Thursday, January 12, 2012

Mi Amigo Mitt.

Well, as it turns out, his O ness isn't the only high profile politrickster whose daddy was born outside of these divided states of A-merry-ca. Unlike O, however, Flipper is trying to use his daddy's birthplace to his advantage. (BTW Flipper, I still want to see proof that you created 100,000.00 "net" jobs while at Vain Capitol and a copy of your tax returns.)

The Real Mitt Romney has launched a bid to win over Latino voters, from noting that his father was born in Mexico to airing a new Spanish-language ad in Florida. But he’s not getting any help from @MexicanMitt, a ribald and unsympathetic Latino alter ego someone has launched on Twitter.

@MexicanMitt started tweeting yesterday, kicking off the account by saying, “Corporations are peoples, my amigos!” “You know you can tell I am Mexican?” Mexican Mitt asked later. “Because I take the Americans jobs!”

After the real Romney’s victory in Tuesday’s New Hampshire primary, Mexican Mitt exclaimed, “I won, cabrones!” As the GOP frontrunner made his way down to the next primary state of South Carolina, Mexican Mitt tweeted, “Esta noche voy a el Sur de Carolina. Carolina es mi otra esposa, guey!” – meaning, “Carolina is my other wife!”

The tweets from Mexican Mitt have come one after another in the past two days.“I am so Mexican I don’t have a Super PAC, I have a Super PACO!” he tweeted.Taking aim at one of Romney’s rivals, Mexican Mitt said, “Niut Gringorich, shut up about my business practices – you sound like a pinche OCCUPY HIPPIE!!”The Twitter alter ego comes as Romney makes a serious push to court Latino voters, the nation’s fastest-growing voting bloc and a minority that could prove crucial in upcoming GOP primary states such as Florida and Nevada. At a campaign stop in Rochester, N.H., on Sunday, Romney referenced the fact that his father, George, was born in Mexico and came to the United States at age five." [Source] 

Hmmm, five...not so sure how much calle cred Flipper can get with the Latinos for that one, but I give him credit for the old college try.

Hey, at least I have someone else to follow on twitter now.

Finally, poor Luis Gonzalez, the guy got his wig split and they are charging him with a hate crime. Come on now, the poor guy has an issue with Negroes and was just letting them know about it.

"MIAMI-Luis Gonzalez a 50-year-old man from Hialeah, Florida has been charged with a hate crime and attempted murder after police determined he was lying after he told them he was shot in the head in an attempted robbery.
Police found out that there was no attempted robbery and that Gonzalez was shot after trying to run over two African American males after he yelled racial slurs at them and told them to leave his city.
CBS Miami reports:
As Hialeah detective dug deeper they were able to determine that Gonzalez had indeed lied to investigators and was not the victim of a robbery, but instead the aggressor.
As for why he did it, Gonzalez said he was a crime victim during the 1980 “McDuffie Riots” and “has held resentment for black people ever since.” [Source] 
Luis my friend, it might be time to let it go.


  1. do you want to see all the bogus jobs hobama has created/will create each month before nov too???

    or actual jobless stats etc???

  2. ie

  3. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Obama. The first president to lose one million jobs in a recovery.

    Initial jobless claims unexpectedly jumped by 24,000 last week to 399,000 as more workers lost their jobs, the Labor Department said Thursday. At the same time, the economy continues to lose workers.

    In the 30 months since the recession officially ended, nearly 1 million people have dropped out of the labor force they arent working, and they arent looking according to data from Labors Bureau of Labor Statistics. In the past two months, the labor force shrank by 170,000.

    This is virtually unprecedented in past economic recoveries, at least since the BLS has kept detailed records. In the past nine recoveries, the labor force had climbed an average 3.5 million by this point, according to an IBD analysis of the BLS data.

    4 more years !!! 4 more years!!!!

  4. NSangoma9:24 PM

    Willard's father, George Wilcken Romney, was born in the Mormon colonies in Mexico, because that is where Willard's grandfather, Gaskell Romney, went to escape US polygamy laws.

  5. momcat19499:28 PM

    Dear Field - I know you don't want to censor folks, but is there anything you can do about that Alicia creep who EVERY SINGLE TIME she posts, it is some nasty crap that has ZERO to do with your posts. I usually enjoy reading comments when people are discussing the original article, but hers are over the top garbage.

    A fan.

  6. Anonymous9:40 PM

    I'm with momcat1949.

    Another fan.

  7. Anonymous9:41 PM

    NSangoma said...
    Willard's father, George Wilcken Romney, was born in the Mormon colonies in Mexico, because that is where Willard's grandfather, Gaskell Romney, went to escape US polygamy laws.

