've told you before, simply recycling my old jokes isn't working for you.

    You need to go see your local healthcare providor and get them to put you on the waiting list for a sense of humour transplant.

  27. no slappz8:09 AM

    field posted:

    "I like being able to fire people who provide services to me," Romney said...when talking about health care. "You know, if someone doesn't give me a good service that I need, I want to say, 'I'm going to go get someone else to provide that service to me.'"

    Seems you are confused by Romney's statement.

    By focusing on this statement, it's obvious you do not understand (or pretend you don't understand) that Romney wants the CHOICES for goods and services that exist in capitalist societies.

    He wants to get away from the notion that all goods and services should come from the Motor Vehicle Department of goverment. Or the Post Office.

    He wants the opportunity to CHOOSE the UPS if he's dissatisfied with service from the Post Office's Parcel Post.

    In other words, FIRE the Post Office. In fact, the Post Office has been "fired" by so many people that the Postmaster General recently said layoffs of 120,000 postal workers are necessary.

    He wants America to benefit from competition. Fortunately, capitalism is a powerful force. But by taking certain steps it's possible to inflict a lot of damage. Obama's trying.

    Obama wants America to be run like the Motor Vehicle Department and the Post Office.

    Worse, he wants working Americans to pay the healthcare bills of anyone who can sneak into the country. He wants to attract free-loaders from all over the world who will bleed the system and the country to death.

    On the other hand, Romney wants America to return to an earlier time when capitalism was delivering rising prosperity to the entire nation.

  28. no slappz8:22 AM

    field writes:

    I also remember the governor of Michigan for a short time that we were there being a man my father always spoke glowingly about long after we left the Great Lakes state. The man pushed for civil rights when it was not popular to do so, and he clashed with his own church on the issue.

    Seems you have limited knowledge about George Ronmey and life in Michigan while he was governor.

    He was a decent man, and seems to have been an effective CEO of American Motors, which was ultimately bought by Chrysler, though long after George departed.

    However, while he was governor, George had to contend with a little old riot in 1967.

    The massive 12th Street riot in Detroit began during the predawn hours of July 23, 1967, precipitated by a police raid in a predominantly black neighborhood.

    As the day wore on and looting and fires got worse, Romney called in the Michigan State Police and the Michigan National Guard.

    At 3 a.m. on July 24, Romney and Detroit Mayor Jerome Cavanagh called U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark and requested that federal troops be sent.

    Clark indicated that to do so, Romney would have to declare a state of civil insurrection, which the governor was loath to do from fear that insurance companies would seize upon it as a reason to not cover losses due to the riot.

    Elements of the 82nd and 101st U.S. Army Airborne Divisions were mobilized outside of the city.

    With the situation worsening, Romney told Deputy Secretary of Defense Cyrus Vance, "We gotta move, man, we gotta move."

    Near midnight on July 24, President Lyndon B. Johnson authorized thousands of paratroopers to enter Detroit.

    Johnson went on national television to announce his actions and made seven references to Romney's inability to control the riot using state and local forces.

    Thousands of arrests took place and the rioting continued until July 27.

    The final toll was the largest of any American civil disturbance in fifty years: 43 dead, over a thousand injured, 2,500 stores looted, hundreds of homes burned, some $50 million overall in property damage.

    So field, your belief that George Romney was seen by blacks as a benevolent and beloved figure is naively uninformed.

    However, my impression of George R has always been positive.

  29. no slappz8:47 AM

    field opines:

    Flipper Mitt is no George Romney.

    On the contrary, he seems to be a chip off the old block.

    Flipper, unlike his father, doesn't seem to understand the working man and woman very much.

    Do facts ever enter your thoughts?

    As head of American Motors, George had to do what CEOS always do -- make tough decisions about hiring and firing, building the business in one direction and cutting back in another.

    American Motors was created out of other car companies that had failed. It was the smallest of the Detroit automakers and made cars aimed at a buyers who worked in various bureaucracies.

    The big name was Rambler, a stodgy car for stodgy people. However, American Motors eventually got its hands on Jeep, which was a profitable line of vehicles. In fact, the only reason Chrysler bought American Motors was to acquire the Jeep line.

    Jeep was Chrysler's only profitable line for a long time.

    In 1999 the German company, Daimler Benz, bought Chrysler for $38 billion. Then unloaded it a few years ago for about $1 billion. And most recently Fiat stepped in.

    So the automaker assembled by George Romney eventually turned into a business football that has been passed around for decades.

    That's not to knock George. In fact, it's praise. Building cars is a tough business. Anyway, it was from George's experience of putting together American Motors that Mitt learned about the corporate restructuring business.

    Flipper lives in a bubble, and he only comes out of it whenever he wants to win an election.

