Saturday, January 07, 2012

Is he a liar? Is he a racist? Or is he just misunderstood?

I am going to be channel surfing tonight between watching those who dats play the Lions and the republican presidential debates. This is because I really want to hear what these republicans are saying. I haven't made up my mind who I will vote for come 2012 just yet....

Anywhoo, you gotta love that sister in New Hampshire who confronted Rick (I should be in a) Sanitarium.

"At a campaign event outside a pharmacy in Hollis, New Hampshire Saturday afternoon, an African-American woman confronted Rick Santorum over recent comments he made that the NAACP and others have called racially insensitive.

While speaking about welfare reform last week, Santorum was quoted as saying, “I don’t want to make black people’s lives better by giving them somebody else’s money.” The candidate now denies that he said “black,” claiming instead that he said “blah.”

At the campaign stop Saturday, the woman — who slipped away from the event before ThinkProgress was able to get her name — asked, “Why do you have a problem against black people?”
WOMAN: Mr. Santorum, why do you have a problem against black people? We are the only ones who need aid? The statistics show that it’s not the popularity [sic] that’s the most needy.
SANTORUM: I didn’t say that. I understand that.
WOMAN: OK, then why’d you say that?
SANTORUM: OK, we gotta go. I didn’t say that. " [Story & Video]
Honestly, I think people are focusing on the wrong issue with Rick's statement. It's not so much that he said something that was racially insensitive while speaking to like minded people. (Welcome to A-merry-ca) The bigger issue is that he is flat out lying about what he said. If a man can lie about something as obvious as this, what else will he lie about?

Still, there are some folks who do not believe that Ricky was being racist. They believe that he was merely trying to reach out to us Negroes.

"NAACP President Benjamin Jealous denounced the comments as "outrageous," and even Fox News host Bill O'Reilly had to remind Santorum that his comments were specious when you consider that "most of the people, as you know, on welfare are white people." Then Santorum made the whole thing worse by denying that he'd even said "black" and insisting instead that what he'd actually said was "blah."

Blah, indeed.

In this weekend's Saturday-and-Sunday New Hampshire primary-debate double-header, if he doesn't take the opportunity to -- in Senate-speak -- revise and extend his thoughts on blacks and welfare, he'll just wind up being the latest in a long line of GOP politicians who not only can't connect with the black vote, but can't even make a convincing case that they've tried. Santorum tried -- and awkwardly failed -- to articulate a position that you hear all the time from black conservatives: that government assistance hurts African Americans over the long term. The problem for Santorum is that it doesn't sound as if he truly understands that message." [Source]

Yes, reaching out is nice. And I would more than welcome an open and honest dialogue on matters of race. The problem is, of course, that when you are talking about republican politicians, it's a thin line between scapegoating and reaching out.



  1. liar liar pants on fire
    ass juice across the tv wire

  2. "I haven't made up my mind who I will vote for come 2012 just yet...."

    Fn, stop lying. You will vote for Obama. Who are you kidding?

  3. They know they won't get more than 5% of the Blah vote so they can just leave behind any illusion of caring about us blah folks. Just waiting to see how Mitt jumps on the KKKlown wagon.

  4. Dang Field, you would make it a hard choice between one and two, so I'll just say 1/2. Now!

  5. parvenu9:51 PM

    The current crop of Republican "social conservative" candidates for president are doing their level best to "channel" Ronald Reagan in their stump speeches. This is the reason we have so much emphasis on "digging up" Ronald Reagan's mythical "Welfare Queen" which he enjoyed denouncing during his first presidential campaign. Gingrich started it with his suggestion that ghetto kids have no role models to inspire them to accomplish anything in life. He followed it up with a suggestion that these kids should be put to work cleaning the toilets in schools thereby replacing highly paid school janitors.

    Gingrich later added another racial charged dog whistle to his stump speech calling President Obama "the food stamp ppresident". All the other candidates (except for Ron Paul) noting how the media has been picking up Gingrich's racial sound bite have started using them in their speeches. Hence you have inarticulate Ricky trying to get into the act by saying what he wants to do for black or "BLAH" people, declaring his ignorance for all to see of the fact that white people are the majority of people on public welfare.

    Thus you can see how these Republican "parrots" are simply incapable of original creative thought. Gingrich, simply because he is an old Washington inside politician decided to harken back to the Reagan era, a time that he feels most comfortable with, decides to channel Reagan's propaganda that all black people are lazy and shiftless and are supported by government welfare. The net result is that all of the other candidates (except for paul and Huntsman) are now rushing to incorporate some form of Gingrich's racially tinged euphemisms into their "socially conservative" speeches.

    If the American people are watching these idiots, how can they come to the conclusion in November that any one of these self-serving clowns is prepared to guide America through the difficult waters of so many major global iconoclasms upcoming in the 21st century?

  6. BTW, Field, I'm taping the debates instead of watching them right now because my food hasn't digested yet. I'll watch them later on tonight or in the early A.M. morning. I'm sure it will be entertaining.

  7. @parvenu:

    I know one thing, they pissed a lot of white folks off talking about eliminating welfare and food stamps. Yup! They started a fire that they won't be able to put out. White folks was talking about them so bad (10,000 and something worth of comments), until I almost felt sorry for them. Notice that I did say "almost" and NOT "I did". I was ROFL because they had laughing so hard.

  8. Ronald Reagan's mythical "Welfare Queen"

    Yeah, it really is just a myth...

    I Got 15 Kids & 3 Babydaddys-SOMEONE'S GOTTA PAY FOR ME & MY KIDS!!!

  9. Anonymous10:10 PM

    calling President Obama "the food stamp ppresident".

    You mean president. Plantation negros need to learn english.

    46 million. 46 million Americans on food stamps. Thats a record. Another Obama first.