    Isn't Mormonism the original blueprint for baby daddies and baby mommas?

  8. Wesley R9:44 PM


    I love the Obama haters. He wasn't perfect his first term, hopefully the Black side will come out his second term and real change will take place, note the term 'hope'. If the wingnuts get in, there will be no hope.

    Romney is hiding money out of the country so he won't have to pay taxes. You heard it here first, stay tuned.

  9. NSangoma9:49 PM

    The polygamous relationships, polyandry and polygyny involve marriage.

  10. It might be time for Luis to let it go but Slappz hasn't forgiven the sista/brotha that stole its girlfriend/boyfriend.

  11. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Ditto... Amen momcat1949 and anonymous 9:40 re AB's unyielding hatred for our POTUS, First Amendment notwithstanding.

  12. "Hey Slappz since I have your attention. Are you a female or male?

    You'll have to live your life without an answer to that question. However, if you are truly in doubt, then you're an even dimmer bulb that I'd thought."

    Well you do come across as a stay at home spouse that lets the husband bring home the money but nowadays that doesn't give me much insight. Or maybe you don't know or are both. Geez, how about a hint.

  13. Anonymous9:58 PM

    The Worst Economic Recovery Since The Great Depression

    Notably, blacks have been suffering another depression under Obama, with unemployment today, 49 months after the recession started, still at 15.8%. Black unemployment has been over 15% for 2 ½ years under Obama. Black teenage unemployment today is over 40%, where it has persisted for over 2 years as well.

    Hispanics have also been suffering a depression under Obama, with unemployment today still in double digits at 11%. Hispanic unemployment has been in double digits for three years under President Obama. Over one fourth of Hispanic youths remain unemployed today, which also has persisted for years.

    The Census Bureau reported in September that more Americans are in poverty today than at any time in the entire history of Census tracking poverty. Americans dependent on food stamps are at an all time high as well.

    Real wages and incomes have been falling so steadily under Obama and his confused, throwback, Keynesian/neo-Marxist Obamanomics, that the Census Bureau also reported that real median family income in America has fallen all the way back to 1996 levels.

    Obama apologists cannot argue that this is because the recession was so bad, because the historical record in America is the worse the recession the stronger the recovery. Based on historical precedent, we should at worst be finishing the second year of a booming recovery by now.

    Compare Obama’s lack of a recovery 2 ½ years after the recession ended with the first 2 ½ years of the Reagan recovery. In those years under Reagan, the American economy created 8 million new jobs, the unemployment rate fell by 3.6 percentage points, real wages and incomes were jumping, and poverty had reversed an upsurge started under Carter, beginning a long term decline.

    While Obama crows about 200,000 jobs created last month, the most for a month during his entire Administration, in September, 1983 the Reagan recovery less than a year after it began created 1.1 million jobs in that one month alone. Under Obama, we are still almost 6 million jobs below the peak before the recession started over 4 years ago! In the second year of the Reagan recovery, real economic growth boomed by 6.8%, the highest in 50 years.

  14. "Are you children racists or do they judge people individually?

    They're city kids, though one is in college, which means they've learned where to go, where not to go, what situations to steer clear of, and who to avoid. They have good judgment."

    Still not an answer. Do they judge people by the color of their skin like their parent or do they judge people as individuals. Notice there wasn't a question about their judgement. If they aren't racists like you then yes they have good judgement.

  15. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Is this the real px? What a weird freak.

  16. Anonymous10:09 PM

    PilotX said...
    Do they judge people by the color of their skin like their parent or do they judge people as individuals

    If they did than they would be liberals. Like you.

    Don't know if they would want to know about other people's children.


  17. Anonymous10:11 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Hey Slappz since I have your attention. Are you a female or male?

    Why are you horny?

  18. Anonymous10:17 PM

    Wesley R said...

    I love the Obama haters. He wasn't perfect his first term, hopefully the Black side will come out his second term and real change will take place, note the term 'hope'. If the wingnuts get in, there will be no hope.

    Hope? You won't have to hope if he gets in again America will be Detroit, Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, Cleveland, St. Louis, Philadelphia inner cities. There is not that much of a white majority to keep the Black underflow afloat any longer.

    In fact we already spend more then our GDP today and Obama just asked for another 1.2 trillion just to keep the vote buying and government running. Just how long do you think this is going to last and who do you think will pick up the pieces when Blacks starve and riot because the EBT cards don't work?

    Are you really sure you want another four years of incompetence and tax and spend? The wallets run dry and soon enough instead of less, there wont be ANY at all.