    Obviously Mitt's attempt to create a healthcare program in Massachusetts was another experience delivering valuable lessons. The Massachusetts experiment showed the fundamental flaws of required healthcare. Thus, we know from the Massachusetts experiment that Obamacare is a failure.

    But Obama does not learn from experience. The Obama/Democrat mantra is "if at first it doesn't work, spend more taxpayer money."

  30. ItFoamsItDO9:28 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Anony 7:20

    I've told you before, simply recycling my old jokes isn't working for you.

    You need to go see your local healthcare providor and get them to put you on the waiting list for a sense of humour transplant.

    The plagiarist Negro steals a joke from his college bound child and actually thinks everyone who doesnt like him is the same person and that he is funny or that repeating and repeating without even a rinse is original. Clearly you don't realize that over here in America where you seem to wish you were and spend all your waking time pining for and visiting via blogs, this is an Asian and White childs joke in pre school. Are you going to tell fart jokes next and claim they are yours? Quick pull my finger.....your momma.

  31. wtf???

    romney is LESS elitist than hobama!!!

    how does hobama understand the poor people he slays?

    did you miss hobama's LEGENDARY firings of droves of teachers/auto workers ETC???

    how many opulent vacations have the rich romneys taken on their own dime?

    i am shocked and appalled that as hobama unmasks himself more each day
    his hobama nazis dare to PROUDLY blindfold themselves more diligently each day


    wtf does romney's elitism have to do with hobama's NDAA

  32. all brazen blind boldly hypocritical hobama nazis

    who have been silent about that bankster hobama's destruction of public schools/ndaa/GM etc

    better find 23 trillion other things to fret over rather than romney's elitism...asap!!!!

  33. flipper has flipped MUCH less than that fake fooler hobama!!!

    romney is a flipper
    hobama is a flipper on...on crack
    ask larry sinclair


    ask any resident at gitmo
    pre/post ndaa's new population

  34. that warmonger hobama flipped on his perpetual wars too!

    his escalated wars slay millions by extension, far beyond his stolen oil/poppy fields...


  35. that flipper bankster hobama = wall street!!!!


    President Obama's first chief of staff Rahm Emanuel once sat on the board of troubled federal mortgage giant Freddie Mac. Bill Daley, the president's chief of staff whose departure was announced today, was previously a top executive at financial firm J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. So of course there should be little surprise that Obama's latest chief of staff, announced today by the president himself, also has deep ties to the financial industry himself.

    From 2006-2008, Jack Lew was chief operating officer of Citibank's alternative investments division. And it was his division that made billions of dollars betting "U.S. homeowners would not be able to make their mortgage payments," as the Huffington Post reported.

  36. Anonymous11:00 AM

    PC, "You need to go see your local healthcare providor and get them to put you on the waiting list for a sense of humour transplant."

    7:26 AM
    I am a comedian by profession and quite good at it. What I said to you was intended to be SERIOUS, dummy.

  37. Anonymous11:13 AM

    no_slappz, Thousands of arrests took place and the rioting continued until July 27.

    The final toll was the largest of any American civil disturbance in fifty years: 43 dead, over a thousand injured, 2,500 stores looted, hundreds of homes burned, some $50 million overall in property damage.

    So field, your belief that George Romney was seen by blacks as a benevolent and beloved figure is naively uninformed.

    However, my impression of George R has always been positive.

    8:22 AM
    no_slappz, you are far too intelligent for anybody on this blog, including Field.

    Thanks for the history and memories. I remember those days in Michigan. I am surprised that Field's father thought so highly of George, leaving Field with fond memories of Romney and twisted thoughts about Mitt.

    Hopefully many FN folks will read your comments which instruct "truth" and expose "ignorance" and shoots huge holes in Field's post on a world wide blog.

    In reading this post, I wonder "what was Field thinking?" Note that no one has applauded this post as "good post, Field." Of course, the day isn't over and the hopelessly ignorant have yet to arrive.

  38. "white folks greed runs a world in need"

    -Barack Hussein Obama

  39. fnotd!!!!

    kudos to castro!!!

    hobama fooled him once too
    no more!!!

    nobama 2012!!!

    In an op-ed published in the Cuban media this week, former President Fidel Castro says that while he is still unimpressed with the Barack Obama administration, the GOP hopefuls attempting to usurp the commander-in-chief leave Americans with a pathetic pool of options this election season and their plight might be impervious to resolve from both Republicans and Democrats.
    Faced with a choice between Obama, a top-tier Republican rival or a robot, “90 percent of voting Americans, especially Hispanics, blacks and the growing number of the impoverished middle class, would vote for the robot,” says Castro.
    According to the ailing former leader of Cuba, US President Barack Obama is "hopelessly immersed in seeking re-election” and unwilling to work towards bringing Americans the hope and change that was a hallmark of his 2008 campaign and largely led to him capturing the White House three years ago. While some may say that Obama has brought enough change to America already, Castro insists that “the dreams of Martin Luther King are thousands of light years further away than the nearest inhabitable planet."

