Friday, January 06, 2012

Ghetto apps, and the C word.

One of the beautiful things about being a black man in urban A-merry-ca, is that you can take really cool shortcuts through certain neighborhoods during rush hour. Neighborhoods that other people  desperately try to avoid, which always make the commute so much easier.

Look, if you are a white person living in A-merry-ca, I strongly suggest that you try to get your hands on the following device:

"REDMOND, Wash. (CBS Seattle) – Microsoft has been granted a patent for its “avoid ghetto” feature for GPS devices.

A GPS device is used to find shortcuts and avoid traffic, but Microsoft’s patent states that a route can be plotted for pedestrians to avoid an “unsafe neighborhood or being in an open area that is subject to harsh temperatures.”
Created for mobile phones, the technology uses the latest crime statistics and weather data and includes them when calculating a route.

Created for mobile phones, the technology uses the latest crime statistics and weather data and includes them when calculating a route.
The patent, written in a combination of tech-speak and legalese, was awarded to Microsoft earlier this week. " [Source]

Yes, I suppose that knowing "crime statistics" is important. Because you can never be too careful when navigating your way around A-merry-ca. (h/t to centauri for sending me this story)

Finally, I have to attack black a little bit tonight.

Hey, it's like this, if I am going to defend you Negroes when white folks get all racial with you during the heat of an athletic battle, you are going to have to restrain yourselves as well.

It is not cool to make racial remarks to your opponents. It's just not. Find another way to try and get under your opponent's skin without making ignorant and derogatory racial remarks.

"Ohio State linebacker Tyler Moeller, complained about racial slurs being used by Florida towards him in Ohio State’s 24-17 loss in the Gator Bowl.
Moeller claims that several Florida players called him “cracker” which led to tensions between the two teams.
Yahoo Sports reports:
“They’re classless. That’s the way I’d put it,” Moeller said, according to Marcus Hartman from Buckeye Sports Bulletin. “I’ve never seen more people swing at our players and call us racial slurs. I’ve never been called a ‘cracker’ more in my life than I have today. So I don’t really have much respect for them in terms of that but they’re a good team. They came out and outplayed us today.” [Story]
Tyler, I agree with you, and those Negroes who did that to you deserve to be in the house.


  1. Whassup with those Florida bamas?

    If a white player had called them a nigger they would have flipped.

    Totally out of line and the perps should be suspended.

  2. Good thinking on the part of MS. Since most of the interracial carjackings,torture,rape, and murder are committed by blacks, this should save the lives of many whites.

  3. Anonymous9:53 PM

    "Totally out of line and the perps should be suspended."

    Yes, but football wins trump everything in the SEC, and nothing will happen to these guys. Glad they got called out anyway.

  4. This app wouldn't have done this 18 year old white girl any good.

    Logan Square attack leaves woman in coma
    Chicago police are questioning several people of interest in a brutal sexual assault that left an 18-year-old woman from the Northwest suburbs in a coma.

    The woman, who police were previously unable to identify because she didn’t have identification, was attacked just after 9:30 p.m. Saturday night after leaving the D.J. Rusko concert at the Congress Theater.

    The woman was found naked on a lawn near Milwaukee and Rockwell Streets in the Logan Square neighborhood. Theater employees say the woman was denied entry to the New Year’s Eve concert because she didn’t have her ID. After leaving the 17-and-up concert, she was brutally attacked and beaten by as many as 6 men.

    Danny Medina, a resident who lives near the scene of the attack says he came outside after hearing a loud commotion. He says he was stunned at what he saw. “There were a lot of people standing in front of a young lady.,0,5841139.story

  5. "Yes, but football wins trump everything in the SEC, and nothing will happen to these guys."

    Just like beating Obama trumps everything in the GOP primaries.

    Exactly why nothing happens to Paul, Gingrich and Santorum.

  6. wingnut tormented, I think it would have helped this poor guy as well.

  7. Anonymous10:07 PM

    Field, "It is not cool to make racial remarks to your opponents. It's just not. Find another way to try and get under your opponent's skin without making ignorant and derogatory racial remarks."