  19. Hey anon. Those questions were for Slappz, if I want something from you I'll rattle your aluminum trailer.

    "Do they judge people by the color of their skin like their parent or do they judge people as individuals

    If they did than they would be liberals. Like you."

    Wow, you're calling Slappz a liberal? It is kinda cute that you're sticking up for your girlfriend/boyfriend. Gotta dog loyalty.

  20. US economy improving.

    Obama in 2012!

  21. "Compare Obama’s lack of a recovery 2 ½ years after the recession ended with the first 2 ½ years of the Reagan recovery."

    Is this goober saying the recession ENDED 2 1/2 years ago????

    Lawd these fools are really drankin the Fox kool aid.

  22. no slappz10:56 PM

    pilot xyz wonders:

    Do they judge people by the color of their skin like their parent or do they judge people as individuals.

    The amusing part of your question is the fact that it comes from you -- the guy who pretends black academic achievement is equal to white achievement. In other words, you, the guy who wants to put a phony veneer on black achievement.

    When you try to give some legs to the black-history-month notion that black inventors are no less prolific and no less brilliant than white inventors, but then you give an example of the doofus who invented the traffic light and say "See. We good."

    Or the nonsense that you and field spew about black asset managers -- there are virtually zero, but you two nitwits put your hands over your ears and say "nanana, not listening, can't hear you, nananana."

    They see through the hypocrisy.

    Notice there wasn't a question about their judgement. If they aren't racists like you then yes they have good judgement.

    In America, "judgment" is spelled with only one "e".

    They do have good judgment and whether you want to admit it or not, a lot can be learned about a book from its cover. People do make assumptions and impute meaning, which generally derives from experience.

  23. Anonymous11:18 PM

    PilotX said...
    Hey anon. Those questions were for Slappz, if I want something from you I'll rattle your aluminum trailer.

    You can rattle my "trailer" if you let me piss in your hallway and elevator like you do in the projects that you live in. Of course I'll make sure you get a section 8 inspection right after as well. Now are you a male or female? Or both?

  24. ElBaronRoja11:28 PM

    Now that the Movie is coming out about the Tuskegee Ariman, someone took the time to expose the myths about them, just like Black Inventions the "myths" are not true.

    Many historians have pointed to the success (remember, most of the "success" - like never losing a bomber they escorted -was entirely made-up) of the Tuskegee Airmen as the primary reason for the desegregation of the Armed Forces. If this is true, this event must signify the death of Black aviation achievement.

    When Black men were only competing with other Black men in pilot training, they had only the best scores of Black cadets to aspire to replicate; once Black men were forced to compete for the few pilot slots available in an integrated training unit, they were forced to compete with the standard set by white men.

    Just as in firefighting and police exams, the results weren't pretty. You can't have affirmative action in the pilot seat, and lowering standards and requirements for a pilot equates to risking lives and millions of dollars in equipment.

    Recall this story from the Air Force Times, which states that less than two percent of Air Force fighter pilots are Black:

    Only 1.9 percent of Air Force pilots are black, according to AFPC. Of 14,130 Air Force pilots, 270 identified themselves as black; another 620 declined to report their race.

    “We’ve been trying for 20 years to get more black pilots, but it’s a little lower than it was 20 years ago,” said Stewart, who is a pilot.

  25. Slappy, really, what is your purpose here?

    To convince the educated, accomplished, professional successful black folks who post here that we're inferior to your sorry ass?


    Lawd help him.

  26. Anonymous11:46 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    US economy improving.

    Obama in 2012!

    Sigh, you can lead a Coon to the internet but you can't help him understand or think. You never learn do you?

    12 hours ago

    Just today
    Obama seeks $1.2 trillion debt In a one sentence letter to congress Obama said "further borrowing is required to meet existing commitments."

    The proposed increase would push the debt ceiling to $16.394 trillion.

    Jan 3rd
    US Closes 2011 With Record $15.22 Trillion In Debt, Officially At 100.3% Debt/GDP, $14 Billion From Breaching Debt Ceiling (In Coonspeak this means we broke and spend mo' money then we take)

    Now for the one you really will have a hard time understanding. The economy improving is a result of falsified manufacturing data pumped up for Obama. Notice the areas your article from Mercury noticed improvement in? Auto Manufacturing? Well GM isn't selling the cars, they are lane stuffing. There are full dealers lots with cars that continue to be made to pump up the numbers while few are being sold.

    Manufacturing Growth Is An Illusion Of Monetary Stimulus

    This in addition to the continued drop in housing and more pressure put on banks to again give loans to unqualified persons or face discrimanation are making for an economic disaster like we could never imagine.