  40. Ruben the Cuban12:01 PM

    Castro hates gays.

  41. dl hobama girl assnon:


    especially that dl gay hitlerish hobama

    cc this to hobama's bff dl pal rahmbo

    u wish u could bottom for them both u silly bitch

  42. Anonymous12:28 PM

    @Purple Cow
    "Well yes I suppose for a racist troll like yourself that would seem like the obvious solution. I wonder why you invest so much time and energy pretending to be something you are not?"

    You did not really refute ANYTHING I said so I will only respond to the above quote.

    Believe it or not, there are black people of a certain age who have middle class, old school values. The outlook of many young and youngish (approximately 40 years old and younger) is appalling to me. Yes, they are savages TO ME. I stand by that word whether you like it or not. BTW, they ARE savages to most of the middle class, homeowning blacks in my age range or older.

    Regarding the word "savages", what word would you use for the black "men" responsible for the epidemic of black male on black male murders referred to by the 'field negro' in the previous thread? I mean they kill each other over the silliest of things. What word would you use to describe the black "women" who are raising (or NOT raising) these creatures?

    I happen to know from experience that poor black people DESPISE middle class black people who have old school values. They think we make them look bad and that we are phonies and Uncle Toms. Whatever. This is why I advise middle class black people with old school, common sense values to MOVE as far away from the lower class black people as they can get. Why would anyone want to live around people with whom you have NOTHING in common?

  43. anon:



    all who are hated like blacks/gays/muslims/poor etc are EXCLUSIVELY judged by the LEAST among us

    that is why we hate the least among us the most!!!...

  44. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Regarding the word "savages", what word would you use for the black "men" responsible for the epidemic of black male on black male murders referred to by the 'field negro' in the previous thread? I mean they kill each other over the silliest of things. What word would you use to describe the black "women" who are raising (or NOT raising) these creatures?

    Not to put words in Purple Omars mouth (not sure if there is any room) but I have a hunch he would call them Socialist Comrades in arms.

    I happen to know from experience that poor black people DESPISE middle class black people who have old school values. They think we make them look bad and that we are phonies and Uncle Toms. Whatever. This is why I advise middle class black people with old school, common sense values to MOVE as far away from the lower class black people as they can get. Why would anyone want to live around people with whom you have NOTHING in common?

    Because Leftists like him think anyone they disagree with is Vile.

    "Leftists’ meanness toward those with whom they differ has no echo on the normative right. Those on the left need to do some soul-searching. Because as long as they continue to believe that people on the right are not merely wrong but vile, they will get increasingly mean. The problem for the left, however, is that the moment it stops painting the right as vile, it has to argue the issues" and Cow has proven he doesnt have the merit to actually discuss the issues, just drag you into the meany bucket with him.

  45. But Anony, you ARE vile.

    That's why everybody hates you.

    That's why you have no friends, and no life.

  46. Anonymous1:17 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Anonymous

    "You didn't get the point of the story about the syphilitic black teenage girl giving birth to a syphilitic baby."

    Yes I do. You think that you can define this woman and her child as 'syphilitic' - as if that is all they were. You were never a social worker.

    No obviously she was more than that, she wanted to fuck her social worker and didnt have the intelligence to realize he didnt want that and that she was going beyond redemption. You were never a thinking man, you can't help anyone with false empathy.

    "That story ties into what this thread is about. The majority of black mothers today, I repeat the majority, are not good mothers. They are, after all, raising the murderous black males that the 'field negro' is talking about in this post. I wonder how that syphilitic black baby boy turned out seeing as how he was birthed by someone who gave him syphilis AT BIRTH."

    What a cock-a-mamie attempt at eliciting support from Females - you are a cock-sure (you like that word dontcha) egotistical macho man who married a submissive white woman so he can wear the pants in the family instead of getting bitch slapped by a real black woman for being a little whiner.

    If America had a health care system that functioned for all, regardless of income, and if America had a sex-education system worth a damn, chances are none of this would have happened. This alleged woman and her alleged child are victims of a society that ensured that they had no chance from birth. Why? Because it is considered more important that private companies make profit than you care for your own people.

    Socialist gibberish garbage lies. There isnt a woman with a social disease that has ever been refused treatment. Poor mothers already had full medicare so your failed Obamanomic lessons don't work. Besides the U.S spends a fortune on educating and providing tools for those to protect themselves during sex. The only victims of society are those who have to continue to pay for failed experiments and put up with cockswabbing fake leftists like you. The UK has the healthcare you describe, why then is the Black Aids Infection rate 48% of all new cases as opposed to 49% for the U.S? Answer that.