    Field, thank you for standing up for what's right. You are an honorable man. Actually, I never thought I'd ever hear or read anything regarding black racists remarks on FN by you.

    It's been years and you have have said little about insulting name calling by people on your blog. Is this the new Field for 2012? If it is you are beautiful.

    Does this mean you are going to call out UTS, Mack Lyons and UK Purple Cow for their classless racist views? UTS has been especially racist in his name calling...he has called white folks every name in the book and so has Mack Lyons for that matter. They are classless and clueless.

  8. Tom Garmin10:10 PM

    So Field, are you saying crime area = black area?

  9. "UTS has been especially racist in his name calling...he has called white folks every name in the book"


    I call anon racists "goobers".

    While you clowns have hurled the "n" bomb repeatedly.

  10. Anonymous10:24 PM

    The "a" bomb wiped out Hiroshima.

    The 'n' bomb is what wiped out Detroit.

  11. Anonymous10:25 PM

    UTS, "UTS has been especially racist in his name calling...he has called white folks every name in the book"


    I call anon racists "goobers".

    While you clowns have hurled the "n" bomb repeatedly".

    10:19 PM

    Goober is an offensive name that you have clearly made racist. You have also used the word "cracker" quite often in the past until you started with "goober" with practically every comment you have made. Face it. You can't help yourself. You hate Whites and you are the offensive David Duke of your race, a black klansman.

  12. "You have also used the word "cracker" quite often in the past"

    Lyin goober.

  13. Speaking as a white guy who spent most of his life in the company of every sort of "A-merry-can" (love that, by the way!), all I can suggest to white people is to try not to get over themselves.

    I never had a problem in some of the most "infamous" places in America. And all I had to do was be honest and forthright. Is that so much to ask of anyone?

    Good post.


  14. Anonymous10:48 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "You have also used the word "cracker" quite often in the past"

    Lyin goober.

    Drty Nigger, see you started it so dont you fuckin dare get offended as someone said you aint a black man you a nigger a dumb low down dirty bitch of a nigger

  15. Anonymous10:52 PM

    I can't believe JMJ is not offended by the word "goober" or "cracker" coming out of the mouth of a racist Black.

    The N-word has been virtually eliminated and washed away by Whites themselves. Whites are more inclusive than any other group in A-merry-ca. We elected Obama didn't we?

    And guess what? we get called a bunch of racist names like "goober". That is such a filthy disrespecting name and I plan to write Obama about it! It's time to lower the boom on sicko UTS.

  16. Anonymous10:59 PM

    Dear Mr. Field, please stand behind the words in your post. Kick UTS off FN for being a racist and calling Whites "goobers". That is just plain wrong. All it does is create more racial tension, which that sorry UTS wants to do.

    Even no_slappz is more respectful than UTS. He has never used the N-word, or coon...wait a minute! Field you have used the word coon, you hypocrite.

  17. "Whites are more inclusive than any other group in A-merry-ca. We elected Obama didn't we?"

    Are you nuts?

    You didn't vote for Obama you lyin toothless racist. And only 42% of white voters did.

    I for one can list DOZENS of white candidates that I've supported over the years.

    Sometimes over black opponents.

    Name ONE black candidate you've ever voted for.

    Take all the time you need.

  18. "wait a minute! Field you have used the word coon, you hypocrite."

    No, I don't remember ever doing that. If I did, I was probably trying to make a point.

    I am too much of a nice guy for that kind of stuff....

    "So Field, are you saying crime area = black area?"

    No, I am saying that certain people believe that there is crime in only black areas.

  19. I wonder if I can rig this app up so I can avoid the trailer parks and other bad white areas - you know, places where a person of my hue is more likely to end up behind the pickup truck rather than in it?

  20. bonesman11:22 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    I for one can list DOZENS of white candidates that I've supported over the years.

    Sometimes over black opponents.