    5 Trillion in spending in 3 years, nothing to show for it and you want 4 more?

  27. "The amusing part of your question is the fact that it comes from you -- the guy who pretends black academic achievement is equal to white achievement. In other words, you, the guy who wants to put a phony veneer on black achievement."

    Well see this is where individual merit comes into play. I know many Blacks who have stellar academic backgrounds and outstanding achievements after graduation. Then again I know many whites who were academically inferior. You tend to paint with a huge broad brush and assume we are all the same and whites are somehow inheretly superior when that is not the case.

    "When you try to give some legs to the black-history-month notion that black inventors are no less prolific and no less brilliant than white inventors, but then you give an example of the doofus who invented the traffic light and say "See. We good."

    I don't have to try to do anything, there are many inventions by Black inventors that you use daily and helps your life. Just because you ignore this fact doesn't make me the inferior one.

    "Or the nonsense that you and field spew about black asset managers -- there are virtually zero, but you two nitwits put your hands over your ears and say "nanana, not listening, can't hear you, nananana."

    As I told you previously I know Black asset managers personally so that is like you telling me aircraft can't operate on biofuels. Just because YOU don't know about something doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

    Thanks for the spelling lesson, maybe one day you can learn google as well as the spell check. You can keep trying to somehow prove you're superior by the color of your skin but reality shows Black people can and do outperform smallminded racists like yourself. If you got paid for being a racist internet troll I could believe that somehow you were successful in life but methinks you're just an unsuccessful unemployed person who sits and projects its inferiority on others. Maybe if you got a real job you would feel better about yourself. C'mon you can do it, Obama is creating jobs for ya.

  28. "Only 1.9 percent of Air Force pilots are black, according to AFPC. Of 14,130 Air Force pilots, 270 identified themselves as black; another 620 declined to report their race."

    This is the result of not many Black people applying for pilot training. The number of female pilots is also low so ask yourself is this due to women and people of color not being able to compete or just not being as interested in aviation or exposed to aviation as white males. Believe me, I work with white male pilots everyday and they aren't the geniuses you are trying to portray. A big part is exposure and we are working to get more women and people of color interested in aviation and then we can have better numbers.
    As far as the skill and courage of the Tuskegee Airmen all one has to do is talk to the white crew members of the bombers they escorted. Everyone I've talked to attest to their performance. Oh well, glad to hear you enjoyed the movie.

  29. "Slappy, really, what is your purpose here?

    To convince the educated, accomplished, professional successful black folks who post here that we're inferior to your sorry ass?"

    You know? Probably an unemployed foodstamp collecting white person.

  30. Milton12:09 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    US economy improving despite Obama's policies.

    You got that right, upbutt.

    Obama's campaign theme is "It could be worse".

    The problem for us (and him) is, it could be a lot better. American business is struggling to recover under the weight of new regulatory costs and anti-business policies, but this has been a extremely slow recovery.

    And yes, dipshit, the recession (i.e. decreasing GDP) ended 2.5 years ago. This is what a 'recovery' feels like under an incompetent socialist.

  31. "Now that the Movie is coming out about the Tuskegee Ariman, someone took the time to expose the myths about them, just like Black Inventions the "myths" are not true.

    Many historians have pointed to the success (remember, most of the "success" - like never losing a bomber they escorted -was entirely made-up) of the Tuskegee Airmen as the primary reason for the desegregation of the Armed Forces. If this is true, this event must signify the death of Black aviation achievement."

    What does this hyperbolic statement even mean? "The death of Black aviation achievement"? Really? Because the legend that they never lost a bomber was checked and they did end up losing a few what difference does it make? As the son of a bomber crew member said, they still had an outstanding record and if they weren't good at what they did they wouldn't have been a part of the 12th Air Force. Fact is they were just as good or better than their white peers and this holds true today. I am a testament to the fact Black pilots are as good as white pilots and it's sad some lonely racist has to attempt to portray us as inferior somehow. Maybe if you met some of the actual Airmen and learned how outstanding may of them really were. How about one of our members here in Chicago who became an Air Force test pilot, and we know how good you have to be to be chosen for that program. OK so they weren't perfect but they were damned good and did what they did while putting up with shameless racism and people like our resident racists who put obstacles in their way. Maybe they would have done an even better job if they didn't have to put up with ignorant racists like the ones who traffic here.
    As for me I'll enjoy the movie knowing they fought for the freedoms of not only me but also for ignorant racists who wouldn't do the same for them. That is true patriotism and honor. You could learn alot from them.

