Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Inhale that spliff, and a win for Flipper.

Let me start tonight's post with some good news:

"CHICAGO (AP) — Smoking a joint once a week or a bit more apparently doesn't harm the lungs, suggests a 20-year study that bolsters evidence that marijuana doesn't do the kind of damage tobacco does.

The results, from one of the largest and longest studies on the health effects of marijuana, are hazier for heavy users — those who smoke two or more joints daily for several years. The data suggest that using marijuana that often might cause a decline in lung function, but there weren't enough heavy users among the 5,000 young adults in the study to draw firm conclusions.
Still, the authors recommended "caution and moderation when marijuana use is considered."

Marijuana is an illegal drug under federal law although some states allow its use for medical purposes.

The study by researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, and the University of Alabama at Birmingham was released Tuesday by the Journal of the American Medical Association.

The findings echo results in some smaller studies that showed while marijuana contains some of the same toxic chemicals as tobacco, it does not carry the same risks for lung disease.

It's not clear why that is so, but it's possible that the main active ingredient in marijuana, a chemical known as THC, makes the difference. THC causes the "high" that users feel. It also helps fight inflammation and may counteract the effects of more irritating chemicals in the drug, said Dr. Donald Tashkin, a marijuana researcher and an emeritus professor of medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles. Tashkin was not involved in the new study.
Study co-author Dr. Stefan Kertesz said there are other aspects of marijuana that may help explain the results." [Source]

Now folks, please don't think for a minute that I am encouraging the smoking of something that is illegal here in A-merry-ca. I am, after all, an officer of the court. I am simply trying to pass on some information to help you people become better informed. Because you never know when you might have to use the stuff for......medical purposes.

Finally, congrats to Flipper for winning New Hampshire. I caught his speech on CNN, and I had this funny urge to break out with a verse of "One Bad Apple".

So anywhoo, Mitt says that some of us progressives are envious of rich folks, and that we want to change A-merry-ca. Mitt wants to restore A-merry-ca to what it was: that "shining city on a hill". (Was that the Gipper or Flipper?) Flipper, some of us weren't too welcome in that city, so pardon me if I am not too enthusiastic about going back.

Flipper is right about one thing, we do want to change A-merry-ca. We want to make sure that folks like him don't continue to get rich on the backs of other people, and that everyone will have a chance to "lead the fabulous life" like the one that he has enjoyed ever since he was born on third base.

"Free enterprise will be on trial,” Mr. Romney said in the final hours of campaigning here. “I thought it was going to come from the president, from the Democrats, from the left, but instead it’s coming from Speaker Gingrich and apparently others. And, you know, that’s just part of the process. I’m not worried about that.”       

Flipper, I am glad to know that you are not worried, because it will come from the left and the right. Why? Because your version of "free enterprise" will only serve you and the few people in A-merry-ca who have enjoyed the benefits of your shining city.


  1. High Nigs10:28 PM

    Hi, Nigs.

  2. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Yeah, Romney. You deserve to be President of these divided United States; you will unite us, not divide us. You have the business knowledge to turn our economy around; you have the heart to make healthcare right.

    Romney for President in 2012. Thank you Field for promoting Romney. You won't regret it.

  3. Yeah, it looks like the Flipper will be the GOP nominee.

    He'll have to pick a wingnut as his running mate or the yahoos will bail on him.

    BO is smiling tonight.

  4. We have an Open Primary (semi) in NH, allowing us to vote either party. Many of us went to the polls to show support for the President.

    It will be interesting to watch the fur fly in SC.

  5. Hey uptownsteve:

    Here's a black conservative woman running for congress in Utah for you to hate on:


    She even married a white guy, and appears to be a mormon.

    Worse yet, she is well educated and seems to sincerely believe in and love America.

    That's really got to piss you off.

  6. Hey Tom,

    She may be running but she'll lose.

    Those goobers in Utah won't vote for a black no matter how much she shuffles.

    It doesn't piss me off.

    It makes me laugh.

  7. Funny how Mitt keeps the meme that we need conservative ideas to restore America. I always cringe when I hear this, no Mitt we need good ideas no matter what side of the political spectrum they come.

  8. Conservatives are always talking about "restoring America".

    Fuck that.

    Let's "advance America".

    We know about the folks who want to go "back".

    And who that will benefit.