  21. Hugh Brown11:24 PM

    Mack Lyons said...
    I wonder if I can rig this app up so I can avoid the trailer parks and other bad white areas - you know, places where a person of my hue is more likely to end up behind the pickup truck rather than in it?

    Really, cause white on black crime is just such a huge problem.

  22. bonesman goober

    I voted for Ed Koch over Denny Farrell.

    John Kerry over Al Sharpton.

    Walter Mondale over Jesse Jackson.

    I'll ask AGAIN.

    What black candidate have you ever voted for?

  23. "Really, cause white on black crime is just such a huge problem."

    It obviously is.

    Which is why we have hate crime laws.

  24. bonesman11:32 PM

    I voted for my black neighbor for school board.

  25. "No, I am saying that certain people believe that there is crime in only black areas."

    And goobers believe that "black areas' are defacto "crime areas".

    Racist garbage.

  26. Anonymous11:36 PM

    Racist garbage will bash your head in, which is why I stay out of black areas.

  27. "I voted for my black neighbor for school board."

    And we're supposed to belive you have kids in that school district.

    Stop the bullsquat, willya?

    You have a black neighbor like Donald Trump has humility.

  28. bonesman11:46 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    You have a black neighbor like Donald Trump has humility.

    Well, he lives on the other side of town, but he is my friend, my kids have gone to school with his kids their whole lives, and I did vote for him.

  29. But is there an app that can help Black people avoid redneck neighborhoods(and or Kentucky)?

  30. NSangoma11:55 PM

    Will the MicroSoft App help one avoid Ghetto Schools, also:

    You Negroes fuck up too, too, much shit.

  31. hip hop world11:56 PM

    Why Val, is there an issue with blacks being victimized in predominately white neighborhoods? Or is actually far more dangerous for blacks in predominately black neighborhoods?


  32. Goober McCracker12:08 AM

    Anonymous said...
    "The "a" bomb wiped out Hiroshima.

    The 'n' bomb is what wiped out Detroit."

    Detroit is about to declare bankruptcy and may be taken over a state-appointed emergency manager.

    “How come all of the jurisdictions put under emergency management are majority African American? Has anybody noticed that?” asked Rep. John Conyers (D), who has represented Detroit for 47 years. “There seems to be a racial aspect, a racial component of the application of this law.”

    Hmmmm....there sure does 'seem' to be a racial aspect. Detroit is 82% black. Black majority cities 'seem' to lack the ability to sustain an economy, education system, public works infrastructure, or attract outside investors.

    You'd think that after 47 years in government, Rep. Conyers wouldn't have to ask that question. Just living in Detroit should have given him a clue:

    First, the son of U.S. Rep. John Conyers (D-Detroit) was forbidden from using dad's taxpayer-leased Cadillac Escalade. Now, it looks like nobody else will be driving the fancy SUV real soon either, not after a thief stole the wheels off of the vehicle.

    According to news reports, a Conyers staffer confirmed that the wheels had been stolen yesterday while the vehicle was parked in front of the congressman's home on the west side of Detroit.

    Vast sections of Detroit lie in ruins, or have been completely abandoned. It's not just Detroit. Plenty of other cities are heading down the same path: St. Louis, Cleveland, Newark, Milwaukee, Philly...

    What's to be done? Should the percentage of blacks be limited to 20% for any metropolitan area? That might be better for everyone. Our cities would function again and law-abiding black folk might be able to escape the predators.

  33. "Why Val, is there an issue with blacks being victimized in predominately white neighborhoods?"

    I know that I don't go to Fishtown or 2nd Street after dark. At least not without a police escort.

    Folks in Philly can relate.:)

  34. Anonymous12:31 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    I rest my case.

    10:50 PM
    You dont do a crime and then blame the cop for arrestin you dumbass if you dont like it stop doing what you do to everyone

  35. Anonymous12:37 AM

    Mack Lyons said...
    I wonder if I can rig this app up so I can avoid the trailer parks and other bad white areas - you know, places where a person of my hue is more likely to end up behind the pickup truck rather than in it?