  10. *they had me laughing so hard*

  11. Yeah, I wonder why 46 million Americans on food stamps. Could it have something to do with shipping jobs overseas? Or laying off thousands of workers so CEOs can get those millions in bonus checks? Or because of the Republicans trickle down economic strategy? Or AIG, bankers, etc., scam?

  12. At least they didn't go down to Philadelphia,MS and start spouting off about states rights. Oh yeah, that's right Rick Perry already said he wanted to secede from the union. Not only do these clowns want to restart Jim Crow but the civil war. Gotta love southerners and the party they support.

  13. @ Granny. Maybe it's the fact they have been bamboozled into believing unions are bad and they can only trust corporations. Just look at right to work states and compare wages and benefits to non-right to work states. But hey, if the majority of people in these conservative states want to kowtow to corporations that's their right.

  14. Anonymous10:22 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Yeah, I wonder why 46 million Americans on food stamps. Could it have something to do with shipping jobs overseas? Or laying off thousands of workers so CEOs can get those millions in bonus checks? Or because of the Republicans trickle down economic strategy? Or AIG, bankers, etc., scam?

    Yeah, i ponder that to. Could it be democrats want to get as many Americans on welfare so than can than claim if you vote Republicans, they will take your check?

  15. "Could it be democrats want to get as many Americans on welfare so than can than claim if you vote Republicans, they will take your check?"

    I doubt that. I'm from Illinois where most hard working blue collar union folks vote Democrat because they are more friendly to labor historically than Republicans. Fun fact is many people on public assistance don't vote so that idea isn't very strong.

  16. "Ronald Reagan's mythical "Welfare Queen"

    Yeah, it really is just a myth..."

    Actually, it was.

    I am watching the debates now....Flipper did about three flips on abortion earlier.

    Ron Paul is actually laying a smack down on the other candidates.

    That Huntsman fellow should run as a D.

    "Fn, stop lying. You will vote for Obama. Who are you kidding?"

    Nope, I will vote for who I think is best for A-merry-ca.

    parvenu, I loved the comments. You were on point.

    The Who Dats are up by three. This is a good game.

  17. Anonymous10:38 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Yeah, I wonder why 46 million Americans on food stamps. Could it have something to do with shipping jobs overseas? Or laying off thousands of workers so CEOs can get those millions in bonus checks? Or because of the Republicans trickle down economic strategy? Or AIG, bankers, etc., scam?

    Why is obama and the dems shipping jobs overseas?

    Why is obama and the dems embracing Republican trickle down economic strategy?

    Why would aig,bankers,etc be driving people to food stamps.

    They and wall street gave more money to obama than any dem or rep in the last 20 years.

  18. Amazingly the folks at ABC News (or as I call them, News Lite) didn't even ask Santorum about the incident. And that was the only reason I watched the so-called debate.

    Although they did ask Paul about his racist newsletter.

  19. Did Newt just say that if he wasn't debating he would be watching the college championship basketball game? What a dope!

    Wrong night, wrong sport there big guy.

    Rick Perry said that he would be out shooting something.

    I am guessing that he would prefer if it was a bunch of Iraqis.

    Rick said that he would go back into Iraq right now.

  20. Amazingly the folks at ABC News (or as I call them, News Lite) didn't even ask Santorum about the incident. And that was the only reason I watched the so-called debate.

    Although they did ask Paul about his racist newsletter."

    Yes, nothing about the "blah" folks.

  21. Did Ron Paul actually bring up the fac tthat the judicial system is skewed against Blah people? Whoa nelly, didn't he get the memo? Republicans only bring up blah people as bogeymen to scare white folks into voting for them not to find common cause. Fail!

  22. Wow, I guess we know who is signing Donna Brazille's check. She had a few opportunities to bring up Santorum and his "Bluh" people situation and she didn't say a word about it. Very disappointing.

  23. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Field, "Nope, I will vote for who I think is best for A-merry-ca."

    Well, considering you are a R chaser that means you will vote for Obama no matter what. How can you in good conscience vote for anyone else, unless you have a change of heart for Ron Paul? IMO, he is best for A-Merry-Ca. Obama has already proven he is not.

  24. Anonymous:

    I hate to be the one to bust your bubble, but the Democrats do not have to tell, persuade,coerce, or browbeat anyone into voting for them because the GOP folks already handed them the elections on a SILVER PLATTER. And I guarantee you, y'all can cheat, lie, smear, piss on a dogs leg, stand on your head, and dance a jig if you want to because from here on out anything the GOP party has to say will fall on DEAF ears!
    Any dirty tactics y'all pull will backfire.

    The chickens is coming home to roost.

  25. Anonymous11:13 PM

    What you FN Negroes don't know is that ABC has been a biased and insensitive organization to Blacks since its inception right up to today. They won't be asking Rick anything about what he said.

  26. Anonymous11:21 PM

    Granny, "The chickens is coming home to roost."

    What's wrong with your sentence? Yep. You are definitely from East Oakland. Hint: check out the verb.

    BTW, what ever happened to that book you have been working on for the last 20 years? I hear the publishers are tripping over themselves trying to get to you.

  27. Ron Paul? LOL, lol, lol, lol, lol.

    What did that Congressperson say about the higher a monkey climbs the more you'll see his behind?


    Sometimes cake frosting looks nice and inviting, but it'll give you a stomach ache.

  28. Wesley R11:23 PM


    This is the southern strategy a mainstay in the republican playbook and they wonder why African Americans dont flock to them. If the 2012 elections turns out to be a one that everyone vote for democrats, the republicans will have to change or be done.

  29. Wesley R11:25 PM


    I got LSU 24 to 17 again Alabama Monday.

  30. Anonymous, check this out I could give a flying @%#*! how my sentence is constructed. I guarantee you everyone who read it understood what I said, including YOU!!! Smh!