  9. Black Flight Helps Cities11:22 PM

    Population of D.C.

    The census statistics showed a steeper change for both blacks and whites than had been estimated. With the city ‘s black population dropping by about 1 percent a year, African Americans might already be below the 50 percent mark in the city.
    In a city that prides itself on being a hub of black culture and politics, a majority of residents have been black since whites began moving to the suburbs en masse at the end of World War II. By 1970, seven out of 10 Washingtonians were black.
    The loss of blacks comes at a time when the city is experiencing a rebound, reversing a 60-year-long slide in population and adding almost 20,000 new residents between 2000 and 2010.

    --DC officials say city on pace to have lowest number of murders in nearly half-century



    --So Blacks moving out of DC to PG county - Whites taking over - crime plummets - city starts to prosper again.

    --As homicides fall in D.C., rise in Prince George’s..........looks like your chickens are coming home to roost Up Down Steve. I have friends in PG county they say it is like an African Safari just driving through there. Crime increasing, home values dropping..sounds familiar.


  10. Ishmael11:24 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Let's "advance America".

    Right down the shit hole.

    It's not progress when you are going the wrong way.

  11. Paul Kersey11:26 PM

    Black Flight Helps Cities said...
    "The loss of blacks comes at a time when the city is experiencing a rebound, reversing a 60-year-long slide in population and adding almost 20,000 new residents between 2000 and 2010."

    In Black-Run America, the ultimate aim of the government, church, media/entertainment industry, academic sector, and private sector is the enhancement of the quality of life for Black people, at the expense of everyone else.

    Worse, it's on the dime of everyone else through a redistribution of tax-revenue to Black people via TANF/Welfare, EBT/Food Stamps, Section 8 Housing, and the prison industry (police/incarceration/probation/court costs) that disproportionately go toward the Black Undertow.

    It has been official government policy for some time that the collective needs of Black people outweigh individual ambitions in America, negating the entire concept of Smith's invisible hand. Disingenuous White Liberals (DWL's) understand, hence their desire to live in Whitopia's like Portland, San Francisco, Boulder, Washington D.C., and Silicon Valley where the nullifying presence of visible Black Hand governing economics has been minimized (in the case of D.C., priced out and pushed to Prince George's County)

    The Climate Change (i.e. racial transformation) in major metropolitan areas like Detroit, Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, Cleveland, St. Louis, Philadelphia and Milwaukee is a form of destruction. Knowing that the Black people who inherit the city will face structural inequality, because they lack the ability to collectively sustain an economy - whether its a major city like Detroit or a small one like Highland Park - the destruction of the that city's key sources of tax-revenue is guaranteed.

    You can see the visible Black Hand of economics at work when you drive into areas of city where commerce was once prevalent. Be it a mall, shopping center, restaurant, strip mall, or autonomous car dealership, a noticeable indicator you have drifted into a Black Undertow city is the sign that civilization once flourished there but has since been replaced with hair accessory stores, liquor stores, pawn shops, and title loan offices.

    Black people had nothing to do with building Detroit into a world-class city; they had everything to do with its removal from that select list of world-class destinations. Pittsburgh (still 67% white) never experienced Climate Change , so the visible Black Hand governing economics never destroyed that city. Instead, the invisible hand of economics flourished there, with primarily white citizens trying to find new ways to a make a living as the steel industry collapsed. Through innovation and via the free market, Pittsburgh is now even attracting DWLs from Portland.

    And so it goes.

  12. "I have friends in PG county they say it is like an African Safari just driving through there. Crime increasing, home values dropping..sounds familiar."

    These "friends" of yours exist only in your mind.

    PG County remains a bastion of black middle class excellence and prosperity.

    The crime rate in DC has decreased in all areas including the impoverished areas of Anacostia and Congress Hts.

  13. NSangoma11:29 PM


  14. Conservatives are always talking about "restoring America".

    I also laugh at Romney talking about folks resenting success and Gingrich talking about how amazing it would be with him as prez and a GOP house and sentate. Ha! Republicans at least have the crazy vote locked up. Probably the paranoid vote too so we can end the war on Christians/Christmas. Delusional voters have a home.

  15. Negrodamus11:46 PM

    @ PilotX: Any Republican will beat Obama in 2012. The experiment with an unqualified, narcissistic, America-hating leftist community organizer is over.