    Easy, just listen for the dogs. When they start barkin turn around, you know they smell the oddity of someone black. Why is that? Do they smell evil? Unclean? Do they sense primitive thoughts and emotions? Almost all dogs go crazy when someone black comes around.

  36. Anonymous12:41 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    "No, I am saying that certain people believe that there is crime in only black areas."

    And goobers believe that "black areas' are defacto "crime areas".

    Racist garbage.

    And what do dirty niggers like you think? That the most crime ridden shitty garbage filled areas in the country are what? Filipino?Chinese? Korean?

  37. 95% of Street Smart is knowing which streets to avoid, & when to avoid them. When I missed my stop for a doctor's office in Newark NJ by a few blocks, deeper into Central Ward & looking not good, I asked the black bus driver right out if it was still safe to get off & walk back. He said yea, I'd just made it. I knew that after a certain point I'd have to stay on until Seton Hall University because it'd be too risky to even wait for a bus the other way. But some of most dangerous streets in Newark look suburban & some areas you might expect to have high crime rates do not.

  38. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Mack Lyons said...
    I wonder if I can rig this app up so I can avoid the trailer parks and other bad white areas - you know, places where a person of my hue is more likely to end up behind the pickup truck rather than in it?

    White on black crime is basically non-existent

  39. White-on-Black crime is what America was built on.

  40. "White-on-Black crime is what America was built on."


    "And what do dirty niggers like you think? That the most crime ridden shitty garbage filled areas in the country are what? Filipino?Chinese? Korean?"

    No, we call them Reagan Zones. ;)

  41. Anonymous9:34 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    White-on-Black crime is what America was built on.

    LOL @ Hamburger wants to be a white American so bad.

    Funny. If he wasn't so sad.

  42. Anonymous9:38 AM

    field negro said...

    No, we call them Reagan Zones. ;)

    fn, you know these Reagan zones have been ran by democrats, in most cases, black democrats for decades.

  43. Anony-baby!

    Have you thought any more about how shallow and useless your life is?

    Everybody here is keen to help you, I can't understand why you are refusing to accept my kind offer.

    Have you sought help from other sources? Psychiatrist? psychologist? Therapist?....Parole Officer?

    Why are you so angry? Why are you so bitter?

  44. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Purple Cow Said..

    "Everybody here is keen to help you, I can't understand why you are refusing to accept my kind offer"

    No, No, NO for the last time, I will not let you suck it - so forget it. It isn't going to happen!!

  45. There you go - projecting again...

  46. Skeeter11:39 AM

    field negro said...
    "White-on-Black crime is what America was built on."


    So, because of slavery, black on white crime in the here-and-nowis justified?

    I guess that 30 year old mother who was raped and murdered by black guy yesterday deserved it because some people who looked like her mistreated some people who looked like him 200 years ago.

    That's your logic, right?

  47. "That's your logic, right?"

    Nope, we've said absolutely no such thing.

    If your English comprehension skills were above that of the average eight year-old, you would have worked that out for yourself, numbnuts.

  48. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Purple Dickface practices the typical Black Politician of deniability and proves he is a leftist by denying but not clarifying.

    The discussion is about Black crime and how common it is. Someone says white on Black crime is nonexistent thus the idiocy of claiming racism for those wishing to avoid Black neighborhoods. You counter with America was built by white on Black Crime, bringing slavery into the discussion.

    So if you meant no such thing, then what dear knob jobber was the relevance of your comment? Slavery has as you clarify now by claiming the anon poster has no reading comprehension skills, nothing to do with the issue of Black Crime. So what was the purpose of your comment? What did you really mean? What counter did your comment on slavery lend to the fact that White on Black crime is virtually nonexistent?

    For if you are really saying slavery of 200 years ago is justification for any widespread black anti civilized actions today,then surely you will also support white revolt and retaliation tomorrow in response to the Black violence and crime of today.

    At least one thinking logically would see your point this way. Naturally the key word being "thinking" and that my not fit your capabilities.

  49. " So what was the purpose of your comment?"