    Don't worry about how long it takes me to write my book. It's not like you'll be collecting a dime from it or I'm writing it for your benefit. One more thing, how many times do I have to tell you that I do not live in Oakland. Do you want to come and visit me or something? Smh!

  31. Anonymous11:39 PM

    field negro said in the last post..."No, actually you continue to reap the benefits of slavery,not black people.Sorry for the reality slap."

    The benefits of slavery? You mean 40 million black people (and counting) to support for all eternity? The destruction of most of our cities? Tens of thousands of violent crimes every year? Trillions in welfare, food stamps, government jobs, and reduced productivity?

    America has paid a million times over for any benefit created by slavery.

    Hiroshima was destroyed by an atomic bomb. Within 20 years it had been rebuilt, and today is great city.

    Detroit was destroyed by a wave of black people. It will never be rebuilt.

  32. Anonymous11:44 PM

    Granny, "Anonymous, check this out I could give a flying @%#*! how my sentence is constructed."

    I'm sorry, Granny. Did I hit a nerve? It seems to me from a writer's point of view, you would care and want to use correct English. Now you claim that you are not from East Oakland? Where do you live now, in Richmond? or is it Vallejo? Hayward? Those are the only places where they use your brand of English and Ebonics.

  33. "Detroit was destroyed by a wave of black people. It will never be rebuilt."

    But not a peep about Mississippi, West Virginia and Alabama with its millions of white people and rusted out pickup trucks and trillions of dollars spent on welfare. This ain't just a Black issue. And we won't even start in on the white folks who want to destrroy this country by teaching creationism and other religious bs in our schools and even ban contraception. Let's not pretend that white people aren't destructive, that is of course unless you are a Republican and need to blame bluh people for everything. Listen to that song about the man in the mirror.

  34. "I'm sorry, Granny. Did I hit a nerve?

    Nope, not at all! I heard that! If you want to come and visit me, let me know. However, first you'll have to agree to being fingerprinted, photographed, and a background check. And I'm serious!

  35. Anonymous12:03 AM

    Granny, why must I have to go through so much security checks to see you? Don't you trust me, after all these years of communicating here?

    I bet you wouldn't require Field or any other FN Negro like that scoundrel Mack Lyons or PilotX to go through such humiliating security checks.

    BTW, I hear United will be laying off pilots soon. Goodbye Pilot.

  36. Anonymous12:07 AM

    PilotX said...
    Let's not pretend that white people aren't destructive

    Let's not pretend that White people are anywhere near as destructive.

    Freedom has failed.

    I am not advocating a return to bondage, but black people cannot run a city. Once a city becomes more than 30% black is ceases to function.

    We need to function together as a society and use the talents of everyone as they are. Our idea of equality is deeply flawed. We are equal as human beings, but not in all human endeavors.

  37. PIlot X, why even respond to that clown? The irony is probably lost on him that he can't do basic math and yet he considers himself a part of some sort of superior race.

  38. Anonymous12:15 AM

    PilotX said...
    They know they won't get more than 5% of the Blah vote so they can just leave behind any illusion of caring about us blah folks. Just waiting to see how Mitt jumps on the KKKlown wagon.

    Why do you need so much special care based upon skin color? Why can't you just be an American?

  39. Anonymous:

    "Granny, why must I have to go through so much security checks to see you? Don't you trust me, after all these years of communicating here?"

    As a matter of fact, nope, I don't! Besides which, it's for your own good, safety, and well-being.

  40. Field, the Republicans are really against education. Santorum accused the President of being hubris and snobbery (an uppidity Negro). Ain't that bout a biscuit!

  41. Wesley R12:32 AM


    Ask this question to the wingnuts; Who gets more welfare, fortune 500 companies, or the poor? Of course they would say their rich folks don't get 'welfare' but it is what it is.

  42. Wingnuts12:40 AM

    The poor. By a mile.

  43. The daily stories of black savagery in this country are normally reported only in local media. The story from the Ocala Star Banner, contains no references to the race of the attackers and the victim is silent about the fact that the seven youths who ganged up on a 13 year old girl and beat her into unconsciousness are blacks named Zantavia, Ladricka, Javaris, Alphonso, Bria, Lamiracle, and Jebria, and that the victim is white.

    In liberal America, if you're white, and you're harmed by blacks, society doesn't care a flip about you. You are expendable.

    Girl Beaten Unconscious Over Bus Seat: Cops
    7 teens charged with battery, disorderly conduct
    By the Associated Press
    Posted Jan 7, 2012 4:33 PM CST
    (AP)--Seven central Florida teenagers were arrested after authorities said they punched and kicked a 13-year-old until she was unconscious while on a school bus. The victim told authorities that yesterday was her first time riding the bus and no one would let her sit down. About 75 children were riding the bus bound for a middle school in Ocala, a rural city north of Orlando. The victim said someone threw a shoe at her and she threw one back, according to an arrest report.

    One girl allegedly asked students if they wanted to hit the victim, then instructed the teens to form a circle and began hitting and kicking the victim. Several witnesses said they saw the girl fall to the floor and "appear to have a seizure and pass out," according to the arrest report. The victim, who is not being identified, was taken to the hospital and diagnosed with a concussion, severe bruising on her head and muscle spasms. Seven teens, ranging in age from 12 to 15, were charged with battery and disorderly conduct.

  44. "BTW, I hear United will be laying off pilots soon. Goodbye Pilot."

    Yeah, I'm sure your source is 100% reliable. Ha! Moron.

    "In liberal America, if you're white, and you're harmed by blacks, society doesn't care a flip about you. You are expendable."

    Where is this magical land "liberal" America? I'd like to visit.

    "Why do you need so much special care based upon skin color? Why can't you just be an American?"

    I've been asking this for years but seems as though conservatives like Rush Limbaugh and now Newt and Santorum like to distinguish people like me as somehow unAmerican. This has been a problem for years. Why not ask this of no Slappz and others who regularly lambast Black people or do you only ask this of Black people? Strange.