    Call it restoration, call it advancement, call it what you want; the reign of Chairman Soetoro is coming to a close.

  16. Anonymous11:57 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "I have friends in PG county they say it is like an African Safari just driving through there. Crime increasing, home values dropping..sounds familiar."

    These "friends" of yours exist only in your mind.

    PG County remains a bastion of black middle class excellence and prosperity.

    The crime rate in DC has decreased in all areas including the impoverished areas of Anacostia and Congress Hts.

    Of course crime has decreased, thats what I just said.

    But it has INCREASED in P.G county ( you mean murderland right?). In that wonderful Bastion of Black Middleclass.

    Anacostia crime has decreased? Do you think it has anything to do with the waterfront development, new restaruants and white investors who have spent a fortune on security? Nah - scratch that, just leave it at do you think, ever.

  17. Smith And Wesson and Dirty Harry12:18 AM

    Hey Field,
    Here you go. A solution to the continuing murders in Philly and elsewhere. This fits right in with more gun control laws and liberal policies, just create a gun free zone.


  18. eumenidis4:06 AM

    Seems to me there can't be many plants as detrimental to health when smoked as tobacco.

    Don't know that cannibis is really any more effective at pain relief than any other med, but I've known plenty of people with chronic pain who swear by it, & it's downright stupid to ignore a plant with pain relief properties.

    As for Flipper, any time I see a picture of him, I have the strangest flashbacks to American history class--specifically, the section on the 19th century robber barons.

  19. "Conservatives are always talking about "restoring America".

    Fuck that.

    Let's "advance America"."


    "As for Flipper, any time I see a picture of him, I have the strangest flashbacks to American history class--specifically, the section on the 19th century robber barons."

    He would count as a 21st century "robber baron".

    "In Black-Run America, the ultimate aim of the government, church, media/entertainment industry, academic sector, and private sector is the enhancement of the quality of life for Black people, at the expense of everyone else."

    Maybe they are just trying to repeat what was done to them.Just sayin.:(

  20. Black news of the day8:20 AM

    "So Blacks moving out of DC to PG county - Whites taking over - crime plummets - city starts to prosper again."

    Thats usually what happens when blacks leave and whites take over.

  21. Anonymous8:40 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    Yeah, it looks like the Flipper will be the GOP nominee.

    He'll have to pick a wingnut as his running mate or the yahoos will bail on him.

    BO is smiling tonight.

    With you unerringly being wrong about everything, I am glad you said this. This country is about to take a shower and a bath and get rid of that BO - it stankin up the place.

  22. Almost invariably, the Republican membership nominates the establishment figure. During the primaries there's always talk of some 'maverick' or non-establishment candidate getting the nod, but when the shit hits the fan they go with the establishment's guy.

  23. uptownsteve9:05 AM

    Oh BTW Field,

    Anon-goober's racist rant last about "forced equality being the decline of America" was plagiarized from a white supremacist website called "Occidental Dissent".


  24. fn:

    when did that flipper hobama and his banksters EVER serve the jobless homeless black mongrel masses??????

    cc such hobama nazi bs to a fired teacher/new nanny or perpetually laid off construction worker ETC...asap!

    your BRAZEN hypocrisy is worsening each day.

    is it denial or desperation or deceit???????


    hobama's horrid reality trumps your horribly selective romney rants


    reps = dems
    kudos to mitt!!!!






  25. hobama is MORE elitist and MORE bankster than mitt could ever be/would ever be allowed to be by black mongrels



  26. BTW,that wasn't the real me posting. Some anon-goober has ripped my id.

  27. Anonymous9:50 AM

    note: the real steve posts using a picture of Gary Coleman. Anyone not using that photo is an imposter.

    Of course, steve also uses many sockpuppet accounts. He's a weird dude.

  28. Vunder9:55 AM

    Obama and the Dem congress had two years to raise taxes on the rich, yet didn't. Their talk about it is only to deceive the gullible. Obama and Romney are more alike than different. It's just that black racists like Wayne will always vote black, and lick Obama's feet. Oops, I mean the feet of "his O-ness".

  29. Anonymous9:57 AM

    they are a mess!!


  30. Anonymous9:58 AM

    they are a mess!! they can't hold a candle to Obama!


  31. see that flipper hobama on that flipper hobama:


  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. more on that flipper hobama per that flipper hobama:



  34. Hey Field,

    I notice that you posted down below, that a cure for the black incarceation and murder rates woul decrease if certain drugs were legaliged.