    I was trying to educate you.

    "What did you really mean?"

    What i said.

    " What counter did your comment on slavery lend to the fact that White on Black crime is virtually nonexistent? "

    People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

  50. Anonymous12:55 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    " So what was the purpose of your comment?"

    I was trying to educate you.

    "What did you really mean?"

    What i said.

    " What counter did your comment on slavery lend to the fact that White on Black crime is virtually nonexistent? "

    People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

    Educate - YOU? On what? How I can best cover your incompetencies by assuming faux guilt and excusing you and how I must do this because of someone else's actions 200 years ago?

    No glass houses here. I have no guilt for slavery. I owe you nothing, did nothing and had just as much to do with slavery as you do - abso-fuckin-lutely nothing. Other then enabling the societal rewards you now reap for underachievement and destructive actions stemming from your continual claims. So take that faux alchemist attempt to generate and transmute someone elses guilt into excuses and shove it up your ass.

    You are now clearly exposed as an intellectual fraud and a fledgling comedian. Useless mindless joke of a reply.

    Piss off. But do try and have a nice day though - I will.

  51. Where does all this rage come from?

    What happened to you that has made you this way?

  52. You can tell me Anony, I'm your friend.

    I am here to help.

  53. Skeeter1:36 PM

    @ Anon 12:55:

    Excellent dissection of the cow.

    Both he and Field implicitly rationalize black violence as justified in the context of the collective historical guilt of all White people.

    This is a fundamental tenet of modern liberal thought. It in part explains the behavior of black "youth" in the age of Obama, where flash mobs, knockout games, and other random acts of violence against Whites are viewed as a right to be exercised.

  54. @PurpleCow:

    Abagabond did an excellent piece regarding their problem.

  55. Skeeter2:09 PM

    @ Granny:

    I read the piece you linked to. I think it is a very distorted view taken from a great distance, and that it reflects more on the writer than the subject.

    As a white person, I can say that the vast majority of white people do not hate, demonize, or look down on blacks. Most anyone under 60 has been taught to view blacks as a sainted, victimized people of great talent and deep moral wisdom. Whites are characterized as evil, greedy, and due for punishment.

    In fact, if anything, a majority of White people under 30 believe Blacks to be superior to Whites, because that is the measage they receive from the culture.

    The piece is correct that White people do fear Blacks. Whatever may have happened in the Deep South 100 years ago, the reality today is that there is a horrific level of black violence in America, and that whites are vicitmized by blacks far more often than the converse. This is something that is not allowed to be discussed in the mainstream, but is evidenced by both official statisitcs and personal experience.

    This is why Whites don't want to live near blacks, and why they don't want to send their children to school with black children. Not because they think they are better, but because they fear for their lives.

    This is not racist, it is rational.

  56. Anonymous2:17 PM

    So, black people WOULD want to go through a ghetto; only white people would object?

    And really, only black people live in the ghetto?

    How narrow-minded.

  57. @Skeeter:

    Back some years ago, I moved to a predominantly white city thinking that it was safer. Boy...did I get an eyeopener.

    The first week there, a man held two young boys hostage in a ditch, which winded up with a shootout between him and the police.

    Second week, a robbery was committed by a white man in which the owner of the store was killed.

    Third week, another hostage situation.

    Next month, a mother and daughter were killed.

    The biggest lesson I learned was that whites have crime in their neighborhoods too, but they and the news folks don't broadcast it.

    However, when I went on my trip this past summer back South, that might be changing slowly because all I saw on the news committing violent crimes was WHITE people.

    As for your ranting about not wanting to live around black people, I don't think that is an issue because the majority of black people try to live around their own or in mixed neighborhoods. Besides which, anyone with common sense knows that redlining never ended. Folks just pretended that it did.

    Frankly speaking, I would not want any neighbors with your mindset. Btw, I do have some white neighbors and everyone on my block gets along fine and happy with it.

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. Skeeter2:35 PM

    My "mindset" will help keep me alive.

    Sorry, but that's the cold, hard truth.