  45. "PIlot X, why even respond to that clown?"

    Well Field, lately I have been pretty good about ignoring trolls but sometimes I just can't let ignorance and misinformation just sit. Like the moron who "heard" United will be laying off pilots. I mean c'mon why even write stupidity like that? Even the dimmist among us know we're heading into the summer months when there is more flying and we're actually hiring. Damn, the lengths they go to feel special.

  46. Why would you come and hang out on a predominantly black blog? Aren't you afraid that we might do something to you seeing how we are savages and so violent and all? After all, if you are that paranoid of black folks, looks like you would hang out on Stormfront or Fox Nation. That would make more common sense, but well...

    Oh, before you ask, this blog is listed as Afrosphere blog and friends, which would mean white friends as well, but I take it you are not a friend since you come here to disparage and insult us. However, Field gives you the okay to hang out here.

    I wouldn't want anyone coming to hang out with me that is not a friend, nor would I hang out with folks who are not friends. Nevertheless, different strokes for different folks and Field and I see things different on that level.

  47. Anonymous1:47 AM

    PilotX, "Like the moron who "heard" United will be laying off pilots. I mean c'mon why even write stupidity like that? Even the dimmist among us know we're heading into the summer months when there is more flying and we're actually hiring. Damn, the lengths they go to feel special."

    1:04 AM
    Now see, I tried to help you out by giving you forewarning and what do you do? You ignore it and assume it's wrong.

    FYI: It's still winter and summer of 2012 is a long way off and you have no idea whether business is going to be good or not. Obviously you don't know that the airline industry is suffering greatly and some airlines are bankrupt.

    But a pilot like you who lives in the dark wouldn't know that. Isn't that why you call yourself Pilot "X"? Btw, most people know the airlines aren't doing well. When the time comes and it will be soon, a pilot like you will be let go. The problem is you just can't handle the truth. But look on the bright side: you'll have more time to spend with no_slappz to talk about climate change and racism. HA!

  48. Anonymous1:59 AM

    Granny, "Oh, before you ask, this blog is listed as Afrosphere blog and friends, which would mean white friends as well, but I take it you are not a friend since you come here to disparage and insult us. However, Field gives you the okay to hang out here."

    Bullshit. FN is much more than what you what it to be. It appeals to a much wider and broader audience that cuts across all races than Blacks like you selfishly want to admit. That's why Whites and all races come to meet here. Unfortunately there are a "few" Negroes like you who want to define FN as Black. You want an all black blog? Start your own, but don't be arrogant and define Field's blog to suit your needs. You are a disgrace to our race:

    "That's why I love the blog "Field Negro" so much. Field, as he's known to his fans, has the sense of reality that it takes to call out the (CowPuckey) of blame beating by those who are in positions of power and their lackeys. Because of his handle and his unabashed way of writing about racial issues, Field is often cited as a "Black blogger." What he is, however, is a first-class detector of blame deflection and an excellent student of history. If you want to write about the past and future of repression there's really no other perspective to take - which is why everyone should read Field."

    ~Erik Hare, "The Twin Cities Daily Planet"~

  49. The Repugs drove out of their party every politician who could "connect" with African-Americans. They don't even remember their own African-American Senator, Edward Brooke, who served with Ted Kennedy from Massachusetts & is still alive at age 92.

  50. "Btw, most people know the airlines aren't doing well. When the time comes and it will be soon, a pilot like you will be let go."

    OK, I'll play. Are you referring to airlines in general or United specifically? You must have missed our last quarter results. We did pretty well and now pilots are included in profit sharing. So pray tell, when is this so called hard time coming when a pilot like myself will be let go? Be specific, curious where you get your information.

    "It's still winter and summer of 2012 is a long way off and you have no idea whether business is going to be good or not."

    Um, this is where your ignorance really shows. Manpower planning has to forecast several months into the future to properly staff the airline. It takes months to ramp up the fleet and train pilots so if one were be ready for the summer flying schedule one would have to begin preparations in the winter.

    "Obviously you don't know that the airline industry is suffering greatly and some airlines are bankrupt."

    Um, maybe you should tell that to Delta, Southwest and United as all had strong results and profits. Sure SOME airlines are bankrupt but then again some aren't. Wow, you are certainly the genius.

    "When the time comes and it will be soon, a pilot like you will be let go."

    Or maybe a pilot like me is better informed about the state of the airline and actually talks to manpower planning and knows what is really going on vice speculating from the trailer park. With retirements alone I'll move up a thousand numbers in the next few years.

    "Now see, I tried to help you out by giving you forewarning and what do you do? You ignore it and assume it's wrong."

    I do appreciate your help but you're a bit out of your league and if I need advice in your area of expertise such as screwing your sister/cousin/wife I'll definitely ask but as it concerns aviation don't be too offended if I kinda ignore your ignorant ramblings. Thanks for the attempt, it's cute you're trying to bond with me.

  51. Anonymous2:10 AM

    Well, I'm going to turn in because the folks like Granny and PilotX are worth the time. You just aren't intellectually challenging. Anyway, maybe some Stormfronters will show up and give you two a run for your money. lol

  52. Anonymous2:17 AM

    PilotX, you are a fool. Do you think United is going to tell you they are going to lay your black ass off? It's clear that you don't know a damn thing about the business end of your industry.

    Everyone knows that the airline sector is and has been in the dumps. Hell, people don't even buy your stocks anymore. You are just too ashamed to admit it. Make sure you keep blogging because that's all you will have left. Maybe Field will give you a job of handling the Stormfront people. That's about your speed. HA!

  53. @Field...all politicians lie so who cares why Ass-juice lied, I would like him to explain why he said what he said also. If you force them to explain WHY they say such things it exposes not only their racism but that of their supporters and defenders.