    I was wondering which drugs you were thinking of. Weed? No problem.

    But what other drugs are on your list?

    (P.S. I don't expect an answer)

  35. Sorry for all the misspellings. We wuz sampling in the evidence room, And I had to pop a few caps.

  36. i love harry b!!!


    he and tavis and cornel have NEVER lied on hobama!!!

    “My question is, what legacy will he leave, having the opportunity to serve under such hugely dramatic circumstances and had such a huge impact on the universal state of things … how could he have had such a splendid opportunity to do more than most presidents would have ever been able to do, and he let that opportunity slip away from him.

    I’m very cautious of the fact that those who think he has some second agenda and only if he could be given a second term for us to see the new light, new things will be revealed, new efforts will be made to take us to a place other than where we’ve been and where we languish. I just don’t trust that. I don’t believe that’s a safe way and accurate way to look at this scenario. If there was the kind of moral compass serving Barack Obama the way we hoped, the moral force would have helped him make choices, the absence of that force in his equations, that barometer to guide him when he has to make these decisions that are hugely complicated, he should have come to the table with the things that would have helped us in this moment of crisis.”


  37. kudos to harry!!!!!


  38. uptownsteve12:24 PM

    Belafonte needs to sit his old, irrelevant, banana boat down and shut up.

    Some of these old relics just can't accept that they don't count anymore.

    Obama does not owe you an audience.

    Get over it.

  39. hey fn:

    shame on u all!!!

    kudos to the divine and heroic rebel cornel!!!!

    Cornel West wrote in 1985 that the black intellectual was “caught between an insolent American society and an insouciant black community.”

    Twenty-seven years later, with a black president in office his words have the insistence of a drum roll. We see President Barack Obama battered by the harsh racism of a Republican right in Congress that is prepared to paralyze government and harm the nation if it means defying his attempts at reform. Insolence has never been more insulting.

    And while the black community certainly does not have the blithe unconcern that completes the meaning of insouciant, they certainly are not doing much to interrogate their own conditions. We hear pastors of African American church congregations across the South still tell parishioners that Barack “is the chosen one.” The parishioners repeat it to each other, any criticism of such a deified man would surely be treason?

    And yet the prisons bulge with African American men and women, cannibalized by a racist and class-based judicial system. The Washington Post reported as the year ended that in the Washington area, African American students were suspended and expelled two to five times as often as whites. “Last year, for example,” the Post’s writer reported, “one in seven black students in St. Mary’s County were suspended from school, compared with one in 20 white students. In Alexandria, black students were nearly six times as likely to be suspended as their white peers… Nearly 6 percent of black students were suspended or expelled from school last year, compared with 1.2 percent of white students.


  40. Anonymous12:28 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    BTW,that wasn't the real me posting. Some anon-goober has ripped my id.

    oh it was an goober thaught it was a derty nigger uga booga who gives 2 shits

  41. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Yo Y'all ya gots to tune in to the new show on WET (White entertainment Network) we are going to show a behind the scenes look at the White Miss America Contest. The show will kickoff on White pride day and run through the out the entire White history month. It is proudly sponsored by the White college fund and NAAWP. We expect the Congression White Caucus to attend and provide some OPM.

  42. Repatriation Pete1:01 PM

    "Twenty-seven years later, with a black president in office his words have the insistence of a drum roll. We see President Barack Obama battered by the harsh racism of a Republican right in Congress that is prepared to paralyze government and harm the nation if it means defying his attempts at reform. Insolence has never been more insulting.

    And while the black community certainly does not have the blithe unconcern that completes the meaning of insouciant, they certainly are not doing much to interrogate their own conditions. We hear pastors of African American church congregations across the South still tell parishioners that Barack “is the chosen one.” The parishioners repeat it to each other, any criticism of such a deified man would surely be treason?

    And yet the prisons bulge with African American men and women, cannibalized by a racist and class-based judicial system. The Washington Post reported as the year ended that in the Washington area, African American students were suspended and expelled two to five times as often as whites. “Last year, for example,” the Post’s writer reported, “one in seven black students in St. Mary’s County were suspended from school, compared with one in 20 white students. In Alexandria, black students were nearly six times as likely to be suspended as their white peers… Nearly 6 percent of black students were suspended or expelled from school last year, compared with 1.2 percent of white students."