  60. Nope, your mindset will keep you prejudice and paranoid!!!!

    And that's the real truth!

  61. Why is my icon showing as a triangle with an exclamation mark in it? I remember Carolyn Moon mentioning that to me before regarding hers and mine and I noticed it too before she mentioned it.

    Are she and I being singled out for something? BTw, I meant to tell you field that someone sent me an email that was suppose to be from you with a virus in it. Only thing is that instead of your regular email addy, it had Wayne Bennett as the addy. That's how I know it wasn't you.

  62. Anonymous3:01 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Where does all this rage come from?

    What happened to you that has made you this way?

    You are pretty sad. If you are "outraged" by the truth, that is your own and I also won't accept your projection of these feelings.

    Now, come on. You are, to use your 70's terms "lame" drawing upon your intellect as deeply as I am sure you did, struggling mightily; the only response you can summon to counter your exposure of incompetent wordsmithing is to say..oh Why are you angry? HAHAHA

  63. "Really, cause white on black crime is just such a huge problem."

    I figure you're speaking out of jest, but Oscar Grant, James Craig Anderson and Brandon McClelland can attest to the dangers of on "white-on-black" crime, as can countless others throughout history.

    The hysteria over black-on-white or black-on-black crime is part and parcel with society's continuing efforts to paint blacks as mindless savages and brutes worthy only of incarceration or enslavement.

  64. "The hysteria over black-on-white or black-on-black crime is part and parcel with society's continuing efforts to paint blacks as mindless savages and brutes worthy only of incarceration or enslavement."

    And the church says AMEN!

  65. no slappz3:33 PM

    uptown dummy writes:

    I voted for Ed Koch over Denny Farrell.

    John Kerry over Al Sharpton.

    Walter Mondale over Jesse Jackson.

    No you didn't. Those pairs of candidates never appeared on the same ballots.

    But by your omission, I can tell you voted for David Dinkins over Rudy Giuliani.

    I'll ask AGAIN.

    What black candidate have you ever voted for?


    It's always in my mind that blacks have never built a functioning representative government anywhere in the world -- unless there was strict white oversight.

  66. Skeeter3:42 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Nope, your mindset will keep you prejudice and paranoid!!!!

    It's not paranoid if they really are out to get you.

  67. no slappz3:44 PM

    mack sliming said:

    I figure you're speaking out of jest, but Oscar Grant, James Craig Anderson and Brandon McClelland can attest to the dangers of on "white-on-black" crime, as can countless others throughout history.

    As crime statistics have shown for 50 years -- the rate of violent crime in the black community is many many times higher than it is among whites. But, somehow, when you find a couple examples of whites attacking blacks, the few examples offset the multitude of violent black crimes.

    The hysteria over black-on-white or black-on-black crime is part and parcel with society's continuing efforts to paint blacks as mindless savages and brutes worthy only of incarceration or enslavement.

    Oh. So in your view crime in black communities is nothing to get worked up about, so the police should spend less time patrolling in places where there's no specil need for them.

    I wonder how high the murder rate in black communities would go if you were making policing decisions?

  68. no slappz3:52 PM

    field claims:

    I know that I don't go to Fishtown or 2nd Street after dark. At least not without a police escort.

    What "might" happen?

    Are there any credible accounts of what you're implying -- whites attacking blacks?

  69. I am signing offline, but before I go...

    "It's always in my mind that blacks have never built a functioning representative government anywhere in the world -- unless there was strict white oversight."

    You mean like those white folks that screwed up the GLOBAL economy? LOL!


    "It's not paranoid if they really are out to get you."

    Do you see black men under your bed too? Smh! This time, Smh means shaking my head at a silly person making a asinine statement.

  70. no slappz4:11 PM

    purple ooze linked:

    White people need to shut up

    posted by lenin

    Not me, obviously. (Good luck with that.) And probably not you either.

    But, you know, those white people.

    The endless parade of white victims, the oppressed white, the white who can't say what they really think and yet endlessly say it at length, for a living.