    "BTW, you apparently don't know what casework/social work is about. It certainly not about "feeling sorry" for people. You would understand that if you had ever done case work/social work." Oh is it about being cold and calculate without empathy?

    It's not about "feeling sorry" for people, it's about having compassion for people. Not the same thing. A pre-requisite of any social-work applicant I would have thought, rather than your christianist judgementalism.

    You can thank christianity for each and every form of social work. Leftists like you talk shit while Christians actually do the work.

    "In my work I discovered that a large number, possibly a majority of black people under the age of 40subscribe to a culture of being baby mamas/hoes and baby daddies/thugs."

    You're as completely clueless about culture, as you are about social work. Those tired old 'culture can't be changed' arguments died out in the 1960's.

    Did they? No wonder things have gotten dramatically worse without one sign of improvement despite billions and billions poured down the rabbit holes.

    Well yes I suppose for a racist troll like yourself that would seem like the obvious solution. I wonder why you invest so much time and energy pretending to be something you are not?

    So given the failed policies of the Left since the "1960's" in having any effect on Black Culture other than locking in votes and destroying it, what are your solutions? More money? More studies? More finger pointing with no accountability? Mo, Mo, Mo?

  47. Anonymous1:20 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    But Anony, you ARE vile.

    That's why everybody hates you.

    That's why you have no friends, and no life.

    See there you go again, using someone else's originality, thought and wit, copying and projecting.

    Didn't your mammy ever tell you if you have nothing intelligent to say shut up? Naw cause then you would be the silent cow.

    Poor, Sad, Sad, little Omar sitting on the fence trying to make a dollar out of 99cents. Well at least you enjoy the picket up your ass, right Omar?

  48. "You did not really refute ANYTHING I said so I will only respond to the above quote."

    I refuted pretty much every single word you said.

    "Believe it or not, there are black people of a certain age who have middle class, old school values."

    Yes, and what's more, there are also young and working class black people who have decent values.

    (For the record, 'old school values' gave us slavery, and the holocaust, amongst other delights.)

    "The outlook of many young and youngish (approximately 40 years old and younger) is appalling to me."

    Yes and to me.

    Not sure what your point is.

    "Yes, they are savages TO ME. I stand by that word whether you like it or not. BTW, they ARE savages to most of the middle class, homeowning blacks in my age range or older."

    Like you'd know.

    But yes, there are some pretty obnoxious middle-class people out there.

    "Regarding the word "savages", what word would you use for the black "men" responsible for the epidemic of black male on black male murders referred to by the 'field negro' in the previous thread? I mean they kill each other over the silliest of things."


    "What word would you use to describe the black "women" who are raising (or NOT raising) these creatures?"


    "I happen to know from experience that poor black people DESPISE middle class black people who have old school values. They think we make them look bad and that we are phonies and Uncle Toms. Whatever."

    Indeed, whatever.

    Of COURSE you do. If it makes you feel better, you are at least one of the more incompetent liars we have had here. Consider that a compliment.

    "Why would anyone want to live around people with whom you have NOTHING in common?"

    Ahhhh but they do have something in common you see. They are human beings.

  49. Fool Brittania1:31 PM

    Interesting stats from the Land of the Cowpie Kid:

    "A shocking report has shown that 160,000 Britons have missed out on jobs over the past ten years because they were taken by foreign labour. The true scale of the link between migration and the dole was revealed today in an independent study by the Migration Advisory Committee (Mac). There are 23 fewer jobs for British workers for every 100 migrants from outside the EU, the Government's immigration advisers said.

    If American labor is replaced at the same rate, then the 37.5 million immigrants since 1980 rendered approximately 8.6 million Americans jobless as of 2006. However, the situation is actually much worse than reported here because it doesn't account for foreign immigration from within the EU, which accounts for two-thirds of the immigration into the UK. Factoring that in, we can estimate that approximately 25.8 million Americans are presently unemployed due to foreign immigration.

    Therefore, it is both empirically and logically obvious that it is the post-1986 mass migration that is at least partly responsible for the wage stagnation and consistent decrease in the employment-population rate that has been occurring since the late 1990s."

    Ah, diversity! I love the smell of diversity in the morning. Smells like......piss.

  50. Anonymous1:53 PM

    MIttens is what every Goober and Heeyuck dreams they Entitled multimillionaire 'lord of the manse'.
    Sadly, all they have is the false sense of superiority.

    I will say that being an employee of Mittens would not be the most pleasant thing. Though, I would surmise that the wingnut sycophancy might find distinct enjoyment groveling at the feet of Mittens...or performing a 'valuable service' to Chris KrispyKreme.