    I swear to God, if yo buck teef Cornell will lead them, we'll pay your way to take all the blacks back to Africa, give you the weapons to take back the motherland, and create your glorious empire the white man robbed from you. Don't worry about us! Them Mexicans can flip burgers and do lawn work better than you, anyway.

    (scratcing my balls)

  43. Quote Anonymous

    "Yo Y'all ya gots to tune in to the new show on WET (White entertainment Network)..."

    Shouldn't that be 'W.E.N.'....?

  44. Quote Repatriation Pete

    "(scratcing my balls)"

    So where should we repatriate morons who are too stupid to spell 'scratching' correctly, do you think?

  45. Quote Repatriation Pete

    "(scratcing my balls)"

    So where should we repatriate those morons who are too stupid to spell 'scratching' correctly, do you think?

    Itchycoo Park?

    How about Scratchton, Ohio?

    ShordITCH in London might work...

  46. Anonymous1:28 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Anonymous

    "Yo Y'all ya gots to tune in to the new show on WET (White entertainment Network)..."

    Shouldn't that be 'W.E.N.'....?

    Naw mans we calls it da network but itz on TV'z just sayin

  47. Anonymous1:38 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Repatriation Pete

    "(scratcing my balls)"

    So where should we repatriate those morons who are too stupid to spell 'scratching' correctly, do you think?

    Itchycoo Park?

    How about Scratchton, Ohio?

    ShordITCH in London might work...

    What a pusillanimous phony you are. I suppose you don't expect to ever again make a typo? Must be otherwise why set yourself up to everyone, by being such a sanctimonious outright fraud.

  48. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Quote Anonymous

    "Yo Y'all ya gots to tune in to the new show on WET (White entertainment Network)..."

    PC-"Shouldn't that be 'W.E.N.'....?"

    1:03 PM
    No it shouldn't, dummy. Man, you don't know anything.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. Moron the assnon:

    You major in the minor as all fools do incessantly


    Do know this:

    Cornel’s teeth ALWAYS trump your toothless ignorance


    Ps: seen hobama’s crack/cigarette stained fangs…ick!!!

  52. Xicano2nd2:32 PM

    Why the hell don't the Tenthers get on ball about States Rights, Federalism and Medical Marijuana. Is it because it has long been associated with people of color?

  53. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Xicano2nd said...
    Why the hell don't the Tenthers get on ball about States Rights, Federalism and Medical Marijuana. Is it because it has long been associated with people of color?

    I think congress should pass a bill legalizing all drugs, with one paragraph making clear that all health care and any other support arising from drug use is the responsibility of user and families only. No taxpayer funds will be provided to support alternative drugs, rehab, sustanence programs, money for living space etc. If you want to do drugs go for it, kill yourself, just make sure you realize you have to handle the rest of your life without stealing from someone else who has chosen not to do drugs.

  54. no slappz2:39 PM

    field says:

    Maybe they are just trying to repeat what was done to them.Just sayin.:(

    Done to THEM? What was done to them?

    Murder? Robbery? Rape. Absent fathers? Illegitimacy? Substance abuse? Dropping out of school?

    Blacks undermine themselves in America through pointless self-destructive behavior.

    But practicing the same self-destructiveness in African nations leads to living conditions that are a hundred times worse.

  55. no slappz2:51 PM

    Drug legalization in America is the one step that can destroy the nation.

    Border wars would break out in Canada and the wars at the Mexican border would explode.

    You can't police all points of entry and with drug legalization, you'd have to.

    Advertising works. We'd become a nation of recreational drug users.

    How much pot could Walmart sell? Target? Costco?

    How much crystal meth would Americans consume?

    How many travelers would come to the US on drug holidays?

    Would the American Heroin Corp buy its heroin poppies from Afghanistan while Afghanis are trying to kill US soldiers? Should we enrich Afghan warlords by expanding our pool of heroin addicts?

    How much tax revenue would the US government seek?

    When would the government become motivated to increase the rate of addition as a means to raising more tax revenue?

  56. The trick is to separate the hard and soft drug cultures. If you allow possession of small amounts of hash, then kids who want to experiment don't have to go to criminals to buy it.