    Are you becoming one of those emo-progs like GG, Hamisher and MM? Why aren't you sure who you're voting for? Do you honestly think that Romney would be better for the middle class? Is there an independent out there that would be better able to manage the obstructionists in Congress?

    Please expand on that statement...

  54. Anonymous2:30 AM

    Brooklyn you are a racist fool who will vote for anybody who is Black. Obama has done NOTHING for us and you already know you are going to vote for his sorry ass AGAIN. What does he have to do to convince you he doesn't give a damn about Blacks, triple our present unemployment rate?

  55. Field are you frat? Are you aware the Kappas and Ques have formed a Super Pac to re-elect POTUS. That, my friend is field negro behavior.

  56. "It's clear that you don't know a damn thing about the business end of your industry."

    So please oh bright one school me. When and how are United's profits going to drop off? What do you know and where did you learn it? Be specific son.

    "Do you think United is going to tell you they are going to lay your black ass off?"

    Um, well, that's what a business would usually do if they're laying off people. They do tend to tell them. Really? And I'M the one not intellectually challenging enough for you? Yeah, I could explain to you how vacancy bids work and manpower projections and such but I'd probably be wasting my time as you seem to know so much more about my job but strangely are never specific. BTW the latest projections show a deficit of pilots and a need to hire but then again why would I know more about my industry than a racist internet troll. I bet you could impress your racist white friends at stormfront but I'm not buying your act. Until you include specific names and financial data you are just another ignorant white male jealous that a Black man has a better career and is much smarter and better looking than you are;-) But like I said, it is kinda cute how you take an interest in my industry.

  57. US Major Airlines Report Over $1 billion in 3Q Profit
    Posted on | November 23, 2011 | No Comments

    The spike in jet fuel prices did not prevent the country’s seven largest airline companies from earning $1.09 billion in combined net income for the three months ended Sept. 30, paving the way for expansion and increasing the need for new pilots.

    United Continental Holdings, parent company of merger partners United Airlines (UA) and Continental Airlines (CO), posted a best-among-US majors third-quarter net profit of $653 million.

  58. Anonymous 1:59:

    Did I stutter? Do you need glasses? Apparently, outside of needing glasses or better reading skills, you have selective reading skills as well with your arrogant, condescending ass.

    Because I said this:

    "this blog is listed as Afrosphere blog and friends, which would mean white friends as well"

    Did you overlook the part where it said, "WHICH WOULD MEAN WHITE FRIENDS AS WELL"?

    Did you overlook this part too,"but I take it you are not a friend since you come here to disparage and insult us."

    Or this part

    "if you are that paranoid of black folks, looks like you would hang out on Stormfront or Fox Nation."

    It does not make logical sense for a person to constantly tell black people that they want them to stay away from them, but yet they can't stay away from black people.

    BTW, Field's blog as well as other blogs, mine included has always been people of different color groups. That's not the problem. However, like I said before why would a person come around black people, if they want black people to stay away from them, especially if they are so fearful of them?

  59. NSangoma6:22 AM

    Romney unscathed by debate attack

    Unless Willard Romney comes up with a rap better than the one he has presently, POTUS Barack Obama is going to scathe the shit out of him.

  60. Anonymous6:45 AM

    The daily stories of black savagery in this country are normally reported only in local media. The story from the Ocala Star Banner, contains no references to the race of the attackers and the victim is silent about the fact that the seven youths who ganged up on a 13 year old girl and beat her into unconsciousness are blacks named Zantavia, Ladricka, Javaris, Alphonso, Bria, Lamiracle, and Jebria, and that the victim is white.

    In liberal America, if you're white, and you're harmed by blacks, society doesn't care a flip about you. You are expendable.

    Girl Beaten Unconscious Over Bus Seat: Cops
    7 teens charged with battery, disorderly conduct
    By the Associated Press
    Posted Jan 7, 2012 4:33 PM CST
    (AP)--Seven central Florida teenagers were arrested after authorities said they punched and kicked a 13-year-old until she was unconscious while on a school bus. The victim told authorities that yesterday was her first time riding the bus and no one would let her sit down. About 75 children were riding the bus bound for a middle school in Ocala, a rural city north of Orlando. The victim said someone threw a shoe at her and she threw one back, according to an arrest report.

    One girl allegedly asked students if they wanted to hit the victim, then instructed the teens to form a circle and began hitting and kicking the victim. Several witnesses said they saw the girl fall to the floor and "appear to have a seizure and pass out," according to the arrest report. The victim, who is not being identified, was taken to the hospital and diagnosed with a concussion, severe bruising on her head and muscle spasms. Seven teens, ranging in age from 12 to 15, were charged with battery and disorderly conduct.

    This is typical black behavior. If this had been whites jumping on a 13 year old black, the mdeia would be all over the story demanding hate crime charges. The media censors race when it comes to minority on white crime.

  61. Anonymous6:47 AM

    The daily stories of black savagery in this country are normally reported only in local media. The story from the Ocala Star Banner, contains no references to the race of the attackers and the victim is silent about the fact that the seven youths who ganged up on a 13 year old girl and beat her into unconsciousness are blacks named Zantavia, Ladricka, Javaris, Alphonso, Bria, Lamiracle, and Jebria, and that the victim is white.

    In liberal America, if you're white, and you're harmed by blacks, society doesn't care a flip about you. You are expendable.

    Girl Beaten Unconscious Over Bus Seat: Cops
    7 teens charged with battery, disorderly conduct
    By the Associated Press
    Posted Jan 7, 2012 4:33 PM CST
    (AP)--Seven central Florida teenagers were arrested after authorities said they punched and kicked a 13-year-old until she was unconscious while on a school bus. The victim told authorities that yesterday was her first time riding the bus and no one would let her sit down. About 75 children were riding the bus bound for a middle school in Ocala, a rural city north of Orlando. The victim said someone threw a shoe at her and she threw one back, according to an arrest report.