    Me, I'll take the Liberal road of egalitarianism. Where just because a 15 yo boy-child thinks he is all that...only means he is fantasizing about Reality.


  51. AnyoneUpForAGameOfCowTipping?1:56 PM

    Ah, diversity! I love the smell of diversity in the morning. Smells like......piss.

    Cow-Piss with a Purple tinge to it from drinking all the Grape Kool-Aide

  52. Part 1.

    "No obviously she was more than that, she wanted to fuck her social worker and didnt have the intelligence to realize he didnt want that and that she was going beyond redemption. You were never a thinking man, you can't help anyone with false empathy."

    That paragraph makes no real sense at all, which makes it difficult for me to respond to your hysteria rationally. What point are you trying to make here?

    By the way, don't they have apostrophes where you live?

    "What a cock-a-mamie attempt at eliciting support from Females - you are a cock-sure (you like that word dontcha) egotistical macho man who married a submissive white woman so he can wear the pants in the family instead of getting bitch slapped by a real black woman for being a little whiner."

    Submissive? My wife???? You've got to be kidding me....

    Are you saying that viewing a girl who has syphilis as a human being is an attempt to gain the support of women?? I would have thought it was basic humanity myself, but again you are an Evangelical conservative so humanity is not your strong point, is it?

    "Socialist gibberish garbage lies. There isnt a woman with a social disease that has ever been refused treatment. Poor mothers already had full medicare so your failed Obamanomic lessons don't work."

    Not what I'm saying numbnuts.

    If America HAD proper sex education she probably wouldn't have caught syphilis in the first place. If America had proper health care her syphilis would have been caught before she had chance to pass the infection on to her child.

  53. Part 2.

    "Besides the U.S spends a fortune on educating and providing tools for those to protect themselves during sex. The only victims of society are those who have to continue to pay for failed experiments and put up with cockswabbing fake leftists like you."

    No they don't. Sex education in America is woefully inadequate, considered to be the worst in the developed world. Teenage pregnancy rates in the USA are more than twice Britain's rate, and more than four times the rate in the Netherlands. Meanwhile, of the schoolchildren who sign up for your idiotic 'abstinence pledge' 88% have pre-marital sex anyway.

    "The UK has the healthcare you describe, why then is the Black Aids Infection rate 48% of all new cases as opposed to 49% for the U.S? Answer that."

    Like to know where you get your figures. In 2010 about 33% of new HIV cases were Afro-Caribbean. These were overwhelmingly from African immigrants to the UK, from British Commonwealth nations, chiefly Nigeria, Ghana and South Africa.

    "You can thank christianity for each and every form of social work. Leftists like you talk shit while Christians actually do the work."

    Your figures don't stack up. There are about 2.6 million active Christians in the UK out of a population of 60 million. There are a couple of christian charities who do social work, but Britain's social services were almost all set up by Socialist administrations. Social workers in the UK are typically (perhaps even stereotypically) left wing. If we left social work to that last few remaining christianists, we really would be fucked.

    "So given the failed policies of the Left since the "1960's" in having any effect on Black Culture other than locking in votes and destroying it, what are your solutions? More money? More studies? More finger pointing with no accountability? Mo, Mo, Mo?

    America has no leftist policies, that's because America doesn't have any leftist politicians.

    You have moderate conservative (Democrats) and you have increasingly batshit insane conservative extremists (Republicans).

    As for what you should do, education and training is the key. You need to stop sending children to school in grim, badly funded, slums. You need to give teachers what they need to do their job properly, without political interference and meaningless 'targets'.. You need to require, by law, that all young people stay in education and training at least until they are 18.

    But more than anything else, you need to give young people hope that there is something worth living for.

    Love to stop and chat further, but I've got a cricket team to coach.

  54. Quote Fool Brittania

    "Ah, diversity! I love the smell of diversity in the morning. Smells like......piss.

    Most of the immigrants are from Eastern Europe, Czechs, and Poles mostly. Are you saying you hate them as well?

    Is there any social group you don't hate?

  55. Fool Brittania2:24 PM

    I didn't say I "hated" ANYONE. I just wouldn't let a bunch of immigrants in who steal jobs from the natural-born citizens.

  56. Cricketeer3:10 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Love to stop and chat further, but I've got a cricket team to coach

    How come your players call you Mr. Sandusky?

  57. Anonymous3:17 PM

    @Purple Cow
    ""Regarding the word "savages", what word would you use for the black "men" responsible for the epidemic of black male on black male murders referred to by the 'field negro' in the previous thread? I mean they kill each other over the silliest of things."


    The fact that you consider black male murderers "victims" is scary and tells me all I need to know about you. Mainly, that you and I have NOTHING in common in terms of values.