  32. PilotX said...
    "Only 1.9 percent of Air Force pilots are black"

    This is the result of not many Black people applying for pilot training. The number of female pilots is also low so ask yourself is this due to women and people of color not being able to compete or just not being as interested in aviation or exposed to aviation as white males

    They don't apply because they do not have the qualifications. The Air force has been going to great lengths for decades now trying to get the percentage of black pilots up, to no avail.

    The Tuskegee Airman were admired and accomplished pilots. I'm glad they are celebrated as heroes today. But they did not, as George Lucas would have us believe, win the war. They served during the last days of WWII, when over 90% of the Luftwaffe had already been destroyed.

    The truth is, in a desgregated military, there are very few blacks who can make the grade as fighter pilots.

  33. "The truth is, in a desgregated military, there are very few blacks who can make the grade as fighter pilots."

    Fact is very few period make the grade as fighter pilots. Let's not begin to talk about the number of white male pilots who wash out.

    "They don't apply because they do not have the qualifications."

    And you can show me evidence of this?

    "But they did not, as George Lucas would have us believe, win the war."

    So George Lucas said this is an interview? Did anyone else who saw the movie get this impression or are you exaggerating a bit? Methinks the latter.

    "The Air force has been going to great lengths for decades now trying to get the percentage of black pilots up, to no avail."

    Really? What exactly have they done? Be specific because I can call bull shit on this topic.

  34. "They served during the last days of WWII, when over 90% of the Luftwaffe had already been destroyed."

    Not their fault. They did their jobs as well as they could and we should be proud. What's your point man? They served the country and helped beat the Nazis. Are you so racist that even that isn't good enough for you? Racism is a bitch.

  35. Anonymous12:46 AM

    "Slappy, really, what is your purpose here?

    To convince the educated, accomplished, professional successful black folks who post here that we're inferior to your sorry ass?"

    From his comments I would say he is trying to help us get at the truth. I appreciate his list of facts and daily news about our people. We need to be aware of the murderous assholes in our race, wouldn't you say?

    PilotX and UTS you two need to chill out. Your fighting no_slappz only proves him right, which is you have such low self-esteem that any racist can get your attention and you will engage him for as long as he likes.

    If you are having a conversation with a racist, then it is YOU who needs to get a life!

  36. Anonymous2:49 AM

    Why does an alleged adult confuse a movie..with Reality? Sounds like someone with the cred from Brietbart.

    Given the crap wages offered to pilots by the Glorious Capitalist Airlines...why would an AfAm or female take the economic hit? Flying is nice and all...but perhaps being a modestly paid government employee is a more Rational choice.

    90% of the Luftwaffe was destroyed? And was that all the old and tired pre-War stuff? Leaving the much deadlier fighters for the Tuskegee Airmen to meet in combat?
    No wonder some thinkerate Newt is a 'historician'.

    Sorry Goobers, even if Obama has consensual relations with a very much willing adult white woman...he is very likely to have a second term.


  37. Quote PilotX

    "Hey Slappz since I have your attention. Are you a female or male?"

    Wasting your time PilotX, I'm pretty sure Slappy doesn't know the difference.

  38. My most enjoyable commercial flight ever was with a black captain piloting that bad boy. Just sayin.

    UTS, after W I didn't thing our economy could ever come back. But, here we are, slowly but surely getting on track.

    To the poor soul above who thinks he is losing his country to black & brown people, all I can say is keep having as much babies as you can, and tell your friends to do the same. :)

  39. PC that was coooold.

  40. no slappz8:20 AM

    I wonder what the employee roster looks like at a black-owned car dealership?

    Lawsuit Accuses John Elway Car Dealership Of Racial Discrimination

    By David Schepp , Jan 12th 2012

    Former Denver Broncos quarterback John Elway has been named in a lawsuit alleging racial discrimination at one of his auto dealerships in Southern California.

    The suit, filed Monday by former sales manager Timothy Sandquist, accuses the general manager of Elway's Manhattan Beach Toyota outlet of racial discrimination, harassment and maintaining a hostile work environment toward minorities, the Los Angeles Times reports.

    In the suit, Sandquist, who is black, also alleges that he was paid less than his white peers and was repeatedly passed over for promotions and raises. He worked at the dealership for 11 years before resigning last year.

    In addition to Elway and the dealership's general manager, Darrell Sperber, the suit names Elway's two business partners.

    An attorney for the dealership denied the allegations and said the complaint contained many factual errors, the Times reports.

    The lawsuit charges that Sperber created a hostile work environment through "rampant harassment and use of racial slurs."