    Seems as though this clown merely found an angry rant written by a malcontent and changed "black" to "white."

  71. Anonymous4:14 PM

    I really miss my dad diddling my skittle.I wish there was a app for that!


  72. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Mack Lyons said...
    The hysteria over black-on-white or black-on-black crime is part and parcel with society's continuing efforts to paint blacks as mindless savages and brutes worthy only of incarceration or enslavement.

    Society doesn't need to do anything. Blacks are the ones who show themselves mindless savages. Just ask that 18 year old in Obamaland who was raped and beaten by blacks.

  73. no slappz4:30 PM

    field posts:

    Created for mobile phones, the technology uses the latest crime statistics and weather data and includes them when calculating a route.

    So far, so good.

    Yes, I suppose that knowing "crime statistics" is important.

    It matters to police departments, fire departments, schools, businesses and all sane citizens.

    Because you can never be too careful when navigating your way around A-merry-ca.

    Back in the mid-1980s I stopped at a red light in a "bad" neighborhood in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Suddenly there were a couple of black guys approaching me. The light changed and I pulled away, turning left down a sidestreet.

    I looked in my rear-view mirror and saw at least five of the them chasing my slow-moving car down the street.

    At the next corner they caught up with me and jostled each other to get to my driver's-side window.

    In the middle of their jostling at my widnow, I realized they were trying to sell me something. The I understood they were trying to sell me crack.

  74. Anonymous5:24 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    I am signing offline, but before I go...

    "It's always in my mind that blacks have never built a functioning representative government anywhere in the world -- unless there was strict white oversight."

    You mean like those white folks that screwed up the GLOBAL economy? LOL!

    No Granny, like the white folks who built the Global Economy that the majority of Blacks worldwide still haven't figured out how to partake in - although blacks living in white societies do quite well with racial set asides like you.

    The whites who messed up the economy were buddies of yours - dumpocraps - splattering change everywhere and buying votes with unsecured mortgages cause they just knew every black person deserves a house even if they cant afford it and played xbox instead of going to school.

    If we didnt have to support Black America we would have manned stations on Mars by now.

  75. Anonymous5:35 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    " So what was the purpose of your comment?"

    I was trying to educate you.

    "What did you really mean?"

    What i said.

    " What counter did your comment on slavery lend to the fact that White on Black crime is virtually nonexistent? "

    People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

    You are so right Purple Teats. Look at the cesspool you have in London created by third worlders. None were slaves so what is your excuse for them and you? You must have holes all over your glass house.

  76. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Does anyone know why the rate of New Aids cases is 49.8% African Americans? Only 13% of the population yet 49.8% of new aids cases? Whats up with that?
    According to the CDC the rate of HIV infection in Washington D.C. for African Americans is actually higher than it is in West Africa.

    Is this a media lie?

  77. no slappz7:09 PM

    New AIDS cases?

    Take a look at the African nation of your choice.

    AIDS is cutting through almost every country with such ferocity that the median age of black Africans is about 19 -- and life expectancy is about 50.

  78. Quote Anony

    "Now, come on. You are, to use your 70's terms "lame" drawing upon your intellect as deeply as I am sure you did, struggling mightily; the only response you can summon to counter your exposure of incompetent wordsmithing is to say..oh Why are you angry? HAHAHA"

    Well Anony, if you don;t come here because you are angry, why do you come here?

    To reiterate, you come here every singe day to pour abuse on to people you will never meet.


    What is wrong with your life that you feel this compulsion?

    I will come back to me previous question, that you failed to answer.

    Do you know of one single happy, fulfilled, contented person who spends every day of their lives expressing their hatred for other human beings?


    I'm not messing with you anony, I'm not playing games. You are pissing your life away on this website and I want to know why.

    Think about this, on your deathbed, say 10 years from now, will you look back at the hundreds of hours you've spent on the internet researching the shit you post and actually posting abuse, will you look back on those hours on your deathbed and think "well, that was time well spent." ?

    Think about that, when you are lying alone in bed tonight.