    BTW, public assistance programs (section 8, Food Stamps or EBT cards if you want to be technical - cash assistance already has time limits) are going to be cut drastically or end outright. The economy, along with the Republicans, are going to see to that. It's just a matter of time. Of course, black people are going to become even more disruptive than usual when that happens. That's a big reason why I tell middle class, common sense black people I know (I don't associate with any other kind) to put as much distance between themselves and the 'black underclass' as possible. And they're paying attention I'm happy to say.

  58. Anonymous3:45 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Part 1.

    "No obviously she was more than that, she wanted to fuck her social worker and didnt have the intelligence to realize he didnt want that and that she was going beyond redemption. You were never a thinking man, you can't help anyone with false empathy."

    That paragraph makes no real sense at all, which makes it difficult for me to respond to your hysteria rationally. What point are you trying to make here?

    By the way, don't they have apostrophes where you live?

    Fail 1,2, and 3. Can't possibly support an indefensible position, pretend you are more stupid than you are which is amazing, get cornered and play Mr Spellcheck and Punctuation teacher to deflect. YOU '''''''''''' have fail'eded'.


    refused treatment. Poor mothers already had full medicare so your failed Obamanomic lessons don't work."

    Not what I'm saying numbnuts.

    If America HAD proper sex education she probably wouldn't have caught syphilis in the first place. If America had proper health care her syphilis would have been caught before she had chance to pass the infection on to her child.

    Well, which country in the world has enough education and proper health care that it prevents this. There must be one that you draw your reasoned logic from. Carefully check the U.K stat's or any other socialist utopia before you answer. Don't you consider Obama's Education Master indoctrinating children into homosexuality and alternative lifestyles at 11 and 12 education enough? Will you next demand that for those incapable of understanding actions and consequences that someone standby 24/7 to force them to wear condoms because they have no self control and were not taught the relationship of cause and effect by parents who are busy trying to screw social workers?

    "The UK has the healthcare you describe, why then is the Black Aids Infection rate 48% of all new cases as opposed to 49% for the U.S? Answer that."

    Like to know where you get your figures. In 2010 about 33% of new HIV cases were Afro-Caribbean. These were overwhelmingly from African immigrants to the UK, from British Commonwealth nations, chiefly Nigeria, Ghana and South Africa.

    Oh, I see. In this instance these are not "Your" Blacks and UK residents but are "immigrants". No doubt you are leftistly unaware of the cases of HIV/Herpes contracted specifically in the UK. Amazing, considering that your entire premise is all of these facts have nothing to do with peoples actions and choices, rather the inaction of someone else not taking care of them, as they are victims.

  59. AnyoneUpForAGameOfCowTipping? said...
    Ah, diversity! I love the smell of diversity in the morning. Smells like......piss.

    Cow-Piss with a Purple tinge to it from drinking all the Grape Kool-Aide

    Was this supposed to be funny?


  60. Anonymous4:35 PM

    “I’ll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”
    - Lyndon B. Johnson

    LBJ knew how negros think and act. He prepared negros for the Democrat plantation.

  61. Sticking to her liberal roots, Marion Hedges of Manhattan, who was put into a coma and seems to have suffered permanent brain damage at the hands of the two savages who pushed a shopping cart from a fourth story walk way onto her head, has said that she forgives them and is “more concerned about the economic conditions that created the situation.”

    Lessons learned? Zero.

    You can't even knock sense into a liberal with a shopping cart from four stories high.

  62. no slappz5:11 PM

    rottnkid the dimwit said:

    I've hung out with quite a few white people and let me tell you, they like to get their Booger Sugar on...I walk in the door and the 1st thing he asked me "Hey man, you want a line?"

    ..a few other people that I knew came later, they were all "recreational" cokeheads. These people were/are Doctors, Lawyers, University Professors...

    No one said whites were drug-free. By the way, it was implied in your post that the doctors, lawyers and professors were white.

    What I've said and will say again is that recreational drug use has not damaged the white community the way it's damaged the black community.

    For example, at the aforementioned gathering of white coke sniffers, no one was shot to death or killed in some other manner.

    But if recreational drugs were legalized whites would see an increase in harm.

    In fact, one of my childhood friends -- white -- died of a cocaine overdose.

    Two white knuckleheads I knew in high school were murdered in the drug trade. And it's now obvious that the murder -- last month -- of a white guy who owned a coffee-shop in my Brooklyn neighborhood was drug-related.

  63. Cracker Jack5:17 PM

    White people handle their drugs and alcohol better.

    Black people get their crunk on and start shooting up the place.

  64. no slappz5:19 PM

    some prank says:

    Lessons learned? Zero.

    You can't even knock sense into a liberal with a shopping cart from four stories high.