    One girl allegedly asked students if they wanted to hit the victim, then instructed the teens to form a circle and began hitting and kicking the victim. Several witnesses said they saw the girl fall to the floor and "appear to have a seizure and pass out," according to the arrest report. The victim, who is not being identified, was taken to the hospital and diagnosed with a concussion, severe bruising on her head and muscle spasms. Seven teens, ranging in age from 12 to 15, were charged with battery and disorderly conduct.

    This is typical black behavior. If this had been whites jumping on a 13 year old black, the mdeia would be all over the story demanding hate crime charges. The media censors race when it comes to minority on white crime.

  62. Anonymous7:22 AM

    I don't care what these ole white dudes have to say, I'm voting for President Obama. Case closed as far as I'm concerned.

  63. I saw just brief lo-lights of the Repug debate earlier this morning, and it was noticeable how the other candidates left Romney alone. It seemed like they were positioning themselves to be his Veep candidate.

  64. Trance8:09 AM

    You seriously named a blog this?
    Was nigger taken?

  65. "Field are you frat? Are you aware the Kappas and Ques have formed a Super Pac to re-elect POTUS. That, my friend is field negro behavior."

    Yes it is.

    "You seriously named a blog this?
    Was nigger taken?"

    I know that this is A-merry-ca, but honestly, there is nothing wrong with reading a book every now and then. It will seriously broaden your horizons.

  66. Slow the roll... what did he say that was racist? That he called people who's skin color is black 'black'? That might not be politically correct, but it doesn't demonstrate racism.

    Was the racist thing that he said that black people don't need government aid to get ahead- that they are strong and intelligent just like everyone else and they need any more patronizing helping hands? This doesn't really sound racist- in fact, it sounds the opposite of racism.

    And it doesn't appear that he ever said that black people are bad and are the only population that needs aid- so the statement the lady made was incorrect and he should have denied it.

    I'm sorry, perhaps I'm not crazy like you all, but I don't see 'lying' and 'racist' anywhere here. I think you're seeing things that aren't there.

  67. Anonymous10:41 AM

    So now we know for sure Michelle is a Mooch.

    Pooch Mooch Wookie in the White House

  68. Obviously a slow news day on the conservative talking points front...

  69. GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Did I stutter? Do you need glasses? Apparently, outside of needing glasses or better reading skills, you have selective reading skills as well with your arrogant, condescending ass.

    Hey Granny, you're too funny!!

  70. BrookLyn said...
    Field are you frat? Are you aware the Kappas and Ques have formed a Super Pac to re-elect POTUS. That, my friend is field negro behavior.

    No, that's mindless conformist behavior.

  71. "I'm sorry, perhaps I'm not crazy like you all, but I don't see 'lying' and 'racist' anywhere here. I think you're seeing things that aren't there."

    I disagree with the not being racist part but if you admit he said "black" and now denies saying it that makes him a liar.

  72. Anonymous1:39 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    I saw just brief lo-lights of the Repug debate earlier this morning, and it was noticeable how the other candidates left Romney alone. It seemed like they were positioning themselves to be his Veep candidate.

    As usual you are misinformed by your choice of source. They were all over Romney. Do you get anything right?

  73. I get pretty much everything right, you it would appear, are quite astonishingly clueless.

  74. "I disagree with the not being racist part but if you admit he said "black" and now denies saying it that makes him a liar."

    I was thinking the same thing. You can't have it both ways. Which is it? Is he a liar or a racist?

  75. Anonymous3:17 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    I get pretty much everything right, you it would appear, are quite astonishingly clueless.

    Sure you do. Everything you say is correct. There, there now...go have some nice warm milk dearie. The quintessential poster boy for arrogance and ignorance being a self feeding circular emotive state. It isn't you, it's the big bad mean unfair world..oh and the fact there was slavery 200 years ago..yeah that's it.

  76. Anonymous3:25 PM

    "With some the word liberty may mean for each man to do as he pleases with himself, and the product of his labor; while with others, the same word may mean for some men to do as they please with other men, and the product of other men's labor. Here are two, not only different, but incompatible things, called by the same name -- liberty. And it follows that each of the things is, by the respective parties, called by two different and incompatible names --liberty and tyranny." -Abraham Lincoln

  77. Abraham Lincoln was a nasty, racist cunt of the very worst kind.

    Not surprised you admire his words so much.

  78. While you are here Anony, have you thought any more about why your life is so empty and meaningless.

    As we have previously discussed, you are pissing your life away hurling anonymous abuse at people you will never meet. This abuse achieves nothing, it will never change anyone's views or behavior, so I guess that leaves us with one question:

    What exactly is the point of your life?

  79. Hey Dr. Queen, good to see you. You had come across my mind a couple of times here lately.

    BTW, Happy New Year and I pray that you have a prosperous and peaceful New Year filled with love.

  80. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Will the real racists please stand up.

    "Black children in the same age group tend to form their identity more strongly by the color of their skin than a shared language, according to a new study, while the opposite was true for White children"

  81. Granny and Queen,

    Good to see you both.

    Hope the New Year brings you happiness and prosperity.

    My birthday is next Wednesday and I'm accepting all cyberspace kisses from my FN sistas.

  82. Anonymous4:27 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    While you are here Anony, have you thought any more about why your life is so empty and meaningless.

    As we have previously discussed, you are pissing your life away hurling anonymous abuse at people you will never meet. This abuse achieves nothing, it will never change anyone's views or behavior, so I guess that leaves us with one question:

    What exactly is the point of your life?

    We have never previously discussed anything Omar inane ranting on your part do not a discussion make.