  79. "You are so right Purple Teats. Look at the cesspool you have in London created by third worlders."

    Not my problem, I don't live in London.


  80. Quote No Slapzzzz

    "....-- and life expectancy is about 50."

    It always was.

    No Slapzzzzzzzzz, I will ask you the same question I asked Anony, and I am hoping (perhaps naively) for a serious answer.

    Do you know of one single happy, fulfilled, contented person who spends every day of their lives expressing their hatred for other human beings?


    I'm not messing with you No Slapzzz, I'm not playing games. You are pissing your life away on this website and I want to know why.

    Think about this, on your deathbed, say 10 years from now, will you look back at the hundreds of hours you've spent on the internet researching the shit you post and actually posting abuse, will you look back on those hours on your deathbed and think "well, that was time well spent." ?

    Think about that, when you are lying alone in bed tonight.

  81. "No glass houses here. I have no guilt for slavery. I owe you nothing, did nothing and had just as much to do with slavery as you do - abso-fuckin-lutely nothing. Other then enabling the societal rewards you now reap for underachievement and destructive actions stemming from your continual claims".

    No, actually you continue to reap the benefits of slavery,not black people.Sorry for the reality slap.

    I looked in my rear-view mirror and saw at least five of the them chasing my slow-moving car down the street.

    "At the next corner they caught up with me and jostled each other to get to my driver's-side window.

    In the middle of their jostling at my widnow, I realized they were trying to sell me something. The I understood they were trying to sell me crack."

    So you happen to look like a junkie. How is that black folks fault?

  82. Anonymous7:56 PM

    bonesman goober

    I voted for Ed Koch over Denny Farrell.

    John Kerry over Al Sharpton.

    Walter Mondale over Jesse Jackson.

    I'll ask AGAIN.

    What black candidate have you ever voted for?

    11:30 PM
    Those don't count. Any fool would know better than to vote for AL Sharpton or JJ for President. And who the hell is Denny Ferrell?

    Nope. You are going to have to do better to prove yourself. No one is going to count those. I'm only sayin as a brotha to help you out. Surely you have something better?

  83. Anonymous8:16 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Anony

    "Now, come on. You are, to use your 70's terms "lame" drawing upon your intellect as deeply as I am sure you did, struggling mightily; the only response you can summon to counter your exposure of incompetent wordsmithing is to say..oh Why are you angry? HAHAHA"

    Well Anony, if you don;t come here because you are angry, why do you come here?

    Because I like your Avatar of the Homosexual from the Wire. It gives me a chuckle to read your drivel and see your Avatar. Surely you aren't that pompous are you? that you think this is about some half wit Brit wishing he were in the US constantly on the outside looking in and being a critic do you?

    What does being on the down-low and aids mean to you? With those huge statistics for African Americans and UK Blacks (42% of new cases) with aids you must know many people who are infected. Are you unclean? That would explain quite a bit about your whacky logic.

  84. Anonymous8:17 PM

    No, actually you continue to reap the benefits of slavery,not black people.Sorry for the reality slap.

    Could you name just one of those benefits that I am reaping today as a result of slavery? Is this unique to the U.S? Or do all countries who had slaves reap the same benefits?

  85. "Could you name just one of those benefits that I am reaping today as a result of slavery?"

    Your mirror might help you with this one.

    Sorry Granny, I have been having some problems with hackers. I am working on it.

    I am glad that you were smarter than they were this time.

  86. Actually Cow what I want to know from Slappz is if its children are racists too. Did it teach them to discriminate based on skin color or are they a bit more enlightened?
    Anyhoo, I feel ya Steve. Folks came out of the box last election blaming Black people for voting for the prez based on his skin color without even thinking that most whites have NEVER voted for a person of color while the average Black voter votes for several white candidates every election. Interesting times. Gotta love the latest all white male parade from the GOP as if they are the only ones qualified to run things.

    Yeah yeah I know Herman was on the ballot but notice he didn't even make it to Iowa so if a tree falls and no one is there to hear it.......