    Sperber allegedly encouraged dealership staff to make demeaning and vicious racist comments about non-white customers who chose not to purchase a vehicle, according to a statement released by the law firm representing Sandquist.

    Sandquist is seeking unspecified damages that include back pay and punitive damages, according to the Times report.

  41. Everybody seen this?

    Looks like one of those parody ads from 'The Onion' - except that it isn't.

    Don't vote for Romney - HE SPEAKS FRENCH!

    Funniest thing I've seen all week...

  42. no slappz8:26 AM

    This is not what Mao had in mind when he began China's Great Leap Forward...

    J.R. Smith’s sister gets in brawl during brother’s game in China

    January 12, 2012

    J.R. Smith’s stint with the Zhejiang Golden Bulls of the Chinese Basketball Association gets stranger and stranger, with reports out of China (via Deadpsin and CBS Sports) that his sister got into a physical altercation with two woman in the stands during the Golden Bulls’ game against the Bayi Rockets.

    Smith’s sister reportedly got upset when her brother was hacked but no foul was called.

    She allegedly threw a bottle onto the court, and went on to choke a woman and shove another one, who happened to be 80 years old, according to the Deadspin report.

    J.R. Smith's sister, left, took on two separate women. The game was delayed, and Smith went into the stands to restrain his sister, according to CBS Sports. After the game, Rockets fans demanded an apology and held up Smith's team's bus for 45 minutes.

    Smith is understood to be trying to get out of his contract with Zhejiang so he can return to the NBA before the team’s season is over, something the Chinese league legislated against during the NBA lockout.

    Smith and the team had a disagreement over how to treat a knee injury he sustained—the team questioned whether he was even injured at all—and he reportedly missed three practices, claiming he was not feeling well, only to be found shopping in Shanghai.

    One side note: The Bayi Rockets are the Chinese military team with which the Georgetown basketball team got into a bench-clearing brawl during the Hoyas’ tour of China last summer.

  43. IN Romney's defense though - he does speak French very badly.

  44. Hey, No Slappppzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    Have you thought any more about why your life is so meaningless and empty?

    Remember, we are here to help...

  45. no slappz8:55 AM

    pilot xyz says:

    As I told you previously I know Black asset managers personally so that is like you telling me aircraft can't operate on biofuels. Just because YOU don't know about something doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

    I've got a feeling you don't know any black asset managers -- asset managers are guys who run mutual funds or hedge funds or some other large pool of money. You might know some black "stockbrokers" otherwise known as "registered representatives", but they are not asset managers, they are salesmen.

    As for planes flying biofuels, as usual, you're unable to grasp the situation.

    The fact that a turbine or piston-driven engine can burn biofuels is not in question.

    The question is whether any of the biofuels you cited can become available in sufficient volume, of sufficient quality AND at
    competitive prices.

    It's well understood that when we use "food" -- which is what biofuels are -- for fuel, then those of us who eat must pay far higher prices for food. The ethanol industry, by consuming much of our corn production, has driven the price of meat and other corn-dependent products much higher.

    Inasmuch as fuel cost is the big issue for the airline industry, there's no chance it will burn biofuels if the cost is higher than oil-based fuel.

    And like I also said, there won't be an electric airplane. Though it may be possible to put wings on a battery and get it aloft for a few minutes, that's no one's idea of anything more than a little fun.

  46. Anonymous8:59 AM


    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote PilotX

    "Hey Slappz since I have your attention. Are you a female or male?"

    Wasting your time PilotX, I'm pretty sure Slappy doesn't know the difference.

    You mean you are hoping he doesn't know the difference.

    To a guy like "Omar" it's all brown in Herschey Town on the low down flip side.

  47. Anonymous9:11 AM

    PilotX said...
    Hey anon. Those questions were for Slappz, if I want something from you I'll rattle your aluminum trailer.

    I will always defend others kids from molesters like you pilotx.

  48. Anonymous9:19 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    "Compare Obama’s lack of a recovery 2 ½ years after the recession ended with the first 2 ½ years of the Reagan recovery."

    Is this goober saying the recession ENDED 2 1/2 years ago????

    Lawd these fools are really drankin the Fox kool aid.

    Lawd these plantation negros are dumb.

    Recession ended in June 2009: NBER

    Recession Over in June 2009.

    Business Cycle Dating Committee, National Bureau of Economic Research

    Recession Officially Over, U.S. Incomes Kept Falling

    "Obama. The first president to lose one million jobs in a recovery."

    4 more years !!! 4 more years!!!!

    4 more years indeed.

  49. Driving While White9:36 AM

    What ever happened to all those "O" & "Hope & Change" bumper stickers?