  57. hobama 2008-2012 = hoax

    hobama 2012-2016 = hitlerish horror

    ndaa proves that NOW!...we are doomed

    But why should people be surprised by Obama? The system only lets “system types” thrive and get to the top. The only system types who shake things up are those who derive the confidence to do so from their own privileged background, like FDR and JFK. Obama himself was merely the representative of the fact that certain “acceptable” people of mixed race with proper demeanor and “credentials” would now be welcomed to the feast if they behaved properly. He never really established a track record of leadership or boldness prior to running for president. People just fell in love with their projection of what “Yes we can” meant.
    But what matters now is what comes next. What matters is whether he will be re-elected, and if so, whether as a lame duck with “nothing to lose” he will do what 99% of the country longs for him to do: take aim at the core corruption and greedy self-dealing that is destroying America.

    Obviously, to stay in the game, he must to some degree play the game the way it is being played. But he can howl hard about how unhappy he is with it. And he can speak directly about ways in which as a second-termer he is going to lead the charge in fundamentally challenging the corruption.

    More and more, it seems Obama’s message is, “Yes, I’m In a Can”. That’s not very inspiring. And it’s not going to get him—or us—where we need to go


  58. Hunter3:52 PM

    The Congo, Dixie, Haiti, the West Indies, South Africa, and Rhodesia are all proof that blacks can be successfully combined with civilization … but only so long as freedom and equality are removed from the mix.

    It is like chemistry. You introduce the wrong element and it changes everything. Freedom and equality transformed Haiti, Rhodesia, the Mississippi Delta, and the Congo – which had previously thrived under white supremacy – into a godforsaken dump.

    The lower third of the African-American community has no economic role in free society. It is important to keep in mind that free society was supported by social darwinists because the strong were supposed to perpetually eliminate the weak.

    Modern liberals have revolted against that idea. Free society naturally leads to inequality. In order to promote equality, you must abolish freedom, which naturally halts progress.

    Freedom. Equality. Progress. Pick two.

  59. Unfuckingbelievable. The racist rightwing couldn't make Obama out to be the angry black man. So now they are trying to make Michelle Obama out to be they angry black woman.

  60. uptownsteve said...
    Belafonte needs to sit his old, irrelevant, banana boat down and shut up.

    Some of these old relics just can't accept that they don't count anymore.

    Obama does not owe you an audience.

    Get over it.

    This isn't me. Some fake goober ripping my id.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. Anonymous4:20 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    The trick is to separate the hard and soft drug cultures. If you allow possession of small amounts of hash, then kids who want to experiment don't have to go to criminals to buy it.

    Forget that it's uncontrollable. Simple solution parents of minors and all drug users are advised that by law any one doing drugs will not get any support from society. Drugs are legal, you pay for them, you pay for the physical effects, you pay for the rehabilitation and social programs designed to make productive members out of junkies, no one else's money, time, effort, support or inconvienance for your bad choices. Do drugs don't have food - tough titties, do drugs don't have a place to live - your problem, do drugs - don't have a job - so sad too bad. Do drugs don't have any future - Well you made the choice - not me so leave me out of it. Do drugs caught the aids bug - awwww, get a job quick and earn enough money to pay for the medicine or seeya wouldnt wanta beya. Do drugs and rob or hurt someone else to support your habit - dump on a deserted island somewhere so no one has to fund your food shelter and recovery.

    Mandatory drug testing for any social assistance programs with immediate lifetime disqualification for substance abuse.

    Help for those who need it, not those who insisted upon making bad choices and demand it.

    Go for it - do all the drugs you like on your time and your dime. Oh and no I don't need any help, hopheads and dopers are dangerous and destructive.

    Decisions have ramifications in life in the real world.

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. blissful uts:

    if hobama and michelle were real, they would both be really angry!!!

    as all who are really awake!!!


    the blackish hobama and his bankster clones rule the world


    atl = the city proud to be the hdqtrs of hobama's new world order

    shame on u all!!!!!!!

    Hailed by “smart growth” advocates around the country, the Atlanta BeltLine, is a massive & racist gentrification scheme funded by diverting billions out of Atlanta's Public School budget to banksters and crooked developers. But those billions aren't enough. To bail out the BeltLine, the governor and Atlanta's black mayor want to levy a one-cent sales tax on Atlanta for streetcars and light rail most of black Atlanta will never ride, for Jim Crow streetcars, when black Atlanta neighborhoods don't even get 24 hour bus or train service. Can the black misleadership class really pull this off?