    True. But, as Bernie Goetz demonstrated, a .38 from three feet away in a subway car has a lasting effect.

  65. Vageena Thompson5:22 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    AnyoneUpForAGameOfCowTipping? said...
    Ah, diversity! I love the smell of diversity in the morning. Smells like......piss.

    Cow-Piss with a Purple tinge to it from drinking all the Grape Kool-Aide

    Was this supposed to be funny?


    wood it be funnier if we said the cows were eatin watermelon and walkin on sicken bones U just pissed cause u outs of da grape drank try some water it might cut the fat

    Oh and You will never be a Doctor even with dumbed down Diver-su-tee stand-urds

  66. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Cracker Jack said...
    White people handle their drugs and alcohol better.

    Black people get their crunk on and start shooting up the place.

    And or sleep with beasts of burden like Queenie La Queefa and create half breed monsters

  67. "Oh, I see. In this instance these are not "Your" Blacks and UK residents but are "immigrants". No doubt you are leftistly unaware of the cases of HIV/Herpes contracted specifically in the UK."

    As indeed are you...

    "Amazing, considering that your entire premise is all of these facts have nothing to do with peoples actions and choices, rather the inaction of someone else not taking care of them, as they are victims."

    Needless to say I said no such thing.

    I take it that this is an admission that the figure of 49% black HIV patients in the UK was entirely ficticious?

  68. "‘Bill Rogers has got somewhat - and to his credit it’s a decent feeling - but somewhat, sort of, a sort of blind spot on the black thing because he’s been in New York.

    They are coming along, and that after all, they are going to strengthen our country in the end because they are strong physically and some of them are smart.

    My own view is I think he’s right if you’re talking in terms of 500 years.

    I think it’s wrong if you’re talking in terms of 50 years. What has to happen is they have to be, frankly, inbred."

    Richard M. Nixon

  69. Anonymous7:55 PM

    anybody seen Field this afternoon? guess my comment made him and PC go, I mean go to a cricket game.

  70. "I seriously doubt that. George Romney seemed like he had a back bone. His son, not so much."

    Actually,I wouldn't mind relaxing with a nice cup of tea and watching a test series featuring my Windies batsmen.

    I am sure PC would agree.

  71. Seems like the GOP is getting the message that only flip flop stands a chance to beat the prez. Can't wait to see how SC turns out. Should be interesting to see what southern Christian conservatives think of a Mormon. As Ricky Santorum said "let the games begin".


  73. Field,

    I didn't know you had a resident racist white male who wishes he was a Vagina (Vageena), ROTFLMBAO!!!

    No wonder this a**hole stays on your blod 24/7, he's gender confused. Or a hermaphrodite, which means he probably f***s himself on the regular.

    Vagina the hermaphrodite, I don't mean to be insensitive but I'm curious, are both of your organs functional because I understand there's usually a dominant one? And by your behavior on this blog, I'm guessing your penis doesn't "work".

  74. Dr. Tumescent9:17 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    I'm guessing your penis doesn't "work".

    I'm guessing you don't work.

    I'd also bet you don't see many working penises either.

    You will never be a doctor.

  75. uptownsteve said...
    "I think it’s wrong if you’re talking in terms of 50 years. What has to happen is they have to be, frankly, inbred."

    Nixon was right.

    A large number of blacks have prospered and moved into a successful role in mainstream America. They have made America stronger. But many more are much worse off than they were in the pre-civil rights era.

    The majority of blacks cannot function in the white man's world. It is unfair to demand that they do so. Generations from now, future historians will look back on the early twenty first century and describe the dogma of enforced racial equality as an irrational anthropocentric conceit and the biggest lie ever told in the history of the world. This one dangerous lie has singlehandedly setback American civilization by centuries.

    Meanwhile, those of us who have the misfortune of living through the present era of America’s national decline have been chosen by fate to witness, record, and interpret this series of cascading catastrophes as they unfold on the stage of history. We have been selected by divine providence to explain to future generations why “free society” failed in North America.

    A simple and parsimonious answer is ready for them … freedom failed because America was steered by Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement into the iceberg that is the Black Underclass.

    Like the captain of the Titanic who sailed at maximum speed into the hazardous sea ice of the North Atlantic, America’s national leaders in a moment of world historical hubris in the mid-1960s attempted to absorb the Black Underclass into the national mainstream and invited the nemesis that followed. American civilization was “reconstructed” on the basis of uplifting African-Americans to equality with Whites and collapsed and died from sheer exhaustion a little over half a century later.

    We have had 149 years of freedom, 47 years of forced integration, trillions of dollars squandered trying to uplift the Black Underclass through Great Society programs, even the first black president and attorney general in American history.