    I can't remember the last time I saw one. But, then again...I don't make a habit of driving down Marvin Luther King Blvd.

  50. PilotNigger9:52 AM

    welcome to the fantasy land of affirmative action negroes who desperately try to convince themselves and each other of their supposed brains and accomplishments. You negroes are too stupid to know how stupid you really are.

    Then there is the fantasy that negroes don't commit crimes at a higher rate than normal people.

    What are you people actually good for? Well, you can make up an endless stream of "cool" slang. Teenagers admire you. I guess that and rap music are your greatest real accomplishments.

  51. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Hey, that is a nice blog:

    Why don't some of you affirmative actin cadets go over there and call them a "racist"? I'm sure that will cow them all.

    Then you can say, "you wouldn't come into my 'hood and say those things, we'd kill you". You know, that's how you niggers counter arguments that you are violent gutter apes.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Killedelphia, the city of brutha-ly thugs

    Classy mayor - hey folks stop actin like assholes

    The Black undertow is a riptide

    we need more gun control laws so the thugs who dont buy guns at the stores definitely will not be able to buy them any moes

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. more on white babies and racist fears of a black planet...

  56. no slappz12:53 PM

    black commercial aviators:

    In 1976, approximately 80 black pilots were employed by the nation's major and commuter passenger airlines and freight carriers.

    By 1986 that number had risen to nearly 400, and today the total is estimated to be 674.

    While the total increase is impressive on the surface, one must realize that there is a total of over 71,000 pilots working for these airlines.

    The struggle to expand African-American Pilot presence in the faces of unfair hiring/retention practices continues to be an uphill effort, and promises to become increasingly difficult as the current generation of black pilots has already begun to reach mandatory retirement age.

    Additionally, the military, which serves as a traditional source of airline pilots, especially black pilots , is rapidly being downsized.

    The preceding was brought to you by the Organization of Black Airline Pilots.

  57. no slappz1:05 PM

    Just wondering when the Supreme Court, with the help of Justice Sotomayor, is going to determine that hiring practices for pilots result in "disparate impact" with respect to blacks, and the airlines are forced to hire black pilots like it's the New Haven Fire Department.

    What would that do for the confidence of passengers?

  58. Anonymous1:05 PM

    pilot xyz says:

    As I told you previously I know Black asset managers personally so that is like you telling me aircraft can't operate on biofuels. Just because YOU don't know about something doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

    no_slappz replied, "I've got a feeling you don't know any black asset managers -- asset managers are guys who run mutual funds or hedge funds or some other large pool of money. You might know some black "stockbrokers" otherwise known as "registered representatives", but they are not asset managers, they are salesmen.

    As for planes flying biofuels, as usual, you're unable to grasp the situation.

    The fact that a turbine or piston-driven engine can burn biofuels is not in question.

    The question is whether any of the biofuels you cited can become available in sufficient volume, of sufficient quality AND at
    competitive prices.

    It's well understood that when we use "food" -- which is what biofuels are -- for fuel, then those of us who eat must pay far higher prices for food. The ethanol industry, by consuming much of our corn production, has driven the price of meat and other corn-dependent products much higher.

    Inasmuch as fuel cost is the big issue for the airline industry, there's no chance it will burn biofuels if the cost is higher than oil-based fuel.

    And like I also said, there won't be an electric airplane. Though it may be possible to put wings on a battery and get it aloft for a few minutes, that's no one's idea of anything more than a little fun."

    8:55 AM
    Once again you have slam dunked PilotX. As I have mentioned before, you are much too intelligent to be on this blog.

    I cringe when you come after brotha PilotX on matters he knows nothing about. Yet the brotha continues to pretend he does, hoping no one can see through his facade. However, everyone can, including all of FN. I understand brotha Pilot's need to feel better about himself but he keeps saying things that make him look stupid. Consequently, his comments has the opposite effect of what he wants. SMH

  59. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Dear PilotX, go see "Red Tails" on MLK Day. It will make you feel better.

    However, remember that it is just a movie, brotha.

  60. Anonymous1:13 PM

    PC is a racist and a depraved bm. His afterlife is going to be hell. I am sure many on this blog will agree.

    Even Field has called him "cold", meaning PC has no heart. He is like a vampire loyal to damnation.