    What abuse? Why do you hate yourself so much? Your self hate drips like venom from each and every word you post. Why do you feel so inferior that you can't hang and must cry and whine? You aren't a victim, you aren't being abused by others through they having a different opinion. Your lack of proficiency in various points of life aren't the fault of anyone else, nor will anyone accept responsibility for your ridiculous views and destructive nature. Who in the world taught you that you had a right to have a view and no one else could oppose it otherwise you become a victim? How in the world can you live with yourself knowing all the while that you do nothing but excuse the essence of failure that you are by continual whining and crying.

    If someone engages you and this makes them "empty and meaningless" do you even have enough intelligence to understand what that makes you? Well obviously you don't or you wouldnt support the infantile views that you do, views that cannot withstand even the most minute scrutiny without your needing to fall back on crying your eyes out like a little baby screaming how; if but for the unfairness of the world you would be better, smarter, tougher, richer, but alas you have the right stuff but the "world" is against you.

    If you can't handle the world then get off, but do yourself a favor and stop being a whiney little bitch. No one respects a man who is nothing more than a bag full of whining and crying bullshit.

    Note; while a coherent thought might take you eons to gather this took a minute. So you can know that you arent an important part of anyones life at all, rather like a weak fart simply an afterthought and foul annoyance.

  83. uptownsteve said...
    My birthday is next Wednesday and I'm accepting all cyberspace kisses from my FN sistas.

    I will make sure AB gives you many kisses on your b-day.

  84. "Note; while a coherent thought might take you eons to gather this took a minute. So you can know that you arent an important part of anyones life at all, rather like a weak fart simply an afterthought and foul annoyance."

    This coming from a racist bitch-ass coward who hurls anti-black hatred on a black blog while posting as "anonymous" is just too rich.


  85. "I will make sure AB gives you many kisses on your b-day"

    So you're AB's pimp now?

  86. Thanks uptown! If I do not see your fonts before Wed., Happy Birthday and I pray that you have many more to come with blessings overflowing.


    But we also ignore the same tendencies exhibited by Jews, Latinos and Indigenous sistas and brothas. Most ethnic minorities in any society tend to have similar responses but white people never show empathy to understand this very human trait. Interesting.
    "We don't have to have WSA here on campus" they say ignoring the fact they make up over 90% of the population.

  88. Abs' full lips, swangin' hips and pecaan skin.

    Steve, everyone knows what cake you want to be cutting on your b-day.

  89. Thank you Field.

    My B-day is not till next Wednesday and my son's is Thursday.

    But we celebrate the whole week.

    Thank God for another year of life, love, and health.

    I'll be 52 years old and I feel better than I did at 32.

  90. RhesusPesus5:45 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    This coming from a racist bitch-ass coward who hurls anti-black hatred on a black blog while posting as "anonymous" is just too rich.


    racist Bitch ass coward - yes you is yes you is (especially the bitch part) now don't get mad and try and scratch my eyes out queenie.

    "I'll be 52 years old and I feel better than I did at 32".

    Hot damn finally your age caught up to your were right it was gonna happen someday.

  91. Anonymous5:46 PM

    In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act. --George Orwell

    Or as Democrats put it - Racist

  92. no slappz5:53 PM

    field promises:

    Nope, I will vote for who I think is best for A-merry-ca.

    Really. What would the Republican presidential candidate have to say to get your vote?

  93. no slappz5:59 PM

    crash-test-pilot x says:

    But we also ignore the same tendencies exhibited by Jews, Latinos and Indigenous sistas and brothas. Most ethnic minorities in any society tend to have similar responses...

    Jews? Have similar responses? You're out of your mind. When it comes to diversity of opinions or where the battle lines are drawn, no one tops Jews for having differences.

    In 2008 virtually all blacks voted for Obama. Jews -- about 50%. In the coming election, the Jewish percentage will drop, but, sadly, not to zero.

  94. Anonymous6:02 PM

    New Hampshire Ends Affirmative Action preferences at colleges

    New Hampshire <1% Black Population

    New Hampshire lowest crime rate in the Nation

    New Hampshire Open Carry State

    New Hampshire Unemployment 5.2%

    I wonder why this state is doing so darn well? Anyone have any ideas? Maybe we should copy whatever they are doing and roll it out nationally.

  95. no slappz6:12 PM

    pilot x posts:

    US Major Airlines Report Over $1 billion in 3Q Profit

    THIRD Quarter profits -- the period that ended September 30, 2011.

    That was then, when fuel prices were lower. Oil priced closer to $100 a barrel in much of the heavy travel time of the FOURTH Quarter.

    IN any case, results in the Airline Industry are always Volatile. Always.

    Every once in a while airlines report periods of healthy earnings. But most of the time they don't.

    And during the good periods, the unions demand wage and benefit increases, while at the same time, the cost of new, fuel-efficient aircraft goes up.

    Luckily, interest rates are low, which means airlines can finance planes at good rates -- but the low rates also lead to higher prices for the planes.

    As always, the airline industry will expand and contract. The size of the industry will reflect the size of the population.

  96. "What would the Republican presidential candidate have to say to get your vote?"

    They don't hate black folks?

  97. "New Hampshire Ends Affirmative Action preferences at colleges

    New Hampshire <1% Black Population"

    So who the fuck is getting the Affirmative Action in NH?

  98. Anonymous6:32 PM

    The first two definitely...not the latter

    Check out Down Baller II --300 page full length novel..

    check out free sample...


  99. Alright, what American President said this?

    “Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes that you can do these things. Among them are a few Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or businessman from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid.”

  100. If you google to get the answer you cheated.

  101. Quote Anony

    "What abuse?"

    Everything you say.

    "Why do you hate yourself so much? Your self hate drips like venom from each and every word you post. Why do you feel so inferior that you can't hang and must cry and whine? You aren't a victim, you aren't being abused by others through they having a different opinion. Your lack of proficiency in various points of life aren't the fault of anyone else, nor will anyone accept responsibility for your ridiculous views and destructive nature. Who in the world taught you that you had a right to have a view and no one else could oppose it otherwise you become a victim? How in the world can you live with yourself knowing all the while that you do nothing but excuse the essence of failure that you are by continual whining and crying. "

    See what I mean?