    When Shirley Franklin rammed the initial BeltLine proposal through in 2005, she had the advantages of a corporate media blackout on discussions of the BeltLine's financial arrangements or gentrifying impacts, and the complicity of the rest the local black misleadership class. That was enough to do the deal back then. But it might not be enough in 2012.

    A spokesperson for the Georgia Green Party agreed.

    "Back in 2005 Shirley Franklin and local corporate media kept the public in the dark to foist the BeltLine upon us. Bailing out the BeltLine's crooked and racist scam at the polls with a one cent sales tax will be much harder for Mayor Reed, Governor Deal and their wealthy backers. The Green Party of Georgia will work hard to defeat the July 31 referendum both in Atlanta and surrounding counties."


  65. euphoric uts:

    i could not care less about hobama/michelle's anger...

    i care ONLY about the evil that hobama and his banksters are doing to anger the world's mongrel masses!!!!






  66. michelle should be much angrier about larry sinclair than robert gibbs...




  67. uptownsteve said...
    Unfuckingbelievable. The racist rightwing couldn't make Obama out to be the angry black man. So now they are trying to make Michelle Obama out to be they angry black woman.

    Gee, why would anyone think Michelle "Never Been Proud of My Country" Obama was an angry black woman?

  68. racist killer kkkops are real



    the photog is my new hero!


  69. Goober Piles5:13 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Unfuckingbelievable. The racist rightwing couldn't make Obama out to be the angry black man. So now they are trying to make Michelle Obama out to be they angry black woman.

    By telling the truth? Letting things from the administration out? She is the mooch in the whitehouse spending millions and millions of taxdollars on parties, vacations, dresses for official functions...she should be tarred and feathered.

    This isn't me, this is Uptown Steve Actin racist and stealing a goobers ID. I call them goobers because I am totally inferior and can't deal with anything unless I call someone else racist, why? Bell curve baby - when you cant stand up intellectually just call someone else a goober.

  70. Quote Anonymous 4:20

    "Forget that it's uncontrollable."

    It's very controllable. For 25 years I lived in a city that controlled it in that way. Rates of addiction to hard drugs in the Netherlands are spectacularly low, especially compared to equivalent population areas in the USA and the U.K

    The hypocrisy of people who hold your views is very obvious. If alcohol was invented tomorrow it would be classified as a hard drug. It is massively more destructive than any other drug in the world (with the possible exception of nicotine, perhaps), but I don't hear anyone who takes your position suggesting it should be banned.

  71. you are missing something6:17 PM

    The equivalent populations in the USA and the U.K. are negroes.

  72. Anonymous6:25 PM

    But is racism worse in UK or USA?

  73. Anonymous6:30 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Anonymous 4:20

    "Forget that it's uncontrollable."

    It's very controllable. For 25 years I lived in a city that controlled it in that way. Rates of addiction to hard drugs in the Netherlands are spectacularly low, especially compared to equivalent population areas in the USA and the U.K

    The hypocrisy of people who hold your views is very obvious. If alcohol was invented tomorrow it would be classified as a hard drug. It is massively more destructive than any other drug in the world (with the possible exception of nicotine, perhaps), but I don't hear anyone who takes your position suggesting it should be banned.

    Netherlands? 92% White or near white? with 80% Dutch. Not really an nation with a serious African/Black Undertow problem were you like the lump of coal in the snowbank?

    You say the hypocrisy of people holding my views is obvious when you arent talking about my views you are talking about your own. In fact Alcohol was never discussed so how could you possibly state I have a hypocritical view when you pulled the view out of your ass?

    Same applies to alcohol and any other stimulant. Have at it, enjoy, don't come crying to me when you destroy your life. Life is made of choices enjoy the freedom to make yours and not have someone else ask you or force you to suffer for the choices they have made despite good advice. You don't have to share my opinion and I dont have to share your self inflicted burdens.

    Anyway your argument is infantile, Alcohol is bad and does bad things yet it's legal so lets legalize drugs... Go for it. Anyone can swim in any cesspool they like, just don't splash on my life.