  61. pookie parents rule the world

    they have no laws

    kudos to mike nutter!!!
    my new hero

    real parents do not need city curfews!!!

    they always enforce their own

  62. Anonymous2:24 PM

    The struggle to expand African-American Pilot presence in the faces of unfair hiring/retention practices

    With the proviso that unfair means they have standards, perform tests and if African Americans don't pass the test they aren't given the job anyway and the tests are still applied despite the negative impact on the Black community, simply because lives depend on it. It isn't like we can have other firefighters or policemen assist the Black Pilots when found incompetent on the job.

    continues to be an uphill effort, and promises to become increasingly difficult as the current generation of black pilots has already begun to reach mandatory retirement age.

    Additionally, the military, which serves as a traditional source of airline pilots, especially black pilots , is rapidly being downsized.

    Although we already know that as a result of desegregation there are even less and less qualified Black pilots able to jockey for a spot with all of the races.

    Unfortunately at this point in time the position of pilot is one that still for the most part requires basic qualifications to be functional. No civil rights group has found a way to push through dumbing down for Black America as of yet.

  63. Quote Anonymous

    "PC is a racist and a depraved bm. His afterlife is going to be hell. I am sure many on this blog will agree."

    There's no such thing as heaven, hell or afterlife, numbnuts.

    There is such a thing as afterbirth though.

    Ask your momma about afterbirth, that was what rolled down the inside of her fat wobbly thigh the moment you were born. Sadly, that was the very best part of you.

    "Even Field has called him "cold", meaning PC has no heart. He is like a vampire loyal to damnation."

    You need to work on your comprehension skills, go back and re-read what he said. Field did not call me cold.

    Your mark is a D- for this one I'm afraid, that's another detention for you.

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. bettaamustknow:
    u r the big tree
    i am the small axe...


    nothing to say about the real hobama/ndaa?????

    as u lament a fake mitt???


    u can never delete hobama's evil

    nor the complicity of his suicidally silent and incessantly adoring hobama Nazis….
    as u delete my rebel truths herein

    jah watch dem hobama nazis sin…


  66. and newt is lying MORE than mitt...just like hobama!!!

  67. Anonymous4:21 PM

    The Purple Cow CockSwabby said...
    Quote Anonymous

    "PC is a racist and a depraved bm. His afterlife is going to be hell. I am sure many on this blog will agree."

    There's no such thing as heaven, hell or afterlife, numbnuts.

    For you, do your Islamic friends know you feel this way? Better be careful. In their mind your usefulness in destroying western civilization could end quite abruptly. This does tell us why you are so depraved though, imagine someone who is so indistinct, unimpressive and insignificant actually believing he is the center of the universe.

    There is such a thing as afterbirth though.

    Ask your momma about afterbirth, that was what rolled down the inside of her fat wobbly thigh the moment you were born. Sadly, that was the very best part of you.

    How intellectual the old tired often used your momma and afterbirth joke.

    Which race has the highest percentage of mommas with wobbly thighs? Which race out of the sphere of white influence actually eats afterbirth to this day? Which race are you?

    Case Closed.

    "Even Field has called him "cold", meaning PC has no heart. He is like a vampire loyal to damnation."

    You need to work on your comprehension skills, go back and re-read what he said. Field did not call me cold.

    Your mark is a D- for this one I'm afraid, that's another detention for you.

    Professor Cockswabby strikes again. You should have used another clichĂ© you know something like "you so bad you should be in detention” anyway, dream on Omar you aren’t getting to hold anyone in detention and no you can’t have a smoke and a pancake.

  68. more proof that racism is no relic

    and that hobama the blackish post-racial cia baby is a liar!!!!

    cc this to casey a

  69. Anonymous9:26 AM

    I wish to hell these European suckers had found a way to pick their damn cotton after stealing "their country". I mean that from the bottom of my heart.

  70. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Alicia Banks you are absolutely horrendous. You're so damn hateful. If you don't like President Obama, don't vote for him. I believe you're insane.

  71. "Inasmuch as fuel cost is the big issue for the airline industry, there's no chance it will burn biofuels if the cost is higher than oil-based fuel."\

    No shit MOTO. Biofuel technology is in its infancy, it may prove cost effective it may not. Remains to be seen.

    "And like I also said, there won't be an electric airplane. Though it may be possible to put wings on a battery and get it aloft for a few minutes, that's no one's idea of anything more than a little fun."

    Who gives a damn what you say? Cessna and other major aircraft corporations are investing in electric aircraft so someone is thinking about it being a viable option especially with increasing fuel costs. Once agaon the google can help you with such matters.

  72. "The preceding was brought to you by the Organization of Black Airline Pilots."

    Uh gee thanks Slappz but as the former Pilots in the Schools Committee chairman for OBAP I'm pretty familiar with the stas and organization. Glad you found out about a good organization. Who knows, you might even be able to find Mitt Romney's age next but I kinda doubt that.