    "If someone engages you and this makes them "empty and meaningless" do you even have enough intelligence to understand what that makes you?"

    It makes me rational.

    I will ask you the question again, and I will continue to ask it until I get an answer worth a damn.

    Do you know of any happy well-balanced person who spends every single day of his life hurling abuse at people he doesn't know?

    I don't, and clearly, you don't either.

    So why are you pissing your life away like this?

    What has caused you to be this way?

    "Well obviously you don't or you wouldnt support the infantile views that you do, views that cannot withstand even the most minute scrutiny without your needing to fall back on crying your eyes out like a little baby screaming how; if but for the unfairness of the world you would be better, smarter, tougher, richer, but alas you have the right stuff but the "world" is against you."

    I've never once said the world is against me. I've done very well for myself, I have an MBA, a great job, live in a beautiful 17th century home (I'm sure you've seen my blog), and a family to be proud of. My life is sweet.

    "If you can't handle the world then get off, but do yourself a favor and stop being a whiney little bitch. No one respects a man who is nothing more than a bag full of whining and crying bullshit."

    There you go again - projecting your misery on to others. I don;t cry and I don;t whine because I have nothing to whine about.

    "Note; while a coherent thought might take you eons to gather this took a minute. So you can know that you arent an important part of anyones life at all, rather like a weak fart simply an afterthought and foul annoyance."

    You see what I mean about this anger?

    Here you are, frothing at the mouth with rage about little old me, who lives 5000 km. away.

    Where does this rage come from Anony?

    How did you get this damaged?

  102. Quote No Slapzzzzzzzzzzz

    "As always, the airline industry will expand and contract. The size of the industry will reflect the size of the population."


    So you're saying the population expands and contracts??

    BTW, Slappy, Have you thought anymore about why your life is so empty and meaningless?

    Any theories yet?

    Who do women ignore you, do you think?

  103. Do you know what the best thing about the U.S.A. is?

    We send you total fuckwits that we are sick to death of like Russell Brand and Piers Morgan, and in return you send us Rich Hall and Reginald D. Hunter!

    That's a win/win/win/win for the U.K.

    That's my final thought for the day before I retire to bed.



  105. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Quote Anony

    "What abuse?"

    Everything you say.

    If you say so.

    "Why do you hate yourself so much? Your self hate drips like venom from each and every word you post. Why do you feel so inferior that you can't hang and must cry and whine? You aren't a victim, you aren't being abused by others through they having a different opinion. Your lack of proficiency in various points of life aren't the fault of anyone else, nor will anyone accept responsibility for your ridiculous views and destructive nature. Who in the world taught you that you had a right to have a view and no one else could oppose it otherwise you become a victim? How in the world can you live with yourself knowing all the while that you do nothing but excuse the essence of failure that you are by continual whining and crying. "

    See what I mean?

    Nope but good for you, if you can see the visions. Even if they are reeking of delusions they might keep you from hurting yourself or someone else, anything to avoid facing the reality of who you are right?

    "If someone engages you and this makes them "empty and meaningless" do you even have enough intelligence to understand what that makes you?"

    It makes me rational.

    No actually it makes you non impactful, less then nothing and pretty much inconsequential the rest of your spiel is your usual useless and infantile physcoblog babble from the 70's. Get a grip pally you are way, way out of your depth and your techniques are laughingly at best described as affirmative action type, outdated, overused, overly simplistic to any but someone like you and just a plain joke.

    Lastly in parting, no rage here at all I would say nice try but again you are really scraping the bottom of the intellect barrel if you can't even be original with your poor attempts at baiting.

    Cheerio, pip pip and all that sort of rot.

  106. Anonymous7:40 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Do you know what the best thing about the U.S.A. is?

    We send you total fuckwits that we are sick to death of like Russell Brand and Piers Morgan, and in return you send us Rich Hall and Reginald D. Hunter!

    That's a win/win/win/win for the U.K.

    That's my final thought for the day before I retire to bed.


    Good glad you don't like Americans. We have always disliked pompous fallicious green teethed brits, especially the lowbrow queens like you. You might be something in your Arab world but not so much over here and that is why you are so hateful and angry at Americans - you know you can NEVER measure up and are nothing more than a nappy headed minstrel.

  107. Anonymous8:18 PM

    It's TEBOW time!!!!!!

  108. Broncos on to NE. Good for them. Riley Cooper (Iggles WR who roomed with Tebow at Florida) says he is the real deal in terms of being a good person. I will take his word for it.

    PC, you really have some haters.

    This is what happens when you live the good life across the pond. Us Yanks get jealous.

    We don't have EPL and those wonderful sports cars with the steering wheels on the right hand side like you do. :)

  109. "As always, the airline industry will expand and contract. The size of the industry will reflect the size of the population."

    I think Purple Cow pointed out how ridiculous this statement is. Care to expand on this silly idea? Maybe you meant economy. You can thank me later and thank you for being the new master of the obvious otherwise known as a MOTO.

    In 2008 virtually all blacks voted for Obama. Jews -- about 50%. In the coming election, the Jewish percentage will drop, but, sadly, not to zero."

    Ummmmmmm, Slappz last I checked Obama isn't Jewish. I wonder what percentage of Jewish voters would vote for a fellow Jew. Apples to apples.

  110. "IN any case, results in the Airline Industry are always Volatile. Always."

    Thanks MOTO. Wanna inform us water is wet or fire is hot? Where would we be without Slappz?

    "And during the good periods, the unions demand wage and benefit increases,"

    Gee Slappz I wonder why that is. Wanna explain?