  74. Anonymous6:38 PM

    A black woman has been charged with killing her grandmother and stealing her TV to sell it for drug money
    Aisha Sanders, 24, admitted beating to death 86-year-old Mary Muha - blaming the murder on her addiction to crack cocaine, say police. The pensioner was found dead by her grandson at her home in Washington Township, a Dayton suburb of Ohio. Police believe that she was killed three days earlier. The African-American suspect was asleep when officers picked her up in her grandmother's car which had run out of gasoline on Interstate 70. Sheriff Phil Plummer revealed that the victim was hit over the head a number of times with a yet-to-be-named object. Sanders had been living off and on at her grandmother’s house and had pretty much drained all the finances,

    Just one of the thousands of inner city stories. I wonder how Blacks who already demonstrate difficulty with impulse control would fare if drugs were actually legal and easier to get. If you can imagine easier compared to whats happening now.

  75. First Wookie Michelle7:00 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Unfuckingbelievable. The racist rightwing couldn't make Obama out to be the angry black man. So now they are trying to make Michelle Obama out to be they angry black woman.

    One of things Michelle Obama is so bitter about is all the powerful white people in Illinois, as revealed in The Obamas by New York Times reporter Jodi Kantor:

    “…She particularly resented the way power in Illinois was locked up generation after generation by a small group of families, all white Irish Catholic …”

    When Jarrett was forced out of City Hall in 1995 — even though she was close to Daley — “the Obamas were horrified, their worst suspicions about the world confirmed.”

    Like the Moonbat Messiah, his teleprompter programmer Valerie Jarrett is mulatto; therefore any setback in her quest for power can only be ascribed to racism on the part of nasty white people.

    Never mind that Obama was elected largely because of his race. This paranoid anti-Caucasian mentality continues to prevail in his administration, as made obvious by the continued presence of the incompetent and rabidly racist Eric Holder as Attorney General

  76. Anonymous7:05 PM

    I am ashamed to be Black. It is depressing. Field, why won't you do some posts about our shortcomings? The story at 6:38p highlights why we need religion, morals and conservative politics.

    How can so many of our folks kill their love ones and sleep ok like that woman? It's terrible and evil. Field, please write a post on this ASAP and leave the GOP and Romney for another day. I am afraid that we are hopeless.

  77. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Already this year it is depressing to Black in A-Merry-Ca and it's only January!

  78. Monte Negro7:35 PM

    Hold on a little longer, Black History month is just around the corner.

  79. How can so many of our folks kill their love ones and sleep ok like that woman? It's terrible and evil. Field, please write a post on this ASAP and leave the GOP and Romney for another day. I am afraid that we are hopeless."

    Oh, I don't know. Hey, maybe these people can give us a hint:


  80. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Oh, I don't know. Hey, maybe these people can give us a hint:


    Guy was a convicted Murderer out on parole....no more need be said.

  81. "Already this year it is depressing to Black in A-Merry-Ca and it's only January!"

    Speak for yourself. I am riding this black thing out.

    It's worse in your mind.

  82. Uncle Spam8:14 PM

    field negro said...
    Speak for yourself. I am riding this black thing out.

    Don't worry, Obama will be gone in 1 year, 9 days.

  83. Anonymous8:16 PM

    field negro said...
    "Already this year it is depressing to Black in A-Merry-Ca and it's only January!"

    Speak for yourself. I am riding this black thing out......and then moving on to David Axelrod (Gibbs turned me down he said I was too angry).

    ---Michell O.

  84. Some kind of way the goober has tapped into my profile.

    This is my first post of the day.

    Just check the profiles of the previous "uptownsteve" posts today and mine now.

    Pathetic the lengths some of these losers will go to.

  85. Uncle Spam8:42 PM

    What's even more amazing is that whoever did it posted bonehead opinions just like you.

    Honestly, that Michelle Obama nonsense rant sounded like vintage uptown.

  86. Uncle Spam8:45 PM

    What they probabaly did was make a new profile and use your avatar.

    I'll agree with you for once; that's bullshit behavior.

  87. I'm pretty sure it was you Uncle Anon Goober.

    You really need to get a life.

    And always remember, your harassment and childishness will never run me off this board.

  88. Anonymous9:01 PM

    upDown dirty Nigger steve said...
    Some kind of way the goober has tapped into my profile.

    u no wutz day sey once u let him tap dat azz.. ..he ownzs u now like all de udder homeys

  89. Uncle Spam10:09 PM

    Nope. You must have a secret admirer.

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