    And the result? In the year 2012, the average single black woman in her prime working years in the United States has a median net worth of $5 dollars. In 2009 dollars, the average antebellum slave would be worth $134,000 dollars.

    In Obama's America, the average single black woman in her prime working years isn’t worth 1 percent of her antebellum value.

    Our once great cities lie in ruins and our once full treasury is spent. The whole nation threatens to crumble into chaos.

    Is the misery and despair of the majority of Black Americans worth allegience to an idea that has failed so spectacularly?

    We are all human beings, and we all have different talents. We need to recognize that we all have different roles to play. The truth shall truly set us free.

  76. Anon-goober

    "But many more are much worse off than they were in the pre-civil rights era."

    How could that be when the poverty and illiteracy rates for blacks were in excess of 60% in 1960 and around 22% today?

    The real deal here is that goobers like you resent the advances that blacks have made since the Civil Rights movement and feel that they have been at your expense.

  77. Dr. Scumscent said...
    I'm guessing you don't work.

    Vagina, I'm guessing a Viagra/Cialis IV couldn't get your "penis" to work, ROTFLMBAO!!!!

    Oh well, there's always that pump thing....of course then you're left with what looks like a very, VERY small portabella mushroom!

  78. uptownsteve said...
    The real deal here is that goobers like you resent the advances that blacks have made since the Civil Rights movement and feel that they have been at your expense

    I think the real issue is that many poor Blacks from the civil rights era are now middle/upper class, whereas a goober in 1950 is just an old a** goober now.

  79. Queen,

    It just goes to show the chaotic thinking of these racist fools.

    Out of one side of their mouths they're yapping about blacks getting all kinds of favors and slidebyes in modern day America and out of the other side they claim that we're worse off than before the Civil Rights movement.

    The fact is that they're pathetic losers trying to make sense of their meaningless lives and targeting black folks as the scapegoats.

  80. Old Ass Goober9:54 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    I think the real issue is that many poor Blacks from the civil rights era are now middle/upper class, whereas a goober in 1950 is just an old a** goober now
    Maybe you should take a Saturday night stroll through southeast D.C., or maybe spend the weekend in Detroit and report back on how nice all those upper middle class people were.

    You will never be a doctor.

  81. J. Paul Negro10:00 PM

    Ms. Queen had a net worth of $5. Then she bought a McRib value meal. She didn't have enough to get the second McRib.

  82. "Maybe you should take a Saturday night stroll through southeast D.C.,"

    As if your sorry ass ever strolled through southeast DC.

    You'd realize that white folks are trying to move back in.

    Especially in Hillcrest Hts.

  83. Old Ass Goober said...10:04 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    You'd realize that white folks are trying to move back in.

    Just as soon as they get them black folk out.

  84. Anonymous10:08 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "Maybe you should take a Saturday night stroll through southeast D.C.,"

    As if your sorry ass ever strolled through southeast DC.

    You'd realize that white folks are trying to move back in.

    Especially in Hillcrest Hts.

    That right, it's called urban renewal. You know where once nice neighborhoods were left to the Blacks and destroyed, white move back in and fix it up. Black population in DC is declining, who would have thought this, just a few Marion Barry's ago it was crack city without a hope.

  85. You don't know what you're talking about goober.

    Hillcrest Hts has beautiful colonial homes where black middle class folks have lived for generations.

    As the old folks die off, white yuppies move in.

    15 minutes from Capitol hill, surrounded by Ft dupont Park, it's prime property.

  86. O.D., that was quite a rant.

    Do you think incidents like the following have contributed to A-merry-ca's decline?

    Because I actually agree with you: we have to stop having all these crazy murder suicides in rural A-merry-ca.

  87. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Dr. Scumscent said...
    I'm guessing you don't work.

    Vagina, I'm guessing a Viagra/Cialis IV couldn't get your "penis" to work, ROTFLMBAO!!!!

    Oh well, there's always that pump thing....of course then you're left with what looks like a very, VERY small portabella mushroom!

    Work for you? I'd rather walk into an helicopter rotor, nothing in the world and I do mean nothing could make me function for a disgusting thing like you.

    Do you think LaQueefa has any idea how stereotypical she sounds? All you can talk about is penis this and penis that. You are truly a scumbubble hoodrat. What were your degrees again in? Blowin bubbles?

    Also, you know a she-boon like you needs a baseball bat with your size, that isn't impressive, it's animalistic - good thing for you there are some freaks out there who are into bestiality.

    Heres Queenie and her young lovers, now we also know why she (it) has Orange hair.

  88. A hermaphrodite named Vagina, that talks about blowing bubbles.

    What a fruitcake!!!

  89. I have a nomination for House Negro of the Day:

    Yaasim Hooey had her hand in the cookie jar steeling over $300k from Girl Scouts:
